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Dopamine agonists in Parkinson's disease
Article in Neurology · April 1995
DOI: 10.1212/WNL.45.3_Suppl_3.S28 · Source: PubMed
4 authors, including:
Erik Ch. Wolters
Paul Bergmans
Maastricht University
Johnson & Johnson
Michael A Kuiper
Medisch Centrum Leeuwarden
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Dopamine agonists in
Parkinson’s disease
Erik Ch. Wolters, MD, PhD; Gerrit Tissingh, MD; Paul L.M. Bergmans, MD;
and Michael A. Kuiper, MD
Article abstract-The main pathologic hallmark of Parkinson’s disease is a degeneration of the dopaminergic cells in
the substantia nigra, pars compacta and-to a lesser extent-in the ventral tegmental area. Striatal dopamine concentrations are significantly reduced before clinical symptoms become apparent. Recent neuroanatomic and function studies have revealed that the nigrostriatal dopaminergic projection is only one of the neuronal elements integrated into
extensive basal ganglia-thalamocortical circuits that are intimately involved in the regulation of motor activity. The
possibilities for therapeutic intervention a t the level of the different dopamine receptor subtypes and their effect on the
regulation of motor behavior will be briefly reviewed. Dopamine precursors are considered to provide the best symptomatic treatment, whereas dopamine agonists, although less effective, might be important in slowing the progression
of the disease. Our results with pergolide as monotherapy and in combination therapy in patients with Parkinson’s disease also are discussed.
NEUROLOGY 1995;45(~~ppl3):S28-S34
The predominant neuropathologic feature in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a degeneration of the
dopaminergic cells i n the substantia nigra pars
compacta (SNC). This results in a marked loss of
cerebral, especially striatal, dopamine. Striatal
dopamine concentrations are said to be reduced to
about 20% before clinical symptoms become apparent.l.2 These symptoms include bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor, and postural instability. Although it is
generally accepted that PD primarily results from
a loss of dopaminergic neurons in the SNC, the resulting alterations in activity in the basal ganglia,
which a r e responsible for parkinsonian motor
deficits, remain poorly understood.
The dopaminergic nigrostriatal projection is only
one of the neuronal elements integrated in extensive basal ganglia-thalamocortical circuits that are
intimately involved in the regulation of motor act i ~ i t y .Some
~ , ~ have suggested that multiple basal
ganglia-thalamocortical circuits exist. These circuits are arranged in a parallel fashion and subserve different aspects of motor, cognitive, and
complex behavioral processes, depending on the
cortical areas involved in the particular circuit^.^,^
The connections between the main input structure
of the basal ganglia (the striaturn) and the output
structures of the basal ganglia (the internal segment of the globus pallidus [GPil and the reticular
part of the substantia nigra [SNRI) are modulated
by “direct” and “indirect” routes, both originating
from different populations of striatal neurons (figure 1A).
The “direct” and “indirect” striatal output path-
ways have opposite effects on the output neurons of
the basal ganglia to the thalamus. A balance in
these pathways is essential for the regulation of
normal movement. The output cells of the “direct”
r o u t e a r e thought to be y-aminobutyric acid
(GABAIergic. Substance P is present as a cotransmitter in these cells, and they predominantly express D1 receptors. Striatal output cells of the “indirect” route, projecting to the external segment of
the globus pallidus (GPe), also are thought to be
GABAergic, but they contain met-enkephalin as a
cotransmitter and express predominantly D, recept o m 8 It is assumed that an increase in the output
from the basal ganglia to the thalamus (figure 1B)
is the consequence of a loss of dopamine, ultimately
resulting in a reduction of cortical activation, which
accounts for most of the parkinsonian signs.4
Dopamine precursors. Following the discovery
that patients with PD were suffering from a deficiency of dopamine in the basal ganglia, levodopa
was successfully administered to supplement the
depleted dopamine stores. To date, this treatment
is still considered to be the most effective method of
controlling the symptoms of PD. Long-term treatment with levodopa, however, frequently results in
a fading of the therapeutic effect (“wearing off‘)
and the development of serious motor side effects,
such as “on-off’ motor oscillations and dyskinesias
(“narrowing of the therapeutic wind0w”).~-1~
such conditions, increasing the levodopa dosage
further only gives rise to more side effects without
adding any beneficial effect. Recently, it has been
From the Postgraduate School of Neuroscience, Department of Neurology, Academic Hospital, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. E. Ch. Wolters, Postgraduate School of Neuroscience, Department of Neurology, Academic Hospital,
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
528 NEUROLOGY 45 (Suppl3) March 1995
Frontal cortex
I n patients with
early PD who require
dopamine agonist therapy, the selective monoamine oxidase type B
(MAO-B) inhibitor selegiline (which inhibits
dopamine breakdown)
was found to delay the
onset of disability by
about 9 months. This
may be explained both
by t h e actual rise in
striatal dopamine levels
and by a protectivelpreventive effect induced
by the decreased oxidative stress following the
decreased formation of
hydrogen peroxide.l9
Dopamine agonists.
During the last decade,
treatment with D, receptor agonists has expanded the therapeutic
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the main connections in a basal gangliapotential for the treatthalamocortical circuit. (A) Normal status: The two output routes (‘‘indirect” and “direct”)
ment of PD. Although
are in balance at the level of the output structures. (B) Presumed disturbances in
Parkinson’s disease: Depletion of dopamine in the striatum leads to an imbalance in the
such as lisuride, bromotwo output routes and a suppression of thalamocortical activity. ENK, enkephalin; GP,
criptine, 4-propyl-9-hyglobus pallidus; GPE, external segment of GP; GPI, internal segment of GP; MD,
mediodorsal thalamic nucleus; SNR, pars reticulata of the substantia nigra; SNC, pars
(PHNO), cabergoline
compacta of the substantia nigra; SP, substance P; STN, subthalamic nucleus; VAI VL,
ventral anterial lventral lateral thalamic nuclei. (Reprinted with permission.7)
a n d pergolide, have
been clinically tested,,O
bromocriptine and pergolide are the most frequently
suggested that long-term treatment with levodopa
prescribed. Pergolide and bromocriptine both have a
might actually accelerate the degeneration of
high agonistic affinity for the D, receptor. It has
dopaminergic neurons.13-16
been reported that bromocriptine is a partial antagoGlutathione metabolism is a prerequisite for the
nist for the D, receptor, whereas pergolide is a weak
normal processing of hydrogen peroxide. Consistent
agonist for the same receptor.21,22
impairment of glutathione metabolism in the striaA dopamine-agonist-induced protective effect on
tum is found not only in patients with PD, but also
the normal age-related degeneration of dopaminerin normal subjects with pathologic signs of subclingic cells was originally established in rats fed with
ical PD (incidental Lewy body d i ~ e a s e 1 . lIn
~ papergolide from the age of 3 months.23This protectients with PD, a mitochondria1 complex I defitive effect might result from a decreased oxidative
ciency and an increased superoxide dismutase
stress, in turn resulting from the decreased striatal
(SOD) activity are also established, resulting in indopamine content, induced by an autoreceptor-mecreased hydrogen peroxide formation. Moreover,
diated reduction in presynaptic dopamine synthethe free iron concentration seems to be increased,
favoring abnormal processing of hydrogen peroxide
sis. The consequence of a decreased amount of striatal dopamine is a reduction in the formation of hywith the formation of cytotoxic free OH-radicals.
drogen peroxide and fewer free radicals.
During levodopa therapy, the basal ganglia are
In general, the therapeutic effects of dopamine
bathed in nonphysiologic amounts of dopamine,
agonists on parkinsonian disability are less drathus further increasing oxidative stress by enmatic than the clinical effects seen with levodopa,
hanced generation of hydrogen peroxide through
but dopamine agonists induce fewer dyskinesias. A
dopamine auto-oxidation and leading to a progresgenerally accepted therapeutic protocol for PD is a
sive lipid peroxidation of the cell membranes of
combination of low-dose levodopa with one of the
neighboring neurons, with consequent nigral cell
D, receptor agonists. This treatment usually redeath.18Thus theoretically, the fading of the therasults in optimal control of the symptoms with fewer
peutic response and the development of serious
side effects. It is well-known, however, that both D,
motor side effects of levodopa therapy might be reand D, receptors are targets for the action of dopalated to the rate of progression of the disease.
March 1995 NEUROLOGY 45 (Suppl3) 529
Table 1. Characteristics of the patients entered
into the three pergolide trials (as monotherapy,as
an adjunct to levodopa, and replacing
bromocriptine as an adjunct to levodopa,
Sex (M/F)
Age (yrs)
Age a t onset (yrs)
duration (yrs)
Hoehn & Yahr
Columbia Rating
Levodopa daily
dose (mg)
daily dose (mg)
De novo
Lost to follow-up
with bromocriptine and CY 208-243improved the
motor response (measured by locomotion, hand
dexterity, and disability scores) when compared
with treatment with bromocriptine alone in MPTPlesioned monkeys,26but not in patients with PD.27
We recently showed that the benzazepine derivative, SKF 81297,induced rotational behavior away
from the lesion and stimulated the use of the dominant right hand in unilaterally (left-sided) MPTPlesioned monkeys in a D,-selective manner.28The
compound appeared to be inactive in the D, receptor-mediated inhibition of striatal acetylcholine release, a functional in vitro model system for the D,
receptor,29and displayed full agonistic activity as a
D, agonist in human cell lines.29We also demonstrated an interesting synergistic action of the selective D, agonist, SKF' 81297, and the D, agonist,
LY 171555, on the motor behavior of unilaterally
MPTP-lesioned monkeys. Coadministration of behaviorally active doses resulted in a prolongation of
motor stimulation when compared with either of
the drugs alone, whereas the combination of these
drugs in nonbehaviorally active doses induced a
significant stimulation of motor behavior.30
In summary, dopamine agonists seem to protect
the basal ganglia from further oxidative stress, and
their symptomatic effect-although less complete
t h a n t h a t of levodopa-might depend on both
dopamine D, and D, receptor activity.
mine in the striatum. This concept provides a rationale for the requirement of both D, and D, receptor
stimulation to restore as completely as possible the
motor activity in animal models for PD.24
The only clinically available D, agonist, CY 208243,stimulated the motor behavior of patients with
idiopathic PD.25Unfortunately, due to toxic side effects, no optimal dosage could be established. It is
interesting to note that the combined treatment
Pergolide monotherapy in de novo PD patients. Patients and methods. We investigated the
clinical efficacy of pergolide monotherapy in an
open-label study. Patients were included if their
functional disability required dopamine agonist
therapy and if treatment with
selegiline, anticholinergics, or
amantadine had been withdrawn at least 3 months before entry into the study. Diagnosis of idiopathic PD was
on clinical signs and
symptoms of bradykinesia,
hypokinesia, rigidity, r e s t
Q 0.6 ............................
tremor, or postural instability, with normal lZ3I(1,2,3..
iodo-2-hydroxy-6-methoxy-Nbenzamide) single photon
emission tomography (lZ3IIBZM SPET) scans. Patients
with clinically significant pulmonary, hepatic, renal, cardiac, psychiatric, or demento'2
ing disease a n d infections
- 1
were excluded.
Pergolide therapy was initiYears since entry into trial
ated at a dose of 0.05 mg and
increased every other day by
0.05-mg increments until the
clinical effects were
Figure 2. Kaplan-Meier curve of the cumulative probability of effective pergolide
noted, mainly at dosages of
monotherapy in 18 patients with de novo Parkinson's disease. 95% Confidence
limits are shown.
0.15 to 0.25 mg two or three
530 NEUROLOGY 45 (Suppl3) March 1995
Table 2. Mean improvement of PD symptomatologyin PD patients 6 months after initiating pergolide
therapy (as monotherapy, as adjunct to levodopa, and replacing bromocriptine as adjunct to levodopa,
respectively). Results are expressed as percentage improvements in Columbia University Rating Scale
and percentages of levodopa and bromocriptine daily dose reduction
No. of patients
Total daily pergolide dose (mg)
De novo
Early combination
Late combination
Improvement (%)
Columbia rating score
>50%improvement (% patients)
<lo% improvement (% patients)
Axial subscore
Nonaxial subscore
Dexterity subscore
Rigidity subscore
Tremor subscore
Levodopa dose reduction (%)
Bromocriptine dose reduction (%)
times daily (total daily dosages of between 0.3 and
0.75 mg). After a stable dosage period of 2 weeks,
the dosage was gradually increased until a satisfactory response (functional ability, meeting the patients expectations) was reached. Cotreatment with
domperidone, 10 mg two or three times daily, was
permitted to treat side effects, such as orthostatic
hypotension and GI complaints.
Patients were evaluated every 2 weeks during
the first 2 months, then every 4 weeks during the
first year, and every 10 t o 12 weeks thereafter.
Recording of side effects, motor complications
(“wearing off,” dyskinesias and dystonias, and “onoff” fluctuations), Columbia University Rating
Scale (CRS) (assessment of Parkinsonian disability
on a 25-item, 100-point scale31), and Hoehn and
Yahr score assessments was standard procedure at
each visit. Safety assessments included regular
blood pressure monitoring (lying and standing),
chest x-rays, electrocardiograms, hemograms, and
blood chemistry analysis. The end point of the
study was reached when patients’ functional disability required combination of pergolide with levodopa, or when side effects required discontinuation
of pergolide monotherapy.
Results. Patient characteristics are shown in
table 1.A total of 20 de novo patients, including six
with early onset PD (<40 years of age), were enrolled. Two patients discontinued pergolide treatment because of the development of adverse events:
One developed severe orthostatic hypotension that
did not respond to cotreatment with domperidone
and discontinued after 4 weeks of treatment; another had vivid nightmares, paranoia, and acoustic
hallucinations and discontinued after 1 week.
Clinical efficacy was determined by recording the
CRS 6 months after commencement of pergolide
therapy in the 18 evaluable patients (table 2). The
combined total scores of all patients improved by a
mean of 36% when compared with the score before
initiation of pergolide. The greatest improvements
were seen in the nonaxial items, such as rigidity
(58%improvement) and tremor (43%improvement).
The mean daily pergolide dose in the 18 patients
after 6 months of treatment was 0.85 mg, given in
two to three dosages of 0.35 mg (range, 0.25 to 0.5).
To date, during a mean of 30 (range, 24 to 39)
months of study, six of the 18 patients have reached
the end point and require levodopa combination therapy. The end point in these patients occurred after 6
(where pergolide failed to induce any satisfjmg effect
at all), 12, 15, 15,27, and 39 months of monotherapy,
respectively (figure 2). After 1year, the mean dose of
pergolide was 1.13 mg (n = 16); after 2 years the
mean dose was 1.45 mg (n = 14); and after 3 years
the mean dose was 2.15 mg (n = 10).
Including the two patients who were withdrawn
because of side effects, 80% of the patients judged
their functional disability to be adequately treated
after 1 year of pergolide treatment, as did 70% of
patients after 2 years. A cumulative probability
predicts that over 60% of patients will judge their
functional disability to be adequately treated after
3 years.
Adverse events were experienced by 6 of the 20
patients. Five patients, mainly the older ones, experienced orthostatic hypotension (one dropout);
four experienced nausea, vomiting, and abdominal
discomfort. The GI side effects could be adequately
suppressed with domperidone.
Psychiatric side effects were seen in two patients. One was withdrawn due to overt psychosis;
the other had anxiety and slight paranoia. Peripheral edema was seen in one patient, while another
showed a skin rash resembling erythromelalgia.
Neither hyperkinesias nor “on-off‘ fluctuations
occurred. It is particularly noteworthy that these
complications did not occur in the six early-onset
PD patients. Quinn et a P found the incidence of
hyperkinesias, “on-off) fluctuations, or both to in-
March 1995 NEUROLOGY 45 (Suppl3) 531
crease steeply with time in early-onset PD patients
treated with levodopa, reaching a n incidence of
75% after treatment lasting 3 years. Earlier studies with dopamine agonist monotherapy showed
much lower figures than those for levodopa for cumulative percentages of motor complications, irrespective of whether the patients were treated with
~ - a~ lrule,
pergolide, lisuride, or b r ~ m o c r i p t i n e . ~As
surprisingly fewer motor complications were seen
in these patients, compared with patients on levodopa m ~ n o t h e r a p y . ~ ~
Few reports on pergolide monotherapy in de
novo PD patients exist, and results are modest. Reduction of disability (20 to 30%) was reached in 16
of the 20 patients reported by Rinne,33mostly at
daily dosages of approximately 3 mg or higher. Adverse events occurred frequently, involving mainly
GI and psychiatric disturbances (18%). Seven of 10
patients reported by Wright et a141discontinued
pergolide because of intolerable side effects, some
within a few days of starting treatment.
In these earlier studies only one third to one half
of the patients could be maintained on pergolide
monotherapy for more than a year,33whereas in
our study, 14 of 20 patients continued treatment
for more than 2 years. In addition, we showed a
similar efficacy to that reported in these early studies at a considerably lower daily dose (0.85 mg vs
3.0 mg). It must be pointed out, however, that our
study was biased; patients were aware of the goals
of the study, while Rinne33arrived at his results in
a retrospective study and did not administer domperidone to manage peripheral side effects.
Pergolide in early combination with levodopa.
Patients and methods. With the exception of the results reported by Diamond et al,42studies in patients with advanced PD have shown that pergolide,
given in combination with levodopa, provides good
clinical results and permits a reduction in the levodopa dosage.43We assessed the safety and efficacy
of pergolide as an adjunct to levodopa monotherapy
in an open-label, prospective study of 64 patients
with moderate PD over a 6-month period.
To be eligible for the trial, patients had to have
been receiving levodopa for less than 3 years and to
have demonstrated a “wearing-off” effect o r required more than 600 mg levodopa daily. Amantadine, anticholinergics, or both were continued unchanged throughout the study. Diagnosis was
based on clinical signs and symptoms, the patients
showing bradykinesia, rigidity, rest tremor, or postural instability, and an excellent response to levodopa therapy. Patients with levodopa-induced
motor complications, such as hyperkinesias and
“on-off” fluctuations, or with clinically significant
pulmonary, hepatic, renal, cardiac, psychiatric, or
dementing disease or infections, were excluded.
Pergolide was initiated at a dose of 0.05 mg and
increased every other day by 0.05 mg up to a dose
of 0.25 mg three times daily. The daily dose thereafter could be increased or decreased by 0.25 mg
per week until an optimal response or a maximum
dose of 3.0 mg was reached. While the optimal dose
of pergolide was being sought, attempts also were
made t o decrease the levodopa dosage. Cotreatment with domperidone was permitted to treat side
effects. Patients were assessed every 2 weeks during the first 2 months and every 4 weeks thereafter. Side effects, motor complications (“wearing
off,” dyskinesias and dystonias, “on-off” fluctuations), CRS, and Hoehn and Yahr score assessments were evaluated at each visit. Safety assessments included regular blood pressure monitoring
(lyinghtanding), hemograms, and blood chemistry
analysis. If clinically indicated, chest x-rays and
electrocardiograms were obtained.
Results. Sixty-four patients were enrolled in this
trial. Patient characteristics are shown in table 1.
Side effects necessitated discontinuation of pergolide treatment in nine patients (14%) because of
psychiatric complications in five, GI complaints in
three, and orthostatic hypotension in one. None of
these responded to domperidone cotreatment. Two
patients were lost to follow-up.
Clinical improvement for the 53 evaluable patients, expressed as percentage improvement in the
CRS, is shown in table 2. All patients responded to
pergolide treatment; the mean improvement in the
CRS score was 37%. The greatest improvement was
observed in the nonaxial performances (41%). The
mean daily pergolide dose was 1.5 mg. Pergolide
permitted the dose of levodopa to be decreased from
565 to 410 mg.
Adverse events were seen in 26 of the 62 patients with PD (excluding two lost to follow-up).
Seventeen patients, mainly the elderly, experienced orthostatic hypotension (one withdrawal); 16
experienced nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort (three withdrawals), mainly suppressed
adequately with domperidone. Psychiatric side effects were seen in eight patients (five withdrawals),
and peripheral skin rash (erythromelalgia), edema,
and/or dyspnea occurred in seven. Hyperkinesias,
such as chorea and dystonia, occurred in 15 patients, but these completely disappeared after reducing the levodopa dosage. No pleural effusions or
abnormal findings were observed during any chest
x-ray, and no pathology or changes t o earlier
recordings were observed during any cardiograms.
In this study, we have shown that pergolide has
efficacy as an adjunct to levodopa treatment in PD
patients who demonstrate “wearing-off” effects to
levodopa. Pergolide allowed the levodopa dosage to
be reduced. These results, of early combination of
pergolide with levodopa (that is, initiation of pergolide within 3 years of the initiation of levodopa),
are comparable with those from other
532 NEUROLOGY 45 (Suppl3) March 1995
Pergolide in late combination with levodopa.
Patients and methods. We have also assessed the
safety a n d efficacy of pergolide i n replacing
bromocriptine in patients with moderate to severe
PD in whom bromocriptine and levodopa therapy
was complicated by loss of efficacy, hyperkinesias,
“on-off” oscillations, or all of these. Amantadine,
anticholinergics, or both were continued unaltered
throughout the study. The protocol was similar to
that for pergolide in early combination therapy.
Bromocriptine was gradually withdrawn over a
period of 5 days, and pergolide was started 2 days
after bromocriptine therapy was completely terminated. Patients were assessed at 2 days, then every
2 weeks during the first 2 months and every 4
weeks thereafter. CRS scores were determined 6
months after substitution of pergolide for
bromocriptine and compared with the scores for
bromocriptineflevodopa treatment.
Results. Forty-four patients were enrolled in this
open-label study. Patient characteristics are shown
in table 1. In total, five patients discontinued: One
stopped because of adverse events (psychiatric complications); two died from unknown, probably unrelated causes (autopsies were not performed); and
two were lost to follow-up.
Clinical results after 6 months of treatment for
the 39 evaluable patients are shown in table 2.
Mean CRS scores of these patients improved by
32%. Improvements greater than 50% were observed in 20% of patients, and improvements of
less than 10% were observed in 31% of patients.
Patients who did not deteriorate after discontinuation of bromocriptine appeared to be the most likely
to benefit from substitution with pergolide, while
those who did deteriorate benefited least. The
mean daily dose of pergolide after 6 months was
1.6 mg. Pergolide administration allowed the levodopa dosage to be decreased from 533 to 408 mg (a
reduction of 23%), mainly because the number of
levodopa doses could be reduced from four or five to
three daily. Hyperkinesias improved significantly
in most patients and disappeared in 30% of patients, probably because of this reduction. The
number of “on-off”oscillations was reduced in 10 of
the 13 patients with these complications; the total
“off” time was reduced by 45%.
Side effects occurred in seven patients: GI complaints in five, orthostatic hypotension in four,
psychiatric complications in four (one withdrawal),
and peripheral edema in two. Peripheral side effects, with the exception of edema, were manageable with domperidone. No pleural effusions,
changes in cardiograms, or abnormal findings
were observed during three consecutive chest xrays and four cardiograms.
cally stimulates both D, and D, receptors, possibly
explaining the greater therapeutic effect of levodopa
compared with that of D2 agonists. Recently, newly
developed selective D, agonists were shown to stimulate motor behavior in nonhuman primate models
of PD,28which suggests that the D, receptor is a
possible target for the treatment of PD.
It is interesting to note that the D, agonist pergolide is a weak agonist for t h e D, receptor,
whereas bromocriptine is a partial D, antagonist;
this might explain the differences in clinical efficacy between the two drugs. The recent developments of selective D, and D, agonists will open new
perspectives for the treatment of PD.
Several approaches for the treatment of PD can
be considered, such as postponing levodopa therapy, keeping levodopa dosages as low as possible,
or combining levodopa with dopamine agonists at
an early stage. In younger patients, who are at
high risk of suffering early levodopa-induced motor
complication^,^^ treatment with dopamine agonists
offers a possible approach for delaying levodopa
therapy. More clinical research is warranted on
this point, ‘however.
The question still needs to be answered as to
whether levodopa accelerates the rate of progression of the disease. Neuroimaging tools need to be
designed to calibrate the progressive deterioration
of dopaminergic cells and t o determine whether
MAO-B inhibitors, dopamine agonists, or both will
slow this process.
In conclusion, the results of the studies described suggest t h a t low-dose pergolide i n
monotherapy is effective in improving symptoms of
early PD. By carefully optimizing the maintenance
dosage of pergolide, the incidence of adverse events
can be minimized, and they are usually manageable with domperidone. Pergolide, as an adjunct to
levodopa therapy, leads to an improvement in the
disability and allows the dosage of levodopa to be
reduced, lowering the incidence and severity of levodopa-induced motor complications. In addition,
an improvement in baseline disabilities has been
demonstrated for pergolide in several patients who
have a less than optimal response to levodopa plus
bromocriptine and have been transferred to levodopa plus pergolide.
Conclusion. The therapeutic approach for PD is
still dominated by levodopa therapy, in spite of the
major disadvantages of this compound. In the studies reported here, however, we have shown that the
dopamine agonist pergolide has efficacy, not only as
an early or late addition to levodopa therapy, but
also in monotherapy. Dopamine agonists, such as
bromocriptine and pergolide, do not seem to be as
effective as levodopa in PD. Levodopa is converted
to dopamine in the brain and, therefore, theoreti-
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