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Brain Research Reviews 35 (2001) 246–265 www.elsevier.com / locate / bres Review Social behavior functions and related anatomical characteristics of vasotocin / vasopressin systems in vertebrates James L. Goodson*, Andrew H. Bass Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA Accepted 19 December 2000 Abstract The neuropeptide arginine vasotocin (AVT; non-mammals) and its mammalian homologue, arginine vasopressin (AVP) influence a variety of sex-typical and species-specific behaviors, and provide an integrational neural substrate for the dynamic modulation of those behaviors by endocrine and sensory stimuli. Although AVT /AVP behavioral functions and related anatomical features are increasingly well-known for individual species, ubiquitous species-specificity presents ever increasing challenges for identifying consistent structure– function patterns that are broadly meaningful. Towards this end, we provide a comprehensive review of the available literature on social behavior functions of AVT /AVP and related anatomical characteristics, inclusive of seasonal plasticity, sexual dimorphism, and steroid sensitivity. Based on this foundation, we then advance three major questions which are fundamental to a broad conceptualization of AVT /AVP social behavior functions: (1) Are there sufficient data to suggest that certain peptide functions or anatomical characteristics (neuron, fiber, and receptor distributions) are conserved across the vertebrate classes? (2) Are independently-evolved but similar behavior patterns (e.g. similar social structures) supported by convergent modifications of neuropeptide mechanisms, and if so, what mechanisms? (3) How does AVT /AVP influence behavior — by modulation of sensorimotor processes, motivational processes, or both? Hypotheses based upon these questions, rather than those based on individual organisms, should generate comparative data that will foster cross-class comparisons which are at present underrepresented in the available literature.  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Theme: Neural basis of behaviour Topic: Neuropeptides and behaviour Keywords: Vasopressin; Vasotocin; Vocalization; Evolution; Sex differences; Oxytocin Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 2. AVT /AVP brain distributions: conserved and divergent features, sexual dimorphisms, and steroid-mediated plasticity .................................... 2.1. Conserved neurochemical and anatomical features............................................................................................................................. 2.2. Species diversity in anatomical characteristics ................................................................................................................................... 2.3. Sex differences and sex steroid-mediated plasticity ............................................................................................................................ 2.4. Glucocorticoid-mediated plasticity.................................................................................................................................................... 3. AVT /AVP and behavior: general observations, sex differences and species specifity ..................................................................................... 3.1. General behavioral characteristics..................................................................................................................................................... 3.2. Sex differences ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3.3. Species differences .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3.4. AVT /AVP and stress ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4. Discerning evolutionary patterns: conservation, convergence, and a pluralistic neuroethological approach ..................................................... 4.1. Conservation................................................................................................................................................................................... 247 247 247 251 251 252 252 252 252 253 253 254 254 *Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Psychology, 0109, 9500 Gilman Dr., University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA. Tel.: 11-858-822-4427; fax: 11-858-534-7190. E-mail address: jgoodson@ucsd.edu (J.L. Goodson). 0165-0173 / 01 / $ – see front matter  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0165-0173( 01 )00043-1 J.L. Goodson, A.H. Bass / Brain Research Reviews 35 (2001) 246 – 265 4.2. Vocal communication — a model case.............................................................................................................................................. 4.3. Convergent behavior, convergent mechanisms? ................................................................................................................................. 4.4. A pluralistic neuroethological approach ............................................................................................................................................ 5. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................................................ Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................................................................................... References................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1. Introduction Regulation of vertebrate social behavior requires that somatomotor expression be integrated with multiple coordinating influences, including sensory information from the environment (e.g. social stimuli and seasonal cues) and internal stimuli (e.g. endocrine state) [243]. In addition, sensorimotor and physiological processes must be modulated in a highly specific manner to yield an appropriate profile of complex sex-typical and species-specific behaviors. In a broad range of vertebrate species, arginine vasotocin (AVT) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) have emerged as key components of such complex coordinated behavioral expression. As shown in Table 1, AVT /AVP modulate a variety of social behaviors, and the behavioral effects of peptide administration often vary between species, gonadal sexes, and animals exposed to different hormonal conditions. Furthermore, in several vertebrate classes, divergence in social tactics is correlated with intraor interspecific divergence in the distribution of AVT /AVP neural elements (also shown in Table 1). As shown in Table 2, a variety of other anatomical findings also support a role for AVT /AVP in the production of integrated social behavior patterns, as AVT /AVP elements are often sexually dimorphic, modulated by gonadal hormones, and sensitive to changes in season or photoperiod. Despite the broad diversity observed in AVT /AVP distributions and functions, common patterns also emerge. Hence, our fundamental purpose here is to extensively overview the available literature, thereby providing a foundation for the critical evaluation of evolutionary conservation, divergence, and convergence in the anatomical and functional traits of AVT /AVP systems. 2. AVT /AVP brain distributions: conserved and divergent features, sexual dimorphisms, and steroidmediated plasticity 2.1. Conserved neurochemical and anatomical features Both AVT /AVP peptide structure and receptor structure have been largely conserved throughout vertebrate evolution. Most vertebrate classes except mammals possess the ancestral nine amino acid peptide form, i.e. AVT; AVP differs only in position 3, with phenylalanine being 247 255 256 257 257 258 258 substituted for isoleucine. Silurid mammals have additionally substituted lysine for arginine in position 7 (lysine vasopressin) [1]. Similarly, AVT receptors in teleost fish and anuran amphibians are highly similar to the V1a receptors of tetrapods. Thus, the V1a -like receptors of both mammals and non-mammals are coupled to the inositol phosphate second messenger system and exhibit strong conservation in the amino acid sequences which are proposed to be involved in peptide binding [154,169]. This conservation is paralleled in the basic features of AVT /AVP neuron and fiber distributions. Table 3 provides an overview of all vertebrate species for which wholebrain AVT /AVP-ir descriptions and chartings are available. In all vertebrate species studied to date, magnocellular and parvocellular AVT /AVP neurons are located in the preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus (POA-AH; recognized as the paraventricular and supraoptic cell groups of most tetrapods), and these cells project to other brain regions and to the hypophysis (review: [165]). These characteristics are found in both modern jawless and jawed vertebrates, suggesting that they have been conserved for at least 500 million years. Similarly, basic AVT /AVP fiber distributions observed for modern vertebrates were likely present prior to tetrapod evolution. The available evidence for several distantly related species of teleosts and elasmobranchs reveals extensive similarities with the AVT /AVP-ir fiber distributions described for tetrapods [112]. In virtually all jawed vertebrates, AVT /AVP-ir fibers are located in the POA, anterior and lateral hypothalamic areas, midbrain tegmentum (typically including ventral, paralemniscal, and dorsal tegmental areas), periaqueductal gray, a variety of isthmal structures (e.g. nucleus isthmi and locus coeruleus) and viscerosensory areas of the caudal medulla (e.g. nucleus of the solitary tract and area postrema). Tetrapod vertebrates exhibit additional derived anatomical characters that were established relatively early in evolution and remain largely conserved. Particularly important for social behavior are the AVT /AVP cell groups of the extended amygdala (i.e. lateral and medial amygdala of amphibians and mammals, respectively, and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; BNST; Table 1). These neurons project to a variety of brain sites which are likewise implicated in social behavior, including the lateral septum, nucleus accumbens, amygdala, and periaqueductal gray (see Refs. [112,165] and references in Table 3). Proposed homologues of these brain regions also contain a Fish Vocalization Amphibians Birds • Cynops pyrrhogaster (p.i.) [133] Scent marking • Porichthys notatus (POA-AH c , Teg) [111,112] Acris crepitans (p.i.; Ac d,e) [44,156,157] Bufo americanus (p.i.) [201] Bufo cognatus (p.i.) [188] Hyla cinerea (p.i.b **) [180] Hyla versicolor (p.i.) [202,214] Rana catesbeiana (p.i.b,c **) [30,31] Rana pipiens (p.i.b,c **) [68,69,190] • Mesocricetus auratus (AH**, BNST, LS, mPOA-AH b **, PAG**, VLH; AH; AH e) [5–7,12,13,86–93,95,119,127,132,242] • Saimiri sciureus (i.c.v.) [246] • Suncus murinus (i.c.v.*) [198] • Coturnix japonica (i.c.v.) [41] • Serinus canaria (p.i.b ) [226] • Spizella pusilla (S) [108] • Zonotrichi leucophrys (i.c.v.*) [155] • Fundulus heteroclitus (spawning reflex; p.i.**) [144,153,182,244] • Bufo americanus (phonotaxis; p.i.*) [199,200] • Cynops pyrrhogaster (courtship, spermatophore deposition; i.c.v., p.i.) [133] • Rana catesbeiana (phonotaxis; p.i.*) [31] • Rana pipiens (release calling; p.i.b,c **) [68,69,190] • Taricha granulosa (approach; amplexus; i.c.v.b , Med.b , p.i.b **, dPOA, Inf, OT, CSF) [33,166,168,196,213,261] • Columba livia (combined sexual behaviors; p.i.) [141] • Coturnix japonica (approach; copulation; p.i., i.c.v.) [41] • Gallus domesticus (combined sexual behaviors; p.i.) [141] • Rabbit spp., unspecified (copulation; p.i.) [140] • Mesocricetus auratus (lordosis; mPOA-AH*) [127] • Rattus spp. (cell firing in males prior to copulation; lordosis; i.c.v.*, p.i.*; MeA; HYP*, SCN e *) [159,163,204] • Microtus ochrogaster (i.c.v.**; BNST g ) [43,236,247] • Rattus spp. (SCN e) [207] Pair-bonding and mate choice Offensive aggression • Rattus spp. (i.c.v.**, p.i.**) [248] • Saimiri sciureus (i.c.v.) [246] • Mesocricetus auratus (DMH h *) [58] • Microtus ochrogaster (LS; BNST e , LH d , LS d , MeAe , PVN g **, SON g **) [14,15,232,234,238] • Microtus montanus (PVN g *, SON g *) [238] • Microtus pennsylvanicus (LH d ) [14] • Rattus spp. (i.c.v.*) [179] Parental behavior Sexual behavior (appetitive and consummatory; specified by case) Mammals • Spizella pusilla (S) [108] • Taeniopygia guttata (S) [110] • Uraeginthus granatina (S) [109] • Homo sapiens (CSF**) [45] • Mesocricetus auratus (mPOA-AH**, VLH b ; AH; AH e) [61–63,87,94,96,187] • Microtus ochrogaster (i.c.v.c **) [206,247,259] • Rattus spp. (Amy b , i.c.v.b , LS, MeA; LS; BNST e , LS d ) [47,49,77,82,145,146,185] J.L. Goodson, A.H. Bass / Brain Research Reviews 35 (2001) 246 – 265 • • • • • • • 248 Table 1 Social behavior functions of AVT /AVP as determined by exogenous peptide administration (site abbreviation in parentheses is given in plain text; intrasexual behavior correlation with -ir content (RIA) or endogenous release / physiology (site in bolded text); intrasexual anatomical correlations (site in italicized text). Findings are for males unless otherwise denoted (*females; **males and females)a • Mus spp. (p.i.b ) [27] • Rattus spp. (DS, HP, i.c.v., LS, p.i.b,c **, SON; S) [10,23–26,28,50,79,80,83,84,184,186,220] Social recognition • Oncorhynchus masou (ordinary vs. precocious males; NPOm g ) [172] • Porichthys notatus (polymorphic; diverge in parental, spawning, courtship, nest defense and associated vocalizations; POA-AH c **; POAe,f **) [99,111] • Trimma okinawae (socially-mediated sex change; POAf ) [117] • Thalassoma bifasciatum (socially-mediated sex change; NPOm) [104] • Acris crepitans (non-calling satellite vs. calling males; Ac d,e) [156] • Emberizid / Estrildid spp. (territorial vs. colonial; S) [108–110] • Microtus spp. (biparental, monogamous vs. no paternal care, polygamous; BlAh **, BNST e,h , CA3 h , CeAh , Cer-M h , Cg h,i , CMT h , DB h,i , DG h , Gr h , H h , LDT h,i **, LHb h , LS c,h,i **, MDT h , MeAe , MG h , MM h , nXII h , ncx h , NST h , PAG h , PFl h , PoT h , PTT h , PVN g **, PVT h , Rt h , SC h , SON g **, VMH h , VPT h,i , VS h) [131,230,238,240,259] • Peromyscus spp. (biparental, monogamous vs. no paternal care, polygamous; BNST d,e,f , DB h , LS h **, ncx h **, S-HP h **) [22,129] • Microtus /Peromyscus spp. (transgenic experiment; affiliative behavior induction; i.c.v.; Cg h , Cla h , LDT h , VPT h) [255] a Abbreviations: Ac, nucleus accumbens; AH, anterior hypothalamus; Amy, amygdala; aPOA, anterior preoptic area; AVT, area ventralis of Tsai; B, basal nucleus of Meynert; BlA, basolateral amygdala; BNST, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; CA3, field CA3, stratum; CeA, central amygdala; Cer-M, cerebellum (molecular); Cg, cingulate cortex; Cla, claustrum; CMT, centromedial thalamus; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; DB, diagonal band; DCn, dorsal cochlear nucleus; DCtx, dorsal cortex; DD, dorsal diencephalon; DG, dentate gyrus; dPOA, dorsal preoptic area; DS, dorsal septum; For., forebrain; Gr, granule cell layer (accessory olfactory); H, habenula; HP, hippocampus; HYP, hypothalamus; IC, inferior colliculus; i.c.v., intracerebroventricular; Inf, infundibulum; IP, interpeduncular nucleus; LC, locus coeruleus; LCtx, lateral cortex; LDT, laterodorsal thalamus; LH, lateral hypothalamus; LHb, lateral habenula; LS, lateral septum; M, mammilary nuclei; MCtx, medial cortex; MDT, mediodorsal thalamus; MeA, medial amygdala; Med., medulla; MG, medial geniculate; MM, medial mammilary nucleus; mPOA, medial preoptic area; mPOA-AH, medial preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus; MPN, medial preoptic nucleus; MTu, medial tuberal nucleus; nXII, hypoglossal nucleus; ncx, neocortex; NPOm, magnocellular preoptic nucleus; NS, nucleus sphericus; NTS, nucleus of the solitary tract; OT, optic tectum; PAG, periaqueductal gray; PFl, paraflocullus; p.i., peripheral injection; PM, premammilary nucleus; POA, preoptic area; POA-AH, preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus; POA-LH, preoptic area-lateral hypothalamus; POM, medial preoptic nucleus; PoT, posterior thalamus; PT, paratenial thalamus; PTN, pretrigeminal nucleus; PTT, PVT, paraventricular thalamus; R, raphe nuclei; RA, robust nucleus of the archistriatum; Rt, reticular nucleus; S, septum; S-HP, septo-hippocampal region; SC, superior colliculus; SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus; SDA, sexually dimorphic area; SFi, septofimbrial nucleus; sm, stria medullaris; SN, substantia nigra; SON, supraoptic nucleus; st, stria terminalis; SUM, supramammilary nucleus; tc, tuber cinerum; Teg, midbrain tegmentum; TS, torus semicircularis; Tu, olfactory tubercle; V6, bed nucleus of the decussation of the fasciculus lateralis telencephali (Taricha); V12, pars dorsalis hypothalami (Taricha); V13, posterior lobe of pars ventralis hypothalami (Taricha); V16, nucleus visceralis superior, nucleus isthmi region (Taricha); VLH, ventrolateral hypothalamus; VMH, ventromedial hypothalamus; VMN, ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus; VP, ventral pallidum; VPT, ventroposterior thalamus; VS, ventral subiculum; VTA, ventral tegmental area; VTB, ventral trapezoid body; ZI, zona incerta. b Function is modulated by steroid hormones or is seasonally variable. c Function is sexually diergic. d Behavior correlates with -ir fiber density. e Behavior correlates with -ir cell number. f Behavior correlates with -ir cell size. g Behavior correlates with peptide mRNA. h Behavior correlates with receptor binding. i Behavior correlates with receptor mRNA. J.L. Goodson, A.H. Bass / Brain Research Reviews 35 (2001) 246 – 265 Divergent social strategies (intraspecific and interspecific differences; specified by case) 249 250 Table 2 AVT /AVP anatomical characteristics: sexual dimorphisms (anatomical sites in parentheses are shown in plain text); gonadal steroid / castration-sensitivity (sites in bolded text); seasonal / photoperiodic variation (italicized text). Steroid / castration sensitivity and seasonal variation is for males unless otherwise denoted by asterisks (*females; **males and females)a -ir cell number and/or cell size -ir fiber density Fish • Oncorhynchus masou (POAe **) [172,173] • Porichthys notatus (POA-AH e) [99] • Trimma okinawae (POA) [117] • Porichthys notatus (Teg) [112] Amphibians • Rana catesbeiana (Amy, SCN d ; PTN**) [36] • Taricha granulosa (Amy, aPOA, BNST, V6 c,d , V12 c,d , V13 c,d , V16 c,d ) [167] • Rana catesbeiana (Amy, H) [36] • • • • Reptiles • Coturnix japonica (POM, POM) [175] • Gallus domesticus (Ac region d , BNST f , DD) [137,138] • Serinus canaria (BNST, BNST**, BNST ) [227,228] • Taeniopygia guttata (BNST; BNST**) [142] • Coturnix japonica (LS, POM; BNST, LS, POM) [9,175,176,222,223] • Gallus domesticus (BNST, DD, LS f ) [137,138] • Serinus canaria (DD, LS; DD**, LS**; BNST, LS) [227,228] • Taeniopygia guttata (BNST; BNST**) [142] Mammals • Callithrix jacchus (BNST) [235] • Cavia porcellus (IC d , VTB d ) [75,76] • Cricetus cricetus (LH, LS, MeA; DB, LH, LS, MeA, PAG, HP, VTA; DB**, LH**, LS**, MeA**, PAG**, HP**, VTA**) [39] • Eliomys quercinus (LC, LH, LS, MeA, PAG, DB, HP, VTA; DB**, LC**, LH**, LS**, MeA**, PAG**, HP**, VTA** ) [120] • Jaculus orientalis (BNST, MeA; BNST, MeA; BNST, MeA) [147] • Mesocricetus auratus (SON) [60] • Microtus ochrogaster (BNST, MeA; BNST, MeA) [230,232] • Phodopus sungorus (BNST, MeA) [73] • Rattus spp. (BNST d,f , BNST b , MeAd,f ; BNST, MeA, SCN) [2,51,160,183,207,218,231] • Cavia porcellus (DCn d , IC d , VTB d ) [75,76] • Jaculus orientalis (BNST, DB, IP, LH, LS, MDT, MeA, PAG, PTT, R, sm, st, SUM, tc; BNST, DB, IP, LH, LS, MDT, MeA, PAG, PTT, R, sm, st, SUM, tc; BNST, DB, IP, LH, LS, MDT, MeA, PAG, PTT, R, sm, st, SUM, tc) [147] • Meriones unguiculatus (LS, SDA; LS**, SDA**) [48] • Microtus spp. (LH, LS; LH, LS**) [14,151,232,237] • Phodopus sungorus (LH, LS) [73] • Rattus spp. (BNST, LH b , LS b , MeAb , PAG b , HP b ; Amy**, B, DB**, HP, LC, LH**, LS**, PAG**, PM, PVT, R, SFi, SN, SUM, Tu, VP, VTA, ZI) [51–55,101,115,231] Abbreviations as in Table 1. Sex differences in steroid / castration sensitivity. c Seasonal / photoperiodic variation in sex differences. d Females.males. e Intrasexual morph differences. f Includes developmental comparisons (sub-adults). b Receptor binding (or mRNA if noted) AVT/AVP mRNA • Oncorhynchus keta (For., NPOm) [124,171] • Oncorhynchus masou (NPOm e **) [172,173] • Thalassoma bifasciatum (NPOm) [104] • Rana catesbeiana (Amy, Dln d , OT, Teg; Amy**, H**, OT b , PTN b , S**, TS b ) [32,35] • Taricha granulosa (OT, Teg; dPOA, OT ) [35,65,260] • Taricha granulosa (Amy**) [34] Anolis carolinensis (DCtx, LCtx, MCtx) [189] Gekko gecko (LS, NS, PAG) [205,211] Pseudemys scripta (Amy, LH, LS, PAG, SN, VTA) [203] Python regius (Amy, LH, LS, PAG, SN, VTA) [203] Birds a -ir content (RIA) • Mesocricetus auratus (HYP) [60] • Rattus spp. (LS, MeA) [55,116] • Serinus canaria (AVT**, RA**) [225] • Coturnix japonica (BNST,POM) [174] • Gallus domesticus (Ac region d , BNST, DD) [137] • Mesocricetus auratus (VLH; BNST, MPN, POA-LH, VLH**) [59,62,134,257] mRNA in M. auatus: MPN [257] • Mus musculus (mPOAd , M d ) [71] • Peromyscus spp. (CMT d ) [129] • Phodopus sungorus (MTu, PM, VMN; VMN c , VMN** ) [73,74] • Microtus spp. (BNST) [236] • Rattus spp. (BNST f , MeAf ; BNST b **, MeA**, PVN**) [38,70,160–162,183,208,209,212,215, 221,229,233] J.L. Goodson, A.H. Bass / Brain Research Reviews 35 (2001) 246 – 265 Class J.L. Goodson, A.H. Bass / Brain Research Reviews 35 (2001) 246 – 265 Table 3 Species for which whole-brain descriptions and chartings of AVT /AVP-ir are available Agnathans Hagfish Lampreys Eptatretus stouti a [170] Lampetra fluviatilis a [113] Cartilaginous fish Sharks Scyliorhinus caniculus a [216] Bony fish Teleosts Lungfish Amphibians Anurans Urodeles Caecilians Reptiles Turtles Lizards, snakes Birds Mammals Rodents Primates a b Poecilia latipinna a [21] Porichthys notatus [112] Salmo gairdneri a [217] Protopterus aethiopicus b [114] Bufo japonicus [135] Rana catesbeiana [36] Rana ridibunda [105] Xenopus laevis [106] Pleurodeles waltlii [105] Taricha granulosa [152] Typhlonectes compressicauda [107] Typhlonectes natans [123] Pseudemys scripta [203] Anolis carolinensis [189] Gekko gecko [205,211] Python regius [203] Junco hyemalis [177] Serinus canaria [143] Taeniopygia guttata [224] Cavia porcetella [76] Jaculus orientalis [147] Meriones unguiculatus [253] Mesocricetus auratus [72] Rattus spp. [54] Macaca fascicularis [40] Little detail is provided for the brainstem. Not a whole brain description (only data for this group). modest AVT-ir fiber innervation in fish, although the source of these fibers is in the POA. 2.2. Species diversity in anatomical characteristics Despite the general similarity of AVT /AVP systems described above, major species differences are observed for multiple AVT /AVP elements. Most pronounced are variations in the brain distributions and abundance of the V1a receptor sub-type in mammals (lack of sufficient data precludes similar assessments in other vertebrate classes). The V1a receptor mediates AVP’s behavioral effects and its distribution is essentially unique in all species examined to date (e.g. [129,131,256,259]). Although most species exhibit at least a limited amount of binding in areas implicated in social behavior (see above for relevant brain 251 regions), large quantitative differences exist which have been strongly linked to divergent patterns of social behavior (see Ref. [255] and next section). Similarly, large species differences are also observed in the locations of AVT /AVP-ir perikarya and / or AVT /AVP mRNA, with up to 19 cell groups being exhibited in a single species (Taricha granulosa [152,165]). Expansion of the AVT systems appears to have accompanied the water-to-land transition, an observation consistent with AVT /AVP’s roles in hydromineral balance [165,261]. Potentially important for the expression of social behavior are species differences in the presence or absence of AVT /AVP cells in the medial amygdala (or its non-mammalian homologues), and the presence or absence of a dense AVT /AVP-ir fiber plexus in the lateral septum. This latter feature is present in most vertebrates species examined to date, but absent in T. granulosa, Mesocricetus auratus, and primates (see references above). Interestingly, Mesocricetus and primates do contain AVP receptors in the lateral septum [72,256], and AVP binding in this site is required for hamsters to display normal levels of flank marking (Table 1). Thus, these observations strongly suggest that behavioral actions of AVT /AVP may occur via paracrine peptide action [237]. Finally, species differences also exist with regard to the presence or absence of intraspecific variation, particularly sex differences and steroid sensitivity in AVT /AVP distributions. These features are discussed below. 2.3. Sex differences and sex steroid-mediated plasticity As shown in Table 2, the abundance of AVT /AVP elements in a number of brain areas are sexually dimorphic (virtually always male.female), regulated by gonadal hormones, and sensitive to changes in season and / or photoperiod. Most extensively studied with regard to these variables are mammals, which exhibit marked species differences [254]. It should be noted that the limited representation of some species in the table is a result of negative findings for sexual dimorphism and not a lack of investigation (hamster, M. auratus [4,72]; marmoset, Callithrix jacchus [235,239]; rhesus monkey, Macaca spp. [40,256]); primates have not been examined for steroid or seasonal sensitivity. In addition, early reports from other species may have failed to reflect existing anatomical characteristics due to the technical difficulties of staining the extended amygdala cells. Nonetheless, strong similarities do exist between some very distantly related species, with multiple vertebrate classes exhibiting sex dimorphisms and steroid sensitivities for AVT /AVP neural elements in the septum, BNST, periaqueductal gray, amygdala, and POA-AH (Table 2). Determining which of these features are conserved or convergent is difficult, and complicated by the fact that rigorous methods of quantification have not been consistently employed across species. In general, sexually dimorphic or seasonally variable 252 J.L. Goodson, A.H. Bass / Brain Research Reviews 35 (2001) 246 – 265 features are also testosterone (T)-dependent (i.e. T increases expression; a large number of examples are given in Table 2), but the relative contributions of T metabolites have been investigated in only a few representative species. In gonadectomized rats, AVP mRNA expression in the medial amygdala and BNST is most sensitive to estradiol (E) plus dihydrotestosterone (DHT); E is relatively effective alone, whereas DHT alone has no effect [56,233]. Sex differences in AVP-ir and mRNA are not due to differential levels of circulating steroids in adulthood, as they persist following gonadectomy and steroid treatment. Rather, findings for the BNST indicate that sex differences in mRNA expression and steroid sensitivity are organized by T in early development [229]. Similarly, AVT-ir sex differences in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica; see Table 2) are organized prior to hatching and are accompanied by sexually-different sensitivities to T in adulthood. Treatment of eggs with E produces female-typical levels of AVT-ir in male quail, while treatment with an aromatase inhibitor produces male-typical AVT-ir levels in female quail [175]. Thus, aromatization of T is likely an important factor in the sexual differentiation of the quail AVT system. As determined by radioimmunoassay, steroid sensitivities in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) are somewhat different, with gonadectomized animals showing stronger responses to DHT than E in multiple brain areas [32]. 2.4. Glucocorticoid-mediated plasticity A limited amount of data in mammals now also demonstrate that AVP elements are sensitive to glucocorticoids, thus providing a potential mechanism for the dynamic modulation of social behavior by the presence of stressors. Glucocorticoid feedback modulates AVP mRNA and V1a receptor binding in the neurosecretory hypothalamus and other forebrain regions; effects may differ between brain regions and also between sexes (e.g. [85,178,197, 221,241]). 3. AVT /AVP and behavior: general observations, sex differences and species specifity 3.1. General behavioral characteristics As shown in Table 1, AVT /AVP modulate a wide variety of social behaviors. These behaviors include both olfactory (scent marking) and vocal communication, sexual behavior, pair-bonding, parental behavior, offensive aggression, and social recognition. Note that the categories are necessarily somewhat contrived, as they are in reality extensively overlapping (e.g. vocalization and sexual behavior). In many species, peptide effects are sexually different and / or sensitive to levels of steroid hormones (also shown in Table 1). The central behavioral actions of AVT /AVP are mediated by the V1a receptor sub-type in mammals or a similar receptor in non-mammals (e.g. [41,111]), and are largely independent of peptide pressor functions [57,84,204]. In addition to the social behaviors shown in Table 1, AVT /AVP influence learning and memory functions [57,81,148] and other behaviors which are not primarily social, including hibernation [121,122], sleep site investigation in fish [149], locomotion in amphibians [29], grooming behavior (e.g. [132,219]) and exploratory / anxiety-related behavior in rodents (e.g. [8,84,126,150]). Some of these behavioral functions are species-specific and may be evolutionarily derived from more general AVT / AVP functions. For instance, AVP’s general role in mammalian thermoregulation [16] likely set the stage for its subsequent and more derived role in hibernation [121]. Similarly, fluctuations in central and / or plasma AVT /AVP levels are extensively linked to parturition and oviposition across the tetrapod classes (review: [164]), and speciesspecific behaviors related to oviposition are likewise modulated by AVT, including egg-laying movements in amphibians [168] and vertical tree-climbing in reptiles [118]. 3.2. Sex differences In general, AVT /AVP is more extensively associated with male behavior than with female behavior, although this may partially reflect an emphasis on behaviors which are exhibited only by males (e.g. mate calling). A particularly informative example is therefore provided by studies of bullfrogs, in which AVT effects on male-specific behavior (mate calling), female-specific behavior (mate call phonotaxis), and behavior common to both sexes (release calling) were examined. AVT facilitates phonotaxis in females and mate calling in males [31], but produces opposite effects on release calling in males and females (facilitates and inhibits, respectively); effects are produced in a seasonally-variable manner [30]. Furthermore, only female bullfrogs beyond the tadpole stage exhibit increased locomotion in response to AVT administration [29], consistent with AVT’s modulation of female-typical phonotaxis. Peptide effects on other behaviors can be much more strongly sex-specific, as in cases where only males are behaviorally dependent on AVT /AVP (e.g. social discrimination in rats [23]). In contrast, females are occasionally found to be behaviorally insensitive to AVT /AVP but sensitive to oxytocin-like peptides (see below). Importantly, oxytocin plays a role in numerous aspects of female reproductive physiology and maternal behavior (reviews: [249,258]); thus, whereas AVT /AVP modulate a variety of behaviors exhibited only by males, oxytocin is extensively linked to female-specific functions [254]. A striking example of sex-specific peptide functions is provided by studies of pair-bond formation in the monogamous prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster). Partner preference in male voles is dependent upon AVP [247], J.L. Goodson, A.H. Bass / Brain Research Reviews 35 (2001) 246 – 265 whereas oxytocin, and not AVP, is required for preference formation in females [130,245]. Although these studies demonstrate sex differences in the necessity of endogenous peptides for normal pair-bond formation (determined by delivery of peptide antagonists), a recent study demonstrates that either peptide may nonetheless facilitate preference in both male and female voles [43]. These findings therefore suggest that sex-specific requirements for AVP or oxytocin are associated with sex differences in endogenous peptide release. This is particularly interesting, given that species differences in the presence or absence of pair-bond behavior are produced almost exclusively by postsynaptic mechanisms, as discussed in the next section. Similarly strong sex differences in vasopressin–oxytocin function have now also been found for the polymorphic plainfin midshipman fish [111], although peptide functions in this case are associated with divergent social tactics and not with gonadal sex per se. Differential useage of vocalization between the midshipman morphs is tied to the differential expression of parental behavior, nest defense, and courtship. All adult morphs give agonistic ‘grunts,’ whereas only the courting male morph gives trains of grunts, courtship ‘hums’ and ‘growls’ [19,37]. Vocal-motor activity elicited by electrical stimulation of the POA-AH (predominantly grunt-like) is inhibited by local AVT administration in the courting male morph, whereas isotocin (homologue of oxytocin) is ineffective. This peptide sensitivity is reversed in females, similar to the sexspecific functions of AVP and oxytocin in voles. However, sneak-spawning males, which are female-typical in numerous vocal characteristics, share the isotocin-sensitivity of females and are insensitive to AVT. Thus, sex differences in AVT function in the midshipman are dissociated from gonadal sex, suggesting that gonadal and peptidergic characteristics are independently differentiated and are potentially visible to natural selection as individual phenotypic characters. Whether the pattern of sex differences obtained for midshipman and the prairie vole is generally observed in vertebrates remains to be determined. 3.3. Species differences The extensive association of AVT /AVP with intraspecific behavioral variation suggests that the process of natural selection may also lead to interspecific divergence in behavior via modifications of peptidergic mechanisms [100]. This hypothesis is now supported by representative data from across the vertebrate classes. Thus, whereas AVT /AVP facilitate most of the male behaviors shown in Table 1, similar behaviors in other species may be inhibited; inhibited behaviors include aggression in some songbirds (see below), sexual and vocal behavior in Japanese quail [41], and vocalization in fish [111,112]. Alternatively, AVT /AVP may promote behavior in one species and produce no effect in a closely related species, as shown for the behavior of Microtus voles. Some microtine vole species are highly affiliative, monogamous, 253 and exhibit biparental care (e.g. prairie voles), whereas other species in the genus are relatively asocial, nonmonogamous, and exhibit no paternal care (e.g. montane voles, M. montanus) [258]. In male prairie voles, AVP promotes a number of behaviors characteristic of its species’ social structure, including partner preference and affiliation, paternal behavior, and selective post-mating aggression [43,234,247,255]. In contrast, similar behaviors are not promoted by AVP administration in the nonmonogamous montane vole [255,259]. These species differences in behavior and peptide sensitivity are correlated with a variety of differences in the distribution of AVP elements, including receptor binding, receptor mRNA, peptide mRNA, and AVP-ir (Table 1). Divergence in AVP receptor distribution among Microtus species appears to be the most important factor associated with differences in monogamous and nonmonogamous behavior, as suggested by a recent transgenic experiment [255]. Monogamous vole species (M. ochrochaster and M. pinetorum) possess a 428-base pair sequence in the 59 flanking region of the V1a receptor gene that is not present in non-monogamous congeners (M. montanus and M. pennsylvanicus). Receptor distribution in transgenic mice (expressing a prairie vole V1a receptor mini-gene containing a 2.2-kb segment of the 59 flanking region) is highly similar to the prairie vole and affiliative behavior is likewise induced by exogenous AVP in transgenic mice, but not wild-type conspecifics. Social structure additionally correlates with qualitatively different AVT functions in colonial and territorial male songbirds. Infusions of AVT into the septum facilitate overt aggression in the colonial zebra finch (Estrildidae: Taeniopygia guttata; a gregarious, group-breeding species) [110], whereas similar infusions inhibit aggression in the territorial field sparrow (Emberizidae: Spizella pusilla) [108]. AVT also inhibits aggression in the territorial violeteared waxbill (Estrildidae: Uraeginthus granatina) [109], a species which likely evolved a territorial social structure independently of the field sparrow. The violet-eared waxbill is more closely related to the colonial zebra finch than to the field sparrow, and is virtually identical to the zebra finch in important aspects of social structure (e.g. biparental behavior and mating system) and ecological variables relevant to AVT function (e.g. osmoregulatory and thermoregulatory challenges). Thus, numerous potential confounds are controlled for in this species comparison, indicating that variability in AVT’s behavioral effects are related to species divergence in territorial and colonial behavior. Interestingly, AVT /AVP facilitates aggression in both affiliative bird and vole species, while producing qualitatively different effects in related asocial species (see above). 3.4. AVT /AVP and stress Comparative findings strongly support the idea that the ancestral AVT system of vertebrates was comprised of cell 254 J.L. Goodson, A.H. Bass / Brain Research Reviews 35 (2001) 246 – 265 groups in the POA-AH which projected to the pituitary and other brain regions (see General anatomical features above). Across vertebrate classes, modern homologues of these cell groups play important roles in neuroendocrine responses to stress (particularly to social, psychological and emotional stressors; e.g. [3,194,195,252]), and AVT / AVP and corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) synergize to regulate adrenocorticotropin release [11,193]. Similarly, synergistic effects of AVP and CRF are found for social behavior modulation by the amygdala [77]. Although glucocorticoid feedback modulates AVP mRNA and V1a receptor binding (e.g. [85,178,197, 221,241]; see Glucocorticoids and AVP above), very little study has been conducted to determine whether and how glucocorticoid levels may impact on AVT /AVP behavioral modulation. One of the few examples is provided in prairie voles. Stress and exogenous corticosterone inhibit pairbonding in female prairie voles, whereas stress facilitates bonding in males [66,67]. Given the strong sex differences in vasopressin–oxytocin modulation of pair-bonding in this species [130,247], it appears likely that steroid–neuropeptide interactions contribute to the divergence between males and females. Intrasexual behavior may also be differentiated by interactions between AVP and stress, as differential exposure to social subjugation during puberty produces individual variation in the aggressive behavior of male Syrian hamsters; this variation is correlated with vasopressin content in the anterior hypothalamus [63]. Importantly, glucocorticoids may dynamically modify the polarity of neuropeptide effects within individuals, as shown for amplexus-related medullar neuron activity in male newts [196]. In this case, whether AVT facilitates or inhibits neuronal activity is dependent upon the temporal juxtaposition of corticosterone and AVT delivery. 4. Discerning evolutionary patterns: conservation, convergence, and a pluralistic neuroethological approach Given the diversity of roles that AVT /AVP play in species-specific behaviors, a critical question to be answered is whether AVT /AVP distributions and social behavior functions may be conceptualized in a manner that is broadly relevant. Evolutionary lability in AVT /AVP systems makes this question particularly salient, as a ‘model system’ approach is simply not tenable. Thus, peptide mechanisms found to underlie territoriality, monogamy, or vocal behavior in one species cannot be assumed to underlie similar behaviors in other species which have evolved the behavior independently. With this in mind, we address several questions below which we regard as critical if the study of AVT /AVP systems is to advance from a collection of individual findings to a comparative database which allows broadly meaningful extrapolation: (1) Are there sufficient data to suggest that certain peptide functions or anatomical characteristics are conserved across the vertebrate classes? (2) How do AVT /AVP influence behavior across vertebrate groups — by modulation of sensorimotor processes, motivational processes, or both? (3) Are independently-evolved but similar behavior patterns (e.g. similar social structures) supported by convergent modifications of neuropeptide mechanisms, and if so, what mechanisms? Finally, we describe a pluralistic neuroethological approach [18] which should greatly increase the power of future studies of social behavior and AVT /AVP. This approach, which presents existing phenotypes as products of multiple interacting mechanisms, may be viewed as a framework within which the above questions may be most usefully answered. 4.1. Conservation At present, comparative data are more extensive for behaviorally-relevant anatomical features than for social behavior functions per se. Hence, while consistent patterns are readily recognized for some anatomical traits, causal linkages to behavioral functions are more difficult to discern. As discussed earlier, parvocellular AVT /AVP populations in the POA-AH are present across all vertebrate groups, and tetrapods also exhibit parvocellular AVT / AVP cell groups within the extended amygdala. These parvocellular cell groups comprise the conserved core of behaviorally-relevant AVT /AVP distributions and give rise to basal forebrain projections in most species thus far examined (amygdala / BNST, septum, and POA-AH; see references in first section of this review and Table 3). In addition, AVT /AVP elements in these regions are sexually dimorphic and sensitive to gonadal hormones across multiple vertebrate classes (Table 2). Hence, the widespread presence of sexual dimorphism in the extended amygdala cell groups and their projections likely represent a conserved trait for tetrapod vertebrates, and non-dimorphism in some species likely represents a derived character state. A similar case may be tentatively hypothesized for the steroid sensitivity of these projection systems, although much more data are required. Characteristics of the AVT /AVP magnocellular systems are quite different. Sexual dimorphism is only infrequently observed (e.g. [60,104]) and is therefore likely convergent. Furthermore, although anatomical features do in some cases parallel intraspecific, interspecific, and seasonal differences in social behavior ([104,167,171,172,238]; see Table 1), the lack of central projections from these neurons suggest that they do not modulate behavior directly. Rather, magnocellular systems may modulate peripheral physiology via the hypophysis in a manner appropriate for the expression of certain behaviors, such as parental urine ingestion in rodents [238]. Thus, behaviorally-relevant characteristics of AVT /AVP magnocellular populations are most likely species-specific and not conserved, although J.L. Goodson, A.H. Bass / Brain Research Reviews 35 (2001) 246 – 265 further research may reveal convergent patterns of magnocellular function associated with convergence in physiological demands of behavior. Importantly, although the presence of AVT /AVP in a given region may be suggestive of particular functions, the actual relationships between AVT /AVP distributions and behavior will be strongly influenced by receptor distributions, which are evolutionarily labile. This observation may help explain why the kinds of behaviors which are influenced by AVT /AVP are similar across vertebrate taxa, while the polarity of AVT /AVP effects (i.e. facilitation or inhibition) may differ even between closely related species [109,259]. Similarly, while the presence of sexual dimorphism in AVT /AVP distributions suggests that sex differences in peptide function may exist in some form or another, the exact neuromodulatory and behavioral differences produced by such dimorphisms remain unclear. Thus, a question critically in need of further research is whether sex differences in the distribution of peptide elements may be consistently related to differences in peptide behavioral function; this may be determined by exogenous peptide administration into specific neural loci or by the use of behaviorally relevant anatomical techniques (e.g. combined histochemistry for immediate early genes and neuropeptides). As discussed earlier, sex differences in AVT /AVP function are in some cases qualitative [23,111,130], but the small number of relevant studies precludes any general conclusions. Indeed, hypotheses about conservation in AVT /AVP social behavior functions are substantially constrained by the limited number of behaviors which have been examined across a sufficient number of vertebrate groups. No data are yet available in reptiles for any of the behaviors covered in Table 1, and multiple types of behavior have been examined only in a single vertebrate class. With the exception of vocalization, which is discussed below, comparisons across several classes are possible only for sexual behavior, although data on overt aggression are also available for mammals and birds. Both appetitive and consummatory aspects of male sexual behavior are influenced by AVT /AVP in at least three vertebrate classes (only two classes for females; see Table 1), suggesting that AVT /AVP modulation of male sexual approach and copulation may be evolutionarily conserved, at least for tetrapods (spawning behavior elicited by peripheral AVT administration in fish is not evoked by central peptide administration; for discussion see Ref. [181]). Finally, overt aggression is noteworthy as the only behavior to be influenced by comparable site-specific AVT /AVP administrations (septum) across different vertebrate classes, although this is currently known only for songbirds (e.g. [108]) and rodents [145]. Similar investigations in additional species would therefore yield important information about the functional significance and evolution of AVT / AVP projections into the septum, which are anatomically conserved (see above). 255 4.2. Vocal communication — a model case Any determination of whether phylogenetically widespread peptide functions represent conservation or convergence is critically dependent upon assessments of how the peptides actually influence behavior. For those behaviors which have evolved independently in multiple evolutionary clades (e.g. vocal communication), this question is particularly salient, as outlined below. Vocal modulation is the most widely established behavioral role for AVT /AVP (Table 1) and this is paralleled by AVT /AVP-ir fiber distributions in vocally-active regions across a broad range of vertebrate taxa (see AVT /AVP brain distributions above). Electrical brain stimulation evokes vocalizations from a number of homologous neural sites in mammals (review: [136]), anuran amphibians (review: [78]), birds (review: [46]), fish [64,97,112], and reptiles [139]. These sites include the septum and amygdala (or homologues in fish), POA-AH, and periaqueductal gray. In addition, AVT /AVP fibers are found in paralemniscal / dorsal tegmental regions which are implicated in vocal-acoustic integration in fish [20,112], bats [158], and birds [42]. Local AVT administration modulates vocalization in a number of these sites in birds (septum) [108] and fish (POA-AH; paralemniscal tegmentum) [111,112]. AVT /AVP vocal modulation may therefore occur by influences on sensorimotor processes, motivation processes or both, and may be convergent or conserved, as summarized in the four hypotheses below. Hypothesis 1: Despite the independent evolution of vocalization in a number of vertebrate lineages [17], the integrative brain regions involved may play more broad and evolutionarily conserved roles in the social communication of all vertebrate species, regardless of communication modality. For instance, the vocally-active regions discussed above map quite closely to regions in which AVP modulates scent marking in hamsters [12,92]; also see Table 1). Therefore, although AVT /AVP modulation of vocalization across vertebrate taxa is not a homologous condition as a vocal function of AVT /AVP, it may nonetheless be homologous as a communicative function of AVT / AVP. Hypothesis 2: Convergent vocal functions of AVT /AVP may be related to conserved roles for these peptides in functionally-related motivational systems which influence somatomotor systems on a more general level (e.g. modulatory systems which broadly influence agonistic, sexual, or affiliative behaviors). Table 1 shows several cases that may support this argument, with some vertebrate groups exhibiting peptide roles in vocal modulation that are paralleled by influences on other related behaviors. For instance, AVT /AVP influences both territorial song and overt aggression in birds [108], affiliative behavior and vocalizations associated with social isolation in mammals [248,255], and mate calling and other sexual behaviors in amphibians [31,166]. Thus, AVT /AVP modulation of vocal 256 J.L. Goodson, A.H. Bass / Brain Research Reviews 35 (2001) 246 – 265 behaviors may be homologous between taxa as an agonistic, affiliative, or sexual peptide function, but not necessarily as a communicative function. Hypothesis 3: AVT /AVP may play more targeted and conserved roles in sensorimotor processes associated with audition, as suggested by the phylogenetically widespread presence of AVT /AVP in vocal-acoustic brain regions (see above). Hence, peptide influences on vocalization would be homologous as a sensorimotor function of AVT /AVP. Hypothesis 4: Finally, AVT /AVP vocal functions in different vertebrate taxa may be convergent, with peptidergic influences on sensorimotor processes, relevant motivational processes or both evolving independently. Distinguishing between these four hypotheses is crucial, as accurate distinction will provide important information about how AVT /AVP systems interface with somatomotor systems, and will allow a determination of whether behaviors may be modulated by these peptides specifically and independently, or only as part of broader behavioral domains. A clear resolution is not possible at present. However, AVT /AVP modulation of a number of behaviors appears to occur via effects on sensorimotor processes [26,81,213], suggesting that peptides may act upon stimulus cue acquisition rather than motivational processes per se. This has been explicitly demonstrated for male rough-skinned newts, in which AVT’s modulation of appetitive approach is limited to sexual stimuli when all of the stimuli tested are olfactory (e.g. appetitive response to food odors are not affected by AVT), but is not limited to sexual stimuli in the visual modality [213]. Thus, in this case AVT acts upon sensorimotor integration in a modality-specific manner, suggesting that more global motivational processes are not the primary targets of peptide action. The Thompson and Moore experiments [213] are the only studies to date which have explicitly addressed the issue of how AVT /AVP influence social behavior, and far more data are required to determine the generality of their findings. However, as is clear from our hypotheses above, determining the primary targets of AVT /AVP action (i.e. motivational or sensorimotor processes) is of the upmost importance in constructing informative evolutionary schemes. 4.3. Convergent behavior, convergent mechanisms? In generating a broad conception of AVT /AVP functions, perhaps the most difficult question to be addressed is whether evolutionary convergence in particular behavioral characteristics is reliably associated with convergence in peptide mechanisms. More plainly, this question asks to what extent findings from one species may yield accurate predictions for others. As presented earlier, available evidence in birds suggests that independent evolution of a territorial social structure is associated with convergent evolution in the polarity of septal AVT’s effects on overt aggression in males, controlling for multiple other aspects of behavior and ecology [108–110]. Thus, on a functional level, convergence in social spacing (exclusive territoriality vs. coloniality) is in fact associated with convergence in AVT’s behavioral functions. However, no anatomical data are yet available which might suggest how convergence is reflected at the level of neural mechanisms. Most extensively examined for such structure–function correlations are a variety of arvicoline rodents of the genera Microtus (vole) and Peromyscus (mouse). Species within each genus differ in mating system and amount of paternal care, and multiple species comparisons within each genus yield consistent correlations between social structure and V1a receptor distributions [22,129,131, 240,259]. In each species comparison, differences are found for binding within the lateral septum, a structure which has been implicated in paternal behavior [234]. However, the relationship between binding and social structure is reversed for the two rodent genera. Similarly, within each genus a weaker relationship exists between mating system and AVP-ir cell number in the BNST [14,22,230] (although significant species differences are not consistently found [237]), but the relationship is again reversed between genera. Although these findings suggest that similar peptide mechanisms are not reliably associated with independently evolved social behavior characteristics in Microtus and Peromyscus, it should be noted that for each species pair studied, the species differ in more respects than mating system and biparental care. Hence, the anatomical differences between species may be more reliably associated with some other aspect of behavior or ecology. One variable proposed to account for the pattern of findings is species-typical levels of aggression [22], although assessing this hypothesis is at present difficult due to limited relevant, comparable data and a few somewhat inconsistent findings [22,259]. Based on the findings in songbirds [108–110], we have therefore asked whether the anatomical differences found between rodent species may more consistently correlate with social spacing patterns. Within Microtus, monogamous pairs of M. ochrogaster and M. pinetorum exhibit a high degree of home range overlap with other adult conspecifics (facultatively in M. ochrogaster), whereas the non-mongamous comparison species M. montanus and M. pennsylvanicus occupy much more exclusive ranges (although exclusive ranges in M. pennsylvanicus are found more often for females, with males exhibiting extensive range overlap) [103,125,210,250]. In Peromyscus, this relationship between home range overlap and monogamy / biparental care is reversed, with monogamous pairs of P. californicus occupying virtually exclusive ranges while the non-monogamous P. leucopus and P. maniculatus exhibit variable spacing that occasionally produces very high densities of overlapping adult ranges [191,251]. The J.L. Goodson, A.H. Bass / Brain Research Reviews 35 (2001) 246 – 265 correlations between anatomical characteristics and species differences in social structure are therefore largely consistent between rodent genera if the behavioral variable considered is social spacing, with the caveat that species comparisons are complicated by the temporal and conditional dynamics of spacing (see next section). Hence, for each species comparison of AVP anatomical characteristics that has been conducted in Microtus and Peromyscus, the species which occupies a more exclusive home range exhibits a higher density of V1a receptor binding in the lateral septum and a greater number of AVP-ir neurons in the BNST (if cell number differences are present) [14,22,129,131,230,240,259]. Interestingly, in most of these cases, the species with the more exclusive home range also occupies an average range of greater absolute size than the comparison species (see references above). These observations therefore suggest that species differences in AVP anatomy may extensively reflect spacing behavior. That V1a receptor binding within the lateral septum is the most consistently found anatomical difference is also noteworthy, as the connectivity of the lateral septum in multiple vertebrate taxa suggests a role for this region in the integration of social and spatial cues [98,192]. Importantly, this hypothesis is not inconsistent with the assertion that patterns of V1a receptor binding play a critical role in determining whether a species exhibits monogamous or non-monogamous behavior [254]. Rather, our hypothesis suggests that species differences in receptor binding within the lateral septum may be more reliably associated with social spacing than with mating system (which may be more strongly correlated with AVP receptor distributions in other brain areas). Indeed, transgenic experiments clearly demonstrate the importance of receptor distributions for the expression of monogamous or nonmonogamous behavior, but also demonstrate that binding levels within the lateral septum are not a predictor of whether AVP is effective in facilitating affiliative behaviors associated with monogamy [255]. Whether our spacing hypothesis is accurate in predicting correlated convergence in behavior and anatomy in rodents remains to be fully determined. However, the fact that this hypothesis renders the available rodent dataset internally consistent, and that it suggests a similarity to behavioral data in songbirds, raises the exciting possibility that behavior and AVT /AVP mechanisms / functions may indeed evolve in concert across a wide phylogenetic spectrum. This proposal is strengthened by the observation that in both birds and voles, AVT /AVP administrations influence aggression in qualitatively different ways between species with high home range overlap versus those with little overlap — aggression is facilitated in those species with high overlap (the colonial zebra finch and the prairie vole) [110,247,259] and inhibited or unaffected in species with more exclusive territories (field sparrow, violet-eared waxbill and montane vole) [108,109,259]. 257 4.4. A pluralistic neuroethological approach In answering the above questions, it is of critical concern that comparisons of any data incorporate (or control for) all relevant variables. Although neurobiologists tend to explain existing phenotypes in terms of structure– function relationships, existing phenotypes are in fact the product of multiple variables, including behavioral characters, structural characters, and ecological environment. As presented by Bass [18], each of these factors may be viewed as a circle of a Venn diagram, with overlap between all of the circles representing the existing phenotype, and overlap between pairs of circles representing mechanisms which influence the phenotype (behavioral–ecological, structural–behavioral, and ecological–structural mechanisms). Importantly, only a portion of each circle actively influences the phenotype at any given time, thus as the circles rotate over time (e.g. seasonally, over sequential life history stages, or over evolutionary history), the phenotype will change as a product of dynamic modification of mechanisms. This pluralistic approach makes evident a potentially dangerous pitfall — that failure to consider all relevant characters and life history information may promote ‘random’ error and misinterpretation of data, as ignored factors may extensively modify the variables under consideration. Given the temporally and evolutionarily dynamic nature of AVT /AVP systems, a pluralistic neuroethological approach is particularly critical. The need for a pluralistic approach is especially evident with regard to considerations of AVT /AVP and spacing behavior, given that spacing behavior overlaps and interacts with virtually every other behavioral character, is extensively influenced by ecological environment, and is highly labile over days, seasons, life histories and evolution [102,128,210]. Thus, these dynamics suggest that simple relationships between individual behavioral characters and AVT /AVP structure and / or social behavior functions may not exist; this is a concern which likely applies to all of the topics covered in this review. Hence, questions about broad patterns in AVT /AVP social behavior characteristics and related anatomy will be most powerful and usefully guided by a pluralistic approach. 5. Conclusions The comprehensive overview presented here of AVT / AVP behavioral functions and related anatomical features suggests some extensive similarities between vertebrate groups, particularly with regard to the distribution of AVT / AVP-ir cells and fibers, sexual behavior functions, and modulation of vocalization. Furthermore, data from a variety of songbirds and arvicoline rodents suggest that septal AVT /AVP may exert phylogenetically widespread influences on social spacing and aggression, with indepen- 258 J.L. Goodson, A.H. Bass / Brain Research Reviews 35 (2001) 246 – 265 dent and convergent evolution of spacing patterns being reliably associated with convergent patterns of peptide function and / or V1a receptor binding within the lateral septum. In general, the broad similarities in AVT /AVP cell and fiber distributions appear to provide a basis for the modulation of comparable classes of behavior across vertebrate taxa, although exact peptide functions and the polarity of behavioral influence may potentially differ between sexes and species as a function of multiple dynamic influences. These include evolutionary lability in receptor distributions and sensitivity of AVT /AVP neural elements to gonadal and adrenal steroids. Steroid sensitivities and sexual dimorphisms are observed in multiple species for the AVT /AVP cells of the extended amygdala and their projections, but the relationships of these characteristics to site-specific neurobehavioral function largely remain to be determined. Bridging this gap between anatomy and function should be a major focus of future research, and such investigations are necessary across a number of vertebrate groups before broadly meaningful conclusions may be drawn. Other issues of fundamental importance also remain virtually unexplored, including the question of how AVT /AVP influence behavior — by modulation of sensorimotor processes, motivational processes, or both. Answering this question for multiple species will allow a determination of whether behaviors may be modulated independently and specifically, or only as part of broader behavioral domains, and will provide an essential framework for comparing peptide behavioral functions across taxa. It remains equally important to identify how AVT /AVP modulates neurophysiological processes and thereby social behavior functions, as we have begun to address for specific neural loci in the midshipman fish [111,112]. Overall, we have here identified many informational gaps, but the data also provide substantial indications that AVT /AVP behavioral functions and related anatomical characteristics can indeed be conceptualized in ways that are phylogenetically broad while at the same time informative for the diversity of speciesspecific traits that are influenced by AVT and AVP. However, this conceptualization will require the augmentation of standard neurobiological paradigms by a pluralistic neuroethological approach [18] — one which recognizes not only the importance of structural and behavioral characters, but of life history and ecological variables as well. Acknowledgements The authors thank Elizabeth Adkins-Regan for encouraging this project. Support for this publication was provided by NIH postdoctoral grant F32 NS-0443 to J.L. Goodson, and NIH grant DC 00092 and NSF grant IBN 9987341 to A.H. Bass. References [1] R. 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