Reprint Proc. of the 2001 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, a Joint Meeting with the World Congress on Ultrasonics, Atlanta,
Georgia, USA, Oct. 7-10, 2001
E. Benes, M. Gröschl, H. Nowotny, F. Trampler1, T. Keijzer1, H. Böhm 2, S. Radel3, L. Gherardini3,
J.J. Hawkes4, R. König4, Ch. Delouvroy5
Vienna University of Technology, Institut für Allgemeine Physik and Institut für Theoretische Physik,
Wiedner Hauptstr. 8, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
1Applikon Dependable Instr. B.V., AE Schiedam, The Netherlands
2University of Nottingham, School of Biological Sciences, Nottingham, UK
3University College Dublin, Industrial Microbiology, Dublin, Ireland
4School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
5Institut für Entsorgung und Umwelttechnik GmbH, Iserlohn, Germany
Abstract: The forces on suspended particles in acoustic fields are reviewed briefly and the theoretical modelling
of ultrasonic separators based on piezoelectrically excited
layered resonators is described. Two flow-through resonator chamber concepts for ultrasonic particle (bio-cell) separation are investigated: a) the coagulation or sedimentation
approach, b) the so-called h-shaped ultrasonic separator.
The h-shaped ultrasonic separator is analysed by combining for the first time the mathematical modelling of the
laminar flow with the acoustic force based velocity field of
the particles relative to the suspension medium. This allows a complete modelling of the resonator's particle separation performance. Examples for separation chamber
designs optimized by use of the mathematical model are
presented and the calculated particle traces in the h-resonator are shown and compared with experimental results.
For direct comparison of different ultrasonic flow through
separator concepts a separation performance figure is introduced and its value is given for the two investigated
separator concepts for the sample suspensions of polystyrene spheres, yeast and spirulina cells in (salt) water. The
presented results are of importance for the state of the art
design of acoustic cell filters for perfusion type bioreactors, as recently launched at the biotechnology market, as
well as for the ultrasonic separation of plant (algae) cells
under low gravity conditions, where the sedimentation
concept fails.
The use of acoustic standing waves to concentrate initially homogeneously suspended particles at acoustic pressure nodal, or antinodal, planes within a fluid was first
described by Kundt und Lehmann [1]. The effect was originally used only to make ultrasonic fields visible. However, the interaction of standing ultrasonic waves with particles dispersed in a fluid produces forces on the particles
which can be utilized for the separation of the dispersed
particles from the fluid as well [2-15].
Fig.1 shows the effect of a standing wave on a suspen-
© 2001 IEEE
sion consisting of small Pyrex glass spheres with diameter
d ≈ 100 µm in water. The standing wave of frequency f =
0.67 MHz is generated in an acrylic glass tube with an
inside diameter of 40 mm, whereby the amplitude of the
velocity field shows a symmetric distribution in lateral direction around the axis of symmetry of the tube.
Fig.1. Photograph of the pattern
of particle positions in a vertical
ultrasonic standing wave field.
The example shows spherical
Pyrex glass particles with diameter d ≈ 0.1 mm, excitation frequency is 670 kHz corresponding
to a half-wavelength λ/2 =
1.1 mm, viewing window 1 cm x
1 cm.
The theoretical explanation of the obeyed migration of
the initially homogeneously dispersed glass spheres is
given in Section 2, here it is only qualitatively described by
means of Fig.1. At the beginning of irradiation, almost
instantaneously the spheres are driven towards the acoustic
pressure nodes, whereby the average distance between the
particles considerably diminishes. Then the particles
trapped within the planes migrate closer together, whereby
coagulation and even coalescence may be triggered.
The phenomenon is applicable to all kinds of dispersions. Table 1 shows the common characterization of dispersions according to the physical state of the particles and
the dispersion medium. The particles can be gaseous, liquid, solid, or even biological cells. The dispersion fluid can
be gaseous or liquid. The most important practical examples are particles of all kinds in air (aerosoles) or in water
The overview about all possible kinds of dispersions
given in Table 1 reviews the established characterising
terms and indicates the great potential of the ultrasonic
Initial configuration
separation technology. Nevertheless, the phenomenon has
not yet gained widespread industrial application as the process can be highly sensitive to disturbances and involves
acoustic forces that have to be compared with the separation speed limiting viscous drag forces.
Final configuration
Table 1. Kinds of Dispersions
Medium →
↓ Particle
Fog, Mist
λ /4
Disp. Bubbles
Although an extensive literature on the theory of the
interaction of ultrasonic waves with particles already exists, there is still a gap between interesting research projects and an efficient acoustical separation technology of
practical importance. However, with nowadays available
highly advanced piezoelectric transducers and driving electronics, some commercial applications of this separation
effect became visible [13, 16, 17], and the mentioned gap
has been reduced significantly by the progress made in a
joint European effort, the EUSS network, within the European Commission's Training and Mobility (TMR) Program
for young researchers [14, 18]. This paper is focussing
entirely on the application of the ultrasonic separation
technology to hydrosoles including bio-cell suspensions,
where most recent progress was made.
Interaction between single particle and acoustic field
Acoustic mean forces on suspended particles can be
subdivided into forces on an individual particle (single
particle and acoustic field interaction), i.e., the primary
radiation force, and into the interparticle force between two
or more particles in a sound field, i.e., the secondary radiation force. At the beginning of irradiation, the strong axial
component FA of the primary radiation force drives the
spheres towards the displacement velocity antinodes, by
which the average distance between the particles considerably diminishes. Then, due to the transversal component F T of the primary radiation force and the secondary
radiation force FI (Interparticle Force), the particles come
closer together, whereby coagulation and even coalescence
may be triggered (see Fig.2).
All the forces mentioned above can be derived as special limit cases from one common physical principle, the
momentum flow analysis. This analysis of the total momentum flow passing through the regarded particle was
first described by Gor'kov [19]. According to Gor'kov, the
radiation force caused by a standing wave is usually several orders of magnitude larger than that caused by a travelling wave of the same amplitude.
λ /4
Lateral displacement amplitude distribution
Fig.2. Acoustic forces causing migration of dispersed spheres in a
standing wave with a lateral amplitude variation. Acoustic radiation forces drive initially homogeneously suspended glass particles into the anti-node planes of the acoustic displacement amplitude and within these planes towards the regions of local amplitude maxima.
The primary ("sound radiation") force in the propagation direction of the standing sound wave is the strongest
force, which almost instantaneously drives the particles
towards the antinode or node planes (dependent upon the
acoustic properties of the dispersion) of the applied alternating acoustic displacement velocity field
r r
FA (r p ) = 4πka 3 Eac K (ρ f , ρ p , c f , c p ) sin(2kr p ) , (1)
whereby r p is the locus vector, k the wave vector, a the
particle radius, Eac the time averaged acoustic energy
density, K (ρ f , ρ p , c f , c p ) the acoustic contrast factor,
ρ f , ρ p density of fluid and particle, c f , c p sound speed in
fluid and particle, respectively.
The derivation of this equation is based on the assumption that the particle radius is much smaller than the
wavelength. From this equation it can be learned that the
force is proportional to the third power of the particle radius, and thus is proportional to the particle volume. Further the acoustic radiation force is proportional to the time
averaged acoustic energy density in the liquid. The spatial
Reprint Proc. of the 2001 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, a Joint Meeting with the World Congress on Ultrasonics, Atlanta,
Georgia, USA, Oct. 7-10, 2001
dependence has twice the periodicity of the standing wave,
the direction of the force to or from the displacement velocity antinodal planes is determined by the sign of the
acoustic contrast factor that depends on the ratio of the
densities and sound speeds in the liquid and the particle
material. As a general rule, solid particles are driven towards the displacement velocity antinode planes, while gas
bubbles are driven towards the node planes.
Interaction between two particles in an acoustic field
The forces between two particles situated in an acoustic standing wave field have first comprehensevely been
described by Bjerknes [21]. Within the displacement antinode planes, acoustic interparticle forces increase with the
fourth power of the reciprocal distance between the particles and are therefore negligible for low particle concentrations. Since the concentration of the particles within
the planes is much higher than in the initially homogenous
dispersion, the average distance is much smaller and the
chance for agglomerations due to interparticle forces increases. Nonetheless, agglomeration caused by these secondary forces typically needs several minutes. Besides
that, the application of the effect to particle separation is
restricted to particles which tend to coalesce and flocculate. This property is needed since the final macroscopic
particle separation in the conventional coagulation approach is performed by gravity forces which are effective
only on the bigger flocculated clusters. These gravity
forces are rather weak and, after switching off the acoustic
standing wave field, again need typically several minutes
to sediment the flocculated particles on the bottom of the
resonance cell. Hence, the use of conventional acoustic
standing wave fields dramatically restricts the application
to a small share of the numerous technically important suspensions and needs relatively long periods of sound treatment.
A more comprehensive review of quantitative relations
for the various types of forces acting on spherical obstacles
freely suspended in a fluid medium has been given recently
by Gröschl [22].
© 2001 IEEE
For obtaining a well defined acoustic plane standing
wave field, composite piezoelectric resonators are used
that can be schematically described by a layered structure
according to Fig.3. The electric excitation of the acoustic
field is usually performed by PZT (Lead-Zirconate-Titanate) piezoceramic plates vibrating primarily in thickness
extensional modes.
PZT Piezoceramics
Glass carrier
Glass reflector
Agglomerated particles
Suspension container
Further concentration of the particles within the antinode or node planes of the displacement velocity amplitude occurs by the transversal component of the primary
radiation force that is proportional to the gradient of the
acoustic energy density. Within the antinode planes suspended solid particles are therefore driven by forces perpendicular to the direction of the sound wave propagation
and pointing towards the lateral displacement velocity
amplitude maxima. [20]
Layered piezoelectric resonator model
Instead of the commonly used term "acoustic particle
velocity" (in the german language "Schallschnelle") here
and throughout this paper the term "acoustic displacement
velocity" is used to avoid at one hand any confusion with
the velocity of the dispersed particle and at the other hand
with the propagation velocity of the acoustic wave.
Fig.3. Scheme of a layered resonator. The outermost interface
planes to the surrounding air function as almost totally reflecting
acoustic mirrors for the acoustic wave excited (free surface
boundary conditions). The glass plates function simultaneously as
walls of the vessel for the liquid medium.
One-dimensional theory
The transfer matrix multilayer resonator model
The transfer matrix model of piezoelectric multilayer
resonators used in this work for calculation of filter properties was developed by Nowotny and Benes [23, 24]. Application of the model to piezoelectric resonators for particle
separation was described first by Gröschl [22]. The model
is based on the fundamental equations of piezoelectricity
[25] that relate the coupled electro-acoustic field quantities, acoustic displacement u, mechanical stress T, electric
potential ϕ (quasi-static approximation), and dielectric displacement D. The model is generally restricted to harmonic
time-dependence and to the one-dimensional case, that is,
all considered quantities are assumed to show spacedependence in only one direction (direction of sound
propagation, thickness direction of the layers). Furthermore, in some situations, the displacement of the sound
wave may be restricted to this direction as well (longitudinal waves only). This treatment is justified here, because
the piezoceramic plate transducers used essentially permit
electrical excitation of longitudinal waves only. As a consequence of this restriction to a single displacement direction, all material constants, which are tensor quantities in
the general case, are reduced to scalars, whereby the medium (layer) under consideration is described by its relevant elastic stiffness constant c, piezoelectric constant e,
and dielectric constant ε relevant for the regarded exten-
Practical application of the model requires knowledge
of all material parameters involved, these are for each
layer: thickness d, mass density ρ, elastic stiffness constant
Schott Germany
Degassed water
Piezo- Glue
Schott Germany
For a given multilayer resonator, typically comprising
an active piezoelectric layer followed by several passive
solid and/or liquid layers, in a first step, the transfer matrix
model allows calculation of the electrical admittance (real
and imaginary parts) between the electrodes of the active
layer as a function of frequency. In a second step, the spatial progress of the primary electro-acoustic field quantities
u, T, ϕ, D within each layer, can be determined for a fixed
frequency and a given voltage amplitude applied across the
electrodes. This is accomplished by stepwise evaluation of
the transfer matrix of the corresponding layer, whereby the
layer thickness d is replaced by a variable thickness running from one boundary to the next. From the primary field
quantities the spatial progress of other quantities of interest, like displacement velocity or acoustic energy density
in the considered layer, can be derived easily [22].
Ciba Geigy
A general way of considering losses (viscoelastic
damping, dielectric and piezoelectric losses) is the introduction of complex material constants [26]. Consequently,
the transfer matrix elements and the acoustic and electric
field quantities become complex, too. Specifically, viscoelastic and dielectric losses can be expressed by an
acoustic quality factor Q and a dielectric loss angle δ, that
form the imaginary parts of the material constants c and ε,
respectively. (Piezoelectric losses can be neglected in most
practical cases.) Other loss mechanisms relevant for
acoustic particle filters, like sound attenuation due to bubbles or dispersed particles, losses due to divergence of the
sound beam, etc., can be accounted for in a global way by
using reduced Q-values (effective quality factors) for each
material layer, as described by Gröschl [22].
Table 2. Input parameter values for the calculations
PI Ceramic Germany
According to the model, a homogeneous material layer
is represented by a transfer matrix relating the boundary
values of u, T, ϕ , and D at adjacent surfaces. The transfer
matrix elements depend only on the material constants ρ
(mass density), c, e, ε, the layer thickness d, and the angular frequency ω. The explicit expressions for the matrix
elements were given by Nowotny and Benes [23]. For
multiple layers, the total transfer matrix of the layered
structure can be obtained by multiplication of the transfer
matrices of each single layer. This follows from the continuity conditions that apply at interfacing surfaces. The
electrodes of the piezoelectric layer have to be treated as
separate films, but may be regarded as massless if they are
sufficiently thin. On the outer free surfaces of the total
sandwich arrangement, stress must be zero and dielectric
displacement is assumed to be zero. This general free surface boundary condition establishes an expression for the
electrical admittance Y between the electrodes. The explicit
result for Y as a function of angular frequency ω and electrode area A was given by Nowotny and Benes [23].
c, effective quality factor Qeff . Furthermore, if the considered layer is located between electrodes: dielectric constant
ε and dielectric loss angle δ ; and, in addition for piezoelectric layers: piezoelectric constant e (or electromechanical coupling factor). The parameter values used for the
calculations presented in this work are listed in Table 2.
For the mathematical expressions used see Gröschl [22]
and Nowotny [23].
Mass den- 7850
sity [kg/m3]
Sound speed 4720
factor [-]
loss angle 0.004
area [mm2 ]
acoustic Q - 400
factor [-]
sional mode. "Relevant" quantity in this context means the
parameter values valid for the regarded wave.
Electrical admittance
Fig.4 shows the electrical admittance spectrum (absolute values) of the multilayer-resonator section of the hshape separator (see Fig.14) without water filling, measured with a specialised computer-controlled electrical
admittance measurement system [27], compared to the
values predicted by the transfer matrix model described in
the previous section. The calculation is based on the layered structure of the PZT/glass composite transducer, comprising a piezoceramic layer A and a glass layer C (compare Fig.3).
Reprint Proc. of the 2001 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, a Joint Meeting with the World Congress on Ultrasonics, Atlanta,
Georgia, USA, Oct. 7-10, 2001
the resonance at f = 2.2 MHz therefore corresponds to a
total phase shift between the outer boundaries of 3 π. Additional resonances can be seen clearly in Fig.4, corresponding to a total phase shift of 2π (f = 1.5 MHz), and 4π
(f = 2.8 MHz).
Admittance [mhO]
Frequency [MHz]
Fig.4. Measured and calculated admittance versus frequency
curves of the PZT-ceramic/glass composite transducer without
consideration of the very thin bonding (glue) layer.
All parameter values of the investigated composite
transducer are listed in Table 2. Each peak shown in the
admittance spectra represents a quasi-harmonic resonance
of the two-layer structure (composite resonator).
Correct modelling of chamber characteristics with respect to resonance peak heights and quality factors requires
consideration of a glue layer between the piezoceramic and
the glass carrier, as can be seen from Fig.5. Modelling
without a glue layer results in an over-representation of
resonance peaks neighbouring the fundamental at 2.2 MHz
(see Fig.4). Introduction of a glue layer reduces peak
heights of the neighboured resonances, but not of the
2.2 MHz fundamental, thus leading to excellent agreement
with the measured admittance curve (Fig.5). The effect of
the glue can be explained as follows: Around the piezoceramic's fundamental at 2.2 MHz, the displacement amplitude of the acoustic wave is a maximum at the ceramic
surfaces. (Exactly one half-wavelength fits into the ceramic layer.) Therefore, in this frequency range the glue
layer lies in a region of maximum amplitude and vanishing
stress (pressure node) and has almost no effect on the resonator. At other resonances the glue layer is not in a pressure node, thus being stressed significantly and because of
its low Q-value (Q eff = 2 was assumed for calculations)
causing strong resonance degradation.
Admittance [mhO]
Admittance [mhO]
Frequency [MHz]
Fig.5. Measured and calculated admittance versus frequency
curves of the PZT-ceramic/glass composite transducer with consideration of the bonding (glue) layer.
Each resonance of the multi-layer structure is characterized by a total phase shift of the acoustic wave between
the outer boundaries equal to a multiple of π. For the fundamental resonance frequency (f = 2.2 MHz) the thickness
of layer A corresponds to one half wavelength (λ/2) of the
acoustic wave in the piezoceramic and the thickness of
layer C corresponds to 2λ/2 in the glass. (The thin glue
layer B can be neglected in this consideration.) Thus, at
2.2 MHz the phase shift of the acoustic wave is π between
the boundaries of layer A and 2π between the boundaries
of layer C. For the empty chamber (layers A and C only)
© 2001 IEEE
Frequency [MHz]
Fig.6. Measured and calculated admittance versus frequency
curves of the resonator filled with water (PZT-ceramic/glass/water/glass composite resonator).
Fig.6 shows the measured and calculated frequency
spectra of the composite resonator filled with water. Two
characteristic frequencies are marked: f1 coinciding with
the fundamental resonance frequency of the piezoceramic
(this coincidence is a consequence of chosen dimensions of
layers A and C) and which is electrically strongest pronounced, and f2 , which is electrically much weaker pronounced and nonetheless will be identified as one of the
frequencies of optimum filter performance (see below).
Spatial dependences in axial direction
Fig.7 shows the calculated spatial progress of displacement velocity amplitude and stored acoustic energy density, respectively, along the axial direction within the layers A, B, C, D, E of the h-shape separator (see also Fig.3).
Displacement velocity amplitude [m/s]
f1 = 2.13 MHz
f2 = 1.86 MHz
Spatial amplitude distribution in lateral direction
The very good agreement of the electrical admittance
spectra obtained from the one-dimensional model with that
obtained from the measurements of the actual composite
resonator in Figs.4-6 indicates that couplings to lateral
modes are only spuriously affecting the electrical behaviour. Nonetheless, a remaining important question is, how
the coupling with these lateral modes influences the lateral
displacement amplitude distribution, since the homogenity
of the plane standing wave in the water volume is essential
for any type of ultrasonic flow-through separator. Therefore the lateral amplitude variations of a two-layer
PZT/glass composite sample transducer have been investigated.
cies of the piezoceramic (layer A) or the ceramic-glass
composite transducer (empty chamber, layers A, B, C), as
already shown by Gröschl for ultrasonic filters based on
the ultrasonically enhanced sedimentation principle [22].
For the calculations shown in Fig.7, an electric driving
power of 4 Wrms has been assumed, according to the experimental conditions applied.
Acoustic energy density [J/m3]
f1 = 2.13 MHz
f2 = 1.86 MHz
Position [mm]
Fig.7. Spatial course of acoustic displacement velocity amplitude
and acoustic energy density in axial direction of the PZT-ceramic/glass/water/glass composite resonator.
The graphs represent the results for the two selected
frequencies f1 and f2 (see Fig.6). Surprisingly enough, the
maximal displacement velocity amplitudes as well as the
maximal energy densities in the water layer do not appear
at the electrically strongly pronounced piezoceramic's
fundamental resonance f1 but at the electrically much less
pronounced composite system's resonance f2. With respect
to filtration efficiency, for a given electric energy supplied,
maximum stored acoustic energy in the water (liquid) layer
is desired. Thus, optimum system performance is achieved
at resonance frequencies not coinciding with eigenfrequen-
Fig.8. Two-layer PZT/glass composite sample transducer. a) and
b) indicate the two view directions for the out-of-plane vibration
amplitude distribution measurements.
A composite transducer consisting of a 25 mm x 25
mm x 1 mm PZT plate bonded on a 75 mm x 55 mm x
3.41 mm glass plate was chosen as the sample. For the
measurement of the out-of-plane amplitude distribution at
the PZT-plate and the glass-plate surfaces, a specially developed computer-controlled scanning Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV) system has been used [28, 29]. It has
been shown by Böhm et al. [30] that the amplitude distribution on the glass side directly determines the lateral amplitude variation in the adjecent liquid volume of an
acoustic separator. Fig.9 shows a characteristic amplitude
pattern being not suitable and Fig.10 shows one being
advantageous for ultrasonic flow-through separators.
Reprint Proc. of the 2001 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, a Joint Meeting with the World Congress on Ultrasonics, Atlanta,
Georgia, USA, Oct. 7-10, 2001
Fig.9. Vibration amplitude distribution for excitation of the first quasi-harmonic (n = 1) at frequency f1 = 486 744 Hz. Two-layer
PZT/glass composite transducer sample according to Fig.8. a) PZT side, b) glass side surface. The edges of the PZT-plate are indicated
by the dotted line, the reference corner is marked in the same way as in Fig.8. At the glass side the scan-area was chosen slightly larger
than the area of the PZT-plate.
Fig.10. Vibration amplitude distribution for composite transducer sample as in Fig.8, quasi-harmonic number n = 2, f 2 = 1 164 788 Hz.
a) PZT side, b) glass side surface.
© 2001 IEEE
Ultrasonically enhanced sedimentation
Acoustic bio-cell filters
sands of hours of continuous operation. Such ultrasonic
cell filters are already deliverable in three different sizes
with 10 L/day (see Fig.11), 50 L/day, and 250 L/day (see
Fig.12) separation capacities, respectively.1
Fig.11 shows a typical ultrasonic cell filter situated on
top of the headplate of a 10 liters laboratory size bioreactor. The cell filter can be regarded as a composite resonator
consisting of layers of different materials. These "layers"
are from left to right a PZT piezo-ceramic plate, a carrier
glass, the liquid medium and an acoustic glass reflector.
The glass plates function simultaneously as walls of the
vessel for the medium. The ultrasonic standing wave axis
is in horizontal direction. On the right hand side of Fig.11 a
view through a glass window of the active volume (liquid
layer) is shown. In the liquid layer the cells are trapped in
vertical planes due to the primary acoustic radiation force
and, because of gravity forces, slip downwards against the
upward medium stream.
This ultrasonically enforced sedimentation principle is
based on the fact that the surface to volume ratio of the cell
agglomerates is drastically reduced compared to that of the
homogeneously suspended single particles. As a consequence, for the agglomerates the gravity force exceeds the
Stoke's drag force and the cells slip downwards back into
the bio-reactor. Although these acoustic cell retention
systems work continuously over periods of several months,
there is no influence on cell viability by the high frequency
ultrasonic field, if the resonator is well designed and the
field energy density is kept below the cavitation threshold
and below the level where acoustic streaming starts to
cause particle disordering [14, 31].
Fig.12. Photograph of the large 250 Liter/day production size
bio-cell filter.
In Fig.13 the measured separation efficiency of the
250 L/day production size ultrasonic filter is shown for
yeast cell suspensions. Yeast cells were used as model
particles instead of mammalian cells since yeast is easy to
obtain and safely to handle.
Fig.11. Photograph of a small 10 Liters/day laboratory size biocell filter. In the enlarged window view at the right hand side the
agglomeration of the cells in the node planes of the acoustic
pressure amplitude of the applied ultrasonic standing wave field
can be seen.
In contrast to other cell separation techniques, the
acoustic radiation force field created within the ultrasonic
cell filter constitutes “virtual”, thus non-contact, non-fouling, non-moving filtration means allowing for up to thou-
low rate [L/day]
Separation efficiency [%]
ell concentration [g/L]
Fig.13. Separation efficiency versus flow rate and cell concentration of the 250 L/ filter of Fig.12 for yeast cell suspensions.
The measured separation efficiency SE is defined as
the difference between the concentration C s of cells in the
suspension (in the reactor volume) and the concentration
Reprint Proc. of the 2001 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, a Joint Meeting with the World Congress on Ultrasonics, Atlanta,
Georgia, USA, Oct. 7-10, 2001
C h of cells in the upper clarified liquid outlet (harvest
stream) over the concentration of cells in the suspension:
SE =
Cs − Ch
=1− h .
Cell concentration was determined by measuring optical turbidity. The turbidity reading was calibrated by a cell
Ultrasonic h-shape separator
In Fig.14 the scheme of the h-shape resonator is introduced. In contrast to the ultrasonically enhanced sedimentation based separators, the h-shape resonator utilizes the
acoustic radiation forces directly for separating the liquid
flow lines into the cleaned outlet from the particle traces
into the particle enriched outlet. Therefore the direct ultrasonic separation concept of the h-resonator is not relying
on gravity.
Separation chamber
Particle tracking pressure node planes
Fig.14. Scheme of the h-shape separator. On the left side the
suspension is fed into inlet I of the separator, on the right side the
upper outlet O1 is for the separated clean liquid and the lower
outlet O2 for the particle enriched suspension.
Fig.15. h-Separator performance simulation: a) color coded
absolute value of the flow velocity in m/s; b) direction (unit flow
velocity vector); c) streamlines of the liquid flow; and d) particle
traces. Polystyrene particles a = 20 µm; VI = 3 L/h (liter per
hour); VO1 / VO 2 = 1.
Flow and force field simulation
Calculation of the particle traces was performed in two
steps. First the velocity and the streamlines of the fluid was
determined by solving the Navier-Stokes equations with
the software Package FLUENT® (see Fig.15 a, b, c). Input
data are the h-separator geometry (Fig.14) analytically
given by the graphic boundary condition defining software
GAMBIT®, the material data mass density and viscosity
of the fluid, the volume flow rate VI in the inlet I and the
output volume flow ratio VO1 / VO2 .
In the second step Newton's equation of motion
r r
r r
4πa 3
d2 r
FA (r p ) + FSt (r p ) + Fg − Fb =
ρ p 2 rp
for the suspended particles were
r rsolved to obtain the partir
cle traces r p (t ) , whereby FA (r p ) is the primary acoustic
force in axial (vertical) direction given by Eq. (1),
r r
FSt (r p ) is the Stokes force
r r
FSt (r p ) = −6πηa (v p − v f ) ,
© 2001 IEEE
Fig.16. h-Separator performance simulation: d>) particle traces
for overcritical VI = 4 L/h; d) for critical VI = 3 L/h (see also
Fig.15); and d<) for undercritical input flow rate VI = 2.5 L/h;
Other parameters same as in Fig.15.
η the viscosity of the liquid, a the particle radius, v p and
v f are the velocities of the particle and the fluid, respec-
tively, Fg is the gravity and Fb is the buoyancy force and
ρ p the mass density of the particle. The results for the
particle traces are given in Fig.15 d and in Fig.16.
The cross section of the separation chamber was
10 mm in height and 19 mm in width.
h-shape separator sample experiments
Fig.17 shows a photograph of the h-shape resonator
used in the experiments.
critical input flow rate).
The chosen concentration of the particles was the limit
value where the assumption of the simulation of single
particle versus acoustic field interaction was still justified.
As further sample suspensions yeast cell cultures of various concentrations have been investigated. The h-separator
has also been tested successfully with spirulina platensis
algaes suspensions under microgravity conditions in the
recent ESA 29th zero g parabolic flight campaign within
the frame of the ESA Melissa project [32].
Performance comparison
For the comparison of different ultrasonic separator
concepts the ratio of volume flow [L/h] over the needed
true electrical power [W] is defined as the performance
figure of the separator concept under investigation
SP = V / Prms = L / Wh .
The presently most used term "separation capacity" in
liters per day is, of course, directly dependent on the size
of the separator and the electrical power supply, while the
reduced quantitiy suggested as performance figure allows a
comparison of the concepts itself independent on the upscaling grade. In addition, of course, the meaning of the
figure is dependent on the sample (application), especially
on its concentration
Fig.17. Photograph of the (tilted) h-shape separator. On the left
side the input silicone tube for the suspension and on the right
side the two outlet silicone tubes for the separated clean water
and for the particle enriched suspension,, respectively, can be
seen. The black cable on top connects the electrodes of the PZT
plate with the drive electronics.
Fig.18. Frame picture of the h-separator performance. The output
flow ratio VO1 / VO 2 = 1 corresponds to a respective ratio of the
mean flow velocities of 2:1, because the cross sectional area of
output O1 was chosen half the value of the cross sectional area of
output O2.
In Fig.18 a typical frame picture of the DV (digital
video) movie documentation of the performance of the hshape separator is shown for polystyrene particles with
radius a = 20 µm, particle concentration C I = 0.314 %, f =
1.96 MHz, P = 3 Wrms, VO1 / VO2 = 1, VI = 2.75 L/d ( =
The most recent progress in the ultrasonic separation
technology is based on the availability of powerful new
tools described in this paper: The rigorous one-dimensional
model of the layered resonator, a highly specialized electrical admittance measurement system, a LDV vibration
amplitude distribution measurement system, highly specialized drive electronics with automatic resonance frequency and true input power control, and the mathematical
model combining for the first time the hydrodynamic flow
and the acoustic field influence on the traces of the suspended particles. For comparing the separation performance of different resonator concepts the acoustic separation
performance figure has been introduced. The basic
concepts of ultrasonically enhanced sedimentation and the
h-shape separator have been analysed and compared. For
higher particle concentrations, the ultrasonically enhanced
sedimentation is the state of the art bio-cell filter concept.
For very dilute suspension, the h-separator exhibits a
significantly higher separation performance figure and has
been proven to work also under zero g conditions.
Work supported by the European Commission's TMR
Program, Contract No. ERBFMRXCT97-0156, EuroUltraSonoSep, by Applikon Dependable Instruments AB,
Schiedam NL, by SonoSep Inc., Canada, and by Anton
Paar GmbH, Graz, AT.
Reprint Proc. of the 2001 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, a Joint Meeting with the World Congress on Ultrasonics, Atlanta,
Georgia, USA, Oct. 7-10, 2001
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Applikon Dependable Instruments BV, De Brauwweg
13, NL-3125 AE Schiedam, The Netherlands
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