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Journal of Applied Nursing Research and Education Volume 1 Issue 1 A Cross Sectional Study to Assess Covid-19 Vaccine Acceptance (Beliefs and Barriers) Among General Population in a Selected Community, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh Dr. Suja Shamili1*, S. K. Navya2 Ph. D, M.Sc in MSN, Dr. Mallela Ramaiah College of Nursing, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India 2 Bsc Nursing Student, Dr. Mallela Ramaiah College of Nursing, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India 1 *Corresponding Author E-Mail Id: shamili.suja2@gmail.com ABSTRACT The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has been with us since the end of 2019 and has brought profound changes to the way we live. These changes have led to a surge of pandemic-related psychological distress including fear, anxiety, perceived threat, and stress. The pandemic has had a major effect on our lives. Many of us are facing challenges which could be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Public health actions, such as social distancing, are necessary to reduce the spread of Covid-19, but they can make us feel isolated, lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. Along with public health actions, there is a need of vaccine to control the covid 19. A cross sectional study was done, convenience sampling technique were used to select the 100 samples. Selected samples were from Urban area of Padarupalli, Nellore. Structured knowledge questionnaire were used to collect the data from samples. Out of 100 samples 64.07percent of peoples are strongly agreeing to take vaccine were as 35.93percent of peoples have some barriers regarding vaccination. This study was carried to assess the level of acceptance and barriers regarding COVID 19 vaccine among the general population. Majority of peoples are accepting to take vaccine were as some peoples have barriers regarding vaccination. Hence there was a definite need to provide information in order to update their knowledge and create awareness to peoples. Keywords: Covid-19, vaccination, general population, acceptance and barriers INTRODUCTION The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been with us since the end of 2019 and has brought profound changes to the way we live. These changes seem to have led to a surge of pandemic-related psychological distress including fear, anxiety, perceived threat, and stress. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on our lives. Many of us are facing challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Public health actions, such as social distancing, are necessary to reduce the spread of COVID19, but they can make us feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. Worldwide, these new experiences at work and in private life have raised anxiety stages since the lockdown.[1-3] Developing a vaccine against COVID19 is considered a key strategy to end the pandemic. As there was great effort is being put in to developing and deploying vaccine against Covid 19. The successful immunization depends on coverage of HBRP Publication Page 37-44 2023. All Rights Reserved Page 37 Journal of Applied Nursing Research and Education Volume 1 Issue 1 vaccine among the population. Normally, vaccine development would take years and perhaps decades. Hence, As a result, it is unclear if the public will accept a new COVID-19 vaccination that has been developed after only a short period of testing. Thus, vaccine hesitancy may become an important challenge in the immunization to fight the Covid 19.[4-6] Need for the Study Vaccine hesitancy is reported as one of the major threats to global health by WHO. High vaccine coverage is needed to fight covid-19 and flatten the epidemic curve. It affects not only the individuals but the whole community, making it difficult to reach the threshold to confer herd community. Even, there are certain beliefs and barriers regarding vaccination among the general population. Vaccine coverage and acceptance varies with respect to behavior of the people and their geography. There are few certain determinants for the acceptance of vaccine such as severity of disease, previous vaccination history, lack of beliefs in health care services, route of administration, educational status, economic status and cost of vaccine. In this study, we examine the variables together with the socio economic variables, demographic variables, beliefs and barriers that avoid participants from being vaccinated based on the selfadministered questionnaire that was circulated among the general population in Nellore district. Objectives of the Study  To assess the COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance (Beliefs and Barriers) Among General Population in selected community, Nellore.  To find out the association between selected demographic Variables and the COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance (Beliefs and Barriers) Among General population in a selected community, Nellore. Hypothesis Ho:-There is no significant association between acceptance (Beliefs and barriers) on COVID 19 vaccine in general population with selected demographic variables. H1:-There is significant association between acceptance (beliefs and barriers) on COVID 19 vaccine in general population with selected demographic variables. Assumptions This study assumes that the:  General population in Nellore may accept the COVID 19 vaccine.  General population in Nellore may have some barriers on COVID 19 vaccine.  General population in Nellore may have some beliefs on COVID 19 vaccine. Review of Literature In order to accomplish the goal of the present study the reviews has been organized under the following headings  Literature related to general information regarding COVID 19 Vaccine  Literature related to acceptance of COVID 19 vaccine.  Literature related to the beliefs and barriers on COVID 19 vaccine. Conceptual Framework The conceptual frame work for the study is based on health belief model. Health beliefs are person’s ideas and attitude about the practices. They may be based on factual information and wrong information. HBRP Publication Page 37-44 2023. All Rights Reserved Page 38 Journal of Applied Nursing Research and Education Volume 1 Issue 1 METHODOLOGY RESEARCH APPROACH QUALITATIVE APPROACH RESEARCH DESIGN CROSS SECTIONAL SURVEY STUDY SETTING URBAN AREA COMES UNDER UPHC , PADARUPALLI SAMPLE, SAMPLE SIZE, SAMPLING TECHNIQUE GENERAL PAPULATION, 100, CONVENIENCE SAMPING DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOOL FOR DATA COLLECTION STEP 1: PREPARATION OF TOOL SECTION A: DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF THE SAMPLE SECTION B: SELF ADMINISTERED QUESTIONAIRES TOWARDS COVID VACCINE ACCEPTENCE TOWARDS THE BARRIERS OPINIONS THAT CAN ENCOURAGE TO TAKE VACCINE DATA ANALYSIS FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION DESSIMINATION OF STUDY FINDINGS ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION The data analysis consisted of four major sections. In the first section frequencies and percentage analysis was done to describe demographic characters of the sample. The second section includes the descriptive analysis of mean and standard deviation of acceptance and beliefs and barriers among general population towards COVID19 vaccine. The third section includes acceptance and barriers of covid19 vaccine scores. Finally in the fourth section analysis of relationship between acceptance and barriers. HBRP Publication Page 37-44 2023. All Rights Reserved Page 39 Journal of Applied Nursing Research and Education Volume 1 Issue 1 Table 1: Description of Demographic variables of general population. Sl. No 1 a) b) c) d) 2 a) b) 3 a) b) c) d) 4 a) b) c) 5 a) b) c) d) 6 a) b) c) d) 7 a) b) c) d) 8 a) b) 9 a) b) c) d) Demographic variables Age in years 18-27 28-37 38-47 47-above Gender Female male Religion Hindu Muslim Christian others Educational status primary secondary Highereducation frequency Percentage (%) 45 21 26 08 45% 21% 26% 08% 70 30 70% 30% 69 16 15 00 69% 16% 15% 00% 49 13 38 49% 13% 38% 47 27 22 4 47% 27% 22% 4% 55 34 07 04 55% 34% 07% 04% 58 42 00 00 58% 42% 00% 00% 87 13 87% 13% 40 05 34 21 40% 05% 34% 21% Occupational status Unemployed Skilled worker Professional Clerical/shop/farm Income status 5000-10000Rs 11000-15000Rs 16000-20000Rs More than 20000Rs Marital status Married Unmarried Widowed divorced Type of family Nuclear family Joint family Source of information regarding COVID 19 vaccines mass media print media social media public HBRP Publication Page 37-44 2023. All Rights Reserved Page 40 Journal of Applied Nursing Research and Education Volume 1 Issue 1 Regard to Type of family 87 (87%) of people were nuclear family, and 13(13%)of people were joint family. According to Age 45 (45%) of people were the age group of 18-27 and 21(21%) of people were age of 28-37, 26 (26%) people were age of 38-47 and 8(8%)of people were age of 47 and above. Regard to Religion 69(69%) of people were Hindu and 16(16%) of people were Muslim and Christians were 15(15%). HBRP Publication Page 37-44 2023. All Rights Reserved Page 41 Journal of Applied Nursing Research and Education Volume 1 Issue 1 Table 2: Analysis of level of acceptance and barriers of general population regarding covid19 vaccine. Acceptance scores Frequency (f) Percentage (%) Low level of acceptance (0-50%) 11 17.18 % Moderate level of acceptance (51-75%) 12 18.75 % High level of acceptance (76-100%) 41 64.07 % Total 64 100 % The data indicates that majority I.e., 64.07%of population were strongly accepting the vaccine , where as 18.75% people are agreeing, were as 17.18% people are disagreeing to take vaccine. Frequency and percentage distribution of barriers scores of people Level of Self limiting scores Mild (0-50%) Moderate (51-75%) Adequate (76-100%) Total Frequency (f) 23 07 06 36 Percentage(%) 63.88 % 19.44 % 16.68 % 100 % The data indicates that 63.88 percent of people are mildly limiting their self, were as 19.44 percent people are moderately limiting their self, and were as 16.68 percent people are strongly limiting their self to take vaccine. Table 3: Mean and standard deviation of acceptance and barriers, encouragement regarding COVID 19 vaccination. CATEGORY MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Acceptance 9.55 2.64 Barriers 5.76 2.88 Encourage to take vaccine 8.85 3.20 The mean score of acceptance is 9.55 and Standard deviation is 2.64 , mean score of barriers is 5.76 and standard deviation is 2.88 , mean score of encourage to take vaccine is 8.85 and standard deviation 3.20. Table 4: Association between the level of acceptance and barriers of COVID 19 vaccine among general population with their selected socio demographic variables. Demographic Variables 1. Age (a) 18-27 (b) 28-37 (c) 38-47 (d) 47 above 2. Gender (a) female (b) male HBRP Publication Page 37-44 2023. All Rights Reserved Chi squire X² Calculated value=3.212 Tabulated value=12.59 df=6 p=0.05 NS C= 6.344 T=5.99 df=2 P=0.05 S Page 42 Journal of Applied Nursing Research and Education Volume 1 Issue 1 3. Religion (a) Hindu (b) Muslim (c) Christian (d) others C=3.478 T=12.59 df=6 p=0.05 NS 4. Educatinol Status a) primary b) secondary c) higher education C=2.875 T=9.49 df =4 p=0.05 NS C=6.39 T=12.59 df= 6 p=0.15 NS C=1.96 T=12.59 df=6 p=0.05 NS C=7.49 T=12.59 df=6 p=0.05 NS C=8.75 T=3.84 df=1 p=0.05 S C=3.71 T=12.59 df=6 p=0.05 NS 5. Occupational status (a) unemployed (b) skilled worker (c) professional (d) clerical/shop/farm 6. Income (a) 5000-10000 (b) 11000-15000 (c) 16000-20000 (d) > 20000 7. Marital status (a) married (b) unmarried (c) widows (d) divorce 8. Type of Family (a) nuclear family\ (b) joint family 9. Source of Information (a) mass media (b) print media (c) social media (d) public There was no significant association between the level of acceptance and barriers with the socio demographic variables of general population like Age, Religion, Education , Occupation, Marital status, Income , Source of information in the level of p = 0.05. There was a significant association between the level of acceptance and barriers with the socio demographic variables of general population like Gender, Type of family in the level of p = 0.05. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY  Regard to level of acceptance, 11 (17.18%)of people were disagree and 12(18.75%) were agree , were as 41 (64.07%) of peoples are strongly agree to take vaccine.  Regard to level of barriers 23(63.88%) of people were mildly self-limiting, 7(19.44%) of peoples were moderately limiting their self, 6(16.68%) of HBRP Publication Page 37-44 2023. All Rights Reserved Page 43 Journal of Applied Nursing Research and Education Volume 1 Issue 1   peoples were limiting their self to take COVID 19 vaccine. There was no significant association between the level of acceptance and barriers with the socio demographic variables of general population like Age, Religion, Education , Occupation, Marital status, Income , Source of information in the level of p = 0.05. There was a significant association between the level of acceptance and barriers with the socio demographic variables of general population like Gender, Type of family in the level of p = 0.05.Hence H1 was partially accepted. CONCLUSION The study was carried to assess the level of acceptance and barriers regarding covid19 vaccine among general population. In this study the researcher found that majority of the peoples were showing interest to take vaccine if it will provide at free of cost from government, but some have barriers regarding vaccines side effects. So, the government and health team should take measures to bring awareness on importance of taking vaccine to prevent further spread and to improve immunity to fight against Covid-19 pandemic. REFERENCES 1. Adebisi, Y. A., Alaran, A. J., Bolarinwa, O. A., Akande-Sholabi, W., & Lucero-Prisno, D. E. (2020). When it is available, will we take it? public perception of hypothetical COVID-19 vaccine in Nigeria. medRxiv. 2. 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Clinical Epidemiol Glob Health, 9(2). 4. https://www.who.int/docs/defaultsource/coronaviruse/situationreports/20200531-covid-19-sitrep132.pdf?sfvrsn=d9c2eaef_ 5. http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=T he+Health+Belief+Model+and+person al+health+behavior+Becker+1974 6. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/04/ business/coronavirus-chinavaccine.html RECOMMENDATIONS On the basis of the findings of the study, the following recommendations made are  Similar study can be replicated as a large sample to generalized findings.  A cross sectional study was conducted to assess the level of acceptance and barriers regarding covid19 vaccine in general population.  A comparative study can be carried out between Urban and Rural study settings. HBRP Publication Page 37-44 2023. All Rights Reserved Page 44