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Classical Valence Bond Approach by Modern Methods

2011, Chemical Reviews

REVIEW pubs.acs.org/CR Classical Valence Bond Approach by Modern Methods Wei Wu,*,† Peifeng Su,† Sason Shaik,*,‡ and Philippe C. Hiberty*,§ † The State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, and College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian 361005, China ‡ Institute of Chemistry and The Lise Meitner-Minerva Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel § Laboratoire de Chimie Physique, Groupe de Chimie Th!eorique, CNRS UMR 8000, Universit!e de Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay C!edex, France CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1.1. Family of Classical Valence Bond Methods 2. Ab Initio Valence Bond Methods 2.1. Theoretical Background 2.2. VB Methods of the HLSP Type 2.2.1. VBSCF Method 2.2.2. BOVB Method 2.2.3. VBCI Method 2.2.4. VBPT2 Method 2.3. Add-Ons: VB Methods for the Solution Phase 2.3.1. VBPCM Method 2.3.2. VBSM Method 2.3.3. Combined VB/MM Method 2.4. Molecular Orbital Methods That Provide Valence-Bond-Type Information 2.4.1. BLW Method 2.4.2. MOVB Method 3. Applications 3.1. Accuracy of Modern VB Methods 3.2. Chemical Reactivity 3.2.1. Hydrogen Abstraction Reactions 3.2.2. SN2 Reactions in the Gas Phase 3.2.3. SN2 Reactions in the Aqueous Phase from an Implicit Solvent Model 3.2.4. SN2 Reactions in the Aqueous Phase from Molecular Dynamics with Explicit Solvent Molecules 3.3. Excited States of Polyenes and Polyenyl Radicals 3.4. Quantitative Evaluation of Common Chemical Paradigms 3.4.1. BLW Examination of the Role of Conjugation in the Rotational Barrier of Amides 3.4.2. VBSCF Application to Through-Bond versus Through-Space Coupling in 1,3Dehydrobenzene 3.5. Direct Estimate of Hyperconjugation Energies by VBSCF and BLW Methods r 2011 American Chemical Society 7557 7559 7560 7560 7561 7561 7561 7562 7563 7564 7564 7565 7565 7566 7566 7566 7567 7567 7567 7568 7569 7571 7573 7574 3.5.1. Magnitude of Hyperconjugation in Ethane 3.5.2. Physical Origin of the Saytzeff Rule 3.5.3. Tetrahedranyltetrahedrane 3.6. VBSCF and BLW Applications to Aromaticity 3.6.1. Energetic Measure of Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity 3.6.2. Cyclopropane: Theoretical Study of σ-Aromaticity 3.7. Electronic Structure of Conjugated Molecules 3.7.1. Ground States of S2N2 and S42+ 3.7.2. σ- and π-Aromatic Dianion Al42! 4. Algorithm Advances in ab Initio VB Methods 4.1. VB Wave Function and Hamiltonian Matrix 4.2. Orbital Optimization in the VBSCF Procedure 4.3. Spin-Free Form of VB Theory 4.4. Paired-Permanent-Determinant Approach 4.5. Direct VBSCF/BOVB Algorithm 5. Current Capabilities of ab Initio VB Methods 6. Concluding Remarks Appendix: Some Available VB Software XMVB Program TURTLE Software VB2000 Software CRUNCH Software SCVB Software Author Information Biographies Acknowledgment List of Abbreviations References 7576 7577 7578 7578 7579 7579 7580 7580 7581 7582 7582 7582 7583 7583 7584 7584 7586 7586 7586 7586 7587 7587 7587 7587 7587 7588 7588 7589 7574 7575 1. INTRODUCTION Quantum mechanics has provided chemistry with two general theories of bonding: valence bond (VB) theory and molecular orbital (MO) theory. The two theories were developed at about 7576 Received: July 20, 2010 Published: August 18, 2011 7574 7557 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r | Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews Scheme 1. VB Wave Functions for a Two-Electron Bond between Atoms A and B the same time, but quickly diverged into two schools that have competed on charting the mental map of chemistry. Until the mid-1950s, chemistry was dominated by classical VB theory, which expresses the molecular wave function as a combination of explicit covalent and ionic structures based on pure atomic orbitals (AOs) or hybrid atomic orbitals (HAOs), as illustrated in Scheme 1a. However, the computational effort required to perform ab initio calculations in the classical VB framework proved to be overly demanding, and as such, the theory was employed in an oversimplied manner, neglecting ionic structures and using nonoptimized orbitals. At the same time when this early ab initio VB theory was lacking accuracy and did not progress, MO theory was enjoying efficient implementations, which have provided the chemical community with computational software of everincreasing speeds and capabilities. VB theory was unable to come up with equally popular and useful software, and as such it has gradually fallen into disrepute and was almost completely abandoned. Thus, MO theory took over. However, from the 1980s onward, VB theory started making a strong comeback and has since enjoyed a renaissance, including the ab initio method development of the theory. A common feature of all modern VB methods is the simultaneous optimization of the orbitals and the coefficients of the VB structures, which thereby lead to an improved accuracy. However, the various modern VB methods differ in the manners by which the VB orbitals are defined. The modern era began when one of the pioneers of ab initio VB theory, Goddard, and his co-workers developed the generalized VB (GVB) method,1!5 which employed semilocalized atomic orbitals (having small delocalization tails as in Scheme 1b) used originally by Coulson and Fischer for the H2 molecule.6 The GVB theory does not incorporate covalent and ionic structures explicitly, but instead uses formally covalent structures based on semilocalized orbitals, which implicitly incorporate the contributions of ionic structures to bonding (see Scheme 1b). This enables a drastic reduction of the number of VB structures; for example, the π-system of benzene requires a total number of 175 covalent and ionic VB structures based on pure AOs compared with only five formally covalent Kekul!e and Dewar structures based on semilocalized orbitals. It is noted that the GVB method as implemented by Goddard is completely equivalent to a strongly orthogonal geminal anzatz with two orbitals per pair. Further progress was made after the initial development of the method, when the GVB wave functions were used as starting points for further configuration interaction (CI)7,8 or perturbative treatments of electron correlation.9!12 The method was applied, among others, to the electronic structure of 1,3-dipoles, 13!15 resonance in the allyl radical16 or cyclobutadiene,17 dissociation energies,7 halogen exchange reactions,18 organometallic complexes,19!22 and so on. REVIEW In a philosophy similar to that of GVB, Gerratt, Raimondi, and Cooper developed their VB method known as the spin-coupled (SC) theory23!31 and its CI-augmented version, the so-called SCVB.26,32!35 Like GVB, SC/SCVB theory relies on semilocalized orbitals and includes formally covalent configurations only. The difference between SC and GVB methods is that the former releases the orthogonality and perfect-pairing restrictions, which are usually used in GVB applications. Thus, in SC all orbitals are allowed to be nonorthogonal, and all possible spin couplings between the singly occupied orbitals are included in the wave function. The SC and SCVB methods were applied to aromatic and antiaromatic molecules,35!41 the allyl radical,42 Diels!Alder and retro-Diels!Alder reactions,43,44 sigmatropic rearrangements,45!47 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions,48!50 and so on. Another VB method that was developed also starting in the 1980s is a semiempirical method based on the Heisenberg Hamiltonian (HH) and AO determinants rather than spinadapted VB structures. Initially, the method used semiempirical parameters and a zero-differential overlap approximation and was applied to the ground and excited states of hydrocarbons51!57 and metal clusters.58 A nonempirical geometry-dependent version was subsequently derived in which the parameters were extracted from accurate ab initio calculations on simple molecules.59,60 The latter calculations use orthogonalized AOs, which consequently possess significant delocalization tails, but result in computer-time savings. The method has been applied to ground and excited states of conjugated hydrocarbons,59!61 heteroatomic conjugated systems,62 polyynes,63,64 and so on. Eventually this ab initio-parametrized method led to the molecular mechanics/ valence bond (MM/VB) method of Robb and Bearpark,65!73 which was extensively used for demonstrating conical intersections in photochemical reactions.70,71,74!76 Since VB theory is well-known for its deep chemical insight, many methods have sprung to extract VB information from MObased methods. Some of these methods involve mapping of MOand CI-augmented wave functions into valence bond structures and can be dated to the pioneering studies of Slater and van Vleck and later to Moffitt in his treatment of electronic spectra for large molecules.77 The first practical implementation of Hartree! Fock (HF) and post-HF wave functions was made by Hiberty and Leforestier,78 who created such a “VB transcriptor” in 1978 and treated many molecules by showing the VB content of their MO and MO!CI wave functions. Since then, the problem has been explored by others, for example, by Karafiloglou,79 Bachler,80,81 Malrieu,82!84 and so on. Some important developments along these lines were made by Cooper et al.,85!87 who computed a wave function of the SC type by projecting CASSCF wave functions onto VB structures using maximum overlap criteria. There are also various methods of VB readings of CASSCF wave functions through orbital localization techniques80,81,83,84,88!92 and through wave function transformation using nonorthogonal orbitals.89,93 Concurrently to the developments of all the above methods, the progress that has occurred in computer technology and in computational methodologies has enabled the re-emergence of modern forms of classical VB in which both orbitals and the structural coefficients are simultaneously optimized. The advantage of these modern classical VB methods over other brands of VB theory is two-fold: (i) owing to the strictly local characters of the employed orbitals (either purely atomic or purely localized on fragments as in Scheme 1a above), the VB structures are very clearly interpreted and as close as possible to the intuitive Lewis 7558 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews Scheme 2. Complete Set of VB Structures for a Hydrogen Abstraction Process structures that constitute the language of chemists; (ii) because the covalent and ionic structures are explicitly considered, it is possible to meaningfully calculate their weights or their quasi-variational energies. As such, classical VB allows the VB structures to be clearly and accurately defined, which, as will be seen, is important for calculation of resonance energies, for diagrams in chemical reactivity, for indepth study of the nature of chemical bonds, and so on. The resurgence of modern classical VB theory involves the development of several methodological advances which allowed new and more accurate applications of the theory.94!112 Thus, several significant advances have been achieved in overcoming the notorious “N! problem”, associated with the nonorthogonality in the VB method, and direct algorithms have considerably increased the speed of VB computations, which are nowadays much faster than they used to be in the past. During this effort to speed up VB calculations, there have emerged VB methods that also enable quantitative accuracy to be achieved. Thus, dynamic correlation has been incorporated into VB calculations, so that, at present, sophisticated VB methods are able to achieve the accuracy of highlevel post-HF methods. Very recently, classical VB theory was extended to handle species and reactions in solution and is also capable of treating transition-metal complexes. Indeed the VB culture is broad and involves a variety of techniques and approaches, and a review of all the methods would be vast and too diffuse compared with a more focused review that may benefit the general reader. Thus, since methods that use semilocalized orbitals such as GVB, SCVB, HH, and MM/VB have already been amply reviewed before,1!4,23!31,53!56,69!71 we shall not review these methods again, and the reader is advised to consult the existing authoritative sources. The present review will focus on those modern VB methods that are based on classical VB theory, which, we recall, deals with purely localized orbitals and explicit consideration of covalent and ionic structures. The combination of the lucid insight of VB into chemistry and the new computational methods is discussed in this review, hopefully establishing a case for the return of VB theory to the classroom and to the laboratory bench in the service of experimental chemists. 1.1. Family of Classical Valence Bond Methods In all the methods of the classical VB type to be described herein, one uses an active shell, which involves the electrons that participate in the electronic reorganization in a process, which can be bond making/breaking or a reaction such as SN2, Diels!Alder, and so on. These electrons are then distributed in the valence atomic orbitals or HAOs to generate all the possible covalent and ionic structures. Scheme 2 shows this set of structures for a hydrogen abstraction process; there are two REVIEW Scheme 3. Tree of Modern VB Methods That Are Based on Classical VB Theory covalent and six ionic structures which distribute the three “active electrons” in the three HAOs of the X---H---X0 system. The wave function is a linear combination of such a structure set and is optimized with respect to both the structural coefficients and the HAOs. The methods differ from each other by the levels in which the dynamic correlation energy is incorporated into the calculations. The relationships among the various methods follow a philosophy similar to the one used in ab initio MObased theory. The tree of these VB methods is shown in Scheme 3. The basic method, which was devised by Balint-Kurti and van Lenthe,94,95 is called the valence bond self-consistent field (VBSCF) method. The method optimizes VB orbitals and structural coefficients simultaneously and uses the same set of HAOs for all the structures. This is analogous to the MO-based CASSCF method, and both methods should be numerically quasi-identical if all structures for a given dimension of the active space are included. However, usually VB methods employ only a few structures that are essential for describing the system of interest and use the strictly localized orbitals. Consequently, the VBSCF results are often less accurate than those of CASSCF. Nevertheless, both of the methods include some degree of static electron correlation, but lack dynamic correlation. The VBSCF method branches into two sets of methods. The one to the right is the breathing-orbital VB (BOVB) method,113!115 where one uses the same VBSCF wave function, but with an additional degree of freedom that allows the HAOs to be different for the different structures. Thus, the orbitals adapt themselves to the instantaneous field of each structure, which has the effect of introducing the dynamic correlation that is necessary to provide accurate energies. The two branches to the left in Scheme 3 are two alternative ways of improving VBSCF by introducing dynamic correlation. This is done by means of post-SCF treatments that are analogous to MRCI and MRPT2 in the MO theory. In the valence bond configuration interaction method (VBCI),116,117 the VBSCF energy and wave function are improved by CI. On the other hand, the valence bond second-order perturbation method (VBPT2)118 uses perturbation theory, taking the VBSCF wave function as the zeroth-order reference. It is worthwhile to emphasize that, despite the excited VB structures that are 7559 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews included in the VBCI or VBPT2 method, the corresponding wave function of the system still retains a compact form by condensing the extensive VBCI/VBPT2 wave function into a minimal set of the fundamental structures that are used in the VBSCF calculation (e.g., in Scheme 2). As such, all VB properties such as weight and resonance energy are still clearly defined in both high-level methods in the same manner as in the VBSCF method. We note that both the BOVB and VBCI come in various internal levels of sophistication, which will be described in the corresponding sections in some detail. In addition to the above VB methods, there are add-ons that enable one to carry out calculations in solution using the polarizable continuum model (PCM)119,120 or SMx (x = 1!8) models,121 hence valence bond polarizable continuum model (VBPCM) and valence bond solvation model (VBSM), or by incorporation of molecular mechanics (MM), hence VB/MM, to carry reactions inside protein cavities.122 As such, with this arsenal of methods, VB theory is coming of age and starting to be useful for the treatment of some real chemical problems, as this review will show. In addition to the strict VB methods displayed in Scheme 3, the review will also describe MO-based methods that generate VB-type information which can be used for some specific VB applications. The block-localized wave function (BLW) method123!127 is a type of VB method that utilizes an HF wave function with block-localized orbitals. By partitioning the molecular orbitals to the subgroups of a molecule, a BLW can describe a specific VB structure at the HF level. Thus, the BLW is capable of computing delocalization/resonance energies and charge transfer effects among molecules. The BLW approach is related to the early Kollmar method,128 wherein the subgroup orbitals were input and the energy for this so-generated “localized” reference was computed at zero iteration, without optimization of the orbitals. Both methods belong to a general class of MO- and density functional theory (DFT)-based energy decomposition analysis (EDA) approaches 129!133 which use as a reference either a fragment-localized wave function or a density and thereby estimate the various interactions between the fragments, thus providing VB-related information from MO or DFT calculations. For space economy, we shall limit our coverage to the BLW method since this method performs the energy decomposition closer to the VB spirit compared to other EDA methods. The molecular orbital valence bond method (MOVB)125 is an extension of the BLW method, which uses a multireference wave function, thus allowing calculation of the electronic coupling energy resulting from the mixing of two or more block-localized structures. The structure of the review follows the above ordering of VB methods, which are detailed in section 2. This methodology section, which will certainly interest the computation-oriented reader, is followed by applications which demonstrate the capability of VB theory to lead to lucid physical insight into a variety of problems, now approaching “real size”. Then section 4 describes algorithms and techniques which make modern VB theory faster and more efficient. Lastly, section 5 illustrates the current capabilities of modern VB methods by displaying ab initio VB calculations for a sizable molecular system, (CO)4Fe(C2H4). The review is written in such a way that the application-oriented reader who is less interested in the methodological details can skip parts of section 2 and then proceed to the applications in sections 3 and 5. REVIEW Scheme 4. Five Rumer Structures for the Benzene Molecule 2. AB INITIO VALENCE BOND METHODS 2.1. Theoretical Background In VB theory, a many-electron wave function is expressed in terms of VB functions: Ψ¼ ∑K CK ΦK ð1Þ where the VB function ΦK corresponds to a classical VB structure. In quantum chemistry, any state function ΦK should be a spin eigenfunction that is antisymmetric with respect to permutations of electron indices. In general, a VB function is of the form ^ Ω0 ΘK ΦK ¼ A ð2Þ ^ is an antisymmetrizer, Ω0 is a direct product of orbitals where A {ϕi} as Ω0 ¼ ϕ1 ð1Þ ϕ2 ð2Þ ::: ϕN ðNÞ and ΘK is a spin-paired spin eigenfunction, ð3Þ 134 defined as ΘK ¼ 2!1=2 ½Rðk1 Þ βðk2 Þ ! βðk1 Þ Rðk2 Þ& '2!1=2 ½Rðk3 Þ βðk4 Þ ! βðk3 Þ Rðk4 Þ& ::: Rðkp Þ ::: RðkN Þ ð4Þ In eq 4, the scheme of spin pairing (k1, k2), (k3, k4), etc., corresponds to the bond pairs that describe the structure K. Linearly independent electron pairing schemes may be selected by using the Rumer diagrams.135 In a Rumer diagram, we set down the electron indices, 1, 2, ..., N, in a ring, representing each factor 2!1/2[R(ki) β(kj) ! β(ki) R(kj)] in eq 4 by an arrow from i to j. On the basis of the Rumer rule, the independent Rumer structure set is obtained by drawing all possible Rumer diagrams in which there are no crossed arrows. Scheme 4 shows the five Rumer structures for the benzene molecule, where, as is wellknown, the first two are Kekul!e structures and the last three are Dewar structures. Rumer’s rule is applicable for singlet states with spin quantum number S = 0. To extend to the general spin S, extended Rumer diagrams136 should be applied, where a pole is added in the diagram. A VB function with a Rumer spin function is called a Heitler!London!Slater!Pauling (HLSP) function. An alternative way of writing the wave function is by use of a Slater determinant form, which will be used in this review. For example, the (k1, k2) bond-paired wave function will be given by ΦK ¼ j:::ðϕk1 ϕ̅ k2 ! ϕ̅ k1 ϕk2 Þ:::j ð5Þ where the bar over the orbital denotes a β spin while lack of it denotes spin R. In turn, ΦK will be written as a product of the Slater determinant forms for all the bond pairs. The coefficients CK in eq 1 can conveniently be determined by solving the secular equation HC = EMC, where Hamiltonian and overlap matrices are defined as follows: HKL ¼ ÆΦK jHjΦL æ 7560 ð6Þ dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW and MKL ¼ ÆΦK jΦL æ ð7Þ VB structural weights can be evaluated by the Coulson! Chirgwin formula,137 which is an equivalent of the Mulliken population analysis: WK ¼ ∑L CK MKLCL ð8Þ Apart from the Coulson-Chirgwin formula, other definitions for structural weights have also been proposed, such as L€owdin’s symmetrical weights138 and Gallup’s inverse weights.139 VB structural weights are typically used to compare the relative importance of individual VB structures and can be helpful in the understanding of the correlation between molecular structure and reactivity. 2.2. VB Methods of the HLSP Type 2.2.1. VBSCF Method. In the old classical VB method, VB functions were built upon AOs, taken from the atom calculations, and the coefficients of structures were optimized to minimize the total energy of the system. Obviously, the computational results were extremely poor due to the use of frozen atomic orbitals. The VBSCF method was the first modern VB approach that also optimized orbitals. It was devised by Balint-Kurti and van Lenthe94,95 and was further modified and efficiently implemented by van Lenthe and Verbeek.140,141 In the VBSCF method, the wave function is expressed in terms of VB functions as ΨVBSCF ¼ 0 ∑K CSCF K ΦK ð9Þ where both of the structure coefficients (CSCF K ) and VB functions (Φ0K) are simultaneously optimized to minimize the total energy. The VB functions are optimized through their occupied orbitals, which are usually expanded as linear combinations of basis functions: ϕi ¼ ∑μ Tμi χμ ð10Þ Basically, whenever VBSCF takes all independent VB structures and uses delocalized orbitals, e.g., overlap-enhanced orbitals (OEOs), it will be equivalent to CASSCF with the same active electrons and orbitals. However, usually the VBSCF method employs only a few structures that are essential to describe the system of interest, whereas CASSCF uses the complete set of configurations within the active-space window. One of the advantages of VBSCF, associated with purely localized HAOs, is having a compact wave function with a limited number of VB structures. Indeed, using pure HAOs to define the VB structures makes the neutral covalent structures largely predominant, as is well-known in the two-electron two-orbital case (Scheme 1a). Following this principle, the selection of VB structures can be done by chemical background in the polyatomic case. Thus, in using VBSCF, it is usually advisable to remove the multi-ionic structures, which are generally of very high energy compared with covalent and monoionic structures. Furthermore, symmetry considerations are often helpful for removing additional structures which have no symmetry match to mix with the low-lying covalent and monoionic structures. For example, in the study of C2, using 92 VB structures in the VBSCF gives almost the same result as the full set of 1764 structures, both numerically and qualitatively.142 A discussion of the strategy of selecting only the important VB structures was given in the recent study of the various states of O2.143 The VBSCF method permits complete flexibility in the definition of the orbitals used for constructing VB structures. The orbitals can be allowed to delocalize freely during the orbital optimization (resulting in OEOs), and then it will resemble the GVB and SC methods. The orbitals can be defined also by pairs that are allowed to delocalize over the two bonded centers (bond-distorted orbitals, BDOs144), or they can be defined as strictly localized on a single center or fragment (resulting in HAOs). 2.2.2. BOVB Method. The BOVB method113!115 was devised with the aim of computing diabatic or adiabatic states with wave functions that combine the properties of compactness, unambiguous interpretability in terms of structural formulas, and accuracy of the calculated energies. The following features have to be fulfilled to retain interpretability and achieve reasonably good accuracy for the BOVB method: (i) the VB structures are constructed with HAOs, which means that covalent and ionic forms are explicitly considered; (ii) all the VB structures that are relevant to the electronic system being computed are generated; (iii) the coefficients and orbitals of the VB structures are optimized simultaneously. An important specificity of the BOVB method is that the orbitals are variationally optimized with the freedom to be different for different VB structures. Thus, the different VB structures are not optimized separately but in the presence of each other, so that the orbital optimization not only lowers the energies of each individual VB structure but also maximizes the resonance energy resulting from their mixing. Since the BOVB wave function takes a classical VB form, its implementation is less practical for large electronic systems, because a large number of VB structures would have to be generated in such a case. As such, the usual way of using BOVB is to apply it only on those orbitals and electrons that undergo significant changes during the process, such as bond breaking and/or formation; the remaining orbitals are treated as doubly occupied MOs. However, even though the “spectator electrons” reside in doubly occupied MOs, these orbitals too are allowed to optimize freely, but are otherwise left uncorrelated. The difference between the BOVB and VBSCF wave functions can be illustrated on the simple example of the description of the A!B bond, where A and B are two polyelectronic fragments. Including the two HAOs that are involved in the bond in the active space, and the adjacent orbitals and electrons in the spectator space, the VBSCF wave function reads ΨVBSCF ¼ C1 ðjψψϕ ̅ ϕ̅ a ϕb jÞ ̅ a ϕ̅ b j ! jψψ þ C2 jψψϕ ̅ a ϕ̅ a j þ C3 jψψϕ ̅ b ϕ̅ b j ð11Þ where ϕa and ϕb are the active orbitals, common to all the structures, and ψ is a generic term that represents the product of spectator orbitals, also common to all structures. On the other hand, the BOVB wave function takes the following form: ΨBOVB ¼ B1 ðjψψϕ ̅ ϕ̅ a ϕb jÞ ̅ a ϕ̅ b j ! jψψ 0 0 00 00 00 00 þ B2 jψ0 ψ ̅ ϕb ϕ̅ b j ̅ 0ϕa ϕ̅ a j þ B3 jψ ψ 0 ð12Þ 00 Physically, one expects the ϕa and ϕb orbitals to be more diffuse than ϕa and ϕb since the former are doubly occupied while the latter are only singly occupied. Similarly, the spectator orbitals in the different structures should have different sizes and shapes depending on whether they reside on cationic, 7561 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews Figure 1. L-BOVB-computed πy orbitals of F2. Note the size difference in the left-hand vs right-hand side orbitals of the ionic forms. The two F atoms lie on the horizontal z-axis. neutral, or ionic fragments. These differences are significant enough to be apparent with the naked eye, as shown in Figure 1, which displays some optimized π-orbitals for the three VB structures of difluorine, obtained by a BOVB calculation using the 6-31+G** basis set. Thus, both the active and spectator orbitals can be viewed as instantaneously following the charge fluctuation by rearranging in size and shape, hence the name “breathing orbital”. The physical meaning of this “breathing-orbital effect” can be grasped by remembering that the CASSCF and VBSCF levels only bring nondynamic electron correlation and that the missing dynamic correlation is obtained by further CI involving single, double, etc., excitations to outer valence orbitals. Now, as CI involving single excitations is physically equivalent to an orbital optimization (to first order), it becomes clear that BOVB brings dynamic correlation and is comparable to VBSCF + singles-CI, with the further advantage that it keeps the wave function as compact as the VBSCF wave function. More specifically, BOVB confers only that part of the dynamic correlation that varies along a reaction coordinate or throughout a potential surface. Therefore, it would be more exact to say that BOVB brings differential dynamic correlation. As such, BOVB brings about better accuracy relative to the VBSCF, GVB, SC, and CASSCF levels, as shown in benchmark calculations of bond dissociation energies and reaction barriers.113!115,145 The relationship between the effect of breathing orbitals and dynamic correlation is particularly well illustrated in three-electron bonds, where all the electron correlation is of dynamic nature.146 The BOVB method has several lxevels of accuracy. At the most basic level, referred to as L-BOVB, all orbitals are strictly localized on their respective fragments. One way of improving the energetics is to increase the number of degrees of freedom by permitting the inactive orbitals to be delocalized. This option, which does not alter the interpretability of the wave function, accounts better for the nonbonding interactions between the fragments and is referred to as D-BOVB. Another improvement can be achieved by incorporating radial electron correlation in the active orbitals of the ionic structures by allowing the doubly occupied orbitals to split into two singly occupied orbitals that are spin-paired. This option carries the label “S” (for split), leading to the SL-BOVB and SD-BOVB levels of calculation, the latter being the most accurate one. In this manner, the two electrons are relocated into different regions of the space, as clearly seen in Figure 2, which shows the two split and spinpaired pz orbitals of F! in difluorine. 2.2.3. VBCI Method. An alternative way of introducing dynamic correlation into the VB calculation is the VBCI method116,117, which uses the configuration interaction technique to incorporate the correlation. In MO-based theory, configuration interaction provides a conceptually simple tool for describing dynamic REVIEW Figure 2. SL-BOVB split p1z orbital of the F! fragment in the F!F+ ionic structure in F2. The p1z orbital is split into two singly occupied orbitals, one diffuse (faint color) and one more compact (strong color). Red and yellow correspond to different signs of the lobes. correlation via single-reference methods such as CISD and multireference-based methods such as MRCI. Similar ideas have also been applied to VB theory.7,25,116,117,147!153 The CI technique usually requires a huge number of excited configurations; however, the aim of the VBCI method is to retain the conceptual clarity of the VBSCF method while improving the energetic aspect by introducing further electron correlation. The VBCI method is a post-VBSCF approach, where the initially calculated VBSCF wave function is used as a reference. The VBCI wave function augments the VBSCF wave function with excited VB structures, which are generated from the reference wave function by replacing occupied (optimized VBSCF) orbitals with virtual orbitals. Different from MO-based methods, where virtual orbitals can be obtained from an SCF procedure, the virtual orbitals in VB theory are not available in the VBSCF calculation and should be defined for the VBCI method. To generate physically meaningful excited structures, the virtual orbitals should also be strictly localized, like the occupied VB orbitals. In the original VBCI method, the virtual orbitals were defined by using a projector: PA ¼ TA ðTA þ MA TA Þ!1 TA þ SA ð13Þ where TA is the vector of orbital coefficients and the MA and SA are, respectively, the overlap matrices of the occupied VB orbitals and the basis functions, respectively, while the index A indicates that all matrices are associated with fragment A. It can be shown that the eigenvalues of the projector PA are 1 and 0. The eigenvectors associated with eigenvalue 1 are the occupied VB orbitals, while the eigenvectors associated with eigenvalue 0 are used as the virtual VB orbitals of fragment A. By diagonalizing the projectors for all blocks, we can have all the virtual VB orbitals. A simpler way, which was implemented in the current versions of the VBCI and VBPT2 methods, uses Schmidt orthogonalization that is imposed on each fragment.118 With localized occupied and virtual orbitals, one can generate excited VB structures by replacing occupied orbitals with virtual orbitals. To create chemically meaningful excited structures, the excitation should involve the replacement of an occupied VB orbital only by those virtual orbitals that belong to the same fragment as the occupied orbital. As such, the excited VB structure ΦiK retains the same electronic pairing pattern and charge distribution as Φ0K. In other words, both ΦiK and Φ0K describe the same “classical” VB structure. A VBCI function ΦCI K is defined by adding all excited VB structures ΦiK to the 0 fundamental structure ΦK: ΦCI K ¼ 7562 ∑i CiK ΦiK ð14Þ dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW where summation includes the fundamental structure. Therefore, a many-electron VBCI wave function is written as a linear combination of VBCI functions: Ψ VBCI ¼ ∑K CI CCI K ΦK ¼ ∑K ∑i CKi ΦiK CKi ¼ i CCI K CK ð15Þ where the coefficients CKi are determined by solving the secular equation. The total energy of the system is where the VBSCF wave function is taken as the zeroth-order wave function jΨð0Þ æ ¼ jΨSCF æ ¼ Ψð1Þ ¼ CKi CLj ÆΦiK jHjΦL æ ∑∑ EVBCI ¼ ∑ ∑ CKi CLj ÆΦiK jΦjLæ K, L i, j ð16Þ The compact forms of the Hamiltonian and overlap matrices may be respectively given by CI HKL ¼ ∑i, j CKi CLj ÆΦiK jHjΦjLæ ð17Þ ∑i, j CKi CLj ÆΦiK jΦjL æ ð18Þ and CI ¼ MKL A compact definition of the structure weights is WK ¼ ∑i WKi ¼ L,∑i, j CKi MKLij CLj ij j MKL ¼ ÆΦiK jΦL æ ð19Þ In this manner, the extensive VBCI wave function is condensed to a minimal set of fundamental structures, thus ensuring that the VBCI method keeps the VB advantage of compactness. The CI space can be truncated following the usual CI methodology. The levels of CI are fashioned as in the corresponding MO!CI approach. Thus, VBCIS involves only single excitations, while VBCISD involves singles and doubles, and so on. VBCI applications145 show that VBCIS gives results that are on par with those of D-BOVB, while the VBCISD method is somewhat better, and its results match those of the MO-based CCSD method. Furthermore, the VBCI method applies perturbation theory to truncate less important excited structures and estimates their contribution by an approximated perturbation formula, resulting in a VBCIPT level. 2.2.4. VBPT2 Method. The accuracy of VBCI applications is always satisfactory,143,145,154,155 but the method is computationally demanding. The stumbling blocks in a VBCI calculation are (i) the construction of the Hamiltonian matrix with nonorthogonal AOs and (ii) the solution of the general secular equation, where the overlap matrix is nonunity. Perturbation theory is known to be an economical assessment of electronic correlation and is widely applied not only in MO-based methods, but also in the VB framework, such as in the GVB11,156!159 and SCVB methods.152 The VBPT2 method118 uses perturbation theory to incorporate dynamic correlation for the VB method, much like CASPT2 (e.g., VBPT2 suffers the same defect as CASPT2, e.g., intruder states). In the VBPT2 method, the wave function is written as the sum of the zeroth- and the first-order wave functions jΨVBPT2 æ ¼ jΨð0Þ æ þ jΨð1Þ æ ð21Þ Since higher order excitations do not contribute to the firstorder interacting space, the first-order wave function is written as a linear combination of the singly and doubly excited structures, ΦR: j K, L i, j 0 ∑K CSCF K jΦK æ ∑ R∈V ð1Þ SD CR jΦR æ ð22Þ The excited VB structures may be generated by replacing occupied orbitals with virtual ones, as in the VBCI method. However, to enhance the efficiency of VBPT2, the VB orbitals are defined in a different way and are partitioned into three groups: inactive, active, and virtual orbitals. The inactive orbitals are always doubly occupied in the VBSCF wave function, the active orbitals are occupied orbitals, with variable occupancies, and the virtual orbitals are always unoccupied in the VBSCF reference. These three groups maintain the following orthogonality properties: (i) The inactive and virtual orbitals are orthogonal within their own groups. (ii) The active orbitals are kept in the VB spirit as mutually nonorthogonal, but are orthogonal to the inactive and virtual orbitals by a Schmidt orthogonalization, which is done in the following order: (1) The L€owdin orthogonalization is performed for the inactive orbitals. (2) The Schmidt orthogonalization procedure is carried out between groups (inactive and active orbital groups), rather than each basis, where the order is inactive orbitals first and then active orbitals. (3) The virtual orbitals are obtained by a two-step procedure: (3.1) group (Schmidt) orthogonalization between occupied orbitals and basis functions (occupied orbitals first and then basis functions); (3.2) removal of linearly independent vectors in the basis functions after step 3.1. Such a definition of the orbitals keeps the VBSCF energy invariant, while the orthogonalization between orbital groups ensures the efficiency of the VBPT2 method. In a fashion similar to that of MO-based multireference perturbation theory, a one-electron Fock operator is defined as ! " 1^ SCF ^ ^f ðiÞ ¼ ^hðiÞ þ ð23Þ Dmn J mn ðiÞ ! K mn ðiÞ 2 m, n ∑ ^ mn are Coulomb and exchange operators, where ^J mn and K respectively, DSCF mn is the VBSCF density matrix element, and m and n denote the valence bond orbitals. Using the Fock operator defined in eq 23, the zeroth-order Hamiltonian is defined as ^0 F^P ^0 þ P ^K F^P ^K þ P^SD F^P ^SD þ ::: ^0 ¼ P H ð24Þ where F^ = ∑ ^f (i), P^0 = |0æÆ0| is a projector onto the VBSCF space, i P^K is a projector onto the space complementary to that of the VBSCF wave function, and P^SD is a projector associated with singly and doubly excited structures from the reference wave function. On the basis of the Rayleigh!Schr€odinger perturbation theory, the expansion coefficients of the first-order wave function and the second-order energy are written respectively as ð0Þ 11 !1 10 ð0Þ Cð1Þ ¼ ðH11 0 !E M Þ H C ð20Þ 7563 ð25Þ dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW ð0Þ 11 !1 10 ð0Þ Eð2Þ ¼ Cð0Þþ H01 ðH11 0 !E M Þ H C (0) ð26Þ (1) where C and C are the coefficient column matrices of the VBSCF, eq 21, and the first-order wave functions, eq 22, respectively, E(0) is the zeroth-order energy, and matrices H11 0 , H01, H10, and M11 are respectively defined as ^ ðH11 0 ÞRS ¼ ÆΦR jH 0 jΦS æ ^ Ræ ðH01 ÞKR ¼ ÆΦK jHjΦ ð27Þ ^ Kæ ðH10 ÞRK ¼ ÆΦR jHjΦ ð28Þ ðM11 ÞRS ¼ ÆΦR jΦS æ ð29Þ In the above equations, index K and indices R and S are ^ is respectively for the fundamental and the excited structures. H the total system Hamiltonian. It is obvious that the largest matrix is H11 0 , which is blockdiagonal, owing to the orthogonality constraints that are applied to the different orbital sets. Therefore, the VBPT2 method is computationally efficient, compared to VBCI. No Hamiltonian matrix elements with nonorthogonal orbitals are required past the VBSCF step. Owing to the orthogonality between different orbital groups, all matrix elements involved in the perturbation correction procedure of VBPT2 may be easily computed by using the Condon!Slater rules. Though the VBPT2 wave function involves a large number of excited structures, the wave function is ultimately expressed in terms of a minimal number of fundamental structures, as in the VBSCF, by partitioning the first-order wave function into the fundamental structures. VBPT2 applications show that the method gives computational results that are on par with those of the VBCISD method and match those of the MO-based MRCI and CASPT2 methods (at the same basis sets). The total VBPT2 energies match those of CASPT2 if one uses a properly designed VB wave function as a reference. Figure 3 shows the computational errors of bond dissociation energies relactive to FCI with various methods, where 3 structures, 1 covalent and 2 ionic, are involved for H2 and F2, and 12 and 17 structures are used for O2 and N2. 2.3. Add-Ons: VB Methods for the Solution Phase 2.3.1. VBPCM Method. Solvation plays an important role in the molecular energy, structure, and properties. Theoretical treatments of solute!solvent interactions have been the subject of many studies in computational chemistry. In this sense, the continuum solvation model is one of the most economical tools for describing the solvation problem. A typical and commonly used continuum solvation model developed by Tomasi et al.119,120 is the PCM, wherein the solvent is represented as a homogeneous medium, characterized by a dielectric constant and polarized by the charge distribution of the solute. The interaction between the solute charges and the polarized electric field of the solvent is taken into account through an interaction potential that is embedded in the Hamiltonian and determined by a self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) procedure. With its lucid insight into the understanding of chemical reaction, VB theory is very well suited for elucidating solvent effects in solution-phase reactions. Coupling the VB method with the PCM119,120,160!167 generates the VBPCM method,168 which was developed for exploring the solute!solvent interactions at Figure 3. Computational errors of bond dissociation energies relative to the FCI method. Aug-cc-pVTZ basis set for H2, DZP for N2 and O2, and cc-pVTZ for F2. the ab initio VB level. VBPCM uses the IEF version of the PCM model,165!167 which is widely implemented in standard quantum chemical programs. To incorporate solvent effects into a VB scheme, the state wave function is expressed in the usual terms as a linear combination of VB structures, but now these VB structures interact with one another in the presence of the polarizing field of the solvent. The Schr€odinger equation for the VBPCM can be expressed as ðH 0 þ VR ÞΨVBPCM ¼ EΨVBPCM ð30Þ where H0 is the gas-phase Hamiltonian and the interaction potential VR for the ith iteration is given as a function of the electronic density of the (i ! 1)th iteration and is expressed in the form of one-electron matrix elements that are computed by a standard PCM procedure. The detailed procedures are as follows: (1) A VBSCF procedure in a vacuum is performed, and the electron density is computed. (2) Given the electron density from step 1, effective oneelectron integrals are obtained by a standard PCM subroutine. (3) A standard VBSCF calculation is carried out with the effective one-electron integrals obtained from step 2. The electron density is computed with the new optimized VB wave function. (4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the energy difference between the two iterations reaches a given threshold. Having the optimized wave function, the final energy of a system in solution is evaluated by 1 E ¼ ÆΨVBPCM jH 0 þ VR jΨVBPCM æ 2 ð31Þ By performing the above procedure, the solvent effect is taken into account at the VBSCF level, whereby the orbitals and structural coefficients are optimized until self-consistency is achieved. The VBPCM method enables one to study the energy curve of the full VB state as well as that of individual VB structures throughout the path of a chemical reaction and then reveal the solvent effect on the different VB structures as well as on the total VB wave function. The method has been applied to the studies of SN2 reactions in aqueous solution,168,169 which will be reviewed in section 3, and to the heterolytic bond dissociation of C4H9Cl and C3H9SiCl in aqueous solution.170 Figure 4 shows the potential energy curves of C4H9Cl in the gas phase and in the solvated phase, which illustrate intuitively different dissociation behaviors in the two different media, dissociating to radicals in the gas phase and to free ions in water. 7564 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW Figure 4. Dissociation curves of RX (R = (CH3)3C) (a) in the gas phase and (b) in the solvated phase. 2.3.2. VBSM Method. The VBPCM method incorporates PCM into the VB method, while the VBSM method applies the SMx (x = 1!8)121,171,172 solvation model. SMx (x = 1!8), developed by Truhlar and co-workers, treats the electrostatics due to bulk solvent by the generalized Born approximation with self-consistent partial atomic charges.121 In the SMx (x = 1!8) model,121,171,172 the electrostatic free energy of solvation is augmented by terms proportional to the solvent-accessible surface areas of the solute’s atoms times empirical geometry-dependent atomic surface tensions, accounting for cavitation, dispersion, and solvent structure effects, where the solvent structure effects include short-range deviations of the electrostatics from the bulk electrostatic model. The solvation free energy of SMx (x = 1!8) can be expressed as ð32Þ ΔGS ¼ ΔEE þ GP þ GCDS where GP is the negative electric polarization term, ΔEE is the positive electronic energy term, and GCDS is the term accounting for cavitation, dispersion, and solvent structure. The sum of GP and ΔEE is called ΔGEP. In the VBSM method,173 electronic density is computed by using a VB wave function, which is used for computing the partial atomic charges, while all other parameters are taken from the normal SM6 solvation model.171 As such, the VBSM method is able to produce all VB properties and thus provide intuitive insights into studied chemical problems in solution as the VBSCF method does in the gas phase. To perform a VBSM calculation with orbital optimization, the following steps are involved in the current version of XMVB: (1) Calculate (i) the Coulomb integrals γkk0 (R) that enter the generalized Born calculation, where k and k0 label atoms, (ii) the solvent-accessible surface areas A k(R), and (iii) the geometry-dependent factors that enter the GCDS calculation. R denotes the current geometry of the solute molecule. (2) Perform a standard VBSCF calculation and then obtain the gas-phase VB wave function. (3) Using the current VB density, we calculate the current partial atomic charges qk(R) by Mulliken (M) or L€owdin (L) population analysis, eqs 33 and 34 qM k ðRÞ ¼ Zk ! ∑ R∈k ðP 3 SÞRR ð33Þ qLk ðRÞ ¼ Zk ! ∑ R∈k ðS1=2 3 P 3 S1=2 ÞRR ð34Þ respectively, where Zk is the nuclear charge of atom k, R is a basis function on atom k, and P and S are the oneelectron density and overlap matrices, respectively. Then the generalized Born polarization energy121,171,172 is calculated by ! " 1 1 1! GP ¼ ! qk ðRÞ qk0 ðRÞ γkk0 ðRÞ 2 ε k k0 ∑∑ ð35Þ where ε is the bulk dielectric constant of the liquid solvent. Then ΔGEP is obtained. (4) Set ΔGEP into a new VBSCF procedure and solve a new secular equation including SM6 terms. After the iterations have converged, the total solvation energy at the ab initio VB level is obtained. Test calculations for a few systems show that the liquid-phase partial atomic charges obtained by VBSM are in good agreement with liquid-phase charges obtained by the charge model CM4.171 Free energies of solvation are calculated for two prototype test cases, namely, for the degenerate SN2 reaction of Cl! with CH3Cl in water and for a Menshutkin reaction in water. These calculations show that the VBSM method provides a practical alternative to single-configuration self-consistent field theory for solvent effects in molecules and chemical reactions. 2.3.3. Combined VB/MM Method. The VB/MM method, introduced by Shurki et al.,122 presents a new kind of combined QM/MM method that combines the ab initio valence bond method with MM by importing the ideas from the empirical valence bond (EVB) approach.174,175 It utilizes the ab initio VB approach for the reactive fragments and MM for the environment and thus extends VB applications to large biological systems. In the VB/MM method, the Hamiltonian of the whole system is expressed as H VB=MM ¼ H I ðVBÞ þ H O ðMMÞ þ H I, O ðVB=MMÞ ð36Þ where I and O stand for the inner (quantum) and the outer (classical) regions. HI(VB) is the VB Hamiltonian of an isolated 7565 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW quantum region (the gas-phase Hamiltonian) of all the atoms in the inner region, HO(MM) is the energy of all the atoms in the outer region determined by use of an empirical force field, and HI,O(VB/MM) is the Hamiltonian that accounts for all the interactions between the quantum and the classical atoms. The diagonal matrix elements of the Hamiltonian, which include all the nonbonded interactions, are calculated by HKK ¼ EKK ¼ E0KK ðVBÞ þ Eint KK ð37Þ E0KK (VB) is the Kth diagonal matrix element of the VB where structure energy in an isolated quantum region and Eint KK describes the interactions of the ab initio VB active subsystem with the MM part involving all the nonbonded interactions, such as electrostatic, van der Waals, bulk, etc. Following the idea underlying the EVB methodology,174,175 the off-diagonal matrix elements of the Hamiltonian can be approximated as 0 int 0 HKL ¼ HKL ðVBÞ þ ðWK Eint KK þ WL ELL ÞMKL ð38Þ where H0KL (VB) and M0KL are the off-diagonal elements of the Hamiltonian and overlap matrices between the Kth and Lth diabatic states (VB structures) in a vacuum, respectively. WK and WL are the respective weights of VB structures K and L given by eq 8. The VB/MM method combines molecular mechanics for the diagonal elements with ab initio VB calculations for the offdiagonal elements, hence avoiding parametrizations as well as interpolations. The method maintains the advantages of the EVB methodology and provides an ab initio VB wave function. Recently, a new version of VB/MM, called density-embedding VB/MM (DE-VB/MM), was developed.176 The improvement of the DE-VB/MM method is that the electrostatic interaction between the VB active subsystem and the MM environment is involved during the optimization of the VB wave function for the QM fragment, which is implemented by adding effective oneelectron integrals to the ab initio VB Hamiltonian, hence taking into account the wave function polarization of the QM fragment due to the environment. A somewhat related method is the MOVB/MM approach of Mo and Gao.177 2.4. Molecular Orbital Methods That Provide Valence-BondType Information 2.4.1. BLW Method. The BLW method is a simple bridge between MO and VB methods which provides VB-type information (e.g., resonance energies). As such, it is considered herein as a variant of the ab initio valence bond method which can be used for some specific applications, with the advantage of retaining the efficiency of molecular orbital methods.123!127 The basic principle consists of partitioning the full basis set of orbitals into subsets each centered on a given fragment. The molecular orbitals are then optimized in a Hartree!Fock way, with the restriction that each orbital is expanded only on its own fragment. The MOs of a given fragment are orthogonal among themselves, but the orbitals of different fragments have finite overlaps. The applications of the BLW method are designed primarily to evaluate the electronic delocalization and charge transfer effects between fragments/molecules. Thus, the block-localized wave function represents a reference for evaluating delocalization energies relative to the fully delocalized wave function. A typical application of the BLW method is the energy calculation of a specific resonance structure in the context of resonance theory. As a resonance structure is composed, by definition, of local bonds plus core and lone pairs, a bond between atoms A and B will be represented as a bonding MO strictly localized on the A and B centers, a lone pair will be an atomic orbital localized on a single center, etc. With these restrictions on orbital extension, the self-consistent field solution can be decomposed to coupled Roothaan-like equation sets, each corresponding to a block. The final block-localized wave function is optimized at the constrained Hartree!Fock level and is expressed by a Slater determinant. Consequently, the energy difference between the Hartree!Fock wave function, where all electrons are free to delocalize in the whole system, and the block-localized wave function, where electrons are confined to specific zones of the system, is defined as the electron delocalization energy. Recently, the BLW method has been extended to DFT178 by replacing the Hartree!Fock exchange potential by a DFT exchange-correlation (XC) potential in the Roothaan SCF procedure. This improved BLW method, referred to as BLWDFT, has the advantages over the original method to bring electron correlation to both the individual structure and the final adiabatic states. 2.4.2. MOVB Method. The MOVB125 method is an extension of BLW, which allows calculation of the electronic coupling energy resulting from the mixing of two or more diabatic states, i.e., states corresponding to single-resonance structures. The diabatic states are first calculated by the BLW method, and then a nonorthogonal configuration interaction Hamiltonian is constructed using these diabatic states as the basis functions. Thus, MOVB is a mixed molecular orbital and valence bond method, since it makes use of a Hartree!Fock or DFT description for the covalent bonds, while being able to calculate diabatic states. Importantly, solvent effects can be incorporated into the MOVB method. Thus, the MOVB method has been used to model the proton transfer between ammonium ion and ammonia in water,125 as well as a solvated SN2 reaction,177 using Monte Carlo simulations. One concern of the MOVB method is that the adiabatic state wave function is simply a mixture of two diabatic states without further reoptimization of the orbitals. To remedy this defect, an alternative BLW-based two-state model has been devised179 that is applicable to cases where a ground state Ψ0 can be approximately described in terms of a resonance between two diabatic structures, ΦA and ΦB: Ψ0 ¼ CA ΦA þ CB ΦB ð39Þ Differently than in MOVB, here both the ground state and diabatic states are independently optimized at the same Hartree! Fock or DFT level, yielding the ground-state energy ε0 and the diabatic energies εA and εB. The method assumes that, on one hand, the diabatic states are orthogonal to each other SAB ¼ ÆΦA jΦB æ ¼ 0 ð40Þ but, on the other hand, the nonorthogonality effects are absorbed by the effective off-diagonal Hamiltonian ÆΦA|H|ΦBæ, whose value is not directly computed but determined via a “reverse configuration interaction” procedure from the known values of ε0, εA, and εB. The orthogonality constraint further allows the construction of the first excited state as Ψ1 ¼ CB ΦA ! CA ΦB 7566 ð41Þ dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW Table 1. Bond Dissociation Energies Calculated with Valence Bond Methods180 Table 2. Barriers for the Hydrogen Exchange Reactions X• + HX f XH + X0 • (X = CH3, SiH3, GeH3, SnH3, PbH3, and H)a De (kcal/mol) BOVB VBCISDa CCSD(T) 6-31G* 36.2 32.3 32.8 cc-pVTZ 37.9 36.1 34.8 6-31G* cc-pVTZ 40.0 50.0 41.6 56.1 40.5 52.1 Br!Br 6-31G* 41.3 44.1 41.2 cc-pVTZ 44.0 50.0 48.0 F!Cl 6-31G* 47.9 49.3 50.2 cc-pVTZ 53.6 58.8 55.0 60.2 H!H 6-31G** 105.4 105.4 105.9 109.6 Li!Li 6-31G* 20.9 21.2 21.1 24.4 H3C!H H3C!CH3 6-31G** 6-31G* 105.7 94.7 113.6 90.0 109.9 95.6 112.3 96.7 bond F!F Cl!Cl basis set exptl 38.3 58.0 molecule HF CCSD VBSCF BOVB VBCISD VBCIPT CH3b SiH3b 35.1 26.5 33.0 23.1 25.8 25.5 GeH3b 25.2 22.0 19.3 16.6 25.5 25.5 19.1 18.0 19.7 18.1 19.0 17.0 SnH3b 18.5 13.5 20.5 14.9 15.3 14.1 PbH3b 15.2 13.0 17.3 12.3 12.5 11.5 20.6 10.2 10.0 Hc 9.8d a 45.9 HO!OH 6-31G* 50.8 49.8 48.1 53.9 H2N-NH2 6-31G* 68.5 70.5 66.5 75.4 ( 3 H3Si!H 6-31G** 93.6 90.2 91.8 H3Si!F 6-31G* 140.4b 151.1 142.6 H3Si!Cl 6-31G* 102.1 101.2 98.1 Energies in kilocalories per mole. b 6-31G* basis set: columns 2!5, ref 117; columns 6 and 7, ref 116. c Aug-cc-pVTZ basis set.145 d CCSD(T) calculation. 97.6 ( 3 160 ( 7 113.7 ( 4 With Davidson correction.116 b Two-structure calculations (H3Si!F+ is omitted). a Thus, on the basis of the energies of the two diabatic states and the adiabatic state at the same level, one can derive the structural weights of the diabatic states in the ground state, the coupling energy between the two diabatic states, and the transition energy to the first excited state without introducing any empirical parameter. Alongside the VB/MM method due to Shurki et al., MOVB/ MM177 is another kind of combined VB-type QM/MM method which is based on the BLW method discussed above. 3. APPLICATIONS This section covers a variety of applications of the VB methods described above. It begins with a short survey of the accuracy of the methods and then discusses a panoramic set of applications. 3.1. Accuracy of Modern VB Methods Any computational method dealing with reactivity must describe as accurately as possible the elementary events of a reaction, i.e., bond breakage or bond formation. This feature has been tested for various VB methods,113!118,145,180 and the emerging conclusion is that the methods which account for dynamic correlation, e.g., BOVB, VBCI, and VBPT2, are reasonably accurate. On the other hand, the VB methods that involve only nondynamical correlation, e.g., GVB and VBSCF, generally provide good qualitative trends, but poor quantitative accuracy. Table 1 shows bonding energies for a sample of homopolar and heteropolar bonds calculated by various methods with basis sets ranging from 6-31G* to cc-pVTZ.180 It is seen that BOVB and VBCI give results on par with those of CCSD(T) calculations performed with the same basis sets. Furthermore, with a large enough basis set, all these methods give results close to experimental values. Another important feature of modern VB methods is their ability to calculate reaction barriers with reasonable accuracy. Figure 5. VBSCD for a general reaction R f P. R and P are the ground states of the reactants and products, and R* and P* are the promoted excited states. This is illustrated in Table 2, where some barriers for hydrogen abstraction reactions are calculated with various methods using the 6-31G* basis set (entries 1!5). It is seen that the BOVB, VBCISD, and VBCIPT methods provide barriers that are on par with CCSD results using the same basis set. Moreover, for the H• + H!H0 f H!H + H0 • reaction (last entry), BOVB and VBCISD also provide a barrier value very close to the exact barrier and comparable to the experimental value of 9.8 ( 0.2 kcal/mol. On the other hand, the less elaborate VBSCF method, which lacks dynamic correlation, generates barriers that are way too high in all cases. The ab initio VB method has also been applied to the excited states of several diatomic molecules, such as O2, NF, B2, and LiB+.143,155,181 All the VB studies provide satisfactory numerical results with intuitive insights for the bonding of excited states. Further examples, where VB-calculated barriers are on par with benchmark values and close to experimental estimates, are shown in the following sections. 3.2. Chemical Reactivity There are two fundamental questions that any model of chemical reactivity would have to answer: What are the origins of the barriers? What are the factors that determine the reaction mechanisms? Since chemical reactivity involves bond breaking and making, VB theory, with its focus on the bond as the key constituent of the wave function, is able to provide a lucid model that answers these two questions in a unified manner. The centerpiece of the VB model is the VB state correlation diagram (VBSCD), which traces the energy of the VB configurations along the reaction coordinate and provides a mechanism for the barrier formation and generation of a transition state in an elementary reaction (Figure 5).182 7567 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW This diagram applies to elementary reactions wherein the barrier can be described as the interplay of two major VB states, that of the reactants and that of the products. It displays the ground-state energy profile for the reacting system (bold curve), as well as the energy profiles for individual VB states (thinner curves); these latter curves are also called “diabatic” curves, while the full state energy curve (in bold) is called “adiabatic”. Thus, starting from the reactant geometry on the left, the VB structure Ψr that represents the reactant’s electronic state, R, has the lowest energy and merges with the ground state. Then, as one deforms the reacting molecules toward the product geometry, Ψr gradually rises and finally reaches an excited state P* that represents the VB structure of the reactants in the product geometry. A similar diabatic curve can be traced from P, the VB structure of the products in its optimal geometry, to R*, the same VB structure but in the reactant geometry. Consequently, the two curves cross somewhere in the middle of the diagram. The crossing is of course avoided in the adiabatic ground state, owing to the mixing of the two VB structures, which stabilizes the resulting transition state by a resonance energy term, labeled B. The barrier is thus interpreted as arising from avoided crossing between two diabatic curves which represent the energy profiles of the VB state curves of the reactants and products. The nature of the R* and P* promoted states depends on the reaction type and will be explained below using specific examples. In all cases, the promoted state R* is the electronic image of P in the geometry of R, while P* is the image of R at the geometry of P. The G terms are the corresponding promotion energy gaps, B is the resonance energy of the transition state, ΔEq is the energy barrier, and ΔErp is the reaction energy. The simplest expression for the barrier is given by ΔEq ¼ fGr ! B ð42Þ Here, the term fGr is the height of the crossing point, expressed as some fraction (f) of the promotion gap at the reactant side (Gr). A more explicit expression is ΔEq ≈ f0 G0 þ ðGp =2G0 ÞΔErp þ ð1=2G0 ÞΔErp 2 ! B G0 ¼ 0:5ðGr þ Gp Þ f0 ¼ f r þ fp ð43Þ which considers the two promotion gaps and f factors through their average quantities, G0 and f0. Equation can be further simplified by neglecting the quadratic term and taking Gp/2G0 as ∼1/2, thus leading to ΔEq ¼ f0 G0 þ 0:5ΔErp ! B ð44Þ Equation 44 expresses the barrier as a balance of the contributions of an intrinsic term, f0G0 ! B, and a “driving force” term, 0.5ΔErp. The model is general and has been described in detail before183!187 and applied to a large number of reactions of different types. Here we will briefly summarize some VB computational applications on hydrogen abstraction reactions and various SN2 reactions. 3.2.1. Hydrogen Abstraction Reactions. Consider a general hydrogen abstraction reaction that involves cleavage of a bond H!Y by a radical X•v (X, Y = a univalent atom or a molecular fragment): X•v þ H!Y f X!H þ Y•v ð45Þ Practically, Ψr is a linear combination of covalent and ionic forms that contribute to the Lewis structure “X•v + H!Y”, as shown in the following: Ψr ¼ C1 ðX•v þ H• !• YÞ þ C2 ðX•v þ Hþ :Y! Þ þ C3 ðX•v þ H:! Yþ Þ ð46Þ This combination is maintained in Ψr from R to P* throughout the reaction coordinate, while the coefficients of the contributing structures change and adapt themselves to the geometric change (e.g., at infinite H---Y distance, C1 = 1). The curve Ψp, which stretches between P and R* is defined in an analogous manner. Two definitions are possible for the diabatic state curves Ψr and Ψp. In the variational diabatic configuration (VDC) method, the energies of the diabatic states are variationally minimized, as is done in the applications described below unless otherwise noted. In this way, each diabatic state has the best possible combination of coefficients and orbitals for this specific state. Alternatively, in the consistent diabatic configuration (CDC) method,188 the diabatic states are simply extracted from the ground-state wave function by projection. As explained before,183 the inconvenience of the CDC technique is that the so-constructed diabatic states involve orbitals and VB coefficients of the ground state and are therefore not optimal for the diabatic states. By comparison, the VDC technique gives quasi-variational quantities for all the parameters in the diagram (f, G, B). Since the promoted state R* is the VB structure of P in the geometry of R, its electronic state is illustrated by R ) ¼ ðX•v þ H• Þ---------• Y ð47Þ where the H!Y bond is infinitely long, while the X•v radical (spin-up) experiences some Pauli repulsion with the electron of H, which is 50% spin-up and 50% spin-down. As such, the R* state is 75% a triplet state, and hence, the Gr gap is (3/4)ΔEST, ΔEST being the singlet!triplet excitation of the X!H bond that undergoes activation. In the study of identity reactions (X = Y), it has been shown that, indeed, the promotion energy Gr required to go from R to R* is proportional to the singlet!triplet gap of the X!H bond186,189 or to the X!H bonding energy D(X!H). Actually, systematic VB ab initio calculations by the VBCI method have shown that, to a good approximation, Gr can be expressed as follows:189 Gr ≈ 2DðX!HÞ ð48Þ Moreover, a semiempirical derivation showed189 that the resonance energy B is also proportional to D(X!H) by the following expression: B ≈ 0:5DðX!HÞ ð49Þ From the semiempirical expression for the height of the crossing point, it was possible to derive the value of the f factor for a series of identity H abstraction reactions. As the f factor appears to be relatively constant and close to 1/3, eqs 42 and 49 can be turned into the very simple eq 50, where it is seen that the barrier for identity H abstraction reactions depends on a single parameter of the reactants, D(X!H). ΔEq ≈ ð2f ! 0:5ÞDðX!HÞ f ¼ 1=3 ð50Þ The so-calculated barriers were shown to correspond quite well to the corresponding CCSD(T) barriers for a series of 7568 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW Figure 6. VBSCD-derived barriers plotted against ab initio VB-calculated barriers (kcal/mol). identity abstraction reactions (X = Y = H, CH3, SiH3, GeH3, SnH3, PbH3).189 While the limitations of this expression have been discussed in detail, e.g., in the case where the transition state is not colinear for which B is larger than its value in eq 49 due to mixing of additional structures,183 still eq 50 yields good orders of magnitude and correctly reproduces the trends in the series. For nonidentity reactions (X 6¼ Y), eq 44, which accounts explicitly for all the reactivity factors, was applied190 to estimate the barriers for a series of 14 H abstraction reactions. The plot in Figure 6a shows good agreement with VBCISD-computed barriers. Albeit being apparently more difficult to treat than identity reactions, if one assumes that the transition state coincides with the geometry of the lowest crossing point in the VBSCD, one can treat nonidentity reactions using semiempirical approximations that enable estimation of barriers from easily available quantities. Since the A!X and A!Y bonds are of different strengths, one being the weakest and the other the strongest, they have respective bonding energies DW and DS. VB calculations for the 14 reactions showed that B is approximately half of the weakest bonding energy, DW, or, in other words, of the bond energy of the bond that is broken in the reactants of the exothermic direction of the reaction, while G0 is close to the sum of both bonding energies:190 B ¼ 0:5DW G0 ¼ DW þ DS ð51Þ Thus, by taking f0 ≈ 1/3 as in identity reactions (accurate VB calculations yield f0 = 0.32!0.36),190 one gets the following very simple equation: q ΔE ¼ KðDS ! 0:5DW Þ þ 0:5ΔErp K ≈ 1=3 ð52Þ Figure 6b displays a good correlation of the barriers calculated through eq 52 for the same 14 reactions as in Figure 6a plotted against the VBCISD calculations. Thus, it appears that the VBSCD model is able to express semiquantitative barriers for H abstraction reactions in terms of the bonding energies of reactants and products. Recent applications of eq 52 to the reactivity of cytochrome P450 in alkane hydroxylation shows that a good correlation with DFT-computed barriers is achieved with eq 52 using f = 0.3 and a constant B value, which is very close to 0.5DW.191,192 The MOVB method (see section 2.4.2) has also been applied by Mo and Gao to describe the diabatic and adiabatic potential energy curves in a model proton abstraction reaction:125 H3 N: þ H!NH3 þ f H3 Nþ !H þ :NH3 ð53Þ At each point of the reaction coordinate, the three diabatic VB structures, respectively those of the reactants and products, complemented by an ionic structure [H3N: H+ :NH3], were calculated by the BLW method, and the adiabatic ground state was calculated by configuration interaction between these VB structures, without further optimization of the orbitals. The MOVB results were found to be in good accord with the corresponding ab initio Hartree!Fock calculations for the proton transfer process. The authors also incorporated solvent effects into the MOVB Hamiltonian like in QM/MM calculations and have modeled the proton transfer between ammonium ion and ammonia in water using statistical Monte Carlo simulations in a cubic cell involving 510 water molecules with periodic boundary conditions.125 By comparison to previous semiempirical treatments,174,175 both diagonal and off-diagonal matrix elements in the MOVB Hamiltonian explicitly include solvent effects in the calculation. The reaction coordinate in solution is chosen as the energy difference between the diabatic reactant and product VB states, which ensures that the solvent degrees of freedom are adequately defined because the change in solute !solvent interaction energy reflects the collective motions of the solvent molecules as the reaction.125 As a result, solvent effects were found to increase the barrier by 2.2 kcal/mol relative to that of the gas-phase process. 3.2.2. SN2 Reactions in the Gas Phase. A generic SN2 reaction is shown in eq 54 where the nucleophile, X:!, shifts an electron to the A!Y electrophile and forms a new X!A bond while the leaving group Y departs with the negative charge. X:! þ A!Y f X!A þ :Y ! ð54Þ Let us derive now an expression for Gr by simply examining the nature of the excited state R* relative to the corresponding ground state.183!187 In R*, A and Y are geometrically close to each other (as in the ground state, R) and separated from X by a long distance. The X fragment, which is neutral in the product P, must remain neutral in R* and therefore carries a single active electron. As a consequence, the negative charge is located on the A---Y complex, so that the R* state is the result of a charge transfer from the nucleophile (X:!) to the electrophile (A!Y), as depicted by ð55Þ R ) ¼ X• // ðA\YÞ! It follows that the promotion from R to R* has two parts: an electron detachment from the nucleophile, X:!, and an electron attachment to the electrophile, A!Y. The promotion energy Gr is therefore the difference between the vertical ionization 7569 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW potential of the nucleophile, I*X:, and the vertical electron affinity of the electrophile, AA!Y * , given by ) ) G ¼ IX: ! AA!Y ð56Þ Table 3. VBSCD Parameters and Reaction Barriers for the Identity Reaction X:! + H3C!X f X!CH3 + X:! (X = F, Cl, Br, I)a VBSCD quantity where the asterisk denotes vertical quantities. Thus, the mechanism of a nucleophilic substitution may be viewed as an electron transfer from the nucleophile to the electrophile and a coupling of the supplementary electron of the electrophile to the remaining electron of the nucleophile. In fact, the description is general for any electrophile!nucleophile combination. Ab initio BOVB calculations have been performed by Song et al.193 for the following identity reaction using the XMVB program:108,109 ð58Þ where D is the bonding energy of the X!CH3 bond and Q is the weight of the X! [CH3]+ X! VB structure in the transition state or, more simply, the net charge of the CH3 fragment in the transition state. Importantly, the Q parameter is close to 0.5 in the X = F, Cl, Br series, varying between 0.53 and 0.41 (see Table 3). Therefore, the barrier can be estimated through eq 42 from a property of the reactants, Gr, a quasi-constant parameter, f, and an easily quantifiable parameter, B. It is tempting to consider the f and Q parameters for the identity reactions as being universal within a given row of the periodic table and to use them unchanged to predict barriers in nonidentity SN2 reactions. This has been done with a very unsymmetrical reaction,169 the Menshutkin reaction (eq 59 H3 N: þ H3 C!Cl f H3 Nþ !CH3 þ X:! ð59Þ and Figure 7), which is very endothermic in the gas phase and at the same time proceeds with neutral reactants while the products are ionic. As the backward reaction is not a simple nucleophilic attack but also involves the breaking of an ion pair in the gas phase (IP in Figure 7), we will only consider the forward process and eq 42, discarding eqs 43 and 44, which would be meaningless in this case. As the nucleophile is NH3, it is legitimate to take the same f factor as in the identity reaction with chlorine (Table 3), i.e., f = 0.181, since N and Cl have the same electronegativity (3.0). For the B factor, we can use a formula derived from eq 58, remembering that for a nonidentity reaction one uses the bond- Br I B 29.2 21.2 21.1 20.2 G 218.9 194.6 164.6 129.0 f 0.197 0.181 0.197 0.237 ΔEq(BOVB) ΔEq(CCSD(T)) 14.0 11.3 14.0 13.7 11.4 10.5 10.4 9.1 B 25.1 16.9 17.8 16.3 Gb 343.8 281.2 246.0 200.0 f 0.166 0.155 0.169 0.194 ΔEq(BOVB) 32.0 26.8 23.8 22.6 ΔEq(exptl) 31.8 26.5 23.7 23.2 Aqueous Phase ð57Þ BðSN 2Þ ¼ ð1 ! Q Þ0:5D Cl Gas Phase X:! þ H3 C!X f X!CH3 þ X:! ðX ¼ F, Cl, Br, IÞ In the gas phase, the barriers from the reactant complex [X ! (H 3 C!X)] to the transition state, as calculated at the BOVB/6-31G* level, were found to be within less than 3 kcal/mol of the CCSD(T) values in the same basis set (see Table 3). The BOVB method was also used to derive the barriercontrolling factors for the VBSCD model using eq 42. It was found that the f parameter is quasi-constant, 0.197, 0.181, and 0.197 for X = F, Cl, and Br, respectively, and somewhat larger, 0.234, for X = I (Table 3). This indicates that f is relatively independent of the nature of X, at least within the series of halide exchange reactions. On the other hand, as expected from previous treatments,186 the value of B should be sensitive to the charge on the central methyl group. This expectation was indeed realized in the BOVB calculations, which showed that B is not constant and obeys the following semiempirical expression: F a Energies in kilocalories per mole. b Calculated from the gas-phase value through eq 67. ing energy of the bond that is broken in the reactants of the exothermic reaction, here H3N+!Cl (see Figure 7): BðSN 2Þ ¼ ð1 ! Q Þ0:5DW DW ¼ DðH3 Nþ !ClÞ ð60Þ Using a standard (MP2-calculated) value of 122.6 kcal/mol for D(H3N+!Cl) and an average value of 0.5 for Q in eq 60 yields a value of 30.7 kcal/mol for B, in excellent agreement with the BOVB/6-31G*-calculated value of 30.2 kcal/mol (Table 4). The so-estimated f and B parameters can now be used in eq 42, together with an estimation of Gr, to get a semiempirical barrier for the Menshutkin reaction in the gas phase. Gr can be calculated in the MO or VB framework or directly taken as an experimental quantity when available. 194 Here, the BOVBcalculated promotion energies led to a Gr value of 372 kcal/mol. Now, applying eq 42 leads to a semiempirical barrier estimate of 36.7 kcal/mol for the gas-phase Menshutkin reaction, in excellent agreement with the BOVB-calculated value, 35.1 kcal/mol (Table 4). As was done in a hydrogen abstraction reaction (section 3.2.1),125 the MOVB approach was applied to SN2 reactions to reduce the multiconfigurational Hamiltonian, here into an effective two-state model,188,195 and compared to the VBSCF approach. In the VBSCF calculation, the diabatic states Ψ r and Ψ p are defined as in the following equations, where the coefficients are optimized at each point of the reaction coordinate: Ψr ¼ C1 ðX:! A•!•YÞ þ C2 ðX:! A:þ Y þ Þ þ C3 ðX:! A þ Y:! Þ ð61Þ Ψp ¼ C4 ðX•!•A :Y ! Þ þ C5 ðXþ :A ! :Y! Þ þ C6 ðX:! A þ :Y! Þ ð62Þ where it is seen that Ψr and Ψp share a common ionic VB structure, (X:! A+ :Y!), so that the VBSCF calculation is actually a five-structure one. In the MOVB model, both Ψr and Ψp are defined as BLW wave functions, referred to as ΨMOVB and ΨMOVB , i.e., r p 7570 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW Figure 7. Schematic energy levels and geometries for the Menshutkin reaction in the gas phase. Table 4. VBSCD Parameters and Reaction Barriers for the Menshutkin Reactiona Gr gas phase 372.5 water 308.3 semiempirical B ΔEq(BOVB) ΔEq(CCSD(T)) semiempiricalb ΔEq 30.2 30.7c 35.1 36.8 36.4 21.4 20.9d 14.2 15.2 13.5 Gp G0 B(BOVB) 314.6 311.2 Energies in kilocalories per mole. b Semiempirical reaction barriers calculated with f values taken from the identity SN2 reaction Cl:! + H3C!Cl f Cl!CH3 + Cl:! and B values calculated through eqs 60 (gas phase) and 69 (water). c Equation 60. d Equation 69. a represented by a single determinant (see section 2.4.1), and the ground state is represented as a combination of the two diabatic functions: þ Cp ΨMOVB ΦMOVB ¼ Cr ΨMOVB r p ð63Þ The MOVB model has been applied and compared to VBSCF calculations with both the CDC and VDC definitions of the diabatic states (vide supra) on the SN2 reaction shown in the following equation using the XMVB program:108,109 H3 N: þ H3 C!NH3 þ f H3 Nþ !CH3 þ :NH3 ð64Þ It was shown that the CDC diabatic states from VBSCF and from MOVB are in remarkable agreement, and the same agreement was found for the adiabatic ground-state curve.188 However, one shortcoming of both the five-structure VBSCF and MOVB approaches is that they do not include the long-bond VB structure that is further needed to fully describe the fourelectron three-orbital system of the SN2 reaction, namely, the (X• A:! •Y) structure. As a result, the reaction barrier in the adiabatic groun- state curve is always found too large relative to accurate calculations. To remedy this defect, the effective-Hamiltonian MOVB (EH-MOVB) model was proposed,195 in which a diabatic coupling scaling factor is introduced to match the calculated barrier with a target value. In this model, the diabatic states are calculated in a CDC fashion; i.e., the coefficients Cr and Cp and the orbitals of ΨMOVB r and ΨMOVB in eq 63 are variationally optimized to minimize the p energy of the adiabatic ground state on each point of the reaction coordinate. Then the adiabatic ground-state curve is recalculated by 2'2 configuration interaction among the diabatic states, but with a scaled off-diagonal effective Hamiltonian matrix element HEH 12 , as in the following equation: EH ¼ βÆΨMOVB H12 jHjΨMOVB æ r p ð65Þ where β is a diabatic scaling coupling constant that is kept invariant for all points of the reaction coordinate and is chosen so it reproduces exactly the barrier height of a target potential, derived either from experiment or from high-level ab initio calculations. In addition, if the energy of the reaction is not in good agreement with experiment, the EH-MOVB results can be further adjusted to match experiment by shifting the . The EH-MOVB energy of the product diabatic state ΨMOVB p model has been applied to the SN2 reaction (eq 66),195 with a scaled diabatic coupling (β in eq 65) calibrated to reproduce the reaction barrier of a six-structure VBSCF calculation, involving the full set of VB structures necessary to describe the reaction. HS:! þ H3 C!Cl f HS!CH3 þ Cl:! ð66Þ The shapes of the potential surfaces, diabatic as well as adiabatic, were found to display good agreement between the EH-MOVB and VBSCF levels.195 On the other hand, the diabatic coupling maps were found to be qualitatively different for the two methods. 3.2.3. SN2 Reactions in the Aqueous Phase from an Implicit Solvent Model. The computational approaches for the inclusion of solvation effects can roughly be divided into two categories, one implicit and the other explicit. The PCM model119,120 belongs to the first category and is one of the most widely used methods in the framework of dielectric continuum models. The recently developed VBPCM method incorporates PCM into modern VB calculations.168 The VBPCM method has an important conceptual bonus since it enables us to compute energy profiles for the full state as well as for the individual VB structures. In so doing, the VB calculations reveal the effect of solvent on the constituents of the wave function, thereby providing a useful insight into the reaction in solution. The VBPCM method, with the BOVB option, has been used to study the identity reaction X:! + H3C!X f XCH3 + X! 7571 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW Figure 8. Schematic energy levels and geometries for the Menshutkin reaction in the aqueous phase. (X = F, Cl, Br, I) in aqueous solution,193 as was done for the gasphase reaction (vide supra). As shown in Table 3, the BOVBcalculated barriers in the solvated phase are in excellent agreement with the experimental values, within 1 kcal/mol or less. The calculations also provide the key parameters of the VBSCD model, such as the resonance energy B at the transition-state geometry (see Figure 5) and the height of the crossing point of the diabatic curves relative to the reactants. On the other hand, the promotion gap Gr cannot be directly calculated by the VBPCM method because the two species that form the R* promoted state, i.e., X• and [H3C\X]!, should be solvated with the same solvent configurations as for the ground state; that is, they are in a state of nonequilibrium solvation, whereas the PCM model deals only with equilibrium solvation. As such, the promotion gap in a solvent would be underestimated if calculated by any method coupled with a continuum solvation model. However, the problem can be circumvented by using a semiempirical nonequilibrium solvent model developed previously.196!198 In the present case, this model takes the following simple form196!198, which estimates the promotion gap in the solvent, Gs, from the promotion gap in the gas phase (Gg). Gs ≈ Gg þ 2FSX! ð67Þ ! where SX! is the desolvation energy of X: and F is the solvent reorganization factor, which can be quantified from the static and optical dielectric constants of the solvent by F ¼ ðε ! εopt Þ=½εopt ðε ! 1Þ& ð68Þ where εopt = n2 and n is the refractive index of the solvent. With water as the solvent, the value of F is 0.56. The reorganization factor takes into consideration the fact that the species in the excited state are not solvated in their equilibrium solvent configurations, but in the same ones as the ground-state species beneath them, and hence, their solvation energy is downsized. The so-calculated promotion gaps in solvent are displayed in Table 3 and are seen to be significantly larger than their gas-phase analogues, Gs, as expected. The f parameters in solvent are deduced from the calculated Gg, ΔEq, and B values. As for the gas-phase reactions, the f parameters for the solvated reactions are found to be somewhat constant in the series X = F, Cl, Br, slightly larger for X = I, and in all cases larger than the corresponding values in the gas phase (Table 3).193 Once again, one may tentatively use the parameters of the identity reactions, this time in the aqueous phase, to make semiempirical predictions on the barriers of solvated nonidentity reactions. This has been done for the aqueous solution Menshutkin reaction,169 which displays thermochemistry and a barrier extremely different from those of the gas-phase reaction owing to the neutral nature of the reactants and the ionic nature of the products. As illustrated in Figure 8, the Menshutkin reaction, which was endothermic from the reactants to the ion pair in the gas phase by 30.7 kcal/mol,169 is exothermic by 30.1 kcal/mol in the aqueous phase, and the two ionic products are independently solvated. Since there is no stable ion pair in the products in the solvated phase, both forward and backward processes are “normal” SN2 reactions and the general eq 44 is appropriate. The promotion energies are first estimated from their gas-phase values using the semiempirical nonequilibrium solvation model,196,197 leading to the G0 value (Table 4). Then, to estimate B semiempirically, one must use eq 58 in which D is the bonding energy of the bond that is broken in the reactants of the exothermic reaction. This is now the H3C!Cl bond, since the exothermic reaction is now the forward one, in contrast to the gas-phase reaction: BðSN 2Þ ¼ ð1 ! Q Þ0:5DW DW ¼ DðH3 C!ClÞ ð69Þ With an MP2/6-31G* value of 83.4 kcal/mol for the C!Cl bond energy in H3C!Cl,169 and the mean value of 0.5 for Q, one gets a semiempirical value of 20.9 kcal/mol for B, to be compared with the accurately calculated value of 21.4 kcal/mol (Table 4). Finally, taking f0 = 0.155 as in the identity SN2 reaction of chloride (Table 4), application of eq 44 leads to a semiempirical barrier of 36.4 kcal/mol, in excellent agreement with the BOVBcalculated value of 35.1 kcal/mol.169 The very recent VBSM valence-bond-based solvation model (see section 2.3.2) has also been applied to the identity exchange reaction (eq 57) and to the Menshutkin reaction (eq 59) for the sake of comparison with the VBPCM model (section 2.3.1) and with the SM6 model,171 the latter being used in the DFT framework (hence DFT/SM6).171 For the identity reactions (eq 57), both SM6/DFT and VBPCM/BOVB models perform well, providing free energies of activation of 25.8 and 26.1 kcal/mol, respectively, to be compared with an experimental value of 26.5 kcal/mol. On the other hand, all the VBSM free energies of activation for the identity reactions were found to be too large in the VBSM model, even at the VBSM/BOVB level, where the value was still 10 kcal/mol higher than the experimental value. By contrast, for the Menshutkin reaction the VBSM and VBPCM methods were in excellent agreement. In both frameworks, the VBSCF level was found to be inaccurate, for lack of dynamic correlation, but 7572 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews at the BOVB level, both VBPCM and VBSM methods gave free energies of activation in excellent agreement with the SM6 calculation. 3.2.4. SN2 Reactions in the Aqueous Phase from Molecular Dynamics with Explicit Solvent Molecules. The identity SN2 reaction Cl! + CH3Cl (eq 57) in water has been studied by Sharir-Ivry and Shurki199 using their VB/MM model, which employs explicit solvent molecules (see section 2.3.3). This approach has the advantage of directly addressing nonequilibrium solvation for the calculation of the G promotion energy in the VBSCD model in solution. Recall that since G is defined as the vertical excitation energy between the reactant state R and the promoted state R* in the reactant’s geometry, the orientation of the solvent molecules in the promoted state should retain the original orientation as in the reactant state. While the VBPCM model cannot compute nonequilibrium solvation, and requires a semiempirical approximation (e.g., eq 67), the VB/ MM approach provides a direct solution by keeping the same solvent configuration in both R and R*. The simulation system was divided into four regions: Region I included the reacting fragments methyl halide and the halide anion (CH3X + X!), region II included the water molecules up to a radius of 18 Å, and region III included water molecules that were subjected to distance and polarization constraints according to the surfaceconstrained all-atom solvent boundary condition.199 The rest of the system was presented by a bulk region with a dielectric constant of 80. The VB calculations were performed at the BOVB level and resulted in calculated aqueous solution barriers in very good agreement with experimental values. The parameters of the VBSCD model were also calculated and compared to those calculated in the VBPCM solvation model. Expectedly, the G promotion energies in solvent were found to be much larger than the same quantities in the gas phase due to the aforementioned effect of the nonequilibrium solvation that destabilizes R*. Moreover, the BOVB/MM-calculated G values, respectively 392, 324, 270, and 217 kcal/mol (for X = F, Cl, Br, I), were in reasonably good agreement with the values estimated through the semiempirical eq 67 in the VBPCM model: 344, 281, 246, and 200 kcal/mol (Table 4). The tendencies in the G values are the same, and the ratio of VBPCM to VB/MM values is fairly constant, ca. 1.09!1.15. This nice agreement between the semiempirical model and the rigorous molecular dynamics with explicit solvent molecules confirms that the former can be meaningfully applied to the study of chemical reactions in solution. The same identity SN2 reaction (eq 57) in water was also studied by Mo and Gao177 using a combined VBSCF/MM and MOVB/MM approach with explicit solvent molecules in the same spirit as their study of a hydrogen abstraction reaction (eq 53, section 3.2.1). The aim of the study was to test the validity of the MOVB/MM approach and find a simple way of incorporating the solvent reaction coordinate for chemical reactions in solution. The problem that had to be faced is that the barrier height for simple reactions in water can be significantly altered if the reaction coordinate excludes solvent degrees of freedom, owing to nonequilibrium solvation effects.200 As in the study of the hydrogen abstraction reaction,125 the adopted strategy consisted of defining the reaction coordinate as the difference between the energies of the reactant and product diabatic states in water. The same three resonance structures were used in both the VBSCF and MOVB calculations, including the reactant and REVIEW Scheme 5. Spectrum of the Rumer Structures for (a) Polyenes and (b) Polyenyl Radicals product configurations, plus the zwitterionic state, Cl:! +CH3 : Cl!. In the MOVB calculations, these structures are described as usual in the BLW fashion (see section 2.4.1), i.e., as single Slater determinants which are optimized independently, and the final adiabatic ground state is calculated by a 3'3 CI calculation that only optimizes configurational coefficients. On the other hand, in VBSCF, the VB configurations are optimized within the full multiconfigurational adiabatic wave function. The gas-phase barrier and the binding energy for the ion!dipole complex were found in good agreement with experiment at the VBSCF level, while MOVB slightly overestimated the barrier.177 Statistical mechanical Monte Carlo simulations were performed in a box containing 740 water molecules with periodic boundary conditions. At the HF/MM level, the computed free energy of activation was found to be in excellent agreement with experiment, with an error of only 0.6 kcal/mol, thus confirming the validity of the chosen solvent reaction coordinate. On the other hand, the MOVB/MM barrier was found too large by 10 kcal/mol, attributed partly to the gas-phase difference and partly to solvent effects. It was concluded that it is important to optimize each VB state in the presence of all other states in a full SCF calculation.177 7573 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW 3.3. Excited States of Polyenes and Polyenyl Radicals VB theory provides a powerfully intuitive tool for understanding the chemical bonding not only for the ground states but also for the excited states.183 Ab initio VB theory was applied to the ground states and the covalent states of polyenes C2nH2n+2 (n = 2!8) and polyenyl radicals C2n!1H2n+1 (n = 2!8)154 using Rumer structures. These structures are shown in Scheme 5 and are classified by the number of short bonds, which are π-bonds between two neighboring atoms, and where parts a and b are for polyenes and polyenyl radicals, respectively. Two levels, VBSCF and VBCI, were applied to calculate excitation energies, which are from 11Ag to 21Ag for polyenes and from 2B1 to 2A2 or from 2 A2 to 2B1 (depending on the number of carbon atoms) for polyenyl radicals. Two types of truncations were employed in the calculation; one truncates the Rumer space of VBSCF level, e.g., VBSCF(S,D), while the other truncates the excitation space of the VBCI level, e.g., VBCI(S,D). The computed VB vertical excitation energies, Table 5, are in good agreement with the MO-based method MRCI at the same basis set. For the polyenes, the deviations of VBCISD from the MRCI results are in the range of 0.03!0.08 eV. Compared to the semiempirical VBDFT(s), which is a semiempirical VB method that incorporates the DFT energy of the nonbonded reference state,201!204 the ab initio VB values are slightly higher by 0.3!0.4 eV. For the polyenyl radicals, all the results of the three ab initio levels, VBSCF, VBCIS, and VBCISD, are in very good mutual agreement. At the same time, all the ab initio VB results are in very good agreement with the corresponding VBDFT(s) data, though the latter is just a H€uckel-type VB method. The match between ab initio VB results with MRCI is also good. The differences between VBCISD and the MRCI methods are in the range of 0.03!0.06 eV. It was found that the variation of the VBSCF excitation energy as a function of the number of carbons in the polyene chain follows an exponential fit: ΔE ¼ 2:63 þ 7:848e!0:189ð2nÞ R 2 ¼ 0:99987 n ¼ 2, 3, 4, ::: ð70Þ The intercept value of 2.63 eV at n f ∞ means that long polyenes will have a residual energy gap, presumably due to bond alternation. For the radical series, the VBSCF data fit as a cosine function, which at n f ∞ converges to zero, having no residual gap: ΔE ¼ 5:037 cos n!1 π 2n R 2 ¼ 0:86629 n ¼ 2, 3, 4, ::: ð71Þ The study of the polyenes and polyenyl radicals shows that the ab initio VB theory is able to provide numerical accuracy for the physical properties of excited states. Additionally, the VB wave function, which is made up of Rumer structures, enables lucid understanding of excited-state properties, such as the makeup of the various states and their energies and geometries, the opposite bond alternation properties of the ground and excited states, isomerization patterns, soliton characteristics, etc.183 3.4. Quantitative Evaluation of Common Chemical Paradigms 3.4.1. BLW Examination of the Role of Conjugation in the Rotational Barrier of Amides. The amide functional group plays a fundamental role in biology as a basic building Table 5. VB- and MRCI-Computed Vertical Excitation Energies (eV) for Polyenes C2nH2n+2 (n = 2!8) and Polyenyl Radicals C2n!1H2n+1 (n = 2!8) with the D95V Basis Set no. of Rumer n a structures VBSCF VBCIS VBCISD VBDFT(s) MRCI 2 2 6.47 6.47 6.56 6.28 6.53 3 5 5.29 5.28 5.36 5.02 5.42 4 14 4.49 4.49 4.55 4.19 4.60 5 6 42 132 3.95 3.56 3.94 3.55 4.00 3.60a 3.63 3.32 4.07 3.68 7 429 3.27 3.26b 8 a 3.06 2 2 3.21 3.21 3.26 3.26 3.29 3 5 2.54 2.53 2.57 2.49 2.62 4 14 2.07 2.07 2.10 2.01 2.16 5 42 1.76 1.75 1.78 1.68 1.84 6 7 132 429 1.53 1.40 1.53 1.41b 1.58 1.44b 1.45 1.29 1.61 8 120b 1.27b 1.19b 2.93 a 225 2.70 1.16 b VB(S,D) type. VB(S) type. Scheme 6. VB Resonance Structures for Planar Amide (1!3) and Rotated Amide (4) block of proteins and enzymes. It is characterized by specific properties such as coplanarity of the groups attached to the nitrogen atom, a substantial rotational barrier, and kinetic stability toward nucleophilic attack or hydrolysis. All these properties are readily rationalized on the basis of the most popular concept of amide resonance by which the nitrogen atom is able to delocalize its lone pair over the whole C, N, O π-system to gain stabilization. This delocalization of the π-electrons implies that the planar amide group has to be represented by a set of three resonance structures (Scheme 6, 1!3). In the resonance model, the delocalization also implies the planarity of the nitrogen group. This delocalization is disrupted when the C!N bond is twisted as in 4, leading to a net destabilization that accounts for the significant rotational barrier. Other properties of the amide group, such as the shortened C!N distance, reduced CdO stretching frequency, and reduced nitrogen basicity, are also satisfactorily explained by the resonance model, which implies contribution of structure 2 to the ground state of the planar form. However successful, the simple resonance picture has been challenged by several authors,205!209 mostly on the basis of electron population analyses, and alternative models were suggested. Thus, the rotational barriers of amides have been proposed to arise from carbonyl polarization,205,206 stabilizations/ destabilizations related to hybridization changes,209 and so on. The challenge of the resonance model and the suggestion of alternative models stirred up a significant controversy involving theoreticians and experimentalists.210!212 7574 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW We note that all the arguments that have been invoked either in favor of or in opposition to the resonance model are somewhat indirect, since they deal with probes such as charge distributions, Fermi correlation, or bond length changes upon C!N rotation. At the same time, the crucial quantity that is needed to test the resonance model is the delocalization energy (DE), which presumably accounts for the disputed origins of the rotational barrier. In fact, the validity of the resonance model can be directly tested by means of VB methods. Thus, the stabilization brought by the delocalization of the nitrogen lone pair in planar amide is estimated by comparing the energy of the fully delocalized ground state to that of a localized state in which the lone pair is constrained to remain on the nitrogen atom. The BLW method (vide supra) offers quick and reliable DE values. At the Hartree! Fock level, these two states are designated as ΦRHF and ΦBLW loc , respectively. Thus, DE is given by RHF Þ DE ¼ EðΦBLW loc Þ ! EðΦ ð72Þ Here DE provides the vertical delocalization energy if both calculations are performed in the geometry of the delocalized ground state ΦRHF. Note that all orbitals in ΦBLW loc , except for the nitrogen lone pair, are free to delocalize over the entire molecule. In this manner, the DE takes into account the inductive effects and the polarities of the various bonds, including the C!O π-bond. The BLW-HF method was used by Lauvergnat et al. to calculate delocalization energies in formamide and thioformamide213 with the aim of providing a quantitative answer to the following questions: (i) How much does the delocalization of the nitrogen’s lone pair over the carbonyl or thiocarbonyl group stabilize the planar forms of amides relative to the twisted forms? (ii) Does the resonance model fully account for the rotational barrier of amides? (iii) Why is the rotational barrier of thioformamide larger than that of formamide? Using the 6-311G** basis set, Lauvergnat et al. found vertical delocalization energies of 27.3 and 37.6 kcal/mol, respectively, for formamide and thioformamide, indicative of a strong delocalization of the lone nitrogen pair in both molecules. These values were subsequently confirmed by Mo et al. in a similar study extended to selenoformamide, SeCHNH2, and the planar forms of formamidine, NHCHNH2, and vinylamine, CH2CHNH2, yielding vertical delocalization energies of 37.6, 25.5, and 19.1 kcal/mol, respectively, for these three compounds.214 Using the BLW method in conjunction with DFT, thus dynamic correlation taken into account, increases the vertical delocalization energies of formamide and thioformamide by ca. 4 and 2 kcal/mol, respectively.179 Of course, the large vertical delocalization energies cannot be directly compared to the rotational barriers around the C!N bond because (i) the nitrogen lone pair also delocalizes in the rotated geometry 4 and (ii) the rotated form is stabilized by pyramidalization at nitrogen and more generally by geometry relaxation. Using the BLW-HF technique, the vertical delocalization energy of the rotated forms was estimated to be 12.4 and 10.2 kcal/mol, respectively, for formamide and thioamide.213 These values, which correspond to hyperconjugation, are clearly smaller than in the planar form but not negligible. The contribution of nitrogen lone pair delocalization to the rotational barriers is best elucidated by considering adiabatic delocalization energies, calculated through eq 72 using optimized and ΦRHF. Comparison of the geometries for both ΦBLW loc adiabatic DEs for the unrotated and rotated forms shows that Scheme 7. 1,3-Dehydrobenzenea a ϕ1 and ϕ3 are pure in-plane atomic orbitals. the delocalization of the nitrogen lone pair stabilizes the unrotated conformation more than the rotated one by 7.3 kcal/mol for formamide vs 13.7 kcal/mol for thioformamide. Thus, the resonance stabilization of the planar conformers is responsible for about half of the rotational barrier of formamide and twothirds of that of thioformamide. The larger rotational barrier of thioformamide is therefore due to a greater importance of conjugation effects relative to those of formamide. These results demonstrate that conjugation of the π-electrons is an important feature of the electronic structure of amides and thioamides and that the nitrogen lone pair is significantly delocalized over the (thio)carbonyl group. All in all, the BLW calculations support the qualitative resonance model and show that even if resonance stabilization is not the sole factor responsible for the rotational barriers, it is still a significant one. 3.4.2. VBSCF Application to Through-Bond versus Through-Space Coupling in 1,3-Dehydrobenzene. 1,3-Dehydrobenzene (m-benzyne, 5 in Scheme 7) is a singlet diradical that owes its stability relative to the triplet state to a weak bonding between the carbons C1 and C3. Although it was generally assumed that most of the bonding between these two carbons is due to direct, through-space (TS) interactions, the possibility of an additional contribution from through-bond (TB) interactions was raised by Hoffmann.215 More recently, Winkler and Sander also concluded, on the basis of topological and NBO analyses, that the C2!H, C1!C2, and C2!C3 bonds mediate the interactions between C1 and C3.216 To distinguish and quantify the respective contributions of TB and TS to the singlet!triplet gap, Borden et al. carried out VBtype calculations on 5.217 For the singlet state, the calculations are of the VBSCF/BDO type; i.e., a single formally covalent VB structure is written to describe the C1!C3 bonds, but the orbitals are allowed to delocalize over only the C1 and C3 centers. As is well-known,1!3,183,218,219 VB wave functions of this type implicitly take into account the ionic component of the bond, owing to the partial delocalization of the orbitals. The pure TS interaction is described as a singlet coupling between two BDOs, j1 and j3, as in 1ΨVB bdo: 1 ΨVB ̅ 1 j3 j ̅ 3!j bdo ¼ jj1 j j3 ¼ ϕ3 þ εϕ1 j1 ¼ ϕ1 þ εϕ3 ð73Þ where ϕ1 and ϕ3 are the pure AOs of C1 and C3 involved in the TS interaction (see Scheme 7) and j1 and j3 are allowed to delocalize on C1 and C3 but not on the other atoms. In this manner, 1ΨVB bdo does not contain any contribution from any atoms other than C1 or C3, and it is therefore devoid of any TB interaction. On the other hand, 1ΨGVB full allows full delocalization of the GVB pair (j1, j3) over the entire molecule, as in the standard GVB method that uses OEOs: 7575 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews 1 REVIEW ΨGVB ̅ 3!j ̅ 1 j3 j full ¼ jj1 j j1 ¼ ϕ1 þ εϕ3 þ ε, ϕi þ ::: j3 ¼ ϕ3 þ εϕ1 þ ε, ϕi þ ::: Scheme 8. Resonance Structures Which Contribute to Hyperconjugation in Ethane ð74Þ Thus, 1ΨGVB full now contains both TS and TB interactions. An analogous use of partially delocalized “atomic” orbitals and OEOs allows calculation of triplet states with or without inclusion of TB interactions. Thus, it was possible to calculate adiabatic singlet!triplet gaps by taking only TS interactions into account or by including both TS and TB interactions, leading to ΔES!T(TS) and ΔES!T(TS+TB), respectively. In the CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ-optimized geometry, a value of 4.7 kcal/mol was found for ΔES!T(TS), as compared to a total singlet!triplet gap ΔES!T(TS+TB) of 9.9 kcal/mol. Thus, it was concluded that the stabilization provided by TB interactions contributes 10% more than the stabilization provided by the TS interactions to the adiabatic singlet!triplet energy difference, at least at this level of VB calculation, which only takes nondynamic correlation into account. However, it was found that dynamic correlation is rather important, as it increases the adiabatic singlet!triplet gap by 11 kcal/mol relative to the previous calculation,217 so that the question of the precise contributions of TS vs TB interactions remains somewhat open. BOVB calculations that take dynamic correlation into account may resolve this issue. 3.5. Direct Estimate of Hyperconjugation Energies by VBSCF and BLW Methods 3.5.1. Magnitude of Hyperconjugation in Ethane. The hindered rotation about the carbon!carbon bonds in organic compounds is a common phenomenon in conformational analysis. Taking ethane as a prototypical example, the barrier to rotation has been traditionally attributed to Pauli exchange repulsions, or steric hindrance, between the vicinal C!H bonds. However, this simple picture has been questioned in a number of theoretical studies, on the basis of natural bond orbital (NBO) analyses. It was suggested that, contrary to intuition, electrostatic and Pauli repulsions actually favor the eclipsed conformation, while the preferred staggered conformation is due to hyperconjugative interactions between the methyl groups.220!222 This proposal stirred a controversy223!225 and led Bickelhaupt and Baerends to evaluate the Pauli and electrostatic interactions explicitly using the aforementioned EDA method, with a zeroth-order wave function constructed from fragment orbitals of the methyl groups. They concluded that although hyperconjugation favors the staggered conformer, Pauli exchange repulsions are the dominant force responsible for the rotational barrier in ethane.223 Another quantitative estimate was proposed by Mo et al.224,226,227 using VB theory which directly evaluates the stabilizing effect of hyperconjugation (Scheme 8). In VB theory, hyperconjugation in ethane is expressed as a resonance between the main VB structure, involving one C!C and six C!H single bonds, and a group of 18 VB structures displaying a CdC double bond and one proton in one methyl group and a hydride in the other (see Scheme 8). Removing these 18 VB structures from the VB calculation defines a reference state ΦVB loc which is devoid of hyperconjugation. Accordingly, the hyperconjugative stabilization energy EVB hc is defined as the VB energy difference between ΦVB loc and the ground state ΦGS, which includes all the VB structures: VB VB EVB hc ¼ EðΦloc Þ ! EðΦGS Þ ð75Þ Figure 9. Some of the e-symmetric CH3 group orbitals of ethane. The VB calculations have been performed at the VBSCF level.226 With the best basis set, the calculated hyperconjugative stabilizations amount to 13.1 kcal/mol for the staggered form and 12.1 kcal/mol for the eclipsed one, thus favoring the staggered conformation by 1.0 kcal/mol. It should be noted that these estimates are much smaller than the hyperconjugative stabilizations calculated by the NBO methods, respectively 27.7 and 23.0 kcal/mol for the staggered and eclipsed forms.221 This large difference between the BLW and NBO estimations has been interpreted by Mo and Gao.226 In the NBO analysis, the antibonding methyl orbitals are deleted but the remaining orbitals, which form the localized state, are not reoptimized after this deletion. This tends to exaggerate the energy difference between the localized and delocalized states, thus overestimating the hyperconjugation stabilizations. By contrast, the orbitals of the reference state are reoptimized in the VBSCF calculation, which therefore leads to smaller values. The contribution of hyperconjugation to the rotational barrier of ethane has also been investigated by the BLW method. Thus, to quantitatively estimate the stabilization energy of hyperconjugation effects, it is necessary to know the energy of the hypothetical ethane reference that has no hyperconjugative interactions. Such a reference system is BLW-computed by preventing electron delocalization between vicinal methyl groups. Using symmetry-adapted group orbitals, only the e-symmetric orbitals of the methyl groups are relevant to the barrier since the other orbitals, of a-symmetry, are invariant to rotation. The e-symmetric bonding orbitals of the left carbon are represented in Figure 9, labeled as πx1 and πy1, together with their antibonding counterparts, πx1* and πy1*. Of course, identical orbitals (not shown in Figure 9) exist on the right carbon, labeled as πx2, πy2, πx2*, and πy2*. During the BLW procedure, the occupied orbitals of the methyl groups are optimized but kept fully localized on their specific methyl groups, leading to the wave function ΦBLW loc in which hyperconjugation is “turned off”: ¼ ð...Þðπx1 Þ2 ðπy1 Þ2 ðπx2 Þ2 ðπy2 Þ2 ΦBLW loc ð76Þ On the other hand, using the standard RHF method allows delocalization to take place during the orbital optimization and leads to e-symmetric bonding and antibonding delocalized molecular orbitals, labeled as ex, ey, ex*, and ey*, which are the 7576 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW components of the RHF wave function ΦRHF: ΦRHF ¼ ð...Þðex Þ2 ðey Þ2 ðex )Þ2 ðey )Þ2 ð77Þ Scheme 9. Product Distributions for Some Acid-Catalyzed E1 Eliminations of H2O from Secondary (Eq 79) and Tertiary (Eq 80) Alcohols Since vicinal hyperconjugation is fully at work in ΦRHF and absent in ΦBLW loc , the stabilization resulting from hyperconjugation is defined as RHF ¼ EðΦBLW Þ EBLW hc loc Þ ! EðΦ ð78Þ The BLW and RHF calculations were performed using the same basis sets as for VBSCF and proved little basis-set dependency.224,226 As a result, hyperconjugation was found to favor the staggered conformation by 0.76!0.84 kcal/mol, depending on the basis set, at the BLW-RHF level (eq 78) and by 0.90!0.98 kcal/mol at the VBSCF level (eq 75). By comparison, the total preference of ethane for the staggered conformation relative to the eclipsed one, all effects included, amounts to 3.0 kcal/mol, as calculated at the RHF level. Thus, both VBSCF and BLW methods converge to the same conclusion that hyperconjugation accounts for about 25!33% of the total rotational barrier in ethane. The rest can be entirely attributed to steric hindrance, which represents the collective contributions from the Pauli exchange repulsion and electrostatic interactions between the vicinal methyl groups. This conclusion, which is based on a direct estimation of hyperconjugative effects, is in agreement with the deduction of Bickelhaupt and Baerends,223 based on an estimation of Pauli and electrostatic interactions, and brings quantitative support to the traditional view about the rotational barrier in ethane. 3.5.2. Physical Origin of the Saytzeff Rule. Alkene formation during elimination reactions is known to proceed by the preferential removal of the β-hydrogen from the carbon that has the smallest number of hydrogens. This statement, known as Saytzeff’s rule,228 is illustrated in Scheme 9 using two different alcohols.229,230 The Saytzeff rule is generally confirmed by experiment, but different textbooks give different interpretations for the physical reason behind the observed selectivities and/or alkene stabilities. A common interpretation231 rests on the hyperconjugation between the highest occupied orbital of the alkyl fragment and the π- and π*-MOs of the C!C double bond, which thereby stabilizes the more substituted double bond. On the other hand, an alternative explanation is based on the hybridization effect on the strengths of the C!C bonds.232 Thus, an sp2!sp3 C!C bond is stronger than an sp3!sp3 C!C bond, and the more the alkene is substituted, the higher the ratio of sp2!sp3 C!C bonds to sp3!sp3 C!C bonds. Note that this explanation does not take into account the effect of hybridization on the C!H bonds, which acts in the opposite direction, as will be discussed below. Finally, inductive effects and steric repulsions must also be considered. Since hyperconjugation and hybridization effects are the most frequently invoked explanations, Braida et al.233 quantified them independently by use of the BLW and VBSCF methods, which allow hyperconjugation to be turned “on” or “off”. The ab initio calculations deal with the products of reactions in Scheme 9 to understand the origin of their different relative stabilities. Let us discuss in detail the reasons why the most substituted isomers are more stable than the less substituted ones. When going from CH3CHdCRCH3 to CH2dCREt, the following stabilizing/destabilizing effects are taking place: (i) Loss of hyperconjugation, ΔE > 0. (ii) Csp3!H f Csp2!H, ΔE < 0. (iii) Csp2!CH3 f Csp3!CH3, ΔE > 0. (iv) π-Polarization in CH2dCREt, ΔE < 0. (v) Other effects (strain, σ-inductive effects, etc.) Hyperconjugation was first estimated by BLW calculations. The state with delocalization on is simply the RHF wave function of the alkene, ΦRHF. The state with π-delocalization off is ΦBLW loc . In accord, the hyperconjugation energy,EBLW hc , can be estimated by eq 78 as in the preceding section. The BLW results233 show that localizing the orbitals of one methyl group raises the energy by 6.0 ( 0.1 kcal/mol, no matter which methyl group is chosen. Furthermore, hyperconjugation effects of the various methyl groups are nearly additive and independent of each other. The hyperconjugative stabilization energy of an ethyl group, for both 8 and 10, is estimated to be close, ca. 6.4 kcal/mol. It follows that, for both C4H8 and C5H10, hyperconjugation effects stabilize the most substituted product by about 6 kcal/mol, which is significantly more than the actual thermodynamic preference expressed by Saytzeff’s rule, respectively 2.6 and 1.1 kcal/mol for eqs 79 and 80 in Scheme 9 at the RHF level at 0 K (experimentally 2.4 and 1.5 kcal/mol at 298 K). It is therefore concluded that the other effects, listed above, neatly operate in the anti-Saytzeff direction. The effects of C!C and C!H hybridization changes (items ii and iii above) were estimated from calculated or experimentally measured dissociation energies of simple reactions, i.e., extrusion of hydrogen from methane and from ethane and extrusion of methyl from ethane and from propene (removing the hyperconjugative effect in the latter case). At the G3 (0 K) computational level, the following results were obtained: Csp3 !H f Csp2 !H ΔE ¼ ! 5:9 kcal=mol Csp2 !CH3 f Csp3 !CH3 ΔE ¼ 4:8 kcal=mol ð81Þ ð82Þ As both hybridization changes take place as one shifts from the most substituted alkene to the less substituted one, it follows that hybridization effects destabilize the former isomer by 1.1 kcal/mol. Experimental measurements at 298 K yield a destabilization of the same order of magnitude, 0.7 kcal/mol.233 Thus, the hybridization effects do not account for the Saytzeff rule, but contribute an anti-Saytzeff effect that slightly lowers the hyperconjugative effects. Another effect that may possibly play a role in the relative stabilities of isomers is the polarization of the π-bond by the π-donor substituents. The π-polarization can be turned on and off using VBSCF with BDOs. In this brand of VB theory, the bond 7577 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW under study (here the π-bond) is described as a singlet-coupled interaction between two BDOs, j1 and j2, that form a bond pair. Thus, the ground state with π-polarization on is represented by the wave function Ψon pol: on ð83Þ Ψpol ¼ j... ψψ ̅ ... ðj1 j2 ! j1 j2 Þj Table 6. Summary of the Various Effects That Contribute to the Thermodynamic Difference between the Saytzeff Products (6, 9) and the Anti-Saytzeff Products (8, 10) in Scheme 9 6f8 hyperconjugation in which the orbitals j1 and j2 are not equivalent, owing to polarization. It is therefore straightforward to turn the polarization off by averaging j1 and j2 as in the wave function Ψoff pol: av av av av Ψoff j ! j j Þj ð84Þ ¼ j ... ψ ψ ... ðj ̅ 1 2 pol 1 2 jav 1 jav 2 where and are mirror images of each other and are obtained by averaging the expressions of j1 and j2. Accordingly, the stabilization energy due to π-polarization is simply the energy on difference between Ψoff pol and Ψpol. As a result, it turns out that π-polarization is a weakly stabilizing factor, accounting for 0.3 kcal/mol stabilization of 8 relative to 6 and 0.4 kcal/mol stabilization of 10 relative to 9. Thus, this effect too slightly favors the anti-Saytzeff products. Summing up the calculated effects of hyperconjugation, hybridization changes, and π-polarization, these cumulated effects favor 8 over 6 by 4.45 kcal/mol and 10 over 9 by 4.55 kcal/mol, which are more than the actual stability differences as calculated at the G3 (0 K) level, respectively 2.42 and 1.20 kcal/mol (see Table 6). This means that the remaining effects, σ-polarization and steric effects, amount to 2!3 kcal/mol and act in the antiSaytzeff direction. In summary, it appears that the Saytzeff rule is entirely governed by hyperconjugation between the π-bond and the π-donating substituents, whereas all other factors have a smaller opposite effect. 3.5.3. Tetrahedranyltetrahedrane. The shortest C!C single bond ever in a noncyclic saturated hydrocarbon was experimentally characterized by Tanaka and Sekiguchi234 in 2005 in tetrahedranyltetrahedrane, a dimer of tetrahedranyl radicals (Scheme 10). The bond length of 1.436 Å is 0.091 Å shorter than the C!C bond in ethane at the RHF/6-311+G** level. Knowing that the greater the s character in hybrid atomic orbitals, the shorter the bond between such hybrids, Tanaka and Sekiguchi ascribed the very short bond length to the high s character of the exocyclic bond, as could be deduced from the CCC angles in this highly strained molecule. However, an alternative explanation is the partial double bond character in this C!C bond due to the hyperconjugative interactions between the two tetrahedranyl groups. As in the case of ethane, the study of hyperconjugative interactions in tetrahedranyltetrahedrane was carried out by Mo235 using the BLW-RHF method, which deactivates hyperconjugation by confining the electrons in localized orbitals of one tetrahedranyl group or the other. Only e-symmetric orbitals were localized in the BLW wave function, ΦBLW loc , since these are the only orbitals capable of hyperconjugation. As there are eight e-symmetric group orbitals on each group, labeled 1e1!8e1 and 1e2!8e2, respectively, for the left and right groups, the block-localized wave function, which is devoid of hyperconjugation, reads as in the following equation: ΦBLW loc ¼ ð...Þð1e1 !8e1 Þð1e2 !8e2 Þ ð85Þ On the other hand, the RHF wave function that describes the ground state involves the fully delocalized e-symmetric orbitals, labeled 1e!16e, as in the following equation: ΦRHF ¼ ð...Þð1e!16eÞ ð86Þ 9 f 10 5.8 6.1 hybridization changes !1.1 !1.1 π-polarization !0.3 !0.4a !2.0 !3.4 2.4 1.2 a other effects totalb a These include π-polarization and steric effects. b Calculated at the G3 (0 K) level. Scheme 10. Tetrahedranyltetrahedrane Molecule At the optimized geometry of the molecule, the difference RHF is 15.2 kcal/mol for the staggered between ΦBLW loc and Φ conformer vs 14.1 kcal/mol for the eclipsed one in the 6-311 +G** basis set. This difference of 1.1 kcal/mol is notably smaller than the rotational barrier of 3.0 kcal/mol, leading to the conclusion that hyperconjugation differences contribute only slightly to the rotational barrier of tetrahedranyltetrahedrane. To probe the influence of hyperconjugation on the central C!C bond length, the geometry of the molecule was optimized for the ΦBLW loc pseudostate in which hyperconjugation is turned off. The C!C distance was found to be 1.491 Å at the BLW/6311+G** level, in comparison with the actual distance of 1.436 Å in the molecule calculated at the RHF/6-311+G** level. Thus, Mo concluded that the stabilizing hyperconjugation effect shortens the central C!C bond in tetrahedranyltetrahedrane by 0.055 Å. However, the same author performed analogous calculations on ethane and found that hyperconjugation effects also shorten the C!C bond in ethane by 0.040 Å, which suggests that hypercoordination in tetrahedranyltetrahedrane is not outstanding relative to that of other saturated hydrocarbons and explains only partly the short central C!C bond length. Thus, the rest of the C!C bond length difference compared with ethane, 0.076 Å, was ascribed to the much larger s character that is found in the exocyclic hybrid orbitals of the tetrahedranyl groups as compared to the methyl groups in ethane. It is interesting to point out that the very same conclusion has been made on the basis of MO-based energy decomposition analysis.236 It is gratifying to see that MO and VB methods come to the same conclusion when it comes to the interpretation of unusual bonding situations. 3.6. VBSCF and BLW Applications to Aromaticity Aromaticity is a central issue in chemistry. VB theory defines the stability associated with this property in terms of the resonance energy (RE), which measures the magnitude of contributions from resonance structures other than the principal Lewis structure to the ground state of a conjugated molecule.237 SC VB calculations were used to estimate the REs for benzene,38,238!242 cyclobutadiene,239,240 distorted benzene,243pyrene derivatives,244,245 7578 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW the H6 cluster,246 and so on. Similarly, classical VB calculations, including all VB covalent and ionic structures, were also employed for the same purpose.247!249 A disadvantage of the SC method is that a given formally covalent structure implicitly contains some minor components from other structures, due to the semidelocalized nature of the AOs that are employed, so that the definition of a reference structure for the calculation of RE is ambiguous. Here we will describe a few applications of the VBSCF and BLW methods, which have been shown to provide comparable values for the REs.242 3.6.1. Energetic Measure of Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity. The first easy-to-apply method to estimate the RE in the classical VB spirit is due to Kollmar128 and consists of constructing the reference nonconjugated VB structure by replacing its π-MOs by a set of strictly two-center-localized ethylenic MOs, each taken from an RHF calculation of ethylene having the appropriate C!C bond length.128 Calculations of REs using this simple technique were reviewed in 2001, along with VBSCFcomputed and Kollmar’s computed values.249 The BLW method123!127 (see section 2.4.1) improves on Kollmar’s method by optimizing the orbitals of the nonconjugated VB structure. At this point it is useful to define249 the various quantities that are associated with resonance and aromaticity and that are sometimes mixed up in the literature. The “vertical resonance energy” (VRE) stands for the Pauling!Wheland RE of a conjugated molecule, calculated by taking both the ground state and the most stable VB structure in the ground-state geometry. On the other hand, the “adiabatic resonance energy” (ARE) is calculated by taking these two states each in their own optimal geometry. Finally, the “extra cyclic resonance energy” (ECRE) measures the extra stabilization of conjugated rings with respect to an appropriate acyclic conjugated system which is taken as the nonaromatic reference. The ECRE is known also as the thermochemical resonance energy.249 Thus, ECRE is expected to be positive for aromatic systems and negative for antiaromatic ones. All these quantities can be readily estimated by means of valence bond calculations. Mo and Schleyer found a VRE for benzene of 91.6 kcal/mol at the BLW-RHF level,250 in the 6-311+G** basis set, a value which is comparable to 86 kcal/mol calculated with the Kollmar method249 using the 6-31G basis set. On the other hand, a much smaller value was found for the VRE of rectangular cyclobutadiene, as expected, only 10.9 kcal/mol,250 compared with 22 kcal//mol for square cyclobutadiene with VBSCF.249 Mo and Schleyer also used the BLW-RHF method to calculate AREs.250 For benzene, the geometry-optimized nonconjugated VB structure, the so-called “1,3,5-cyclohexatriene”, was found to display alternated bond lengths of 1.319 and 1.522 Å, to be compared with the regular bond lengths of 1.386 Å for benzene at the RHF level. AREs of 57.5 and 10.3 kcal/mol were calculated for benzene and cyclobutadiene, respectively. Thus, the very different values of the AREs for benzene and cyclobutadiene reflect their fundamental difference in terms of aromaticity/antiaromaticity. More quantitatively, the stabilization/ destabilization energies associated with these concepts are best estimated by the ECRE, defined as ECREðCMÞ ¼ AREðCMÞ ! AREðRef Þ ð87Þ where CM is the cyclic conjugated molecule under study and Ref is an acyclic conjugated molecule taken as a reference nonaromatic system. This reference molecule is a linear polyene that can be chosen as having the same number of double bonds as the cyclic molecule (i.e., trans-1,3,5-hexatriene for benzene)249 or the same number of diene conjugations (i.e., trans-1,3,5,7octatetraene for benzene). The first model is referred to as ECRE1, while the second model, generally considered as more meaningful than the former for neutral systems,251 is referred to as ECRE2. Note that the ECRE2 model defines a reference molecule that has two more atoms than in the cyclic molecule. Whatever the nonaromatic reference that is chosen, the ECRE is similar in spirit to the well-known “aromatic stabilization energy” (ASE), an experimental quantity that is taken as a measurement of the extra stabilization of a cyclic molecule in excess of the RE of analogous acyclic conjugated systems. For benzene, the experimental endothermicity of reaction 88 has been proposed252 to estimate the ASE, which amounts to 28.8 kcal/mol. On the side of VB calculations, the ECRE1 and ECRE2 values for benzene, as calculated at the BLW-RHF/6-311+G** level,250 amount to 36.7 and 25.7 kcal/mol, respectively, suggesting that ECRE2 is indeed more relevant than ECRE1. For cyclobutadiene, ECRE1 is close to zero at the BLW-RHF level, while ECRE2 is definitely negative, !10.5 kcal/mol, thus reflecting very well the antiaromaticity of cyclobutadiene and further establishing ECRE2 as the best energetic criterion for aromaticity of neutral molecules. For ionic systems the ECRE1 model works better, since ECRE2 has the inconvenience of defining an acyclic reference that has more atoms than in the cyclic molecule. This feature, which is of no concern in the neutral system, introduces a bias in ionic systems owing to greater stabilization in the acyclic reference due to better charge delocalization. The BLW-RHF method was further used to calculate the various resonance energies (VRE, ARE, and ECRE) of a series of twelve five-membered rings C4H4X (X = AlH, BH, CH+, CH2, NH, O, PH, S, SiH+, SiH!, SiH2).250 The ECRE values were systematically compared to the magnetic criterion for aromaticity, the “nucleus-independent chemical shift” (NICS), which is known to be negative for aromatic systems and positive for antiaromatic ones. As a result, ECRE2 values were found to better correlate than ECRE1 with NICS values, with a correlation coefficient of 0.95. This and the above results for benzene tend to demonstrate that acyclic references with the same kind and numbers of single bonds between the π-units measure aromaticity better than references having the same number of π-electrons. In particular, negative (positive) NICS values correlate with positive (negative) ECRE2 values in all cases. Accordingly, the ECRE2 values for cyclopentadiene cation and anion are !35.4 and 19.1 kcal/mol, with 46.9 and !13.7 ppm NICS values, respectively. Thus, it is seen that VB calculations can complement the often-used magnetic criterion for aromaticity with an energetic criterion, which has the advantage of providing stabilization energies of direct chemical interest. 3.6.2. Cyclopropane: Theoretical Study of σ-Aromaticity. The concept of σ-aromaticity was first proposed by Dewar253 in 1979 to explain the surprisingly small conventional strain energy of cyclopropane, only 27.5 kcal/mol, practically the same as the strain energy of cyclobutane despite the larger CCC angles in the latter. Extending the H€uckel rule originally 7579 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW proposed for π-systems, Dewar suggested that rings with 4n + 2 skeletal electrons, such as cyclopropane, are stabilized by σ-aromaticity while those with 4n electrons are σ-antiaromatic and destabilized. Since then, the concept of σ-aromaticity has been extended to many other systems and is now well established, but the question remains of whether cyclopropane indeed follows this paradigm. In fact, there is a large discrepancy in estimates of the σ-aromatic stabilization energy of cyclopropane, ranging from 55.1 kcal/mol254 to 5.0 kcal/mol,255,256 and even in the conclusion that “There is no need to invoke σ-aromaticity to explain the thermochemistry of cyclopropane.”257 However, as all these estimations were indirect, Wu, Schleyer, and Mo (WSM) recently used the ab initio VBSCF method to get direct estimations of the stabilization due to σ-aromaticity in cyclopropane.258 As in other applications (vide supra), the method utilized by WSM takes advantage of the ability of the VB method to turn electronic delocalization off or on. Note that there are two kinds of delocalization modes in cyclopropane: (i) in-plane delocalization of the σ-orbitals of the CH2 groups and (ii) out-of-plane delocalization among the set of π-like CH2 group orbitals. The stabilization energies arising from these two types of delocalization are referred to as REσ and REπ, respectively. A semilocalized wave function of the VBSCF type in which σdelocalization is turned off is defined as in the following equation, dropping the spin function: ^ ðΩC Ωσloc Ωπdel Þ Φσloc ¼ A ð89Þ where ΩC refers to the core orbitals, Ωσloc is a direct product of BDOs that are constrained to be localized on a given CH2 group, and Ωπdel is a product of π-BDOs that are allowed to delocalize freely over the molecule. A similar definition is used for a semilocalized wave function where π-delocalization is turned off: ^ ðΩC Ωσdel Ωπloc Þ Φπloc ¼ A ð90Þ Finally, Φσ+π loc is a fully localized wave function in which both σ- and π-delocalizations are turned off. With these definitions, the delocalization energies REσ and REπ are defined as in eqs 91 and 92, σþπ REσ ¼ Φσloc ! Φloc ð91Þ σþπ REπ ¼ Φπloc ! Φloc ð92Þ respectively. The VBSCF/cc-pVDZ-calculated values for REσ and REπ are 12.5 and 10.2 kcal/mol, respectively. While these values might appear significant, it must be kept in mind that similar delocalization energies due to hyperconjugative interactions exist even in acyclic alkanes such as ethane224,226 (see section 3.5.1). Consequently, the ECRE, defined as the RE difference between the cyclic aromatic compound and its appropriate acyclic reference, is more suitable for evaluating the σ-aromaticity. The selection of the acyclic reference can be based either on having the same number of carbons (i.e., propane, giving ECRE1) or on having the same number of C!C bonds (i.e., butane, giving ECRE2). In both cases, the extra cyclic delocalization energy of propane is found to be quite small, with ECRE1 values of 3.5 and 1.8 kcal/mol, respectively, for σ- and π-delocalization, and even slightly negative ECRE2 values, !0.7 and !2.7 kcal/mol.258 It is concluded that the extra σ-stabilization energy (at most 3.5 kcal/mol) is far too small to explain the small difference in strain energy between cyclopropane (27.5 kcal/ mol) and cyclobutane (26.5 kcal/mol) by σ-aromaticity. Thus, there is no need to invoke σ-aromaticity for cyclopropane energetically. 3.7. Electronic Structure of Conjugated Molecules The weights of the various resonance structures in a conjugated molecule can be reliably assessed using ab initio VB theory by applying Chirgwin!Coulson’s formula (eq 8 in section 2.1) or the alternative L€owdin definition.138 As the various VB structures are nonorthogonal within the classical VB scheme, both these definitions contain some overlap terms (MKL in eq 8) that must be partitioned between the various VB structures, hence the difference in weights between the various formulas when the overlap is large. To get rid of this defect, some authors have proposed to perform the VB analysis in terms of VB structures defined with orthogonalized atomic orbitals.83,259 These orbitals, called “nearly atomic molecular orbitals” (NAMOs)83 or “orthogonalized atomic orbitals” (OAOs),260 are each mainly centered on a single atom but have tails, which ensure orthogonality, on other atoms. The advantages and disadvantages of the orthogonal VB approach have been discussed by Angeli et al. in a recent paper.260 As an advantage, the ambiguity attached to the partitioning of overlap terms is avoided since the VB structures are mutually orthogonal. Furthermore, this method makes the orthogonal VB reading of a CASSCF wave function very easy and cost-efficient.83 On the other hand, one disadvantage is that the covalent VB structures defined with orthogonal NAMOs are always repulsive,261 in contrast to classical VB which views covalent interactions as strongly bonding in the majority of cases, in accord with chemical wisdom. Thus, the definition of the VB structures in terms of purely local AOs or HAOs, as is done in classical VB, is closer to the chemists’s language. Furthermore, classical VB guarantees a nonambiguous correspondence between the VB wave function and the intuitive Lewis structures, owing to the absence of delocalization tails in the HAOs. A number of authors have performed such analyses of ab initio classical VB wave functions on molecules such as NNO,262,263 NO2,264,265 ClO2,266 N2O2,267 linear N5+ cation,268,269 1,3dipoles,266,270 cyclobutadiyl diradicals,271 cyclopenta-fused naphthalenes and fluoranthenes,272 and many others. Here we will describe two applicatory examples in detail. 3.7.1. Ground States of S2N2 and S42+. S2N2 is an intriguing molecule. As a four-membered ring with six electrons in the π-system, it satisfies the generally accepted criteria for aromaticity: electron count following H€uckel’s 4n + 2 rule, stability, planarity with uniform bond lengths, and negative nucleus-independent chemical shift due to the π-electrons.273 However, its aromatic stabilization energy was found to be quite small or altogether absent, in the range of !0.7 to +6.5 kcal/ mol, depending on the reactions that are used for such estimations.273 On the other hand, the closed shell character (in principle associated with aromaticity) of this molecule has been questioned by some authors who interpreted their theoretical results in terms of significant singlet diradical character.274!276 Thus, Gerratt et al. described S2N2 as a unique predominant Lewis structure, 11 (Scheme 11), with the radical sites on the S atoms, which bear a substantial positive charge, while the N atoms bear a complementary negative 7580 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews Scheme 11. Weights of the VB Structures for S2N2 and S42+ Using a Double-ζ Basis Seta a Plain characters: Chirgwin-Coulson definition. Italics: L€owdin definition. charge.274,275 However, it might be argued that the semidelocalized nature of some of the orbitals involved in the VB wave function preclude the nonambiguous interpretation of the results in terms of weighted VB structures. A different assessment of the radical sites was proposed by Harcourt et al.,277,278 who computed the weights of the complete set of VB structures, 11!16 in Scheme 11, by a nearly classical ab initio VB method using strictly local AOs in the STO-6G basis set. On the basis of these calculations, Harcourt proposed structure 12 to be the major one, with the radical sites on the N atoms, but the calculations, carried out in a minimal basis set, were not really comparable to Gerratt’s calculations, which used larger basis sets. To settle the question, Harcourt and Klap€otke279 repeated the VB calculation in a double-ζ basis set on S2N2 and on the isoelectronic S42+ molecule. These calculations are close to the classical type, i.e., involving all relevant covalent and ionic VB structures, constructed with orbitals defined as primarily onecentered AOs (however not fully localized in this case, as a stricto sensu “classical VB” calculation would imply). For both molecules, the VB description of the six-electron four-orbital π-system requires a set of ten linearly independent VB structures, which have all been included in the calculations. The most important of these structures, 11!16 for S2N2 and 17!22 for S42+, are shown in Scheme 11. The remaining ones are practically negligible, with calculated weights smaller than 0.02, and are not shown in Scheme 11. Only the valence electrons and orbitals of the π-system were treated at the VB level. The σ-electrons and inner-shell π-electrons were accommodated in Hartree!Fock SCF MOs. The VB calculations were performed in Dunning’s D95 doubleζ basis set using geometries optimized in the density functional framework at the MPW1PW91/cc-pVTZ level. The weights of the VB structures were calculated by means of the Chirgwin! Coulson137 and L€owdin138 formulas, both methods displaying excellent agreement in all cases. The calculated weights are displayed in Scheme 11. It can be seen that S2N2 has a strong diradical character, with a cumulated weight of 0.53 for the diradical structures 11 and 12. However, structure 12 is clearly the major one, with a weight of 0.47, indicating that the radical sites are on the nitrogen atoms rather REVIEW Scheme 12. Weights of the Main π-VB Structures for Al42! Calculated with the Chirgwin!Coulson Definition in the 6-31G** Basis Set than on the sulfur atoms. This result is in agreement with an earlier classical VB calculation in a minimal basis set,277,278 but is at variance with Gerratt’s interpretation based on the spincoupled method, in which the radical sites are rather viewed on the sulfur atoms. However, since neither Gerratt’s nor Harcourt!Klap€otke’s calculations deal with purely localized AOs, the question may be considered as still open-ended. The calculated structure weights for S42+ (structures 17!22 in Scheme 11) bear some resemblance to those of S2N2, as the diradical structures (17, 18) are once again predominant, with a cumulated weight of 0.46!0.52 according to the weight definition. By contrast, the structures displaying covalent bonds (19!22) have smaller weights, 0.12 each. The calculated weights were found to be in close accord with those obtained from singleζ STO-6G calculations.280,281 This predominance of diradical structures for both molecules is truly remarkable. In the S2N2 case, it can be explained by the fact that 12 is the only VB structure that bears no formal charge. In the S42+ case, all VB structures have two cationic sites, but the distance between these sites is maximized in the diradical structures 17 and 18. Thus, it seems that the criteria of atomic neutrality or minimal repulsion between formal charges are more important than the presence or absence of π-bonds to rule the VB content of these two molecules. For the sake of simplifying the six-structure description of these molecules, Harcourt and Klap€otke proposed a two-structure description in terms of so-called “increased valence” structures,279 aimed at summarizing resonance between the 11!16 structures in S2N2 or the 17!22 structures in S42+. 3.7.2. σ- and π-Aromatic Dianion Al42!. The Al42! dianion has a D4h symmetric structure and possesses two delocalized π-electrons, thus satifying the geometric criterion and 4n + 2 electron-count rule for aromaticity. As such, its π-system is isoelectronic with that of the aromatic cyclobutadiene dication, C4H42+. However, Al42! was judged on the basis of its magnetic properties to possess double (σ + π) aromatic character. This interpretation prompted Havenith and van Lenthe282 to perform ab initio VB calculations on the ground state of Al42! using the 6-31G** basis set. The geometry optimization was performed at the CASSCF(2,4) level, and two definitions of the orbitals were used: semidelocalized, in the SCVB spirit, and strictly atom-centered. Focusing on the latter calculations, we note that the π- and σ-systems were treated separately: in the π-VB calculation, the σ-system is treated as a Hartree!Fock core, and the situation is reversed in the σ-VB calculations. Like S2N2 or S42+ above, the π-system of Al42! involves, with neglect of ionic structures, a set of six covalent VB structures (23!28) having a covalent bond between adjacent atoms or a long bond along a diagonal and hence a diradicaloid character. 7581 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW Scheme 13. Schematic Representation of the Spin-Coupling Mode for the σ-Frame of Al42! a evaluated by ÆDk jHjDλ æ ¼ ∑r, s hkλrs DðSkλrs Þ þ r < ∑u, s < tðgrs,kλut ! grs,kλtu ÞDðSkλrs, ut Þ ð94Þ kλ and g are oneand two-electron integrals, respecwhere hkλ rs rs,ut tively, defined as kλ hkλ ð95Þ rs ¼ Ækr jhjλs æ and grs, ut ¼ Ækr ks jgjλu λt æ a Key: (a) In one of the two-electron four-center systems, two electrons are shared by four radial p-orbitals. (b) In the other twoelectron four-center system, two electrons are shared by four tangential p-orbitals. The VB structures are shown in Scheme 12, along with their weights as calculated by the Chirgwin!Coulson formula, eq 8. Remarkably, one can see an amazing similarity with the structure weights in S42+, as calculated by Harcourt and Klap€otke, with a clear predominance of the two diradicaloid structures (23, 24), which together account for almost 50% of the ground electronic state. While the electronic structure of the π-system is in conformity with expectations, that of the σ-frame is truly remarkable. Different spin-coupling schemes were tried to address the plausibility of the different possible bonding modes of the tangential and radial hybrids. The best coupling mode, which combines low energy and simplicity, is illustrated in Scheme 13. It consists of two separate σ-systems each possessing two electrons, one built from the radial p-orbitals (Scheme 13a), the other from the tangential p-orbitals (Scheme 13b), with the remaining eight valence electrons being accommodated in doubly occupied 2s AOs. For each of these two subsystems, six VB structures can be constructed, leading to a total of 36 VB structures for the σ-frame. As the two sets of p-orbitals do not overlap much, the two subsystems can be considered as two independent two-electron delocalized systems, both of them complying with the 4n + 2 aromaticity rule. Thus, some significant σ-aromatic stabilization is expected. It follows that Al42! can be schematically described as a combination of three intricate aromatic rings, all of them being of the aromatic twoelectron four-center type, thus explaining the stability of this dianion and its magnetic properties showing double (σ + π) aromatic character. 4. ALGORITHM ADVANCES IN AB INITIO VB METHODS 4.1. VB Wave Function and Hamiltonian Matrix There are two ways of evaluating the Hamiltonian matrix elements and overlaps between VB structures (eqs 6 and 7 in section 2). In the first, by expanding the spin function ΘK in terms of elementary spin products, attaching the spatial factor Ω0, and antisymmetrizing, a VB function is expressed in terms of 2m determinants: ΦK ¼ ∑k dkK Dk ð93Þ The Hamiltonian matrix elements, eq 6, become sums of contributions from all pairs of determinants, and these may be kλ and D(Skλ rs ) and D(Srs,ut) are the first- and second-order cofactors of the overlap matrix between the two VB determinants, respectively. The algorithm of evaluating cofactors for determinants of nonorthogonal orbitals was first obtained by L€owdin283 and further developed by Prosser and Hagstrom.284 The L€owdin rules were widely used for VB calculations long ago by Matsen,285 Simonetta,286 and Balint-Kurti287 with their co-workers. This algorithm has been further improved by van Lenthe and coworkers,140 especially for the singular overlap matrix. Roughly speaking, the computational costs are of order N3 for the firstorder and N4 for the second-order cofactors. As such, the scaling of computing a Hamiltonian matrix element between determinants is N4, and thus, it scales as KN4 for a Hamiltonian matrix element between VB structures, where K is the number of determinant pairs for a VB structure. The second method is to use symmetric group theory, as the spin function ΘK forms irreducible representation of the symmetric group SN. This method may be regarded as another application of the spin-free approach of Matsen288 and is discussed below. 4.2. Orbital Optimization in the VBSCF Procedure As mentioned above, the computational cost for the Hamiltonian matrix is O(KN4) and is not too high when the studied molecules contain only a few covalent bonds. The computationintensive step in VB calculations is, in fact, the optimization of the orbitals. Apparently, the VBSCF procedure is identical to the minimization of its corresponding expectation energy, which leads to SCF equations. The latter is reminiscent of the much familiar MO-based MCSCF equations, but contains the third-order cofactors of determinants.289,290 Though the SCF equations may be solved iteratively essentially in the same manner as the MCSCF equations, it is evident that the computational cost runs high due to the six-index third-order cofactors. A more practical approach is to find such a stationary point on the energy surface by direct search methods, instead of attempting to solve the SCF equation. One widely used method is the super-CI method,141 which is based on the generalized Brillouin theorem.291 In the super-CI method, the wave function is expressed as a linear combination of the approximate ground-state wave function and all its singlet excitations, and then the new orbital coefficients are updated by the CI coefficients for every new iteration step. An alternative way is to use Newton!Raphson (NR)-type methods, for which energy gradients are critical, where the first-order energy gradients were obtained by evaluating the Hamiltonian matrix elements between the VB wave function and its corresponding single excitations, and the Hessian matrix is obtained approximately.141 Since in both methods the energy term is expressed with VB orbitals, computations require two-electron integral transformation from the basis functions to the VB orbitals for each iteration. This raises the demands for both CPU time and storage space. Clearly, 7582 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW the high-order scaling of computational cost is a hindrance to the further development of ab initio VB theory. 4.3. Spin-Free Form of VB Theory The conventional determinant method encounters a serious difficulty when the number of covalent bonds of the studied molecule is not small. The length of the expansions and the need for repeated evaluation of determinantal cofactors lead to very heavy computational cost. An alternative approach is to use the spin-free formulation288 of many-electron problems by using a project operator of symmetric group SN. In spin-free quantum chemistry, the Hamiltonian operator is spin-free, and thus, its matrix elements are determined only by the spatial part of the wave function. Using the symmetric group approach, the form of the spatial function may be taken as 98,292,293 ½λ& 4.4. Paired-Permanent-Determinant Approach The purpose of the PPD approach is to overcome the difficulty of the determinant expansion length in the conventional VB methods by applying the spin-free form of VB theory. To do this, a direct approach is to define a spin-free VB function, eq 96, as a new function, instead of using 2m determinant expansion. In the PPD approach, for an N ' N matrix A = (aij, i, j = 1, 2, ... N), a PPD function is defined as295 ppdðAÞ ¼ ð96Þ ΦK ¼ NK er1 ΩK where N K is a normalization factor, e [λ] rs is the standard projection operator of the symmetric group, and Ω K is the orbital product corresponding to the given K-structure. Φ K is called bonded tableau (BT) function in the BTUGA.98,293 It can be seen from eq 96 that a VB function is characterized by the orbital product, i.e., the ordering of occupied orbitals. In convention, in this review, we assume that Ω K = k1 (1) k2(2) ... kN(N) and ΩL = l1(1) l2(2) ... lN(N), where (k1, k1, ..., kN) and (l1 , l 1 , ..., lN ) are taken from orbital set {ϕ i}. With the spin-free form, eq 96, the Hamiltonian and overlap matrix elements, eqs 6 and 7, are written as98,292,293 HKL ¼ ÆΦK jHjΦL æ ¼ ∑ P∈S ½λ& D11 ðPÞÆΩK jHPjΩL æ ð97Þ N and MKL ¼ ÆΦK jΦL æ ¼ elements. Obviously, it is impracticable to sum over all N! terms by one-by-one permutations. In the next section, we will review an approach, called the paired-permanent-determinant (PPD) method,295 to discuss how to calculate the Hamiltonian matrix elements as efficiently as possible, which will enable one to implement a spin-free VB program. ∑ P∈S ½λ& D11 ðPÞÆΩK jPjΩL æ ð98Þ N where D[λ] rs (P) are the irreducible representation matrix elements, which have been well discussed98,292,293 and are easily determined. It is worthwhile to emphasize that eqs 97 and 98 are the unique formulas of the matrix elements in the spin-free approach if HLSP functions are adopted, even though one can take some other forms of VB functions. For example, it is possible to construct VB functions by the Young operator, 288 but the forms of the matrix elements are identical to eqs 97 and 98. 294 Different from the above method, in which the first diagonal element of the irreducible representation matrix of the symmetric group is used for constructing HLSP functions, Gallup and coworkers developed another spin-free VB method, called the tableau function approach,148 by using the last element of the irreducible representation. The method leads to rather efficient computational procedures. However, this tableau function is not equivalent to HLSP functions. Both eqs 97 and 98 involve N! terms of all permutations of SN, which is similar to a determinant expansion or a permanent expansion, except for different coefficients. If VB orbitals are orthogonal, only a few terms are nonzero and make contributions to the matrix elements,293 and consequently, the matrix elements are conveniently obtained. However, the use of nonorthogonal orbitals is one of the most important characteristics of the VB approach, and thus, all N! terms make contributions to the matrix ∑ P ∈ SN ½λ& D11 ðPÞa1p1 a2p2 :::aN!1, pN!1 aN, pN ð99Þ where the permutation P is P ¼ 1 p1 2 p2 3 p3 4 ... N ! 1 p4 ... pN!1 N pN ! ð100Þ It can be seen from eq 99 that the definition of PPD is similar to those of determinants and permanents, all of them containing the same N! terms. The difference is in the expansion coefficients. Instead of (1 for determinant or 1 for permanent, it is the first diagonal element of the representation matrix, D[λ] 11 (P), whose value is of the form (!1)a(!1/2)b, where a and b depend on the permutation. The evaluation of a PPD may be performed by a recursion formula, which is similar to Laplacian expansion for determinants. A PPD of order N may be expressed in a linear combination of the product of PPDs of order 2 and their corresponding cofactors, which is also a PPD of order N ! 2. By repeating the Laplacian expansion, an N-order PPD can be gradually reduced to PPDs of order N ! 2, N ! 4, etc. It can be shown that the overlap matrix element between two VB functions, ΦK and ΦL, eq 98, is a PPD function, shown as MKL ¼ ppdðSÞ ð101Þ where S is the VB orbital overlap matrix with elements sij = Æki|ljæ and thus can be straightforwardly calculated by the Laplacian expansion algorithm for a PPD. The expansion for the Hamiltonian matrix element is much more complicated.295 The evaluation of a Hamiltonian matrix element requires the order N ! 2 and order cofactors of ppd(S). From the computational point of view, the PPD algorithm does not solve the so-called “N! problem”. Fortunately, in the routine of a PPD expansion, there are many redundant sub-PPDs, and thus, a well-designed routine can avoid the repeated evaluation of sub-PPDs. In implementation, all required sub-PPDs may be computed beforehand, and labeled in indices, and a PPD is computed by collecting all sub-PPDs that are involved in the PPD according to the indices. It is worthwhile to point out that the expansion of PPDs is much more demanding computationally than that of determinants, and thus, in most cases the conventional determinant algorithm for VB methods is more efficient than the PPD algorithm. However, the advantage of the PPD algorithm will 7583 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews REVIEW show up with an increasing number of covalent bonds, in which only a few PPDs are involved in the calculation. In contrast, the number of determinants that are involved in VB calculations goes up steeply in the determinant algorithm with an increasing number of covalent bonds. The PPD approach is based on the representation theory of the symmetric group. A similar algorithm based on the group algebra of the symmetric group was developed by Li and Pauncz.102 They derived the expansion expressions for the evaluation of VB matrix elements by defining algebrants of VB wave functions. An algebrant can be expanded with subalgebrants of lower orders in a successive way. The algorithm has been implemented in VB2000.296 and the energy is expressed as E¼ CK CL dkK dλL Mkλ ðtr Pkλ h þ tr Pkλ Fkλ Þ ∑ K, L, k, λ ¼ 2 ∑ CK CL dkK dλL Mkλ K, L, k, λ ~ λ STk Þ!1 T ~λ Pkλ ¼ Tk ðT ð102Þ where matrices Tk and Tλ are orbital coefficients that correspond to Dk and Dλ, respectively, defined as ki ðjÞ ¼ ∑μ Tμik χμ ðjÞ and λi ðjÞ ¼ ∑μ Tμiλ χμ ðjÞ ð103Þ and S is the overlap matrix of spin!orbital basis functions. The Hamiltonian matrix element between Slater determinants Dk and Dλ is written as 0 Hkλ ¼ Mkλ @ ∑ μ, ν kλ Pμν hνμ 1 1 kλ kλ P P ðgνλ, μσ ! gνλ, σμ ÞA þ 2 μ, ν, σ, λ μν σλ ∑ ð104Þ The overlap matrix element between two Slater determinants, Dk and Dλ, Mkλ, is the determinant of the orbital overlap matrix Vkλ: ~ k STλ j Mkλ ¼ jV kλ j ¼ jT ð105Þ By defining a Fock matrix Fkλ as Fkλ ¼ h þ Gkλ where h is the one-electron integral matrix and G whose elements are defined as Gkλ μν ðPÞ ¼ kλ Pσλ ðgμλ, νσ ! gμλ, σν Þ ∑ σ, λ ð106Þ kλ is a matrix ð107Þ The matrix element Hkλ is written as 1 Hkλ ¼ Mkλ ðtr Pkλ h þ tr Pkλ Fkλ Þ 2 ð108Þ ð109Þ Furthermore, the energy gradients with respect to orbital coefficients Tkμi associated with determinant Dk are ∂E 1 ¼ 2 CK CL dkK dλL ½MðZkkλ Þμi ! HðY kkλ Þμi & k ∂Tμi M K, L, λ 4.5. Direct VBSCF/BOVB Algorithm In the conventional VBSCF or BOVB calculations, the Hamiltonian matrix elements are expressed explicitly in the form of orbital integrals, and thus, an integral transformation from basis functions to VB orbitals is required for each iteration. Wu et al. presented an algorithm for the VBSCF/BOVB calculations.297 In the algorithm, the total energy of the system and its gradients are expressed in terms of basis functions, and thus, integral transformation is not required, saving much computational time. In the algorithm, a transition density matrix Pkλ connecting a pair of Slater determinants, Dk and Dλ, is defined as ∑ CK CL HKL ∑ CK CLMKL K, L K, L ∑ ð110Þ where ∑ CK CL dkK dλL Mkλ H ¼ ∑ CK CL dkK dλL Hkλ K, L, k, λ M ¼ K, L, k, λ ð111Þ Y kkλ ¼ STλ ðV kλ Þ!1 Zkkλ ¼ ½Hkλ S þ Mkλ ð1 ! SP~kλ ÞF~kλ &Tλ ðV kλ Þ!1 Though the above formulas are derived tediously, the most time-consuming part in applications is the construction of Fock matrices Fkλ, which need O(m4) computer operations. Thus, in one iteration the overall scaling for gradients with each pair of determinants is O(m4), similar to that of one iteration in the HF method. Therefore, if the number of determinant pairs (K) is not large, the algorithm is much more efficient than the conventional VBSCF algorithms. Another advantage is that all derived formulas above are orbital-free and thus may be performed in the integral direct mode easily, without the integral transformation procedure. It is worthwhile to emphasize that the algorithm is especially efficient for the BOVB method. As discussed above, the BOVB wave function allows each structure to have its own orbital set, and thus, the number of occupied orbitals will greatly increase. In the current algorithm, the computational cost mainly depends on the number of basis functions, rather than the number of breathing orbitals. Thus, the cost of a single BOVB iteration is almost the same as that of a VBSCF iteration. 5. CURRENT CAPABILITIES OF AB INITIO VB METHODS With the advances in VB methods made in the past three decades, ab initio VB theory is now capable not only of accurate calculations of small molecules, by using BOVB and VBCI, but also of reasonable VB calculations of medium-sized molecules, even for transition-metal complexes. In this section, we shall discuss the rotational barrier for the organometallic complex (CO)4Fe(CH2dCH2) as an example of the current computational capabilities of full-electron VB calculation. The rotational barrier of (CO)4Fe(C2H4) was computed by VBSCF, Hartree!Fock, B3LYP, CASSCF, and CCSD methods. Elian and Hoffman298 analyzed the rotational barrier in terms of fragment orbital (FO) interactions between the FOs of the Fe(CO)4 and C2H4 fragments. As discussed before,183,299 one can actually use such FOs in a VB scheme to do FO-VB calculations.182 Thus, the (CO)4Fe fragment possesses in the 7584 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews missing sites of the octahedron two hybrid orbitals (h1 and h2). These two hybrid orbitals can be combined to form two localized symmetry-adapted FOs, one being symmetric (h1 + h2) and the other antisymmetric (h1 ! h2) with respect to the horizontal symmetry plane in the complex. These FOs can in turn couple REVIEW with the π- and π*-orbitals of ethylene and form two new bond pairs, as shown in Scheme 14, wherein the lines connecting the FOs signify that the corresponding electrons are singlet paired (Rβ!βR).299 Note that the FO-VB approach imports the MO advantage of orbital symmetry into the VB wave function.299 Table 7. Calculated Energies (au) of the Equilibrium Conformation (EC) and Transition State and Rotation Barriers (ΔEq, kcal/mol) by HF, B3LYP, CASSCF, CCSD, and VBSCF.a method HF B3LYP Figure 10. Optimized geometries of the EC and transition state. a EC transition state ΔEq !651.392537 !655.402461 !651.368292 !655.386899 15.2 9.8 VBSCF(FO-VB,20st) !651.427379 !651.393932 21.0 VBSCF(OEO-VB,20st) !651.498822 !651.476816 13.8 CASSCF(4,4) !651.498808 !651.476771 13.8 CCSD !653.238957 !653.215200 14.9 All calculations involve Lanl2dz for Fe and 6-31G* for the other atoms. Scheme 14. FO-VB Diagram Using Lines To Show Bond Pairing between FOs on Fe(CO)4 and C2H4 Figure 11. (a) Optimized FOs at the EC (see Scheme 14). (b) Optimized FOs at the transition state. 7585 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews Here we present the results of VBSCF calculations using VBSCF(FO-VB) and VBSCF(OEO-VB). The geometries of the equilibrium conformation (EC) and transition state, shown in Figure 10, are optimized at the B3LYP level with the same basis set. In the VBSCF calculations, all electrons except for the ECP electrons of Fe are included in the VB calculations; thus, there are totally 88 electrons in 46 VB orbitals, among which 42 are doubly occupied, while the active shell involves four electrons in the four FOs, (h1 + h2)(S) and (h1 ! h2)(A) on the Fe(CO)4 fragment and π(S) and π*(A) on ethylene. All 20 VB structures that form a complete Rumer basis for the active shell were included in the calculation. Table 7 shows the detailed results with various methods, where CASSCF and CCSD methods used the same basis set as in the VBSCF calculation, and the geometries were optimized using the B3LYP method with the same basis set. As can be seen, the rotation barrier calculated by the VBSCF(FO-VB,20st) method is 21.0 kcal/mol, much higher than the MO-based CCSD values. On the other hand, the VBSCF(OEO-VB,20st) barrier is identical to the CASSCF(4,4) barrier, as expected. Parts a and b of Figure 11 show the optimized FOs at the EC and the transition state. It is seen that, as expected from the FO-VB analysis in Scheme 14,183,299 the ethylene moiety is bonded by the (CO)4Fe fragment by a double bond, and this is the root cause of the substantial barrier for rotation. This combination of reasonable accuracy and insight is already encouraging. Better accuracy can be achieved by higher levels of VB methods, especially VBPT2, which, as reviewed above, is a very cheap post-VBSCF method. The new version of VBPT2 that applies the contraction technique of active space is in progress and will hopefully provide the long sought after powerful tool for VB studies of many problems for medium-sized molecules. 6. CONCLUDING REMARKS This review provides a snapshot of the current state of classical valence bond theory, in its modern ab initio fashion, and demonstrates that the theory is coming of age. There now exists a family of methods which form a lineage that resembles the family of CASSCF MO theory and its post-CASSCF levels. Thus, starting with the VBSCF theory, which is the equivalent of CASSCF, one can further improve the numerical results by using methods such as BOVB, VBCI, and VBPT2, which incorporate dynamic correlation effects and which have accuracies that converge to CCSD or CASPT2 theories using the same basis sets. In addition, any one of these VB methods can be combined with a solvent model or an MM force field, as in VBPCM, VBSM, and VB/MM, and thereby provide a method that can handle molecules and reactions in solution and in proteins. Thus, from a quantitative point of view, today VB theory enables the calculations of “real” chemical problems for organic molecules, as well as molecules that contain transition metals, and all these can be done in the gas phase or in solution. Especially promising is the VBPT2 method, which emerges as a fast and accurate method that in the future will be able to handle much larger systems than those presented here. The review describes another family of quantitative methods, which derive from the BLW approach. This method extracts from MO- or DFT-based theories VB-type information such as resonance energies and delocalization energies REVIEW such as hyperconjugation, etc. Thus, while the many successful applications of these methods show that VB ideas are not chained to VB calculations in a strict sense, they also demonstrate the creative and portable nature of VB theory that enables the two traditionally rival theories to be bridged and get useful insight about structure and reactivity. Indeed, the other aspect of VB theory that is emphasized in this review is insight. Thus, despite the sophistication and accuracy of the above VB methods, all of them rely on a compact wave function which includes a minimal number of structures in the VB structure set. The insight of this compact wave function is projected by a panoramic set of applications starting from simple bond energies, to reactivity, reactivity in solution, and all the way to the rotational behavior of an organometallic complex, (CO)4Fe(C2H4). Indeed, while well-designed VB software is still challenging, the existing software (see the Appendix) is sufficiently friendly to non-VB experts and offers reasonable efficiency and lucid insight. Finally, as the example of the rotational barrier of (CO)4Fe(C2H4) shows, there is room for improvement, but there is also a horizon for VB theory. Future improvement that will enable the calculations of bioinorganic species with different spin states will take VB theory to a frontier research area. APPENDIX: SOME AVAILABLE VB SOFTWARES Other than the GVB method that is implemented in many packages by now, here are brief descriptions of the main VB softwares we are aware of and with which we have some experience to varying degrees. XMVB Program. The XMVB software108,109 is a general pro- gram that is designed to perform multistructure VB calculations. It can execute either nonorthogonal CI or nonorthogonal MCSCF calculations with simultaneous optimization of orbitals and coefficients of VB structures. Complete freedom is given to the user to deal with HAOs, BDOs, or OEOs, so that calculations of VBSCF, SCVB, BLW, BOVB, VBCI, and VBPT2 types can be performed. Particularly, the “pure” VB methods, VBSCF, BOVB, VBCI, and VBPT2, described in section 2.2 are implemented as standard methods in the package and can be easily performed by specifying appropriate keywords in the input file. In this sense, XMVB is a fairly user-friendly package applicable to a variety of chemical problems. XMVB is a stand-alone program, but for flexibility, it can be interfaced to most QM software, e.g., GAUSSIAN, GAMESS-US, etc. In addition, it is also feasible to combine XMVB with ab initio MO packages to perform hybrid valence bond method calculations, such as VB-DFT, VBPCM, VBSM, etc. The parallel version of XMVB, based on the messagepassing interface (MPI), is also available.109 XMVB can be used as a stand-alone program that is freely available from the author (e-mail weiwu@xmu.edu.cn, Web site http://ctc.xmu.edu.cn/ xmvb/). It has also been incorporated into GAMESS-US,300 which also includes the BLW method. TURTLE Software. TURTLE110,111 is also designed to perform multistructure VB calculations and can execute calculations of the VBSCF, SCVB, BLW, or BOVB types. Currently, TURTLE involves analytical gradients to optimize the energies of individual VB structures or multistructure electronic states with respect to the nuclear coordinates.301 A parallel version has been developed and implemented using the MPI for the sake of 7586 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews making the software portable.107 TURTLE is now implemented in the GAMESS-UK program.302 REVIEW softwares. Since 1999, he has teamed with Sason Shaik and Philippe Hiberty in the Long VB March. VB2000 Software. VB2000112 is an ab initio VB package that can be used for performing nonorthogonal CI and multistructure VB with optimized orbitals, as well as SCVB, GVB, VBSCF, and BOVB. VB2000 can be used as a plug-in module for GAMESS(US)300 and Gaussian98/03303 so that some of the functionalities of GAMESS and Gaussian can be used for calculating VB wave functions. GAMESS also provides an interface (option) for access of the VB2000 module. CRUNCH Software. CRUNCH (Computational Resource for Understanding Chemistry) was written originally in Fortran by Gallup and recently translated into C.304 This program can perform multiconfiguration VB calculations with fixed orbitals, plus a number of MO-based calculations such as RHF, ROHF, UHF (followed by MP2), orthogonal CI, and MCSCF. SCVB Software. The SCVB method is now included in the MOLPRO software.305 AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author *E-mail: weiwu@xmu.edu.cn (W.W.); sason@yfaat.ch.huji.ac. il (S.S.); philippe.hiberty@u-psud.fr (P.C.H.). Phone: +865922182825 (W.W.); +972-26585909 (S.S.); +33-169156175 (P.C.H.). Fax: +86-5922184708 (W.W.); +972-26584680 (S. S.); +33-0169154447 (P.C.H.). Peifeng Su was born in Longhai, China, in 1978. He received his B.Sc. in chemistry and his Ph.D. in theoretical chemistry from Xiamen University with Wei Wu. From 2008 to 2009, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Hui Li at the University of Nebraska—Lincoln. Then he became an Associate Professor at Xiamen University. His research fields focus on the methodology developments and application research in valence bond theory, intermolecular interactions, and solvation models. BIOGRAPHIES Wei Wu received his B.Sc. (1983) and M.Sc. (1986) in physics and his Ph.D. (1990) in theoretical chemistry from Xiamen University with Qianer Zhang. From 1992 to 1994, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow with Roy McWeeny at the University of Pisa, and then he went back to Xiamen University as an Associate Professor. In 1995, he became Professor, and he is currently the director of the Institute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry. He was appointed as a Changjiang Scholar of the Ministry of Education of China in 2004. From 1997 to 1999, he worked with Sason Shaik at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research fields focus on the methodology developments in quantum chemistry, especially in ab initio valence bond theory and its implementation. He authored the XIAMEN and XMVB Sason Shaik was born in Iraq and immigrated to Israel in 1951. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Bar-Ilan University and his Ph.D. from the University of Washington with Dr. Epiotis. From 1978 to 1979, he spent a postdoctoral year with Dr. Hoffmann at Cornell University. In 1980, he started as a Lecturer at BenGurion University and became Professor in 1988. In 1992, he joined the Hebrew University, where he is currently the director of The Lise Meitner-Minerva Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry. Among his awards are the 2001 Israel Chemical Society Prize and the 2007 Schr€odinger Medal. His research interests cover the range of bonding in small molecules to the structure and reactivity of metalloenzymes. He generally uses quantum chemistry, and in particular VB theory, to develop paradigms, which can pattern data and lead to the generation of new problems. He has been active in the articulation and improvement of VB theory and in building bridges between MO and VB theories since 1981. Since 1985, he has teamed with Philippe Hiberty and later also with Wei Wu in the Long VB March. 7587 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews Philippe C. Hiberty studied theoretical chemistry at the University of Paris-Sud with W. J. Hehre, completed his Ph.D. under the supervision of L. Salem, and obtained a research position at the CNRS. In 1979, he started his postdoctoral research with J. I. Brauman at Stanford University and then with H. F. Schaefer III at Berkeley. He went back to Orsay to join the Laboratoire de Chimie Th!eorique, where he developed a research program based on valence bond theory. He became Directeur de Recherche in 1986, and in addition, he taught Quantum Chemistry at the Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau for 12 years. He received the Grand Prix Philippe A. Guy!e from the French Academy of Sciences in 2002. His research interests are, among others, the improvement of ab initio valence bond methods and the application of quantum chemistry and valence bond theory to fundamental concepts of organic chemistry. He has been active in creating bridges between MO and VB theories, and improving the latter, since 1979. Since 1985, he has teamed with Sason Shaik and later also with Wei Wu in the Long VB March. ACKNOWLEDGMENT W.W. is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 20873106) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (2011CB808504). S.S. is supported by Israel Science Foundation Grant ISF 53/09. P.C.H. is grateful to Profs. Y. Mo and J. P. Malrieu for helpful discussions. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS aNR approximate Newton!Raphson method ARE adiabatic resonance energy B3LYP a hybrid functional consisting of 20% Hartree! Fock and 80% Becke88 exchange combined with the Lee!Yang!Parr correlation functional BDOs bond-distorted orbitals BLW block-localized wave function method BOVB breathing-orbital valence bond method BT bonded tableau BTUGA bonded tableau unitary group approach CASPT2 complete active space second-order perturbation theory CASPT3 complete active space third-order perturbation theory CASSCF complete active space self-consistent field method CCSD coupled cluster method with single and double excitations CCSD(T) coupled cluster method with single and double REVIEW excitations and a perturbative treatment of triple excitations CDC consistent diabatic configuration CI configuration interaction CISD configuration interaction with single and double excitations D-BOVB breathing-orbital valence bond method with delocalized inactive orbitals DE delocalization energy DE-VB/MM density-embedding VB/MM (see below for definition of VB/MM) DFT density functional theory ECRE extra cyclic resonance energy EDA energy decomposition analysis EH-MOVB effective-Hamiltonian molecular orbital valence bond method EVB empirical valence bond FOs fragment orbitals GVB generalized valence bond method HAOs hybrid atomic orbitals HF Hartree!Fock method HLSP Heitler!London!Slater!Pauling-type wave function L-BOVB breathing-orbital valence bond method with all orbitals strictly localized on their respective fragments MCSCF multiconfiguration self-consistent field method MM molecular mechanics MOVB molecular orbital valence bond method MP2 Møller!Plesset perturbation method of the second order MRCI multireference configuration interaction MRPT2 multireference second-order perturbation method NBO natural bond orbital NICS nucleus-independent chemical shift NR Newton!Raphson optimization method OEO overlap-enhanced orbital P product state P* promoted excited state of the product PCM polarizable continuum model PPD paired-permanent-determinant approach QM quantum mechanics R reactant state R* promoted excited state of the reactant RE resonance energy RHF restricted Hartree!Fock SCF self-consistent field SCRF self-consistent reaction field SCVB spin-coupled valence bond method SD-BOVB breathing-orbital valence bond method with delocalized inactive orbitals and splitting of doubly occupied orbitals into two singly occupied and spin-paired orbitals SL-BOVB breathing-orbital valence bond method with all orbitals strictly localized on their respective fragments and split doubly occupied orbitals (see SDBOVB above) SMx a series of universal solvation models, x = 1!8 TB through-bond interaction TS through-space interaction VB/MM a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics method that combines the ab initio valence bond method with molecular mechanics 7588 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr100228r |Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7557–7593 Chemical Reviews VBCI VBCIPT VBCIS VBCISD VBDFT(s) VBPCM VBPT2 VBSCD VBSCF VBSM VDC VRE XC XMVB valence bond configuration interaction method valence bond configuration interaction method with an approximated perturbation estimation for high and less important excited structures valence bond configuration interaction method with single excitation valence bond configuration interaction method with single and double excitation a semiempirical valence bond method that incorporates the density functional theory energy of the nonbonded reference state valence bond polarizable continuum model method valence bond second-order perturbation method valence bond state correlation diagram valence bond self-consistent field method valence bond solvation model method variational diabatic configuration vertical resonance energy exchange-correlation functionals an ab initio nonorthogonal valence bond program REFERENCES (1) Bobrowicz, F. W.; Goddard, W. A., III. 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