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Private resource allocators and their applications


2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Private resource allocators and their applications Sebastian Angel University of Pennsylvania Sampath Kannan University of Pennsylvania Zachary Ratliff Raytheon BBN Technologies At a high level, allocation-based side channels exist because a system’s resource allocator—which includes cluster managers [1], network rate limiters [58], storage controllers [76], data center resource managers [7], flow coordinators [67], lock managers [42], etc.—can leak information about how many (and which) other processes are requesting service through the allocation itself. As a simple example, a process that receives only a fraction of the resources available from an allocator that is work conserving (i.e., that allocates as many resources as possible) can infer that other processes must have requested the same resources concurrently. These observations can be made even if the other processes do not use their allocated resources at all. While the information disclosed by allocations might seem harmless at first glance, these allocation-based side channels can I. I NTRODUCTION be used as building blocks for more serious attacks. As a moBuilding systems that avoid unintentional information leak- tivating example, we show that allocation-based side channels age is challenging since every action or operation—innocuous can be combined with traffic analysis attacks [5, 26, 27, 48, 49, as it may be—can reveal sensitive information. This is 59, 66, 70, 77] to violate the guarantees of existing bidirectional especially true in the wake of numerous side-channel attacks anonymous messaging systems (often called metadata-private that exploit unexpected properties of a system’s design, im- messengers or MPMs) [6, 10, 52, 53, 55, 56, 78, 81]. This plementation, or hardware. These attacks can be based on is significant because MPMs are designed precisely to avoid analog signals such as the machine’s power consumption [50], side-channel attacks. In particular, Angel et al. [9] show that sound produced [36], photonic emissions from switching these systems are secure only if none of the contacts with transistors [72], temperature [43], and electromagnetic radiation whom a user communicates are compromised by an adversary; emanated [4, 82], that arise as a result of the system performing otherwise, compromised contacts can learn information about some sensitive operation. Or they may be digital and monitor the user’s other conversations. We expand on Angel et al.’s the timing of operations [51], memory access patterns [38], observation in Section II, and show that it is an instance of an the contention arising from shared resources (e.g., caches [47], allocation-based side-channel attack. execution ports in simultaneous multithreading [19]), and the To prevent allocation-based side channels, we introduce variability of network traffic [70]. private variants of resource allocators (PRAs) that can assign In the above cases, information is exposed as a result of a resources to processes without leaking to any processes process in the system consuming a resource (e.g., sending a which or how many other processes received any units of network packet, populating the cache, executing a conditional the resource. We formalize the properties of PRAs (§III), branch instruction). We can think of these side channels as and propose several constructions that guarantee informationconsumption-based. In this paper, we are concerned with side theoretic, computational, and differential privacy under different channels that exist during the allocation of the resource to settings (§IV-A–IV-C). We also discuss how privacy interacts a process, and that are observable regardless of whether the with classic properties of resource allocation. For example, process ultimately consumes the resource. As a result, these we show that privacy implies population monotonicity (§V). allocation-based side channels can sometimes be exploited Finally, we prove an impossibility result (§III-B): there does by attackers in systems that have been explicitly designed not exist a PRA when the number of concurrent requesting to avoid consumption-based side channels (systems that pad processes is not bounded ahead of time. As a result, PRAs all requests, regularize network traffic and memory accesses, must assume a polynomial bound on the number of requesting have constant time implementations, clear caches after every processes (and this bound might leak). operation, etc.). To prevent allocation-based side channels we To showcase the benefits and costs of using PRAs, we propose a new primitive called a private resource allocator integrate our constructions into Alpenhorn [57], which is a (PRA) that guarantees that the mechanism by which the system system that manages conversations in MPMs. The result is the first MPM system that is secure in the presence of compromised allocates resources to processes leaks no information. Abstract—This paper introduces a new cryptographic primitive called a private resource allocator (PRA) that can be used to allocate resources (e.g., network bandwidth, CPUs) to a set of clients without revealing to the clients whether any other clients received resources. We give several constructions of PRAs that provide guarantees ranging from information-theoretic to differential privacy. PRAs are useful in preventing a new class of attacks that we call allocation-based side-channel attacks. These attacks can be used, for example, to break the privacy guarantees of anonymous messaging systems that were designed specifically to defend against side-channel and traffic analysis attacks. Our implementation of PRAs in Alpenhorn, which is a recent anonymous messaging system, shows that PRAs increase the network resources required to start a conversation by up to 16× (can be made as low as 4× in some cases), but add no overhead once the conversation has been established. © 2020, Sebastian Angel. Under license to IEEE. DOI 10.1109/SP40000.2020.00065 372 friends. Interestingly, our implementation efforts reveal that Protocol Objective naively introducing PRAs into MPMs would cripple these Discover friends Learn identifier or public key systems’ functionality. For example, it would force clients to abruptly end ongoing conversations, and would prevent honest Add friend to contact list Establish a shared secret clients from ever starting conversations. To mitigate these issues, we propose several techniques tailored to MPMs (§VI). Dial a friend in contact list Agree on session key and round r Our evaluation of Alpenhorn shows that PRAs lead to Converse with friend Send message starting on round r conversations taking 16× longer to get started (or alternatively consuming 16× more network resources), though this number can be reduced to 4× by prioritizing certain users. However, F IG . 1—MPM systems consist of four protocols: friend discovery, once conversations have started, PRAs incur no additional add-friend, dialing, and conversation. Users can only converse once overhead. While we admit that such delayed start (or bandwidth they are in an active session (agree on a session key and round). increase) further hinders the usability of MPMs, compromised friends are enough of a real threat to justify our proposal. is done with a dialing protocol [6, 52, 57] whereby one user In summary, the contributions of this work are: “cold calls” another user and notifies them of their intention to • The notion of Private Resource Allocators (PRA) that start a conversation. The analogous situation in the non-private assign resources to processes without leaking how many or setting is a dialing call on a VoIP or video chat service like to which processes resources are allocated. Skype. Creating a session boils down to agreeing on a time or round to start the conversation, and generating a key that will • An impossibility theorem that precisely captures under be used to encrypt all messages in the session (derived from what circumstances privacy cannot be achieved. the shared secret and the chosen round). • Several PRA constructions under varying assumptions. Once a session between two friends has been established, • A study of how privacy impacts other allocation properties. the participants can exchange messages using a conversation • The integration of PRAs into an MPM to avoid leaking protocol (this is the protocol that actually differentiates most information to compromised friends, and the corresponding MPM systems). In all proposed conversation protocols, comexperimental evaluation. munication occurs in discrete rounds—which is why part of Finally, we believe that PRAs have applications beyond creating a session involves identifying the round on which to MPMs, and open up exciting theoretical and practical quesstart the conversation—during which a user sends and receives tions (§IX). We hope that the framework we present in the up to k messages. One can think of each of these k messages as following sections serves as a good basis. being placed in a different channel. To guarantee no metadata leaks, users are forced to send and receive a message on II. C ASE STUDY: M ETADATA - PRIVATE MESSENGERS each channel in every round, even when the user is idle and In the past few years, there has been a flurry of work on has nothing to send or receive (otherwise observers could messaging systems that hide not just the content of messages determine when a user is not communicating). We summarize but also the metadata that is associated with those messages [6, these protocols in Figure 1. 8, 10, 24, 53, 55, 56, 78, 81, 83]. These systems guarantee some The above highlights a tension between performance and variant of relationship (or third-party) unobservability [68], in network costs experienced by all MPM systems. Longer rounds which all information (including the sender, recipient, time of increase the delay between two consecutive messages but day, frequency of communication, etc.) is kept hidden from reduce the network overhead when a user is idle (due to fewer anyone not directly involved in the communication. A key dummy messages). Having more channels improves throughput driver for these systems is the observation that metadata is itself (more concurrent conversations per round or more messages sensitive and can be used—and in fact has been used [22, 71]— per conversation) but at the cost of higher network overhead to infer the content or at least the context of conversations for when the user is idle. Given that users are idle a large fraction a variety of purposes [73]. For example, a service provider of the time, most MPMs choose long round duration (tens of could infer that a user has some health condition if the user seconds) and a small number of channels (typically k = 1). often communicates with health professionals. Other inferable While these tradeoffs have long been understood, the impact information typically considered sensitive includes religion, of the number of communication channels on privacy has race, sexual orientation, and employment status [61]. received less attention. We discuss this next. In these metadata-private messengers (MPMs), a pair of users are considered friends only if they have a shared secret. A. Channel allocation can leak information Users can determine which of their acquaintances are part of the Prior works on MPMs have shown that the proposed contact system using a contact discovery protocol [16, 20, 60], and can discovery, add-friend, dialing, and conversation protocols are then exchange the secret needed to become friends with these secure and leak little information (negligible or bounded) on acquaintances through an out-of-band channel (e.g., in person their own, but surprisingly, none had carefully looked at their at a conference or coffee shop), or with an in-band add-friend composition. Indeed, recent work by Angel et al. [9] shows that protocol [57]. A pair of friends can then initiate a session. This existing dialing and communication protocols do not actually 373 compose in the presence of compromised friends. The reason the attack for other rounds r′ , r′′ , etc. With each additional is that the number of communication channels (k) is usually round, the adversary can construct intersections of active users smaller than the number of friends that could dial the user at and shrink the set of possible sender-recipient pairs under the any one time. As a result, when a user is dialed by n friends assumption that conversations span multiple rounds. asking to start a conversation at the same time, the user must In short, the described allocation-based side-channel attack determine an allocation of the n friends to the k channels. makes existing MPM systems vulnerable to traffic analysis. In As one would expect, when n > k, not all of the n dialing the next section we formally model the leakage of information requests can be allocated onto the k available channels since that results from allocating dialing friends to a limited number each channel can only support one conversation (for example, a of channels. In Sections IV-A–IV-C we then give several user in Skype can only accept one incoming call at a time since constructions of allocators that can be used by MPM systems k = 1). If this allocation is not done carefully—defining what to establish sessions without leaking information. “carefully” means formally is the subject of Section III—a user’s III. P RIVATE RESOURCE ALLOCATORS (PRA S ) friends can learn information through dialing. In particular, a caller who dials and receives a busy signal or no response at The allocation-based side-channel attack described in the all for a round r can infer that the callee has agreed to chat prior section essentially follows a pigeonhole-type argument with other users during round r.1 For the more general case of whereby there are more friends than there are channels. This k > 1, an attacker controlling k callers can dial the user and same idea applies to other situations. For example, whenever observe whether all calls are answered or not; an attacker may there is a limited number of CPU cores and many threads, even conduct a binary search over multiple rounds to learn the the way in which threads are scheduled onto cores leaks exact number of ongoing conversations. information to the threads. Specifically, a thread that was The saving grace is that information that leaks is observed not scheduled could infer that other threads were, even if only by a user’s dialing friends, as opposed to all users in the scheduled threads perform no operations and consume the system or third-party observers (since friendship is a no resources. In this section we formalize this problem more precondition for dialing). However, friends’ accounts can be generally and describe desirable security definitions. compromised by an adversary, and users could be tricked We begin with the notion of a private resource allocator, into befriending malicious parties. In fact, not only is this which is an algorithm that assigns a limited number of resources possible, it is actually a common occurrence: prior surveys to a set of processes that wish to use those resources. Privacy of user behavior on online social networks show that users means that the outcome of the allocator does not reveal to any are very willing to accept friend requests from strangers [69]. processes whether there were other processes concurrently Furthermore, given recent massive leaks of personal data—3 requesting the same resource. Note that private allocators billion accounts by Yahoo in 2013 [54]; 43 million accounts are concerned only with the information that leaks from the by Equifax in 2017 [34]; 87 million users by Facebook in allocation itself; information that leaks from the use of the 2018 [74] and an additional 549 million records in 2019 [80]— resource is an orthogonal concern. there is significant material for attackers to conduct social In more detail, a resource allocator RA is an algorithm that engineering and other attacks. Worse yet, many of these attacks takes as input a resource of capacity k, and a set of processes can easily be automated [15]. P from a universe of processes M (P ⊆ M). RA outputs the set of processes U ⊆ P that should be given a unit of the resource, B. Traffic analysis makes things worse such that |U| ≤ k. There are two desirable properties for an The previous section describes how an attacker, via com- RA, informally given below. promised friends, can learn whether a user is busy or not in • Privacy: it is hard for an adversary controlling a set of some round r (or get some confidence on this) by conducting processes Pmal ⊆ P to determine whether there are other an allocation-based side channel attack. While such leakage processes (i.e., Pmal = P or Pmal ⊂ P) from observing the is minor on its own, it can be composed with traffic analysis allocations of processes in Pmal . techniques such as intersection [70] and disclosure [5] attacks for all sets of processes P, occasionally at least • Liveness: (and their statistical variants [25]). one process in P receives a unit of the resource. As a very simple example, imagine an adversary that can compromise the friends of multiple users and can use those The liveness property is the weakest definition of progress compromised friends to determine which users are (likely) needed for RAs to be useful, and helps to rule out an RA that active in a given round r. The adversary can then reduce achieves privacy by never allocating resources. the set of possible sender-recipient pairs by ignoring all the idle users (more sophisticated observations can also be made A. Formal definition by targeting particular users). The adversary can then repeat Notation. We use poly(λ) and negl(λ) to mean a polynomial and negligible function2 of λ’s unary representation (1λ ). We 1 A lack of response does not always mean that a user is busy with others; the user could be asleep. However, existing MPMs accept requests automatically. Even if the user were involved, information would still leak and predicating correctness on behavior that is hard to characterize is undesirable. 2 A function f : N → R is negligible if for all positive polynomials poly, there exists an integer c such that for all integers x greater than c, |f (x)| < 1/poly(x). 374 symbol description C and A Challenger and adversary in the security game resp. b and b′ Challenger’s coin flip and adversary’s guess resp. k Amount of available resource M Universe of processes P Processes requesting service concurrently (⊆ M) Phon Honest processes in P (not controlled by A) Pmal Malicious processes in P (controlled by A) U Allocation (⊆ P) of size at most k λ Security parameter βx poly(λ) bound on variable x The proposed liveness definition (Def. 3) is very weak. It simply states that the allocator must occasionally output at least one process. Notably, it says nothing about processes being allocated resources with equal likelihood, or that every process is eventually serviced (it allows starvation). Nevertheless, this weak definition is sufficient to separate trivial from non-trivial allocators; we discuss several other properties such as fairness and resource monotonicity in Section V. To compare the efficiency of non-trivial allocators, however, we need a stronger notion that we call the allocator’s utilization. F IG . 2—Summary of terms used in the security game, lemmas, and proofs, and their corresponding meaning. use βx to mean a poly(λ) bound on variable x. Upper case letters denote sets of processes. Figure 2 summarizes all terms. Security game. We define privacy with a game played between an adversary A and a challenger C. The game is parameterized by a resource allocator RA and a security parameter λ. RA takes as input a set of processes P from the universe of all processes M, a resource capacity k that is poly(λ), and λ. RA outputs a set of processes U ⊆ P, such that |U| ≤ k. 1) A is given oracle access to RA, and can issue an arbitrary number of queries to RA with arbitrary inputs P and k. For each query, A can observe the result U ← RA(P, k, λ). 2) A picks a positive integer k and two disjoint sets of processes Phon , Pmal ⊆ M and sends them to C. Here Phon represents the set of processes requesting a resource that are honest and are not compromised by the adversary. Pmal represents the set of processes requesting a resource that are compromised by the adversary. 3) C samples a random bit b uniformly in {0, 1}. 4) C sets P ← Pmal if b = 0 and P ← Pmal ∪ Phon if b = 1. 5) C calls RA(P, k, λ) to obtain U ⊆ P where |U| ≤ k. 6) C returns Umal = U ∩ Pmal to A. 7) A outputs its guess b′ , and wins the game if b = b′ . In summary, the adversary’s goal is to determine if the challenger requested resources for the honest processes or not. Definition 1 (Information-theoretic privacy). An allocator RA is IT-private if in the security game, for all algorithms A, Pr[b = b′ ] = 1/2, where the probability is over the random coins of C and RA. Definition 4 (Utilization). The utilization of a resource allocator RA is the fraction of requests serviced by RA compared to the number of requests that would have been serviced by a nonprivate allocator. Formally, given a set of processes P, capacity k, and parameter λ, RA’s utilization is E(U)/ min(|P|, k), where E(U) is the expected number of output processes of RA(P, k, λ). B. Prior allocators fail Before describing our constructions we discuss why straightforward resource allocators fail to achieve privacy. FIFO allocator. A FIFO allocator simply allocates resources to the first k processes. This is the type of allocator currently used by MPM systems to assign dialing friends to channels (§II-A), and is also commonly found in cluster job schedulers (e.g., Spark [84]). This allocator provides no privacy. To see why, suppose that both Phon and Pmal are ordered sets, where the order stems from the identity of the process. The adversary can interleave the identity of processes in Phon and Pmal so that the FIFO allocator’s output is k processes in Pmal when b = 0, and k/2 processes in Pmal when b = 1. Uniform allocator. Another common allocator is one that picks k of the processes at random. At first glance this might appear to provide privacy since processes are being chosen uniformly. Nevertheless, this allocator leaks a lot of information. In particular, when b = 0 the adversary expects k of its processes to be allocated (since P = Pmal ), whereas when b = 1, fewer than k of the malicious processes are likely to be allocated. More formally, let X be the random variable describing the cardinality of the set returned to A, namely |U ∩Pmal |. Suppose |Pmal | = |Phon | = k. Then Pr[X < k | b = 0] = 0 and Pr[X < k | b = 1] = 1 − (k! · k!)/(2k)! ≥ 1/2. As a result, A can distinguish between b = 0 and b = 1 with non-negligible advantage by simply counting the elements in U ∩ Pmal . Uniform allocator with variable-sized output. One of the issues with the prior allocator is that the size of the output reveals too much. We could consider a simple fix that selects Definition 2 (Computational privacy). An allocator RA is C- an output size s uniformly from the range [0, k], and allocates private if in the security game given parameter λ, for all s processes at random. But this is also not secure. probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms A, the advantage of Let |Pmal | = |Phon | = k, and let X be the random variable A is negligible: | Pr[b = b′ ] − 1/2| ≤ negl(λ), where the representing the cardinality of the set returned to A. We show probability is over the random coins of C and RA. that the probability that X = k is lower when b = 1. Observe 1 Definition 3 (Liveness). An allocator RA guarantees liveness that Pr[X = k | b = 0] = k+1 , whereas Pr[X = k | b = 1] = 1 for all k ≥ 1. Furthermore, if given parameter λ, any non-empty set of processes P, and (k! · k!)/((k + 1)(2k)!) < k+1 1 − positive resource capacity k, Pr[RA(P, k, λ) = ∅] ≥ 1/poly(λ). when k ≥ 1, (k! · k!)/((k + 1)(2k)!) ≤ 1/2. Therefore, k+1 375 allocator leakage utilization assumptions A. Slot-based resource allocator We now discuss a simple slot-based resource allocator. It guarantees information-theoretic privacy and liveness under the assumption that the size of the universe of processes (|M|) has a bound βM that is poly(λ). The key idea is to map each process p ∈ M to a unique “allocation slot” (so there are at most βM total slots), and grant resources to processes only if they request them during their allocated slots. The chosen slots are determined by a random λ-bit integer r. SRA (§IV-A) None |P| βM • setup phase • |M| ≤ βM • p ∈ M identifiable RRA (§IV-B) None |P| βP • |P| ≤ βP 1/g(λ) |P| |P|+h(λ)βhon DPRA (§IV-C) • |Phon | ≤ βhon F IG . 3—Comparison of privacy guarantees, utilization, and assumptions of different PRAs. DPRA makes the weakest assumptions since Phon ⊆ P ⊆ M and is the only one that tolerates an arbitrary number of malicious processes. g and h are polynomial functions that control the tradeoff between utilization and privacy (§IV-C). 1 1 (k! · k!)/((k + 1)(2k)!) ≥ k+1 · [1 − 1/2] = 2(k+1) , which is non-negligible. As a result, A can distinguish b = 0 and b = 1 with non-negligible advantage. Allocator from a secret distribution. The drawback of the prior allocator is that the adversary knows the expected distribution under b = 0 and b = 1 for its choice of Phon , Pmal , and k. Suppose instead that the allocator has access to a secret distribution not known to the adversary. The allocator then uses the approach above (allocator with variable-sized output) with the secret distribution instead of a uniform distribution. This is also not secure; the proof is in Appendix A. The intuition for the above result is that the perturbation introduced by steps 4 and 6 of the security game cannot be masked without additional assumptions. To formalize this, we present the following impossibility result that states that without a bound on the number of processes, an allocator cannot simultaneously achieve privacy and our weak definition of liveness. We focus on IT-privacy since C-privacy considers a PPT adversary; by definition, the size of the sets of processes that such an adversary can create is bounded by a polynomial. Theorem 1 (Impossibility result). There does not exist a resource allocator RA that achieves IT-privacy (Def. 1) and Liveness (Def. 3) when k is poly(λ) and |P| is not poly(λ). The proof is given in Appendix B. IV. A LLOCATOR CONSTRUCTIONS Slot-based resource allocator SRA: • Pre-condition (setup): ∀p ∈ M, slot(p) ∈ [0, |M|) • Inputs: P, k, λ λ • r ←R [0, 2 ) • U ←∅ • ∀p ∈ P, i ∈ [0, k), if slot(p) ≡ r + i mod |M|, add p to U • Output: U Lemma 1. SRA guarantees IT-privacy (Def. 1). Proof. Observe that a process p ∈ P is added to U when r ≤ slot(p) < (r + k) mod |M|, which occurs independently of b. In particular, if we let Ep be the event that a process p ∈ P is added to U, then Pr[Ep |b = 0] = Pr[Ep |b = 1] = k/|M|. Since an adversary cannot observe differences in Pr[Ep ] when P = Pmal versus P = Pmal ∪ Phon , privacy is preserved. Lemma 2. SRA guarantees Liveness (Def. 3) if |M| ≤ βM . Proof. SRA outputs at least one process when there is a p ∈ P such that r ≤ slot(p) < (r + k) mod |M|. For a given r, this occurs with probability ≥ k/|M|. SRA achieves our desired goals. It guarantees privacy and |P| liveness, and achieves a utilization (Def. 4) of |M| whenever k ≤ |P|. But it also has several limitations. First, it assumes that the cardinality of the universe of processes (|M|) is known in advance, and that it can be bounded by βM . Second, it assumes a preprocessing phase in which each process in M is assigned a slot. Finally, it assumes that each individual process is identifiable since SRA must be able to compute slot(p) for every process p ∈ P. Unfortunately, these limitations are problematic for many applications. For instance, consider an MPM system (§II). M represents the set of friends for a user (not just the ones dialing), so it could be large. Furthermore, users cannot add new friends without leaking information since this would change M (and therefore the periodicity of allocations), which the adversary can detect. As a result, users must bound the maximum set of friends that they will ever have (βM ), use this bound in the allocator (instead of |M|), and achieve a utilization of β|P|M . Given the impossibility result in the prior section, we propose several allocators that guarantee liveness and some variant of privacy under different assumptions. As a bare minimum, all constructions assume a poly(λ) bound, βhon , on |Phon |. In the context of MPM systems, this basically means that a user never receives more than a polynomial number of dial requests by B. Randomized resource allocator honest users asking to start a conversation in the same round— In this section we show how to relax most of the assumptions which is an assumption that is easy to satisfy in practice. We that SRA makes while achieving better utilization. In particular, note that none of our allocators can hide βhon from an adversary, we construct a randomized resource allocator RRA that guaranso it is best thought of as a public parameter. We summarize tees privacy and liveness under the assumption that there is a the properties of our constructions in Figure 3. poly(λ) bound, βP , for the number of simultaneous processes 376 requesting a resource (|P|). RRA does not need a setup phase, RRA achieves privacy, liveness, and a utilization (Def. 4) of and does not require uniquely identifying processes in M. More |P|/βP when k ≤ |P|, which is a factor of βM /βP improvement importantly, RRA achieves both requirements even when the over SRA. However, it still requires a bound on the number of universe of processes (M) is unbounded. These relaxations are concurrent processes (P). In the context of an MPM system, this crucial since they make RRA applicable to situations in which requirement essentially asks the user to pick a bound (e.g., βP = processes are created dynamically. 20), and assume that the adversary will not compromise more At a high level, RRA works by padding the set of processes than, say, 18 of their friends, while simultaneously receiving (P) with enough dummy processes to reach the upper bound fewer than 3 calls from honest friends. Otherwise, the adversary (βP ). RRA then randomly permutes the padded set and outputs could simply flood the user with malicious calls and infer, via the first k entries (removing any dummies from the allocation). an allocation-based side channel, that the user is talking to at If the permutation is truly random, this allocator guarantees least one honest friend (§II). Although one could come up with information-theoretic privacy since P is always padded to βP values of βP that are large enough to hold in practice (e.g., elements regardless of the challenger’s coin flip (b). However, users in social media have on average hundreds of friends [79], it requires a source of more than βP random bits, which might so βP = 100 might suffice), this only works in applications be too much in some scenarios. One way to address this is where the adversary cannot commandeer an arbitrary number to generate the random permutations on the fly [18], which of processes via a sybil attack [30]. In such cases, there might requires only O(k log(βP )) random bits. Alternatively, we can not be a useful bound (e.g., βP = 280 certainly holds in practice, simply assume that the adversary is computationally bounded but results in essentially 0 utilization). The above limitation is fundamental and follows from our and allow a negligible leakage of information by making the impossibility result. In the next section, however, we show permutation pseudorandom instead. that if one can tolerate a weaker privacy guarantee, there exist Randomized resource allocator RRA: allocators that require only a poly(λ) bound, βhon , on |Phon |. • Inputs: P, k, λ The number of malicious processes (|Pmal |), and therefore the • Q ← set of dummy processes of size βP − |P| number of total concurrent processes (|P|), can be unbounded. • π ← random or pseudorandom permutation of P ∪ Q C. Differentially private resource allocator • U ← first k entries in π In this section we relax the privacy guarantees of PRAs and • Output: U ∩ P require only that the leakage be at most inverse polynomial in Lemma 3. RRA guarantees IT-privacy (Def. 1) if |P| ≤ βp λ, rather than negligible. We define this guarantee in terms of and the permutation is truly random. (ε, δ)-differential privacy [31]. Proof. Let Ep be the event that a process p is added to U. Then, for all p ∈ P, Pr[Ep ] = k/βP . Since Pr[Ep ] remains constant for all sets of processes P, an adversary has no advantage to distinguish between P = Pmal and P = Pmal ∪ Phon . Definition 5 (Differential privacy). An allocator RA is (ǫ, δ)differentially private [31] if in the security game of Section III, given parameter λ, for all algorithms A and for all Umal : Lemma 4. RRA guarantees C-privacy (Def. 2) against all probabilistic polynomial-time (PPT) adversaries if |P| ≤ βP . where Umal is the set of processes returned from C to A in Step 6 of the security game, and C(b) means an instance of C where the random bit is b; similarly for C(b̄) where b̄ = 1 − b. The probability is over the random coins of C and RA. Proof. We use a simple hybrid argument. Consider the variant of RRA that uses a random permutation instead of a PRP. Lemma 3 shows the adversary has no advantage to distinguish between b = 0 and b = 1. A PPT adversary distinguishes between the above RRA variant and one that uses a PRP (with security parameter λ) with negl(λ) advantage. Lemma 5. RRA guarantees Liveness (Def. 3) if |P| ≤ βP . Proof. RRA outputs at least one process if there exists a p ∈ P in the first k elements of π. This follows a hypergeometric distribution since we sample k out of βP processes without replacement, and processes in P are considered a “success”. The probability of at least one success is therefore: |P| |Q|  k  i  ≥ 1/βP βPk−i i=1 which is non-negligible. k Pr[C(b) returns Umal ] ≤ eε · Pr[C(b̄) returns Umal ] + δ We show that if there is a poly(λ) bound, βhon , for the number of honest processes (|Phon |), then there is an RA that achieves (ε, δ)-differential privacy and Liveness (Def. 3). Before introducing our construction, we discuss a subtle property of allocators that we have ignored thus far: symmetry. Definition 6 (Symmetry). An allocator is symmetric if it does not take into account the features, identities, or ordering of processes when allocating resources. This is an adaptation of symmetry in games [21, 35], in which the payoff of a player depends only on the strategy it uses, and not on the player’s identity. Concretely, given an ordered set of processes P where the only difference between processes is their position in P, RA is symmetric if Pr[RA(P, k, λ) = p] = Pr[RA(π(P), k, λ) = p], for all p and all permutations π. This argument extends to other identifying features (process id, permissions, time that a process is created, how many times a process has retried, etc.). 377 For example, the (non-private) uniform allocator of Section III-B and the private RRA (§IV-B) are symmetric: they allocate resources without inspecting processes. On the other hand, the (non-private) FIFO allocator of Section III-B and the private SRA (§IV-A) are not symmetric; FIFO takes into account the ordering of processes, and SRA requires computing the function slot on each process. While symmetry places some limits on what an allocator can do, in Section V-A we show that many features (e.g., heterogeneous demands, priorities) can still be implemented. Construction. Recall from Section III that RA receives one of two requests from C depending on the bit b that C samples. The request is either Pmal or Pmal ∪ Phon . We can think of these sets as two neighboring databases. Our concern is that the processes in Pmal that are allocated the resource might convey too much information about which of these two databases was given to RA, and in turn reveal b. To characterize this leakage, we derive the sensitivity of an RA that allocates resources uniformly. Our key observation is that if RA is symmetric, then the only useful information that the adversary gets is the number of processes in Pmal that are allocated (i.e., |Umal |); the allocation is independent of the particular processes in Pmal . If RA adds no dummy processes and allocates resources uniformly, then mal | |Umal | = min(|Pmal |, k|P |Pmal | ) when b = 0 and, in expectation, k|Pmal | |Pmal |+|Phon | ) min(|Pmal |, when b = 1. By observing |Umal |, the adversary learns the denominator in these fractions; the sensitivity of this denominator—and of RA—is |Phon | ≤ βhon . To limit the leakage, we design an allocator that samples noise from an appropriate distribution and adds dummies based on the sampled noise. We discuss the Laplace distribution here, but other distributions (e.g., Poisson) would also work. The Laplace distribution (Lap) with location parameter µ and scale parameter s has the probability density function:   −|x − µ| 1 exp Lap(x|µ, s) = 2s s Let g(λ) and h(λ) be polynomial functions of the allocator’s security parameter λ. These functions will control the tradeoff between privacy and utilization: ε = 1/g(λ) bounds how much information leaks (a larger value of g(λ) leads to better privacy but worse utilization), and the ratio h(λ)/g(λ) (which impacts δ) determines how often the bound holds (a larger ratio provides a stronger guarantee, but leads to worse utilization). Given these two functions, the allocator works as follows. (ε, δ)-differentially private resource allocator DPRA: • Inputs: P, k, λ • µ ← βhon · h(λ) • s ← βhon · g(λ) • n ← ⌈max(0, Lap(µ, s))⌉ • t ← |P| + n • Q ← set of dummy processes of size n • π ← random permutation of P ∪ Q • U ← first min(t, k) processes in π • Output: U ∩ P In short, the allocator receives a number of requests that is either |Pmal | or |Pmal ∪Phon |. It samples noise n from the Laplace distribution, computes the noisy total number of processes t = |P| + n, and allocates min(t, k) uniformly at random. Lemma 6. DPRA is (ε, δ)-differentially private (Def. 5) for 1 ε = g(λ) and δ = 21 exp( 1−h(λ) g(λ) ) if |Phon | ≤ βhon . Proof strategy. The proof that DPRA is differentially private uses some of the ideas from the proof for the Laplace mechanism by Dwork et al. [31]. A learns the total number of processes in Pmal that are allocated, call it tmal . We show that when the noise (n) is sufficiently large, for all ℓ ∈ [0, k], Pr[tmal = ℓ|b = 0] is within a factor eε of Pr[tmal = ℓ|b = 1]. We then show that the noise fails to be sufficiently large with probability ≤ δ. We give the full proof in Appendix C. Corollary 7. If |Phon | ≤ βhon , the leakage or privacy loss that results from observing the output of DPRA is bounded by 1/g(λ) with probability at least 1 − δ [32, Lemma 3.17]. In some cases, an adversary might interact with an allocator multiple times, adapting Pmal in an attempt to learn more information. We can reason about the leakage after i interactions through differential privacy’s adaptive composition [33]. Lemma 8. DPRA is (ε′ , iδ + δ ′ )-differentially private over i  interactions for δ ′ > 0 and ε′ = ε 2i ln(1/δ ′ ) + iε(eε − 1). Proof. The proof follows from [33, Theorem III.3]. An optimal, albeit more complex, bound also exists [44, Theorem 3.3]. Lemma 9. DPRA provides liveness (Def. 3) if |Phon | ≤ βhon . Proof. The expected value of Lap is βhon · h(λ) ≤ poly2 (λ). As a result, the number of dummy processes added by DPRA is polynomial on average; at least one process in P is allocated a resource with inverse polynomial probability. DPRA is efficient in expectation since with high probability, n does not exceed a small multiple of βhon ·h(λ) (Lemma 9). To bound DPRA’s worst-case time and space complexity, we can truncate the Laplace distribution and bound n by exp(λ) without much additional leakage. However, even if |P| ∈ poly(λ), the noise (n), and thus the total number of processes (t) can all be exp(λ). This would require DPRA to have access to exp(λ) random bits to sample the dummy processes and to perform the permutation; the running time and space complexity would also be exponential. Fortunately, the generation of dummy processes, the set union, and the permutation can all be avoided (we introduced them only for simplicity). DPRA can compute U directly from P, k, and t as follows. 1: function R ANDOM A LLOCATION(P, k, t) 2: U←∅ 3: for i = 0 to min(t, k) − 1 do 4: r ←R [0, 1] 5: if r < |P|/(t − i) then 6: p ← Sample uniformly from P without replacement 7: U = U ∪ {p} 8: 378 return U Finally, sampling m elements from P without replacement is equivalent to generating the first m elements of a random permutation of P on the fly, which can be done with O(m log |P|) random bits in O(m log |P|) time and O(m) space [18]. The same optimization (avoiding dummy processes and permutations) applies to RRA (§IV-B) as well. V. E XTENSIONS AND OTHER ALLOCATOR PROPERTIES In addition to privacy and liveness, we ask whether PRAs satisfy other properties that are often considered in resource allocation settings. We study a few of them, listed below: • Resource monotonicity If the capacity of the allocator increases, the probability of any of the requesting processes to receive service should not decrease. Population monotonicity When a process stops requesting service, the probability of any of the remaining processes to receive service should not decrease. • Envy-freeness. A process should not prefer the allocation probability of another process. This is our working definition of fairness, though the notion of preference is quite subtle, as we explain later. • • Strategy-proofness. A process should not benefit by lying about how many units of a resource it needs. Before stating which allocators meet which properties, we first describe a few generalizations to PRAs. utility only if it receives all of its demand), or divisible (i.e., the process derives positive utility even if it receives a fraction of its demand). We describe two potential modifications to PRAs that handle the divisible demands case and achieve different notions of fairness; we leave a construction of PRAs for the indivisible demands case to future work. Probability in proportion to demands. In the non-binary setting, the input to the allocator is no longer just the set of processes P, but also their corresponding demands D. A desirable notion of fairness might be to allocate resources in proportion to processes’ demands. For example, if process p1 demands 100 units, and p2 demands 2 units, an allocation of 50 units to p1 and 1 unit to p2 may be fair. Our PRAs can achieve this type of fairness for integral units by treating each process as a set of processes of binary demand (the cardinality of each set is given by the corresponding non-binary demand). The bounds are therefore based on the sum of processes’ demands rather than the number of processes. Probability independent of demands. Another possibility is to allocate each unit of a resource to processes independently of how many units they demand. For example, if p1 demands 100 units and p2 demands 1 unit, both processes are equally likely to receive the first unit of the resource. If p2 does not receive the first unit, both processes have an equal chance to get the second unit, etc. A. Weighted allocators To achieve this definition with PRAs, we propose to change Our resource allocators are egalitarian and select which the way that RRA and DPRA sample processes (i.e., Line 6 of processes to allocate uniformly from all requesting processes. the R ANDOM A LLOCATION function given in Section IV-C). However, they can be extended to prioritize some processes Instead of sampling processes uniformly without replacement over others with the use of weights. Briefly, each process is and giving the chosen processes all of their demanded resources, associated with a weight, and allocation is done in proportion the allocator samples processes from P uniformly with infinite that weight: a request from a process with half of the weight replacement, and gives each sampled process one unit of the of a different process is picked up half as often. To implement resource on every iteration. The allocator then assigns to each weighted allocators, the poly(λ) bound on the number of process pi the number of units sampled for pi at the end of the process (e.g., βP in RRA) now represents the bound on the sum algorithm or pi ’s demand, whichever is lower. This mechanism of weights across all concurrent processes (normalized by the preserves the privacy of the allocation since it is equivalent to lowest weight of any of the processes), rather than the number hypothetically running a PRA with a resource of capacity 1 of processes; padding is done by adding dummy processes and the same set of binary-demand processes k times in a row. until the normalized sum of their weights adds to the bound. All of our privacy and liveness arguments carry over A property of this definition is that the bounds on the number straightforwardly to this setting. The only caveat is that of processes—βP in RRA (§IV-B) and βhon in DPRA (§IV-C)— processes can infer their own assigned weight over time; just remain the same as in the binary-demand case (i.e., independent like the bounds, none of our allocators can keep this information of processes’ demands) since the allocator does not expose private. However, processes cannot infer the weight of other the results of the intermediate k hypothetical runs. However, processes beyond the trivial upper bound (i.e., the sum of the the allocator assumes that processes have infinite demand weights of any potential set of concurrent processes is βP ). (and discards excess allocations at the end), which ensures privacy but leads to worse utilization (based on the imbalance B. Non-binary demands of demands). A potentially less wasteful alternative is to do Thus far we have considered only allocators for processes the sampling with a bounded number of replacements (i.e., a that demand a single unit of a resource. A natural extension sampled process is not replaced if its demand has been met), is to consider non-binary demands. For example, a client of a but we have not yet analyzed this case since it requires stateful cloud service might request 5 machines to run a task. These reasoning (it is a Markov process); to our knowledge sampling demands could be indivisible (i.e., the process derives positive with bounded replacement has not been previously studied. 379 C. Additional properties met by PRAs Round of a dial protocol All of our PRAs meet the first three properties listed earlier, and SRA and RRA also meet strategy-proofness; our proofs are in Appendix D, but we highlight the most interesting results. We observe that privacy is intimately related to population monotonicity. This is most evident in DPRA, since its differential privacy definition states that changes in the set of processes have a bounded effect on the allocation. Indeed, we prove in Appendix D that our strongest definition of privacy, IT-privacy (Def. 1), implies population monotonicity. SRA and RRA are trivially strategy-proof for binary demands since processes have only two choices—to request or not request the resource—and they derive positive utility only if: (a) they receive the resource; or (b) they deny some other process the resource (in some applications). Condition (b) is nullified by IT-Privacy: the existence of other processes has no impact on whether a process receives a resource (if it did, an adversary could exploit it to win the security game with nonzero advantage). Furthermore, if the resource cannot be traded (i.e., a process cannot give its resource to another process) and demands are binary, IT-privacy implies group strategyproofness [12], which captures the notion of collusion between processes (as otherwise a set of processes controlled by the adversary could impact the allocation and violate privacy). For non-binary demands, PRAs that meet our definition of allocation probabilities being in proportion to demands are not strategy-proof: processes have an incentive to request as many units of a resource as possible regardless of how many units they actually need. On the other hand, allocators that meet the definition of allocation probability being independent of demands are strategy-proof since the allocator assumes that all processes have infinite demand anyway. VI. B UILDING PRIVATE DIALING PROTOCOLS In Section II we show that the composition of existing dialing protocols with conversation protocols in MPM systems leaks information. In this section we show how to incorporate the PRAs from Section III into dialing protocols [6, 52, 57]. As an example, we pick Alpenhorn [57] since it has a simple dialing scheme, and describe the modifications that we make. A. Alpenhorn’s dialing protocol As we mention in Section II, a precondition for dialing is that both parties, caller and callee, have a shared secret. We do not discuss the specifics of how the secret is exchanged since they are orthogonal (for simplicity, assume the secret is exchanged out of band). Alpenhorn’s dialing protocol achieves three goals. First, it synchronizes the state of users with the current state of the system so that clients can dial their friends. Second, it establishes an ephemeral key for a session so that all data and metadata corresponding to that session enjoys forward secrecy: if the key is compromised, the adversary does not learn the content or metadata of prior sessions. Last, it sets a round on which to start communication. The actual communication happens via an MPM’s conversation protocol. 1 Synchronize Keywheel for friend i S1 S2 S3 S4 2 Send dial tokens 3 Get dial tokens Dialing service apply hash each round F IG . 4—Overview of Alpenhorn’s dialing protocol [57]. Clients deposit dial tokens for their friends into an untrusted dialing service in rounds, and download all dial tokens sent at the end of a round. Clients then locally determine which tokens were meant for them. To derive dial tokens for a particular friend and round, clients use a per-friend data structure called a keywheel (see text for details). We discuss how Alpenhorn achieves these goals, and summarize the steps in Figure 4. Synchronizing state. Similarly to how conversation protocols operate in rounds (as we briefly discuss in Section II), dialing protocols also operate in rounds. However, the two types of rounds are quantitatively and qualitatively different. Quantitatively, dialing happens less frequently (e.g., once per minute) whereas conversations happen often (e.g., every ten seconds). Qualitatively, a round of dialing precedes several rounds of conversation, and compromised friends can only make observations at the granularity of dialing rounds. To be able to dial other users, clients need to know the current dialing round. Clients can do this by asking the dialing service (which is typically an untrusted server or a network of mix servers) for the current round. While the dialing service could lie, it would only result in denial of service which none of these systems aims to prevent anyway. In addition to the current dialing round, clients in Alpenhorn maintain a keywheel for each of their friends. A keywheel is a hash chain where the first node in the chain corresponds to the initial secret shared between a pair of users (we depict this as “S1” in Figure 4) anchored to some round. Once a dialing round advances, the client hashes the current node to obtain the next node, which gives the shared secret to be used in the new round. The client discards prior nodes to ensure forward secrecy in case of a device compromise. Generating a dial request. To dial a friend, a client synchronizes their keywheel to obtain the shared secret for the current dialing round, and then applies a second hash function to the shared secret. This yields a dialing token, which the client sends to the dialing service. This token leaks no information about who is being dialed except to a recipient who knows the corresponding shared secret. To prevent traffic analysis attacks, the client sends a dialing token every dialing round, even when it has no intention to dial anyone (in such case the client creates a dummy dial token by hashing random data). Receiving calls. A client fetches from the dialing service all of the tokens sent in a given dialing round by all users (this leads to quadratic communication costs for the server which 380 is why dialing rounds happen infrequently)3 . For each friend f in a client’s list, the client synchronizes the keywheel for f , uses the second hash function to compute the expected dial token, and looks to see if the corresponding value is one of the tokens downloaded from the dialing service. If there is a match, this signifies that f is interested in starting a conversation in the next conversation round. To derive the session key for a conversation with f , the client computes a third hash function (different from the prior two) on the round secret. inputs P, k′ , λ, where k′ < k (representing a universe in which the user is making at least one outgoing call). The answer is yes. As a simple example, consider RRA (§IV-B). The output from RRA(P, k = 1, λ) is very different from RRA(P, k = 0, λ) when |Pmal | = βP and Phon = ∅. The former always outputs one malicious process (since no padding is added and there are no honest processes), whereas the latter never outputs anything. Process outgoing calls first. We first consider an implementation in which the client subtracts each outgoing call from the available channels (k) and then runs the PRA with the remaining channels to select which incoming calls to answer. This approach leaks information. The security game (§III) chooses between two cases, one in which the adversary is the only one dialing a user (P = Pmal ), and one in which honest users are also dialing the user (P = Pmal ∪ Phon ). All of our definitions of privacy require that the adversary cannot distinguish between these two cases. However, with outgoing calls there is another parameter that varies, namely the capacity k; this variation is not captured by the security game. To account for this additional variable, we ask whether an adversary can distinguish the output of a resource allocator on inputs P, k, λ (representing a universe in which the user is not making any outgoing calls) and the output of the allocator on C. Improving the fit Process incoming calls first. Another approach is to reverse the order in which channels are allocated. To do so, one can Responding to a call. Observe that it is possible for a client first run the resource allocator on the incoming calls, and then to receive many dial requests in the same dialing round. In use any remaining capacity for the outgoing calls. Since none fact, a client can receive a dial request from every one of of our allocators achieve perfect utilization (Def. 4) anyway, their friends. The client is then responsible for picking which there is left over capacity for outgoing calls. This keeps k of the calls to answer. A typical choice is to pick the first constant, preventing the above attack. While this approach preserves privacy and might be applicak friends whose tokens matched, where k is the number of channels of the conversation protocol (typically 1, though some ble in other contexts, it cannot be applied to Alpenhorn. Recall systems [8, 10] use larger values). Once the client chooses that users in Alpenhorn must send all of their dial tokens before which calls to answer, the client derives the appropriate session they receive a single incoming call (see Figure 4). Consequently, keys and exchanges messages using the conversation protocol. the allocator cannot possibly execute before the user decides which or how many outgoing dial requests to send. B. Incorporating private resource allocators Process calls independently. The above suggests that to The allocation mechanism used by Alpenhorn to select which securely compose Alpenhorn with a conversation protocol calls to answer leaks information (it is the FIFO strawman of that operates in rounds (which is the case for existing MPM Section III-B). We can instead replace it with a PRA like RRA systems), users should have dedicated channels. An implication (§IV-B) to select which of the matching tokens (processes) of this is that the conversation protocol must, at a bare to allocate to the k channels of the conversation protocol minimum, support two concurrent communication channels. (resource). There is, however, one key issue with this proposal. We give a concrete proposal below. We are using the resource allocator only for the incoming calls. We assume that each user has k = in+out available channels But what about outgoing calls? Observe that each outgoing for the conversation protocol, for some in, out ≥ 1. The in call also consumes a communication channel. Specifically, channels are dedicated for incoming calls; the out channels when a user dials another user, the caller commits to use the are for outgoing calls. When a user receives a set of incoming conversation protocol for the next few conversation rounds dial requests, it uses a PRA and passes in as the capacity. (until a new dial round). In contrast, the callee may choose Independently, the user can send up to out outgoing dial not accept the caller’s call. In other words, the caller uses up requests each round (of course the user always sends out dialing a communication channel even if the recipient rejects the call. tokens to preserve privacy, using dummies if necessary). This Given the above, we study how outgoing calls impact the simple scheme preserves privacy since the capacity used in the allocation of channels for incoming calls. PRA is independent of outgoing calls. 3 Alpenhorn reduces the constant terms using bloom filters [57]. The previous section discusses how to incorporate a PRA into an existing dialing protocol. However, it introduces usability issues (beyond the ones that commonly plague this space). Conversations breaking up. Conversations often exhibit inertia: when two users are actively exchanging messages, they are more likely to continue to exchange messages in the near future. Meanwhile, our modifications to Alpenhorn (§VI-B) force clients to break up their existing conversations at the start of every dialing round, which is abrupt. The rationale for ending existing conversations for each new dialing round is that our PRAs expect the capacity to remain constant across rounds (so users need to free those channels). Below we discuss ways to partially address this issue. First, clients could use an allocator that has inertia built in. For example, our slot-based resource allocator SRA (§IV-A) does not need the integer r to be random or secret to guarantee 381 utilization 1 privacy. Consequently, if one sets r to be the current round, RRA 0.8 SRA would assign k consecutive dialing rounds to the same DPRA SRA 0.6 caller. This allows conversations to continue smoothly across rounds. The drawback is that if a conversation ends quickly 0.4 (prior to the k rounds), the user is unable to allocate someone 0.2 else’s call to that channel for the remaining rounds. 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Second, clients could transition a conversation that is βhon consuming an incoming channel during one dial round to a conversation that consumes an outgoing channel the next F IG . 5—Mean utilization of PRAs over 1M rounds as we vary βhon . dial round. Intuitively, this is the moral equivalent of both The error bars represent the standard deviation. We fix βM = 2, 000 clients calling each other during the new round. Mechanistically, and make βp = 10βhon (the assumption modeled here is that 10% clients simply send dummy dial requests (they do not dial each of the potential concurrent processes are honest). The number of concurrent processes that request service in a given round follows a other) which forces an outgoing channel to be committed to a Poisson distribution with a rate of 50 requests/round (but we bound dummy conversation. Clients then synchronize their keywheels this by βP ). SRA and RRA guarantee IT-Privacy, and DPRA ensures to the new dialing round, derive the session key, and hijack (ε, δ)-differential privacy for ε = ln(2) and δ = 10−4 . the channel allocated to the dummy conversation. Note that this transition can leak information. A compromised friend who is engaged in a long-term conversation with tests, for each of a user’s friends, whether the friend sent a a target user could learn if the target has transitioned other dialing token. If so, it executes the client’s ReceivedCall conversations from incoming to outgoing channels (or is dialing handler (a client-specific callback function that acts on the other users) by observing whether a conversation ended abruptly call) with the appropriate session key. Our modification instead across dialing rounds. Ultimately, outgoing channels are a finite collects all of the matching tokens, runs the PRA to select resource and transitioning calls makes this resource observable at most k of these tokens, and then calls the ReceivedCall to an attacker. Nevertheless, this is not quite rearranging the handler with the corresponding session keys. deck chairs on the Titanic; the requirements to conduct this A. Evaluation questions attack are high: the attacker needs to be in a conversation with None of our allocators are expensive in terms of memory or the target that spans multiple dialing rounds, and convince the computation. Even when allocating resources to 1M processes, target to transition the conversation into an outgoing channel. their 95-percentile runtimes are 4.2µs, 10.8µs, and 6.9µs Lack of priorities. In many cases, users may want to prioritize for SRA, RRA, DPRA respectively. The real impact of these the calls of certain friends (e.g., close acquaintances over allocators is the reduction in utilization (compared to a nonsomeone the user met briefly during their travel abroad). This private variant). We therefore focus on three main questions: is possible with the use of our weighted allocators (§V-A). 1) How does the utilization of different allocators compare Users can give their close friends higher weights, and these as their corresponding bounds vary? friends’ calls will be more likely to be accepted. A drawback 2) What is the concrete tradeoff between utilization and of this proposal is that callers can infer their assigned weight leakage for the differentially private allocator? based on how often their calls get through, which could lead 3) How much latency do allocators introduce before friends to awkward situations (e.g., a user’s parents may be sad to can start a conversation in Alpenhorn? learn that their child has assigned them a low priority!). We answer these questions in the context of the following Lack of classes. Taking the idea of priorities a step further, experimental setup. We perform all of our measurements on mobile carriers used to offer free text messaging within certain Azure D3v2 instances (2.4 GHz Intel Xeon E5-2673 v3, 14 groups (“family members” or “top friends”). We can generalize GB RAM) running Ubuntu Linux 18.04-LTS. We use Rust the idea of incoming and outgoing channels to dedicate version 1.41 with the criterion benchmarking library [3], and channels to particular sets of users. For example, there could Go version 1.12.5 for compiling and running Alpenhorn. be a family-incoming channel with its corresponding PRA. This channel is used to chat with only family members, and B. Utilization of different allocators hence one can make strong assumptions about the bound on the We start by asking how different allocators compare in number of concurrent callers—allowing for better utilization. terms of utilization. Since the parameter space here is vast and utilization depends on the particular choice of parameters, VII. I MPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION we mostly highlight the general trends. We set the maximum We have implemented our allocators (including the weighted number of processes to βM = 2, 000, and assume that 10% of variants of Section V-A) on top of Alpenhorn’s codebase [2] in processes requesting service at any given time are honest (i.e., about 600 lines of Go, and also in a standalone library written βP = 10βhon ). This setting is not unreasonable if we assume in Rust. In Alpenhorn, we modify the scanBloomFilter that sybil attacks [30] are not possible. If, however, sybil function, which downloads a bloom filter representing the attacks are possible in the target application, then comparing dialing tokens from the dialing service. This function then the utilization of our allocators is a moot point: only DPRA 382 30000 βhon = 5 βhon = 10 βhon = 15 βhon = 20 0.6 frequency utilization 1 0.8 0.4 0.2 b=0 b=1 20000 10000 0 0 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 λ Results. SRA achieves low utilization across the board since it is inversely proportional to βM and does not depend on βhon (the utilization is much lower at βhon = 1 only because of the truncation of |P| to ≤ 10). RRA, on the other hand, achieves perfect utilization when βhon is small. This is simply because |P| = βP with high probability (again, due to the way we are setting and truncating |P|); in such case RRA adds no dummy processes. For larger values of βhon , the difference between βP and |P| increases, leading to a reduction in utilization. As we expect, DPRA’s utilization is inversely proportional to βhon . What is somewhat surprising about this experiment is that DPRA achieves worse utilization than RRA, even though it provides weaker guarantees. However, this is explained by DPRA making a weaker assumption. One could view this difference as the cost of working in a “permissionless” setting. frequency 30000 b=0 b=1 20000 10000 0 0 2 4 6 8 malicious processes allocated (tmal) 10 (b) DPRA with ε = 0.10 and δ = 0.027 30000 frequency can guarantee privacy in the presence of an unbounded number of malicious processes. To measure utilization (Definition 4), we have processes request resources following a Poisson distribution with a rate of 50 requests/round; this determines the value of |P|, which we truncate at βP . We then depict the mean utilization over 1M rounds as we vary βhon (which impacts the value of βP as explained above) in Figure 5. 10 (a) DPRA with ε = 0.20 and δ = 0.030 b=0 b=1 20000 10000 0 0 2 4 6 8 malicious processes allocated (tmal) 10 (c) DPRA with ε = ln(2) and δ = 10−4 80000 frequency F IG . 6—Mean utilization of DPRA with 1M rounds as we vary the bounds (βhon ) and the security parameter (λ) for a resource of capacity k = 10. Here, g(λ) = λ and h(λ) = 3λ. The number of processes requesting service (|P|) is fixed to 100. 2 4 6 8 malicious processes allocated (tmal) b=0 b=1 60000 40000 20000 0 0 2 4 6 8 malicious processes allocated (tmal) 10 (d) RRA C. Utilization versus privacy for DPRA In the previous section we compare the utilization of DPRA F IG . 7—Histogram of malicious processes allocated by DPRA for to other allocators for a particular value of ε, δ, and βhon . different values of ε and δ (Figures a–c) and RRA (Figure d) after 100K iterations. In b = 0, the allocators are called with Pmal ; in Here we examine how λ can impact utilization for a variety of b = 1, the allocators are given Pmal ∪ Phon . Differences between bounds by conducting the same experiment but varying λ and the two lines represents the leakage. Here βhon = 10, βP = 100, βhon . We arbitrarily set g(λ) = λ and h(λ) = 3λ, which yields k = 10, |Phon | ∈R [0, 10], and |Pmal | = 100 − |Phon |. The parameters in Figure (c) are those used by Vuvuzela [81] and Alpenhorn [57]. ε = 1/λ and δ = 21 exp( 1−3λ λ ). The results are in Figure 6. To achieve ǫ = ln(2) and δ = 10−4 , we set g(λ) = λ/10 ln(2) and We find that for high values of λ, the utilization is well below h(λ) = 1.328λ for λ = 10. 10% regardless of βhon , which is too high a price to stomach— especially since RRA leaks no information and achieves better utilization. As a result, DPRA appears useful only in cases where moderate leakage is acceptable (high values of ε and run 100K iterations of the security game (§III) and measure δ), or when there is no other choice (when there are sybils, or how the resulting allocations differ based on the challenger’s when the application is new and a bound cannot be predicted). choice of b and the value of ε and δ. We also conduct this To answer whether a given ε and δ are a good choice in terms experiment with RRA (with βP = 100) for comparison. The of privacy and utilization, we can reason about it analytically results are depicted in Figure 7. using the expressions in the last row of Figure 3. However, it If an allocator has negligible leakage, the two lines (b = 0 is also useful to visualize how DPRA works. To do this, we and b = 1) should be roughly equivalent (this is indeed the 383 RRA DPRA Baseline 80 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 incoming channels (in) 20 25 F IG . 8—Average number of rounds required to establish a session in Alpenhorn when the recipient is using a PRA with a varying number of incoming channels (“in” in the terminology of Section VI-B). βP = 100, βhon = 10, ε = ln(2), δ = 10−4 . session start delay (rounds) session start delay (rounds) 100 20 RRA (weighted) DPRA (weighted) Baseline 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 incoming channels (in) 20 25 F IG . 9—Average number of rounds required to establish a session in Alpenhorn when the recipient is using a weighted PRA (§VI-C) and the caller has a priority 5× higher than all other users. βP = 100, βhon = 10, ε = ln(2), and δ = 10−4 . case with RRA). Since DPRA is leaky, there are observable differences, even to the naked eye (e.g., Figure a and c). We also observe a few trends. If we fix g(λ) = λ and h(λ) = 3λ in DPRA (Figure 7a and b), as λ doubles (from Figure a to b), the frequency of values concentrates more around the mean, and the mean shifts closer to 0. Indeed, for λ = 1000 (not depicted), the majority of the mass is clustered around 0 and 1. RRA is heavily concentrated around tmal = 10 because our setting of |P| = βP guarantees perfect utilization (cf. §VII-B), and roughly 90% of the chosen processes are malicious (so they count towards tmal ). For other values of βP , the lines would | concentrate around k|Pβmal . P rate to in because we expect that as the system becomes more popular and users start demanding more concurrent conversations, the default per-round capacity of the system will be increased. We emphasize that this choice only helps the baseline: the number of callers (|P|) has no impact on the probability of a particular process being chosen in SRA or RRA, and has only a bounded impact in DPRA. In contrast, the value of |P| has a significant impact on when a process (e.g., the last process) is chosen in the FIFO allocator (lower is better). We then label one caller c ∈ P at random as a distinguished caller, and have all callers dial the callee; whenever a caller’s call is picked up, we remove that caller from P. Finally, we measure how many rounds it takes for c’s call to be answered D. Conversation start latency in Alpenhorn and repeat this experiment 100 times. The results for the To evaluate our modified version of Alpenhorn, we choose baseline, RRA, and DPRA are given in Figure 8. We do not privacy parameters that are at least as good as those in the depict SRA since it requires over 10× more rounds. −4 original Alpenhorn evaluation [57] (ε = ln(2) and δ = 10 , When there is a single incoming channel available (in = 1), see Figure 7 for details on the polynomial functions that we use), and pick bounds based on a previous study of it takes c on average 102 rounds to establish a connection with Facebook’s social graph [79]4 . We set the maximum number RRA and 271 rounds for DPRA; it takes the baseline roughly of friends (βM ) to 5,000, the maximum number of concurrent 1.5 rounds since the number of processes is very small. For dialing friends (βP ) to 100, and the maximum number of in = 5, which is reasonable in a setting in which rounds are concurrent honest dialing friends (βhon ) to 20. We think these infrequent, c must wait for about 20 and 52 rounds, for RRA numbers are reasonable for MPMs: if dialing rounds are on and DPRA respectively. Given this high delay, we ask whether prioritization (§VI-C) the order of a minute, the likelihood of a user receiving a call from 21 different uncompromised friends while the adversary can provide some relief. We perform the same experiment simultaneously compromises at least 80 of the users’ friends is but assume that the caller c is classified as a high priority relatively low. Of course, the adversary could exploit software friend (5× higher weight). Indeed, prioritization cuts down the or hardware vulnerabilities in clients’ end devices to invalidate average session start proportional to the caller’s weight. For this assumption, but crucially, MPM systems are at least not in = 5, the average session start is 4.4 rounds in RRA versus 1.2 rounds in the baseline (a 3.6× latency hit). vulnerable to sybils (dialing requires a pre-shared secret). We quantify the disruption of PRAs in Alpenhorn by Alternate tradeoffs. It takes callers in our modified Alpenhorn measuring how many dialing rounds it takes a particular 16× longer than the baseline to establish a connection with caller to establish a session with a friend as a function of their friends (when in = 5 and there is no prioritization). If the allocator’s capacity (in). The baseline for comparison is rounds are long (minutes or tens of minutes), this dramatically the original Alpenhorn system which uses the FIFO allocator hinders usability. An alternative is to trade other resources for described in Section III-B. Our experiment first samples a latency: clients can increase the number of conversations they number of concurrent callers following a Poisson distribution can handle by 16× (paying a corresponding network cost due with an average rate of in processes/round. We set the average to dummy messages) to regain the lower latency. Equivalently, the system can decrease the dialing round duration (again, at a 4 While Facebook is different from a messaging app, Facebook Messenger CPU and network cost increase for all clients and the service). relies on users’ Facebook contacts and has over 1.3 billion monthly users [23]. 384 VIII. R ELATED WORK resources (network, storage, middleboxes) for their VMs to a centralized controller via a small dedicated channel before the VMs can use the shared data center resources. While the use of the shared resources is vulnerable to consumption-based side channels, the request for resources and the corresponding allocation might be vulnerable to allocation-based side channels. Indeed, we believe that systems that make a distinction between the data plane and control plane are good targets to study for potential allocation-based side channels. Several prior works study privacy in resource allocation mechanisms, including matchings and auctions [11, 13, 17, 40, 63, 65, 75, 85], but the definition of privacy, the setting, and the guarantees are different from those studied in this work; the proposed solutions would not prevent allocation-based side channels. Beaude et al. [13] allow clients to jointly compute an allocation without revealing their demands to each other via secure multiparty computation. Zhang and Li [85] design a type of searchable encryption that allows an IoT gateway to Enhancements to PRAs. Note that PRAs naturally use reforward tasks coming from IoT devices (e.g., smart fridges) to sources to compute allocations: they execute CPU instructions, the appropriate fog or cloud computing node without learning sample randomness, access memory, etc. As a result, even anything about the tasks. Similarly, other works [17, 40, 63, though the allocation itself might reveal no information, the 65, 75] study how to compute auctions while hiding clients’ way in which PRAs compute that allocation is subject to bids. Unlike PRAs, the goal of all of these works is to hide standard consumption-based side-channel attacks (e.g., timing the inputs from the allocator or some auditor (or to replace attacks). For example, a process might infer how many other the allocator with a multi-party protocol), and not to hide the processes there are based on how long it took the PRA to existence of clients. compute the allocation. It is therefore desirable to ensure that The work of Hsu et al. [41] is related to DPRA (§IV-C). They PRA implementations are constant time and take into account show how to compute matchings and allocations that guarantee the details of the hardware on which they run. To illustrate joint-differential privacy [46] and hide the preferences of an how critical this is, observe that DPRA (§IV-C) samples agent from other agents. However, their setting, techniques, noise from the Laplace distribution assuming infinite precision. and assumptions are different. We highlight a few of these However, real hardware has finite precision and rounding effects differences: (1) their mechanism has a notion of price, and for floating point numbers that violates differential privacy converges when agents stop bidding for additional resources unless additional safeguards are used [28, 62]. Beyond these because the price is too high for them to derive utility. In enhancements, we consider two other future directions. our setting, processes do not have a budget and there is no Private multi-resource allocators. In some settings there is notion of prices. (2) Their scheme assumes that the allocator’s a need to allocate multiple types of resources to clients with capacity is at least logarithmic in the number of agents. (3) heterogeneous demands. For example, suppose there are three Their setting does not distinguish between honest or malicious resources R1, R2, R3 (each with its own capacity). Client c1 agents, so the sensitivity is based on all agents’ demands. In wants two units of R1 and one unit of R2, and client c2 wants the presence of sybils (which as we show in Section VII is one unit of R1 and three units of R3. How can we allocate the only setting that makes sense for DPRA), assumption (2) resources to clients without leaking information and ensuring cannot be met, and (3) leads to unbounded sensitivity. different definitions of fairness [14, 29, 37, 39, 45, 64]? A naive approach of using a PRA for each resource independently is IX. D ISCUSSION AND FUTURE WORK neither fair (for any of the proposed fairness definitions) nor We introduce private resource allocators (PRA) to deal with optimal in terms of utilization. allocation-based side-channel attacks, and evaluate them on Private distributed resource allocators. Many allocators an existing metadata-private messenger. While PRAs might be operate in a distributed setting. For example, the transmission useful in other contexts, we emphasize that their guarantees control protocol (TCP) allocates network capacity fairly on a are limited to hiding which processes received resources from per-flow basis without a central allocator. Can we distribute the allocation itself. Processes could learn this information the logic of our PRAs while still guaranteeing privacy and through other means (this is not an issue in MPM systems liveness with minimal or no coordination? since by design they hide all other metadata). For example, even if one uses a PRA to allocate threads to a fixed set of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CPUs, the allocated threads could learn whether other CPUs were allocated by observing cache contention, changes to the We thank the anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful filesystem state, etc. feedback, which significantly improved this paper. We also Other applications in which allocation-based side channels thank Aaron Roth for pointing us to related work, and Andrew could play a role are those in which processes ask for Beams for his comments on an earlier draft of this paper. permission to consume a resource before doing so. One example is FastPass [67], which is a low-latency data center architecture D ISCLAIMER in which VMs first ask a centralized arbiter for permission and instructions on how to send a packet to ensure that their packets This document does not contain technology or technical data will not contribute to queue build up in the network. 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The adversary can then set processes to service based on a secret distribution that is not Pmal = {p} and Phon = X − {p}. This satisfies the condition known to the adversary. We prove that this allocator does not of Claim 12, so we have that Pr[p ∈ U|b = 0] ≥ 1/poly(λ). guarantee C-privacy (Definition 2) and Liveness (Definition 3). Finally, when b = 1, the challenger passes P = Pmal ∪ Phon Proof. Suppose that A sets Pmal = {pi } and |Phon | ≥ k. The as input to RA. Notice that P = X, so by Claim 11, Pr[p ∈ allocator then picks s ∈ [0, k] and U ← RA(P, k, λ) from a U|b = 1] ≤ negl(λ). As a result, the advantage of the adversary secret distribution not known to A. Assume for purposes of is inversely polynomial, which contradicts the claim that RA guarantees IT-privacy. contradiction that RA satisfies C-Privacy and Liveness. A key observation is that Pr[pi ∈ U|b = 0 ∧ s > 0] = 1, since s processes in Pmal will be allocated a resource when C. DPRA guarantees differential privacy b = 0. However, Pr[pi ∈ U|b = 1 ∧ s > 0] = xi . Since RA We prove that DPRA (§IV-C) is (ε, δ)-differentially private 1 guarantees C-Privacy, Pr[s > 0] · (1 − xi ) is negligible for any (Def. 5) for ε = g(λ) and δ = 21 exp( 1−h(λ) g(λ) ) if |Phon | ≤ βhon . choice of Pmal = {pi }. To simplify the notation, let β = βhon . Let f (S) = |S| be a function that computes the cardinality of a set. Let P be the Claim 10. Pr[s > 0] = 1/poly(λ). This follows from the fact that RA guarantees Liveness (Def- set of processes as a function of the challenger’s bit b:  inition 3), and so it must allocate resources to s > 0 processes Pmal if b = 0 with non-negligible probability. P(b) = Pmal ∪ Phon if b = 1 By Claim 10 and C-Privacy, (1 − xi ) must then be negligible It is helpful to think of P(0) as a database with one row and since Pr[s > 0] · (1 − xi ) = (1 − xi )/poly(λ) = negl(λ). Observe that since (1 − xi ) is negligible for every choice entry Pmal , and P(1) as a database with two rows and entries of Pmal = {pi }, this implies that every process is allocated Pmal and Phon . Accordingly, f (P(b)) is a function that sums a resource with probability close to 1 when b = 1, which the entries in all rows of the databases. Since we are given contradicts the capacity of RA since |P| > k. Therefore, the that |Phon | ≤ β, the ℓ1 -sensitivity of f (·) is bounded by β. To begin, let us analyze the first half of DPRA. Assume the difference in conditional probabilities Pr[s > 0] · (1 − xi ) must be non-negligible for some choice of Pmal = {pi }, which algorithm finishes after sampling the noise n, and the output is contradicts that RA satisfies C-Privacy. Furthermore, finding one t (i.e., we are ignoring choosing the processes for now). Also, we will ignore the ceiling operator when computing n, since such pi is efficient as there are only |P| = poly(λ) elements. post-processing a differentially private function by rounding B. Proof of impossibility result it up keeps it differentially private [32, Proposition 2.1]. So Theorem 1 (Impossibility result). There does not exist a in what follows, n and therefore t are both real numbers. Call resource allocator RA that achieves both IT-privacy (Def. 1) and this algorithm M: Liveness (Def. 3) when k is poly(λ) and |P| is superpoly(λ) Algorithm M: (i.e., |P| ∈ ω(λc ) for all constants c). • Inputs: P(b), k Proof. We start with two simple claims. • n ← max(0, Lap(µ, s)) Claim 11. If |P| = superpoly(λ), then an overwhelming • Output: t ← |P(b)| + n fraction of the p ∈ P have Pr[p ∈ RA(P, k, λ)] ≤ negl(λ). where µ and s are the location and scale parameters of the This follows from a simple pigeonhole argument: there are a Laplace distribution (in DPRA they are functions of λ and β, super-polynomial number of processes requesting service, and but we will keep them abstract for now). at most a polynomial number of them can have a non-negligible probability mass. Theorem 2. M is (ε, δ)-differentially private for ε = β/s β Claim 12. If RA guarantees liveness, then in the security and δ = −∞ Lap(w|µ, β/ε)dw. Specifically, for any subset of game, the conditional probability Pr[p ∈ U|b = 0 ∧ Pmal = values L in the range, [f (P(0)), ∞) of M: {p}] must be non-negligible. This follows since for all RA, if P = {p}, RA(P, k, λ) must output U = {p} with non-negligible probability (recall liveness holds for any set P, including the set with only one process). Therefore, in the security game when b = 0, the call to RA(Pmal , k, λ) must return {p} with non-negligible probability. We now prove Theorem 1 by contradiction. Suppose that an allocator RA achieves both liveness and privacy when |P| = Pr[M(P(0), k) ∈ L] ≤ eε · Pr[M(P(1), k) ∈ L] + δ and Pr[M(P(1), k) ∈ L] ≤ eε · Pr[M(P(0), k) ∈ L] Proof. Let x = f (P(0)), y = f (P(1)). We partition L into two sets: L1 = L ∩ [y, ∞) and L2 = L − L1 = L ∩ [x, y). 389 Let dP(b),k (·) be the probability density function for M’s output when the sampled bit is b. For ease of notation, we will denote this function by db (·). For any particular value ℓ ∈ L1 , we show that d0 (ℓ) ≤ eε · d1 (ℓ) and d1 (ℓ) ≤ eε · d0 (ℓ). Integrating each of these inequalities over the values in L1 , we get Lemma 14. Pr[M(P(0), k) ≤ y] ≤ δ. Proof. Pr[M(P(0), k) ≤ y] = Pr[x + n ≤ y] ≤ Pr[x + n ≤ x + β] since y − x ≤ β = Pr[n ≤ β] = Pr[Lap(µ, s) ≤ β] Pr[M(P(0), k) ∈ L1 ] ≤ eε · Pr[M(P(1), k) ∈ L1 ] β and = Pr[M(P(1), k) ∈ L1 ] ≤ eε · Pr[M(P(0), k) ∈ L1 ] = Values in L1 are easy to handle because M can produce these values regardless of whether the bit b is 0 or 1 and we are able to bound pointwise the ratio of the probability densities of producing each of these values because we choose a large enough scale parameter. Values in L2 can only be output by M if b = 0, and if such values are output, information about bit b would be leaked. Because we choose a large enough location parameter, we can show that Pr[M(P(0), k) ∈ [x, y)] ≤ δ. The theorem follows by combining these two cases. We first deal with L1 . ε −ε|ℓ − µ| Lap(ℓ|µ, β/ε) = · exp( ) 2β β For all ℓ ∈ L1 we have that: β ) ε ε ε|ℓ − (µ + x)| = · exp(− ) 2β β β d1 (ℓ) = Lap(ℓ|µ + y, ) ε ε|ℓ − (µ + y)| ε = · exp(− ) 2β β d0 (ℓ) = Lap(ℓ|µ + x, It follows that for all ℓ ∈ L1 : exp(− ε|ℓ−(µ+x)| ) d0 (ℓ) β = ε|ℓ−(µ+y)| d1 (ℓ) ) exp(− β −ε|ℓ − (µ + x)| + ε|ℓ − (µ + y)| ) β ε(|ℓ − (µ + y)| − |ℓ − (µ + x)|) ) = exp( β ε|x − y| ≤ exp( ) by triangle ineq. β ≤ exp(ε) by def. of ℓ1 sensitivity = exp( A similar calculation bounds the ratio d1 (ℓ) d0 (ℓ) . We now prove that Pr[M(P(0), k) ∈ [x, y)] ≤ δ. Lap(w|µ, β/ε)dw −∞ =δ Finally, we can prove the theorem. For any set L: Pr[M(P(b), k) ∈ L] = Pr[M(P(b), k) ∈ L2 ] + Pr[M(P(b), k) ∈ L1 ] ≤ δ + Pr[M(P(b), k) ∈ L1 ] ≤ δ + eε Pr[M(P(b̄), k) ∈ L1 ] ≤ δ + eε Pr[M(P(b̄), k) ∈ L] Lemma 13. For any set L1 ⊆ [y, ∞): Pr[M(P(b), k) ∈ L1 ] ≤ eε · Pr[M(P(b̄), k) ∈ L1 ] Proof. Recall the Laplace distribution with s = β/ε: Lap(w|µ, s)dw −∞ β The above shows M is (ε, δ)-differentially private. Note that:  1 β exp( ε(β−µ) ) if β < µ β δ= Lap(w|µ, β/ε)dw = 2 1 ε(µ−β) exp( ) if β ≥ µ 1 − −∞ 2 β If we set µ = β · h(λ) for h(λ) > 1, and s = β · g(λ), this gives 1 us the desired values of ε = g(λ) and δ = 21 · exp( 1−h(λ) g(λ) ). We now show that the rest of DPRA (the uniform selection of processes), remains (ε, δ)-differentially private. Let X be a random variable denoting the number of processes in Pmal that get the allocation. Since the adversary only learns which processes in Pmal were allocated the resource, from his point of view dummy processes and processes in Phon are indistinguishable. Thus for each value ℓ ∈ [0, k], Pr[X = ℓ | M(P(b), k) = t ∧ b = 0] = Pr[X = ℓ | M(P(b), k) = t ∧ b = 1]. Combined with the inequalities governing the probabilities that M outputs each value of t for b = 0 and b = 1 respectively, we have that Pr[X = ℓ | b = 0] ≤ eε Pr[X = ℓ | b = 1] + δ and similarly with the values of b exchanged. Thus the distribution of the number of malicious processes allocated are very close for b = 0 and b = 1. Finally, since our allocator is symmetric (§IV-C), the actual identity of the malicious processes allocated does not reveal any more information about b than this number. D. Proofs of other allocation properties Lemma 15. Any resource allocator that achieves IT-Privacy satisfies population monotonicity. Proof. We prove the contrapositive. If RA fails to achieve population monotonicity, then there exists two processes pi and 390 pj such that when pj stops requesting allocation, the probability that RA allocates pi a resource decreases. An adversary A can thus construct P in the security game such that pi ∈ Pmal and Phon = {pj }. As a result, Pr[pi ∈ Umal |b = 0] < Pr[pi ∈ Umal |b = 1] and RA fails to satisfy IT-Privacy. Lap(βhon , ε). Assuming |P| > k, for all p ∈ P it follows that Pr[p ∈ U] = k/(|P| + |U|). Since Pr[pi ∈ U] = Pr[pj ∈ U] for all pi , pj ∈ M, it follows that DPRA satisfies envy-freeness. Lemma 16. SRA and RRA satisfy population monotonicity. This follows from the fact that SRA and RRA are IT-Private. Lemma 17. DPRA satisfies population monotonicity. Proof. Observe that the probability a given process pi is allocated a resource is Pr[pi ∈ U] = min(t, k)/t where t is drawn from |P|+n and n is the noise sampled from the Laplace distribution. As a process pj stops requesting service, we have t = (|P| − 1) + n. Since min(t, k)/t ≤ min(t − 1, k)/(t − 1), this implies Pr[pi ∈ U] is strictly increasing as |P| decreases. Lemma 18. SRA satisfies resource monotonicity. Proof. When SRA’s capacity increases from k to k + c (with c positive), the allocator can accommodate c more processes. With |M| fixed, this implies the probability of a process getting allocated a resource is increased by c / |M|. Lemma 19. RRA satisfies resource monotonicity. Proof. When RRA’s capacity increases from k to k + c (with c positive), the allocator can accommodate at most c more processes. With βp fixed, this implies the probability of a process getting allocated a resource is increased by c / βp . Lemma 20. DPRA satisfies resource monotonicity. Proof. When DPRA’s capacity increases from k to k+c (with c positive), the allocator is able to accommodate at most c more processes. Although the capacity of the allocator is increasing, the distribution Lap(βhon /ε) remains constant. Recall that the probability a given process pi is allocated a resource is Pr[pi ∈ U] = min(t, k) / t where t is drawn from |P| + n and n is the noise sampled from the Laplace distribution. Since min(t, k) ≤ min(t, k + c) for all t, k, we have that Pr[pi ∈ U] is strictly increasing as k increases. Lemma 21. SRA satisfies envy-freeness. Proof. SRA assigns every process pi ∈ M a unique allocation slot in [0, |M|), giving each process a constant k/|M| probability of being allocated a resource for a uniformly random r ∈ N≥0 . Since Pr[pi ∈ U] = Pr[pj ∈ U] for all pi , pj ∈ M, it follows that SRA satisfies envy-freeness. Lemma 22. RRA satisfies envy-freeness. Proof. RRA pads up to βP each round with dummy processes, so that each process pi ∈ P has probability 1/βP of being allocated a resource. Since Pr[pi ∈ U] = Pr[pj ∈ U] for all pi , pj ∈ M, it follows that RRA satisfies envy-freeness. Lemma 23. DPRA satisfies envy-freeness. Proof. DPRA samples k random processes from P∪U where U consists of dummy processes added by sampling the distribution 391