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2023, Remote temperature and humidity measurement system with the use of IoT and WSN for intelligent homes and warehouses
This article deals with temperature and moisture measurement in warehouses, taking into account the requirements of the Warehouse Measurement Accuracy Regulation. A remote monitoring system for temperature and relative humidity is designed and implemented for operation in different types of rooms. An algorithm for system operation has been developed. Measuring temperature and humidity in storage rooms is important, as these parameters directly affect the extension of the shelf life of products that have a limited shelf life.
It is intended to monitor the temperature and humidity inside the refrigerator and to manage the details of the internal refrigerator. In this system, there is the creation of an intelligent Internet-based monitoring system, the detection of temperature and humidity within the refrigerator unit and an intelligent inventory identification process using advanced technologies such as Cloud Computing, sensory and wireless communication technology. The system has great ability to monitor the refrigerator unit from anywhere and anytime using the mobile app. This app will be able to control and monitor with the mobile and web application. We will achieve a positive effect on data monitoring such as Temperature, Moisture, Satisfied with performance analysis system monitoring and system test results designed for refrigeration unit monitoring. In addition, the proposed system has significant benefits that reduce human effort of monitoring and losses due to uncontrolled environment.
international journal for research in applied science and engineering technology ijraset, 2020
This paper outlines a remote monitoring system of temperature, humidity, gas and light control for cold storage warehouses. In these warehouses, it is significant that homestead produces should stay fresh. Lamentably when an administrator goes out from the cold storage, the temperature and other ecological factors like humidity, gas and light could be changed because of the different reasons, for an instance a valve of cooler is broken. This temperature change can bring about a major issue about the nature of farm produce. To overcome this issue, the owner needs to look to the present condition of the temperature and different ecological factors of the cold storage, even when he is far away. In this way, a monitoring system is required to display and control the ecological factors, for instance, temperature, humidity, gas and light when the owner is not present in the warehouse. Hence, this paper depicts the remote checking of warehouse, where this monitoring system is put on line follower robot setup to ensure complete tracking of the environmental condition of the warehouse. The owner of the cold storage warehouse will get a SMS alert. This SMS alert is based on the preset threshold data values fetched by the sensors, as the data value goes beyond the threshold a SMS is prompted. The proposed system is designed upon to support the cold storage warehouse, and maintain the quality of food item stored in it.
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
This study explored the use of Internet of Things (IoT) in monitoring the temperature and humidity of a data centre in real-time using a simple monitoring system to determine the relationship and difference between temperature and humidity with respect to the different locations of measurements. The development of temperature and humidity monitoring system was accomplished using the proposed framework and has been deployed at the data centre of Politeknik Muadzam Shah, where the readings were recorded and sent to an IoT platform of ATT M2X to be stored. The data was then retrieved and analysed showing that there was a significant difference in temperature and humidity measured at different locations. X The monitoring system was also successful in detecting extreme changes in temperature and humidity and automatically send a notification to IT personnel via e-mail, short messaging service (SMS) and mobile push notification for further action.
Development in Internet of Things (IoT) goes rapid increasingly the aim of this system is to design weather monitoring system based on the concept of using the Raspberry Pi as an interfacing device as well as a web server. Weather affects many fields such as agriculture, industrial area so monitoring station needs and that can take measurements of the temperature, rain, light dependent resistor, humidity, barometric pressure and save them on a server so that this data can be accessed from anywhere via the Internet. This system is useful for every home, school or workplace has its own microclimate, so taking measurements, and local data is generated, stored and then can compare with the previous data.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2018 Fruits and vegetables are indispensable part of peoples life. Thus, fruit warehousing in appropriate manner is essential in order to meet the growing demands.The ware-housing time and quality of the fruits are greatly influenced by the warehousing environment factors. Therefore, it has crucial significance for the fruit warehousing environment to carry out multiparameter monitoring and analyze the parameters collected and then make the regulation and control. Currently this paper presents the environmental factors effected on the fruits warehousing quality and traditional means of protection and proposes a multi-parameter monitoring system based on WiFi. In addition, it designs the hardware structure of the system monitoring node, describing in detail the function of various interfaces and sensors and analyzing the fruits warehousing monitoring system structure based on WiFi, working process and software design. This paper provides a more practical solution for fruits warehousing monitoring and control.
2022 International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 2022
Temperature and humidity monitoring is crucial when it comes to the prolonged storage of perishable foods and crops in cold storage, as the use of correct temperature while controlling the moisture levels is a must not only for the safety of those products but also to ensure the quality. With the help of Internet of Things (IoT), the monitoring as well as the controlling of the Temperature and humidity of a system can be done automatically from anywhere in the world. This paper presents an IoT-based low-cost automatic cold storage monitoring and controlling system. The proposed system includes a sensor for measuring both temperature and humidity, a microcontroller, a DC-DC step down converter-based power supply module, a cooling fan to lower the temperature and an app to monitor and control the temperature of the cold storage system. The hardware prototype of the system has been tested for consecutive three months for ensuring the accuracy.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
In Monitoring Temperature and humidity for Server Room is a system based an IoT, which provides information while regulating temperature and humidity inside the server room. There are various types of sensors in the prototype, using all parameters of temperature and humidity that can be measured. This system can be used to monitor the temperature or humidity of a particular room or place. The proposed system continuously sends data to the cloud to monitor data from anywhere. For direct monitoring and regulation, the system is equipped with features to provide notifications to users through the telegram application dynamically. The prototype brain is a Raspberry and Arduino module. Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT11) are connected to Raspberry. Every time these values exceed the threshold selected for each notification given to the user via the telegram application by utilizing the telegram API. Based on the notification, the user can remotely set the room temperature by giving a...
Journal of Science Engineering Technology and Management, 2020
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 2018
International Conference “New Technologies, Development and Applications”, 2020
Warehouses are premises used to store goods or products with the key task of ensuring its security as well as maintaining its value and quality. Some unexpected events in the warehouse such as temperature fluctuations and humidity changes, and other unwanted events may destroy the value of goods and products.In such circumstances, continuous monitoring of the warehouse and condition control should be carried out. Internet of Things (IoT) enables the development of various cost-effective solutions based on modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and infrastructure. IoT brings new opportunities and benefits for the development of Warehouse Management Systems (WMS). This paper put in light some possibilities of IoT applications for a smart warehouse monitoring system. We present a model of IoT system that helps to overcome some shortcomings in existing solutions for warehouse monitoring control.
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