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Journal of Food Engineering 107 (2011) 358–365 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Food Engineering journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jfoodeng Effects of freezing treatments on viscoelastic and structural behavior of frozen sweet dough Smail Meziani a,⇑, Jordane Jasniewski a, Claire Gaiani a, Irina Ioannou a, Jean-Marc Muller b, Mohamed Ghoul a, Stéphane Desobry a,* a b Nancy Université, ENSAIA–INPL, Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Biomolécules (LIBio), 2 avenue de la Forêt de Haye, 54505 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, France COCO LM Company (Maison Alsacienne de Biscuiterie), 7 rue Emile Schwoerer, 68000 Colmar, France a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 30 March 2011 Received in revised form 29 June 2011 Accepted 4 July 2011 Available online 13 July 2011 Keywords: Frozen sweet dough Freezing rate Freezing temperature ATR FTIR Starch Amide III Rheologic properties a b s t r a c t Fresh and frozen (20 °C, 30 °C, 40 °C and immersion in liquid nitrogen) sweet doughs were evaluated for structural and rheologic properties explored by different and complementary methods: Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), rheologic measurements and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results revealed the effect of low freezing rates on the frozen sweet dough rheologic properties, resulting in elasticity reduction of 8.6% and 12% for freezing at 30 °C and 40 °C, respectively. This can be attributed to dehydration of the dough network, and the starch retrogradation phenomenon. FTIR results revealed the protein aggregation of dough frozen slowly that is manifested by a decrease in the amount of a-helix connected to the increased content of b-sheet fraction extended. This present study also showed that freezing rate is not the only parameter responsible for rheologic changes that occur during freezing. External freezing temperature could be explain the changes taking place at slow freezing rates. Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The bakery market is in constant evolution and must be able to adapt quickly. The bakery and pastry industry need flexibility and ability to produce many different products (Olivera and Salvadori, 2009). In addition, consumer’s requests become more and more specific. For example, demands increase for freshly baked, healthy, ethnic and safe products. To this end, freezing allows manufacturers to develop products to face their requests more likely. The use frozen dough in the bakery industry permits the baker to reduce night work and reduce logistic constraints. In addition, using frozen dough facilitates the centralization of dough production and extends the distribution area. The frozen processes give a longer shelf life and preserve freshness; this parameter is greatly dependent on an adequate control of freezing rate and thawing (Angioloni et al., 2008). This is some reasons why frozen doughs are now well widespread in the bakery and pastry market. Frozen dough is obtained by adapting mechanized processes usually developed by international companies, which reduce production costs. Moreover, manufacturers can provide standard products at any time (Rosell and Gomez, 2007). ⇑ Corresponding authors. Tel.: +33 3 83 59 58 80; fax: +33 3 83 59 57 72. E-mail addresses: smail.meziani@ensaia.inpl-nancy.fr (S. Meziani), stephane. desobry@ensaia.inpl-nancy.fr (S. Desobry). 0260-8774/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2011.07.003 Different freezing treatments are currently used in bakery as freezing by contact, air blast and cryogenic methods. The key technologies of frozen bakery products depend on the time of the freezing step in manufacturing process: unfermented frozen doughs prefermented frozen doughs and baked or partially frozen products (Lorenz and Kulp, 1995). The unfermented frozen dough allows baking on sale point (hot point) and does not require staff competences, provides fresh products, with excellent organoleptic and textural properties. However, frozen dough is often exposed to a decrease of specific volume. This phenomenon is responsible of an increase proofing time compared to fresh dough products during freezing and long frozen storage (Anon et al., 2004). Different causes have been given to explain this proofing delay. First, the viability and fermentative capacity of yeast could be deteriorated during freezing process. Indeed, yeast lysis occurs during freezing treatment and a loss of the gluten network integrity cause a lower capacity to retain carbon dioxide during proofing. The quality of the bakery product made from frozen dough is largely influenced by dough formulation (Rouille et al., 2000) as well as by processing parameters such as dough mixing time, freezing rate, frozen storage temperature, storage duration, and thawing rate (Bail et al., 1996). The freezing rate plays an important role in the final quality of frozen product, two opposite effects are observed. A high freezing rate allows the formation of ice micro-crystals, which do not affect the integrity of the three-dimensional gluten S. Meziani et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 107 (2011) 358–365 network. This remains the most important parameter which reduces physical damage (disturbance and dehydration of gluten network) induced by freezing, ultimately to the extent that the starch granules appear to be associated with the network gluten (Angioloni et al., 2008). Nonetheless, rapid freezing might fatally compromise the yeast activity. A compromise of freezing rate is needed to freeze the dough, slowly enough to maximize yeast activity but fastly enough to limit dough weakening. On other hand, during freezing the death yeast release reducing agents (glutathione) in dough have been which reduces disulfide cross the gluten network (Collins and Haley, 1992). In the scientific literature, the adverse rheologic effects could be reduced by using different ingredients such as very strong flours (Inoue and Bushuk, 1992), the gluten (Wang and Ponte, 1995) or by the use of additives such as sodium or calcium stearoyllactilate (SSL and CSL) or the diacetyl-tartrate ester of monoglyceride (DATEM) (Nemeth et al., 1996). Several authors revealed the effect of freezing on dough rheology. Although the majority of previous works concerned bread dough produced from a basic recipe. Manufacturing sweet bakery products from frozen dough adds more challenges than those of an unsweetened frozen dough. To better understand the action mechanisms of freezing rate on the sweet dough rheologic properties, various investigation methods were used in this study. Up to now, only Esselink et al. (2003) studied the long-term storage effect of frozen dough using spectroscopy and microscopy analysis. According to the literature, no study focalized on the freezing rate effect on the rheologic properties of sweet dough gluten network (with complex recipe) using ATR Fourier transform infrared (FTIR). Van Velzen et al. (2003) used ATR FTIR spectroscopy to characterize the surface sticky dough. The characterization allows us to understand the distribution of protein, starch, water and fat during kneading. A singularity of this study is limited the complexity of the sweet dough recipe with 20% sugar and 30% butter; these ingredients with milk contribute to cryoprotection. In order to give direct answers to the industry, variable freezing treatments on sweet dough were compared to definite the process the less destructuring. The different freezing treatments were fixed at 20 °C, 30 °C, 40 °C and liquid nitrogen on sweet dough. For this purpose, rheologic and structural characteristics of frozen sweet dough were studied by means of different instrumental analysis: dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and ATR FTIR spectroscopy. The results of different freezing treatments were compared to a fresh dough value. Finally, the best freezing treatment preserving the fresh dough properties was determined. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Dough preparation Sweet dough was manufactured using the formulation and ingredients from COCO LM Company (Colmar, France). The dough recipe comprised: 100 g flour (14.2% moisture content, 13.0% protein content and 0.5% ash), UHT semi-skimmed milk 50 g, eggs 13 g, sugar 20 g, salt 2 g, butter 30 g and compressed yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Fala) 2 g. Dough components were stored at +4 °C. All ingredients were mixed in a bread machine (Moulinex OW 5000, France) with double propellers. Two steps were followed. The ingredients were mixed during 10 min at a low-speed (40 rpm), and then butter was added at a high-speed (80 rpm) during 10 min. The dough portion (200 g) was put in a plastic tube (Sigwald SA, France); the polypropylene had a thickness of 100 lm, 48 mm in diameter and 15 cm in length. Ten rolls of dough were obtained 359 from each freezing treatment. Dough temperature was 23 ± 2 °C at the end of mixing. The reference (fresh dough) was analyzed, before each treatment. 2.2. Freezing treatments Two types of freezing processes were used to treat the dough: air-blast freezer and cryogenic immersion. The dough cylinder was fitted with thermocouples placed at different radial locations. The K type thermocouples (0.1 mm diameter, OMEGA-USA) were calibrated using a thermometer ±0.1 °C. For each freezing process, three replicates were used. 2.2.1. Air-blast freezer cabinet The freezing was done in a pilot-freezer (CRN 504 SP Didatec Technology, France). The pilot-freezer was adjusted to give three different air blast temperatures 20 °C, 30 °C and 40 °C. The dough was removed from the pilot-freezer when the cylinder center temperature reached 20 °C. 2.2.2. Cryogenic immersion Dough was immersed into liquid nitrogen, until the core temperature reached 20 °C. Temperature in cryogenic process was monitored by a K type thermocouples (300 lm diameter Ahlborn France) connected to a data logger (model Almemo 2290-8 V5 AMR). The use of cryogenic immersion is an effective way to obtain rapid freezing rates. On contrary, air freezer cabinet lead to slow freezing rates. The latter depending on air speed and temperatures. The freezing rate (Fr) expressed in °C/min was determined according to Eq. (1), based on the definition the International Institute of Refrigeration (1986): Fr ¼ ðT2  T1Þ ðt2  t1Þ ð1Þ where T1 is the initial freezing temperature (7.5 °C) correspond to initial freezing point, T2 is the final freezing point (20 °C) and (t2  t1) is the elapsed time between the beginning and the end of freezing. The choice of T1 and T2 strongly influences the value the freezing rate (Le Bail et al., 1999). Firstly, the initial freezing point of frozen sweet doughs in all cases was 7.5 °C. This temperature is taken as the initial freezing time for calculate the freezing rate according to Le Bail et al. (1996) and Olivera and Salvadori (2009). The beginning criterion (T1) equal to the initial freezing temperature appears to be preferable before the initiation of ice nucleation is not supposed to be influent on the size and the number of ice crystals (Le Bail et al., 1996). In present work, the freezing rates in dough cylinder center are estimated at: 0.083 °C/min, 0.233 °C/min, 0.303 °C/min and 7.3 °C/ min, respectively, for 20 °C, 30 °C, 40 °C and cryogenic immersion (fast freezing rate). 2.3. Thawing and preparation of dough for analysis To cut of the rolls of dough in slices, the thawing is carried out in two steps according to method previously described (Havet et al., 2000). First, it was carried out in cold chamber (Sanyo MIR-253) with controlled temperature until the core of sample was reached 4 °C. As the dough texture was similar to butter at 4 °C, dough was cut in slices of 25 mm thickness and extremities of the dough rolls were rejected. Thawing was continued for 2 h at +4 °C. 2.4. Infrared measurement and date manipulation FTIR scans were obtained with a Tensor 27 mid-FTIR Bruker spectrometer (Bruker, Karlsruhe, Germany) equipped with an 360 S. Meziani et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 107 (2011) 358–365 ATR cell (Total Attenuated Reflection mode) and a DTGS detector. Scanning rate was 10 kHz and 256 scans were used for reference and samples between 4000 cm1 and 850 cm1. The nominal instrument resolution was 4 cm1. References were recorded on air. Then, the dough was put on the ZnSe crystal of the optical cell. The ATR equipment was purged with dry air for the duration of the measurements. Six replicates were done for each dough. All treatments were carried out using OPUS software (Bruker, Karlsruhe, Germany). Raw absorbance spectra were smoothed using a nine-points Savitsky-Golay smoothing function. Spectra were cut between 1200 cm1 and 1350 cm1 for analyzing the amide III band. Elastic baseline correction using 200 points was then applied to spectra. Then, spectra were centered and normalized using OPUS software. Second derivative spectra were calculated on centered and normalized data with an additional nine-points Savitsky-Golay smoothing function. These second derivative spectra were used only for identifying individual peak positions as already described (Farrell et al., 2001). Finally, the treated spectra were deconvoluted by a non-linear regression curve fitting program of Gaussian peaks to the original spectra (Opus Software). Integrated areas of each peak were calculated and related to secondary structural features (a-helix, b-sheet, b-turn, random coil). This deconvolution allowed the determination of the fraction of the various secondary elements in the protein under different freezing treatment. 2.5. Freezing point depression The physicochemical and structural dough changes depending on the freezing rate were investigated, by freezing-point depression. Relations between freezing-point depression and physicochemical variations during a hydrolysis or retrogradation of dough components (starch) were investigated. The freezing point determination was carried with a cryoscope (Model 4250 Cryoscope, USA) with 2 ml of dough solution (1 g dough/19 ml distilled water). The cryoscope was calibrated with distilled water and a calibration standard at 0.512 °C. Freezing point measurements were carried out on five replicates of fresh and frozen doughs for each type of freezing. 2.6. Rheologic measurements The small deformation oscillatory shear properties of the dough samples were carried with a Kinexus rheometer (Malvern, England). Parallel plate geometry of 20 mm in diameter (PU 20 SC0047SS) and 2 mm gap was employed throughout. Silicone oil was added around the plate edges to prevent sample dehydration. To avoid the fermentation effect, all rheologic assessments were achieved at 8 ± 0.5 °C. A frequency sweep test was conducted to identify the linear viscoelastic region and a target 1 Hz, which was within this linear region, was chosen for measurements. A frequency sweep test (0.1–100 Hz) was used to study the dough rheologic variations. Each test was carried out on four samples of fresh and frozen doughs for each type of freezing. The elastic modulus (G0 ), the viscous modulus (G00 ) and tan d (G00 / G0 ) were determined as function frequency in the linear viscoelastic region. In this region, rheologic properties do not depend on the frequency. 2.7. Tg measurement Tg was measured with Netzcsh DSC 204 F1 PhoenixÒ, Germany) by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The samples were fast cooled from 20 °C to 60 °C, held at this temperature for 5 min and heated at 2 °C/min from 60 °C to 30 °C. Dry nitrogen gas flow of 20 ml/min was used to minimize water condensation in the measuring cell. 2.8. Statistical analysis Statistical analyses of variance (ANOVA) were processed with Excel software (Microsoft corporation version 2007). All tests were executed at 95% significance level to find out if the effects of different freezing treatments on the rheologic properties of sweet dough were significantly different. 3. Results and discussion Sweet dough cylinder (5 cm diameter) were frozen in the chamber under four temperatures conditions (air at 20 °C, 30 °C and 40 °C and liquid nitrogen at 196 °C). Temperature probes were inserted at different positions in the dough (Fig. 1); freezing rates were measured at different distances from dough cylinder surface for each freezing treatment. A linear regression was applied between the surface freezing rate and central position for each freezing treatment. As shown by the coefficients R2 (between 0.93 and 0.97), a good correlation exists between the radius position and the freezing kinetic and the freezing rate decreased linearly from the surface to the dough core. As previously showed in the literature, the freezing rate determines the type, size and distribution of ice crystals formation during freezing. A slow freezing rate promotes the large ice crystals formation inducing the dehydration of dough matrix. However, a rapid freezing prevents the water migration and promotes numerous small ice crystals. As the freezing rate lightly varies during according to the position in the sweet dough cylinder, ice crystals could slightly vary between the surface and the center of the dough cylinder. These data showed if the effect of cylinder position influence lightly freezing kinetic of air blast freezing, a strong effect exist for liquid nitrogen immersion due to the limiting effect of dough thermal conductivity. This confirms that freezing rates calculated at the dough core do not give complete information to describe the phenomena occurring throughout the all radius dough. In this work, the linear evolution of freezing rate vs radius was used to compare the different freezing treatments, three groups have been distinguished: freezing at 20 °C and cryogenic immersion represents the two extremes with 0.002 °C min1 cm1 and 9.984 °C min1 cm1, respectively and the average behavior 30 °C and 40 °C with 0.025 °C min1 cm1 and 0.041 °C min1 cm1. 3.1. Effects of freezing treatment on rheologic properties of dough Due to the sensitivity of gluten network rheologic properties to temperature, freezing condition influence dough textural properties (Gélinas et al., 2004). Fig. 2 presents an example of rheologic modulus changes vs frequency for fresh dough. This determination was done for each dough sample after freezing and reheating 8 °C. This temperature allows having a good representation of dough rheologic properties without yields growing. Dynamic rheologic measurements were expressed as the elastic modulus (G0 ) and viscous modulus (G00 ) and tan d (G00 /G0 ) at 1 Hz frequency (Table 1). The moduli G0 and G00 describe the character solid/ elastic and the viscous/liquid state of the sample, respectively. Tan d indicates the dominant character. At 8 °C the values of elastic modulus (G0 ) are largely superior to viscous modulus values (G00 ) for all doughs, indicating that the doughs were more elastic than viscous. Results also suggest that G0 , G00 and tan d of frozen dough at 1 Hz frequency were affected by different freezing treatments except nitrogen liquid treatment. This behavior could be due to gluten network weakening produced by freezing treatment (Angioloni et al., 2008). The sweet dough frozen at 20 °C showed elastic and viscous moduli (G0 = 50,485 Pa and G00 = 28,940 Pa), slightly above those of S. Meziani et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 107 (2011) 358–365 361 (a) (b) Fig. 1. Local freezing rate according to the radial position in 5 cm-diameter cylindrical sweet dough different freezing temperatures: (a) air-blast freezing (j) 20 °C, (N) 30 °C, () 40 °C and (b) cryogenic immersion (d). Fig. 2. Representative frequency sweep measurement of storage modulus (G0 , N), loss modulus (G00 , j) and tan d (G00 /G0 , d) for fresh sweet dough at 1 Hz. unfrozen sweet dough (G0 = 48,475 Pa and G00 = 28,235 Pa) at the same frequency. Elastic modulus values (G0 ) for air blast freezing treatment at 30 °C and 40 °C increased significantly (P < 0.05) respectively by 14% and 23%, compared to fresh dough. The same trends were observed for viscous modulus G00 . The increase of rheologic parameters (G0 and G00 ) for slow freezing processes (air blast freezing treatment) indicates an increase in dough rigidity. These results could be explained by the gluten network disruption of frozen sweet dough caused by ice crystallization and the water redistribution provoked by a modification in the water 362 S. Meziani et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 107 (2011) 358–365 Table 1 Effect of freezing treatment on the rheologic parameters (G0 , G00 and tan d) of sweet dough at 1 Hz. Elastic modulus G0 (Pa) Fresh 20 °C 30 °C 40 °C Liquid nitrogen Viscous modulus G00 (Pa) Tan d (G00 /G0 ) Average SD Average SD Average SD 48475a 50485a 55415b 59765b 47765a 6146 6356 6908 6403 6583 28235a 28940a 29620a 30185b 27265a 1124 1569 2347 1777 1569 0.58a 0.57a 0.53b 0.51b 0.60a 0.02 0.11 0.17 0.01 0.05 Within column, within each sample, values with the same following letter do not differ significantly from each other (P 6 0.05). binding capacity of dough components (Havet et al., 2000). Indeed, dough weakening during freezing has been attributed to the reduction of gluten by reducing substances, glutathione, released from dead yeast cells (Collins and Haley, 1992). Freezing causes a rise in osmotic pressure of the external medium and rapidly frozen, causing the water efflux from the matrix. The ice formation compresses the network, thereby altering the dough components distribution (starch, yeast). Rheologic changes of dough occurred during slow freezing can be explained by the large size crystals formation and the mechanical action of ice crystals, while the rapid freezing rate led to small ice crystals growth without consequences on the dough (Angioloni et al., 2008). Here, cryogenic immersion treatment preserves the gluten network properties (no G0 and G00 changes). High freezing rate has also been shown to result in lower starch retrogradation than slow freezing. The rapid freezing advantages can be attributed to the prevention of starch retrogradation nuclei formation due to the fast transition through the rubbery state during which both nucleation and propagation occur (Ferrero et al., 1994). In this study, the sweet dough formulation is composed of 30% butter do not prevent ice crystals formation in sweet dough. However, a decrease in tan d versus control signifies that slow freezing (air blast freezing treatments) increased the solid behavior more than the elastic one. Lipids also contribute to viscoelastic behavior considering that lipid globules may act as network filling. Indeed, amylose–lipid and lipid–granule interactions can help strengthen the network (Navarro et al., 1997). On the other hand, the freezing and thawing treatment promote a reduction in the dough resistance. 3.2. Effect of freezing treatment on protein denaturation During freezing, temperature, pH, and high ionic strength influence dehydration, protein denaturation and aggregates formation due to competition with existing electrostatic bonds, lipid oxidation, enzymatic reaction, surface tension and physical effects of ice (Wagner and Anon, 1986). The temperature interval of 2 °C and 10 °C is critical for many proteins. Protein integrity is affected by freezing rate. In general, high freezing rates do not allow water diffusion in the dough network, local smaller ice crystals are formed and cause less damage. The ice crystals damage may be direct (mechanical) and consequent (water distribution). The secondary structure of dough gluten network was studied using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (Fig. 3). The distinctive absorption bands of the main components were shown in infrared spectrum of the sweet dough (Fig. 3a). Different zones were identified: water (3350 cm1); fat (2958 cm1); Amide I (1650 cm1); Amide II (1546 cm1) and Amide III (1245 cm1). Although most of the literature studies investigated the amide I band for its strong signal, interferences with the water vibration band limit its exploitation (Cai and Singh, 1999). To elude the water interactions on secondary structure determination, we exploited the amide III band in FTIR spectrum. The amide III band deconvolution was shown in Fig. 3b. The various peaks and their frequencies correspond to: a-helix (1330–1295 cm1), b-turn (from 1295 cm1 to 1270 cm1) and random coil (1270–1250 cm1) and b-sheet (1250 – \1220 cm1) (Cai and Singh, 1999). The quantitative estimation of each shoulder areas have been grouped in Table 2. These results suggest that gluten proteins mainly contained b-sheet fractions (around 70%). Notable differences were observed when the dough proteins were frozen compared with fresh dough. The comparison of the amide III band secondary structures of frozen and fresh dough revealed a decrease in a-helix content according to freezing rate. The sweet dough frozen at air blast freezing treatments showed a slight increase in b-sheet fraction by 4%, 1% and 1%, respectively, for 20 °C, 30 °C and 40 °C compared with those of unfrozen and cryogenic immersion. These results suggest that b-sheet and a-helix are sensitive to freezing; the b-sheets were partially unfolding under freezing rate effect. This can be interpreted as the formation of a range of new b-sheet together with a shift to less strongly hydrogen-bonded structures (Georget et al., 2006). On the other hand, the results showed that other structures were less sensitive to freezing; it would be probably due to formation of new proteins bonds with other components (Cai and Singh, 1999). The secondary structures change indicates proteins aggregation. This observation is consistent with the results from thermal denaturation of globular proteins studied by Georget et al. (2006). Slow freezing could denature the protein by generation of chemical effects such as concentration of chemicals in liquid phase, increased acidity and lowering pH (Pikal-Cleland et al., 2000). Freezing process caused yeast lyses and the release of reducing substances as glutathione reduced interchain disulfide bonds of the gluten network thus leading to dough weakening (Collins and Haley, 1992). Changes in the protein structure could be assigned to the reducing agents like glutathione. The slow freezing (air blast freezing) promoted a decrease in the a-helix fraction correlated with increased content of extended b-sheet amount. This revealed the sensitivity of b-sheet and a-helix to freezing. This change could be regarded as a sign of protein aggregation. Various studies have shown freezing effect on proteins denaturation. During freezing, water diffuses and migrates to form ice crystals, resulting in the interruption of the organized hydrogen bonding system that stabilizes the protein structure, therefore hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions of proteins are exposed to a new environment. New intermolecular cross-links can appear within the protein molecule or between two neighboring molecules (Santos-Yap, 1996). This study confirmed that rapid freezing (liquid nitrogen) better preserves the secondary structure of gluten proteins. 3.3. Effect of freezing treatment on starch retrogradation FTIR spectroscopy is a technique also used to study the conformational changes of starch. The spectral region of 800–1200 cm1 was used to investigate the changes in starch structure of frozen dough (Fig. 3c). The amplitudes of absorbance for each spectrum at 1047 cm1 and 1022 cm1 are characteristic of the crystalline and amorphous zones of the starch, respectively (Hernández-Uribe et al., 2010). The intensity ratio of 1047/1022 cm1 was used as an indicator to follow the ordering of starch components according to freezing rate (Table 2). 30 °C and 40 °C freezing increased the crystallinity degree of dough starch; however, a low ratio informs on the amorphous starch content (Lopez-Rubio et al., 2008). The IR spectra of frozen dough at 30 °C and 40 °C appeared to be different at 1022 cm1 frequency compared with fresh dough spectrum (Fig. 3c). An increase in values of the ratio 1047/1022 cm1 was may be due to starch retrogradation reducing the amorphous material with an increase in crystallinity (Hernández-Uribe et al., 2010). S. Meziani et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 107 (2011) 358–365 363 Fig. 3. (a) Absorbance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectrum of the 3500–850 cm1 region of the fresh sweet dough (unfrozen dough). The amide III (1210– 1300 cm1) and starch regions of the spectra (945–1195 cm1) have been identified. (b) Deconvoluted infrared amide III band of fresh sweet dough. Curve fitting was applied to resolve infrared bands at 1330–1295 cm1 (a-helix), 1295–1270 cm1 (b-turns) and 1270–1250 cm1 (random coil) and 1250–1220 cm1 (b-sheet). (c) Fourier transformed infrared spectra of the 1195–945 cm1 corresponding starch region of fresh sweet dough according to the freezing treatment, fresh (), 20 °C (), 30 °C (), 40 °C () and liquid nitrogen (). No significant difference (P > 0.05) was found between treatments at 20 °C and liquid nitrogen. This ratio increased significantly (P < 0.05) for dough frozen at 30 °C and 40 °C with 0.93 and 0.94, respectively and reflects starch retrogradation in response to freezing treatments. Indeed, various studies revealed the effect of freezing temperature above the glass transition temperature accelerated the starch retrogradation, therefore increasing the frozen dough hardness (Charoenrein and Preechathammawong, 2010). In this study, the glass transition temperature (Tg) of dough was 37 °C. The results of freezing point depression (Fig. 4), showing a trend of starch retrogradation for 40 °C treatment when compared with the unfrozen sweet dough and other freezing treatments. Air blast treatment below Tg reduced the freezing point depression showing lower water/dough components interactions. The phenomenon of starch retrogradation, indicating the water expulsion (syneresis), is even faster at low temperature, which complicates their use in the frozen products manufacturing. In order to explain the above-mentioned results, numerous works have shown on the effect of freezing rate on the starch retrogradation (syneresis) starch-based products (Satmalee and Charoenrein, 2009). In addition, the large ice crystals formed during slow freezing distort the system structure and contribute to the starch retrogradation process. Slow freezing would allow amylose molecules to align and release the trapped water, favoring retrogradation of starch (Navarro et al., 1997). Low temperature such as 40 °C can lead to phase transitions. Charoenrein et al. (2008) used water release to measure water syneresis of frozen rice starch gel. In this present study, freezing point determination was used as an indicator of the starch retrogradation degree. 364 S. Meziani et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 107 (2011) 358–365 Fig. 3 (continued) Table 2 Conformational changes in the secondary structures of amide III band and starch band intensity ratio for different freezing treatment. Secondary structures fractions determined (Cai and Singh, 1999) at: 1330–1295 cm1 (a-helix), 1295–1270 cm1 (b-turn), 1270–1250 cm1 (random coil) and 1250–1220 cm1 (b-sheet). Secondary structures (%) Fresh 20 °C 30 °C 40 °C Liquid nitrogen a Crystal/amorphous starch ratio a-helix b-sheet b-turn Random coil 1047/1022a (cm1) 2.39 ± 0.66 2.13 ± 0.91 1.65 ± 0.29 2.35 ± 0.60 2.25 ± 0.39 66.65 ± 1.73 69.19 ± 1.11 67.10 ± 0.55 67.27 ± 1.21 66.43 ± 0.42 2.30 ± 0.54 1.81 ± 0.46 1.95 ± 0.11 2.15 ± 0.17 2.18 ± 0.52 27.84 ± 0.82 26.39 ± 1.19 28.56 ± 0.62 27.48 ± 1.63 28.45 ± 0.57 0.898 ± 0.016 0.898 ± 0.008 0.935 ± 0.003 0.944 ± 0.011 0.896 ± 0.012 Intensity ratios of bands representative for crystallinity (1047/1022). Fig. 4. Effect of freezing rate on sweet dough freezing point depression. Data have been presented as mean ± standard deviation; a, b: means with different letters indicates significant differences (P < 0.05) among freezing treatment. S. Meziani et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 107 (2011) 358–365 4. Conclusion Rheologic and structural methods can be used in order to evaluate the influence of freezing rate on frozen sweet dough rheologic properties. The overall results confirmed that the freezing rate had a significant effect on the sweet dough’s viscoelastic and structural parameters.Linear regression showed that a linear correlation exists between local freezing rate and radial position for each freezing treatment. Air blast freezing increased significantly the elastic modulus values (G0 ) and decreased the tan d compared with fresh dough, this was due to starch retrogradation as shown by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. On the other hand, slow freezing causes protein aggregation manifested by a decrease in the amount of a-helix correlated with increased content of extended b-sheet fraction. In general, the rheologic changes in frozen sweet dough are might be due to the formation and the mechanical action of ice crystals, leading to dehydration of the dough components, these effects were particularly significant for low freezing rates. It can be concluded that the immersion cryogenic freezing (fast freezing rate) gave the overall best results with regard to the rheologic properties of frozen dough. The results of this study to understand the action mechanisms of freezing on the sweet dough rheologic properties, it will be interesting to study sensorial and texture attributes after bake of frozen sweet doughs. Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to COCO LM Company (Maison Alsacienne de Biscuiterie) and ANRT French Agency for their financial support. Carole Perroud and CaroleJeandel are also acknowledged for their technical support. References Angioloni, A., Balestra, F., Pinnavaia, G.G., Rosa, M.D., 2008. Small and large deformation tests for the evaluation of frozen dough viscoelastic behavior. Journal of Food Engineering 87 (4), 527–531. Anon, M.C., Le-Bail, A., Leon, A.E., 2004. Effect of freezing on dough ingredients. In: Hui, Y.H. et al. (Eds.), Handbook of Frozen Foods. 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