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TUTORIAL & EXERCISES FOR CATIA LABORATORY NORLIANA MOHD ABBAS ABDUL RAHIM ABDUL RAMAN HAMZAH ABU BAKAR Overview Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Tutorial 1 In this tutorial, you will draw the sketch of the model shown in Figure A. The sketch is shown in Figure B. You will not dimension the sketch. The solid model and the dimensions are given only for your reference. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A The Solid Model for Tutorial 1 Figure B The sketch of the model Tutorial 2 In this tutorial, you will draw the sketch of the model shown in Figure A. The sketch is shown in Figure B. You will not dimension the sketch. The solid model and the dimensions are given only for your reference. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Solid Model for Tutorial 2 Figure B Sketch of the model Exercise 1 Draw the sketch of the model shown in Figure A. The sketch to be drawn is shown in Figure B. Do not dimension the sketch, as the solid model and the dimensions are given only for your reference. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Solid model for Exercise 1 Figure B Sketch of the model Exercise 2 Draw the sketch of the model shown in Figure A. The sketch to be drawn is shown in Figure B. Do not dimension the sketch as the solid model and the dimensions are given only for your reference. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Solid model for Exercise 2 Figure B Sketch of the model Tutorial 2 In this tutorial, you will draw the sketch of the model shown in Figure A. The sketch is shown in Figure B. You will not dimension the sketch. The solid model and the dimensions are given only for your reference. (Expected time: 30min) Figure A The model for Tutorial 2 Figure B Sketch of Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 In this tutorial, you will draw the sketch of the model, as shown in Figure A. The sketch is shown in Figure B. You will not dimension the sketch. The solid model and the dimensions are given only for your reference. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Model for Tutorial 3 Figure B Sketch for Tutorial 3 Exercise 1 Draw the sketch of the model shown in Figure A. The sketch to be drawn is shown in Figure B. Do not dimension the sketch, as the solid model and the dimensions are given only for your reference. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Model for Exercise 1 Figure B The sketch for Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Draw the sketch of the model shown in Figure A. The sketch to be drawn is shown in Figure B. Do not dimension the sketch as the solid model and the dimensions are given only for your reference. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Solid model for Exercise 2 Figure B Sketch of the model Tutorial 1 In this tutorial, you will create the model, as shown in Figure A. The dimensions of this model are shown in Figure B. After creating this model, apply Copper material and then rotate the view of the model in the 3D space. (Expected time: 20 min) Figure A Solid model for Tutorial 1 Figure B Views and dimensions for Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 In this tutorial, you will create the base feature of the model shown in Figure A by extruding a sketch drawn on the YZ plane. You will then apply the Aluminium material to the model and then rotate its view in the 3D space. The dimensions of the model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 20 min) Figure A Solid model for Tutorial 2 Figure B Views and dimensions for Tutorial 2 Exercise 1 Create the model, as shown in Figure A. The dimensions of the model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Solid Model for Exercise 1 Figure B Views and dimensions for Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Create the model, as shown in Figure A. The dimensions of the model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Solid model for Exercise 2 Figure B Views and dimensions for Exercise 2 Tutorial 1 In this tutorial, you will create the model, as shown in Figure A. It’s views and dimensions are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Solid model for Tutorial 1 Figure B The views and dimensions for Tutorial 1 1. Start a new session of CATIA and start a new file in the Part workbench. 2. Draw the sketch of the base feature on the YZ plane, as shown in Figure C. Figure C The sketch of the base feature 3. Extrude the sketch to the required distance using the Pad tool, as shown in Figure D. Figure D The model, after creating the base feature 4. Create the second feature, which is a Pocket feature, as shown in Figure E and Figure F. Figure E Sketch of the second feature Figure F Model, after creating the second feature 5. Create the third feature by extruding a sketch, drawn on a plane at an offset from the XY plane, as shown in Figure G, Figure H and Figure I. Figure H Surface to be selected Figure G Sketch of the third feature Figure I The model, after creating the third feature 6. Create the fourth feature which is a Groove feature, as shown in Figure J and Figure K. Figure J Sketch of the fourth feature Figure K The model after creating the fourth feature 7. Create the last feature of the model which is the Pocket feature, as shown in Figure L and Figure M. Figure L Sketch of the fifth feature 8. Figure M Final model Save the file in \My Documents\CATIA\c04 folder and then close it. Tutorial 2 In this tutorial, you will create the model, as shown in Figure A. The views and dimensions of this model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Model for Tutorial 2 Figure B Views and dimensions for Tutorial 2 1. Start a new file in the Part workbench and draw the sketch of the base feature on the YZ plane, as shown in Figure C. Figure C Sketch of the base feature 2. Extrude the sketch to a distance of 40 using the Pad tool, as shown in Figure D. Figure D Base feature of the model 3. Create the second feature, which is a pocket feature, as shown in Figure E and Figure F. Figure E Sketch of the second feature Figure F The model, after creating the second feature 4. Create the third feature, by extruding a sketch drawn on the right face of the base feature, using the Pocket tool, as shown in Figure G and Figure H. Figure G Sketch of the third feature Figure H The model, after creating the third feature 5. Create the fourth feature, which is also a pocket feature, as shown in Figure I. Figure I Final model 6. Save the file in \My Documents\CATIA\c04 folder and then close it. Exercise 1 Create the model, as shown in Figure A. The dimensions of the model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Model for Exercise 1 Figure B Views and dimensions for Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Create the model, as shown in Figure A. The dimensions of the model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Model for Exercise 2 Figure B Views and dimensions for Exercise 2 Tutorial 1 In this tutorial, you will create the model of the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner, as shown in Figure A. Its views and dimensions are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 45 min) Figure A Model of the Vacuum Cleaner for Tutorial 1 Figure B Views and dimensions of the Vacuum Cleaner for Tutorial 1 1. Start a new file in the Part workbench and create the base feature of the model by extruding the sketch along the selected direction, as shown in Figure C through Figure G. Figure C Reference sketch Figure D Point to be placed Figure E Points to be selected to create plane Figure G Model after creating the base feature Figure F Sketch of the base feature 2. Create the second feature of the model by extruding a sketch using the Drafted Fillet Pad tool, as shown in Figure H and Figure I. Figure H Sketch for the second feature Figure I Resulting second feature 3. Create the third feature of the model, which is a cut feature. It will be used to remove the unwanted portion of the second feature, as shown in Figure J and Figure K. Figure J Sketch for the pocket feature Figure K Model after creating the third feature 4. Apply fillets to all edges of the model, as shown in Figure L, Figure M, Figure N and Figure O. Figure L Edges to be selected Figure M Model after creating the fillet Figure N Edges not to be selected Figure O Model after creating second fillet 4. Shell the model using the Shell tool, as shown in Figure P and Figure Q. Figure P Faces to be removed 5. Figure Q Final model after shelling Save the file in \My Documents\CATIA\c05 folder and then close it. Tutorial 2 In this tutorial, you will create the model of the plastic cover, as shown in Figure A. Its views and dimensions are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Model of the Plastic Cover for Tutorial 2 Figure B Views and dimensions of the Plastic Cover for Tutorial 2 1. Create the base feature of the model by extruding the sketch drawn on ZX plane equally to both the sides of the sketch plane, as shown in Figure C and Figure D. Figure C Sketch of the base feature Figure D The model, after creating the base feature 2. Create the second feature by extruding the sketch drawn on a plane created at an offset distance from the XY plane, as shown in Figure E and Figure F. Figure E Sketch of the second feature Figure F The model, after creating the second feature 3. Add the draft feature to all faces of the model except the upper and the lower faces, as shown in Figure G. 4. Fillet the edges of the model, as shown in Figure H through Figure M. Figure G The model, after drafting all the vertical faces Figure H Edges to be selected Figure I The model, after filleting the first set of edges Figure J Edge to be filleted Figure L Edges not to be selected Figure K The model, after filleting the second set Figure M Resulting filleted model 5. Shell the model using the Shell tool by removing the bottom face of the model, as shown in Figure N and Figure O. Figure N Face to be removed Figure O Resulting shelled model 6. Create two pocket features to complete the model, as shown in Figure P. Figure P Final model after creating the remaining features 7. Save the file in \My Documents\CATIA\c05 folder and then close it. Exercise 1 Create the model of the Clutch Lever, as shown in Figure A. Its views and dimensions of the model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Model of the Clutch Lever for Exercise 1 Figure B Views and dimensions of the Clutch Lever for Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Create the model of the Clamp Stop, as shown in Figure A. The dimensions of the model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 60 min) Figure A Model of the Clamp Stop for Exercise 2 Figure B Views and dimensions of the Clamp Stop for Exercise 2 Tutorial 1 In this tutorial, you will create the model of the Soap Case, as shown in Figure A. The views and dimensions of this model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 45 min) Figure A Model of the Soap Case for Tutorial 1 Figure B Views and dimensions of the Soap Case for Tutorial 1 1. Create the base feature of the model, as shown in Figure C. Figure C Base feature of the model 2. Apply draft to faces of the base feature, as shown in Figure D. Figure D The model, after creating the draft feature 3. Create a pocket feature to shape the lower portion of the model, as shown in Figure E. 4. Fillet the edges of the model, as shown in Figure F and Figure G. Figure F Edges to be selected Figure E The model, after creating the pocket feature Figure G The model, after filleting the edges 5. Shell the model and remove the top face. 6. Create a pocket feature that will be used as a vent for removing water from the Soap Case, as shown in Figure H. Figure H The model, after creating the pocket feature 7. Pattern the newly created pocket feature, as shown in Figure I and Figure J. Figure I Edge to be selected as reference Figure J The model, after patterning 8. Create the standoff for the Soap Case using the Pad, Draft, and the Edge Fillet tools, as shown in Figure K. Figure K The model, after creating the standoff 9. Pattern the standoff, as shown in Figure L and Figure M. Figure L Edges to be selected as reference Figure M Final model after patterning 10. Save the file in \My Documents\CATIA\c07 folder and then close it. Tutorial 2 In this tutorial, you will create the model of the Motor Cover, as shown in Figure A. The views and dimensions of this model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 45 min) Figure A Model of the Motor Cover for Tutorial 2 Figure B Views and dimensions of the Motor Cover for Tutorial 2 1. Create the base feature of the model by revolving a sketch drawn on the YZ plane, as shown in Figure C. Figure C Base feature of the model 2. Shell the model and remove the bottom face of the model, as shown in Figure D. Figure D The model, after creating the shell feature 3. Create the pad feature on the outer periphery of the base feature, as shown in Figure E. Figure E The model, after creating the pad feature 4. Pattern the newly created pad feature using the Circular Pattern tool, as shown in Figure F. Figure F The model, after patterning the pad feature 5. Create the pocket feature on the top face of the base feature, as shown in Figure G. Figure G The model, after creating the pocket feature 6. Pattern the pocket feature using the Rectangular Pattern tool, as shown in Figure H. Figure H The model, after patterning the pocket feature 7. Create the remaining features of the model, as shown in Figure I. Figure I Final model of the Motor Cover 8. Save the file in \My Documents\CATIA\c07 folder and then close it. Exercise 1 Create the model of the Bracket, as shown in Figure A. The dimensions of the model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 45 min) Figure A Model of the Bracket for Exercise 1 Figure B Views and dimensions of the Bracket for Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Create the model of the Valve Body, as shown in Figure A. The views and dimensions of the (Expected time: 45 min) model are shown in Figure B. Figure A Model of Valve Body for Exercise 2 Figure B Views and dimensions of the Valve Body for Exercise 2 Tutorial 1 In this tutorial, you will create the model of the Upper Housing, as shown in Figure A. Its views and dimensions of this model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 1 hr) Figure A Model of the Upper Housing for Tutorial 1 Figure B Views and dimensions of the Upper Housing for Tutorial 1 1. Create the base feature of the model, as shown in Figure C. 2. Create the rib feature, as shown in Figure D through Figure G. Figure C Base feature of the model Figure D Sketch of the center curve Figure E Sketch of the profile Figure F Sketches for the rib feature Figure G Model after creating the rib feature 3. Create the loft feature, as shown in Figure H and Figure I. Figure H Second section of the loft feature Figure I Model after creating the loft feature 4. Fillet the edges of the model, as shown in Figure J. Figure J Model after filleting the edges 5. Shell the model and remove the bottom and the left planar face of the model, as shown in Figure K. Figure K Model after shelling 6. Create the other features to complete the model, as shown in Figure L. Figure L Final model of the Upper Housing 7. Save the file in \My Documents\CATIA\c08 folder and then close it. Tutorial 2 In this tutorial, you will create the model of the Helical Gear, as shown in Figure A. The views and dimensions of this model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 1 hr) Figure A Model of the Helical Gear for Tutorial 2 Figure B Views and dimensions for Tutorial 2 1. Create the base feature of the model, as shown in Figure C. Figure C Base feature of the model 2. Create a pad feature on the right of the base feature and then pattern it using the Circular Pattern tool, as shown in Figure D and Figure E. Figure D Model after creating the pad feature Figure E Model after patterning 3. Draw the sketch of the first section of gear tooth on the front face of the base feature. 4. Draw the sketch of the second section of the gear on a plane that is at an offset distance from the font plane of the base feature. This sketch is the 75% scaled sketch of the first section and is rotated at an angle of 15-degree. 5. Draw the sketch of the third section of the gear on a plane that is at an offset distance from the plane created earlier. This sketch is the 50% scaled sketch of the section and is rotated at an angle of -15-degree, as shown in Figure F. Figure F Model after drawing all the sections 6. Create a lofted feature using three sections, as shown in Figure G. Figure G Final model 7. Save the file in \My Documents\CATIA\c08 folder and then close it. Tutorial 3 In this tutorial, you will create the model of the Mouse Cover, as shown in Figure A. Its views and dimensions of this model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 30 min) Figure A Model of the Mouse Cover for Tutorial 2 Figure B Drawing views and dimensions for Tutorial 2 1. Draw sketches for creating a loft feature with guides. The sketches include two sections and three guides, as shown in Figure C through Figure H. Figure D Sketch of the second guide Figure C Sketch of the first guide Figure E Sketch of the third guide Figure F Sketch of the first section Figure G Sketch of the second section Figure H Model after drawing all sketches 2. Create the base feature by lofting two section with guides, as shown in Figure I and Figure J. Figure I Sections and guides to be selected Figure J Base feature of the model 3. Fillet the edges of the base feature, as shown in Figure K through Figure N. Figure K Edges to fillet Figure L Model after filleting the edges Figure M Edge to fillet Figure N Model after filleting the selected edge 4. Shell the model by removing the front and the bottom face of the model, as shown in Figure O. Figure O Final model 5. Save the file in \My Documents\CATIA\c08 folder and then close it. Exercise 1 Create the model of the Angle Flange, as shown in Figure A. Its views and dimensions of the model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 45 min) Figure A Model of the Angle Flange for Exercise 1 Figure B Views and dimensions for Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Create the model of the Carburetor Cover, as shown in Figure A. The views and dimensions of the model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 45 min) Figure A Model of Carburetor Cover for Exercise 2 Figure B Views and dimensions for Exercise 2 Thank You