DOI: 10.15669/pnst.4.99
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology
Volume 4 (2014) pp. 99-103
Validation studies of computational scheme for high-fidelity fluence estimations
of the Swiss BWRs
Alexander Vasiliev a*, William Wieselquista†, Hakim Ferroukhia, Stefano Canepaa,
Jens Heldtb and Guido Ledergerberb
Paul Scherrer Institut, CH 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland; bKernkraftwerk Leibstadt AG, CH 5325 Leibstadt, Switzerland
The paper presents recent activities conducted at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in relation to the
CASMO-4/SIMULATE-3/MCNPX for accurate estimations of the fast neutron fluence (FNF) accumulated on
reactor pressure vessels and internals of the operating Swiss BWRs. With this computational scheme, the
default neutron source is set up at the pin-by-pin level with realistic spectrum specifications based on the
actual reactor cycle-specific data from validated reference CASMO-4/SIMULATE-3 core analysis models.
On this basis, MCNPX models are then applied for optimized calculations of the fast neutron flux at the RPV
or at any other location of interest including e.g. at surveillance dosimeters. In that framework, the validation
studies conducted so far have included one dosimeter set irradiated in a BWR/6 reactor during two relatively
recent operating cycles. Although this first analysis revealed a satisfactory performance when comparing the
calculation results to measured data, it was considered necessary to proceed with further
sensitivity/optimization studies combined with an enlarged validation basis (i.e. using additional dosimeter
sets) in order to strengthen the overall confidence in the scheme both at the qualitative and quantitative level.
A summary of the recent progress achieved in these directions is presented in this paper. To start, recalling
that BWRs are characterized by very complex and heterogeneous fuel assembly and core designs (e.g. pins
with different enrichments and burnable absorber loading, partial length rods, fuel assemblies of different
types in the core), the impact of such heterogeneities on FNF estimations is under investigation in order to
determine the level of modeling details required for accurate computational schemes to be used for long-term
evaluations of modern BWR core designs. Next, additional validation studies based on experimental
dosimeter data obtained from the same BWR/6 reactor are presented. These enlarged validation studies
involve the analysis of four dosimeter sets, each irradiated during one cycle (including the 3 first reactor
operation cycles), and subsequently analyzed at the PSI Hot Lab shortly after the dosimeters extraction. All
these additional validation studies are conducted using both the JEFF-3.1.1 and the ENDF/B-VII.0
continuous-energy neutron data libraries in order to assess the sensitivity of the PSI BWR computational
scheme also upon the employed nuclear data.
Keywords: fast neutron fluence; CASMO-4/SIMULATE-3/MCNPX; BWR; dosimetry; validation studies
1. Introduction1
At PSI, a computational scheme for FNF estimations
based on CASMO-4/SIMULATE-3/MCNPX-2.4.0 is
under development. The ultimate goal is to provide, in
compliance with the recognized existing practices [1,2],
the ability for accurate FNF assessments of the Swiss
LWRs. The principles of the PSI scheme as well as the
accuracy achieved for PWRs can be found in [3].
Recently, the scheme was updated for BWR applications
and to launch the verification/validation (V&V) phase, a
first validation case was conducted for a dosimeter data
*Corresponding author. Email:
†Current affiliation: ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA
© 2014 Atomic Energy Society of Japan. All rights reserved.
set irradiated in two recent cycles of a Swiss BWR/6
reactor [4]. Although this first case has shown a
satisfactory performance, it is now necessary to enlarge
the V&V basis in order to verify the applicability of the
scheme for different types of core/fuel designs or reactor
operating strategies and through this, identify and refine
relevant methodological components. This is the
objective of the present paper which summarizes the
results of four new validation cases based on
experimental data obtained from dosimetry irradiation
programs carried out in four different cycles of the same
BWR/6 plant. All of these four cycles (the first three
being the initial reactor cycles) were operated
substantially earlier than the one investigated in [4],
A. Vasiliev et al.
providing thereby the opportunity to study the impact of
core design evolution and changes in reactor operation
on the scheme’s accuracy. For the latter three cycles,
two types of dosimeter detectors, namely 54Fe and 93Nb,
were used while for the first cycle, only a 54Fe dosimeter
was employed. In all cases, the dosimeters were
irradiated in the vicinity of the reactor pressure vessel
(RPV) and subsequently analyzed at the PSI Hot Lab,
providing thereby an experimental-based set of results
consisting of 4 FNF evaluations and 7 corresponding
detector activities. This paper presents the validation of
the PSI FNF scheme for these four dosimeter programs.
2. BWR scheme and MCNPX model
For any operating cycle, the principle of the PSI
BWR FNF calculation scheme is to transfer to an
MCNPX [5] model the spatial/temporal neutron source
distribution as well as the in-channel 1-D axial
node-averaged thermal-hydraulic (T-H) conditions [3,4]
from a validated CASMO/SIMULATE (C/S) model of
the actual cycle [6]. For every FA in the core, the
neutron source is transferred at the rod-by-rod level in
the horizontal cross-section and with a FA-average axial
distribution shape. The neutron source spectrum is
modeled by taking into account actual fuel compositions.
More details on this can be found in [3,4]. For the
validation analyses presented here, the influence of the
power re-distributions during cycle operation was not
found to be significant for the considered dosimeter
monitors [4]. Therefore, the changes in power
distribution were ignored and the option to transfer
cycle-averaged source distributions was applied.
Moreover, an additional simplification made here is that
a uniform core-averaged 1-D axial coolant density
distribution is applied for all channels. Concerning the
MCNPX geometrical representation, the model includes
all core/bypass/downcomer zones. However, for the sake
of calculation efficiency, only a truncated core region is
employed for the validation studies. This truncated core
model is illustrated in Figure 1 and was in fact already
adopted for the previous validation analysis [4]
(although it was verified to also be appropriate for the
cycles investigated here).
One main reason to use such a truncated model is that
for all four cycles, the dosimeters were placed in the
vicinity of the RPV, axially at the core centerline and
radially, close to the 0º symmetry axis, namely at 6º for
first three cycles and at 3º for the fourth cycle.
Apparently, these azimuth/axial coordinates of the
dosimeters placement correspond well to the locations
where the maximum neutron flux is likely to take place
(e.g. at the RPV and at the core shroud). This is
illustrated in Figure 2 where a qualitative view of the
typical fast neutron flux shape predicted by MCNPX on
the core shroud (CS) inner surface is shown.
With regards to the flux values at the dosimeter
locations, only the few closest FAs were previously
found to play a significant role when estimating the
so-called FA “importance factors” (IF) [4]. To confirm,
this, corresponding IF calculations were performed here.
The results for the first cycle are shown in the upper part
of Figure 3 and are very similar to those obtained in [4].
Moreover, on the lower part of Figure 3, the absolute
differences in IF between the first cycle and one of the
recent cycles used in previous study [4] are presented
and show that the IF re-distributions during reactor
operation or between cycles may be considered as
moderate enough to justify the core model geometrical
Hight, cm.
Azimuthal angle, grad.
Figure 2. Representative fast neutron flux on CS surface
(Rel. units).
Figure 3. IF values for FNF at 3° (left) and 6° (right) for the
first cycle (top) and IF differences between one of the recent
cycles and cycle 1 (bottom).
Figure 1. MCNPX Core Model Representation (an example).
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, Volume 4, 2014
Table 1.
Sensitivity to Nuclear Design Parameters.
Change in MCNPX model
Response of FNF*
Fuel density reduction by 5%
~ +3%
U cross-sections used for all fuel
nuclides and fission products
~ 0% (not detected)*
U cross-sections used for all fuel
nuclides and fission products
~ +2%
*) MCNPX relative error (R) was ~1%
4. Validation studies and results
With the approach described in Sections 2 and 3, the
neutron fluxes and the reaction rates corresponding to
the utilized dosimeter monitors, 54Fe(n,p) and 93Nb(n.n’),
Table 2.
Regarding the continuous evolution towards
increasingly more complex and heterogeneous BWR
cores, it is considered important to assess the level of
details required in the MCNPX model to account for
various FA designs. These will indeed differ in terms of
a) structural/mechanical design such as heterogeneous
intra-assembly rod-by-rod layouts/dimensions, water rod
configurations, partial length rods and b) nuclear design
e.g. axial/radial fuel and burnable absorber zoning with
varying fuel density/enrichments and/or Gd content. For
the structural/mechanical design, the geometrical
heterogeneities are accounted for by modeling in a
representative manner, each FA according to its design
type and based on the C/S core models (Figure 1).
Effects of the partial length rods (PLR) modeling was
not assessed in this study as none of the considered
cycles here included PLR FAs.
For the nuclear design parameters such as fuel density
and fuel enrichment, sensitivity studies were carried out
for the cycles analyzed in [4]. The results, summarized
in Table 1 below, show that variations in these
parameters have a little impact for fast neutron flux
analysis (only in the context of neutron transport
modeling with a pre-defined neutron source). For
completeness, similar sensitivity studies were done for
one of the cycles analyzed here and confirmed the same
trends. Concerning the sensitivity of the fast neutron
flux to the presence of burnable absorbers, it was
estimated that neglecting the absorber presence (and
associated variation of the fuel density in the rods with
absorbers) also should not cause any significant bias in
FNF results comparing to the present calculation
precision. At the current stage of the validation studies,
the nuclear design heterogeneities are neglected and
therefore, uniform ‘representative’ values are at this
stage considered as sufficient and thus employed.
However, it is planned as one of the next steps to
upgrade the C/S – MCNPX linking tool such as to allow
for an automatic transfer of this type of nuclear design
data, as well as more detailed coolant density
specifications, in order to reduce unnecessary
computational biases.
were thus calculated and consequently evaluated using
the procedure described in [4]. Calculations were
performed with two neutron data libraries: JEFF-3.1.1
[7] and ENDF/B-7.0 [8] but in both cases, the same
Nb production cross-section from the ENDF/B-VI
MOD 3 library was used. In all cases, the relative errors
of the MCNPX calculation results were within ~1.5%,
which can be considered as acceptable when taking into
account other sources of uncertainties [2, 4].
The C/E results obtained with the above-described
calculation approach are collected in the Table 2.
3. Sensitivity and optimization studies
Activities C/E* Results.
*) Actually, the activities were measured for several
samples, but here only averaged measurements are considered
noting that typical measurement uncertainties were mentioned
to be within ~5% and that a substantially higher variation
between the individual dosimeter measurements was specified.
The magnitude of the C/E agreements above, i.e. for
four dosimeter sets from four different cycles, is very
consistent with the previous results obtained for the
more recent cycle [4]. For a given dosimeter type, a
certain variation is seen between the four cases. This
may indicate that cycle-specific features to some extent
affect the achieved accuracy. The cycle variation of the
C/Es seen here remains however moderate and this
provides thus additional confidence that the developed
methodology adequately accounts for cycle-specific
features and allows thereby to reach a similar accuracy
for any cycle. The level of accuracy will however differ
depending on the dosimeter type. Indeed, the overall
agreement can be seen to better for the 54Fe dosimeter
than for the 93Nb one.
Now when comparing the results as function of
library, the above results also confirm the previously
observed trends in C/E behavior: a) the main
discrepancies between libraries are seen for the Fe
dosimeter activity and are due to the library differences
in terms of the 54Fe(n,p) reaction cross-section [4]; b) the
higher C/Es for 93Nb despite using the same
cross-sections indicate that in general, ENDF/B-7.0
library produces higher fluxes at these dosimeters
locations (see also [4]).
Finally, it must be noted that apparently, the original
purpose of the dosimetry programs was first of all to
allow for an evaluation of FNF values based on the
measured activities. Nowadays, the FNF at arbitrary
locations can be calculated with more advanced
computational methodologies e.g. such as the PSI
scheme under development here or similar approaches
A. Vasiliev et al.
[2]. Therefore, it is valuable to verify how the computed
FNF results obtained here agree with the values
previously derived based on the experimental
evaluations. This is shown in Table 3 where the FNF
C/Es, i.e. calculated versus experimentally-based FNF
evaluations, are presented. As one can see, the FNF
results obtained in the given calculations and in the
previous experimental-base evaluations agree very well
with a tendency for slightly lower fluences when using
JEFF-3.1.1 and moderately higher ones with the
ENDF/B-7.0 library.
Table 3. FNF C*/E Results.
ENDF/B-7.0 1.00
*) MCNPX relative error (R) was ~1%
The above agreement in average FNF between
calculations and experimental evaluations is in fact even
better than for the activities and this applies to both
types of detectors. Without presenting details, it can just
be mentioned that one reason for such behavior is that
the experimental-based evaluations were done using
one-group effective neutron micro cross-sections based
on the ENDF/B-V library and these are not the same as
when calculated with more modern libraries such as
those employed here in the PSI scheme. This introduces
experimental-based FNF evaluations happen to agree
very well with the values calculated with the PSI scheme.
Thus the present study may be considered as an
additional verification of previous experimentally-based
assessments of the FNF for the given BWR.
5. Conclusion
The development of a CASMO/SIMULATE/MCNPX
methodology for high-fidelity FNF assessments of the
Swiss BWRs is on-going at PSI. Currently, validation
studies of the scheme for a BWR/6 plant are being
performed based on available experimental-based data
from past dosimetry programs conducted in the reactor
and evaluated at the PSI Hot Lab. This paper presents
four new validation cases based on dosimeter sets
obtained from four early reactor cycles, increasing
thereby, the total number of dosimetry sets evaluated so
far to five including 9 individual dosimeter detectors.
For all cases, calculations were performed with two
distinct modern libraries and the results were found to
experimentally-evaluated values (within ~±20%), noting
that the FNF values derived in the original evaluations at
the PSI Hot Lab for the two considered detector types
and based on measured activities typically, also varied
within ~20%. Furthermore, as it was previously
observed, the ENDF/B-7.0 library produces in general
higher FNF values compared to the JEFF-3.1.1 library.
And regarding the obtained C/E values for the specific
activities of the considered dosimeters, it is found that
the JEFF-3.1.1 library gives slightly better results. This
is mostly due to differences in the 54Fe cross-section,
noting that for the 93Nb dosimeter, the same
cross-sections were indeed used for the calculations with
the two libraries.
The next planned stages of the validation studies will
include analysis of dosimeters which were irradiated
during a larger number of reactor cycles, underlining
that those considered so far, i.e. analyzed here as well as
previously [4], corresponded all to one or at most, two
cycles irradiation programs. The objective will be to
provide enhanced reliability in the methodology from
the point of view of FNF assessments for the entire
reactor lifetime. Also, this will allow to further asses
scheme/modeling refinements concerning e.g. more
detailed specifications of the coolant density
distributions within the FAs and within the intra/inter
assembly bypass zones, more accurate specification of
the fuel composition distributions within the FAs and
within the core, or more precise account of axial
geometry discontinuities such as partial length rods.
This work was partly supported by swissnuclear, the
nuclear energy section of the Swiss electricity
companies. The authors would also like to express their
gratitude to Gregory Perret (PSI) for his support for the
MCNPX-2.4.0 code and valuable comments.
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