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2015, Journal of the Neurological Sciences
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BMC Neuroscience, 2006
Universal automation lays the foundation for smart factories 10-Aclara automatic meter reading (AMR) units rely on Tadiran Batteries 11-Remote wireless devices run marathons on ultra-long-life lithium batteries 22-Five things to know before diving into edge technologies 26-Evaluating edge opportunities for industrial automation 37-Controlling Microgrid Solutions 42-Benefits of SDRs for IIoT device testing
The Old Testament is the history of Israelite people expressed through their prophets. The original charismatic figures, prophets were chosen, rather than born-whether they wanted to or not. Prophets did not have an easy ministry. Their communities were reluctant to abandon hedonistic or sacrilegious lives while incorrect predictions of the future could lead to death. The Babylonian exile was a turning point in the history of the Jewish people. An elite group were forced to leave Jerusalem and make a new life in a distant location and foreign culture. Ezekiel, as one of the exiles and a descendant of a priestly family, is the only prophet to have operated outside the Holy Land. His famous chariot vision turned him to prophesy and the need to convince his flock to return to godly practices. The moral failings of the Israelites, he said, would lead to the destruction of the Temple. Exile was their punishment for disobedience and only his suitably pious followers were allowed to return from exile. Ezekiel is credited as the originator of that essential feature of the Diaspora life, the synagogue. Of more importance, Ezekiel is credited with making the shift from collective to individual guilt, a key feature of Jewish morality. The Book of Ezekiel that records his ministry is one of the longest books in the bible and regarded as a masterwork of prose. Yet Ezekiel's darker side is evident and the symbolic parables of women reveal a disturbing misogyny. Ezekiel's behaviour has been the subject of much study. Analysis shows that he had the personality changes of chronic temporal lobe epilepsy, one of the first recorded cases in history.
Vive as Letras! - Magazine, 2024
Numa Faculdade de Letras poderá parecer estranho ou, pelo menos, um pouco fora do lugar, o trabalho de investigação e ensino em Geografia Física e, particularmente, o trabalho em Geomorfologia. De facto, quer pelo objeto, quer pelos métodos de que se serve, este tipo de trabalho científico pareceria estar mais bem colocado no grande grupo das Ciências Naturais e, portanto, talvez devesse ser incluído numa Faculdade de Ciências.
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Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 23, 2012
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Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 2018
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Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2006
Surface and Coatings Technology, 2015