Aerosol Measurements
Cloud Properties
GPS Meteorology
Surface Wind
Temperature Soundings
TOMS Ozone
Water Vapor
Wind, Middle Atmosphere
Aerosol Measurements
Y J Kaufman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, MD, USA
D Tanré, Université de Sciences et Techniques de Lille,
Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Aerosols are submicron particles suspended in the air,
in the form of smoke (Figure 1), urban and/or
industrial pollution, or micron-size dust particles
blown from the deserts. Aerosols are an important
part of the atmospheric physical and chemical processes (see Aerosols: Climatology of Tropospheric
Aerosols; Physics and Chemistry of Aerosols). Aerosols impact cloud properties and also affect precipitation formation (see Aerosols: Role in Cloud Physics.
Satellite Remote Sensing: Cloud Properties; Precipitation). Aerosols scatter and absorb solar radiation and
hence influence the planetary energy balance (see
Aerosols: Role in Radiative Transfer). Measurement
techniques have been developed to assess aerosol
properties and interaction with the environment. In
situ techniques (see Aerosols: Observations and Measurements) measure aerosol composition and physical
and chemical properties. Chemical composition is
used to relate aerosols to sources of air pollution or to
natural processes. Models are used to assess the role of
aerosols in atmospheric chemistry and climate.
Early on, the scientific community recognized
that ground-based or airborne in situ measurements
(see Aerosols: Observations and Measurements),
though providing very detailed information, have
drawbacks that are not shared by satellite and groundbased remote sensing measurements. Satellite measurements determine a smaller array of aerosol parameters, but they measure the properties of the ambient
aerosol particles without sampling them on filters and
altering the physical environment. Satellites measure
aerosol properties globally with a single instrument,
ensuring a unified technique of comparing aerosol
concentration and properties in different parts of the
world. Satellites also integrate aerosol measurements
over the entire atmospheric column, which is better for
some applications (e.g., the effect on the radiation
budget but less desirable for others (e.g., the impacts
on human health and on visibility near the surface).
Ground-based remote sensing shares some of the
characteristics of satellite measurements and some of
the in situ measurements. Ground measurements do
not have a global coverage like satellites, although the
measurements are obtained many times a day in some
100 locations all over the world. Ground-based
remote sensors measure the ambient aerosol and
provide a wide array of aerosol physical parameters,
rather as do measurements in situ.
Figure 2 shows aerosol climatology derived from the
Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) of Sun/sky
radiometers that provide daily information on the
aerosol properties. Compilations of thousands of
measurements during 2–6 years reveal considerable
differences in aerosol size distribution, absorption
efficiency of solar radiation, and optical refractive
index between the major aerosol types. Even for the
same aerosol type, e.g., urban regional pollution,
aerosol properties vary with the geographic locations
1942 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Aerosol Measurements
Figure 1 MODIS remote sensing of fires and smoke in the wild fires in the North West US on 23 August 2000. The red dots are fires
detected in the 3.9 mm channel, the rest of the image a visual red–green–blue composite. The black area are burn scars from previous
days’ fires (white areas are clouds). MODIS, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, has taken measurements on board the
Terra and Aqua satellites, at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. local times, respectively.
owing to differences in aerosol source and atmospheric processes. For example, aerosol in a site near Paris is
characterized by lower single-scattering albedo than
that in a site near Washington DC, probably owing to a
higher concentration of black carbon associated with a
higher rate of diesel fuel use. Emissions from Mexico
and the Maldives have an even lower single-scattering
albedo and higher concentration of the coarse mode,
owing to the lower efficiency of fossil fuel consumption by transportation and industry, open fires and
lack of filtering from the emissions of the large (coarse)
aerosol particles.
Satellite techniques have evolved in the last decade
from merely reporting an effective measure of the
aerosol column concentration (Figures 3 and 4) to the
quantitative measurement of the aerosol optical
thickness over land and ocean; the assessment of the
individual column concentration of submicron(smoke and urban/industrial aerosol) and micronsize (dust) particles using spectral and polarization
measurements; the measurements of the aerosol
impact on cloud properties and precipitation; and
measurements of the aerosol impact on the Earth’s
reflection of sunlight to space (review: Kaufman et al.
New satellites have been launched recently with
new aerosol measurement capability (e.g., the EOS/
Terra with the MODIS and MISR instruments; Figure
5). Satellite data and ground-based remote sensing are
being combined to measure detailed aerosol properties, such as absorption efficiency (expressed by the
single scattering albedo, o0 ). Coordinated field experiments that include satellites, AERONET, and in situ
measurements are used to characterize the specific
aerosol type – e.g., biomass burning, Atlantic aerosol,
and East Asian pollution.
Remote Sensing of Aerosol Over Land
Satellites observe simultaneously the Earth’s surface
and the semitransparent aerosol layer above it. The
land reflectance of sunlight is highly variable, owing to
the variability of land surface cover, making a
challenge the sensing of the semitransparent aerosol
layer above it. Figure 6 illustrates the land and aerosol
Urban/Industrial aerosol
Mexico City
Mixed aerosol
Biomass burning
Amazonian forest
South American cerrado
African savanna
Boreal forest
Single-scattering albedo
Desert dust
Bahrain/Persian Gulf
Solar Village/Saudi Arabia
Cape Verde
Oceanic aerosol
n =1.39
n =1.40
n =1.47
n =1.44
1020 440
Wavelength (Pm)
D =1.95
D =1.85
D =1.95
D =1.96
n =1.55
n =1.58
n =1.47
n =1.52
n =1.51
n =1.50
dV/dln R (Pm3 Pm2)
440= 0.7
Radius (Pm)
Figure 2 Averaged optical properties of different types of tropospheric aerosol retrieved from the worldwide AERONET network of
ground-based radiometers ( Urban/industrial, biomass burning, and desert dust aerosols are shown for
optical thickness of text ð440Þ ¼ 0:7, except oceanic aerosol shown for text ð440Þ ¼ 0:15. Ångström parameter a is estimated using optical
thickness at two wavelengths 440 and 870 nm (Reproduced with permission from Dubovik O, Holben BN, Eck TF, et al. (2001) Variability
of absorption and optical properties of key aerosol types observed in worldwide locations. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 59:
effect on the image brightness in the visible and mid-IR
parts of the solar spectrum. In Figure 6A we can
visually distinguish between regions with and without
smoke only if the smoke is thick enough. Some parts of
the land regions in the image are as bright as the smoke
itself. Only recently algorithms for remote sensing of
aerosol over land were developed for regional to
global scales. New satellite sensors were developed for
this purpose, using different techniques to separate the
land contribution from that of the aerosol. These
techniques can be grouped into spectral, angular, and
polarization methods, examples of which are reviewed
Spectral Technique
In Figure 6, the smoke particles that obscure the image
are very small, about 0.4 mm in diameter. Since aerosol
particles interact most efficiently with radiation of a
wavelength similar to the particle size, they interact
very well with the visible radiation (0.47–0.66 mm in
Figure 6A) and are almost completely transparent in
Figure 6B for wavelengths larger than 1 mm. This
property is used to separate the aerosol from the land.
The satellite observes the land at 2.1 mm, where there is
no obstruction by the atmosphere. An empirical
relationship, based on many measurements in different parts of the world, is used to derive a simple
relationship between (1) the surface reflectance in the
red (0.66 mm) and blue (0.49 mm) wavelengths and (2)
that at 2.1 mm. Once the surface reflectance in the
visible channels is determined using this relationship,
the aerosol opacity and column concentration are
derived from the difference between the atmosphereplus-surface reflectance measured from a satellite
and the actual surface reflectance derived for these
1944 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Aerosol Measurements
Figure 3 Three-month average aerosol effective optical thickness derived from the AVHRR. Color scale is given in the left bottom
corner. Heavy aerosol is observed off the coast of Africa next to the Sahara (dust) flowing towards Central America. Biomass burning
smoke is also observed flowing from Southern Africa. The Arabian Sea shows heavy dust aerosol, and urban/industrial pollution is
observed off the coast of North America and East Asia. (Reproduced with permission from Husar RB, Prospero JM, and Stowe LL (1997)
Characterization of tropospheric aerosols over the oceans with the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer optical thickness
operational product. Journal of Geophysical Research 102: 16889–16909 –
Figure 4 TOMS aerosol index showing heavy smoke aerosol from large wild fires in Mexico, 15 May 1998, transported to North America.
(Reproduced with permission from J. Herman, NASA-GSFC–
Figure 5 The launch of EOS Terra, 16 December 1999 from
the Vandenberg air force base in California (Photograph
from the NASA-GSFC archive–
wavelengths. It is easier to view aerosol over darker
land with a smaller contribution to the radiation
detected by the satellite than over brighter land.
Therefore only satellite observations over the darkest
part of the image are used to derive the aerosol
concentration. This method is applied to data from the
MODIS instrument on the EOS-Terra satellite; Figure
7 shows results of aerosol remote sensing over land
and ocean from MODIS, and the validation of the
results over the land against the ground-based AERONET measurements. Validation campaigns show that
MODIS can derive the aerosol optical thickness, t,
over the land with an error of Dt ¼ 0:05 0:20t. A
different spectral technique is used by the TOMS
instrument. Here differential absorption in two UV
channels is used to view the aerosol. In 0.34 and
0.38 mm, the land and ocean are very dark and the
aerosol absorption is decreasing with wavelength. The
difference in satellite signal between these two wavelengths is used to detect the aerosol (Figure 4).
Figure 6 Large fire near Cuiaba on 25 August 1995, taken from
the ER-2 AVIRIS instrument during the Smoke Cloud And
Radiation – Brazil (SCAR-B) experiment (Kaufman YJ, Hobbs
PV, Kirchhoff VWJH, et al. (1998) The smoke, clouds and radiation
experiment in Brazil (SCAR-B). Journal of Geophysical Research
103: 31783–31808. et al., 1998). The image is 10 20 km and 20 m
resolution. (A) Heavy smoke emitted from the fire and flowing over
Cuiaba. It resembles human vision and is composed of 0.47 mm
(blue), 0.55 mm (green) and 0.66 mm (red). (B) 2.1 mm (blue), 1.2 mm
(green), and 1.65 mm (red). The smoke is almost transparent at
these longer wavelengths, and the fire is clearly seen with its three
main temperature zones (blue – glowing; purple – smoldering,
emitting the heavy smoke; and white – the fire front. Note that it is
much easier to observe the surface features at the long wavelengths that penetrate the smoke. The AVIRIS data were provided
by Robert Green from the NASA – Jet Propulsion Laboratory in
Angular Technique
Three satellite sensors, ATSR on ERS-2, MISR on
EOS Terra, and POLDER on ADEOS can view the
same location with 2, 9 or 14 different view angles
respectively in several spectral channels, within
1946 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Aerosol Measurements
Aerosol optical depth
Ångström exponent
At 0.47Pm
R = 0.91
At 0.66Pm
R = 0.85
y = 0.86 u0.02
y = 0.86 u0.06
Sun photometer
Sun photometer
Total points = 315
Figure 7 (A) September 2000 average of the MODIS analysis of aerosol over land and removed the results for August. (i) the aerosol
optical thickness at 0.55 mm; (ii) the Ångstrom exponent. Black regions are where no aerosol data were retrieved, due to lack of sunlight,
ice, and snow cover or bright desert land cover. Note that the pollution in the eastern US in August is associated with elevated optical
thickness and a higher Ångstrom exponent (small particles). The same is true for biomass burning in South America in September. Aerosol
around the Sahara (in black) is associated with a low Ångstrom exponent, indicating large dust particles. (B) 315-point validation of the
MODIS analysis of aerosol over the land, using most of the AERONET stations, in the blue and red spectral wavelengths. The dashed lines
are the error predictions when the algorithm was perceived 3 years before launch. (See:
a few minutes of observations. Since the atmosphere
is more obstructive in slant view directions,
owing to the longer optical path through the aerosol
layer, the sensors use the difference between the
vertical and slant observations to derive both
the surface properties and those of the aerosol
layer above it.
Polarization Technique
Solar radiation has more characteristics than just the
spectral wavelength and brightness. Solar radiation is
an electromagnetic wave that can be visualized as
similar to ocean waves. Polarization of the electromagnetic wave can be associated with the direction of
variation of the height of wave. While the height of
ocean waves is always perpendicular to the surface,
light arriving from the Sun has no preferred direction
of variation (zero polarization). Once reflected by the
surface or atmosphere, the wave may acquire a
preferential direction or polarization. (Note that
polarized sunglasses preferentially transmit only one
direction of polarization, to avoid observing the highly
polarized glare over a wet road, say, or ice.) The
POLDER instrument on the ADEOS satellite measures polarization. Since the polarization of small
aerosol particles is much larger than the polarization
of large nonspherical dust particles and the polarization of the Earth’s surface, POLDER can be used to
determine the concentration of smoke or pollution
independently of the presence of dust or surface
reflectance (Figure 8).
Figure 8 POLDER measurements of small aerosol particles, mainly from biomass burning and urban/industrial activity over land and
ocean. The aerosol is detected using the aerosol polarization. The results are given as average for four separate months. (See
Remote Sensing of Aerosol over the
Previous satellite measurements over the ocean were
limited to reflectance measurements in one channel
(from a geostationary satellite like GOES or METEOSAT) or two channels (from AVHRR/NOAA), and
algorithms could derive only the total aerosol content,
assuming a given aerosol model. The aerosol model
was taken from the literature as the one most representative of the local conditions, and this method has
been successfully applied over water with a particular
emphasis on Saharan dust studies. An operational
global product is provided by NOAA from AVHRR
data over oceans (see Figure 3).
The new generation of satellite sensors provides
well-selected multispectral data – e.g., MODIS on the
Earth Observing System/TERRA launched in December 1999 – or multiangular data provided by POLDER
on ADEOS launched in August 1996 and by also
MISR on EOS/Terra. Polarized reflectance is provided
by POLDER. From such additional information it is
possible to characterize the aerosol properties better
and to derive the aerosol content or optical thickness
more accurately. While the polarized reflectance is
mainly sensitive to the particle refractive index and the
directional reflectances to the optical thickness, it has
already been demonstrated that the spectral dependence of the optical thickness carries information on the
aerosol’s size distribution.
1948 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Aerosol Measurements
Aerosol reflectance,
Dry smoke, reff = 0.10 Pm
Urban, reff = 0.20 Pm
Wet, reff = 0.25 Pm
Salt, reff = 1 Pm
Dust, reff = 1 Pm
Dust, reff = 2.5 Pm
Wavelength (Pm)
Figure 9 Typical spectral aerosol reflectance (brightness that corresponds to a given surface reflectance), for several aerosol types:
small accumulation mode particles that correspond to smoke or dry urban/industrial aerosol (‘‘sulfate’’); wet larger ‘‘sulfate’’ particles, salt,
dust, and a mixture of sulfate and salt. The aerosol optical thickness is 0.2 at 0.55 mm, the solar zenith angle 361, the view angle 241, and the
azimuth 861, resulting in a scattering angle of 1351. Converting to reflectance, L is the radiance, F0 the solar spectral flux, and m0 the cosine
of the solar zenith angle. Note the reduction with wavelength of the apparent reflectance for all aerosol types.
Spectral Technique
The best example is the MODIS spectral radiance
measured over the dark ocean surface. With the
MODIS instrument, we retrieve aerosol size information from the spectral signature of the radiances
between 0.550 and 2.2 mm, as shown in Figure 9. The
radiance is the product of the spectral dependence of
the optical thickness and that of the phase function. Its
sensitivity to details of the aerosol size distribution has
been found to be lower than those of the optical
thickness alone. Numerical analysis shows that it can
be used to derive simultaneously the total aerosol
optical thickness, a measure of the column loading,
and two independent parameters describing the size.
Therefore, we derive: (1) the ratio of the contribution
to the radiance of micron size versus the submicron
particles and (2) the specific size of the dominant
aerosol mode. Examples of the three products for
September 2000 are given in Figure 10.
Angular Technique
The directional characteristics of the solar radiation
are observed from space by MISR and POLDER
instruments in addition to more limited spectral
information. The additional multidirectional information can be used to improve retrieval of the aerosol
model, since its sensitivity to the particle size is
different from that of the spectral information. It can
also be used to distinguish spherical from nonspherical
particles. The aerosol phase function that can be
derived from the wide range of scattering angles is very
sensitive to the aerosol shape. In fact, nonsphericity
effects have been shown to be important for backscattering directions. For instance, dust particles, which
are likely to be nonspherical, have a flatter behavior in
backscattering directions of over 1401 than have
spherical particles.
Polarized Technique
The POLDER instrument adds a new dimension to the
remote sensing capability, namely the polarized ratio
of the reflected radiance. The polarized light is
sensitive to the real part of the refractive index, though
preliminary analysis of the POLDER data shows that
the problem is in fact more complex. The polarized
light is sensitive to the refractive index of the small
Figure 10 Monthly mean statistics of MODIS aerosol retrievals over land and ocean for the optical thickness (center) and for the
effective radius (top) and the ratio between the modes (bottom) over ocean. (See
particles – i.e., particles that are in the accumulation
mode – but no information regarding the coarse mode
can be derived. So the final product and its accuracy
depend on the respective contributions of both modes
to the total aerosol size distribution. In addition,
particles that are within the coarse mode are more
likely nonspherical (like dustparticles), which makes
the interpretation of the polarized signal even harder.
Remote Sensing of Single-Scattering
Albedo, Fires, CO
Satellite measurements are sensitive also to aerosol
absorption of the solar radiation. The sensitivity
increases over bright reflective earth surfaces, e.g.,
deserts, since the aerosol can absorb both the downward solar radiation and that which is strongly
1950 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Aerosol Measurements
Apparent reflectance of the
Earth surface plus atmosphere
o =0.96
o =0.87
= 0
Surface reflectance
Figure 11 Calculated reflectance of the earth surface 1 atmosphere as observed from space at nadir (l ¼ 0:66 mm, y0 ¼ 32 ). Solid
blue line – no aerosol (t ¼ 0), only molecular scattering; broken lines – aerosol with low absorption, o0 ¼ 0:96 (green), and high
absorption, o0 ¼ 0:87 (red), respectively. The aerosol optical thickness, t, of 0.4 and 0.8 is indicated.
reflected. As illustrated in Figure 11, surface brightness
determines whether the aerosol increases (low absorption) or decreases (high absorption) the surface-plusatmosphere reflectance. Over the bright surface,
satellites measure the balance between aerosol absorption of the solar radiation and scattering of
sunlight to space. Therefore the change in the Earth’s
brightness due to the additional aerosol in a hazy day
vs. that on a clear one, works like a precise laboratory
scale to provide an exact measure of the ratio of
absorption to scattering (expressed as the singlescattering albedo, o0 – the ratio of scattering to
scattering-plus-absorption). Recently, combination of
satellite and ground-based remote sensing over west
Africa and Cape Verde were used to determine the
spectral absorption properties of dust. Landsat images
with different column concentration of the dust were
used and showed that dust brightens even the very
bright Senegal desert landscape (Figure 12). This dust
brightening allows the precise detection of dust
absorption, and shows that dust absorption in the
solar spectrum is much smaller than was previously
used by radiative models.
Even more important than dust absorption is the
effect of human activity on aerosol concentration and
the ability to absorb sunlight. Field measurements of
biomass burning in the Amazon and regional pollution
in the Indian Ocean have shown enhanced absorption
by heavy aerosol concentrations (o0 in the range of
0.8–0.9). This enhanced aerosol absorption was
shown to affect atmospheric dynamics and the formation of clouds and precipitation.
To understand the effect of human activity on
climate, through the emission of aerosol, it is important to distinguish among the different natural and
man-made aerosol sources. This understanding is
aided by satellite measurements of the presence and
strength of fires (Figure 1) and the simultaneous
emission of carbon monoxide that is largely a manmade product. Both fires and CO are measured
simultaneously with the aerosol measurements by
instruments on the EOS/Terra satellite.
Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing
of Climate
The presence of aerosols modifies the solar radiation
reflected at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) as well as
the radiation transmitted at the bottom. Aerosols also
redistribute the energy within the atmosphere. Estimates of the aerosol direct radiative effect are at
present based largely upon models that simulate the
aerosol cycle (sources, transport, and sinks) and
estimate their radiative properties from an a priori
knowledge of the global aerosol distribution. Because
computations of the model-simulated albedos require
a rough description of the aerosol properties, this
approach introduces significant errors into the estimates of forcing.
For better assessment of the aerosol direct radiative
effect, satellite measurements are very convenient,
since they measure directly the radiances reflected by
the atmosphere. Even should some shortcomings be
Figure 12 Landsat TM images of dust over the coast of Senegal. (A) 3 May 1987, dust optical thickness of t ¼ 0:8. (B) 17 April 1987,
heavy dust with optical thickness t ¼ 2:4. Both images were made with the same color enhancement. Color scale: 0.49 mm (blue), 0.55 mm
(green), and 0.66 mm (red).
present in the derivation of the aerosol properties, we
can still reasonably assume that the radiative quantities can be well restituted and that the conversion of
the reflected radiances into fluxes is quite accurate. So,
the aerosol properties derived from the measurements
are used as inputs of the radiative code. Figure 13
shows the short-wave radiative flux change over ocean
due to the presence of aerosols as estimated from
the POLDER data. The global mean is around
Aerosol flux perturbation (W m2)
Figure 13 Global and hemispheric means in aerosol radiative
perturbation from POLDER/ADEOS1. (Reproduced with permission from Boucher O and Tanré D (2000) Estimation of the aerosol
perturbation to the Earth’s radiative budget over oceans using
POLDER satellite aerosol retrievals. Geophysical Research
Letters 27: 1103–1106.)
5:5 W m2 and is fairly constant over the 8 months
of POLDER data. Contrast can be observed for both
hemispheres; in the Northern Hemisphere the cooling
is larger than in the Southern Hemisphere by 1 to
3 W m2 and depends on the season. Flux can also be
derived directly from the radiances. Flux is the twodimensional angular integral on the radiance, and
aerosols’ properties are needed only to extrapolate the
radiance from a particular direction to the integrated
flux value. Using this principle, one of MODIS’s
benefits has been the reconstruction of the aerosol
fluxes from the measured radiance and the derived
aerosol products.
To derive the aerosol complete radiative effect,
the satellite measurements have to be complemented
by measurements at the surface, and the AERONET
network of sky radiometers has been shown to be
very suitable. The instrument measures the sky
radiance in the principal plane in four spectral
bands. The sky radiance can be converted easily into
flux, in a similar way to that used for the satellite
radiances, but with even higher accuracy, since the
angular representation of the sky radiance observed by
AERONET in the principle plane is much better. One
advantage of the technique is that the results are not
contaminated by the presence of clouds, since
the corresponding cloudy data are excluded from the
computations. The measured 24-hour average aerosol
impact on the solar flux at the surface per unit optical
thickness has been estimated to be around DF=Dt ¼
80 W m2 in sites where smoke, dust, or urban/
industrial pollution is present. In cases of high
amounts of broken clouds, the effect is reduced
to 50 W m2.
1952 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Aerosol Measurements
Figure 14 (A) Aerosol loading derived from POLDER measurement during the spring of 1997. The aerosol loading is described as
aerosol index, a qualitative index that in some conditions is equal to the optical thickness. (B) Cloud droplet radius derived from POLDER
measurement for the same period. The unit is microns. (Reproduced with permission from Bréon FM, Tanré D and Generoso S (2002)
Aerosol effect on cloud droplet size monitored from satellite. Science 295: 834–838.)
Aerosol Indirect Radiative Forcing
of Climate
Aerosol may also have an indirect effect by acting as
cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). Elevated aerosol
concentrations can enhance CCN concentrations and
correspondingly the density of droplets within the
clouds. Consequently the droplet size decreases (for
a similar liquid water concentration). Clouds with
denser droplet populations are brighter because the
distribution of drops has a larger surface area to reflect
solar light. The smaller droplet size also slows the
process of precipitation formation and thus decreases
the precipitation rate. For a cloud to precipitate, the
droplets have to reach a given minimum size (e.g., a
radius of 14 mm) before gravitational settling can start
the process of droplet coalescing and precipitation.
Direct observation of the aerosol effect on the cloud
Figure 15 Example of an AVHRR image over the Amazon basin, showing the presence of fires (red) high clouds that may not interact
with the aerosol (T o270 K – blue), low clouds (white or bumpy yellow depending on the droplet size) that do interact with aerosol.
Vegetation with varying concentration of smoke is shown from green to yellow. The black lines are of latitude and longitude. Droplet size is
derived from the reflectance at the 3.7 mm channel. (Image produced by Rich Kleidman.)
1954 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Aerosol Measurements
albedo was performed from ship tracks on stratocumulus clouds off the coast of California, but there is at
present no global assessment of such a relationship.
From AVHRR/NOAA, a contrast of about 2 mm
between the cloud droplets over land and ocean has
been obtained. In addition, a similar pattern was
observed over ocean between the spatial distribution
of the aerosol optical thickness and the distribution of
the cloud droplet effective radius. Owing to the unique
capability of POLDER to detect the presence of
anthropogenic aerosol over land, the results can be
extended to the whole globe. In Figure 14, the
POLDER results are shown. The largest values of the
aerosol loading correspond to regions where the cloud
droplet radius is minimum, e.g., over the Indian
subcontinent and East Asia. The largest cloud drop
radii are observed over remote clean oceanic regions.
In Figure 15 we zoom in to the cloud–aerosol
interaction in the Amazon Basin during the dry season
with heavy and heterogeneous biomass burning smoke
aerosol. In the figure the AVHRR image was processed
T (qC)
H (km)
to show the aerosol effect on the cloud microphysics.
The basic image is a composite of the AVHRR 0.63 mm
(red), 0.83 mm (green), and reflective part of 3.7 mm
(blue) channels. Fires were imposed on the image as
red dots (when the 3.7 mm channel saturates at 325 K)
and high clouds, that may not interact with the
aerosol, were separated by dark blue colour. Note
that in the smoke-clear conditions (dark green, in the
top left corner of the image) the clouds are yellow,
indicating large droplets (with a small reflection at
3.7 mm), while in the smoke regions the clouds are
white, indicating small droplets (with a high reflection
at 3.7 mm). Analysis of dozen of images showed that an
increase in the smoke optical thickness from a background of 0.2 to 0.8 decreases the droplet size by 4–
6 mm. The decrease larger than that found in POLDER
data corresponds to the larger change in the aerosol
optical thickness.
The effect of pollution sources in the otherwise
clean Australian air is shown in Figure 16. The image
shows the effect of pollution plumes on clouds and
Reflectivity (dBZ)
reff (Pm)
Figure 16 Satellite visualization of the TRMM data of cloud microphysics and precipitation.
precipitation over south-eastern Australia at 04.44 UT
on 21 October 1998. The TRMM VIRS instrument
visible and 3.7 mm channels show clouds with a large
droplet size in the clean area as red (e.g., boxes 1 and 3
in the image) and clouds contaminated by aerosol,
with small droplet size, as yellow (e.g., box 2 in the
image). The white patches in the clean regions 1 and 3
denote precipitation echoes observed by the TRMM
precipitation radar. This is an example of the effect on
cloud microphysics and suppression of precipitation.
Above the image are two plots that show the detailed
measurements. Profiles of the radar reflectivity (Figure
16A) show a strong return in regions 1 and 3 and no
return in the polluted region 2. The profile of the cloud
droplet radius (as a function of the cloud top temperature) is shown in Figure 16B. The polluted clouds of
box 2 show a very small variation in the vertical
distribution of droplet size, not passing the 14 mm
threshold needed to start the precipitation process.
In the last decade we have seen the deployment of new
and exciting satellite and ground-based remote sensing instruments. These instruments are changing
remote sensing into a highly sophisticated global
laboratory to measure aerosol, their optical properties
and their effects on clouds and radiation. Here we have
given a few examples that show how the traditional
role of remote sensing of the aerosol optical thickness
is extending to new applications of precise measurements of the contribution of fine and coarse particles to
the aerosol optical thickness, particle size, and absorption, which more resemble laboratory research
than remote sensing. One advantage of remote sensing
over in situ or laboratory measurements is that the
aerosol is measured in its natural ambient form. There
is no ambiguity regarding the humidity of the air and
the state of the volatile organics in the aerosol
properties. Although remote sensing cannot measure
the aerosol composition, at least the optical properties
and forcing of climate are obtained for aerosol in
natural conditions.
In the next decade, remote sensing will be further
enhanced with the launch of lidars (Figure 17).
Instruments are being designed to combine the spectral
information measured by MODIS and the angular and
polarization information from POLDER into a sophisticated mission for aerosol sensing. Together with
field experiments, chemical analysis of aerosol composition, chemical transport models, and climate
models, remote sensing may be expected, in the next
decade to resolve some of the outstanding questions
regarding the roles of aerosol in climate and in
atmospheric chemistry, and also its influence on
human health and life on this planet.
Figure 17 A 3D visualization of data collected by the Lidar in Space Technology experiment (LITE) in September 1994, showing a deep
haze layer (yellow to red) over the Eastern US and Atlantic Ocean. The yellow lines are wind back trajectories over 5 days period. The LITE
data extend from the surface level up to 20 km. (Image reproduced with permission from the web site:
1956 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Cloud Properties
See also
Aerosols: Climatology of Tropospheric Aerosols; Observations and Measurements; Physics and Chemistry of
Aerosols; Role in Cloud Physics; Role in Radiative Transfer. Dust. Satellite Remote Sensing: Cloud Properties;
Further Reading
Holben BN, Tanré D, Smirnov A, et al. (2001) An emerging
ground-based aerosol climatology: aerosol optical thickness from AERONET. Journal of Geophysical Research
106: 12067–12097.
Kaufman YJ, Tanré D, Gordon HR, et al. (1997) Passive
remote sensing of tropospheric aerosol and atmospheric
correction. Journal of Geophysical Research 102:
Kaufman YJ, Tanré D, Boucher O (2002) A satellite view of
aerosols in the climate system. Review for Nature 419:
King MD, Kaufman YJ, Tanré D and Nakajima T (1999)
Remote sensing of tropospheric aerosols from space:
past, present and future. Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society 80: 2229–2259.
Raes F, Bates T, Mcgovern F and Van Liedekerke M (1999)
ACE-2 general overview and main results. Tellus 52B:
Ramanathan V, Crutzen PJ, Lelieveld J, et al. (2001)
Indian Ocean Experiment: an integrated analysis of
the climate forcing and effects of the great IndoAsian haze. Journal of Geophysical Research 106:
Ramanathan V, Crutzen PJ, Kiehl JTand Rosenfeld D (2001)
Aerosols, climate, and the hydrological cycle. Science
294: 2119–2124.
Cloud Properties
P Yang, Texas A&M University, TX, USA
B A Baum, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton,
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
On any given day, clouds cover about 65% of the
planet. In a fairly stable atmosphere, clouds may be
cellular in appearance (i.e., cumuliform), or may
appear in sheets (i.e. stratiform) that may extend
over large horizontal distances. While these clouds
may extend over wide areas, their typical geometric
thickness is less than 1 km. In unstable atmospheres,
clouds may extend from near the planet’s surface to the
upper troposphere. As most of the tropospheric water
vapor resides near the surface, where temperatures
tend to be relatively warm, low-level clouds tend to be
composed of water droplets and are typically opaque
to a viewer. The opacity is denoted in terms of a
quantity known as optical thickness, or optical depth,
and is a dimensionless measure of light attenuation
caused by the scattering and absorption of energy by
atmospheric particles. Clouds forming near the tropopause reside at very cold temperatures and are
composed typically of ice crystals. For clouds at
intermediate heights between the planetary boundary
layer (B1 km above the surface) and the troposphere,
clouds may be composed of a mixture of water and ice
particles. Water and ice clouds interact with solar
radiation differently and have a large influence on the
Earth’s radiative energy budget. The energy budget is
composed of both solar and terrestrial radiation. Solar
radiation spans from ultraviolet (UV; lo0:4 mm where
l is wavelength) to infrared wavelengths (l >5 mm).
A portion of the incoming solar radiation may be
absorbed at the surface and within the atmosphere by
clouds, aerosols, water vapor, and other trace gases
such as carbon dioxide and methane. Subsequently,
absorbed solar radiation is re-emitted at longer wavelength from 5 mm to 100 mm.
In recent years, data from operational meteorological satellites have been analyzed for global cloud
macrophysical properties such as cloud height, phase
(water, ice, or some mixture of both), and microphysical and optical properties such as optical thickness
and particle size. Global cloud observations based on
satellite measurements serve many uses. In numerical
weather models, where the time scale of interest is on
the order of hours to days, satellite-derived cloud and
clear-sky properties from the geostationary satellites
serve as initial conditions for the models, that is, where
the clouds are at some given time. Numerical weather
models may be regional in extent, covering a specific
area such as North America, or global, in which case
global and near real-time cloud and clear-sky properties are required for initialization of the models.
Satellite-derived cloud properties are also useful for
developing and testing global climate models where
the time scale of interest is months to years. For this
type of use, cloud properties need to be collected,
analyzed, and ultimately reduced to a global gridded
and time-interpolated product. An example of such a
product would be one where each of the cloud
properties retrieved during the course of a month is
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Cloud Properties 1957
reduced to a monthly average with a time resolution of
every 3 hours.
To date, meteorological satellites have recorded
information over the Earth at a limited number of
wavelengths through the use of specially designed
filter radiometers. The filters allow radiation only over
a very narrow wavelength range to pass through to the
detectors. Such narrowband wavelengths are typically
chosen in atmospheric ‘windows’, where the atmospheric constituents such as water vapor and carbon
dioxide least attenuate the energy along the path from
the surface, through the atmosphere, and finally to the
satellite. At a minimum, operational satellite data are
recorded at a visible (VIS) wavelength (e.g., 0:65 mm),
a near-infrared (NIR) wavelength (3:82 mm) and an
infrared (IR) wavelength (11 mm). Radiances at visible
and near-infrared wavelengths are often converted
to reflectances whose values range from 0 to 1. IR
radiances are often converted to brightness temperatures through application of the Planck function.
Because of the huge volumes of data collected by
satellites, the data reduction effort can become quite
complex. This article discusses some of the available
methods to infer cloud properties such as cloud top
pressure, phase, optical thickness, and particle size.
Cloud Top Pressure, Height,
and Temperature
Over the past 20 years, a number of approaches have
been developed to infer cloud top heights from satellite
data. The simplest method is to use a measurement at a
single wavelength – specifically, the IR radiance or,
equivalently, the brightness temperature at 11 mm.
Data on the atmospheric state (vertical profiles of
wind, temperature, and humidity) are obtained from a
global, gridded meteorological product available, for
example, from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), or by rawinsondes. Rawinsondes are comprised of instrumentation packages
carried aloft by balloons, and are launched from a
variety of sites around the globe twice per day. The
cloud top is derived as the height where the measured
brightness temperature matches the profile temperature. While the approach is simple, the operating
assumption in this technique is that the cloud is opaque
in the radiative sense, meaning that no radiation is
being transmitted through the cloud from the atmosphere or surface below the cloud. Low-level clouds
tend to be more opaque than high-level ones such as
cirrus, but globally only a small percentage of the
clouds fall in this category.
The International Satellite Cloud Climatology
Project (ISCCP) infers cloud properties such as cloud
height and optical thickness using both the VIS and IR
channels for data collected during daytime hours, but
only the IR band for nighttime data. The ISCCP
approach involves analysis of geostationary satellite
data, which are recorded typically every 3 hours over a
specific geographical region, and polar-orbiting platforms, which obtain data globally but see any specific
region on the planet twice daily, once during daytime
hours and once during nighttime hours. Cloud properties such as cloud height and optical thickness are
inferred through comparison of measured VIS and IR
radiances with simulations provided by radiative
transfer models. The models provide a set of predefined radiative transfer calculations for water and ice
clouds as a function of cloud height, temperature,
viewing angles (solar zenith, viewing zenith, and
relative azimuth angles), cloud phase, optical thickness, and other variables. The ISCCP approach is most
accurate for those clouds that are optically thick, such
as low-level water clouds and clouds generated in
convective situations such as in midlatitude frontal
regions. This bispectral approach is not optimal for
inferring the properties of optically thin clouds such as
On many satellite platforms, measurements are
obtained at wavelengths located in the 15 mm wavelength region, a region in which atmospheric transmission is dominated by atmospheric CO2. As the
wavelength increases from 13:3 mm to 15 mm, the
atmosphere becomes more opaque owing to CO2
absorption, thereby causing each channel to be sensitive to a different portion of the atmosphere. This
sensitivity is demonstrated in Figure 1, which shows
weighting functions for wavelengths ranging from 12
to 14 mm. Each channel has a peak in its weighting
function that occurs at a different pressure level from
the other channels. The 12 mm channel is shown for
comparison – note that its weighting function peaks at
the surface. This is a ‘window’ channel that is
insensitive to CO2. In the 1970s, a technique known
as CO2 slicing was developed to infer cloud top
pressure and effective cloud amount (the product of
the cloud fraction and the cloud emittance) from
radiances measured at wavelengths between 13.3 and
14:2 mm. The pressure at cloud level is converted to
cloud height and cloud temperature through the use of
gridded meteorological products that provide temperature profiles at some nominal vertical resolution
every 6 hours. One benefit to this algorithm is that
cloud properties are derived similarly for both daytime
and nighttime data, as the IR method is independent of
solar illumination conditions. This approach is very
useful for the analysis of midlevel to high-level clouds,
and even optically thin clouds such as cirrus. The
drawback in the use of the 15 mm channels is that the
1958 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Cloud Properties
MODIS weighting functions
12 Pm
13.3 Pm
13.6 Pm
13.9 Pm
14.2 Pm
Pressure (hPa)
Weighting function: dt /d(ln p)
Figure 1 Weighting functions derived for MODIS wavelengths ranging from 12 to 14:2 mm. The weighting function is the derivative of the
transmittance profile as a function of pressure. The peak in the weighting function provides an indication of what levels in the atmosphere
provide most of the upwelling radiance that will be measured by a satellite.
signal-to-noise ratio becomes small for clouds occurring in the lowest 3 km of the atmosphere, making a
retrieval problematic for low-level clouds. When low
clouds are present, the 11 mm channel is used to infer
cloud height.
Cloud Thermodynamic Phase
While the cloud phase is extremely important in
radiative transfer simulations of clouds and the
retrieval of cloud properties, it is not always straightforward to determine a cloud’s phase. If the cloud is
located in the upper troposphere where the temperatures are extremely cold, it is assumed to be composed
of ice. Conversely, if the cloud is located in the
boundary layer over warm surfaces, it is assumed to be
water. The difficulty lies in the inference of phase when
the cloud top temperature lies between perhaps 240
and 273 K. If the cloud temperature is below 233 K,
the homogeneous nucleation temperature, it will be
composed of ice. If the cloud temperature is above
273 K, it will be composed of water. If the cloud has a
temperature between 233 and 273 K, it might be ice,
water, or some mixture of both. In the high-latitude
storm tracks in either hemisphere, large-scale stratiform cloud decks tend to form with cloud top
temperatures in the 250 to 265 K range, and cloud
phase is quite difficult to discern.
At temperatures below 273 K, the supersaturation
of ice is much higher than the supersaturation with
respect to water. If water vapor is present in an
atmospheric layer at a temperature in this range, say
260 K, and both water and ice particles are present in
this layer, then the water vapor will preferentially
condense on the ice particles rather than the water
particles. As the ice crystals become larger, which may
occur over the course of seconds to minutes, the
growing ice crystals will begin to fall through the cloud
layer. The result may be that the top of the cloud layer
is populated primarily by water droplets, with ice
crystals falling through the cloud base. In the middle of
the layer, the cloud particles may take on aspects of
both ice and water, consisting of an ice core with water
droplets that have attached to the icy surface through a
process called riming. The inference of cloud phase
from satellite data under these conditions is quite
Two methods are presented here to infer cloud
phase. One method involves IR radiances measured at
8.5 and 11 mm. The radiances are converted to
brightness temperatures through the Planck function,
and the phase is inferred from the brightness temperature difference (BTD) between the 8.5 and 11 mm
brightness temperatures (BTD[8.5–11]) as well as the
11 mm brightness temperature. Ice clouds exhibit
positive BTD[8.5–11] values, whereas water clouds
tend to exhibit highly negative values. There are three
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Cloud Properties 1959
contributing factors to the behavior of the BTD
[8.5–11] for ice and water clouds. First, the imaginary
component of the index of refraction (mi ) differs for
ice and water at these two wavelengths. Second, while
the atmosphere is relatively transparent to gaseous
absorption, absorption by water vapor in the atmospheric column above the cloud can still exert a
considerable effect on the BTD values. As most of
the atmospheric water vapor resides in the lower layers
of the atmosphere near the surface, the BTD[8.5–11]
values will be most affected by the water vapor in a
column above low-level clouds rather than high-level
clouds that reside above most of the water vapor.
Third, while a small effect, cloud particles scatter
radiation even at the IR wavelengths, and clouds with
smaller particles will tend to scatter more radiation
than those with larger particles. Multiple scattering
radiative transfer calculations show that for ice
clouds, the BTD[8.5–11] values tend to be positive in
sign, whereas for low-level water clouds the BTD
[8.5–11] values tend to be very negative (o 2 K).
The second method is based on reflectances obtained at a visible (VIS) wavelength and a near-infrared
(NIR) wavelength (e.g., 0:65 mm and 1:64 mm, respectively). At wavelengths less than about 0:7 mm, clouds
composed of either liquid or ice tend to absorb very
little solar radiation. However, at 1:64 mm, the mi
values for both water and ice increase in comparison
with those at the visible wavelength and diverge, with
mi for ice being greater than the value of mi for water.
From this line of reasoning, one might expect that for
two different clouds (one ice, one water) of similar
particle size and habit (or particle shape) distributions,
the cloud reflectance at 0:65 mm would not depend
much on thermodynamic phase, while the cloud
reflectance at 1:64 mm would. In theory, given two
clouds of differing phases, where each has a fairly high
optical thickness and a similar particle size, one might
expect the 1:64 mm reflectances for the ice cloud to be
less than those for the water phase cloud.
Cloud Optical Thickness and
Particle Size
The fundamental optical properties of clouds are
cloud optical thickness and the single scattering
properties of cloud particles, which include the
single-scattering albedo, the scattering phase function,
the scattering/absorption/extinction efficiencies, and
the asymmetry factor of the scattering phase function.
These parameters essentially determine how much
incident radiation is reflected or absorbed by clouds.
The single-scattering albedo is defined as the ratio of
the portion of energy scattered by a particle to the total
extinction (scattering 1 absorption) of energy by the
particle. The phase function specifies the percentage of
radiative energy that is not absorbed but is instead
redistributed by the action of scattering by cloud
particles when radiation impinges on clouds. The
asymmetry factor of the phase function describes the
ratio of forward scattered to backscattered energy, and
is a quantity often used in radiative flux calculations.
In practice, the single-scattering albedo and the
asymmetry factor are parameterized in terms of
analytical functions (normally polynomials) of particle effective size for both water and ice clouds. In
many radiative transfer models, the radiative properties of clouds are described in terms of particle effective
size and either liquid or ice water content (LWC or
IWC), depending on the cloud phase. Cloud optical
thickness and particle effective size are crucial to the
accurate determination of bulk radiative properties of
clouds. For this reason, substantial efforts have been
made to retrieve cloud optical thickness and effective
particle size globally from satellite data.
Various methods have been suggested to derive the
optical thickness and particle effective size based on
narrowband radiometer measurements by airborne or
satellite-based imagers. Operational methods tend to
rely on IR bands or a combination of VIS and NIR
bands. The IR approach depends on the spectral
information from thermal emission of clouds, whereas
the VIS–NIR approach is based on the reflection of
solar radiation. Nakajima and King were among the
first to use reflected solar radiation to retrieve cloud
optical thickness and effective particle size simultaneously for water clouds. The typical infrared technique
employs the brightness temperature or BTD values
based on window channels at 8.5, 11.0, and 12:0 mm.
Regardless of the detailed spectral information involved in these two methods, they are similar in that
both depend on comparison of measured radiance
data with simulated radiances derived for similar
viewing and atmospheric conditions.
The first step in this process is to discuss the
generation of reliable libraries of simulated cloud
radiances. Single-scattering calculations must be
carried out regarding how individual cloud particles
interact with incident radiation. For water clouds, the
liquid droplets can be well approximated as spheres
for light scattering. The scattering properties of an
individual liquid sphere can be calculated by using the
well-known Lorenz–Mie theory that has been documented in many texts. Hansen and Travis have
extensively discussed the effect of size distribution on
single-scattering properties of spheres. Their work
provides a theoretical framework for using the bulk
radiative properties of liquid droplet distributions,
which is briefly recaptured here.
1960 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Cloud Properties
Within a given water cloud, liquid water droplets
span a range of sizes that may be represented mathematically in terms of the gamma distribution, given
N0 ðreff Veff ÞðVeff 1Þ=Veff ð13Veff Þ=Veff
nðrÞ ¼
G½ð1 2Veff Þ=Veff
reff Veff
where N0 is the total number of the droplets in a unit
volume; reff and Veff are the effective radius and
effective variance that are defined, respectively, as
R r2 3
r nðrÞ dr
reff ¼ R rr12 2
r1 r nðrÞ dr
Veff ¼
R r2
ðr reff Þ2 r2 nðrÞ dr
r2eff r21 r2 nðrÞ dr
Were one to plot the gamma distribution, one would
find that the peak location of the distribution is
determined by reff, and that Veff affects the width of the
distribution. Typical values of the effective variance
for water clouds range from 0.05 to 0.1. For a given
size distribution, the bulk scattering properties of
cloud droplets may be calculated. For example, the
phase function averaged over a size distribution is
given by
R r2
r ss ðrÞPðy; rÞr nðrÞ dr
hPðyÞi ¼ 1 R r2
r1 ss ðrÞr nðrÞ dr
where ss is the scattering cross-section of droplets and
Pðy; rÞ the phase function for droplets with radii of r,
which describes the angular distribution of scattered
radiation versus scattering angle y.
Figure 2 shows the phase functions averaged for size
distributions for water clouds at wavelengths 0.65,
1.63, and 8:52 mm. For the 0:65 mm wavelength, the
phase function corresponding for a large reff displays
scattering maxima at 1401 and 1801. Physically, the
two maxima correspond to the rainbow and the glory,
both characteristic features of Mie scattering. The
phase functions at the NIR wavelength are similar to
those at 0:65 mm, but the rainbow and glory peaks are
somewhat reduced by absorption within the particle.
At the IR wavelength of 8:52 mm, the scattering
maxima of the phase function are largely smoothed
out due to absorption.
Another measure of the relative amounts of scattering versus absorption is provided by the singlescattering albedo. At 0:65 mm, the scattering of incident radiation by cloud droplets is conservative,
meaning that energy may be scattered, but not
absorbed, by the particles. Thus, the single-scattering
albedo is unity at 0:65 mm but less than unity at
1:63 mm. The particle size also affects the singlescattering albedo at 1:63 mm. For example, for effective sizes 4 mm and 32 mm, the particle single-scattering
albedo is unity at 0:65 mm whereas the corresponding
values at 1:63 mm are 0.9976 and 0.9824, respectively.
Because of the difference in single-scattering albedo at
the two wavelengths, cloud reflection at 0:65 mm is
essentially a function of optical thickness. At 1:63 mm,
however, cloud reflectance is sensitive to droplet
effective size. This feature of cloud reflectance
provides a mechanism to retrieve cloud optical thickness and particle sizes using two channels at visible and
near-infrared wavelengths, as will be further explained
later in this section.
Cirrus clouds are composed almost exclusively of
nonspherical ice crystals with various sizes and habits
(i.e., shapes). Observations based on airborne twodimensional optical cloud probes (2D-C) and balloonborne replicator data show that typical cirrus habits
include relatively simple shapes such as bullet rosettes,
solid and hollow columns, and plates, as well as more
complex shapes such as aggregates. Research is
underway to determine how to calculate accurately
the single-scattering properties of these nonspherical
ice crystals. In practice, methods such as the discrete
dipole approximation (DDA), finite-difference time
domain (FDTD) technique, or the T-matrix method
are used to calculate the scattering properties of small
ice crystals. For ice crystals with sizes much larger than
incident wavelength, scattering calculations are performed using the ray-tracing technique based on the
principles of geometric optics.
Figure 3 shows the phase functions at 0:65 mm
wavelength for four types of ice crystals: plates, hollow
columns, bullet rosettes, and aggregates. In Figure 3,
the particle shapes analytically defined for calculations
of light scattering are compared with those
obtained from observations in situ. Scattering calculations for aggregates include the effect of surface
roughness but the other habits have smooth surfaces.
Plates, hollow columns, and bullet rosettes display a
strong scattering peak at 221, and are produced by the
hexagonal structure typical of ice crystals. In addition
to the peak at 221, plates and bullet rosettes display a
small peak corresponding to a 461 halo. Bullet rosettes
display a strong peak at 101 that is caused by ray
refraction through the pyramidal part of the bullet
elements. Compared with the phase function for
pristine crystal habits such as plates and columns,
the phase function for aggregates is essentially featureless owing to the roughened surface texture. The
rougher the particle, the more featureless is the phase
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Cloud Properties 1961
Scattering phase function
(0.65 Pm)
10 3
re = 4 Pm
re = 8 Pm
re = 16 Pm
10 2
10 1
10 0
10 1
10 2
10 3
10 4
Scattering angle
Scattering phase function
(1.63 Pm)
10 3
re = 4 Pm
re = 8 Pm
re = 16 Pm
10 2
10 1
10 0
10 1
10 2
10 3
10 4
Scattering angle
10 3
Scattering phase function
(11 Pm)
re = 4 Pm
re = 8 Pm
re = 16 Pm
10 2
10 1
10 0
10 1
10 2
10 3
10 4
Scattering angle
Figure 2 Phase function of water droplets calculated at three wavelengths at 0.65, 1.63, and 8:52 mm for effective radii of 4, 8, and 16 mm.
In reality, cirrus clouds are composed of many
different crystal habits. To derive the bulk radiative
properties of cirrus clouds, we need to consider not
only a particle size distribution but also the percentages of the various particle habits that comprise the
cloud. For this reason, the derivation of accurate
radiative transfer simulations of ice clouds is considered more difficult than for water clouds. For a given
size distribution, a number of definitions have been
suggested for the effective size. However, it has been
found that the bulk optical properties of cirrus clouds
are insensitive to the detailed structure of the size
distribution if effective size is defined as the ratio of
total volume to total projected area, that is
fi Vi ðDÞnðDÞ dD
¼ RP
fi Ai ðDÞnðDÞ dD
where D is the maximum dimension of an ice crystal, fi
is the percentage for ith particle habit, V and A are the
volume of and projected area for an individual
particle, n is number concentration, and D is the
maximum dimension. Unlike the case of water clouds,
there is no single analytical expression to describe
particle size distributions of cirrus clouds. Only a
limited number of measurements in situ are available
from cirrus clouds. Part of the difficulty is that aircraft
must be able to reach high altitudes, making this a
more difficult process than for sampling low-level
water clouds. Table 1 lists the effective radii for 12
in-situ size distributions for cirrus clouds. For crystals
smaller than 70 mm, we assume that 50% of crystals
are bullet rosettes, 25% are hexagonal plates, and
25% are hollow columns. For crystals larger than
70 mm, the percentage is assumed to be 30% for
aggregates, 30% for bullet rosettes, 20% for hexagonal plates, and 20% for hollow columns. This
1962 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Cloud Properties
Phase function
Scattering angle (q)
Figure 3 Four ice crystal geometries commonly observed in cirrus clouds: plate, hollow column, bullet rosette, and aggregate. Also
shown are the phase functions for the four shapes.
microphysical model for cirrus clouds in terms of
particle habit has been used in many practical retrievals of cirrus clouds from satellite imager data. Observations in situ indicate that the effective radius of ice
crystals in cirrus clouds range typically from 7 mm to
60 mm. Larger particle radii might be expected for ice
clouds formed in convective situations where the
updrafts are much faster, at meters per second, than
those found under conditions where optically thin
cirrus clouds tend to form (centimeters per second).
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Cloud Properties 1963
Table 1 Effective size calculated for various sizes distributions
obtained from observations in situ
Cloud type
radius (mm)
Cloud type
(FIRE-II data) radius (mm)
Ci (cold)
Ci (warm)
Ci uncinus
Ci (T ¼ 20 C)
Ci (T ¼ 40 C)
Ci (T ¼ 60 C)
Oct. 22
Oct. 25
Oct. 28
Nov. 1
Nov. 2
Given the single-scattering properties, radiative
transfer computations can be carried out for various
cloud optical thicknesses and effective particle sizes
for a number of solar and view angle configurations.
To calculate the bidirectional radiance of clouds, one
can use well-established discrete ordinate or adding/
doubling methods. Figure 4 shows the correlation of
1:64 mm reflectance and 0:65 mm reflectance of cirrus
clouds for a number of optical thickness and effective
sizes for a given incident-view geometry. The ice
crystal shape is assumed as hexagonal plate or column
in the simulation. Evidently, the 0.65–1.64 mm correlation is sensitive to particle shape. At higher optical
thicknesses (meaning the cloud is more opaque), there
is a ‘quasi-orthogonality’ between the optical thick-
= 12
= 20
= 40
r = 10 Pm
r = 15 Pm
r = 20 Pm
Reflectance (O = 1.64 Pm)
Reflectance (O = 1.64 Pm)
ness and particle size curves. As we have mentioned
previously, the cloud reflectance at 0:65 mm is sensitive
primarily to cloud optical thickness whereas the
reflectance at 1:64 mm is sensitive to the particle size.
This orthogonality forms the underlying principle for
application of the two-channel correlation technique
for retrieving cloud optical thickness and effective size.
For example, assume the symbol ‘X’ in the left panel of
Figure 4 represents the (0:65 mm, 1:6 mm) reflectance
values for a satellite imager pixel. One may infer that
the cloud optical thickness and effective particle size
for that pixel are approximately 18 and 17 mm,
As an alternative or as a complement to the VIS/NIR
bispectral retrieval algorithm, infrared channels in the
window region (8–12 mm) may be used for retrieving
cloud properties. The window region in an important
part of the IR spectrum because terrestrial thermal
emission peaks within this spectral region. IR-based
methods are useful because a single approach may be
used for both daytime and nighttime conditions,
thereby simplifying the data reduction effort and
also the comparison between daytime and nighttime
cloud properties. IR methods are insensitive to sun
glint over water that is often present in operational
data. Interpretation of data over reflective surfaces is
often performed more readily using IR methods rather than those that involve VIS/NIR wavelengths.
r = 10 Pm
r = 15 Pm
r = 20 Pm
r = 30 Pm
r = 40 Pm
r = 50 Pm
r = 60 Pm
r = 30 Pm
r = 40 Pm
r = 50 Pm
r = 60 Pm
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Reflectance (O = 0.65 Pm)
0.1 0.2
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Reflectance (O = 0.65 Pm)
Figure 4 Theoretical relationship between the reflection function at 0.65 and 1:64 mm for various values of cloud optical thickness and
effective particle radius. Hexagonal plate and column are assumed for the results shown in the left and right panels. The solar zenith angle
is assumed to be 30 degrees with a nadir view geometry.
1964 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Cloud Properties
The underlying principle for infrared retrieval is based
on the sensitivity of the brightness temperature or the
cloud emissivity (related to blackbody or graybody
emission) to cloud optical thickness and particle size.
The brightness temperature is the temperature that,
when applied to the calculation of Planck function for
blackbody radiation, gives the same value as the
satellite-measured infrared radiance. The cloud emissivity can be calculated as follows:
e ð lÞ ¼
where R is the upwelling radiance at the cloud top,
RðBÞ the upwelling radiance at the cloud bottom, and
RðCÞ the upwelling blackbody radiance corresponding to the cloud temperature. In practice, for a given
scene, the radiance at cloud base can be obtained by
the noncloudy (i.e., clear-sky) pixels.
Future Challenges in Cloud Property
Current efforts to derive a global cloud climatology
from satellite data generally do not account properly
for multiple cloud layers in pixel-level imager data. To
date, operational algorithms are designed to infer
cloud properties for each imager pixel under the
assumption that only one cloud layer is present.
Climatologies of retrieved cloud properties do not
address the effect of an optically thin upper cloud
layer, such as cirrus, which may overlie a lower cloud
layer such as a cumuliform cloud deck. Surface
observations show that clouds often occur in multiple
layers simultaneously in a vertical column, i.e., cloud
layers often overlap. Multiple cloud layers occur in
about half of all cloud observations and are generally
present in the vicinity of midlatitude fronts and in the
tropics where cirrus anvils may spread hundreds of
kilometers from the center of convective activity.
When multilayered clouds are present, the retrieval
algorithms will generally place the cloud layer at a
height between the two (or more) actual layers present
in the field of view. Satellite cloud climatologies
currently available provide a horizontal distribution
of clouds, but need improvement in the description of
the vertical distribution of clouds. At this point, no
reliable method has been developed for the retrieval of
microphysical cloud properties (optical thickness,
cloud thermodynamic phase, effective particle size)
when multilayered, overlapping clouds are present.
Even for a single-layered cloud, satellite retrieval
algorithms do not account for the effect of a likely
vertical variation of cloud microphysical properties,
which in turn will decrease the ability of radiative
transfer calculations to accurately simulate the cloud.
It is unlikely that cloud particles are homogeneously
distributed throughout any given cloud. For example,
for midlatitude cirrus ice crystal size and habit are
typically quite different at cloud top and cloud base. A
common assumption in satellite-imager-based cirrus
retrieval algorithms is that the radiative properties of a
cirrus cloud may be represented by those associated
with a specific ice crystal shape (or habit) and a single
particle size distribution. However, observations of
cirrus clouds have shown that pristine small ice
crystals with hexagonal shapes having an aspect ratio
close to unity (length and width are approximately
equal) are predominant in top layers. The middle
layers of cirrus are often composed of well-defined
columns and plates, while irregular polycrystals or
aggregates are dominant near cloud base.
Another interesting area of complexity in satellite
remote sensing is caused by mixed-phase clouds.
Single-layered clouds composed of mixtures of supercooled water droplets and ice particles have been
observed frequently during various field campaigns.
Recent analyses of these data and MODIS satellite
cloud property retrievals highlight the difficulty of
ascertaining phase. If mixed-phase clouds are present
in the data, one might expect larger errors in retrieved
properties such as optical thickness and particle size
than clouds that are primarily of a single phase. From
the perspective of satellite remote sensing, the working
assumption is that any imager pixel contains either ice
or water, but not a mixture. There is no rigorous
method available for determining the single-scattering
properties of mixed-phase clouds. From the microphysical cloud process perspective that is important
for developing cloud model parameterizations, the
presence of both ice particles and supercooled water
droplets will affect cloud lifetime. Why? It is likely that
the ice particles will grow much more quickly from
vapor deposition than the water droplets, as the
environment may be supersaturated with respect to
ice. The result of this process is that the ice particles
will rime, grow quickly in size, and fall through the
cloud, and the available water will be depleted quickly.
The process of glaciation is very important for
modelers because the water–ice conversion rates affect
cloud lifetime. Details of cloud microphysics, such as
cloud water amount, cloud ice amount, snow, graupel,
and hail are important for improving cloud retrieval.
While approaches exist to retrieve a variety of cloud
properties from satellite imager data, it is not an easy
problem to compare the satellite retrievals with
ground-based measurements of the same cloud. Comparisons are often attempted between surface-based
measurements at a fixed location over a long time and
satellite measurements that are instantaneous over a
wide area. While these are difficult and often require
inventiveness, some confidence in retrievals is often
gained through such painstaking efforts. For some
cloud properties, it may be possible to compare
measurements derived from two or more different
satellite instruments; this will be one of the more active
areas in future research.
See also
Aerosols: Role in Cloud Physics. Cloud Chemistry.
Cloud Microphysics. Clouds: Classification; Climatology; Measurement Techniques In Situ. Convective Cloud
Systems: Modelling. Mesoscale Meteorology: Cloud
and Precipitation Bands. Noctilucent Clouds. Parameterization of Physical Processes: Clouds.
Further Reading
Kidder SQ and Vonder Haar TH (1995) Satellite
Meteorology: An Introduction. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Liou KN (1992) Radiation and Cloud Processes in the
Atmosphere. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mishchenko MI, Hovenier JW and Travis LD (eds) (1999)
Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles: Theory,
Measurements, and Geophysical Applications. San
Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Stephens GL (1994) Remote Sensing of the Lower Atmosphere. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Thomas GE and Stamnes K (1999) Radiative Transfer in the
Atmosphere and Ocean. Cambridge Atmospheric and
Space Science Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University
GPS Meteorology
S B Healy, Met Office, Bracknell, Berkshire, UK
The Global Positioning System
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
This article outlines two measurement types that are
made with the Global Positioning System (GPS)
satellite constellation. Radio occultation is a satellite-to-satellite, limb sounding technique that is based
on measuring how radio signals are refracted when
propagating through the Earth’s atmosphere. It can be
shown that, assuming spherical symmetry, this information can be inverted with an Abel transform to yield
a refractive index profile. When the atmosphere is dry
the refractive index profile can subsequently be used to
solve the hydrostatic equation, and temperature profiles with an accuracy of B1 K and a vertical resolution
of B1 km can be derived. More generally, if water
vapor cannot be ignored, statistically optimal retrieval
techniques can be used to extract information on both
temperature and water vapor from the measurement.
Typical horizontal and vertical scale lengths are
derived and the inherent limitations and possible
applications of the measurements are discussed.
Ground-based GPS measurements are also described.
The atmosphere reduces the velocity of the GPS signal,
and the additional time taken for a signal to propagate
a known distance between a transmitter and a receiver
near the surface of the Earth can be inverted to provide
an estimate of the total integrated water vapor in a
vertical column above a receiver. The accuracy of the
measurement is B1–2 kg m 2.
The GPS is a constellation of 24 satellites in six orbital
planes about the globe. Each satellite has a circular
orbit with an inclination of 551, a period of 12 hours,
and an altitude of 20 200 km. It transmits radio
signals at two frequencies, L1 5 1575.42 MHz and
L2 5 1227.6 MHz. Although the primary purpose of
the GPS is a tool to aid precise positioning and
navigation, it also provides the opportunity for some
novel approaches to remote sensing of the Earth’s
atmosphere. These arise because the velocity of a GPS
signal propagating through the Earth’s atmosphere is
reduced because of the refractive index of the medium
and the ray paths are curved as a result of refractive
index gradients. These two factors increase the time
taken for signals to propagate between GPS satellites
and receivers a known distances apart. In broad terms,
GPS meteorology is concerned with inverting this
additional time delay in order to retrieve useful
atmospheric information.
The two main branches of GPS meteorology deal
with radio occultation (RO) with GPS and ‘groundbased GPS’ measurements. The former is a satellite-tosatellite, limb sounding technique based on measuring
how the ray paths of GPS radio signals are bent by
atmospheric refractive index gradients. It can be
shown that, by making certain assumptions such as
spherical symmetry, the variation of bending angle
with height can be inverted to yield a refractive index
profile and subsequently a temperature profile. The
technique was pioneered within the astronomical
community and has been used by NASA to study the
atmospheres and ionospheres of other planets since
the 1960s. It was suggested as early as 1965 that the
measurement technique could be applied to sounding
the Earth’s atmosphere, but it became a feasible
proposition only after deployment of the GPS satellite
constellation. The ‘proof of principle’ GPS Meteorology (GPS/MET) experiment – which began producing
data in 1995 – was a success, demonstrating that RO
measurements using GPS could provide globally
distributed temperature profiles with an all-weather
capability to an accuracy of B1 K and a vertical
resolution of B1–1.5 km.
Ground-based GPS measurements provide a means
of estimating the total integrated water vapor in the
vertical column above a receiver on the Earth’s surface
with an accuracy of B1–2 kg m 2. Many of the ideas
in this area originate from work by geodesists and
geophysicists who spent a great deal of effort trying to
estimate and remove atmospheric ‘noise’ when attempting precise positioning or range finding measurements with GPS.
Basic Principles of Radio Occultation
The geometrical optics approximation describes the
physical basis of the RO measurement. When electromagnetic radiation propagates through a medium of
varying refractive index, n, its phase velocity becomes
c=n and the direction of its path is modified in order to
satisfy Snell’s Law,
n sin g ¼ constant
Sounded region
Figure 1 Schematic illustrating the radio occultation concept. A
radio signal transmitted by the GPS satellite passes through the
atmosphere and is received at the LEO satellite. The motion of the
satellites, principally the LEO, enables a region of space to be
a expðz=HÞ, where H is approximately the atmospheric density scale height. The magnitude of a
bending angle near the surface is typically of order
11. The time required to sample tangent points
between an altitude of 80 km and the surface is of
order 1 minute.
The bending angle and tangent point height are not
measured directly. The receiver on the LEO satellite
measures the phase of the GPS signal. An excess phase
delay, Dc, is introduced because the ray path is curved,
rather than the straight line connecting the satellites.
This can be written as
where g is the angle between the ray direction and the
local refractive index gradient vector. The ray path
through the medium satisfies Fermat’s principle of
least time and is referred to as ‘the path of stationary
In RO the electromagnetic radiation is produced by
a GPS transmitter and the refracting medium is the
Earth’s atmosphere. The geometry of an RO measurement with GPS is illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. The
radio signal is transmitted by the GPS satellite, passes
through the atmosphere, and is received at a low
Earth-orbiting (LEO) satellite. The ray is refracted, or
bent, in the direction of increasing refractive index,
which is usually directed towards the surface. The
motion of the satellites, principally the LEO, enables
the different levels in the atmosphere to be sounded.
The variation of the bending angle, a, with tangent
point height, where the ray is parallel to the Earth’s
surface, can then be determined. To a first approximation, the bending angle decreases exponentially with increasing tangent point height, i.e.
Dc ¼
nðsÞds d
Tangent point
Figure 2 Geometry of an individual RO bending angle measurement. The magnitude bending angle has been exaggerated for
illustration purposes. The bending angle, a, is the angle between
the ray tangent vectors at the satellites. The impact parameter, a,
would be the distance of closest approach in the absence of any
bending. r T and r R are the radius values of the GPS and LEO
satellites, respectively.
where the integral is along the ray path s; l is the
wavelength of the signal, n the refractive index, and d
the straight line distance between the satellites. Both
satellites are in motion, so the frequency of the
received signal is Doppler-shifted. The time derivative
of the excess phase, Dc, gives the additional Doppler
shift introduced by the atmosphere, Df , which arises
because the bending modifies the angle of intersection
at the satellites relative to the straight line path. This
additional Doppler shift can be written as
Df ¼ ðVT . kT VR . kR ðVT VR Þ . kÞ
where VT and VR are the transmitter and receiver
velocity vectors respectively, kT and kR are the unit
vectors of the ray at the transmitter and receiver, and k
is the unit vector of the straight line connecting the
transmitter and receiver. The total bending angle is
given by a ¼ cos1 ðkT . kR Þ, so Df and a are clearly
related. However, deriving a from Df is an ill-posed
problem because there is an infinite number of kT
and kR pairs that are consistent with Df . The problem
is made well-posed assuming the refractive index field
is spherically symmetric and using Bouguer’s formula. This defines a quantity known as the impact
parameter, a.
a ¼ nr sin f ¼ constant
If the assumption of spherical symmetry is valid, and
the impact parameter is constant along the ray path
then the corrected bending angle as a function of the
impact parameter, aðaÞ, can be written as
a ¼ 2a
d ln n
ðx2 a2 Þ1=2
where x ¼ nr. This integral equation can be inverted
with an Abel transform to recover the refractive index
1 1
nðxÞ ¼ exp
p x ða2 x2 Þ1=2
which can be integrated numerically. A useful substitution for removing the singularity in this integral is
a ¼ x cosh y. Note that the upper limit of the Abel
integral is 1, but in practice signal-to-noise limitations mean that the altitude of the highest bending
angle is B80 km. It is therefore necessary to extrapolate the measured bending angle profile a further
100 km above the uppermost measurement. This
extrapolation is usually based on some form of
climatological bending angle profile.
Deriving Temperature Information
½4 from Refractive Index Profiles
where n is the refractive index value, r the radius, and f
the angle between the ray vector and the radius vector.
Bouguer’s formula for a spherically symmetric refracting medium is analogous to the conservation of
angular momentum of a classical particle moving
under the influence of a central force. Geometrically,
the impact parameter, a, represents the distance of
closest approach the ray would have had in the
absence of any bending.
If the position and velocity vectors of the satellites
are known accurately then the bending angle and
impact parameter values can be found by simultaneously solving eqns [3] and [4] at the satellite locations,
with an iterative calculation. This is usually performed
assuming the refractive index is unity at the satellites.
Note that the ionosphere also causes bending of the ray
path paths (in fact, GPS/MET RO measurements have
been used to derive electron density profiles in the
ionosphere), but fortunately it is dispersive, meaning
that the ionospheric component of the refractive index
is frequency-dependent. The GPS satellites transmit at
two frequencies – L1 and L2 – and the ionospheric
signal can be removed or corrected to first order by
taking a linear combination of these bending angle
In the neutral atmosphere the refractive index is
related to the total pressure (in hPa), temperature (in
Kelvins) and water vapor pressure (in hPa) P, T, and
Pw through
c2 P w
6 c1 P
þ 2
n ¼ 1 þ 10
where c1 ð¼ 77:6 K hPaÞ and c2 ð¼ 3:73105 K2 hPaÞ
are known constants. The refractive index is often
rewritten as n ¼ 1 þ 106 N, where N is referred to as
the refractivity. A refractivity value calculated using c1
and c2 is accurate to within 0.1% under normal
atmospheric conditions. Near the Earth’s surface the
refractivity is typically NB330.
In regions where the atmosphere is dry ðPw ¼ 0Þ; N
is directly proportional to density, r, and the refractivity profile can be used to integrate the hydrostatic
¼ rg
to determine the pressure as a function of height. This
calculation is usually performed integrating downwards, towards the surface of the Earth, and it requires
an a priori estimate for the temperature at an upper
these will be mapped into the solution if they are not
accounted for within the inversion method. For
example, a temperature profile can be found by
rearranging eqn [7] and solving
Pressure (hPa)
TðzÞ ¼
Temperature (K)
Figure 3 A comparison of a GPS/MET ‘dry’ temperature retrieval
(provided by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory) with the colocated
NWP analysis. The measurement was taken at 01.33 UT on 5 May
1995 at 68.81 N, 81.31 W. The cold bias near the surface apparent
in the GPS/MET profile is a result of the ‘dry’ atmosphere
level boundary, where the bending angle signal to
noise is low. This is typically 260 K at 50 km. The
vertical temperature profile can be calculated using the
ideal gas law
P ¼ rRT ¼
iteratively, but the magnitude of typical uncertainties
in the a priori water vapor estimate, Pw ðzÞ, usually
mean that the derived temperatures have large errors,
often exceeding 5 K, and are of little practical use.
Deriving a water vapor profile using a priori temperature information, Ta ðzÞ, with
c2 Pw ðzÞ
c1 P þ
where R (5 287 J kg 1 K 1) is the gas constant for
dry air. An example of a GPS/MET temperature
retrieval (data provided by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory) is shown in Figure 3, along with the colocated
NWP profile from the Met Office global forecast
model. More generally, comparisons between temperature profiles derived from RO and colocated radiosonde and numerical weather predictions (NWP) data
have demonstrated that the root-mean-square differences are typically B1.5 K between altitudes of
5–30 km.
The Water Vapor Ambiguity
The dry atmosphere approximation is reasonable in
the stratosphere and upper troposphere, but closer to
the surface water vapor makes a significant contribution to the refractivity and this leads to the water vapor
ambiguity. This refers to the fact that it is only possible
to derive a temperature profile from the measurement
given independent, a priori (or background) water
vapor information, or conversely derive a water vapor
profile using a priori temperature information. It is
relatively straightforward to adapt the ‘dry’ processing method to incorporate a priori information, but it
should be recognized that the a priori data, derived
from climatology or NWP models, contains errors and
Pw ðzÞ ¼
NðzÞTa2 ðzÞ c1 PTa ðzÞ
is more reasonable because the fractional errors in the
a priori temperature tend to be smaller.
The requirement of a priori information to solve the
water vapor ambiguity has led to application of a
statistically optimal retrieval technique to the RO
problem. This accounts for measurement and a priori
errors, and enables the simultaneous retrieval of
temperature and humidity. It has been widely used in
the processing satellite sounder radiance measurements, and the technique has been used to show that
RO measurements potentially contain significant
surface pressure information. The method is based
on a Bayesian approach for finding the most probable
atmospheric state, given an a priori estimate and the
measurement data. It requires solving the forward
problem, mapping a priori temperature, humidity, and
surface pressure information into measurement space,
which could be, for example, bending angle or
refractivity as a function height. In simple terms, the
solution is found by adjusting the a priori information
in a way consistent with the estimated errors, in order
to produce simulated measurement values that fit the
observations to within their expected errors. The
^, is an optimal fit to both background
solution vector, x
ðxb Þ and measurement ðyo Þ information. For Gaussian
^ is found by minimizing a cost
error distributions, x
function JðxÞ given by
JðxÞ ¼ 12ðx xb ÞT B1 ðx xb Þ
þ 12ðyo HðxÞÞT ðE þ FÞ1 ðyo HðxÞÞ ½12
where B is the expected background error covariance
matrix, HðxÞ is the forward model, mapping the
atmospheric information into measurement space,
and E and F are the expected error covariances of
measurements and forward model respectively. The
line path
Pressure (hPa)
Statistically optimal
Temperature (K)
Figure 5 Horizontal and vertical scale sizes ðDsÞ and ðDzÞ of an
individual bending angle measurement. For an atmosphere where
refractivity falls exponentially with height, with scale height H,
around 68% of the bending occurs over section of path of length
Ds ’ 2ðHRÞ1=2 and in a layer Dz ¼ H=2 above the tangent point.
Pressure (hPa)
are related to the refractivity scale height H. If the
refractivity falls exponentially with height ðNðzÞ ¼
Nð0Þ expðz=HÞÞ and the ray is assumed to follow a
straight line it can be shown that
1 y yT 2
/ exp
2 Dy
Statistically optimal
R 'z
Specific humidity (g kg1)
Figure 4 Statistically optimal temperature (A) and humidity (B)
profiles derived from the measurement used in Figure 3.
superscripts T and 1 denote matrix transpose and
Figure 4 shows the temperature and humidity
profiles derived simultaneously with the statistically
optimal approach outlined above, for the RO measurement used in Figure 3. The a priori or background
information is obtained from the Met Office global
NWP model. The solution profiles are found by
adjusting background data in order to fit the measured
refractivity profile to within its expected error. The
temperature profile reproduces the structure around
the tropopause shown in Figure 3, but the cold bias
near the surface, which arises as a result of the dry
atmosphere approximation, is removed.
Scale Lengths and Resolution
The straight-line distance between the satellites is
around 28 000 km, but most of the bending occurs
over a relatively short section of the ray path, Ds,
centered on the tangent point. The length of Ds and Dz,
the corresponding width of the vertical layer over
which most of the bending takes place (see Figure 5),
where yT is the y (see Figure 2) value at the tangent
point, Dy ’ ðH=RÞ1=2 , and R is the radius value at the
tangent point. This is a Gaussian function, so around
68% of the bending occurs within yT Dy. Since Dy is
small (B0.035 rd), the corresponding horizontal scale
size is Ds ’ 2R Dy ¼ 2ðHRÞ1=2 (see Figure 5), where
the factor 2 arises from the symmetry either side of the
tangent point. For a refractivity scale height of H ¼
8 km using R Re (radius of the Earth) 5 6371 km
Ds ’ 450 km. At yT Dy the ray will be entering and
exiting a layer Dz ¼ H=2ð¼ 4 kmÞ above the tangent
point level (using Dz ¼ Dy2 =ð2RÞ.
The values Dz and Ds give a useful indication of the
vertical and horizontal resolution of an individual
bending angle measurement. However, the vertical
resolution of the retrieved refractivity or temperature
profiles can be significantly better because they are
derived from a series of closely spaced (in the vertical)
bending angle values. In fact, the achievable vertical
resolution for an inversion based on geometrical optics
is limited by diffraction effects. The geometrical optics
picture of the dimensionless ray path between the
satellites is only an approximation to the actual
propagation of the radio wave, which is valid as the
wavelength approaches zero. In reality, the signal
measured at the receiver originates from a region of
space near the tangent point, with dimensions related
to the diameter of the first Fresnel zone, F0 . Consequently, F0 gives a better estimate of the achievable
vertical resolution for an inversion scheme based on
geometrical optics. This is around 1.5 km in the upper
stratosphere, falling to less than 0.5 km nearer the
surface, as a result of the ray bending.
Alternative inversion techniques based on wave
optics can, in principle, provide profiles each with a
vertical resolution superior to the limits imposed by
Fresnel diffraction theory. However, in practice the
assumption of spherical symmetry limits the achievable vertical resolution, since horizontal structures
cause errors in the vertical profile. This is because in
most cases is it unlikely that the fine-scale vertical
structure (hundreds of meters in the vertical) will have
a horizontal scale length of order hundreds of
kilometers and be comparable to that of the measurement.
Limitations and Errors Sources
RO using GPS is undoubtedly an extremely promising
new source of data for atmospheric science, but it
nevertheless has some limitations of which the user
should be aware. For example, the assumption of
spherical symmetry is inherent in most techniques used
to process RO data, because the impact parameter, a, is
assumed to be constant along the ray path. This
suggests that measurement errors will be largest in
regions of strong horizontal gradients, such as weather
fronts, suggesting that more advanced methods,
entailing more careful interpretation of the signal,
will be required in these areas. In addition, sharp
vertical gradients of refractive index, particularly near
the surface, can give rise to problems with ‘atmospheric multipath’. This situation occurs when the
signal measured at the receiver is effectively composed
of multiple rays, which have quite distinct paths
between the satellites. It is often associated with sharp
gradients in the humidity profile. However, more
sophisticated retrieval techniques based on wave
optics can be employed to disentangle the multiple
rays associated with atmospheric multipath and
reduce the errors in the derived profiles. At higher
altitudes, around 50 km, the retrievals are limited by
instrumental noise and residual ionospheric bending
(the signal that is not removed with the first order
ionospheric correction). These factors lead to bending
angle errors of order 1–3 mrad which can produce spot
temperature errors of around 10 K near 50 km.
Uses of RO Measurements
The success of the proof-of-principle GPS/MET experiment has led to considerable interest in the
technique in many areas of meteorology and atmospheric science. For example, the high vertical resolution of the GPS/MET data has recently been exploited
to investigate power spectra gravity waves between
heights of 15 and 30 km and vertical wavelengths of
2–10 km. The data are also of interest to the numerical
weather prediction (NWP) community. A single LEO
provides around 500 globally distributed occultations
per day, and a number of LEO constellations of 6–8
satellites have been proposed. This quantity of data
could be used to provide improved initial conditions
for forecast runs with a process known as data
assimilation. Data assimilation is concerned with
correcting NWP forecast errors by merging the forecast with observations in a statistically optimal way,
thereby providing improved initial conditions for the
next forecast run. Satellite data is playing an increasingly important role in this area and a new source of
high-quality, globally distributed data is of interest to
the NWP community. As a result, considerable
amount of research has been undertaken in order to
establish how best to assimilate RO data into an NWP
model. The direct assimilation of either bending angle
or refractivity are currently considered the best
options. The RO data may also prove useful in the
validation NWP models, particularly in the stratosphere.
The measurement of geopotential height of fixed
pressure levels is a useful approach for detecting
warming associated with climate change. In a global
warming scenario the thermal expansion of the
troposphere will increase the geopotential height of
the fixed levels. GPS RO data have a number of useful
properties which make them particularly suitable for
these purposes. First, unlike radiosondes, which are
primarily in the Northern Hemisphere and are over
land, the RO data are globally distributed. Since the
solution of the hydrostatic equation is top-down, the
geopotential height ‘measurements’ depend only on
the bending angles above that height, and therefore do
not require a surface pressure estimate. In addition, the
measurement is based on an excess phase or time delay,
rather than the measurement of radiances. As a result,
it is less sensitive to calibration or instrumental drift
issues common to other satellite-based radiometric
measurements. RO has good vertical resolution compared wtih other satellite measurements, and derivation of the geopotential heights is essentially a linear
problem. Comparisons between GPS/MET RO measurements and NWP analyses have indicated rootmean-square differences of B20 m for fixed pressure
levels in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. This provides an upper limit for the measurement error, since the NWP data also contain errors.
However, in the context of climate monitoring, it is
important to be aware that RO measurements will also
contain some level of a priori information. For
example, the extrapolation of the bending angle
profile used in the Abel transform and the assumed
temperature used to initiate the solution of the hydrostatic equation are usually based on a climatology.
Ground-based GPS Measurements
GPS satellites are used to derive the total integrated
water vapor (IWV) in the vertical column above a
receiver on the Earth’s surface. As with RO, the
measurement can described within a geometrical
optics framework. The geometry of such a measurement is illustrated in Figure 6. The path of the radio
signal is slightly curved and the wave velocity is
reduced to c=n. The additional transit time required
for the ray to propagate between transmitter and
receiver is equivalent to an excess path length DL. This
has a magnitude of around 2.5 m for a GPS transmitter
at zenith, and to a first approximation it increases as
1= sin e where e is the elevation angle. The excess path
length, DL, is given by
DL ¼
nðsÞds d
where the integral is taken over the actual path s and d
is the straight-line distance between the transmitter
and receiver. This can be rewritten in terms of the
refractivity, N, as
DL ¼ 10
NðsÞ ds þ ðs dÞ
where s is the total length of the ray path. In practice
for elevation angles above 151 the bending of the ray
path is small and the magnitude of js dj is only a
centimeter or less, so the term can be ignored.
In ground-based GPS it is necessary to use a more
accurate expression for the refractive index (or
refractivity) than that given earlier. Neglecting nonideal gas effects, the formula usually adopted is
c 1 Pd c 2 Pw c 3 P w
þ 2
Straight line
Ray path
Figure 6 Geometry of the ground-based GPS measurement.
The velocity of the signal is reduced because of the refractive index
of the atmosphere and the ray path will be curved. However, for
elevation angles above 151 the ray bending angle is small, and a
straight-line path is a reasonable approximation.
where c1 (5 77.6 K hPa 1), c2 (5 64.8 K hPa 1), c3
(5 3.776 105 K2 hPa 1), Pd is the partial pressure of
dry air and Pw is the water vapor partial pressure. This
can be rearranged by defining a new constant
c02 ¼ c2 ðRd =Rw Þc1 , where Rd and Rw are the gas
constants for dry air and water vapor respectively,
leading to
N ¼ c1 Rd r þ
c02 Pw c3 Pw
þ 2
Hence it can be shown that the total atmospheric
delay, DL, is composed of a quantity which is referred
to as the ‘hydrostatic delay’, which is the first term on
the right-hand side of eqn [17], and the ‘wet delay’
corresponding to the second and third terms. The
‘hydrostatic delay’ typically represents 90% of the
total value.
In general, the GPS satellite will be at an elevation
angle e and will not be at zenith. However, it is
possible to use ‘mapping functions’, MðeÞ, to relate
the measured total delay, DL, to the total delay at
zenith, DLz . To a first approximation the mapping
function is of the form DLz ’ sin eDL, but more
sophisticated and accurate formulations have been
derived. Having mapped the total delay to zenith,
the hydrostatic component of the zenith delay (ZHD)
can be removed because it can be evaluated to within
a few millimeters or better given a measurement
of the total pressure at the receiver. This leaves
the zenith wet delay terms (ZWD), which can be
equated to
Z 1 0
Z 1
c2 Pw
c3 P w
ZWD ¼ 10
dz þ
The total integrated water vapor (IWV) is given by
Z 1
dz ¼
Rw T
where k ¼ 106 ðc3 =Tm þ c02 ÞRw . Tm is a weighted
mean temperature which is defined as
R 1 Pw
Tm ¼ R 01 PTw
0 T 2 dz
Note that the definition of Tm means that strictly k
itself is a function of the water vapor profile at the
receiver at the time of the measurement. However, it is
usually sufficient to estimate a value Tm from a linear
regression of a climatology, using the measured
surface temperature at the receiver Ts. An alternative
approach is to estimate Tm from the output of an NWP
forecast and/or use statistically optimal retrieval
techniques to extract the water vapor information
from the measurement. Note that GPS IWV estimates
are generally within 1–2 kg m 2 of measurements
with water vapor radiometers and radiosondes on
typical IWV values of 20–40 kg m 2.
See also
Satellites: Orbits; Research (Atmospheric Science).
Weather Prediction: Data Assimilation.
Further Reading
Bevis M, Businger S, Herring T, et al. (1992) GPS meteorology: remote sensing of atmospheric water vapor using
the global positioning system. Journal of Geophysical
Research 97(D14): 15787–15801.
Born M and Wolf E (1986) Principles of Optics. London:
Pergamon Press.
Fishbach FF (1965) A satellite method for temperature and
pressure below 24 km. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 9: 528–532.
Fjeldbo G and Eshlemann VR (1968) The atmosphere
of Mars analyzed by integral inversion of the Mariner
IV occultation data. Planetary and Space Science 16:
Leick A (1990) GPS Satellite Surveying. New York:
Melbourne WG, Davis ES, Duncan CB, et al. (1994) The
Application of Spaceborne GPS to Atmospheric Limb
Sounding and Global Change Monitoring. Jet Propulsion
Laboratory JPL. Publication 94-18.
Rodgers CD (2000) Inverse Methods for Atmospheric
Sounding: Theory and Practice. World Scientific Publishing.
Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (2000) Special issue for Applications of the Constellation Observing
System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate
(COSMIC). 11(1).
Ware RH, Fulker DW, Stein SA, et al. (2000) Suominet: A
Real-Time National GPS Network for Atmospheric
Research and Education. Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society 81(4): 677–693.
Guosheng Liu, Florida State University, Tallahassee,
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Precipitation is one of the least well measured atmospheric parameters, especially over the vast oceanic
regions of the globe. Two major obstacles contribute
to the lack of comprehensive global precipitation
measurements. First, there are few surface-based
observations over the oceanic areas, which cover
about two-thirds of the Earth’s surface. Second,
precipitation is highly variable in both time and space
compared to atmospheric variables such as temperature and pressure. Rainfall measured by a rain gauge at
a given location can be significantly different from that
measured just a couple of hundred meters away;
similarly, rainfall measured at a given time can be
significantly different from that measured just minutes
earlier or later. As a result, a high-density rain gauge
network is required in order to reasonably measure
rainfall over a given area if one attempts to derive the
area rain total from rain gauge observations alone.
Such a high-density rain gauge network is generally
not available even in well-developed countries and
regions. Although ground-based radars can provide
better spatial and temporal coverage than rain gauges,
well-calibrated radars are only available in limited
land regions in developed countries. These problems
related to surface-based measurements make satellite
remote sensing of precipitation indispensable.
Satellite remote sensing of precipitation is based on
the radiative intensities emitted or reflected by cloud
and precipitating hydrometeors. For infrared and
microwave wavelengths, the radiative intensity is
often expressed in terms of brightness temperature,
defined as the temperature that is required to match
the measured intensity to the Planck blackbody
function. Brightness temperature in the infrared often
represents the physical temperature of the cloud top
because most clouds are optically thick for infrared
radiation. Microwave radiation, on the other hand,
can penetrate through cloud and rain layers, and its
intensity reflects the integrated contribution by all
water drops and ice particles in the atmospheric
column. In the visible spectrum, the measured radiative intensity is due to the reflection of sunlight by
clouds and surface features. The dependence on
sunlight limits the utility of visible sensing to daylight
hours. Although visible radiation has a deeper penetration than infrared radiation, visible reflectivity still
represents only the top portion of clouds.
Methods for passive satellite remote sensing of
precipitation may be divided into the following three
categories, based on whether the information received
by a satellite represents the physical properties near the
cloud top or over the whole atmospheric column:
(1) sensing by visible/infrared radiation, (2) sensing by
microwave radiation, and (3) sensing by combination
of visible, infrared and microwave radiation. Visible
and infrared methods are physically indirect because
precipitation is derived from the radiative properties
near the cloud top. In comparison, microwave techniques use more direct information on the vertical
distribution of hydrometeors. In the following sections, the precipitation signatures of different wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectra are first
discussed using an actual satellite observation. The
principles of satellite remote sensing under each of
the aforementioned categories are then explained,
omitting specific details of any particular retrieval
It should also be noted that active sensing by spaceborne radars is another important development for
satellite remote sensing of precipitation. However, this
topic is not covered in the following for two reasons.
First, the basic principle of radar sensing from space is
essentially the same as for sensing from ground, i.e., it
employs the radar reflectivity–rainfall rate relationship. Additionally, there has been only one precipitation radar in space so far, the Tropical Rainfall
Measuring Mission Precipitation Radar. Radar sensing from space is still in an early stage.
The Radiative Signatures of
The radiative signatures of precipitation may be
understood by examining the observations of a hurricane shown in Figures 1 and 2, which display data
simultaneously collected by different sensors on the
Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite. Figure 1
is the thermal infrared image over south-eastern
Pacific Ocean. The image covers an area approximately 720 km wide by 3050 km long. Figure 2 shows
the observed radiative properties at satellite nadir
along line A–B (see Figure 1), which crosses the outer
cloud band of the hurricane. The parameters shown in
Figure 2 include the space radar-derived rainfall rate
cross-section, the near-surface rainfall rate (also
derived from the space radar), visible reflectivity
(0.63 mm), and brightness temperatures at infrared
(11 mm), and microwave (19 and 85 GHz, horizontal
polarization) wavelengths. The radar data indicate
that the major rainfall area corresponds to the deep
clouds to the right of the hurricane’s eye (Figure 2).
Compared to those in the cloud-free area near point B,
radiometric properties for the rainy areas show the
following features: high visible reflectivities, low
infrared brightness temperatures, high brightness
Figure 1 Thermal infrared image of a hurricane over the southeastern Pacific Ocean observed by an infrared radiometer on the
Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite. The image covers an
area approximately 720 km wide by 3050 km long on 5 January
temperatures at 19 GHz, and low brightness temperatures at 85 GHz. Most of the areas covered by the
spiral cloud are actually not associated with rain,
although clouds in those areas have low infrared
brightness temperature and high visible reflectivity. It
is the microwave brightness temperatures that most
closely follow the radar-observed rainfall variation.
The radiative properties shown here are the fundamental basis for satellite remote sensing of precipitation. They are explained theoretically below.
Visible Reflectivity
In the visible spectrum, reflectivity increases with cloud
optical depth, which is approximately proportional
Rainfall rate
(mm h-1)
Altitude (km)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Radar rain cross-section
mm h-1
Cloud droplets are very absorptive in the thermal
infrared spectrum. A consequence of this high absorption is that the cloud top may be viewed as the surface
of a blackbody having a temperature the same as the
air temperature at the level of the cloud top. Therefore,
infrared brightness temperature indicates cloud top
temperature. At least in the tropics, most rainfall is
associated with well-developed convective systems
that have tall cloud tops. Statistically, colder infrared
brightness temperatures often indicate higher rainfall
rates at the surface. However, shallow convection with
warm cloud tops does sometimes produce substantial
rainfall. On the other hand, nonprecipitating cirrus
clouds do not produce rainfall although they also have
cold cloud-top temperatures. Problems associated
with the infrared sensing of rainfall are more serious
in the midlatitudes where most precipitation is produced by frontal stratiform clouds, for which cloud
top temperature and precipitation are less correlated
than for deep tropical convection.
Near-surface rain
T B (K)
Microwave Brightness Temperature
85 GHz
T B (K)
Brightness temperature
19 GHz
Infrared Brightness Temperature
Figure 2 Radiative properties of hurricane clouds along line A–B
shown in Figure 1, including distance–height cross-section of
rainfall rate from radar, near-surface rainfall rate, reflectivity in
visible, and brightness temperatures at 11 mm (infrared) and
19 GHz and 85 GHz (microwave).
to liquid water path (vertically integrated
liquid water) if the effective particle size remains
constant. Therefore, clouds with higher values
of liquid water path are more reflective. Generally,
these clouds are also more likely to be associated
with precipitation. This is the underlying principle
for sensing precipitation by visible reflectivity.
However, the sensitivity of visible reflectivity to
liquid water path decreases with the increase of
optical depth, and becomes virtually insensitive
when optical depth is larger than 100, a value
that a raining cloud easily exceeds. Consequently,
instead of sensing the entire vertical column, reflected
radiation at a visible wavelength reflects the microphysical properties only near the top portion of a
cloud. Therefore, the relation between the visible
reflectivity and rainfall rate at the surface is
rather indirect.
Microwave radiation observed by satellite measures
the integrated radiative effects of the surface, atmospheric gases, and hydrometeors. Microwave brightness temperatures may either increase or decrease with
increasing rainfall rate, depending on the frequency
and the cloud microphysical properties. To understand the microwave signatures, consider an idealized
rain cloud that contains raindrops below the freezing
level and ice particles above. Although accurate
estimation of satellite-received radiation requires
solving a radiative transfer model including absorption and multiple scattering, the primary radiative
signature may be understood by examining the
approximation of eqn [1].
TB Ts ½1 e2tw ð1 es Þeti
In eqn [1], TB is the brightness temperature received by
the satellite, Ts is the surface temperature, tw and ti are
the optical depths for the raindrops and ice particles,
respectively, and es is the surface emissivity. For
simplicity, emission from atmospheric gases is not
included in this equation although its contribution is
important, particularly near water vapor and oxygen
absorb frequencies (e.g., 22 GHz and 60 GHz). The
emissivities for land and water surface are roughly
1 and 0.5, respectively, for microwave frequencies
commonly used for precipitation retrievals. Consider
the following two situations:
Low-frequency (o20 GHz) microwave radiation If
the frequency is sufficiently low, scattering by ice
particles aloft becomes negligible, i.e., ti 0: Equation [1] then becomes eqn [2].
over land
TB Ts ½1 e
ð1 es Þ
over ocean
It is seen that rainfall cannot be detected over land by
low-frequency microwaves because of the high surface
emissivity. Since ocean surface temperature and emissivity generally do not vary dramatically, the small
spatial scale or short temporal scale variation of
brightness temperature in eqn [2] can be attributed to
the change in optical depth of raindrops, tw , which is
approximately proportional to integrated total rainwater amount. Because total rainwater is closely
related to the surface rain, low-frequency microwave
brightness temperature over the ocean provides a
relatively direct representation of rainfall rate. This
positive correlation between rainfall rate and brightness temperature is shown in Figure 2 for 19 GHz.
Because the increase of brightness temperature is due
to the emission by raindrops, the rainfall signature at
low microwave frequencies is called an emission
signature. Figure 3 depicts brightness temperatures
calculated by a radiative transfer model for nadir
viewing at 19 GHz for various assumed freezing levels.
Brightness temperature increases with rainfall rate
until reaching a maximum that indicates the saturation of microwave radiation. If rainfall rate further
increases beyond the saturation point, the brightness
temperature starts to decrease. The saturation problem prevents higher rainfall rates from being retrieved
using microwave emission signatures.
Brightness temperature (K)
High-frequency (480 GHz) microwave radiation
For high-frequency microwaves, scattering by ice
particles aloft is no longer negligible; rather it becomes
the dominant signature of the rain cloud. The optical
depth due to raindrops, tw , usually is so large at high
frequencies that e2tw 0. Equation [1] then becomes
eqn [3].
TB Ts eti
Brightness temperature decreases with increasing
optical depth of ice particles. The low value of the
imaginary part of the ice dielectric constant determines that scattering is the dominant process for the
interaction between ice particles and microwave
radiation. Since the scattering cross-section is approximately proportional to the sixth power of the particle
diameter, large and dense ice particles contribute
the most to ti . Therefore, lower brightness temperatures at high microwave frequencies indicate more
large ice particles aloft, which is commonly an
indication of heavier rainfall rates at the surface.
This relationship is seen in Figure 2 for 85 GHz
microwave observations. Since the decrease of
brightness temperature is caused by ice scattering,
the rainfall signature at high microwave frequencies
is called the scattering signature. Compared to the
microwave emission signature, the scattering
signature is a relatively indirect indication of surface
rainfall. In Figure 4, the model-simulated brightness
temperatures at 92 GHz are shown for a 451 viewing
angle. The brightness temperature falls more
than 100 K for rainfall rate increasing from 1 to
15 mm h 1 given a 1 km ice layer. It must be cautioned
that the magnitude of the brightness temperature
depression due to ice scattering depends greatly upon
ice particle size and density, for which there have not
been sufficient observations so far.
Sensing by Visible and Infrared
5 km
4 km
3 km
2 km
1 km
Rainfall rate (mm h 1)
Figure 3 Brightness temperature for nadir viewing over an ocean
surface at 19 GHz for various assumed freezing levels calculated
by a radiative transfer model. (Adapted with permission from
Wilheit (1986).)
Since visible reflectivity and infrared brightness temperature are physically indirect indicators of surface
rainfall, satellite retrieval techniques based on visible
and infrared measurements are generally based on
regression. That is, surface rainfall data, measured by
rain gauges or radars, or both, are considered to be the
true values; co-located satellite-measured radiative
properties are regressed against true values to derive a
statistical expression relating surface rainfall to satellite measurements. The true rainfall data are usually
available only for limited regions and periods. As a
result, most of these algorithms are subject to significant errors in regions where the climatological conditions are different. In addition, because of
the statistical nature of these algorithms, retrieval
Mean particle radius (Pm)
0.5 Particle density
(g m 3)
0 km
Brightness temperature (K)
0.5 km
integral ATI (eqn [4]).
ATI ¼ AðX > Xth Þ dt
where X is the measured radiative property,
AðX > Xth Þ is the area with X exceeding a threshold
Xth , and the integration is over time t. The most
utilized, infrared algorithm that uses this principle is
the GOES Precipitation Index ðGPIÞ which gives the
rain total over an area of 2.51 latitude by 2.51
longitude and for a time period of Dt (eqn [5]).
GPI ¼ R0 AðTB oTB0 Þ Dt
1 km
5 km
3 km
Rainfall rate (mm h 1)
Figure 4 Brightness temperature calculations at 92 GHz (horizontal polarization, 451 view angle) for various thicknesses of the
ice layer as a function of rain rate (lower abscissa). The two upper
abscissae give the mean particle radius and the particle density
corresponding to the rain rate through Marshall–Palmer size
distribution. (Adapted with permission from Wilheit (1986).)
accuracy generally increases with the increase of
averaging area and time.
Simple Regression
The notion that colder cloud tops usually correspond
to heavier rainfall leads to the most straightforward
approach: simply regressing rainfall rate against
infrared radiation. This type of approach has mostly
been done using broadband outgoing long-wave
radiation, instead of narrowband brightness temperature within the atmospheric window (8–12 mm).
Avariety of equations relating rainfall rate to outgoing
long-wave radiation have been derived. Nonlinear
functions are commonly used to account for
the nonlinearity of the relation between the two
Area Time Integral Techniques
Studies of surface radar and rain gauge observations
have shown that the total volume of rain falling over a
sufficiently large area and for a long enough time
period can be well predicted by the so-called area time
R0 ¼3 mm h
and TB0 ¼235 K are determined by
comparing satellite measurements with ground radar
observations over the tropical Atlantic Ocean. In
essence, eqn [5] states that only clouds with top
temperature colder than 235 K produce rain and their
average rainfall rate is 3 mm h 1. This algorithm
works reasonably well within the tropical belt of 301 S
to 301 N for monthly rain total. Error increases
dramatically toward high latitudes, particularly during cold seasons.
A number of other techniques have been similarly
developed, but take into account rain types and storm
development stages. It is well established that deep
convection more often produces heavy rainfall than
stratiform clouds. The most common technique for
determining cloud types relies on horizontal texture
information of satellite images, such as identifying a
local minimum in infrared brightness temperature
imagery as the convective center and the surrounding
relatively smooth portion as stratiform. If we divide
observations over an area into several types, the rain
total may be expressed by eqn [6], where Ri is the
average rainfall rate for type i, which covers an area
fraction of Ai and a time duration of Dti .
Ri Ai Dti
This method is known as the ‘cloud indexing’
Observations also show that for thunderstorms,
rainfall rate peaks while the cloud area is growing
rapidly, and rainfall is much reduced at the time of
maximum cloud area. In techniques that includes
cloud life history, a different average rainfall rate Ri
will be assigned for different development stages. This
method is known as the ‘life-history’ technique.
Bispectral Techniques
Infrared and visible measurements both have important deficiencies in detecting rainfall. For example,
stratus clouds are highly reflective but do not rain as
much, or as often, as cumulonimbus clouds. On the
other hand, cirrus cloud tops are cold but do not
produce rainfall. Bispectral techniques seek to combine information from visible and infrared measurements to obtain the optimal rainfall retrieval. In one
such method, two lookup tables are first generated
using coincident satellite and ground truth data. One
of the tables is the probability of rain, pi;j , determined
by the number ratio of raining cases to all cases in the
infrared brightness temperature bin i and visible
reflectivity bin j. Another table gives the mean rainfall
rate, ri;j , derived only from raining cases in the same
two-dimensional bin. The variation of rain probability
and mean rainfall rate in the reflectivity–brightness
temperature space is shown schematically in Figure 5.
For a given pixel whose brightness temperature falls in
the ith bin and reflectivity falls in the jth bin, rainfall
rate may be determined by eqn [7].
R ¼ pi;j ri;j
Most bispectral methods attempt to retrieve instantaneous rainfall rate by constantly updating the lookup
tables using radar, rain gauge, or even satellite microwave observations as truth. At least in theory, the
bispectral methods should be superior to infraredonly or visible-only methods. However, this superiority has not been convincingly demonstrated, partially
because visible data are only available for a fraction of
the day, and partially because many other uncertainties still remain, such as the quality of truth data and
the co-location of satellite and surface data.
r +dr
Probability of rain
Visible reflectivity
Mean rainfall rate
Infrared brightness temperature
Figure 5 Schematic illustration of probability of rain ðpÞ and
mean rainfall rate ðr Þ in the two-dimensional diagram of visible
reflectivity and infrared brightness temperature. dp and dr are
positive increments.
Sensing by Microwave Measurements
Owing to its physical directness, microwave sensing of
precipitation has drawn particular attention since the
late 1970s. Except for a few pure regression-type
algorithms, a characteristic of the microwave methods
is that they rely on radiative transfer models either at
the algorithm development stage or during the retrieval computation. Through a radiative transfer model,
microwave brightness temperatures are directly connected to the amount and distribution of precipitating
hydrometeors. The microwave algorithms may be
grouped into the categories of emission-based, scattering-based, combined emission and scattering, and
radiative transfer model-based profiling techniques.
Emission-based Techniques
The emission signature provides the most direct
physical relation between rainfall and brightness
temperature. Data from frequencies under 20 GHz
are primarily used for this type of algorithm, although
higher frequencies are sometimes included to minimize atmospheric water vapor and/or surface effects.
The relation between brightness temperature and
rainfall rate may be derived from radiative transfer
model calculations by specifying atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles, cloud liquid water content, rain-layer thickness, and size distribution of
raindrops. The most commonly used raindrop size
distribution is the so-called Marshall–Palmer distribution, in which the number concentration decreases
exponentially with drop size. Rain-layer depth may be
assumed to be the freezing level height, although the
validity of this assumption deserves further investigation. There are several problems associated with
emission-based algorithms. (1) They may only be
applied over ocean; the high land surface emissivity
prevents emission signatures from being detected by a
low-frequency microwave radiometer. (2) Brightness
temperature saturates for heavy rain. This problem is
particularly serious for tropical regions where the rainlayer is deep. (3) Nonuniform rain rate across the
beam causes underestimation of rainfall rate. As
shown in Figure 3, the brightness temperature versus
rainfall rate relation is highly nonlinear. The spatial
resolution of a satellite pixel for microwave radiometers is on the order of several tens of kilometers; the
rain field within one satellite pixel is generally inhomogeneous. If R ¼ RðTB Þ is the theoretical relation
between brightness temperature TB and rainfall rate R
for a homogeneous rain field, the retrieval resulting
from the field-of-view-averaged brightness tempera B Þ, does not equal the field-of-view-averaged
ture, RðT
rainfall rate, RðTB Þ. Instead, in the case of microwave
Scattering-based Techniques
The scattering signature is physically less directly
related to precipitation than the emission signature
because it is an indication of the ice amount above
freezing level. Frequencies higher than 80 GHz are
primarily used for scattering-based algorithms. Algorithms have been developed either based on statistically regressing brightness temperatures to surface
rainfall measurements or using results of radiative
transfer models. The advantage of scattering-based
algorithms is that they can be applied over both ocean
and land. However, this type of algorithm has greater
error for regions where warm rain has a significant
19 GHz
Techniques Using Both Emission and Scattering
For rain associated with a shallow rain-layer, scattering-based techniques fail to work because of lack of ice
scattering. For heavy rainfall with deep rain-layers,
emission-based techniques cannot correctly determine
rainfall rate because brightness temperature saturates.
A better solution is to take advantage of both emission
and scattering signatures by combining them in a
single algorithm. One such algorithm uses a ‘microwave index’ (MWI) defined for the Special Sensor
Microwave/Imager according to eqn [8].
MWI ¼ ð1 D=D0 Þ þ 2ð1 PCT=PCT0 Þ
Brightness temperature (K)
85 GHz
Here D ¼ TB19V TB19H , is the depolarization at
19 GHz, and PCT ¼ 1:818TB85V 0:818TB85H , is
the polarization-corrected brightness temperature at
85 GHz. In brightness temperature TBnp , the subscript
n depicts frequency and the subscript p depicts
polarization (V for vertical and H for horizontal). D0
and PCT0 are the rain threshold values for D and PCT.
The first term in eqn [8] is the emission signature and
the second term is the scattering signature. Because D
decreases monotonically with the increase of rainfall
rate, it represents the emission signature better than
19 GHz brightness temperatures themselves. Figure 6
depicts the 19 GHz and 85 GHz brightness temperatures and the microwave index for a viewing angle of
531. The results are calculated from a radiative
transfer model assuming a typical tropical profile of
hydrometeors for deep convection agreed. The microwave index relates to rainfall rate monotonically
without saturation. An alternative way to combine the
two signatures is to use the emission signature until
brightness temperature at low frequency saturates,
then to use the scattering signature at higher rainfall
Microwave index, MWI
emission, it is always true that RðT B ÞoRðTB Þ, i.e., the
technique underestimates rain rate.
Rainfall rate (mm h 1)
Figure 6 Radiative transfer model calculated brightness temperatures at 19 and 85 GHz, and microwave index (MWI) over
ocean as a function of rainfall rate for tropical convective rains. A
viewing angle of 531 is assumed and the brightness temperatures
shown are for horizontal polarization.
Radiative Transfer Model-based Techniques
If the surface emissivity and vertical distributions of
atmospheric temperature, humidity, and hydrometeors are known, brightness temperatures for any given
set of frequencies can be calculated with a radiative
transfer model. Inversely, if brightness temperatures
observed at several frequencies match well with those
calculated by a radiative transfer model, it will be very
likely that the profiles assumed in the model are the
same as those in the actual rain clouds. Radiative
transfer model-based techniques use this logic, and
generally consist of the following retrieval procedures.
First, a large database of vertical profiles of hydrometeors must be prepared. This database should include
all possible profiles that occur in nature. Because of the
lack of observational data, this database is usually
constructed with simulated results from numerical
cloud models. Radiative transfer model calculations
are performed using the hydrometeor profiles in the
database, which result in many sets of calculated
brightness temperatures. The set that best matches the
satellite-observed brightness temperatures is selected,
and the hydrometeor profile used to produce the best
match is determined to be the retrieval. The retrieval
gives not only rainfall rate at the surface but also its
vertical distribution. Model-based techniques have the
advantage of fully using physical relations between
cloud microphysics and microwave radiation. With
more observational data becoming available in the
future to build the database of hydrometeor profiles,
this approach is expected to play a more significant
role in satellite remote sensing of precipitation.
There are two major problems with this technique.
First, the retrieval depends heavily on the preconstructed database, which, at present, relies on numerical
cloud models because observational data are insufficient. Any cloud model deficiency could directly affect
the quality of the rainfall retrieval. The second problem
arises from the ill-posed problem in finding the best
match between the observed and the calculated brightness temperatures. The number of unknowns in the
retrieval problem (all components that interacts with
microwave radiation) is far greater than the information content (number of independent information in
brightness temperatures). Several totally different hydrometeor profiles may result in a similar ‘good’ match,
causing nonuniqueness for the solution. This is usually
dealt with by averaging the hydrometeor profiles of the
closest brightness temperature matches.
Combination of Multichannel and
Multiplatform Observations
Currently, it is practical to put microwave radiometers
only on low-altitude, polar-orbiting satellites to ensure
useful spatial resolution. The frequency of observation
by a single satellite of a certain area on the Earth is
unacceptably low (1 to 2 times a day) for determining
rainfall accumulation. As a result, although microwave techniques work better for instantaneous rainfall rate, they do not outperform visible/infrared
techniques on daily or monthly time scales, because
visible/infrared measurements are more frequent.
Therefore, combining measurements from multiple
wave bands and multiple platforms has been proposed. One proposed approach is to increase the
number of satellites that carry microwave sensors, so
that local sampling frequency will be increased to an
acceptable level. With increasing international collabo-
ration, this proposal is expected to become reality in
the near future. The current solution has been to
combine visible, infrared, and microwave measurements from available satellites. Visible/infrared measurements have the advantage of ample coverage, while
microwave measurements have the advantage of
physical directness. The combined techniques use
microwave retrievals as truth to constantly train
visible/infrared algorithms, while the trained visible/
infrared algorithms are used to fill the gap left by
microwave measurements.
See also
Optics, Atmospheric: Optical Remote Sensing Instruments. Radar: Incoherent Scatter Radar; Precipitation
Further Reading
Arkin PA and Ardanuy PE (1989) Estimating climatic-scale
precipitation from space: a review. Journal of Climate 2:
Barrett EC and Martin DW (1981) The Use of Satellite Data
in Rainfall Monitoring. London: Academic Press.
Grody NC (1993) Remote sensing of the atmosphere from
satellites using microwave radiometry. In: Janssen MA
(ed.) Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Microwave Radiometry, pp. 259–314. New York: Wiley.
Kidder SQ and Vonder Haar TH (1995) Satellite Meteorology. London: Academic Press.
Smith EA, Kummerow C and Mugnai A (1994) The
emergence of inversion-type precipitation profile algorithms for estimation of precipitation from satellite
microwave measurements. Remote Sensing Review 11:
Stephens GL (1994) Remote Sensing of the Lower Atmosphere: An Introduction. New York: Oxford University
Wilheit TT (1986) Some comments on passive microwave
measurement of rain. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 67: 1226–1232.
Surface Wind
W T Liu, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Just a few decades ago, almost all ocean wind
measurements came from merchant ships. The quality
and geographical distribution of such reports are
however uneven. Today, many citizens believe that
operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) will
give us all the wind information we need, until a
hurricane suddenly intensifies and changes course, or
the unexpected delay of a monsoon brings drought, or
the Pacific trade wind collapses along the Equator
before an El Niño. When prediction fails and disaster
hits, then we remember that NWP depends on models
that are limited by our knowledge of the physical
processes and the availability of data.
Sailors understand both the importance and the
difficulty in getting information on wind over oceans.
Textbooks still describe global ocean wind distribution in sailor’s terms: the calms of the doldrums and
horse latitudes, the steady trade winds, and the
ferocity of the roaring forties; these features are clearly
visible in Figure 1, which is derived from one day of
observations by a space-based scatterometer, QuikSCAT.
Wind is a vector quantity. Spaceborne microwave
scatterometers are the only proven instruments that
will give us measurements of both wind speed and
direction over ocean, under clear and cloudy conditions, day and night. Scatterometers provide not only a
near-synoptic global view, but also provide details not
possible using NWP models. Typhoon Paul is observed
south of Japan, tropical depression Rachael is forming
south-east of Taiwan, and tropical depression Eugene
is visible as closed circulation in the eastern Pacific off
Central America – such coverage and resolution are
crucial to understanding and predicting the changes of
weather and climate.
The principles of scatterometry and scatterometer
missions are summarized in the next two sections.
After that, examples of the scientific impact of the
space-based scatterometer are given under ‘Major
Applications’. The primary functions of radar altimeter, synthetic aperture radar, and microwave radiometer are not wind measurement, but they provide wind
speed as a secondary product. Wind speeds are
important in their own right, and wind speed from
these sensors can be applied with directional information derived from other means. The measuring capability of these sensors are described under ‘Wind Speed
Measurements’. A brief discussion of future missions
and technology then concludes the article.
Figure 1 Over the ocean, white streamlines indicating wind direction are superimposed on the color image of wind speed at 00Z for 6
August 1999, derived from objective interpolation. Typical average backscatter coefficients over land and Antarctica are also added. The
data are all based on observations by the scatterometer QuikSCAT.
Principles of Scatterometry
During the Second World War, marine radar operators
observed disturbances on their radar screens that
obscured small boats and low-flying aircraft. They
termed this noise ‘sea clutter’; it was the backscatter of
the radar pulses by small waves on the ocean’s surface.
Not until some decades later did this backscatter come
to have important applications.
The scatterometer sends microwave pulses to the
earth’s surface and measures the power backscattered
from the surface roughness. Over land, the roughness
may describe the characteristics of polar ice or
vegetation. Over the ocean, which covers over threequarters of the earth’s surface, the backscatter is due
largely to the small waves a few centimeters high on
the surface. The idea of the remote sensing of
ocean surface winds was based on the belief that
these surface ripples are in equilibrium with the
local wind stress. At incident angles greater than 201,
the radar return is governed by Bragg scattering,
and the backscatter increases with wind speed. The
backscatter is governed by the in-phase reflections
from surface waves. For a smooth surface, the
radar receives no return when viewing is at an
angle. But as the surface roughness increases, backscatter occurs as scattering from periodic structures in
the surface roughness constructively interferes. The
backscatter depends not only on the magnitude of the
wind stress but also on the wind direction relative to
the direction of the radar beam (the azimuth angle).
The capability of measuring both wind speed and
direction is the major unique characteristic of the
Because the backscatter is symmetric about the
mean wind direction, observations at many azimuth
angles are needed to resolve the directional ambiguity.
A scatterometer that measures only at two orthogonal
azimuth angles, such as Seasat (see next section), will
always include wind solutions of nearly equal magnitude and 1801 apart. Because of uncertainties in the
wind retrieval algorithm and the noise in the backscatter measurements, the problem with directional
ambiguity was not entirely eliminated with additional
azimuthal looks in the scatterometers launched after
Seasat. A median filter iteration technique initialized
by the wind direction solution closest to the NWP
wind field has been commonly used to remove the
directional ambiguity.
There is a long history of theoretical studies of the
relationship between wind and backscatter, based on
laboratory data. However, these theoretical or dynamic-based relationships were not sufficient for
operational wind retrieval in open oceans. The
geophysical model function, from which ocean surface
wind vectors are retrieved from the observed backscatter, is based largely on empirical fits of data.
Because the capillary waves, which determine
backscatter, are governed by stress, an approach has
been developed whereby the backscatter observations
are related directly to measurements of surface stress.
The definition of the geophysical data product of
scatterometer as the equivalent neutral wind is based
on the same reasoning. The backscatter has also been
related to the pressure gradient or to geostrophic
winds, which may be more coherent over the scatterometer footprint than surface winds.
While wind is the primary factor in the changes of
backscatter measured by a scatterometer, other secondary factors – such as sea surface temperature (SST),
rain, surface film, atmospheric stability, sea state, and
surface currentFmay also affect scatterometer measurement, and may cause errors in wind retrieval. With
the increasing accuracy of scatterometer wind measurement, understanding and quantifying such effects
are becoming increasingly important and have become
scientific fields in their own right.
Scatterometer Missions
Historically, scatterometers of the European Space
Agency (ESA) used the C-band (5 GHz), but the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) prefers the Ku-band (14 GHz). A higher
frequency is more sensitive to shorter surface
waves. The Ku-band is more sensitive to wind
variation at low winds, but is more subjective to
atmospheric effects and rain contamination. Five
scatterometers have been launched on polar orbiting
satellites, and their major characteristics are summarized in Figure 2.
NASA launched a scatterometer on the Seasat
Mission in June 1978. Four fan-beam, dual-polarized
antennas, oriented at 451 and 1351 to the spacecraft
subtrack, illuminated two 500 km swaths, one on each
side of the spacecraft, providing wind vectors at 50 km
resolution. However, only one side was in operation
most of the time, covering less than 40% of the global
ocean daily. The incident angle varied from 251 to 551.
The accuracy of the backscatter was about 0.7 db. The
two orthogonal azimuth angles were not able to
resolve the wind direction unambiguously. Seasat
failed in October 1978.
A scatterometer was launched by ESA on the first
European Remote Sensing (ERS-1) satellite in August,
1991, and it was followed by an identical instrument
on the ERS-2, launched in April 1995 and put into
operation in 1996. The ERS scatterometers scan a
500 km swath on one side of the satellite, and measure at three azimuth angles, 451, 901, and 1151, with
14.6 GHz
13.995 GHz
13.402 GHz
V-H, V-H
V, V-H, V
V, H
Inc. angle
18°−47°, 24°−57°
18°− 57°, 22°−63°
46°, 54°
Variable Doppler
Scan pattern
Beam resolution
Fixed Doppler
50 km
25 km
25 km
500 km 500km
500 km
600 km 600km
1800 km
8/96– 6/97
6/99 +
50 km
Daily coverage
Figure 2 Characteristics of spaceborne scatterometers.
vertical polarization only. They provided winds over
only 41% of the global ocean daily. The incident angle
varies from 241 to 571 for the fore and aft beams and
from 181 to 471 for the mid beam. The backscatters
have 50 km spatial resolution but are sampled at
25 km.
The NASA Scatterometer (NSCAT) was launched in
August 1996 on the first Japanese Advanced Earth
Observing Satellite (ADEOS), later renamed Midori.
The six fan-beam antennas provide 600 km swaths on
both sides of the spacecraft, covering 77% of the
global ocean at 25 km resolution daily. The accuracy
of backscatter is 0.2 db. The antennas made observations at 451, 1151, and 1351 azimuth angles. The fore
and aft beams measure only at vertical polarization,
with incident angle varies from 221 to 631, while the
midbeam measures at both vertical and horizontal
polarization, with incident angle varying from 181 to
511. The unexpected destruction of the solar array
caused the early demise of NSCAT, after it had
returned 9 months of data.
NASA launched QuikSCAT, a Ku-band scatterometer with a new design, in 1999. It uses pencil-beam
antennas in a conical scan and has a continuous
1800 km swath that covers 93% of the global ocean in
a single day. The standard wind product has 25 km
spatial resolution, but special products with 12.5 km
resolution have been produced for selected regions. It
measures horizontally and vertically polarized backscatter at incident angles of 461 and 541 respectively.
Major Applications
One of the basic applications of scatterometer wind
measurement is in predicting weather. Although the
ERS-1 scatterometer was launched in 1991, the data
were not assimilated operationally into NWP until
1994. All major weather forecast centers in Europe,
Japan, and the USA implemented the assimilation of
ERS scatterometer winds between 1994 and 1997.
NSCAT had only a short life span; the spacecraft failed
before any NWP center could set up the system to
assimilate its data. A recent comprehensive impact
study of NSCAT revealed an approximately 1-day
extension of useful forecast skill in the Southern
Hemisphere. The impact of assimilation of NSCAT
data to regional weather forecast has also been
demonstrated. The European Center for Medium
Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) in the United
Kingdom and the National Center of Environmental
Prediction in the United States began operational
assimilation of the QuikSCAT data in January 2002.
ECMWF reported a robust improvement in its forecasts of atmospheric conditions over the Southern Hemisphere and in the upper atmosphere after
assimilating these data. Its ability to forecast the tracks
of tropical cyclones is also enhanced.
Besides the potential use in four-dimensional assimilation by operational NWP, scatterometer data have
been widely used by marine weather and hurricane
centers in analyzing and predicting marine storms. For
most of the Atlantic hurricanes in 1999, closed
circulations with intensity meeting the criteria of a
tropical depression were observed by QuikSCAT up to
a few days before their identifications by the National
Hurricane Center. QuikSCAT data were used to track
the surface vortex of hurricane Floyd all the way back
to the African coast five days before it was identified as
a tropical depression east of the West Indies. Such
vortices in their early stages are too small to be
resolved by operational NWP products, and their
convection not strong enough to produce organized
cloud signals. Hence the scatterometer, with its high
spatial resolution, is the best means to study these early
vortices, their tracks across the Atlantic, and their
evolution into full-blown hurricanes.
Oceanographers, who were in great need of information on wind forcing of ocean circulation, were the
first group to support space-based scatterometer
missions. One of the applications is to use scatterometer winds to force ocean general circulation models.
Many studies show that winds from scatterometers are
superior in forcing more realistic oceanic responses in
the models than NWP winds.
Since scatterometer winds have become continuously available, they have been used in studies of
seasonal phenomena like the monsoons and interannual signals like El Niño. A monsoon is the seasonal
change of wind forced by the temperature contrast
between the continent and the ocean. Scatterometer
winds have been used to study oceanic responses to the
changes of monsoons in the South China Sea, the
Arabian Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. They have been
used to study the influence of moisture advection on
continental precipitation in China, Africa, and South
El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the strongest
interannual climatic signal, is believed to be associated
with the collapse of the Pacific trade winds near the
Equator. Scatterometers have revealed, with unprecedented resolution, the evolution of the tropical wind
systems associated with ENSO. Model initialization
with scatterometer winds have been shown to improve
El Niño forecasts. Scatterometer winds have been used
to link the ocean warming in the equatorial Pacific
during an El Niño to the intraseasonal wind surge in
the Western Pacific and the modification of decadal
phenomena in the North Pacific.
The high resolution of scatterometer data allows
studies of small coastal jets and eddies and derivative
parameters, such as atmospheric convergence. Scatterometer winds were used to study ocean response to the
wind jets coming out of the mountain gaps near
Vladivostok and in Central America. For the first time,
the cyclonic circulation of the small Catalina Eddy,
which brings the ocean-cooling effect to Los Angeles,
was visualized by scatterometer winds. A convergence
zone south of the Equator, running east from Brazil, is
also revealed unambiguously for the first time with
scatterometer data. Besides the strong tropical convergence zones driven by deep convection, scatterometers also help to identify weak convergence zones
caused by different mechanisms.
The broad coverage reveals new phenomena in
data-poor tropical and southern oceans. By combining
observations of QuikSCAT and Tropical Rain Measuring Mission (TRMM) a narrow break in the
westward Trade winds and North Equatorial Currents
system was found, stretching over 2000 miles from the
Hawaii Islands to the Western Pacific. This break
consists of eastward current, warm water, atmospheric
convergence, and positive curl of wind stress; the
system was revealed as a whole for the first time. The
system is postulated to be triggered by the Hawaii
Islands but sustained by positive ocean–atmosphere
feedback. The use of QuikSCAT and TRMM enabled
the study of the coherent and in-phase propagation of
sea surface temperature and wind vectors in the tropical
instability waves in the eastern equatorial Pacific.
Measurements from merchant ships and weather
stations are extremely sparse in the hostile environment around Antarctica, where strong winds circulate
around the globe over open oceans. Scatterometer
data have been used to study wind forcing of the
circumpolar current. Scatterometers are also capable
of monitoring both the Antarctic sea ice extent (SIE)
and the wind field over adjacent oceans at the same
time, making it possible to characterize the joint
variabilities of both wind and ice. Scatterometers
observe a wavenumber-3 pattern in the wind, which
coincides with three SIE maxima. The wind and ice
patterns move eastward together during the winter
season. The SIE maxima also provide favorable
conditions for storm generation over the ocean, which
has interannual variabilites linked to ENSO.
Wind shear facilitates the turbulent transfer of heat,
moisture, and greenhouse gases between the ocean and
the atmosphere. The transport is parameterized mostly in terms of wind speed, but there are suggestions
that, in additional to wind speed, the backscatter
measured by the scatterometers contains information
on secondary factors (e.g., small-scale wave fields)
affecting ocean–atmosphere gas transfer. The unique
contribution of the scatterometer in ocean–atmosphere exchanges is likely to be in estimating the
transport terms in the conservation equation, whether
it is the curl of wind stress in oceanic biological
pumping or the atmospheric moisture advection in the
atmospheric hydrologic balance.
Wind Speed Measurements
Both the microwave altimeter and the synthetic
aperture radar (SAR) are similar to the scatterometer,
in the sense that all three are active sensors that send
microwave pulses to the Earth’s surface and measure
the backscattered power. The altimeters are designed
to measure the dynamic topography of the ocean.
While the scatterometer views at oblique angles, the
altimeters view at nadir (very small incident angles).
At nadir, the backscattered energy is a result of
specular reflection (the wavelets serve as small mirrors), and the backscatter is not sensitive to wind
direction. Because the instrument is not scanning, data
are available only at a very narrow repeated ground
tracks. The coverages of all the past altimeters are poor
compared with the scatterometer and the microwave
radiometers. Altimeters were flown on the Seasat and
ERS spacecraft described above. Geosat, which was in
operation between 1985 and 1989, and Topex-Poseidon, launched in 1992, are two missions dedicated to
the altimeter.
The same model function used to retrieve winds
from scatterometer can be used for SAR. However, an
SAR looks perpendicular to aircraft path only at one
azimuth angle, and cannot resolve wind direction. The
main objective of SAR is to provide high-resolution
imaging of the Earth’s surface. SAR has spatial
resolutions much better than those of scatterometers,
but the high resolution also introduces higher uncertainties in accuracy caused by secondary effects that
affect surface roughness. The instrument and the data
processing procedure are much more complicated
than with the scatterometer and there have been severe
calibration problems. Both the SAR on Seasat and ERS
have spatial resolution of 30 m and a swath width of
100 km. The narrow swath width and the sporadic
operation prevent global monitoring of ocean surface
wind. Radarsat-1, launched in 1995, can operate in
the scanning mode with a spatial resolution of 100 m
and a 500 km wide swath; this instrument is the closest
to providing continuous global coverage.
Ocean surface wind speed can also be derived from
the radiance observed by microwave radiometer. It is
generally believed that wind speed affects the measured radiance indirectly through the generation of
ocean waves and foam and the change of the surface
emissivity. Radiometers designed to observe the ocean
surface operate primarily at window frequencies,
where atmospheric absorption is low. To correct for
the slight interference by tropospheric water vapor,
clouds, and rainfall, and, to some extent, the effect of
sea surface temperature, radiances at frequencies
sensitive to sea surface temperature, atmospheric
water vapor, and liquid water are also measured.
Microwave radiometry has a much longer history
than the active microwave sensors. Ocean surface
wind speeds were derived from the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) on Seasat
and Nimbus-7, which were launched in 1978. A major
improvement in wind speed availability was made by
the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I), the
first of which was launched in 1987 on the spacecraft
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP).
Several DMSP satellites with SSM/I on board have
been in orbit at the same time, providing continuous,
global coverage since July 1987.
Future Missions and Technology
Quikscat will be followed by an identical scatterometer on ADEOS-2 scheduled to be launched in November 2002. If there is sufficient overlap between the
operations of the two identical scatterometers, the
importance of high frequency and high-wave-number
wind forcing on the ocean can be demonstrated. ESA is
scheduled to launch a series of C-band dual-swath
advanced scatterometers (ASCAT) on its operational
platform METOP, starting in December 2005. NASA
is planning to launch a scatterometer on the Japanese
Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM), so
that two wide-swath scatterometers will provide
continuous time series of high-frequency wind forcing.
Conventional microwave radiometer measures surface radiances at horizonal and vertical polarizations,
which independently do not give wind direction.
Preliminary studies indicate that measurement of the
coherence between vertically and horizontally polarized radiances will provide directional information on
surface winds. The Naval Research Laboratory is
scheduled to launch the Windsat mission to test the
capability of a polarimetric microwave radiometer in
measuring ocean surface wind vectors in 2003.
One of the drawbacks to scatterometry is the wind
direction ambiguity. The backscatter is a cosine
function of the azimuth angle. In a recent experiment,
it was demonstrated that the correlation between
copolarized and cross-polarized backscatter is a sine
function of azimuth angle. By adding a receiver of
cross-polarized backscatter to the scatterometers (like
QuikSCAT), the directional ambiguity problem can be
mitigated. A polarized scatterometer has been proposed for GCOM.
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Temperature Soundings 1985
Further Reading
This article was prepared at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under
contract with the National Aeronautics and Space
Greernaert GL and Plant WJ (1990) Surface Waves and
Fluxes, vol. II. Remote Sensing. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Ikeda M and Dobson FW (1995) Oceanographic
Applications of Remote Sensing. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Liu WT (2002) Progress in scatterometer application.
Journal of Oceanography 58: 121–136.
Simpson R, Garstang M and Anthes R (2002) Coping with
Hurricanes. Washington, DC: American Geophysical
Siedler G, Church J and Gould J (2001) Ocean Circulaton
and Climate. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Stewart RH (1985) Methods of Satellite Oceanography.
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
See also
Air–Sea Interaction: Surface Waves. Coastal Meteorology. Cyclones, Extra Tropical. El Niño and the
Southern Oscillation: Observation. Land–Atmosphere Interactions: Overview. Monsoon: Overview.
Ocean Circulation: Surface–Wind Driven Circulation.
Sea Ice. Weather Prediction: Severe Weather Forecasting.
Temperature Soundings
Temperature plays a key role in radiative, dynamical,
and chemical processes in the atmosphere.
However, compared with most other parameters,
atmospheric temperature has a relatively low
variability: typically 20 K, or about 10% of the
absolute value, at any altitude (Figure 1). This
low variability imposes correspondingly tight
constraints on the useful accuracy of any measurements. Nevertheless, remote sounding has now developed to the point where temperature can be retrieved
with accuracies of 2 K or better, comparable with the
quality of measurements made in situ with radiosondes. The main impetus for this development has
come from the meteorological community: although
radiosondes provide good coverage over populated
land areas, accurate weather forecasting requires
global temperature fields, which can only be obtained
from satellites.
‘Operational’ temperature sounders have been
flown on the NOAA series of polar orbiting
satellites since 1972. These are nadir viewing
instruments, measuring emission in the infrared
and microwave regions of the spectrum. By selecting
channels sensitive to emissions from different
depths into the atmosphere, the vertical temperature
structure can be determined. Nowadays, the more
sophisticated forecast models assimilate directly
the satellite radiance measurements themselves,
bypassing the need for any explicit temperature profile
Temperature can also be retrieved using emission
measurements from the atmospheric limb, i.e., viewing the atmosphere tangentially rather than vertically.
Limb sounding allows temperature to be retrieved to
higher altitudes and with improved vertical resolution
compared with nadir sounding, but at the expense of
reduced horizontal resolution and signal-to-noise
10− 4
10− 2
Approx. altitude (km)
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Pressure (hPa)
A Dudhia, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Temperature (K)
Figure 1 Typical atmospheric temperature profiles. Solid line:
US standard atmosphere (midlatitudes); dotted line: an equatorial
profile; dashed line: a polar winter profile.
1986 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Temperature Soundings
along the path, conveniently expressed in terms of an
optical thickness w:
t ¼ exp ðwÞ
Atmospheric temperature and density affect electromagnetic radiation through absorption, emission,
refraction and scattering. All of these mechanisms
can be exploited in order to retrieve temperature using
remote sensing techniques.
B ds þ I1 t1
where B is the Planck function, t the transmittance
from space to a point at distance s along the path, t1
represents the attenuation of any emission source I1
beyond the atmosphere. The atmospheric contribution to this radiance is therefore a spatially weighted
average of the Planck function along the path, dt=ds
being the ‘weighting function’. Since B is a known
function of temperature and wavelength, determining
BðTðsÞÞ from the above relationship is equivalent to
retrieving the temperature profile. However, to use eqn
[1] it is also necessary to know the transmittance tðsÞ
The Planck function (Figure 2) is given by:
l5 ðexp ðhc=lkTÞ 1Þ
where h is Planck’s constant, c the speed of light,
k Boltzmann’s constant, l the wavelength, and T
the temperature. This has a maximum at lmax ¼
2:9103 =T m (Wien’s displacement law), which for
Wavenumber (cm 1)
10 000
270 K
Radiance (W m 2 sr 1 (cm 1) 1)
vsr ds
Planck Function
Thermal Radiation
Most techniques for temperature sounding rely on
measurements of thermally emitted radiation in either
the infrared or the microwave region of the spectrum.
The monochromatic radiance, I, from a line of sight
through a non-scattering atmosphere in local thermodynamic equilibrium can be represented by
where v is the absorber volume mixing ratio, r the
(molar) air density, and s the absorption coefficient.
At thermal wavelengths, s is a function of the
concentrations of various absorbing species, pressure
and temperature. Composition v can be eliminated as
an unknown by selecting spectral regions where the
absorption is primarily from a well-mixed species,
usually the 15 mm or 4:3 mm CO2 bands in the infrared, or the 60 GHz O2 band in the microwave.
Pressure is either implicit in the retrieval coordinates
(nadir sounding) or retrieved simultaneously with
temperature (limb sounding).
Physical Mechanisms
210 K
10 5
10 10
10 15
10 20
10 6
10 5
10 4
10 3
Temperature exponent n
ratio. A third possibility for temperature sounding is
solar occultation: viewing the Sun as it rises or sets
beyond the atmospheric limb and determining
temperature through its effect on the atmospheric
Such measurements all rely on modeling molecular
absorption spectra, which largely determine radiative
transfer at infrared and microwave wavelengths.
However, since temperature and density are linked
via the hydrostatic equation, the temperature profile
may also be inferred from measurements which are
more directly related to the atmospheric density
profile, such as scattering in visible and UV wavelengths, or refraction at radio frequencies. Molecular
(Rayleigh) scattering is routinely used to determine
atmospheric temperature from ground-based lidars,
and atmospheric composition from space, but has had
only limited application in temperature sounding from
space. Radio occultation techniques for determining
density via refraction were originally developed for
sounding the atmospheres of other planets, but the
introduction of the GPS network of navigational
satellites offers a new possibility for routine temperature sounding of the Earth’s atmosphere.
10 2
Wavelength (m)
Figure 2 Solid lines: Planck function for 210 and 270 K, representing the typical range of atmospheric temperatures. Dotted
curve: Planck function for 5800 K, scaled to give an integrated
irradiance of 1370 W m 2 (solar constant) representing the
maximum diffuse solar contribution. Dashed curve (right axis):
sensitivity n fitting B T n , evaluated at T ¼ 240 K.
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Temperature Soundings 1987
Molecular Absorption
The molecules of many atmospheric species exhibit
absorption bands at infrared wavelengths corresponding to transitions between quantized vibrational
energy levels (molecules of nitrogen and oxygen
being notable exceptions, having no permanent dipole
moment). Superimposed on these vibrational states
are rotational states which have a finer quantization.
Changes in vibrational level are often accompanied by
changes in the rotational quantum number J, giving the
typical band structure shown in Figure 3. The central
peak (Q-branch) corresponds to a pure vibrational
transition ðDJ ¼ 0Þ, and the envelope of lines at lower
(P-branch) and higher (R-branch) wavenumbers correspond to DJ ¼ 1, the spread in these envelopes
reflecting the rotational energy dependence ER
JðJ þ 1Þ. Pure rotational transitions also occur, leading
to absorption features in the microwave spectrum
(Figure 4).
The overall strength of a particular absorption band
is determined by the population of the two vibrational
levels involved. In local thermodynamic equilibrium,
populations of each vibrational energy level EV
follow the Boltzmann distribution expðEV =kTÞ.
(m2 mole1)
Wavenumber (cm1)
' (m2 mole1)
Wavenumber (cm1)
Figure 3 (A) The absorption coefficient s of the CO2 15 mm
fundamental n2 vibration band at 10 hPa total pressure, 240 K, and
(B) the change Ds resulting from a 10 K increase in temperature.
(The atmospheric CO2 column amount is around 120 moles m 2.)
For T ¼ 240 K; kT EV ð167 cm1, compared with
1000 cm1 ), so usually only ‘fundamental’ transitions between the ground state and the first excited
level are significant.
The shape of an absorption band, given by the
envelope encompassing the P and R branches, depends
on the population distribution over the rotational
energy levels ER . This also follows Boltzmann statistics, but here kT ER . The additional degeneracy
factor ðJ þ 1Þ, representing the increased number
of states available at higher rotational quantum
Wavenumber (cm1)
(m2 mole1)
typical atmospheric temperatures lies between
10–15 mm. The curve falls off as 1=l5 at longer
wavelengths, and as exp ðhc=lkTÞ at shorter wavelengths. The rapid decay at short wavelengths means
that thermal emission is negligible below a few
micrometers and, in any case, below 4 mm scattered
or reflected solar radiation becomes significant during
The accuracy of a temperature retrieval depends not
only on the radiance signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) but
also on the sensitivity of radiance to temperature,
dB=dT, which reduces with increasing wavelength. At
10 mm; B T 6 but in the microwave region
(1–10 mm wavelengths) B / T (in fact, ‘radiance’
and ‘temperature’ are often used interchangeably in
referring to microwave measurements). For a given
SNR, this means that temperature can be retrieved
more accurately at shorter wavelengths. Conversely,
this also means that at shorter wavelengths retrievals
of other species are more sensitive to any given
temperature error. For example, a number of constituents ðH2 O; CH4 ; N2 O; NO2 Þ are often retrieved
using bands in the 6–8 mm region. At these wavelengths, a 1 K temperature overestimate results in a 4%
increase in predicted radiance, and therefore a roughly
equivalent underestimate in retrieved concentrations.
Hence the need for accurate temperature retrievals for
all remote sensing experiments based on infrared
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 4 The absorption coefficient s of the O2 rotational band at
60 GHz, at 1000 hPa (smooth curve) 100 hPa (irregular curve).
1988 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Temperature Soundings
Hydrostatic Equation
In most situations, the profiles of atmospheric pressure
p, molar density r, and temperature T can be assumed
to be in hydrostatic balance:
The speed of electromagnetic radiation is reduced in
air owing to the polarizability of air molecules. The
refractive index n is conveniently expressed in terms of
a refractivity N ¼ n 1, which is usually assumed to
be proportional to air density. For dry air at 15 C and
standard pressure, Edlén’s dispersion relation models
the wavelength dependence of refractivity from 0.2 to
2 mm (Figure 5):
N106 ¼ 64:328 þ
N106 ¼ 77:6
ðp eÞ
þ 3:73105 2
where p; e are the total pressure and partial pressure of
water vapor in hectopascals and T is the temperature
in kelvins. At 15 C and standard pressure, this gives
values of refractivity varying from N ¼ 2:7104 for
dry air to N ¼ 3:4104 for saturated air (1.6% water
vapor by volume).
Refraction introduces a curvature into limb paths,
lowering the tangent point and increasing the pathintegrated air mass compared with the straight-line
path. For a circularly symmetric atmosphere it can be
shown that the tangent height correction is
dz ’ Na
where g is the gravitational acceleration, M the molar
weight of air, R the gas constant, and z the altitude.
In addition to retrieving temperature, it is usually
necessary to know the pressure in order to evaluate
terms in eqn [3], although absolute altitude is not
critical. If TðpÞ is retrieved directly (e.g., nadir
sounding) then this is no problem and eqn [6] can be
integrated to obtain layer thicknesses Dz. If pðzÞ is
retrieved (e.g., microwave limb sounding) then eqn [6]
can be used to obtain temperature. If TðzÞ is retrieved
(e.g., infrared limb sounding) it is necessary also to
retrieve pressure at least at one altitude, pðzref Þ, and
obtain pðzÞ by integrating eqn [6]. If rðzÞ is retrieved
(e.g., occultation) it may be adequate to assume some
climatological pressure at high altitude and integrate
eqn [5] downwards to obtain pðzÞ, hence TðzÞ, with
29 498:1
146 m2 41 m2
where m is the wavelength expressed in mm. For
wavelengths longer than 1 mm, refractivity is essentially independent of wavelength. However, at radio
frequencies ðo20 GHzÞ the dipole moment of water
vapor has a significant effect which can be modeled as:
Refractivity u 106
dp ¼ gMr dz
any error dp in the climatological assumption decreasing in significance further down the profile.
Scattering extinction
numbers, ensures that the most probable rotational
quantum number is not J ¼ 0 but some higher number,
and increases with increasing temperature (indicated
by the outward displacement of the peaks of the P- and
R-branches in Figure 3).
As well as the line strength and the shape of bands,
the temperature–pressure profile also affects the width
of individual lines through Doppler broadening (high
altitudes) and pressure broadening (low altitudes,
Figure 4).
The above assumes ‘local thermodynamic equilibrium’ (LTE), i.e., that the populations of the vibrational and rotational energy levels are characterized by
the same temperature as the mean kinetic energy. In
practice, this means that collisions between molecules
occur sufficiently frequently to ensure that the internal
energy levels are redistributed according to the local
kinetic temperature. At high altitudes, other processes
may dominate, leading to non-thermal population
distributions of the vibrational states (so called ‘nonLTE’ effects). These often limit the upper altitude of
practical infrared retrieval schemes. Non-LTE effects
are usually negligible in the microwave region, owing
to the small energy difference between rotational
levels; instead, when sounding the mid-stratosphere or
higher altitudes, complications are introduced by
having to model the Zeeman splitting of lines in the
Earth’s magnetic field.
Wavelength (Pm)
Figure 5 Variation of refractivity (left axis) and Rayleigh scattering cross-section (right axis) in the visible and near-infrared region
of the spectrum. The scattering extinction is scaled to the number of
molecules in a vertical column of atmosphere.
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Temperature Soundings 1989
where a is the radius of the Earth. For a tangent height
of 25 km; dz ’ 70 m for infrared wavelengths, equivalent to a 1% increase in the tangent point pressure and
a similar increase in integrated air mass. Since the
effect is proportional to density ð/ NÞ it doubles for
every 5 km decrease in tangent height.
from space to pressure level p for a well-mixed
absorber with volume mixing ratio v and constant
absorption coefficient s is given by:
where a ¼ vs=g is a constant. The weighting function
is then given by
sRa ¼
3NA r2 l4
where NA is Avogadro’s number. Since refractivity
N / r, the scattering cross-section per mole of air
depends only on wavelength, predominantly through
the 1=l4 term (Figure 5).
For optically thin paths, single-scattering can be
assumed so that measurements of extinction or scattered radiation can be simply related to the air density.
However, this assumption breaks down at higher
pressures, when multiple scattering and/or Mie scattering (by particles of radius comparable to the
wavelength, e.g., aerosols) have to be considered.
Nadir Sounding
The earliest satellite temperature sounders viewed
downwards, measuring the radiance emerging from
the top of the atmosphere in a range of spectral bands.
The different transmission characteristics of each
band can be used to derive information on temperature from different optical depths into the atmosphere.
This is the basis of the operational temperature
sounders used today.
Weighting Functions
Adapting eqn [1], the radiance I emerging from the top
of the atmosphere above a non-reflective surface is
given by:
Z 1
I ¼ B0 t0 þ
where Z ¼ ln ðp=p0 Þ is a height-like coordinate, and
subscripts 0 indicate surface values. For nadir viewing,
it is convenient to use a pressure-based coordinate
such as Z, since the transmittance, and therefore
weighting functions, are themselves mostly pressuredependent.
Using the hydrostatic equation (eqn [5]) to adapt
eqn [3] to pressure coordinates, the optical depth w
dp ¼ ap
¼ p
¼ ap expðapÞ
It can be shown that this has a maximum where the
optical depth w ¼ ap ¼ 1, and a width at half maximum of DZ ’ 2:5 scale heights ð15 kmÞ.
By suitable placement of filters within the band it is
possible to select weighting functions peaking at
different pressures (Figures 6 and 7).
Vertical Resolution
From eqn [13] and Figure 7, it can be seen that the
width of nadir sounding weighting functions is comparable to the thickness of the entire troposphere. The
weighting function width does not fundamentally
limit the vertical resolution of the retrieval, but the
large overlap means that in order to retrieve a profile
at, say, seven levels corresponding to the weighting
function peaks, most of the information will come
from the difference between radiance measurements in
adjacent channels rather than from the absolute
values, hence reducing the effective SNR.
Pressure (hPa)
For visible and shorter wavelengths, ‘Rayleigh’ scattering by air molecules becomes significant. The
Rayleigh scattering cross-section sRa ðm2 mole1 ; cf.
s in eqn [3]) can be computed theoretically:
Figure 6 The CO2 15 mm absorption band showing the pressure
level for which optical depth 5 1 (i.e., from which transmittance to
the top of the atmosphere is e 1 ). The spectrum is averaged over
1 cm 1 intervals. Also shown are the positions of HIRS/3 channels
1990 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Temperature Soundings
Pressure (hPa)
Figure 7 The weighting functions for HIRS/3 channels 1–7
(see Figure 6). These are normalized so that the maximum
atmospheric contribution is 1.
To produce narrower weighting functions requires
finding spectral regions where the optical depth w
increases more rapidly with pressure than w / p (eqn
[12]). One method is to select spectral regions where
emission is predominantly from the wings of pressurebroadened lines (giving s / p, hence w / p2 ). Another
method is to target emission from a gas whose
concentration increases with pressure, such as tropospheric water vapor. Since the absorber is no longer
well mixed, additional channels are required in order
to retrieve its concentration, and the weighting function peaks are no longer at fixed pressures.
A different method of improving the vertical resolution is to scan at an angle y to nadir, increasing the
optical path to approximately w ¼ ap sec y, reducing
both the peak pressure and width by a factor cos y.
Taken to its extreme, this is, of course, the basis of limb
sounding. Scanning to 50 across the orbit track is
commonly employed for nadir sounders, but this is
done in order to cover the atmosphere between
adjacent orbit tracks, and a ‘correction’ applied in
order to remove the resulting variation of the weighting functions.
Nadir Sounding Instruments
Table 1 lists nadir viewing instruments that have been
used for temperature sounding. The first such instruments were infrared filter radiometers targeting various parts of the CO2 15 mm band, a simple technique
still in use on operational satellites (Figure 6). However, such filters are limited to a minimum width of
several wavenumbers, which does not allow much
Table 1 Satellite nadir sounding temperature sensors
Technique a
1969, 1970
Nimbus 3, 4
1970, 1972
Nimbus 4, 5
NOAA 2–5
Nimbus 5
Nimbus 6
NOAA 6–14
SIRS Satellite Infrared Spectrometer
IRIS Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer
SCR Selective Chopper Radiometer
VTPR bVertical Temperature Profile Radiometer
ITPR Infrared Temperature Profile Radiometer
NEMS Nimbus E Microwave Spectrometer
HIRS High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder
PMR Pressure Modulated Radiometer
SCAMS Scanning Microwave Spectrometer
TOVS bTIROS Operational Vertical Sounder, comprising:
HIRS/2 High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder/2
SSU Stratospheric Sounding Unit
MSU Microwave Sounding Unit
SSM/T Special Sensor Microwave/Temperature
VAS VISSR Atmospheric Sounder
(sounders with similar channels to HIRS)
ATOVS bAdvanced TOVS comprising:
HIRS/3 High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder/3
AMSU Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit
AIRS Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
TES cTropospheric Emission Spectrometer
IASI Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer
ATOVS (as above)
GOES 4–7
NOAA 15–
FR 5 filter radiometer, MI 5 Michelson interferometer, GC 5 gas correlation radiometer, MW 5 microwave radiometer, GS 5 grating
See also Table 2.
See also Table 3.
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Temperature Soundings 1991
scope for improving vertical resolution or extending
coverage to higher altitudes.
More recently, instruments have been developed to
measure the full infrared spectrum at high resolution:
1 cm1 for AIRS (grating spectrometer), 0:25 cm1 for
IASI (interferometer), 0:1 cm1 for TES (interferometer, in nadir-viewing mode). The increased spectral
resolution, together with the large number of potential
channels represented by the complete spectrum,
allows combined temperature–water-vapor retrievals
to be performed under a variety of atmospheric
conditions, hence improved (tropospheric) vertical
Figure 6 suggests that 4 mb is about the highest level
that can be sounded using the 15 mm band with 1 cm1
resolution. However, Figure 8 demonstrates that
emissions can be detected from higher levels, but in
order to discriminate these it is necessary to resolve
individual lines. Doppler-broadened line widths at the
stratopause are of the order of 0:001 cm1 , well
beyond the resolution obtainable using spaceborne
interferometry, and even were such a resolution
attainable the reduced photon flux from such a narrow
bandwidth would lead to SNR problems.
Gas correlation radiometry is one technique which
has been used to extend the altitude range of infrared
nadir sounding. By passing the signal through a
pressure-modulated cell of CO2 , a synchronous component of the signal can be extracted corresponding to
Operational Temperature Sounders
Equiv. BB temperature (K)
Radiance (W m2 sr1 (cm1)1)
emission in just the modulated regions of the cell
transmittance spectrum, i.e., the CO2 line wings. The
response can be tuned to maximum sensitivity at
particular parts of line wings by adjusting the mean
cell pressure. Since this also integrates the signal over
all lines within the filter band, it gives an improved
SNR compared with a single narrow-bandwidth
measurement. This was the principle used in the SSU
that provided the stratospheric sounding channels for
the TOVS instruments.
Microwave sounders have a major advantage over
infrared sounders, since clouds are transparent at
millimeter wavelengths. Spectral selection for microwave instruments is achieved by radio, rather than
optical, techniques. Heterodyne mixing is used
to combine the atmospheric microwave signal with a
local oscillator (LO) at some central frequency
ðGHzÞ. Since the mixing process is nonlinear, an
‘intermediate-frequency’ ðMHzÞ signal is produced
corresponding to the difference between the two input
signals. The result is to convert the atmospheric
spectrum immediately above the LO frequency from
microwave to radio frequencies, with the mirror image
of the atmospheric spectrum below the LO frequency
also superimposed. The spectral features can then be
resolved with radio-frequency filters. The technology
has now developed to the point where it is possible to
achieve adequate SNR in bandwidths comparable to a
stratospheric line width, allowing sounding up to the
stratopause (Figures 9 and 10).
Figure 8 Atmospheric radiance spectrum (nadir view) calculated
near the center of the CO2 15 mm band. The smooth envelope
around 220 K corresponds to emission from the pressure-broadened line wings in the lower stratosphere (Figure 1), the upward
spikes from Doppler-broadened lines at the stratopause (260 K),
and the downward spikes from centres of strong lines near the
mesopause (190 K).
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) began routine atmospheric temperature
sounding measurements (Table 2) with the Vertical
Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR) instruments
on board the NOAA 2–5 satellites which operated
from 1972 to 1979. These were infrared radiometers
with six temperature sounding channels from
13–15 mm, plus a water vapor channel at 18 mm and
another channel in the 11 mm atmospheric window.
The VTPR was superseded by the TOVS (TIROS
Operational Vertical Sounder) suite, first flown on the
TIROS-N satellite in 1978 and subsequently on the
NOAA 6–14 satellites. TOVS consisted of three
HIRS/2 (High-resolution Infrared Radiation
Sounder), a development of the HIRS instrument
originally flown on Nimbus 6. This was a 20channel infrared radiometer with 12 temperature
sounding channels covering both the 15 mm and the
4:3 mm CO2 bands, in addition to water vapor,
ozone and atmospheric windows.
1992 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Temperature Soundings
Pressure (hPa)
Pressure (hPa)
Frequency (GHz)
Pressure (hPa)
Figure 10 The AMSU/A weighting functions for channels 2–14
(channel 2 lies at 31.4 GHz; see Figure 9 for the other channels).
These are normalized so that the maximum atmospheric contribution is 1.
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 9 (A) O2 60 GHz absorption band showing the pressure at
which the optical depth equals 1, and (B) close-up of the region
around the AMSU/A 57.29 GHz local oscillator frequency. Also
shown are the positions of AMSU/A channels 3–14. Note the use of
both sidebands for channels 5 and 10, and four-sideband combinations for channels 11–14, distributed about combinations of two
LO frequencies (57.29 GHz70.32 GHz). This superimposes similar spectral features into the intermediate frequency signal in order
to improve the SNR. The resulting weighting functions are shown in
Figure 10.
SSU (Stratospheric Sounding Unit), a development
of the PMR instrument also flown on Nimbus 6.
This measured CO2 emission at 669 cm1 and
used three different pressure modulator cells (at
1.5, 5, and 15 hPa) for stratospheric temperature
MSU (Microwave Sounding Unit), a four-channel
microwave radiometer sounding the O2 band at
60 GHz.
ATOVS (Advanced TOVS) was first flown on
NOAA 15, launched in 1998, and consists of two
HIRS/3, a 20-channel infrared radiometer with
similar spectral channels to HIRS/2 (Figures 6
and 7).
AMSU (Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit), a
20-channel microwave radiometer designed for
temperature and water sounding (Figures 9 and
10). This replaces the MSU and SSU with a single
microwave instrument.
Under the current Polar Operational Environmental
Satellites (POES) program, NOAA aims to operate
Table 2 The NOAA operational temperature sounders
Oct. 72
Nov. 73
Nov. 74
Jul. 76
Oct. 78
Jun. 79
Jun. 81
Mar. 83
Dec. 84
Sep. 86
Sep. 88
May 91
Aug. 93
Dec. 94
May 98
Sep. 00
Mar. 02
Dec. 03
Mar. 08
Jan. 75
Aug. 76
Jun. 86
Jul. 79
Jan. 80
Mar. 87
Jun. 86
Dec. 85
Feb. 98
Sep. 91
Mar. 95
Dec. 98
Aug. 93
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Temperature Soundings 1993
two satellites at any one time, each in a Sun-synchronous orbit with either a southward Equator crossing at
around 7.30 a.m. local time (AM orbit) or a northward Equator crossing at around 2.30 p.m. (PM
orbit), so that coverage of any point is repeated every
6 hours. Eventually the European Organisation for the
Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) will take over responsibility for the AM orbit
with its Metop satellites containing additional
instruments such as IASI, while the NOAA program
merges with the military Defense Meteorological
Satellite Program (DMSP) to form the National Polarorbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System
(NPOESS) which will provide satellites in two other
Limb Sounding
Viewing tangentially through the atmospheric limb
means the background is cold space, so that semitransparent optical paths can be used in preference to
opaque paths, and consequently the weighting functions are determined by geometry rather than optical
thickness. Compared with nadir viewing, limb viewing generally allows better vertical resolution and
coverage to higher altitudes. However, a fundamental
problem with the limb viewing geometry is that the ray
paths traverse significant horizontal distances in the
atmosphere ð200 km in the 1 km thick layer above
the tangent point), which limits the scale of horizontal
structures which can be resolved. Also, tropospheric
limb views are more likely to be obscured by clouds
than nadir views, restricting low-altitude coverage
using the infrared. For these reasons, limb viewing is
particularly suited to temperature sounding in the
stratosphere and mesosphere, while nadir sounding is
used for the troposphere.
For a typical polar orbiting satellite at 700 km
altitude the tangent point is some 3000 km away, so
that 3 km at the tangent point subtends only 0.001 rad,
or approximately 30 of arc. The narrow field of view
reduces the radiance flux, so that SNR becomes a
significant problem. Diffraction is also a limiting
factor for microwave instruments: angular resolution
varies approximately as the ratio of antenna width to
wavelength, so to resolve 0.001 rad at 2 cm (60 GHz)
would require a 5 m antenna.
Weighting Functions
Neglecting the background term due to cold space, eqn
[1] becomes
where x is now the distance along the tangent path,
with x ¼ 0 at the tangent point and x ’ þ1 at the
satellite. Ignoring refraction and assuming a spherical
Earth of radius a, distance x and altitude z ð aÞ along
a path are related by
x2 ’ 2aðz zt Þ
where zt is the altitude of the tangent point. For an
isothermal atmosphere at temperature T, the molar
density of air, r, varies with altitude as:
where pt is the pressure at the tangent point, and
H ð¼ RT=gM, from eqn [6]) the atmospheric scale
height. Integrating eqn [3] along the path, assuming
constant absorber volume mixing ratio v and absorption coefficient s, and converting to altitude coordinate z0 ¼ z zt ,
Z 1
w ¼ vs
r dx
pt pffiffiffiffiffiffi
¼ vs
¼ vs
pt pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
p 2aH
pffiffiffiffi exp
If the absorption is weak then I ’ Bw and
dt=dz dw=dz, so the characteristic shape of limb
viewing weighting functions is given by
/ pffiffiffi0ffi exp
In practice, the width of the peak is limited by the
layering assumed for the retrieval. Examples, converted to temperature ðdI=dTðzÞ rather than dI=dBðzÞÞ,
are plotted in Figure 11. Note that at lower altitudes,
where this spectral region becomes opaque, the
weighting functions resemble those of a nadir sounder
(Figure 7).
The vertical profile can be sounded either using a
single detector and scanning in elevation, or by using a
detector array to view the different elevation angles
simultaneously. However, in practice, at least two
spectral channels are required in order to retrieve
pressure profile information as well.
Pressure Determination
To model the atmospheric transmittance (eqn [14]) it is
also necessary to know the pressure, which is usually
retrieved simultaneously with temperature (the problem does not arise in nadir sounding, since the
1994 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Temperature Soundings
50 km
45 km
Altitude (km)
40 km
35 km
30 km
25 km
20 km
15 km
10 km
0.0000 0.0010 0.0020 0.0030 0.0040 0.0050 0.0060
dI/dT (Wm2sr1(cm1)1K1)
Figure 11 Temperature weighting functions for a limb-viewing
instrument using a 610–640 cm 1 filter (HIRDLS channel 3).
Curves show response in radiance at the labeled tangent heights to
a 1 K temperature perturbation in 1 km layers at altitudes indicated
by the left axis.
equivalent radiative transfer equation, eqn [11],
is formulated in pressure coordinates). This requires radiance measurements in at least two
spectral channels with different pressure–temperature
Differences in temperature sensitivity arise from the
spectral dependence of the Planck function or variations in the absorption coefficient, e.g., the changing
shape of the rotational band structure (Figure 3). Some
variation in pressure sensitivity may also arise from the
absorption coefficient, but the biggest effect is
the nonlinear variation of radiance with optical thickness: I ’ Bð1 exp ðwÞÞ (from eqn [14]), with w / p
(eqn [19]).
Figure 12 illustrates the problem graphically, with
good pressure–temperature discrimination corresponding to conditions where radiance contours
from any two channels intersect at a large angle.
At high pressure, all radiances are independent
of tangent point pressure (I ’ B, opaque limit). At
low pressure, all radiances vary linearly with pressure
(I w, transparent limit). The best pressure–
temperature discrimination occurs between 100 and
10 hPa (15–35 km in the atmosphere) as the channels
undergo different transitions from the opaque to
transparent limits.
Pressure (hPa)
Temperature (K)
Figure 12 Radiance contours for the four HIRDLS CO2 channels (Figure 13) for a range of pressures and temperatures simulating
different tangent point conditions. The thick line shows the T ðpÞ profile of the US standard atmosphere. In order of increasing wavenumber
and absorption, HIRDLS channels 2–5 are indicated by solid (2), dotted (3), dashed (4), and dot–dash lines (5).
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Temperature Soundings 1995
For microwave measurements, radiances can be
almost independent of temperature. Assuming I ’ Bw
(optically thin), and considering only the pressure and
temperature dependent components of eqn [19],
I / Bs
p pffiffiffiffiffi
For the wings of Lorentz-broadened lines, s / p= T ,
and since the scale height H and, in the microwave
region, B are both proportional to T, the temperature
dependences all cancel out, leaving I / p2 .
Since it is generally not possible to retrieve both
temperature and pressure independently over all
altitudes, it is usual to include some knowledge of
the vertical distance between tangent points, either
using the fixed geometry of a detector array or else
pointing information from the elevation scan, and
assume hydrostatic balance (eqn [6]) to constrain the
Limb Emission Sounders
Table 3 lists limb emission instruments used for
temperature retrievals. The various techniques for
nadir-viewing instruments all have their parallels in
limb sounding, although with modifications driven by
the different viewing geometry.
As with nadir sounding, the earliest measurements
were made with infrared radiometers using the
CO2 15 mm band. The good SNR performance achievable with broad filters means that this technique
continues to be used for high spatial resolution
measurements (Figure 13). Although the precise
choice of filter position does not have as crucial an
influence on the sounding characteristics as in the
nadir viewing case, it is nevertheless desirable to
choose spectral regions of intermediate absorption.
Too opaque, and little information is obtained from
the tangent point; too transparent, and the SNR is
unnecessarily reduced. Apart from requiring at least
two channels in order to retrieve both pressure and
temperature, additional channels can be used in order
to optimize the transmission characteristics for different altitude ranges.
Gas correlation and spectrally resolving instruments are usually employed in limb sounding in
order to discriminate between lines of the target
molecule and those of other species. However,
foreign lines have only a small influence in the
15 mm CO2 band so, for temperature sounding,
the main advantage of these instruments is in
improving the pressure–temperature discrimination.
The main drawback is the reduced SNR associated
with the narrower bandwidth and, in the case of
Table 3 Satellite limb sounding temperature sensors
Technique a
Nimbus 6
Nimbus 7
1994, 1997
LRIR Limb Radiance Inversion Radiometer
LIMS Limb Infrared Monitoring of the Stratosphere
SAMS Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder
Solar Mesosphere Explorer
ISAMS Improved Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder
CLAES Cryogenic Limb Array Etalon Spectrometer
HRDI High Resolution Doppler Imager
WINDII Wind Imaging Interferometer
MLS Microwave Limb Sounder
CRISTA Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers and
Telescopes for the Atmosphere
OSIRIS Odin Spectrometer and IR Imaging System
SMR Sub-Millimeter Radiometer
MIPAS Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding
SCIAMACHY cScanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer
for Atmospheric Chartography
SABER Sounding of the Atmosphere using
Broadband Emission Radiometry
TIDI TIMED Doppler Interferometer
HIRDLS High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder
MLS Microwave Limb Sounder
TES bTropospheric Emission Spectrometer
FR 5 filter radiometer, GC 5 gas correlation radiometer, FP 5 Fabry–Perot spectrometer, MI 5 Michelson interferometer, MW 5
microwave radiometer, GS 5 grating spectrometer, RS 5 Rayleigh scattering.
See also Table 1.
See also Table 4.
1996 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Temperature Soundings
Wavenumber (cm )
Figure 13 Absorption (1-transmittance) for limb paths through 20 (solid), 30 (dotted), and 40 (dashed) km tangent heights across the
CO2 15 mm band. Also shown are the spectral positions of the four HIRDLS temperature sounding channels (channels 2–5).
gas correlation, the need to view perpendicularly to the
orbital motion in order to avoid introducing Doppler
shifts between the atmospheric lines and those in the
onboard cell.
Microwave instruments have an advantage over
infrared instruments in being insensitive to cloud at
low altitude and to non-LTE effects at high altitude.
However, vertical resolution is limited by diffraction,
which can cause problems in resolving the tropopause
and at high altitudes it becomes necessary to model the
Zeeman splitting of lines which varies with the Earth’s
magnetic field along the line of sight. Since the
radiances are almost independent of temperature,
these instruments effectively retrieve a pressure profile, with temperature information coming mostly
from hydrostatic balance. Concomitantly, the impact
of any temperature errors on the constituent retrievals
is also reduced.
These measurements all rely on thermal emission
from the atmosphere, but, at shorter wavelengths, Rayleigh-scattered sunlight can also be
detected. Since the scattering is proportional to
air density, measurements of the scattering
profile can be used to determine the temperature
profile. The technique is usable only during daytime,
and for relatively high altitudes where Rayleigh single
scattering can be assumed, but has been used with
SME and OSIRIS measurements (both grating spectrometers).
Occultation Measurements
Occultation measurements use the Sun, Moon, stars,
or other satellites as the source of the detected
radiation and monitor the change as the source rises
or sets beyond the atmospheric limb. While the
geometry is the same as that of limb emission
measurements, the location of the tangent point is
defined by ephemeris data (i.e., knowledge of the
positions of the satellite, Earth and source), which is
usually more accurate than using the satellite attitude/
pointing data which defines the tangent point for limb
emission measurements. Potentially, occultation retrievals can therefore be performed on an absolute
height scale. However, the relative motion of the
source often means that the locus of tangent points is
far from vertical, leading to ‘slanted’ profiles, extending over several hundred kilometers horizontally.
Table 4 lists the instruments used for occultation
measurements of temperature.
Solar Occultation
The Sun can be viewed through the atmospheric limb
as a satellite passes between the day and night
hemispheres, i.e., twice an orbit, or about 30 times in
24 hours for a polar orbiting satellite.
Solar radiation, equivalent to that of a 6000 K
blackbody, has a peak at visible wavelengths (Figure 2),
but for temperature pressure sounding it is necessary
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Temperature Soundings 1997
Table 4 Satellite occulation temperature sensors
Technique a
Spacelab 3
Meteor-3 M
SAGE II Stratospheric Aerosol Gas Experiment II
ATMOS Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy
HALOE Halogen Occultation Experiment
POAM II Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement II
GPS/MET Global Positioning System Meterology
ILAS Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer
POAM III Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement III
GOMOS Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars
SCIAMACHY bScanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer
for Atmospheric Chartography
SAGE III Stratospheric Aerosol Gas Experiment III
ACE Atmospheric Chemistry Explorer
GRAS GPS Receiver for Atmospheric Sounding
FR 5 filter radiometer, MI 5 Michelson interferometer, GC 5 gas correlation radiometer, RO 5 radio occulation, GS 5 grating
See also Table 3.
I ¼ Bsun t
Taking the ratio with the high-altitude radiance Isun ¼
Bsun gives the atmospheric transmittance t, with
weighting functions dt=dz as for limb sounding
(eqn [20]).
The main advantage of solar occultation over limb
emission measurements is the high SNR, allowing
increased vertical and spectral resolutions, and sounding to higher altitudes. Also, since the measurements
are of transmittance rather than emission, non-LTE
effects are generally less significant and, by taking
the ratio of radiances, the measurements are selfcalibrating.
Since the absolute altitude of the tangent point is
known (in practice this depends on the ability of the
solar tracker to keep locked onto the same part of the
solar disk), it is possible to retrieve temperature using
only a single channel. Pressure information at the
lowest altitude pðzÞ can be obtained from meteorological fields and integrated upwards.
Alternatively, transmittance spectra can be acquired
using an interferometer. Pressure and temperature can
be retrieved from the strength and shape of a band, but
if the resolution can be made high enough (e.g.,
0:01 cm1 for ATMOS, Figure 14) then pressure
information can also be retrieved from the individual
line widths.
At shorter wavelengths, it is possible to determine
the temperature profile (via air density) by measuring
the attenuation due to Rayleigh scattering. This has
been applied to SAGE II data, but measurements of
molecular absorption are generally preferred.
Whichever technique is used, the main disadvantage
of solar occultation is that only around 30 profiles
a day can be obtained, with the sunrise and
sunset profiles confined to two narrow latitude bands
and no information obtainable during nighttime or the
polar winter. SAGE III and SCIAMACHY can also use
lunar occultation (although not for temperature
retrievals), which can double the number of occultation events per orbit and extend coverage outside
sunrise or sunset conditions. GOMOS uses stellar
occultation: observing any of 100 bright stars as they
rise or set through the atmosphere gives near
global coverage, although at the expense of muchreduced SNR.
to use molecular features in the near infrared such as
the O2 A-band at 0:76 mm or the CO2 bands at 2:7 mm
and 4:3 mm. With the Sun in the line of sight, thermal
emissions from the atmosphere are negligible, so eqn
[1] can be simply integrated:
Wavenumber (cm1)
Figure 14 Transmittance of part of the CO2 4:3 mm band at
0.01 cm 1 resolution, calculated for a limb path tangent height of
50 km.
1998 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Temperature Soundings
GPS Sounding
In the Global Positioning System (GPS) a network of
24 satellites each continuously emits precise timing
and location information. By comparing the received
signals from at least four satellites, it is possible to fix
the three-dimensional coordinates of any point in
space, the fourth satellite being required to establish
the time offset. Although intended as a navigation aid,
the signals can also be used to determine the atmospheric density profile.
Relative to a receiver placed in low Earth orbit, GPS
satellites rise or set beyond the horizon several
hundred times each day. As the signals pass through
the atmosphere, refraction introduces a time delay
which, if measured relative to a reference clock, can be
used to determine the refractive index profile, hence
density and temperature.
It is conventional to describe the GPS clock delay in
terms of the refraction angle e (Figure 15). For a
spherically symmetric atmosphere, Snell’s law gives
the following relationship along the refracted path:
nr sin y ¼ constant ¼ q
where n is the refractive index, r the distance from the
centre of curvature, and y the angle of the ray to the
local horizontal (y ¼ 0 at the tangent point). The
constant q is the tangent distance of the unrefracted
ray, sometimes known as the ‘impact parameter’ from
the analogy with nuclear physics.
Defining a refractive radius x ¼ nr, it can be shown
that the total deflection of the ray e is given by an
integral of the refractive index profile nðxÞ:
eðqÞ ¼ 2q
q ln nðxÞ
ðx2 q2 Þ1=2 dx ½24
During the occultation, a set of measurements eðqÞ is
acquired. The Abel transform can then be used to
invert this relationship to recover the refractive index
profile (hence density, from eqn [8]):
1 þ1
eðqÞðq2 x2 Þ1=2 dq
ln nðxÞ ¼
p z
The maximum altitude, limited by the minimum
phase shift which can be detected, is around 50 km and
the vertical resolution is of the order of 1 km.
The main problems with using GPS occultation as a
standalone temperature sounder are the assumptions
of horizontal uniformity and the effect of tropospheric
water vapor (eqn [8]). GPS measures only one quantity
– refractive index – so there is no means of separating
the effects of air density and water vapor concentration or determining the horizontal gradients unless
external information is used. This is less of a disadvantage when used in conjunction with a forecast
model which can provide prior estimates of water
vapor and temperature fields. With advances in data
assimilation techniques, the refraction itself may
eventually be directly modeled, so even occultations
extending over large horizontal distances could be
GPS receivers are relatively cheap and lightweight
ð1 kgÞ, and free of calibration errors (time being
the only measured variable), so it seems likely that
GPS occultation measurements, either inverted
or directly assimilated, will be an important
source of atmospheric temperature information in
the future.
See also
Radiative Transfer: Absorption and Thermal Emission;
Non-local Thermodynamic Equilibrium. Satellites: Research (Atmospheric Science).
Further Reading
GPS emitter
Figure 15 Temperature sounding using GPS signals. The
receiver, in low-Earth orbit, measures the refraction angle e of the
signal as the GPS satellite rises or sets beyond the horizon.
Barnett JJ (1987) Satellite-borne measurements of middleatmosphere temperature. Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society of London, Series A 323: 527–544.
Houghton JT, Taylor FW and Rodgers CD (1984) Remote
Sounding of Atmospheres. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Liou KN (1992) Radiation and Cloud Processes in the
Atmosphere. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Stephens GL (1994) Remote Sensing of the Lower Atmosphere, An Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University
TOMS Ozone
R S Stolarski and R D McPeters, NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Introduction and History
The Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) is a
satellite-borne instrument that measures ozone by
measuring the ultraviolet light scattered from the
atmosphere. These measurements are used to determine the total column amount of ozone in the
atmosphere. The idea that ozone could be measured
quantitatively from a satellite was first put forward in
1957 by Singer and Wentworth.
During the 1960s, a number of satellites were
launched with instruments that could be used to
deduce the concentration of ozone as a function
of altitude. In 1967, Dave and Matter published a
theory for the derivation of the total column amount of
ozone from a satellite backscatter instrument. This
theory was used for the interpretation of the data from
the first instrument, to measure the total column
amount, of ozone from space, the backscatter ultraviolet (BUV) instrument. The BUV instrument was
launched on the Nimbus 4 satellite in 1970. It
made nearly-global measurements for two years and
then operated more sporadically for an additional
five years.
The modern global data record starts with the
launch of the Nimbus 7 satellite in 1978. The satellite
carried two ozone-measuring instruments, the Solar
Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV), and the Total Ozone
Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS). The SBUV instrument was a double monochromator designed to
measure backscattered radiation at 12 wavelengths
from 255 nm to 340 nm. These were used to deduce the
upper-stratospheric concentration profile of ozone
and the total column amount of ozone along the nadir
track of the satellite.
The TOMS instrument measured the backscattered
radiation at six wavelengths from 312.5 nm to 380 nm
so that the total column amount of ozone could be
deduced. TOMS was a single monochromator with a
scanning mirror that allowed the instrument to make
measurements at 35 scan angles from left to right
across the ground track of the satellite. TOMS was
thus able to measure over the entire sunlit portion of
the globe each day.
The TOMS instrument on Nimbus 7 made measurements for more than 14 years. The instrument
finally failed in May 1993. A second TOMS instru-
ment was launched on the Russian Meteor 3 satellite in
1991. This instrument made total ozone measurements until the end of 1994. A third TOMS instrument
was launched on the Japanese ADEOS satellite in
1996. The satellite power array failed after seven
months of operation. The fourth instrument was
launched on the Earth Probe satellite, also in 1996.
Designated EP-TOMS, it was still taking data in late
2002. A fifth instrument, Quik-TOMS, was launched
in September, 2001 but the launch vehicle’s second
stage did not fire correctly and the instrument did not
reach orbit.
The TOMS measurements are best known for
images of the ozone hole. When Farman’s paper on
low ozone in the Antarctic was published in 1985,
TOMS images revealed that this was a continent-wide
phenomenon and not local. TOMS now maps
the development of the ozone hole each Antarctic
Theory of TOMS Measurement
Rayleigh Scattering
Light from the Sun penetrates into the atmosphere,
with most of the visible light reaching the ground.
Light is scattered by the molecules that make up the
atmosphere in a process called Rayleigh scattering,
named after Lord Rayleigh who first described it in the
late nineteenth century. The probability of Rayleigh
scattering depends inversely on to the fourth power of
the wavelength (l4 ). Thus, an ultraviolet photon of
300 nm wavelength is 16 times more likely to be
scattered than a visible photon of wavelength 600 nm.
This is why the sky is blue; when we look at the sky
away from the Sun, blue light is much more likely to be
scattered towards us than is red light.
Ozone Absorption
Sunlight can be absorbed in the atmosphere by a
variety of molecules. The principal absorber of ultraviolet light in the Earth’s atmosphere is ozone.
Absorption in the UV by ozone is strong enough that
a few parts per million of ozone remove all of the
sunlight at wavelengths shorter than about 300 nm
before they can reach the ground. We are thus
provided with a shield from the high-energy radiation
that could break important DNA bonds in living cells.
The absorption of UV by ozone is the property that we
generally use to measure the amount of ozone in the
atmosphere. From the ground, we can look upward
and measure how much radiation reaches us at a
wavelength that is absorbed by ozone. We can
compare this to the radiation received at a nearby
wavelength that is not absorbed by ozone to determine
the amount of ozone that must be between us and the
Sun. From satellites, we can look down and measure
the radiation that is scattered back out of the atmosphere and again compare the amount at an absorbed
wavelength with an unabsorbed (or less absorbed)
Surface Reflection
Radiation that does reach the ground can be absorbed
or reflected by the surface. The probability of reflection depends on the nature of the surface. In the
ultraviolet, the Earth is a very poor reflector. The UV
reflectivity of the ocean in the 300–350 nm region of
the spectrum is only about 4%. Most land surfaces
have similarly low reflectivities, no more than 5%
except in desert areas. Areas covered by ice and snow
have very high reflectivities, reaching 90% in the
When clouds are present, radiation reaching them is
reflected back to space with high efficiency. Cloud
reflectivities can reach 80–90% for thick clouds. Solar
radiation that is reflected by clouds does not pass
through the part of the atmosphere below the cloud
and has no opportunity to be absorbed by the ozone
below the clouds. The TOMS measurement is thus a
measurement of the ozone above the cloud layer.
Fortunately, this is a small effect since 90% of the
ozone in the atmosphere is in the stratosphere. Only
part of the 10% in the troposphere will be below the
clouds. This amount can be estimated from climatology, so that the measurement can be transformed into
a fairly accurate estimate of the total column of ozone
in the atmosphere.
Aerosols (dust particles in the atmosphere) also scatter
radiation, further adding to the atmosphere’s overall
reflectivity. Their scattering does not follow the l4
dependence of Rayleigh scattering but is close to a l1
dependence. When dust is in the atmosphere, the sky
appears more nearly white. Aerosols do not affect
our ability to measure ozone. However, the multiple
reflectivity wavelengths can be used to deduce
some information about the properties of aerosols.
Measurement deviations from the expected result
for a Rayleigh scattering atmosphere can be used
to determine an aerosol index (see results section
Description of the Retrieval Algorithm
TOMS measures ultraviolet light scattered from the
atmosphere and the Earth and clouds. An algorithm is
needed to infer ozone from these measurements. The
instrument looks downward at the Earth and also uses
a diffuser plate to look at direct sunlight. The basic
measured quantity is the ratio of the direct solar
irradiance to the backscattered radiance. This is
usually expressed as the N-value, or logarithm of the
ratio (eqn [1]).
N ¼ 100 logðI0 =FÞ
F is the solar irradiance at the particular wavelength
and I0 is the Earth’s backscattered radiance.
Using the ratio of direct solar to backscattered
radiation cancels some of the main instrumental
errors; that is, the instrument throughput is the same
for each measurement. However, a diffuser plate is
used to reflect the sunlight into the instrument. The
reflectivity of the diffuser plate affects the solar
irradiance measurement, but not the backscattered
radiance measurement. If a pair of wavelengths is used
in the analysis, then the diffuser reflectivity can be
canceled out in the ratio if that reflectivity is the same
for both wavelengths. Thus we form the pair N-value
as in eqn [2].
Np ¼ N ðl1 Þ N ðl1 Þ
¼ logðI01 =F1 Þ logðI02 =F2 Þ ¼ log
ðI01 =I02 Þ ½2
ðF2 =F1 Þ
These N-values reflect the effects of scattering,
reflection, and absorption. Figure 1 illustrates the
dependence of N-value on wavelength, clearly showing that an ozone signal can be derived from the data.
The actual algorithm used for the TOMS retrieval uses
a radiative transfer code based on the early work of
Dave. Forward calculations are carried out for a
matrix of parameters including total ozone. These
then form a lookup table that is interpolated to derive
total ozone.
Description of the TOMS Instrument
The TOMS instruments are single, fixed monochromators with exit slits at six near-UV wavelengths.
The slit functions are triangular with a nominal 1 nm
bandwidth. The order of individual measurements is
determined by a chopper wheel. As it rotates, openings
at different distances from the center of the wheel pass
over the exit slits, allowing measurements at the
different wavelengths. The order was not one of
This is a qualitative description of the orbits.
Actually, for the purpose of orbit stability, the satellite
does not pass exactly over the pole. For the three
spacecraft above, the orbital inclination was approximately 981, which gave a maximum poleward
latitude of 801. From this orbit TOMS could see the
pole itself by scanning to the far right or left. The
Meteor 3 spacecraft was in a polar orbit but was not
Sun synchronous. Its Equator-crossing time drifted
from near noon to near sunset and back to near noon in
a 220-day cycle.
Measured N -value =
100 log10 (I/F )
N -value
Extrapolation from
reflectivity wavelengths
Geometry and Timing
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 1 Illustration of the dependence of N-value on wavelength. The N-values for all of the TOMS measurements for one
day (1 January 1985) within one degree of latitude of 351 N were
averaged to make the plot. The linear straight line is fitted to the
three longest wavelengths to illustrate an extrapolation to shorter
wavelengths. The actual TOMS algorithm uses a full radiative
transfer code to determine this extrapolation. The difference
between the short-wavelength N-values and the extrapolation
represents the absorption by ozone.
monotonically increasing or decreasing wavelength;
instead, the wavelengths were interleaved to minimize
the effect of scene changes on the ozone retrieval.
A ground aluminum diffuser plate was deployed to
reflect sunlight into the instrument for measurement of
the solar irradiance. This diffuser plate was shared
with the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) experiment on the Nimbus 7 satellite. It was normally
deployed once a week for TOMS solar irradiance
measurements, in addition to the SBUV deployments.
The Nimbus 7, ADEOS, and Earth-Probe satellites
were in Sun-synchronous polar orbits. The nearly
circular orbit is oriented perpendicular to the plane of
the Earth’s orbit around the Sun such that the satellite
comes over the south pole of the Earth toward the
Equator; crosses the Equator near local noon; and then
passes over the north pole onto the nightside of the
Earth. The satellite crosses the Equator again on the
nightside at near midnight local time. By the time the
satellite comes back onto the dayside, the Earth has
rotated for approximately 90 minutes and the satellite
passes over a point at the Equator that is 27 degrees of
latitude to the west of the previous orbit, again at local
noon. In this way, the satellite orbits l5 times per day,
fixed relative to the Sun, and the Earth rotates
underneath so that the satellite sees the whole of the
surface of the Earth within a 24-hour period.
The instrument field of view for TOMS is 3 3
degrees. At an altitude of 950 km for Nimbus 7, this
projects to a nadir spot size on the surface of 50 km by
50 km. Earth-Probe was launched initially into a
500 km orbit. This resulted in a nadir spot size of
26 km. In December of 1997, it was boosted to an
altitude of 740 km, increasing the nadir spot size to
40 km.
For each of the TOMS instruments, a mirror scans
perpendicular to the orbital plane in 35 steps of 31. The
scan angles range from 511 on the right side of
spacecraft nadir to 511 on the left (relative to the
direction of flight). At the end of the scan, the mirror
returns to the first position and begins another scan.
For Nimbus 7, the cross-track scans from consecutive
orbits overlapped, creating a completely filled global
map of the sunlit part of the Earth each day. The lower
altitude of the Earth-Probe TOMS results in small
areas between orbits near the Equator where no
measurements are made. The location of these gaps
shifts from day to day so that no place fails to be
measured over the span of a few days.
During the cross-track scan, each of the 35 measurement locations is observed for 200 ms. The total
duration time for a single scan is 7.8 s, during which
time the satellite travels approximately 40 km. One
orbit consists of nearly 400 cross-track scans or 13 000
measurements. Fifteen orbits result in about 190 000
measurements of total ozone every day.
TOMS makes measurements at six wavelengths.
These are selected by slits cut into a chopper wheel
that rotates at 5 revolutions per second. The wavelengths for the Nimbus 7 TOMS and the Earth Probe
TOMS are shown in Table 1, along with the absorption and scattering coefficients averaged over the slit
function of the spectrometer.
The basic ozone-measuring wavelengths are at
312.5 nm and 317.5 nm. These are sufficiently absorbed by ozone to get a signal and sufficiently
Table 1 Effective absorption and scattering coefficients
Vacuum wavelength Effective ozone
(atm cm 1)
at 273 K (C0 )
Nimbus 7 TOMS
Rayleigh scattering
coefficient (atm 1)
1( 8)
1( 8)
1( 8)
Some Results from TOMS
The basic TOMS measurement is of reflected radiation
at six wavelengths. The longer of these wavelengths
are not affected by ozone absorption and are thus a
measure of the reflectivity of the atmosphere in the
ultraviolet. The algorithm calculates the expected
backscattered radiation from a pure Rayleigh-scattering atmosphere. Deviations from this expectation are
driven primarily by clouds and secondarily by aerosols. The deviation caused by clouds can be represented as a percentage reflectivity (see Figure 2).
A major feature of nadir remote sensing in the
ultraviolet is that the surface is relatively dark. Typical
minimum reflectivities off the surface of the ocean are
about 4%. While the surface is dark, Rayleigh
scattering is strong in the UV. The Rayleigh scattering
cross-section varies as the inverse fourth power of the
wavelength (l4 ). Thus, only about 30% of the
radiation at 350 nm reaches the ground for typical
mid-latitude conditions. The return signals to TOMS
are generated mostly in the lowest part of the
troposphere. This has implications for the derivation
of total ozone; TOMS does not see pollution in the
boundary layer very well.
60 40
transmitted to reach near the surface. On Nimbus 7
TOMS, the 360 nm and 380 nm wavelengths measure
the reflectivity of the surface/atmosphere.
Figure 2 Single-day (1 March 1982) reflectivity map at a
wavelength of 360 nm over North America. Gray shaded area
indicates where reflectivity is greater than 60%, indicating the
presence of clouds. High reflectivity over Northern Canada may be
clouds or snow/ice.
Ozone Maps
The original selling point for the TOMS was the
capability to map the total ozone content on a daily
basis to help understand its relationship to changes in
the meteorology of the atmosphere. The problem of
the relationship of total ozone to meteorology goes
back to Dobson in the 1920s. Dobson had six of his
spectrophotometers built and distributed throughout
Europe to examine this problem. He found that when
a high-pressure system was present, ozone was low;
and when a low-pressure system was present, ozone
was high. TOMS can make a map of the entire sunlit
portion of the globe in a single day (see Figure 3).
Figure 3 Single-day (1 March 1982) ozone map over North
America. Gray shaded area indicates where total ozone amount is
greater than 400 DU.
contrast in the seasonal variation of total ozone over
the two poles. These maps clearly demonstrate the
day-to-day and year-to-year variability of ozone over
the Arctic.
Ozone Trends
Figure 4 Single-day (5 October 2000) ozone map over the
Antarctic. Dark blue to purple shades near pole indicate where total
ozone amount is less than 220 DU, a common definition for the
region of the Antarctic ozone hole. The map is a polar orthographic
projection with the south pole at the center and the equator at the
outer boundary. Zero longitude is to the right.
When the discovery of the ozone hole was announced in 1985, TOMS was immediately used to
map the extent of the ozone-depleted region (Figure 4).
Using TOMS, the daily progress of the hole could be
followed. These maps demonstrated how the depleted
region rotated around the pole, was distorted by the
meteorology, and was finally broken up by a series of
wave events that eroded the polar vortex.
TOMS also can produce maps of ozone over the
Arctic polar region (not shown). These show the
The Nimbus 7 TOMS instrument was originally
designed to map ozone on a daily basis as a study of
day-to-day variability in total ozone. TOMS is now
used as a part of a satellite-based measurement system
for detecting long-term trends in stratospheric ozone.
A number of features in the TOMS measurements
have made it possible to detect calibration drifts of the
instrument well enough that a data record now exists
for more than 20 years that is estimated to be good to
nearly 1% per decade (2s).
An important feature of the TOMS measurement is
the redundancy of having more than one ozoneabsorbing wavelength. In the algorithm, the use of
pairs of wavelengths to calculate albedo cancels out
many of the potential instrument errors. Drift errors
that remain have a tendency to be larger with larger
separation in wavelength of the pair. The redundant
pairs of wavelengths can be used in a ‘pair justification’
to remove drift errors that are linearly proportional to
TOMS (along with SBUV) has become an instrument
that provides a long-term calibrated data record for
trend detection. These data have been used in standard
statistical analyses for trends (Figures 5 and 6). These
statistical analyses fit the time-series to terms for mean,
seasonal variation, linear trend, 11-year sunspot cycle,
and 26-month quasi-biennial oscillation. The continuation of this data set will be used in the search for the
expected turnaround in ozone as the provisions of the
Montreal Protocol begin reducing the amount of
ozone-depleting chlorine in the atmosphere.
Figure 5 Linear trends (in % per decade) calculated from the 1979–2000 data from TOMS and SBUV instruments as a function of
longitude and latitude. Gray shaded areas indicate where trends are more negative than 1.5% per decade.
North mid-latitude (25qN–60qN)
Deviation (DU)
Deviation (DU)
Global (60qS–60qN)
1985 1990
Deviation (DU)
Deviation (DU)
South mid-latitude (60qS–25qS)
Tropical (10qS–10qN)
Figure 6 Time-series of total ozone measurements averaged over broad bands of latitude. The mean seasonal variation within the band
has been removed before plotting, to emphasize the year-to-year variability.
TOMS measures the reflectivity of the Earth–atmosphere system at several wavelengths not absorbed by
ozone. If the atmosphere were perfectly clean, the
backscattered radiation received by the satellite
could be determined from a Rayleigh scattering
calculation that would predict a specific ratio of
radiation between two wavelengths. Aerosols disturb
this ratio in a predictable manner; one direction
for absorbing aerosols, the opposite for nonabsorbing aerosols. Using these facts, the TOMS
data has been used to determine an ‘aerosol
index’. Reasonable assumptions about the nature
of the aerosols lead to global maps of the spread
of dust from deserts and smoke from biomass
burning in Africa and South America. There are now
20 years’ worth of such data from the TOMS
UV at Surface
Many of the effects of ozone depletion are related to
the dose of ultraviolet radiation received at the surface
of the Earth. TOMS measures the outgoing, absorbed
UV radiation and the reflectivity due to clouds and
aerosols. These data can be combined with a radiative
transfer modal to estimate the UV flux at the surface
daily over the globe. Again, TOMS now has 20 years’
worth of daily UV flux maps available.
Tropical Tropospheric Ozone
TOMS measures the total column amount of ozone
with some adjustments for the inefficiency of the
penetration of UV sunlight into the boundary layer. In
the Tropics, most of the variability of total ozone
around a circle of constant latitude is in the troposphere rather than the stratosphere. Several schemes
have been developed for taking advantage of this
property of the total ozone measurements to derive
tropical tropospheric ozone column amounts. The first
of these combined the TOMS measurements with
concurrent measurements from the SAGE (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment) occultation
measurements of the stratospheric amount.
Subsequently, several techniques have been developed that use the assumption of constant stratospheric
ozone around a circle of constant latitude on a given
day. The amount of that stratospheric ozone can be
estimated by using the difference between the tropospheric ozone amount measured by a sonde and the
concurrent TOMS total ozone measurement. Alternatively, the stratospheric ozone amount can be
estimated directly from TOMS measurements above
the location of the highest clouds. That amount can be
subtracted from the total ozone, yielding a tropical
map of column tropospheric ozone.
Application of these techniques for deriving tropical
tropospheric ozone gives maps showing the ozone
generated by the products of biomass burning. The
ozone development and transport can be seen far
downwind from the burning source.
Summary and Future of TOMS
We now have more than 20 years’ worth of global total
ozone data from TOMS instruments and the related
SBUV instruments. The Earth Probe TOMS is the
last in the scheduled series. Future global total ozone
measurements will be made by a continuing series
of SBUV/2 instruments on the NOAA polar-orbiting
satellites and by a new generation of ozonemapping instruments. The new-generation instruments will use charge-coupled-device arrays to image
the Earth at a large number of wavelengths.
These include the Global Ozone Measurement
Experiment (GOME), its successor GOME II, the
SCHIAMACHY instrument on Envisat, all launched
by the European Space Agency, and the Ozone
Measuring Instrument (OMI) on the EOS-Aura satellite. These instruments will transition into the Ozone
Mapper Profiler Suite (OMPS) scheduled to fly on the
NOAA/NASA/DOD National Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) beginning in
about 2010.
See also
Observations for Chemistry (In Situ): Ozone Sondes.
Observations for Chemistry (Remote Sensing):
IR/FIR; Microwave. Stratospheric Chemistry and
Composition: Overview.
Further Reading
Dave JV and Mateer CL (1967) A preliminary study on the
possibility of estimating total atmospheric ozone from
satellite measurements. J. Atmos. Sci. 24: 414–427.
Farman JC, Gardiner BG and Shanklin JD (1985) Large
losses of total ozone in Antarctica reveal seasonal ClOx/
NOx interaction. Nature 315: 207–210.
Hilsenrath E and Schlesinger BM (1981) Total ozone
seasonal and interannual variations derived from the
7 year Nimbus-4 BUV data set. J. Geophys. Res. 86:
McPeters RD, Bhartia PK, Krueger AJ and Herman JR
Earth Probe Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
(TOMS) Data Products User’s Guide, NASA Technical Publication 1998–206895, National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight
Center, Greenbelt, MD, 20771, 1998. Also available
in PDF format at
McPeters RD and Labow GJ (1996) An assessment of the
accuracy of 14.5 years of Nimbus 7 TOMS version 7
ozone data by comparison with the Dobson network.
Geophys. Res. Lett. 23: 3695–3698.
Singer SF and Wentworth RC (1957) A method for the
determination of the vertical ozone distribution from a
satellite. J. Geophys. Res. 62: 299–308.
Stolarski RS, Krueger AJ, Schoeberl MR, McPeters RD,
Newman PA and Alpert JC (1986) Nimbus-7 satellite
measurements of the springtime Antarctic ozone decrease. Nature 322: 808–811.
Water Vapor
J E Harries, Imperial College of Science, Technology
and Medicine, London, UK
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The measurement of water vapor from space
now has an extensive history going back to 1978,
when the NASA Nimbus 7 spacecraft was launched
carrying two sensors, the Limb Infrared Monitor
of the Stratosphere (LIMS), and the Stratospheric
and Mesospheric Sounder (SAMS). Both carried
channels at 6 mm wavelength in the infrared, to detect
thermal emissions from the atmosphere as the
spacecraft orbited the Earth in a polar orbit.
Shortly afterwards, a new generation of operational
meteorological sounders was launched by NOAA,
also in the USA, carrying the TIROS Operational
Vertical Sounder (TOVS) package; part of TOVS
was the High Resolution Infrared Sounder
(HIRS), which made measurements of water
vapor in the troposphere. Since that time satellite
instruments operating in the infrared, the visible,
and the microwave regions of the electromagnetic
spectrum have operated in space, and a long series
of measurements in both troposphere and stratosphere have been made. This article reviews these
Principles and Overview
In this section we discuss some of the general principles
involved in remote sensing of atmospheric constituents, before we present some specific examples of
satellite missions which have measured atmospheric water vapor.
Remote sensing operates by detection of electromagnetic (e.m.) radiation from the Earth by an instrument
on an orbiting spacecraft. There are two principal
sources of e.m. radiation that have been most widely
used in measurements of water vapor to date. These
are the thermal emission from water molecules, and
absorption of the visible/near ultraviolet radiation
from the Sun. There are other techniques that could be
mentioned, such as measurement of solar scattering,
or the use of artificial radiation sources, such as lasers,
but since these have not been used very widely for
water vapor measurements, we will not consider them
further in this work.
Thermal Emission The Planck radiation law describes the maximum thermal radiation that can be
emitted as a function of wavelength from any object at
a temperature, T. This law shows that the intensity of
radiation is a smooth curve with a single maximum at
a wavelength in the infrared, lm , defined by Wien’s
displacement law
where the wavelength is expressed in microns, mm.
Therefore, as an example, at a temperature of T ¼
250 K (which is a typical temperature in the midtroposphere), the maximum intensity occurs at about
11.6 mm. In practice, the intensity of radiation is also
dependent on the optical thickness of the atmospheric
path under consideration: this, in turn, depends on the
density or concentration of the absorbing molecules
along that path. If this is written in terms of the Planck
function, Bðl; TÞ, and the density of water vapor as a
function of height, rw ðzÞ, then
Iðl; yÞ ¼
Absorption In the absorption case, the controlling
equation, say for the case of looking at the Sun through
the atmosphere at the limb of the atmosphere, is
Iðl; yÞ ¼ I0 ðlÞ tðzg ; zt Þ
Emission or Absorption
lm T ¼ 2898 mm K
measurements, then the dependence of Iðl; yÞ on
tðz; zt Þ and rw ðzÞ allows density to be determined.
Bðl; TðzÞÞ tðz; zt Þ al rw ðzÞ f ðyÞ dz ½2
where al is the absorption coefficient expressing the
strength of electromagnetic coupling to theR radiation
field at wavelength l, tðz; zt Þ ¼ exp ð z al rw ðzÞ
f ðyÞdzÞ is the transmittance from z to zt (the top of
the atmosphere), and f ðyÞ allows for non-vertical
transmission paths ð¼ 1= cos y for yo 60 Þ. If the
temperature of the atmosphere is known from other
where zg is the grazing height, or the minimum
height of the solar beam as it traverses the atmosphere,
and tðzg ; zt Þ represents the transmittance of the
path from the edge of the atmosphere on the sunward
side, via the grazing height, and on to the edge of
the atmosphere on the satellite side. Knowing the
extraatmospheric solar intensity, I0 ðlÞ, allows
the transmittance and therefore the density to be
determined. The principal differences from emission
sensing are that absorption does not depend (at least to
first order) on atmospheric temperature, and that
emission measurements may be made at any time of
day or night, whereas solar-dependent methods can
obviously be applied only when the Sun is in the right
Limb or Nadir Sounding
We have already indicated that the direction in which
we view the atmosphere is important. There are two
principal techniques in use. In the first, nadir sounding,
widely used for sounding the lower atmosphere or
troposphere, the satellite sensor is directed towards the
nadir, i.e., downwards from the spacecraft. This is
used most, often in emission mode, and the upwelling
thermal radiation from the atmosphere is observed. It
proves possible to detect emission from broad but
distinguishable layers of the atmosphere because
the term known as the ‘weighting function’, WðzÞ,
defined as
WðzÞ ¼
¼ tðz; zt Þ al rw ðzÞ f ðyÞdz
displays a single peak at a height dependent on the
values of the separate terms, which can be arranged to
be at heights between the surface and the tropopause.
Because of this property, the density of water vapor in
the troposphere can be sounded as a function of height.
The technique of nadir sounding using atmospheric
emission is used widely in meteorological sounding,
including the measurement of humidity.
In limb sounding, the limb of the atmosphere, just
above the horizon, is viewed with a sensor with a
narrow field of view. Either emission or solar absorption may be employed. By geometrically limiting the
field of view, the vertical profile of emission or
absorption, and therefore the vertical profile of water
vapor density, may be scanned.
Choice of Wavelength
In principle, any wavelength at which there is thermal
emission or solar absorption, and at which the water
vapor in the atmosphere is spectrally active, may be
employed. In practice, thermal emission from the
infrared bands or microwave bands of water vapor
have been used most frequently for the detection of
atmospheric humidity.
Summary of Missions and Instruments
We have space here to only review a relatively few
examples of satellite remote sensing of water vapor.
Table 1 lists some of the more successful attempts to do
so, organized into the three categories of infrared
emission, microwave emission, and infrared and
visible solar absorption (occultation).
Examples of Satellite Experiments to
Measure Water Vapor in the
Infrared Thermal Emission Measurements
Troposphere The principal satellite instrument for
measuring tropospheric water vapor over the past few
decades has been the High Resolution Infrared
Sounder (HIRS), one of the suite of instruments
making up the TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder
(TOVS) package. ‘TIROS’ in this nested acronym
stands for the Television and Infra Red Operational
Sounder, the original name for the NOAA weather
monitoring system. HIRS is an infrared sounder,
viewing the upwelling radiation from the atmosphere
below the spacecraft. HIRS has 20 channels, formed
using interference pass-band filters, throughout the
thermal infrared, including 3 that measure around
6.3 mm wavelength in the v2 emission band of water
vapor. The ‘footprint’ or spatial resolution of HIRS is
about 25 km in the nadir, and about 40 km at each end
of the sideways scan that it uses to maximize coverage.
Table 2 gives some of the important parameters of
channel 12 of HIRS, which detects upper-tropospheric
water vapor.
The upwelling IR radiation comes from a restricted
range of altitudes, defined by the strength of water
vapor absorption at each wavelength. This idea is
captured by the definition of the weighting function,
WðzÞ , introduced above, which measures the relative
amount of radiant energy reaching the spacecraft
flying above the atmosphere from each layer within the
atmosphere. WðzÞ is actually equal to the vertical
derivative of transmittance at the wavelength in
question, as shown in eqn [4]. An example of the
typical shape of the HIRS 12 weighting function is
shown in Figure 1. At wavelengths where the spectral absorption coefficient is larger, the curve shown is
higher in the atmosphere, and vice versa for a
wavelength at which the absorption coefficient
is smaller.
In order to develop a qualitative understanding of
the shape of the weighting function, and how its height
depends on absorption coefficient, consider the following. From the highest layers of the atmosphere, the
density of water vapor is very low, so that the emission
signal reaching our spacecraft instrument is very low
from these layers. If we imagine moving deeper into
the atmosphere, the emission signal seen at the
spacecraft increases, as the density of water vapor
increases. At some point, defined by the magnitude
of the absorption coefficient at the wavelength in
Table 1 Satellite instruments for measurements of water vapor: a sample
Period of assessment
Vertical range
1. IR emission
TOVS (nadir sounder)
LIMS (limb sounder)
641 S–841 N
1979–1999 (daily)
Oct. 1978–May 1979 (daily)
200 hPa to 500 hPa
1 hPa to 100 hPa
2. Microwave emission (limb)
MLS stratospheric
341 N–801 S or 341 S–801 N
See MLS stratospheric
0.01 hPa to 100 hPa
147, 215, 316, 464 hPa
Near-global range of latitudes
per Shuttle mission
Sep. 1991–Apr. 1993
Sep. 1991–Sep. 1994; intermittent
Mar/Apr. 1992, Apr. 1993,
Nov. 1994
701 S–701 N
571 N–731 N, 641 S–881 S
541 N–711 N, 631 S–881 S
Oct. 1991–Sep. 1999
Nov. 1996–Jun. 1997
Mar. 1998–Sep. 1999
0.01 hPa to 200 hPa
0.1 hPa to cloud tops
3 hPa to cloud tops
3. Solar occultation (limb)
POAM III (solar occultation)
0.01 hPa to 50 hPa
Table 2 Characteristics of the HIRS channel 12
Measure upwelling clear-sky IR emission
near 6.3 mm.
1.11 K (5 observations per month); 0.11 K
(100 observations per month); 0.1 K
0.01 K.
Time/space resolution Monthly averages; 2.51 latitude and
Altitude range
200–500 hPa (depends on water vapor
Onboard black body and cold space view.
question, another effect begins to come into play:
because the emitting layers are now overlain by quite a
lot of absorbing water vapor, the IR radiation emitted
from these layers towards space is actually partly
absorbed before it emerges from the top of the
atmosphere. Moving deeper still into the atmosphere
means that this reabsorption effect increases, until, for
the deepest layers (depending on the absorption
coefficient, and therefore the wavelength), the energy
actually reaching the top of the atmosphere can fall to
near zero. Hence the general shape of the weighting
function. If the wavelength is changed to a more
absorbing one, the height of the peak in WðzÞ rises, and
vice versa. In this way, though with modest vertical
resolution, the water vapor density of the troposphere
can be mapped in three dimensions as the satellite
orbits over the greater part of the globe.
Data from HIRS/TOVS have been available since
1979, with minimal gaps, and provide an important
source of information about the distribution and
variability of water vapor in the troposphere, used by
scientists interested in both short-term weather and
long-term climate. Figure 2 illustrates some data from
An instrument called MOPITT (Measurements Of
Pollution In The Troposphere) was launched on board
the Terra satellite in December 1999, to provide
measurements of CO in the troposphere, with relatively coarse vertical resolution, but with good horizontal sampling; these allow maps of CO distribution
to be produced, and MOPITT techniques are also
Wet tropical profile
Dry tropical profile
PW1000−500 = 19.927 kg m−2
PW500−300 = 0.043 kg m−2
PW300−100 = 0.005 kg m−2
PW1000−500 = 38.198 kg m−2
PW500−300 = 1.534 kg m−2
PW300−100 = 0.129 kg m−2
Height (km)
Pressure (hPa)
SSM/T2 channel 2
HIRS channel 12
GMS-5 channel 4
Normalized weighting function
Normalized weighting function
Figure 1 Examples of weighting functions for HIRS 12 in the TOVS package. The HIRS 12 weighting function for two different profiles of
water vapor, expressed as the precipitable water vapor in the layers 1000–500, 500–300, and 300–100 hPa, are shown, compared with
weighting functions for two other instruments, SSM/T2, and GMS-5, a geostationary instrument.
UTH DJF (1980−1997)
UTH MAM (1980−1997)
UTH JJA (1980−1997)
UTH SON (1980−1997)
Figure 2 Measurements of upper-tropospheric humidity (UTH) in the layer 500–200 hPa measured by HIRS, expressed as maps for the
four seasons DJF, MAM, JJA, and SON, averaged over the years 1980–1997.
usable in principle to measure water vapor. In
addition, in 2003 the EOS Aura satellite will carry
the TES (Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer) instrument, which will make a variety of very valuable
measurements of tropospheric constituents, including
water vapor, with excellent spatial and temporal
resolution. TES is based on the pedigree established
by the Fourier transform experiment called ATMOS,
which flew on the Space Shuttle, to measure the highresolution spectrum and composition of the stratosphere. Table 3 shows some of the basic characteristics
of TES.
Stratosphere In many ways, the remote sounding of
the stratosphere is simpler than that of the troposphere. This is because in the stratosphere there are
Table 3 TES characteristics
Maximum sampling time of 16 s with a signal-to-noise ratio of up to
Limb mode: altitude coverage 5 0–34 km
Nadir and limb viewing (fully targetable)
Spectral region: 3.2 to 15.4 mm
Swath: 5.3 8.5 km
Spatial resolution: 0.53 5.3 km
Mass: 385 kg (allocation)
Power: 334 W (allocation)
Data rate: 6.2 Mbps (peak); 4.9 Mbps (average)
Physical size: 140 130 135 cm (stowed); 304 130 135 cm
virtually no clouds to interrupt the line of sight and
complicate the observed signal; the densities are lower,
so that spectral lines are narrow and better separated
than in the troposphere; and techniques like limb
sounding may be used, in which the long path to the
horizon maximizes the signal from trace molecules,
and provides a cold background of space against
which to make measurements. These advantages are
considerable, and have led to the development of many
stratospheric remote sounding techniques, while
tropospheric sounding is still in its infancy.
As an example, we take the Limb Infrared Monitor
of the Stratosphere (LIMS), which flew on the Nimbus
7 satellite, and which operated from 25 October 1978
to 28 May 1979. LIMS was a cryogenically cooled
broadband filter radiometer, which included a water
vapor channel at 6.9 mm. The 7-month life was limited,
by design, by the lifetime of the solid cryogens used.
LIMS provided the first comprehensive global view
of stratospheric water vapor. The new data were used,
along with measurements of CH4 from the UK
Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder (SAMS), to
study the budget of water vapor and hydrogen in the
stratosphere. Precision, or relative accuracy, varied
from 710% for pressures greater than about 10 hPa
to 15% between 5 and 10 hPa. Much was learned
about the operation and characteristics of an advanced
IR sounder during this experiment, experience which
was valuable in developing later generations of
The LIMS experiment has been followed by other IR
sensors, employing a variety of techniques, too many
to be reviewed fully here. The reader is referred to the
survey contained in the book Earthwatch listed under
Further Reading.
Microwave Thermal Emission Measurements
of the Stratosphere
In the extreme far infrared, or microwave region, at
wavelengths beyond about 1 mm or so, a fundamental
change in techniques is necessary. Thermal radiation is
still emitted by all objects, but the intensity is so weak
that it may be detected with any certainty only by using
the radio techniques of superheterodyne detection.
Thus, systems involving mixers and local oscillators
(LO) have been developed (the mixers/detectors are
related to the old crystal set whiskers) and have been
used to detect the sidebands formed by mixing of the
incoming signal from the atmosphere with the LO.
Such systems have been developed over many
years to achieve the high sensitivity in brightness
temperature that is necessary to detect emission
lines from atmospheric gases such as H2O, O3 , CO,
ClO, and others.
The principal advantages of the microwave technique are that the spectral resolution of the system is
extremely high, so that atmospheric line shapes can be
resolved, while at these long wavelengths, scattering
due to particles and droplets is small (cf. the l4
dependence of Rayleigh scattering on wavelength), so
that clouds and dust are less of a problem to remote
sounding. Problems can arise in the calibration of such
systems, for example because standing waves are set
up in apparatus which can change if a component is
physically rotated or moved, and which can give rise to
a varying background signal. Also, because of the long
wavelength, diffraction limits the field of view that
Solar occultation, uses the Sun as a source of radiation
and measures the change in signal as the Sun rises or
sets behind the limb of the atmosphere. Solar occultation has been used with great success in a number of
experiments. We note the valuable data produced by
the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment
(SAGE). However, we use as an example the most
highly successful stratospheric experiment perhaps of
recent times, the Halogen Occultation Experiment
(HALOE). This is a thermal IR solar occultation
device with a number of spectral channels, which uses
gas correlation techniques as well as broadband filters.
In gas correlation spectroscopy, a sample of the gas to
be detected is carried in a cell on board, and provides a
natural filter to atmospheric radiation specifically
from that gas. HALOE has worked now for just on 10
years, and has provided a quite unprecedented set of
data on the stratosphere over this long period. Given
Solar Occultation Measurements
H2O mixing ratio (ppmv)
Pressure (hPa)
Approx Height (km)
can be achieved, unless very large antennae are
used. Nevertheless, very useful measurements have
been made, relatively uncontaminated by cloud or
The accuracy quoted for latest version of MLS water
vapor measurements is about 70.3 ppmv at 20 km,
0.2 ppmv at 40 km, and about 0.5 ppmv at 70 km.
The Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) which flew
on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
(UARS) demonstrated the true power of a limb
sounding microwave radiometer for making global
measurements for the first time. A more advanced
instrument is being developed for the NASA EOS Aura
mission, and is currently scheduled to be flown in
Some examples of MLS data, in a comparison with
HALOE measurements, are shown in Figure 3.
(B) Percentage difference (MLS-HALOE)
Figure 3 (A) Examples of midlatitude water vapor mixing ratios for the period Oct. 1991–Apr. 1993, measured by MLS (version 0104,
solid lines) and HALOE (version 19, broken lines). In each case the darker line is the mean and the lighter lines the standard deviation.
(B) Differences between MLS and HALOE: solid 5 mean difference; dotted 5 r.m.s. difference; dashed 5 absolute mean difference;
dot–dashed 5 combined instrumental uncertainties.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Figure 4 HALOE sampling pattern for the year of 1995. Circles
mark the tangent points for sunrise observations, crosses those for
sunset observations. The tracks are due to a combination of orbit,
season, and the reversal of the spacecraft for thermal balance
that more and more scientific interest is coming to be
centered on long-term changes in our climate, the
continued operation of this extremely valuable instrument is most important.
Among the advantages of this experiment are the
well-known ones due to limbsounding (see earlier). In
addition, however, the solar occultation method
allows an absolute calibration against the Sun
outside the atmosphere at each limb scan. This has
proven an extremely important advantage when
the data have come to be used for long-term trend
and variability studies. The main disadvantage
of the solar occultation technique is that since the
measurement is made only during local sunrise and
sunset, only two measurements are made per orbit:
for a 15 orbit day, that is 30 observations per day,
with a quite widely spaced horizontal sampling (see
Figure 4). This should be compared with the closely
spaced, uniform sampling possible from a nadir
sounder like HIRS.
HALOE measures not only H2O but also CH4 , O3 ,
NO, NO2 , and temperature. The combination of
water vapor and methane measured simultaneously by
one sensor has been exploited by a number of groups
to study the hydrogen budget and water vapor trends
of the stratosphere: trends of the order of
50–150 ppbv year 1 occurred during the first half of
the 1990s, less in the second half. Such changes
produce significant change in the water vapor amount
in the stratosphere, which may influence the radiative
balance due to this species.
Figure 5 shows an estimate from HALOE data
of the trends over the periods January 1992–December
1996 and January 1992–April 1999, demonstrating the change in trends detected over these
Jan 1992−Dec 1996
Jan 1992−Apr 1999
Pressure (hPa)
Trend (ppbv y−1)
Figure 5 Trends in stratospheric water vapor at levels between 120 and 0.15 hPa for two periods, Jan. 1992–Dec. 1996 (dotted) and
Jan. 1992–Apr. 1999 (solid). Bars show standard deviation at each level.
2012 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Wind, Middle Atmosphere
two periods. These trends are still not well understood,
but it has been shown that they have a significant
effect on the Earth’s radiative energy balance.
See also
Climate: Overview. Global Change: Upper Atmospheric
Change. Methane. Observations for Chemistry (In
Situ): Gas Chromatography; Resonance Fluorescence;
Water Vapor Sondes. Observations for Chemistry
(Remote Sensing): IR/FIR; Microwave. Satellite Remote Sensing: Water Vapor. Stratospheric Chemistry
and Composition: Hydrogen Budget. Stratospheric
Water Vapor.
Further Reading
For more comprehensive information about missions,
instruments and data, the reader is particularly directed
towards the following two publications:
Harries JE (1995) Earthwatch: The Climate from Space.
SPARC Assessment of Upper Tropospheric and Stratospheric Water Vapour (2000) World Climate Research
Programme Report No. 113, World Meteorological
Organisation, Geneva. (The author is particularly indebted to the authors of this report, which has provided
very valuable background in writing this article.)
Also, the NASA web site gives details of many instruments
and missions:
Wind, Middle Atmosphere
P B Hays and W R Skinner, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Historical Perspective
The middle atmosphere is that portion of our atmosphere above the troposphere where we live and below
the high altitudes where the atmosphere is exposed to
the extreme ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Motion of the air in this middle region of the atmosphere
has traditionally been difficult to observe owing to its
remoteness. Historically, what we understand about
the dynamics of the middle atmosphere has been based
on theoretical prediction. It is known that this region is
strongly influenced by the absorption of sunlight by
ozone and by the upward propagation of wave
energy generated by heating of the Earth’s
surface and by weather systems in the troposphere.
However, direct observations of the motions resulting
from these sources of energy were extremely difficult
to obtain.
In the period following World War II, direct
observations of winds in these high regions were first
obtained by tracking smoke and vapor trails generated
from payloads carried on small sounding rockets.
These observations were extended by using other
rocket-borne means of observing the winds, including
timing the arrival on the ground of sound bursts
generated by a series of grenades, tracking lightweight
inflated Mylar spheres by radar as they descended
through the moving atmosphere, and observing more
exotic vapor trails from several ground stations.
However, the most important information came with
the introduction of high-frequency sounding radar
systems that observed the motion of irregularities in
the upper regions of the atmosphere. These important
observations allowed the time variation of the winds
over a ground station to be followed throughout the
day and over long time periods to reveal the diurnal
and seasonal behavior of the middle atmosphere.
These mixed techniques provided a glimpse of what
the atmosphere was doing in a series of places on
Earth, but many mysteries remained concerning the
global behavior of the atmosphere.
Satellite Observations
In the early 1980s a series of satellites, called the
Dynamics Explorers, were launched to examine the
behavior of the thermosphere by observing a large
number of the variables that defined the state of that
region of the atmosphere. One of these satellites
contained an instrument that was designed to measure
the winds in the upper atmosphere by determining the
Doppler shift of isolated spectral features in the
spectrum of light emitted from the thermosphere.
This instrument, called the Fabry–Perot Interferometer, was able to detect the slight shift in wavelength of
light caused by the Doppler effect when the lightemitting gas was in motion relative to the spacecraft.
This instrument was very small and relatively unsophisticated but was able to define on a global
scale the relatively large dynamic motions of the
The Dynamics Explorer Fabry–Perot Interferometer illustrated that the winds could be observed
remotely from a satellite by using an instrument that
could detect the Doppler shift of sharp spectral
features in the spectrum of light emitted or scattered
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Wind, Middle Atmosphere 2013
by the atmosphere. In the early 1980s when the
Dynamics Explorers were still in orbit, construction of
a new satellite was begun. This satellite, called the
Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS), was
designed to observe the entire middle atmosphere with
a multiplicity of instruments in order to define the
dynamic and chemical state of this important region.
Again it was recognized that the dynamics of the
middle atmosphere needed to be defined if the chemistry and thermodynamic state of the middle atmosphere were to be understood. Two instruments were
selected for this purpose, one called the High Resolution Doppler Imager (HRDI) and the other the Wind
Imaging Interferometer (WINDII). HRDI was designed to remotely sense the winds in the middle
atmosphere, and WINDII to sense the winds in the
thermosphere and upper reaches of the middle atmosphere. These two instruments have vastly increased
the knowledge of the dynamic state of the entire upper
regions of the atmosphere above the tropopause. The
instruments are similar in concept, but quite different
in detail. Thus, a discussion of their true natures will be
given to introduce the observations that have been
made by these two unique sensors.
High Resolution Doppler Imager (HRDI)
The HRDI has at its heart a very sensitive Fabry–Perot
interferometer to detect the small wavelength shifts
that are caused by the Doppler shift of absorption and
emission lines in the Earth’s spectrum. HRDI must
look at both absorption and emission lines, and thus is
somewhat more complex than WINDII, which views
only isolated emission lines. HRDI consists of three
components: a telescope for viewing the atmosphere,
an interferometer, and a microprocessor and electronics. Light from the atmosphere is collected by a fully
gimbaled telescope that allows observations on either
side of the spacecraft to be obtained in rapid sequence.
The HRDI telescope is mounted on the bottom of the
UARS spacecraft and is able to view most of the
hemisphere below the satellite. This allows the instrument to examine the horizon of the atmosphere all the
way around the UARS spacecraft. An illustration of
the HRDI telescope is shown in Figure 1. During the
launch phase of the mission the aperture is covered by
the caging device. After the satellite reaches orbit, the
cover is pulled away and the telescope zenith and
azimuth drives are actuated to view points on the
atmospheric horizon.
Light enters the interferometer either from the
telescope or from calibration sources. The light beam
is expanded and passes through broadband filters
contained in one of two filter wheels. The beam is then
Zenith drive
Azimuth drive
Optical interface
Figure 1 A schematic illustration of the HRDI telescope.
further expanded and enters the spectrally sensitive
interferometer, which contains three progressively
higher-resolution spectral filters called etalons. The
spectrally dispersed beam is focused onto a multichannel concentric ring image plane detector that
spatially scans the ring-shaped wavelength pattern. A
schematic illustration of the interferometer is shown in
Figure 2. This diagram shows the light rod that
transmits the light from the telescope to the interferometer, the filter wheels, followed by the three
spectrally sensitive etalons (HRE, MRE, LRE), and
finally the image plane detector (IPD) where the
spectrum is examined.
Doppler shifts of monochromatic emission lines
appear on the detector as changes in the diameter of
the ring of light that is imaged by the etalons onto the
detector. Figure 3 shows the signal observed by an
emission line on the image plane detector with and
without a Doppler shift. Figure 3 clearly demonstrates
that the shift has a very small effect at the line center:
the most notable change is seen on the sides of the line.
The Doppler shift causes the signal on one side of the
line to increase and the signal on the other side to
decrease. Careful measurement of this signal difference allows the Doppler shift of the line to be
The design of HRDI allows for versatile programming of operational modes, which are stored in the
computer’s memory as lookup tables. A single mode is
described to illustrate the sequence of operations used
by the instrument to determine the wind as the satellite
moves along its orbit. A stratospheric daytime wind
mode is described in which the atmosphere from 10 to
40 km in altitude is observed with a horizontal
resolution of about 500 km along the orbit. The
telescope initially looks forward at an azimuth of
about 451 from the spacecraft velocity vector, and
vertically scans the atmosphere in 2.5 km steps by
pointing at the horizon. After this sequence is performed, the telescope slews to look backward, at an
azimuth of 1351 to the satellite velocity vector.
The altitude scan is repeated to provide the second
2014 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Wind, Middle Atmosphere
Figure 2 A schematic illustration of the HRDI interferometer. HRE, MRE, LRE are high, medium-, and low-resolution etalons; IPD is the
image plane detector.
component of the wind at the same series of altitudes
as done in the forward scan. This cycle is continued
until a new mode of operation is commanded by the
instrument’s computer. A diagram of these operations
is shown in Figure 4.
Lines of Doppler shift are observed in the two
orthogonal directions and the selected altitudes and
converted to line-of-sight winds. These data are then
subjected to an inversion process that yields the
horizontal component of wind velocity at a set of
fixed altitudes at specified points along the satellite
orbit. The final step in processing the information is to
interpolate the data onto a common UARS temporal
and spatial grid for use by the scientific community.
The High Resolution Doppler Imager has been in
operation since early November 1991 and is still
providing the scientific community with detailed
observations of the winds in the middle atmosphere
as at this writing early in 2002. A diagram showing the
latitude coverage by HRDI over the first five years of
its history is shown in Figure 5, where the vertical bars
show where observation were made. In most cases,
each observation set consists of either stratospheric or
mesospheric altitude profiles of wind vectors.
Wind Imaging Interferometer (WINDII)
The WINDII senses temperatures and winds in the
upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere by meas-
uring both Doppler widths and shifts of isolated
spectral lines emitted by airglow and auroras in the
visible and near-infrared portion of the spectrum. The
instrument views the atmospheric line simultaneously
in two directions, 451 and 1351 from the velocity
vector and, owing to the spacecraft motion, the same
atmospheric region is viewed by each with a separation of a few minutes. This provides both horizontal
components of the neutral wind. An imaging detector
provides simultaneous measurements of temperature
and wind profiles over the instrument’s entire altitude
range. The instrument consists essentially of a chargecoupled device (CCD) camera viewing the limb of the
Earth through a field-widened Michelson interferometer. It takes four to eight images with the interferometer optical path difference changed by 1/4 or 1/8 of a
wavelength between images. It views a number of
emission lines in order to retrieve spectra from 70 to
315 km altitude. These emissions are summarized in
Table 1. The WINDII instrument began operation in
the fall of 1991 and is still capable of taking measurements in early 2002.
The basic approach of a Michelson interferometer is
to split an optical beam into two beams, insert a phase
delay between them, recombine them, and measure
the resulting signal. The phase delay is introduced by
forcing the beams to traverse separate paths of
unequal length. The signal as a function of the path
length difference is the Fourier transform of the input
spectrum. For a good representation of a general input
Signal level (arbitrary)
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Wind, Middle Atmosphere 2015
Unshifted line
Shifted line
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
_ 0.5
_ 1.0
_ 2.0
Channel number
Figure 3 Illustration of the effect of Doppler shifts on the
spectrum observed by HRDI. (A) Spectra with and without a small
Doppler shift. (B) The difference between the two spectra. The
center and wings are unaffected, but the sides show a dramatic
spectrum to be obtained, the path separations must
vary by a significant distance, up to several centimeters. However, a significant simplification is possible
for the type of observations conducted by WINDII.
The spectral region examined is very small, containing
at most two or three emission lines of a known spectral
shape and a small continuum background that can be
assumed to be spectrally flat. For the fundamental
quantities of the lines (position, which provides the
wind; width, which provides the temperature; and
brightness, which provides the volume emission rate)
and the background to be obtained, the amount of
movement between the two paths need only be about a
wavelength of light as long as the paths have a mean
separation of about 4.5 cm.
The WINDII optics are shown in Figure 6. The
Michelson interferometer optics consist of a cemented
glass hexagonal beam splitter, a glass block with a
deposited mirror in one arm of the interferometer, and
a glass block combined with an air gap and a
piezoelectrically driven mirror in the other arm. The
mirror position is controlled through capacitive sensing to provide stability and accurate step size. The
CCD camera consists of a fast camera lens and an RCA
501E CCD cooled to 501C. The imaging area has
320 256 pixels, with a corresponding storage area
into which the image is shifted after the exposure.
During readout, binning and windowing techniques
select desired altitude ranges, and tailor the image to
the available telemetry rate. Interference filters are
mounted in a temperature-controlled filter wheel
assembly to isolate specific spectral lines. The two
telescope inputs provide two fixed views of the
atmosphere at 451 and 1351 to the flight directions.
They are designed to minimize stray light, to transform
the field of view to the desired value, and to provide a
suitable location for the beam combiner. The WINDII
mechanical configuration is shown in Figure 7. The
two orthogonal input beams enter through the two
ports on the left in the outer baffle assembly (each 1 m
45 °
Warm side
585 km
2500 km
Cold side
Figure 4 Illustration of the telescope viewing during a normal science mode. Actual modes will look on just one side of the spacecraft or
the other. Typical HRDI operations look on the warm side (toward the Sun) to maximize the signal and coverage.
2016 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Wind, Middle Atmosphere
90° N
60° N
30° N
30° S
60° S
90° S
90° N
60° N
30° N
30° S
60° S
90° S
Figure 5 Latitude coverage of the HRDI instrument from the beginning of the operations in October 1992 through July 1996. A vertical
line is drawn covering the latitude extent for each day the instrument was switched on.
long) and cross over before entering the inner baffle
assembly. The two inputs are combined into a single
beam that passes through the filter wheel and the rear
telescope before entering the Michelson interferometer in its thermal enclosure. The optical train also
contains the filter wheel, a mirror for calibration
sources, and an aperture stopdown to provide lower
scattered light levels for daytime viewing. The CCD
camera is located immediately behind the Michelson
interferometer. A separate calibration box contains
spectral lamps, a tungsten lamp that acts as a continuum source, and a laser. An internal microprocessor
controls all of the instrument functions including
camera control, filter wheel control, thermal control,
and control of all other mechanisms. Buffer memory
exists for additional onboard processing of the
image data before the data are sent to the telemetry
stream. The instrument parameters are summarized
in Table 2.
The data undergo several transformations that
convert the raw telemetry into profiles of geophysical
quantities. The first reads the telemetry and generates a
level one file that corrects for instrument effects such as
dark count and background subtraction, and for
observatory effects such as roll offsets and pixel
location, and then converts the signal to intensity
units (Rayleighs). The Rayleigh is a convenient unit of
brightness that was invented by Lord Rayleigh and is a
brightness of 106 photons per square centimeter per
second. These data are then inverted into vertical
profiles of emission rate, temperature, and horizontal
wind components for both fields of view. These
profiles from the two fields of view are then combined
to obtain meridional and zonal wind profiles. This
level 2 file is then mapped onto a specific grid (called
level 3) that is common for all UARS instruments.
Satellite Observation of Middle
Atmosphere Winds
During the lifetime of the Upper Atmosphere Research
Satellite, the HRDI and the WINDII have revolutionized our knowledge of the winds in the middle
Table 1 Emission characteristics of spectral features observed by WINDII
Wavelength (nm)
Filter bandwidth
FWHM (nm)
Height range (km)
O(1S) green line
O(1D) red line
OH (8–3) band
O2 atmospheric (0–0) band
80–110, 150–300
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Wind, Middle Atmosphere 2017
Front telescope
Rear telescaope
Limb pointing
Figure 6 A schematic diagram of the WINDII optical system.
atmosphere. The information that has been provided
by the two instruments can be divided into classes by
considering the short-term, or daily, variations, and
the longer-term (seasonal and interannual) variations
of the winds on a global basis.
The instantaneous picture of the winds in the upper
regions of the middle atmosphere exhibits the most
dramatic variations. In the upper mesosphere, the
energy being propagated upward from the diurnal
oscillation of solar heating at the surface and in the
lower regions of the atmosphere results in a very
dramatic diurnal solar tide that grows exponentially
with altitude. The first maps of the wind fields taken by
HRDI shortly after launch, shown here in Figure 8,
exhibit extreme oscillations in the 80–100 km altitude
region. The equatorial winds at 80 km observed by the
satellite as it passed through local noon are directed
Michelson interferometer
and thermal enclosure
Thermal radiator plate
Rear telescope
CCD camera
Filter wheel
Split field telescope
Outer thermal
points to UARS
(1 of 3)
Electrical and
fiberoptics cable
Outer baffle assembly
Electrical unit
Figure 7 The WINDII instrument configuration.
2018 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Wind, Middle Atmosphere
Table 2 WINDII instrument parameter summary
Type of instrument
Geophysical parameters determined
Field-widened Michelson interferometer
Atmospheric temperature, horizontal wind vector, volume emission
550–780 nm
Limb view at 451 and 1351 to spacecraft velocity vector, maximum
latitude viewed in 741
61,corresponding to 70–315 km altitude
4 km at limb (nominal)
20 km at limb
B8 s
1.78 10 7 sr pixel 1
32.7 cm2 (night) 3.60 cm2 (day)
30 electrons s 1 pixel 1
100 electrons
75 electrons count 1
B5 10 3 counts s 1 Rayleigh 1 (night)
B5 10 4 counts s 1 Rayleigh 1 (day)
Wavelength coverage
Viewing geometry
Vertical field of view
Vertical resolution
Horizontal resolution
Time to perform single measurement
Field of view
Aperture area
Detector thermal noise
Read noise
strongly toward the west with magnitudes in excess
of 75 m s 1. At the 90 km level, the situation is very
different, with little or no wind seen near the
Equator. As the satellite orbital plane rotates through
local time, the pattern of winds shows strong local
time variations, reversing every 12 h in a sinusoidal
Wind field at 80.0 km
Wind field at 85.0 km
50° N
50° S
75 m s−1
75 m s−1
Wind field at 90.0 km
Wind field at 95.0 km
50° N
50° S
75 m s−1
75 m s−1
180° W 135° W 90° W
45° W
45° E
90° E 135° E 180° E
180° W 135° W 90° W
45° W
45° E
90° E 135° E 180° E
Figure 8 Vector wind fields for 25 March 1992 (day 92085) showing cuts of the data at (A) 80, (B) 85, (C) 90, and (D) 95 km.There are
about 15 orbits every day and all the orbits follow almost the same local time path. The alternating converging/diverging flows at lower
latitudes are a clear signature of the diurnal migrating tide.
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Wind, Middle Atmosphere 2019
Major long-term variations of the tidal oscillations
have been discovered over the past eight years with a
clear pattern of large amplitudes in the tides at the
equinoxes and minimal amplitudes at times of the
solstice. This is further illustrated in Figure 10, which
shows the seasonal variation of the tidal amplitude for
1992 through 1996. Notice here that the tidal amplitude reaches a maximum in the spring and fall, while
reaching minimum values in the solstices. It is also
interesting that over longer periods the pattern of tidal
amplitude variations exhibits large interannual variability that has recently been shown to be correlated
with the semiannual oscillation that is seen in the
local time pattern. This pattern of strong altitude
variations at a particular location and local time is
characteristic of a global gravity wave or tidal oscillations of the atmosphere and was predicted theoretically much earlier. The winds increase in magnitude
with altitude in an inverse relation to the square root
of the density (see Figure 9) until dissipation starts
to damp the waves near the 100 km level. Figure 9
shows the amplitude and phase of the diurnal tide
for two seasons, with the spring having a much larger
tide than the summer. In this figure a comparison
between the HRDI observations and model simulations from the Global-Scale Wave Model (GSWM)
is shown.
Altitude (km)
Amplitude (m s 1)
Amplitude (m s 1)
Altitude (km)
Phase (h)
Phase (h)
Figure 9 Comparison between HRDI meridional wind diurnal tidal amplitudes and phases (solid line) with the GSWM results (dashed
line) as a function of altitude at a latitude of 201 for the two months April and July.
2020 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Wind, Middle Atmosphere
Amplitude (m s_1)
Oct. Jan. Apr. Jul. Oct. Jan. Apr. Jul. Oct. Jan. Apr. Jul. Oct. Jan.
Phase (h)
_ 12
Jan Apr.
Jan Apr.
Apr Jul.
Jan Apr.
Jul Oct.
Apr Jul.
Jul Oct.
Apr Jul.
Jul Oct.
Oct Jan.
Oct Jan.
Oct Jan.
Oct Jan.
Figure 10 Daily estimates of the (1,1) diurnal component of the meridional wind obtained from HRDI data for an altitude of 95 km
and a latitude of 201. Panel (A) shows the derived amplitudes and panel (B) the phases, defined as the local time of the maximum
positive (northward) wind at a latitude of 201 N. The solid line is a 10-day running average, which serves to highlight the long-term
The upper regions of the middle atmosphere
also oscillate on shorter and longer time scales.
A semi-diurnal tide is observed in the middle
and high latitudes, again showing regular seasonal
asymmetries have been identified. Global oscillations
with 3-day and 5-day periods are observed. These
longer-period waves appear for very short times
and appear to be generated by instabilities in the
In addition to these short-term oscillations of the
middle atmosphere, there are longer-term variations in
the mean winds at altitude. The long-term variation in
winds in the middle atmosphere is shown in Figure 11,
where the mean zonal wind is presented as a function
of altitude at the Equator, and as a function of latitude
at a fixed altitude of 82.5 km. The background zonal
wind observed by the HRDI has an interesting
behavior exhibiting regular direction changes with
the winds shifting from easterly to westerly in a very
regular semiannual pattern in the altitude range
from 70 to 90 km. Note that the easterly wind
maxima occur at the equinoxes, while the weaker
westerly maxima occur near the solstices. These
oscillations in the zonal wind are called the
mesospheric semiannual oscillation. The semiannual
oscillation in the zonal wind field is in accord with the
tidal amplitude variations that were noted earlier. In
addition to the semiannual variation in both the zonal
wind and the tides, there are longer-term modulations
of the amplitudes of the mesospheric semiannual
oscillation and of the tidal amplitudes that
correlate with the quasi-biannual oscillation in the
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Wind, Middle Atmosphere 2021
Altitude (km)
60° N
40° N
20° N
20° S
40° S
60° S
Oct. Jan. Apr. Jul. Oct. Jan. Apr. Jul. Oct. Jan. Apr. Jul. Oct. Jan.
Figure 11 Background zonal wind observed by the HRDI (A) as a function of altitude and time at the Equator and (B) as a function of
latitude and time at an altitude of 82.5 km.The contour levels are given every 10 m s 1.
The HRDI on the Upper Atmosphere Research
Satellite is the first instrument capable of performing
direct global-scale measurement of the stratospheric
wind field. When observing the winds in the stratosphere, HRDI detects the Doppler shift of absorption
features caused when light is transmitted through
the air in the stratosphere. The fact that HRDI can
observe a global-scale wind field extending from
about 15 to 40 km in altitude in a single day, coupled
with the length of the data set, has facilitated the
investigation of a range of temporal effects from shortterm (days) to long-term (years). Figure 12 is an
example of a stratospheric wind map obtained on a
single day.
The measurements shown here are distributed along
paths that are parallel to the satellite orbit tracks. To
suppress noise generated in the inversion process, the
HRDI wind analysis employs a sequential estimation
technique. The operation of the sequential estimation
procedure is such as to generate a vector for both the
upward and downward limb scans and for the forward
and backward line-of-sight measurements for approximately the same geographic location. Thus, clusters
of four vectors are generated, the members of which
are not independent of each other. Strong westerly
flows are seen in the Northern (winter) Hemisphere,
while in the Southern (summer) Hemisphere, the
winds are weaker and predominantly easterly. The
strong southward and northward flows over Canada
and Siberia, respectively, are indicative of planetary
wave activity.
Figure 13 is a chronological sequence of HRDI daily
stratospheric wind maps that document the breakup
of the Antarctic polar vortex in the austral spring of
1993. Here the dramatic decay of the polar vortex is
seen, the breakup of the cold polar air mass occurring
2022 SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Wind, Middle Atmosphere
50 m s_1
Figure 12 Global wind field obtained by HRDI on 15 February 1993 at an altitude of 25 km.Such maps can be obtained on a daily basis
for altitudes from 10 to 40 km, at intervals of 2.5 km.
as the Sun begins to heat the polar air in the polar
Longer time scales are represented by the time–
altitude sections of longitudinally and monthly averaged zonal winds at the Equator as measured by HRDI
and given by the UK Meteorological Office assimilation model, shown in Figure 14. Very close agreement
between HRDI and the model are apparent. Both
HRDI and the model reveal the well-known structure
of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in the middle
8 Sep. 1993
31 Oct. 1993
50 m s
19 Nov. 1993
29 Nov. 1993
Figure 13 Sequence of four HRDI Southern Hemisphere wind maps for an altitude of 25 km, documenting the breakup of the polar
vortex during the Antarctic spring of 1993. These data, together with simultaneous constituent measurements obtained by other UARS
instruments, provide important information on how the ozone hole is formed and how it ultimately contributes to global ozone depletion.
SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING / Wind, Middle Atmosphere 2023
_ 20
_ 40
Altitude (km)
_ 20
Altitude (km)
_ 40
Figure 14 Time–altitude sections of monthly zonally averaged zonal winds at the Equator (A) as measured by HRDI and (B) as
predicted by the UK Meteorological Office. Contours are at 5 m s 1 intervals.
stratosphere, with downward propagation of successive easterly and westerly flow regimes. Above 35 km
the principal feature in both sets of results is the
semiannual oscillation of the upper stratosphere. In
the discussion of the mesosphere, a clear relation
between the QBO and the mesospheric zonal winds
and the tides was seen.
The pattern of winds observed in the middle atmosphere clearly shows that the atmosphere is a tightly
coupled system. Both small-scale and global-scale
waves, like the diurnal tides, are generated in the lower
atmosphere and grow in amplitude as they propagate
upward into the less-dense regions of the middle
atmosphere, where they dissipate or break, releasing
energy into the surroundings. The energy and momentum released by these waves cause the middle
atmosphere to exhibit a behavior that is both unique
and related to the sources of disturbances from below.
Since both the sources of energy in the lower reaches of
the atmosphere and the transmission of this energy
upward are dependent on the season, we find that the
middle atmosphere is an extremely interesting region
of our atmosphere. In many ways the middle atmosphere is like the beach of a great ocean, responding to
events both near and remote, but always a place of
great fluctuation.
This interesting complexity has been revealed by the
direct observation of winds from space by the HRDI and
WINDII instruments, which have been in orbit for over
10 years on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite.
These instruments are pioneers and will eventually be
replaced by newer and more sensitive detectors of
atmospheric winds. The new instruments will be both
passive, possibly using the infrared region of the
spectrum, and active, using large lasers to stimulate
the atmosphere in a much more controlled fashion for
observations of the motions in a very small volume of
space. This new generation of observations will increase
the detail of what we know about the winds, but will
never provide the degree of excitement provided by the
first pioneering observations of winds from space.
See also
Middle Atmosphere: Gravity Waves; Polar Vortex; Quasi-Biennial Oscillation; Semiannual Oscillation; Zonal Mean
Further Reading
Andrews DG, Holton JR and Leony CB (1987) Middle
Atmosphere Dynamics. New York: Academic Press.
Bern M and Wolf E (1975) Principles of Optics. Oxford:
Hernandez G (1986) Fabry–Perot Interferometers. New
York: Cambridge University Press.
2024 SATELLITES / Orbits
Holton JR (1992) Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology.
New York: Academic Press.
Ortland DA (1995) A sequential estimation technique for
recovering atmospheric data from orbiting satellites. In:
Johnson RM and Killeen TL (eds) The Upper Mesosphere
and Lower Thermosphere: A Review of Experiment and
Theory, pp. 329–338. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union.
Shepherd GG (2002) Spectral Imaging of the Atmosphere.
New York: Academic Press.
Steel WH (1983) Interferometry, 2nd edn. New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Vaughan JM (1989) The Fabry–Perot Interferometer: History, Theory, Practice and Applications. Philadelphia:
Adam Hilger.
Research (Atmospheric Science)
S Q Kidder, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO,
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
To fully understand and use data from meteorological
satellites, it is necessary to understand the orbits in
which satellites are constrained to move and the
geometry with which they view the Earth. This article
begins with a review of basic physical principles,
which reveal the shape of a satellite orbit and how to
orient the orbital plane in space. This knowledge
allows us to calculate the position of a satellite at any
time. Orbit perturbations and their effects on satellite
orbits are then discussed. Finally, the geometry of
satellite tracking and Earth location of the measurements made from the satellites are explored.
Newton’s Laws
Isaac Newton discovered the basic principles that
govern the motions of satellites and other heavenly
Newton’s Laws of Motion
1. Every body will continue in its state of rest or of
uniform motion in a straight line except insofar as
it is compelled to change that state by an impressed
2. The rate of change of momentum is proportional to
the impressed force and takes place in the line in
which the force acts.
3. Action and reaction are equal and opposite.
Since momentum is the product of the mass of a body
and its velocity, Newton’s second law is the familiar
eqn [1], where F is force, m is mass, a is acceleration, v
is velocity, and t is time.
F ¼ ma ¼ m
In addition, Newton gave us the functional form of the
force that determines satellite motion in the law of
Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
The force of attraction between two point masses m1
and m2 separated by a distance r is given by eqn [2],
where G is the Newtonian (or universal) gravitation
constant (6.67259 10 11 N m2 kg 2).
Gm1 m2
Consider the simple circular orbit shown in Figure 1.
Assuming that the Earth is a sphere, we can treat it as a
point mass. The centripetal force required to keep the
satellite in a circular orbit is mv2 =r, where v is the
orbital velocity of the satellite. The force of gravity
that supplies this centripetal force is Gme m=r2 , where
me is the mass of the Earth (5.97370 1024 kg) and m
Therefore, the required radius for a geosynchronous
orbit is about 42 164 km, or about 35 786 km above
the Earth’s surface.
Keplerian Orbits
Although a circular orbit is the goal for most
meteorological satellites, in general satellites do not
travel in perfect circles. The exact form of a satellite’s
orbit may be derived from Newton’s laws of motion
and the law of universal gravitation. The results of this
derivation are neatly summarized in Kepler’s laws and
in Kepler’s equation.
Kepler’s Laws
Figure 1 A circular satellite orbit.
is the mass of the satellite. Equating the two forces
gives eqn [3].
mv2 Gme m
Division by m eliminates the mass of the satellite from
the equation, which means that the orbit of a satellite is
independent of its mass. The period of the satellite is
the circumference of the orbit divided by the velocity
(eqn [4]).
Substituting eqn [4] in eqn [3] gives eqn [5] for the
4p2 3
T2 ¼
A typical weather satellite orbits 833 km above the
Earth’s surface. Since the equatorial radius of the Earth
is 6378.137 km, the orbit radius is about 7211 km.
Substituting in eqn [5] yields a period of about 6094 s
or 102 min.
As a second example, we calculate the radius
required for a satellite in geosynchronous orbit, that
is, an orbit in which the satellite has the same angular
velocity as the Earth (7.29211510 5 rad s 1). The
angular velocity of a satellite is given by eqn [6].
Substituting eqn [6] in eqn [5] gives eqn [7] for the
r3 ¼
Johannes Kepler died 12 years before Newton
was born and, thus, did not have the advantage
of Newton’s work. Kepler formulated his laws
by analyzing data on the position of the planets.
This task was complicated by the rotation of the
Earth and the motion of the Earth about the
Sun, which make planetary motions seem very
complex. In modern form, Kepler’s laws may be
stated as follows.
1. All planets travel in elliptical paths with the Sun at
one focus.
2. The radius vector from the Sun to a planet sweeps
out equal areas in equal times.
3. The ratio of the square of the period of revolution
of a planet to the cube of its semimajor axis is
the same for all planets revolving around the
The same laws apply if we substitute satellite for planet
and Earth for Sun. Equation [5] is a statement of
Kepler’s third law for the special case of a circular
Ellipse Geometry
The parameters that are used to specify satellite
orbits are based in part on geometric terminology.
Figure 2 illustrates the geometry of an elliptical
orbit. The point where the satellite most closely
approaches the Earth is termed the perigee, or
more generally the perifocus. The point where
the satellite is farthest from the Earth is called
the apogee or apofocus. The distance from the center
of the ellipse to the perigee (or apogee) is the
semimajor axis (denoted by the symbol a). The
distance from the center of the ellipse to one focus
(to the center of the Earth) divided by the semimajor
axis is the eccentricity ðeÞ. For an ellipse, the
eccentricity is a number between zero and 1
ð0oeo1Þ. A circle is an ellipse with zero eccentricity.
2026 SATELLITES / Orbits
Figure 2 Elliptical orbit geometry.
The equation for the ellipse, that is, the path that the
satellite follows, is given in polar coordinates with the
center of the Earth as origin by eqn [8].
að1 e2 Þ
1 þ e cos y
The angle y (see Figure 3) is the ‘true anomaly’ and is
always measured counterclockwise (the direction of
satellite motion) from the perigee.
Kepler’s Equation
A satellite in a circular orbit has uniform angular
velocity. By Kepler’s second law, however, a satellite
in an elliptical orbit cannot have uniform angular
velocity; it must travel faster when it is closer
to the Earth. The position of the satellite as a function
of time can be found by applying Kepler’s equation
M ¼ nðt tp Þ ¼ M0 þ nðt t0 Þ ¼ e e sin e
Here M is the mean anomaly, an angle that increases
linearly in time at the rate n, called the mean motion
constant, given by eqn [10].
By definition, M is zero when the satellite is at perigee;
therefore, tp is the time of perigeal passage. Time t0 is
called the epoch time. M0 is called the mean anomaly
true of epoch, that is, the mean anomaly at the epoch
time t0 . The angle e is the eccentric anomaly. It is
geometrically related to the true anomaly (Figure 3)
through eqns [11a] and [11b].
cos y ¼
cos e e
1 e cos e
cos e ¼
cos y þ e
1 þ e cos y
Given a, e, and tp (or M0 and t0 ), one can calculate r
and y at any time t using eqns [8]–[11].
as eqn [9].
Figure 3 The geometric relationship between true anomaly (y)
and eccentric anomaly (e).
Orientation in Space
By calculating r and y at time t, we have positioned the
satellite in the plane of its orbit. Now we must position
the orbital plane in space. To do this requires the
definition of a coordinate system. This coordinate
system must be an inertial coordinate system, that is, a
nonaccelerating system in which Newton’s laws of
motion are valid. A coordinate system fixed to the
rotating Earth is not such a system. We will adopt an
astronomical coordinate system called the right
Earthcs spin axis
Summer solstice
eq u
Figure 4 The right ascension–declination coordinate system.
ascension–declination coordinate system.1 In this
system (Figure 4), the z-axis is aligned with the Earth’s
spin axis. The x-axis is chosen such that it points from
the center of the Earth to the Sun at the moment of the
vernal equinox, when the sun is crossing the equatorial
plane from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern
Hemisphere.2 The y-axis is chosen so as to make it a
right-handed coordinate system. In this system, the
declination of a point in space is its angular displacement measured northward from the equatorial plane,
and the right ascension is the angular displacement,
measured counterclockwise from the x-axis, of
the projection of the point in the equatorial plane
(Figure 5).
Three angles are used to position an elliptical orbit
in the right ascension–declination coordinate system:
the inclination angle, the right ascension of ascending
node, and the argument of perigee (Figure 6).
The inclination angle (i) is the angle between the
equatorial plane and the orbital plane. By convention,
the inclination angle is zero if the orbital plane
coincides with the equatorial plane and if the
satellite rotates in the same direction as the Earth. If
the two planes coincide but the satellite rotates
opposite to the Earth, the inclination angle is 1801.
Prograde orbits are those with inclination angles less
than 901; retrograde orbits are those with i greater
than 901.
Because the origin of this coordinate system moves about the Sun
with the Earth, it is not truly inertial. However, the Sun’s gravity
causes the satellite to rotate around the Sun as does the Earth.
Therefore, the satellite acts as if the right ascension–declination
coordinate system were inertial.
This x-axis is also referred to as the First Point of Aries because it
used to point at the constellation Aries. Because of the influence of
the Sun and Moon on the nonspherical Earth, the Earth’s spin axis
precesses like a top with a period of 25 781 years. This causes the
vernal equinox to change. Today, the x-axis points to the
constellation Pisces, but it is still referred to as the First Point of
Figure 5 Coordinates used in the right ascension–declination
coordinate system: right ascension (O), declination (d), and radius
(r ).
2028 SATELLITES / Orbits
of Earth
nal x
Ver inox
e u
Figure 6 Angles used to orient an orbit in space.
The ascending node is the point where the satellite
crosses the equatorial plane going north (ascends). The
right ascension of this point is the right ascension of
ascending node ðOÞ. It is measured in the equatorial
plane from the x-axis (vernal equinox) to the ascending node. In practice, the right ascension of ascending node has a more general meaning. It is the right
ascension of the intersection of the orbital plane
with the equatorial plane; thus, it is always defined,
not just when the satellite is actually at an ascending
Finally, the argument of perigee ðoÞ is the angle
measured in the orbital plane between the ascending
node (equatorial plane) and the perigee.
anomaly. Also, in less formal descriptions of satellite
orbits, the height of the satellite above the Earth’s
surface is substituted for the semimajor axis. Since the
Earth is not round, the height of a satellite varies
according to its position in the orbit. Such heights are
converted into semimajor axis by adding the equatorial radius of the Earth.
Orbits in which the classical orbital elements
(except M) are constant are called Keplerian orbits.
Viewed from space, Keplerian orbits are simple. The
satellite moves in an elliptical path with the center of
the Earth at one focus. The ellipse maintains a constant
size, shape, and orientation with respect to the stars
(Figure 7). Perhaps surprisingly, the only effect of the
Sun’s gravity on the satellite is to move the focus of the
Orbital Elements
The parameters just discussed for locating a satellite in
space are collectively known as the classical orbital
elements; they are summarized in Table 1. These
parameters may be determined by optical, radar, or
radio ranging observations. They are carefully determined by various agencies and are available over the
Internet for most satellites. There is some variation in
how the orbital elements are specified. Some agencies,
for example, substitute true anomaly for mean
Table 1 Classical orbital elements
Semimajor axis
Argument of perigee
Right ascension of ascending node
Mean anomaly
Epoch time
Figure 7 The change with season of a Keplerian orbit.
ellipse (the Earth) in an elliptical path around the Sun
(the Earth’s orbit).
Viewed from the earth, Keplerian orbits appear
complicated because the Earth rotates on its axis as the
satellite orbits the Earth (Figure 8). The rotation of
the Earth beneath a fixed orbit results in two daily
passes of the satellite near a point on the Earth
(assuming that the period is substantially less than a
day and that the inclination angle is greater than the
latitude of the point). One pass occurs during the
ascending portion of the orbit; the other occurs during
the descending portion of the orbit. This usually means
that one pass occurs during daylight and one during
Orbit Perturbations
Although satellites travel in nearly Keplerian orbits,
these orbits are perturbed by a variety of forces
(Table 2). Forces arising from the last five processes
are small and can be viewed as causing essentially
random perturbations in the orbital elements.
Operationally they are dealt with simply by periodically (1) observing the orbital elements and (2)
adjusting the orbit with on-board thrusters. Forces
due to the nonsphericity of the Earth cause secular
(linear with time) changes in some of the orbital
elements. These changes can be predicted theoretically
and indeed are useful.
The gravitational potential of the Earth is a
complicated function of the Earth’s shape, the
distribution of land and ocean, and the density of
Table 2 Orbit-perturbing forces
Nonspherical gravitational field
nonhomogeneous earth
Moon, planets
Gravitational attraction of
auxiliary bodies
Radiation pressure
Particle flux
Lift and drag
Electromagnetic forces
Sun’s radiation
Solar wind
Residual atmosphere
Interaction of electrical
currents in the satellite
with the Earth’s magnetic
crustal material. As a first-order correction to a
spherical shape, we may treat the Earth as an oblate
spheroid of revolution. In cross-section, the Earth is
approximately elliptical. The distance from the center
of the Earth to the Equator is, on average,
6378.137 km, whereas the distance to the poles is
6356.752 km.The gravitational potential of the Earth
is given approximately by eqn [12], where ree is the
equatorial radius of the earth, d is the declination
angle, and J2 (1.082 63 10 3) is the coefficient of the
quadrupole term.
1 ree 2
1 3 sin2 d þ
1 þ J2
The higher-order terms are more than two orders of
magnitude smaller than the quadrupole term and will
not be considered here, although they are necessary for
very accurate calculations.
A satellite travels at a slightly different speed in this
gravitationally perturbed orbit. The time rate of
change of the mean anomaly is given by the mean
motion constant ðnÞ in the unperturbed orbit and by
the anomalistic mean motion constant ð
nÞ in a
perturbed orbit. Considering only the quadrupole
term we have eqn [13].
3 ree 2
¼ n 1 þ J2
ð1 e2 Þ3=2 1 sin2 i
Figure 8 The orbit of a representative satellite as viewed from a
point rotating with the Earth.
When the inclination angle is less than 54.71 or
is greater than n, and the
greater than 125.31, n
satellite orbits faster than it would in an unperturbed
orbit. For inclination angles between 54.71 and
125.31, the satellite orbits more slowly than it
otherwise would.
2030 SATELLITES / Orbits
The rate of change of the right ascension of
ascending node is given by eqn [14].
3 ree 2
ð1 e2 Þ2 cos i
n J2
The rate of change of the argument of perigee is given
by eqn [15].
3 ree 2
2 2
ð1 e Þ
2 sin i
The other three orbital elements, a, e, and i, undergo
small, oscillatory changes that may be neglected.
The anomalistic period of a perturbed orbit is
simply that given by eqn [16].
¼ 2p
However, because M is measured from perigee, the
anomalistic period is the time for the satellite to travel
from perigee to moving perigee. Of more use is the
~ , which is the time for the
synodic or nodal period, T
satellite to travel from one ascending node to the next
~ must be
ascending node. An exact value of T
calculated numerically; however, eqn [17] holds to
very good approximation.
þ ðdo=dtÞ
In summary, the first-order effects of the nonspherical
gravitational potential of the Earth consist of a slow,
linear change in two of the classical orbital elements,
the right ascension of ascending node and the
argument of perigee, and a small change in the mean
motion constant. Table 3 shows orbital elements for
some representative satellites.
Meteorological Satellite Orbits
Nearly all meteorological satellites are in one of two
orbits, Sun-synchronous or geostationary, but other
orbits are also useful.
Sun-Synchronous Orbits
As shown in Figure 7, in a Keplerian orbit the angle
between the Sun and the plane of a satellite’s orbit
changes because the orbital plane is fixed while the
Earth rotates around the Sun. This causes the satellite
to pass over an area at different times of the day. For
example, if the satellite passes over near noon (1200)
and midnight (2400) in the spring, it will pass over
near 0600 and 1800 in the winter. Fortunately, the
perturbations caused by the nonspherical earth can be
employed to keep the Sun–Earth–satellite angle nearly
The Earth makes one complete revolution about
the Sun (2p radians) in one tropical year
(31 556 925.9747 s). Thus, the right ascension of the
Sun changes at the average rate of 1.991064 10 7 rad
s 1 (0.98564731 day 1). If the inclination of the satellite
is correctly chosen, the right ascension of its ascending
node can be made to precess at this rate. An orbit that is
so synchronized with the Sun is called a Sun-synchronous
orbit. For a satellite with a semimajor axis of 7221 km
and zero eccentricity, eqn [14] requires an inclination of
98.751 to be Sun-synchronous. Figure 9 shows the
change with season of a Sun-synchronous orbit.
The subsatellite point is the point on the Earth’s
surface that is directly between the satellite and the
center of the Earth. The ground track of a satellite is
the path of the subsatellite point. Figure 10 shows the
ground track for three orbits of the Sun-synchronous
NOAA 11 satellite.
Geostationary Orbits
Earlier we calculated the radius of a geosynchronous
orbit to be 42 164 km. Perturbations due to the
nonspherical Earth, however, require a slight adjustment in this figure. The adjustment is small because the
radius of geosynchronous orbit is about 6.6 Earth radii
and the correction terms are inversely proportional to
the square of this ratio. For a geosynchronous orbit
with zero eccentricity and zero inclination, eqns [6], [13],
[15], and [17] require a semimajor axis of 42 166.3 km.
The terms geosynchronous and geostationary are
often used interchangeably. In fact, they are not the
same. Geosynchronous means that the satellite orbits
with the same angular velocity as the Earth. A
geostationary orbit is geosynchronous, but it is also
required to have zero inclination angle and zero
eccentricity. Geostationary satellites, therefore,
remain essentially motionless above a point on the
Equator. They are classified by the longitude of their
subsatellite point.
Second-order perturbations cause a geostationary
satellite to drift from the desired orbit. Periodic
maneuvers, performed as frequently as once a week,
are required to correct the orbit. These maneuvers
keep operational geostationary satellites very close to
the desired orbit.
Figure 11 shows the ground track of a typical
geostationary satellite.
Other Orbits
Geostationary and Sun-synchronous are only two of
an infinity of possible orbits. Others have been and will
become useful for meteorological satellites.
Table 3 Orbital elements of representative satellites
axis (km)
42 165.44
42 164.66
42 166.53
42 164.70
42 166.75
42 167.40
42 171.69
6 729.00
6 948.65
6 953.02
26 554.87
7 572.34
7 077.71
7 180.38
7 189.40
7 233.57
4.846 10 4
3.691 10 4
3.304 10 4
4.900 10 5
1.647 10 4
9.130 10 5
5.438 10 4
1.923 10 4
5.552 10 4
8.553 10 4
7.285 10 1
1.542 10 3
3.067 10 4
3.750 10 5
1.168 10 3
1.495 10 3
Right ascension of ascending Argument of perigee
Mean anomaly
(deg day 1)
(deg day 1)
Value (deg)
(deg day 1)
Epoch time 5 0000 UTC 6 September 2000.
2032 SATELLITES / Orbits
Figure 9 The change with season of a Sun-synchronous orbit.
The Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) was
launched from the Space Shuttle and orbits at an
altitude of 600 km with an inclination angle of 571. It
was placed in this orbit so that it would precess with
respect to the Sun and sample all local times over the
course of a month.
Meteor satellites fly in low Earth orbit with
inclination angles of about 821. Molniya communications satellites fly in highly elliptical orbits. It has been
suggested that this orbit would be useful for meteorological observations of the high latitudes. The
Molniya orbit has an inclination angle of 63.41, at
which the argument of perigee is motionless; thus, the
apogee, from which measurements are made, stays at a
given latitude. The semimajor axis is chosen such that
the satellite makes two orbits while the Earth turns
once with respect to the plane of the orbit. The
eccentricity is made as large as possible so that the
satellite will stay near apogee longer. However, the
eccentricity must not be so large that the satellite
encounters significant atmospheric drag at perigee. A
semimajor axis of 26 554 km and an eccentricity of
0.72 result in a perigee of 7378 km (1000 km above the
Equator), an apogee of 45 730 km (39 352 km above
the Equator), and a period of 717.8 min.The attractiveness of this orbit is that it functions as a highlatitude, part-time, nearly geostationary satellite. For
about 8 h centered on apogee, the satellite is synchronized with the Earth so that it is nearly stationary in the
sky. For a meteorological satellite in a Molniya orbit,
the rapid imaging capability, which is so useful from
geostationary orbit, would be available in the high
As meteorological satellite instruments become
more specialized, more custom orbits are likely to be
Satellite Positioning, Tracking,
and Navigation
It is important to be able to calculate the position of a
satellite in space, to track it from Earth, and to know
where its instruments are pointing. These topics are
discussed in turn in this section.
Positioning in Space
To locate a satellite in a perturbed orbit at time t, one
needs current values of the orbital elements. The three
constant elements, a, e, and i, are taken directly from a
recent bulletin. Such bulletins are available from a
variety of sources, and many are available on the
Internet. The other three, M, O, and o, are calculated
Figure 10 The ground track of a typical Sun-synchronous satellite (three orbits of NOAA 15).
argument of perigee (Figure 12B). This rotation is
conveniently accomplished by multiplying the vector
by a rotation matrix (eqn [20]).
0 01 0
10 1
cos o sin o 0
B 0C B
@ A @
A@ y A
x cos o y sin o
¼@ x sin o þ y cos o A
75.1qW 75.0q
74.8q 74.7q
74.6q 74.5qW
Figure 11 The ground track of a typical geostationary satellite
(ten orbits of GOES 8).
Second, the vector is rotated about the x-axis through
the inclination angle (Figure 12C) as in eqn [21].
10 0 1
0 00 1 0
CB 0 C
B 00 C B
@ y A ¼@ 0 cos i sin i A@ y A
z0 0
ðt t0 Þ
O ¼ O0 þ
ðt t0 Þ
o ¼ o0 þ
ðt t0 Þ
Next, the satellite is located in the plane of its orbit;
that is, the true anomaly y and the radius r are
calculated. This is done by (1) solving for e using
Kepler’s equation [9]; (2) calculating y using eqn [11a];
and (3) calculating r using eqn [8]. (For a circular orbit,
this step is simplified because the mean anomaly, the
eccentric anomaly, and the true anomaly are identical,
and r is constant.)
A vector can now be constructed that points
from the center of the Earth to the satellite in the
right ascension–declination coordinate system. The
Cartesian coordinates of this vector are given by
eqn [19].
0 1 0
r cos y
@ y A ¼ @ r sin y A
At this point, the orbital ellipse is assumed to lie in the
xy plane (the equatorial plane) with the perigee on
the positive x-axis (Figure 12A).
In the next three steps, the vector is rotated so that
the orbital plane is properly oriented in space. First,
the vector is rotated about the z-axis through the
cos i
¼@ y 0 cos i z 0 sin i A
y 0 sin i þ z 0 cos i
according to eqns [18a], [18b], and [18c]
M ¼ M0 þ
sin i
Third, the vector is rotated about the z-axis through
the right ascension of the ascending node (Figure 12D)
as in eqn [22].
0 000 1 0
10 0 0 1
cos O sin O 0
CB 0 0 C
B 000 C B
@ y A ¼@ sin O cos O 0 A@ y A
z0 0 0
z0 0
x 0 0 cos O y 0 0 sin O
B 00
¼@ x sin O þ y 0 0 cos O A
z0 0
The vector ðx 0 0 0 ; y 0 0 0 ; z 0 0 0 Þ is the location of the satellite
in the right ascension–declination coordinate system
at time t. This vector may be converted into the radius,
declination, and right ascension of the satellite
through eqns [23a], [23b], and [23c].
rS ¼ x 0 0 02 þ y 0 0 02 þ z 0 0 02 ¼ r
dS ¼ sin
OS ¼ tan
0 0 0
y0 0 0
x0 0 0
Finally, it is useful to calculate the latitude and
longitude of the subsatellite point. Assuming that the
Earth is a sphere, the latitude (known as the geocentric
latitude) is simply equal to the declination (eqn [24]).
Geocentric latitude ¼ jS ¼ dS
2034 SATELLITES / Orbits
Ascending node
Figure 12 Rotations used to position a satellite in its orbit: (A) the satellite in the plane of its orbit; (B) rotation about the z-axis through the
argument of perigee (o); (C) rotation about the x -axis through the inclination angle ðiÞ; and (D) rotation about the z-axis through the right
ascension of ascending node (O).
For more precise measurements, the latitude corrected
for the nonspherical shape of Earth (the geodetic
latitude) is usually used (eqn [25]).
Geodetic latitude ¼jg
¼ tan
tan dS
where rep is the polar radius of the Earth. The
longitude of the subsatellite point ðls Þ is the difference
between the right ascension of the satellite and the
right ascension of the prime meridian (01 longitude),
which passes through Greenwich, England (Figure 13)
(eqn [26]).
lS ¼ OS OGreenwich
The inverse problem of finding when a satellite
passes over (or close to) a particular point is solved
iteratively by (1) estimating the time, (2) calculating
the position of the satellite, and (3) correcting the time
estimate. Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until a satisfactory
solution is found.
The above method can be streamlined in two
ways. First, some of the rotations can be combined.
Start as above by updating the orbital elements and calculating rS and y at time t. Locate the
satellite on the x-axis at distance rS from the
OGreenwich ¼ 99:9643 þ 360:9856376 Dt
Since the rotation rate changes very slightly, owing to
the actions of the wind and ocean currents, eqn [27]
must be updated periodically.
The right ascension of Greenwich is given in some
satellite bulletins, and it can be calculated from eqn
[27], where Dt is the time difference in days from 0000
UTC 1 January 2000.
: Greenwich
Figure 13 The relationship between Earth longitude and right
center of the Earth (eqn [28]).
0 1 0 1
@yA ¼ @ 0 A
Define G, the argument of latitude, to be the angle,
measured in the orbital plane, from the ascending node
to the satellite as in eqn [29], where y is the true
anomaly and o is the argument of perigee.
Rotate this vector about the z-axis through the
argument of latitude. Rotate again about the x-axis
through the inclination angle. Finally, rotate about the
z-axis through an angle equal to the right ascension of
the satellite less the right ascension of Greenwich.
Equations [23] now yield rS , latitude jS , and longitude
lS . This method is useful for the navigation problem
discussed below.
A second way to streamline these equations is
to combine them, which results in eqns [30a], [30b],
and [30c].
rS ¼ r
jS ¼ dS ¼ sin1 ðsin G sin iÞ
sin G cos i
þ O0 Oe ðt0 Þ
cos G
dOe dO
ðt t0 Þ
lS ¼ tan1
radius of the earth). The Cartesian coordinates of the
satellite are then given by eqn [31].
0 1 0
rS cos jS cos lS
rS ¼ @ yS A ¼ @ rS cos jS sin lS A
rS sin jS
The Cartesian coordinates of the antenna are given by
eqn [32].
0 1 0
re cos je cos le
re ¼ @ ye A ¼ @ re cos je sin le A
re sin je
The difference vector rD rS re points from the
antenna to the satellite (Figure 14). Assuming a
spherical earth, the vector re points to the local vertical
(Figure 15). The cosine of the satellite’s zenith angle z
(the complement of the elevation angle) is given by
eqn [33].
cos z ¼
re rD
jre jjrD j
Finding the azimuth angle is a little more difficult.
First, we need to find two vectors in the tangent plane
at the antenna. The first points north (eqn [34]).
1 0
sin jN cos lN
rN ¼ @ yN A ¼ @ sin jN sin lN A:
cos jN
The second is the horizontal projection of rD . We
define unit vectors in the directions of re and rD as in
eqns [35a] and [35b].
Here rs is the distance of the satellite calculated with
eqn [8]; jS and lS are its latitude and longitude,
respectively. Oe ðt0 Þ is the right ascension of Greenwich
at the epoch time, and therefore, O0 Oe ðt0 Þ is the
longitude of ascending node at the epoch time. The
quantity ðdOe =dt dO=dtÞ is the relative Earth rotation rate, that is, the rotation rate of the Earth relative
to the orbital plane.
Spin axis
A list of time versus position of a celestial body is called
an ‘ephemeris’ (plural: ephemerides). To track a
satellite, one must be able to point one’s antenna at
it. The elevation angle, measured from the local
horizontal, and the azimuth angle, measured clockwise from the north, can be calculated from the
ephemeris data as follows.
Suppose the subsatellite point is at latitude jS and
longitude lS , and that the satellite is at radius rS from
the center of the Earth. Suppose also that the antenna is
located at latitude je , longitude le , and radius re (the
nw an
re di
G eri
Figure 14 Satellite tracking geometry.
2036 SATELLITES / Orbits
the telescope is pointing is given by eqn [38].
0 1 0
cos dT cos OT
@ yT A ¼ @ cos dT sin OT A
sin dT
Figure 15 Definition of zenith angle (z) and azimuth angle (c).
jre j
jrD j
The required horizontal vector is given by eqn [36].
rH ¼ rD ð^re rD Þ ^re ¼ rD jrD j cos z ^re
¼ jrD j ð^rD cos z ^re Þ
The azimuth angle c is then given by eqn [37].
cos c ¼
rN rH
jrN j jrH j
One must be careful when taking the inverse cosine. If
the satellite is west of the antenna, c will be greater
than 1801. It must also be noted that these equations
assume a spherical Earth. Fortunately, most receiving
antennas are insensitive to the slight errors that this
assumption causes.
Figure 16 shows that the ray from which the telescope
receives radiation (that is, the line in space through the
satellite and in the direction of the telescope) is given
by eqn [39],
0 1 0
xS þ sxT
@ y A ¼ @ yS þ syT A
zS þ szT
where s is the distance from the satellite.
The location at which this ray strikes the spherical
Earth is the solution of eqn [40].
ðxS þ sxT Þ2 þ ðyS þ syT Þ2 þ ðzS þ szT Þ2 ¼ r2e
This is a quadratic equation in s that has no real roots if
the ray does not intersect the Earth or two real roots if
it does. The smaller root is to be chosen; the larger root
represents the location from which the ray re-emerges
from the opposite side of the Earth. When the ray is
just tangent to the Earth, the two roots are equal. After
a solution for s has been found, eqn [39] gives the
Cartesian coordinates in the right ascension–declination coordinate system of the point on the Earth’s
surface being viewed.
One way to specify the telescope pointing vector is
to use the pitch, roll, and yaw angles familiar from
In addition to knowing where a satellite is in its orbit,
it is necessary to know the Earth coordinates
(latitude, longitude) of the particular scene it is
viewing. The problem of calculating the Earth
coordinates is known as the navigation problem;
fundamentally, it is a complex geometry problem. It
requires an accurate knowledge of where the satellite
is in its orbit, the orientation of the satellite (its
attitude), and the scanning geometry of the instrument
Suppose that at a particular time a satellite is at
position ðxS ; yS ; zS Þ with respect to the center of the
Earth in the right ascension–declination coordinate
system. Suppose further, that the telescope is pointing
in a direction specified by declination dT and right
ascension OT . A unit vector in the direction in which
Figure 16 Navigation geometry.
aircraft flight. Position the satellite on the positive
x-axis at distance rS from the center of the Earth. Let
the satellite be traveling in the xy plane with
the positive z-axis on the left; that is, the satellite
is traveling eastward in the equatorial plane.
Orient the satellite so that its ‘nose’ is pointing in
y-direction (not parallel to the velocity vector),
the ^
the left ‘wing’ is pointing in the ^z-direction, and ‘up’
^-direction. Let the telescope begin by
is in the x
pointing straight down toward the center of
the Earth, that is in the direction given by
eqn [41].
0 1 0
@ yT A ¼ @ 0 A
Pitch is defined as the angle of rotation about the zaxis; positive is in the sense of the nose pointing up.3
The matrix that accomplishes this rotation is given in
eqn [42].
cos P sin P 0
Pitch rotation matrix ¼ @ sin P cos P 0 A
A positive pitch angle causes the telescope to point in
the along-track direction ahead of the subsatellite
Roll is defined as the angle of rotation about the yaxis; positive is in the sense of the left wing pointing up.
The matrix that accomplishes this rotation is given in
eqn [43].
cos R 0 sin R
Roll rotation matrix ¼ @ 0
0 A
sin R 0 cos R
A positive roll angle causes the telescope to point in the
cross-track direction, to the left of the subsatellite
Yaw is defined as the angle of rotation about the xaxis; positive is in the sense of the nose pointing right.
The matrix that accomplishes this rotation is given in
eqn [44].
Yaw rotation matrix ¼ @ 0 cos Y sin Y A
0 sin Y
cos Y
Note that the axes of rotation described here are dependent on
the satellite being at the specified position and orientation in the right
ascension–declination coordinate system.
A nonzero yaw angle does nothing to a telescope
pointing straight down; however, if the pitch or roll
angles are nonzero, a positive yaw angle moves the
telescope in a clockwise direction around the subsatellite point.
Common scanning schemes can easily be described
with these angles. A cross-track scanner can be
described by a roll angle that increases linearly in
time (right-to-left scanning) or decreases linearly in
time (left-to-right scanning). A conical scanning
instrument can be described by a constant pitch angle
followed by a yaw angle that increases linearly in time
(for clockwise scanning). Finally, a geostationary
scanner can be described by a stepped roll angle
followed by a pitch angle that increases (west-to-east
scanning) or decreases (east-to-west scanning) with
time. Corrections in the pitch, roll, and yaw angles
need to be applied if the satellite is not aligned as
indicated above.
After the appropriate pitch, roll, and yaw rotations
have been applied to the initial telescope pointing
vector (eqn [41]), eqn [40] yields the distance to
the point being observed, and eqn [39] yields the
coordinates of the point in the right ascension–
declination coordinate system. Now, both the
observed point and the satellite can be positioned by
(1) rotating the vectors about the z-axis through the
argument of latitude, (2) rotating about the x-axis
through the inclination angle, and (3) rotating about
the z-axis through the right ascension of ascending
node less the right ascension of Greenwich. Equations
[23] yield the latitude and longitude of the point.
Finally, corrections may need to be applied for the
nonspherical Earth and for the height of the terrain or
the object being observed.
The inverse problem, that of finding which satellite
datum corresponds to a selected latitude and longitude, is solved iteratively. Each observation has a
time associated with it, which determines all of
the above angles. First, a time of observation is
estimated, and the latitude and longitude of the
point being observed at that time are calculated.
Then the time is incremented and a new point is
calculated. This process is iterated until a satisfactory
solution is found.
Space–Time Sampling
To select an orbit for a satellite or a scan pattern
for a particular instrument, several questions must
be answered: What areas will the orbit and scan
pattern allow the instrument to observe? How
often will an area be observed? At what local
times will the observations be made? At what
viewing zenith and azimuth angles will the observations
2038 SATELLITES / Research (Atmospheric Science)
be made? What will be the solar zenith and azimuth
angle when the area is being observed? These
questions are all aspects of what is called space–time
sampling. Using the equations in this article plus some
easily acquired equations that describe the position of
the Sun, these questions can be answered.
See also
Observations for Chemistry (Remote Sensing):
IR/FIR; Microwave. Satellite Remote Sensing: Aerosol
Measurements; Cloud Properties; GPS Meteorology;
Precipitation; Surface Wind; TOMS Ozone; Temperature
Soundings; Water Vapor; Wind, Middle Atmosphere.
Further Reading
Brouwer D and Clemence GM (1961) Methods of Celestial
Mechanics. New York: Academic Press.
Chen HS (1985) Space Remote Sensing Systems: An
Introduction. San Diego: Academic Press.
Dubyago AD (1961) The Determination of Orbits. New
York: Macmillan.
Escobal PR (1965) Methods of Orbit Determination. New
York: Wiley.
Goldstein H (1950) Classical Mechanics. Reading: AddisonWesley.
Kidder SQ and Vonder Haar TH (1995) Satellite
Meteorology: An Introduction. San Diego: Academic
Research (Atmospheric Science)
M D King, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, MD, USA
D D Herring, Science Systems and Applications Inc.,
Lanham, MD, USA
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The atmosphere changes chemically and physically on
widely varying time scales – ranging from minutes to
decades – and is therefore a challenge to measure
precisely over the entire globe. But with the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) 1960
launch of the Television Infrared Observation Satellite
(TIROS), Earth scientists began a new mission to
observe large-scale weather patterns from space. In the
late 1970s, their mission expanded to include globalscale measurements that would help them understand
the causes and effects of longer-term climate change.
NASA and its affiliated agencies and research institutions collaborated to develop a series of research
satellites that have enabled the testing of new remote
sensing technologies that in turn have advanced
scientific understanding of both chemical and physical
changes in the atmosphere. (‘Remote sensing’ involves
the use of devices other than our eyes to observe or
measure things from a distance without disturbing the
intervening medium.) The goal is to examine our
world comprehensively to determine what dynamics
drive Earth’s climate system and how climate change
both affects our environment and is affected by it.
Depending upon their measurement objectives,
research satellites primarily fly in one of two orbits:
(1) a near-polar, Sun-synchronous orbit to allow their
sensors to observe the entire globe at the same solar
time each day, or (2) a mid-inclination, precessing
orbit to focus their sensors on the equator and lower
latitudes where the observations are made at different
times of day to better sample time-varying phenomena
such as clouds. Some polar orbiting satellite sensors
can observe any given place on the globe as often as
every day, thus collecting data with high temporal
(time) resolution. Other satellite sensors view any
given place as infrequently as once every 16 days, thus
having relatively low temporal resolution for a satellite sensor, but still far surpassing our ability to make
these same measurements with surface-based or
aircraft sensors. Satellite sensors with high spatial
resolution (15 meters per pixel) can discern objects in
the atmosphere or on the surface as small as, say, a
football field, thus providing high spatial resolution.
Other satellite sensors that are designed to measure
continental and global-scale dynamics typically have
only moderate (500 m per pixel) to low (20 km per
pixel) spatial resolution. Satellite sensors carry specially designed detectors that are particularly sensitive
to certain wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum, called spectral bands. The more precisely a
remote sensor can measure narrow bands of radiant
energy, and the greater the number of these discrete
bands it can measure, the higher is its spectral
resolution. The atmosphere interacts with solar radiation much like a venetian blind – selectively absorbing and reflecting certain wavelengths of solar energy
while allowing others to pass through. Satellite remote
sensors are designed to be particularly sensitive to
those wavelengths that can be reflected or emitted
back up through the atmosphere to space, thus
enabling them to make their measurements.
SATELLITES / Research (Atmospheric Science) 2039
Earth-orbiting remote sensors provide the best
means of collecting the data needed in research
because they can measure things on scales of time
and space that otherwise would not be possible.
Moreover, satellite sensors not only observe wavelengths of visible light; they also precisely measure
wavelengths of radiant energy that the eye cannot see,
such as microwaves, ultraviolet rays, or infrared light.
If it is known how certain objects (like cirrus clouds or
windblown dust) typically absorb, reflect, and emit
particular wavelengths of radiant energy, then by
using satellite sensors to precisely measure those
specific bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, a lot
can be learnt about the Earth’s atmosphere and
surface. Remote sensors allow us to observe and
quantify key climate and environmental vital signs
such as temperature, ozone concentrations, carbon
monoxide, and other pollutants, water vapor and
other greenhouse gases, cloud types and total cloud
cover, aerosol types and concentrations, radiant energy fluxes, and many more.
Balancing Earth’s Radiant Energy
Climate is defined as the average state of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and land over a given time. Thus,
measurements of radiant energy within Earth’s atmosphere are at the heart of the climate change discussion.
How climate changes is related directly to how the
planet balances the amount of incoming sunlight with
outgoing radiant energy. The measurement of all
incoming and outgoing energy provides a sort of
ledger of all the physical motions and interactions of
our world’s climate system, showing whether, over the
course of a year and over the entire globe, the Earth’s
total energy budget is in balance, or not, and if not,
whether it is heating up or cooling down. So if we are
to understand climate and accurately predict future
climate change, then we must determine what drives
the changes within the Earth’s radiation balance
(Figure 1).
In 1978, NASA launched its Nimbus-7 satellite
carrying a new sensor, called the Earth Radiation
Budget (ERB) experiment, designed to measure direct
solar irradiance, reflected short-wave radiation (visible light), and emitted long-wave radiation (heat)
every day over the entire Earth. This was the first
space-based sensor capable of self-calibrating so that
its total solar irradiance measurements were accurate
to within 0:5%. The Nimbus-7 ERB collected 9 years
of global-scale data, upon which long-term climate
studies were begun. In the interest of extending the
ERB data set and improving upon its measurement
capabilities, NASA launched three more Earth Radiation Budget Experiments (renamed ERBE) in the
In addition to total solar irradiance, ERBE measured the reflected solar and emitted thermal radiation
from the Earth–atmosphere–ocean system. These
observations revealed that over the course of a year
the global radiation budget is in balance – the Earth
reflects and emits roughly the same amount of energy
back into space that it receives from the Sun. The data
showed also that the average annual, global contribution by clouds is that they reflect 17 W m 2 more
short-wave energy (visible light) than they trap as
long-wave energy (heat). Yet, owing to calibration
uncertainties, deficiencies in ERBE’s sampling method, and the limitations of existing angular dependence
models, there still exists a significant uncertainty
(about 75 W m 2) regarding our understanding of
Earth’s radiation budget. Part of this uncertainty lies in
our limited knowledge of the spatial distribution of
clouds as well as the optical properties of these clouds
over time. Moreover, we cannot be sure how the
distribution and optical properties of clouds will
change over time. The endeavor to address these
issues began with the 1997 launch of the Clouds and
the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) sensor
aboard the joint NASA/NASDA Tropical Rainfall
Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite. Twin CERES
instruments were also launched aboard NASA’s Terra
satellite in December 1999, and the pair will again fly
aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite in May 2002. Many of
the sampling and accuracy limitations on ERBE were
addressed in the design of CERES so that it could meet
the same measurement objectives as those for ERBE
but with better than twice the former sensor’s accuracy. Ultimately, it is anticipated that CERES will not
only extend the ERBE data set but will also provide the
first long-term global measurements of the radiative
fluxes within the Earth’s atmosphere that will help us
more accurately account for the effects of aerosols and
clouds on climate.
Dust in the Wind
Aerosols are tiny particles suspended in the air (mostly
in the troposphere). Some come from natural sources,
such as volcanic eruptions, dust storms, forest and
grassland fires, living vegetation, and sea spray. About
11% of the total emitted aerosols in our atmosphere
come from human activities, such as the burning of
vegetation and fossil fuels and changing the natural
land surface cover, which again leads to windblown
dust. Yet human-produced aerosols account for about
half of the total effect of all aerosols on incoming
2040 SATELLITES / Research (Atmospheric Science)
Reflected shortwave radiation (W m 2)
Outgoing longwave radiation (W m 2)
Figure 1 Global reflected shortwave radiation and emitted longwave radiation escaping the top of Earth’s atmosphere, measured by
CERES on 25 May 2001.
sunlight. From a satellite’s perspective, aerosols
raise the Earth’s albedo, or make it appear brighter,
by scattering and reflecting sunlight back to space.
The overall effect of these tiny particles is to cool
the surface by absorbing and reflecting incoming
solar radiation. They also serve as cloud condensation nuclei, or ‘seeds’ for cloud formation, which
again helps to cool the surface. In terms of their net
influence on global climate, for scientists aerosols
represent the greatest subject of uncertainty. Yet
computer climate models estimate that over the last
century human-produced aerosols have offset global
warming due to greenhouse gases by about 40%
(Figure 2).
Through the 1980s and most of the 1990s, the
NOAA Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer
(AVHRR) was the most frequently used satellite sensor
for measuring aerosol optical thickness. (Aerosol
optical thickness is a measure of how much sunlight
airborne particles prevent from traveling through a
column of atmosphere.) However, AVHRR can only
make such measurements over the ocean, as the sensor
requires a relatively uniform and dark-colored background. Because TOMS is particularly sensitive to
absorbing aerosols, over both land and ocean, this
sensor has also been widely used to measure aerosol
optical thickness. In April 1991, the European Space
Agency launched a new type of multi-angle sensor,
called the Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR),
aboard their first European Remote Sensing Satellite
(ERS-1). The ATSR makes aerosol optical thickness
measurements by remotely sensing visible and nearinfrared wavelengths at nadir and oblique forward
scan angles (both within a 2-minute interval). A
modified version of the sensor, called the Advanced
Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR), was
launched in 1995 aboard ERS-2. While data from
neither of these missions have yet been used to produce
SATELLITES / Research (Atmospheric Science) 2041
Figure 2 Global aerosol optical thickness measured by MODIS in April 2001.
global-scale aerosol measurements, this should be
In 1996, Japan launched the first in its series of
Advanced Earth Observation Satellites (ADEOS),
which carried a payload of two sensors – the Polarization and Directionality of the Earth’s Reflectances
(POLDER) sensor, contributed by the French Space
Agency, and the Ocean Color and Temperature
Scanner (OCTS), provided by NASDA. Both sensors
can retrieve aerosol measurements, but POLDER was
the first satellite sensor designed specifically to measure aerosols, and it can make its measurements over
both land and ocean. The sensor observes Earth
targets from 12 directions that enable measurements
of the bidirectionality and polarization of solar radiation reflected from within the atmosphere. Unfortunately, owing to its solar panel failing, the ADEOS
mission ended prematurely after only 8 months in
Three sensors aboard NASA’s Terra satellite
are particularly well suited for studying the effects
of aerosols on climate: CERES, MISR, and
MODIS. The Global Imager (GLI) planned for
launch aboard ADEOS II offers aerosol measurement capabilities similar to those of MODIS.
Both these sensors have the capacity to measure
not only aerosol optical thickness but also the
sizes of aerosol particles over both ocean and land.
Particle size is an indicator of the source of the
aerosol particles and helps scientists distinguish
aerosols of natural origin from those that are
man-made. Moreover, with its nine different look
angles, MISR is ideally designed to quantify the
reflective properties. Again, CERES complements
MODIS and MISR by providing measurements of
the short-wave radiation that aerosols reflect back into
space. Together, these sensors are providing new
insights into the roles of clouds and aerosols in Earth’s
total energy budget.
Abstract Art or Arbiters of Energy?
More than just the idle stuff of daydreams, clouds help
control the flow of radiant energy around our world.
Clouds are plentiful and widespread throughout
Earth’s atmosphere – covering up to 75% of our planet
at any given time – so they play a dominant role in
determining how much sunlight reaches the surface,
how much is reflected back into space, how and where
warmth is spread around the globe, and how much
heat escapes from the surface and atmosphere back
into space. Clouds are also highly variable. Clouds’
myriad variations through time and space make them
one of the greatest areas of uncertainty in the understanding and prediction of climate change. In short,
they play a central role in the world climate system.
Whereas thick, low-level stratocumulus clouds cool
the Earth’s surface by reflecting incoming solar radiation, thin, high-level cirrus clouds exert a warming
influence by allowing sunlight to pass through but then
trapping the heat emitted by the surface. The question
of whether warming or cooling has the greater effect
over time has been answered only relatively recently.
From ERBE satellite data collected in the 1980s,
coupled with aircraft and surface-based measurements, it has been demonstrated that, globally, clouds
cool the surface more than they warm it. So great is the
cooling effect that it is as if clouds remove the heat of a
60-watt light bulb from every 2-meter square of the
Earth’s surface. But will they continue to cool our
planet over the next century if a greenhouse-gasdriven global warming scenario comes to pass? Or
even, could the type and distribution of clouds change
so that they primarily exert a warming influence?
(Figure 3).
Two new sensors flying aboard NASA’s Terra
satellite, launched in December 1999, are designed
to help scientists answer these questions. The Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
2042 SATELLITES / Research (Atmospheric Science)
Figure 3 Global cloud optical thickness measured by MODIS in April 2001.
and the Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer
(MISR) give scientists new capabilities for measuring
the structure and composition of clouds. MODIS
observes the entire Earth almost every day in 36
spectral bands, ranging from visible to thermal infrared wavelengths. With spectral and spatial resolutions
superior to that of AVHRR (its heritage sensor),
MODIS can measure a wide suite of clouds’ physical
and radiative properties. Specifically, MODIS can
determine whether a cloud is composed of ice or water
particles (or some combination of the two), it can
measure the effective radius of the particles within a
cloud, it can observe how much (or little) sunlight
passes through a cloud, and it can measure the
temperature and altitude of cloud tops. Moreover,
with its unique 1.38 mm channel, MODIS observes
thin cirrus clouds with unprecedented sensitivity. This
channel not only enables scientists to quantify the
impact of cirrus clouds on the radiation balance, but
also permits image analysts to ‘correct’ for the
presence of cirrus in remote-sensing scenes used to
examine surface or lower-level features.
Complementing MODIS, the MISR instrument
‘sees’ the Earth simultaneously in red, green, blue,
and near-infrared wavelengths at 9 different angles –
at 4 progressively more oblique angles ahead of
Terra, 4 angles aft of the satellite, and 1 at nadir.
Because it measures any given scene from multiple
angles, MISR is ideally designed to help scientists
better understand how clouds interact with radiant
energy as a function of both their structure and their
type. CERES complements MODIS and MISR by
providing measurements of the short-wave and longwave radiant energy that clouds reflect and emit back
into space.
ESA’s next-generation satellite missions for comprehensively examining Earth’s climate system began
with the February 2002 launch of its first Environmental Satellite (Envisat). Similar to MODIS in the
scope of its research applications, Envisat carries the
Medium-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS).
Like Terra’s MODIS, MERIS has a wide viewing
swath (1500 km), with a morning equatorial crossing,
and it can see the entire Earth within every 3 days.
Scientists are using its data to derive cloud cover, cloud
altitude, water vapor, and aerosol properties. Unlike
MODIS (which uses a cross-track scan mirror),
MERIS is a push-broom scanner based upon ChargeCoupled Device (CCD) technologies with gains and
offset settings that can be optimized for observing
specific targets. This is a similar technology to that
used by MISR.
Serendipity and Stratospheric Ozone
In the early 1970s, as Earth scientists intensified their
studies into the possible causes and effects of global
warming, one group of man-made gases in particular
elicited the attention of scientists – the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Increasingly, CFCs were being used
by industrial nations in the production of a variety of
commercial products (e.g., refrigerants, aerosol
sprays). The concern is twofold: CFCs are up to 200
times more efficient than carbon dioxide at trapping
heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, and they tend to
remain in the atmosphere up to 120 years once
released. Then, in 1974, two scientists wrote of a
new concern that CFCs could potentially reduce levels
of ozone in the stratosphere, the layer of atmosphere
from 10 to 50 km in altitude. In 1975 the US Congress
asked NASA to develop a ‘comprehensive program of
research, technology, and monitoring of phenomena
of the upper atmosphere’. In particular, Congress’s
intent was to ascertain the ‘health’ of the ozone layer
(Figure 4).
So, in addition to ERB, in 1978 Nimbus-7 carried
two other new NASA sensors designed to measure the
total amount of ozone in a given column of atmosphere over the entire globe – the Solar Backscatter
SATELLITES / Research (Atmospheric Science) 2043
Dobson Units
September 1983
September 1987
September 1993
September 1997
Figure 4 Total ozone content from TOMS in the Southern Hemisphere in September during the years 1983, 1987, 1993, and 1997.
Dobson Unit (DU) 5 2.69 1016 molecules cm 2.
Ultraviolet (SBUV) instrument and the Total Ozone
Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS). Sensitive to radiant
energy in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum, these
sensors took advantage of the fact that molecules and
aerosol particles reflect certain wavelengths of ultraviolet rays while ozone absorbs others at different
levels in the atmosphere. By analyzing the amount of
ultraviolet energy reflected back up to the spacecraft,
researchers could produce profiles of how thick or thin
the ozone was at different altitudes and locations.
Ironically, it wasn’t until October 1985 that a British
team of scientists reported a significant reduction in
ozone over Halley Bay, Antarctica. Using a groundbased Dobson ozone spectrophotometer, the team
found that the amount of stratospheric ozone there
was about 40% less than it had been the previous year.
Their finding stunned the science community because
it had been expecting anthropogenic ozone depletion
to occur first at upper levels in the stratosphere (30 to
50 km), and so had anticipated that the initial signal of
depletion in a total column of ozone would be weak.
NASA researchers hastily reviewed their TOMS data
and found that it too had detected a dramatic loss of
ozone over all of Antarctica. Why hadn’t they discovered the phenomenon earlier? Actually, the TOMS
Team had noted the instrument measured ozone levels
of less than 180 Dobson Units over Antarctica, but
because these values were so much lower than
expected, they wanted to make sure these were not
erroneous readings. They compared the TOMS measurements with data collected by a Dobson ozone
spectrophotometer located at the South Pole. Unfortunately, the ground-based instrument had been set
improperly and so it had erroneously recorded ozone
levels at around 300 Dobson Units. This puzzled the
TOMS Team for a while and delayed the public report
of its findings until the team could verify that the
satellite instrument was working fine. The TOMS
Team was in the process of producing a report of their
findings when the British Antarctic Survey report was
In the years following the discovery of the ozone
hole, NASA and ESA satellites recorded depleting
ozone levels over Antarctica growing worse with each
passing year. In response, in 1987, 43 nations signed
the Montreal Protocol, in which they agreed to reduce
the use of CFCs by 50% by the year 2000. This
protocol was amended in 1990 to eliminate all CFC
emissions by 2000.
ESA’s second European Remote-Sensing Satellite
(ERS-2) carries a sensor called the Global Ozone
Monitoring Experiment (GOME). GOME is a nadirlooking sensor with four bands ranging from 240 to
790 nm for measuring backscattered visible and
ultraviolet solar radiation. Since the summer of
1996, ESA has routinely produced 3-day global
measurements of total ozone and nitrogen dioxide
using GOME data.
2044 SATELLITES / Research (Atmospheric Science)
As recently as 1998, both TOMS and GOME data
showed that at its Austral spring low, Antarctic ozone
concentrations had worsened to 80% less than early
1970s levels. Today there is some evidence that the
amount of chlorine in the stratosphere is leveling off. Is
this a scientific success story in the making? Will
stratospheric ozone concentrations return to pre1970s levels as the abundance of stratospheric chlorine stabilizes? Only time and continued monitoring
will tell. ESA launched its Environmental Satellite
(Envisat) in February 2002 with a new sensor called
Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars
Chemistry of Earth’s Atmosphere
Some satellite sensors allow scientists to determine the
chemical content of the Earth’s upper atmosphere
using a technique called solar occultation, in which a
sensor is pointed toward the horizon at sunrise and
sunset to measure the profile of the stratosphere and
mesosphere about 30 times per day. In this way
sensors, such as the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas
Experiment (SAGE), can determine the presence and
abundance of gases and particulates by measuring
precisely the visible and ultraviolet wavelengths that
are absorbed within the upper atmosphere. Since the
spectra of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and
certain aerosols are well known, scientists can directly
correlate SAGE’s readings with the presence of these
substances within the stratosphere. The solar occultation technique is particularly effective because the
sensor is self-calibrating – each occultation event looks
30 Aug 96
directly at the unattenuated Sun outside the Earth’s
atmosphere just prior to sunset or just following
sunrise. These observations are then compared with
observations of the Sun obtained by looking through
the atmosphere. The direct Sun observations establish
an ongoing baseline of the sensor’s performance.
Adapted from the Stratospheric Aerosol Mission
(SAM II) that flew aboard Nimbus 7, the SAGE sensor
is essentially a modified Sun photometer. This kind of
sensor first flew in 1979 aboard NASA’s Applications
Explorer Mission-2 (AEM-2). A subsequent version of
SAGE (SAGE II) was launched aboard ERBS in 1984
and performed well throughout 2002, thus giving a
18-year continuous dataset of upper atmosphere
profile measurements.
In 1991, NASA launched the Upper Atmosphere
Research Satellite (UARS) with a payload of 10
sensors for measuring a wide array of chemical and
physical phenomena in the stratosphere and mesosphere (the layers of atmosphere from approximately
10 to 90 km in altitude). Not only did UARS extend
our ability to monitor stratospheric ozone concentrations into the 1990s, but it also provided the first
comprehensive picture of the photochemical processes
involved in ozone destruction. The UARS Microwave
Limb Sounder (MLS) demonstrated that there is a
direct link between the presence of chlorine, the
formation of chlorine monoxide during winter in the
Southern Hemisphere, and the destruction of ozone
(Figure 5).
UARS carries the first two spaceborne remote wind
sounders ever launched, called the High Resolution
Doppler Imager (HRDI) and the Wind Imaging
Interferometer (WINDII). These sensors measure
1018 molecules
DU above 100 hPa
Figure 5 Chlorine monoxide (A) and ozone concentration (B) derived by MLS at approximately 18 km altitude on 30 August 1996. The
high chlorine monoxide within the Antarctic polar vortex in the left-hand figure (reds and dark purple shades) is directly associated with, and
leads to, a reduced ozone concentration shown in the right-hand figure (light blue and light purple shades).
SATELLITES / Research (Atmospheric Science) 2045
winds in the mesosphere through detection of shifts in
airglow emission lines. Additionally, HRDI can detect
daytime stratospheric winds by observing Doppler
shifts in oxygen absorption lines. WINDII and HRDI
gave scientists the first complete global picture of
mesospheric circulation. Together with the Halogen
Occultation Experiment (HALOE) and MLS aboard
UARS, the sensors have enabled researchers to track
the upward transport of water vapor in the tropical
stratosphere. Most atmospheric water vapor originates from the tropical oceans, where it rises high into
the atmosphere to form towering thunderheads. Encircling the globe along the equator is an almost
continuous band of thunderheads known as the
Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), producing
roughly three-quarters of the energy in our atmosphere that helps to drive its circulation patterns. Data
from the sensors just mentioned showed that the
tropical tropopause (the gateway from the troposphere to the stratosphere) air rises into the stratosphere through these thunderheads. Once in the
stratosphere, this air moves slowly upward and
outward toward the midlatitudes. Ozone begins to
form as incoming ultraviolet radiation breaks oxygen
molecules (O2) into free oxygen atoms (O) that
quickly bond with other oxygen molecules to form
ozone (O3). Because ozone strongly absorbs certain
wavelengths of ultraviolet radiation, the air begins to
warm, helping to perpetuate the upward movement of
the air mass as well as helping to create temperature
gradients for stratospheric winds. UARS data showed
that it takes about 2 years for water vapor anomalies to
move from the tropopause (at about 17 km) up to the
mid-stratosphere (at about 30 km).
A Canadian instrument launched in 1999 aboard
NASA’s Terra satellite uses gas correlation spectroscopy to determine the abundance of methane and
carbon monoxide in the troposphere. The Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere (MOPITT)
sensor measures emitted and reflected radiance from
the Earth in three spectral bands. As this light enters
the sensor, it passes along two different paths through
onboard containers of carbon monoxide and methane.
The different paths absorb different amounts of
energy, leading to small differences in the resulting
signals that correlate directly with the presence of
these gases in the atmosphere. Both methane and
carbon monoxide are byproducts of burning vegetation as well as fossil fuels. Over the last two decades
levels of methane in the atmosphere have risen at an
average rate of about 1% per year. This is cause for
concern because methane (CH4) is a greenhouse gas
about 30 times more efficient than carbon dioxide at
trapping heat near the surface. Scientific interest in
carbon monoxide (CO) is twofold. First, the gas
controls atmospheric concentrations of oxidants, thus
affecting the ability of the atmosphere to clean itself
from the ongoing generation of harmful tropospheric
ozone from biomass burning and urban smog. Second,
through chemical reactions within the lower atmosphere, carbon monoxide contributes to the production
of harmful ozone. MOPITT is helping researchers to
identify the main sources of these gases as well as to
improve four-dimensional models of their transport
through the atmosphere.
ESA’s Envisat carries the Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Cartography
(SCIAMACHY), which is an advanced version of
the GOME sensor flying aboard ERS-2. In addition
to the same four spectral channels contained on
GOME (from ultraviolet to visible wavelengths;
240–800 nm), SCIAMACHY has an additional four
channels in the infrared region of the spectrum
(800–2400 nm). While the sensor’s wide spectral
sensitivity makes it useful for cloud and aerosol
research, its ability to view both nadir and the Earth’s
horizon makes it useful for determining the content
and distribution of 16 different trace gases in the
Where Storm Clouds Gather
Rain clouds form when moisture-laden air is driven
skyward by warm updrafts emitted from a Sunwarmed land or ocean surface; or when mountain
slopes push moist air aloft; or when a wedge of colder,
denser air plows warmer, moist air upward to higher
elevations. Because cold air cannot hold as much water
vapor as warm air, and because the atmosphere cools
at higher elevations, water vapor condenses readily
into liquid droplet or ice crystal form, in the presence
of seed aerosol particles. Were there no aerosol
particles in the Earth’s atmosphere, there would be
no fog, no clouds, no mist, and probably no rain.
When water evaporates at the surface, it absorbs
energy from its surroundings and stores it as latent
heat. When water vapor condenses back into liquid
or ice form it releases its latent heat into its surroundings. Only about 25% of the energy contained
within the atmosphere comes directly from the Sun’s
rays; the remaining 75% comes from the release
of latent heat contained in water vapor, most of
which, as mentioned, is present in the towering
thunderheads of the Intertropical Convergence Zone
(Figure 6).
We cannot measure the latent heat contained within
clouds. We can, however, measure tropical rainfall.
Currently, there is a 50% uncertainty in estimates of
annual global rainfall. If we are to determine more
accurately how much energy our atmosphere receives
2046 SATELLITES / Research (Atmospheric Science)
Figure 6 Hurricane Bonnie as observed by the TRMM/PR on 22 August 1998. Red shows intense precipitation, green and yellow hues
are intermediate values, and blues are low values. The eye of the storm reached to 16 km.
from latent heat, then we must more accurately
measure rainfall. In 1997, NASDA and NASA jointly
developed and launched the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) into a mid-inclination (351)
precessing orbit. It is estimated that about 60% of
precipitation on Earth falls within the band between
301 N and 301 S of the Equator. TRMM carries three
instruments designed to measure rainfall – the Precipitation Radar (PR), the TRMM Microwave Imager
(TMI), and the Visible and Infrared Scanner (VIRS).
Designed and built by NASDA, the Precipitation
Radar is the first satellite sensor to provide threedimensional images of the internal structures of storm
clouds. Its measurements show the intensity and
distribution of rain within a storm, the total height
of a storm, and the elevation at which ice crystals melt
into raindrops. Most importantly, the Precipitation
Radar can measure rain rates to within 0.7 mm per
hour. Researchers who expected to use ground-based
Doppler Radar stations to validate TRMM’s Precipitation Radar measurements found much to their
pleasant surprise that the latter exceeds most groundbased measurements in accuracy and spatial resolution.
The TMI is a ‘passive’ sensor designed to measure
minute amounts of microwave energy emitted by the
Earth’s surface and from within its atmosphere.
(Whereas ‘active’ sensors send pulses of energy and
then measure how much gets absorbed and reflected
by the target, ‘passive’ sensors measure only energy
originating from, or reflected by external sources.)
These measurements allow TMI to quantify the
amount of water vapor, cloud water, and rainfall
intensity within the atmosphere. Based upon the
design heritage of the Defense Meteorological Satellite
Program’s Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I),
the TMI has a wider viewing swath (780 km) and finer
spatial resolution than its predecessors. The TRMM
VIRS detects radiant energy in five spectral bands,
ranging from infrared to visible wavelengths (from
0.63 to 12 mm). Ideally designed to measure temperature, VIRS can precisely determine cloud top temperatures that scientists can then indirectly correlate
with rainfall amounts.
As the preceding sections demonstrate, the Earth’s
atmosphere changes both physically and chemically
over a range of scales of time and space. The
atmosphere’s chemical makeup affects its physical
state, such as its radiative properties. As already
mentioned, the gases and particles in the atmosphere
function much like a venetian blind, selectively
absorbing and reflecting certain wavelengths of solar
radiation while allowing others to pass through
relatively unhindered. In turn, physical processes in
the atmosphere also help determine its chemical
makeup. There was growing consensus through the
1970s and 1980s among Earth scientists that we
needed to take a more holistic approach to global
climate change studies. We saw that nature does not
compartmentalize climate phenomena into discreet
disciplines, and therefore we need to examine the
variables of change as integral parts of the vast,
interconnected web of cause and effect that is Earth’s
climate system. In short, it is not enough to identify
where and when changes occur; we need to understand
how and why the mechanisms of change work. Satellite
remote sensors offer the only viable means of conducting a comprehensive examination of our planet.
See also
Aerosols: Observations and Measurements. Radiative
Transfer: Absorption and Thermal Emission; Scattering.
Satellite Remote Sensing: Cloud Properties; Precipitation; TOMS Ozone. Satellites: Orbits.
Further Reading
Gurney RJ, Foster JL and Parkinson CL (1993) Atlas of
Satellite Observations Related to Global Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
King MD, Kaufman YJ, Tanré D and Nakajima T (1999)
Remote sensing of tropospheric aerosols from space:
past, present, and future. Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society 80: 2229–2259.
Parkinson CL (1997) Earth From Above: Using
Color-Coded Satellite Images to Examine the
Global Environment. Sausalito: University Science
Ramanathan V, Barkstrom BR and Harrison EF (1989)
Climate and the Earth’s Radiation Budget. Physics Today
42: 22–32.
W F Weeks, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK, USA
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Sea ice – any form of ice found at sea that originated
from the freezing of sea water – has been among the
least studied of all the phenomena that have a
significant effect on the surface heat balance of the
Earth. Fortunately this neglect has recently lessened as
the result of improvements in observational and
operational capabilities in the polar ocean areas.
Thus considerable information is now available on
the nature and behavior of sea ice as well as on its effect
on the weather, the climate, and the oceanography of
the polar regions and possibly of the planet as a whole.
Considering that the vast majority of Earth’s population have never seen sea ice, its areal extent is
extremely impressive; 7% of the surface of the Earth
is covered by it at some time of year. In the Northern
Hemisphere the area varies between 8106 and
15106 km2, with the smaller number representing
the area of multiyear (MY) ice remaining at the end of
summer. In summer this corresponds roughly to the
area of the contiguous United States and to twice that
area in winter, or to between 5% and 10% of the
surface of the Northern Hemisphere ocean. At maximum extent, the ice extends down the western side of
the major ocean basins paralleling the pattern of cold
currents and reaching the Gulf of St Lawrence (Atlantic) and the Okhotsk Sea off the north coast of Japan
(Pacific). The most southerly site in the northern
hemisphere where an extensive cover forms is the Gulf
of Bo Hai, which is located off the east coast of China
at 401 N. At the end of the summer the perennial MY
ice pack of the Arctic is largely confined to the central
Arctic Ocean, with minor extensions into the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and along the east coast of
In the Southern Hemisphere the sea ice area varies
between 3106 and 20106 km2, covering between
1.5% and 10% of the ocean surface. The amount of
MY ice in the Antarctic is appreciably less than in the
Arctic, even though the total area affected in the
Antarctic is approximately a third larger than in the
Arctic. These differences are caused largely by differences in the spatial distributions of land and ocean.
The Arctic Ocean is effectively landlocked to the
south, with only one major exit located between
Greenland and Svalbard. The Southern Ocean, on the
other hand, is essentially completely unbounded to the
north, which allows unrestricted drift of the ice in that
direction and results in the summer melting of nearly
all the previous season’s growth.
Geophysical Importance
In addition to its considerable extent, there are good
reasons to be concerned with the health and behavior
of the world’s sea ice covers. Sea ice serves as
an insulative lid on the surface of the polar oceans.
This suppresses the exchange of heat between the cold
2048 SEA ICE
polar air above the ice and the relatively warm
seawater below. Moreover, the snow cover the ice
surface supports is an even better insulator than the ice
itself. Also, when the sea ice forms with its attendant
snow cover, it changes the surface albedo, a (i.e., the
reflection coefficient for visible radiation) of the sea
from that of open water (a ¼ 0:10) to that of newly
formed snow (a ¼ 0:85). This results in a 75%
decrease in the amount of incoming shortwave
solar radiation absorbed. As a result, there are
inherent positive feedbacks associated with the
existence of a sea ice cover. For instance, if a
climatic warming reduces both the extent and the
thickness of the sea ice then these changes will, in turn,
result in increases in the temperature of the atmosphere and of the sea, which will further reduce ice
thickness and extent. This positive feedback is a major
factor in producing the unusually large increases in
arctic temperatures forecast by numerical models
simulating the effect of the accumulation of greenhouse gases.
The presence of an ice cover limits not only the flux
of heat into the atmosphere but also the flux of
moisture. This effect is revealed by the common
presence of linear, local clouds associated with individual leads (cracks in the sea ice) that are covered with
either open water or thinner ice. In fact, sea ice exerts a
significant influence on the radiative energy balance of
the complete atmosphere–sea ice–ocean system. For
example, as the ice thickness increases in the range
0–70 cm, there is an increase in the radiation absorption in the ice and a decrease in the ocean. There is also
a decrease in the radiation adsorption by the total
atmosphere–ice–ocean system. It is now also known
that the upper 10 cm of the ice can absorb over 50% of
the total solar radiation, and that decreases in ice
extent produce increases in atmospheric moisture or
cloudiness, in turn altering the surface radiation
budget and increasing the amount of precipitation.
Furthermore, all the ultraviolet and infrared radiation
is absorbed in the upper 50 cm of the ice. Only visible
radiation penetrates into the lower portions of thicker
ice and into the upper ocean beneath the ice. Significant changes in sea ice extent and/or thickness would
clearly result in major changes in the climatology of
the polar regions. For instance, recent computer
simulations in which the ice extent in the southern
hemisphere was held constant and the amount of
open water (leads) within the pack was varied
showed significant changes in storm frequencies,
intensities and tracks, precipitation, cloudiness, and
air temperature.
However, there are even less obvious but perhaps
equally important air–ice and ice–ocean interactions.
Sea ice drastically reduces wave induced mixing in the
upper ocean, thereby favoring the existence of a 25–
50 m thick, low-salinity surface layer in the Arctic
Ocean that forms as the result of desalination processes associated with ice formation and the influx of
fresh water from the great rivers of northern Siberia.
This stable, low-density surface layer prevents the heat
contained in the comparatively warm (temperatures of
up to 131C) but more saline denser water beneath the
surface layer from affecting the ice cover. As sea ice
rejects roughly two-thirds of the salt initially present in
the sea water from which the ice forms, the freezing
process is equivalent to distillation producing both a
low-salinity component (the ice layer itself) and a high
salinity component (the rejected brine). Both components play important geophysical roles. Over shallow
shelf seas the rejected brine, which is dense, cold, and
rich in CO2 , sinks to the bottom, ultimately feeding
the deep water and the bottom water layers of the
world ocean. Such processes are particularly effective
in regions where there are large polynyas (semipermanent open water and thin-ice areas at sites where
climatically much thicker ice would be anticipated). In
that this ‘salt pump’ removes CO2 from the atmosphere, it has been hypothesized that it is a process
contributing to the decrease in CO2/air ratios observed
in ice core samples deposited during times of maximum glacial advance (colder 5 more sea ice formation 5 more CO2 removed from the atmosphere).
Certainly, whatever the effectiveness of this process,
it will be less effective in removing CO2 if a climate
warming causes less ice to form over the world’s
shelf seas.
Sea ice also has important biological effects at both
ends of the marine food chain. It provides a substrate
for a special category of marine life, the ice biota,
consisting primarily of diatoms. These form a significant portion of the total primary production and, in
turn, support specialized grazers and species at higher
trophic levels, including amphipods, copepods,
worms, fish, and birds. At the upper end of the food
chain, seals and walruses use ice extensively as a
platform on which to haul out and give birth to young.
Polar bears use the ice as a platform while hunting.
Also important is the fact that in shelf seas such as the
Bering and Chukchi, which are well mixed in the
winter, the melting of the ice cover in the spring lowers
the surface salinity increasing the stability of the water
column. The reduced mixing concentrates phytoplankton in the near-surface photic zone, thereby
enhancing the overall intensity of the spring bloom.
Finally there are the direct effects of sea ice on human
activities. The most important of these are its barrier
action in limiting the use of otherwise highly advantageous ocean routes between the northern Pacific
regions and Europe and its contribution to the
numerous operational difficulties that hinder the safe
extraction of the presumed oil and gas resources of the
polar shelf seas.
Because ice is a thermal insulator, the thicker it is the
slower it grows, other conditions being equal. And
because sea ice either ablates or stops growing during
the summer, there is a maximum thickness of first-year
(FY) ice that can form during a specific year. The exact
value depends of course upon the local climate and
oceanographic conditions, reaching slightly over 2 m
in the Arctic and as much as almost 3 m at certain
protected Antarctic sites. It is also clear that during the
winter the heat flux from areas of open water into the
polar atmosphere is significantly greater than the flux
through even thin ice, and is as much as 200 times
greater than the flux through MY ice. This means that
even if open-water and thin-ice areas comprise less
than 1–2% of the winter ice pack, lead areas must still
be considered in order to obtain realistic estimates of
ocean–atmosphere thermal interactions.
If an ice floe survives a summer, during the second
winter the thickness of the ice added to it is less than
the thickness of nearby FY ice for two reasons: it starts
to freeze later and it grows slower. Nevertheless, by the
end of the winter, the second-year ice will be thicker
than the nearby FY ice. Assuming the above process is
repeated in subsequent years, some ice will be ablated
away each summer (largely from the upper ice surface)
and some added each winter (largely on the lower ice
surface). As the years pass, the ice melted on top each
summer will remain the same (assuming no change in
the climate over the ice) while the ice forming on the
bottom will become less and less as a result of the
increased insulating effect of the thickening overlying
ice. Ultimately a rough equilibrium will be reached,
with the winter addition equalling the summer ablation. Such steady-state MY ice floes can be layer cakes
of 10 or more annual layers with total thicknesses in
the range of 3.5–4.5 m. Much of the uncertainty in
estimating the equilibrium thickness of such floes is the
result of uncertainties in the oceanic heat flux. However, in sheltered fiord sites in the Arctic where the
oceanic heat flux is presumed to be near zero, MY fast
ice with thicknesses of up to roughly 15–20 m is
known to have occurred. Another important factor
affecting MY ice thickness is the formation of melt
ponds on the upper ice surface during the summer, in
that the thicknesses and areal extent of these shallow
surface water bodies is important in controlling the
total absorption of shortwave radiation. For instance,
a melt pond with a depth of only 5 cm can absorb
nearly half the total energy absorbed by the whole
system. The problem here is that good regional
descriptive characterizations of these features are
lacking as the result of the characteristic low clouds
and fog that occur over the Arctic ice packs in the
summer. Particularly lacking are field observations on
melt pond depths as a function of environmental
variables. Also needed are assessments of how much of
the melt water remains ponded on the surface of the ice
as contrasted with draining into the underlying
seawater. Thermodynamically these are very different
Conditions in the Antarctic are, surprisingly, rather
different. There, surface melt rates within the pack are
small compared with those at the northern boundary
of the pack. The stronger winds and lower humidities
encountered over the pack also favor evaporation and
minimize surface melting. The limited ablation that
occurs appears to be controlled by heat transfer
processes at the ice–water interface, so that the ice
remains relatively cold throughout the summer. In any
case, because most of the Antarctic pack is advected
rapidly to the north, where it encounters warmer
water at the Antarctic convergence and melts rapidly,
only small amounts of MY ice remain at the end of
Sea ice properties are very different from those of
lake or river ice. The reason for the difference is that
when seawater freezes, roughly a third of the salt in the
seawater is initially entrapped within the ice in the
form of brine inclusions. As a result, initial ice
salinities are typically in the range of 10–12 parts per
thousand (ppt). At low temperatures (o 8.71C),
solid hydrated salts also form within the ice. The
composition of the brine in sea ice is a unique function
of the temperature, with the brine composition
becoming more saline as the temperature decreases.
Therefore, the brine volume (the volumetric amount
of liquid brine in the ice) is determined by the ice
temperature and the bulk ice salinity. Not only does
temperature vary with level in the ice sheet but salinity
decreases as the ice ages, reaching a value of B3 ppt in
MY ice. Brine volumes are usually lower in the colder
upper portions of the ice and higher in the warmer
lower portions. They are particularly low in the part of
MY ice above sea level, from which the salt has drained
almost completely. In fact, the upper layers of thick
MY ice and of aged pressure ridges produce excellent
drinking water when melted. As brine volume is the
single most important parameter controlling the
thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties of
sea ice, these properties show associated large
changes both vertically in the same ice sheet and
between ice sheets of differing ages and histories.
To add complexity to this situation, exactly how the
2050 SEA ICE
Drift and Deformation
If sea ice were motionless, ice thicknesses would be
controlled completely by the thermal characteristics of
the lower atmosphere and the upper ocean. Such ice
sheets would presumably have thicknesses and physical properties that would change slowly and continuously from region to region. However, even a casual
examination of an area of pack ice reveals striking
local lateral changes in ice thicknesses and characteristics. These changes are invariably caused by ice
movements produced by the forces exerted on the ice
by winds and currents. Such motions are rarely
uniform and lead to the buildup of stresses within ice
sheets. If these stresses become large enough, cracks
may form and widen, resulting in the formation of
leads. Such features can vary in width from a few
meters to several kilometers and in length from a few
hundred meters to several hundred kilometers. As
mentioned earlier, during much of the year in the polar
regions, once a lead forms it is immediately covered
with a thin skim of ice that thickens with time. This is
an ever changing process associated with the movement of weather systems as one lead system becomes
inactive and is replaced by another oriented in a
different direction. Because lead formation occurs at
varied intervals throughout the ice growth season, the
end result is an ice cover composed of a variety of
thicknesses of uniform sheet ice.
However, real pack ice thickness distributions
(Figure 1) show that there is a significant amount of
ice thicker than the 4.5–5.0 m maximum that might be
expected for steady-state MY ice floes. This thicker ice
forms by the closing of leads, which commonly results
Probability density (m )
brine is distributed within the sea ice also affects ice
There are several different structural types of sea ice,
each with characteristic crystal sizes and preferred
crystal orientations and property variations, the two
commonest being ‘congelation’ and ‘frazil’. In congelation ice, large elongated crystals extend completely
through the ice sheet, producing a structure similar to
that of directionally solidified metals. In the Arctic,
large areas of congelation ice show crystal orientations
so similar that they cause the ice to have directionally
dependent properties in the horizontal plane as if it
were a giant single crystal. Frazil, on the other hand, is
composed of small, randomly oriented, equiaxed
crystals that are not vertically elongated. Congelation
is more common in the Arctic while frazil is
more common in the Antarctic, reflecting the more
turbulent conditions characteristically found in the
Southern Ocean.
Draft (m)
Figure 1 The distribution of sea ice drafts expressed as
probability density as determined via the use of upward-looking
sonar along a 1400 km track taken in April 1976 in the Beaufort Sea.
All ice thicker than B4 m is believed to be the result of deformation.
The peak probablities in the range between 2.4 and 3.8 m represent
the thicknesses of undeformed multiyear ice, while the values less
than 1.2 m come from ice that formed more recently in leads.
in the piling of broken ice fragments into long,
irregular features or ‘pressure ridges’. There are
many small ridges, and large ones are rare. Nevertheless, the large ridges are very impressive, the largest
free-floating sail height and keel depth reported to date
in the Arctic being 13 and 47 m (values not from the
same ridge). Particularly heavily deformed ice commonly occurs in a B150 km band running between the
north coast of Greenland and the Canadian Arctic
Islands and the south coast of the Beaufort Sea. The
limited data available on Antarctic ridges suggest they
are generally smaller and less frequent than ridges in
the Arctic Ocean. The general pattern of the ridging is
also different in that the long, sinuous ridges characteristic of the Arctic Ocean are not observed. Instead,
the deformation can be better described as irregular
hummocking accompanied by extensive rafting of one
floe over another. Floe sizes are also smaller as the
result of the passage of large-amplitude swells through
the ice. These are generated by the intense Southern
Ocean storms that move to the north of the ice edge
and result in the fracturing of the larger floes, while the
large vertical motions facilitate the rafting process.
Pressure ridges are of considerable importance for
four reasons. First, they change the surface roughness
at the air–ice and water–ice interfaces, thereby altering
the effective surface tractions exerted by winds and
currents. Second, they act as plows, forming gouges in
the sea floor up to 8 m deep when they ground and are
pushed along by the ungrounded pack as it drifts over
the shallower (o60 m) regions of the polar continental
shelves. Third, as the thickest sea ice masses, they are a
major hazard that must be considered in the design of
offshore structures. Finally, and most important, the
ridging process provides a mechanical procedure for
transferring the thinner ice in the leads directly and
rapidly into the thickest ice categories.
Considerable information on the drift and deformation of sea ice has recently become available
through the combined use of data buoy and satellite
observations. This shows that on average there are
commonly two primary ice motion features in the
Arctic Basin, namely the Beaufort Gyre, a large
clockwise circulation located in the Beaufort Sea,
and the Trans-Polar Drift Stream, which transports ice
formed on the Siberian Shelf over the Pole to Fram
Strait between Greenland and Svalbard. The time
required for the ice to complete one circuit of the gyre
averages 5 years, while the transit time for the Drift
Stream is roughly 3 years with about 9% of the sea ice
of the Arctic Basin (919 000 km2) moving south
through the Fram Strait and out of the basin each
year. There are many interesting features of the ice drift
that exist over shorter time intervals. For instance,
recent observations show that the Beaufort Gyre may
run backwards (counterclockwise) over appreciable
periods of time, particularly in the summer and fall. It
has also been suggested that such reversals can occur
on decadal time scales. Typical pack ice velocities
range from 0 to 20 cm s 1 although extreme velocities
of up to 220 cm s 1 (4.3 knots) have been recorded
during storms. During winter, periods of zero ice
motion are not rare. During summer, when considerable open water is present in the pack, the ice appears
to be in continuous motion. The highest drift velocities
are invariably observed near the edge of the pack.
Not only are such locations commonly windy, but the
floes are able to move toward the free edge with
minimal inter-floe interference. Ice drift near the
Antarctic continent is generally westerly, becoming
easterly further north, but in all cases showing a
consistent northerly diverging drift toward the
free ice edge.
Various sea ice formations are shown in Figure 2.
Considering the anticipated geophysical consequences
of changes in sea ice extent, it is not surprising that
there is considerable interest in the subject. Is sea ice
expanding and thickening, heralding a new glacial
age, or retreating and thinning before the onslaught of
a greenhouse-gas-induced heat wave? One thing that
should be clear from the preceding discussion is that
the ice is both surprisingly thin and variable. Therefore
small changes in meteorological and oceanographic
forcings could result in significant changes to the
extent and state of the ice cover. They could also
produce feedbacks that might have significant and
complex climatic consequences.
Before we examine what is known about sea ice
variations, let us first examine other related observations that have a direct bearing on the question of sea
ice trends. Land station records for 1966–96 show that
the air temperatures have increased, with the largest
increases occurring during winter and spring over both
north-west North America and Eurasia, a conclusion
that is supported by increasing permafrost temperatures. In addition, meteorological observations collected on Russian pack ice drifting stations deployed in
the Arctic Basin show significant warming trends for
the spring and summer periods. It has also recently
been suggested that when proxy temperature sources
are considered, they indicate that the late 20th-century
Arctic temperatures are the highest in the past
400 years.
Recent oceanographic observations also relate to
the above questions. In the late 1980s the balance
between the Atlantic water entering the Arctic Basin
and the Pacific water appears to have changed,
resulting in an increase in the areal extent of the
more saline, warmer Atlantic water. In addition the
Atlantic water is shallower than in the past, resulting
in temperature increases of as much as 21C and salinity
increases of up to 2.5 ppt at depths of 200 m. The
halocline, which isolates the cold near surface layer
and the overlying sea ice cover from the underlying
warmer water, also appears to be thinning; a fact that
could profoundly affect the state of the sea ice cover
and the surface energy budget in the Arctic. Recent
changes as revealed by the motions of data buoys
placed on the ice show that there has been a weakening
of the Beaufort Sea Gyre and an associated increased
divergence of the ice pack. There are also indications
that the MY ice in the center of the Beaufort Gyre is less
prevalent and thinner than in the past and that the
amount of surface melt has increased from B0.8 m in
the mid 1970s to B2 m in 1997. This conclusion is
supported by the operational difficulties encountered
by recent field programs that have attempted to
maintain on-ice measurements. The increased melt
also is in agreement with observed decreases in the
salinity of the near surface water layer.
It is currently believed that the above changes
appear to be related to atmospheric changes in the
Polar Basin, where the mean atmospheric surface
pressure is decreasing and has been below the 1979–95
mean every year since 1988. Before B1988–99 the
2052 SEA ICE
Figure 2 (A) Ice gouging along the coast of the Beaufort Sea. (B) Aerial photograph of an area of pack ice in the Arctic Ocean showing
a recently refrozen large lead that has developed in the first year. The thinner newly formed ice is probably less than 10 cm thick.
(C) A representative pressure ridge in the Arctic Ocean. (D) A rubble field of highly deformed first-year sea ice developed along the
Alaskan coast of the Beaufort Sea. The tower in the far distance is located at a small research station on one of the numerous offshore islands located along this coast. (E) Deformed sea ice along the NW Passage, Canada. (F) Aerial photograph of pack ice in the
Arctic Ocean.
Beaufort High was usually centered over 1801 longitude. Since then the high has been both weaker and
typically confined to more western longitudes, which
may account for lighter ice conditions in the western
Arctic. There also has been a recent pronounced
increase in the frequency of cyclonic storms in the
Arctic Basin.
So, are there also direct measurements indicating
decreases in ice extent and thickness? Historical data
based on direct observations of sea ice extent are rare,
although significant long-term records do exist for a
few regions such as Iceland, where sea ice has an
important effect on both fishing and transportation. In
monitoring the health of the world’s sea ice covers the
use of satellite remote sensing is essential because of
the vast remote areas that must be surveyed. Unfortunately the satellite record is very brief. If data from
only microwave remote sensing systems are considered, because of their all-weather capabilities, the
record is even shorter, starting in 1973. As there was a
2-year data gap between 1976 and 1978, only 25 years
of data are available to date. The imagery shows that
there are definitely large seasonal, inter-annual and
regional variations in ice extent. For instance, a
decrease in ice extent in the Kara and Barents Seas
contrasts with an increase in the Baffin Bay–Davis
Strait region and out-of-phase fluctations occur between the Bering and the Okhotsk Seas. The most
recent study, which examined passive microwave data
through December 1996, concludes that the areal
extent of Arctic sea ice has decreased by 2.970.4%
per decade. In addition, record or near-record minimum areas of Arctic sea ice were observed in 1990,
1991, 1993, 1995, and 1997. A particularly extreme
recession of the ice along the Beaufort coast was also
noted in the fall of 1998. Russian ice reconnaissance
maps also show that a significant reduction in ice
extent and concentration has occurred over much of
the Russian Arctic Shelf since 1987.
Has a systematic variation also been observed in ice
thickness? Unfortunately there is, at present, no
satellite-borne remote sensing technique that can
measure sea ice thicknesses effectively from above.
There is also little optimism about the possibility of
developing such techniques because the extremely
lossy nature of sea ice limits penetration of electromagnetic signals. Current ice thickness information
comes from two very different techniques: in situ
drilling and upward-looking, submarine-mounted
sonar. Although drilling is an impractical technique
for regional studies, upward-looking sonar is an
extremely effective procedure. The submarine passes
under the ice at a known depth and the sonar
determines the distance to the underside of the ice by
measuring the travel times of the sound waves. The
result is an accurate, well-resolved under-ice profile
from which ice draft distributions can be determined
and ice thickness distributions can be estimated based
on the assumption of isostacy.
Although there have been many under-ice cruises
starting with the USS Nautilus in 1958, to date only a
few studies have been published that examine temporal variations in ice thickness in the Arctic. The first
compared the results of the cruise of the Nautilus in
1958 with those of the nearly identical cruise of USS
Queenfish in 1970. Decreases in mean ice thickness
were observed in the Canadian Basin (3.08–2.39 m)
and in the Eurasian Basin (4.06–3.57 m). The second
study compared the results of two Royal Navy cruises
made in 1976 and 1987 and obtained a 15% decrease
in mean ice thickness for a 300 000 km2 area north of
Greenland. Although these studies show similar
trends, the fact that they each utilized only 2 years of
data caused many scientists to feel that a conclusive
trend had not been established. However, a recent
study has been able to examine this problem in more
detail by comparing data from three submarine cruises
made in the 1990s (1993, 1996, 1997) with the results
of similar cruises made between 1958 and 1976. The
area examined was the deep Arctic Basin and the
comparisons used data only from the late summer and
fall periods. It was found that the mean ice draft has
decreased by about 1.3 m from 3.1 m in 1958–76 to
1.8 m in the 1990s, with a larger decrease occurring in
the central and eastern Arctic than in the Beaufort and
Chukchi Seas. This is a very large difference, indicating that the volume of ice in the region surveyed is
down by some 40%. Furthermore, an examination of
the data from the 1990s suggests that the thickness
decrease is continuing at a rate of about 0.1 m yr 1.
Off the Antarctic the situation is not as clear. One
study has suggested a major retreat in maximum sea
ice extent over the last century based on comparisons
of current satellite data with the earlier positions of
whaling ships reportedly operating along the ice edge.
As it is very difficult to access exactly where the ice
edge is located solely from shipboard observations,
this claim has met with some skepticism. An examination of the satellite observations indicates a very
slight increase in areal extent since 1973. As there is no
upward-looking sonar data for the Antarctic Seas the
thickness data base there is very small. However,
limited drilling and airborne laser profiles of the upper
surface of the ice indicate that in many areas the
undeformed ice is very thin (60–80 cm) and that the
amount of deformed ice is not only significantly less
than in the Arctic but would only add roughly 10 cm to
the mean ice thickness.
What are we to make of all of this? It is obvious that,
at least in the Arctic, a change appears to be underway
that extends from the top of the atmosphere to depths
below 1000 m in the ocean. In the middle of this is the
sea ice cover which, as has been shown, is extremely
sensitive to environmental changes. What is not
known is whether these changes are part of some
cycle or whether they represent a climatic regime shift
in which the positive feedbacks associated with the
presence of a sea ice cover play an important role. Also
not understood are the interconnections between what
is happening in the Arctic and other changes
both inside and outside the Arctic. For instance,
could changes in the Arctic system drive significant lower-latitude atmospheric and oceanographic
changes, or are the Arctic changes driven by more
dynamic, lower-latitude processes? In the Antarctic
the picture is even less clear, although changes are
known to be under way, as is evidenced by the recent
breakup of ice shelves along the eastern coast of the
Antarctic Peninsula. Not surprisingly, the scientific
community is currently devoting considerable energy
to attempt to answer these questions. We could say
that a cold subject is heating up.
See also
Arctic Climate. Snow (Surface).
Further Reading
Cavelieri DJ, Gloersen P, Parkinson CL, Comiso JC and
Zwally HJ (1997) Observed hemispheric asymmetry in
global sea ice changes. Science 278(5340): 1104–1106.
Ebert EE and Curry JA (1993) An intermediate onedimensional thermodynamic sea ice model for investigating ice–atmosphere interactions. Journal of Geophysical Research 98(C6): 10085–10109.
Jin Z, Stamnes K, Weeks WF and Tsay SC (1994) The
effect of sea ice on the solar energy budget in the
atmosphere-sea ice-ocean system: a model study.
Journal of Geophysical Research 99(C12): 25281–
Leppäranta M (ed.) (1998) Physics of Ice-covered Seas, 2
vols. Helsinki: Helsinki University Printing House.
Rothrock DA, Yu Y and Maykut GA (1999) Thinning of the
Arctic sea-ice cover. Geophysical Research Letters 22:
Untersteiner N (ed.) (1986) The Geophysics of Sea Ice.
NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series B, Physics, vol.
146. New York: Plenum Press.
Dyer I and Chryssostomidis C (eds) (1984) Arctic Technology and Policy. New York: Hemisphere.
C A Doswell III, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK,
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The word ‘storm’ implies a disturbance of some sort in
the weather, but many different types of weather can
result in an event called a storm. Thus, it is possible to
have windstorms, dust storms (which also are windstorms), hailstorms, thunderstorms, winter storms,
tropical storms, and so on. Generally speaking, events
called storms are associated with cyclones; undisturbed weather is usually found with anticyclones.
Similarly, the meaning of severity needs to be
considered. The intensity of the event in question
will be the basis for deciding on the severity of that
particular storm. However, if storm intensity is to be
the basis for categorizing a storm as severe, it has to be
decided what measure is to be used for intensity. This
also implies an arbitrary threshold for deciding the
issue of severity. That is, weather events of a given type
will be called severe when some measure of that event’s
intensity meets or exceeds a threshold that is usually
more or less arbitrary. A hailstorm might be severe
when the hailstone diameters reach 2 cm or larger; a
winter snowstorm might be called severe when the
snowfall rate equals or exceeds 5 cm h 1. On the other
hand, some storms of any intensity might be considered severe. A tornado is a ‘storm’ embedded within a
thunderstorm; any tornado of any intensity is considered a severe storm.
The difficulty with arbitrary definitions is that they
imply a change in character whenever the threshold
criterion is met. That is, if a hailstorm produces
hailstones 1.9 cm in diameter, a threshold of 2 cm
means that such a storm is not severe. Is it reasonable,
from most people’s viewpoint, to try to distinguish a
storm producing 1.9 cm diameter hailstones from one
producing 2 cm hailstones? In the majority of cases
within the science of meteorology, there is no obvious
way to distinguish events with this sort of precision. A
small quantitative change in some intensity measurement is not necessarily associated with a qualitative
change in the character of a storm. It is near the
threshold (wherever that threshold is chosen) that it
becomes challenging to analyze and predict storm
‘severity’. This will be elaborated on in dealing with
the specific events described below. However, the
challenge of defining severity should be kept in mind in
the following discussion, as we consider various types
of severe storms.
Severe Mid-latitude Storms
The tropics are defined formally as lying equatorward
of 23.51 latitude in the Northern and Southern
Hemispheres: the ‘Tropics’ of Cancer and Capricorn,
respectively. Poleward of these latitudes and equatorward of 601 latitude lie the so-called mid-latitudes.
There are important distinctions between the weather
of mid-latitudes and that of the tropics. Notably, in
mid-latitudes, the Coriolis force is an important part
of the meteorology, whereas in the tropics, its impact
on the large-scale weather is less.
Synoptic-Scale Storms
Cyclones in mid-latitudes that are thousands of
kilometers in horizontal extent are known as synoptic-scale systems. These are the familiar rotating
weather systems (Figure 1) shown routinely in newspapers and on television. Such storms serve an
important function in the global circulation, helping
to carry warm air poleward from the tropics and cold
air from the polar regions equatorward. This process
keeps the imbalance of solar heating from creating too
extreme a temperature contrast between the poles and
the Equator. In association with these synoptic-scale
cyclones, intense temperature contrasts can develop
(Figure 2), called fronts, which are the leading edges of
the cold air flowing equatorward and the warm
air flowing poleward. These mid-latitude cyclones
are part of the normal progression of weather
systems, typically bringing clouds and precipitation
with them.
In some situations, when the hemispheric weather
patterns have become slow-moving, these cyclones
can bring prolonged periods of heat or cold to some
regions. When extreme temperatures (hot or cold) are
reached, these can be hazardous to humans for a
variety of reasons, but would not generally be considered ‘storms’.
Synoptic-scale cyclones can become particularly
intense, and the pressures at their cores can become
quite low in comparison to the average. Often, in the
process of intensification, the pressures can fall quite
rapidly as the result of the dynamic processes operating to cause the intensification. Cyclones with fastfalling pressures are sometimes called ‘bombs’ and,
whereas they can be considered storms in their own
right, the cyclones may be responsible for several
different types of stormy weather.
Figure 1 False-color-enhanced satellite image of a synoptic-scale cyclone on the afternoon of 10 November 1998, showing the center of
the cyclone near the spiral of clouds in south-eastern Minnesota. This cyclone was producing severe thunderstorms in and near the Gulf of
Mexico, as well as snow and high winds on the northern plains, in North and South Dakota. (Source: NOAA.)
Figure 2 Map of surface temperatures at about the same time as Figure 1, showing the strong contrast in temperature along the cold
front, with subfreezing temperatures in North and South Dakota at the same time that quite warm temperatures are present over the Gulf of
Mexico. Many subsynoptic-scale features also can be seen in mountainous regions; for example, in the Appalachian and Rocky
Mountains. (Source: NOAA.)
Rapidly falling pressures create strong winds over a
wide region. These windstorms resulting from synoptic-scale cyclones can produce considerable damage
and associated casualties; recent examples occurred in
France during December 1999 and along the east coast
of the United States in February 2000 and March 1993
(the so-called ‘Superstorm’ of 1993). Another wellpublicized example hit the United Kingdom in October 1987. The damaging winds can extend over many
hundreds of kilometers and last in any one place for a
full day or more. The result of such widespread
damaging wind can be overwhelming to emergency
services, and power outages alone can last for days in
some places simply because of the sheer size of the
affected area. At sea, strong winds from intense
synoptic-scale cyclones produce large waves that
represent hazards to ships of all sorts. While still at
sea, the winds from intense cyclones can cause serious
damage, including beach erosion, when they affect
coastal areas.
In addition, intense synoptic-scale cyclones can
produce a full spectrum of hazardous precipitation.
The time of such storms runs from Fall through Spring,
and so the cyclones are capable of producing paralyzing snowstorms, ice storms, heavy rainstorms, and
even severe thunderstorms. Accumulations of ice and
snow during winter storms of this type are potentially
hazardous to ships and aircraft.
Depending on the circumstances, two or more of
these different severe weather types could be happening at the same time in different places. A given
location might experience all of them in the course of a
single day during the passage of a synoptic-scale
cyclone. In other situations, only one form of severe
weather occurs within such a cyclone.
Synoptic-scale cyclones are important in creating
the conditions for the development of smaller-scale
storms. It is a general principle in meteorology that, as
the size of a weather system decreases, the maximum
intensity of the weather it can create increases.
Although synoptic-scale systems certainly can produce widespread damage, it is usually not of the most
extreme intensity. However, the conditions within
such storms can result in smaller concentrations of
severe weather that become even more potentially
Mesoscale Storms
Whereas synoptic-scale weather happens on scales of
several thousand kilometers, mesoscale weather is in
the range of hundreds of kilometers. Synoptic-scale
weather processes go on essentially all the time
(although the really intense events are generally
rare), whereas mesoscale storms are intermittent.
That is, they arise only occasionally in any given
location and then only when the conditions for their
formation are produced by the processes operating on
the synoptic scale. There are two general classes of
mesoscale storm systems: those that arise from interactions between the atmosphere and the underlying
surface, and those that occur even in regions of
uniform conditions at the surface.
Those systems that depend on the underlying
surface cover a wide range of phenomena. There are
many atmospheric circulations, like land–sea breezes,
that are more or less routine processes, driven by the
underlying topographic conditions; in the case of the
land–sea breeze, it is the temperature contrast between
the land and the sea that drives the flow. During the
day, the land is warmer and air tends to rise over land,
to be replaced by cooler air flowing in from the sea. At
night, the opposite happens. Of course, most of these
circulations would not be considered ‘storms’ in the
sense that we have been using. However, such processes as land–sea breezes can be influential in the
development of stormy weather, often in the form of
thunderstorms that are initiated along them.
Occasionally, the circumstances produced by the
synoptic-scale flow as it interacts with the surface
result in stormy conditions. A common example
occurs when the air flow interacts with complex
terrain, producing localized windstorms. There are
examples of these mesoscale windstorms around the
world, often given colorful names. Mesoscale windstorms such as the Chinook (in Alaska), the Foehn (in
the European Alps), the Traumontana (in the western
Mediterranean), and the Bora (in the Adriatic) have
been recognized as important weather events for
centuries. Windstorms in complex terrain arise in
different circumstances; they are not all driven by the
same mechanism. Some are simply cases where cool,
stable air is being funneled through gaps in the terrain
(e.g., the Traumontana); others develop when strong
winds aloft are brought down to the surface by
processes induced by air flow over the mountains (as
in Boulder, Colorado). The situation creating the
windstorms is created by the synoptic-scale flow,
but the strongest winds are confined to a mesoscale
Another class of mesoscale storms can arise when
cold air flows over relatively warm waters. Storms of
this sort, called ‘polar lows’, apparently arise through
processes not unlike those of tropical cyclones, drawing energy from the ocean to develop their intense
circulations. They occur when outbreaks of very cold
polar air flows over relatively warm waters. Given
their mesoscale size, they often are characterized by
intense pressure gradients, leading to the occurrence of
strong windstorms. Their size means that the weather
they bring may only last for part of a day, but during
the passage of the storm, winds can meet, and even
exceed, the hurricane threshold of 33.5 m s 1. The
windstorms associated with polar lows can be quite
hazardous, especially when they occur in association
with low temperatures (resulting in severe windchill
conditions). In addition, polar lows can produce
blinding snowstorms with snowfall rates of perhaps
200 mm h 1, leading to extremely dangerous blizzard
conditions. On some occasions they can be associated
with strong and possibly severe thunderstorms as well.
Even when the underlying surface is more or less
uniform, mesoscale storms can develop within synoptic-scale cyclones (Figure 3). These are usually tied to a
disturbance in the middle or upper troposphere that
encounters conditions favorable for its development.
Such systems can produce unforeseen snow and ice
storms in the winter, and severe thunderstorms during
the warm season. There may not be a strong cyclone
near the surface in such events.
Severe Thunderstorms
Severe thunderstorms typically produce weather
events that cover a wide range of size scales, from a
few hundred kilometers down to just a few kilometers
or even smaller. This is because thunderstorms can
occur as isolated events or in groups. In the United
States, a thunderstorm-related event is considered
severe when the wind gusts equal or exceed 25 m s 1,
or when the hailstone diameters exceed 2 cm, or if a
tornado is produced.
A thunderstorm is composed of one or more cells,
where a cell is the basic building block of a thunderstorm. Cells, in turn, are viewed as being made up of
one group of air parcels being driven upward by
positive buoyancy and another being driven downward by negative buoyancy, with the presence of
precipitation in the air. Positive buoyancy arises in
updrafts by the release of latent heat during the
condensation of water vapor. This heat release acts like
the burner of a hot air balloon, reducing the density of
the air in which condensation is occurring and thereby
causing the air to rise. As the process continues,
Figure 3 An example of a polar low in the cold airstream behind a
wintertime synoptic-scale cold front associated with a synopticscale cyclone (a low-pressure center). (Source: NOAA.)
precipitation can be formed in the updraft. This
precipitation can produce downdrafts simply by its
accumulating weight dragging downward on the
surrounding air. Moreover, when precipitation falls
into relatively dry air surrounding a developing storm,
the evaporation of that precipitation chills the air
because evaporation absorbs latent heat from the air in
the same way that condensation releases that heat.
When downdrafts caused by thunderstorms reach
the surface, they are forced to spread out, like pancake
batter poured onto a griddle. This creates an outflow at
the surface (often called a downburst), with the
outflow winds sometimes reaching the criterion for
calling the thunderstorm severe. On some occasions,
these outflow winds can exceed 40 m s 1.
Under the right circumstances, notably when the
updraft is particularly strong, the possibility of hail
formation arises. Hailstones develop in the part of the
storm where supercooled water and ice crystals are
both present; liquid water is said to be supercooled
when its temperature is below the melting point (01C)
and the water is not yet frozen. Hailstones can become
quite large, exceeding 5 cm diameters at times, and can
be capable of penetrating roofs, shattering windows,
and even creating human casualties. Even small hail
can cause crop damage, of course.
Occasionally, tornadoes form in association with
severe thunderstorms. Tornadoes are intense lowpressure vortices that can produce the strongest winds
of any storm: at their highest intensity, tornadic
windspeeds can approach 140 m s 1. Most tornadoes,
however, are not that intense. Tornadoes over bodies
of water are called waterspouts. Tornadoes are created
in thunderstorms when pretornadic, relatively weak
circulations are intensified through conservation of
angular momentum.
Isolated Events
The most intense form of thunderstorm is the so-called
supercell thunderstorm, which typically is isolated
from surrounding storms. Supercells are rotating
thunderstorms that develop their rotation by tapping
the vertical wind shear in the storm environment. The
vast majority of supercells produce some sort of severe
weather: hail, damaging straight-line winds, and/or
tornadoes; only about 20% of them are tornadic. The
most violent severe weather of all types is almost
always associated with supercells (Figure 4), including
the majority of strong and violent (F2–F5 on the Fujita
Scale) tornadoes and giant hailstones (exceeding 5 cm
in diameter).
Although the typical thunderstorm cell has a
lifetime of about 20–30 min, supercells can persist
for many hours. This means that all forms of severe
weather from supercells can be prolonged, sometimes
leaving long, wide swaths of damage. The organized
nature of a supercell, associated with its overall
rotation, means that supercells produce a disproportionate share of the damage associated with thunderstorms. Perhaps only about 10% of all thunderstorms
are supercells, but they are responsible for the majority
of thunderstorm damage in areas where they occur.
Because supercell updrafts are often intense, supercells can become prolific hail producers; a noteworthy
example was a supercell that hit the Dallas–Fort
Worth metroplex on the evening of 5 May 1995, with
Figure 4 Supercell-associated tornado on 22 May 1981, near Alfalfa, Oklahoma. (Image r 2000 C. Doswell (used with permission).)
softball-sized hail and torrential rains. The damage
from that one storm was estimated at $1 billion.
Apart from supercells, isolated thunderstorms are
usually not severe and typically do not last very long.
On rare occasions, isolated thunderstorms can produce a brief ‘pulse’ of severe weather, usually hail or
winds that are only marginally severe.
Aggregations of Thunderstorms
Thunderstorms do not typically occur as isolated
events. Instead, they tend to form in groups, in either
lines or in clusters of individual cells. The most
common grouping is in lines, sometimes referred to
as squall lines. When thunderstorm cells form in
aggregations, the collection of storms can live for
much longer than the individual cells (which usually
retain their 20–30 min life cycles). This means that the
hail and wind events produced by such groupings of
thunderstorms are intermittent, rather than prolonged
(as with supercells), as cells form and decay. Severe
weather can go on in such cases for many hours in
this intermittent fashion. The interactions between
individual cells in lines and clusters of thunderstorm
cells are often complicated and hard to predict,
but those interactions are responsible for severe
A particularly dangerous form of thunderstorm
aggregation arises when new cells are constantly
forming in one place and tracking over the same
region repeatedly, a situation called ‘training’ because
the cells are like carriages in a train. This means that a
particular area experiences rainfall from a succession
of thunderstorm cells, which can result in extremely
heavy rainfall. This is the process associated with the
majority of flash flood events worldwide. In the United
States, heavy rainfall is not considered to be a criterion
for what is officially considered to be ‘severe’ despite
the importance of such rainfall in flooding events. On
the other hand, many other nations around the world
consider heavy rainfall to be an important form of
severe storm.
peak sustained winds (i.e., not gusts) can approach
90 m s1 in extreme cases. The size of the region of
damaging winds can vary considerably from one event
to another, but winds exceeding ‘hurricane force’
(33.5 m s1) can be found within a circle on the order
of 100 km or so in diameter. With such a large region of
strong winds, damaging windspeeds can go on for
many hours.
Although they are well known for strong winds,
tropical cyclones can pack a lethal combination of
hazards: storm surge, heavy rainfalls, and even
embedded tornadoes, as well as the better-known
strong winds. Storm surge is created by a combination
of strong winds and low pressure, resulting in an
elevated sea level near the center of the storm. When
this surge, which can be several meters high, makes
landfall, low-lying coastal regions can be inundated.
Nor is the rainfall component to be taken lightly.
Hurricane Mitch (Figure 5) devastated parts of Nicaragua and Honduras in 1998, mostly from flash
floods and landslides. There were more than 9000
fatalities, making it the worst weather disaster in this
century in the Western Hemisphere.
Tropical cyclones are usually several hundred kilometers in diameter and can last for tens of days. Their
paths often take them out of the tropics into midlatitudes, where they can maintain their structure for a
time before eventually dissipating or transforming
into midlatitude cyclones. Tropical storms usually
dissipate shortly after making landfall, because their
energy source (warm sea water) is cut off. Nevertheless, dissipated tropical cyclonic storms can remain
dangerous well after they lose their strong winds by
creating an environment favorable for heavy rainproducing thunderstorms.
Relatively little is known about other types of severe
storms in the tropics. Severe thunderstorms, especially
supercells, are uncommon in the tropics because of a
general lack of vertical wind shear. Of course, heavy
rain-producing tropical thunderstorms are relatively
common in some parts of the tropics.
Severe Tropical Storms
The most obvious form of severe weather associated
with the Tropics is the tropical cyclone. Tropical
cyclones are known by different names in different
parts of the world: hurricanes (in North America),
typhoons (in the tropical Pacific), and cyclones (in the
Indian Ocean and Australia), among others, but they
are all the same phenomenon. Such storms arise when
sea surface temperatures become warm, the vertical
wind shear is weak, and tropical weather disturbances
move through the easterly Trade winds of the tropics.
They produce winds in excess of 33.5 m s1 and the
Societal Impacts and Their Mitigation
Severe storms in all their variety cause the loss of
hundreds of lives and several billion dollars in property during the course of a year in the United States. It
is worth noting that the United States can recover from
such property damage because of its large, generally
healthy economy. Economic losses from severe storms
in the United States are typically much less than one
percent of the gross domestic product (currently
several trillion dollars), so by spreading out the impact
of severe storms, the areas affected can recover and
Figure 5 View from the GOES-8 geostationary satellite of Hurricane Mitch near Honduras and Nicaragua. (Source: NOAA.)
rebuild. On the other hand, when severe storms (like
Hurricane Mitch) devastate less-developed nations
with small economies, the damage to their infrastructure can be so large that it might take decades to
Forecasting severe storms has shown a slow increase
in accuracy during the past several decades, as new
technologies are leading to improved understanding
and predictability. The accuracy of forecasts generally
increases as the scale of the storm increases; it is
possible to be more accurate with a synoptic-scale
forecast than with a forecast on the scale of a single
thunderstorm in most cases. There is more complete
understanding of the synoptic-scale meteorology than
that on scales smaller than synoptic. Furthermore,
forecast accuracy generally decreases with the age of
the forecast, at a rate that also depends on the scale. In
general, the accuracy of a synoptic-scale forecast stays
high for longer than does a short-range forecast of a
thunderstorm-scale event.
Mitigation of property damage depends mostly on
making the right preparations for the storms that are
possible in a given location, well in advance of the
storms. Once the storms are under way, there tends to
be relatively little that can be done to prevent property
damage. For example, a home built on a barrier island
Figure 6 Damage caused by the violent tornado that hit the city of Moore, Oklahoma on 3 May 1999.
that can be swept by landfalling tropical cyclones is
unlikely to remain undamaged for more than a few
decades, at most. Thus, some damage can be avoided
by not building in vulnerable areas. As another
example, there are several ways in which homes can
be built to resist tornado damage (Figure 6), unless the
homeowner is unlucky enough to be hit by the most
intense winds in a violent tornado. Even within the
whole violent tornado damage area, only a few places
will actually experience the most violent winds; most
of the rest of the structures will encounter winds that
can be resisted through appropriate construction.
Mitigation of casualties can also be a complex
undertaking. In some instances, as with tropical
cyclones, evacuation is possible and may be the
best way to protect lives when it is feasible. For
tornadoes, access to a suitable shelter is preferred;
in situations where proper shelter is not available,
the alternatives during tornadoes are not very good.
In flooding situations, evacuation to higher ground
is the appropriate way to prevent casualties, when
time permits. Clearly, our ability to detect and
predict severe storms is also important for casualty
mitigation. In the United States, there has been a
gradual reduction in weather-related fatalities with
time, in part because there are fewer ‘surprise’ storms
today and in part because education about severe
storm hazards has led to improved public preparations. Nevertheless, we continue to be vulnerable to
disasters caused by severe storms, and complacency
can be a fatal error.
See also
Air–Sea Interaction: Storm Surges. Bow Echos and
Derecho. Convective Storms: Overview. Cyclogene-
sis. Cyclones, Extra Tropical. Downslope Winds.
Flooding. Lake Effect Storms. Mesoscale Meteorology: Mesoscale Convective Systems. Microbursts. Orographic Effects: Lee Cyclogenesis. Polar Lows.
Tornados. Waterspouts.
Further Reading
Agnone JC (ed.) (1995) Raging Forces: Earth in Upheaval.
Washington DC: National Geographic Society.
Anthes R (1982) Tropical Cyclones. Their Evolution,
Structure and Effects. Boston: American Meteorological
Church C, Burgess D, Doswell C and Davies-Jones R (eds)
(1993) The Tornado: Its Structure, Dynamics, Prediction, and Hazards. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union.
Doswell CA III (ed.) (2001) Severe Convective Storms.
Boston: Amererican Meteorological Society.
Foote GB and Knight CA (eds) (1977) Hail: A Review of
Hail Science and Hail Suppression. Boston: American
Meteorological Society.
Hill CE (ed.) (1986) Nature on the Rampage: Our Violent
Earth. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society.
Junger S (1997) The Perfect Storm. New York: W.W.
Lamb H (1991) Historic Storms of the North Sea, British
Isles and Northwest Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Lorenz EN (1993) The Essence of Chaos. Seattle: University
of Washington Press.
Ludlam FH (1980) Clouds and Storms. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Ray PS (ed.) (1986) Mesoscale Meteorology and Forecasting. Boston: Amererican Meteorological Society.
Shapiro M and Grnås S (eds) (1999) The Life Cycles of
Extratropical Cyclones. Boston: American Meteorological Society.
M Sturm, US Army Cold Regions Research &
Engineering Laboratory-Alaska, Fort Wainwright, AL,
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Snow blankets more than half of the Northern
Hemisphere each winter, remaining in place for
periods ranging from less than a month (typically
south of 401 N) to more than 8 months of the year
(typically north of 601 N). In the Southern Hemi-
sphere, the coverage is less extensive, but still substantial. If the perennial snow covers of the Greenland and
Antarctic ice sheets are included, along with the
seasonal snow cover that forms on lake and sea ice,
then the total percentage of the Earth’s surface covered
by snow during some period of each year is considerable. This blanket of snow is a complex, layered
material that can exhibit a high degree of spatial
heterogeneity. Year-to-year variations in coverage and
properties can be large and they have a direct and
immediate impact on the Earth’s climate. In this
article, the major types of snow cover are introduced
and the layered nature of the snow is discussed.
The role of the snow in moderating the exchange
of energy and mass with the atmosphere is also
Snow Cover and Its Importance
The term ‘snow cover’ is directly analogous to the term
‘formation’ when discussing layered sedimentary or
metamorphic rocks. Both the sequence and character
of the layers, and the lateral variation of each layer
(facies changes), contribute to the overall properties of
the formation. Similarly, the bulk physical and thermal
properties of a snow cover, the properties that are of
importance in moderating the exchange of energy and
mass between the Earth and the atmosphere, are an
aggregate of the properties of the individual layers. For
each layer, these properties are the result of the
conditions (snowfall, wind, temperature) that prevailed when the layer was deposited, and the postdepositional conditions (temperature, temperature
gradients, snow overburden, liquid water percolation,
solar radiation) to which the layer was subjected after
deposition. Because both deposition and post-deposition conditions vary across the landscape, the layers
themselves vary. In order to understand the role of
snow cover in atmospheric processes, the layered
nature and spatial variability of the material need to be
Much of the impact of snow on climate and
atmospheric processes arises because of its high albedo
and low thermal conductivity. Snow cover reflects up
to 85% of incoming short-wave solar radiation,
significantly reducing winter temperatures and retarding melting in the spring. At the same time, snow is an
excellent insulator, so it can effectively lower the rate
of heat loss from the ground or an underlying ice
surface, thereby maintaining higher winter soil temperatures or retarding the rate of sea and lake ice
growth. The total winter energy exchange across a
snow cover is a complex balance between these two
competing processes. Snow cover is also important
because it traps aerosols and other atmospheric
particulates like a filter, storing these until the snow
melts, then releasing them abruptly. Snow can control,
through thermal and physical means, the release of
trace gases like CO2 from subnivian plants and soils
during the winter, and it functions as a temporary
storage reservoir of water, stockpiling winter precipitation then allowing it to run off in a much shorter
period of time than it otherwise would have had it not
fallen as snow. In some cases in higher latitudes where
the snow lasts many months, as much as 80% of the
annual river discharge can be from snow melt, and this
discharge may occur in a period of less than two
Perennial and Seasonal Snow Covers
Because of their fundamentally different layered
structures, it is customary to distinguish between
perennial and seasonal snow covers. Seasonal snow
covers are deposited in the fall and melt away
completely each spring; therefore they never become
very deep. Perennial snow covers form at higher levels
on glaciers and ice sheets, where the combined
decrease in temperature and increase in snowfall
precipitation with altitude is sufficient to allow winter
snow accumulation to survive the summer melt.
Snowfall of the following winter is deposited on the
residual snow of the previous year, forming a sequence
of annual layers of snow that can be tens to hundreds
of meters thick before compaction at depth converts
the snow into glacier ice.
Separate but related climate classification systems
for perennial and seasonal snow covers have been
suggested and are useful when thinking about both
local and global variations in snow cover. For the
perennial snow on glaciers and ice sheets, increasing elevation results in a decrease in melting. As a
consequence, snow characteristics vary with elevation
(Figure 1). At the lowest elevation, the melt removes all
of the winter snow, and a seasonal rather than
perennial snow pack forms each year. Higher, the
snow pack survives the summer melt, but percolation
of melt water into the snow pack and subsequent
refreezing produce extensive icy features like the ice
lenses and percolation columns. At the highest elevations, no melting takes place and the dry snow facies is
observed. On a steep alpine glacier, the entire sequence
is compressed into a distance of tens of kilometers. On
ice sheets, sequence may spread over distances of
hundreds of kilometers.
For seasonal snow covers, local climate rather than
elevation determines the prevailing snow cover characteristics, and this local climate can be represented by
three simple binary variables: winter temperature,
winter precipitation, and wind. High and low values
for each of these variables (Figure 2) define eight
possible types of seasonal snow covers, most of which
have a counterpart in the glacier facies system shown
in Figure 1. For example, under warmer, wetter winter
conditions, a maritime snow cover will develop. This
snow cover tends to be deep (41 m) and warm (near or
at freezing temperatures), and exhibits similar icy
features to those observed in the percolation facies on
glaciers (compare Figure 3 to Figure 1). Similarly,
alpine, tundra, and taiga snow cover classes exhibit
features found in the dry snow facies on glaciers. The
Dry snow line
(approx 2100 m)
Saturation line
(approx 1000 m)
Firn line
(approx 600 m)
Summer surface
of reference year
Summer surface of
the previous year
Abla s
Glacier ice
Figure 1 The glacier facies classification of Benson (1962), describing variations in the characteristics of the perennial snow cover found
on glaciers and ice sheets. With increasing elevation, there is a decrease in the amount of melting and, as a consequence, a decrease in
the amount of icy features in the winter snow pack. At the lowest level, all of the winter snow melts in the summer and the snow cover is
essentially seasonal; at the highest level, no melting takes place and the snow has no features in it related to melting. (From Benson CS
(1962) Stratigraphic studies in the snow and firn of the Greenland Ice Sheet. SIPRE Research Report 70, CRREL.)
stratigraphic diagram and key in Figure 3 suggest the
main snow cover characteristics associated with each
climate class for seasonal snow.
Rare (deep tundra snow)
Rare (deep taiga snow)
Taiga snow
Tundra snow
Very high
Ephemeral snow
Prairie snow
Layer by Layer Development
of a Snow Cover
Snow cover builds up layer by layer. The initial
characteristics of each layer are determined by how
much solid precipitation falls, whether the precipitation is accompanied by wind, and the prevailing
temperature at the time of deposition. After deposition, each layer is subjected to mechanical and thermal
metamorphic processes that alter the layer characteristics. These vary in intensity and duration depending
on when the layer was deposited, its height in the snow
pack and the number of overlying layers, the prevailing conditions at the snow surface, and the temperature and temperature gradients in the snow pack as a
whole. At any given time, the characteristics of each
layer in the snow are a product of its initial deposition
and post-depositional metamorphism.
Alpine snow
Maritime snow
Maritime snow
Figure 2 A dichotomous classification of seasonal snow covers
based on winter temperature, precipitation, and wind. In Figure 3, a
typical snow stratigraphy for each class is shown. Broad similarities
in snow characteristics exist between the seasonal snow classes
and the glacier facies shown in Figure 1. (From Sturm M, Holmgren
J, Liston G (1995) A seasonal snow cover classification system for
local to global applications. Journal of Climate 8: 1261–1283.)
Layer Deposition and Densification
Almost 80 different types of falling snow crystals have
been identified. The particular crystals that accumulate at the Earth’s surface in a snow storm are
determined by the temperature and humidity in the
layers of air through which the crystals fall and grow.
However, crystal form is far less important than the
rate of snowfall, the wind speed, and the temperature
in determining the initial characteristics of a snow
Snow depth (cm)
New snow
Recent snow
Wetted snow
Wind slab
Depth hoar
Figure 3 Typical snow stratigraphy for the six seasonal classes listed in Figure 2. (From Sturm M, Holmgren J, Liston G (1995)
A seasonal snow cover classification system for local to global applications. Journal of Climate 8: 1261–1283.)
layer. In general, low temperatures, low wind, and low
rates of snow fall produce the lowest-density layers of
new snow (Table 1).
Once deposited, new snow layers densify rapidly.
Initially, much of this densification is a result of
Table 1 The density of newly deposited snow
Deposition conditions
Density (g cm 3)
No wind, low rate of snowfall, cold
Low wind, low rate of snowfall
Moderate wind, high rate of snowfall
Moderate wind, low rate of snowfall
High wind
thermodynamic instability. The sharp points and
intricate branches of newly fallen snow crystals have
high radii of curvature; the water vapor pressure over
these highly curved surfaces is greater than elsewhere,
so there is a net loss of water molecules from pointed
areas to the air spaces in the snow, or to other areas on
crystals that have lower degrees of curvature. The
crystals rapidly break down and the resulting fragments become more rounded (Figure 4). The breakdown reduces the size of the crystals, increases the
number of individual snow grains, and decreases
the degree to which the crystals interlock. As a result,
the entire snow layer settles.
As additional new layers of snow are added to the
snow pack, the overburden load (s) on buried layers
Figure 4 Changes in a snow flake held at a constant temperature of 11.51C for a total period of 57 days (indicated by small numbers).
The snow flake grew in the atmosphere under conditions of supersaturation with respect to water vapor. Once deposited, the sharp points
and thin branches were thermodynamically unstable and the snow flake metamorphosed, even in the absence of a temperature gradient
or overburden stress. (From Bader H, Haefeli R, Bucher E, Neher J, Eckel O, Thams C (1939) Der Schnee und seine Metamorphose
(Snow and its Metamorphism), US Army SIPRE Translation 14, 1954.)
increases. For these layers, compaction due to vertical
stresses begins to dominate the snow densification
process. The response of the snow to these stresses has
been modeled by assuming the snow layer behaves like
a viscous fluid (eqn [1]).
1 dh 1 dr s
h dt r dt Zc
In eqn [1] h is the thickness of the layer (m), t is time (s),
r is the layer density (kg m 3), and Zc is the compactive viscosity. Values of Zc (Pa s) have been determined
from observations of the settlement of natural snow
layers, from uniaxial strain compressive tests, and
from depth–density profiles on glaciers and ice sheets.
The combined results show wide scatter, but individual sets of data are usually fitted to the relation in eqn
[2], where k is a factor that depends on the type of
snow cover (Figures 1 through 3).
Zc ¼ Z0 ekr
The effective viscosity term incorporates a number of
physical mechanisms including gravity-driven movement of snow grain centers of mass toward each
other, vapor and volume diffusion, and sintering.
Table 2 Compactive viscosity factors for three classes of snow
k-value (m3 kg 1)
Not surprisingly, viscosity factor values vary widely
depending on the temperature, liquid water content,
and grain characteristics of the snow – i.e., the snow
cover class (Table 2). Colder, drier, finer-grained layers
of snow tend to be more viscous than warmer, wetter,
layers with larger grains, and therefore compact more
In the absence of melting or the introduction of
liquid water, snow layers will continue to densify until
they reach a limiting density of about 0.6 g cm 3. By
this time, the snow grains will have metamorphosed
until they have become highly rounded, a shape that
minimizes their surface free energy. The rounded
grains will be in close contact with each other, and the
grain arrangement will approximate that of hexagonal
close-packing of ice spheres. Further densification will
require actual deformation of the individual grains of
snow, or the influx and refreezing of melt water in pore
spaces. The overburden stresses required to achieve
this further deformation are only realized in the deep
perennial snow packs found on glaciers and ice sheets.
Snow layers deposited during windy conditions
(wind slabs) have much higher initial densities than
other new snow layers. The wind tumbles snow
crystals as it transports them, breaking the more
fragile crystal junctions and pulverizing the crystals in
general. The resulting grains are actually crystal
fragments, often less than 0.1 mm in length, and these
shardlike grains (Figure 5), when they come to rest,
pack well and sinter together into a cohesive slablike
layer. Initial densities for wind-transported layers of
new snow range from 0.35 to 0.6. The upper limit
occurs for the same physical reasons as discussed
before. Due to their high initial densities and cohesiveness, wind slabs are highly resistant to compaction
and often remaining at a fixed density after deposition.
There has been much discussion and experimentation to determine the wind speed necessary to transport snow. The transport takes place through three
mechanisms: creep, saltation, and suspension. Creep
consists of the rolling movement of grains along the
snow surface under the action of the wind. Saltation is
the movement of grains along the surface by jumping
and ricocheting after impact by other grains. Suspension is the movement of grains in the wind stream at
some level above the snow surface. The threshold
shear velocity, un , at which transport occurs is usually
Figure 5 Wind-pulverized snow grains from Arctic Alaska,
showing irregular shapes and thick bonds due to rapid sintering
after deposition.
estimated by assuming a logarithmic-shaped wind
profile and projecting the 10-m high wind speed (u10 )
down to the snow surface (un ). In general the value of
u10 is between 18 and 30 times the value of un .
Experimental studies indicate that when u10 is greater
than 6 m s 1 transport will occur if the snow has fallen
recently. If the snow is new and falling while there is
wind, transport will occur with wind of 5 or even
4 m s 1. If the snow is aged, was previously transported by the wind, or has undergone some melt–
freeze processes, speeds in excess of 30 m s 1 may be
needed before the snow will start to be tranported
(Figure 6).
u 10 (m s1) (approx.)
Hardness (kg cm2)
Snow cover type
new and recent
u * (m s1)
Figure 6 The critical wind shear velocity (u n ) as a function of
snow hardness, which is a good measure of the type of snow.
Increasing hardness, common for wind slabs and layers of snow
that have undergone melt–freeze, requires considerably higher
winds to mobilize these types of snow. u10 is the wind speed
measured at a standard height of 10 m. (From Kind RJ (1981) Snow
drifting. In: Gray DM, Male DH (eds). Handbook of Snow,
pp. 338–359. Toronto: Pergamon.)
Transport rate (kg m1 s1)
Snow Metamorphism
In addition to compaction and densification, several
other metamorphic processes can affect layers of
snow. These processes result chiefly in changes in
snow grain characteristics and bonding, which in turn
affect the thermal conductivity, air permeability, and
albedo of the snow. The processes are typically divided
into ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ categories because different snow
grain characteristics are produced depending on
whether liquid water is present. Further metamorphic
subdivisions are shown in Table 3.
For wet snow metamorphism, the degree to which
grains and a snow layer are changed is mainly a
function of how much water is present. For low liquid
contents (o5% by weight), the water in the snow
exists as thin films and isolated pockets or veins
around grains; continuous ice grain and air space
pathways still exist through the snow layer. This is
called the pendular regime. Under this regime, snow
grains will rapidly round, and clusters of grains,
looking much like bunches of grapes, will form as a
result of the minimization of surface free energy. The
clusters themselves are quite strong because the bonds
between the spherical grains are still intact and
substantial. The wet snow pack will have considerable
bearing strength. Spring skiing, which can be excellent, takes advantage of these ball-bearing like grain
clusters and the general strength and cohesiveness of
this type of wet snow metamorphism. If the temperature of the snow drops and the grain clusters freeze,
they will take on the slightly more amorphous shapes
of melt–grain clusters (Figure 8), while at the same
time the strength of the layer will increase dramatically
as all the interstitial water freezes. For higher liquid
water contents, snow grains and air spaces become
surrounded and isolated by the liquid water present in
the layer. This water begins to drain downward under
the influence of gravity and is called the funicular
regime. Once again, when surrounded by water, the
snow grains will round, but now boundaries between
grains will not be thermodynamically stable and will
melt rapidly, creating a slush. The slush has little or no
bearing strength, and can even flow like a fluid under
certain conditions. The grains themselves, if surrounded by water at 01C for long enough (24–36 hours), will
metamorphose into oblate spheroids (Figure 9).
In the absence of liquid water, snow will metamorphose in one of two ways depending on the temperature gradient imposed on the snow. Water vapor
density over ice is a strong positive function of
temperature, so temperature gradients in the snow
give rise to water vapor density gradients in the air
spaces in the snow and a diffusive flow of vapor from
warmer to colder grain surfaces. For convenience the
Wind-shear velocity, u * (m s1)
Figure 7 Snow transport rates for saltation (solid curve) and
suspension (broken curve) as a function of wind shear velocity (u n ).
The wind speed at 10 m height is approximately 18–26 times u n . At
u n ¼ 0:44 (10 m height wind speeds of 8–11 m s 1), suspension
begins to transport the majority of the wind-borne flux of snow.
(From Liston GE, Sturm M (1998) A snow-transport model for
complex terrain. Journal of Glaciology 44: 498–516.)
In similar fashion, the flux of snow transported
by the wind is a strong function of the wind speed,
with increasing speeds producing a marked increase
in the total amount transported (Figure 7). For
values of un between 0.2 and 0.44 m s 1, saltation
dominates the transport, but for un values in excess
of 0.44 m s 1, suspension exceeds saltation in transporting snow.
One other consequence of wind transport of snow is
the development of a wide range of drift deposit and
erosion features at the snow surface. These features
include ripple marks, dunes, barchans, and sastrugi.
Surprisingly, little is known about the relationship
between these features and the wind speed, the
temperature, and the snow conditions necessary for
their formation.
The final, and most efficient, method for densifying
a layer of snow is through the infiltration of melt
or rain water into the snow cover, followed by
subsequent refreezing. Water can infiltrate, surround
grains as thin films or lie in veins along grain junctions,
and refreeze to produce large multiparticle grains.
Water can also percolate downward in pipelike
structures called percolation columns, or spread
out along stratigraphic boundaries (owing to variations in the hydraulic conductivity of the snow).
When this water refreezes, ice lenses and layers
are created. Frequently, a single infiltration event
will produce ice layers at multiple levels in the
snow pack. Densities in excess of 0.6 g cm 3, sometimes even as high as 0.9 g cm 3, can result.
This mechanism is commonly observed in ephemeral
and maritime seasonal snow covers (Figures 2 and 3),
and in the percolation facies for perennial snow
(Figure 1).
Table 3 Metamorphic processes that affect the snow cover
Wet snow metamorphism
Dry snow metamorphism
Dry snow metamorphism – older terms
Melt-grain clusters and melt–freeze particles
Equilibrium or rounded growth
Kinetic or faceted growth
Equi-temperature metamorphism (ET)
Temperature-gradient metamorphism (TG)
Figure 8 Melt-grain clusters showing the well-rounded grains
and the high degree of contact between grains.
Figure 9 Snow slush, showing the oblate spheroid shape of the
grains and the complete lake of bonding. (From Colbeck SC (1986)
Statistics of coarsening in water-saturated snow. Acta Metallargica
34, 347–352.)
temperature gradient is often defined as the difference
between the basal and surface temperatures of the
snow cover, divided by the thickness of the snow
(Figure 10), but in reality the actual temperature
gradient varies continuously with both time and
height in the snow. For example, rapid fluctuations
in air temperature can produce very large temperature
gradients near the snow surface, at least for
short periods of time. Experimental work has shown
that when the temperature gradient exceeds a
magnitude of approximately 0.251C cm 1, kinetic
crystal growth will occur. If the gradient is lower,
equilibrium growth takes place. Not surprisingly,
temperature gradients in thick perennial snow covers
tend to be lower than those in the thinner seasonal
snow covers, particularly thin taiga, tundra, and
alpine seasonal classes that can be subjected to very
low air temperatures in the winter. As a result, kinetic
growth is common in seasonal snow covers but occurs
infrequently (often only in autumn) in perennial snow
Equilibrium crystal growth, also widely known as
‘equi-temperature metamorphism’ (ET-metamorphism) occurs when temperature gradients in the
snow pack are less than 0.251C cm 1. These low
temperature gradients produce weak water vapor
density gradients in the snow and low rates of vapor
diffusion. The rates are so low that the supply of vapor
to a growing crystal, rather than crystal growth
dynamics, controls the growth. Rounded, well-bonded grains result.
Kinetic growth, also widely known as ‘temperaturegradient metamorphism’ (TG-metamorphism) produces ornate, faceted crystals commonly referred
to as ‘depth hoar’. In this case, temperature gradients
imposed on the snow are of a large enough magnitude
to produce a flux of water vapor that exceeds the
rate at which the crystal can grow. Crystal growth
dynamics, rather than vapor supply, control both
the growth rate and the crystal form, producing
crystals with distinct sharp-edged facets, welldefined interfacial angles, and surface striae
(Figures 11 and 12). Unlike the case for equilibrium
growth, intergrain bonds are weakened and reduced
in number during kinetic growth, producing layers
that tend to be brittle and weak. This has two
important ramifications: the brittle layers can shear
easily and often create failure planes that are responsible for the release of avalanches. Second, the poor
bonding creates layers that have low thermal conductivity. In absence of air movement in the snow, these
layers provide excellent insulation that contributes to
the retention of heat in the ground or ice underlying the
snow cover.
Height in snow (cm)
Snow surface
10 Dec. 1997
12 Dec. 1997
21 Feb. 1998
29 Mar. 1998
Temperature (qC)
Equilibrium growth
Height in snow (cm)
Figure 11 The initial stages of kinetic growth metamorphism.
The grains are starting to exhibit distinct faceting.
Kinetic growth
envisioned as occurring in a ‘hand-to-hand’ manner
across pore spaces, with vapor diffusion from the
warm side of snow grains balanced by vapor condensation on the colder side.
Because the contributions of these three individual
mechanisms are difficult if not impossible to separate,
Temperature gradient (qC cm1)
Figure 10 (A) Temperature profiles and (B) computed vertical
temperature gradients from the snow cover on the ice of the
Beaufort Sea north of Alaska. The temperature profiles are not
linear, and as a consequence the temperature gradients vary in a
complex way with height in the snow. Note that at some heights and
times the gradient is below the critical magnitude of 0.251C cm 1
and kinetic growth will not occur.
Energy and Mass Exchange across a
Snow Cover
It is beyond the scope of this article to address in full
the mass and energy exchange over a snow cover, but a
few points particular to snow are discussed. The
reader should also see articles on surface energy
balance, albedo, turbulence, boundary layer meteorology, surface roughness, and solar radiation for more
Heat transfer across a snow cover occurs mainly by
conduction through the ice network of grains, by
conduction across the air-filled pore spaces in the
snow, and by diffusion of vapor across the pore spaces.
The thermal conductivity of ice is more than 100 times
higher than that of air, so the conduction of heat across
air spaces is thought to contribute relatively little to the
total. The heat transported by vapor diffusion, in
contrast, is thought to contribute as much as 40%,
particularly at temperatures near freezing when the
vapor flux is high. This diffusive vapor transport is
Figure 12 At-depth hoar cup, shown in typical growth position.
The hexagonal pyrimidal cup opens downward because the flow of
water vapor is upward. Heavy striae can be seen on all crystal
facets. This is the late stage of kinetic growth metamorphism.
in practice they are always lumped together by
reporting an ‘effective’ thermal conductivity for the
snow. Both solid body conduction through the ice
network and vapor diffusion are driven by the
temperature gradients in the snow, suggesting that a
simple heat flow equation can be used to model the flux
of heat across the snow (eqn [3]).
q ¼ keff
Here q is the vertical heat flow through the snow cover,
dT=dz is the temperature gradient across the snow,
and keff is the effective thermal conductivity of the
snow. However, the driving temperature gradient in
the ice network may be quite different from the
gradient across pore spaces that drives vapor
diffusion, in which case eqn [3] may be an oversimplification. Be that as it may, it is customary to describe
the heat transfer using eqn [3] and assigning an
appropriate value for keff.
Figure 13 shows compilation of most measured
values of keff as a function of density. As the density of
the snow increases, so in general does the value of keff .
In many climate models, regression equations relating
keff to density (often using the viscous snow compaction (eqns [1] and [2]) to determine the snow density)
are used to set the thermal conductivity of the snow.
However, as the figure shows, the scatter in keff at any
given density is large and real. It is the result of
differences in the bonding of the snow, and perhaps
also due to variations in snow temperature. For a given
density, higher temperatures and better bonding
between grains lead to higher values of thermal
conductivity. Given the scatter, care should be exercised when choosing a value of keff for modeling. The
values should be consistent with the type of snow
cover (Figures 1 through 3) as well as a keff –density
relationship. For improved accuracy, a value of keff for
each layer of snow should be determined; then the bulk
value for the entire snow cover should be computed
using a series-type solution.
Convective heat transfer is also known to operate in
snow and complicates the energy exchange across a
snow cover. Two types of convection have been
reported: buoyancy-driven convection, and convection
Center of data
keff (W m1 K1)
(1905, 08)
Ingersoll & Koepp
Kondrat'eva (cited)
de Quervain
Yosida & lwai
(1962, 65)
Pitman & Zuckerman
Jaafar & Picot
Weller & Schwerdtfeger (1971)
Izumi & Huzioka
Kuvaeva & others
Voitkovsky & others
Murakami & Maeno
Ostin & Andersson
Density (g cm3)
Figure 13 A compilation of most published values of the thermal conductivity of snow. There is nearly an order of magnitude scatter at
any given density, and this scatter is real. It arises from differences in snow cover characteristics. (From Sturm M, Holmgren J, König M,
Morris K (1997) The thermal conductivity of seasonal snow. Journal of Glaciology 43: 26–41.)
Permeability 10 2 cm s _
dyne cm 3
forced by the wind (wind-pumping). The former has
been documented only in a highly permeable snow
covers like taiga snow. This snow cover often wholly
comprises layers of large, poorly bonded kinetic
growth crystals called depth hoar. The layers have
extremely high values of air permeability and, owing
to low winter air temperatures, are subjected to
temperature gradients of high magnitude, both conditions favorable for buoyancy-driven convection.
Convective air flow velocities of several millimeters
per second have been computed based on observations
of temperature fields in the snow, and these air flow
speeds are sufficient to increase the heat transfer rate
by a factor of 3. The prevalence of buoyancy convection in other types of snow covers may be low, but this
has not been shown experimentally.
Forced convection also probably occurs in some
snow covers. Theory indicates that pressure differences arising when wind blows across surface irregularities like dunes and sastrugi are most likely to produce
a flow of air that can move both heat and mass (in
contrast to turbulence or other aspects of the wind
over snow). Flow rates are probably on the order of a
few millimeters per second and are likely to be
confined to near-surface layers of snow. Observations
of the mixing depth of aerosols and particulates in
snow layers indicate that wind pumping is definitely
effective in moving mass, but the magnitude of the
effect of wind-pumping on heat transfer has yet to be
demonstrated. In addition, it appears that near-surface
and surface wind and melt crusts in the snow can
effectively eliminate any wind-pumping by reducing
the air permeability of the snow creating barriers in the
form of impermeable wind on melt crusts that can
effectively shut off all air movement.
As neither wind-pumping nor buoyancy-driven
convection are state properties of the snow, they
pose difficulties when one is trying to model heat
transfer in snow. Both processes depend on external
conditions for their onset and strength, and they can
transport anything from zero to several times the
conductive heat flux, depending on the snow characteristics, the temperature structure in the snow, and the
wind speed and direction.
Water, water vapor, CO2 , methane, and aerosols
and particulates are all transferred across a snow cover
and the transfer process for each is complicated. In
general, mass transfer is controlled by the air permeability of the snow, the surface topography of the snow
cover (for wind-pumping), and the supply rate of
particles, gases, or chemicals. As discussed previously,
both diffusive and convective transport of air are
possible, and the chemicals and gases move with the
air. The air permeability of naturally occuring snow
(Figure 14) ranges over two orders of magnitude. It is a
(g cm 3)
0.5 H
Figure 14 The air permeability of snow. Again, there is a greater
variation by snow type than by density. (From Shimizu H (1970) Air
permeability of deposited snow. Low Temperature Science, Series
A, 1–32.)
major control on deposition and transfer rates, which
vary widely with chemical species and environmental
conditions. For aerosols, when the residence time of
the air in the snow is greater than 15 seconds, the filter
efficiency of the snow can be almost 100%.
See also
Boundary Layers: Overview. Energy Balance Model,
Surface. Land–Atmosphere Interactions: Canopy
Processes; Overview; Trace Gas Exchange. Reflectance
and Albedo, Surface. Solar Terrestrial Interactions.
Further Reading
Colbeck SC (1986) Classification of seasonal snow cover
crystals. Water Resources Research 22(9): 59S–70S.
Gray DM and Male DH (1981) Handbook of Snow.
Toronto: Pergamon Press.
LaChapelle ER (1969) Field Guide to Snow Crystals. Seattle:
University of Washington Press.
Magono C and Lee CW (1966) Meteorological classification
of natural snow crystals. Journal of the Faculty of Science,
Hokkaido University 2(4): 321–335.
Seligman G (1936) Snow Structure and Ski Fields. (Reprinted by the International Glaciological Society, Cambridge,
Shimizu H (1970) Air permeability of deposited snow. Low
Temperature Science Series A (22): 1–32.
Sommerfeld RA (1970) The classification of snow metamorphism. Journal of Glaciology 9(55): 3–17.
Sturm M, Holmgren J, et al. (1997) The thermal conductivity
of seasonal snow. Journal of Glaciology 43(143): 26–41.
Waddington ED and Harder SL (1996) The effects of snow
ventilation on chemical concentrations. In: Wolff EWand
Bales RC (eds) NATO ASI Series, vol. I–43, pp. 403–451.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Warren SG (1982) Optical properties of snow. Reviews of
Geophysics and Space Physics 20(1): 67–89.
J D Haigh, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College of
Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Many studies have shown an apparent response in
weather or climate indicators to solar variability. At
various locations temperature, rainfall, surface pressure, cloud cover, storms, and droughts, among other
meteorological parameters, have been found to correlate with measures of solar activity over the 11-year
solar cycle and over periods extending from decades to
centuries and longer. Some of these studies do not
stand up to rigorous statistical analysis and some only
appear to hold only over limited time periods, but
there is mounting evidence of solar influence on
climate on many time scales.
The radiant energy output of the Sun varies by about
0.1% over the 11-year solar cycle. If simple radiation
balance estimates are used, this does not appear to be
large enough to explain some of the apparent solar
signals, in particular those in lower-atmosphere temperatures, although it is consistent with observed
decadal variations in sea surface temperature of order
0.1 K. Comparison of solar activity, reconstructed
back to the Maunder Minimum in sunspot numbers at
the end of the seventeenth century, with estimates of
Northern Hemisphere temperature suggests that the
Sun has made a significant contribution to climate
variability since that time but cannot alone account for
the warming of the latter half of the twentieth century.
The amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth is
also modified by variations in the Earth’s orbit around
the Sun. These variations take place over periods of
tens to hundreds of thousands of years and may be
responsible for the occurrence of ice ages.
Variations in factors other than the total amount of
solar radiant energy affect the atmosphere and possibly influence weather and climate. Solar ultraviolet
emission varies by several percent over the solar cycle
and influences ozone production and temperatures in
the middle atmosphere. The resulting change in
thermal structure of the stratosphere may influence
the climate of the lower atmosphere through dynamical and radiative processes. The chemical structure of
the stratosphere is also affected by high-energy
protons and electrons emitted during solar flares and
coronal mass ejections.
Alterations in the solar magnetic field affect the flux
of galactic cosmic rays reaching the Earth and thus the
strength of the Earth’s electric field and ionization
rates in the lower stratosphere. It is plausible, but
unproven, that these result in changes in thunderstorm
activity or cloud cover.
The effects on the atmosphere of varying solar
insolation can be observed clearly in diurnal and
seasonal variations. However, direct observation of
the effect of changing solar activity on weather and
climate is more difficult, so the detection of solar
signals in meteorological records has usually relied on
statistical analysis. One approach is to perform a
spectral analysis of a time series of data to see if
periodicities associated with solar variability (e.g.,
around 11, 22, or 80 years) are present. Another
simple statistical approach is to estimate the degree of
correlation between a meteorological parameter and
some measure of solar activity. More sophisticated
methods take into account other possible factors
influencing the state of the atmosphere and also
information on the variability of all the parameters
Solar 11-Year Cycle
Cycles of 10–12-year periodicity have been isolated in
many data records, including global surface temperature, surface temperature at many land stations
across the globe, rainfall in the United States and
Africa, surface pressure in the North Atlantic and
North Pacific Oceans, North American forest fires,
Atlantic tropical cyclones, tropical corals, and the
Southern Oscillation. An example of a 10–12 year
First EOF of Decadal SST Anomalies
Time Sequence of Amplitude
_ 0.5
_ 1.0
_ 0.5
_ 1.0
Spatial Pattern (50%)
C.I. = 0.1
Figure 1 Time series (A) and spatial pattern (B) of the mode of variability which accounts for 50% of decadal variance in sea surface
temperatures between 1955 and 1994. CI, contour interval. (Reproduced with permission from White WB, Lean J, Cayan DR, and
Dettinger MD (1997) Response of global upper ocean temperature to changing solar irradiation. Journal of Geophysical Research 102:
oscillation in sea surface temperatures can be seen in
Figure 1, which shows the amplitude of an oscillation
derived from data which have been spectrally filtered
to isolate the decadal component.
Because the 10–12-year period seen in these many
records includes that of the solar 11-year cycle it is
often assumed that the two are causally related.
However, in any particular data set the amplitude of
the 10–12-year component usually varies, sometimes
disappearing for considerable periods. Perhaps even
more seriously, the phase of the cycle often varies with
respect to the supposed solar forcing. Another aspect
of many of the analyses is considerable geographical
variation in the response of any particular meteorological parameter, as seen in the sea surface temperature analysis in Figure 1, which shows warming over
most of the oceans during solar maxima but bands of
cooling in the subtropics. A high degree of correlation
with solar activity has also been observed in lowerstratospheric geopotential heights, with the largest
values found in midlatitudes. Figure 2A shows 3-year
running means of 30 hPa geopotential height at 20–
401 N in July and August (solid line) and the 10.7 cm
solar index (dashed line). The correlation coefficient,
R, of the two curves is 0.74. Also shown in Figure 2 is
the 3-year running mean of the mean temperature of
the middle to upper troposphere (750–200 hPa) in July
and August for (B) 20–401 N (R ¼ 0:54) and (C) the
entire Northern Hemisphere (R ¼ 0:66). At certain
locations and times of year the correlations of these
parameters with the solar cycle may be enhanced
significantly when the data are sorted according to the
phase of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO), although care has to be taken that the analysis remains
statistically sound.
Analysis of data from the International Satellite
Cloud Climatology Project has shown a high correlation between global low cloud cover and cosmic ray
flux (inversely related to solar activity) between 1983
and 1994. It remains to be seen if this correlation is
maintained for a period longer than one solar cycle. A
problem with deductions from time series such as the
cloud data, or those shown in Figure 2, is that nonsolar
forcing factors are not considered. For example, a
major factor affecting cloud cover is the phase of the El
Niño Southern Oscillation and this will undoubtedly
have contributed to low cloud variation within the
1983–94 time period. Other factors, which may have
affected the geopotential height and temperature
variations shown in Figure 2, were the major volcanic
eruptions of 1982 and 1991, which probably warmed
the lower stratosphere and cooled the troposphere
during the few years subsequent. (Note, however, that
the cooling in Figure 2B and C apparently due to the
1970 1980
1970 1980
10.7 centimeters solar flux
Degrees K
VAve: (J+A)/2: [750 _ 200] 20 _ 40N: 0 _ 360 [3 RunAve] cc=0.54
10.7 centimeters solar flux
Geopotential 30 hPa
30: (J+A)/2: 20 _ 40N: 0 _ 360 [3 RunAve] cc=0.74
Degrees K
1970 1980
10.7 centimeters solar flux
VAve: (J+A)/2: [750 _ 200] 0 _90N: 0 _ 360 [3 RunAve] cc=0.66
Figure 2 Solid lines: (A) time series (solid curve) of the zonally averaged 3-year running means of 30 hPa heights, 20–401 N,
July–August; (B) same as (A) but for the zonal mean temperature in the layer 750–200 hPa; (C) same as (B) but averaged the over whole of
the Northern Hemisphere. The dashed line is the 10.7 cm solar flux. (Reproduced with permission from van Loon H and Shea D (1999) A
probable signal of the 11-year solar cycle in the troposphere of the northern hemisphere. Geophysical Research Letters 26: 2893–2896.)
solar effects starts before the dates of the two
eruptions.) It is also possible that the natural (unforced) variability of the climate system includes
components of the same periodicity, making it more
difficult to diagnose any solar component. Clearly, any
theory which seeks to explain solar–climate links will
need to address all these factors.
Decadal–Centennial Scale
Variations associated with the 11-year cycle are
interesting from the point of view of diagnosing local
meteorological records and can also indicate potential
solar forcing mechanisms, but, unless the effects are
somehow accumulative, do not imply any long-term
climate effects. However, longer-term (and largeramplitude) variations in solar activity may have
significant impact on global climate. The well-known
coincidences of the cool period (‘Little Ice Age’) from
the late fifteenth century to the early nineteenth with
the Spörer and Maunder solar minima, and of the
warm period between about 900 and 1300 with the
solar Medieval maximum, have often been cited as
inferring a solar influence. However, it is possible that
these temperature records are biased towards Northern Hemisphere observations and that the warming/
cooling was not so large on the global scale.
Figure 3 shows (A) an estimate of total solar
irradiance back to 1600 along with (D) a reconstruction of Northern Hemisphere surface temperatures.
Visually, there are similarities between the shapes of
the curves, and correlations between records such as
these show values of between 0.5 and 0.8 depending
on the particular data sets, and length of records, used.
Solar total irradiance (estimated)
Volcanic dust veil index (global)
Anthropogenic gases (CO2)
Surface temperature anomalies
Northern hemisphere
_ 0.3
_ 0.6
Figure 3 Time series of annual averages of (A) estimated total solar irradiance, (B) volcanic aerosol loading, (C) greenhouse gas
concentration (as equivalent CO2), and (D) surface temperature: global average from the instrumental record (fine line) and Northern
Hemisphere values reconstructed from proxy data (bold line). (Reproduced with permission from Lean J and Rind D (1998) Climate forcing
by changing solar radiation. Journal of Climate 11: 3069–3094.)
If, instead of solar irradiance, the length of the solar
cycle is used as the measure of solar activity, then the
correlation rises even higher. However, as in the case of
the 11-year cycle, such correlations fail to explain the
effect or to recognize the existence of other possible forcing factors. Two of these are also shown
in Figure 3: (B) volcanic dust veil index and (C)
anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations (as
equivalent CO2). Statistical studies in which the
components of the temperature record due to these
different factors are isolated suggest that about half of
climate variability in the preindustrial era may be due
to solar influences.
Long Term
Indicators of longer-term variation in atmospheric
temperature may be derived from oxygen isotope
ratios in glaciers and ice sheets, lake sediments, ocean
sediments, and corals. Spectral analysis of these data
sets shows that the dominant component in the record
for the last 800 000 years has a period of around
100 000 years. This is on the same order as the
periodicity of the eccentricity of the Earth’s elliptical
orbit around the Sun, which could indicate evidence of
a direct solar influence on climate. However, the
changes in solar irradiance associated with the
variations in eccentricity are small and much less than
the latitudinal and seasonal deviations due to variations in other orbital parameters – in particular, the tilt
of the Earth’s axis, which demonstrates a periodicity of
41 000 years and the precession of the equinoxes with
periodicities of 19 000 and 23 000 years. These periods are less evidenced in the paleoclimate records,
indicating that factors other than simply the total solar
irradiance are responsible for long-term variations in
A key factor for the potential climate impact of
orbital variations is the change in the seasonal intensity of solar radiation. For example, if increased
summer irradiance is insufficient to melt an extended
ice sheet resulting from colder winters, then the
climate system may be projected into an ice age.
Current GCMs are not able to reproduce ice sheet
growth, suggesting either that understanding of the
processes involved is incomplete (feedbacks involving
vegetation cover and type may be an example) or that
nonlinear interactions are not properly represented.
Mechanisms for Solar–Climate
The observational analyses described in the previous
section provide evidence for influence of solar variability on climate but, without a clear understanding of
the mechanism(s) through which such interactions
take place, doubts may remain that the periodicities
and correlations found are due to natural internal
atmospheric variability or to other climate forcing
factors. The most direct means whereby solar variability may affect climate is by modulation of the total
solar radiative energy received by the Earth. Other
factors may possibly play a role indirectly through
modification of atmospheric chemical composition or
the Earth’s electric field or cloud formation.
Radiation Balance
The total radiative power emitted by the Sun crossing
unit area at the Earth’s distance from the Sun is
approximately 1370 W m 2. Historically, this was
referred to as the ‘solar constant’ because it was
believed not to vary, but measurements made from
satellites since the late 1970s have shown that total
solar irradiance (TSI) changes by about 1.4 W m 2, or
0.1%, over the 11-year cycle with higher values
corresponding to periods of greater solar activity as
indicated by, e.g., sunspot numbers. Based on these
measurements and historical observations of sunspot
numbers (and other indicators of solar activity) TSI
values back to around the year 1600 have been
reconstructed, one such estimate being given in Figure 3.
This shows particularly low values occurring during
the second half of the seventeenth century (corresponding to the Maunder Minimum in solar activity)
and high values at the end of the twentieth century. The
difference in total solar irradiance between these two
periods is estimated to be about 3.3 W m 2, or 0.24%.
The equilibrium change in global average surface
temperature, Ts , due to a change in the Earth’s
radiation balance may be estimated from the expression DTs ¼ l DF, where DF is the imbalance in global
average radiative fluxes and l a climate sensitivity
parameter which represents the response of the surface
temperature to applied radiative perturbations, taking
into account atmospheric feedback mechanisms
through, for example, changes in humidity or cloud
cover. l is derived empirically from atmosphere–ocean
GCMs to be in the range 0.3 to 1.0 K W 1 m2. An
increase in solar irradiance of 2 W m 2, as shown in
Figure 3, between the years 1700 and 1780, corresponds to DF ¼ 0:35 W m2 (taking account of global
averaging and terrestrial albedo) which would suggest, using the expression above, a surface warming of
0.10–0.35 K over that period – a figure very similar to
the observed increase. However, the same approach
would indicate that the increase in solar irradiance of
3.3 W m 2 between 1700 and 2000 would give a
warming of 0.17–0.58 K, considerably less than the
observed magnitude of 0.7 K. This confirms the results
of the correlation studies discussed above that factors
other than solar variability influence variations in
surface temperature, but that the Sun probably plays a
significant role on decadal to century time scales.
Using the same radiative forcing arguments, the
0.1% variation in solar irradiance over the 11-year
solar cycle would imply an equilibrium global average
surface temperature response of about 0.07–0.24 K.
This is of similar magnitude to the variations of
about 0.1 K observed in sea surface temperature (see
Figure 1).
The above discussion was based on the idea of
global radiative equilibrium. However, studies with
GCMs show a geographically nonuniform response to
variations in solar input, with surface temperatures at
some locations showing cooling during periods of
higher solar activity, although the global average
response is consistent with that derived from energy
balance arguments. Observational studies also suggest
regional variations, although there are insufficient
data to make detailed analyses. Nevertheless, it is
probable that dynamical adjustments within the
atmosphere result in the existence of regions of
preferred response to solar activity.
Were the warming of 0.1 K in surface temperature,
suggested for the 11-year cycle response both by
radiation balance calculations and by sea surface
measurements, to be extended throughout the atmosphere it would result in an increase of about 10 m in
30 hPa geopotential height. This is considerably less
than the 50–100 m deduced to be due to solar influence
from observations at low to midlatitudes (see Figure
2). Again, the difference may be due to dynamical
adjustments taking place within the atmosphere,
which preferentially enhance the response at particular locations; one possibility is that the strength and
extent of the tropical Hadley cells are affected.
Alternatively there may be other physical factors
acting to amplify the response to solar activity – some
of these are discussed below. A third explanation
might be that the results of the data analysis are not
robust; a reliable solution to this question will be
realized only with longer-term stable data sets.
The variability in total solar irradiance of order a few
tenths of 1% discussed above represents the changes
integrated across the whole electromagnetic spectrum.
In the ultraviolet (UV), however, the fractional amplitude of variability is much higher: measurements made
by satellite instruments, and also the results of
theoretical models, suggest an increase of 7% at
200–208 nm and of 3:5% at 250 nm from solar
minimum to maximum of the 11-year cycle.
This variation in the spectrum complicates the issue
of where in the atmosphere–surface system the solar
energy is deposited. Most of the visible–near-infrared
radiation passes through the atmosphere unhindered
to the tropopause and hence, neglecting scattering by
cloud, to the surface, although water vapor bands in
the near infrared cause some absorption in the lower
troposphere. Shorter UV wavelengths, however, are
absorbed in the middle atmosphere, where they cause
local heating and ozone production. The increased
ozone tends to mask the lower atmosphere from the
enhanced incident UV, while the warmer stratosphere
will cause increased emission of thermal infrared
(TIR) radiation into the troposphere. Thus the nature
of the changes in the UV and TIR radiation fields
depends on the ozone response. However, the variation of ozone to solar activity is not well established.
Two-dimensional photochemistry–transport models
of the stratosphere predict the largest fractional
changes in the middle–upper stratosphere with monotonically decreasing effects towards the tropopause.
Multiple-regression analysis of ozone measurements
made from satellites suggests largest changes in the
upper stratosphere, zero, or even slightly negative,
changes in the middle stratosphere, and significant
positive changes in the lower stratosphere. However,
as the data are available over only about one and a half
solar cycles, and have large uncertainties, especially in
the lower stratosphere, and may not properly have
accounted for the effects of volcanic aerosol, the true
nature of solar-induced changes in stratospheric ozone
remains uncertain.
Changes in stratospheric thermal structure may also
affect the troposphere through dynamical interactions
rather than through direct radiative forcing. GCM
studies indicate that changes in stratospheric zonal
wind structure, brought about by enhanced solar
heating, could interact with vertically propagating
planetary waves in the winter hemisphere to produce a
particular mode of response. This mode, seen also in
GCM studies of the response to heating in the lower
stratosphere caused by injection of volcanic aerosol,
shows dipole anomalies in zonal wind structure which
propagate down, over the winter period, into the
troposphere. Thus, modifications to the stratosphere
may result in modulation of tropospheric modes such
as the Arctic Oscillation. If this does take place, as
seems possible but not proven, then there is scope for
significant local variation in meteorological parameters in response to solar activity. Such a mechanism
might contribute towards the apparently solarinduced changes in 30 hPa geopotential height in the
winter hemisphere, but does not provide a simple
explanation for the summer hemisphere response.
Solar-Energetic Particles and Galactic Cosmic Rays
Solar flares and coronal mass ejections occur more
frequently during periods of higher solar activity. As a
result of these events high-energy particles (protons,
electrons, and alpha particles) are emitted which can
enter the Earth’s atmosphere along the open magnetic
field lines near the polar caps. Particles with energies of
more than 10 MeV can penetrate the middle atmosphere where they cause an increase in the concentration of NO through ionization and dissociation of N2
and O2. Significant reduction in middle atmosphere
ozone concentrations can ensue. Higher-energy particles can propagate deeper into the atmosphere and to
lower latitudes. Furthermore, if a geomagnetic storm
is also in progress this will tend to expand the polar
cap, allowing further atmospheric exposure to the
particles. Although individual solar particle events
only last on the order of a few hours, the chemical
perturbations may persist for several months, propagating downwards and equatorwards and possibly
altering stratospheric dynamics. The climate impact of
this is likely to be small, but has not been studied in
Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are particles formed
outside the solar system and which bombard it from all
directions. The flux of GCRs reaching the Earth is
modulated by interaction with magnetic structures
advected with the solar wind such that at times of
higher solar activity the GCR flux is reduced by about
20% with respect to periods of lower solar activity.
The flux into the atmosphere is also affected by the
Earth’s magnetic field such that it is greater at higher
latitudes. The GCRs that do penetrate the atmosphere
are a major source of ionization, particularly in the
lower stratosphere.
There are two main theories advanced as to the
means whereby variations in GCR flux might impact
climate. The first concerns modulation of the Earth’s
electric field. Ionization of the atmosphere by GCRs,
or indeed by solar energetic particles, will influence its
conductivity and thus the current flow within the
Earth’s electric circuit. It is plausible that the current
flow into clouds may affect cloud microphysics, ice
formation, and hence thunderstorm activity, although
the details of this mechanism are not fully established.
While GCRs are more prevalent during periods of
minimum solar activity, solar energetic particles are
more numerous at solar maximum, so the variation of
this effect over the solar cycle is not clear. The second
means proposed whereby GCRs may affect climate is
through enhancing the production of cloud condensation nuclei through growth of aerosol on ionized air
molecules. Evidence for the existence of this process
has been obtained by a recent observational and
modeling study, although not as yet in response to
solar activity.
The potential advantages of theories of solar–
climate links which rely on GCRs over those based
on electromagnetic radiation are twofold. First, they
circumvent the argument that solar variations are
energetically too small to produce the apparent effects.
Second, the potential response time of the atmosphere
is faster. However, much further research into the
proposed mechanisms is required, alongside further
careful observational studies, before their existence is
Further Reading
Board on Global Change (1994) Solar Influences on Global
Change. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Burroughs WJ (1992) Weather Cycles: Real or Imaginary?
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hoyt DV and Schatten KH (1997) The Role of the Sun in
Climate Change. New York: Oxford University Press.
Lean J and Rind D (1998) Climate forcing by changing solar
radiation. Journal of Climate 11: 3069–3094.
Nesme-Ribes E (ed.) (1994) The Solar Engine and its
Influence on Terrestrial Atmosphere and Climate. Berlin:
S T Suess, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center,
Huntsville, AL, USA
B T Tsurutani, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena,
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The Sun is losing mass in form of the solar wind, which
has affected its evolution from its birth and will
continue to do so until its death. This is not unusual, in
that nearly all stars are losing mass through stellar
winds throughout a major portion of their lives. As far
as the Earth is concerned, the solar wind blows against
the Earth’s magnetosphere, causing auroras and
geomagnetic storms.
The solar wind forms in the corona and is caused by
high pressure in the corona relative to the low pressure
far from the Sun in the interstellar medium. This
pressure gradient exerts an outward force against
gravity and accelerates the wind from low speeds in
the low corona up to supersonic speeds at 2–10 solar
radii (RS ). To give a sense of scale, the Earth is
1.5 108 km 5 215RS from the Sun (defined as 1
astronomical unit or 1 AU). Typical solar wind speeds
beyond 10RS are between 300 and 800 km s 1 so it
takes the solar wind 2.2 to 5.8 days to reach Earth. The
existence of the solar wind was inferred prior to the
space age from the existence of auroras, disturbances
to the Earth’s magnetosphere, and observations of
comet tails. Today it is regularly observed with a
number of spacecraft.
Coronal Expansion
The Corona
The surface of the Sun is called the photosphere, above
which lies the Sun’s atmosphere, known as the corona.
Pressure in the corona is high because the temperature
is high, more than 106 K, relative to the photospheric
temperature of B5800 K. This is a sufficiently high
temperature that the corona emits copious X-rays. It is
believed that the corona is heated to this high
temperature as a by-product of magnetic field motions, interactions, and instabilities in the photosphere
that directly transfer energy into the corona. This
energy flux could be via direct heating, waves, jets of
material, or other forms, but this is unknown and is the
subject of research by several different observatories in
space and a deep-space mission called Solar Probe that
will travel to within 3RS of the photosphere.
The corona is composed mainly of protons and
electrons (ionized hydrogen), with minor amounts of
silicon, carbon, iron, oxygen, and other elements.
There is about 20% helium (by mass) that can be
observed spectroscopically; this is how helium was
first discovered – hence its name (after Helios, the Sun
god of Greek mythology). All the components share in
the expansion of the corona and can be measured
in situ by spacecraft outside the Earth’s magnetosphere.
The Sun’s magnetic field makes the solar wind far
from a simple spherical expansion of a hot gas. The
magnetic field is dipole-like but undergoes a reversal
during every 11-year solar sunspot cycle. At sunspot
minimum the field is aligned with the solar rotation
axis, while at solar maximum many sunspots appear
and the dipole field weakens and becomes irregular.
From solar maximum to minimum the field again
becomes dipolar, but is inclined relative to the rotation
axis. These changes are reflected in changes in coronal
structure, which can be seen during solar eclipses such
as that shown in Figure 1. With the bright disk of the
Sun being occulted by the moon, the faint corona
becomes visible, primarily because of light coming
from the photosphere being reflected off of electrons in
the corona. The areas that are bright are regions of
high density and are known as streamers. The dark
regions at the top and bottom in Figure 1 are coronal
holes. The streamers in Figure 1 lie over the magnetic
equator and the density is higher because ions and
electrons are trapped on closed loops of the dipolar
magnetic field. The low-density coronal holes mark the
locations of the north and south magnetic poles.
Figure 1 was taken in 1994, just prior to solar
minimum, so that the magnetic axis was only slightly
inclined to the rotational axis, which is vertical in this
Figure 2 is a schematic of the stages of coronal
evolution over the 11-year sunspot cycle, starting at
solar maximum on the left. Figure 1 is represented by
the drawing in Figure 2C. The magnetic field loops in
streamers are shown here to help suggest why the ions
and electrons are trapped, just as iron filings tend to
align along magnetic field lines around a bar magnet.
Coronal holes are shown by the dark areas on the solar
disk. This figure also indicates that fast solar wind
originates from coronal holes and slow solar wind
from above streamers. Fast solar wind has speeds
above B600 km s 1 at 1 AU and slow solar wind has
speeds below B500 km s 1. This division into fast
and slow wind could be observed if one were able to
pass around the Sun as shown in Figure 2C from south
pole to north pole. It would then be possible to sample
first fast wind from the south pole, slow wind from
over the equatorial streamers, and then fast wind again
from the north pole. The Ulysses spacecraft carried out
this exercise in 1995–1996 at solar sunspot minimum
Figure 1 Total solar eclipse as seen from Putre, Chile on 3 November 1994. (Photograph courtesy of High Altitude Observatory,
National Center for Atmospheric Research.)
Slow solar wind
Figure 2 Schematic illustration of the three stages in the 11-year solar sunspot cycle. (A) Solar maximum, when the corona is filled with
streamers and there are few or no coronal holes. There is no well-defined large-scale field. (B) Declining phases when the large-scale field
is dipole-like and inclined to the heliographic equator. (C) Solar minimum when the field is dipolar, aligned with the rotation axis, and when
the polar coronal holes are largest.
and a plot of the observed solar wind speed is shown in
Figure 3 using what is called a dial plot. The dial plot
indicates the solar latitude around the origin and the
measured solar wind speed as distance from the origin.
The fast wind in the north and south is very clearly
divided from the slow wind above the equatorial
90q N
Proton velocity (km s1)
streamers in this plot. This demonstrates one of the
major discoveries in recent years F that fast and slow
solar wind represent two distinct states between which
there is no continuous change. Fast wind comes from
coronal holes and is rather smooth and uniform at
1 AU. Conversely, slow wind is relatively irregular and
comes either from thin boundaries around streamers
or leaks somehow from within streamers. Figure 4
shows profiles of how fast and slow wind vary with
distance from the Sun, illustrating not only that the
speeds are different but also that there are characteristic densities and temperatures differences. Te and Tp
are the proton and electron temperatures in this plot.
The distinct difference between the two solar wind
states leads to important consequences because of
solar rotation.
Solar Rotation and the Magnetic Field
in the Solar Wind
0q (Equator)
90q S
Figure 3 Dial plot of solar wind speed, indicated by radial
distance from the origin, as a function of heliographic latitude,
measured around the origin of the plot. Data were collected by the
Ulysses solar wind plasma instrument between September 1994
and July 1995, during which time Ulysses swept from 801 south
latitude to 801 north latitude.
Solar wind is an ionized gas made up primarily of
protons and electrons with minor ions in amounts
similar to those in the corona. The electrons and ions
are very tightly bound to lines of magnetic flux, again
like the coronal plasma in streamers. However, the
magnetic field in the solar wind is relatively weak and
thus is carried along by the solar wind. The rotation of
the Sun results in the lines of magnetic flux in the solar
wind being drawn into Archimedean spirals. This
occurs because the Sun revolves once every B25.5
days while, as mentioned above, it takes solar wind
several days to reach 1 AU. Therefore, the Sun revolves
through a significant angle during the time it takes the
solar wind to reach the Earth. For example, taking a
typical speed of 400 km s 1, it takes solar wind 4.34
days to reach 1 AU. During the same time, the Sun will
have revolved through about 601, or about 1/6 of a full
rotation. The magnetic field in the solar wind, called
Flow speed
(km s1)
Heliocentric distance (solar radii)
Figure 4 Solar wind flow speed, density, and temperature between 2RS and 100RS , for coronal holes (yellow lines) and streamers
(black lines). These are typical values, with the possible range around
the interplanetary magnetic field, or IMF, is attached
to the Sun at the point where the solar wind began.
Thus, the point on the field line attached to the Sun is
turned through an angle of 601 relative to the point on
the magnetic field line that is at 1 AU. The field line
between the Sun and 1 AU traces a continuous curve
between these two points. Assuming the solar wind
speed, v (km s 1), is independent of distance from the
Sun, this curve is described by eqn [1].
r r0 ¼
ðf f0 Þ
O cos y
In eqn [1], r is the distance from the center of the Sun
in km, r0 5 6.96 105 km is the radius of the
Sun, O 5 2.85 10 6 s 1 is the angular velocity of
the sun, and (f f0 ) is the difference in longitude
(in radians) at the two points on the field line. y is
solar latitude and the Earth lies in the range
7:25oyo7:25 degrees because the plane of the
ecliptic is inclined to the solar equator by 7.251. The
angle (f f0 ) is also the angle between the magnetic
field line and the radial direction at 1 AU, or wherever
eqn [1] is evaluated. This is called the spiral angle. The
geometry of the curved field line is precisely an
Archimedean spiral when v is constant and this is
one of the important predictions made by E. Parker
when he developed his theory for the solar wind in the
1950s and 1960s. Figure 5 illustrates two spirals
computed using eqn [1]. The tighter spiral above
results from low speeds, o500 km s 1, and the spiral
angle is 4451 at 1 AU. Conversely, the spiral angle at
1 AU is o451 for speeds 4500 km s 1. Parker
predicted that (f f0 )B451 (0.785 radians) at 1 AU
and this is what has been measured for the average
spiral angle by several different spacecraft.
Figure 5 Diagram of spiraling interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)
lines. The dependence on solar wind speed is illustrated by the
more curved line at the top being for relatively slow wind and the
less curved line at the bottom being for fast wind.
Corotating Interaction Regions
Solar rotation has an important effect on coronal
expansion through the interaction of fast and slow
wind. During the declining phases of the solar cycle,
Figure 2B, regions on the Sun producing slow wind
will sometimes face the Earth and at other times
regions producing fast wind will face the Earth. Thus it
will often be the case, especially during declining
phases of the solar cycle, that slow wind will be
followed by fast wind. This is just the example
diagrammed in Figure 5. When this happens, fast
wind overtakes slow wind, the gas in between becomes
compressed, and eventually shocks form with forward
shocks moving away from the Sun and reverse shocks
moving toward the Sun in the frame of reference
moving with the solar wind. This is called a corotating
interaction region (CIR) because it appears stationary
in the frame of reference rotating with the Sun. As the
plasma between the fast and slow wind becomes
compressed, the velocity profile is dynamically altered
and the CIR becomes stronger and stronger with
increasing distance until the shock forms. A simple
estimate for where the shocks will form can be made
using eqn [2], where the same definitions are used as in
eqn [1].
r r0 ¼
v1 v2 ðf2 f1 Þ
v2 v1 O cos y
The quantity (f2 f1 ) is the difference in longitude of
the source regions of fast and slow wind, v1 and v2 are
the slow and fast wind speeds, respectively, and r is the
estimated distance for shock formation. Taking
(f2 f1 ) 5 0.53 radians 5 301, v1 5 400 km s 1, and
v2 5 800 km s 1 gives r 5 1.5 108 km 5 1 AU. During the declining phases of the solar cycle it is observed
that shocks generally form around 2 AU, which is
consistent with eqn [2] since (f2 f1 ) is more nearly
1 radian than 0.5 radians at those times. Forward
shocks are rarely observed at 1 AU and reverse shocks
are only observed in B20% of CIRs at 1 AU. Equation
[2] was derived simply by calculating when the two
field lines shown in Figure 5 would cross. These field
lines are the same as the streamlines in the frame of
reference corotating with the Sun, and this is why eqn
[2] looks closely related to eqn [1].
CIRs have a very distinctive character, as seen in the
long series of CIRs observed by Ulysses in 1992 when
it was near the Sun’s equator. About five solar rotations
of the data are shown in Figure 6. At the time Ulysses
was at B4 AU and fast wind had overtaken slow wind
to form shocks where the speed is seen to abruptly
jump upward as time progresses from left to right.
CIRs have important consequences for the Earth since
they can produce auroral activity and magnetic storms
Flow speed (km s1)
1992:01/08 24/08
Figure 6 Solar wind speed at Ulysses during August–December
1992 when Ulysses was near the heliographic equator and at
B5 AU. Five corotating interaction regions (CIRs) are shown,
occurring approximately every 25.5 days, or each solar rotation.
Viewing the plot from left to right, each CIR is characterized by a
sharp speed increases at forward and reverse shocks at the front of
the CIR, followed by the speed maximum. The speed then
decreases to a minimum before increasing in the next CIR. The
very high speed on 10 November 1992 is due to a coronal mass
ejection on top of the CIR.
when they strike the Earth’s magnetosphere if the IMF
is also directed southward so that it can easily merge
with the Earth’s magnetic field. CIR-associated magnetic storms naturally tend to recur every solar
rotation – 27 days as viewed from the Earth owing
to the Earth’s motion around the Sun. This activity also
has a distinct solar cycle signature as the Sun moves
through the phases diagrammed in Figure 2. Thus,
observation of coronal holes and streamers and the
phase of the solar cycle provides a basic tool for the
prediction of space weather and geomagnetic activity.
A further consequence of CIRs is that the resulting
shock waves produce large numbers of high-energy
particles or cosmic rays. These particles affect the
Earth’s ionosphere and the radio communications that
depend on the ionosphere.
Coronal Mass Ejections
Up to this point, a picture of the solar wind has been
drawn that depicts it as quasi-steady, changing only
slowly over the 11-year solar sunspot cycle. This is not
an accurate picture at any time, especially near solar
maximum. There are many forms of solar activity,
including flares and erupting prominences, but the
most dramatic is the release of a coronal mass ejection,
or CME. A picture of a CME is shown in Figure 7. This
picture was taken from the SOHO spacecraft using a
telescope called LASCO, which places an occulter over
the solar disk so that the corona becomes visible,
producing an artificial solar eclipse. The occulter is
twice the size of the Sun, and the disk of the Sun is
indicated by the white circle. Off to the lower right of
the image is the CME. These are seen throughout the
entire solar cycle, but they are 5–10 times more
common near solar maximum, occurring at a rate of
3–4 per day. They occur in and near streamers,
confined to low latitudes near solar minimum but
reaching all latitudes at solar maximum.
When an interplanetary CME (ICME) strikes the
Earth, the consequences are similar to those of a large
CIR. The magnetosphere is compressed, auroral
activity increases, and a magnetic storm or substorm
may occur if the IMF in the ICME is directed
southward. Ionospheric activity is also affected. This
is therefore a phenomenon that is actively monitored
in the context of space weather.
One CME is visible in the data shown in Figure 6. At
about 10 November 1992 the solar wind speed
increased to B1000 km s 1. This is above any speed
for simple fast solar wind. Instead, what is seen here is
a fast ICME that has overridden a CIR. This could
have a doubly strong impact on the magnetosphere
owing to the large speed enhancement.
Figure 7 A coronal mass ejection is seen in the lower right quadrant in this image from the LASCO coronagraph on SOHO. The Sun,
which is covered by an occulter that is 4RS in diameter, is indicated by the white circle.
ICMEs are another phenomenon in the solar wind
that is only partially understood. The propagation of
an ICME can be modeled fairly well using computers
and a numerical solution of the equations of motion.
However, the basic mechanisms causing the initiation
of a CME are not known. CMEs are related to solar
magnetic activity such as flares and erupting prominences, but that relationship is not so simple that one
can predict a CME for anything except the very largest
of these events.
The Solar Wind over the Life of the Sun
The IMF is not completely passive in the solar wind.
Because it is attached to the Sun, and has a small, but
finite strength, the IMF tends to cause the solar wind to
rotate with the Sun out to some distance above the
photosphere. In doing this, the IMF causes angular
momentum of the Sun to be transferred to the solar
wind. Generally this is a small effect, with the
corotation distance being 10–20RS at most, or
0.1 AU. However, over the life of the Sun, the effect
can be important. Calculations of the angular momentum transfer suggest that the present-day solar
wind and IMF could easily have doubled the rotation
period of the Sun, from 12.25 to 25.5 days, over the
4.5 billion year life of the Sun.
Presently the solar wind carries away only a very
small amount of mass from the Sun – so small that if
assumed the same for 4.5 billion years it would have
removed only B0.01% of the total mass of the Sun.
However, the Sun changes over its life, as do all stars.
The Sun probably had a very vigorous wind early in its
life when the solar convection zone extended throughout the entire volume of the Sun. Later in its life the Sun
will go through a red giant phase, expanding outward
to envelop the Earth, and the wind may again become
quite strong. If the Sun undergoes a catastrophic
collapse to form a white dwarf then there may be one
or several episodes of impulsive mass ejection called
novae. However, the Sun is a relatively small and
inactive star; other stars can have quite different and
often far more intense winds.
Winds from Other Stars
Stellar winds are, as indicated above, common. One
means by which they are detected and analyzed is
through Doppler shifts in spectral lines. Another is to
infer the presence of the wind through analysis of
properties of the associated star. Stellar winds found
this way are all far stronger than the solar wind, but the
reader should be cautioned that this is an observational selection effect. The Sun’s wind would be
invisible at stellar distances. If all stars were like the
Sun, we would presently have no way to directly detect
their winds. However, many stars are larger, hotter,
denser, rotate faster, have stronger magnetic fields, are
younger, or are older than the Sun and consequently
have quite different kinds of winds. They fall into
several categories that are in addition to winds like the
solar wind that are primarily driven by a thermal
pressure gradient.
Sound Wave-Driven Winds
In stars with a convection zone just below the
photosphere, the convective motions can generate
acoustic waves that propagate upwards through the
photosphere. The waves produce a wave pressure in
the atmosphere that results in an additional force
working against the stellar gravity. Cool stars have
convection zones of this type but the phenomenon is
normally important only for very low-gravity stars. To
make a massive wind requires something else in
addition to sound waves because sound waves will
normally dissipate low in the stellar atmosphere. The
dissipation of sound waves heats the atmosphere so
that there can be some crossover between thermally
driven winds and sound wave-driven winds.
Dust-Driven Winds
The outer atmospheres of luminous cool giant stars
and early type stars can be driven outward by radiation
coming from the photosphere of the star. In the case of
cool stars, dust can condense out of the atmosphere
and absorb photons over a broad range of wavelengths. The radiation pressure forces the grains
outward, dragging ions along by viscous drag if the
atmosphere is dense, thus forming a dust-driven wind.
Alfvén Wave-Driven Winds
Alfvén waves are waves dominated by fluctuations
transverse to the magnetic field direction. The restoring force is the resistance of the magnetic field to
forming a kink, as opposed to the resistance of a gas to
being compressed in sound waves. These waves are
more important for stars with stronger magnetic fields.
The dissipation of energy and momentum associated
with Alfvén waves can lead to the acceleration of a
wind, just as in sound wave-driven winds. The waves
are formed by motions in the photosphere causing the
magnetic field line to be moved. Alfvén waves have
been suggested to be one source of the energy flux
driving the solar wind. However, it is not yet known
whether this is the dominant energy source. The
dissipation of Alfvén waves will heat the atmosphere
and increase the thermal pressure so that there is also
some crossover between thermally driven winds and
Alfvén wave-driven winds.
Radiation Pressure-Driven Winds
In these winds, atoms in the atmosphere of the star
resonantly absorb radiation coming from the photosphere of the star. As might be expected, these winds
exist for stars that are brighter and hotter than the
Sun. Instead of 10 4 solar masses being lost over the
life of the star, these stars can lose 10 6 solar masses
in a single year. The flow speeds are typically
B2000 km s 1 and the density in these winds is
many orders of magnitude higher than in the solar
wind. The higher density means that the atmospheres
of these stars are far more opaque than the solar
corona. This is what enables them to absorb the
radiation coming from the star. In this case the
radiation pressure is the force that is working against
the gravitational field of the star. The force ceases once
the atmosphere becomes transparent as distance from
the star increases. In red giant stars the radiation
intensity is relatively weak, but the gravitational field
is also weak and the stars are nevertheless observed to
have radiatively driven winds. However, the strongest
radiatively driven winds come from hot supergiants.
Magnetic Rotator Winds
In discussing the solar wind over the lifetime of the Sun
we described how the magnetic field enhances the loss
of angular momentum from the Sun by causing the
ions and electrons to rotate together with the Sun as
they move outward. At the same time, there is also a
small outward centrifugal force, just as there is in a
centrifuge. This force is completely negligible for the
Sun, but one can imagine stars with stronger magnetic
fields that might have centrifugally driven winds; these
are called magnetic rotator winds.
The most obvious example of a magnetic rotator
wind is that from a neutron star. These stars have very
strong magnetic fields and centrifugal forces fill the
neutron star magnetosphere with charged particles. At
some distance from the star, the azimuthal velocity of
the charged particles, as they are carried around the
star, reaches the speed of light. The surface at this
distance is the ‘speed of light cylinder’ and somewhere
in this region around the star the particles force the
field lines to open and they are released. This is how a
pulsar is formed, an extreme example of a magnetic
Effects of Winds on Stellar Evolution and on the
Surrounding Interstellar Medium
Winds from stars are one way in which matter that has
been processed in stellar interiors reaches the interstellar medium and becomes available for new star
formation; the other way is via novae and supernovae.
The composition of the wind reflects, but may not be
identical to, the composition of the star. Primordial
material will be processed and enriched in heavy
elements in this process.
The solar wind serves as an example of this process,
even though the wind is relatively weak. The wind
moves outward to interact with interstellar material
that is always present in the galaxy. There is a contact
surface that divides interstellar material from solar
wind and the volume inside this surface is known as the
heliosphere – that volume dominated by the Sun. The
solar system is moving through the local interstellar
medium at B25 km s 1 – slow with respect to solar
wind speeds – and the stand-off distance in the
upstream direction is about 150 AU. Beyond this
boundary lies pristine interstellar matter. In the
downstream direction the solar wind flows into a
heliotail that is analogous to the Earth’s magnetotail
and is the path by which the solar wind escapes and
mixes with interstellar matter.
RS Radius of the Sun, 6.96 105 km.
SOHO Solar-Heliospheric Observatory. A joint ESA
and NASA spacecraft located at the L1 Lagrangian
point between the Sun and the Earth, about 0.01 AU
toward the Sun from the Earth.
Solar Probe A future NASA mission to the Sun. Solar
Probe is designed to go within 3RS of the photosphere.
Ulysses A spacecraft in a near-polar 5-year orbit
around the Sun.
See also
Convection: Convection in the Ocean. Electricity,
Atmospheric: Global Electrical Circuit. Ionosphere.
Magnetosphere. Radiation (Solar). Satellites: Orbits.
Solar Terrestrial Interactions.
Portions of this work were performed at the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with NASA.
Alfvén wave A bending wave in a magnetic field in
which the restoring force is due to the curvature of
the magnetic field. Named after Hannes Alfvén, the
Nobel prize-winning scientist who discovered the
AU Astronomical unit, the mean distance of the Earth
from the Sun, 1.5 108 km.
CIR Corotating interaction region. The dynamic
interaction that occurs when fast solar wind catches
up with and compresses preceding slow solar wind.
See Figure 5.
CME Coronal mass ejection. See Figure 7.
Heliosphere The volume of space containing
solar wind, as opposed to the interstellar medium,
which is the Milky Way galaxy outside the heliosphere.
IMF Interplanetary magnetic field. The magnetic field
that is trapped in and carried along with the solar
LASCO Large Angle Spectroscopic Coronagraph. A
coronagraph on the ESA/NASA SOHO mission.
Photosphere The visible surface of the sun.
Radian A measure of angular distance. There are 2p
radians in a circle.
Further Reading
Fleck B, Noci G and Poletto G (eds) (1994) Mass Supply and
Flow in the Solar Corona. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Habbal SR, Esser R, Hollweg JV and Isenberg PA (eds)
(1999) Solar Wind Nine, AIP Conference Proceedings
471. NewYork: American Institute of Physics.
Hundhausen AJ (1972) Coronal Expansion and the Solar
Wind. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Kivelson MG and Russell CT (1995) Introduction to Space
Physics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lamers HJGLM and Cassinelli JP (1999) Introduction
to Stellar Winds. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Marsden RG (ed.) (1986) The Sun and the Heliosphere in
Three Dimensions. Dordrecht: Reidel.
Parker EN (1963) Interplanetary Dynamical Processes. New
York: Interscience/Wiley.
Sturrock PA, Holzer TE, Mihalas DM and Ulrich RK (eds)
(1980) Physics of the Sun, vols I, II, and III. Boston:
Suess ST and Tsurutani BT (eds) (1998) From the Sun:
Auroras, Magnetic Storms, Solar Flares, Cosmic Rays.
Washington DC: American Geophysical Union.
Tsurutani BT, Gonzalez WD, Kamide Y and Arballo KK
Monograph 98. Washington DC: American Geophysical
Ulmschneider P, Priest ER and Rosner R (eds) (1991)
Mechanisms of Chromospheric and Coronal Heating.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Winterhalter D, Gosling JT, Habbal SR and Kurth WS,
Neugebauer M (eds) (1996) Solar Wind Eight. AIP Conference Proceedings 382. New York: American Institute
of Physics.
J P Boyd, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
In the narrowest sense, a solitary wave is a single,
isolated wave crest which propagates steadily without
either steepening or widening. However, the concept
has been broadened by the discovery of many new
species of similar phenomena. Also, nonpropagating
‘coherent structures’, especially vortices, have much in
common with solitary waves. Thus, ‘solitary wave’ is
no longer a phenomenon but a theme. The theme is
nonlinear self-preservation of a crest or a vortex in the
face of opposing, disruptive forces.
and the slowest runners falling farther and farther
behind at the rear. Wave dispersion is the same as
track-and-field dispersion: When waves travel at
different speeds, the disturbance must spread over
time unless some other mechanism intervenes.
One such mechanism is advective steepening. If the
fluid velocity is proportional to height, then an initial
bell shape will evolve a leading-edge front (Figure 1).
As the fast-moving tip overtakes the lower, slower
fluid, the trailing (left) edge is stretched while the
leading edge steepens (‘frontogenesis’).
In a solitary wave, dispersion and nonlinear steepening exactly balance so as to create a wave which
propagates without change of shape.
History of Solitary Waves
Dispersion, Frontogenesis
and the Bell Soliton
The left curve in Figure 1 is a schematic of the simplest
solitary wave. It is called a ‘‘bell soliton’’ because its
shape resembles a church bell.
Waves are said to be ‘dispersive’ if the propagation
speed c of a sinusoidal wave varies with the wavelength l. It is possible to superimpose many sine waves
of different wavelengths to make a bell shape, which is
centered where all the crests are in phase. However, the
bell shape rapidly disperses into an ever-widening
patch of ever-shrinking ripples as illustrated in the
upper right of Figure 1. In a marathon race, the runners
are elbow-to-elbow at the start, but disperse into an
ever-widening pack with the fastest runners in front
Bell soliton
Advective steepening
Figure 1 A bell-shaped crest (left) will dissolve into little ripples
under pure wave dispersion; it will steepen and eventually break if
advective steepening is unopposed by dispersion. In a solitary
wave, dispersion and steepening exactly balance so that a bellshaped curve propagates steadily without change of shape.
Solitary waves were discovered by the naval architect
John Scott Russell in 1834. When a canal barge
hit an underwater obstruction and stopped suddenly,
Russell expected that the bow wave would dissolve into
lots of little ripples through dispersion. Instead, a
smooth, bell-shaped crest perhaps half a meter tall,
independent of the cross-channel direction, emerged
from the froth. On horseback, he followed the unchanging, steadily propagating crest for a couple of
kilometers until he lost it ‘in the windings of the canal’.
Russell later made solitary waves in a long, narrow
water tank. Dropping a square block into the water
produced a localized wave disturbance which speedily
organized itself into one or more solitary waves
followed by a few small dispersing ripples.
Forty years later, Rayleigh and Boussinesq showed
Aðx; tÞ constant B2 sech2 ðB½x ctÞ
where the phase speed c is proportional to B2 where B
is a positive parameter that simultaneously controls
the width, speed, and amplitude of the solitary wave.
Korteweg and deVries (1895) assumed that the
wave was independent of the cross-channel direction,
as approximately true both on the canal and in
Russell’s water tank, and also that the horizontal
current was depth-independent (the shallow water
approximation). Thus, the only nontrivial spatial
coordinate is down the channel. The surface height is
then proportional to the solution Aðx; tÞ of the
Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation:
At þ c0 Ax þ mAxxx þ nAAx ¼ 0
linear steepening can preserve vortices and other
moving structures even in the absence of wave propagation. Monopoles, modons, and weakly nonlocal
solitons, described below, are important quasisolitons.
Solitary Vortices: the Vortex
in a Strain Field
Nonlinear self-preservation is not limited to waves.
Blobs of fluid are teased out into long, stringy filaments
by the ‘strain’ or ‘deformation’ field created by distant
vortices, pulled apart like taffy candy. However, if the
blob is a sufficiently strong vortex, its own selfinteraction will preserve it. A patch of uniform
vorticity will distort into an elliptically shaped vortex
with its long axis at an angle of p=4 to the axis of strain,
as shown in 1971 by Saffman and Moore (Figure 2).
The vortex in a strain field is not in any sense a wave.
Nevertheless, a vortex is a coherent, isolated structure
which is preserved by nonlinearity in the face of
disruptive mechanisms.
On a rotating Earth, a large vortex will drift
westward because of the beta effect – a wave-like
behavior. It is then impossible to speak of ‘solitary
waves’ and ‘isolated vortices’ as separate species. The
coherent structure is both wave and vortex.
A History of Isolated Vortices
Smoke rings were discovered by casual observation
long before there was any science of fluids. Any
smoker can make a ring merely by blowing out a
Steady vortex in strain field
where the subscripts denote partial differentiation
with respect to the subscripted coordinate, and where
the coefficients depend on the water depth, channel
width and the gravitational constant.
Today, it is known that the KdV equation is generic
in the sense that it can be rederived for weakly
nonlinear long waves in a wide variety of physics and
engineering contexts, not just water waves. For 70
years after Korteweg and deVries, however, solitary
waves were only a curiosity, mentioned in textbooks
out of duty rather than conviction.
Zabusky and Kruskal in 1965 numerically integrated the KdV equation on a spatially periodic domain
and discovered that a large-amplitude initial sine wave
dissolved into a sequence of solitary waves. These
peaks collided elastically (that is, without loss of
energy from the colliding pair), as robust as if they
were elementary particles. Zabusky and Kruskal
therefore coined the name ‘soliton’ which is today
used as a synonym for solitary wave.
A couple of years later, Gardner, Green, Kruskal,
and Miura discovered the ‘inverse scattering’ method.
Although the KdV equation is nonlinear, the inverse
scattering method is an exact algorithm which solves
the general initial value problem for arbitrary time by
solving a sequence of linear subproblems.
The KdV equation has special solutions which
consist of N solitary waves of different sizes where N
is arbitrary. Tall solitons overrun shorter solitary
waves, collide elastically, and then all rematerialize in
their precollision amplitudes and widths.
The general KdV solution has two parts: a finite
number of solitary waves plus a dispersing wave train.
Except for rather special conditions, such as an initial
height which is nonpositive, at least one solitary wave is
always generated, even from wildly nonsolitonic initial
conditions, such as the bow wave of a canal barge. The
flow spontaneously either steepens or disperses so as to
evolve an exact balance between nonlinearity and
dispersion in the solitary waves even when these two
competing mechanisms are wildly imbalanced initially.
The following 10 years were the Golden Age of
Solitons. Envelope solitary waves, kink solitons and
other new species were discovered, each solving an
inverse-scattering-solvable generic partial differential
equation in (usually) one space dimension. For a time,
it seemed that the inverse scattering method was the
Algorithm for Everything. Then chaos theory blossomed, and it became clear that inverse scattering fails
for most physical systems including the three-dimensional hydrodynamic equations.
The last quarter of the twentieth century has been
the Golden Age of the Generalized Solitary Wave.
Many species of coherent structures almost satisfy the
classical definition of a solitary wave. Further, non-
Figure 2 Thin arrows: a pure straining field. A patch of vorticityfree fluid would be irreversibly contracted towards the x -axis and
stretched along the y -axis. If the fluid is a sufficiently strong vortex,
the patch will be deformed into an ellipse (heavy curve) with its long
axis oriented at 451 to the contraction and dilation axes of the strain
field. The sense of rotation within the ellipse of uniform vorticity is
shown by the heavy double-ended arrows.
mouthful of smoke. The smoke is trapped in a torus of
fluid which propagates away from the mouth under its
own self-interaction. The propagating torus is a vortex
ring, rotating about its narrow diameter.
In the 1860s, Tait showed a trailing smoke ring can
overtake and pass through another, then slow to be
passed in its turn, as in the child’s game of leapfrog.
This robust survival of leapfrogging rings is reminiscent of the durability of KdV solitons under collisions
that was discovered by Zabusky and Kruskal a century
later. Anticipating their analogy of coherent fluid
structures with elementary particles, Lord Kelvin was
inspired by Tait’s experiments to create a theory that
atoms were vortex rings, and molecules were interlocking vortex rings.
Around 1900, Chaplygin and Lamb independently
discovered analytic solutions for a pair of contrarotating vortices, now usually called ‘modons’ or
‘Chaplygin–Lamb dipoles’. Three quarters of a century later, Stern, Larichev and Reznik generalized these
solutions to incorporate the beta effect. Vortex pairs
form spontaneously through random near-collisions
of one-signed vortices in turbulence, through injection
of river and estuary flows into the oceans, and a variety
of other mechanisms.
Boyd generalized modons to vortex pairs that
straddle the equator in the early 1980s. For small
amplitude, these modons are well described by the
KdV equation and are classical ‘bell’ solitons in
longitude with the usual structure of linear equatorial
waves in latitude; most of the propagation is wavy, due
to the Rossby beta effect. As the amplitude increases,
equatorial modons develop pockets of recirculating
fluid, just as in Chaplygin and Lamb’s solutions, and
the westward propagation is more and more due to the
mutual interaction of the two vortices.
One can no more say that an equatorial modon is
either a wave or a vortex pair than one can assert that
the color purple is either red or blue.
Periodic Generalizations of Solitary
Waves: Cnoidal and Polycnoidal Waves
The adjective ‘solitary’ is as misleading as ‘wave’.
Korteweg-deVries showed that the KdV equation has
an exact elliptic function solution they dubbed the
‘cnoidal wave’. This is spatially periodic with an
arbitrary period. In the limit of small amplitude for
fixed period, the cnoidal wave is an ordinary cosine
function. The large-amplitude cnoidal wave has a
single, narrow peak which is well approximated by the
sech2 shape of the solitary wave (Figure 3). The soliton
is just a limiting case of the cnoidal wave.
Eighty years later, Toda proved that the cnoidal
wave is the exact sum of an infinite number of copies of
the solitary wave where the copies are evenly spaced,
one centered on each spatial period. This sum-ofsolitons relationship is true even in the small-amplitude regime (foreground of Figure 3) where Aðx; tÞ is
also well approximated by the cosine function. This
KdV cnoidal wave
Figure 3 The KdV cnoidal wave as a function of x (for fixed time) and amplitude a. For small amplitude (foreground), the cnoidal wave is
sinusoidal. As the amplitude increases, the peaks become taller, narrower, and more soliton-like.
nonlinear superposition principle has since been
extended to many other wave equations.
Similarly, the KdV equation has exact analytical
N-soliton solutions on an unbounded spatial interval
which have been extended to spatially periodic exact
solutions. These generalizations, which are ratios of
multidimensional theta functions, are called ‘N-polycnoidal’ waves where the cnoidal wave is the special
case N ¼ 1. Polycnoidal waves depend on N independent phase speeds. It can be proved that the general
solution to the KdV equation with periodic boundary
conditions can be approximated to arbitrary accuracy
by a polycnoidal wave of sufficiently large N and
appropriate phase speed and amplitude parameters.
Thus, solitary waves need not be solitary. This is true
for solitary waves in general and not merely for KdV
solutions. Because solitons usually decay exponentially with distance from the core of the structure, a pair
of solitons can be rather close and yet have a negligible
dynamic interaction.
Weakly Nonlocal Solitary Waves
If the phase speed c of a coherent structure is
multivalued in the sense that there are infinitesimal
amplitude waves of some wavenumber k that have the
same phase speed as the structure, then the solitary
wave will not decay to zero at large distances from its
center, but will instead radiate waves of wavenumber
k. In many cases, the amplitude of the radiation is
exponentially weak so that the structure behaves very
much like a classical solitary wave. Such structures are
called ‘weakly nonlocal’ solitary waves (Figure 4).
Ironically, water waves, the prototype of solitons,
are weakly nonlocal. The solitary wave radiates
Figure 4 The ‘core’ of a nonlocal solitary wave is similar to a bell
soliton, but the wave decays to small amplitude sinusoidal ‘wings’
instead of to zero.
capillary waves, but these were too small for J. S.
Russell to observe.
Weakly nonlocal solitary waves are found in all
branches of physics and seem to be just as common as
classical, decay-to-zero solitons. Baroclinic vortices
and solitons, for example, are usually nonlocal through
weak radiation in the barotropic vertical mode.
A Bestiary of Solitary Waves and
Coherent Vortices
Figure 5 shows the diversity of solitary waves and
coherent structures. The six species illustrated are only
a set of interesting creatures from a much larger zoo.
Bell solitons, such as those that solve the KdV
equation, have been described above.
An ‘envelope solitary wave’ is the product of a
sinusoidal ‘carrier wave’ with a slowly varying amplitude factor called the ‘envelope’, which is dashed in the
figure. The envelope solves the nonlinear Schrödinger
(NLS) equation.
‘Breathers’ are solitary waves whose amplitude
oscillates in time. The breather may be either stationary or propagating, but the period and amplitude of
the ‘breathing’ oscillations never changes. The sineGordon, self-induced transparency (SIT), and f4 field
theory equations have breathers.
‘Kinks’, also known in some contexts as ‘travelling
shocks’, occur in both inviscid models (such as the
sine-Gordon equation) and viscous equations, such as
Burgers’ equation and the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky
(KS) equation. Viscous shocks seem a paradox since
mechanical energy is being damped and yet the shocks,
like solitary waves, are independent of time except for
a steady propagation. The plateaus, extending indefinitely away from the shock, act as limitless reservoirs
of energy to sustain the shock. Real kinks do not
extend indefinitely, but are consistent local approximations to coherent structures of finite width.
Vortices, whether monopoles or modons, are not
always identified as solitary waves. If the diameter of
the vortex is sufficiently small compared to the radius
of the Earth, then wave effects may be only a small
correction to vortex dynamics. However, vortices
often exhibit the same robustness and nonlinear selfpreservation as KdV solitons.
Monopole vortices have vorticity which is everywhere of the same sign except perhaps for an annular
ring surrounding the core. Modons are pairs of contrarotating vortices as described earlier. These have a
strong nonlinear translation, indicated by the hollow
arrow in the figure, which is augmented or opposed by
westward Rossby wave propagation.
Monopole vortex
Figure 5 A selection of soliton species.
Solitons and Coherent Vortices
in the Ocean
In the Andaman Sea, tidal flow triggers regular trains
of internal gravity solitons. These are visible in satellite
photographs as long parallel streaks and are well
modelled by the KdV equation.
When the Gulf Stream separates from the coast at
Cape Hatteras, it develops unstable, amplifying meanders that eventually roll up into Gulf Stream rings. Most
‘cold core’ rings perish in a few months by reabsorption,
but the few that drift south of the Gulf Stream live a
couple of years in the Caribbean. This is an order of
magnitude longer than the lifetime of a small-amplitude
Rossby wave of the same initial size (roughly 200 km in
diameter). Similar coherent, long-lived eddies split from
the Aghulas Current off South Africa.
The high evaporation of the Mediterranean Sea
creates dense, salty water that flows out through the
Straits of Gibraltar into the Atlantic Ocean. As it sinks
to a depth of 1000 meters, the anomalously hot-andsalty water rolls up into anticyclonic vortices called
‘Meddies’. These spinning lens-shaded masses, perhaps sixty kilometers in diameter and a kilometer
thick, have lifetimes of half a dozen years or more.
Smaller coherent vortices, both monopoles and
dipoles, are very common. Dipoles with long stems of
vorticity are called ‘mushroom vortices’ from their
shape. These are easily made in the laboratory merely
by injecting a jet of fluid into a rotating tank. River
outflows and melting at the edge of the icepack are
prolific generators of such vortex pairs, a few kilometers in diameter.
Solitary waves and isolated vortices and vortex pairs
seem to be very important components of ocean
dynamics. There is room here to catalog only a small
subset of the rather wide range of observed species.
Why Atmospheric Solitons are
Vertically Trapped
When a wave propagates upward into thinner and
thinner air with weak or negligible dissipation, its
amplitude u grows so that the energy flux remains
constant even as the mass density decreases exponentially with altitude. A steady balance between
nonlinearity and dispersion cannot occur because the
nonlinearity is steadily increasing with height. In
contrast, the dispersion depends only upon the wavelengths of the sinusoidal waves that comprise the wave
pulse and thus does not change with height.
However, some waves are reflected by wind shear or
static stability variations at some level, thus being
trapped below the reflection height. Only such ‘vertically trapped’ waves can form solitons.
The ocean is a bounded fluid of almost constant
density, so the difficulties of propagation to space and
vertically increasing nonlinearity do not arise. This is
one important reason why solitary waves are more
readily observed in the ocean than in the atmosphere.
Atmospheric Solitary Waves
New species of atmospheric solitary waves and new
applications of previously studied types are inevitable.
The following three examples are representative of the
diversity of ‘soliton thinking’ to date.
Internal Gravity Waves: the Morning Glory
A low-level temperature inversion can create a layer of
very stable air in the lowest kilometer or two of the
atmosphere. Internal gravity waves are vertically
trapped, and then can be reshaped by nonlinearity
into a sequence of solitary waves. This mechanism
operates all over the world. In particular such gravity
solitons have been detected by Doppler radar and
surface networks in Oklahoma. On the shores of the
Gulf of Carpentaria in Northern Australia, conditions
are especially favorable to generate such soliton trains,
and to further make the soliton crests visible through
condensation. These trains of roll clouds are known as
the Morning Glory (Figure 6).
The waveguide is leaky, so these solitary waves are
‘weakly nonlocal’. Indeed, the upward leakage is so
strong that recent articles have argued that convective
forcing may be as important as soliton dynamics in
sustaining the crests as they roll in from the Gulf.
Great Red Spot of Jupiter
The Great Red Spot (GRS) is an anticyclonic, eyeshaped vortex embedded in a shear zone between
alternating East–West jets at about 201 S latitude on
Jupiter (Figure 7). It has been spinning for at least three
centuries with only minor fluctuations in amplitude
and appearance. It is an isolated vortex in the sense
that it is the only large feature in the shear zone.
However, it cannibalizes smaller eddies that appear on
the edges of the zone, and this may help to sustain the
GRS against losses to viscosity and radiative damping.
A KdV theory has produced plausible agreement
with observations; the eddy is both a vortex and a
Rossby wave. Numerical models by G. Williams and S.
Marcus offer a vivid explanation of GRS genesis.
Generically, shear instabilies roll up into a string
of vortices. Such chains of same-sign vortices are
Top of waveguide
Figure 6 Schematic of the Australian Morning Glory. Left: the vertical profile of Brunt–Vaisala frequency after convection has created a
very stable, well-mixed surface layer. When sea breezes collide at night over Cape Yorke Peninsula, this excites a gravity wave
disturbance which is trapped in the bottom layer by reflection from the interlayer boundary (dashed line) where the stability changes
abruptly. The disturbance spontaneously organizes into an undular bore as it propagates over the Gulf of Carpentaria. Each peak is a
solitary wave, and its updrafts cause condensation (shaded). The roll clouds may extend for over 100 kilometers perpendicular to the
direction of propagation, which is indicated by the large arrow.
Figure 7 Schematic streamlines and velocity arrows of the Great
Red Spot of Jupiter.
unstable to vortex mergers, and eventually a single
large quasisteady vortex emerges as the end-product of
the instability. But Jupiter is banded with many
alternating jets; why is there a strong vortex in only
one of these, and only in the Southern Hemisphere?
Atmospheric Blocking
Atmospheric ‘blocking’ is the formation of a quasistationary vortex or vortex pair over mountains which is
sufficiently strong to block the usual mid-latitude storm
track, forcing weather systems to detour around the
block. There are many conflicting theories of blocking.
However, the block is certainly a finite amplitude,
quasistationary coherent structure that propagates
westward against the prevailing westerlies so as to
remain fixed above the mountain range. Much theoretical work has explored the idea that mountain chains
are able to excite coherent blocks because the forcing is
resonant: the forced solutions are very strong because
they are close to unforced, finite-amplitude vortex pairs
(modons). Because the forcing is weak, the modon
paradigm is much more useful for blocks than for
strongly forced-and-damped vortices like hurricanes.
1. Solitary waves are necessarily waves.
Vortices and travelling shocks display the same
nonlinear self-preservation as KdV solitons, and
may move under a mixture of advection and
Rossby wave dynamics.
2. Solitary waves are solitary; periodic waves have
nothing to do with solitons.
Wave crests and coherent vortices may be very
close geographically and yet have almost no
dynamic interaction. Chains of crests that appear
wavy or sinusoidal may in fact be weakly interacting solitary waves.
3. Solitary waves are small amplitude only.
This misconception was created by the derivation
of the KdV and other simplified wave equations,
which usually employ expansions in powers of the
amplitude. However, numerical solutions show
that the solitary waves do not magically cease to
exist above a tiny limiting amplitude. Instead,
solitons persist as a continuous family of solutions
to such large amplitude that the soliton contains
entrained fluid that is trapped within the structure
as it propagates. ‘Small amplitude’ is a restriction
of the mathematics, not physics.
4. Solitary waves are one dimensional.
The KdV equation has only a single space coordinate. However, KdV theories often multiply the
KdV solution, Aðx; tÞ, by a function YðyÞ which is
spatially confined because of Coriolis refraction, as
true of equatorial solitary waves, or shear trapping,
as in the Great Red Spot of Jupiter.
5. Solitary waves are unforced and inviscid.
Travelling shocks of Burgers and the Kuramoto–
Sivashinsky equations are solutions to viscous differential equations. Furthermore, weakly forced and
damped nonlinear structures may be accurately approximated by unforced, undamped solitons. However, the soliton paradigm is not very useful when the
forcing dominates the flow, as true of hurricanes.
The ‘Leonardo–Kolmogorov Duality’
Leonardo da Vinci, who sketched turbulent streams
and scribbled notes on what he called turbolenza in
1500, seems to have known that turbulence could only
be described (or painted!) as a mixture of coherent and
random motion. Science progresses through a willful
blindness to some aspects of a phenomenon to
think deeply about others. (In a language of Papua
New Guinea, this is ‘mokita’, which means ‘things we
all know but agree not to talk about’.) Kolmogorov in
1941 made the first great breakthrough in tubulence
by willfully ignoring the coherent structures, and
pretending that turbulence is purely random.
The Voyager photographs of Jupiter showed instead
what Frisch has called the ‘Leonardo–Kolmogorov
duality’. The Jovian atmosphere is neither completely
coherent and predictable nor completely random.
Instead, the ‘Leonardian’ Great Red Spot, which is a
solitary vortex, coexists with a seething Kolmogorovian sea of billowing, fluctuating, random-appearing
turbulence. The mystery of this soliton/random duality challenges our understanding today as it challenged
Leonardo’s pen five centuries ago.
SOOT 2093
See also
Downslope Winds. Hydraulic Flow.
Further Reading
Ball P (1999) The Self-Made Tapestry: Pattern Formation in
Nature. New York: Oxford University Press.
Boyd JP (1989) New directions in solitons and nonlinear
periodic waves: Polycnoidal waves, imbricated solitons,
weakly non-local solitary waves and numerical boundary
value algorithms. In: Wu T-Y and Hutchinson JW (eds)
Advances in Applied Mechanics, no. 27. New York:
Academic Press, pp. 1–82.
Boyd JP (1998) Weakly Nonlocal Solitary Waves and
Beyond-All-Orders Asymptotics: Generalized Solitons
and Hyperasymptotic Perturbation Theory, vol. 442 of
Mathematics and Its Applications. Amsterdam: Kluwer.
Boyd JP (1999) The devil’s invention: Asymptotics, superasymptotics and hyperasymptotics, Acta Applicandae
56: 1–98.
Boyd JP and Haupt SE (1991) Polycnoidal waves: Spatially
periodic generalizations of multiple solitary waves, In:
Osborne AR (ed.) Nonlinear Topics of Ocean Physics:
Fermi Summer School, Course LIX. Amsterdam: NorthHolland, pp. 827–856.
Johnson RS (1997) A Modern Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Water Waves. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Lugt HJ (1983) Vortex Flow in Nature and Technology. New
York: John Wiley.
Nezlin MV and Snezhkin EN (1993) Rossby Vortices, Spiral
Structures, Solitons. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Nihoul JCJ and Jamart BM (eds) (1989) International Liége
Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics, no. 20 in Liége
Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. Amsterdam:
Remoissenet M (1991) Waves Called Solitons: Concepts and
Experiments, 3rd edn. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Smith RK, Crook N and Roff G (1982) The Morning Glory:
an extraordinary atmosphere undular bore. Quarterly
Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 108: 937–
Van Dyke M (1982) An Album of Fluid Motion, 2nd edn.
Stanford: Parabolic Press.
P Chylek, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada
S G Jennings, National University of Ireland, Galway,
R Pinnick, US Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD,
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Soot (also often called black carbon, charcoal, elemental carbon, or graphitic carbon) is produced by
incomplete combustion of carbonaceous materials.
Soot is found everywhere on Earth, including the
atmosphere, oceans, sediments, soil, and ice sheets. It
is also found in meteorites, may be present in asteroids
and comets, and is believed to be responsible for dark
absorption bands observed in stellar spectra. Soot is
even suspected of participating in the initiation of life
In the atmosphere, particularly in the boundary
layer, soot is a major component of aerosols that
strongly absorbs solar radiation. Soot particles, when
combined with sulfates, nitrates, sea salt, and organic
particulate carbon present in the atmosphere, can
serve as cloud condensation nuclei. Soot particles
inside cloud droplets increase the absorption of solar
radiation by droplets and modify droplet size distribution. Soot also provides a suitable surface and serves
as a catalyst for various atmospheric heterogeneous
chemical reactions. Thus soot is an important constituent of the atmosphere that affects atmospheric
chemical composition and atmospheric radiation
balance through both its direct effects (absorption
and scattering of solar radiation) and its indirect ones
(modifying the formation and lifetime of clouds and
the size distribution of droplets).
Soot contributes to atmospheric pollution. It reduces visibility and is also blamed for a variety of adverse
health effects including a long list of respiratory
diseases and various cancers.
The main sources of soot in the atmosphere are
biomass burning and fossil fuel combustion. Soot is
the only material suspended in the atmosphere with a
long residence time (up to 10 days) that strongly
absorbs electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths.
Other atmospheric aerosols have either a very low
absorption (sulfates, nitrates, sea salt and organic
particulate matter) or a moderate absorption (soil and
mineral dust) at visible wavelengths. From this follows
the unique role of soot in the atmosphere as the only
component of the atmospheric aerosol which strongly
absorbs the visible part of solar radiation.
Carbon is a major component of all living material.
Carbonaceous particles produced by biomass burning
or fossil fuel combustion span a large range of sizes.
Particles with diameter over 10 mm are subject to fast
gravitational settling and are removed from the
2094 SOOT
atmosphere within a short distance from their sources.
On the other hand, submicrometer-sized particles
remain suspended in the atmosphere for several days
and are transported over long distances. Black carbon
(soot) has been found at all places on the globe,
including the most remote areas in Antarctica.
Carbon has atomic number Z ¼ 6. There are two
stable carbon isotopes, 12C and 13C, and four radioactive ones: 10C, 11C, 14C, and 15C. The 14C isotope is
used for carbon dating. The carbon atom has 6
electrons, and 4 of them are in the outer (2S and 2P)
electron shells. These 4 valence electrons are available
to form stable covalent bonds (shared pairs of
electrons between 2 neighboring atoms) with other
carbon atoms or atoms of other elements. Carbon
atoms can thus form chains or rings of high complexity. If all 4 electrons are used in covalent bonds, the
resulting materials are generally transparent in the
visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. On the
other hand, if not all valence electrons are used for
covalent bonds then the unused electrons can form a
cloud of non-localized electrons, as in graphite, and
the material will start showing a definite degree of
absorption and anisotropic electric conductivity.
There is an enormous variety of organic compounds
of carbon. They are compounds primarily of carbon
with oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen, although compounds with a number of other elements, including
sulfur, phosphorus, and halogens, are also formed.
When heated, all organic substances have one thing in
common: they always produce, in addition to steam
and carbon dioxide, a black material commonly called
the char, soot, black, or elemental carbon. This is due to
the fact that almost all of the combustion processes
taking place are incomplete (oxygen-deficient): they do
not provide sufficient oxygen for the full oxidation of
the fuel, and generally some of the carbon will end up in
a condensed phase rather than in gaseous oxide form.
periodic potential formed by a hexagonal lattice of
carbon atoms in graphite. Nonlocalized electrons are
responsible for good electric conductivity of graphite in
the basal plane of the hexagonal structure and for its
absorption properties in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Separation between lattice planes is
about 2.4 times the nearest neighbor distance (about
0.142 nm) within the plane. Graphite is often called a
semimetal, indicating that it has some properties similar
to that of metals. However, its effective density of charge
carriers is of order 1018 cm 3; several orders of magnitude below that of typical good metals (1022 cm 3).
In the diamond lattice, the 4 nearest neighbors form
the vertices of a regular tetrahedron; all 4 valence
electrons of each carbon atom are used to form strong
covalent bonds with the four nearest neighbors. There
is no planar anisotropy and no free electrons. A
diamond is an extremely hard, high-density, transparent nonconductor.
The basic characteristic of graphite and the basis of its
high absorption in the visible part of the spectrum is its
planar hexagonal structure. Whenever a sufficiently
large number of carbon atoms get arranged in the form
of a planar hexagonal lattice, some electrons will be only
weakly bound to their respective atoms; they will form
almost a free electron cloud and the material will
manifest an increased conductivity and light absorption.
This happens even if there are other atoms involved with
carbon, as long as the number of other atoms is relatively
small (usually below 20% by mass). Such a material,
which is not a pure graphite, but at least partially
manifests the basic graphite characteristics (elevated
conductivity and increased absorption at visible wavelengths), is generally referred to as black carbon. There
are two ways in which carbon atoms can be induced into
the planar hexagonal lattice: either through a process of
soot formation (high-temperature combustion) or by
charring (lower-temperature burning).
Graphite and Black Carbon
Particulate Emission by Fossil Fuel
and Biomass Burning
The two basic forms of solid elemental carbon are
diamond and graphite. They differ from each other in
the form of lattice structure into which carbon atoms
are arranged. This difference leads to vast dissimilarities in physiochemical and optical properties between
the two carbon forms.
Graphite has a structure of a planar hexagonal lattice
with 4 carbon atoms per primitive cell. Within the lattice
plane each carbon atom is bound to 3 neighboring atoms
by strong covalent bonds. The 4 valence electron of each
atom contributes to a relatively weak bond between
planes of hexagonal lattices. These electrons are not
bound to any particular carbon atom (nonlocalized
electrons) and they can move relatively freely within a
Particulate material ejected into the atmosphere during combustion processes contains soot, charcoal and
ash. Ash originates from an inorganic component of
fuel. Its mass is usually small (around 1%) compared
with the mass of other forms of particulate matter
ejected to the atmosphere. Unburned hydrocarbons
react with atmospheric oxides of nitrogen and solar
radiation to form smog.
Soot production generally proceeds through condensation of vaporized organic matter, usually through a
SOOT 2095
number of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).
This is a complex process involving, first, the production of benzene and acetylene from the original
biomass of fossil fuel. It is believed that most fuels
break down into the same species at the beginning of
the sooting process. In the second step of soot
formation, the acetylene and benzene are transformed
into the phenyl, a simple aromatic hydrocarbon with
just one ring. The chain of aromatic rings then grows
through a fast polymerization process (replacement of
hydrogen atoms by C2H2 groups). With an increasing
number of aromatic rings, a nucleus of a soot particle is
formed. Some models consider four rings to be
sufficient for soot nucleation. Thus the soot is
produced by gas to particle conversion. A typical size
of a soot nucleus is a few nanometers. The nucleus
grows by additional condensation and coagulation.
Freshly produced soot particles are almost spherical
and they have tendency to form, through coagulation,
chainlike structures with fractal geometry (Figure 1),
with a fractal dimension of about 1.8. Soot production
takes place at high temperatures, above 10001C,
during the fossil fuel combustion or during the flaming
stage of biomass burning.
A mature soot particle is typically composed of a
stack of layers, each of them having a graphite-like
hexagonal structure. Not all layers are arranged in a
parallel fashion. In addition to carbon, soot contains
remnants of other elements present in the original fuel. A
typical carbon content of soot is between 90 and 98%.
Soot X-ray analyses indicates the presence of
a regular graphite structure throughout the soot volume.
Generally, fuels with higher C/H (carbon-to-hydrogen) ratio produce more soot. For a given amount of
fuel, the variable flow conditions produce more soot
than a steady-flow regime. Soot can also be produced by
the oxidation of almost pure elemental carbon. At high
temperatures, a carbon vapor is formed, which in
colder regions, away from the flame, condenses to form
solid carbon structures. In this way graphite-like soot as
well as the famous fullerenes C60 and C70 are formed.
Charring of organic materials starts at temperatures
considerably lower than that of soot formation.
Burning of food during cooking (i.e., the production
of nicely black toast) is an example of low-temperature
charring. At temperatures above about 3001C, most of
the organic materials undergo a slight thermal decomposition; hydrogen and other noncarbon elements are
stripped from carbon chains and rings and the carbon
condenses into a graphite-like structure. The density of
black porous residuum depends on the mass ratio of
carbon to other elements in the original material.
X-ray analysis confirms that at temperatures above
3001C the hexagonal, graphite-like structure begins to
form. This structure becomes more evident and more
regular with an increasing temperature of oxidation.
As hydrogen and other elements (e.g., nitrogen and
sulfur) are released to the atmosphere and carbon
atoms start forming the basic planar hexagonal
structures, the optical properties of the material
undergo a drastic transformation. With an increasing
number of planar hexagonal rings, there is an increasing number of nonlocalized, almost free, electrons,
and the material starts showing some of the graphite
characteristics, especially an increased absorption of
visible electromagnetic radiation. Original organic
material becomes dark brown or black.
In the case of biomass burning the charring process
takes place during the smoldering phase. Fossil fuel
combustion often produces carbonaceous particles
that are in a form of hollow spheres (cenospheres) or of
spongy spherical structures (Figures 2 and 3).
The sizes of particles produced by charring are from
submicrometer to several hundred micrometers.
Smaller sizes are uplifted during the turbulent conditions produced by localized heating. They reside in the
atmosphere for an extended time and are transported
over long distances.
Organic and Black Carbon
Figure 1 Morphology of freshly produced soot, showing a
characteristic chain-like structure of nanometer-size soot particles.
Regarding aerosol radiative effects, the total carbon in
atmospheric aerosols (excluding inorganic carbon in
the form of carbonates as a part of soil and mineral dust
particles) is usually divided into so-called organic and
black carbon. This division is based not on aerosol
chemistry, but rather on the aerosol optical properties.
Carbon of atmospheric carbonaceous aerosols that
absorbs visible radiation strongly is called black
carbon; the remaining carbon (carbon of nonabsorbing
carbonaceous particulate matter) is organic carbon.
2096 SOOT
wavelengths. Should they be a part of organic or of
black carbon? If we are interested in radiative effects of
carbonaceous aerosols then all absorbing material
should be kept in a category of black carbon. On the
other hand, if we are interested in chemical reactions
of organic aerosols then we may keep even absorbing
organic compounds in the inventory of organic (rather
than black) carbon. From the point of view of
absorption of solar radiation in the atmosphere, it is
reasonable to divide the total carbon into organic and
black carbon, even if this division is not chemically
well defined.
Figure 2 A typical black carbon (charcoal) particle structure from
a coal-fired power plant. (Photograph by R. Cheng; reproduced
with permission from Chylek P, Ramaswami V, Pinnick R, and
Cheng R (1981). Optical properties and mass concentration of
carbonaceous smokes. Applied Optics 20: 2980–2985.
The black carbon defined in this way contains pure
graphite (elemental carbon), soot, and charcoal as well
as their internal mixtures and their mixtures with
organic carbon. Black carbon generally resists oxidation at temperatures below about 4001C, while organic
carbon is oxidized easily at lower temperatures.
The separation of total carbon into organic and
black carbon is not unambiguously defined chemically. Some of more complex organic compounds may
show a substantial absorption in the range of visible
Black Carbon Measurements
Black carbon (soot) properties, such as density,
absorption coefficient, size, and morphology
are highly variable. They depend on conditions of
generation, source strength, atmospheric transport,
transformations due to mechanisms such as catalytic
surface reactions, and their degree of mixing of black
carbon with other atmospheric particles as well as of
their removal due to wet and dry deposition processes.
Measurements of mass concentration, absorption,
and size distribution of black carbon are relatively
sparse up to the late 1970s, owing mainly to lack of
suitable instrumentation.
An increased interest in the role of soot in the
atmosphere brought about the development and
evaluation of new analytical methods and measuring
Mass Concentration and Size Distribution
Figure 3 Black carbon (charcoal) particle structures from an oilfired power plant (Photograph by R. Cheng; reproduced with
permission from Chylek P, Ramaswami V, Pinnick R, and Cheng R
(1981). Optical properties and mass concentration of carbonaceous smokes. Applied Optics 20: 2980–2985.
Most soot size distribution measurements have been
obtained from filter samples using multistage impactors combined with either conventional or transmission and scanning electron microscopy. More recent
techniques include the use of an optical scattering
aerosol sizing probe equipped with a heated intake.
Soot particle size resides predominantly in the
submicrometer accumulation mode regime, with a
geometric mean diameter in the range 0.05–0.2 mm
and with a geometric standard deviation 1.33 to 2.0.
The average particle size increases with time during
long-range atmospheric transport.
Typical soot mass concentration values (Table 1)
range from about 1 ng m3 for remote Antarctic
locations to more than 1 mg m3 for polluted urban
air. The number concentration varies from about 0.1
to 4100 cm 3.
The mass extinction coefficient in polluted urban
environments has typical values in the range 10 3 to
10 4 m 1, while representative values for a more
remote atmosphere are r10 5 m 1.
SOOT 2097
Mid troposphere
Extinction coefficient Mass concentration
(m 1)
(mg m 3)
1 10 8
1–3 10 8
1–5 10 7
1–5 10 6
1–4 10 5
Soot concentration (ng g 1)
Table 1 Summary of black carbon (soot) measurements
Ice core
Recent snow
Black Carbon in Precipitation
Ice date (Year AD)
The removal of black carbon from the atmosphere is
believed to be primarily by wet deposition. However,
there are only a few measurements of black carbon
concentration in rain and snow. The method used
consists of the filtering of collected precipitation
through quartz fiber filters, followed by a thermooptical method of determination of the amount of
black carbon on the filter. The range of black carbon
concentration measured in rainwater and in snow is
summarized in Table 2.
Black Carbon in Ice Cores
Ice cores preserve the information concerning the state
of the atmosphere at the time of snow deposition
(analysis of ice and aerosols) and at the time of
enclosure of air bubbles (analysis of gases trapped in
bubbles). Black carbon concentration in ice cores can
be used to deduce the information concerning the past
climate and the effect of man’s activities on the
The black carbon concentration changes in Alpine
glaciers indicate the increase of atmospheric black
carbon concentration due to an increase in the regional
industrial activities. On the other hand, no increase in
black carbon concentration has been found in several
analyses of Greenland ice cores. A comparison of
black carbon (soot) concentrations found in the
Greenland Summit GISP2 (Greenland Ice Sheet
Project 2) ice core dated to around the years
Table 2 Black carbon concentration in cloud water and in
Type of cloud or precipitation
Black carbon (mg kg 1)
Marine Stratus, North Atlantic
Stratocumulus, eastern Pacific
Rain Water, eastern Canada
Rain Water, Seattle
Snow, eastern Canada
Snow, New Mexico and western Texas
Snow, Cascade Mountains
Snow, Camp Century, Greenland
Snow, Antarctica
Figure 4 Comparison between soot concentrations (ng g 1) in
the Greenland Summit GISP2 ice core dated about 320–330 AD
with that in recent snow (1989–1990) from the same location. There
is no change of an average soot concentration in remote Greenland
location between the current snow and the ice core more than 1700
years old. Large, ancient forest fires somewhere in the Northern
Hemisphere are represented by peaks in soot concentrations
around the years 324 and 326 AD.
320–330 AD and recent (1989–1990) snow from the
same location suggests the same average concentration of about 2 ng g 1 (Figure 4).
Optical constants of Black Carbon
Determination of the complex refractive index
m ¼ n þ ik, where i is an imaginary unit, n and k are
real and imaginary parts of refractive index, respectively, is a difficult task for soot or atmospheric black
carbon. A number of different approaches have been
made to determine the refractive indices of soot
One of the principal methods used has involved the
measurement of reflectivity of electromagnetic radiation from polished soot-like materials. Reflectivity
methods have been applied to soot material, which
has been compressed into pellets with nearly specular
surfaces. The compression does not result in a uniform
carbon material, but contains voids, which have to be
considered in the determination of the optical constants.
A combination of transmission and reflection has
been used on an amorphous thin film of carbon.
Another approach has involved extinction measurements for a suspension of carbon particles (of mean
diameter 75 nm), which overcomes uncertainties associated with purity, crystal microstructure variations
and void fraction of the sample. Indirect determination of the refractive indices of flame soot has been
carried out in situ using light scattering combined with
extinction measurements. However, the soot particle
size and number concentrations were not measured
2098 SOOT
Table 3 Black carbon optical constants (real and imaginary part
of refractive index) in the 0.35–1.5 mm wavelength range
Real part
Method of
Amorphous carbon
Carbon black
Coal samples
Fresnel reflection
A summary of measured optical constants of soot is
presented in Table 3. The variability in the data can be
attributed largely to factors such as degree of sample
homogeneity, compositional change such as C/H ratio,
density, sample preparation, etc. Recommended values for the refractive index of black carbon within the
wavelength range from 0.3 to 1.5 mm (measurements
indicate that the parameters do not greatly change
with wavelength in the solar spectrum region) are:
m ¼ ð1:9 to 2:0Þ þ ið0:7 to 1:0Þ.
Effect of Soot on Radiative Properties
of Aerosols and Clouds
When soot gets incorporated inside cloud droplets or
within a composite aerosol particle (to form an
internally mixed aerosol) it modifies their radiative
properties. The main effect of soot is to increase the
absorption by droplets and aerosol particles. Since
soot exhibits a strong absorption at all wavelengths
from UV to far infrared, while liquid water has a
strong absorption only in the infrared region, it is
mainly the absorption of the visible and UV radiation
that is enhanced by the presence of soot. Consequently,
the presence of soot will decrease the single scattering
albedo, o, at visible wavelengths of cloud droplets and
aerosol particles.
The intensity of the electromagnetic field within a
water droplet or sulfate aerosol is higher than the
intensity in free space, owing to the focusing effect of
the droplet. On average, a soot particle within a
droplet, or as an internally mixed aerosol, will absorb
more than twice as much of the incoming radiation
than (externally mixed) soot in the free atmosphere.
Effective Medium Approximation
The single scattering albedo (the ratio of the scattering
to the sum of the scattering and absorption crosssections) of a spherical aerosol particle or water
droplet can be calculated using the standard Mie
scattering formalism. Mie scattering calculations require as input the size of a spherical particle and its
refractive index. A refractive index of a composite
particle (a droplet of given material with soot inclusions inside) can be calculated using an effective
medium approximation. For soot inclusions considerably smaller than the wavelength of a considered
radiation, the Maxwell–Garnett effective medium
approximation with soot inclusions surrounded by
water matrix (or other material of the original particle)
is an appropriate form of an effective medium
approximation. The effective refractive index, meff ,
of a composite droplet is given by
m2eff ¼ m20 1 þ
4f ðm2c m20 Þ
m2c þ 2m20 2f ðm2c m20 Þ
where m0 and mc are refractive indices of a matrix
material (water or sulfate) and soot inclusion, and f
the soot volume fraction. The single scattering albedo
of a composite water–soot or aerosol–soot particle is
then obtained by applying the Mie scattering formalism to a homogeneous particle whose optical properties are described by an effective refractive index.
Soot and Direct Radiative Effect of Aerosols
Soot incorporated within an aerosol particle will
increase the particle’s absorption in the visible part of
solar spectrum and thus it will decrease the particle’s
single scattering albedo. The direct top of the atmosphere radiative forcing, DF, of an optically thin aerosol
layer is given by
DF ¼
S0 2
Tatm ð1 NÞ ð1 aÞ2 2btsc 4atabs ½2
where S0 is the solar constant, N the fraction of sky
covered by clouds, Tatm the transmittance of the
atmosphere above the aerosol layer, a the surface
albedo, b the fraction of the scattered radiation that is
scattered into the upper hemisphere, and tsc and tabs
the scattering and the absorption optical thickness of
an aerosol layer.
The negative value of radiative forcing implies
cooling of the system, while a positive value implies
heating. For nonabsorbing aerosol tabs ¼ 0, and eqn [2]
implies always a cooling effect. When soot is present
within an aerosol, aerosol absorption increases and the
direct aerosol effect will be either cooling or heating,
depending on the relative magnitudes of the terms
inside the bracket on the right-hand side of eqn [2]. For
an optically thin aerosol layer, o ¼ tsc =ðtsc þ tabs Þ. The
critical single scattering albedo, ocr , which determines
whether an aerosol will heat or cool the system, is
derived from eqn [2] in the form
ocr ¼
bð1 aÞ2 þ 2a
Model Cl
Cloud reflectivity
For given surface albedo, a, and backscattering
fraction, b, an aerosol with single scattering albedo
o > ocr will cool the system, while aerosols with
ooocr will cause heating.
Thus the sign of a direct top-of-the-atmosphere
aerosol forcing depends – in addition to the fraction of
radiation scattered into the upward hemisphere and
the albedo of an underlying surface – on the amount of
soot within an aerosol particle (which determines the
single scattering albedo o). Most aerosols will cause
cooling over the ocean and heating over fresh snow.
Thus, the soot heating effect will be especially significant over clouds, ice, and snow.
Pure water
Soot volume
_ fraction
V = 10_ 7
V = 10_ 6
V = 10_ 5
V = 10 4
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
Wavelength (Pm)
Soot and Absorption of Solar Radiation by Clouds
Soot within cloud droplets will again increase the
droplets’ absorption of electromagnetic radiation and
decrease their single scattering albedo. This leads to an
increased absorption of solar radiation within a cloud
layer, to heating, and to a possible increased rate of
evaporation of cloud droplets.
A small amount of soot, of the order of 10 9 to
10 7 by volume, in cloud droplets has little effect
on cloud optical properties. However, soot in
highly polluted regions, produced by industrial
activities or biomass burning, can affect cloud
absorption. Soot in cloud water concentration of the
order of 10 6 and above will increase cloud absorption significantly. The effect of soot volume fraction,
varying from 10 7 to 10 4, on the reflectivity of cloud
is quite pronounced at visible wavelengths, as shown
in Figure 5. Most accumulation-size soot particles can
propagate up to several thousands miles away from
their sources without a significant decrease in soot
concentration. Thus, for example, an extensive biomass burning can affect cloud absorption and regional
climate in regions several hundred miles away from
Figure 5 Cloud reflectivity as a function of radiation wavelength
for an optically thick (semi-infinite) cumulus cloud. The cases of
pure water cloud droplets and for varying soot volume fractions in
cloud droplets are shown. (Adapted with permission from Chylek P,
Ramaswamy V, and Cheng RJ (1984). Effect of graphitic carbon on
the albedo of clouds. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 41:
3076–3084. A significant reduction of cloud reflectivity at visible
and near-infrared wavelengths is obtained for soot volume
fractions at and above 10 6.
See also
Aerosols: Role in Cloud Physics; Role in Radiative
Transfer. Aircraft Emissions. Biogeochemical
Cycles: Carbon Cycle. Boundary Layers: Overview.
Cloud Chemistry. Cloud Microphysics.
Further Reading
Cachier H (1998) Carbonaceous combustion aerosols. In:
Harrison RM and van Grieken R (eds.) Atmospheric
Particles, pp. 295–348. New York: Wiley.
Goldberg ED (1985) Black Carbon in the Environment.
New York: Wiley.
Horvath H (1993) Atmospheric light absorption – a review.
Atmospheric Environment 27A: 293–317.
F Baer, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
With the advent of digital computers, weather forecasting was cast as a computational problem based on
the fundamental prediction equations of fluids. Since
analytic solutions are unavailable, approximations
evolved to convert the differential equations to
numerical equations suitable for computation on large
computing machines. From this perspective, the concept of modeling was conceived. Thus weather forecasting – and more recently climate prediction – is
approached by defining a numerical ‘model’, and
solutions to this model are sought. A variety of models
have been developed over time to meet this goal, and
the ‘spectral model’ is one of these.
The atmosphere is represented by variables
describing molecular composites of its gases; the
primary variables are velocity, temperature, density,
water content in all phases, and aerosols. These
variables are considered to be distributed continuously
in three-dimensional space and to vary with time. The
evolution of these variables in time may be determined
at each point in space (the Eulerian method) or by
following the particles through time (the Lagrangian
method) and both methods are in use. The differential
equations defining the future state of the variables are
based on physical and dynamical principles, some well
known and others under study. These principles
include the equations of motion (the Navier – Stokes
equations), conservation of mass, an equation for
change in entropy, equations for changes in water
substance in its various phases, and chemical equations for changes of aerosols.
To define the notation of this article, these equations
are presented below (see Dynamic Meteorology:
Primitive Equations). Using the Eulerian reference,
the time derivative is taken locally at each point in the
fluid. The motion of the fluid is determined by an
equation for the vector velocity V relative to the
rotating Earth in all three space dimensions (eqn [1]).
¼ ðV . =ÞV 2X 3 V rp gk þ F
Here X is the angular velocity of the earth; r and p are
density and pressure, respectively, at each atmospheric
point; g is the gravitational acceleration in the k (unit
vertical vector) direction; and F comprises all frictional
forces per unit mass. Conservation of mass is represented by the equation of continuity and the system
thermodynamics are described by changes in entropy
as in eqns [2], [3] and [4].
¼ = . rV
¼ V . =s þ q qv ; ql ; qi ; aj ; . . . ; 1
¼ Qk
J ½3
In eqn [3], s represents specific entropy, q is the rate of
heating per unit mass, and T is the temperature.
Additionally, q depends on the heating rates associated
with water vapor (qv ), ice (qi ), liquid water (ql ),
aerosols (aj for j ¼ j1 ), and other factors such as
radiation. Each of the variables qj and aj has its own
prediction equation [4], where the Qk represent
complex parametric formulas relating some or all of
the dependent variables. This entire system of equa-
tions constitutes the basis for selecting the ‘model’ that
is integrated in time to predict the future state of the
fluid. Additional features needed to complete the
model are boundary conditions, initial conditions,
scale truncation, external forces, and computational
The final step in constructing a model is to select a
technique to convert the basic nonlinear differential
equations that describe the forecast system [1]–[4] into
a numerical form suitable for computation and integration on a digital computer. Finite differencing in
both the time and space dimensions was the first
method attempted. Since the vertical and horizontal
dimensions in the atmosphere have unique properties,
they may be and often are considered separately.
Given that at any given height in the atmosphere
a closed spherical surface exists on which the dependent variables describing the fluid are prescribed
and predicted, the spectral method, which assigns a
set of known continuous orthogonal functions over
the domain to represent these variables, may be
applied. When all the variables are described in
this way, the resulting equations are integrated over
the global domain, leading to a set of ordinary
nonlinear differential equations in time and on
each vertical level. Concurrently, differentiation in
the vertical space coordinate and time is normally,
but not universally, transformed to finite differences.
The spectral method is most appropriate for the larger
space scales since the functions usually used are global.
However, regional models can be cast in the spectral
framework if the boundary conditions are suitable.
Alternative methods that have been applied include
finite elements and spherical geodesic grids.
In comparison with other modeling techniques,
the spectral method has no pole problem; its resolution
is essentially homogeneous and isotropic; it allows
for a simple solution of the Helmholtz equation in
various settings; and, with an appropriate choice of the
transform grid, it produces nearly alias-free solutions.
In addition to these advantages, it is also very
computationally efficient. On the basis of these
virtues, it has had a long run of success and has been
the method of choice at many modeling centers.
Computational Methods
Models represented by finite differences are often
denoted as gridpoint models and the grids for these
models have been selected in a variety of ways. Despite
their popularity, these models have many problems
leading to significant computational errors, and the
spectral method with its simple lateral boundary
conditions over the globe is a natural alternative.
Both methods are applied in the horizontal space
domain, and are combined with an alternate discretization in both the vertical and time domains. The
techniques were developed with the prediction equations represented in the Eulerian framework; that is,
all calculations are made locally in the space domain,
including time extrapolation of the dependent variables.
Although the structural characters of the two
methods are substantially different, they can be cast
in a similar representational form allowing for more
systematic comparison. To elucidate this similarity,
consider the dependent variables presented in the
prediction equations [1]–[4] represented by the vector
B ¼ fBb g ¼ ðVr s qv ql ; qi ; aj . . .ÞT where T represents
transpose. The dimensions of B are determined by the
number of variables in the system; let that be N. As the
equations stand, the left-hand side of the set is simply
qB=qt and the right-hand side can be summarized by a
vector F with the same dimension as B to yield the
following system [5].
¼ FðB; r; tÞ
F depends both differentially and nonlinearly on B, the
space coordinates r, and time. Altering these equations
by a transformation with the linear matrix operator L
leads to the more general form [6] for the prediction
qB ~
¼ FðB; r; tÞ
Consider first the finite difference process applied
to this system. Selecting a three-dimensional grid
with M points to approximate the continuum in
space with suitably prescribed boundary conditions,
and a difference operator to describe derivatives, B is
represented at each of the points and has dimensions
(NM); if the values of B are available at some
initial time, a numerical integration can proceed.
The matrix L becomes by virtue of the difference
operator an ðNMÞðNMÞ matrix, which can in
principle be inverted, and F also becomes a numerical
vector with NM elements after utilization of the
difference operator at each grid point. Using a
circumflex to represent numerical vectors and matrices at gridpoints, the finite difference system is written
as eqn [7].
^ 1 F
^ ðB
^ ; ^r; tÞ
The solution is thus reduced to a matrix computation
provided a numerical scheme is introduced to step the
variables forward in time, and the resulting computational errors and stability issues are dependent on the
numerical and physical approximations made.
The spectral method uses a different approach.
Given a continuous domain over which the model
variables are to be evaluated, a set of linearly
independent global functions that are continuous
over the domain with at least continuous first and
second derivatives are selected. The model variables
Bb are expanded in these functions with time dependent coefficients. Thus instead of a set of values for the
Bb at each grid point (iDx1 , jDx2 , kDx3 ) one has eqn
[8], where Za are the global expansion functions (with
their requisite properties).
Bb ðr; tÞ ¼
Bb;a ðtÞZa ðrÞ
The choice of these functions is arbitrary, but some
guidelines may optimize their selection. It would be
ideal to select functions that fit the observation points
of the expanded variables exactly, but the distribution
of observations is not sufficiently uniform to make this
feasible. The expansion functions might be chosen to
fit statistics of observations interpolated to a more
uniform grid such that the least number of functions
(N) was required to describe most of the variance of
the variables at those points. Additionally, functions
could be chosen that fit boundary conditions most
efficiently and/or with convenient orthogonalization
For application to the prediction system, eqn [8] is
introduced into eqn [6]. To maintain the exact form of
eqn [6], the series given by eqn [8] must be infinite.
Using a truncated form creates the spectral model, and
also generates errors analogous to those from reduction to a grid (eqn [7]). Selection of an optimum
truncation is therefore a significant issue.
The operator L, often used with the spectral method,
is a diagonal matrix with Lb elements because the
system is always linearly decoupled. The scalar spectral representation of eqn [6] is thus eqn [9] and
the variables remain nonlinearly coupled in the
~b .
functions F
qBb ~
¼ Fb ðB; r; tÞ
Substitution of eqn [8] into eqn [9] leads to the error
equation [10].
Lb Za
~ b ¼ eb
To solve this system for the unknown expansion
coefficients Bb;a , multiply eqn [10] by suitable test
^ k ðrÞ and require the integral over the space
functions Z
domain to vanish, a least-squares error minimization
procedure. The test functions must be continuous over
the domain, and can be arbitrary. In practice they are
frequently chosen to be the expansion functions, but
this is not required. With this approximation, the
prediction equations for the expansion coefficients
become eqn [11], yielding NMe equations for the
unknown quantities, qBb:a =qt, which can be solved for
Bb:a at future times using a suitable time extrapolation
^ k dS F
^ k dS ¼ 0
~b Z
Lb Za Z
To cast eqn [11] in a form more comparable to the
finite difference equations [7], let Bb ¼ ðBb;a Þ and
Z ¼ ðZa Þ, both vectors with Me elements. Additionally, assume that the test functions can be similarly
^ ¼ ðZ
^ k Þ. Since the functions Fb are
represented, i.e., Z
implicitly functions of (r; t) (see eqn [5]), their projection onto the expansion functions yields eqn [12].
Fb ¼
Fb;a ðtÞZa ¼ ZT Fb
Generating the coefficients Fb;a is nontrivial, resulting
from nonlinear combinations of the expansion coefficients Bb;a , and efficient procedures will be discussed
subsequently. Using the defined vectors, eqn [11]
becomes eqn [13], representing Me equations for the
expansion coefficients of each dependent variable.
^ ZT dS . Fb
¼ Z
ZLb Z dS
To combine the N equations of eqn [13] Rinto one
^ Lb ZT
expression, define
Me Me matrices Ab
R the
ZZ dS, and then create ðNMe Þ
dS and A
ðNMe Þ matrices AL ¼ diagðAb Þ and AR ¼
diagðAÞ. Extended vectors for the expansion coefficients to include all the variables can be constructed
such that Bs ¼ ðBb Þ and Fs ¼ ðFb Þ, leading to an
equation (eqn [14]) formally identical to the finite
difference equation [7].
¼ A1
L AR F s
The corresponding grid point values from this spectral
representation may be calculated at each point (iDx1 ,
jDx2 , kDx3 ) for each dependent variable Bb by use of
eqn [8].
Spectral Modeling
Since most significant prediction models represent
their dependent variables on a grid of points in the
vertical and use nonspectral methods on that grid, the
subsequent discussion of the spectral method will
focus on the horizontal domain of the model representation. This requires that the variables Bb be
represented on K surfaces in the vertical, with the
surfaces separated by the grid intervals, and the
variables described in those surfaces by eqn [8].
When selecting appropriate spectral functions for
the expansion (8), in addition to fitting observations
well, the functions should also be chosen with the
properties of the system in mind. Several conditions
have been accepted as suitable requirements. First,
require the functions Za to satisfy the eigenvalue
problem (eqn [15]).
Lb Za ¼ cb;a Za
In practice the selection of Lb almost always represents
a conversion of wind components to vorticity and
divergence, which is given by a linear differential
operator. Application of this operator in eqn [15] leads
to a variety of useful and simple functions. The second
condition is to require the expansion functions to be
orthogonal and normal over the domain in a Hermitian sense (eqn [16]).
Zi Znj dS ¼ di;j
This condition is reasonably simple to satisfy, since
most function sets can be orthogonalized. Finally, the
test functions when selected as the expansion functions
do not lead to a significant loss of generality, thus this
^ ¼ Z. Utilizing
condition is uniformly imposed as Z
these three conditions greatly simplifies the calculations
required to perform each prediction time step since
both integrals in eqn [13] become diagonal matrices.
A variety of functions have been used for the
expansion [8], most satisfying the conditions just
enumerated, with the selection depending on the
degree of generality desired to approximate the
general system [14]. When the atmosphere is represented on a channel with rigid boundaries at fixed
northern and southern latitudes short of the poles,
double Fourier series in latitude and longitude are
found to be convenient expansion functions. They
satisfy the boundary conditions easily and, because of
the very simple addition rules for these functions,
nonlinear products are rapidly calculated. For the full
global domain approximated by spherical surfaces
over the Earth, the obvious expansion functions that
satisfy the boundary conditions are surface spherical
harmonics (often denoted as solid harmonics), and
they have become the functions of choice for spectral
modeling. Surface spherical harmonics are constructed as the product of associated Legendre polynomials
and complex exponential functions. Selecting coordinates in spherical surfaces such that m ¼ sin j, where
j is latitude, and l is longitude, normalized Legendre
polynomials represent the latitudinal structures with
the form of eqn [17].
n ðmÞ
ð2n þ 1Þ
ðn mÞ!
ðn þ mÞ!
ð1 m2 Þm=2
2n n!
d nþm 2
ðm 1Þn
These are polynomials of degree n with n m roots in
the domain p=2ojop=2 and m roots at the poles.
Together with Fourier series in longitude the solid
harmonics are given by [18].
Yn;m ðl; mÞ ¼ Pn;m ðmÞe
These are the complex expansion functions Za used in
eqn [8] for the horizontal structures. All functions
vanish at the poles except the zonal ones (m ¼ 0), and
these remain finite there. The indices (n; m) define the
roots of the functions and thus may be considered
scaling elements; that is, the larger the indices, the
smaller the scales represented by the functions. An
example is given in Figure 1, which shows the cellular
structure of the function for fixed n and various values
of m. The total number of cells over the domain
remains the same because some of the roots appear at
the poles, but the cell structures differ. It is convenient
to represent the indices as a single complex index, say
a ¼ ðn þ imÞ. The functions are orthogonal over their
respective domains and normalized; this is expressed
(in a Hermitian sense) as eqn [19] with integration
taken over the surface of the unit sphere.
Ya Yan0 dS ¼ da;a 0
The asterisk signifies complex conjugation, and d is the
Kroneker delta. If Lb r2 (the Laplacian operator),
substitution of Ya for Za in eqn [15] yields the
eigenvalues [20].
ca ¼ nðn þ 1Þ
Thus solid harmonics satisfy the conditions desired for
suitable expansion functions.
Most atmospheric variables (Bb ) are sufficiently
smooth that, when expanded in these functions, the
series converges rapidly. That expansion takes the
form [21], where zk is any selected vertical level and
the series truncates at Me .
Bb ðl; m; zk ; tÞ ¼
Bb;a;k ðtÞYa ðl; mÞ
The range of (a) is n 0 and, because of the complex
nature of Fourier series, m takes both positive and
negative values. When eqn [21] is introduced into
Figure 1 Cellular structure of solid harmonic functions for n ¼ 5 and all allowed values of m. (From Baer (2000).)
eqn [14] and suitably integrated over the space
domain, the resulting equations become a set of
ordinary nonlinear differential equations in time for
the expansion coefficients.
Spectral Vorticity Model
To better understand the details of this methodology, it
is advantageous to simplify eqn [14] by approximations but still maintain a system that can describe
the elements of the technique. The simplest appropriate system is represented by the barotropic vorticity
equation. Consider a barotropic fluid, which exists
if the thermodynamic variables are uniquely related
to one another and are independent of position in
the fluid. In this setting, fluid motions need consideration in only one horizontal surface and are independent of height. Assuming further that the fluid is
incompressible, it is then also three-dimensionally
nondivergent. If no divergence is introduced at
the upper and lower boundaries, no divergence
exists in any horizontal surface. Finally, under the
condition of hydrostatic equilibrium, the vertical
component of velocity can be ignored. The horizontal
velocity is then represented by two scalar variables,
which themselves may be transformed to any other
two scalar functions; because rotation plays such
a major role in atmospheric motions, vorticity and
divergence are universally chosen. For the approximations stated, the divergence vanishes and hence
the velocity is represented uniquely by the vorticity
and the prediction equation for vorticity derived from
eqn [1] is denoted the barotropic vorticity equation
Applying these approximations to eqn [1] and
ignoring friction, the simplified equation of motion is
eqn [22], where the subscript 2 denotes two-dimensionality.
=2 p
¼ ðV2 . =ÞV2 2X 3 V2
The Earth’s vorticity is expressed here as 2X ¼ f k with
f ¼ 2O sin j, the Coriolis parameter, and j is latitude. Transform the velocity to rotation and divergence by the definitions [23].
V2 ¼ k 3 =c þ =w
= . V2 ¼ =2 w
k . = 3 V 2 ¼ r2 c
relative vorticity
The equation for predicting the vorticity (BVE) is
established by applying the operator k . = 3 to eqn [22]
and substituting [23], as in eqn [24].
¼ V2 . =Z ¼ k 3 =c . =Z ¼ Jðc; ZÞ
Z z þ f absolute vorticity
This equation represents a very simplified atmosphere
but contains prominent features of the full atmospheric
system and is a useful tool for evaluating prediction
Nondimensionalizing eqn [24] using the Earth’s
radius (a) for space and its rotation rate (O) for time,
and noting that the Coriolis parameter becomes
f ¼ 2m, eqn [24] in terms of the stream function (c)
is then eqn [25].
qr2 c
¼ 2
qc qr2 c qc qr2 c
ql qm
qm ql
Indeed, c ¼ B, the only variable remaining of the set
Bn in eqn [21] and for only one k level. Equation [25]
contains a linear term and two quadratic nonlinear
terms; these latter terms constitute F, the remains of Fb
in eqn [12]. A representation in terms of expansion
coefficients ca ðtÞ is attained using eqn [15] for the
Laplacian operator, eqn [21] for the expansion of c,
and eqn [12] for expansion of F, yielding eqn [26].
ca Ya ðl; mÞ
qca ðtÞ
¼ 2i
ma ca Ya ðl; mÞ
Fa Ya ðl; mÞ
.As a final step, eqn [26] is multiplied by the test
functions (in this case the conjugates of solid harmonics) and integrated over the unit sphere, noting
orthogonality. This results in the prediction equation
for each of the expansion coefficients (eqns [27]).
qca ðtÞ
¼ 2ima c1
a ca ðtÞ þ Fa ðtÞ
Fa ðtÞ ¼
FðcÞYan ðl; mÞdS
It is evident how eqns [27] can be extended to involve
more dependent variables and any number of levels in
the vertical. However, if more variables exist in the
system, these variables will be coupled nonlinearly
through the coefficients Fa .
Suppose that the series for a is truncated at Me as
suggested. This implies that all values of ca for a > Me
vanish. However, on calculating the nonlinear product
FðcÞ, a 2Me coefficients Fa are generated; thus at
each time step the number of nonvanishing coefficients
could double. This complication is resolved in the
spectral method by always ignoring all computations
for a > Me.
The truncation of a at Me is somewhat intricate
since, from eqn [17], n 0 and n jmj, whereas
mmax m mmax . The set of all allowed indices is
best described by the intersections of integers in a grid
on an n; m plane as depicted on Figure 2. The allowed
points fall on an infinite triangle bounded by the lines
n ¼ m, but it is sufficient to present only the triangle
for m 0. All sequential values of n and m beginning
at the origin are generally selected to satisfy convergence requirements for the dependent variables that
they represent, but a relationship between maximum
values must be chosen. Two options are preferred. The
first, denoted as rhomboidal truncation, has a maximum value of mmax M (specified) and allows for all
values of n jmj þ M for each jmj M. The corresponding figure (this configuration describes a parallelogram) is represented on Figure 2 and the notation is
written as, for example, R30 if M ¼ 30. The advantage of this truncation is that each planetary wave m is
represented by the same number of expansion coefficients, thereby allowing equal resolution for all waves.
However, since the energy of atmospheric flow
decreases rapidly with increasing wave number (m),
resolution of the shorter waves may be less important
than for the longer waves. This observation leads to
triangular truncation, in which n N for each
jmj M, with N M, a predetermined integer. Usually N is selected equal to M and this option is
described as a triangle on Figure 2 with the notation
n = m + Mo
= n + im
n = m o
2M m
Figure 2 The domain and allowable range of indices m and n for
triangular and rhomboidal truncations. (From Baer (2000).)
T30 if N ¼ 30, for example. In terms of scaling, this
truncation has some advantages. The ultimate
choice for truncation is to optimize the resolution of
the model in terms of the number of scales included
and to minimize the computing requirements by
selecting the fewest degrees of freedom compatible
with resolution.
Interaction Coefficient Method
Since all prediction models are computationally
intensive, the spectral method must compete in the
efficient utilization of available computing resources.
It is apparent from eqns [27] that most of the
computing time required involves the calculation of
the coefficients Fa and much effort has gone into
optimizing this calculation. Early attempts followed
the procedure of substituting the expansion series [21]
for c into eqn [25] to represent FðcÞ and calculating Fa
from eqns [27]. This results in eqns [28].
Fa ðtÞ ¼
i XX
c ðtÞcg ðtÞIa;b;g
2 b g b
ðcb cg Þ
mg Yg
Yan dS
mb Yb
The indices b and g go over the same range as a, which
is determined by the selected truncation, and the
integration is over the unit sphere. The integrals Ia;b;g
are denoted as interaction coefficients and have exact
solutions. Applying eqns [28] in eqns [27] shows that
the time change of any expansion coefficient of the set
a depends on the coupling of all the coefficients
allowed in the spectral domain (refer to Figure 2) and
each couple is weighted by its own interaction coefficient. Since each index consists of two real numbers,
the set of interaction coefficients can be as large as the
largest allowed index to the sixth power. In actuality,
because of the simple addition rules for trigonometric
functions, the integration over longitude reduces this
by one order. The vector of these coefficients can be
stored and need be computed only once. However, the
number of multiplications that must be performed at
each time step is daunting as the truncation limit
becomes large.
The more complex system [14] can be represented
identically to [27] by simply increasing the number of
expansion coefficients to include additional variables.
But a shortcoming of using interaction coefficients
concerns the convergence rate for the series of several
dependent variables included in the general set (Bb) when
expanded in global functions, in particular liquid water
and precipitation. Significant truncation errors may
ensue with time integration utilizing such functions.
Transform Method
A technique denoted as the transform method is an
alternate procedure for calculating the coefficients Fa ,
yielding the same (or better) results than the interaction coefficient method. This technique involves the
transformation of the integrand in [27] onto a special
numerical grid and solving the integral by quadrature.
If the grid is selected appropriately, the integral is
evaluated exactly and at a great reduction in computing cost. In the longitudinal direction, the quadrature
is most conveniently done by a trapezoidal formula
since it is known that eqn [29] holds.
eiml dl ¼
1 X imlj
J j¼1
The summation is taken over an equally spaced grid of
points lj , and uses twice the number of points as the
maximum wavenumber. Since the functions in latitude
are Legendre polynomials, a Gaussian quadrature is
preferred. In this case the quadrature is such that eqn
[30] holds and is exact if the polynomial H is of degree
2K 1 or less.
HðmÞ dm ¼
Gk ðm; KÞHðmk Þ
The Gk are Gaussian weights and the grid points mk are
the roots of the Legendre polynomial PK ðmÞ. The
appropriate grid for this calculation contains all
allowed values (lj ; mk ) as specified. The range of the
grid points is determined by the functions of the
integrand in eqns [27].
The derivatives in FðcÞ (see eqn [25]), must be taken
before evaluating the function on the grid. Based on
eqns [18] and [17], the differentiation with l is
straightforward, but the m-derivative requires
more information. The Legendre polynomials
satisfy the differential equation [31], where the coefficients ba are constants, and this defines the latitudinal
ð1 m2 Þ1=2
¼ ba Pa1 baþ1 Paþ1
Following this procedure, FðcÞ is reduced to a quadratic series over the indices (b; g) in terms of the
complex exponential functions in longitude and the
associated Legendre polynomials in latitude, both of
which can be evaluated on the specified grid. The
actual calculation proceeds as follows. First the
quadrature over longitude is taken (eqn [32]), where
the sum goes over the value J ¼ 3M 1 if triangular
truncation is chosen.
Fðcðl; m; tÞÞeima l dl
Fma ðm; tÞ ¼
F cðlj ; m; tÞ eima lj
J j¼1
Gk ðmk ; KÞFma ðmk ; tÞPa ðmk Þ
The calculation is made over those latitudes m specified
from the quadrature (eqn [33]).
Fma ðm; tÞPa ðmÞdm
Fa ðtÞ ¼
Since the polynomial under summation in eqn [33] is
HðmÞ and is the product of three Legendre polynomials
less one order, and each has a maximum order of N, it
can be shown that K ¼ ð3N 1Þ=2.
Analysis of the computing requirements for eqns
[32] and [33] indicates that the maximum number of
calculations is proportional to N 3 , significantly less
than the N 5 needed by the interaction coefficient
method. When using the transform method with those
variables that have unacceptable convergence properties yet contribute to eqn [7], their series representation is not essential. Their input is included directly
into the quadrature formula by their distribution on
the transform grid. Since all the forcing functions are
summed over the grid before quadrature is completed,
any singularities from individual terms are smoothed
out and their effects are minimized.
Since the 1960s, spectral models have become by far
the most popular representation for describing the
global atmospheric prediction equations in computational form. They overcome many of the limitations inherent in finite difference models. Most
international prediction centers have adopted this
modeling procedure. Canada and Australia implemented the model in 1976, the National Meteorological Center of National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) did so in 1980, the French in
1982 and the European Center for Medium-range
Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) in 1983. As an example
of how the models have evolved, production spectral
models at ECMWF have grown in resolution from
T63 in 1983 to T213 in 1998 with experiments
currently running at T319.
See also
Boundary Layers: Modeling and Parameterization. Climate Prediction (Empirical and Numerical). Convec-
tion: Laboratory Models of. Convective Cloud Systems
Modelling. Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Models.
Mesoscale Meteorology: Models. Numerical Models:
Methods. Predictability and Chaos. Weather Prediction: Adaptive Observations; Data Assimilation; Ensemble
Prediction; Regional Prediction Models; Seasonal and
Interannual Weather Prediction.
Further Reading
Baer F (2000) Numerical weather prediction. In: Zelkowitz
MV (ed.) Advances in Computers. vol. 52, pp. 91–157.
London: Academic Press.
Boyd JP (2000) Chebyshev and Fourier Spectral Methods,
2nd edn. New York: Dover.
Krishnamurti TN, Bedi HS and Hardiker VM (1998) An
Introduction to Global Spectral Modeling. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Machenhauer B (1991) Spectral methods. In: Numerical
Methods in Atmospheric Models Volume 1, pp. 3–86.
(Reading, UK: European Center for Medium-range
Weather Forecasts).
Washington WM and Parkinson CL (1986) An Introduction
to Three-dimensional Climate Modeling. Mill Valley,
CA: University Science Books.
W W Vaughan, University of Alabama in Huntsville,
Huntsville, AL, USA
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
A ‘standard atmosphere’ is a vertical description of
atmospheric temperature, pressure, and density that is
usually established by international agreement and
taken to be representative of the Earth’s atmosphere.
The first ‘standard atmospheres’ established by international agreement were developed in the 1920s
primarily for the purposes of pressure altimeter
calibrations and aircraft performance calculations.
Later, some countries, notably the United States, also
developed and published ‘standard atmospheres’. The
term ‘reference atmosphere’ is used to identify vertical
descriptions of the atmosphere for specific geograp500
1% Extremes
Geometric altitude (km)
Geometric altitude (km)
120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320
Temperature (K)
Figure 1 Range of systematic variability of temperature around
the US Standard Atmosphere, 1976. (From Sissenwine et al.
Temperature difference (K)
Figure 2 Departures of the temperature–altitude profiles from
that of the US Standard Atmosphere, 1976, for various degrees of
solar activity. (From Sissenwine et al. (1976).)
Model (page no.)
Geographic region
Altitude range (km)
CIRA, 1972 (1)
Northern latitude
25 to 120, 110 to 2000 T ; p; d ; composition
CIRA, 1986 (3)
130 to 2000
T ; p; d ; composition
New Middle
Atmosphere, 1985
Global 801 S–801 N
20 to 80
T ; p; d , zonal
ISO Reference
Atmosphere, 1982
Annual–151 N
451, 601, 801 N
Cold/warm middle
601, 801 N
0 to 80
T ; p; d
ISO Standard
Atmosphere, 1975
451 N
2 to 80
Monthly Mean Global
Climatology, 1988
0 to 120
Species included
Temporal variation
Output data present
Principal application
N2 , O2 , O, A, He, H
Seasonal, diurnal,
solar activity,
magnetic activity
Tables, figures
Aerospace vehicle
design and
Tables, figures,
Seasonal, solar
activity, geomagnetic computer code
Aerospace vehicle
design and
interannual, tidal,
planetary wave
Tables, figures
Aerospace vehicle
design and
Data on water vapor
Seasonal, diurnal,
Tables, figures
Aerospace vehicle
and aircraft
design and
T ; p; d , composition, –
sound speed, coll.
freq. mfp, viscosity,
spec. wt, scale ht,
therm. cond.
Tables only
Aerospace vehicle
design and
T ; p, zonal winds
Tables only
numerical model
design, scientific
Table 1 Summary of reference and standard atmospheres
Global coverage
0 to 2500
T, p, d, wind velocity,
wind shear,
H2O, N2O, CH4 , N2 , O, Random perturbation, Computer code
He, O3 , CO, CO2 ,
O2 , A, H
Aerospace vehicle
design and
studies, space
vehicle reentry,
reference for
scientific studies
US Standard,
Mid-latitudes (451)
5 to 700
T ; p; d , composition,
part. speed, coll.
freq., mfp, mean
mol wt, viscosity,
therm. cond.,
sound speed
Tables, figures
Aerospace vehicle
US Standard, 1966
Supplement (18)
Mid-latitudes with
5 to 1000
Same as USS 1962
O2 , N2 , O, He, H
Seasonal, diurnal,
solar activity,
magnetic activity
Tables, figures
US Standard, 1976
Mid-latitudes (451)
5 to 1000
Same as USS 1962
Some data on N2 ,
O2 , H, He, O
Diurnal, seasonal,
solar cycle
Tables, figures
Aerospace vehicle
5 to 1000
T ; p; d , composition,
part. speed, coll.
freq., mean mol.
wt, viscosity,
therm. cond.,
sound speed
N2 , O2 , O Ar, He
Tables, figures
Aerospace vehicle
design studies,
0 to 80
T ; p; d ;
Monthly, annual
Tables, figures
Design of aerospace
vehicles, science
20 to 80
T ; p; d zonal winds
Monthly, latitudinal
Tables, figures
Aerospace vehicle
Tropical Reference
Atmosphere 1987
Atmosphere for
Indian Equatorial
zone, 1985 (23)
Reference Model
South 0–701 S
Middle Atmosphere
Hemisphere 1987
GRAM-95 (13)
(Current Edition:
Model (page no.)
Geographic region
Altitude range (km)
Species included
Temporal variation
Output data present
Principal application
AFGL (Phillips
Profiles, 1986 (26)
Global coverage
0 to 120
Number density,
H2O, CO2 , N2O, O3 ,
CH4 , CO, O2 , N2 ,
20 others,
Tables, figures,
computer code
Design and
scientific studies
Extreme Envelope
601 S–901 N
of Climate Elements
1973 (28)
0 to 80
Climatic elements:
T , p, humidity, wind
shear, etc.
Tables, figures
Systems design
Profiles of
Temperature and
Density, 1984 (30)
Global except
0 to 80
Tables, figures
Systems design
Global Reference
1985 (32)
18 to 80
T ; p; d ; number
density, scale ht.
Wind velocity
Tables, figures
Reference model for
scientific studies
4120 km solar fluxEarth’s Upper
Density Model
(Russia), 1984 (33)
0 to 1500
Solar flux,
activity, daily and
Tables, computer
Aerospace vehicle
design and orbital
Jacchia J70 (34)
Mean global
90 to 2500
T ; p; d , scale ht
N2 , O2 , O, Ar, He, H
Diurnal, seasonal,
Design and
lifetime analysis
Jacchia J71 (35)
Mean global
90 to 2500
T ; p; d , scale ht
N2 , O2 , O, Ar, He, H
Diurnal, seasonal,
Tables, some
computer code
Design and
lifetime analysis
Jacchia J77 (36)
Mean global
90 to 2500
T ; p; d , scale ht
N2 , O2 , O, Ar, He, H
Diurnal, seasonal,
Tables, some
computer code
Design and
lifetime analysis
Model of
Structure, 1987
70 to 130
T ; p; d
Monthly latitudinal,
solar activity,
magnetic activity
Connect Phillips Lab
(AFGL) profiles of
T ; p to MSIS-86
Table 1 Continued
Global coverage
85 to 2000
T ; p; d , composition
N2 , O2 , O, He, H, Ar,
Diurnal, semiannual,
longitudinal solar
activity, magnetic
Computer code
(NSSDC), floppy
General scientific
and engineering
NASA Marshall
Model, 1988 (41)
(Current Edition:
Version 2.0)
90 to 2500
T ; p; d , mean mol.
wt, scale ht, spec.
N2 , O2 , O Ar, He, H
Solar activity,
magnetic activity,
seasonal, diurnal
Computer code
(NSSDC), floppy
Orbital vehicle
design and
lifetime analysis
Range Reference
Models of the
Atmosphere, 1982
0 to 70
Specific locations
(e.g., Cape
Canaveral, FL;
Kwajalain, MI, etc.)
T ; p; d ; wind velocity
Water vapor
Monthly, seasonal,
means, monthly,
Tables, figures
Atmosphere for
Edwards AFB, CA,
1975 (46)
’Same as Reference Atmosphere for Patrick AFB-
Hot and Cold
Atmosphere for
Edwards AFB, CA,
1975 (47)
’Same as Hot and Cold Atmosphere for Kennedy Space Center-
Hot and cold
Atmosphere for
Kennedy Space
Center, FL, 1971
Kennedy Space
Center only
0 to 90
T ; p; d
Tables, figures
Engineering studies
Atmosphere for
Patrick AFB, FL,
1963 (49)
Cape Kennedy only
0 to 700
T ; p; d ; composition,
mean mol. wt,
sound speed,
viscosity, etc.
Tables, figures
Engineering studies
Atmosphere for
Vandenberg AFB,
CA, 1971 (50)
Point Arguello only
’Same as Reference Atmosphere for Patrick AFB-
NASA MSIS-86 (39)
(Current Edition:
Model (page no.)
Geographic region
Hot and Cold
Atmosphere for
Vandenberg AFB,
1973 (51)
Arguello only
Mars-GRAM, 1996
Venus International
Atmosphere (VIRA),
1985 (53)
Altitude range (km)
Species included
Temporal variation
Output data present
Principal application
’Same as Hot and Cold Atmosphere for Kennedy Space Flight Center-
0 to B1000
T ; p; d , winds
Seasonal, diurnal,
Tables, computer
Spacecraft design,
entry, orbital drag
0 to 3500
T ; p; d , composition
o100 km CO2 , N2 ,
Ar, Ne, Kr, O2 , H2 ,
H2O, SO2 , D, NH3
o100 km latitudinal
solar zenith
angle, diurnal
Tables, figures
Spacecraft design,
entry, orbital drag
4100 km CO2 , O,
CO, He, N, N2 , H,
O2 , D, C
4100 km solar
zenith angle,
decimal, latitudinal,
solar activity
Source: AIAA Guide to Reference and Standard Atmosphere Models, Vaughan et al. (1996).
T 5 kinetic temperature; p 5 pressure; d 5 mass density; mfp 5 mean free path; part. speed 5 particle speed; coll. freq. 5 collision frequency; mean mol. wt 5 mean molecular weight; therm.
cond. 5 thermal conductivity; scale ht 5 scale height; spec. wt 5 specific weight; spec. heat 5 specific heat.
CIRA: COSPAR (Committee on Space Research) International Reference Atmosphere; ISO: International Organisation for Standardization; GRAM: Global Reference Atmosphere Model; AFGL:
Air Force Geophysics Laboratory; NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Agency; MSIS: Mass Spectrometer and Incoherent Scatter; NRL: Naval Research Laboratory.
Table 1 Continued
hical locations or globally. These were developed by
organizations for specific applications, especially as
the aerospace industry began to mature after World
War II. The term ‘standard atmosphere’ has in recent
years also been used by national and international
organizations to describe vertical descriptions of
atmospheric trace constituents, the ionosphere, aerosols, ozone, atomic oxygen, winds, water vapor,
planetary atmospheres, and so on.
A standard unit of atmospheric pressure is defined
as that pressure exerted by a 760 millimeter, (or
29.22 inch) column of mercury at standard gravity
at 45.54251 N latitude and sea level (9.80665 m s 2) at
a temperature of 01C (321F). The recommended
unit for meteorological use is 1013.25 hectopascals
(1 hPa 5 1 mb). Standard temperature is used in physics
to indicate a temperature of 01C (321F), the ice point,
and a pressure of one standard atmosphere
(1013.25 hPa). In meteorology, the term standard temperature has no generally accepted meaning, except that
it may refer to the temperature at zero pressure-altitude
in the standard atmosphere (151C) with a density of
1.2250 g m 3. The standard sea-level values of temperature, pressure, and density that have been used for
decades are temperature of 288.15 K, 151C, or 591F;
pressure of 1013.25 mb, 760 mm Hg, or 29.22 inches
Hg; and density of 1225.00 g m 3 or 0.076474 lb ft 3.
In 1925 the US National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics (NACA) Standard Atmosphere (or US
Standard Atmosphere) was published. In 1952 the
International Civil Aeronautical Organization
(ICAO) produced the ICAO Standard Atmosphere,
and in 1964 an extension to 32 km. Subsequently there
have been a succession of ‘Standard and Reference
Atmospheres’, some extending to altitudes above
1000 km, produced by the US Committee on Extension to the Standard Atmosphere (COESA), Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Comitet Standartov
(USSR), International Standardization Organization
(ISO), US Air Force Research and Development
Command (ARDC), US Range Commanders Council
(RCC), and US National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), plus others.
In 1975 the International Standards Organization
published a Standard Atmosphere for altitudes from
2 to 50 km that is identical to the ICAO Standard
Atmosphere from 2 to 32 km. Subsequently the ISO
published in 1982 a family of five Reference Atmospheres for Aerospace Use for altitudes up to 80 km and
latitudes of 151, 301, 451, 601, and 801 N.
Figure 1 provides an illustration of the temperature–
height profiles to 100 km of the COESA US Standard
Atmosphere, 1976, and the lowest and highest mean
monthly temperatures obtained for any location
between the Equator and Pole. The portion of the US
Standard Atmosphere up to 32 km is identical with the
ICAO Standard Atmosphere, 1964, and below 50 km
with the ISO Standard Atmosphere, 1973.
For altitudes above approximately 100 km, significant variations in the temperature, and thus density,
occur due to solar and geomagnetic activity over the
period of a solar cycle. Variations in the temperature–
height profiles for various degrees of solar and
geomagnetic activity are presented in Figure 2. Profile
(A) gives the lowest temperature expected at solar
cycle minimum; profile (B) represents average conditions at solar cycle minimum; (C) represents average
conditions at a typical solar cycle maximum; and (D)
gives the highest temperatures to be expected during a
period of exceptionally high solar and geomagnetic
Currently some of the most commonly used Standard and Reference Atmospheres include:
ICAO Standard Atmosphere, 1952/1964
ISO Standard Atmosphere, 1973
US Standard Atmosphere, 1976
COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere
(CIRA), 1986
NASA Global Reference Atmosphere Model
(GRAM), 1999
In 1996 the American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (AIAA) published a Guide to Reference
and Standard Atmosphere Models. This document
provides information on the principal features
for a number of global, regional, middle atmosphere,
thermosphere, test range, and planetary atmosphere
models. Summary information on these reference and
standard atmosphere models is given in the Table 1.
See also
Evolution of Earth’s Atmosphere. Static Stability.
Further Reading
Champion KSW (1995) Early Years of Air Force Geophysics
Research Contributions to Internationally Recognized
Standard and Reference Atmospheres, Technical Report
PL-TR-95-2164. Hanscom AFB, MA: Air Force Phillips
Sissenwine N, Dubin M and Teweles S (COESA CoChairmen) (1976) US Standard Atmosphere, 1976, Stock
No. 003-017-00323-0. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
Vaughan WW, Johnson DL, Justus CG, et al. (1996) Guide to
Reference and Standard Atmosphere Models, Document
ANSI/AIAA G-003A-1996. Reston, VA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
J A Young, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
monly equal to the restoring force per displacement, or
B=dz in this case. Thus, if pressure effects are ignored
in eqn [1], the simple buoyancy frequency N is given by
N2 ¼ ðg=yv0 Þqyv0 =qz
Static stability measures the gravitational resistance of
an atmosphere to vertical displacements. It results
from fundamental buoyant adjustments, and so it is
determined by the vertical stratification of density or
potential temperature. It influences the dynamics of
many kinds of atmospheric motions, which in turn are
responsible for determining its variations.
Static stability is represented commonly by the
square of the buoyancy frequency N, which plays a
role in theories for flow instabilities, wave propagation, and forced motions. As summarized below, these
theories apply to a wide range of spatial scales, from
small-scale turbulence to convection, mesoscale motions, and large-scale circulations for which the ratio
of N to the Coriolis frequency f is paramount.
Basic Buoyant Stability and Instability
The role of density fluctuations in a gravity field is best
in the vertical component of the equations of motion.
In an absolute sense, the gravity and pressure gradient
forces are usually in a state of hydrostatic balance to
within 1%. However, the slight imbalances account
for vertical accelerations dw=dt which are often driven
by buoyancy:
dw=dt ¼ r1
0 ½dp =dz þ B
Here, w is the vertical velocity dz=dt, t is the time, r0 ðzÞ
is the density of a static ‘environmental’ reference
state, and a prime indicates deviation from that
reference state. B is the buoyancy force per unit
mass, given by B ¼ r 0 =r0 g. For many buoyant
motions, B is an upper bound on vertical accelerations
dw=dt since the pressure gradient term tends to oppose
B. The most useful approximate form for B is
B ¼ ðyv =yv0 Þg
where yv is the potential temperature augmented by a
small (at most, a few 1C) amount proportional to
water vapor, reflecting the contribution of humidity
fluctuations to buoyancy.
For a dry adiabatic vertical displacement dz, a parcel
conserves yv so that yv ¼ ðqyv0 =qzÞdz. For a stable
system, the squared frequency of oscillation is com-
N, also known as the Brunt–Vaisalla frequency, is
determined by the vertical gradient of yv0 or equivalently by the difference between virtual temperature
lapse rate qTv =qz and the dry adiabatic rate
Gd ¼ g=cp. Unless conditions are superadiabatic, yv0
increases upward, corresponding to static stability. In
this case, N 2 is positive and eqns [1]–[3] imply
d2 w=dt2 þ N 2 w ¼ 0
It follows that the solution is a simple oscillation
wðtÞ ¼ W cosðNt þ eÞ, where W is the maximum
vertical velocity amplitude and e is a phase constant.
The period is 2p=N, typically about 10 min in the
troposphere. Figure 1A shows the vertical oscillation,
and its driving by buoyancy, which is a quarter cycle
ahead of the parcel displacement dz. The buoyancy
oscillation is analogous to that of a spring, so N 2 is
equivalent to the ‘stiffness’ of the atmosphere when it
is subjected to vertical displacements. The stiffness
increases with the closeness of y surfaces. Figure 1B
shows that a larger stability produces a faster oscillation and inhibits the maximum vertical displacements
For smaller values of static stability, the restoring
buoyancy forces are weaker and the oscillations are
slower. Neutral stability occurs when qyv0 =qz is zero
(dry adiabatic conditions); a displaced parcel with no
initial buoyancy remains that way, so there is no
vertical acceleration. ‘Absolute instability’ occurs
when qyv0 =qz is further reduced to a negative value
(superadiabatic lapse rate). In this case N 2 ¼ N 2 is
negative, and the solutions to eqn [4] are exponential
in time (Figure 1C). The growing mode ðexpðjN jtÞÞ
corresponds to a cooperative relation between buoyancy and motion (e.g., warm air rising) and may
be thought of as the initial stage of convection.
(A decaying mode ðexpðjN jtÞÞ corresponds to a
mismatch of B and w (e.g., cold air rising) and so it is of
no long-term consequence.) For convective motions,
the increase of vertical
kinetic energy is equal to the
buoyancy work B dz, known as the convective
available potential energy (CAPE) along the parcel’s
vertical path. (In vertically confined convective systems, a growing mode requires that thermal and
viscous dissipation must be overcome, so a critical
N 2 = _1
Figure 1 Simple buoyancy motions and varying environmental
static stability. (A) Stable oscillation for N ¼ 1. Isentropic surfaces
are shown; increasing labels indicate warmer y. Impulsive force
creates initial vertical motion W (thin arrow), adiabatic displacements of y surfaces, changes in air parcel volume (circles), and
buoyancy force (vertical arrows). (B) Parcel motions for five
stability conditions. Moderate stability: N ¼ 1, shown in (A).
Stronger stability: N ¼ 2 stable oscillation has shorter period,
smaller vertical displacements. Extreme stability: N 5 infinity has
no vertical displacement. Neutral stability: N ¼ 0 has displacements growing linearly, with no restoring force. Unstable conditions: N 2 ¼ 1 has buoyancy forces creating amplifying vertical
parcel displacements.
displacements depends most strongly upon qye =qz,
with negative values corresponding typically to instability. (This criterion is used to describe ‘potential
instability’, an often-misused concept that describes
the stability of an unsaturated layer which is lifted
hypothetically until it becomes a cloud layer.)
The most important example of moist processes
affecting stability occurs when rising, saturated parcels in cumulus clouds penetrate a dry ‘environmental’
layer. In this case, ‘conditional instability’ may occur
even when qyv0 =qz is positive and the ‘dry dynamics’ of
the environment are stable. This instability criterion
may be expressed as qyes =qzo0, where yes is the
saturation equivalent potential temperature, a known
function of T and pressure p. This criterion is met if the
virtual temperature lapse rate qTv =qz exceeds the
smaller moist adiabatic rate Gm . The result is that the
unstable combination of positive buoyancy with a
rising parcel occurs if a saturated parcel moves upward
through a layer of air where N 2 is insufficiently
positive. Figure 2 illustrates the three fundamental
types of stability for an atmosphere.
The growth of cumulus clouds is overestimated by
this simple parcel reasoning, because updrafts require
compensating subsidence of the environment. The
resulting adiabatic warming decreases the relative
buoyancy of the cloud. A simple ‘slice’ theory shows
that the effective stability of the system is then
increased for finite-sized clouds; it can be represented
as a combination of the moist and dry static stabilities.
Additional stabilizing influences are turbulent mixing
of momentum and thermodynamic quantities between
the cloud and the environment, and the effects of
pressure adjustments.
value of N 2 must be exceeded, as expressed in a
critical ‘Rayleigh number’ necessary for convection.)
For many applications the distinction between y and yv
is of secondary importance, as is assumed in the
remaining discussion.
Moist Instability
In a humid atmosphere, phase changes in the water
content may cause instability even when N 2 is positive.
In this case, a parcel conserves its equivalent potential
temperature ye , rather than y. ye exceeds y by a
temperature-dependent amount depending on humidity. As an example, conservation of ye is consistent
with upward motions leading to saturation, the release
of latent heat of condensation, and the diabatic
increase of y. These ‘moist’ diabatic processes reduce
the effective static stability for cloud systems. For
example, the stability of a cloud layer to internal
Figure 2 Vertical temperature profiles (solid) for three categories
of static stability. Temperature changes for dry and moist adiabatic
parcel displacements are dashed. AU: absolutely unstable; CU:
conditionally unstable (for saturated parcels); S 5 absolutely
Climatology of Static Stability
In the simplest terms, the dry and moist static stability
indices depend upon vertical profiles of potential
temperature, and to a lesser extent on the profile of
water vapor. Figure 3 shows some typical features in a
vertical cross-section. Strong static stability (N 2 )
regions are associated with isentropic surfaces that
are closely spaced in the vertical, a symptom of the
vertical ‘stiffness’. Weak stability regions have greater
spacing, and the limit of zero stability may correspond
to a vertical orientation of the isentropic surface.
Regions of moist unstable motions are possible where
there is a conditionally unstable temperature profile
and sufficient moisture supply (e.g., the tropical
boundary layer).
The distribution of static stability qy=qz can be
explained first by considering the processes that
change the spacing Dz of potential temperature
surfaces. From the first law of thermodynamics, it is
easily shown that local changes of stability are caused
by (1) advection of stability from upwind, (2) (vertically) differential temperature advection, and (3)
differential diabatic heating. The differential diabatic
term (3) explains many basic stability features in the
atmosphere. The term is proportional to dJ=dz, where
J is the diabatic heating rate per unit mass; negative J
connotes cooling. This term increases the stability
where J increases with height, and decreases it where J
decreases with height.
Examples of diabatic influence on static stability are
seen in Figure 3. The strongest stability is seen in the
stratosphere, where stability is maintained by the
radiative heating increase due to absorption of solar
ultraviolet radiation by ozone. The tropospheric static
stability is several times smaller, due especially to
downward long-wave radiation. Near the Earth’s
surface, strong stability at high latitudes is created by
long-wave radiative cooling, while weaker stability at
other latitudes is driven by sensible heat from the
surface. The sensible heating is concentrated in the
atmospheric boundary layer, which often resembles a
0; _150
90; _150
North pole
Figure 3 Vertical cross-section of y from Equator to pole. Static stability is indicated by vertical closeness of y surfaces. Left scale is
pressure in hPa. Dark shading: Earth’s topography. Light shading: boundary layer air with moisture mixing ratio exceeding 12 g kg 1.
Strong stability cases: ST – stratosphere, PS – polar surface, BL – boundary layer top, FZ – frontal zone, TB – topographic blocking by
mountains. Weak stability: CU – conditionally unstable tropical troposphere, ML – convectively mixed boundary layer.
‘convective mixed layer’ of low stability, especially
over land. In the tropics, the troposphere is moist at
low levels, conditionally unstable, and deep; heavy
cumulus convection is prevalent and its latent heating
is the essential driving of the tropical climate system.
Some of the smaller-scale features in the figure are
affected by adiabatic circulation processes. Term 2
includes the effect of vertical wind shear in a baroclinic
region; near the Earth’s surface, warm (cold) advection
situations are associated commonly with stabilization
(destabilization) of the lower atmosphere by this
process. This term also explains the development of
strong static stability by subsidence at the top of the
atmospheric boundary layer and in frontal zones.
There are seasonal and diurnal variations in stability
that cannot be represented in the snapshot (Figure 3).
These variations are caused by those of solar radiative
forcing of the Earth’s surface, which results in variations of sensible and latent heating. Broadly speaking,
the static stability fields tend to shift poleward in the
summer season, and Equatorward in the winter
season. The destabilization of the lower atmosphere
is a maximum over land on summer days, while it is a
maximum over the midlatitude oceans in winter.
Static Stability and Circulation
Static stability influences the motions of the atmosphere on a range of scales and may permit waves to
connect distant regions. Simple vertical buoyancy
concepts are not sufficient for understanding these
effects. In reality, one must also consider the coupling
to horizontal winds and the ways in which pressure
links the motion of different air parcels. The spatial
distributions of static stability and wind determine the
outcomes, which range from flow instability to various
kinds of wave propagation in the horizontal and
Small-Scale Turbulence
Turbulence in the atmosphere may be caused by
convection or by wind shear, and static stability is
influential in each case. Ignoring moist dynamics,
convection requires qyv =qz to be negative, which
occurs most commonly when the air is in contact with
a warmer Earth’s surface, such as a sunny day over dry
land. In such cases, N 2 is strongly negative in the
surface layer (roughly the lowest 50 m), reflecting a
superadiabatic lapse rate of virtual temperature. Static
stability is then near-neutral (N2 ¼ 0) in a deeper
‘mixed layer’ up to the boundary layer top. Thus,
neutral boundary layers are symptoms of surfaceinduced convection.
Positive static stability inhibits turbulence induced
by wind shear. The production of shear turbulence
may be understood by imagining a layer of concentrated wind shear which, when perturbed by vertical
displacements, creates a pressure feedback that amplifies the displacements of the layer. The result is
mixing of fast and slow air parcels by a growing
pattern of Kelvin–Helmholtz instability (KHI) motions. Obviously, the vertical restoring forces of a
statically stable atmosphere will oppose the vertical
components of such KHI displacements. The competition between shear instability and stable stratification is best measured by the Richardson number
Ri ¼ N 2 =SH 2
where SH is most generally the magnitude of the
vector wind shear qV=qz. Ri is the squared ratio of the
stable buoyancy oscillation frequency N to the maximum shear-induced growth rate SH. Theory and
observation show that when Ri > 14, shear growth is
eliminated: static stability wins, and perturbations are
stable oscillations as in Figure 1. On the other hand,
when static stability is reduced so that Rio14, the shear
instability is not suppressed totally, and the perturbations may grow into turbulence.
In the free atmosphere, intense frontal zones are
associated commonly with ‘clear air turbulence’,
despite the zones having a maximum static stability.
This is because they are sloping regions of strong
gradients, and Ri is reduced more effectively by the
strong shear as the vertical width of the zone becomes
small. The mixing by this turbulence is thought to
modify the mesoscale structure of the static stability
and shear near jets.
Very near the Earth’s surface, strong shear is created
by frictional drag, but the turbulence is limited by the
surface and by static stability. In such surface boundary layers, the intensity of shear turbulence is greatest
beneath the height L, the Monin–Obukhov length. L
varies inversely with the stable air–surface temperature difference and static stability near the ground.
Higher in the boundary layer, the turbulent fluxes are
often represented by eddy mixing coefficients which
are a decreasing function of Ri (and hence static
Mesoscale Motions
Static stability and its spatial variations may produce
complex mesoscale motions. Since wind speeds and
the frequencies of weather systems are strongly subsonic, it follows that the pressure fields are in a state of
‘anelastic’ balance with the temperature and velocity
patterns. The simplest balance involving buoyancy
B is described by the three-dimensional p.d.e.
r2 p ¼ qB=qz, where r2 is the elliptic Laplacian
operator in three spatial dimensions. The buoyancy
gradient term ‘forces’ a smooth pressure response
which decreases inversely with distance. For a vertically oriented pattern of B, the pressure response is
negligible, and simple buoyancy forces dominate the
motion. However, a pattern of B tilted toward the
horizontal produces a pressure gradient force that
opposes B. Thus, static stability may be associated
with motions that may or may not be in hydrostatic
balance, depending on the distribution of buoyancy in
the vertical plane.
The simplest tool for understanding these motions
is the theory of buoyancy waves (see ‘Atmospheric
Waves’). For patterns of motion and temperature with
phase fronts tilted at an angle a from the vertical, the
free oscillation has a frequency o ¼ N cos a. We see
that N is actually an upper limit on the frequency,
corresponding to the vertical orientation for a simple
buoyancy oscillation. Such motions are nonhydrostatic. Much slower oscillations occur when the wave
patterns are tilted toward the horizontal, a result of the
‘braking’ effect of the pressure field on the buoyant
parcel. These motions are nearly hydrostatic, and the
waves may propagate with a nondispersive phase
speed obeying
c2G ¼ N 2 =m2
cies predicts that (1) a wide mountain may cause
upwind ‘blocking’ of low-level air with high static
stability, and (2) motions over the mountain are nearly
in hydrostatic balance. The theory for higher frequencies suggests that very narrow mountains do not
disturb the flow far above the mountain, but an
intermediate mountain width yields a complex pattern
of vertically propagating wave patterns extending
upward and downwind of the mountain. In order for
energy to propagate upward, the wave fronts must tilt
upwind with increasing altitude and the waves transport wind momentum down into the mountain. An
example is shown in Figure 4.
Static stability and wind variations influence the
vertical fluxes of mesoscale wave energy and momentum which may link the upper atmosphere with the
surface. For example, the vertical structure of the
steady response with horizontal wavenumber k is
governed by a propagation coefficient
PðzÞ ¼ ½N 2 =U2 k2
The wave profile ‘propagates’ vertically only when P is
positive, or when static stability makes the Scorer
parameter N 2 =U2 sufficiently large. The vertical
wavenumber is then P1=2 . Variations in stability or
wind will cause PðzÞ to vary, which corresponds to
where m is the vertical wavenumber. Strong static
stability corresponds to fast horizontal wave speeds.
There are dramatic consequences of the simple
frequency dispersion relation. For example, the energy
of the waves is transmitted along the sloping wave
front at a group speed
where K is the two-dimensional wavenumber (inverse
scale) of the wave pattern. We see that the energy
propagation rate increases with static stability, and
with angle a from the vertical. It follows that the
response to a confined impulse will rapidly spread lowfrequency energy horizontally, while higher frequencies will be found immediately above and below the
region. Imposed frequencies greater than N are
‘evanescent’: such energy cannot be propagated
away from the forcing. Interestingly, the orthogonal
relation between phase and group velocity vectors
implies that downward phase propagation is associated with upward energy propagation.
These properties have implications for a variety of
mesoscale responses of a stable atmosphere to surface
heating or mountains. For example, steady airflow U
over a mountain complex may be envisioned in terms
of periodic forcing. The above theory for low frequen-
Height (km)
cg ¼ N sin a=K
_ 60
_ 30
x (km)
Figure 4 Streamlines and y surfaces for flow over an isolated
ridge. Upwind conditions have high static stability below 3 km, so
PðzÞ decreases upward. Wind speeds vary along streamlines in
proportion to closeness of streamlines. Proceeding from the left,
note the slowing of air on the upwind side, strong downslope wind,
vertically tilted flow pattern, downwind jump, and lee waves trapped
in the stable layer. Shading denotes possible clouds due to lifting of
moist layers. (Reproduced with permission from Houze (1993,
Figure 12.9). Courtesy of Dale Durran (1986).)
wave refraction in the vertical plane. Two categories
of phenomena result, depending upon whether PðzÞ
decreases or increases with height.
If stability decreases with height, then PðzÞ may
become negative, and the wave may be reflected
downward. Since the rigid Earth is also a reflecting
surface for the wave vertical motion, the mountaininduced wave energy may become trapped in this
layer. In this case, intense downslope winds and
resonant ‘lee’ waves are possible. Other wave mechanisms, such as wave absorption at a critical layer
where U ¼ 0, depend more strongly on the wind
In the other extreme, weak static stability in the
boundary layer causes PðzÞ to increase with height
above the surface. A common idealization is a mixed
layer (N 2 ¼ 0) capped at height H by a sharp inversion
of strength Dyv . In this case, horizontal scales larger
than H are hydrostatic and move with speeds of
‘shallow water’ gravity waves obeying
c2G ¼ ½g 0 H
We see that g 0 ¼ gðDyv =yv ), the ‘reduced gravity’
parameter for the inversion, plays an analogous role
to static stability for these hydrostatic motions. An
example of this kind of motion is the propagation of a
gust front, the leading edge of thunderstorm outflow in
the boundary layer. Another example is where this
kind of air layer is forced to flow over a mountain at
speed U; the inversion stability appears inversely in the
Froude number F ¼ U2 =ðg 0 HÞ. This number represents a competition between the flow inertia and the
inversion stability, or equivalently between advection
by U and gravity wave propagation cG . Values
exceeding O(1) may be associated with blocking on
the upwind side of mountains, and strong downslope
winds and hydraulic jumps on the downwind side.
Large-Scale Circulations
Large-scale circulations are those of large horizontal
dimension, associated with low frequencies and
hydrostatic balance. For such motions, static stability
and the rotation of the Earth are important. Coriolis
effects limit horizontal parcel motions in a fashion
somewhat analogous to the buoyancy oscillation. The
natural frequency of this ‘inertia oscillation’ is simply
the Coriolis parameter f, which is about 100 times
smaller than N. Thus, large-scale dynamics is ruled by
the two fundamental frequencies of geophysical fluid
dynamics: N and f . The most important large-scale
flow variable is the combination known as the
potential vorticity
q ¼ ðf þ BÞN 2
which is proportional to both the absolute vorticity of
the winds and the static stability. Two frequency
classes of large-scale waves are possible. The higher
frequency class is inertio-gravity waves that obey
o2 ¼ f 2 þ N 2 ðk2 =m2 Þ
Static stability is seen to increase the minimum
frequency f. These motions are never in a state of
geostrophic balance, so they play an important role in
the transient adjustments to thermal and mechanical
forcing of the atmosphere. Vertical propagation of
wave energy occurs only when frequency o exceeds f .
For example, diurnal atmospheric tides propagate
vertically only Equatorward of 301 latitude.
Horizontal energy propagation is highly dispersive
as a result of the Coriolis term: the largest scales
propagate energy very slowly, while the smallest scales
do so at the fast gravity wave speed cG . The separation
between large and small horizontal scales occurs at
l ¼ cG =f ¼ ðN=f Þm
known as the Rossby deformation radius.
The deformation radius is the natural horizontal
scale for large-scale atmospheric dynamics. From
eqn [12], it is the distance traveled by a gravity wave
in the time (f 1 ) required for Coriolis forces to deflect
the velocity. It represents the spatial scale for adjustment of wind and pressure to geostrophic balance.
This scale of adjustment increases with the static
stability parameter N, and it decreases with rotation f .
The lowest-frequency class of large-scale dynamics
is that of quasi-geostrophic (QG) dynamics for which
‘o f ’ (see Quasi-geostrophic Theory). These motions are always near a state of geostrophic and
hydrostatic balance, and are influenced strongly by
static stability and the Earth’s rotation. The QG form
of the potential vorticity corresponding to eqn [10] has
a variable part proportional to
2 r2 p 0 þ f 2 q2 p 0 =qz2
qn ¼ N
The response of p 0 to thermal or vorticity forcing is
determined by eqn [13], which is a three-dimensional
Laplacian in coordinates that are stretched vertically
according to N=f . It follows that point forcing yields
an elliptically shaped response, with the major axis
lying in the direction of least resistance. For example,
large static stability of the stratosphere yields responses that are stretched horizontally and compressed vertically. For a given vertical scale, this
property implies a horizontal influence distance equal
to the deformation radius. For a given horizontal
scale L, it implies a vertical influence distance called
the Rossby depth, given by HR ¼ ðf =NÞL, so that
increasing the stability decreases the vertical coupling
distance HR .
Similar considerations may be applied to the QG
‘omega equation’ to distinguish the total response to
various patterns of thermal and vorticity forcing,
illustrating the crucial importance of static stability on
large-scale dynamics through the ratio N=f . There are
obvious global implications, since f is small at low
latitudes. Two major regimes of large-scale atmospheric circulation are the result. For example, QG
instability theory indicates that baroclinic wave and
cyclone growth are possible only at mid–high latitudes. Hence the tropics are less variable, except in
concentrated areas of moist convection (such as
tropical cyclones) where conditionally unstable air
lowers the effective ratio N=f . Similar arguments
account for the difference among the atmospheric
circulations of other planets.
often associated with static instability, dry convective motions, and sensible heating. Neutrally stable
conditions are also very common, in which case
turbulence transports latent energy away from the
surface, enhancing the possibility of subsequent
conditional instability.
In summary, the three regimes of static stability
account for much of the variety of weather and
climate. Ultimately, the various kinds of circulations
feed back on the static stability field itself, leading to
increased complexity of its space–time variability.
See also
Buoyancy and Buoyancy Waves: Theory. Convective
Storms: Overview. Dynamic Meteorology: Overview.
Thermodynamics: Moist (Unsaturated) Air; Saturated
Adiabatic Processes. Vorticity.
Static stability acts through gravitational buoyancy
forces to suppress vertical motions, and helps to
control the weather systems and climate of the Earth.
In the Earth’s atmosphere, radiation and surface
energy fluxes act to create three main categories of
static stability.
1. Strong stability: The stratosphere is the most
extensive example. Strong stability there encourages the vertical propagation of forced planetary
waves through westerly winds regions, but it
suppresses the growth of synoptic-scale circulations and convection.
2. Weak static stability: The troposphere is the atmosphere’s dominant region of lesser, more variable static stability. As a result, instabilities may
produce weather systems on a range of scales. For
example, baroclinic wave circulations create variable weather in middle and high latitudes, and
conditional instability may be realized as moist
convection. Moist convection may be organized on
the global scale (e.g., Hadley and Walker circulations), the synoptic scale (e.g., tropical cyclones),
or the mesoscale (deep cumulus convection and
severe weather). The static stability for dry processes may be strong enough to allow mesoscale
mountain influences on the upper atmospheric
wind, or to suppress small-scale shear instability
which would otherwise produce clear air turbulence.
3. Static instability: The energy balance of the Earth
system requires that the Earth’s surface provides
energy to the atmospheric boundary layer. This is
Further Reading
Andrews DG, Holton JR and Leovy CB (1987) Middle
Atmosphere Dynamics. Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
Chapman S and Lindzen RS (1970) Atmospheric Tides.
Thermal and Gravitational. Dordrecht: Reidel.
Durran DR (1986) Another look at dowslope windstorms,
Part 1. Journal of Atmospheric Science 43: 2527–2543.
Durran DR (1990) Mountain waves and downslope winds.
In: Blumen W (ed.) Atmospheric Processes over Complex
Terrain, pp. 59–82. Boston: American Meteorological
Emanuel KA (1994) Atmospheric Convection. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Gill AE (1982) Atmosphere–Ocean Dynamics. New York:
Academic Press.
Holton JR (1992) An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology, 3rd edn. New York: Academic Press.
Houze RA Jr (1993) Cloud Dynamics. San Diego: Academic
Irbane JV and Godson WL (1981) Atmospheric Thermodynamics, 2nd edn. Dordrecht: Reidel.
Pedlosky J (1987) Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2nd edn.
New York: Springer Verlag.
Scorer RS (1978) Environmental Aerodynamics. Chichester,
UK: Ellis Horwood.
Sorbjan Z (1989) Structure of the Atmospheric Boundary
Layer. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Stull RB (1988) An Introduction to Boundary Layer
Meteorology. Boston: Kluwer.
Tritton DJ (1996) Physical Fluid Dynamics, 2nd edn. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Turner JS (1973) Buoyancy Effects in Fluids. London:
Cambridge University Press.
Yih CS (1965) Dynamics of Non-Homogeneous Fluids.
London: Macmillan.
S Nigam, University of Maryland, College Park, MD,
E DeWeaver, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI,
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The term stationary waves refers to the zonally
asymmetric features of the time-averaged atmospheric
circulation. They are also referred to as standing
eddies, where standing refers to the time averaging
over a month to season, and eddy is a generic term for
zonally asymmetric patterns. The zonal asymmetries
of the seasonal circulation are particularly interesting
because they occur despite the longitudinally uniform
incidence of solar radiation on our planet. Stationary
waves must arise, ultimately, due to asymmetries at the
Earth’s surface – mountains, continent–ocean contrasts, and sea surface temperature asymmetries.
Understanding precisely how the stationary waves
are generated and maintained is a fundamental problem in climate dynamics.
Stationary waves have a strong effect on the climate
through their persistent northerly and southerly surface winds, which blow cold and warm air. Advection
of moisture by the stationary wave flow contributes to
hydroclimate variations over the continents. Beyond
their direct advective impact, stationary waves control
the location of stormtracks – the preferred paths of
synoptic weather systems in the midlatitudes, and the
zone of tropical–extratropical interaction in the
subtropics. Stationary waves are important also on
longer time scales, since interannual climate variability projects substantially on the zonally asymmetric
component of the flow. Finally, stationary waves
contribute significantly to the maintenance of the
complementary zonally symmetric circulation, in
both climatological and anomalous states; the contribution is through quadratic fluxes of meridional
momentum and heat. Stationary waves are thus a
fundamental feature of the general circulation of the
Observed Structure
Stationary waves are stronger in the Northern Hemisphere because of greater orography and continentality. Wave amplitudes in the Northern Hemisphere are
largest during winter, modest during the transition
seasons of spring and autumn, and weakest during
summer. The Southern Hemisphere stationary waves
and their seasonal variation are substantially smaller
in comparison.
Northern Hemisphere Winter Structure
Because of the geostrophic balance condition, stationary waves in the upper-level flow can be conveniently
displayed using the height of the 300 hPa pressure
surface. The geostrophic wind blows along the height
contours, with lower heights to the left in the Northern
Hemisphere, and with a speed proportional to the
gradient of the height field. The height of the 300 hPa
surface varies considerably with latitude and longitude (Figure 1A), with the mean height being close to
9 km. The polar vortex is clearly recognizable in this
projection. The vortex is due to insolation and
planetary rotation, both zonally symmetric inputs,
but the vortex has notable departures from symmetry:
troughs over northern Canada and western Siberia,
and ridges over the eastern Atlantic and Pacific. (The
zonally asymmetric component of the field which
highlights the troughs and ridges is shown later, in
Figure 2A.) The regions where the height contours are
close together correspond to strong westerly (coming
from the west) jets: the Asian–Pacific and North
American jets.
Stationary waves at the Earth’s surface can be
identified using the sea-level pressure field, which in
elevated areas is the surface pressure reduced to sea
level. The lightly shaded regions in Figure 1B are
surface lows, and the dark regions are highs. Lows are
found over both ocean basins, the Aleutian Low in the
Pacific and the Icelandic Low in the Atlantic. The
Aleutian Low is centered off the tip of the Aleutian
Islands chain, and the counterclockwise flow around
the low brings southerly marine air to coastal Canada
and Alaska, lessening the severity of the winter season.
To the south of the Icelandic Low is a high-pressure
center known as the Azores High. Strong onshore
surface flow occurs between the Icelandic Low and the
Azores High, again lessening the severity of coastal
winters in Europe. Much higher surface pressure can
be found over central Asia in a center called the
Siberian High. Between the Siberian High and the
Aleutian Low is a region of strong northerly flow,
which brings down colder air and lowers near-surface
temperature along the east coast of Asia. The winter
Figure 1 (A) Average height of the 300 hPa pressure surface in
northern winter months (December, January, February, and
March: DJFM). The average is over 20 winter seasons (December
1979 through March 1999), and is computed from the reanalysis
fields produced by the US National Center for Environmental
Prediction (NCEP). The contour interval is 100 m. (B) Average sealevel pressure (SLP) for the same months and years, with a contour
interval of 5.0 hPa. Sea-level pressure data come from Trenberth’s
analysis, which is archived at NCAR. Dark (light) shading represents values above 1015 hPa (below 1010 hPa). The letters ‘L’ and
‘H’ designate the prominent centers of action: the Aleutian Low,
Siberian High, Icelandic Low, and the Azores High. Map domain
begins at 201 N.
sea-level pressure field can be broadly characterized as
being high over the continents and low over the
comparatively warmer northern oceans. Since sea-
level pressure is related to column temperature,
vertical coherence of the continent–ocean temperature
contrast in the lower troposphere is key, as discussed
The stationary wave pattern changes considerably
between the surface and 300 hPa, and these changes
are highlighted in Figure 2. The top panels show eddy
heights at the 300 and 850 hPa levels, revealing the
troughs and ridges. These features are displaced
westward with increasing height, i.e., westward tilted,
assuming that the same features are being tracked at
the two levels. The low-level trough over the Pacific is
positioned 15–201 westward of the Aleutian Low, and
gives way to a trough centered on the east Asian coast
at 300 hPa, which is associated with the Asian–Pacific
jet. The 850 hPa trough over the North Atlantic is
likewise shifted relative to the Icelandic Low, and
migrates further westward towards Hudson Bay at
upper levels; it brings cold Arctic air into the central
and eastern United States and Canada. The low-level
feature over Eurasia (Figure 2B) is more definitely
linked to the surface Siberian High, but there is no
corresponding feature of significance present at the
upper level – in contrast with the vertically coherent
structure of the Azores High.
The vertical structure of stationary waves is plotted
in Figures 2C and D, which are cross-sections of the
eddy height field at 401 N and 601 N. The shading in
these panels depicts the eddy temperature field. (In
hydrostatic balance, this is the vertical derivative of
the height field in log(p) coordinates.) These plots
allow for the tracking of features. The northern section
shows the pronounced westward tilt of the east Asian
trough, the Rocky Mountain ridge, and the Azores
High. The tilt is a consequence of meridional temperature advection by the associated geostrophic wind,
which induces cooling to the west (east) of the low
(high). Interestingly, connection with the prominent
surface features is not strong, except in case of the
highs. The Aleutian and Icelandic Lows, in particular,
are quite shallow (p 0 800 hPa), exhibiting little
connectivity to the westward displaced upper-level
troughs. The southern section (401 N) nicely
reveals the limited vertical extent of the Siberian
High, in contrast with the deep structure of the Azores
Comparison of the two cross-sections indicates a
striking difference in vertical variation of the eddy
heights, particularly in the Eastern Hemisphere. In the
northern section, the wave amplitude keeps growing
with height up until the tropopause, and even beyond.
The structure is indicative of upward propagation of
stationary wave energy into the polar lower stratosphere. (Note that the wave’s phase is stationary, so the
phase velocity is zero, but its group velocity – the
60° N
40° N
(D) 0°
60° E
120° E
120° W
60° W
AH 0°
Figure 2 (A) Eddy height at 300 hPa during northern winter (DJFM), or height of the 300 hPa pressure surface after subtracting the zonal
average. The contour interval is 50 m, with dark (light) shading for positive (negative) values in excess of 50 m. (B) Eddy height at 850 hPa
for the same period, with a contour interval of 25 m and dark (light) shading for positive (negative) values in excess of 25 m. The thick
contours in B enclose regions where the surface pressure is less than 850 hPa. In these regions, the pressure surface is interpolated below
ground. (C and D) 1000–100 hPa zonal–vertical cross-sections of eddy height and temperature at (C) 601 N and (D) 401 N. Contour interval
for eddy height is 50 m, and dashed contours represent negative values. Eddy temperature is plotted in 3 K contours with dark (light)
shading for positive (negative) values in excess of 3 K, and zero contours suppressed. ‘SH’, ‘AL’, ‘IL’, and ‘AH’ are the surface lows and
highs of Figure 1B.
velocity of energy propagation – is not zero.)
In contrast, the 401 N structure is indicative
of trapping of wave energy within the troposphere.
The eddy height at the 10 hPa level, displayed
using shaded contours in Figure 3, reveals the presence
of a large-amplitude stationary wave at an altitude
of nearly 30 km. The zonal wavelength of this
pattern is evidently close to the circumference of
the latitude circle, i.e., the largest possible. Both
observations and theory (see Rossby Waves) suggest
that disturbances of such large wavelengths can
propagate into the stratosphere. The wave pattern in
Figure 3 moves the center of the polar vortex away
from the geographical pole and reduces the strength of
the vortex.
Equatorial westerly duct An important circulation
feature in the deep tropics during northern winter is
the presence of strong upper-level westerlies
(B10 m s 1) over the Pacific and Atlantic longitudes.
This is notable because the equatorial belt is
otherwise occupied by easterly winds. Zonal winds
at 200 hPa are shown in Figure 4A, with the
easterly region shaded. A vertical section at the
equator (Figure 4B) shows westerly zones to be
confined to the near-tropopause region (100–
300 hPa), with maximum values (B15 m s 1) at
200 hPa. The origin of equatorial westerly zones is
not well understood, but their absence in northern
summers and El Niño winters suggests that
their occurrence is linked to the absence of
dynamical barrier, shielding the equatorial zone
from the influence of midlatitude perturbations.
Openings in this barrier, or westerly ducts, thus
provide a conduit for equatorward penetration of
midlatitude waves during northern winter – a timely
opening, since the midlatitude stationary and
transient wave activity is most vigorous in winter.
Interaction between midlatitudes and the equatorial
zone can impact convection and water vapor distribution in the tropics and subtropics. Lateral mixing
from extratropical intrusions can also influence tracer
Northern Hemisphere Summer Structure
Figure 3 Average height of the 10 hPa pressure surface in
northern winter (DJFM). Thick contours show the height field in
500 m increments. The eddy height is plotted at 100 m intervals,
with dark (light) shading for positive (negative) values in excess of
100 m. The zero contour for eddy height is suppressed.
strong convection in the central equatorial Pacific and
Atlantic longitudes.
Rossby wave propagation theory (see Rossby
Waves) suggests that tropical easterlies are an effective
The northern polar vortex is much weaker in summer
than in winter. The summer vortex is shown at the
150 hPa level in Figure 5A, and is evidently quite
symmetric. It also lacks the tight meridional gradients
that characterized the winter vortex. A somewhat
higher level was chosen for displaying the summer
pattern in order to capture fully the divergent monsoonal flow and accompanying rotational circulations
over the warmer landmasses. The upper-level asymmetries include the very prominent anticyclone over
Tibet, and troughs over the subtropical ocean basins
which are easier to appreciate in the eddy height plots,
shown later.
45° N
45° S
90° E
90° W
Figure 4 (A) The 200 hPa zonal wind in northern winter (DJFM), contoured in 10 m s 1 intervals. Regions where the zonal wind blows
from the east are shaded. (B) Zonal–vertical cross-section of zonal wind at the Equator, contoured in 5 m s 1 increments, with shading for
easterly regions. Top level in (B) is 50 hPA.
30° N
(C) 0°
60° E
120° E
PH 120° W
60° W BH
Figure 5 (A) Average height of the 150 hPa pressure surface in northern summer months (June, July, and August: JJA). The average is
over 20 summer seasons (June 1980 through August 1999), and is computed from NCEP reanalysis. The contour interval is 100 m. (B)
Average sea-level pressure for the same months, plotted as in Figure 1. The letters ‘L’ and ‘H’ designate the prominent centers of action:
the Bermuda High, the Pacific High, and the broad region of low pressure associated with the Asian monsoon. Map domain begins at 151 N.
(C) The 1000–100 hPa zonal–vertical cross-section of eddy height and temperature at 301 N, with contours and shading as in Figure 2D.
‘TA’ gives the location of the Tibetan anticyclone, which is enclosed by the 14.3 km contour near the top of panel (A).
The summertime sea-level pressure (Figure 5B) has
almost a reversed winter structure. Two subtropical
anticyclones of comparable strength are present in the
ocean basins, underneath the upper-level troughs.
They are referred to as the Pacific High and the
Bermuda High. The Bermuda High is the summer
equivalent of the Azores High, which expands while
the Icelandic Low retreats northward during the
transition from winter to summer. The Pacific
sector undergoes a similar winter to summer transition. The subtropical anticyclones constitute
the descending branch of the regional Hadley
cells which are driven by deep convection in the
tropics. Descending motions induced to the northwest of subtropical monsoonal heating may also
contribute to anticyclone development.
Over the continents, sea-level pressure is low during
summer. A large region of low sea-level pressure is
present over Asia beneath the Tibetan anticyclone
(which is actually centered over northern India). The
continental-scale anticyclone is an integral element of
the Asian monsoon circulation, being the rotational
response to deep heating.
The cross-section of eddy height at 301 N (Figure
5C) shows the internal baroclinic structure that is
typically produced by deep heating in the tropics. The
Tibetan anticyclone reaches maximum amplitude at
150 hPa, the level displayed in Figure 5A. Over the
oceans, the structure is also baroclinic, but the Pacific
and Bermuda Highs are evidently shallow features –
although not as shallow as their winter counterparts in
Figure 2C. The strong positive temperature centered
over the Tibetan plateau is caused by latent heat
release in the monsoon rains. On the other hand,
negative temperatures over the Pacific and Bermuda
Highs are produced, in part, from the long-wave
radiative cooling to space.
The eddy height fields during summer are displayed
in Figure 6. The Tibetan anticyclone is the prominent
feature at upper levels. Baroclinic structure is evident
in the Northern Hemisphere, with upper-level troughs
positioned over the subtropical highs. Also evident at
the upper level is a weak ridge over North America
that is associated with the local monsoon system,
which includes the Mexican monsoon. The western
edge of the Bermuda High produces low-level southerly flow, which brings in significant amounts of
moisture from the Gulf of Mexico into the US Great
Plains. A notable low-level feature in the Southern
Hemisphere is the Mascarene High centered south of
Madagascar, which generates strong easterlies along
its northern flank (recall that the flow around a
90° N
45° N
45° S
90° N
45° N
45° S
90° N
45° N
45° S
(C) 0°
90° E
90° W
Figure 6 Eddy height at (A) 150 hPa and (B) 850 hPa during northern summer (JJA), with a contour interval of 25 m and dark (light)
shading for positive (negative) values in excess of 25 m. (C) Eddy wind vectors at 850 hPa. Regions where the eddy wind speed is in
excess of 5 m s 1 are shaded, and the longest arrow represents a wind speed of 18 m s 1. Eddy winds with speeds below 2 m s 1 are
suppressed. As in (B), the thick closed contours in (C) surround mountainous regions where the surface pressure is less than 850 hPa.
Southern Hemisphere High is counterclockwise).
After turning northward along the African coast and
crossing the Equator, this flow evolves into the southwesterly monsoon flow over the Arabian Sea.
In the Asian monsoon circulation, equatorial and
cross-equatorial flows play an important role, and
these cannot be appreciated in the height field, since
the geostrophic relationship breaks down at the
Equator. The summer circulation figures are thus
complemented with a vector-wind plot at 850 hPa
(Figure 6C); only the zonally asymmetric components
of winds are plotted. Strong cross-equatorial flow
occurs along the east coast of Africa, bringing moisture to the Asian continent. Easterly flow is found all
along the Equator, particularly along the southern
flank of the Pacific and Bermuda Highs.
Southern Hemisphere Stationary Waves
The Southern Hemisphere has much less land than
the Northern Hemisphere, resulting in weaker asymmetries at its lower boundary. A more zonally
symmetric circulation, with smaller-amplitude stationary waves, is thus expected. Due to the larger
fraction of ocean, the seasonal cycle will also be
muted. The seasonal change in surface temperature,
for example, will be smaller than in the Northern
The southern vortex is shown during the December–
March (southern summer) and June–August (southern
winter) periods in Figure 7. As before, the winter
vortex is shown at 300 hPa and the summer one at the
higher 150 hPa level. Thick lines mark the height
Figure 7 (A) Height of the 150 hPa pressure surface in the Southern Hemisphere during DJFM months (southern summer). (B) Height of
the 300 hPa surface during JJA months (southern winter). Thick solid contours show the total height field in 200 m increments, while thin
contours represent the eddy height. The contour interval for eddy height is 25 m, with dark (light) shading for positive (negative) values in
excess of 25 m. The zero contour for eddy height is suppressed. (C, D) Sea-level pressure for (C) DJFM and (D) JJA months, in 2.5 hPa
increments, with dark (light) shading for values above 1015 hPa (below 1012.5 hPa). Map domain is from the Equator to the South Pole.
Sea-level pressure values over Antarctica are unreliable and hence suppressed.
contours while the shaded region shows the corresponding eddy height patterns. Note that in the
Southern Hemisphere the flow around a low is
clockwise rather than counterclockwise. The southern
vortex is considerably more symmetric than the
northern one. Eddy heights are thus smaller, and
contoured at 25 m in both summer and winter (Figure
7). The summer and winter patterns are both dominated by the wave number 1 component in the high
latitudes so that opposite points along a latitude circle
have opposite polarities. The wave component exhibits similar phase and amplitude structure in the two
seasons, indicating a significant role of Antarctic
orography in its forcing. The subtropics shows greater
seasonality, with a ridge over northern Australia in
summer; this upper-level feature is linked to the
Australian monsoon outflow.
The extent of zonal asymmetries at the surface is
examined using sea-level pressure which is contoured
with a 2.5 hPa interval as opposed to 5.0 hPa in the
Northern Hemisphere. The summer distribution
(Figure 7C) is much like the one in the Northern
Hemisphere (Figure 5B), with high-pressure cells
occupying the midlatitude ocean basins. In summer,
the subtropical highs are interrupted by continental
heat lows, caused by the warmer land temperatures.
The winter sea-level pressure (Figure 7D) is more
zonally symmetric, unlike the Northern Hemisphere
where asymmetries are most pronounced during
winter (cf. Figures 1 and 2). A prominent feature of
the southern winter pattern is the Mascarene High
extending from Africa to Australia, which generates
strong south-easterly flow along its northern flank. Its
linkage with south-westerly flow over the northern
Indian Ocean and Asian summer monsoon can be seen
in Figure 6C.
The vertical structure of Southern Hemisphere
stationary waves is shown in Figure 8 at 301 S in
summer and 601 S in winter – the latitude of the
subtropical highs and the polar wavenumber 1 pattern, respectively. Contour intervals in Figure 8A are
10 m for height and 1.5 K for temperature, as opposed
to 50 m and 3.0 K in northern summer (Figure 5C). As
in the Northern Hemisphere, the subtropical highs
have a baroclinic structure with upper-level troughs
superimposed on surface highs. The heat lows over
DJFM 30° S
60° S
(B) 0°
60° E
120° E
120° W
60° W
Figure 8 Zonal–vertical cross-sections of eddy height and temperature in the Southern Hemisphere at (A) 301 S in DJFM and (B) 601 S
in JJA months. In (A), the contour interval for eddy height is 10 m, with dashed contours for negative values. The contour interval for eddy
temperature in (A) is 1.5 K, with dark (light) shading for positive (negative) values in excess of 1.5 K, and zero contours suppressed.
In (B), contour intervals for eddy height and temperature are 25 m and 1.5 K, respectively, with plotting conventions as in panel (A).
Australia and southern Africa are quite shallow and
intense: this is typical of arid regions where rainfall
and mid-tropospheric latent heating do not occur in
response to the surface heat low. The winter height and
temperature structures (Figure 8B) are plotted using
25 m and 1.5 K intervals, as opposed to 50 m and 3.0 K
in northern winter (Figures 2C, D), due to their relative
weakness. The southern winter pattern evidently
changes little with height. There is much less westward
tilt in comparison with the northern winter structure
(Figure 2C), indicating less upward propagation of
wave energy. Although westerlies are necessary for
upward propagation, theoretical considerations suggest that propagation is hindered by the presence of
excessive westerlies (westerlies exceeding the Rossby
critical velocity), the southern winter vortex is
substantially stronger than its northern counterpart
(cf. Figures 1A and 7B; note the larger contouring
interval in the latter figure).
Transience in the Atmosphere
The above review of stationary wave structure does
not convey the extent to which these waves are
representative of the instantaneous circulation. For
example, how stationary (or transient) is the upperlevel circulation during northern winter? Can the
stationary waves be ‘seen’ on synoptic weather charts?
The degree to which these charts depart from the
climatological pattern is a measure of the strength of
the transient flow. Transient activity is estimated in
northern winter in Figure 9 because it is expected to be
strongest in this season. The greater vertical shear of
the thermally balanced Asian–Pacific and Atlantic jets
in winter makes them prone to hydrodynamic instability, which in the context of geostrophic flows is
called baroclinic instability. Baroclinic instability
produces transient disturbances on subweekly time
The extent to which the stationary wave structure is
representative of instantaneous flow is depicted in
Figure 9 by projecting the daily, instantaneous
(00UTC), 300 hPa circulation on the climatological
wave pattern (Figure 2A) during the winters of 1980/
81 and 1989/90. Correlation – a measure of the
structural similarity of the two maps (without regard
to amplitude) – is plotted on the y-axis. The correlation ranges from 0.2 to 0.8 in these winters, indicating
that the climatological pattern accounts for up to 65%
of the spatial variance. High correlation is however
achieved only on a few days in each winter. More
typically, the correlation is between 0.5 and 0.6.
Interestingly, the correlation drops and recovers over a
2–3 week period, 1–2 times each winter, revealing the
establishment time scale of the climatological pattern.
Dynamical analysis of such episodes, especially of the
recovery phase, can shed light on the establishment
mechanisms of stationary waves.
The question of whether the climatological wave
pattern can be ‘seen’ on synoptic charts is addressed in
Figures 9B and C, which show the instantaneous
1 Dec
16 Dec
1 Jan
16 Jan
1 Feb
16 Feb 1 Mar
16 Mar
Figure 9 (A) Spatial correlation between the instantaneous (00UTC) and climatological 300 hPa eddy heights during 1980/81 (solid
curve) and 1989/90 (dashed curve) winters. Correlations are area weighted and include height data from 201 N to the north pole.
(B) 300 hPa eddy height on 1 February 1981, when the spatial correlation was 0.74. (C) Eddy height on 16 February 1990, when the
correlation was 0.29. In (B) and (C), the contour interval is 100 m (twice the interval in Figure 2A), with dark (light) shading for positive
(negative) values in excess of 100 m.
(00UTC) wave pattern on two days: 1 February 1981,
when the spatial correlation is high (0.74; Figure 9B),
and 16 February 1990, when the correlation is low
(0.29; Figure 9C). The climatological pattern (Figure
2A) can be clearly recognized in the former plot, but
not in the latter. Even when structurally similar, the
patterns can evidently have very different wave
amplitudes; the contour interval is 50 m in Figure 2A
but 100 m in Figure 9B.
Forcing of Stationary Waves
Stationary waves are generated, ultimately, by the
zonal asymmetries at the Earth’s surface: orography,
continent–ocean contrasts, and sea surface temperature gradients. Through dynamic and thermodynamic
interactions with the zonal-mean flow, and subsequent
mutual interactions, surface inhomogeneities produce
zonally asymmetric circulation and precipitation features at upper levels. Comprehensive numerical models of the atmosphere, which include coupling between
physical and dynamical processes, are able to realistically model the observed stationary waves. In a sense,
the often posed question – on relative contribution of
orography and other processes in forcing of stationary
waves – has been addressed by such prognostic general
circulation models (GCMs). Comparison of GCM
simulations obtained with and without orography
provide insight. In these assessments, the change in the
heating distribution is attributed to orographic forcing, whose circulation impact is found to be comparable to that of all other processes put together.
Historically, answers to the above question were
sought in a framework where ‘orographic forcing’ was
used more restrictively – to refer to the dynamical
forcing of flow from mechanical diversion. In such
analysis, the entire heating distribution, regardless of
its origin (e.g., from condensation in adiabatically
cooled upslope flow), was regarded as an independent
forcing. This framework was adopted, perhaps, because mechanical diversion of flow by an orographic
barrier is conceptually easier to model. Such studies
lead to the rapid advancement of stationary wave
theory, including construction of potential vorticity
conserving models for the responses to orography,
meridional and vertical wave propagation analysis, and understanding of troposphere–stratosphere
Theoretical Considerations
Large-scale atmospheric motions in the extratropics
are approximately hydrostatic and quasi-geostrophic
(QG) in character. The hydrostatic approximation recognizes the operative balance between the
horizontally varying pressure and density perturbations, while the QG approximation acknowledges the
near-balance between the Coriolis force and the
horizontal pressure gradient. QG flow is thus dominated by the rotational component. Its evolution,
however, is determined, in part, by the comparatively
weaker divergent flow component, as described by the
vorticity equation
þ Vh =z þ bv ¼ ð f þ zÞð= Vh Þ
^ ð=V Þ ¼
Here, z is the QG relative vorticity ð¼ k
= cÞ, c is the geostrophic streamfunction, f is the
Coriolis parameter with qf =qy ¼ b, and Vh is the
horizontal QG flow. The right-hand term is the
product of absolute vorticity ðf þ zÞ and horizontal
convergence, and is often called the ‘stretching term’
because convergent flow leads to stretching of vortex
Due to compressibility of air, evolution of the
thermodynamic state is conveniently described using
potential temperature, y ¼ Tðp0 =pÞR=Cp , which is
conserved in adiabatic motion; p0 is the reference
pressure (1000 hPa). Potential temperature . thus
changes only in response to diabatic heating Q, as
qy Q
þ Vh =y þ w ¼
ðy0 =T0 Þ
qz Cp
where y0 ¼ T0 ðp0 =pÞR=Cp , with T0 ¼ Tðp0 Þ.
Since stationary waves refer to the zonally varying
component of the flow (here onward denoted by
prime), their dynamics can be described, to first order,
by linearizing eqns [1] and [2] about the zonal-mean
ðy; zÞ and
circulation, U
yðy; zÞ. The linearized equations are valid for small-amplitude perturbations:
yy Þ f ð= V Þ
z þ v 0 ðb U
zt þ U
y0 þ v0
yt þ U
yy þ w 0
yz ðQ 0 y0 =T0 cp Þ
For convenience, subscripts are used to denote the
partial derivatives.
Orographic Forcing and Response
The forcing and propagation of stationary waves can
be discussed using eqns [3] and [4]. In contrast with
diabatic heating, which is explicitly present as righthand forcing in the thermodynamic equation, the
mechanical forcing by orography ðh 0 Þ is implicitly
present through its kinematic impact on vertical
velocity at the lower boundary ðws Þ. In the presence
of the zonal-mean circulation, the linearized vertical
h0 .
velocity, ws , equals U
In simplified treatments of orographic interaction, the geophysical fluid is additionally considered
to be homogeneous and incompressible ð= Vh ¼
qw=qzÞ, so that response is determinable using the
vorticity equation alone – this ‘shallow water’ approximation is indeed reasonable for the interaction of
oceanic flows with underwater topography, but somewhat limited in capturing aspects of the atmospheric
interaction. In shallow water theory, density (or
temperature) is constant, and the horizontal flow,
including horizontal divergence, is height independent. Assuming that a rigid lid is placed at the top of the
fluid ðz ¼ HÞ, so that vertical velocity vanishes there,
h 0 Þ=H. The forced waves
one obtains qw 0 =qz ðU
has been
are then modeled by eqn [5], where U
additionally assumed to be latitude independent, and
perturbation vorticity is dissipated (e.g., by Ekman
spin-down) on an e1 time scale:
q=qx þ eðc 0 þ c 0 Þ
½q=qt þ U
þ bcx ð f =HÞU
To understand the forced response, consider an
arbitrary Fourier component of the geostrophic
^ eiðkxþlyorÞ g,
streamfunction: c 0 ðx; y; tÞ ¼ Realfc
k; l
where the hat denotes the complex amplitude corresponding to zonal and meridional wavenumbers, k
and l, and associated frequency o. For such a perturbation, eqn [5] yields the solution
ieðk2 þ l2 Þ=ðU
H½ðk2 þ l2 ÞðU
For stationary waves ðo ¼ 0Þ, the zonal phase speed,
cð¼ o=kÞ, vanishes. This simplifies the first term in the
denominator to ðk2 þ l2 Þ. In the presence of dissipation, the orography and streamfunction are not in
phase, since the denominator in eqn [6] is complex.
The possibility of resonance is also indicated in the
. Dissipainviscid case ðe ¼ 0Þ, when ðk2 þ l2 Þ ¼ b=U
tion however limits the wave amplitude at resonance,
^. The streamfunction and orography are
^ / ih
with c
901 phase-shifted (or in quadrature) in this case, with
the trough in the flow being a quarter wavelength
downstream of the mountain ridge. When forcing is on
, planetary vorticity adlarger scales, ðk2 þ l2 Þob=U
vection dominates zonal advection of relative vorticity
in balancing the orographically induced vorticity on
upslopes and downslopes. Both the real and imaginary
parts of the denominator in eqn [6] are negative in this
case, which puts the trough within a quarter wavelength downstream of the ridge.
It is interesting that troughs in the observed 300 hPa
stationary wave pattern (cf. Figure 2A) are also
downstream of the orographic features, but the extent
to which these are forced by local orography
remains somewhat uncertain, as discussed later.
Also, the assumed Fourier representation of the
streamfunction implies the presence of meridional
boundaries which confine wave energy to a midlatitude channel – a set-up conducive for resonance. The
sinusoidal zonal structure is also unrealistic, since
orographic features are generally localized. In nature,
the wave energy propagates away zonally, meridionally, and vertically from the localized forcing
region, thus calling into question the validity of the
solution [6].
The pedagogically useful shallow-water model
of orographic interaction is limited for other reasons
as well. The tropospheric flow cannot be assumed to
be homogeneous and incompressible, since cooling
(heating) from adiabatic expansion (compression)
during ascent (descent) is important in the thermodynamic budget. Moreover, a flow configuration which
satisfies the vorticity eqn [3] can be unbalanced from
the viewpoint of this budget. For example, when
planetary vorticity advection dominates the lefthand side in balancing the upslope divergent flow in
eqn [3], the thermodynamic budget [4] is unbalanced
in the absence of condensation heating (precipitation),
since both adiabatic ascent and equatorward
flow lead to colder temperatures. The generation of
orographic response must thus be understood by
considering the vorticity and thermodynamic equations together, so that any implications that one may
have for the other are fully accounted for. Such
considerations lead to the development of the QG
potential vorticity equation.
QG Potential Vorticity Equation
The prediction equation for QG flow that does
not explicitly reference the divergent flow
component is called the QG potential vorticity
equation. Although it can be derived quite
generally, the focus here is on its simplified linearized
version, when the zonal-mean flow U
independent of latitude. The equation is derived
by eliminating the divergent flow from eqns [3]
and [4]. In the zn ¼ ðRT0 =gÞ lnðp0 =pÞ coordinate, which reduces to geometric height in an
isothermal atmosphere, the QG potential vorticity
equation is
q 0t
q0 þ v0q
y ¼
q r0 Q 0
Hcp r0 qzn N 2
q ðx; y; zÞ ¼
c 0xx
c 0yy
qc 0
þ 2
r0 n
N r0 qzn
y ðzÞ ¼ b 2
r0 n
N r0 qzn
Since divergent flow is not referenced by this equation,
it is of some interest to examine the manifestation of
orographic forcing in this analysis framework. Not
surprisingly, this forcing enters as a lower boundary
condition, but in the thermodynamic equation [4].
This is because of the direct reference to vertical
velocity in eqn [4], in contrast with the vorticity
equation [3] which refers only to its vertical gradient.
h 0 , the boundary condition conveying
With ws ¼ U
orographic forcing is
y 0 þ v 0 yy
yt þ U
h 0 yz þ ðQ 0 y0 =T0 cp Þ at the surface
¼ U
Assume for purposes of this discussion that diabatic
heating vanishes at the surface, so that only adiabatic
cooling (warming) is occurring on the upslope (downslope). In steady flows, the heating can be balanced by
zonal eddy advection and/or meridional advection of
mean temperature. If upslope cooling is compensated
by the latter, the upslope flow will be poleward, and a
high-pressure center will be positioned over the
mountain ridge near the surface. The response at
upper levels depends upon the zonal scale of mountains: large wavelengths will propagate into the
lower stratosphere, and phase lines will tilt westward
with increasing height, all as depicted in the
Figure 10A schematic. It is interesting that although
thermal advection and vertical wave propagation
are absent in the shallow water model, the
horizontal structure of the long-wavelength solution
(in the presence of damping, eqn [6]) is not
too different from that indicated at upper levels in
Figure 10A.
Heating Response
The stationary wave response to heating can be qualitatively understood from the thermodynamic equation
[4]. In the deep tropics, horizontal variations of geopotential (and temperature) are much smaller since it is
difficult to maintain them in the presence of the weak
Coriolis force. Consequently, horizontal temperature
advection is ineffective in balancing diabatic heating in
eqn [4]. Away from the surface, heating is thus balanced,
almost entirely, by adiabatic cooling, with the vertical
In the midlatitudes, heating does not extend as
deeply into the troposphere as in the tropics. Heating
in the Pacific and Atlantic stormtracks, for example, is
confined mostly to the lower troposphere, as shown
later in Figure 11B. Midlatitude heating is offset to a
large extent by horizontal temperature advection;
larger temperature gradients are sustainable in midlatitudes due to the greater Coriolis force. Large-scale
heating in midlatitudes is balanced, mostly, by cold
advection from the north; the near-surface low is
thus positioned eastward of the heating. Interestingly,
vertical motion in the vicinity of midlatitude heating
is determined by vorticity balance considerations –
a complete reversal of the tropical situation:
cold advection from the north brings with it higher
vorticity air as well, and this induced vorticity
advection must be offset if a steady state is to be
maintained. The compensation is accomplished by
vortex compression, which has implications for the
temperature field.
Wave Propagation
Figure 10 Schematic depiction of the longitude–height response
forced by (A) westerly flow over midlatitude orography, (B) tropical
heating, and (C) midlatitude heating, all taken from Hoskins and
Karoly (1981). The orographic response is shown for the longwavelength case, and is determined from both dynamic and
thermodynamic (i.e., quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity) considerations. The arrows depict vertical motion, and circled crosses
and dots denote poleward and equatorward flow, respectively. H
and L denote the pressure ridge and trough, with the lines showing
the vertical tilt of the pressure wave. W and C are the warmest and
coldest air, respectively.
profile of w0 closely following that of heating. A
substantial portion of heating in the tropics results
from deep convection, which produces strongest heating in the mid-to-upper troposphere, as shown later in
Figure 11C. Such heating distribution leads to convergence (divergence) in the lower (upper) troposphere,
which results in vortex stretching (squashing). The
rotational response to the induced vorticity depends on
the horizontal forcing scale: if the scale is large, the
stretching is offset by poleward advection of planetary
vorticity, which is tantamount to the surface low being
positioned westward of the heat source, as schematically
illustrated in Figure 10B.
The qualitative arguments discussed above are
helpful in understanding the nature of response in
the forcing region. The stationary wave response
is however not confined to the forcing region alone,
since Rossby waves propagate zonally, meridionally,
and vertically, carrying the disturbance (energy)
into the far field (unforced region). The energy
propagation, or group velocity, characteristics depend
both on the perturbation scale and structure of the
basic state. Some zonal-mean zonal wind configurations encourage Rossby wave propagation, while
others impede it. Basic state flow can thus profoundly
impact wave propagation into the tropics and the
Theoretical analysis helps to focus on the basic state
attributes that are influential, e.g., the direction and
curvature of the zonal-mean zonal wind. A useful
quantity in wave propagation analysis is the refractive
index which seizes on these and other relevant
attributes. A display of refractive index variations is
often helpful, since it conveys, to first order, the wave
propagation pathways, as waves are generally refracted towards higher refractive index regions. Such
analysis suggests that midlatitude stationary waves
are refracted towards the Equator, drawn there by the
large index values resulting from diminishing westerly
winds. The tropical easterlies, in contrast, present an
effective dynamical barrier to equatorward propagation of midlatitude stationary waves. In the vertical,
waves with large horizontal scales alone can propagate upward, but only when the upper-level westerlies
are not too strong.
60° N
30° N
30° S
60° S
37.5° N
5° N
(C) 0°
60° E
120° E
120° W
60° W
Figure 11 (A) Mass-weighted vertical average of diabatic heating, calculated as a residual from the thermodynamic equation. The
winter season (DJFM) diagnosis is obtained from NCEP reanalysis fields for 20 winter seasons (1979/80–1998/99). The contour interval is
0.5 K day 1, with dark (light) shading for positive (negative) values in excess of 0.5 K day 1, and zero contours suppressed. (B, C) Zonal–
vertical (1000–100 hPa) cross-section of diabatic heating at (B) 37.51 N and (C) 51 N, with contours and shading as in panel (A). The
latitudes of the cross-sections in (B) and (C) are marked with thick lines at the edges of panel (A). A 9-point smoother is applied to the
heating field before plotting.
Diabatic Heating in Northern Winter
Diabatic heating plays a prominent role in the forcing
of stationary waves. In stationary wave theory, it is an
explicit forcing in the QG potential vorticity equation
[7], and even orographic forcing in this theoretical
framework manifests as surface heating [9].
In nature, heating resulting from the change of
phase of water substance, turbulent eddy diffusion,
and short-wave and long-wave radiative fluxes is
referred to as diabatic heating. (Note that the temperature of air parcels can change even without any
diabatic heating, from adiabatic compression or
expansion.) In contrast with Earth’s orography, whose
highly accurate measurements are widely known, the
three-dimensional structure of diabatic heating is only
beginning to be described. The main reason why the
heating distribution has remained uncertain is that,
unlike other quantities, heating is not directly measured. It is, instead, estimated, usually as a residual in
the thermodynamic budget. Since the heating estimate
is only as good as the quality of atmospheric data from
which it is diagnosed, the quality of atmospheric
analysis is critical for the diagnosis. Fortunately, data
coverage and quality and analysis methods have all
improved in the last two decades, and are reflected in
the modern reanalysis data sets. Heating diagnosis
from one such data set, the US National Centers for
Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis, is
shown in Figure 11.
The mass-weighted vertical average of diabatic
ðps 100Þ
p dp
is shown during northern winter in units of K day 1;
here, ps is the surface pressure, cp is the specific heat of
air at constant pressure, and the integration is from the
surface to 100 hPa. Key features in Figure 10A include
the heating centers in the extratropical Pacific and
Atlantic basins, which effectively define the two
midlatitude stormtracks. The northern continents, in
contrast, constitute the cooling regions. In the tropics,
heating is strong over the South Pacific convergence
zone and the Amazon basin. A narrow zone of heating
is also present in the Pacific just northward of the
Equator; this intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) is
much stronger during northern summer when it is
positioned a few degrees farther northward and fully
extended across the Pacific basin.
Diabatic heating has a complicated vertical structure which changes with latitude and season. The
changes with latitude are shown in Figures 10B and C,
which depict height–longitude cross-sections through
the midlatitude stormtracks (37.51 N) and the ITCZ
(51 N). The stormtrack heating is evidently strongest
near the surface, with peak values close to 6 K day 1,
and diminishes rapidly with height. Latent heating due
to precipitation in baroclinically unstable synopticscale disturbances is the primary contributor to
stormtrack heating. Diabatic cooling, on the other
hand, is comparatively weaker, and focused more near
the tropopause in this estimation, for reasons that are
not clear.
The vertical structure of ITCZ heating is strikingly
different. Although the entire column is being heated,
heating is generally strongest in the mid-to-upper
troposphere. For example, over the tropical Pacific
warm pool – the site of persistent deep convection –
heating is strongest (B3 K day 1) at 400 hPa. In
contrast, heating over land (e.g., equatorial Africa) is
strongest near the surface due to sensible heating. The
heating structure over Central America is also similar,
except that elevated surface heating there has produced some deep convection as well.
Interaction with Transients
The climatological stationary waves coexist with
vigorous atmospheric motions occurring on a variety
of time scales (Figure 9), and there are strong interactions between these transient motions and the stationary waves. Transient motions are the instantaneous
departures of the flow from its climatological state,
and the time mean of transient motion thus vanishes,
by definition. However, fluxes of heat and vorticity by
transients do not vanish in general. For example, the
contribution of transients to the advection terms in
eqn [2] can be written as
Vh =y 0 0 þ w 0 0 qy 0 0 =qz
00 00
= ðVh y Þ þ qðo y Þ=qp
right-hand side of eqn [10] is the heat-flux divergence
from transient motions. In synoptic systems, northward (southward) transient motions are typically
accompanied by positive (negative) temperature fluctuations, so that heat flux diverges to the south of a
stormtrack and converges to the north. The heat-flux
divergence acts as heat sources and sinks for the timemean flow, and the stationary waves respond to this
thermal forcing just as they respond to diabatic
heating. Likewise, the convergence of transient vor00
ticity flux ð= ðVh z 0 0 Þ qðo 0 0 z 0 0 Þ=qpÞ provides
sources and sinks of vorticity for the stationary waves.
The net effect of transient thermal and vorticity
fluxes on stationary waves is not easy to characterize.
However, it is clear that transient forcing is strong
enough in northern winter to exert a powerful
influence on stationary waves. The 700 hPa heat-flux
convergence by perturbations lasting less than 1
month is superimposed in Figure 12A on the local
winter eddy temperature pattern. The two fields
evidently oppose each other. For example, transient
heat fluxes diverge from the warmer regions over the
Atlantic and the west coast of North America and
converge in the colder regions above north-eastern
Canada. Thus, throughout most of the northern
midlatitudes, transient thermal fluxes have a damping
effect on the lower tropospheric stationary eddy
temperature pattern. Furthermore, the forcing by
transient thermal fluxes is on the order of 0.5 K day 1,
, while the eddy temperatures are about 4 K. In the
absence of other processes, it would take little more
than a week for the thermal fluxes to reduce dramatically the 700 hPa eddy temperature field. Such a
reduction also implies a substantial weakening of the
upper-level geopotential pattern, since temperature is
the vertical derivative of geopotential in hydrostatic
While transients are an important influence on
stationary waves, the stationary waves can be equally
influential for the transients. One way in which
stationary waves organize transients is by creating
localized regions of strong cyclogenesis. Synoptic
systems tend to develop in regions of strong lower
tropospheric temperature gradients, and such regions
are present off the coasts of Asia and North America in
Figure 12A. The ability of the local temperature
gradient to enhance the growth of synoptic systems
can be measured by the Eady growth parameter ðeÞ:
e ¼ 0:31
where the double prime denotes the transient component and o is the vertical velocity in p-coordinates. The
jTðT0 q ln y= g qzÞj1=2
Its plot in Figure 12B shows large values in the same
regions where stormtrack heating occurs in Figure
11A. Comparison of these panels suggests that
steering winds that determine storm paths and by
exchanging mechanical energy with the storms.
The Eady growth rate is applicable to synoptic
transients, which grow by extracting energy from the
thermal gradients (or vertical shear) of the climatological state. Synoptic systems, in fact, account for less
than half of the transient forcing in the vorticity and
thermodynamic equations for the climatological stationary waves. Furthermore, the slower transients
(those with time scales between, say, 10 days and 1
month) are quite distinct from synoptic transients.
They do not generally travel along concentrated
stormtracks, nor do they typically grow by extracting
energy from the climatological temperature gradients.
Although these transients are certainly influenced by
the climatological stationary waves, the nature of this
influence is rather complex and cannot be easily
Modeling of Northern Winter
Stationary Waves
Figure 12 (A) The 700 hPa eddy temperature (thick contours)
and heat-flux convergence by transient motions (shading and white
contours) in northern winter months (DJFM). The contour interval
for temperature is 2 K, and dashed lines represent negative values.
The contour interval for heat-flux convergence is 0.5 K day 1, with
dark (light) shading for positive (negative) values in excess of
0.5 K day 1. Zero contours for temperature and heat-flux convergence are suppressed, and regions where the surface pressure is
less than 700 hPa are masked out. (B) Eady growth parameter in
northern winter (DJFM), calculated from the 700 hPa temperature
gradients. The contour interval is 0.1 day 1, with dark shading for
values in excess of 0.6 day 1.
stationary waves play an important role in determining the locations of stormtracks. In addition to this
effect on growth rate, stationary waves can also have a
mechanical effect on stormtracks, by changing the
Modeling of orographically forced stationary waves
dates back to the seminal paper of Charney and
Eliassen in 1949, in which linear shallow water theory
was applied to the longitudinal distribution of orography at 451 N. The earlier discussion here, including
the development of eqn [5] and its solution [6], largely
follows the analysis reported in that paper. Charney
and Eliassen found the midlatitude mountains to be
rather influential, accounting for almost all of the
observed signal in their analysis.
Since that time, diabatic heating due to continent–
ocean contrasts, and transient fluxes of heat and
momentum have also been advocated as important
mechanisms for the generation of stationary waves. In
the intervening period, the atmosphere has been more
closely observed, both spatially and temporally, and
there has been a tremendous increase in computational
power for modeling studies. A reassessment of the
relative roles of various forcing mechanisms is thus in
order. In effect, more complete versions of the
dynamical and thermodynamical equations can now
be solved globally at high resolution, and verified
against the extensive record of upper-air observations
that have been compiled since.
It is still advantageous of linearize the system of
equations, at least initially, since this allows the
influence of individual forcing terms to be examined
separately. Of course, the forcing terms can have
strong mutual interactions. For example, heating can
cause eddy flow which then impinges on mountains,
and the subsequent orographically induced uplift can
generate convection and lead to further heating.
However, linear diagnostic models serve a valuable
purpose in assessing the relative importance of the
different forcing terms in different regions. They also
indicate the degree to which linear perturbation theory
applies to stationary waves.
A linear simulation of northern winter stationary
waves is presented in Figure 13. The linear model uses
s ¼ p=ps as the vertical coordinate (here ps is the
surface pressure) so that mountains do not intersect
the model levels. There are 15 levels in the vertical,
ranging from 1000 to 25 hPa, and the horizontal
resolution is 7.51 in the zonal direction and about 2.51
in the meridional direction. As in eqns [3] and [4], the
model is linearized about the zonal-mean climatological state. The momentum and thermal dissipation in
the model is roughly equivalent to a 5-day damping
time scale in eqns [3] and [4]. The forcing consists of
three-dimensional diabatic heating (Figure 11), orographic height, and transient fluxes of heat and
The 300 hPa response obtained with all forcings is
shown in Figure 13A, and plotted using the convention
used in Figure 2A, with which it should be compared.
The linear model can simulate the ridge over the
Atlantic, the low off the east Asian coast, and the
trough over Canada. A notable flaw in the simulation
is the weakness of the ridge over the Rockies. The
solution shows that linear perturbation theory can
explain many, though not all, aspects of the observed
stationary wave pattern.
The model response when forced separately by
diabatic heating, mountains, and transients is shown
in panels (B)–(D), respectively; note that contour
interval in these three panels is half that in panel (A).
All three forcings contribute significantly to the total
pattern. The heating response includes jets in the
Asian–Pacific and Atlantic sectors. Heating is evidently important in establishing the ridge over the Atlantic
and northern Europe, and contributes significantly to
the trough over Canada as well.
The response to mountains in panel (C) shows
troughs downstream of the Himalayan–Tibetan complex and the Rockies, as suggested by the shallow
water solution [6] and also QG potential vorticity
considerations (cf. Figure 10A), in each case for long
wavelengths. Thus, orography contributes to the
Figure 13 (A) The 300-hPa height response of a linear stationary wave model forced by heating, mountains, and transient fluxes of heat
and momentum. The contour interval is 50 m, with dark (light) shading for positive (negative) values in excess of 50 m. (B–D) Response of
the model when forced separately by (B) heating, (C) mountains, and (D) transient fluxes. The contour interval in (B–D) is 25 m.
forcing of the jets as well. The high amplitudes directly
over Greenland and Tibet are a consequence of the
linearization of the hydrostatic equation in s-coordinates. Examination of geopotential heights gives a
somewhat misleading impression that waves generated by mountains propagate primarily in the zonal
direction. Examination of the modeled streamfunction (a more suitable variable for describing the
rotational response in the tropics; not shown), however, reveals considerable equatorward propagation of
the forced waves.
The forcing by submonthly transients (panel D)
produces a somewhat intricate pattern with no clear
relationship to the synoptic stormtracks. Transients
are apparently responsible for a large part of the
response over eastern Atlantic and northern Europe.
Studies of stationary wave dynamics have traditionally focused on the question of the relative
importance of the various forcing terms in generating
the observed pattern. Yet recent simulations such as
the one in Figure 13 show clearly that the northern
winter stationary waves do not constitute a simple
linear response to a single form of forcing. Furthermore, linearized equations, such as eqns [3] and [4],
neglect the advection of eddy heat and vorticity by the
stationary waves themselves, and also the effect of
eddy winds impinging on the mountains. These terms
play an important role in generating some features of
the stationary wave pattern, such as the ridge over the
Rockies. Future examinations of stationary wave
dynamics will have to assess not only the relative
importance of various forcing terms but their mutual
interactions, and the nonlinear interactions of the
stationary waves themselves.
See also
Climate Variability: Seasonal to Interannual Variability.
Coriolis Force. Cyclogenesis. Dynamic Meteorology: Overview; Waves. Stratosphere–Troposphere
Exchange: Global Aspects.
Further Reading
Gill AE (1982) Atmosphere–Ocean Dynamics. Orlando:
Academic Press.
Grotjahn R (1993) Global Atmospheric Circulations: Observations and Theories. New York: Oxford University
Holton JR (1992) An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology. New York: Academic Press.
Hoskins BJ and Karoly DJ (1981) The steady linear response
of a spherical atmosphere to thermal and orographic
forcing. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 38:
Hoskins BJ and Pearce R (1983) Large-Scale Dynamical
Processes in the Atmosphere. London: Academic Press.
James IN (1994) Introduction to Circulating Atmospheres.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Saltzman B and Manabe S (eds) (1985) Advances in
Geophysics, vol. 28, Issues in Atmospheric and Oceanic
Modeling. Orlando: Academic Press.
Global Aspects
Local Processes
Global Aspects
J R Holton, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The troposphere and the stratosphere are separated by
a boundary called the tropopause, whose altitude
varies from about 16 km in the tropics to about 8 km
near the poles. The troposphere is characterized by
rapid vertical transport and mixing caused by weather
disturbances; the stratosphere is characterized by very
weak vertical transport and mixing. The tropopause
thus represents a boundary between the troposphere,
where chemical constituents tend to be well mixed,
and the stratosphere, where chemical constituents
tend to have strong vertical gradients. The two-way
exchange of material that occurs across the tropopause is important for determining the climate and
chemical composition of the upper troposphere
and the lower stratosphere. This cross-tropopause
transport is referred to as stratosphere–troposphere
exchange. The upward transport of tropospheric
constituents into the stratosphere occurs primarily in
the tropics, and initiates much of the chemistry that is
responsible for global ozone depletion. The downward transport of stratospheric constituents into the
troposphere occurs mostly in the extratropics and not
only serves as the major sink for some of the
constituents involved in stratospheric ozone depletion, but also provides a source of upper tropospheric
This pattern of upward cross-tropopause transport
in the tropics and downward cross-tropopause transport in the extratropics is part of a global mass
circulation in the stratosphere that occurs as an
indirect response to zonal (westward) forcing in the
stratosphere, which is caused by the breaking of largescale waves propagating from the troposphere. The
magnitude and variability of this stratospheric mass
circulation, and its consequences for atmospheric
chemistry, are primary considerations in the study of
stratosphere–troposphere exchange.
The Dynamics of Mean Mass Exchange
The Dynamical Definition of the Tropopause
The tropopause is traditionally defined by meteorologists as the lowest level at which the rate of decrease
of temperature with respect to height (normally about
6 K km 1 in the troposphere) decreases to 2 K km 1,
and the average from this level to any level within the
next 2 km does not exceed 2 K km 1. This definition,
however, does not always clearly mark the boundary
between stratospheric and tropospheric air. The
physical tropopause is better defined in terms of a
specified critical value for a long-lived tracer such as
ozone, which has distinctly different stratospheric and
tropospheric values. Because global observations of
ozone in the vicinity of the tropopause are very limited,
it has become common to use as an alternative marker
for the tropopause a dynamical field called the
potential vorticity. Potential vorticity is somewhat
analogous to spin angular momentum. For large-scale
atmospheric motions potential vorticity is approximately given by P ¼ r1 ðz þ f Þðqy=qzÞ where r is the
air density, z is the vertical component of relative
vorticity, f is the Coriolis parameter (twice the local
vertical component of the Earth’s angular velocity), y
is the potential temperature (a measure of entropy,
which increases rapidly with height in the stratosphere), and z is the height above sea level. Since qz=qy
may be regarded as a local measure of the depth of the
layer between two potential temperature surfaces, an
increase in qz=qy implies stretching of vortex tubes and
an increase in the absolute vorticity, while a decrease in
qz=qy implies shrinking of vortex tubes and a decrease
in the absolute vorticity; this is somewhat like the spin
angular momentum of a ballerina or figure skater.
Outside the tropics, potential vorticity is positively
correlated with ozone in the extratropical lower
stratosphere, and is a particularly suitable tracer for
defining the tropopause. Potential vorticity increases
dramatically from troposphere to stratosphere, and it
can be readily calculated from conventional wind and
temperature data. As shown in Figure 1, the tropopause defined in terms of a critical value of potential
vorticity does not coincide with an isentropic surface,
South Pole
Altitude (km)
Pressure (hPa)
North Pole
Figure 1 Latitude–altitude cross-section for January 1993 showing longitudinally averaged potential temperature (solid contours) and
temperature (dashed contours). The heavy solid contour (cut off at the 380 K potential temperature surface) denotes a constant potential
vorticity contour, which approximates the tropopause outside the tropics. Shaded areas denote the ‘lowermost stratosphere’ region whose
potential temperature surfaces span the tropopause. (Reproduced with permission from Holton JR, Haynes PH, McIntyre ME et al. (1995)
Stratosphere–Troposphere exchange. Reviews of Geophysics 33: 403–439.)
but rather cuts across the isentropes as it slopes
downward toward the poles in midlatitudes. The
region of the stratosphere where the isentropes intersect the tropopause is called the ‘lowermost stratosphere’, and must be clearly distinguished from the
region above where the isentropes lie entirely in the
stratosphere. This latter region is often referred to as
the ‘overworld’.
The Diabatic Circulation
Potential temperature is a function of specific entropy
alone and is thus conserved by fluid parcels when the
motion is adiabatic. Since diabatic processes operate
on the time scale of weeks in the lower stratosphere, on
shorter time scales parcels move approximately along
constant potential temperature surfaces. Transfer of
mass and chemical constituents from the troposphere
into the stratospheric overworld, however, clearly
requires motion across isentropic surfaces. This transport is accomplished by a mean meridional crossisentropic mass circulation. Such a circulation was
first deduced by Brewer and Dobson, who showed that
observations of the stratospheric distributions of
water vapor and ozone were consistent with the
notion that upward transport in the stratosphere is
limited to the tropics, while downward transport
occurs in the extratropics. Thus, the stratosphere is
dehydrated by the freeze drying of air passing upward
through the extremely cold tropical tropopause, and
ozone accumulates at high latitudes in the lower
stratosphere through poleward and downward transport from its source region in the upper tropical
This transport circulation is now commonly referred to as the Brewer–Dobson circulation. It is often
called the ‘diabatic circulation’, since it is associated
with the diabatic processes of radiative heating and
upward motion across isentropes in the tropics, and
with radiative cooling and downward motion across
the isentropes in the extratropics. For long-lived trace
constituents, such as methane and nitrous oxide, this
pattern of meridional overturning, moving up in the
tropics and down in the extratropics, tends to produce
surfaces of constant mixing ratio that are elevated in
the tropics and slope downward toward the poles,
while mixing along the isentropes by planetary waves
tends to flatten the slopes of surfaces of constant tracer
mixing ratio.
Although it is associated with diabatic heating and
cooling, the Brewer–Dobson circulation is not forced
by radiative heating, nor is it forced directly from
below by penetration of convection into the stratosphere. Rather, it is a nonlocal response to an extratropical wave-driven pumping action. This pumping is
caused by the wave-induced westward force in the
extratropical stratosphere. Because the Earth is rotating rapidly, pushing air westward produces a gyroscopic effect in which the air drifts poleward. By mass
continuity a poleward drift in midlatitudes is compensated by upward motion accompanied by expansion and adiabatic cooling in the tropics and
downward motion accompanied by compression and
adiabatic warming in the extratropics (Figure 2). This
distribution of adiabatic cooling and heating maintains the temperature below radiative equilibrium in
the tropical upwelling region, and above radiative
equilibrium in the extratropics. Thus, the distribution
of radiative heating and cooling in the stratosphere
does not drive the mean meridional mass flow, rather it
is a response to the dynamically driven mass flow.
Rossby Waves
Wave driving in the extratropical stratosphere is
caused primarily by Rossby wave breaking. Rossby
waves owe their existence to the latitudinal gradient of
potential vorticity along isentropic surfaces. Because
of this gradient, a fluid parcel displaced poleward or
equatorward (and materially conserving its potential
vorticity) will have potential vorticity different from
that in the local environment and will induce a
perturbation velocity disturbance. This will cause
parcel displacements of the same sign to the west of the
original displaced parcel, and of the opposite sign to
the east. The result is a wave pattern in the potential
vorticity field that propagates westward relative to the
mean flow. When such a wave breaks in the stratosphere it produces a westward directed zonal force, or
wave drag (see Rossby Waves).
Global Exchange: The Lowermost
Stratosphere and the Overworld
Global mass exchange into and out of the chemically
important region of the stratosphere is to a large
degree controlled by the extratropical wave-driven
pump discussed above. Air in the overworld, where
isentropic surfaces lie entirely in the stratosphere,
cannot reach the troposphere without first slowly
descending across isentropic surfaces, a process
that must be accompanied by diabatic cooling. The
isentropic surface bounding the overworld and the
lowermost stratosphere generally has a potential
temperature around 380 K, depending on cloud top
heights (see Figure 2).
The distinction between the overworld and the
lowermost stratosphere implies that it is not always
essential to measure stratosphere–troposphere
exchange by the transport across the tropopause.
Pressure (hPa)
Figure 2 Dynamical aspects of stratosphere–troposphere exchange. The tropopause, defined by a specified constant potential vorticity
in the extratropics and the 380 K potential temperature surface in the tropics, is shown by the thick line. Thin lines are potential temperature
surfaces labeled in Kelvin. The shaded region is the ‘lowermost stratosphere’ where potential temperature surfaces intersect the
tropopause, and isentropic exchange by tropopause folding occurs. Light shading in the stratosphere denotes the wave-induced
westward zonal force. Wavy arrows indicate quasi-isentropic transport and mixing by large-scale waves. The two-way exchange results in
blocking of anti cyclones, cyclone cut off, and tropopause folds in the troposphere. The broad horizontal arrows are the meridional drift that
balances the wave-induced zonal force, and the broad vertical arrows show the nonlocally driven equatorial upwelling and extratropical
downwelling referred to here as the diabatic circulation. In the tropics some cumulonimbus clouds penetrate the stratosphere.
(Reproduced with permission from Holton JR, Haynes PH, McIntyre ME et al. (1995) Stratosphere–Troposphere exchange. Reviews of
Geophysics 33: 403–439.)
For many purposes transport into and out of the
stratospheric overworld may be more relevant, and
more effectively evaluated. For example, consider the
case of a chemical species such as methane (CH4) that
has a tropospheric source and a stratospheric sink,
with the sink being about 18 km or so, in the
overworld. The transport across the 380 K potential
temperature surface, which can largely be understood
as part of the global-scale circulation of the overworld,
is then an acceptable measure of exchange; indeed it is
often more relevant because of the higher location of
the photochemical sink. The same applies to a species
that has a stratospheric source and a largely tropospheric sink. In this context, details of the transport
across the tropopause are largely irrelevant.
For the understanding of mass and tracer transport
into and out of the overworld the replacement of the
tropopause by a more convenient isobaric or isentropic control surface located in the lower stratosphere is
useful. However, for some purposes the mass transport
across the actual tropopause is required. The net
downward mass fluxes across the extratropical tropopause and across an isobaric or isentropic control
surface that nearly coincides with the tropopause in
the tropics should be equal for a sufficiently long time
average. Such equality will not hold on seasonal or
shorter time scales since the amount of mass in the
layer between the extratropical tropopause and an
isobaric or isentropic surface coinciding with the
tropical tropopause may vary with time.
To focus on the important aspects of global scale
exchange, it is useful to distinguish between the
transport along isentropic surfaces, which can occur
in rapid adiabatic motions (wavy arrows in Figure 2),
and transport across isentropic surfaces, which requires diabatic processes. Since the tropopause intersects the isentropes, transport can occur in either way,
and is likely to occur in both ways. In the region of the
atmosphere called the lowermost stratosphere, where
isentropic surface intersect the tropopause, air and
chemical constituents can be irreversibly transported
across the tropopause as adiabatic eddy motions lead
to large latitudinal displacements of the tropopause,
followed by irreversible mixing on small scales. The
dark shading in Figure 2 shows the region within the
lower stratosphere most directly affected by these
eddy transport effects. The lowermost stratosphere
must be distinguished from the rest of the stratosphere,
being the only part of the stratosphere accessible
from the troposphere via transport along isentropic
Transport in the overworld must be clearly distinguished from transport in the lowermost stratosphere.
Transport in the lowermost stratosphere requires
consideration of the details of synoptic-scale and
small-scale processes. Horizontal mixing can be especially significant in the lowermost stratosphere, especially during ‘blocking’ events, when meridional
motions are enhanced. Thus exchange between the
troposphere and the lowermost stratosphere can be
significantly faster than exchange between the overworld and the lowermost stratosphere.
annual temperature cycle near the tropical tropopause, which is characterized by temperatures that are
several degrees colder in January than in July throughout the tropics, and several degrees warmer in January
than in July in the extratropics, as would be expected
from the influence of the annual cycle in adiabatic
cooling associated with the vertical motions. The
annual cycle in mass transport is also consistent with
the observed cycle in tropical total ozone, which is a
minimum in February and a maximum in August, as
would be expected from the enhanced vertical advection of ozone-poor tropospheric air into the tropical
lower stratosphere during the Northern Hemisphere
The Annual Cycle in Global
Stratosphere–Troposphere Exchange
Isentropic Exchange in the
Diagnostics of the wave-driven zonal force in the
extratropical stratosphere from analysis of conventional global meteorological data can be used to
produce estimates of the vertical mass flux across a
convenient control surface, such as the 100 hPa
isobaric surface (B380 K potential temperature surface in the tropics), which can be regarded as approximating the lower boundary of the overworld. This
technique works best for the solstice seasons, when the
time change of zonal momentum is small compared to
the wave-induced force. Results for the downward
mass fluxes across the 100 hPa surface for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres (and by continuity the
upward flux in the tropics) are shown in Table 1. The
deduced upward mass flux in the tropics is sufficient to
completely replace the mass above the 100 hPa surface
in about 2–2.5 years. The observations suggest that the
mass transport across the tropical tropopause is twice
as large in Northern Hemisphere winter as in Southern
Hemisphere winter.
This deduced annual cycle in mass transport across
the 100 hPa surface is consistent with the observed
As mentioned above, in midlatitudes the tropopause
cuts across isentropic surfaces so that two-way stratosphere–troposphere exchange can occur through
isentropic transport and mixing processes. Nevertheless, the boundary between stratospheric and tropospheric air remains very distinct in this region. This
suggests that there must be a rather strong dynamical
resistance to exchange along the isentropes. This
resistance is supplied by the mechanism of Rossby
wave propagation. Because of the strong isentropic
gradient of potential vorticity that marks the tropopause in the lowermost stratosphere, there is a very
strong Rossby wave restoring force in that region,
which limits the extent of parcel displacements across
the potential vorticity gradient. Hence, wave breaking
only occurs for large-amplitude disturbances. Because
there is a large store of available potential energy
associated with the strong meridional temperature
gradient in this region, large-amplitude weather disturbances quite frequently develop in this region,
especially in wintertime. The vertical circulations
associated with such disturbances create deep intrusions of stratospheric air into the troposphere, which
may then become mixed with tropospheric air to
produce irreversible transport into the troposphere.
Much of the ozone transport from the lowermost
stratosphere into the troposphere occurs in connection
with such ‘tropopause fold’ events.
The quasi-isentropic exchange initiated by tropopause folding could in theory occur in the absence of
the diabatic circulation. But in that case there would
necessarily be an equal quasi-isentropic reverse
transport of air from the troposphere into the
stratosphere in order to maintain mass balance.
The extremely low water vapor mixing ratios
observed throughout the stratosphere indicate,
Table 1 Solstice season mass flux across the 100 hPa surface
Mass fluxa (108 Kg s 1 )
NH extratropics
SH extratropics
Annual mean
Negative sign indicates downward flux. DJF, December, January,
February; JJA, June, July, August; NH, Northern Hemisphere; SH,
Southern Hemisphere.
Data from Rosenlof KH and Holton JR (1993) Journal of Geophysical Research 98: 10465–10479.
however, that the quasi-isentropic exchange in midlatitudes is mostly a one-way transport into the
troposphere. Furthermore, the large-scale diabatic
circulation is required to transport stratospheric
constituents such as ozone downward from the
overworld to the lowermost stratosphere. The average
rate at which such a species can be transported into the
troposphere is thus ultimately determined by the rate
at which the dynamically controlled large-scale circulation transports mass into the lowermost stratosphere. For this reason the details of mesoscale
tropopause fold events may not be important for
determining the global flux of ozone from the
stratosphere, although they will certainly strongly
influence the time and space distribution of such
intrusions of stratospheric air can penetrate into the
troposphere. These intrusions may also to some extent
be regarded as the result of the systematic effect of the
large-scale ageostrophic circulations associated with
the development of frontal structures near the tropopause. The stretching deformation that occurs
during frontal development stretches stratospheric
intrusions to ever finer scales and leads to irreversible
transport, often speeded up by turbulence resulting
from shear instabilities. Much of the ozone
transport from the lowermost stratosphere into the
troposphere is believed to occur in connection with
such tropopause fold events. Many studies have
confirmed that large episodic stratosphere–
troposphere exchange can occur in association with
tropopause folding.
Tracer Exchange in the Lowermost
The Role of Tropical Convection in
Stratosphere–Troposphere Exchange
Exchange of trace constituents cannot be treated in the
simple manner used above for the net mass flux
because net tracer exchange can occur in the absence
of mass exchange. For example, if one unit of air
containing a high ozone mixing ratio flows into the
troposphere and an equal unit with low ozone mixing
ratio flows into the stratosphere, there will be a net
downward ozone flux, but zero net mass flux. This sort
of process could lead to tracer exchange at the lower
edge of the lowermost stratosphere, where the tropopause cuts across isentropic surfaces.
Such exchange does not, however, occur on a
continuous basis. As noted above, the boundary
between stratospheric and tropospheric air along
isentropes that span the tropopause is normally
marked by strong isentropic potential vorticity gradients. The existence of this band of strong potential
vorticity gradients, and indeed similarly strong gradients in mixing ratios of species such as ozone and water
vapor, itself suggests that there must be rather strong
dynamical resistance to cross-tropopause transport
along the isentropes, since otherwise vigorous mixing
of stratospheric and tropospheric air would destroy
the band of strong gradients.
Nevertheless, stratosphere–troposphere exchange
of tracers can occur by isentropic transport in the
extratropical region. Development of strong upperlevel weather disturbances can lead to displacement of
the tropopause from its equilibrium position, followed
by nonconservative processes such as diabatic heating
or cooling or small-scale turbulent mixing. It is only in
the presence of such vigorous eddy motions near the
tropopause that the dynamical resistance to crosstropopause exchange can be overcome, and deep
Although convection does not control the rate at
which the diabatic circulation moves mass into or out
of the overworld, penetrative convection may influence a layer a few kilometers in depth in the region of
the tropical tropopause. This tropopause layer plays
an essential role in establishing the stratospheric water
vapor budget. Aircraft and satellite observations
of the water vapor distribution in the tropical
lower stratosphere reveal the existence of a water
vapor mixing ratio minimum (referred to as the
‘hygropause’). The hygropause often occurs well
above the tropopause. This feature is now believed
to result from dehydration to the saturation mixing
ratio at the tropopause (the freeze drying process),
followed by vertical advection of the resulting minimum in water vapor mixing ratio into the overworld
by the diabatic circulation. Since, as pointed out
above, the tropical tropopause temperature is colder in
Northern winter than in Northern summer, the driest
air enters the stratosphere in Northern winter (when
the hygropause is observed to be just above the
tropopause), and is advected upward to produce the
observed elevated hygropause near 19 km in Northern
See also
Dynamic Meteorology: Overview; Primitive Equations;
Waves. El Niño and the Southern Oscillation:
Observation. Instability: Symmetric Stability. Middle
Atmosphere: Transport Circulation. Rossby Waves.
Further Reading
Andrews DG, Holton JR and Leovy CB (1987) Middle
Atmospheric Dynamics. New York: Academic Press.
Brewer AM (1949) Evidence for a world circulation
provided by the measurements of helium and water
vapor distribution in the stratosphere. Quarterly Journal
of the Royal Meteorological Society 75: 351–363.
Dobson GMB (1956) Origin and distribution of polyatomic
molecules in the atmosphere. Proceedings of the Royal
Society of London A236: 187–193.
Holton JR, Haynes PH, McIntyre ME, et al. (1995)
Stratosphere–troposphere exchange. Reviews of Geophysics 33: 403–439.
Salby ML (1996) Fundamentals of Atmospheric Physics.
New York: Academic Press.
Local Processes
J F Lamarque and P Hess, National Center for
Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The tropopause separates the stratosphere from the
troposphere. It is located at the interface between two
air masses with distinctly different characteristics in
water vapor, ozone, potential vorticity, and other
chemical or physical quantities. Stratospheric–tropospheric exchange (STE) refers to the processes whereby mass and chemical species are transported between
these two atmospheric regions across the tropopause.
This exchange is important to the chemistry of both
regions as it regulates the transport of species with
tropospheric sources into the stratosphere (e.g.,
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), water vapor, and hydrocarbons) and species with stratospheric sources into
the troposphere (e.g., ozone and nitric acid). In this
article we identify and describe the small-scale processes occurring in the vicinity of the tropopause that
govern this exchange. We distinguish between these
processes and the large-scale regulation of the exchange by the zonal mean-meridional Brewer–Dobson
circulation (Figure 1).
The Brewer–Dobson circulation, a circulation
largely forced by wave breaking remote from the
tropopause, acts to drive air parcels up through
isentropic surfaces in the tropics (corresponding to a
mean heating of the air parcels) and down through the
isentropic surfaces in the extratropics (corresponding
to a mean cooling of the parcels). The dynamics of this
circulation determines the net STE on an annual time
scale. The upward branch of this circulation forces a
net exchange from the troposphere to the stratosphere
in the tropics and from the stratosphere to the
troposphere in the extratropics. Small-scale processes
influence precisely where and when STE of mass and
chemical species occur. Modeling studies suggest the
timing of the exchange, in particular, is important to
tropospheric chemistry. Small-scale processes also
influence the composition of the stratosphere in the
vicinity of the tropopause. In particular, the compo-
sition of the lowermost extratropical stratosphere (the
part of the stratosphere that shares isentropic surfaces
with the troposphere) is strongly affected by smallscale processes.
The operational definition of the tropopause by the
World Meteorological Organization is given in terms
of the temperature lapse rate. However, in the extratropics a dynamically based definition of the
tropopause is in terms of a potential vorticity
(usually taken at a potential vorticity equal to
2 10 6 m2 s 1 K kg 1). This definition cannot be
extended to the tropics, where it is convenient to
simply define the tropopause as the 380 K potential
temperature surface. Regardless of the definition, the
interface between stratospheric and tropospheric air
masses forms a wavy surface with substantial geographic variations in height, latitude, and longitude.
Significant displacements of the tropopause can occur
without STE. The tropopause is a dynamic surface so
that transport across it cannot be considered in the
same manner as transport across a surface unaffected
by transport (e.g., a constant altitude surface). For
example, while the mean height of the Northern
Hemisphere tropopause lowers during winter, the STE
peaks in the spring months.
The advantage of using potential vorticity or
potential temperature to mark the tropopause is that
these quantities act as tracers of air mass motion,
making them ideal to mark the interface between
stratospheric and tropospheric air masses. Potential
vorticity and potential temperature are conserved
along trajectories except for the processes of diabatic
heating (the vertical gradient of diabatic heating in the
case of potential vorticity) and mixing. The extent to
which these quantities are not conserved can be taken
as a measure of the STE. Therefore, STE can be defined
as the amount of mass or constituents transported
across potential temperature surfaces in the tropics
and potential vorticity surfaces in the extratropics.
Diabatic heating and its vertical gradient are generally
small in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.
Mixing is also expected to be slow due to the high
static stability of the stratosphere (which resists
Pressure (hPa)
Large-scale ascent
Two-way exchange
blocking anticyclones
cutoff cyclones
tropopause folds
Figure 1 Dynamical aspects of stratosphere–troposphere exchange. The tropopause is shown by the thick line. Thin lines are isentropic
surfaces labeled in Kelvin. The heavily shaded region is the ‘lowermost stratosphere’, where isentropic surfaces span the tropopause and
isentropic exchange by tropopause folding occurs. The region above the 380 K surface is the ‘overworld’, in which isentropes lie entirely in
the stratosphere. Light shading in the overworld denotes wave-induced forcing (the extratropical ‘pump’). The broad arrows show
transport by the global-scale circulation, which is driven by the extratropical pump. This global-scale circulation is the primary contribution
to exchange across isentropic surfaces (e.g., the 400 K surface) that are entirely in the overworld. (Reproduced with permission from
Holton et al. (1995).)
vertical displacements) and the high potential vorticity
gradients (which resist horizontal displacements) of
the lower extratropical stratosphere. However, as
discussed later, under specific circumstances, these
nonconservative processes are large enough to allow
for significant STE.
Because of the different processes involved, the
description of STE by small-scale processes is split
between the tropics and extratropics. In each section
we show how small-scale mixing and diabatic heating
at the tropopause result in exchange between the
troposphere and the stratosphere.
Although intensive research has taken place in the
last 40 years, there are still a large number of
uncertainties and unknowns in the small-scale processes involved in STE. In particular, the precise
mechanisms for the exchange across the tropical
tropopause are still not completely understood.
Tropical Regions
The tropical tropopause (located at approximately
380 K) is located in the upwards branch of the Brewer–
Dobson circulation (Figure 1) at a pressure of approximately 100 hPa and a temperature of approximately
70 to 801C. Constituents lofted across the isentropic surface 400 K (approximately 90 hPa) subsequent to crossing the tropical tropopause are likely to
be transported into the middle and upper stratosphere
by the large-scale Brewer–Dobson circulation. There
they can affect the composition of the stratosphere for
years. Between the tropical tropopause and 400 K
theoretical calculations and measurements of both
water vapor and atomic bomb debris (from the 1950s
and 1960s explosions) indicate considerable poleward
transport of trace constituents. This suggests that a
fraction of the constituents which cross the tropical
tropopause are not transported much above 400 K, but
are rapidly transported into the lowermost extratropical stratosphere, through mostly isentropic transport.
STE in the tropics is governed by a complex and
poorly understood interplay between convection and
the large-scale Brewer–Dobson circulation. Parcels
that cross the tropopause are initially transported
upwards in deep convective clouds. However, above
some height, the Brewer–Dobson circulation will
govern the subsequent uplift of the parcel. The
transition height between convection and the largescale circulation is not firmly fixed. At least the tropical
tropopause is often not clearly demarcated. Instead it
may be more accurate to regard the tropical tropopause as a rather deep transition region between the
troposphere and the stratosphere.
It is still an open question whether the transition
between convection and the large-scale circulation
typically occurs above or below the defined tropical
tropopause. Convective turrets do penetrate the tropopause on occasion, as observed in the Indonesian region,
for example. However, there is some doubt as to
whether these very deep convective events occur
frequently enough to supply the requisite upward mass
flux. In this case the upward motion across the tropical
tropopause could be of large scale, in which case
frequent high cloudiness near the tropopause would be
expected. Subvisible cirrus clouds are observed over the
warm pool of the western Pacific over 90% of the time
during Northern Hemisphere winter, but the cause of
this cloudiness is yet undetermined. On the other hand,
if convection supplies more than the requisite mass flux
above the tropopause, only the highest and coldest
convective events may end up impacting the stratosphere. In this case, outside the convective updrafts the
equatorial tropopause is in a subsident region.
The dryness of the air entering the equatorial
stratosphere (approximately 3 ppm by volume during
the Northern Hemisphere winter and 4.2 ppm by
volume during Northern Hemisphere summer) tightly
constrains the possible pathways through which
tropical air can enter the stratosphere. As this is
much drier than tropospheric air on average and
typically drier than the saturation water vapor mixing
ratio at the tropical tropopause, any theory of tropical
STE must account for the dehydration of air parcels
entering the stratosphere.
A possible mechanism for such low water vapor
mixing ratio is that air that enters the stratosphere has
been processed through a cloud. Indeed, as a parcel
travels upward and cools, water in excess of the
saturation vapor pressure condenses out. Efficient
dehydration requires that the parcel remain at cold
enough temperatures for ice crystals to grow to
sufficient size for rapid sedimentation. Otherwise, as
the parcel continues to rise into the stratosphere, the
ice crystals may reevaporate. Air with low stratospheric mixing ratios of water vapor has sometimes
been measured in association with deep convective
clouds. However, processes other than convection
may also play a role in dehydrating air. For example,
gravity waves propagating near the tropopause may
provide sufficient uplift to allow for additional condensation and loss of water vapor. Cloud processing
will also affect the STE of chemical species through the
attendant loss of soluble species.
Zonally averaged tropical tropopause temperatures
are not consistent with the extreme dryness of the
stratosphere. This suggests the hypothesis that there
are preferred regions in which air enters the stratosphere; air passes locally upwards through the tropical
tropopause only where the saturation vapor pressure
is low enough (from the very cold temperatures) to
allow for the sufficient dehydration of air parcels as
described above. One such region occurs in the
western Pacific (mostly in the vicinity of Indonesia)
during Northern Hemisphere winter, in accord with
the idea of a localized stratospheric ‘fountain’ through
which air enters the stratosphere. However, during the
Northern Hemisphere summer the temperature distribution from the large-scale meteorological analyses
indicates no region with temperatures persistently
cold enough to explain the water vapor record. At this
time of year the cold temperatures and dehydration
events must occur only sporadically in association
with spatially and temporally restricted events not
captured in the large-scale meteorological analyses.
Another hypothesis, introduced recently and still
being developed, is based on the existence of a deep
tropopause transition layer. The dehydration of air
occurs in convective systems but the transport of the
dehydrated air into the stratosphere occurs in a slow
ascent due to the overall net radiative heating in this
part of the atmosphere. In this view, the dehydration
and transport into the stratosphere occur at different
times and locations. This view of tropical STE is more
dynamic than the stratospheric ‘fountain’ and involves
vertical and horizontal processes at very different
scales. None of the hypotheses described above have
yet been able to fully and consistently explain the
observed distribution of water vapor in the tropical
Longitudinal variations in tropopause height and
temperature, and therefore the preferred locations of
equatorial STE, can be ascribed to an array of poorly
understood local processes. The coldest tropopause
heights are associated with the western Pacific warm
pool and the Northern Hemisphere monsoon. This is
consistent with convection playing an active role in
shaping the morphology of the tropopause. However,
the relationship between convection and the tropopause height is not straightforward. In particular, there
is indication that minimum temperatures at the
tropopause in January are centered on the Equator,
while convection maximized slightly south. The
radiative effects of convective clouds and the wave
motions forced by their diabatic heating obscure any
straightforward relationship between convection, the
height and temperature of the tropopause, and the
location of STE.
Moving poleward from the Equator, the tropopause is
conveniently defined in terms of a potential vorticity
surface. STE occurs between the lowermost stratosphere and the troposphere through transport across
this surface. While the transport can occur in either
direction, it is predominantly from the stratosphere to
the troposphere. The effect of transport in the opposite
sense is short-lived due to the downwards large-scale
mean meridional circulation, which acts to flush out the
lowermost stratosphere within a relatively short period.
In distinction to the tropical tropopause, the extratropical tropopause is usually clearly demarcated by strong
gradients in potential vorticity and trace constituents.
The Subtropics
Stratosphere–troposphere exchange in this region
occurs between the upper and mid-equatorial troposphere and the lowermost stratosphere. The subtropical tropopause drops rapidly near 301 from tropical
heights to the level of the extratropical tropopause
(approximately from 100 hPa to 300 hPa) (Figure 1).
Trajectories from analyzed winds suggest very little
STE occurs across this portion of the tropopause
during the winter months but that considerable STE
occurs during the summer months.
The subtropical tropopause cuts through the subtropical jet stream. This jet undergoes a substantial
annual cycle in amplitude with the strongest winds
occurring during the winter season. When the jet is
strong, mixing across it between the troposphere and
the stratosphere is inhibited; inhibited both through
the large potential vorticity gradients associated with
the jet, and the fact that breaking of tropospheric
waves and the resulting mixing is unlikely to penetrate
the jet core. Indeed, in the case of a strong jet the wind
speeds are substantially larger than those associated
with most tropospheric waves, implying that the
critical layers (where the phase speed of the wave is
equal to that of the large-scale flow field and therefore
where the wave is unstable and breaks) will occur
away from the jet core. During the summer months the
subtropical jet weakens considerably, allowing mixing
across the jet to be enhanced. Not only do the critical
layers occur closer to the jet core during the summer
months, but the smaller gradients of potential vorticity
associated with the summer jet make for wider critical
layers and weaker barriers to mixing.
The transport across the summertime subtropical jet
is primarily associated with the Asian monsoon (Figure
2), and to a lesser extent the Mexican monsoon. While
the monsoons of South America, Africa, and Australia
probably play a similar role during the austral summer,
their comparatively weak circulations are much less
effective in transporting air across the tropopause. As
indicated by the arrows in Figure 2, monsoon circulations are able to tap a particularly rich source of water
vapor in the midlatitudes. The resulting STE is believed
to be of primary importance to the seasonal cycle of
water vapor in the extratropical lowermost stratosphere and does not involve the pronounced dehydration that occurs in the tropics.
The tropopause is elevated over monsoon regions
with the associated anticyclonic circulation penetrating
into the lowermost stratosphere. A steady state monsoon circulation will not in itself result in STE.
However, due to the proximity of the monsoon
circulation to the jet core, perturbations in the circulation are likely to be important, resulting in isentropic
mixing between the troposphere and the stratosphere
(Figure 2) and associated STE. Moreover, the interaction between monsoon and midlatitude synoptic disturbances or large-scale low-frequency transients will
act to transport species across the tropopause. It has
been demonstrated in the case of the Asian monsoon
that the interaction can act to pull filaments (see the
following section on extratropical STE) of moist
tropospheric air into the stratosphere, and filaments
of dry stratospheric air into the troposphere.
The Extratropics
In the extratropics a number of local processes result in
STE. These include: stratospheric intrusions in the
troposphere and their subsequent fragmentation;
tropopause folds; cutoff lows; gravity waves; deep
convection; radiative processes in the vicinity of the
tropopause; and local dynamical instabilities. All the
processes listed above are examined in more detail
The process of fragmentation (i.e., breaking into
smaller and smaller structures such as filaments) of
10 m s
16q E_121q E July
Pressure (hPa)
_90q S
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of meridional transport and mixing adjacent to monsoon regions in northern summer, superposed on
contours of zonal wind (interval 10 m s 1). Heavy contours (interval 2 m s 1) and one-way bold arrows indicate climatalogical meridional
transport; two-way arrows illustrate mixing along isentropic surfaces. The large bold arrow at 301 N represents the western side of the
Asian monsoon. Its direction should be reversed for the eastern side, where v (meridional velocity) is opposite and slightly smaller. The
tropopause is shown (heavy dotted line, T) and the zero-wind line is labeled 0. (Reproduced with permission from Dunkerton (1995).)
stratospheric intrusions is strongly related to isentropic mixing. Parcel advection calculations suggest that
this mixing occurs vigorously throughout the year on
isentropic surfaces below 330 K and is therefore
responsible for most of the STE. The fragmentation
of stratospheric intrusions occurs as the large-scale
velocity field causes tongues of stratospheric air to
undergo large latitudinal excursions (Figure 3). Subsequently, these tongues can stretch and thin until they
become mere filaments of stratospheric air embedded
in the troposphere. This process can be viewed as the
fragmentation of the tropopause itself. Once the
filaments reach small enough scales they are rapidly
and irreversibly mixed into the troposphere. This final
mixing may occur due to dynamical instabilities
growing at the interface of the filaments (e.g., Kelvin–Helmholtz shearing instabilities) (Figure 4) or
through radiative decay. The associated potential
vorticity anomalies become increasingly susceptible
to radiative decay as they are stretched to small scales.
Satellite measurements of ozone and water vapor
suggest that fragmentation occurs continually in the
vicinity of the tropopause.
The fragmentation of intrusions across the tropopause is similar to the fragmentation of the polar
stratospheric vortex, creating the so-called stratospheric ‘surf’ zone. In both processes the associated
irreversible mixing can be traced to the large meridional parcel displacements that occur in the vicinity of
a Rossby wave’s critical layer. As only large-scale
waves can propagate into the stratosphere (due to the
vertical structure of the zonal wind), the waves which
break near the tropopause are of much smaller scale
(generally wave number 4–7) than those that break
higher up. Consequently the mixing regions are of
smaller scale. The waves that break at the tropopause
can often be linked to baroclinic instability. Depending
on the horizontal shear of the flow, the mixing can
occur on the equatorward side of the jet stream, in
which case stratospheric air extrudes anticyclonically
into the troposphere. In cases of enhanced horizontal
shear, mixing can occur on the poleward side of the jet,
in which case tropospheric air is entrained into the
Owing to the large potential vorticity jump across
the tropopause, strong ageostrophic circulations are
often created in association with baroclinic wavebreaking events. The ageostrophic circulations enhance the deformation fields due to the large-scale
winds and drive stratospheric air deep into the
troposphere along isentropic surfaces. During these
tropopause folding events, sheets of stratospheric air
with a small vertical to horizontal aspect ratio become
embedded deep within the troposphere. The ageostrophic circulation associated with tropopause folding is transverse to the jet, with the strongest
downward motion generally occurring in the northerly flow to the west of the upper level trough, near the jet
Figure 3 (A) Isentropic contours of potential vorticity on the 320 K surface for 14 May 1992, at 1200 UT, calculated from European
Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) operational analyses. The instantaneous tropopause appears as the first solid
contour (2 PVU); contours for 1, 1.5, 3, and 4 PVU are also shown. (B) Meteosat water vapor image for the same time as (A). The black
structures in the upper-left and right are indicative of dry stratospheric air.
entrance region (point A Figure 5). The exchange is
associated with both mixing and diabatic processes.
The mixing occurs mostly in areas of strong upward
and downward motion, as shown by several
high-resolution modeling studies. Diabatic effects
(latent heat release in clouds and radiative heating/
cooling in the vicinity of clouds) seem to occur mostly
in the center of the curvature of the jet stream.
3504.2 3516.8 3526.6
11444.8 11445.5 11447.0 11450.0 11448.5
Electra location
Altitude (km)
q N 3305.0
qW 11434.0
Relative atmospheric backscattering
11444.7 11445.6 11446.5
Electra location
Altitude (km)
3530.0 3540.8
11448.8 11449.8
q N 3305.8
qW 11434.0
Ozone mixing ratio (ppbv)
Figure 4 Cross-section of tropopause fold event on 20 April 1984. Color-scale displays of (A) relative aerosol distributions and (B) ozone
mixing ratios. In each case, the higher values of the parameter are indicated by yellow and orange. The mixing of the fold by shearing
instabilities can be seen at its leftmost edge.
Significant STE occurs during this process. In fact,
tropopause folding is considered the most evident
form of STE.
Under some circumstances tropospheric or stratospheric filaments wind up so as to consist of interwoven regions of stratospheric and tropospheric air. This
can create medium-scale potential vorticity anomalies; positive when stratospheric filaments wind up in
the troposphere, and negative when tropospheric
filaments wind up in the stratosphere. These anomalies
will typically be associated with closed circulations –
circulations that are temporarily resilient to deformation by the large-scale flow field. The corresponding
cutoff cyclones (when a high potential vorticity region
becomes trapped in the troposphere) and cutoff
anticyclones (when a low potential vorticity region
Figure 5 Three-dimensional view of the tropopause (PV 5 2 PVU) during a tropopause folding. The jet entrance (exit) is indicated by A
(B). Due to the ageostrophic circulation, the tropopause undergoes a strong downward motion at the western edge of the fold, followed by a
strong upward motion at the eastern edge of the fold. (Reproduced with permission form Lamarque and Hess (1994).)
becomes trapped in the troposphere), are often rather
long-lived, subject only to slow decay through mixing
and turbulent processes, radiative processes, and
convective mixing (in the cutoff cyclones). All the
above processes will result in STE.
Other processes may also contribute to extratropical STE. Because potential vorticity is not conserved
in the presence of a heating rate gradient, radiative
heating in the vicinity of the tropopause is likely to be
important, for example, the local heating induced by
the high cirrus cloud shield associated with synoptic
storms. Lidar (light detection and ranging) ozone
measurements and high-resolution modeling suggest
that gravity waves excited at the surface by strong
winds over steep terrain may at times be responsible
for mixing at the tropopause level. Strong thunderstorms in the extratropics occasionally penetrate the
tropopause, presumably resulting in STE, although
the effect of these storms has not been adequately
documented. Both extratropical convection and
topographic gravity waves will only result in STE
under specific conditions: topographically forced
gravity waves only occur under specific wind
conditions and intense convection is most likely to
during the summer months and over land. While it is
difficult to extrapolate from local events to their global
effects, the global importance of these processes is
likely to be small, although their local effects may be
See also
Baroclinic Instability. Critical Layers. Monsoon:
Overview. Ozone: Ozone Depletion. Tropopause.
Further Reading
Danielsen EF (1968) Stratospheric–tropospheric exchange
based upon radioactivity, ozone, and potential vorticity.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 35: 502–518.
Dunkerton TJ (1995) Evidence of meridional motion in the
summer lower stratosphere adjacent to monsoon regions.
Journal of Geophysical Research 100: 16675–16688.
Holton JR, Haynes PH, McIntyre ME, et al. (1995)
Stratosphere–troposphere exchange. Review of Geophysics 33: 403–439.
Hoskins BJ, McIntyre ME and Robertson AW (1985) On the
use and significance of isentropic potential vorticity
maps. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological
Society 111: 877–946.
Pierrehumbert RTand Yang H (1993) Global chaotic mixing
on isentropic surfaces. Journal of the Atmospheric
Sciences 50: 2464.
Randel WJ, Wu F, Russell JM III, Zawodny JM and Oltmans
SJ (2001) The seasonal variation of water vapor in the
lower stratosphere observed in HALOE data. Journal of
Geophysical Research 106: 14313–14325.
Shapiro MA (1980) Turbulent mixing within tropopause
folds as a mechanism for the exchange of chemical
constituents between the stratosphere and the troposphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 37:
Halogen Sources, Anthropogenic
Halogen Sources, Natural
Hydrogen Budget
Hydroxyl Radical
Reactive Nitrogen (NOx and NOy)
J A Pyle, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Introduction and Background
Ozone is perhaps the most important stratospheric
constituent. It absorbs solar ultraviolet radiation,
particularly strongly at wavelengths below about
310 nm where stratospheric ozone acts as a filter to
protect life at the surface from these potentially
harmful wavelengths. Absorption of solar radiation
by ozone also results in heating of the stratosphere and
leads to the observed stable temperature structure,
where temperature increases with height throughout
the stratosphere. Ozone is also infrared active and is an
important gas for the climate system. For these
reasons, the chemistry of the stratosphere is essentially
the chemistry of ozone and the minor constituents
involved in ozone chemistry.
In the troposphere, ozone is present in mixing ratios
(the ratio of the concentration of ozone to that of air)
of a few tens of parts per billion by volume
( few109 , or a few ppbv) but its peak mixing
ratio is much greater in the stratosphere, reaching
almost 10 parts per million (10106 , or 10 ppmv) at
just above 30 km (10 hPa) in low latitudes. Figure 1
shows seasonally averaged mixing ratios of ozone in
the stratosphere and mesosphere based on satellite and
ozone sonde data. In contrast, the largest absolute
concentrations of ozone are found in high latitudes
between 20 and 25 km and reach a few times
1012 molecules cm3. Another useful measure for
ozone is its column abundance, the vertically integrated density of ozone above the surface (also often called
‘total ozone’). For most species column densities are
measured in molecules per square centimeter. For
ozone, the traditional unit is the Dobson unit (DU),
named after the Oxford scientist who in the 1920s
pioneered the routine measurement of column densities using spectrophotometers to measure the absorption by atmospheric ozone of the solar spectrum. A
Dobson unit is a thickness of 1 millicentimeter at
standard temperature and pressure. Typical column
densities are 250 DU in the tropics, with little seasonal
variation, and 400 DU in high latitudes in winter and
spring. Figure 2 shows the average variation of the
ozone column, as a function of latitude and month,
obtained from satellite measurements by the total
ozone mapping spectrometer (TOMS) satellite instrument.
As we will see below, the ozone distribution is in part
controlled by radical species which themselves are
present in even lower concentrations. Typical mixing
ratios of the oxides of nitrogen are in the part per
billion range while for active chlorine species peak
values are usually around or below a part per billion.
Mixing ratios of odd hydrogen species are even lower.
The radicals themselves are produced from source
gases, of both natural and anthropogenic origin and
emitted in the troposphere. Thus, nitrous oxide is
FUB Ozone (ppmv)
Pressure (hPa)
2 3
90° S 60° S 30° S EQ 30° N 60° N 90° N 90° S 60° S 30° S EQ 30° N 60° N 90° N
Pressure (hPa)
90° S 60° S 30° S EQ 30° N 60° N 90° N 90° S 60° S 30° S EQ 30° N 60° N 90° N
Latitude (°)
Latitude (°)
Figure 1 Seasonally averaged zonal mean cross-section of ozone mixing ratio (ppmv) constructed from a combination of satellite and
ozone sonde data by the Free University of Berlin. (Courtesy of Dr Ulrike Langematz (FUB).)
TOMS LTMM Total Ozone (DU)
90° N
60° N
30° N
Latitude (°)
30° S
60° S
90° S
Time (month)
Figure 2 Long-term average latitude–time variation of the monthly and zonally averaged ozone column density (Dobson units) based on
the available TOMS satellite data from November 1978 to December 1999. The values are repeated for 2 years to emphasize the annual
cycle. The instrument measures reflected solar radiation, and the data gaps are in regions of darkness or twilight. (Figure produced by
Dr Peter Braesicke (University of Cambridge) from the original TOMS data (
emitted from the Earth’s surface and is relatively inert,
and hence well mixed, in the troposphere with a
present concentration of about 310 ppbv. It is oxidized
in the stratosphere to produce NO (and hence NO2).
Similarly, water vapor (2–6 ppmv in the stratosphere)
and methane (about 1.5 ppmv at the tropical tropopause) are oxidized to yield the odd-hydrogen species
H, OH, and HO2. The halogen species, which have
played an important role in ozone depletion during the
last two decades, are mainly of recent anthropogenic
origin. Their major source gases include CH3Cl (with
predominantly natural sources), CF2Cl2 , and CFCl3.
These latter species are the so-called freons, which
were widely used in aerosol spray cans, refrigeration,
and foam blowing and are now regulated under the
Montreal Protocol. Along with a number of other
chlorinated species, these led to the present-day
abundance of chlorine in the stratosphere of about
3.5 ppbv. Similarly, there is about 20 pptv (parts per
trillion) of bromine in the stratosphere, arising from
the degradation of methyl bromide (which has both
natural and anthropogenic sources) and other industrially produced bromocarbons, used, for example, as
fire retardants.
Odd Oxygen and the Chapman
In 1930 Sidney Chapman proposed a series of
reactions to explain the distribution of stratospheric
ozone of which the most important are:
O2 þ hn ! O þ O
O þ O2 þ M ! O3 þ M
O3 þ hn ! O þ O2
O þ O3 ! O2 þ O2
(M represents any third body, usually N2 or O2 ,
required to conserve energy and momentum in a
termolecular reaction.)
Note that, in the troposphere and stratosphere, the
photolysis of oxygen is much slower than the photolysis of ozone. Reactions [2] and [3] are rapid and have
very short time constants for the conversion of O to O3
and vice versa, and they establish a steady state much
more rapidly than reactions [1] and [4].
J3 ½O3 ¼ k2 ½O½O2 ½M
([ ] represents concentration).
Note also that reactions [2] and [3] only interconvert the ‘odd oxygen’ species O and O3; i.e., they
conserve odd oxygen ð½O þ ½O3 Þ. In contrast, odd
oxygen is formed by reaction [1] and removed by
reaction [4].
Thus, we can write for the rate of change of odd
dð½O þ ½O3 Þ=dt ¼ 2J1 ½O2 2k4 ½O½O3
The time scale for steady state between reactions [1]
and [4] varies strongly with altitude, being on the
order of hours at 40 km but on the order of many years
at 20 km. Invoking steady-state in the upper stratosphere (i.e., setting dð½O þ ½O3 Þ=dt ¼ 0Þ is thus a
good approximation. In the low stratosphere, it would
clearly be a poor approximation since many external
factors (the intensity of solar radiation, temperature,
atmospheric transport, etc.) will all vary much more
In the upper stratosphere, setting dð½O þ ½O3 Þ=dt ¼
0, we can calculate the steady-state distribution of
ozone from eqns [5] and [6]:
½O3 ¼ ðk2 J1 ½O2 2 ½M=k4 J3 Þ1=2
Equation [7] describes the steady-state ozone concentration in an oxygen-only atmosphere. The vertical
profile derived from eqn [7] is consistent with the shape
(but not the magnitude) of the observed profile,
especially in low latitudes. Thus, eqn [7] predicts a
peak in the ozone mixing ratio at a little above 30 km.
However, this equation also predicts that the ozone
concentration should be very low in high latitudes,
when, for example, the photolysis rate of molecular
oxygen, J1 , becomes very low. However, observations
show large column amounts of ozone in high latitudes
in winter and spring (see Figure 2), when photolysis will
be at its slowest. The reason for the discrepancy lies in
the long photochemical time constant for ozone at low
altitudes. When the time constant is long, the transport
of ozone must also be considered so that the continuity
equation for odd oxygen (eqn [6]) must also include
terms to describe the transport. In reality, ozone is
produced in a source region in the low latitude middle
stratosphere and moved to higher latitudes, where
ozone is slowly destroyed, by the action of the
stratospheric general circulation.
For many years, it was thought that Chapman’s
model could adequately explain the distribution of
stratospheric ozone, at least in the middle and upper
stratosphere. However, with improved measurements
– both in the laboratory and in the atmosphere – it
became apparent that reaction [4] only removes about
25% of the odd oxygen produced by oxygen photolysis. Calculations based on just the Chapman reactions will seriously overestimate stratospheric ozone
concentrations, even when the photochemical time
constant is short.
Catalytic Cycles
Reaction [4] has an unexpectedly high activation
energy for such an exothermic reaction. It was realized
that, at stratospheric temperatures (200–290 K), odd
oxygen could be removed efficiently in catalytic cycles
which achieve the same result as reaction [4] without
loss of the catalytic species X or XO:
X þ O3 ! XO þ O2
Net :
XO þ O ! X þ O2
O þ O3 ! O2 þ O2
(i.e., the two reactions effectively catalyze reaction
Cycles of this kind were discussed for mesospheric
chemistry by David Bates and Marcel Nicolet in the
1950s. In the late 1960s and early 1970s attention
switched to their role in stratospheric chemistry,
pioneered by, for example, Harold Johnston, Paul
Crutzen, Mario Molina, and Sherry Rowland, who all
highlighted an important potential role in ozone
depletion for these cycles. They showed that if the
concentration of X increases, the ozone concentration
will fall: ozone would be depleted.
There are a number of candidates for X present in
the stratosphere. These include NO, H, OH, Cl, and
Br, all discussed in detail in separate articles. Here, we
will take the cycle involving the oxides of nitrogen
(NO and NO2 , members of the odd-nitrogen family)
as a single example of odd-oxygen destruction by these
catalytic cycles.
So, substituting X ¼ NO in the catalytic cycle,
NO þ O3 ! NO2 þ O2
NO þ NO2 ! NO þ O2
This cycle is responsible for about 50% of oddoxygen removal from the stratosphere, despite a
number of competing reactions of which the most
important is NO2 photolysis, very rapid even at low
altitudes. This produces a ‘null cycle’:
NO2 þ hn ! NO þ O
ðlo400 nmÞ
O þ O2 þ M ! O3 þ M
NO þ O3 ! NO2 þ O2
Assuming steady state between NO and NO2 based
on reactions [8]–[10] (a very good approximation)
then, after some simple algebra, the rate of oddoxygen change by the nitrogen oxides can be written,
dð½O þ ½O3 Þ=dt ¼ 2k6 ½NO2 ½O
and the total rate of odd-oxygen change for the
combined Chapman and odd-nitrogen cycles would be
given by adding eqn [6] to eqn [11]. Similarly, other
cycles, where X 5 Cl, OH, etc., have loss rates of the
form given by eqn [11]; the rate-limiting step usually
involves the reaction of XO with atomic oxygen, O.
The concentration of O is low in the low stratosphere
(since the rate at which O recombines to form O3 ,
reaction [2], increases with increasing pressure) and
thus the odd-oxygen loss rates are lower in the low
stratosphere, leading to the longer photochemical time
scales there.
These cycles dominate the middle atmosphere away
from polar latitudes. In polar latitudes severe ozone
depletion has been observed in recent years, forced by
halogen chemistry and with the halogens turned into
active form by reactions on polar stratospheric clouds,
at the low temperatures found there. The cycles are
again catalytic, and involve both ClO and BrO. For
further details, (see Ozone: Ozone Depletion).
One final general point is worth making, again to be
discussed in more detail in the articles discussing the
individual chemical families. This is that in addition to
the radical species involved in the catalytic cycles,
other family members exist and can play important
roles. For example, HNO3 is an important reservoir
species for odd nitrogen; i.e., a species which is a
‘holding-tank’ for NO and NO2 (and indeed OH and
HO2) but does not take part in ozone-destruction
cycles. Similarly, HCl and ClONO2 , the reservoirs for
odd chlorine, are usually the dominant form of
chlorine in the lower stratosphere, a fact which limits
chlorine-catalyzed ozone destruction, away from
polar latitudes, mainly to the upper stratosphere.
See also
Chemistry of the Atmosphere: Chemical Kinetics.
Middle Atmosphere: Transport Circulation. Observations for Chemistry (In Situ): Ozone Sondes. Ozone:
Photochemistry of Ozone. Stratospheric Chemistry
and Composition: HOx; Halogen Sources, Anthropogenic; Halogen Sources, Natural; Halogens; Hydrogen
Budget; Hydroxyl Radical; Reactive Nitrogen (NOx and
NOy). Stratospheric Water Vapor.
Further Reading
An excellent series of reviews of stratospheric ozone have
been published by the World Meteorological Organization as part of their ‘Global Ozone Research and
Monitoring Project’. The most recent report is No. 44,
Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1988.
Brasseur G and Solomon S (1986) Aeronomy of the Middle
Atmosphere. Dordrecht: Reidel.
Finlayson-Pitts BJ and Pitts JN Jr (2000) Chemistry of the
Upper and Lower Atmosphere. New York: Academic
Wayne RP (2000) Chemistry of Atmospheres. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Halogen Sources, Anthropogenic
A McCulloch, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
P M Midgley, M & D Consulting, Leinfelden Musberg,
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
None of the anthropogenic carriers of halogens in the
stratosphere is actually released there. They are
emitted close to ground level and have to survive
transport through the troposphere, requiring a lifetime
in the atmosphere of at least a year. Thus soluble
halogen-containing materials, such as hydrogen chloride (HCl), which are rained out of the atmosphere in a
matter of days, do not provide a significant halogen
input into the stratosphere; neither do the more
reactive materials, such as trichloroethene or tetra-
fluoroethene, which are oxidized in the lower atmosphere within a similar time scale.
The bulk of the halogen input into the stratosphere
is from anthropogenic gases that have atmospheric
lifetimes significantly longer than 2 years. These are
released from industrialized regions, principally in the
Northern Hemisphere.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), with atmospheric
lifetimes of 45–1700 years, were introduced in the
1930s as refrigerants that were safer than the toxic and
flammable materials then used. Despite the fact that
small amounts of CFCs have been measured in
volcanic vents, the natural contribution is negligible
compared with man-made sources. Carbon tetrachloride, which has an atmospheric lifetime of 35 years,
had been used as a solvent until the middle of the
twentieth century; subsequently it was mainly used as
a raw material for CFC manufacture, and emissions
into the atmosphere grew with CFC production.
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), with lifetimes
between 1.4 and 19 years, were introduced in the
1940s for deep freezing applications otherwise served
by ammonia. More recently, the HCFCs have become
partial replacements for CFCs. Halons, fire-extinguishing chemicals with lifetimes of 11–65 years and
containing bromine, were introduced in the 1960s. At
the same time the use of methylchloroform (1,1,1trichloroethane, atmospheric lifetime 4.8 years) as a
precision cleaning solvent was expanding rapidly.
Together with methyl chloride and methyl bromide,
which have significant natural fluxes, these carry
potentially reactive halogens (chlorine and bromine)
into the stratosphere and, with the exception of methyl
chloride, all are ozone-depleting substances controlled
by the Montreal Protocol.
The history of anthropogenic emissions and the
resulting atmospheric concentration is described here,
together with the consequential rise of chlorine and
bromine in the troposphere. CFCs, carbon tetrachloride, and most of the halons are removed from the
atmosphere only by photolysis in the stratosphere,
hence their relatively long atmospheric lifetimes.
HCFCs, methylchloroform and methyl halides are
oxidized in the troposphere and generally have shorter
atmospheric lifetimes, but for all compounds the
average time delay between release in the lower
atmosphere and decomposition in the ozone layer to
generate stratospheric halogen is 3 years. Furthermore, the relative effectiveness in ozone depletion of
each compound varies with the altitude at which its
halogen is released, and this, together with the time
delay, is taken into account when calculating the total
Equivalent Effective Stratospheric Chlorine (EESC),
which is a measure of the combined effect of all ozonedepleting substances.
Fluorine does not react with stratospheric ozone.
Consequently, the hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) that
are designed to replace CFCs are not controlled under
the Montreal Protocol. There is already a significant
stratospheric fluorine concentration arising from decomposition of CFCs and this is starting to be
augmented by HFCs, which have lifetimes between
1.5 and 240 years. The extent of this and the
concentrations of the much less reactive perfluorocarbons (PFCs) are also discussed.
The Chlorine Flux
Most of the anthropogenic chlorine content of the
atmosphere is a consequence of CFC emissions.
Historically, the largest single source was aerosol
spray cans from which the CFC propellant was
released immediately the can was used. Currently,
the principal release into the atmosphere is from a
declining stock of CFC contained in refrigeration and
air-conditioning systems and foam insulation; in these
applications, release of the substance occurs some time
after it was manufactured. The delay is variable.
Automobile air conditioners can release all of their
contents in a matter of a few years; on the other hand, a
domestic refrigerator has a typical service life of 20
years and the CFCs it contains leak only when it is
dismantled. Insulating foam can be in use for much
longer, with only slow release until (and if) the foam is
crushed. Uncertainties in estimates of the delay
between manufacture and emission into the atmosphere, characteristic of such uses, contribute significantly to the uncertainty of the estimated emission.
For almost 30 years the manufacturers of CFCs have
organized an annual collection of audited industrial
production and sales data for CFC-11 and CFC-12.
Historical production and sales records were also
extracted by the manufacturers for the period back to
first production in 1931 and the combined data
provide the basis for calculation of emissions of these
compounds. Annual emissions are estimated for each
major category of application based on the quantities
used, coupled with emission functions that take
account of the rates of release of the materials during
actual use and disposal (which are specific to the
application). The survey procedure and emissions
estimation have been extended to most of the industrial halocarbons:
CFC-11 (trichlorofluoromethane), principally used
in aerosols and foam insulation
CFC-12 (dichlorodifluoromethane), principally
used in aerosols and refrigeration
CFC-113 (1,1,2-trichlorotrifluoroethane), a solvent
CFC-114 (1,1,2,2-tetrafluorodichloroethane), principally used in aerosols and refrigeration
CFC-115 (chloropentafluoroethane), a refrigerant.
In much of the world, CFC production was carried out
by subsidiaries of companies that reported their
production and sales into the database and up to 15
years ago the only producing country not included was
the USSR. Since then India, China, and Korea have
become significant producers, although they too do
not report into the industrial database. However,
national aggregate CFC production now has to be
reported to the Secretariat of the Montreal Protocol by
all parties. The estimated historical quantities released, shown in Table 1, are based on a composite
global estimate of annual production from the industrial and legislative databases.
Table 1 Emissions of CFCs (Gg y 1)
(CFCl3; 45 y)a
(CF2Cl2; 100 y)
(CF2ClCFCl2; 85 y)
(CF2ClCF2Cl; 300 y)
(C2F5Cl; 1700 y)
Sources: AFEAS (Alternative Fluorocarbons Environmental Acceptability Study) (2000), Production, Sales and Atmospheric Release of
Fluorocarbons through 1998. Washington, DC: AFEAS. Midgley PM and McCulloch A (1999) Production, sales and emissions of
halocarbons from industrial sources. In: Fabian P and Singh ON (Eds) The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, vol 4. Part E, Reactive
Halogen Compounds in the Atmosphere, pp. 157–190. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
The formula and atmospheric lifetime in years are given in parentheses.
For each sales category a characteristic pattern of
emissions in time was established by market surveys
carried out by the producers. This enabled estimates of
annual emissions as outlined above. These have been
the subject of a sensitivity study that confirmed that
the largest contributions to the uncertainties came
from the fraction of production that was not reported
in the industrial data and the rate of release of
materials from closed-cell foams. The first of these
has been addressed using the database from the
Montreal Protocol, which now matches the industrial
data reliably (to within 1% over the same set of
countries). The second is a particular problem for
CFC-11, where the range of emissions resulting from
the lowest credible estimate of the release from closedcell foams to the highest is 13.1%. For the period up to
1992, a mid-range estimate was used in Table 1. In
recent years, as the degree of containment of CFCs in
systems has improved, the historical emissions functions have tended to overestimate releases. This was
allowed for in the estimates developed for recent
Scientific Assessments and, from 1992 onwards, it is
those values that are shown in Table 1.
In all cases the release estimates show substantial
falls during the 1990s. The fall in consumption has
actually been faster than that required under the
Montreal Protocol; nevertheless, large quantities of
CFCs remain in systems and may be released in the
future: for example, over 700 Gg of CFC-11 and
250 Gg of CFC-12 are currently unreleased.
Figure 1 shows how the atmospheric concentrations
of CFCs have grown. These were calculated using a
simple single-box model of the atmosphere and
current estimates of atmospheric lifetimes, according
to eqn [1], where C0 and Cy are the atmospheric
concentrations in the starting year and in year y, S is the
annual rate of release of the substance, and T is its
atmospheric lifetime.
Cy ¼ ST þ ðC0 STÞ expðy=TÞ
Tropospheric chlorine loading (ppt)
Table 2 Emissions of chlorocarbons (Gg y 1)
Carbon tetrachloride
(CCl4 35 y)a
Methyl chloroform
(CH3CCl3, 4.8 y)
1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998
Figure 1 Contributions to tropospheric chlorine loading from
chlorofluorocarbons: (a) chloropentafluoroethane (CFC-115); (b)
dichlorotetrafluoroethane (CFC-114); (c) trichlorotrifluoroethane
(CFC-113); (d) dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12); (e) trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11).
The units are parts per trillion (ppt, 1 in 1012) of
tropospheric chlorine loading, which is the calculated
concentration of each CFC multiplied by the number
of atoms of chlorine in its molecule. Thus, for CFC-11
(fluorotrichloromethane), the CFC concentration is
multiplied by 3.
While the growth in chlorine loading arising from
CFC-12 emissions has slowed in recent years, it is still
the largest of the CFC contributors and its absolute
concentration is still growing. The concentrations of
CFC-11 and CFC-113 have fallen discernibly, and
those from CFC-114 and CFC-115 are not large
enough to matter. Overall, the CFC contribution to
chlorine loading is now level in time.
The next largest contribution to the chlorine loading
of the atmosphere comes from carbon tetrachloride
(CCl4 , tetrachloromethane) and methylchloroform
(CH3CCl3 , 1,1,1-trichloroethane). Estimates of their
emissions are shown in Table 2.
Carbon tetrachloride is hepatotoxic at relatively
low concentrations and so has not been used as a
solvent in developed countries for many years. Its
principal use is as raw material for the manufacture of
CFC-11 and CFC-12 and it is thought that the
accumulation in the atmosphere now results solely
from process losses. It has not been possible to
quantify these losses in the same way as for the CFC
releases, consequently emissions into the atmosphere
have been calculated from the change in atmospheric
concentration over the period 1979 to 1996, using an
inverted form of eqn [1].
For methyl chloroform, an audited production and
sales database has been maintained from information
Sources: Midgley PM and McCulloch A (1999) Production, sales
and emissions of halocarbons from industrial sources. In: Fabian P
and Singh ON (eds) The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry,
vol 4. Part E, Reactive Halogen Compounds in the Atmosphere, pp.
157–190. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Simmonds PG et al. (1998)
Global trends and emission estimates of CCl4 from in situ
background observations from July 1978 to June 1996. Journal
of Geophysical Research, 103: 16017–16027.
The formula and atmospheric lifetime in years are given in
collected by the producers in much the same way as for
CFCs. With the exception of use as a chemical
intermediate (in which it is totally converted and not
released), methyl chloroform was used as an industrial
solvent, with total emission into the atmosphere.
Hence the emission function is relatively simple; 34 of
annual sales are estimated to be emitted in that year
and 14 in the following year. Long-term storage, over
one or two years, was accommodated by a linear
displacement of emissions in time. Prompt emissions,
coupled with a relatively short atmospheric lifetime,
have meant that the concentration of methyl chloroform shows the sharpest fall as a consequence of the
Montreal Protocol. Figure 2 shows the contributions
to chlorine loading from the individual chlorocarbons
superimposed on that from the CFCs.
Tropospheric chlorine loading (ppt)
1970 1974
1982 1986
1994 1998
Figure 2 Contributions to tropospheric chlorine loading from
CFCs and chlorohydrocarbons: (a) methyl chloroform (1,1,1trichloroethane); (b) carbon tetrachloride (tetrachloromethane);
(c) all CFCs combined, as shown in Figure 1.
Despite their potential to replace CFCs, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) have relatively little impact on
atmospheric chlorine loading. The principal member
of this group of substances, chlorodifluoromethane
(HCFC-22), has been used as a refrigerant fluid since
1946; its low boiling point makes it suitable for lowtemperature duties and some airconditioning. As
shown in Table 3, HCFC-22 emissions have grown
to about 250 Gg y 1 and are now stable. Emissions of
the other HCFCs are one or two orders of magnitude
lower. HCFC-124 (1,1,1,2-tetrafluorochloroethane),
introduced comparatively recently, is an aerosol propellant and refrigerant fluid that is produced in modest
amounts. HCFC-141b (1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane),
again a relative newcomer, is produced in much larger
quantities for use either as a blowing agent for rigid
plastic foams, such as those used for insulation, or as a
solvent. HCFC-142b (1-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane) is
also used to blow plastic foam. Over 94% of all HCFC
production is in the developed world.
HCFCs were considered to be suitable temporary
replacements for CFCs because of their low intrinsic
potential to impact the ozone layer. In general, they
Table 3 Emissions of HCFCs (Gg y 1)
(CHF2Cl, 11.8 y)a
(CF3CHFCl, 6.1 y)
(CH3CFCl2, 9.2 y)
(CH3CF2Cl, 18.5 y)
Sources: AFEAS (Alternative Fluorocarbons Environmental Acceptability Study) (2000) Production, Sales and Atmospheric Release of
Fluorocarbons through 1998. Washington, DC: AFEAS. WMO (World Meteorological Organization) (1999) Scientific Assessment of
Ozone Depletion: 1998, WMO Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project Report No. 44. Geneva: WMO.
The formula and atmospheric lifetime in years are given in parentheses.
contain less chlorine than CFCs, have shorter atmospheric lifetimes, so that they do not accumulate in the
atmosphere to the same extent as CFCs, and are not
photolyzed as effectively in the stratosphere, so that
the chlorine they contain is not released directly into
the ozone layer. Nevertheless, HCFCs are ozonedepleting substances and are to be phased out under
the Montreal Protocol by 2020 in the developed world
and 2040 elsewhere. The contribution of HCFCs to
chlorine loading is shown in Figure 3; no allowance
has been made for the relative effectiveness of their
chlorine content.
Natural Source of Chlorine
Although the quantities released by human activities
are small, methyl chloride (CH3Cl, chloromethane) is
produced by natural processes in sufficient amounts to
contribute significantly to stratospheric chlorine. The
lifetime of methyl chloride is only 1.3 years. However
the flux of 4 Tg y 1, mainly from the oceans, biomass
burning, and terrestrial fungi, is large enough to
maintain an atmospheric concentration of 550 ppt.
The Bromine Flux
Tropospheric chlorine loading (ppt)
The natural contribution to bromine in the stratosphere is similar to that from anthropogenic sources;
of the total bromine loading of about 17 ppt, 9 ppt is
attributable to man’s activities and most of this comes
from halon emissions. Halons were first produced as
fire-extinguishing agents in 1963 and their use expanded to almost 20 Tg y 1 by the mid 1990s. Two
substances predominated; Halon-1211 (bromochlorodifluoromethane), used mainly in portable extinguishers, and Halon-1301 (bromotrifluoromethane),
an agent used in fixed systems. In addition, Halon2402 (1,2-dibromotetrafluoroethane) was produced
in somewhat smaller quantities and used in Eastern
Europe. Halon-1202 (dibromodifluoromethane) has
also been detected in small, but growing, amounts in
the atmosphere.
Bromine is 60 times more potent in ozone depletion
than chlorine in the current background stratospheric
composition. This was recognized in the Montreal
Protocol and halon production was phased out earlier
than CFCs in the developed world (in 1994). However,
production of Halon-1211 and Halon-1301 will
continue in China, India, and Korea for the next few
years and Russia has dispensation to continue the
manufacture of Halon-2402.
In much the same way as for CFCs, audited
production statistics are available from industry in
the developed world and from the submissions required under the Montreal Protocol for the controlled
halons, but the proportion of annual halon production
that is unreleased is much higher than is the case for
CFCs. Currently, halons should be released into the
atmosphere only when they are used in earnest – on a
fire or when the fire protection system is activated.
Although historically they were also released during
training and system testing, there remains a considerable time delay between production and release and a
stock of halon (known as the ‘bank’) has accumulated
in systems and equipment. The emissions of Halon1211 shown in Table 4 were based on a small part of
the bank (currently 12%) being emitted each year. In
the case of Halon-1301, calculated similarly, the
emission factor is now 4% of the bank each year.
Production data for Halon-2402 do not exist in the
same form and so the values for emissions in Table 4
were calculated by inverse modeling from measured
atmospheric concentrations, using eqn [1]. The source
of Halon-1202 has yet to be identified, although it is a
well known by-product of the manufacture of Halon1211. The emissions shown in Table 4 were calculated
by inverse modeling.
Methyl Bromide
1982 1986
1990 1994
Figure 3 All contributions to tropospheric chlorine loading from
(a) the combined concentrations of HCFC-124 (1,1,1,2-tetrafluorochloroethane), HCFC-141b (1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane),
and HCFC-142b (1-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane); (b) HCFC-22
(chlorodifluoromethane); (c) all chlorohydrocarbons (as in Figure 2);
(d) all CFCs (as in Figure 1).
Methyl bromide contributes a total of 10 ppt to
bromine loading. Of this, only about 1.9 ppt arises
from human activities that are controlled under the
Montreal Protocol, principally use of manufactured
material for pest control in growing and harvested
agricultural produce. Minor other anthropogenic
sources that are not controlled add a further 0.4 ppt
into the atmosphere; these include the exhausts of
Table 4 Emissions of halons (Gg y 1)
(CF2ClBr,11 y) a
(CF3Br, 65 y)
(CF2BrCF2Br, 25 y)
(CF2Br2, 3y)
No data
No data
motor vehicles running on leaded gasoline and also
chemical process emissions.
Although there is much uncertainty, the bulk of
methyl bromide entering the atmosphere seems to
come from natural processes. The role of the oceans is
particularly difficult to untangle because they act as
both sources and sinks. Methyl bromide is released
into the atmosphere particularly from the polar oceans
and is absorbed from the atmosphere into tropical
waters where it is destroyed by bacteria.
A number of other bromine compounds are produced naturally: dibromomethane, bromochloromethane and dibromochloromethane together can
add up to 6 ppt to bromine loading at ground level,
particularly in the Arctic. However, these are very
short-lived species and are not considered normally to
be transported into the stratosphere.
Figure 4 shows the increase in anthropogenic
bromine loading since 1970, subdivided into contributions from individual compounds. In the absence of
Tropospheric bromine loading (ppt)
Sources: Midgley PM and McCulloch A (1999) Production, sales and emissions of halocarbons from industrial sources. In: Fabian P and
Singh ON (eds) The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, vol 4. Part E, Reactive Halogen Compounds in the Atmosphere, pp. 157–190.
Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Fraser PJ et al. (1999) Southern Hemispheric halon trends (1978–1998) and global halon emissions. Journal
of Geophysical Research 104: 15985–15999.
The formula and atmospheric lifetime in years are given in parentheses.
Figure 4 Contributions to tropospheric bromine loading from
(a) that part of methyl bromide emissions that is controlled under
the Montreal Protocol; (b) Halon-1202 (dibromodifluoromethane);
(c) Halon-2402 (1,2-dibromotetrafluoroethane); (d) Halon-1301
(bromotrifluoromethane); (e) Halon-1211 (bromochlorodifluoromethane).
better information, the contribution from methyl
bromide has been shown as constant.
The Fluorine Flux
Tropospheric fluorine loading (ppt)
Neither F nor CF3 radicals, nor their oxygenated
derivatives, interact with stratospheric ozone; fluorine
released into the stratosphere is converted into hydrogen fluoride (HF), which does not react further and is
eventually removed when the stratospheric air circulates into the troposphere. However, it is a significant
component of the stratospheric halogen budget. In
much the same way as for chlorine and bromine,
fluorine loading of the troposphere may be calculated
from the atmospheric concentrations of CFCs,
HCFCs, and halons, with the results shown in
Figure 5. The contribution from hydrofluorocarbons
(HFCs) is currently small but is increasing at a
significant rate. This is largely a consequence of
releases of trifluoromethane (HFC-23, fluoroform),
which is a by-product of the manufacture of HCFC22, has a long atmospheric lifetime, and is decomposed in the stratosphere, so adding to the fluorine
burden there. More recently this has also been
augmented by releases of HFC-134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, CF3CH2F), which is manufactured for use
as a refrigerant and now has a tropospheric concentration of 9 ppt.
Other fluorine-containing substances do not contribute significantly to fluorine loading either because
the quantities released are currently too small to
matter (the case with hydrofluorocarbons other than
HFC-23 and HFC-134a) or because they are so inert
that they do not decompose to release fluorine in the
stratosphere (the case with perfluorocarbons and
sulfur hexafluoride).
Perfluorocarbons, in particular those that are
formed as by-products of primary aluminum production, are much more abundant than hydrofluorocar2500
1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998
Figure 5 Contributions to tropospheric fluorine loading from (a)
all halons; (b) all HCFCs; (c) all CFCs.
bons. Tetrafluoromethane (CF4 , PFC-14) has now
reached a concentration of 80 ppt, half of which is due
to aluminum production. The other 40 ppt is volcanic
in origin and has accumulated in the atmosphere over
many thousands of years. Hexafluoroethane (C2F6 ,
PFC-116), another aluminum by-product, has no
natural source and its atmospheric concentration
now stands at 3 ppt. These substances have atmospheric lifetimes over ten thousand years and are so
inert that they do not contribute to the stratospheric
loading of fluorine; indeed, the trend of their stratospheric concentrations with altitude is a good indicator of their historic tropospheric concentrations.
As for perfluorocarbons, the atmospheric lifetime of
sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is long (3200 years) and it too
does not contribute to the stratospheric loading of
fluorine. Although there is a volcanic source, it is too
small to be significant and most of the 4 ppt of sulfur
hexafluoride that is now present in the atmosphere has
been used in industrial applications such as electrical
Equivalent Effective Stratospheric
Chlorine and the Future
The concentrations so far discussed may be verified by
direct measurement of the individual species in the
troposphere, which is comparatively well mixed.
Tropospheric loading describes the concentration of
potentially active chlorine and bromine in the flux of
air entering the stratosphere; it is not exactly equal to
the loading of active halogen at the ozone layer. This is
parameterized by equivalent effective stratospheric
chlorine loading (EESC). To calculate the EESC, the
tropospheric loadings of all compounds are adjusted
by an overall factor to take account of the transport
time between the troposphere and the stratospheric
ozone layer and the contributions from individual
chlorine- and bromine-containing compounds are
adjusted by factors that accommodate their different
effects on the ozone layer. The delay due to transport is
set at 3 years. The effectiveness factor for the difference between chlorine and bromine is set at 60, as
described above. The differences between individual
chlorine compounds are much smaller than that; they
range from 1.11 for HCFC-123 (CF3CHCl2) to 0.35
for HCFC-22 (CF2HCl).
Figure 6 shows the way that EESC has developed in
the past and the changes expected over the twenty-first
century. Although it is clear that the peak loading is
past, it will take the whole of the twenty-first century
for the stratospheric loading to return to 1970 levels
and, all other things being equal, the return to loadings
that predate the Antarctic ozone hole is expected to
occur only towards the middle of the century.
Equivalent effective stratospheric
chlorine loading (ppt)
2030 2050
Figure 6 Contributions to the equivalent effective stratospheric
halogen loading from (a) halons and controlled sources of methyl
bromide; (b) all HCFCs; (c) controlled chlorocarbons; (d) all CFCs;
and (e) methyl chloride and the natural (and other uncontrolled)
sources of methyl bromide.
Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) A chemical compound
consisting only of carbon, fluorine, and hydrogen.
Tropospheric chlorine loading The concentration, in
the lower mixed layer of the atmosphere, of a
compound that could transport chlorine to the
stratosphere, expressed as the product of actual
concentration and the molecular chlorine content.
Units are parts per trillion (ppt).
Parts per trillion (ppt) (1 in 1012) Used here to describe
the atmospheric concentration of a substance in
terms of its molar mixing ratio. It is equivalent to
picomoles mole 1.
See also
Lightning: Production of Nitric Oxide. Ozone: Ozone
Depletion Potentials; Photochemistry of Ozone. Tropospheric Chemistry and Composition: Oxidizing Capacity.
Further Reading
Atmospheric lifetime The ratio of the atmospheric
concentration of a substance to its instantaneous
loss rate.
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) A chemical compound
consisting of carbon, chlorine, and fluorine only.
Equivalent effective stratospheric chlorine loading The calculated concentration of halogen that
could be effective in ozone depletion, expressed as
an average for the stratosphere and taking account
of the relative effectiveness of chlorine and bromine
in ozone depletion and the relative efficiency by
which individual species releases halogen into the
ozone layer. Units are chlorine equivalent parts per
trillion (ppt).
Halon A chemical compound consisting only of
carbon, bromine, fluorine (and in some cases
Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) A chemical compound consisting only of carbon, chlorine, fluorine,
and hydrogen.
AFEAS (Alternative Fluorocarbons Environmental Acceptability Study) (2001) Production, Sales and Atmospheric
Release of Fluorocarbons through 2000. Washington,
Midgley PM and McCulloch A (1999) Production, sales and
emissions of halocarbons from industrial sources. In:
Fabian P and Singh ON (eds) The Handbook of
Environmental Chemistry, vol 4, part E, Reactive Halogen Compounds in the Atmosphere, pp. 157–190.
Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
SORG (United Kingdom Stratospheric Ozone Review
Group) (1999) Stratospheric Ozone: 1999, Seventh
Report of the UK SORG. London: Department of the
Environment, Transport and the Regions.
UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) (1998)
Production and Consumption of Ozone Depleting Substances 1986–1996. Nairobi: The Ozone Secretariat to
the Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol.
WMO (World Meteorological Organization) (1999) Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1998, WMO
Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project Report
No. 44, Geneva: WMO.
Halogen Sources, Natural
J H Butler, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Boulder, CO, USA
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The depletion of stratospheric ozone (O3) has been
driven by long-lived, anthropogenic halocarbons
emitted into the atmosphere during the past few
decades. When these gases, which in large part resist
degradation in the troposphere, reach the stratosphere, their halogen atoms are released as free
radicals. Here, the radicals accelerate the removal of
ozone through a series of catalytic reactions. Because
fluorine radicals are removed effectively as HF from
the stratosphere and because iodinated compounds
react readily in the troposphere, persistent halocarbons containing chlorine and bromine are the main
halogenated compounds implicated in the destruction
of stratospheric ozone, and chlorine and bromine
radicals are the primary halogens of concern.
Not all halocarbons in the atmosphere are entirely
anthropogenic, however. Although attention in atmospheric chemistry has centered on halocarbons resulting from human activities – the chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs), halons (CBrF3 , CBrClF2), chlorinated solvents (CH3CCl3 , CCl4 , CH2Cl2 , CHCl3), and
their replacements, the hydrochlorofluorocarbons
(HCFCs) – the methyl halides (methyl chloride
(CH3Cl) and methyl bromide (CH3Br)) are present
in significant amounts in the troposphere (Figure 1).
Other halogenated methanes, such as CHBr3 , CHBr2 ,
and CH3I, can be locally high in atmospheric concentration, but their short tropospheric lifetimes significantly reduce their impact on stratospheric ozone.
Nevertheless, halogen atoms from short-lived compounds do at times reach the stratosphere through
deep convection of these compounds. The contribution of these gases of lower concentration to ozone
depletion is unknown, although considered by most to
be small.
Of the naturally produced halocarbons, CH3Br and
CH3Cl are the largest contributors to stratospheric
ozone depletion, accounting for about one-quarter of
the equivalent chlorine in the atmosphere (Figure 1).
Methyl bromide is the single largest carrier of bromine
to the stratosphere. Bromine, on a per-atom basis, is
about 50 times more effective in depleting ozone than
is chlorine. Although natural sources dominate the
methyl bromide budget, there is a sizable anthro-
pogenic flux to the atmosphere through its use as a
fumigant. By multilateral international agreement, its
industrial production is due to be phased out largely
because of its high ozone-depletion potential. Methyl
chloride, on the other hand, is the most abundant
chlorine-containing compound in the atmosphere,
contributing over 15% to the total tropospheric
burden of organic chlorine. Its sources are believed
to be largely natural and there is some evidence that it
was present at over 90% of today’s levels during the
early twentieth century. Both of these methyl halides
have lifetimes of around a year, making them much
shorter-lived than the CFCs, solvents, and halons
currently banned by international agreement. Nevertheless, their large fluxes into the atmosphere mean
that they reach the stratosphere, where they become
involved in ozone depletion.
Methyl Bromide
Methyl bromide is present in the atmosphere at a mole
fraction, or volume mixing ratio, of around 10 parts
per trillion (1 ppt 5 10 12 moles of specific gas per
mole of air) and its known sources include oceanic
emission, biomass burning, agricultural application as
a biocide, combustion of leaded gasoline, and disinfestation of buildings and structures. Until the 1990s,
little attention had been paid to this gas in the
atmosphere, in part because of its low mixing ratio
and short atmospheric lifetime.
In the early 1990s atmospheric methyl bromide was
thought to emanate naturally from a large oceanic
source and to be destroyed exclusively by reactions in
Relative contributions to stratospheric ozone depletion
Figure 1 Equivalent chlorine in ozone-depleting halogenated gases. Data are for 1999 concentrations in the troposphere. (n) and (a)
signify estimates of natural and anthropogenic contributions. Halogens in the two methyl halides make up about one-quarter of the
equivalent chlorine from persistent organic compounds in the atmosphere. Equivalent chlorine is the total number of chlorine atoms plus a
weighting factor times the total number of bromine atoms in these compounds.
the atmosphere, predominantly with tropospheric
hydroxyl (OH). Anthropogenic emissions, mainly
from disinfestation of soils, commodities, and structures, were considered responsible for about 3 ppt of
CH3Br in the atmosphere. Biomass burning and
emissions from burning of leaded gasoline were
thought to be possible contributors, but were not
quantified at that time. Recognizing that there was a
paucity of information on this important atmospheric
gas, scientists began working to understand more
completely its cycling and atmospheric budget. The
results were surprising in a number of areas.
The first of these surprises was that the ocean was
not the large source it was thought to be, but rather a
small net sink for atmospheric CH3Br. This net sink,
however, results from rapid aquatic production and
degradation working in opposition in the surface
ocean, leaving it largely undersaturated. In some areas
where production exceeds degradation, the ocean is
supersaturated in methyl bromide, but in most of the
surface ocean, most of the time, methyl bromide is
undersaturated. Because the degradation rate of
CH3Br is so high in most of the surface ocean, it had
to be included as a significant component of the
atmospheric lifetime computation. Subsequent calculations of the atmospheric lifetime of CH3Br yielded a
rate that was almost equal to the loss due to reaction
with OH in the troposphere. This alone lowered the
atmospheric lifetime of CH3Br from around 2 years to
1 year.
At about the same time, studies of the terrestrial
environment revealed additional sinks and sources of
atmospheric CH3Br. The discovery that CH3Br was
degraded rapidly in a variety of soils, mainly by
prokaryotic bacteria, lowered the estimates of atmospheric lifetime even further. Later, studies of isolated
plant leaves and stems from over 100 species of plants
demonstrated that the biosphere also was involved in
the degradation of methyl bromide. Whether this loss
to plants turns out to be a significant sink will depend
upon further research. At present it appears to be small
on a global basis. However, the few field studies of
CH3Br fluxes between plants and plant ecosystems
and the atmosphere reveal net emissions from the
plants rather than net losses (Figure 2). These are each
small but collectively significant in the global atmospheric budget of this gas (Figure 3).
Our current understanding of atmospheric CH3Br is
that of a gas with numerous, diverse sources and
significant sinks on land, in the ocean, and in the
atmosphere. Its lifetime, including atmospheric, oceanic, and soil sinks, is now computed at 0.7 years, but its
calculated atmospheric budget is largely out of
balance, with sinks outweighing sources by B40%.
New findings continue to reveal previously unidenti-
fied sources, which seem gradually to be closing the
gap between calculated sources and sinks (Figure 2).
Anthropogenic emissions of CH3Br are scheduled
for phase-out by 2005 in developed countries and by
2015 in developing countries. However, the extent to
which this will actually reduce the atmospheric burden
of methyl bromide depends upon the actual atmospheric budget.
Methyl Chloride
Like methyl bromide, methyl chloride, at roughly
600 ppt in the atmosphere, received little attention
until the past decade or so, as most research efforts
were directed toward the rapidly increasing anthropogenic halocarbons. Methyl chloride also has a short
atmospheric lifetime, B1 year, relative to the anthropogenic halocarbons and its anthropogenic sources are very small. Until recently, it was thought that
most of the global emissions of CH3Cl came from the
oceans. Although the oceans are still considered a
major source of CH3Cl, new and more detailed studies
show that the oceanic source is responsible for at most
15% of the methyl chloride in the atmosphere.
Similarly, wood-rotting fungi contribute only a small
amount and anthropogenic emissions of CH3Cl constitute only about of 1% of the total budget. Most of
the known emissions of CH3Cl are accounted for by
biomass burning, although there remains a sizable
deficit in the overall budget. Yokouchi et al. (2000)
recently noted that emissions from tropical plants
could potentially make up this deficit. The identified
sinks for methyl chloride, mainly loss via reaction with
OH in the troposphere, suggest that, as for CH3Br,
about half of the CH3Cl in the atmosphere is
unaccounted for.
Other Gases
Most of the remaining naturally produced organic
halogens are of low concentration and short lifetime.
They are therefore thought to pose only a small threat
to stratospheric ozone. However, they have been
observed at the tropopause (Table 1) and they can be
convected rapidly from the Earth’s surface into the
upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Of the
purely chlorinated gases, chloroform (CHCl3) and
perchloroethylene (C2Cl4) appear to have significant
natural sources, although their budgets have been little
studied. The naturally occurring brominated species
(e.g., CHBr3 , CH2Br2 , CHBr2Cl), although low in
concentration, are of some concern because of the
efficiency of bromine in depleting stratospheric ozone.
These gases are produced in the ocean and are
Annual CH3Cl flux (Tg year 1)
Annual CH3CBr flux (Gg year 1)
Salt marshes
Figure 2 Identified sources of atmospheric methyl chloride (A) and methyl bromide (B). Budget deficits, calculated as the sum of all
identified sinks minus the sum of all identified sources, are shown on the right.
supersaturated throughout, by tens to hundreds of
percent. Their fluxes from the ocean are large.
Together, these lesser gases represent most of the total
flux of organic bromine into the troposphere (Table 2).
Closing the Budgets
From recent research, it is clear that the missing
sources of methyl bromide and methyl chloride are not
oceanic. The saturations of these gases have now been
mapped over most of the oceans. Although the surface
concentrations of the two gases vary spatially and
temporally to some degree, the ocean, for the most
part, is undersaturated in methyl bromide, making it a
net sink, not a net source of this gas. The ocean also is
insufficiently supersaturated in methyl chloride to
explain more than a small percentage of its total flux to
the atmosphere. Further, although the atmospheric
mixing ratios of both gases show marked seasonal
CH3Cl concentration
CH3Cl inferred history
1995 firn air
CH3Br concentration
CH3Br inferred history
1995 firn air
Figure 3 Inferred atmospheric histories of (A) methyl chloride and (B) methyl bromide from measurements made in 1995 of air trapped in
Antarctic snowpack. Modern-day measurements in the atmosphere are also shown on the plots. It is clear from these plots that both of
these gases have significant natural sources, as both were present before the onset of large-scale agriculture and widespread use of
industrial solvents and agricultural chemicals. Concentrations of both gases, however, have increased during the twentieth century,
although the increase in methyl bromide is much larger. (Adapted from Butler et al. (1999).)
cycles, the cycles in the Northern Hemisphere are
amplified over those in the Southern Hemisphere,
particularly for methyl bromide. Although tropospheric OH is responsible in part for the seasonal
cycling, the uneven match between hemispheres,
especially with smaller amplitude in the Southern
Hemisphere, speaks for a more complicated involvement of sources and sinks. Because fluxes from the
ocean to the atmosphere are retarded significantly at
the ocean surface, it is not possible for cycles in the
oceanic flux to drive seasonal variations in the
This has led to several studies to determine whether
methyl halides are released in significant amounts
elsewhere, and it appears that they are. A number of
investigations have shown that natural and cultivated
terrestrial plants emit both of these gases, and others as
well. The emissions seem to be related to the amount of
Table 2 Potential global bromine fluxes
Table 1 Organic bromine in the troposphere
Compound mole
fraction 109
Bromine mole
fraction 109
Purely anthropogenic compounds appear in bold type. Compounds that are natural or have significant natural components to
their budgets (e.g., CH3Br) are shown in normal type.
(Gmol Br year
7.5 (6.0)
Fluxes of naturally produced compounds are shown in bold type.
Although these gases contribute only a small part of the bromine
measured at the tropopause, their fluxes, mostly from the ocean,
make up about half of the flux of organic bromine into the
halide in the soil. Coastal plants, such as those in
salt marshes and in tropical environments, emit
large quantities of methyl halides and, although
their global area of coverage is small, they seem
to contribute significantly to the global budget. To
date, only a few plants and a few ecotomes have
been studied for emission of methyl halides.
Additional investigations are likely to locate
more sources from the terrestrial biosphere, and with
this a possible closing of the atmospheric budgets
of these gases.
Although the natural fluxes of these gases existed
long before there were problems with stratospheric
ozone depletion, this does not mean that they are
not important. Contributions of bromine and
chlorine from the anthropogenic gases are now
declining and should continue to do so into the future;
this should provide some relief, albeit slowly. If the
fluxes of natural compounds remain the same and all
countries abide by the Montreal Protocol and its
amendments, then ‘pre-ozone-hole conditions’ could
be reached by the mid-21st century. However, everything may not remain the same. A question that will
become more pressing with global change is: How will
the fluxes of methyl bromide, methyl chloride, and
other halogenated gases between the Earth’s surface
and atmosphere will change in the future? A change in
sea surface temperature or soil temperature will
certainly affect the fluxes, as will changes in precipitation or land use patterns. It is possible that such
alterations of natural fluxes could offset or delay the
timing of recovery, but we cannot know until we more
fully understand the natural cycles of these ozonedepleting gases.
See also
Observations for Chemistry (In Situ): Gas Chromatography. Ozone: Ozone Depletion Potentials. Stratospheric Chemistry and Composition: Halogens.
Further Reading
Butler J and Rodrigues J (1996) Methyl bromide in the
atmosphere. In: Bell C, Price N and Chakrabarti B (eds)
The Methyl Bromide Issue, Vol. 1, pp. 27–90. John Wiley
and Sons, Ltd.
Butler JH, Battle M, Bender M, et al. (1999) A record of
atmospheric halocarbon concentrations during the twentieth century from polar firn air. Nature 399: 749–755.
Lobert JM, Butler JH, Montzka SA, et al. (1995) A net sink
for atmospheric CH3Br in the East Pacific Ocean. Science
267: 1002–1005.
Rhew RC, Miller BR, Vollmer MK and Weiss RF (2001)
Shrubland fluxes of methyl bromide and methyl chloride.
Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 106:
Schauffler SM, Atlas EL, Blake DR, et al. (1999) Distributions of brominated organic compounds in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. Journal of Geophysical
Research 104(D17): 212, 513–521, 535.
Shorter JH, Kolb CE, Crill PM, et al. (1995) Rapid
degradation of atmospheric methyl bromide in soils.
Nature 377: 717–719.
Yokouchi Y, Machida T, Barrie LA, et al. (2000) Latitudinal
distribution of atmospheric methyl bromide: measurements and modeling. Geophysical Research Letters 27:
Yvon-Lewis SA and Butler JH (1997) The potential effect of
oceanic biological degradation on the lifetime of atmospheric CH3Br. Geophysical Research Letters 24(10):
D Toohey, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado,
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The potential impact of halogen atoms (fluorine,
chlorine, bromine, and iodine) on the chemistry of
stratospheric ozone (O3) was first recognized in the
early 1970s, not long after researchers proposed that
nitrogen oxides (NOx ) and hydrogen oxides (HOx )
could destroy ozone. These halogen atoms are produced by compounds that are relatively unreactive in
the troposphere but that decompose photochemically
in the presence of short-wave ultraviolet radiation in
the stratosphere. Among such compounds are those
known as halocarbons, which are predominantly
industrial in origin.
For much of the second half of the twentieth century,
a number of halocarbons were used for a variety of
purposes, including refrigeration, manufacturing
of foam products, extinguishing of fires, fumigation
of crops, and production of polymers. Organisms in
the upper ocean produce small, but significant,
amounts of several halocarbons. There are only a
few ways to destroy most halocarbons once they are
released to the atmosphere, including reaction with
hydroxyl (OH) (if the halocarbon contains a hydrogen
atom), ultraviolet photolysis, and reaction with
electronically excited oxygen atoms, O(1D). However,
these processes also initiate the cycle of ozone
destruction in the stratosphere.
Halogen atoms are examples of free radicals, species
that typically (although not exclusively) possess an
odd number of electrons and require an additional
electron to fill a molecular orbital to become more
stable. Upon collision, a free radical can acquire this
additional electron by stripping it from another
molecule (called electron transfer), by pulling an
atom off the collision partner (called extraction), or
by attaching to another free radical (called addition or
recombination). With a variety of collision partners
available, there are literally hundreds of possible
reactions and dozens of inorganic halogen compounds
that must be considered for an accurate description of
halogen chemistry in the stratosphere. However, only
halogen atoms react rapidly with ozone. Thus, atmospheric chemists refer to two types of inorganic halogen
species in the stratosphere, free radicals and reservoirs.
Whereas the free radicals are directly involved in
ozone destruction, the reservoirs are more stable
compounds that do not react directly with ozone.
However, the revervoirs can react with other free
radicals or break down in sunlight to form free
radicals, hence the origin of their name.
Laboratory studies show that the reactivities of the
families of halogen compounds follow the general
trend I4Br4Cl4F; however, stratospheric abundances follow the trend [Cl]4[F]4[Br]4[I]. Consequently, most of the ozone destruction by halogens in
the stratosphere is due to chlorine and bromine
species. Destruction of ozone has been quantitatively
linked to chlorine and bromine free radicals, whereas
inorganic fluorine species have little impact on ozone.
The role of iodine remains to be determined.
Gas-Phase Halogen Photochemistry
Organic source gases released at Earth’s surface are
mixed throughout the lower atmosphere, a process
that takes about a year. Once they reach the upper
troposphere, these gases are slowly transported across
the tropopause, primarily in the tropics. As air in the
lower tropical stratosphere ascends, these compounds
are broken down into their constituent atoms by shortwave ultraviolet radiation. The atoms react with
ozone or with other species present to form inorganic
compounds. Thus, organic halogens that contain
halogen atoms and at least one carbon atom are called
the source gases, whereas the inorganic halogens are
those that contain only halogen, hydrogen, nitrogen,
and oxygen atoms. If there is no selective separation
(e.g., precipitation), the number-weighted sum of the
mixing ratios of all forms of a particular halogen will
be conserved. Thus, as the organic compounds break
down in sunlight, the abundances of inorganic compounds increase concomitantly. Ultimately, the inorganic halogen compounds are removed from the
stratosphere by slow downward transport into the
upper troposphere at high latitudes. Because these
compounds generally are acidic and water-soluble
(unlike the organic source gases), they are readily
scavenged in the relatively wet troposphere, returning
to Earth’s surface with precipitation.
Halogen atoms released in the stratosphere destroy
ozone by a series of catalytic reactions, so called
because the halogen free radicals are cycling between
various forms with no net change in abundance while
the ozone is converted into diatomic oxygen, O2. The
main catalytic cycles for ozone destruction can be
written symbolically (where X and Y represent F, Cl,
Br, or I, hn represents a photon of wavelength c=n, and
M is shorthand for a N2 or O2 molecule) as follows.
Cycle one
X þ O3 ! XO þ O2
O3 þ hn ! O þ O2
XO þ O ! X þ O2
X þ O3 ! XO þ O2
Cycle two
Y þ O3 ! YO þ O2
XO þ YO ! X þ Y þ O2
for : XO þ YO ! XY þ O2
XY þ hn ! X þ Yg
Cycle three
X þ O3 ! XO þ O2
OH þ O3 ! HO2 þ O2
XO þ HO2 þ M ! HOX þ O2 þ M
HOX þ hn ! X þ OH
The net result of each of these cycles is loss of two
ozone molecules with no change in radical abundance
as in eqn [VIII].
O3 þ O3 ! 3O2
From the law of mass action, the rate of ozone
destruction by a catalytic cycle can be written as the
product of the concentrations of the reactants and the
rate constant for the rate-determining step. Additional
reactions (shown below) shift the steady-state balance
between the two forms of the halogen radicals in favor
of XO, such that the rate-determining steps are the
final reactions in each of the three cycles above.
Consequently, we can write the change of ozone versus
time as
¼ 2ðkIII ½XO½O þ kIV ½XO½YO
þ kVII ½XO½HO2 þ minor cyclesÞ
lished as the various chemicals cycle from one form
to another. This cycling is shown symbolically in
Figure 1.
Because the rates of the analogous reactions vary
among the different chemical families, the partitioning
between the different chemical forms also varies. HF is
the main form of inorganic fluorine; HCl and ClNO3
account for more than 90% of inorganic chlorine,
except in the polar regions in winter; BrO, BrNO3 , and
HOBr are the primary inorganic bromine species; and
it is believed that IO, I, and HOI are the primary iodine
The factor of 2 appears because two ozone molecules
are destroyed for each pass through the cycle.
If there were no other reactions to consider, a
considerable amount of ozone would be destroyed
before stratospheric air mixed back into the troposphere. However, the halogen radicals are deactivated
by reactions with other species in the stratosphere. The
main reactions of importance are shown in eqns [IX]
to [XI].
X þ CH4 ! HX þ CH3
X þ HO2 ! HX þ O2
XO þ NO2 þ M ! XNO3 þ M
Heterogeneous Halogen Chemistry
Early studies of stratospheric halogens focused primarily on reactions between gaseous species, or socalled gas-phase chemistry; however, a new class of
reactions was necessary to explain the rapid appearance of the Antarctic ozone hole in the 1980s. These
reactions, called heterogeneous because they involve
the interactions of species in different phases (e.g.,
OH þ HX ! X þ H2 O
XNO3 þ hn ! X þ NO3
H2O, CH4
OXO þ hn ! XO þ O
Nitric oxide produced by photolysis of NO2 and the
reaction O1NO2 reacts rapidly with halogen oxides
to release halogen atoms, thereby strongly influencing
the partitioning between the atomic and diatomic
radical forms (eqn [XV]).
Except at very high solar zenith angles and at very
low altitudes in the stratosphere, most of these
reactions occur rapidly, and a steady state is estab-
XO þ YO ! OXO þ Y
XO þ NO ! X þ NO2
There are also important reactions that re-release the
radicals or that produce short-lived reservoirs, including those shown in eqns [XII] to [XIV].
! XO þ NO2
Figure 1 Schematic diagram of gas-phase halogen cycling in the
Earth’s atmosphere. Open arrows are used for fast exchange
between the radical forms of inorganic chlorine. Large dashed
arrows represent transport across the tropopause. X and Y are
halogen atoms, Cl, Br, I, or F. Processes that are underlined result
in catalytic ozone loss. See text for further discussion.
between gases and species dissolved in liquids or
solids), are typically less rapid than gas-phase reactions because they require the additional processes of
adsorption and dissolution. However, under dim
sunlight, such as in the winter polar regions or near
the bottom of the stratosphere, where most ultraviolet
light has been removed by the column of ozone
overhead, the rates of heterogeneous reactions can
become competitive with those of gas-phase reactions.
It is also in these regions that ozone production is slow,
such that ozone-destruction cycles can have a large
local impact.
Extensive laboratory and modeling studies have
shown that the following heterogeneous reactions of
halogen species have the greatest impact on stratospheric chemistry (n denotes a reactant dissolved in
liquid or solid phase).
ClNO3 þ HCln ! Cl2 þ HNOn3
ClNO3 þ H2 On ! HOCl þ HNOn3
HOCl þ HCln ! Cl2 þ H2 On
BrNO3 þ H2 On ! HOBr þ HNOn3
HOBr þ HCln ! BrCl þ H2 On
These reactions all serve to convert relatively longlived reservoirs of chlorine and bromine into species
that photolyze readily in weak sunlight to release
ozone-destroying radicals, and simultaneously convert short-lived reservoirs of NOx radicals into longerlived species. Because NOx limits the reactivities of the
halogen compounds to ozone through reaction [XI] or
reaction [XV] followed by reactions [IX] or [X], its
removal results in further enhancements of the halogen oxides, and consequently more severe ozone loss.
The reaction
N2 O5 þ H2 On ! HNOn3 þ H2 On
also indirectly enhances the abundances of halogen
oxides by converting nitrogen oxides into the longlived reservoir nitric acid.
Several of these heterogeneous reactions also influence the budget of HOx by either producing (e.g.
[XVII] and [XIX]) or removing (e.g. [XVIII] and [XX])
its short-lived reservoirs. Many of these heterogeneous
reactions depend strongly on temperature, and become important in the lower stratosphere only when
temperatures drop below about 210 K. Because of this,
and the interactions of the halogen radicals with NOx
and HOx , the response of ozone to changes in
temperature or changes in abundances of the halogen
source gases can be quite complicated and sometimes
counterintuitive. Therefore, detailed computer models are required for accurate assessments of the impact
of halogen species on stratospheric ozone.
Observations of Halogen Species
Direct observations of inorganic halogen species form
the basis for descriptions of present, and prediction of
future, decreases of ozone in the stratosphere. Based
on the rate-determining step, it is sufficient to measure
the species that control ozone loss (that is, the halogen
oxides) in order to compute the consequent rate of
ozone destruction. However, to develop a more
definitive understanding of the mechanisms controlling the abundances of the free radicals it is necessary
to measure as many of the inorganic halogen species as
is possible. Since the mid-1970s there have been many
observations of a large number of inorganic halogen
species in the stratosphere. By the year 2000, the
following species had been quantified: fluorine family,
HF, CF2O, CFClO; chlorine family, Cl, ClO, HCl,
ClNO3 , HOCl, OClO, and Cl2O2; bromine family,
BrO, HBr, and possibly HOBr; iodine family, IO. The
remaining species are predicted to exist at abundances
that represent significant challenges for current measurement techniques. Each of the families is examined
separately below.
Emissions of industrially produced halocarbons such
as CFC-11 (CFCl3) and CFC-12 (CF2Cl2) have delivered about 3–4 parts per billion (ppb) of chlorine to the
stratosphere, more than all the other halogen families
combined. Emissions by volcanoes and solid rocket
motors can significantly enhance the local abundances
of inorganic chlorine, but otherwise these sources have
a small global impact following diffusion and mixing.
Reactions [IX] and [X] proceed rapidly for chlorine, so
that in the tropics and middle latitudes ClO rarely
exceeds 20% of the inorganic chlorine budget. The
remainder of the budget consists primarily of HCl and
ClNO3 in roughly equal proportions, except at very
high altitudes where HCl dominates. This partitioning
is illustrated schematically in Figure 2A.
At high latitudes in winter, where photolysis rates
are slower and particles are larger and more abundant,
heterogeneous reactions can activate all of the inorganic chlorine into short-lived reservoirs that rapidly
produce radicals. Under these low-illumination conditions, reactions such as [IVa] and [IVb] proceed
rapidly for weeks and months, destroying ozone at
rates of a few percent per day. In a region where ozone
Altitude (km)
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Cumulative abundance (ppt)
Altitude (km)
Cumulative abundance (ppt)
production is very slow owing to the lack of shortwavelength ultraviolet light necessary to break the O2
bond, significant losses of ozone occur. When solar
illumination increases in springtime, ozone loss will
cease if nitric acid is present to produce NO2 , which
rapidly ties up ClO into ClNO3. However, if nitric acid
is largely removed (as occurs over the Antarctic by
sedimentation of cloud particles that contain nitric
acid and water, called polar stratospheric clouds, or
PSCs), ClNO3 and HCl form at rates that are far too
slow to avoid complete destruction of ozone. In such
regions measurements have identified a clear correlation of ozone loss with enhanced abundances of ClO.
More typically, ozone production and loss are in
closer balance, and only a gradual year-by-year
erosion of ozone has been detected as abundances of
the halogen species increase. Consequently, the impact
of halogens on stratospheric ozone at mid-latitudes
and in the Tropics is assessed by long-term monitoring
of as many chemical species as is feasible; these
observations are incorporated into detailed photochemical models of the stratosphere for interpretation.
Such studies indicate that trends in industrial chlorine
and bromine compounds can account for at least half
of the downward trends in column ozone abundances
that have been observed over the past several decades.
A great deal of international cooperation was necessary to formulate regulations (e.g., the Montreal
Protocol) that have only recently begun to impact on
the abundances of ozone-destroying forms of chlorine
in the stratosphere.
Altitude (km)
500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Cumulative abundance (ppt)
Figure 2 Mid-latitude vertical profiles of the cumulative
partitioning of (A) chlorine, (B) bromine, and (C) fluorine in the
Earth’s atmosphere from the ground to 40 km. Mixing ratios
are typical of values in the 1990s. The slight fall-off of total
abundance with altitude in the middle to upper stratosphere
reflects the lag time for air to reach these altitudes and the upward
trends in source gas abundances in the 1990s. The partitioning of
inorganic iodine is ignored because it is too uncertain at the present
There are several sources of stratospheric inorganic
bromine, including the halons and methyl bromide,
the latter a compound that originates from both
natural and industrial processes. Only two inorganic
bromine species, BrO and HBr, have been accurately
measured in the stratosphere and they represent 40–
60% and o10%, respectively, of the inorganic bromine budget. The abundances of the remaining species
have been deduced by photochemical models and
through the response of BrO to changing abundances
of compounds with which it reacts. The partitioning of
inorganic bromine is illustrated schematically in
Figure 2B.
It is believed that the sum of the abundances of all
bromine-containing species in the stratosphere approaches 20 parts per trillion (ppt), which is about a
factor of 20 smaller than the sum of all the chlorinecontaining species. However, the catalytic cycles
involving bromine free radicals proceed much faster
than their chlorine counterparts, and the percentage of
bromine in free radical form is larger than that of
chlorine. Therefore, ozone destruction due to bromine
is almost as significant as that due to chlorine,
especially in the winter polar regions and in the
lowermost stratosphere. However, because the natural
sources of methyl bromide are not well characterized
and because there are still some important uncertainties in kinetic parameters, it is more difficult to
attribute the anthropogenic contribution of brominecatalyzed ozone losses. Consequently, international
regulations for the industrial bromine compounds
have taken longer to formulate than those for the
chlorine compounds.
There have been some important developments in
the study of atmospheric bromine based on new
observations in the last decade of the twentieth century
that call into question some assumptions about the
stratospheric bromine budget. First, by deploying
grab-samplers in the upper tropical troposphere,
investigators have detected small, but significant,
abundances of bromine-containing organic species
that have fairly short lifetimes (days) in the troposphere. Presumably, these compounds are lofted to the
upper troposphere by strong convective systems.
Because abundances of these compounds vary widely
at the surface, their contribution to the atmospheric
bromine budget is hard to ascertain. These compounds
have both natural and industrial origins, which further
complicates assessments of anthropogenic ozone losses due to bromine. Second, observations have shown
that large enhancements of bromine radicals occur
sporadically near the Earth’s surface in the polar
regions by an uncertain, but probably heterogeneous,
mechanism. It is possible that a similar mechanism
operating in the lowermost stratosphere could alter
the present understanding of bromine photochemistry.
Third, elemental bromine has been detected in particles near the tropopause, raising questions about the
sources and sinks of atmospheric bromine. It is likely
that the present understanding of bromine chemistry
will change over the next decade with new and
improved measurements.
Of all the halogens in the stratosphere, least is known
about the iodine family. Laboratory measurements
indicate that any organic iodine that is transported to
the lower stratosphere will very quickly oxidize and
release constituent atoms, and that these atoms will be
even more destructive to ozone than chlorine and
bromine. However, tropospheric measurements of
potential source compounds suggest that the abundance of iodine in the stratosphere is on the order of
1 ppt or less, such that the iodine radicals will be at
least an order of magnitude or smaller in abundance
than BrO. Initial attempts to observe IO in the
stratosphere have had mixed results, but generally
indicate that there is no more than about 1 ppt of IO.
However, little is known about the reactions that
partition iodine into its various forms. It is likely that
abundances of this species are highly variable.
There have been no attempts to measure other gasphase inorganic iodine species whose concentrations
are well below the detection limits of most modern
instruments. However, the recent detection of elemental iodine in particles near the tropopause, an observation that is similar to the detection of elemental
bromine, raises additional questions about the processes that control abundances of iodine in the
Even at low abundances, iodine could play an
important role in ozone destruction in the lowermost
stratosphere through its synergistic interactions with
the bromine and chlorine free radicals. It has also
recently been proposed that iodine could destroy
ozone by reactions that involve OID. Clearly, there is
much to be learned about the role of iodine in the lower
stratosphere, and this halogen is likely to be the focus
of vigorous scientific study in the early part of the
twenty-first century.
Inorganic fluorine is produced by the photodecomposition of fluorocarbons, predominantly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) CFCl3 and CF2Cl2. Measurements
show that HF and the photodecomposition intermediates CF2O and CFClO can account for the entire
inorganic fluorine budget, in agreement with models
that incorporate laboratory measurements of fluorine
reactions. Fluorine atoms react rapidly with hydrogen-containing species, especially H2O and CH4 that
are present at parts-per-million (ppm) abundances in
the stratosphere. In addition, there are no known ways
to release fluorine atoms from HF, a very thermodynamically stable species. Consequently, immeasureably small abundances of fluorine radicals are present
as extremely short-lived intermediates in the photodecomposition of fluorocarbons, and their contribution to ozone loss is negligibly small. Therefore, the
primary role of fluorine in stratospheric chemistry is as
a marker or tracer for other halogen species, in
particular the CFCs. Ground-based and satellite
measurements have shown that the rate of increase
of HF in the stratosphere can be explained entirely by
the buildup of chlorofluorocarbons in the troposphere
followed by gradual transport into the stratosphere
where they photodecompose in the presence of UVand
chemical oxidants (primarily OH and O(1D)). The
partitioning of inorganic fluorine is illustrated schematically in Figure 2C.
O3 (ppbv)
61° S 63° S 65° S 67° S 69° S 71° S 73° S
ClO mixing ratio (ppb)
Ozone mixing ratio (ppb)
There are three distinct regimes in which ozone losses
attributable to halogens have been detected. These are
the middle stratosphere year-round, in the Antarctic
and Arctic polar vortices in springtime, and in rocket
plumes within hours following launches. In all cases,
two conditions are met that establish the link between
halogens and ozone loss. First, the regions where
ozone losses are detected are correlated with larger
abundances of halogen radicals than in adjacent
regions where there is less or no ozone loss. Second,
the rates at which ozone losses occur are equivalent
(within measurement uncertainties) to the corresponding rates predicted with models that include
laboratory measurements of the rate constants for the
rate-determining reactions. Examples of the anticorrelation between abundances of chlorine oxide and
ozone are shown in Figure 3. The sources of enhancements in the chlorine radicals differ (direct local
injection in the case of the rocket and heterogeneous
reactions of HCl and ClNO3 in the case of the
Antarctic ozone hole). Consequently, the time scales
for ozone loss in these two cases are dramatically
different, less than one hour for the rocket plume and a
month for the Antarctic ozone hole; however, in both
cases the amounts of ozone destroyed over these
periods are consistent with the known kinetics of the
halogen radicals to within the uncertainties of the
In the two cases presented in Figure 3, the ozone
destruction rates vastly exceeded the rates at which
ozone could be produced. Thus, regions of low ozone
formed adjacent to regions of higher ozone where the
abundances of the halogen free radicals were significantly lower. In the middle stratosphere, the situation
is quite different, and ozone production and loss rates
nearly match (that is, ozone is in a photochemical
steady state). In addition, the spatial variability of the
halogen radicals is small. Consequently, it is difficult to
attribute an instantaneous ozone value to a particular
abundance of halogen radicals. Rather, it is by
correlating the long-term downward trend of ozone
abundances with concomitant increases in halogen
radical abundances that the link is deduced. Observations for the last twenty years of the twentieth century
showed a decrease in ozone of approximately 10–15%
between 35 and 50 km, an amount that agrees
well with the decrease predicted as a result of the
steady rise in abundances of chlorine, the primary
agent of halogen-induced ozone loss in the
middle stratosphere.
ClO (pptv)
Halogens and Ozone Loss
77 380
77 390
77 400
77 410
77 420
UT (s)
Figure 3 Examples of the measured correlation of ozone loss
with ClO radical abundances in (A) the Antarctic ozone hole in 1987
(16 September) (excerpted with permission from Anderson JG et
al. (1991) Science 251: 39–46. Copyright 1991 American Association for the Advancement of Science) and (B) in a plume of a Delta
II rocket (adapted from Ross MN, et al. (2000)).
Long-term reductions in ozone have been reported
for other regions of the stratosphere, in particular the
Arctic and the lowermost stratosphere at middle
latitudes. In the first case, springtime ozone losses
are consistent with calculations based on observed
abundances of the radicals ClO and BrO. However,
losses in the middle of winter appear to be significantly
greater than expected, for reasons that are not yet
clear. It is possible that transport between regions of
differing ozone concentrations confounds efforts to
attribute ozone loss to specific halogen radical abundances. In the mid-latitude lower stratosphere, the
ozone losses themselves are highly uncertain, because
they occur in a region where there is a strong vertical
gradient in the ozone mixing ratio and because
measurement techniques are not optimized for these
altitudes. Nevertheless, there have been several attempts to attribute these trends to increases in the
abundances of anthropogenic chlorine and bromine,
accelerated by naturally occurring iodine radicals.
This is a region of the stratosphere where temperatures
are very low (B200 K) and heterogeneous reactions
on sulfuric acid aerosols or thin cirrus clouds could
enhance halogen radical abundances. New measurements at the turn of the century suggest that chlorine
radicals are not significantly enhanced in this region,
but bromine and iodine radicals may be. Whether or
not these enhancements are sufficient to explain
the unexpectedly large trends deduced in the lower
stratosphere will be a focus of much attention in the
coming years.
See also
Chemistry of the Atmosphere: Chemical Kinetics.
Numerical Models: Chemistry Models. Observations
for Chemistry (In Situ): Particles. Observations for
Chemistry (Remote Sensing): Lidar; Microwave.
Ozone: Ozone Depletion Potentials; Photochemistry of
Ozone. Stratospheric Chemistry and Composition:
HOx; Halogen Sources, Anthropogenic; Halogen Sources,
Further Reading
Anderson JG, Toohey DW and Brune WH (1991) Free
radicals within the Antarctic vortex: the role of CFCs in
Antarctic ozone loss. Science 251: 39–46.
Brune WH (1998) Stratospheric chemistry – perspectives in
environmental chemistry. In: Macalady DL (ed.) Perspectives in Environmental Chemistry, pp. 292–324.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Finlayson-Pitts BJ and Pitts JN (2000) Chemistry of t
he Upper and Lower Atmosphere. London: Academic
Roan SL (1989) Ozone Crisis: The 15-Year Evolution of a
Sudden Global Emergency. New York: Wiley.
Ross MN, et al. (2000) Observation of stratospheric ozone
depletion associated with Delta II rocket emissions.
Geophysical Research Letters 27: 2209–2212.
Wayne RP, et al. (1995) Halogen oxides – radicals, sources
and reservoirs in the laboratory and in the atmosphere.
Atmospheric Environment 29: 2677–2881.
Wayne RP (2000) Chemistry of Atmospheres, 3rd ed.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
T F Hanisco, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
HOx Sources
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
HOx is produced from the oxidation of the stable
hydrogen-containing species, water, methane, and
molecular hydrogen. The relative strength of these
sources is largely determined by their concentrations
at the tropopause: H2O B4 parts per million (ppm),
CH4 B1.5 ppm, and H2 B0.5 ppm. The numerous
pathways that participate in this oxidation are diagrammed in Figure 1. The oxidation occurs mostly
through gas phase reactions with highly reactive
species, i.e. excited oxygen atoms, chlorine atoms,
and OH. The oxidation of water also occurs via
hydrolysis reactions catalyzed by acid aerosols found
in the lower stratosphere. In most cases, the production mechanisms include a large number of reactions,
most of which have little direct effect on HOx . These
mechanisms are presented in terms of reaction sequences that can be simplified in terms of ratedetermining reactions and net yields.
The hydrogen radical family (HOx ) consists of
the hydrogen (H), hydroxyl (OH), and hydroperoxyl (HO2) radicals. Concentrations of these
highly reactive radicals are small, between 1 part
per trillion (ppt) in the lower stratosphere and
400 ppt in the upper stratosphere. Despite this, HOx
is important because it participates in many reactions
that control the photochemistry of stratospheric
ozone. The hydrogen radicals are important in the
removal of O3 through direct reaction with O3 and
indirectly through reaction with the halogen oxides.
HOx also removes ozone through reactions with the
nitrogen and halogen chemical families. The extensive
coupling of HOx to these chemical families leads to a
particularly complex set of reactions that control HOx
photochemistry. Understanding these mechanisms is
important in understanding both HOx and, more
broadly, the mechanisms that control ozone photochemistry.
Gas Phase Processes
The largest single source of HOx throughout the
stratosphere is the oxidation of H2O by the electronically
O3, ClO, O
O3, NO, ClO, BrO, O
Altitude (km)
HOx production rate (ppt s )
Figure 1 Primary sources and sinks of HOx are shown. Gas
phase reactions are denoted with solid lines and heterogeneous
reactions with dashed lines.
excited oxygen atom Oð1 DÞ which is generated from
the photolysis of O3 at wavelengths less than
B330 nm. The production from this mechanism is
represented by a sequence of reactions that leads to a
net conversion of H2O to HOx :
Figure 2 Typical mid-latitude daytime production rates of HOx
calculated from concentration profiles of the source gases are
shown versus altitude. The CH4 oxidation sequences initiated by
Oð1 DÞ, OH, and Cl are grouped together. Likewise, the hydrolysis
reactions involving N2O5 , ClONO2 , and BrONO2 are combined.
The production from H2 is less than 4% of the total at all altitudes.
NO2 þ hn ! NO þ O
O3 þ hn ! Oð1 DÞ þ O2
O þ O2 ! O3
Oð1 DÞ þ H2 O ! 2 OH
CH3 O þ O2 ! CH2 O þ HO2
CH2 O þ hn ! H þ CHO
CHO þ O2 ! HO2 þ CO
Net: O3 þ H2 O ! 2OH þ O2
Only a small fraction of the Oð1 DÞ produced from
reaction [1] subsequently reacts via reaction [2]; most
Oð1 DÞ relaxes to ground state Oð3 PÞ after collisions
with N2 and O2. The rate of this sequence is
determined by the slowest or the ‘rate-determining
step’, in this case reaction [2]. The rate of the
production of HOx from H2O, which is equal to twice
the rate of reaction [2], is shown in Figure 2. This and
the following sequences are identified in the figures by
the rate-determining steps.
The oxidation of methane requires a greater number
of reactions to liberate all four hydrogen atoms. The
sequence initiated by Oð1 DÞ can produce as many as
four HOx :
O3 þ hn ! Oð1 DÞ þ O2
Oð1 DÞ þ CH4 ! CH3 þ OH
CH3 þ O2 ! CH3 O2
CH3 O2 þ NO ! CH3 O þ NO2
Net: CH4 þ 3O2 ! H þ OH þ 2HO2 þ CO
An alternate pathway for the photolysis of CH2O in
reaction [9] is the production of H2 and CO:
CH2 O þ hn ! H2 þ CO
When the oxidation of methane follows this path, the
net yield is only 2HOx for every CH4 consumed. Since
reactions [9] and [11] compete, the yield of HOx from
CH4 oxidation initiated by reaction [3] is somewhere
between 2 and 4. The utility of the rate-determining
step and net yields is particularly evident in this
sequence, where nine reactions can be thought of in
terms of one. In this case, the rate of production of
HOx from CH4 is 2–4 times the rate of the ratedetermining step, reaction [3]. The rate of this and the
following CH4 oxidation sequences decrease relative
to the H2O source at higher altitudes. This results from
the net conversion of CH4 to H2O as the air in the
lower stratosphere ages during the slow ascent into the
mid to upper stratosphere.
The methane oxidation sequence that is initiated by
OH is autocatalytic. OH is consumed at the initiation
OH þ CH4 ! CH3 þ H2 O
but the subsequent reactions [4]–[10] can produce as
many as 2HOx . In the lower stratosphere where the
oxidation of CH4 is most important, the rate of
reaction [12] is faster than that of reaction [3], so that
the sequence initiated by OH is often more important
than that initiated by Oð1 DÞ.
Oxidation of CH4 is also initiated by reactions of
CH4 with Cl.
lower stratosphere:
NO2 þ NO3 ! N2 O5
N2 O5 þ H2 O ! 2 HNO3
2ðHNO3 þ hn ! OH þ NO2 Þ
NO2 þ O3 ! NO3 þ O2
Net: H2 O þ O3 ! 2OH þ O2
Outside the winter polar vortex this sequence is not a
large source of HOx , because Cl concentrations are
lower and the reaction
The first step in this sequence is significant only at
night because NO3 is easily photolyzed during the day.
Thus, this sequence is not important in the highlatitude summer when continuous sunlit conditions
occur. An alternate pathway for the removal of HNO3
in reaction [19] is reaction with OH, discussed in the
next section. This pathway removes HOx so that the
yield from the hydrolysis of N2O5 is less than 2HOx .
In the winter and early spring polar vortex when
ClO and aerosol concentrations are high, heterogeneous reactions of ClONO2 are the dominant source of
HNO3. The hydrolysis of ClONO2 can be a particularly strong source of HOx :
OH þ HCl ! H2 O þ Cl
ClO þ NO2 ! ClONO2
Cl þ CH4 ! CH3 þ HCl
The methane oxidation sequence that is initiated by Cl
can be the most important source of HOx in the winter
polar vortex when active chlorine levels are high and
HCl concentrations are low. In these conditions, ClO
controls the conversion of CH3 O2 ! CH3 O:
CH3 O2 þ ClO ! CH3 O þ Cl þ O2
is important, resulting in a lower yield for HOx
production. In these conditions [13] and [15] are the
dominant production and loss terms of HCl.
The production of HOx from the oxidation of H2 is
analogous to that of H2O:
ClONO2 þ H2 O ! HOCl þ HNO3
HOCl þ hn ! OH þ Cl
O3 þ hn ! Oð1 DÞ þ O2
Cl þ O3 ! ClO þ O2
Oð1 DÞ þ H2 ! H þ OH
HNO3 þ hn ! OH þ NO2
Net: O3 þ H2 ! H þ OH þ O2
This source is much smaller than the H2O and CH4
sources, owing to the much lower concentration of H2
in the stratosphere and to a smaller rate constant. In
the lower stratosphere where this sequence is most
significant, H2 accounts for only 4% of the total
production of HOx .
Heterogeneous Processes
Heterogeneous reactions are important in the partitioning of the nitrogen and halogen families. These
same reactions are important sources of HOx in the
lower stratosphere where aerosol concentrations are
significant. The hydrolysis of N2O5 on sulfuric acid
aerosols is a major source of HNO3 and HOx in the
Net: H2 O þ O3 ! 2OH þ O2
The heterogeneous reaction [22] is strongly temperature-dependent, proceeding fastest at low temperatures (190–200 K). As in the case of N2O5 hydrolysis,
the reaction of OH with HNO3 competes with [19] to
reduce the yield of this sequence. In addition, the
heterogeneous reaction:
HOCl þ HCl ! H2 O þ Cl2
competes with reaction [23] and to further reduce the
yield of this sequence. When ClONO2 is absent, as in
the polar winter lower stratosphere, reaction [25] can
be a net sink of HOx . The analogous hydrolysis of
BrONO2 is only weakly temperature-dependent, and
it is only a small source throughout the lower
stratosphere. This reaction produces a distinct increase in HOx when HOBr produced is photolyzed at
The removal of HOx in the stratosphere consists
entirely of reactions that convert HOx to H2O. The
numerous pathways involving NOy and HOx intermediates are shown in Figure 1. Unlike the nitrogen
and halogen radical families, HOx radicals are not
sequestered in reservoirs. This is because these potential reservoirs (HNO3 and HNO4) react rapidly with
OH, serving as sinks instead.
The primary removal mechanism for HOx in the
lower and middle stratosphere is the reaction of OH
with NO2 , followed by reaction with HNO3:
OH þ NO2 ! HNO3
OH þ HNO3 ! H2 O þ NO3
NO3 þ hn ! NO2 þ O
Altitude (km)
First-order HOx loss rate (s−1)
Figure 3 Typical mid-latitude first-order loss rates determined
from profiles of the sinks of HOx are shown versus altitude. The
first-order loss rates, e.g. kOHþHNO3 ½HNO3 , are the independent
variables that control the removal of HOx .
Concentrations of HOx are determined nearly entirely
by production from H2O and removal via the selfreaction.
The most significant heterogeneous removal mechanism of HOx is the hydrolysis of N2O5:
Net: 2OH ! H2 O þ O
NO2 þ NO3 ! N2 O5
The similar sequence that produces and removes
HNO4 also removes HOx :
N2 O5 þ H2 O ! 2HNO3
2ðOH þ HNO3 ! H2 O þ NO3 Þ
NO3 þ hn ! NO2 þ O
HO2 þ NO2 ! HNO4
OH þ HNO4 ! H2 O þ NO2 þ O2
Net: OH þ HO2 ! H2 O þ O2
Net: 2OH ! H2 O þ O
The HNO3 and HNO4 sequences are most important
in the lower stratosphere where the concentrations of
HNO3 and HNO4 are high. The first-order loss rates
of the removal sequences are shown in Figure 3. When
concentrations of ClO are elevated, the reaction
OH þ ClO ! O2 þ HCl
is a significant sink of HOx . Because concentrations of
HCl are usually low when ClO concentrations are
high, the reaction of OH with HCl [15] that completes
the conversion of HOx to H2O is not significant.
When the concentrations of HOx are large the selfreaction of HOx becomes significant:
OH þ HO2 ! H2 O þ O2
In the mid to upper stratosphere reaction [32] is the
dominant sink of HOx . In this region of the stratosphere HOx photochemistry is greatly simplified.
This reaction is important only in the lower stratosphere where aerosol concentrations are high. As
mentioned in the previous section, an alternate pathway to reaction [27] is the photolysis of HNO3 [19], so
that the occurrence of [18] leads to the removal of less
than 2HOx . The analogous removal mechanisms
involving ClONO2 and BrONO2 are less significant
because the reactions of OH with HOCl and HOBr are
too slow to compete with the photolysis of these
Secondary Sources and Sinks
The production and loss mechanisms shown in
Figure 1 are portrayed as part of a one-way flux
from the primary sources (H2 , H2O, and CH4)
through HOx and back into H2O. On average this
flux is balanced, but there are certain situations when
other pathways are significant. These processes are
part of null sequences. For example, the formation
followed by photolytic destruction of HNO4 is
HNO4 þ hn ! OH þ NO3
Net: H2 O þ NO2 ! OH þ NO3
This is a net null for HOx averaged over a 24-hour
diurnal cycle. However at any given instant within the
diurnal cycle these reactions are not required to
balance. In particular, at sunrise and sunset HNO4 is
not in steady state, i.e. the rate of [29] does not balance
[30] and [33]. Under these twilight conditions, this
sequence can be a source (sunrise) or a sink (sunset).
Other null cycles that can be instantaneous sources or
sinks of HOx include the formation and photolysis of
HONO, HOCl, HOBr, and H2O2. Conceptually,
these terms should be considered secondary processes.
That is, they do not influence the interpretation of
the 24-hour average abundance of HOx versus altitude
or latitude, but they are significant in model calculations that attempt to reproduce HOx at twilight
Diurnal Change
The production of HOx is tied to the flux of ultraviolet
(UV) radiation that drives the photolysis reactions and
initiates the production sequences. This UV flux,
which is strongly attenuated by O3 , depends on the
O3 slant column (the amount of O3 between an air
parcel and the Sun). During a diurnal cycle, this slant
column changes with the angle of the Sun, resulting in
large changes in UV flux and photolysis rates. The
resulting change in the production rate of HOx for
conditions typical of the mid-latitude lower stratosphere is shown in Figure 4. The sharp increase in the
production rate indicates the strong dependence on
UV flux, hence solar zenith angle. The relative
strengths of the sources and sinks of HOx also depend
on solar flux. For example, the oxidation of CH4 is
faster than that of H2O at the highest solar zenith
angles. This is because the oxidation of CH4 can be
initiated by OH and Cl atoms that are produced more
easily than Oð1 DÞ at twilight conditions.
HOx Cycling
The relative concentration of H, OH, and HO2 is
controlled by fast cycling reactions that do not
produce or remove HOx . H is converted to HO2 via
HOx production rate (ppt s−1)
HO2 þ NO2 ! HNO4
Solar zenith angle (degrees)
Local time (hours)
Figure 4 The production rate of HOx is shown for a typical day in
the mid-latitude lower stratosphere. The solar zenith angle is
the angle between the Sun and the zenith (directly overhead). The
sequences that oxidize CH4 and the hydrolysis reactions are
grouped together.
the extremely fast reaction with O2.
H þ O2 ! HO2
This reaction is significantly faster than the reactions
that produce H (i.e. [9] and [16]), so that concentrations of H are negligible compared to the OH and
HO2. Because the conversion of H ! HO2 is so fast, H
is often neglected and the production of H is considered equivalent to the production of HO2.
The relative concentration of OH and HO2 is
controlled by reactions that interconvert OH and
HO2. The primary conversion mechanism in the lower
and middle stratosphere is
OH þ O3 ! HO2 þ O2
HO2 þ O3 ! OH þ 2O2
Net: 2O3 ! 3O2
This reaction sequence is a net loss for ozone, and
accounts for a large fraction of the total ozone removal
rate in the lower stratosphere. In this sequence, the rate
constant for reaction [35] is much larger than that of
reaction [36], so that concentrations of HO2 are
almost always greater than OH in the lower to mid
An important pathway for the conversion of
HO2 ! OH is part of a null cycle:
OH þ O3 ! HO2 þ O2
HO2 þ NO ! OH þ NO2
NO2 þ hn ! NO þ O
Cl þ O3 ! ClO þ O2
O þ O2 ! O3
HO2 þ ClO ! HOCl þ O2
HOCl þ hn ! OH þ Cl
Cl þ O3 ! ClO þ O2
Net: null
This and the prior sequence illustrate the interaction
between HOx and NOx on ozone loss rates. Reaction
[36] removes O3 and reaction [37] leads to the
production of O3. The relative rate of [36] compared
with [37] determines the net O3 removal rate following reaction [35].
The relative abundance of OH and HO2 is proportional to the concentrations of the species and rate
constants that interconvert OH and HO2. In the midlatitude lower to mid stratosphere, where reactions
[35]–[37] dominate the interconversion rate, the ratio
HO2 is controlled by O3 , NO, and the rate constants
for these reactions. Figure 5 shows how the ratio HO2/
OH responds to the changes in O3 and NO. At a fixed
amount of NO, an increase in O3 leads to greater HO2/
OH because the rate constant for reaction [35] is
roughly 15 times faster than that of reaction [36]. At
the limit of very high concentrations of O3 (or low
NO) the ratio of HO2/OH is determined by the ratio of
the rate constants for reactions [35] and [36], i.e.
HO2 =OH k35 =k36 . For a fixed amount of O3 ,
increases in NO lead to decreases in HO2 because
reaction [37] converts HO2 ! OH. At some limit of
very high NO (or low O3), HO2/OH would approach
When the concentrations of ClO are high, such as
the wintertime polar vortex, the reaction with ClO
controls the balance between OH and HO2:
Above B40 km this sequence dominates the conversion of OH and HO2. The rate constant of reaction
[43] is roughly twice as large as that for reaction [42],
so that concentrations of OH are greater than [HO2] in
the highest part of the stratosphere.
The OH-initiated oxidation of CH4 , reactions [12]
followed by [4]–[10], converts OH to HO2. In addition, the subsequent oxidation of CO converts
OH ! H, via
OH þ ClO ! HO2 þ Cl
OH þ CO ! H þ CO2
OH þ O ! HO2
HO2 þ O ! OH þ O2
Net: 2O ! O2
These reactions are important only in the lowest part
of the stratosphere near the tropopause region, where
they might account for a few percent of the total
OH ! HO2 conversion rate.
The analogous sequence involving BrO also contributes to the interconversion of OH and HO2 and to the
removal of O3. These sequences are almost always rate
limited by reaction [41] and the analogous reaction of
HO2 with BrO.
In the upper stratosphere, the reactions with O
atoms become important:
O3 = 2.5 ppm
O3 = 0.5 ppm
Net: 2O3 ! 3O2
NO mixing ratio (ppb)
Figure 5 The ratio of HO2/OH is controlled by NO and O3 in the
mid-latitude lower stratosphere. The predicted ratio is shown
versus NO for O3 ¼ 0:5 and 2.5 ppm.
Concentration: in parts per million (ppm 5 10 6) and
parts per trillion (ppt 5 10 12)
Production rate: in ppt s 1
Nanometer: 1 nm 5 10 9 m
Collision partner: M 5 O2 and N2
Photon: hv
See also
Aerosols: Physics and Chemistry of Aerosols. Chemistry
of the Atmosphere: Chemical Kinetics; Principles of
Chemical Change. Ozone: Photochemistry of Ozone.
Stratospheric Chemistry and Composition: Halogens; Hydrogen Budget; Reactive Nitrogen (NOx and NOy).
Further Reading
Dessler AE (2000) The Chemistry and Physics of Stratospheric Ozone. San Diego: Academic Press.
Jacob DJ (1999) Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry.
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Johnston HS and Podolske JR (1978) Interpretations of
Stratospheric Photochemistry. Review of Geophysics and
Space Physics 16: 491–519.
McElroy MB, Salawitch RJ and Minschwaner K (1992) The
changing stratosphere. Planetary and Space Science 40:
Okabe H (1978) Photochemistry of Small Molecules. New
York: Wiley.
Wayne RP (2000) Chemistry of Atmospheres: An Introduction to the Chemistry of the Atmospheres of Earth, the
Planets, and Their Satellites. 3rd edn. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Hydrogen Budget
J E Harries, Imperial College of Science, Technology
and Medicine, London, UK
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The principal components of the hydrogen budget of
the stratosphere are water vapor, H2O (mixing ratio
between 3 and 4 parts per million by volume, ppmv,
in the lower stratosphere), methane, CH4 (about
1.7 ppmv), and molecular hydrogen, H2 (about
0.5 ppmv). The first two of these are greenhouse gases,
with strong absorption bands in the infrared, making
their concentration and evolution of interest in studies
of the balance of climate, and how this might change
with time. The hydrogen free radicals such as the
hydroxyl radical OH, HO2 , and atomic hydrogen,
H, are present in much lower concentrations (mixing
ratios of order 10 11 at 30 km), but are highly
reactive, and are consequently of particular importance in atmospheric chemistry. Since this article is
concerned with the budget of hydrogen in the stratosphere, we shall be concerned primarily with the
three species that dominate the mass: the trace radicals
will only be considered in so far as they enter into
reactions which determine the concentrations of the
three major constituents.
Because of the importance to radiative energy
exchange and chemistry, a wide range of studies of
both the major and minor hydrogen-bearing species
have been undertaken over the years. In what follows,
we shall review the state of knowledge on the
concentrations, budget, and variability of the three
principal hydrogen species H2O, CH4 , and H2.
Supply of Hydrogen Species to the
Water vapor is continuously supplied to the stratosphere from the ocean surface, via the troposphere.
While concentrations in the troposphere are high,
sometimes approaching saturation near the surface,
the Brewer–Dobson circulation transports air upward
over the tropics, and through the tropical tropopause,
which is characteristically very cold and high. This
causes the ‘freeze-out’ of water by the tropopause cold
trap, with the consequence that the air moving into the
stratosphere is extremely dry (mixing ratios of order a
few parts in 10 6 (see Stratospheric Water Vapor).
In the stratosphere, oxidation of both methane and
H2 takes place, adding to the concentration of water
vapor, but simultaneously H2 can be produced by
oxidation of formaldehyde, CH2O, which itself is
derived from CH4. The overall net effect is to cause
water vapor to increase with height, mainly at the
expense of methane, which decreases in mixing ratio,
while molecular hydrogen stays roughly constant in
mixing ratio with height (since reactions which both
add and delete H2 occur with similar rates). Later we
will examine some data for H2O and CH4 from both a
satellite and a balloon experiment, which indicate that
the sum of total hydrogen, which may be expressed as
c ¼ 2CH4 þ H2 O þ H2 , is, as far as can be measured, constant with height through most of the
Loss of Hydrogen Species from the
There are three principal mechanisms by which
hydrogen species are lost from the stratosphere:
1. by being part of the overall global circulation of
descending air at mid to high latitudes;
2. by loss, particularly of the lightest component,
molecular hydrogen, from the top of the the
atmosphere to space;
3. by removal of ice where condensation occurs and
ice particles may be removed by movement into the
troposphere and subsequent ice sublimation or ice
melting and liquid evaporation: this can happen,
for example, at the top of cumulonimbus clouds
once they begin to decay, or in the Antarctic polar
vortex, where extremely low temperatures and
sinking motion prevail.
Photochemistry of Stratospheric
Since original work in 1950 by two major figures in
atmospheric chemistry and aeronomy, David Bates
and Marcel Nicolet, the photochemistry of the hydrogen family has been treated many times. A valuable
treatment is to be found in the book by Brasseur and
Solomon (see under Further Reading). The three
principal components, H2O, CH4 , and H2 all enter
the stratosphere from the troposphere below, as part of
the general circulation of the atmosphere. In the
troposphere, water vapor derives, of course, ultimately from the large reservoir in the oceans; methane
comes from anaerobic processes, and molecular
hydrogen is thought to be produced from cars and
biomass burning, as well as from natural sources
at the surface. The approximate mean values of
the mixing ratios of the three as they enter the
stratosphere are:
H2O: 3–4.2 ppmv
CH4: 1.7 ppmv
H2: 0.5 ppmv
further below.
CH3 þ O2 ! CH3 O2
CH3 O2 þ NO ! CH3 O þ NO2
CH3 O þ O2 ! CH2 O þ HO2
The formaldehyde so formed may be photolysed, or
may react with OH, as in reactions [VII], [VIII], and
[IX] below.
CH2 O þ hn ! H2 þ HCO
CH2 O þ hn ! HCO þ H
CH2 O þ OH ! H2 O þ HCO
The formaldehyde produced eventually forms H2 and
H2O, and so the sequence from methane to water
vapor (and to molecular hydrogen) is established.
Also, if HOx , HCl or HCO is produced from CH4 , it is
quickly converted to H2O, much faster than it is
produced from the methane, so that these particular
processes are also essentially a means of producing H2
and H2O from CH4.
Observations of Hydrogen-Containing
Constituents in the Stratosphere
There has been some controversy over the so-called
‘mean entry level’ mixing ratio for water vapor, which
will be discussed further below (under Issues).
Once the source molecules are in the stratosphere,
they are carried by the circulation to higher altitudes
and latitudes. In the mid-stratosphere, the methyl
radical, CH3 , is formed by oxidation processes [I], [II],
and [III] below, and then may be converted to
formaldehyde, CH2O, by schemes [IV], [V], and
[VI], in the presence of chlorine and nitrogen
CH4 þ OH ! CH3 þ H2 O
CH4 þ Oð1 DÞ ! CH3 þ OH
CH4 þ Cl ! CH3 þ HCl
Note that because of the distributions of OH, O,
and Cl with height, these reactions are more effective
in the middle and upper stratosphere than they are
nearer the tropopause. This means that little methane
is converted to water vapor or molecular hydrogen
in the lower stratosphere. We will consider this
Satellite Observations of H2O and CH4
The near-global perspective offered by satellites has
been used in the study of the total hydrogen budget of
the stratosphere. Not only are satellite instruments
capable of near-global observations, but they are also,
in principle, capable of making measurements of many
atmospheric constituents simultaneously, and of the
way they move around. In fact, water vapor and
methane, being polyatomic molecules, have active
infrared spectra that provide a mechanism for remote
measurement of concentrations from space, either by
measurement of thermal emission or by solar absorption at the frequencies of the relevant vibration–
rotation bands. Molecular hydrogen does not, however exhibit an allowed infrared spectrum, and has not
yet been measured from space.
To date, three satellite projects have provided
sufficient data to make a test of the hydrogen budget
possible. These are the Nimbus 7 and the Upper
Atmosphere Research Satellite projects, and the
ATMOS Space Shuttle instrument, all from NASA in
the USA (a useful web page listed under Further
Reading will allow the viewer to investigate the details
of past, present, and future NASA satellite missions).
On Nimbus 7, launched in 1978, the Limb Infrared
Monitor of the Stratosphere, LIMS, provided first
infrared measurements of water vapor, while the
Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder, SAMS,
made measurements of methane. On UARS, the
Halogen Occultation Experiment, HALOE, produced
a decade of measurements of both water vapor and
methane, simultaneously and precisely bore-sighted
(i.e., colocated), which have provided copious quantities of data with which to test theory. Also, the
ATMOS experiment, a high-resolution solar tracking
Fourier transform spectrometer, has been flown on a
number of Space Shuttle missions, and has provided
complete spectral coverage in the infrared from about
3 to 16 microns, at high spectral resolution.
Each of these experiments has been used to study
the distribution throughout the stratosphere of
H2O and CH4 , and the ratio of the changes of mixing
ratio of these two constituents with height,
R ¼ DH2 O=DCH4 . R is a parameter which can
provide a useful test of photochemical and dynamical
processes that might determine the hydrogen budget of
the stratosphere, as we will discuss further below.
Values in the range R ¼ 1:5 to 2.0 have been
The sum of ‘total hydrogen’ mixing ratio,
c ¼ 2CH4 þ H2 O þ H2 , has also been examined
using these satellite data, or at least that part of c that
can be measured, i.e., cn ¼ 2CH4 þ H2 O (so that
c ¼ cn þ H2 ). It has usually been assumed in such
studies that the mixing ratio of H2 is constant at
0.5 ppmv. Figure 1 shows a result for cn obtained from
HALOE data, for the stratosphere and mesosphere
above 10 hPa. This and other work (see later) indicate
that this parameter is, indeed rather constant in the
stratosphere, and took values in the 1990s in the range
6.0 to 7.5 ppmv, though there does seem to be a
significant trend with time, according to the SPARC
report on upper-tropospheric and stratospheric water
vapor (see Further Reading). The value of cn starts to
fall significantly from a constant value above about
0.1 hPa, where rapid production of H2 in preference to
H2O takes over. Work by the author of this article and
his colleagues has shown that, on the assumptions that
the total hydrogen budget is constant, and that water
vapor, methane, and molecular hydrogen are the only
significant components, such measurements of cn may
be used to derive the distribution of H2 , particularly in
the mesosphere, where it varies significantly (see
Further Reading).
Aircraft and Balloon measurements of H2O, CH4
and H2
Very many observations of water vapor have been
made from balloon and aircraft platforms, far too
many to review here (see the SPARC assessment listed
in Further Reading). Fewer, though still many, measurements have been reported of CH4 , and still fewer of
H2. Those measurements in which all three species
have been measured together are very few! However,
because of the near-constancy of the H2 mixing ratio in
the stratosphere, measurements of just water vapor
and methane have proven valuable. The advantage of
local measurements over satellite measurements is, of
course, that they are sensitive to smaller spatial and
time scales than are satellites, so that more detailed
processes may be studied. Also, many of the sensors
used on aircraft and balloons, especially some of the
in-situ sampling sensors, are capable of higher relative
and absolute accuracy than are satellite sensors. One
example of the use of aircraft measurements of H2O
and CH4 is shown in Figure 2. This shows scatter plots
for four different flights of an aircraft at between 17
and 20 km, in the latitude range 15–401 N, in 1993.
Water vapor was measured using a photofragment
fluorescence sensor, methane by a tunable diode laser
HALOE 2 × DCH4 + H2O ppmv
Sunset 6 March 1993 _ 11 April 1993 V17
Mixing ratio
Pressure (hPa)
_ 90
_ 60
_ 30
Figure 1 Height–latitude cross section of HALOE measurements of cn ¼ 2CH4 þ H2 O, a proxy measure of total hydrogen. Units are
H2O (ppmv)
Flight 930503
Flight 930426
Flight 930506
Flight 930507
CH4 (ppmv)
Figure 2 Airborne measurements (17–20 km altitude, 15–401 N) of H2O and CH4 made in 1993. The results of four different flights are
shown, and the solid line is the result of a straight-line fit to all the data.
instrument. Both measurements are local. The data are
compared with a line obtained by linearly fitting the
data from all four flights, which has a gradient of
m ¼ DH2 O=DCH4 ¼ 1:94 0:27. This is close to
the value of R ¼ 2:0 expected if oxidation of
methane goes completely to water vapor, and if the
production and loss of molecular hydrogen is in
balance. This will be discussed further below.
Other balloon and aircraft instruments have included infrared sensors, cryogenic trapping followed by
laboratory analysis, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, resonance fluorescence techniques, and frostpoint hygrometry.
Some Issues about the Hydrogen
Budget of the Stratosphere
Entry-Level Mixing Ratio of Water Vapor
There has been some controversy over the so-called
mean ‘entry level’ of water vapor. Values based on
Nimbus 7 data of 2.7 and 3.25 ppmv have been
reported, while a value of 4.270.5 ppmv has been
reported from aircraft data. However, the picture is
confused by the fact that the value may actually have
changed with time (reports of increases of about
1% year 1 have been published, i.e. about 10% decade 1, a very significant change), and because only
rather limited measurements have been reported near
the tropopause. What is beyond disagreement now is
that such a global mean value for the entry-level water
vapor is merely an average over quite a range,
probably from as low as 2 ppmv to as high as 7 ppmv
in different regions: moreover, there are probably a
number of different processes that control the transport of water vapor in particular from the troposphere
to the stratosphere (see Stratospheric Water Vapor), so
that the globally averaged view cannot resolve these
important individual processes.
The Conversion of Methane to Water Vapor
An important question is that of the ratio of
R ¼ DH2 O=DCH4 , i.e. the increase in water vapor
with respect to the decrease in methane with height. It
is important in part because it is a ratio we may hope to
test from observations. Is this ratio R ¼ 2:0, which
would imply that all the hydrogen in the methane,
including that converted into intermediate compounds like CH3 and CH2O, has been converted to
water vapor, and also that the H2 mixing ratio has not
changed significantly, at different heights? In other
words, a value of R ¼ 2:0 reflects a balance between
large production and loss rates for molecular hydrogen. Reaction [VII] above is the principal source of
additional H2 in the stratosphere. However, H2 can
also be destroyed in the stratosphere by a number of
reactions with OH, O(1D), and Cl. The reaction rates
for these are similar to those for reactions [I]–[III]. It is
thought that the balance of these formation and
destruction reactions for H2 is such that the H2 mixing
ratio does not change much with height, at least from
the tropopause to 40 or 50 km, which is the domain of
our concerns here.
Thus, the ratio R ¼ 2:0 in those regions where the
oxidation of methane is rapid: it is less than R ¼ 2:0
(as low as R ¼ 1:6 has been suggested) in the lower
stratosphere, but this is where methane oxidation is
much slower, so that the precise value of the ratio is not
so important. If, in addition, as seems likely, the H2
profile is constant with height because production and
loss mechanisms are roughly in balance, then in
practice we would expect R ¼ 2:0 to hold virtually
everywhere where significant conversion from CH4 to
H2O occurs. There appears to have been some
disagreement in the literature about the value of R,
but this has arisen largely over a misunderstanding of
the relative insignificance of methane oxidation near
the tropopause, where the ratio is formally less than
2.0, but where the effect on the measured profiles is
The Total Hydrogen Content of the Stratosphere
Finally, in this section, we ask what is the total amount
of hydrogen in the stratosphere? Ignoring the minor
species such as CH2O, OH, and so on, we address the
parameter c ¼ 2CH4 þ H2 O þ H2, which on the
basis of current theory should be constant, unless some
unknown significant sources or sinks exist. Estimates
of this quantity based on observations vary from 6:5
to 7:0 ppmv from satellite observations from the
Nimbus 7 (1979) and the ATMOS experiments (early
1980s), to 8.170.6 ppmv from aircraft measurements
between 151 and 401 N, made in 1993. These observations were made at different epochs, and since there
is known to have been a long-term upward trend in
tropospheric methane, and an upward trend in
stratospheric water vapor (of about 1% year 1)
between about 1980 and the present, it is possible
that these differences may be due to real changes.
However, the uncertainties due both to experimental
error and to variability and different sampling
are probably also large enough to account for
these differences. For the present we must adopt
a value of c ¼ 2CH4 þ H2 O þ H2 in the range
6.5 to 8.0 ppmv. More accurate measurements
are needed to distinguish a real change of the hydrogen
See also
Climate: Overview. Global Change: Upper Atmospheric
Change. Methane. Middle Atmosphere: Planetary
Waves; Quasi-Biennial Oscillation. Observations for
Chemistry (In Situ): Gas Chromatography; Resonance
Fluorescence; Water Vapor Sondes. Observations for
Chemistry (Remote Sensing): IR/FIR; Microwave. Satellite Remote Sensing: Water Vapor. Stratospheric
Water Vapor.
Further Reading
Bates DR and Nicolet M (1950) The photochemistry of
atmospheric water vapor. Journal of Geophysical
Research 55: 301–327.
Brewer A (1949) Evidence for a world circulation provided
by the measurements of helium and water vapor distributions in the stratosphere. Quarterly Journal of the
Royal Meteorological Society 75: 351.
Brasseur G and Solomon S (1984) Aeronomy of the Middle
Atmosphere. Dordrecht: Reidel.
Dessler AE, Weinstock EM, Hintsa EJ, et al. (1994) An
examination of the total hydrogen budget of the
lower stratosphere. Geophysical Research Letters 21:
Gunson MR, Farmer CB, Norton RH, et al. (1990)
Measurements of CH4 , N2O, CO, H2O and O3 in the
middle atmosphere by the ATMOS experiment of
Spacelab 3. Journal of Geophysical Research 95:
Harries JE, Ruth S and Russell JM (1996) On the distribution
of mesospheric molecular hydrogen inferred from
HALOE measurements of H2O and CH4. Geophysical
Research Letters 23: 297–300.
Holton J (1992) An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology.
San Diego: Academic Press.
Jones RL, Pyle JA, Harries JE, et al. (1986) The water vapour
budget of the stratosphere studied using LIMS and SAMS
satellite data. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 112: 1127–1143.
Le Texier H, Solomon S and Garcia RR (1988) The role of
molecular hydrogen and methane oxidation in the water
vapour budget of the stratosphere. Quarterly Journal of
the Royal Meteorological Society 114: 281–295.
NASA: Upper Atmosphere research Satellite web site: http:// Earth Science Enterprise Programme:
Salby ML (1996) Fundamentals of Atmospheric Physics. San
Diego: Academic Press.
SPARC Assessment of Upper Tropospheric and Stratospheric Water Vapor (2000) World Climate Research
Programme Report No. 113. (The author is particularly
indebted to the authors of this report, which has
provided very valuable background in writing this
Hydroxyl Radical
D E Heard, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
There has been a considerable desire to measure
concentrations of the hydroxyl radical (OH) in the
stratosphere over the last 30 years. The measurement
is extremely challenging, owing to the short lifetime of
OH and its minuscule concentration (typically less
than 1 part per trillion, ppt). A range of instrumentation has been developed, but despite considerable
expenditure of effort, knowledge of the distribution
and variability of OH is still limited. This article will
review the methods used to measure OH, and the
closely related hydroperoxy radical (HO2), the measurement database of OH in the stratosphere, and some
of the chemical insights gained from comparison with
model predictions. A number of experimental methods (both in situ and remote sensing) have been used to
determine stratospheric OH and HO2 for a range of
temporal and spatial scales using ground-based,
balloon, high-flying-aircraft, and satellite platforms.
As OH is involved in a very large number of
photochemical processes, one would expect the
concentration of OH to be highly variable, depending
on its local environment. However, in the lower
stratosphere, the converse is true: OH is remarkably
independent of all photochemical parameters
except the ozone slant column. A quantitative understanding of the HO2/OH ratio is important, since
many of the reactions that control this ratio are
involved directly in catalytic removal of O3 in the
lower stratosphere.
The Importance of OH in the
No other species is more intimately involved in the
chemistry of the stratosphere than OH, and hence OH
is the ideal target molecule for calculation by models.
The degree of agreement between observations and
model predictions is a powerful indicator of the
completeness of our understanding of the chemical
behavior of the stratosphere. Clearly, then, the most
useful OH data are those collected simultaneously
with concentrations of other closely coupled species
within the same air mass that can be used to constrain
the models.
The chemistry of HOx , a collective term for the
hydrogen radical family of H, OH, and HO2 , is
considered in detail in another article (see Stratospheric Chemistry and Composition: HOx), and so
only a very brief treatment is given here. Production of
HOx (HOx OH þ HO2 for this article) in the stratosphere results from reaction of O(1D) with the
hydrogen source gases H2O, H2 , and CH4 , with
O(1D) generated predominantly from O3 photolysis.
As H2O mixing ratios increase and CH4 mixing ratios
decrease with altitude in the stratosphere, the relative
importance of the O(1D)1H2O source increases with
increasing altitude. Loss processes for stratospheric
HOx involve the recombination of OH and HO2
radicals, either directly or through interactions with
NOx . The interconversion of OH and HO2 occurs on a
fast time scale compared with their rate of formation
and loss.
OH is extremely reactive; it acts as a scavenger by
reacting with virtually all trace species (in particular
those containing bonds to H atoms), and largely
defines the oxidizing capacity of the lower stratosphere. The reaction of OH with CO, CH4 , SO2 ,
and the hydrogen-containing chlorofluorocarbons
(HCFCs) initiates the oxidation and hence removal
of these species in the stratosphere. OH and HO2
radicals react directly with ozone in a catalytic cycle
that dominates O3 destruction in the lower stratosphere (o20 km) and in the upper stratosphere and
mesosphere (445 km). OH is responsible also for the
coupling between the NOx and ClOx families. For
example, reactions of OH and HO2 with NO2 convert
NOx into the less reactive reservoir compounds
HONO2 and HO2NO2 , respectively, hence reducing
the effectiveness of O3 destruction. Reaction of
HO2 with NO alters the ratio of NO to NO2.
Reaction between OH and HCl to form Cl atoms is
the major reaction involved in the conversion of an
inactive form of inorganic chlorine to more reactive
forms, enhancing the degree to which chlorine can
destroy O3.
Techniques and Platforms for
Measuring OH and HO2 in the
Of all measurements in the stratosphere, detection of
the OH radical has been the most elusive, and yet one
of the most important. A number of groups have
attempted to make estimates of OH globally using
satellite measurements of other molecules. Satellite
measurements of HNO3 and NO2 using limb IR
monitoring have been used to derive OH in the
stratosphere by assuming photochemical equilibrium
in the production and loss of HNO3. Alternatively,
photochemical equilibrium can be assumed for the
sources and sinks of HOx and satellite measurements
of O3 , H2O vapor, and other relevant species then used
to infer OH.
Techniques for detection of stratospheric OH (and
the closely related species HO2) can be divided into
two main categories, remote sensing methods and in
situ methods, and each is now considered in turn.
Table 1 summarizes the techniques for OH and HO2
detection, listing the platform used, the approximate
detection limit and accuracy or precision, the temporal
and vertical resolution, the working altitude range,
and the locations and/or names of field campaigns in
which the instruments have been deployed.
Remote Sensing Techniques for OH and HO2
Extensive vertical column measurements of OH from
the ground have been made using instruments based
on the fractional absorption of sunlight near 308 nm.
The instruments use spectrometers with extremely
high resolving power to measure high-resolution
atmospheric spectra. The data set extends over 20
years, and provides a good history covering a range of
seasons and solar zenith angles (SZA), but for a very
limited number of locations. The column is the integral
of OH number density along the vertical path and
hence gives no vertically resolved information. However, the tropospheric contribution to the column is
small (o5%), and the contribution above 60 km is
B45%, and so the slant column is weighted towards
stratospheric OH. The monthly average OH column
abundance above Fritz Peak, Colorado (401 N), for the
period 1980–1990 was stable to 71%, and significant
diurnal and seasonal variations were established.
Between 1990 and 1995 the OH column during the
late summer and early fall decreased significantly
(15%), and was connected with the appearance of
Pinatubo aerosols at northern midlatitudes following
the eruption in 1991. Average OH column abundances
at 401 S, measured in New Zealand, were B20%
higher than those at 401 N. Another ground-based
instrument, this time in the millimeter wave region,
has measured a profile of HO2 in the middle and upper
stratosphere (435 km), detecting molecular rotational emission lines. The lines are pressure-broadened,
and as the pressure depends upon altitude, the spectral
line shape can be deconvoluted to give a profile with
limited vertical resolution.
Submillimeter and far-infrared detection of OH and
HO2 from balloon-borne platforms have been used to
measure vertical profiles of OH and HO2. These
instruments measure thermal emission spectra while
observing various angles above the earth’s limb (i.e., at
different slant columns) and are able to measure
vertical profiles and diurnal profiles for a given
altitude. These methods have reduced sensitivity in
the lower stratosphere because of water vapor absorption. The altitude of the balloon is usually fixed,
and a complex retrieval procedure is required to
generate altitude profiles. The average sampling latitude for a given telescope pointing angle can be quite
different from that of the balloon itself. Laser-based
fluorescence measurements of OH have been performed by the laser imaging, detection, and ranging
(lidar) technique, using a balloon-based instrument.
The results obtained are very limited, as the method
cannot calibrate the signal, and suffers from a large
solar scattered background, as the fluorescence is
collected by a telescope from the open atmosphere up
to several hundred meters from the balloon. Groundbased lidars have been used to detect OH in the
mesosphere at altitudes from 75 to 85 km.
Stratospheric OH has also been observed from
space. Because of the large electronic cross-section of
OH in the near UV, the OH resonant fluorescence
emission can be detected by spacecraft-borne remote
sensing spectrometers. The Middle Atmosphere High
Resolution Spectrograph Investigation (MAHRSI)
instrument, deployed on the CRISTA-SPAS satellite
orbiting at 304 km, has been deployed and retrieved by
the space shuttle for missions lasting 8 days. Limb
scans of solar resonance fluorescence near 309 nm are
inverted to yield OH from B80 km down to 38 km
altitude. For several reasons, a complex data analysis
is required to generate an OH vertical profile. The
signal for a given field of view originates from different
altitudes, the excited OH molecules are de-excited by
collisions with O2 and N2 (the rate of which is
therefore altitude dependent), and the OH fluorescence is absorbed by O3.
In-Situ Methods
Remote sensing methods suffer from poor spatial and
vertical resolution, and require complex fitting routines to retrieve OH and HO2 concentrations. The first
attempt to measure OH in the atmosphere in situ
involved detection by solar-induced fluorescence using
a rocket-borne instrument, and yielded OH concentrations in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere
(45–70 km) under evening twilight conditions. The
first OH measurements in situ in the mid-stratosphere
(30–40 km) used the technique of resonance fluorescence (see Observations for Chemistry (In Situ):
Resonance Fluorescence), in which a radio-frequency
excited lamp generated light in the 308 nm region and
was used to excite fluorescence from OH at the same
Table 1 Remote sensing and in-situ measurement techniques and platforms used to measure OH and HO2 in the stratosphere
Detection limit h
Vertical resolution
Solar-induced fluorescence
45–70 km
Integrated column
abundance only, weighted
towards stratospheric OH
Integrated column
abundance (most
sensitive to 38–65 km)
B2 km
30–40 km
In situ
23–43 km
In situ
Resonance fluorescence
using RF-excited lampa
Off-resonance laserinduced fluorescencea
Fluorescence LIDAR
28–38.5 km
Far IR emission spectroscopy
23–50 km
Remote sensing 4150 m
from balloon
Remote sensing, limb
scanning 1 km
Matrix isolation electron
3 107
spin resonance (MIESR)
Solar induced fluorescence
Off-resonance laser5 104
induced fluorescencea
Single data
In situ
point at 32 km
38–80 km
Remote sensing, limb
sounding 0.3 km at 68 km
o 21 km
In situ
UV absorption spectroscopy
using sun as light source
mm wave absorption
Satellite (spaceOH
OH 5 105
HO2 1 106
Above Fritz Peak, Colorado, 401 N;
Lauder, New Zealand, 451 S; Table
Mountain, California, 341 N, 1977
Above Mauna Kea, Hawaii, 19.51 N,
Above Wallops Island, Virginia, 1969;
Above White Sands, New Mexico,
Above Palestine, Texas, 321 N, 1976
Accuracy 750%
Above Palestine, Texas, 321 N,
Above Palestine, Texas, 321 N, 1982
5% OH, 3% HO2
Above Palestine, Texas, 321 N, 1983;
Above Fort Sumner, New Mexico,
341 N, 1989; Above Fairbanks,
Alaska, 691 N, 1997. Note:
sampling latitude varies
considerably depending where
telescope points
531 N, 1976
7factor of 3
Orbit covers 521 S to 621 N, 1994 and
OH 25% / 1%
SPADE,c 15–601 N, 1992, 1993
HO2 30% / 0.5%
ASHOE/MAESA,d 44–701 S, 1994
(accuracy /
STRAT,e 16–261 N, 32–421 N, 1996
POLARIS,f 65–901 N, 1997
SOLVE,g Arctic, 1999/2000
HO2 measurements also by conversion to OH via addition of NO and subsequent detection of OH.
MAHRSI: Middle Atmosphere High Resolution Spectrograph Investigation.
SPADE: Stratospheric Photochemistry, Aerosols and Dynamics Expedition.
ASHOE/MAESA: Airborne Southern Hemisphere Ozone Experiment/Measurements for Assessing the Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft.
STRAT: Stratospheric Tracers of Atmospheric Transport.
POLARIS: Photochemistry of Ozone Loss in the Arctic Region in Summer.
SOLVE: SAGE III Ozone Loss Validation Experiment.
In units of molecule cm 3. At sea level, 2.5 107 molecule cm 3 5 1 ppt (part per trillion).
Location/date of measurements/campaigns
Altitude range
wavelength. The source and detector were mounted in
a pod that was suspended from a balloon on a
parachute generating a flow of clean air through the
excitation region. In order to remove ambient OH for
a background measurement chemical seeding was
used. The method suffered from a large background
because of Rayleigh scattering, and the altitude range
and time of day during which measurements were
made were limited. HO2 was also measured by this
technique following titration to OH by the addition of
NO. Previously only a single HO2 data point at 32 km
was available using matrix isolation/electron spin
resonance. Measurements of OH and HO2 (after
conversion to OH) down to 23 km were made in situ
by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) from a balloonborne gondola during three summer flights from one
location. The LIF method is able to make exquisitely
sensitive and selective quantitative measurements of
OH. A high-pulse-repetition-rate laser system (copper-vapor-pumped tunable dye laser) was used to
generate radiation at 282 nm, and used to excite OH to
the first vibrationally excited level (v 0 ¼ 1) of the
electronically excited A2 Sþ state. At stratospheric
pressures most of the v 0 ¼ 1 levels undergo vibrational
energy transfer to v 0 ¼ 0, and fluorescence from this
level at 308 nm is collected by a photomultipler using
photon counting. As the wavelengths differ for laser
excitation and off-resonance fluorescence, scattered
light is enormously reduced. In contrast to the troposphere, laser-generated interference from O3 photolysis at 282 nm to give O(1D) atoms, followed by
reaction with water vapor to generate OH, is not a
limiting factor, as the H2O mixing ratios are very low.
OH measurements in the troposphere using LIF have
lagged behind those made in the stratosphere, and an
alternative LIF method (known as FAGE) with 308 nm
excitation has been developed.
The above methods provide useful snapshots that
allow comparisons with photochemical models, but
are necessarily limited in frequency and spatial coverage, and suffer from a lack of supporting measurements of species that control the formation and loss
rates of HOx . The greatest single advance in the
understanding of stratospheric chemistry came with
the advent of instruments deployed aboard the NASA
ER-2 aircraft to measure OH and HO2 in combination
with their sources and sinks. Off-resonance fluorescence, excited using a solid-state, laser-pumped dye
laser, was able to detect OH down to 5 104 molecule cm 3 (o0.01 ppt in the lower stratosphere) with
signal-to-noise ratios 430 achieved in o30 s averaging time, up to altitudes of 21 km. The observed signal
was converted to absolute OH number densities using
laboratory and in-flight calibrations employing
Raman scattering and known concentrations of OH.
Once again, HO2 was detected following its conversion to OH, with a similar sensitiviy. The instrument
has flown on a large number of missions (see Table 1)
covering a wide range of latitudes from the Arctic to
the Antarctic, and has provided comprehensive data
sets of OH and HO2 for comparison with the
calculations of a number of atmospheric models. The
models are constrained by supporting data from the
ER-2, providing a stringent test of our understanding
of lower-stratospheric chemistry. Although primarily
sampling air from the upper troposphere, another LIF
instrument aboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft has made
occasional measurements of both OH and HO2 in air
of lower-stratospheric origin.
Distribution of OH in the Stratosphere
There is still not a good picture of the diurnal,
seasonal, latitudinal, and altitudinal profile of OH or
HO2 , because the measurements are challenging and
the instruments are deployed only for short periods. In
this section some of the measurements are highlighted
together with a comparison with model calculations.
Vertical Distributions of OH and HO2 in the Middle
and Upper Stratosphere
Volume mixing ratios obtained for OH from balloonborne instruments range from about 3 ppt near 25 km
to 400 ppt at 45 km, in reasonable agreement with
satellite measurements. For HO2 , balloon-borne
measurements indicate mixing ratios of about 10 ppt
near 25 km, gradually increasing to 200 ppt near
45 km, again similar to the satellite measurements.
Figure 1 shows measurements of OH and HO2
obtained by a balloon-borne far-infrared Fourier
transform spectrometer, together with the altitude
profiles predicted by various models in which O3 ,
H2O, and CH4 were constrained by simultaneous
measurements, and adjustments made to the rate
coefficients of key reactions that control the budget
of HOx .
The increase in HOx mixing ratios with altitude is
explained by an increase in O(1D) concentrations and
hence the formation rate of OH via reactions of O(1D)
with H2O and CH4. In the upper stratosphere above
38 km (where HOx partitioning is no longer dependent upon [NO]), OH and HO2 are modeled best if the
rate coefficient for the reaction O1HO2-OH1O2 is
reduced by 25% from the currently recommended
value. Above B40 km, catalytic cycles involving OH
and HO2 dominate photochemical loss of O3. Although Figure 1 indicates generally good observation–
model agreement for balloon-borne measurements (to
within 10% for OH with the adjustment of certain
Figure 1 Vertical profile of measured (points with error bars) and modeled concentrations of OH and HO2 , HOx , and the ratio HO2/OH at
691 N, 1491 W on 30 April 1997, 09.15 local solar time. The measurements were made by a balloon-borne thermal emission far-infrared
Fourier transform spectrometer (FIRS-2). The model curves are constrained by simultaneous FIRS-2 measurements of temperature, O3
and H2O, using selected kinetic parameters. Model A: Photochemical and chemical data from the 1997 JPL Panel Evaluation. Model B:
kOþHO2 decreased by 50%. Model C: kOþOH decreased by 20% and kOHþHO2 increased by 30%. Model D: kOþHO2 and kOHþHO2 both reduced
by 25%. (Reproduced with permission from Jucks KW, Johnson DG, Chance KV et al. (1998) Observations of OH, HO2 , H2O and O3 in the
upper stratosphere: implications for HOx photochemistry. Geophysical Research Letters 25: 3935–3938.)
kinetic parameters), the vertical distribution of OH
from 80 km down to 38 km measured from satellites
cannot be fitted adequately by a single model. Typically observations are 30 to 40% lower than model
predictions, while observations of total column concentrations are up to 30% higher than modeled values.
During 80 orbits of OH measurements, the satellitebased MAHRSI instrument on the space shuttle
obtained B1200 daytime limb scans of OH emission,
and after retrieval of the data yielded OH as a function
of altitude (50 to 80 km) and latitude (501 N to 551 S).
As discussed below, aircraft observations suggest that
models of O3 chemistry in the lower stratosphere are
accurate, but models of the upper stratosphere and
lower mesosphere underpredict the O3 abundance (the
‘O3 deficit’). Analysis of the MAHRSI OH measurements and coincident O3 observations from another
instrument suggest that the dominant portion of the
deficit is a consequence of the overestimation of OH.
Full diurnal measurements of OH for different
altitudes have also been recorded in the upper stratosphere for latitudes near 341 N using a balloon-borne
far-infrared limb-observing spectrometer (FILOS).
The measurements, taken on five flights over 2 years,
were compared with a simple model that uses water
and ozone fields obtained from instruments on the
upper atmosphere research satellite (UARS). At 40 km
or above (pressures below 3.2 hPa) the average ratio of
the observed to modeled OH concentration was
0.9670.08. The agreement over the OH diurnal
cycles for pressures between 3.2 and 21.5 hPa was
generally very good, becoming worse at lower altitudes (e.g. 0.8770.24 at 10.0 hPa). The photochemical model assumed production of OH through the
reactions of O(1D) with CH4 and water vapor, and
HOx destruction via the reactions of OH with HO2
and nitric acid (the latter converting HOx to NOx ).
The OH measurements retrieved as a function of
altitude were used to calculate the diurnal variations of
the OH column density above 25 km, and were
compared with model-calculated column densities.
The agreement was good, except for just after sunset
when above 50–60 km OH is not likely to be in
photochemical equilibrium (the key assumption of the
model). A critical parameter used in the model is the
rate coefficient for the reaction OH 1 HO2 that has an
uncertainty at 250 K of B50%, leading to a 22%
uncertainty in the modeled OH concentration.
Measurements in the Lower Stratosphere
The balloon- and satellite-borne instruments provide a
general indication of how OH and HO2 change with
altitude in the stratosphere, but the datasets are limited
to altitudes above B25 km, and in general do not
enable diurnal cycles to be measured with a high
temporal resolution. In addition, the balloon measurements are above a single launch site (mostly
Palestine, Texas). Mixing ratios of OH and HO2 in
the lower stratosphere have been made with excellent
temporal resolution using the LIF instrument on the
NASA ER-2 instrument. Extensive measurement campaigns (see Table 1) under a wide dynamic range
of atmospheric conditions have obtained a nearly
pole-to-pole database (701 S to 901 N) of HOx and
the species that control its chemistry in the lower
OH is intimately involved in a large number of
chemical processes (for example, in the partitioning of
the nitrogen and halogen chemical families) and hence
it is expected that OH concentrations will show
considerable variability, depending upon the state of
the atmosphere (e.g. high vs. low latitudes, levels of
NOy ). The suite of ER-2 measurements, however,
indicated the remarkable finding that OH is nearly
independent of all dynamical and photochemical
parameters except the O3 slant column, which is a
function of the SZA and O3 column above the aircraft.
OH concentrations are the most predictable of the free
radicals in the lower stratosphere, enabling a parameterization with SZA to be made that can be used
extensively in modeling the lower stratosphere. HO2
displays considerably more variability.
During the 1993 SPADE (Stratospheric Photochemistry, Aerosols and Dynamics Expedition) ER-2 aircraft campaign, the first simultaneous measurements
in situ were made of the species OH, HO2 , NO, NO2 ,
ClO, and BrO that are responsible for catalytic
destruction of O3 at altitudes from 15 to 21 km and
midlatitudes from 15 to 601 N. Throughout this region
of the atmosphere the measurements showed that
HOx catalysis, with the rate-limiting step being the
HO21O3-OH12O2 reaction, constituted 30–50%
of the total odd-oxygen loss. The measurements
demonstrated quantitatively the coupling that exists
between the radical families, with the coupled HO2/
ClO and HO2/BrO catalytic cycles (see Stratospheric
Chemistry and Composition: HOx) responsible for
50% of the halogen-controlled O3 removal and 15%
of the total odd oxygen loss rates. The vertical profile
of [OH] measured during the SPADE campaign
between 201 N and 601 N is shown in Figure 2. Except
for the dependence upon SZA and altitude, the OH
concentration is remarkably invariant in the lower
stratosphere, despite a significant change in the
concentration of O3 and NOy (such as HNO3) at
different latitudes.
The OH mixing ratio is nearly independent of the
concentration of NO, NO2 , total NOy , O3 , or H2O,
and is determined almost solely by solar flux. In
contrast, HO2 is more variable, and is driven directly
by atmospheric concentrations of O3 , NO, and ClO.
The response of HOx to photochemical changes is
observed via the [HO2]/[OH] ratio. The dependence of
[HO2]/[OH] with [O3], [CO], [NO], [ClO], and [BrO]
is reproduced within 710% by a steady-state model
Figure 2 Vertical profiles of [OH] measured in situ between 201
and 601 N latitude during the SPADE campaign. To account for
differences in solar illumination the data have been normalized to
301 solar zenith angle using the measured diurnal behavior.
Despite the large change in NOy levels observed for different
latitudes, there is little variation in [OH] for a given altitude. The
measurements were made by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy aboard the NASA ER-2 high-flying aircraft. (Reproduced
with permission from Wennberg PO, Cohen RC, Stimpfle RM et al.
(1994) Removal of stratospheric O3 by radicals: in situ measurements of OH, HO2 , NO, NO2 , ClO and BrO. Science 266:
constrained by the measured mixing ratios of these
species. Hence the understanding of the chemistry that
partitions OH and HO2 is complete and accurate. The
steady-state model assumes that the rate of interconversion of OH into HO2 and vice versa is much faster
than the production and loss of HOx . The precision of
the measurements showed that the uncertainties of
the rate coefficients for the HO21O3-OH12O2 ,
OH1O3-HO21O2 , and HO21BrO-HOBr1O2
reactions was considerably less (by factor of 2 or so)
than described in recommendations.
Despite the excellent agreement for the [HO2]/[OH]
ratio, SPADE measurements of OH and HO2 at
midday were B30% larger than predicted by models;
and at high SZA HOx concentrations were B3 times
larger. The higher than expected HOx implied the
existence of unknown sources throughout the day, and
there was a striking and rapid onset of OH and HO2 in
the early morning (Figure 3).
Initially it was thought that hydrolysis of peroxynitric acid (HO2NO2) on sulfate aerosols produced
HONO that photolyzed to generate OH, but this was
later shown not to occur. The hydrolysis in sulfuric
acid of BrONO2 to form HOBr, followed by photolysis of HOBr via a low-lying state near 500 nm, was
then postulated to generate the significant HOx at
sunrise. As shown in Figure 3, the model can reproduce
the OH and HO2 measurements, including the unusual behavior when the sun is near the horizon, but
only with the inclusion of heterogeneous chemistry.
High latitudes were sampled during the ASHOE/
MAESA (Airborne Southern Hemisphere Ozone Experiment/Measurements for Assessing the Effects of
Stratospheric Aircraft) and POLARIS (Polar Ozone
Loss in the Arctic Region in Summer) campaigns,
where the ER-2 was deployed from Christchurch,
New Zealand, and Fairbanks, Alaska, respectively.
The aircraft payload included OH, HO2 , NO, NO2 ,
NOy, ClO, H2O, O3 , CH4 , CO, HCl, pressure,
temperature, and spectrally resolved radiation fields.
Measurement of the SZA dependence of OH and HO2
provides insight into their sources. Figure 4 shows the
diurnal variations of OH from these campaigns for 17
to 21 km.
The measurement accuracy for OH is 725% (2s)
with an instrument precision of 71 104 molecule
cm 3 (1%) for 1 min averaging. The diurnal change
of OH is controlled primarily by the production
of HOx from ozone photolysis followed by reaction
O(1D) with H2O or CH4 , from HNO3 photolysis and
from CH2O photolysis to generate HCO 1 H, which
reacts with O2 to give HO2. Much of the variability
can be reproduced using parameterized photolysis
rates of O3 and CH2O. The interpretation of the
Figure 3 Diurnal variations of [OH] and [HO2] during the SPADE campaign at B19 km altitude measured in situ from the ER-2 aircraft on
11/12 May 1993 at 371 N. The lines are various model simulations using photochemical and kinetic data from the 1992 JPL Panel
Evaluation, neglecting all heterogeneous processes (blue dotted line), including hydrolysis of N2O5 and ClNO3 (blue solid line), and also
including updated photochemical data for HNO3 , O3 and heterogeneous production of HONO (red solid line); ppt 5 parts per trillion.
(Reproduced with permission from Salawitch RJ, Wofsy SC, Wennberg PO et al. (1994) The diurnal variation of hydrogen, nitrogen, and
chlorine radicals: implication for the heterogeneous production of HNO2. Geophysical Research Letters 21: 2551–2554.)
Figure 4 Measurements in situ of [OH] obtained from the ER-2
LIF instrument during the ASHOE/MAESA (1994) and POLARIS
(1997) campaigns as a function of solar zenith angle. The data are
shown at 1 min time intervals for the altitude range 17 to 21 km, and
the line is a fit to the data using a parameterized form of the
photolysis rates of O3 and CH2O. (Reproduced with permission
from Hanisco TF, Lanzendorf EJ, Wennberg PO et al. (2001)
Sources, sinks, and the distribution of OH in the lower stratosphere.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105: 1543–1553.)
measurements of OH and HO2 at higher SZA (4701)
is more difficult, and measurements of OH and HO2 at
sunrise and sunset at high latitudes (an ideal location,
as the SZA is slowly varying) during POLARIS imply
the existence of unknown photolytic sources of HOx .
High SZA observations of HOx have demonstrated
that a source of HOx 3103 molecule cm3 is
missing from the photochemical description of the
stratosphere. The wavelengths responsible for producing this HOx must be longer than 650 nm, because
the flux at shorter wavelengths is significantly attenuated at high SZA by scattering and absorption.
Modeling and recent laboratory experiments suggest
that HO2NO2 can dissociate via excitation of overtone transitions to yield HOx . Figure 5 shows measurements and model calculations for HO2 close to
sunrise and sunset during POLARIS, and shows the
importance of including heterogeneous reactions, and
also longer-wavelength photolysis of O3 , HNO3 , and
HO2NO2 in the calculation of HOx .
Only the very high precision and accuracy of the
HO2 measurements has allowed such a detailed
comparison with various models to be made. These
findings provide a graphic illustration of the power of
high-quality field measurements to improve our understanding of the detailed photochemistry of the
Figure 5 Dawn and dusk ER-2 measurements in situ and model calculations for [HO2] on 30 April 1997 and 9 May 1997 during the
POLARIS campaign. HO2 was measured by conversion to OH via addition of NO with LIF detection of the OH formed. The calculations use
rate coefficients and cross-sections from the 1997 JPL Panel Evaluation, and recently reported rate coefficients for the reactions of OH
with NO2 and HNO3. The various lines show the significant effect of including additional sources of HOx at high SZA to the predictions of a
basic calculation (blue dashed line), including hydrolysis of BrONO2 (blue solid line), addition of spin-forbidden production of O(1D) from O3
photolysis in the near UV (red dashed line), excitation of overtones of the OH stretch in HNO3 and HO2NO2 (red dotted line), and additional
photolysis of HO2NO2 at 800 nm (blue solid line, top). Only when all of these additional sources are included is there good agreement with
the measurements; pptv 5 parts per trillion, by volume. (Reproduced with permission from Wennberg PO, Salawitch RJ, Donaldson DJ
et al. (1999) Twilight observations suggest unknown sources of HOx . Geophysical Research Letters 26: 1373–1376.)
Further observations are necessary to illustrate the
response of HOx to changes in halogen concentrations. The effect of chlorine or bromine partitioning
on HOx has not been studied in detail, but measurements of OH in the Antarctic winter polar vortex show
that OH concentrations are highly variable and
strongly dependent upon chlorine partitioning. Other
perturbations within the vortex, such as denitrification
and decreased CH4 , will affect the OH concentration.
The recent SOLVE (SAGE III Ozone Loss Validation
Experiment) campaign (winter 1999/2000) included
extensive OH and HO2 measurements at high latitudes in the Arctic, including measurements in the
polar vortex, that should help to elucidate these
mechanisms. The measurements were made from
LIF instruments aboard the NASA ER-2 and DC-8
aircraft, with flights from Kiruna, Sweden. OH was
found to be sensitive to the albedo of low clouds and
distant high clouds.
See also
Observations for Chemistry (In Situ): Resonance Fluorescence. Stratospheric Chemistry and Composition: HOx; Hydrogen Budget. Tropospheric Chemistry
and Composition: Hydroxyl Radical.
Further Reading
Brasseur GP, Orlando JJ and Tyndall GS (eds) (1999)
Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Change. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Finlayson-Pitts BJ and Pitts JN (2000) Chemistry of the
Upper and Lower Atmosphere. Theory, Experiments and
Applications. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Jacob DJ (1999) Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Jucks KW, Johnson DG, Chance KV, et al. (1998) Observations of OH, HO2 , H2O and O3 in the upper stratosphere: implications for HOx photochemistry. Geophysical Research Letters 25: 3935–3938.
NASA Facts: ER-2 high altitude airborne science program
web site:
Wayne RP (2000) Chemistry of Atmospheres: An Introduction to the Chemistry of the Atmospheres of Earth, the
Planets, and their Satellites, 3rd edn. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Web pages for details of missions involving ER-2 measurements of OH and HO2: SOLVE: POLARIS:
Wennberg PO, Cohen RC, Stimpfle RM, et al. (1994)
Removal of stratospheric O3 by radicals: in situ measurements of OH, HO2 , NO, NO2 , ClO and BrO. Science
266: 398–404.
Reactive Nitrogen (NOx and NOy )
Y Kondo, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Reactive nitrogen (NOy) plays important roles in
controlling the abundance of stratospheric ozone. In
this article, sources and sinks of NOy are first
described, together with the resulting NOy distributions. Then, the role of NOx , which is the most
reactive form of NOy, is explained. NOx destroys
catalytically stratospheric ozone and couples with
other radical mechanisms. Photochemical processes
controlling the relative abundance of component
species of NOy determine the NOx abundance. The
importance of heterogeneous reactions on sulfate
aerosol is described in comparison with gas phase
chemistry, typical for midlatitudes. In polar regions,
sunlit conditions are very different from those at
midlatitudes both in winter and summer. Behaviors of
NOx and NOy under these extreme conditions are also
Sources and Sinks
Reactive nitrogen in the stratosphere is comprised of
several component species: NO (nitric oxide), NO2
(nitrogen dioxide), NO3 (nitrogen trioxide), N2O5
(dinitrogen pentoxide), HNO3 (nitric acid), HO2NO2
(peroxynitric acid), ClONO2 (chlorine nitrate), and
BrONO2 (bromine nitrate). The sum of these species is
defined as total reactive nitrogen NOy. Namely,
NOy 5 NO1NO21NO312N2O51HNO31HO2NO21
ClONO21BrONO2. The reactions among NOy component species do not lead to a net change in NOy
N2O, which is produced by bacteria in soil and
released into the atmosphere, is the primary source of
stratospheric NOy. Since N2O is very stable in the
troposphere, it is transported into the stratosphere,
mainly through the tropical tropopause. In the 1990s,
the tropospheric concentration of N2O was about
310 ppbv and increased at about 0.25% y 1 over the
1978–96 period, due to imbalance between the global
sources and sinks of N2O. The stratosphere is a net
photochemical source of NOy and a net photochemical sink of N2O. About 90 percent of the total loss of
N2O in the stratosphere occurs via its photolysis by
ultraviolet radiation yielding N2 and excited atomic
oxygen (O(1D)), which does not lead to NO production.
N2 O þ hn ! N2 þ Oð1 DÞ
ðlo230 nm : l is the wavelengthÞ
Reactions with O(1D) are responsible for 10% loss of
N2 O þ Oð DÞ ! N2 þ O2
N2 O þ Oð1 DÞ ! 2NO
where O(1D) is produced primarily by the photolysis
of ozone at lo325 nm. Reactions [R1] and [R2] occur
in the middle and upper stratosphere (at 35–45 km),
mainly in the tropics where the intensity of the solar
ultraviolet radiation is greatest, as shown in Figure 1.
NOy is produced primarily via reaction [R2b].
Downward transport from the mesosphere and
thermosphere, where NO is produced by solar
radiation and auroral ionization, can provide an
additional NOy input to the upper stratosphere.
Production of NO by lightning associated with
upward transport through the tropical tropopause
may be an additional NOy source in the lower
stratosphere at low latitudes, although its magnitude
January 2
NOy (production − loss)
Altitude (km)
Figure 1 Contours of the local instantaneous value at noon of the
net production rate of NOy (NOy (production loss)), in units of
10 8 ppbv s 1. The rates depend on the abundance of N2O, O3 ,
and other species, rate coefficients of reactions [R1]–[R3], and
solar radiation field. (Reproduced with permission from Fahey et al.
is poorly understood. Supersonic aircraft flying at
much higher altitudes than subsonic aircraft injects
NO molecules directly into the stratosphere. However,
NO emissions from the currently operational Concordes are much smaller than the natural sources.
There is also some emission, directly into the stratosphere, by long haul subsonic passenger aircraft,
especially on flights routed over high latitudes. The
net loss of NOy occurs in the upper stratosphere and
lower mesosphere, where NO is reduced into N2 via
the following reaction:
N þ NO ! N2 þ O
N is produced by the photolysis of NO by ultraviolet
radiation. NOy is also lost through transport of NOy
down to the troposphere where HNO3 dissolves in
water droplets and is removed from the atmosphere by
Distribution of NOy
Remote spectroscopic measurements by the Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy (ATMOS) and
Mk IV instruments from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on board the space shuttle and balloons, in situ
measurements on board the NASA ER-2 aircraft, and
balloon experiments, in addition to many other
measurements, have provided extensive data on the
distributions of NOy species, together with N2O. NOy
mixing ratios obtained by these measurements
increase with altitude from the tropopause up to
about 35 km, where values peak at about 18 ppbv
(parts per billion by volume) at midlatitudes as shown
in Figure 2. This increase is due to an increase in the
NOy production via reaction [R2b] and to NOy loss
through the tropopause. In contrast, N2O mixing
ratios decrease with altitude due to reactions [R1] and
[R2] as shown in Figure 2. The NOy mixing ratio
decreases with altitude above 35 km due to NOy loss
by reaction [R3] and a decrease in the NOy production
rate at low N2O mixing ratios. In the lower stratosphere, reaction [R3] is very slow and the lifetime of
NOy defined by this loss process is longer than 10
Given the increase (decrease) of the NOy (N2O)
mixing ratios with altitude up to 35 km, NOy is
anticorrelated with N2O for N2O values larger than
120 ppbv, as shown in Figures 3 and 4. The relationship between NOy and N2O obtained by measurements on board the ER-2 in the lower stratosphere is
expressed as
½NOy ½NOy 0 ¼ 0:07ð½N2 O0 ½N2 OÞ
Here [NOy] and [N2O] are the mixing ratios of NOy
and N2O in ppbv. [NOy]0 and [N2O]0 are values at the
N2O (ppbv)
In situ balloon (941012)
Mk IV (930925)
Altitude (km)
NOy (ppbv)
Figure 2 Profiles of NOy and N2O observed by ATMOS
at 39–491 N in November 1994, Mk IV at 351 N in September
1993, and in situ balloon-borne measurements at 441 N in October
1994 at northern midlatitudes.
In situ balloon (941012)
Mk IV (930925)
12 January 1989
Latitude (°N)
12 January 1989
NOy (ppbv)
NOy (ppbv)
N2O (ppbv)
tropical tropopause, which are 0.25 and 310 ppbv,
respectively. This relationship indicates that the
increase in NOy is proportional to the decrease in
N2O with a constant slope of 0.07. Namely, 3.5%
of N2O molecules lost via reactions [R1]–[R3] are
converted to NOy. In contrast, the NOy mixing ratio
decreases along with the decrease in the N2O mixing
ratio above 35 km where the N2O values are lower
than 40 ppbv, leading to a positive correlation between
NOy and N2O as shown in Figure 3.
Due to its long lifetime, NOy produced mainly in the
tropical upper stratosphere is transported to higher
latitudes and lower altitudes. This large-scale transport process is known as the Brewer–Dobson circulation. All long-lived trace gases, including ozone, N2O,
and CH4 , are subject to this transport. As a
consequence, the NOy (N2O) mixing ratios in the
lower stratosphere are higher (lower) at higher
latitudes, as can be seen from Figure 4. In general,
compact correlations have been observed between
long-lived species whose local photochemical lifetimes
exceed the time scales for atmospheric transport as
predicted theoretically. The NOy–N2O correlation
shown in Figures 3 and 4 is consistently compact,
especially in the lower stratosphere, where the N2O
mixing ratios are higher than 120 ppbv. This correlation has proved to be very useful in predicting NOy
NOy (ppbv)
150 200
N2O (ppbv)
Figure 3 Correlation between NOy and N2O. The data used are
the same as shown in Figure 2. In addition, the data obtained by the
ER-2 measurements at 30–401 N in February and November 1994
are also shown.
N2O (ppbv)
Figure 4 NOy and N2O mixing ratios obtained around 20 km
from the north-bound leg of the ER-2 flight on 12 January, 1989
in the lower Arctic stratosphere. (Reproduced with permission
from Fahey et al. (1990).)
abundances from observed N2O mixing ratios as
described below.
Gas Phase Chemistry
A scheme showing important reactions controlling the
level of each reactive nitrogen species is shown in
Figure 5. Altitude profiles of NOy species observed
by Mk IV at 351 N in September 1993 are shown in
Figure 6. The time constants for the photolysis of NOy
species for local noon at 441 N in October are shown in
Figure 7. NO and NO2 are the most reactive among
NOy species. NO is oxidized to NO2 by ozone and
NO2 is photolyzed by visible sunlight to reform NO
and atomic oxygen (O).
NO þ O3 ! NO2 þ O2
NO2 þ hn ! NO þ O
ðlo420 nmÞ
NO and NO2 are often treated as a sum, defined as
NOx , because the time required for the exchange
between NO and NO2 during daytime is about 1 min
(Figure 7).
NOx plays important roles in controlling stratospheric ozone. First, NOx destroys ozone catalytically
via the following reactions:
NO þ O3 ! NO2 þ O2
NO2 þ O ! NO þ O2
Net :
Altitude (km)
Role of NOx
N2O5 (sr)
O3, CIO,
Figure 6 Observed (symbols) and calculated (lines) profiles of
NOy species, as indicated, for sunset at 351 N on 25 September,
1993. Sunrise profiles for N2O5 are also shown. The NOy profile
represents the sum of nitrogen oxides measured by Mk IV and was
used to constrain the model. The model calculation used JPL 2000
kinetic data. (Reproduced with permission from Sen et al. (1998),
modified for using updated model calculations by RJ Salawitch.)
proceeds faster than reaction [R6] in the stratosphere.
The ozone loss rate is therefore proportional to the
product of the NO2 and O concentrations ([NO2][O]).
Reactions analogous to [R4] and [R6] also represent
catalytic ozone loss cycles by reactive hydrogen
1 min
SZA = 50° (noon)
1 day 1 week
Figure 5 Schematic of the reaction pathways between the
principal NOy component species in the lower stratosphere.
Photolysis reactions are indicated by hn. ‘Sulfate aerosol’ denotes
heterogeneous reactions on sulfuric acid aerosol particles.
(Reproduced with permission from Gao et al. (1999).)
Volume mixing ratio
OH, h
N2O5 (ss)
Attitude (km)
The cycle is catalytic since NOx is conserved: NO and
NO2 are simply interchanged. Reaction [R6] is rate
determining for the catalytic cycle since reaction [R4]
Sulfate aerosol
O3 þ O ! 2O2
Photolysis time constant (s)
Figure 7 Time constant of the NOy species due to the photolysis
between 15 and 30 km altitude, for noon at 441 N on 12 October.
(Courtesy of MY Danilin.)
(HOx), chlorine (ClOx), and bromine (BrOx) species if
NO is replaced with OH, Cl, and Br, respectively.
Similar to the NOx catalytic cycle, the ratedetermining reaction for the HOx , ClOx , and BrOx
cycles are
where X is OH, Cl, or Br, respectively. Ozone loss rates
are therefore proportional to the product of the
concentrations of XO and O ([XO][O]).
Secondly, NOx buffers the ozone loss by HOx ,
ClOx , and BrOx by converting OH, ClO, and BrO
into HNO3 , ClONO2 , and BrONO2 , which do
not destroy the ozone directly, via the following
NO2 þ OH þ M ! HNO3 þ M
NO2 þ ClO þ M ! ClONO2 þ M
NO2 þ BrO þ M ! BrONO2 þ M
Here, the third body M represents the major atmospheric molecules N2 and O2. Hence, the relative
importance of catalytic loss cycles of ozone by HOx ,
ClOx , and BrOx is strongly dependent upon the NOx
NOx buffers HOx and ClOx catalytic cycles also by
the following interchange reactions:
NO þ HO2 ! NO2 þ OH
NO þ ClO ! NO2 þ Cl
Reactions [R11] and [R12] decrease the HO2 and ClO
levels, respectively, by shifting the HO2/OH and ClO/
Cl ratios. The reductions in HO2 and ClO lead to
decreases in ozone loss rates, which are proportional
to [HO2][O] and [ClO][O], as mentioned above. On
the other hand, these reactions increase the NO2/NO
ratio, enhancing the ozone loss rate by the NOx cycle.
Profiles of the ozone loss rates by the NOx , HOx ,
ClOx , and BrOx cycles at 351 N in September are
shown in Figure 8.
Oxidation of NOx
NOx levels are also controlled by chemical processes
that lead to the production and loss of NOx as detailed
below. NOx produced by reaction [R2b] is converted
to higher oxides of nitrogen (N2O5 , HNO3 ,
HO2NO2 , ClONO2 , BrONO2). Since these NOy
species do not react directly with ozone but produce
NOx by photolysis and reactions with OH, they are
called reservoir NOy species. N2O5 is produced
Altitude (km)
XO þ O ! X þ O2
Fraction of total loss
Figure 8 Odd oxygen sinks at 351 N on 25 September 1993. The
fractional contribution of the dominant sinks and the diurnally
averaged loss rate of odd nitrogen, computed using constraints
imposed by the MK IV data. Losses due to each catalytic cycle are
indicated as NOx , HOx , ClOx , and BrOx. O31O denotes loss by
recombination reaction of odd oxygen. Heterogeneous reactions
included in the model calculations increase the contributions from
HOx , ClOx , and BrOx. (Courtesy of RJ Salawitch and B Sen.)
through the following reactions:
NO2 þ O3 ! NO3 þ O2
NO2 þ NO3 þ M ! N2 O5 þ M
Reaction [R13] is rate determining for the formation
of N2O5 , which occurs only during nighttime
since NO3 is photolyzed within a few seconds
by visible radiation (lo670 nm) during daytime
(Figure 7).
Other reservoir NOy species are produced via
reactions [R8]–[R10] and the following reaction:
NO2 þ HO2 þ M ! HO2 NO2 þ M
Conversely, NOx is produced by decomposition of
reservoir species, such as
HNO3 þ OH ! NO3 þ H2 O
HNO3 þ hn ! OH þ NO2
ðlo310 nmÞ
N2 O5 þ hn ! NO2 þ NO3
ðlo360 nmÞ
ClONO2 þ hn ! Cl þ NO3
ðlo380 nmÞ ½R19a
ClONO2 þ hn ! ClO þ NO2
BrONO2 þ hn ! Br þ NO3
ðlo500 nmÞ ½R20
HO2 NO2 þ hn ! OH þ NO3
HO2 NO2 þ OH ! NO2 þ O2 þ H2 O
Here the photolysis wavelength thresholds are
given for absorption cross-section limits of about
1 10–21 cm2.
Typical lifetimes of N2O5 and HNO3 in the lower
stratosphere as determined by the above decomposition processes are several hours and 1 week, respectively, for noontime midlatitude fall conditions, as
shown in Figure 7. Below 25 km, HNO3 is the
dominant NOy species since NOx is oxidized to form
HNO3 via the three-body reaction [R8], which
proceeds faster at lower altitude (higher pressure) as
shown in Figure 6. At higher altitudes, NOx dominates
among the NOy species due to enhanced NOx
production by reactions [R17]–[R19]. The 2 N2O5
mixing ratio at sunrise becomes comparable to NOx in
the lower stratosphere. The ClONO2 mixing ratio
shows a broad peak of about 1 ppbv centered around
25 km.
Diurnal and Seasonal Variations at Midlatitudes
NOy species undergo temporal variations depending
on their chemical lifetimes as shown in Figure 9. NO is
oxidized to NO2 within a few minutes after sunset and
NOx exists in the form of NO2 during nighttime. Part
of the NO2 is photolyzed to produce NO soon after
sunrise. Due to the formation of N2O5 during the
nighttime and photolysis during the daytime, N2O5
mixing ratios reach maximum and minimum values at
sunrise and sunset, respectively, as is partly shown by
Mk IV observations (Figure 6). Corresponding to the
diurnal variation of N2O5 , NOx shows a slow increase
in the morning reaching a maximum value at sunset,
when it starts to decrease again until sunrise. In
contrast, HNO3 does not undergo significant diurnal
variation since the lifetime of HNO3 is about a week as
described above. Both N2O5 and HNO3 levels
respond to the seasonal variations of solar elevation
and sunlit hours. The HNO3/NOy and N2O5/NOy
ratios at midlatitudes reach minimum values at
summer solstice due to the largest rates of reactions
[R17] and [R18]. Similarly, they reach maximum
values near the winter solstice. The NOx mixing ratio
and NOx/NOy ratio show almost sinusoidal seasonal
variations reaching maximum and minimum values at
Volume mixing ratio
ðlo325 nmÞ
44° N, October, 20 km
HO2 NO2 þ hn ! HO2 þ NO2
Local time (h)
Figure 9 Diurnal variation of odd-nitrogen species in the stratosphere at 20 km altitude calculated at 441 N for October 1994
conditions. (Courtesy of MY Danilin.)
summer and winter solstices, respectively, as shown by
ground-based and satellite remote sensing observations.
Heterogeneous Chemistry
Sulfate aerosol composed of liquid sulfuric acid
(H2SO4) is ubiquitous in the lower stratosphere from
the tropics to the polar regions. H2SO4 in the stratosphere is produced through oxidation of sulfurcontaining gases transported from the troposphere
mostly in the form of carbonyl sulfide (OCS). In
addition to the gas phase chemistry described above,
the partitioning of NOy is also controlled by the
heterogeneous reactions on sulfate aerosols listed
N2 O5 ðgÞ þ H2 OðaÞ ! 2HNO3 ðgÞ
ClONO2 ðgÞ þ H2 OðaÞ ! HOClðgÞ
þ HNO3 ðgÞ
ClONO2 ðgÞ þ HClðaÞ ! Cl2 ðgÞ þ HNO3 ðgÞ ½R25
BrONO2 ðgÞ þ H2 OðaÞ ! HOBrðgÞ
þ HNO3 ðgÞ
Here (g) and (a) denote species in gas phase and in
aerosol, respectively.
Reaction [R23] occurs with a reaction probability
of 0.1, weakly dependent on the composition
of aerosols, temperature, and particle size. On the
other hand, the effects of reactions [R24] and
[R25] are important only at very low temperatures
in high-latitude winter (temperature o210 K).
Reaction [R26] is fast, but its impact on nitrogen
species partitioning in the stratosphere is smaller than
that due to reaction [R23] because of the smaller
bromine content (B10 pptv (parts per trillion by
These reactions, especially reaction [R23], convert
shorter-lived reservoir N2O5 , ClONO2 , and BrONO2
into longer-lived HNO3 , even at low and midlatitudes.
They lengthen the time required to regenerate NOx via
reactions [R18]–[R20], resulting in an effective
decrease in the NOx levels (Figure 5). In addition,
reaction [R23] oxidizes NOx without consuming
OH, resulting in a higher OH level. The higher
OH abundance accelerates reaction [R8] causing
further reduction in NOx. The reduction of the
NOx/NOy ratio in a stratospheric model due to the
effect of heterogeneous reactions is shown in
Figure 10.
The reduction of the NOx level by heterogeneous
reactions leads to increases in the HOx , ClOx , and
BrOx levels because of the slower reaction rates of
reactions [R8]–[R10] at lower NOx concentrations.
The reduction of the NOx level by heterogeneous
reactions leads to increases in the HOx , ClOx , and
BrOx levels because of the slower reaction rates of
12 October 1994
reactions [R8]–[R10] at lower NOx concentrations.
The nonlinear dependence of ozone loss rates on HOx ,
halogen (ClOx and BrOx), and NOx abundances are
shown in Figure 11. At the lowest NOx levels (left
dotted lines in Figure 11), ozone loss rates increase due
to increased abundances of HOx and halogen species
that result from the lowering of NOx in an air parcel.
Typical values at midlatitudes (right dotted lines in
Figure 11) are near the mid-range NOx values where
ozone loss rates have low sensitivity to the abundance
of NOx.
The effect of heterogeneous reactions on NOx and
ozone is enhanced by volcanic eruptions. Associated
with large volcanic eruptions, significant amounts of
SO2 are injected into the stratosphere. The injected
SO2 is oxidized to H2SO4 , which forms subsequently
sulfuric acid aerosols within a short time. Mount
Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted in June 1991 and
the aerosol loading increased by up to a factor of 100
over background values. The aerosol loading
remained high for a few years with a gradual decrease
with time. Corresponding to this enhanced aerosol
loading, significant reductions in NOx were observed
as shown in Figure 10. It should be noted that the rate
of reaction [R23] at large aerosol surface area is
limited by the formation rate of N2O5 [R13] during
the nighttime. Therefore the decrease in NOx by
reaction [R23] saturates eventually at a certain surface
area, depending on photochemical conditions. The
reduction in NOx caused the decrease in the ozone
levels as observed by a variety of in situ and remote
sensing measurements, providing evidence of the
effect of heterogeneous reactions on stratospheric
Increasing ozone loss
Altitude (km)
NOx /NOy
Increasing NOx
Figure 10 Vertical profiles of the NOx/NOy ratios (small solid
circles) derived from the balloon observations made at 441 N on 12
October 1994. Bars show the total uncertainties in the NOx and NOy
measurements. The calculated NOx/NOy ratios incorporating
heterogeneous chemistry and gas phase chemistry only are
compared. (Reproduced with permission from Kondo et al.
(2000), modified for using NOx/NOy ratio instead of NO/NOy ratio.)
Figure 11 The O3 removal rate versus NOx levels. Because of
the coupling that exists between the radical families, the response
of the total O3 removal rate to changes in NOx abundance is highly
nonlinear. At sufficiently low NOx levels, such as observed at
midlatitudes in May 1993, the removal rates are inversely
correlated with NOx abundance.
Polar NOx and NOy
Both NOx mixing ratios and NOx/NOy ratios have
been observed to decrease sharply at latitudes higher
than 50–601 in winter and early spring as shown in
Figure 12. This large and sharp decrease in NOx is
caused by the large reduction of sunlight in highlatitude winter, which reduces greatly the formation of
NOx from NOy reservoir species. N2O5 produced in
the dark stratosphere is converted effectively to HNO3
via reaction [R23] before being photolyzed. Therefore, HNO3 dominates among the NOy species in
high-latitude winter.
The temperature in the Antarctic and Arctic lower
stratosphere decreases to as low as 190–185 K by
midwinter in the absence of solar heating. Under these
very low temperatures, HNO3 co-condenses with
H2O and/or H2SO4 to form polar stratospheric cloud
(PSC) particles. These particles provide sites for
heterogeneous reactions, such as reactions [R24] and
[R25], which convert unreactive inorganic chlorine
species into reactive chlorine very efficiently. The
Altitude (km)
Mixing ratio (ppbv)
Figure 12 Contrast in the vertical distribution of NOx in winter
and summer. The balloon-borne in situ measurements were made
at 511 N in August and December 1982. A strong reduction of NOx
occurred at 20–28 km. (Reproduced with permission from Ridley
et al. (1987).)
reactive chlorine destroys the ozone rapidly when
exposed to sunlight. In addition, a polar vortex with
westerly winds forms as the high-latitude stratosphere
cools each winter season. The polar vortex isolates
partially high-latitude stratospheric air from midlatitude air. Extensive ozone depletion inside the vortex in
early spring over the Antarctic is well known as the
Ozone Hole. Similar processes occur during the cold
Arctic winters, although the temperatures in the
Arctic are much warmer and show larger year-toyear variations. In this way, HNO3 contributes to
ozone destruction through the formation of PSC
With the reappearance of the Sun in early spring,
NO2 is produced from HNO3 by reactions [R16]
and [R17]. NO2 deactivates reactive chlorine and
bromine by reactions [R9] and [R10]. This
process decelerates effectively the ozone destruction
by halogen radicals after the formation of PSCs
ceases in spring when the temperature rises above
the PSC formation threshold. However, spring HNO3
levels, and therefore NO2 levels, are often much lower
than in late fall or early winter for the following
reason. HNO3-containing PSC particles in the crystalline form sometimes grow to larger than 10 mm in
radius under continued very low temperatures in
midwinter. These particles fall out of the stratosphere
in a few to several days, leading to permanent removal
of NOy. This NOy loss process, called denitrification,
lowers the level of HNO3 , resulting in a delay in the
deactivation of chlorine and extending the period of
ozone depletion throughout the winter and early
Denitrification has been detected as deviations of
the NOy values from those anticipated from the
reference NOy–N2O correlation observed prior to
denitrification in late fall as shown in Figure 13.
Equation [1] represents a good reference for N2O
higher than 120 ppbv. Extensive denitrification occurs
in the Antarctic winter, when temperatures fall
persistently below even the ice saturation threshold.
The temperature in the Arctic in winter is somewhat
higher and much more variable than in the Antarctic,
as described above, resulting in less extensive
denitrification. Falling PSC particles evaporate if
they experience temperatures higher than the
HNO3–H2O condensation threshold temperature.
This leads to local enhancement in NOy over the
background value as has been observed at 12–15 km in
the Arctic.
During the summer, large regions of the polar stratosphere receive uninterrupted sunlight for many weeks.
H2O (ppmv) NOy (ppbv) N2O (ppbv)
Antarctic 23 August 1987
Arctic 7 February 1989
Latitude (deg)
Latitude (deg)
Figure 13 N2O, NOy , and H2O mixing ratios observed by ER-2 at 16–19 km altitude from a portion of a flight in the Antarctic and Arctic
missions. The average relation between NOy and N2O Equatorward of the vortex boundary (dashed line) is given by eqn [1]. The shaded
areas, highlighting the difference between measured NOy and NOy calculated from eqn [1], represent denitrification in the sampled air
masses. (Reproduced with permission from Fahey et al. (1990).)
Under these conditions, daily N2O5 production via
reactions [R13]–[R14] ceases abruptly with the onset
of continuous photolysis in high-latitude air masses,
because NO3 , the intermediate in its formation, is
photolyzed rapidly, thereby preventing N2O5 formation. Depletion of N2O5 shuts off the hydrolysis of
N2O5 in the heterogeneous reaction [R23]. In addition, the photolysis of HNO3 is augmented by
continuous sunlight. The NOy family simplifies to a
near ‘gas-phase-only’ system in summer air masses
because the NOx/HNO3 ratios become primarily
controlled by reactions [R8], [R16], and [R17].
Due to these conditions, the NOx/NOy ratios at 18–
20 km observed by the ER-2 aircraft in polar summer
reach as high as 0.25, which are much higher than
those at lower latitudes. It is noted that gas phase
models predict NOx/NOy ratios close to those
observed in polar summer even for midlatitude near
equinox (Figure 10), thereby demonstrating the
importance of reaction [R23] in determining the
NOx levels in the lower stratosphere. High NOx
abundances in polar summer have also been observed by satellite and ground-based spectroscopic
The measurements by the ER-2 aircraft of
related radicals have shown the predominance
of the NOx catalytic ozone loss cycle over the
HOx , ClOx , and BrOx cycles in polar summer
under high NOx , as can be understood by the
diagram of Figure 11. Total ozone loss rates
calculated using aircraft data are as high as 10–20%
per month at 18–20 km at 60–901 N in June. This
ozone loss rate is consistent with that observed by
See also
Aerosols: Physics and Chemistry of Aerosols. Chemistry
of the Atmosphere: Gas Phase Reactions. Middle
Atmosphere: Polar Vortex; Transport Circulation.
Ozone: Ozone Depletion; Photochemistry of Ozone.
Stratospheric Chemistry and Composition: HOx;
Halogens; Hydroxyl Radical; Overview.
Further Reading
Brasseur G and Solomon S (1986) Aeronomy of the Middle
Atmosphere. Dordrecht: Reidel.
Dessler A (2000) The Chemistry and Physics of Stratospheric
Ozone. London: Academic Press.
Finlayson-Pitts BJ and Pitt Jr JN (2000) Chemistry of
the Upper and Lower Atmosphere. London: Academic
Kaye JA and Jackman CH (1994) Stratospheric ozone
change. In: Hewitt CN and Sturges WT (eds) Global
Atmospheric Chemical Change, pp. 123–168. London:
Chapman & Hall.
Kolb CE, Worsnop DR, Zahniser MS, et al. (1995)
Laboratory studies of atmospheric heterogeneous chemistry. In: Barker JR (ed.) Progress and Problems in
Atmospheric Chemistry, pp. 771–875. Singapore: World
Ridley B and Atlas E (1999) Nitrogen compounds. In:
Brasseur GP, Orlando JJ and Tyndall GS (eds) Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Change, pp. 235–287.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wayne RP (1991) Chemistry of Atmosphere. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (1992) Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1991, Report 25.
World Meteorological Organization Global Ozone
Research and Monitoring Project, Geneva.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (1995) Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1994, Report 37,
World Meteorological Organization Global Ozone
Research and Monitoring Project, Geneva.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (1999) Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1998, Report 44,
World Meteorological Organization Global Ozone
Research and Monitoring Project, Geneva.
Zellner R (1999) Chemistry of the stratosphere. In: Zellner R
(ed.) Global Aspects of Atmospheric Chemistry, pp. 181–
254. Darmstadt: Springer.
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The phenomenon of depletion of the stratospheric
ozone layer by human-produced chemicals has been
dealt with in other parts of this Encyclopedia (see
Ozone: Ozone Depletion Potentials; Ozone as a UV
Filter; Photochemistry of Ozone; Role in Climate;
Surface Ozone (Human Health); Surface Ozone
Effects on Vegetation). We here deal with the realities
of recovery of the ozone layer – the reasoning behind
the predictions that the ozone layer will in fact recover
to a state not necessarily exactly as it was prior to
about 1980 (when the effects of ozone depletion
emerged) but to a state in which the threat of harmful
ultraviolet radiation increases is no longer an environmental concern.
The subject of the recovery of the stratospheric
ozone layer was dealt with in the WMO/UNEP
Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1998. The
reader is referred to Chapter 12 of that document (see
Further Reading) for a detailed discussion of why
recovery is expected, the models used to predict the
recovery and the conclusions related to when the
recovery is expected to be observed. These results will
be summarized here and the measurements related to
recovery of the ozone layer will be updated.
As indicated elsewhere, ozone loss in the polar
regions during spring is much more severe than the
reduction that has occurred at midlatitudes since
about 1980. This is related mainly to the fact that in
order for chemical ozone destruction to proceed
rapidly, the presence of surfaces for heterogeneous
chemistry are required. In most of the global stratosphere, surfaces – as presented by particles – are
sparse; however, in the polar stratospheres, winter
temperatures are adequately low to condense the small
amounts of water vapor and nitric acid vapor, forming
polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). Conditions for
rapid ozone depletion occur in association with these
clouds and the onset of springtime sunlight following
cloud formation during the dark winter.
Following discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole in
1985, expeditions to Antarctica in 1986 and 1987 to
determine the cause of the springtime ozone depletion
resulted in considerable public awareness of the
phenomenon. Even now, each austral spring (September–October) finds the Antarctic ozone hole in the
news, with reports that either it was ‘not as bad’ as last
year or that ‘it was worse than last year’. In addition,
recent expeditions to study Arctic ozone loss have
indicated the likelihood of major ozone loss in some
Arctic springs. These events have resulted in considerable confusion concerning the eventual expected
outcome of this phenomenon. In actuality, the year-toyear fluctuations in the severity of the ozone hole have
been small in recent years, as can be seen in Figure 1,
where the total column ozone as measured at the South
Pole during the latter half of October is shown.
Adequate sunlight for measurements with the Dobson
ozone spectrophotometer is available only after midOctober at the South Pole. The years 1988 and 2000
were exceptions. In those years the polar vortex, in
which the winter–spring ozone depletion process is
confined, broke up earlier than usual, resulting in less
ozone loss when averaged over the October period.
Total ozone (Dobson units)
D J Hofmann, NOAA Climate Monitoring and
Diagnostics Laboratory, Boulder, CO, USA
October 15−31
Figure 1 Dobson spectrophotometer total column ozone measurements at South Pole Station for the 15–31 October period since
1961. Reliable data are not available prior to October 15 owing to
lack of sunlight for the measurement.
Total ozone (Dobson units)
1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Figure 2 Total column ozone averages for March at latitudes
between 631 N and 901 N from TOMS satellite data. (TOMS data
courtesy of Dr. Paul Newman, NASA Goddard Space Flight
Ozone loss (%)
Although the Arctic stratosphere does not get as
cold in winter as does the Antarctic stratosphere,
recent springtime breakup of the polar vortex has been
delayed in some years. With the presence of PSCs
during sunlit hours, Arctic ozone depletion has
become more severe. Data from satellite measurements in the Arctic, shown in Figure 2, indicate major
ozone losses in recent years, but with a considerable
interannual variability. The future of Arctic ozone
depletion will depend on a number of factors, including climate change. A predicted colder stratosphere
could increase the occurrence of PSCs and tend to
stabilize the polar vortex.
At midlatitudes, large ozone fluctuations related to
transport from the tropics make detection of the much
smaller ozone losses observed there more difficult than
in the polar regions. Since PSCs do not form at these
latitudes, chemical ozone loss depends on the surface
area present in the form of stratospheric aerosol
particles. Following major volcanic eruptions, sulfuric
acid aerosol droplets become important in the heterogeneous chemical process that leads to the enhanced
destruction of ozone. Figure 3 demonstrates the degree
of ozone loss experienced across midlatitudes of the
United States and shows how the fluctuations related
to transport rival the losses experienced since 1980.
Enhancement in ozone loss in 1992–93 is believed to
be related to stratospheric aerosol deposited by the
eruption of Pinatubo in June 1991.
Since the last ozone assessment in 1998, considerable attention has been given to the role of meteorological variability in ozone trends. While it is likely
that a portion of the downward trend in midlatitude
ozone is related to changes in transport, the magnitude
of such an effect is not known at this time. In addition,
current models are not able to capture the past trends
in dynamical transport and thus are not expected to be
able to predict future trends. The next ozone assess-
Average for Fresno/Hanford, CA; Boulder, CO;
Nashville, TN; and Wallops Island, VA
Figure 3 Monthly average total column ozone deviations from
the pre-1979 mean at four Dobson spectrophotometer stations
across midlatitudes of the United States. The large reduction in
1992–1993 is partially related to the Pinatubo volcanic eruption.
ment, due in the year 2002, will likely consider this
component of the variability in more detail.
Global measurements of the chlorine- and brominebearing gases believed responsible for most of the
ozone depletion are shown in Figure 4. These data
indicate that the combined effective equivalent chlorine (EECl) concentration (all chlorine- and brominebearing molecules are combined by multiplying bromine by 50 owing to its higher reactivity) peaked near
the surface in 1994 and was expected to peak in the
stratosphere 3–5 years later. Satellite remote sensing
measurements of chlorine-containing molecules, derived from human-produced halocarbons, indicate
that the concentration of total chlorine reached a
maximum in the stratosphere in 1997. Thus there is no
reason to expect the Antarctic ozone hole or global
ozone depletion to become any worse than at present.
Model results suggest that there will be a period of
twenty or so years in which stratospheric EECl will
decline only slowly and then, following phase-out of
CFC replacements (such as HCFCs), will decline more
rapidly. Recovery of the ozone layer to pre-1980 levels
is not expected until the middle of the twentyfirst
century. Model predictions of climate change will
delay ozone recovery, especially in the Arctic where a
cooler stratosphere would exacerbate ozone depletion. Major volcanic eruptions, which supply aerosol
particles to the stratosphere, aid the heterogeneous
chemistry of halogen ozone loss and will cause a delay
in ozone recovery. Will ozone-friendly replacements
for the chlorine and bromine compounds be available
by 2020? Clearly, the road to recovery will not be
smooth, but it appears that the remedy has been found
and it is likely that the phenomenon of stratospheric
ozone depletion will not get any worse than at present.
But will the ozone layer recover to its former healthy
state, and how long will that take?
1991 1993
1991 1993
~5% down
Figure 4 Measurements of global chlorine- and bromine-bearing compounds that are included in the effective equivalent chlorine
(EECl) calculation shown at the bottom of the figure.
Ozone Recovery Defined
As in the WMO assessment already cited, the beginning of ozone layer recovery is defined as a measurable
increase in ozone toward pre-1980 values. While it is
important to note the cessation in the worsening of
ozone depletion, which appears to be occurring at the
present time, recovery suggests some progress toward
a return to previous conditions. Thus the detection of
such a recovery is complicated by the requirement to
detect a statistically significant ozone increase, above
natural variability, that is occurring slowly over a long
period of time. Measurement stability and comparability between multiple instruments over a twentyyear or longer period will thus be required to actually
detect recovery. These observations will be further
confused by occasional volcanic eruptions that will
cause ozone depletion to increase for 2–3 years during
which the aerosol particles from the eruption slowly
fall out of the stratosphere. However, observation of
ozone recovery is important because it will show that
the implementation of regulations on ozone-depleting
substances, established by the Montreal Protocol and
its amendments, was an effective course to follow.
Modeling Ozone Recovery
Efforts to predict the future levels of stratospheric
ozone include two-dimensional (2D) chemical models, in which vertical and latitudinal ozone variations
are predicted; three-dimensional chemical transport
models, with dynamic circulation determined by
meteorological analyses, and full three-dimensional
(3D) general circulation models (GCMs) that include
detailed ozone chemistry. These last, requiring major
computer resources, have only recently found applications in the ozone prediction area.
In the WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessment of Ozone
Depletion: 1998, 2D models from ten modeling
Total ozone anomaly (%)
65˚S _ 65˚N
Mean of 10 Models
1 S.D.
TOMS Observations
Figure 6 Average of ten 2D model predictions (with standard
deviations) of global (651 S–651 N) ozone loss compared to TOMS
measurements, adapted from the WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1998. (TOMS data courtesy of
Dr. Richard McPeters, NASA Gaddard Space Flight Center.)
vortex) with stratospheric cloud processes that result
in major ozone depletion. NASA Goddard Institute for
Space Studies (GISS) 3D model results, reported in the
1998 Ozone Assessment, used scenarios of future
greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous
oxide) emissions from the 1995 Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change report and thus include
effects on the ozone layer related to climate change. In
Figure 7 the GISS model results are compared to
TOMS springtime observations for the Antarctic
(ozone averages south of 651 S) and the Arctic (ozone
averages north of 651 N). The model predicts Arctic
ozone depletions rivaling those observed in Antarctica
in some years with a large degree of interannual
variability. As in the case of the 2D models for global
ozone recovery, this model predicts that recovery of
the polar ozone layers will not be complete till the
2050 time frame.
All the models depend on halogen levels declining as
prescribed by the amended Montreal Protocol. This
includes future replacement of presently unregulated
Column ozone (DU)
Equivalent chlorine, EECl (ppb)
groups were compared. These models typically have
resolutions of 5–10 degrees of latitude and 1–2 km of
altitude. While gas-phase chemistry is similar in the
models, heterogeneous chemistry involving reactions
on the surfaces of aerosol particles at low temperatures
was represented at varying levels of sophistication. All
models used the same reactive halogen distributions as
observed up to 1998 and as predicted assuming that
the amended Montreal Protocol will be followed. This
includes future regulation of the CFC replacements.
Figure 5 shows the time history of effective equivalent
chlorine (EECl, defined earlier) which was used in the
models. This scenario predicts that stratospheric
equivalent chlorine will reach 2 parts per billion
(ppb), the level at which Antarctic ozone depletion
became clearly detectable, in about the year 2050.
Figure 6 shows the average and standard deviation
of the predictions of the ten 2D models of global
(651 S–651 N) ozone loss compared to Total Ozone
Mapping Spectrometer satellite measurements. The
agreement with measurements is remarkably good.
The ozone reduction observed and predicted in about
1992 was related to the Pinatubo volcanic eruption in
the Philippine Islands in June 1991. The additional
particle surface area deposited in the stratosphere by
the eruption exacerbated ozone depletion for one to
two years. The model results predict that clear
observation of the beginning of recovery of the ozone
layer will not be possible until after the year 2020 and
that stratospheric ozone will not reach pre-1980 levels
till beyond the year 2050. Changes in dynamics such as
might have occurred in the past and may occur in the
future, for example as related to climate change, are
not included or captured in these models.
Three-dimensional general circulation models with
relatively simple ozone chemistry have been utilized to
predict recovery of polar ozone because they are able
to generate a realistic winter polar wind system (polar
TOMS - Antarctic
GISS Model
TOMS - Arctic
GISS Model
1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065
Figure 5 Global effective equivalent chlorine as measured up to
the year 2000 and predicted by emission model estimates.
(Adapted from the WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessment of Ozone
Depletion: 1998.)
Figure 7 Three-dimensional model predictions (Goddard Institute for Space Studies) of polar ozone loss compared to TOMS
satellite data. (Adapted from the WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1998.)
Maximum area (106 km2)
hydrofluorocarbons, halons, and other bromine-bearing compounds such as methyl bromide. If the
emissions of these compounds do not decline as
prescribed by the Protocol, because of continued
production and/or emission in developing countries
who were provided special dispensations in the Protocol, then the predictions of recovery will, of course,
not be accurate.
Observing the Recovery
As discussed in WMO assessment, there are a number
of reasons why it is likely that the earliest evidence for
recovery of chemical ozone depletion will come from
Antarctica. The main reason is that the depletion
magnitude is large, with about two-thirds of the ozone
layer lost each spring. This magnitude is considerably
larger than natural variability, which makes detection
of recovery at midlatitudes, where the ozone deficit is
only of the order of 5% difficult.
In recent years, ozone has been totally destroyed
in the heart of the ozone hole region at 15–20 km.
In these regions, more chlorine and bromine are
activated than is required to destroy all the ozone
available. Thus this region is not expected to be an
early indicator of the beginning of ozone recovery.
However, at both the horizontal and vertical
boundaries of the ozone hole region the phenomenon
is not saturated and thus presents perhaps the best
opportunity for early detection of the beginning of
The horizontal extent of the ozone hole can best be
observed by satellite instruments such as the Total
Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS), which detects
total column ozone by observing ultraviolet radiation
being reflected off the surface or off clouds. It has been
customary to use the 220 Dobson unit (DU) contour to
define the outer boundary of the springtime Antarctic
ozone hole as this is the value at which a steep gradient
in ozone exists with substantial depletion internal and
minimal depletion external to the 220 DU contour.
Figure 8 shows the magnitude of the area interior to
this contour, averaged for the springtime period
9 September to 13 October, as a function of time
since TOMS satellite measurements began in 1979. In
recent years this parameter has been in the range of 22
(72) 106 km2. This is equivalent to the area poleward of about 661 S latitude. All but the tip of the
Antarctic Peninsula lies internal to this area, so that the
ozone hole defined in this manner covers essentially all
of Antarctica.
At the boundaries of the depletion region, stratospheric temperatures are not as cold as internal to the
boundary and thus polar stratospheric clouds, which
Figure 8 Geographical area of the 220 Dobson unit contour over
Antarctica between 9 September and 13 October from TOMS
satellite data. (TOMS data courtesy of Dr. Paul Newman, NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center.)
provide the surfaces required for the heterogeneous
chemistry do not form as readily. Thus, assuming that
temperatures will not change substantially with time
(climate change related to greenhouse gas increases is
expected to cool the stratosphere but will have larger
effects on the Arctic stratosphere than on the Antarctic
because the Antarctic stratosphere is already very
cold), the area enclosed by the springtime 220 DU
contour at maximum depletion should be a sensitive
indicator of the beginning of ozone recovery as
halogens begin to decline in the stratosphere. For
example, values below 20 106 km2 have not been
observed since before 1990 and would be an indication of the beginning of ozone hole recovery.
The vertical extent of the ozone hole can be
observed with balloon-borne instruments and has
been monitored annually since 1986 at the South Pole.
Figure 9 shows vertical ozone profiles measured at the
South Pole during the ozone hole maximum depletion
at the beginning of the current continuous measurement period in 1986 and during the ozone hole period
in 2000. These profiles are compared to ones measured
at the South Pole prior to the advent of the ozone hole
phenomenon during the 1967–71 period. The progression toward total ozone destruction in the
15–20 km region is clear. It also is clear that ozone
depletion has progressed to higher altitudes during the
1986–2000 period, with a sharp top to the ozone hole
at about 21 km in 1986 and about 24 km in 2000.
Barring major temperature trends in this region, the
top of the ozone hole should begin declining in altitude
as halogens begin their decay.
Another parameter that will be sensitive to halogen
decay is the rate of ozone loss in the main ozone loss
region (12–20 km) during September, the period when
ozone is declining rapidly. Figure 10 shows the rate of
ozone loss in September measured with balloon-borne
instruments at the South Pole since 1986. In recent
years the value has been about 3.170.4 DU per day.
Column ozone (DU)
29 Sep. 2000
98 DU
_ 2.6 DU day _1
Year 2000
7 Oct. 1986
158 DU
Ozone loss rate (DU day 1)
Altitude (km)
282 DU
Ozone partial pressure (mPa)
Figure 9 Ozone vertical profiles obtained with balloon-borne
ozonesondes at South Pole Station at the time of maximum ozone
depletion in 1986 (when continuous measurements began) and in
2000. The recent measurements are compared to those made
during the 1967–71 period.
Pre-1990 values were in the range of 2.270.4 DU per
The detection of the recovery of Arctic ozone loss
is expected to be more difficult because models
suggest that the worst is yet to come in the Arctic
owing to the more dynamic situation in the Arctic
compared to the Antarctic (see Figure 7). The interannual variability in the degree of springtime Arctic
ozone depletion will be much too large to allow any
simple observations of the beginning of recovery of the
Arctic ozone layer.
At midlatitudes, detection will be difficult as well.
Here the small signal compared to natural variability
makes difficult the detection of an ozone increase.
Statistical models that include past trends and 2D
chemical model predictions suggest that recovery may
be detected at southern midlatitudes prior to northern
midlatitudes. As indicated in Figure 6, the detection of
a meaningful increase in ozone levels is not predicted
by the chemical models before about 2030. Further
complications arise from uncertainties in the global
levels of some chemicals, for example, methane, which
reacts with chlorine and thus reduces ozone depletion.
In recent times the methane growth rate has declined
Figure 10 (A) South Pole Station ozone between 12 and 20 km
(the region of maximum ozone depletion) as a function of time
during the year 2000, with a determination of the ozone loss rate
during September. (B) September ozone loss rate (Dobson units
per day) at South Pole Station since measurements began in 1986.
substantially and if it does indeed cease to increase, as
proposed, then the recovery of ozone will be further
delayed by 10 or so years (see Figure 11).
Finally, since the models do not capture the dynamic
variability observed in lower stratospheric circulation,
which in some analyses can account for almost onehalf of the ozone loss at northern midlatitudes since
1979, the observed recovery could be either slower or
faster than predicted by chemical models, depending
Ozone loss (%)
ozone loss
Model - 98 Assess. Baseline
Methane Constant After 1995
TOMS Observations
_ 10
Figure 11 A two-dimensional model prediction of global (651 S–
651 N) ozone loss showing the effect of holding methane concentrations constant after 1995. TOMS measurements are also
shown. (Adapted from the WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessment of
Ozone Depletion: 1998; TOMS data courtesy of Dr. Richard
McPeters, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.)
on whether the dynamical factor is increasing or
Summary and Conclusions
In summary, while chemical models indicate that the
maximum ozone depletion will occur within the next
two decades, uncertainties related to emission scenarios of greenhouse gases and climate change make
estimates of the beginning of ozone layer recovery
unreliable. Even in Antarctica, where it is believed that
the earliest and least ambiguous observation of the
beginning of ozone recovery will be possible, the
unambiguous detection of the beginning of the recovery of the ozone layer will not occur until well into the
next century, beyond the maximum loading of ozonedepleting gases. It is quite clear that the atmosphere
will be in a different chemical and thermal state when
equivalent chlorine levels drop to pre-1980 levels in
the stratosphere, making precise predictions of ozone
recovery impossible. Barring major volcanic eruptions
during the next decade, a cessation of the downward
trend in midlatitude ozone, now only hinted at, should
be observed and would be a harbinger of the coming
See also
Ozone: Ozone Depletion Potentials; Ozone as a UV Filter;
Photochemistry of Ozone; Role in Climate; Surface Ozone
(Human Health); Surface Ozone Effects on Vegetation.
Further Reading
Anderson J, Russell JM III, Solomon S and Deaver LE (2000)
Halogen occultation experiment confirmation of stratospheric chlorine decreases in accordance with the Montreal Protocol. Journal of Geophysical Research 105:
Dlugokencky EJ, Masarie KA, Lang PM and Tans PP (1998)
Continuing decline in the growth rate of the atmospheric
methane burden. Nature 393: 447–450.
Farman JC, Gardiner GG and Sahnklin JD (1985) Large
losses of total ozone in Antarctica reveals seasonal ClOx/
NOx interaction. Nature 315: 207–210.
Hofmann DJ, Oltmans SJ, Harris JM, Johnson BJ and
Lathrop JA (1997) Ten years of ozonesonde measurements at the south pole: implications for recovery of
springtime Antarctic ozone. Journal of Geophysical
Research 102: 8931–8943.
Hood LL (2000) Trends in lower stratospheric circulation
and their effects on column ozone trends at northern
midlatitudes during the 1979–1998 period. Proceedings
of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Sapporo, 2000,
pp. 49–50. Sapporo: Hokkaido University.
Hood LL, McCormick JP and Labitzke K (1997) An
investigation of dynamical contributions to midlatitude
ozone trends in winter. Journal of Geophysical Research
102: 13079–13093.
IPCC (1995) Climate Change 1995, The Science of Climate
Change (Houghton JT et al., eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Montzka SA, Butler JH, Myers RC, et al. (1996) Decline in
the tropospheric abundance of halogen from halocarbons: Implications for stratospheric ozone depletion.
Science 272: 1318–1322.
Montzka SA, Butler JH, Elkins JW, et al. (1999) Present and
future trends in the atmospheric burden of ozonedepleting halogens. Nature 398: 690–694.
Shindell D, Rind D and Lonergan P (1998) Increased polar
stratospheric ozone losses delayed eventual recovery due
to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. Nature 392:
Weatherhead EC, Bishop L, Hollandsworth Frith SM,
et al. (2000) Detecting the recovery of total column
ozone. Journal of Geophysical Research 105: 22201–
WMO (1999) Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion:
1998, World Meteorological Organization, Global
Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report
No.44. Geneva: WMO.
J E Harries, Imperial College of Science, Technology
and Medicine, London, UK
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The Earth is indeed the ‘water planet’. So many of the
key conditions and properties here on Earth are
determined by this enigmatic and vital substance.
Not least of the mysteries involving water is that the
stratosphere, that region of the atmosphere between
roughly 12 and 50 km, is extremely dry. The concentration of water vapor, expressed as a relative fraction
of the total mass of air at any given altitude, is in the
range of ‘parts per million’ (ppm; 10 6), in other
words, only a few molecules in every 106 are water
molecules. This contrasts with humidities up to 10 000
times higher in the troposphere. Nevertheless, this
small concentration is profoundly important. It is one
of the fascinations of the study of stratospheric
humidity that, while this extreme aridity and the
overall mechanisms causing it have been known for
more than half a century, the detailed understanding of
precisely how this state is maintained remains elusive.
This extreme dryness was first discovered during
high-altitude research flights in Canberra aircraft over
the United Kingdom, beginning as long ago as 1943
and continuing for many years thereafter. In the frostpoint hygrometer, a mirror surface is cooled until the
ambient humidity causes a frosting of the surface:
knowing the temperature at which this happens, and
the pressure of the local air allows the humidity to be
calculated. Using this device, scientists from the British
Meteorological Office measured frost-point temperatures at the tropopause (the boundary between the
troposphere and stratosphere) of 215 K, which
equates to a mixing ratio of about 55 ppmv (parts
per million by volume, expressing the relative number
of molecules of water and air in a given volume). At
altitudes about 2 km above the local tropopause,
mixing ratios of 3 ppmv were observed. Further
analysis, including the use of studies of the way in
which radioactive decay from nuclear tests spread
around the world, led to the formulation of the
Brewer–Dobson theory to explain this dryness. It was
postulated that a slow overturning of the whole
atmosphere, with air rising above the warm equatorial
region, passing through the very cold tropopause,
moving poleward in the stratosphere, and then sinking
at higher, colder latitudes, could cause dessication of
the air as it rises through the cold tropical tropopause.
The tropopause temperatures in tropical regions were
known to be very low (well below 220 K) and quite
capable of producing this degree of dryness. This basic
theory of the humidity of the stratosphere has survived
and today forms the basis of our understanding,
although we now realize that there are many important details that modify this model.
The humidity of the stratosphere is important
because the amount of water vapor determines
important aspects of the planetary radiative energy
balance through the strong cooling to space from
water vapor. This contributes to determining the
temperature of the stratosphere, which then affects
the dynamical circulation of the upper atmosphere.
Moreover, water vapor provides the source of the
hydroxyl radical, OH, which takes part in a number of
stratospheric chemical processes, and the influence on
temperatures affects chemistry through temperaturedependent reaction rates. An understanding of how
the distribution of water vapor is controlled, and of
how this distribution might change in future, is
therefore important in a variety of scientific and
environmental problems, as we shall see below, not
least in determining the role of water vapor in
controlling changes in our climate.
Observations of Stratospheric Water
Following the pioneering work in the United Kingdom, measurements at higher altitudes (to 30 km and
above) were made in the United States using highaltitude balloon technology. At first, this work indicated a much wetter stratosphere, and something of a
controversy brewed up. However, it was soon realized
that the balloon data were being contaminated by
moisture carried up by the balloon itself, and since
then, a long series of very accurate measurements, also
using the frost-point hygrometer principle, have been
reported by US scientists working for the Naval
Research Laboratory and subsequently the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (NOAA).
These showed that the humidity of the stratosphere
remained low, with only a small possible increase, up
to an altitude of about 30 km. These measurements
have continued from the late 1960s up to the present
day, first over Washington DC and subsequently over
Boulder, Colorado. These measurements have given
support to the possibility of significant long-term
trends in stratospheric moisture, existing over decades. We shall come back to this later.
A step up in sensitivity, which allowed measurements at much higher time and space resolution to be
made, came with the invention of an alternative
measurement technique using the resonance fluorescence hygrometer. This device uses the spectroscopic
property of the water vapor molecule that if it is
illuminated by ultraviolet radiation from a lamp at a
certain frequency, it will reemit radiation in measurable quantities and with an intensity that is proportional to the relative amount of water vapor to air
molecules in the line of sight. This device has now been
widely deployed on aircraft and balloons around the
world, and has given rise to a much more finely
detailed knowledge of how water vapor is distributed
around the globe. It was using this device that the
‘hygropause’, a minimum in mixing ratio some 2–3 km
above the local tropopause, was discovered in tropical
regions. This discovery gave a clue to more detailed
mechanisms of how the dryness of the stratosphere is
controlled, as we shall see later.
For a more global view of how stratospheric water
vapor is distributed and might vary, however, satellite
techniques inevitably became crucial. Measurements
of stratospheric water vapor were first made by the
NASA Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere,
(LIMS) on the Nimbus 7 spacecraft launched in 1978.
This device, which employed sensitive cooled detectors in space, detected emission from stratospheric
water vapor from one of its infrared vibration–
rotation bands (the n2 band centered at 6.3 mm).
we are gradually unraveling the mysteries of this
enigmatic substance in our upper atmosphere, as we
shall see below.
The Mean Water Vapor Distribution of
the Stratosphere
Figure 1 gives a representation of the annual mean
distribution of water vapor, based on the most recent
measurements from the UARS satellite. The main
points to note are the strong gradients in mixing ratio
at the tropopause; a slow increase in mixing ratio with
height; a minimum of mixing ratio immediately above
the tropical tropopause; and shallow minima above
the polar tropopause in both hemispheres, but particularly the southern pole.
We will now discuss current ideas that account for
this mean distribution.
Mean Meridional Circulation
The Brewer–Dobson theory was mentioned earlier.
This accounts for the extreme dryness of the stratosphere as due to a slow meridional circulation with
rising air over the tropics and descending air at higher
latitudes. The very low temperatures found at the
tropical tropopause cause a dessication of the air as it
passes from tropical tropopause to overlying stratosphere. Above the tropopause, as the air rises, the
mixing ratio increases due to conversion from methane, CH4 (see below). Air at extratropical latitudes is
made up of dry air spreading nearly isentropically
along contours of constant potential temperature,
mixing with air that has risen to the stratopause,
increasing in mixing ratio as it rises, and which has
90° S 60° S 30° S
Pressure (hPa)
Height (km)
The intensity of this emission is proportional to the
atmospheric temperature, and the water vapor concentration: Knowing the temperature from separate
measurements allowed the water vapor concentration
to be determined globally as a function of altitude and
position. This was a very exciting development, which
employed the new technique of limb-sounding that
increased the precision of stratospheric measurement
by aiming the instrument sideways, toward the limb of
the atmosphere, where the stratosphere is exposed
against the cold, dark background of space. Nimbus 7
was notable for another reason: this program introduced the idea of assembling international ‘Experiment’ or ‘Science’ teams to assist in the development
and scientific exploitation of the experiments on board
the satellite, a method adopted in almost all satellite
experiments since.
Many other notable experiments to measure stratospheric water vapor have been undertaken since. Also
on Nimbus 7 was the British instrument called the
Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder, which used
another new technique, pressure modulation radiometry, to detect and measure water vapor (among
other gases). This technique actually carried a sample
of water vapor in a cell on board, as a type of
‘calibrator’ of the detected infrared emissions. A very
beautiful Fourier transform spectrometer called
ATMOS (Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy)
was flown several times on the Space Shuttle in the
1980s and 1990s, providing highly accurate spectral
information about water vapor and many other
stratospheric molecules. Long-term measurements
were initiated using shorter-wavelength visible and
near ultraviolet observations of water vapor absorption, using the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE). More recently, the Upper Atmosphere
Research Satellite (UARS) has operated from 1991
until the present day (mid-2001) and has carried
several experiments that measured stratospheric water
vapor. Perhaps the most successful of these is the
Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE), which
has provided near-global measurements for a decade.
HALOE measures the absorption of infrared solar
radiation by stratospheric water vapor, using the LIMS
technique of staring through the limb of the atmosphere, in this case as the Sun rises or sets behind the
atmosphere. Another new sensor, the Microwave
Limb Sounder, operated in the millimeter wave part
of the spectrum. All these new data have given us a
completely new perspective on the distribution and
variability of water vapor in the stratosphere.
Many other satellite and non-satellite-borne experiments have given new measurements that have helped
us to understand more and more about the behavior of
stratospheric humidity. We still face many puzzles, but
30° N 60° N 90° N
Figure 1 Annual zonal mean water vapor mixing ratio (ppmv)
from HALOE and MLS data by height and latitude. Contour interval
is 0.2 ppmv. Thick dashed line is the tropopause. Thick solid line is
the 400 K potential temperature (isentropic) surface. (Source:
SPARC 2000.)
then traveled poleward, sinking as it cools. This makes
for a complex situation at these latitudes, with laminae
of dry and moister air overlying each other. The two
routes give rise to air that has different ‘ages’ in the
stratosphere. The rapid isentropic transport gives rise
to a dry layer in the lower stratosphere over much of
the globe. It is now also believed that mixing of air
caused by planetary wave activity in the lower
stratosphere is important, especially at mid-latitudes
and in winter, when such wave activity is at its
Stratospheric Photochemistry
In the stratosphere, the high intensity of short-wave
solar radiation means that methane and molecular
hydrogen can be photolyzed, to release active hydrogen compounds. The methane is oxidized to produce
roughly two molecules of water vapor for every one
molecule of methane that is destroyed. As a consequence, the quantity c ¼ 2½CH4 þ ½H2 O may be
regarded as a quasi-conserved quantity, which can
help analysis of observed fields. Lifetimes of both
methane and molecular hydrogen are over 100 years at
the tropopause, a few years at 30 km, and a few
months at 40 km, owing to the increasing solar flux at
short wavelength. Thus, air can be ‘tagged’: low values
of [CH4] and high values of [H2O] in lower stratospheric air indicates that the air has been transported
down from higher altitudes.
Tropical Tropopause Dehydration
It is an amazing fact that, despite decades of research,
we are still unsure about the precise mechanism(s) that
cause the ‘cold trap’ phenomenon at the tropical
tropopause. The tropical tropopause temperature
around the globe is not low enough everywhere to
produce the observed very low values in the stratosphere. A variety of mechanisms have been postulated
that could account for the observations. These include
the suggestion that there are preferred longitudes
around the Equator, for example over Micronesia,
where vertical convection is particularly strong and
where, as a result, tropopause temperatures are
especially low. This gave rise to the notion of a
‘stratospheric fountain’, one of the more picturesque
concepts of recent years! Also, considerable work,
notably in the United States, has been done on the
effect of very deep convective clouds that might
penetrate the local tropopause for a limited period:
These clouds usually have ice clouds associated with
the top and downwind side of their ‘anvils’. It is
thought that both dessication and increase in moisture
in the lower stratosphere could arise from such a
mechanism. Other studies have considered the exist-
ence of more permanent ‘cirrus veils’ in the region of
the tropopause, the formation of which causes a
drying of the air as it supplies water to form ice:
Subsequent descent of the veil, due to radiative
cooling, can leave behind a dry layer of air.
It now seems likely that many of these mechanisms
are operating simultaneously. Thus, the mean meridional circulation is augmented by longitudinal variability in convective energy, by local cloud penetrations
of the tropopause, by cirrus veils, and probably by
other processes as well. Furthermore, these may be
operating on quite small space and time scales, and
what we observe is the net effect averaged over time
and space. For example, the combined effect of many
cumulonimbus clouds penetrating the tropopause
may be a significant contributor to the dryness of the
lower stratosphere. However, capturing such a mechanism in a model that may have a horizontal spatial
resolution of over 100 km is difficult.
Polar Dehydration
Within the stratospheric vortices that form around
each of the poles in winter, temperatures can fall to
extremely low values (e.g., 180 K) and, of course, the
air in the vortex is very dessicated under such
conditions. In the north, the strength of the vortex,
the degree of cooling within the vortex, and the
consequent degree of dessication are not thought to be
sufficient to affect the annual mean. However, in the
south, the dessication is very significant and is thought
to decrease the annual mean, even though it is only a
seasonal effect. Below the 400 K potential temperature
surface, in spring and summer, dehydration can affect
mid-latitudes, but the effect on the rest of the stratosphere is minimal.
Troposphere–Stratosphere Exchange
at Mid-Latitudes
In the mid-latitude lower stratosphere, the extreme
dryness of the stratosphere must be maintained against
the relatively very high humidity of the tropopause just
a few kilometers away under the tropopause. At these
latitudes, of course, there is not the strong vertical
convection to maintain the cold trap mechanism and,
indeed, tropopause temperatures are warmer on
average than at lower latitudes. What happens? First,
the air in the stratosphere is, on the average, subsiding
from higher up and so maintains an appropriate level
of moisture, though there is also ‘leakage’ through the
tropopause at mid-latitudes. The most likely route is
from the tropical high tropopause, along isentropes,
passing through the break in the tropopause that often
exists at mid-latitudes (as a result of deformation of
the tropopause into ‘folds’, caused by various tropospheric dynamical features such as low-latitude
troughs). The influence of high topography, such as
the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau is also thought
to influence isentropic flow from tropical upper
troposphere into mid-latitude stratosphere.
Thus, explaining the mean distribution of water
vapor in the stratosphere involves an understanding of
global mean circulation on the one hand, and on the
other a range of detailed tropopause-level processes on
scales from a typical depression to an individual cloud.
The best interpretation at present involves a range of
processes, covering all these scales, with no simple
picture of a single determining process emerging.
since no barrier to the motion exists. Later in the year
the humidity of the lower stratosphere rises as the
tropopause becomes warmer, and the lower stratosphere becomes generally moister. This happens particularly in the northern subtropics, possibly due to the
effect of the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau.
In mid-latitudes there is evidence from other observations of an annual cycle in the lower stratosphere.
For example, balloon measurements over Boulder,
Colorado, show a maximum in summer and a minimum in mixing ratio at about 15 km in March and at
about 18 km in September. This phenomenon is
consistent with the idea of rapid isentropic flow from
the tropics to mid-latitudes.
The annual cycle in the tropics gives rise to an
annual variation of mixing ratio, and a phase lag in
time as the prevailing humidity at the tropopause
ascends to higher altitudes. This phenomenon has
been named the ‘tape recorder’, for reasons that
become clear from Figure 3. These observations, taken
from the HALOE experiment demonstrate the power
of satellite data for obtaining a global-scale perspective on processes. The figure shows how, below 20 km,
the tropical humidity follows the annual cycle seen in
Figure 2 earlier. At higher altitudes, up to 30 km, the
peaks and troughs occur later, owing to the finite
vertical motion from the tropopause upward. The
‘signal’ of the tropopause variations is imposed on the
‘tape’ as a record of humidity with height. An
interesting use of this result was to examine the mixing
times at different altitudes, which tend to wash out
these signals. This study suggested a strong mixing
The largest and most prominent variation in lower
stratospheric water vapor is the seasonal cycle. Figure
2 uses data from the HALOE experiment to illustrate
tropical and mid-latitude seasonal variability. The
data are averaged over the years 1991–1999, and
mixing ratio values below 3.4 ppmv are shaded. In
tropical latitudes, an annual cycle in the mixing ratio is
due to the annual cycle in tropopause temperature in
the tropics. Low mixing ratios form in December–
January near the tropical tropopause, caused directly
by the ‘cold trap’ working at low temperatures. These
low mixing ratios spread quickly poleward in an
isentropic sense until in April they cover the range
601 S–601 N: This isentropic motion is, of course, fast
60° N
0 4.00
30° N
Seasonal and Annual Variability
30° S
60° S
Figure 2 Latitude–time evolution of water vapor mixing ratio on the 380 K isentropic surface derived from seasonal cycle fits of the
HALOE data. (Source: SPARC 2000.)
Pressure (hPa)
Height (km)
Figure 3 Altitude–time evolution of water vapor mixing ratio over the Equator, from HALOE, derived from seasonal cycle fits to the data.
(Source: SPARC 2000.)
between the tropics and mid-latitudes in the lower
stratosphere below about 20 km, and a region much
more isolated from the mid-latitudes between about
20 and 30 km.
Nonseasonal Variability
In addition to the seasonal variability driven by the
annual variation in solar flux, there are other important processes that cause variability on other
time scales in the humidity of the stratosphere.
Understanding these is an important part of understanding how the climate of our planet might vary with
The Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO)
The QBO has been known to exist in the stratosphere
for a number of years. It is a reversal of the mean zonal
wind in the lower equatorial stratosphere, with a mean
period of about 28 months (though this period varies
significantly), and is probably driven by vertically
propagating waves from the troposphere. The vertical
motion of air through this region is affected by the
direction of the mean flow (positive shear of easterly
momentum is associated with above normal ascent
and vice versa). There are associated temperature
perturbations in the lower stratosphere of a few kelvin.
Because of these variations in vertical ascent, the water
vapor distribution with height is affected, and a small
but significant QBO signal can be detected in the
mixing ratio at a given altitude, once the seasonal
variability has been subtracted from a suitably long
data set. Here, of course, long-term satellite data come
into their own. QBO signals between 0.2 and
0.5 ppmv have been detected, for example, in the
long-term HALOE data set.
Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO)
The tropical Pacific region exhibits a phenomenon
called the Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO), a tropical intraseasonal variation with a period of about
30–60 days that has a signal in a number of tropospheric fields. The MJO has a strong effect on
tropospheric humidity, and recent work has highlighted the fact that there is a weak signal in the variability
of the lower stratosphere, around 100 hPa. This signal
is no more than a few tenths of a kelvin, but is
nevertheless significant.
Long-Term Trends
For time scales longer than the QBO F that is, longer
than about 2 years F it is of great interest to know
whether there are trends that might be significant in
terms of the climate of the Earth. In order to examine
long-term trends, it is obviously necessary to obtain
data sets with the required longevity, accuracy, and
precision. In the stratosphere, only two data sets have
all the required properties, the frost-point hygrometer
balloon measurements over Boulder, and the HALOE
satellite measurements from the UARS spacecraft. The
former cover the time period 1981 to the present, and
the latter the period 1991 to the present.
Balloon Measurements over Boulder, Colorado
A consistent series of balloon frost-point measurements has been made over Boulder over a 20-year
period, and these have been analyzed to determine
trend statistics. Measurements have been made on a
roughly monthly basis, and heights up to about 28 km
have been accessible using the balloon system available at Boulder. The results of this study are given in
Table 1. The detected increase of about 1% per year is
statistically highly significant at all levels above 16 km,
up to 28 km.
Table 1 Stratospheric mixing ratio trends measured above
Boulder, Colorado, 1981–2000
Altitude range (km)
of mixing
ratio (%/year)
Uncertainty in
3 hPa
Trends from HALOE
The HALOE experiment on the UARS satellite has
made measurements of a number of stratospheric
constituents from 1991 to the present day. These
include water vapor (H2O) and methane (CH4). Thus,
the trends of both water vapor and the hydrogen
parameter defined above, c ¼ 2½CH4 þ ½H2 O, can
be determined. These data have been analyzed by a
number of groups in the United States and the United
Kingdom, with broadly similar results. Strong increases
in both H2O and c have been detected (of between
0.05 and 0.15 ppmv y 1: i.e., a few percent per year)
between about 20 and 50 km for both species, for the
years 1991–1996. However, the trend detected from
an analysis of the years 1996–1999 was statistically
indistinguishable from zero. This represents a very
significant change in the long-term variability of
stratospheric humidity, and indicates that the trend
detected between 1991 and 1996 may be due to a
particular episodic event, for example, the eruption of
Mt. Pinatubo in 1991, which is known to have affected
the stratosphere profoundly from 1991 to at least
about the end of 1992. Figure 4 shows the
de-seasonalized mixing ratio anomalies in c from
HALOE data at three levels: 31, 10, and 3 hPa. Solid
circles show data for the Southern Hemisphere, and
open circles for the Northern Hemisphere. The
smooth lines are the results of the use of a smoothing
filter to remove the effects of the QBO (see above),
which is clearly seen in the 10 hPa data.
From these studies, we can conclude that long-term
trends in stratospheric water vapor may occur at the
level of 1–2% per year, but that events on the time scale
of 5 years can produce changes of similar magnitude.
We shall see below, however, that even small changes
of this order are significant as far as the radiative
properties of water vapor are concerned.
Mixing ratio (ppmv)
10 hPa
31 hPa
Figure 4 De-seasonalized mixing ratio anomalies in c from
HALOE data, at 31, 10 and 3 hPa. Solid circles: Southern
Hemisphere; open circles: Northern Hemisphere. (Source:
SPARC 2000.)
tions in the literature indicate that a fixed increase in
stratospheric mixing ratio of 0.7 ppmv could decrease
temperatures by up to 3–7 K (in the spring). This
change in temperature would have two effects. The
first, is to decrease Arctic ozone columns owing to the
temperature sensitivity of some of the reactions
involved in the ozone balance. Second, the increase
of water vapor mixing ratio would raise the saturation
temperature required for the formation of polar
stratospheric clouds. Thus, an increase in water vapor
amounts could have a significant effect on Arctic
ozone depletion.
According to other recent studies, a further effect of
increasing stratospheric humidity might be an added
radiative forcing of the Earth’s surface of about
0.2 W m 2, about 25% of the ‘standard’ water
forcing, and about 5% of the total forcing thought to
be due to CO2 doubling, including feedbacks.
Significance of Long-Term Trends of Stratospheric
Water Vapor for Climate
Water vapor in the stratosphere is a significant
greenhouse gas that, by virtue of its temperature,
provides a very significant cooling to space. Calcula-
The author is particularly indebted to the authors of
Worlds Climate Research Programme Report No. 113
(SPARC, 2000), which provided very valuable background in the writing of its article.
See also
Arctic Climate. Climate: Overview. Climate Variability: Seasonal to Interannual Variability. Global Change:
Upper Atmospheric Change. Middle Atmosphere: Planetary Waves; Quasi-Biennial Oscillation. Observations
for Chemistry (In Situ): Resonance Fluorescence; Water
Vapor Sondes. Observations for Chemistry (Remote
Sensing): IR/FIR; Microwave. Satellite Remote Sensing: Water Vapor. Stratospheric Chemistry and Composition: Hydrogen Budget.
Further Reading
Brewer A (1949) Evidence for a world circulation provided
by the measurements of helium and water vapor distributions in the stratosphere. Quarterly Journal of the
Royal Meteorological Society 75: 351.
Gille JC and House FB (1971) Limb sounding of the
stratosphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 28:
Harries JE (1976) Stratospheric water vapour. Reviews of
Geophysics and Space Physics 14: 565–575.
Harries JE (1995) Earthwatch: The Climate from Space.
New York: Wiley-Praxis.
Harries JE, Russell JM, Tuck AF, et al. (1996) Validation of
measurements of water vapor from the halogen occulta-
tion experiment (HALOE). Journal of Geophysical
Research 101: 10205–10216.
Holton J (1992) An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology.
London: Academic Press.
Mote PW, Rosenlof KH, McIntyre ME, et al. (1996) An
atmospheric tape recorder: the imprint of tropical
tropopause temperatures on stratospheric water
vapor. Journal of Geophysical Research 101: 3989–
NASA: Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite web site:
NASA: Earth Science Enterprise Programme: http://
Newell RE and Gould-Stewart S (1981) A stratospheric
fountain? Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 38: 2789–
Oltmans SJ, Vomel H, Hofmann DJ, et al. (2000) The
increase in stratospheric water vapor from balloonborne,
frostpoint hygrometer measurements at Washington,
DC, and Boulder, Colorado. Geophysical Research
Letters 27: 3453–3456.
Rosenlof KH, Oltmans SJ, Kley D, et al. (2001) Stratospheric water vapor increases over the past half-century.
Geophysical Research Letters 28: 1195–1198.
Salby ML (1996) Fundamentals of Atmospheric Physics.
London: Academic Press.
SPARC (2000) Assessment of Upper Tropospheric and
Stratospheric Water Vapour. World Climate Research
Programme Report No. 113. World Meteorological
Organisation, Geneva.
N O Jensen, Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde,
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
This article focuses on in situ measurements for the
study of turbulence in the atmospheric surface layer.
Specifically it deals with the eddy correlation calculations of the vertical fluxes of momentum, sensible heat,
and latent heat, as well as fluxes of chemical trace
constituents such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and other
important greenhouse gases, ozone, and gaseous
nitrogen compounds.
Measuring techniques that are built on aircraft
platforms are not considered here. Such techniques
can provide area averages of the measured quantities
on a horizontal scale of the choice of the experimenter,
in contrast to the tower-based techniques that we
deal with in this article, which have a ‘footprint’ given
by the experimental situation (height of observation
and turbulent intensity in the boundary layer).
Nor shall we deal here with remote sensing techniques,
be they ground-based or airborne. These are typically
based on the detection of backscattered energy
from a light source (light detection and ranging,
lidar), microwave transmitter (radio detection and
ranging, radar) or loudspeaker (sound detection
and ranging, sodar). The first two operate over a
relatively long range while the latter is limited to the
scale of the atmospheric boundary layer. Using
these devices it is possible to derive wind as well
as temperature information. The acoustic backscatter
devices (sodars) have become widespread for
operational use in airports for ‘nowcasting’ of wind
Turbulence in the Atmospheric
Surface Layer
Turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer is
manifested by the eddy motions that provide the
transport from the atmosphere to the surface and vice
versa. Thus measuring the fluxes and analyzing them
in relation to environmental conditions is one of the
important tasks of all micrometeorological research.
The goal is to devise robust relationships between
emanating fluxes and more amenable parameters such
as those that can be calculated from numerical models,
based on solutions to the equations of fluid motion
(Navier–Stokes equations). The need for these kinds of
experimental studies derives from the fact that relevant analytical solutions cannot be found, but can only
be investigated numerically with a lot of assumptions
based on direct experimental evidence (parameterization).
However, the numerical procedure imposes a certain gridpoint resolution. This resolution is limited by
two factors: the size of the total domain that is to be
resolved, and the power of the computer available.
Currently the weather and climate models covering
major parts of the globe operate with horizontal grid
cells of order 100 km. This calls for good parameterizations (the purpose of the experimental studies based
on the instruments described here); how to aggregate
the fluxes from the various patches onto a grid
resolution of 100 km is another matter.
Micrometeorology provides an estimation of the
fluxes in conjunction with measurements of the relevant vertical profiles of the mean quantities. The
classical example is the momentum flux (loss of kinetic
energy from the atmosphere) compared to the vertical
wind gradient. The modern method of flux determination builds on the concept of covariance between
the current vertical velocity, w, and the concentration
of interest, c. The ‘instantaneous’ product of
wðc hciÞ ¼ wc0 , where c0 is the ‘instantaneous’
deviation from the mean concentration hci, averaged
or summed over a suitable period, for example 30 min.
This is by definition the vertical transport of c.
This technique is also called the eddy correlation
A common pitfall is in the correct determination of
w. In geophysical flows the vertical velocity is not
necessarily perpendicular to the geopotential, but
rather perpendicular to the stream surface of the local
air flow. For the above-mentioned eddy correlation
calculations, it is therefore necessary to measure the
instantaneous horizontal wind components in order to
define the directions of the streamlines. The question
of the measurement of c0 is considered later in this
In the surface boundary layer the turbulent motions
occur on a wide spectrum of scales (both time and
space). When a large eddy, perhaps on the scale of the
depth of the entire boundary layer (H ffi 1 km), moves
past the observation point it can produce a lengthy
perturbation on the mean velocity on a time scale of
t ¼ H=hui, where hui is the mean wind speed somewhere up in the boundary layer. This would typically
be of the order of several minutes. However, vertical
motions determining the fluxes are generally on
shorter time scales. In order to determine appropriate
fluxes, both c and w must be recorded at sufficiently
short time scales (rapid) to account for all the relevant
Examination of w, i.e., how it varies and the
frequency distribution of this variation as seen from
the fixed (tower) observer, shows that the variation of
w is constant with changing frequency from low
frequencies until a certain point. This point, or kink, is
closely associated with the production scale of the
eddies, which is in turn closely related to the height
above the ground of the measuring instrument. At
higher frequencies the variation in w falls off (as f 5=3 ,
according to Kolmogorov, where f is the frequency of
the fluctuations). The fall-off in variation intensity is
associated with the approach to isotropic turbulence
as opposed to the scale at which it is produced. The
fluctuations finally vanish at scales on the order of
1 cm, where viscosity smears all fluctuations.
When we deal with fluxes, i.e., covariances, it is
important to recognize the w spectrum. When we get
into the Kolmogorov range proper, perhaps one
decade beyond the above-mentioned kink, the turbulence becomes isotropic and therefore the remaining
eddies carry no net flux. In consequence we need
sensors that can resolve w and c at frequencies up to
about 10 Hz at typical observation heights within the
surface layer.
In this article we first deal with wind sensors and
subsequently sensors for temperature (heat flux) and
humidity (evaporation). Finally, some details about
fluxes of other species are discussed, including a
technique (relaxed eddy accumulation, REA) that
avoids the need for a rapid c sensor.
Fast-Response Wind Sensors
For measurements of the vertical wind component a
number of devices have been developed, including
vertically aligned light propellers and various types of
drag anemometer. The latter is based on the relationship between the force on a body, e.g., a golf ball, and
wind velocity. The sensing element is usually based on
the bending of the supporting beam detected by a
strain gauge (a filament in which electrical resistance
changes with strain). Both devices have frequency
response problems. These occur in the propeller
because of finite starting and stopping velocities and
inertia, and in the drag anemometer because of
eigenmode vibrations (Kármán vortices). In addition,
most propeller and drag anemometers distort the wind
flow with their bulk.
Another instrument that has been used to measure
wind speed in the atmosphere is the hot-wire anemometer. This instrument is optimized for laboratorytype flows (very small size and very rapid frequency
response). The principle is that a metal wire is heated
by an electric current. The more it is cooled by the
(perpendicular) wind, the more current is needed to
maintain the temperature of the wire at the set level.
Since it is a fine-scale instrument it is only suited to very
detailed studies of the atmospheric turbulence – like
the eddy cascade towards smaller scales and final
dissipation. Few studies have used this instrument in
micrometeorological research, and it has not been
developed into more rugged designs.
The instrument that has won the most widespread
use in micrometeorology is the ultrasonic anemometer
(Figure 1). This is because it has no fragile or moving
parts and does not significantly interfere with the flow,
if properly designed. It builds on the principle of the
propagation of sound. A transmitter sounds a pulse
(typically of 100 kHz, i.e., ultrasonic) and a receiver
some distance l away detects it some time t later. This
time depends on the speed of sound, c, as well as the
local instantaneous wind velocity. If this is done in the
opposite direction as well the wind velocity can be
derived. The precise relationship is given by eqn [1]:
l 1 1
va ¼
2 t t0
where va is the wind velocity component along
the transmitter–receiver axis. Figure 2 provides
an explanation of the principle. Here vn denotes
the wind velocity normal to the transmitter–receiver
Fast-Response Temperature Sensors
Fast-response temperature sensors are used in connection with the covariance or eddy correlation
technique to determine the vertical heat flux in the
atmospheric surface boundary layer. As mentioned
above, the requirement is that the thermometer has a
rapid response, i.e., it reacts on temperature fluctuations on a short time scale, of order 0.1 s (10 Hz).
One option is to use very thin metallic wires whose
heat capacity is low enough for them to follow the
Figure 1 Ultrasonic anemometer (Metek USA-1 3D). Note that
there are three sets of opposite microphones/transmitters, none of
which is along a vertical path. However, from these three
components it only requires simple geometry to calculate vertical
and horizontal wind components.
ambient temperature quite closely. The signal then
consists of variations in the electrical resistance of the
wire. An alternative method is again to use the sonic
principle. If the reciprocals of the flight times as shown
in eqn [1] are instead added, then one obtains a
measure of the speed of sound (eqn [2]):
l 1 1
2 t t0
except for a small error of order va ðva =2cÞ. From the
gas law of thermodynamics c is related to the absolute
(vnt ′, vat ′)
ct ′
(vnt, vat)
Figure 2 The sketch to the left shows how a spherical sound pulse propagates under the influence of the ambient wind where the center
of the pulse moves from A to B while it is detected at the receiver A0 (and vice versa). The sketch to the right defines the variables of
temperature through eqn [3], from which the virtual
temperature, T, can be found.
Here g and R are thermodynamic constants that
depend on the molecular composition of the gas
mixture. In normal atmospheric air the temperature
derived from this method will slightly depend on, or
needs correction for, the content of water vapor in the
air. In principle this is also true for other trace
constituents, such as CO2 , but in practice the effect
is negligible.
Fast-Response Humidity Sensors
From the above, it would appear that the sonic method
could also be used to derive air humidity in an
otherwise known atmospheric air mixture, provided
the true T is measured in the traditional way. In
practice the signal is not large enough for this
technique to be used in normal atmospheric conditions.
In a more traditional way, it is possible to measure
humidity fluctuations sufficiently rapidly in order to
determine the evaporation from the Earth’s surface
(water, ground, or vegetation) by using the psychrometer technique: a thermometer is covered by a wet
‘sock’, and the amount of evaporation, and thus
cooling of the thermometer, depends on the dryness of
the ambient air. For flux purposes the thermometer
must be of very thin wire as described above and the
sock should have a similar low heat capacity. Methods
like the dew-point mirror have not been developed for
flux purposes because of the large thermal mass of
mirror and condensate.
The more common techniques are based on optical
principles. These are mainly the Lyman a hygrometer
and the infrared hygrometer. The Lyman a hygrometer, as the name suggests, operates at the a line in the
hydrogen molecular spectrum. However, the lenses in
the optics are made of magnesium fluoride, which is
transparent for light at this wavelength. This material
is very sensitive and the lenses corrode quite quickly
when exposed to normal atmospheric air (humidity!).
The infrared technique is in more widespread use. It is
based on the broader absorption bands of H2O
molecules in this part of the light spectrum. Still
another method is based on light from a krypton lamp.
Some designs have the optical path in the open, similar
to the sonic methods. In other designs the optical path
is enclosed and the sample is pumped through the
enclosure. Such designs need to allow for damping of
fluctuations in air lines and phase lag.
Fluxes of Chemical Trace Constituents
As mentioned above, it is possible to measure the flux
of any trace constituent using the eddy correlation
method. The chief limitation is the requirement for a
rapid time response of the detector or chemical
analysis apparatus. All current methods are based on
optical techniques – either directly or indirectly.
The infrared absorption technique, already discussed in the context of humidity measurement, is
quite common for the measurement of CO2. In fact
both measurements are often integrated in the same
instrument. Another direct method is based on tunable
diode lasers, where the wavelength of the laser light is
adjusted to an absorption line that is specific to the
molecule (or compound) of interest. This device needs
Figure 3 A sonic anemometer and other flux instruments mounted on a mast in a real micrometeorological setting. The box to the left of
the mast at about the height of the sonic anemometer contains a REA control system.
very strict temperature control of the light emitter as
well as the detector (requires cryostatic devices) and is
therefore quite difficult to operate in the field.
Other more indirect optical methods are built on the
detection of light emission. A classical technique is
flame photometry, where the gas is passed through a
hydrogen flame and the light emitted from the excited
molecules of interest (particular wavelengths) is
measured. Other quite widespread methods are based
on specific chemical reactions that emit light (chemiluminescence). These are available for fast ozone, NO,
and NO2 detectors.
A relatively new method that has a lot of potential is
the so-called relaxed eddy accumulation (REA) technique. In its simplest form it consists of a pump, a fast
two-way valve, and two collector reservoirs (for
example Teflon bags or Tenax tubes), together with
the vertical channel of a sonic anemometer to control
the valve (see Figure 3). When the air motion is
upwards the air is led to the ‘up’ reservoir, and vice
versa. After a suitable period of time (say 30 min), the
concentration of all compounds of interest in the two
reservoirs can be determined by conventional slow
response analyzers. The flux is then determined from
eqn [4],
F ¼ bsw ðcþ c Þ
where cþ and c are the concentrations in the ‘up’ and
‘down’ reservoirs respectively, sw is the standard
deviation of the fluctuations in the vertical wind
velocity, and b is an empirical coefficient of order 1.
The coefficient b is not a constant, though, but
depends on the statistical properties of the turbulence
and thus, for example, indirectly on the atmospheric
There are many variations to the actual design.
Online analyzers can replace the bags and analyzers
based on a differential principle are ideal. Introducing
an interval for the vertical wind velocity (a so-called
dead band) in which air is not sampled in either
of the reservoirs has the advantage of reducing the
activity of the valve and increasing the difference
between cþ and c . If the dead band is not kept
as a constant but made variable as a fixed fraction of
sw , then b turns out to be effectively constant. The
value of b is determined by using eqn [4] for a flux F
which can also be measured directly by eddy correlation, and then assuming that b is similar for all
compounds. The big advantage of this technique is
that it opens up for flux measurements of a host of
compounds because the chemical detectors do not
need to have a fast response.
See also
Boundary Layers: Observational Techniques In Situ;
Surface Layer. Land–Atmosphere Interactions: Trace
Gas Exchange. Observations for Chemistry (In Situ):
Gas Chromatography; Resonance Fluorescence. Parameterization of Physical Processes: Turbulence and
Further Reading
Busch NE (1973) On the mechanics of atmospheric turbulence. In: Haugen DA (ed.) Workshop on Micrometeorology, pp. 1–65. Boston: American Meteorological Society.
Dobson F, Hasse L and Davis R (eds) (1980) Air–Sea
Interaction, Instruments and Methods. New York: Plenum Press.
Hasager CB and Jensen NO (1999) Surface-flux aggregation
in heterogeneous terrain. Quarterley Journal of the Royal
Meteorological Society 125: 2075–2102.
Jensen NO and Busch NE (1982) In: Plate EJ (ed.) Atmospheric Turbulence. Engineering Meteorology, pp.
179–213. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Kaimal JC and Finnigan JJ (1994) Atmospheric Boundary
Layer Flows, Their Structure and Measurements. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lenschow DH (ed.) (1986) Probing the Atmospheric
Boundary Layer. Boston: American Meteorological
Weather Maps
D Mansfield, National Meteorological Center,
Bracknell, UK
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
This article will consider the role of the human in
forecasting for middle or high latitudes where the
weather is dominated by synoptic-scale disturbances.
The role of the human in forecasting the weather, be
it for the next few hours or for up to a week ahead, has
changed enormously over the last 30 years. Long gone
are the days when the forecaster relied on empirical
rules and some very basic dynamics to predict the next
day’s sea-level pressure pattern and hence the weather.
For some time this part of the task has been carried out
for the forecaster, and, with increasing accuracy, by
numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. For
forecasts up to 36 h ahead serious errors in the
predicted surface pressure and upper wind patterns
are rare. One important advantage that human forecasters still have over the numerical model is their
ability to interpret cloud or moisture patterns from
satellites in terms of weather systems. Although the
forecaster cannot normally expect to ‘beat’ the computer at predicting the pressure pattern over a large
area, there is still scope for local adjustments based on
an assessment of the accuracy of the initial conditions
upon which the numerical forecast is based. NWP
models are less accurate when predicting the actual
weather elements such as precipitation amount and
type, cloud amounts, fog, etc. The forecaster’s role has
increasingly become that of interpreting and refining
raw NWP products, especially in terms of weather
elements. However, there are still a few occasions
when numerical guidance can go seriously wrong and
the forecaster must continually monitor the NWP
output for signs of this and be prepared to modify the
whole forecast if necessary.
There are many different roles required of forecasters, depending on who their customers are. They may
be providing central guidance on the synoptic-scale
evolution to other (local) forecasters, or providing
forecasts for the general public (most often via the
media), to the military, to civil aviation or to other
commercial customers and on a variety of time scales.
One common aspect of all these roles is timeliness. A
weather forecast, particularly a short-range forecast,
is a very perishable commodity, and even forecasts for
several days ahead may be subject to adjustment after
12 h, when the next set of NWP products are
produced. It is normally 2–3 h after data time before
NWP products become available to the forecaster and
there is often a further chain of processing and briefing
before the forecast reaches the customer.
As NWP models continue to improve and mesoscale
and single–site models enable more accurate prediction of local weather, the ability of the forecaster to
add value to the numerical guidance will continue to
decrease, at least on average. The forecaster’s role for
most of the time will become that of interpretation.
However, there will still be rare occasions when the
NWP models produce large errors. Although not
making much impact on skill scores such as rms errors
of mean sea-level pressure (MSLP), these are likely to
be associated with rapidly developing systems that
may produce life-threatening extreme weather events,
and it is in recognizing these occasions that forecasters
will continue to prove their worth.
by the numerical analysis scheme and the new analysis
t þ 0 h field of the next model run will be a closer fit to
the observations. However, if the difference between
the observations and the background field is large, the
observations may be rejected by the quality control
procedures. In some centers such as the UK Met Office,
it is possible for the forecaster to intervene to assist the
quality control scheme make the correct decisions, to
add weight to crucial observations in the assimilation
scheme, and even to invent ‘bogus’ data where satellite
or radar imagery suggest the NWP background is in
error, but where there are no real observations in the
area to correct this (see Figure 1 for an example).
Central Guidance
Most national weather services of developed countries
have a central guidance center whose role is to provide
an interpretation and assessment of the latest NWP
products and to issue warnings of any expected severe
weather likely to be a threat to life or property. In many
cases this is extended to guidance on the actual
weather details expected so as to ensure that all
forecasts issued by different offices of the national
weather service are consistent. Because of the time
taken to disseminate the guidance, this is usually for
the period from about 6 h ahead to perhaps 5–7 days
The first step is for the forecaster to analyze the current
situation. Up until a few years ago this would normally
have involved hand drawing of surface-pressure maps
and upper air height contours. Nowadays computerdrawn ‘first guess’ charts (usually a 3 or 6 h forecast
from a previous model integration) are nearly always
close enough to reality for the forecaster to use these
along with surface and upper air observations and
satellite and radar imagery to recognize the dominant
weather systems and processes at the current time.
Most NWP models are global in extent, but for shortperiod forecasts, the forecaster will normally restrict
his or her interest to the forecast region and an area
upstream, though this may be fairly large (typically the
whole of the North Atlantic for European forecasters
and most of the North Pacific for those in the United
States or Canada). Using conceptual models of these
processes and systems, the forecaster then compares
satellite and radar imagery and surface and upper air
observations with the computer-drawn charts in order
to assess the accuracy of the NWP first-guess fields. If
there is a discrepancy between the NWP field and the
observations, the forecaster will be alerted to a
possible problem with the subsequent forecast. In
most cases, if the difference is small, it will be corrected
Actual weather elements such as low cloud, fog,
surface temperature, and some details of the precipitation, particularly showers, are less well forecast by
NWP models than the basic pressure patterns. In order
to be able to add value to the raw forecast in these areas
the forecaster has to understand the dynamics of the
large-scale environment in which the smaller-scale
processes are embedded and the way in which the
different scale processes interact. Forecasters have
access to many diagnostic fields from the NWP models
to help them in this task.
As well as surface-pressure maps and upper air
contour charts, most commonly used are model
relative humidity (as a proxy for cloud) for comparison with satellite imagery, and vorticity, vorticity
advection (Figure 2A), thickness (a measure of the
mean temperature between two levels in the atmosphere), and thickness advection, at various heights, to
monitor the two most important aspects of large-scale
flow. Wind strength (Figure 2B) or wind vectors or
barbs are also useful in delineating model jet cores that
can be compared with satellite imagery. Jet cores are
often apparent on infrared images as a linear contrast
between bright areas of cold high cloud on the warm
side of the jet and dry areas of subsided air on the cold
side. These features are even more apparent in water
vapor images. In differentiating between moist and
dry regions of the middle troposphere, these images
give information about the atmosphere in cloud-free
regions and, through the associated changes in humidity, can indicate ascending and descending motion
associated with developing weather systems before
this becomes apparent in other imagery.
Since potential vorticity (PV) has become available
as a diagnostic from most NWP models, the strong
relationship between water vapor imagery and the
distribution of potential vorticity is becoming increasingly used as a tool to check the initial conditions and
Figure 1 An example of a VDU display used to check NWP background field with observations and satellite imagery, in this case t þ 6 h
background field (blue contours) and t þ 0 analysis (red) MSLP compared with surface observations and infrared satellite image over part
of the central North Pacific. Important observations are arrowed. An observation from a drifting buoy (A) has a pressure of 997.0 hPa,
nearly 13 hPa lower than the t þ 6 background. The satellite image supports the idea of a more rapidly deepening low than suggested by
the NWP field, but the ship observation (C) to the south looks unrealistically low, though the 30 knot (15 m s 1) northwesterly wind
supports the idea of a deeper low to the north. A pressure of 1008.0 hPa looks more likely than 1000.8; mistakes in coding frequently lead to
this sort of error. To help the assimilation scheme a bogus observation (B) of 1002 hPa and a 40 knot (21 m s 1) southerly wind has been
inserted to the southeast of where the low center was estimated to be. As a result, the t þ 0 NWP background pressure is a much better fit
to the real and bogus observations and more in line with the forecaster’s interpretation of the satellite imagery. (Reproduced by permission
of the Met Office.)
early stages of a forecast. Dark (dry) areas in the image
are associated with high PV in the upper troposphere,
while in dynamically active regions, particularly when
cyclogenesis is taking place, contours of PVon a quasihorizontal surface such as a pressure surface or
isentropic surface curve anticyclonically over areas
of ascent and developing cloud. One problem is
picking a suitable surface on which to display the PV,
as the area of interest is usually just below the
tropopause and the associated pressure and potential
temperature will vary with the season, current weather
situation, and geographical location. Using the fact
that PV increases sharply across the tropopause
from around 110 6 m2 s 1 K kg 1 (1 PV unit;
PVU) to around 6 PVU in the lower stratosphere
the problem can be avoided by plotting the height
of a PV surface (usually 2 or 1.5 PVU) that is always
close to the tropopause. An example is shown in
Figure 3.
On some occasions the relationship between the PV
and water vapor imagery can be confused or misleading, particularly in the very early stages of cyclone
development. If the development is initially taking
place in the low to middle troposphere, the image may
show the pattern of ascent and descent before it
influences the PV distribution at higher levels. However, another diagnostic, so-called ‘pseudo-imagery’,
is becoming available to the forecaster to cope with
these problems. The radiance at the top of the
atmosphere in the water vapor channel is computed
from the numerical model values of temperatures and
humidity and can be displayed either as an image or as
contours of brightness for comparison with the real
imagery. An example is shown in Figure 4. The
comparison of the model PV and the real image
(Figure 4A) shows a possible problem south-west of
Portugal where the numerical model high PV is
associated with low radiance in the water vapor
image, but the pseudo-imagery (Figure 4B) also shows
low radiance in this area, confirming that this is due to
convective cloud penetrating into the otherwise dry
upper troposphere. However, near the center of the
image, to the south-west of the Azores, a small PV
maximum also corresponds to a region of low
radiance in the real image, but in this case the dry,
dark area in the pseudo-image extends south to
Figure 2 Examples of model diagnostics used to interpret and
understand NWP output. (A) 500 hPa geopotential height contours
and absolute vorticity (colors). The forecaster can quickly see
where areas of large vorticity advection contribute to ascending
and descending motion in the model. (B) 250 hPa geopotential
height contours and wind strength (colors). Regions of maximum
wind strength (jets) can be compared with indications of jet axes
from satellite imagery and important dynamical regions at
the entrances and exits to jets and their relative strengths
quickly assessed. (Images courtesy of the NOAA-CIRES Climate
Diagnostic Center, Boulder, CO, USA from their website at
coincide with the PV maximum, suggesting a small
error in the model in this area.
The pseudo-image gives a much closer comparison
with the actual image, but still has to be used with
caution and is best used in conjunction with the PV
comparison. Apparent discrepancies between the two
images may be due only to poor model simulation of
the relative humidity, which may be unimportant in
the subsequent developments. On the other hand, a
close fit can also be misleading, as many NWP models
assimilate water vapor radiances. Any adjustment to
the NWP radiance is mostly through the humidity, so it
is possible that this may mask an underlying problem
with the dynamics.
Most global models will distinguish between and
display different types and phases of precipitation, i.e.,
steady rain or snow from large-scale ascent and
showers due to local convection. However, it is still
necessary to refine the NWP output in these areas. For
example, in most models, showers cannot be advected
from their source region and therefore stop abruptly
and unrealistically at windward coasts in winter as the
air transfers from over the warm sea to over cold land.
The extent to which showers penetrate inland will
depend not only on local orography, not fully resolved
by the numerical model, but also on the large-scale
vertical motion. An important aspect of the precipitation in winter is the boundary between, rain, snow,
or freezing rain (ice storms). There is a very fine
balance between these different types of precipitation
when the low level temperature is close to 01C,
depending on the initial vertical profiles of temperature and humidity, and the balance between thermal
advection and the cooling of the air by evaporating or
melting precipitation, which in turn will depend on the
precipitation rate. Any of these physical processes may
be inadequately parameterized, but the correct forecast of the type of precipitation is crucial in issuing
timely warnings of severe weather. The forecaster
must use his or her experience and knowledge of any
weaknesses in the NWP models to try to add value to
the forecast.
Although NWP models indicate the possibility of
strong winds and heavy showers, the forecaster still
has to distinguish those occasions with the potential
for severe weather, such as violent thunderstorms,
tornadoes, hail, and downslope winds, which are not
directly forecast by numerical models, and issue
advanced warnings. In regions where such severe
weather is common, short-period detailed forecasts
are issued locally using specialized models, radar, and
other forecast aids.
When comparing model fields over the first few hours
of a forecast with observations and satellite and radar
imagery, the forecaster often finds small discrepancies
such as not enough or too much rain in the NWP
output, fronts or rainbands too fast or slow, or
depressions not quite deep enough and hence winds
not strong enough. The forecaster can then apply
appropriate adjustments to the NWP forecast,
Figure 3 An example of a water vapor image for part of North America overlaid with contours of the height of the PV 5 2 PVU surface
(red) and wind strength on the surface (blue). The strong gradient of PV 5 2 height at the foot of the figure and maximum wind speed
corresponds to the edge of the bright area showing that the model jet is correctly positioned while the minimum in PV 5 2 height just to the
rear (north) of the dark area over the south-east of the Great Lakes shows that the cold trough (area of high upper level PV) in the model is
also correctly positioned – reassuring for the forecaster as in the subsequent forecast theses two features interact to form an intense
depression over the Atlantic Ocean. (Image and model fields from the French ARPEGE model supplied by Meteo-France Forecast
assuming that these errors persist through the forecast
period or decay or grow in a simple manner. This
technique is effective up to 24 h or perhaps 36 h ahead.
The adjustments are usually made in terms of written
or verbal guidance or by the adjustment of single time
forecast pressure charts, but techniques are becoming
available to adjust electronically the NWP fields
in a dynamically consistent manner at all time
frames before the output is disseminated to other
Very rarely the NWP initial conditions may be so
seriously in error that the forecaster has to disregard
the model guidance and use his or her own synoptic
and dynamic knowledge to make a new forecast.
Figure 5 shows a satellite image for the North Atlantic
on 23 December 1997. Conceptual models of cyclogenesis suggest that the cloud area (a) indicates a
rapidly developing depression, whereas the NWP field
showed only a very weak circulation (b). Although not
a bad fit to the available surface observations, the
analysis and subsequent forecast were considered
completely inadequate, a theory confirmed by the
development of the cloud area in the next 2–3 h. The
forecaster overrode the NWP model to forecast a deep
depression just west of Ireland 24 h later (Figure 6).
The manual forecast depression was 16 hPa deeper
than the unmodified forecast and only 3 hPa higher
than the actual depth, though marginally displaced,
and enabled the forecaster to give timely warning of
damaging winds over parts of Ireland and the UK.
Medium Range
Even after 24 h, different models sometimes show
significant differences in detail of weather patterns. An
example is shown in Figure 7. Although the forecast
pressure pattern (Figure 7A) is hardly different in the
two models, apart from a deeper trough over Tennessee,
there are large differences in the predicted rainfall over
the west coast of the United States, over Mexico, and
particularly over the south-eastern states (Figure 7B).
The forecaster has to use his knowledge of the
strengths and weaknesses of the two models to help
decide which is more likely to be correct. Beyond
about 36–48 h ahead, errors in the initial conditions or
those due to imperfections in the numerical models
have grown such that forecasts from different initial
times or by different forecast centers normally begin to
differ. It is no longer possible to predict with confidence details or exact timings of weather events,
though the general evolution and type of weather
systems likely to be experienced can usually be
predicted out to 4 or 5 days, and sometimes beyond
Figure 5 Infrared satellite image over part of the North Atlantic
for 1200 UTC 23 December 1997 overlaid with first guess NWP
t þ 6 h MSLP field (contours every 4 hPa). The area of cloud (a)
indicates a rapidly developing depression, whereas the model has
only a weak depression (b). (Reproduced by permission of the Met
Figure 4 (A) An example of a water vapor image overlain with
contours of PV (blue, interval 0.7 PVU) and geopotential height
(yellow, interval 120 m) on the 300 hPa surface. (B) Corresponding
pseudo water vapor image with the same fields superposed.
(Image and numerical model fields supplied by Servicio de
Técnicas de Analisis y Predicción (STAP), Instituto Nacional de
Meteorologia (INM) Madrid, Spain.)
At this range it is no longer possible to extrapolate
errors in the initial conditions, nor is it possible to beat
the models at a dynamical forecast, but there is still a
role for the human forecaster. Most large forecast
centers exchange raw NWP output with one or two
other centers for use as backup, so that the forecaster
can usually compare output from two to three or more
different model integrations for their region of interest
in the same format on screen. In addition to this, the
output from many global models is available via the
Internet, so that the forecaster may have available as
many as 10 different models to choose from. At the
same time, several centers around the world are
addressing the problem of the uncertainty in the initial
conditions and the subsequent error growth by running ensembles of forecast with slightly different
initial conditions in an attempt to cover all the possible
evolutions of the real atmosphere.
In spite of the inherent uncertainty, many customers
still require a categorical forecast. The mean of the
ensemble of different forecasts is on average more
skillful, at least in rms terms, than an individual
forecast because it averages out the less predictable
smaller-scale features, but by its nature is very bland
and does not give a good indication of the actual
weather. The forecaster must use his or her judgment
and synoptic experience to select most likely evolution
or ‘blend’ elements from different models, the socalled deterministic forecast.
However, it makes more sense to couch forecasts at
this range in terms of probabilities. Even with the
deterministic forecast, this is done to some extent by
the confidence placed in the forecast. It is important to
try and convey this in public service forecasts. If a
large, slow-moving anticyclone covers the region, the
forecaster may be almost 100% confident of dry
weather, but in a more changeable spell of weather,
even though the most probable forecast is for a
transient ridge of high pressure to bring a dry day,
possible errors in timing could mean that there is still a
50% chance of rain. Having decided on the most likely
evolution, it is important to convey the degree of
uncertainty associated with this, particularly when
issuing guidance to other forecasters so that they can
couch the forecast for their customers in suitable
For forecasts of point probability, normally expressed in terms of the likelihood of a threshold being
exceeded, such as wind speed of gale force or more, the
Figure 6 Infrared satellite image for area over and west of UK for 1200 UTC 24 December 1997 overlaid with 24 h numerical forecast
MSLP (blue, dashed contours) and 24 h forecast modified by the forecaster (red contours), contour interval 8 hPa in each case. The
satellite image clearly suggests a deep depression and surface observations confirmed that the modified forecast, of a depression of 976
hPa was much more accurate than the NWP version (990 hPa). (Reproduced by permission of the Met Office.)
ensemble forecast can give a direct estimate. However,
ensembles based on a single model, in spite of
perturbations to the physics within the model as
well as to the initial conditions, still do not cover
the whole spread of possible outcomes. An ensemble
of different models such as accessed by the forecaster
via the Internet often has greater spread (though it is
not uncommon for all models to agree but still differ
from reality). There is also still the problem that the
models may not accurately predict the weather
elements, in spite of having the correct pressure
pattern. There is therefore still scope for the forecaster
to add value to probability forecasts of individual
weather elements, though time will necessarily limit
this to a few crucial parameters at only a few
geographical locations. A logical conclusion is then
for these corrections to the ensemble forecast to be
applied to an appropriate degree at surrounding
Specialist Forecasts
Forecasts for aviation again rely very heavily on NWP
guidance. They can be divided roughly into three types
of forecast.
High-level significant weather forecasts. These are
forecasts of conditions near the tropopause where
jet airliners fly.
Low-level significant weather forecasts. These forecast conditions up to around 10 000 ft (3048 m),
used by ‘general’ aviation, e.g., private pilots, small
local airlines, military aircraft, couriers, etc.,
Terminal airfield forecasts (TAFs). These are forecasts of surface wind and weather elements at
specific airfields.
Upper-level significant weather charts are produced
centrally by centers designated by the international
Civil Aviation Authority to display jet streams, the
level of the tropopause, and any high-level aviation
hazards, in an agreed format, and are usually valid for
fixed times 18–24 h ahead and are updated every 6 h.
An example is shown in Figure 8. At normal flight
levels, the weather does not often present a serious
hazard to modern airliners. The main concerns for
airlines are the temperature and wind speed, which
will affect fuel consumption. These are generally
forecast very well by NWP models and most companies take direct NWP forecasts of winds in digital form
for use in flight planning. Only very rarely will a
forecaster see the need to correct the NWP winds. The
main hazards at these levels are thunderstorms and
clear-air turbulence, though it is also the responsibility
of weather services to track and warn of volcanic ash.
Figure 7 (A) Comparison of 24 h forecasts from two NCEP models, valid 0600 UTC 22 February 2001. Solid contours are of sea-level
pressure, every 4 hPa. The colours represent the thickness layer between the 1000 and 500 hPa, a measure of the mean temperature of
the lower troposphere. (B) Comparison of the forecast rainfall accumulations for the same forecasts as in (A) for the 12 h up to 0600 UTC.
(Images provided by the NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostic Center, Boulder, CO, USA from their website at
Areas of thunderstorm activity are reasonably well
forecast by the NWP models, but it is still necessary for
the forecaster to check and sometimes correct details
such as cloud top height. Forecasters must also use
their experience to decide whether thunderstorms are
likely to be isolated, in which case they are not
considered a hazard, or embedded in other cloud
layers so that they cannot be easily detected, or
difficult to avoid due to their spacing or due to being in
a line. Occasionally the models may misplace or miss
areas of thunderstorms altogether, especially in the
tropics, where a series of recent satellite images may be
a better guide to activity over the next 24 h.
Clear-air turbulence occurs in areas of strong wind
shear, normally around jet streams. It is not associated
with cloud and therefore cannot be detected in
advance, and can be sufficiently violent to cause injury
or even death to passengers or aircrew if not restrained
by seat belts. However, it is a very intermittent
phenomenon and impossible to forecast precisely at
present. NWP models provide an indication of regions
of strong vertical or horizontal shear where turbulence
is likely to occur, but this is a necessary rather than a
sufficient condition. Forecasters can add value by
using conceptual models of the type of airflow most
likely to lead to actual severe turbulence to refine the
forecast. Areas where a risk of moderate or severe
turbulence is expected are marked on the significant
weather charts along with the range of heights over
which the hazard is expected to extend. However,
most of the time, aircraft flying through these areas
experience no serious problems. For this reason pilots
encountering severe turbulence make an immediate
report, which is relayed to the forecaster, who then
issues a more definite forecast in the form of a
SIGMET. This is a text forecast, which is disseminated
with maximum priority to all aviation users, so that
any following aircraft may take avoiding action or at
FL 250–630
VALID 18 VTC 19 JUN 2001
420 ISOL
XXX 30
16.7N 62.2W
Figure 8 Part of a high-level aviation significant weather chart, produced by World Area Forcast Center Washington, valid 1800 UTC 19
June 2001. Surface fronts are shown by conventional symbols, and jet streams (wind speed 480 knot) by the magenta-colored arrows,
with the maximum wind strengths in red (each barb represents 10 knot, and the solid triangles 50 knot). Yellow dashed lines outline areas
of forecast moderate or severe clear air turbulence. The height range (in hundreds of feet) over which the turbulence may occur is indicated
by the associated text. The green scalloped areas denote areas of significant thunderstorm activity, with details of flight levels affected in
the associated boxes. (Provided by the NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostic Center, Boulder, CO, USA from their website at http:// (1 knot 5 5.144 44 10 1 m s 1.)
least ensure seat belts are in use. If a forecaster is
sufficiently convinced of a high risk of severe turbulence he or she may issue a SIGMETwithout any actual
aircraft reports. SIGMETs are also issued when there is
very high confidence in the forecast of other hazards
such as embedded thunderstorms, line squalls, and
severe low-level turbulence, or when these events are
Low-level significant weather forecasts are also
mostly produced centrally, but nationally rather than
regionally, and are normally valid for shorter periods,
typically up to 9–12 h ahead, though planning forecasts are produced from some centers for up to 36 h
ahead. As well as the thunderstorms and turbulence
(though in this case normally low-level turbulence due
to strong winds flowing over the Earth’s surface), low
cloud (especially where it covers hills) and icing are the
main forecast parameters. Although NWP provides a
framework of the positions of frontal zones, areas of
convection, etc., parameters such as the amounts and
base of low cloud, visibility, and the likelihood of icing
are not well forecast numerically, and the forecaster
relies more on experience and extrapolation of present
conditions, subject to any changes in the large-scale
conditions indicated by the NWP models.
The third type of forecast, the TAF, is normally valid
for 9 h ahead, although at major airports, forecasts of
up to 24 h ahead are provided to give airlines an idea of
likely risk of long-haul flights being diverted. Forecast
parameters are wind speed and direction, cloud
amount and height of base and visibility, plus any
weather conditions that may be a hazard, such as
thunderstorms, hail, snow, freezing rain, and mist or
fog, though the latter are also implied by the visibility.
These forecasts have traditionally been produced
locally on site by forecasters who have a great deal
of experience of the peculiarities of the particular
airfield, and are based largely on extrapolation of local
or upstream conditions after allowance for diurnal
changes, and effects of local topography and an idea of
the synoptic-scale development. This is still true in
many cases, especially at military airfields, but
improved local detail and better estimation of actual
weather parameters from mesoscale numerical models
has meant that it is becoming possible for these
forecasts also to be produced centrally with a single
forecaster responsible for the TAFs for a dozen or more
always detailed enough to represent these effects on
the wind speed and direction or sea state, nor do they
adequately represent small-scale changes in sea surface temperature likely to have an important impact
on mist or fog formation.
Local Forecasts
Marine Forecasts
Detailed forecasts of surface wind speed and direction,
visibility, and sea state are normally provided for up to
24–36 h ahead. For the high seas, well away from land,
numerical models provide a good estimate of all but
visibility, though it may be necessary for the forecaster
to make some adjustments in accordance with any
central guidance on the perceived accuracy of the
latest NWP forecast. Visibility is estimated, within
broad limits, from knowledge of the source of the air
mass, the air temperature relative to the sea surface
temperature (will the air be cooled by the sea to form
mist or fog?), and consideration of recent ship reports
in the same air mass.
Coastal forecasts rely slightly more on local knowledge and interpretation of numerical output around
complex coastlines, as numerical models are not
The local forecaster has to consider the numerical
model output and any corrections that may be made to
this in the central guidance, then adjust the forecast for
any small-scale effects due to local topography that
may not be fully resolved by the numerical model. He
or she will be concerned with the combination of these
effects on weather parameters such as rainfall rate,
rain–snow boundaries, cloud amount and sunshine,
temperature, fog, and how they vary across the region.
The forecaster will also have to understand the
synoptic-scale dynamical processes taking place in
order to make sensible adjustments to the numerical
Accurate forecasts of temperature at individual sites
are crucial for forecasts of fog, frost, and snow in
winter, and for showers, and in particular thunderstorms, in summer. The central guidance may indicate
16 20
Figure 9 Radiosonde ascent from Denver, Colorado, at 1200 UTC 29 April 2001. The vertical scale is logarithmic in pressure and
approximates to height. The diagonal pale blue lines are temperature in 1C, every 101. The solid red line shows the temperature profile and
the green line the profile of humidity mixing ratio. The blue line represents the temperature curve of a parcel rising from the surface without
any mixing with its environment and with an initial temperature of 201C. The surface pressure is around 830 hPa because the station is over
5000 ft (1640 m) above sea level. (Environmental curve provided by the NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostic Center, Boulder, CO, USA from
their website at The parcel ascent curve was added by the author.)
that these weather elements are to be expected over a
broad area, but the local forecaster must estimate the
risk at individual locations. There are several semiempirical models available to forecasters to estimate
diurnal temperature changes that can be used to check
and refine NWP output. The forecaster will use
profiles of temperature and humidity from local
radiosonde ascents, plotted on an aerological diagram, to diagnose the type and height of any cloud
layers and assess the likely developments due to
diurnal changes in temperature. The forecaster will
then compare the basic profile and his or her analysis
with those from the numerical model, and in particular
assess the potential for shower or thunderstorm
development. An example is shown in Figure 9. The
solid red line shows the temperature profile and the
green line the humidity mixing ratio, or dew point
temperature. The temperature at the surface is colder
than the air just above as this a night time profile, but
as the temperature at the surface rises during the day
the temperature will become warmer than that just
above the surface and the air will begin to rise.
Unsaturated air will cool as it rises, following the red
dashed lines. At the same time the humidity mixing
ratio will remain constant and the dew point will
therefore follow the yellow dashed lines. In the
example the surface temperature must reach 201C
before the air can rise sufficiently to reach the
condensation level and form convective (cumulus)
clouds. The temperature will fall along the blue line
until the air parcel becomes saturated at the point A,
after which it will cool more slowly due to the
release of latent heat as the water condenses in the
cloud. In an unmixed parcel the temperature would
now follow the dashed green lines. The continuing
blue line therefore gives the maximum height to
which a parcel could rise. In practice, except in
the core of a large cloud, mixing with drier air outside
the cloud will lead to re-evaporation of the some
of the cloud water and the parcel will cool more
quickly and air parcels would be unlikely to rise
beyond the point B, as they would then be cooler than
the surrounding air. However, the forecaster would
have to consider if the air at this level is likely to be
cooled by the large scale motion or if local conditions
could lead to warmer or moister conditions near the
surface. A small change may allow the air to rise all the
way to the tropopause causing the formation of heavy
showers or thunderstorms (unlikely though in the
example, as the surrounding air is very dry and mixing
would cool the parcel back towards the environment
temperature). The forecaster would check his or her
prediction of showers with the NWP output. If no
showers were indicated, the forecaster would need to
ask why. Does the model surface temperature reach
the required value? Does the model represent the
observed sounding adequately in its initial conditions?
The formation or otherwise of even severe storms may
hinge on the detail of a shallow layer of higher
temperature, which may not be resolved by the
numerical model.
See also
Aviation Weather Hazards. Cyclogenesis. Satellite
Remote Sensing: Cloud Properties; Precipitation. Synoptic Meteorology: Weather Maps. Turbulence and
Mixing. Weather Prediction: Data Assimilation; Ensemble Prediction.
Weather Maps
R Reynolds, University of Reading, Reading, UK
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Weather maps provide an irreplaceable, succinct
summary of a wide variety of atmospheric phenomena
and characteristics. They are a critically important
working tool for the operational and research meteorologist, both of whom become very familiar with
ways of illustrating features of interest that can be
immediately appreciated by their peers. In a sense,
weather satellite and weather radar images are maps of
aspects of the weather. However, this section will not
deal with remotely sensed fields, but with maps that
portray weather-related features at the surface or in
the upper air.
Surface Weather
Weather maps are nothing new. Synoptic meteorology
is concerned with understanding relatively largescale weather-producing disturbances like frontal
depressions, tropical cyclones, and anticyclones –
features that have a horizontal scale of many hundreds
to a few thousand kilometers, and a lifetime counted in
days rather than hours.
The earliest instrumental weather records began
soon after the invention of the thermometer and
barometer. Robert Hooke’s manuscript from 1664,
kept at the Royal Society in London, summarized the
keeping of such early observations. He did in fact
appreciate the value of a network of weather observations, although it would be many decades before
that became a reality. The late seventeenth and early
eighteenth centuries saw the simultaneous use and
gradual expansion of thermometry and barometry to
many western European countries and America. This
was also the age of sail, with many navies plying the
Atlantic Ocean and other oceans.
It was the English natural philosopher Edmond
Halley (1656–1742) who published the very first map
to depict an atmospheric variable, in the Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society of 1686. This was
strictly a climate map, to illustrate the mean surface
winds over the tropical regions of the Atlantic and
Indian Oceans (Figure 1).
The stimulus for producing the first weather map
proper lies with a letter written to the Annalen der
Physik in 1816 by Professor Heinrich W. Brandes of
Breslau University (now Wroczaw University). He
suggested that a daily surface weather map could and
should be produced for part of the period from 1781 to
Figure 1 Halley’s map of trade winds and monsoons. (From Halley E (1686) An historical account of the trade winds, and monsoons,
observable in the seas between and near the tropicks, with an attempt to assign the physical cause of the said winds. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society 16: 153–168.)
It appears however, that this significant pioneering
work was never summarized in map form – until
Brandes’s proposal that led him to plot 365 maps for
1783. These maps have never been found however;
they were not a part of his article on 1783’s weather in
the Annalen of 1819. However, there are published
reconstructions of his weather map for 6 March 1783
that illustrate both the simultaneous distribution of
the departure of pressure from average and surface
winds (Figure 2).
In 1831, the American James P. Espy (1785–1860)
organized a committee from his base in the Franklin
Institute in Philadelphia to collect weather data: in
1834 the Joint Committee on Meteorology was
formed by the Franklin Institute and American Philosophical Society with Espy as chairman. The first
American weather map based on widespread observations appeared in an 1837 issue of the Journal of the
Franklin Institute (Figure 3).
The prime problem with all these early endeavors
however was that the maps could be drawn only after
the event. They did, though, offer meteorologists at
least some insight into the scale of synoptic features,
how pressure and wind appeared to be related, and
how pressure features moved and evolved.
The full utility of the weather map had to wait
for a truly momentous event for the world as a
whole, when Samuel Morse connected Washington
and Baltimore by electric telegraph in 1844. This
brilliant development paved the way for the ultimate
‘live’ mapping of weather observations and so to
Figure 2 Brandes’s weather map for 6 March 1783 (reconstruction). (Reproduced with permission from Wilhelm Trabert (1905)
Meteorologie und Klimatologie. Leipzig: Franz Deuticke).
1792: this was the era of the Meteorological Society of
the Palatinate, based in Mannheim, Germany. The
society fostered the science during this period when
observations were taken three times a day,
collected from 39 people across 18 mainly European
er L
B al t im
a ke
sp e
C he
C i n cin n a
o re
F l u sh i n g
C l e a v e la n
N. Yo
el p
Figure 3 Espy’s weather map for 20 June 1836. (From Espy JP (1841) The Philosophy of Storms. Boston: Charles C. Little and James
producing up-to-the-minute weather maps. By
1860, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington,
DC had organized the electronic transmission and
display of current weather reports from some 45
companies in the United States. The details were
presented on a large map on public display in the
In Europe, some few years earlier, the world’s first
same-day weather maps were being offered to the
public gaze at the Great Exhibition of 1851. This was
held in the Crystal Palace, situated at that time in Hyde
Park in London. From 8 August to 11 October the
public could purchase a copy of the day’s weather map
for the British Isles (Figure 4).
From about 1863, the Daily Weather Map Company of the Strand, London, offered monthly sub-
scriptions to maps of British and Irish weather
(Figure 5). Across the Channel, Jean Joseph Le Verrier
(1811–77), director of the Paris Observatory, founded
a daily weather summary for mainly France in 1858.
From September 1863, the bulletin of the Paris
Observatory included a daily weather map.
On 1 April 1875, the London newspaper The Times
initiated the presentation of a daily weather map to a
much wider public. It published a chart of 8 a.m.’s
weather for the previous day over the British Isles and
parts of continental Europe that included plotted
details of temperature, wind direction, ‘weather’, sea
state, and analyzed isobars.
The first regularly published daily weather map in
the United States appeared in the New York Daily
Graphic on 9 May 1879, although this initiative lasted
Figure 4 Daily weather map, Great Exhibition, London, 1851. (Met Office Library.)
only a few years. By the final decade of that century
however, many daily papers around the world had
incorporated a weather map.
The gradual increase in the number of nations
publishing ‘government’ weather maps led to the
desirability of some sort of internationally accepted
standard way to depict or symbolize the broad range of
surface observations. Although such a standard was
accepted at the International Meteorological Congress
in Vienna in 1873, it was not to be globally accepted
for some decades.
By 1891 at least, some 18 countries – mainly in
Europe – were publishing government-service synoptic weather maps. As the surface weather network
expanded, so did the area covered by weather maps.
From 1 January 1914, the US Weather Bureau
published surface weather maps for the entire Northern Hemisphere routinely. After World War I, many of
the world’s weather services were producing their own
analyses on this scale.
In postwar Norway a group of brilliant scientists led
by Vilhelm Bjerknes (1862–1951), now known as the
‘Bergen School’, worked on the analysis of weather
changes associated with the passage of traveling
synoptic-scale disturbances in that region. The group
refined some of the work from the previous century in
which the notion of pulses of warm and cold air in the
extratropics had been discussed. They developed the
concept of warm and cold fronts, and the more general
structure of the commonplace mobile frontal cyclones.
Figure 5 Daily Weather Map Company’s map accompanying their promotional material (c. 1863).
to represent the circulation at 3500 and 10 000 feet
(1067 and 3048 m), so that early ‘upper air analyses’
were made available before the year 1900. It was as
early as 1903 that Bigelow began the publication of
daily barometric pressure charts for the two constant
levels above and for that of mean sea level (Figure 7).
A supplement to these observations was provided by
the use of kites. These sensed pressure, temperature,
humidity, and wind speed up to a height of some 3 km
but were replaced in the 1930s by pilot balloons. Such
Figure 6 Vertical cross-sections and plan view of an open wave
frontal depression. (Reproduced with permission from Bjerknes J
and Solberg H (1922) Life cycle of cyclones and the polar front
theory of atmospheric circulation. Geofisiske Publikationer 3(1):
Jacob Bjerknes (1897–1975) and Halvor Solberg
(1895–1974) published a highly significant ‘map’ of
such a system in 1922 (Figure 6).
Another member of the school, Tor Bergeron
(1891–1977), proposed the term ‘occlusion’ and the
currently used symbols for the three types of surface
fronts. In addition he suggested the used of slightly
different symbols for upper fronts.
This exceptional work on the structure and
evolution of extratropical frontal cyclones – and
the location and representation of such fronts on
surface weather maps – formed the basis for how all
the world’s weather services located these critically
important features. The methods have moved on, so
that in the UK Met Office, for example, objective
schemes are utilized for the automatic positioning of
fronts – or at least for providing useful guidance to the
Upper-Air Weather
During the 1890s, Frank Bigelow of the then US
Weather Bureau composed wind charts for three levels
covering the contiguous United States. He did so by
analyzing surface anemometer data along with lower
and upper cloud drift observations supplied from 140
telegraphic stations. The cloud information was taken
Figure 7 Barometric pressure analyses for mean sea level, 3500
feet (1067 m), and 10 000 feet (3038 m). (Reproduced with
permission from Bigelow FH (1903) IV. The mechanism of
countercurrents of different temperatures in cyclones and anticyclones. Monthly Weather Review 31: 26–29.)
160q W
80˚ N
60˚ N
40q W
140q E
20q W
160q E
40q E
60q E
80q E H
100q E
120q E
80q W
60q W
100q W H
990 0
120q W
140q W
20q E
Figure 8 Northern and Southern Hemisphere mean sea-level pressure analyses. (Reproduced with permission from the European
Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.)
20qW 0q
Figure 9 Predicted mean sea-level pressure and 24-h accumulated precipitation (shaded). (Reproduced with permission from the
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.)
balloons were tracked optically to enable mapping of
wind direction and speed at a variety of heights – so
long as cloud didn’t mask the observer’s view.
This significant problem was overcome during the
next two decades with the advent and gradual spread
of radio-tracked balloons known as radiosondes. They
transmitted ‘live’ data to their ground launch station
from their pressure, temperature, and humidity sensors, and were tracked by radar to derive wind
information. Today there are some 600 to 650
unevenly scattered radiosonde stations globally that
report pressure, wind, temperature, and humidity
twice daily.
Modern Surface Weather Maps
It is true to say that the way in which the surface
weather features like highs, lows, and fronts are
represented on today’s analysis charts is not very
different from those of the interwar years of the
twentieth century. There has been an extension of the
symbolism to include frontogenesis and frontolysis,
and greater appreciation by forecasters of the variety
of, for example, cold fronts. The advent of weather
satellites and radars has aided our knowledge of the
variety of frontal structure – and this appreciation has
led to the need to inform forecasters of the differences,
for example, between ‘ana’ and ‘split’ cold fronts. The
latter would be ideally represented on a weather map
by a surface cold front symbol and a leading upper cold
(humidity) front symbol.
The use of supercomputers in weather analysis
and forecasting has opened up a massive array of
surface weather representations that are mapped
automatically. The ‘classic’ map of mean sea-level
isobars is still produced as a global analysis.
Figure 8 exemplifies these for the larger part of
the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, from the
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather
Forecasts (ECMWF). Larger-scale maps illustrate
predictions of the mean sea-level pressure field,
as well as a derived field. Figure 9 is a map of the
prediction of mean sea-level pressure, valid at 12 UTC
at the end of a 48 hour forecast, and of total precipitation during the last of the two days (00 to 24 UTC).
The isobars thus provide a snapshot of likely conditions at one instant, while the precipitation patterns
are expressions of the rain, drizzle, or snow that
Figure 10 Probability of predicted 24-h precipitation exceeding (A) 1 mm, (B) 5 mm, and (C) 10 mm. (Reproduced with permission from
the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.)
is forecast to fall from disturbances over the whole
24-h period in question.
As an extra aid to operational meteorologists, it is
possible also to indicate the likelihood that the 24-h
precipitation total will exceed some critical value.
Figure 10 highlights three such criteria: the probability
(5%, 35%, 65%, and 95%) that the total fall over 24 h
will exceed 1 mm, 5 mm, and 10 mm. Similarly, Figure
11 illustrates the same probability values for the 10 m
wind speed to exceed 10 m s 1 and 15 m s 1. The
latter falls just inside the category of ‘gale’.
Modern Upper-Air Maps
As with weather maps for the surface, the range of
charts available for the representation of upper-air
features has increased dramatically over the last
decade or so.
There are still the ‘traditional’ synoptic maps. At
ECMWF, for example, the predicted height field for
the 500 hPa surface is charted as it has been for many
decades (Figure 12). The contemporaneous thermal
field at 850 hPa illustrates the large-scale waves of
relatively warm and cold air in the lower troposphere.
As with some surface phenomena, the model can
provide indications of the extent of, for example,
predicted 850 hPa anomalies that are greater than
74 K and 78 K (Figure 13).
An innovative synoptic map produced by ECMWF
is that of the predicted cloud cover for low, medium,
and high levels. Such maps are provided in daily time
steps, valid at 1200 UTC, and in essence give a broad
Figure 11 Probability of predicted 24-h 10 m wind speeds exceeding (A) 10 m s
the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.)
_ 16
40qW 20qW 0q 20qE
_ 16
. (Reproduced with permission from
and (B) 15 m s
60q N
55 40q8N
Figure 12 Predicted 850 hPa temperature (deg C) and 500 hPa height (dm). (Reproduced with permission from the European Centre
for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.)
955 L
Figure 13 Probability of predicted 850 hPa temperature anomalies: (A) less than 8 K, (B) less than 4 K, (C) greater than 4 K, (D)
greater than 8 K. (Reproduced with permission from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.)
indication of what a satellite image might look like at
each of these times. They act as another indicator for
the forecaster – of whether a particular weatherproducing system is composed of deep cloud or
shallow cloud, for instance (Figure 14).
It is not possible to illustrate the truly enormous
range of weather maps available to today’s forecaster.
The fact is that some charts have stayed the same over
many decades, and for good reason. The mean sealevel isobaric and frontal analysis has stood the test of
time: there have been extensions of the symbolism
used as our knowledge of the variety of fronts has
improved. There has not been the need to abandon
these representations for something better. Similarly,
the standard upper-air isobaric height analyses are still
among the working charts that operational meteorologists use.
What is different nowadays, however, is
that a whole host of analysed or forecast fields
that are a particular forecaster’s favorite can be
called up at the press of a button. What might
be chosen can depend on the situation at hand,
and must of course be used profitably within the
strict time confines of the operational forecast
This is the critical change to the production
and utility of weather maps today. It is that they
can be provided automatically, rapidly, for a
larger range of basic or derived fields, and can be
overlain with satellite images, for example. This
‘‘richness’’ can not only aid the forecaster’s day-today operations but also gradually improve their
knowledge and understanding of the phenomena to
60q W
40q W
20q W
Figure 14 Predicted cloud cover: low (yellow), medium (red), and high (blue). (Reproduced with permission from the European Centre
for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.)
See also
Further Reading
Frontogenesis. Fronts. Observation Platforms: Balloons. Radar: Cloud Radar; Precipitation Radar. Radiosondes. Satellite Remote Sensing: Cloud Properties;
Precipitation; Surface Wind; Temperature Soundings.
Synoptic Meteorology: Forecasting. Weather Prediction: Ensemble Prediction.
Monmonier M (1999) Air Apparent: How Meteorologists
Learned to Map, Predict and Dramatize Weather. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.