Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
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The Early Acheulian of north-western Europe
Marie-Helene Moncel a,⇑, Nick Ashton b, Agnes Lamotte c, Alain Tuffreau c, Dominique Cliquet d,
Jackie Despriée a
Department of Prehistory, CNRS-UMR 7194, National Museum of Natural History, Institut de Paléontologie Humaine, 1 rue René Panhard, 75013 Paris, France
Department of Britain, Europe and Prehistory, British Museum, Franks House, 56 Orsman Road, London N1 5QJ, UK
Halma, UMR 8164, University of Lille, 1-Sciences et Technologies, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex, France
Ministry of Culture, Regional office of Archaeology, Caen, France
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 26 March 2015
Revision received 17 September 2015
North-west Europe
Core technology
Bifacial technology
a b s t r a c t
The introduction of biface technology in the Lower Palaeolithic arguably marked a fundamental change in
how early hominins dealt with their world. It is suggested to reflect changes not just in tool form and innovative shaping, but also in planning depth, landscape use and social structures. This paper examines in
detail the chronology of the first Acheulian industries in north-west Europe with the earliest sites from c.
700 ka through to later sites at c. 400 ka. It asks whether evidence from these sites can further our
understanding of how the Acheulian and the bifacial technology emerged in this region, but more critically
whether it was the underlying behavioural changes that enabled the more sustained occupation of
northern latitudes. In particular the paper assesses whether cultural signatures can be identified and
whether this reflects changes in group dynamics and social structures that could be a fundamental aspect
of surviving in more seasonal, cooler climates.
To achieve this, the industries are examined in their chronological and biogeographical framework and
compared over time and with the south European sites. The study discusses the influencing factors on
variability such as raw material, site function, palaeogeography and questions regarding the background
conditions for the introduction of the bifacial technology in Europe. The flexibility in behaviour makes the
identification of cultural traditions across Europe difficult due to the situational responses of the early
hominins. The large geographical area, the long time period, the fragmented record and a chronology, that
still needs improvement, all mean that only glimpses of traditions can be identified, usually at a very local
level. However, due to the more extreme climatic cycles of northern Europe, compared to southern Europe,
it seems inevitable that populations colonized repeatedly from south to north as climate warmed and
retreated or populations became locally extinct as climate cooled. Although there are broad similarities
in technology, attempts to identify cultural links have been hampered by the greater variety of raw
materials in the south compared to the generally better quality siliceous raw materials in the north.
Broad patterns over time might be discernible, with perhaps a refinement through time, but there are also
many exceptions to this observation. What seems clearer are other technological innovations from 600 to
500 ka that seem part of an Acheulian package and might reflect other changes in human cultures and
societies. It is suggested that these developments were a critical part of more sustained occupation of
northern latitudes.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The introduction of Acheulian or Mode 2 technology (Clark,
1969) marked a critical stage in early human development, when
bifaces, cleavers and other Large Cutting Tools (LCTs), such as
bifacially and unifacially worked tools on large flakes, became
the characteristic industry. The most obvious change was the
⇑ Corresponding author.
0278-4165/Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
introduction of the artefacts themselves with the obvious advantages of a multi-functional tool that was easily transportable, could
be resharpened and adapted for further use. However, beyond the
simple functional advantages there were arguably a multitude of
other changes in human behaviour that accompanied this
development in tool form (Gamble, 1999; Gamble and Porr,
2005; Petraglia et al., 2005; Machin, 2009; Shipton et al., 2009;
Shipton, 2013; Ashton, 2015).
One of the procedural changes was the planning, shaping and
time-investment in producing bifaces and the consequent shift in
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
the relationship between hominins, resource acquisition and landscape use. The development of planning in tool production is likely
to have been accompanied improved planning in other aspects of
life, such as other resource use. At the same time, tool curation
would likely lead to wider landscape use and greater flexibility in
daily routines, according to resource distribution. If territory was
extended, then larger groups could be supported and would have
affected group dynamics and social structures. This then inevitably
leads to the question of whether material culture and material
expression played a role in the success of new social structures
at the inter- and intra-group scale.
If the acquisition of biface technology was a critical stage in human
development, an important question is why its introduction seems to
have occurred at different times and in different areas in the Old
World. In eastern and southern Africa bifacial tools can be seen occasionally from c. 1.8 Ma (Kokiselei 4; Lepre et al., 2011) and more persistently from 1.6 to 1.5 Ma ago at for example Konso-Gardula (Asfaw
et al., 1992; Beyene et al., 2013), Olduvai bed II (Leakey, 1951; Torre de
la and Mora, 2005a, 2005b), Gadeb (Torre de la, 2011a, 2011b), Peninj
(Torre de la et al., 2008), Sterkfontein and Wonderwerk (Kuman and
Clarke, 2000; Chazan et al., 2008). Soon after, bifaces appear in the
Levant at Ubeidiya from 1.4 to 1.2 Ma (Bar-Yosef and Goren-Inbar,
1993) and then what has been defined as the Large Flake Acheulian
(LFA) at 800 ka at GBY (Goren-Inbar et al., 2000; Goren-Inbar and
Sharon, 2006; Sharon, 2010, 2011; Sharon et al., 2011). At Attirampakkam, in southern India, the Acheulian appears possibly as early
as 1.1–1.5 Ma and certainly by 1.0 Ma (Pappu et al., 2011). Assemblages have been also described as belonging to the LFA (Gaillard
et al., 2010). Further east asymmetric bifaces on thick pebbles and
unifaces have been found in China from 0.8 Ma (Hou et al., 2000;
Bodin, 2011).
The European record stands in contrast to that of Africa, the
Levant and southern Asia. Although there are now early records
of hominin dispersals into southern Europe and Southern Caucasus
from 1.7 to 1.2 Ma at for example Dmanisi, Georgia (1.7 Ma;
Lordkipanidze et al., 2007), Pirro Nord, Italy (1.4 Ma; Arzarello
et al., 2006) and the sites of Orce (1.4 Ma; Toro Moyano et al.,
2011) and Atapuerca, Spain (1.2 Ma; Carbonell et al., 1999, 2003,
2007), these sites are all associated with simple flakes from cores.
Similar industries are found at Lunery Rosières in France that may
also date to as early as 1.2 Ma (Despriée et al., 2010, 2011). Further
north, there are again early records from the UK of perhaps pioneer
populations during temperate periods with simple flake tools from
Pakefield at 0.7 Ma (Parfitt et al., 2005) and at Happisburgh Site 3
at over 0.8 Ma (Parfitt et al., 2010; Ashton et al., 2014).
The reason for the time-lag in the introduction of this technology
to Europe compared to Africa and large parts of Asia need addressing. Was it the geography, climates and environments of Europe
that meant this region was a relative back-water (Belmaker,
2009; Almogi-Labin, 2011; Abbate and Sagri, 2012)? Was it ultimately bifaces with other new technologies (perhaps fire and clothing) that enabled early humans to adapt successfully to northern
latitudes in Europe? Did new and more resilient social structures
facilitate a more sustained occupation? Or rather than a sustained
occupation with indigenous developments, can we recognize new
arrivals with different technologies from outside Europe?
Of importance in answering these questions, is the resolution of
the timing of the first biface industries in Europe, which has been
refined over the last decade through the discovery of new sites,
new fieldwork at old sites and the application of better dating.
Other than the recent discovery of two crude bifacial tools at the
Spanish site of La Boella at 1–0.9 Ma, which might be evidence of
African intrusions or, in our opinion, a local development
(Mosquera et al., 2013; Vallverdú et al., 2014), the first good evidence for their introduction is perhaps as late as 0.6 or perhaps
0.7 Ma both in south and north-west Europe (Piperno, 1999;
Doronichev, 2008; Scott and Gibert, 2009; Barsky and Lumley de,
2010; Despriée et al., 2010; Jiménez-Arenas et al., 2011; Guadelli
et al., 2012; Turq et al., 2012; Moncel et al., 2013), followed by what
appears to be much more extensive evidence from 500 ka (Tavoso,
1986; Turq, 1992; Bridgland et al., 1995, 1998, 2006; Roebroeks and
Van Kolfschoten, 1995; Tuffreau et al., 2008; Moncel, 2010; Ashton
and Lewis, 2012; Moncel et al., 2013; Ashton, 2015).
This paper examines in detail the chronology of the first Acheulian industries in north-west Europe and asks whether evidence
from these sites can further our understanding of how the Acheulian emerged in this region from the earliest sites at la Noira from c.
700 ka through to later sites at c. 400 ka (MIS 11) (Figs. 1 and 2).
Although the area was linked by a common set of geologies, particulary the Cretaceous Chalklands of south-east England and northwest France, it was also an area that was sometimes divided by the
English Channel and the North Sea due to changing climate and
palaeogeography. The area was subject to larger-scale climatic
oscillations than southern Europe, which must have had an impact
on the occupation of the entire area.
Therefore the main aim of this paper is to discuss the emergence of Acheulian technology in north-west Europe, to understand better the nature of the variation in assemblages through
time, deduce whether cultural traits can be identified and whether
other technological developments were part of a package that
underpinned the successful occupation of northern latitudes. In
order to achieve this, it is critical to understand the influences of
not only changing climate and palaeogeography, but also how collection history, context, raw material, function and indeed the history of the subject have affected the record.
2. Discussion of the problems of comparison
2.1. History, origins and definitions
One of the major problems with dealing with the Acheulian is
the way the term has evolved from its first definition in the Somme
Valley in France to a global term that has slightly different connotations and definitions in different parts of the world. Although
Boucher de Perthes first found a biface associated with Elephas
antiquus bones in 1847, it was not until 1872 that Gabriel de Mortillet coined the term Acheulian to describe the lithic assemblages
from Saint-Acheul (Mortillet de, 1872, 1875, 1885; Mortillet de and
Mortillet de, 1883, 1900). He considered the coup-de poing or the
langue-de-chat of St-Acheul workers (i.e. biface) as a ‘‘fossile
directeur” and the term Acheulian was then used for the sites
located on the old terraces with these artefacts.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries the definition of the
Acheulian changed several times. De Mortillet himself changed
the word to Chelléen before redefining the term to denote a period
between the Chellean and Mousterian. Victor Commont identified
four phases of the Acheulian based on biface morphology and relative terrace stratigraphy (Commont, 1910, 1911), which was
modified by Breuil (Breuil Abbé and Kelley, 1954). Breuil also identified two parallel phyla of assemblages with bifaces (Chelléen,
Abbevillien and Acheuléen) and those based on flakes (Clactonian
and Levalloisian; Breuil Abbé and Kelley, 1954). This idea was challenged by Bordes who considered that the Clactonian was older
than the Acheulian and that the Levalloisian was a facies of the
Mousterian (Bordes, 1961). He divided the Acheuléen into ancien,
moyen, supérieur and final (Micoquian) and also distinguished a
southern late Acheuléen méridional without Levallois.
With the discovery of bifaces beyond Europe, the term Acheulian was adopted for sites in Africa and Asia and, to avoid using
the term too far from its geographical origin, Graham Clark proposed five modes each denoting a technological stage (Clark,
1969). Thus Mode 2 denoted assemblages with bifaces, between
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
Fig. 1. Map of sites with bifacial tools (earlier than MIS 13 and MIS 13).
Fig. 2. Map of sites with bifacial tools (MIS 12 and 11).
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
the cores and flakes of Mode 1 and the prepared core technologies
of Mode 3, such as Levallois.
Since the mid-20th century it has been clear that the origin of
biface technology and the Acheulian lies in Africa (Leakey, 1951,
1971) and its onset is now thought to date back to over 1.7 Ma
(Asfaw et al., 1992; Quade et al., 2004; Lepre et al., 2011). To define
the Acheulian, it is necessary to understand how it emerged from
earlier technologies. The history of research parallels that of Europe. With the discovery of artefacts by Louis Leakey in the long
geological sequence at Olduvai Gorge in 1931, the first scheme in
East Africa followed those of Europe with the recognition of an
evolutionary development of pre-Chellean (later to be named Oldowan), Chellean and Acheulian (Leakey, 1951, 1971). This scheme
emphasized the in situ and gradual development of technology,
with the introduction of crude bifaces in the early Chellean
through to more refined bifaces in the Acheulian.
From the early 1960s there were two significant changes. The
first was methodological with Kleindienst (1961) arguing that with
larger assemblages that quantitative, rather than qualitative, analyses should be undertaken. Mary Leakey adopted this approach at
Olduvai and using the relative proportions of tools such as choppers, spheroids, heavy and light-duty tools and bifaces, defined
the assemblage types of Oldowan, Developed Oldowan (formerly
Chellean) and Acheulian (Leakey, 1971).
The adoption of this method led directly to the second major
change through the reinterpretation of Louis Leakey’s unilinear
evolutionary progression. Mary Leakey concurred with the development of the Oldowan in Bed I into the Developed Oldowan of
Bed II, but significantly suggested the contemporaneity of the
Developed Oldowan B (DOB) and Acheulian in Middle and Upper
Bed II (Leakey, 1971). She further argued that they were made by
different hominin types (Homo habilis and H. erectus) with acculturation leading to occasional bifaces in the DOB. Although the
Acheulian was primarily characterized with quantitative methods
with at least 40% of the tools being bifaces, qualitative factors were
also considered such as the bifaces being larger and often made on
flake blanks longer than 10 cm (Kleindienst, 1961; Leakey, 1971).
The debates about the relationship between the DOB and
Acheulian have raged ever since with some researchers accepting
Leakey’s cultural distinction between the two assemblage types
(Davis, 1980; Roe, 1994; Callow, 1994), while others have argued
for differences in function and site location (Isaac, 1977, 1984;
Isaac et al., 1997; Bower, 1977) and differences in raw material
use (Stiles, 1991). The same debates are reflected at other East African sites, where very low percentages of bifaces have been used as
a main criterion to classify Developed Oldowan sites across East
Africa, such as Chesowanja (Harris and Gowlett, 1980), Koobi Fora
(Braun et al., 2008), West Turkana (Texier et al., 2006), Melka Kunture (Chavaillon and Piperno, 2004; Piperno, 1999), Middle Awash
(Clark et al., 1984), Gadeb (Clark and Kurashina, 1979) and Gona
(Semaw et al., 2009).
The lack of consensus has led to more recent research on the
original collections with Torre de la and Mora (2005a, 2005b,
2013) adopting a more typo-technological breakdown of the artefact categories, which includes large cutting tools (LCTs; tools
including bifaces made on large flakes). They suggest that there
is little meaningful distinction between the DOB and Acheulian
with LCTs of a similar size range occurring in both. They attribute
both the DOB and the Acheulian to the Acheulian techno-complex
and that there is a simple distinction with the Oldowan assemblages lacking LCTs stratigraphically below.
A further problem has been that Industries without LCTs exist
after the appearance of the Acheulian during the late Early Pleistocene and even into the Middle Pleistocene, such as Middle Awash
in Ethiopia (de Heinzelin et al., 2002; Schick and Clark, 2003),
Nadung’a 4 site, West Turkana, (Delagnes et al., 2006),
Mwanganda’s Village, Malawi (Clark and Haynes, 1969; Surovell
et al., 2005), Nyabusosi (Texier and Roche, 1995; Texier, 2001),
the Peninj ST site complex (Torre de la et al., 2003), Chesowanja
(Gowlett et al., 1981), and Olorgesailie (Isaac, 1977). These
assemblages are often interpreted as local variants of the
Acheulian, sometimes reflecting specialized activities.
Therefore, in an African context, other criteria have been sought
to define the Acheulian rather than simply the presence of LCTs or
bifaces. It has been suggested that small debitage technologies
could also provide a key. Gowlett (1986) suggested that bifacial
flaking of discoid cores share the same concepts and mental
templates as biface production, and therefore are interrelated. On
similar lines, Torre de la (2009) and Torre de la et al. (2008) argued
that complex debitage systems appear concurrently with the first
LCTs in East Africa. Other criteria to characterize the Acheulian
include mobility within the landscape, better raw material management, functional distinctions between sites and greater intensity of stone tool production (Roche et al., 1988, 2003; Harmand,
2009; Torre de la, 2009; Gallotti et al., 2010; Raynal et al., 2001,
2011). However such criteria are often difficult to establish or
apply to individual sites.
Outside Africa, similar debates surround the interpretation of
assemblages lacking bifaces such as the Clactonian in Britain
(Ashton et al., 1994; White, 2000; McNabb et al., 2004), the Colombanien in western France (Monnier and Molines, 1993; Molines
et al., 2005), or assemblages lacking bifaces in central Europe. In
some cases it has been suggested that there are different activity
facies, for example at Barnham in Britain (Ashton et al., 1994,
1998). The Colombanien also occasionally contains bifaces, for
example at Menez Dregan, and it has been defined as different to
the Acheulian simply on the basis of atypical and the low quantity
of bifaces (Monnier and Molines, 1993; Molines et al., 2005). It is also
arguable that central Europe lacks suitable raw materials for biface
manufacture and, therefore, it is inevitable that these industries lack
such technologies. Finally, at the Early Pleistocene site of Happisburgh 3 and the early Middle Pleistocene site of Pakefield, the
assemblages are simply too small to be statistically viable to demonstrate presence or absence of biface technology with 80 and 32 artefacts respectively (Parfitt et al., 2005, 2010). Therefore similar
debates exist in Europe as well as Africa (Carbonell et al., 2015).
For the purposes of this paper in a European context, there are
no clearly established criteria that define the Acheulian except the
presence of bifacial technology. This should come with the proviso
that many sites for reasons of function, raw material limitations or
simply sampling, may lack bifaces, but may still be part of the
broader Acheulian techno-complex. This definition can be broadened, however, to include tools that adopt a similar technological
management. In Africa and Asia, the term Large Cutting Tool
(LCT) is used due the frequent use of large flakes longer than
10 cm (Kleindienst, 1961). In a study of Olduvai Gorge, Peninj
and Gadeb, LCTs cover a diversity of tools including bifaces, cleavers, knives and pointed retouched tools (Torre de la et al., 2003,
2008; Torre de la, 2011a, 2011b). Aside from the traditional concept of the biface, other tools are on pebbles, slabs or large flakes
with shaping often limited to the edges. Retouch is usually unifacial, irregular and non-invasive and while pointed forms are
sought, bifacial and bilateral symmetry is uncommon. Sharon
(2008, 2009) suggests that Acheulian LCT technologies show
remarkable similarities world-wide, regardless of the raw materials employed. Use of the term therefore by-passes many of the
problems surrounding different raw materials, so that for example
large, minimally shaped flakes from blocks of igneous rock can be
studied on the same basis as bifacially worked nodular flint from
north-west Europe. It is the technological management of producing large cutting tools that is important, which are flexible and
adapted to locally available raw materials rather than strict
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
adherence to the morphology of the finished form (Isaac, 1984). If
the idea of LCTs is applied more widely to a European context as
the principle defining feature of the Acheulian, then it makes
regional comparisons, particularly between northern and southern
Europe that much easier. It also allows a full consideration of the
various influences that operate on LCT form.
2.2. Europe: the question of variation
In Europe a significant problem for understanding the variation
in site composition and heavy-duty tools/LCT forms is the history
of collection. Museum collections, particularly in Britain and
France, have been heavily biased by the past practices of both collectors and sometimes excavators where often only the finer
bifaces, or those made of more easily identifiable raw materials
such as flint, have been retained (Ashton et al., 2015). Despite Britain having a rich Lower Palaeolithic record, the number of recent
large-scale excavations is low compared to other parts of Europe.
This inevitably has an influence on how the different regions are
compared (see below). These problems can at least be factored into
any subsequent analysis that seeks to understand the variations in
both site composition and LCT forms in the original assemblages.
One of the main parameters affecting variation in LCT form was
raw material, which included variation in the rock type, size, shape,
proximity and basic knapping qualities (Villa, 1981; Ashton and
McNabb, 1994; White, 1998a; Villa, 2001; Ashton and White, 2003;
Lamotte, 2012). As part of this, rock type also affected blank type,
whether this was nodules, pebbles, slabs or large flakes. In northwest France and southern England the availability of Cretaceous flint
nodules led to a wide range of biface forms, where large nodules were
often worked into finely-finished ovate bifaces whereas long, narrow
nodules often led to the production of elongated, often pointed forms
(Ashton and McNabb, 1994; White, 1998a). In contrast, in some areas
of southern Europe, there was reliance on other rock types, such as
quartzite on the alluvial terraces of the Tarn and Garonne or flat limestone slabs such as at Terra Amata and Notarchirico leading to simpler
forms of LCTs shaped by only a few, deep removals (Piperno, 1999;
Lumley de, 2009). Equally, the rarity of large stone nodules at Castel
di Guido possibly led to the use of bone fragments for partial bifacial
tools combining a bifacial tip, and sometimes a lateral unifacial or
bifacial cutting edge, perhaps used for scraping and a worked butt
for holding the tool (Zutovski and Barkai, 2015). At a micro-scale,
the influence of raw materials is much less obvious dependent on
the site, similar modes of shaping being applied on various stones
or fragments of bones on the same site or between sites in the same
area (evidence of regional traditions?).
Site function also affected LCT quantity and quality. Occasionally
more specialized manufacturing sites can be identified where LCTs
dominate assemblages (Lamotte and Tuffreau, 2001a, 2001b;
Moncel et al., 2013). Bifaces at least, and perhaps LCTs more generally, seem to be associated predominantly with butchery although
other functions have also been suggested (Clark, 1967; Clark and
Haynes, 1970; Keeley, 1980; Jones, 1980, 1994; Villa, 1990;
Schick and Toth, 1993; Ashton and McNabb, 1994; Mitchell, 1995,
1997; Roberts and Parfitt, 1999a; Berthelet, 2002; Santonja et al.,
2001; Santonja and Perez-Gonzales, 2005; Santonja and Villa,
2006; Machin et al., 2007; Rabinovich et al., 2008; Bello et al.,
2009; Juana de et al., 2010; Chazan, 2013; Garcia-Medrano et al.,
2014; Aureli et al., 2015). Therefore sites with low quantities or
an absence of LCTs probably reflect a wider range of site functions
or more ephemeral site occupation (see for instance Soucy in
France, Visogliano in Italy, or some British sites; Ashton et al.,
1998; Roberts and Parfitt, 1999a; Lhomme et al., 2000, 2003;
Falguères et al., 2008; Aureli et al., 2012). The Q1B site at Boxgrove
has a high proportion of bifaces and is associated over a period of
time with butchery (Roberts and Parfitt, 1999a). Equally, opportunis-
tic butchery may have led to the expedient production of crude bifaces
(Piperno, 1999; Lumley de et al., 2004; Vallverdú et al., 2014) or the
use of bone bifaces (Boschian, 1993; Radmilli and Boschian, 1996;
Anzidei et al., 2012; Boschian and Sacca, 2015).
A further factor influencing LCTs, in particular biface form, was
resharpening. McPherron (2000, 2006) argued, using a metrical
analysis on a series of north-west French and southern English
assemblages that bifaces were initially pointed in form and that
resharpening led to more ovate forms. Although this contradicted
some of the raw material explanations for biface variation
(Ashton and White, 2003), the idea of resharpening as an important factor has received more recent support from a study of British
sites, in particular Boxgrove (Emery, 2010).
Finally, understanding of the variation in biface form has been
influenced by the different methods of analysis. Simple descriptive
typologies dominated the early years of research with the range of
types largely based on planform where individual forms were
viewed as mental templates and could be used to write culture histories (Mortillet de, 1872; Breuil Abbé and Kelley, 1954; Clark
Howell, 1966; Roe, 1964, 1981; Wymer, 1968; Hayden, 1979).
The introduction of morphometric types had a similar theoretical
base, but provided a more objective means of defining types
(Bordes, 1961; Roe, 1968). The use of ever more sophisticated ways
of measuring has allowed for the development of these interpretations (Lycett and Gowlett, 2008; Lycett and Von Cramon-Taubadel,
2008) and of alternative theories, such as the resharpening model
of (McPherron, 2000, 2006) or a better understanding of the basic
rules of variation in form (Compton and Gowlett, 1993).
Technological approaches start from a very different theoretical
stance and seek to understand the chaine operatoire or life history
of the artefact (Boëda et al., 1990; Lepot, 1993; Roche and Texier,
1996; Grimaldi, 1998; Soriano, 2000; Texier, 2001; Mourre, 2003;
Yazbeck, 2004; Delagnes et al., 2006; Chevrier, 2011; Nicoud,
2013). The finished form is viewed as the consequence of a series
of actions which incorporate raw material, the types of modification and the functional needs. Experimental programmes have
helped to define some of the parameters (Jones, 1979, 1980,
1994; Newcomer, 1971; Wenban-Smith, 1989; Wenban-Smith
and Ashton, 1998; Machin et al., 2007). Whereas purely typological
approaches view bifaces as a series of mental templates, technological approaches can use particular methods of manufacture to
describe nuances in shaping or perhaps resharpening. The latter
approach does not exclude the possibility that some variation in
form might represent differences in culture history (Soriano,
2000; Boëda et al., 1990; Boëda, 1994, 2001; Cliquet, 2001;
Wenban-Smith, 2006; White, 1998b; Bridgland and White, 2014).
3. Methods
This study is based on most of the major, well-contextualised
Acheulian sites in north-west Europe between 700 and 400 ka.
Some have been known since the late 19th century, but in all of
these cases recent fieldwork has led to a better understanding of
the geolocal context and in some cases the human habitat. Other
sites have been discovered through recent excavations (Table 1).
The sites are all in central and northern France or in eastern and
southern England, with no evidence surviving for this period outside these regions.
For each site, it has been noted whether the assemblage was
collected or excavated, and whether it was in primary or secondary
context (Table 1). The geological context, date and where known
the human habitat has also been noted. One of the problems to
overcome has been the different systems of lithic analysis used
in France and the UK, so a common system has been developed
to describe the main elements of each assemblage with a series
of predominantly qualitative terms to summarize the Large Cutting
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
Table 1
Main descriptors used to summarize the form and technological features of the LCTs
and the core technology from the sites.
LCT descriptors
Blank type
Phases of working
Position of retouch
Relative thickness
Cortex retention
Lateral edges
Core technology
Single platform
Alternate platform
Multiple platform
Unifacial or simple
prepared core
Nodule, pebble, slab, flake
Hard hammer, soft hammer, edge retouch
Lateral edges, tip, butt
Thick = W/Th < 1.5; thin = W/Th > 1.5
Minimal, moderate
Triangular, sub-triangular, cordiform, ovate, cleaver
Pointed, rounded, tranchet
Sinuous, straight, S-twist
Worked, unworked
Symmetrical, plano-convex
Flake(s) removed from one platform or from flake
scar(s) in the same plane
Flake(s) removed alternately using the proximal end
(s) of the previous flake scar(s) for the next removal(s)
Multiple platforms, sometimes incorporating several
series of single and alternate platform techniques
Flakes removed alternately and centripetally from
the peripheral edge of the core
Flakes removed from one face of a core from simple,
unfacetted platform(s). Cores previously termed
‘‘proto-Levallois” fall into this category
Cores that conform to the six criteria of Boëda (1994)
Tool (LCT) signatures from each site (Table 2). In general, the terms
biface, cleaver and bifacial cleaver are used for describing in detail
the assemblages rather than the broader term of LCT, the latter
including large tools made on flakes >10 cm (Kleindienst, 1961,
1962). Biface s.s. and bifacial tools are also sometimes used to distinguish tools with a general bifacial management of the volume to
tools with peripheral bifacial removals suggesting the addition of
distinct functional areas. Although a small number of European
bifacial tools were made on flakes, particularly in the north-west,
for convenience, the term LCT refers principally to all types of bifacial tool in this paper. The main core technology has also been
described combining the systems used by Ashton (1992), Ashton
and White (2003), White and Ashton (2003) and Boëda (1994).
The types of flake tool have also been noted, which in most cases
are restricted to simple scrapers, notches and denticulates.
4. The sites of north-west Europe
The sites fall into two main periods of the Pleistocene. The early
Middle Pleistocene dates from c. 780 ka through to c. 480 ka, while
the following late Middle Pleistocene dates from c. 480 ka until c.
125 ka. The periods have been divided into a series of marine isotope stages (MIS) which reflect the climatic history of these periods. MIS 12 is a major cold episode that is used to divide the
Middle Pleistocene into the early and late episodes and is represented by the Anglian Glaciation in the UK and the Elsterian Glaciation in northern Europe. All the sites are described below.
4.1. Early Middle Pleistocene (Tables 2 and 3)
4.1.1. UK sites
Many of the earliest sites in the UK relate to a pre-MIS 12
(Anglian glaciation) drainage system that was destroyed by a MIS
12 glacial advance (Rose, 1992, 2009; Lewis, 1992). In particular
the now extinct Bytham River, at times confluent with the Thames,
is thought to have flowed from the English Midlands across to East
Anglia and to have emerged on the coast in the Lowestoft to Great
Yarmouth areas. The river sediments have been recognized by a
significant quartz and quartzite lithology that originated from the
Midlands. The earliest sites are those on the coast at Happisburgh
Site 3 (Parfitt et al., 2010; Ashton et al., 2014) and Pakefield (Parfitt
et al., 2005) but neither contain bifaces and are therefore not considered here. However, inland several Bytham terraces have been
recognized, which form the main framework for understanding
the archaeology contained within them, with the biface sites associated with terraces 1 and 2. During the MIS 12 glaciation the ice
front reached as far as north London, destroying in its path the
pre-existing drainage pattern and carving out the Wash Basin.
From MIS 11 the modern drainage pattern was established with
rivers from both the Midlands and central East Anglia flowing into
Table 2
General data on MIS 17 to MIS 13 British and French sites. Dominant forms or types are denoted in bold and ordered by prevalence.
Site level
Excavated area
Raw mat.
Brandon Fields
Fluvial gravel
Maidscross Hill
Fluvial gravel
Warren Hill
Fluvial gravel
High Lodge,
Bed E
Fluvial sand
Local Flint
High Lodge
‘Sands and
Waverley Wood
Fluvial sand and
Local Flint
Fluvial silts
Late 13
Late 13
Late 13
Local Flint
Local Flint
Local Flint
Happisburgh Site 1
Fluvial silts
Local Quartzite
Non-local Flint
Local Flint
La Noira
Stratum a Lower
Lagoonal silt
Local Flint
Local Jurassic
Flake tools
Single plat.
All stages
All stages
All stages
ret. flakes
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
Table 3
Data on the LCTs from MIS 17 to MIS 13 British and French sites. Dominant forms or types are denoted in bold and ordered by prevalence.
Site level
Size range (mm)
Brandon Fields
136 (BM)
Cores/cortical bifaces?
Maidscross Hill
191 (BM)
Cores/cortical bifaces?
Warren Hill
1177 (BM)
High Lodge,
Bed E
Thick, crude pointed
Thick, crude pointed
Thick, crude pointed
High Lodge
‘Sands and gravels’
69 (BM)
Waverley Wood
Happisburgh Site 1
La Noira
Stratum a Lower level
Thick, crude pointed
the newly formed Wash Basin. Many of the MIS 11 sites relate to
the new drainage system and often lie above or are cut into MIS
12 glacial (Lowestoft) till. Brandon Fields, Maidscross Hill, Warren Hill and High Lodge,
UK. The sites of Brandon Fields, Maidscross Hill, Warren Hill and
High Lodge all lie within 10 km of each other with closely related
stratigraphic positions. During the latter half of the 19th century,
a biface assemblage was recovered during gravel extraction from
a series of small pits at Brandon Fields (Suffolk, UK). Flower
(1869) recorded their location and as being associated with
quartz–quartzite rich gravel, which is now interpreted as being
indicative of Bytham river sediments (see above). Recent geological
fieldwork has suggested that these sediments lie on the 2nd terrace of the Bytham (Ashton and Lewis, 2005). As the Bytham River
was destroyed by Anglian (MIS 12) ice the lowest terrace is interpreted as dating to MIS 13 (Bridgland et al., 1995). The age of the
2nd terrace is unknown, but is probably a cold–warm cycle earlier
and possibly dates to MIS 15 (Ashton et al., 2011).
Maidscross Hill lies at a similar height (c. 25 m) to Brandon
Fields and is situated only 4 km to the south-west. This site too
was discovered in gravel workings by Flower (1869) who described
a similar quartz–quartzite rich gravel containing bifaces and also
interpreted as belonging to the 2nd terrace of the Bytham
River, possibly dating to MIS 15. The lower terrace has been
identified both here and at the nearby site of Warren Hill (see
below; Ashton and Lewis, 2005). From the British Museum collections there are only five bifaces that can be definitely attributed to
the site, although a much larger collection has the general location
of Lakenheath. From study of the history of quarrying they all probably originate from the 2nd terrace at Maidscross Hill (see below).
Warren Hill lies 9 km to the south of Maidscross Hill and is one
of the most prolific sites in Britain with over 2000 bifaces, mainly
recovered during gravel extraction in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries (Bridgland et al., 1995). The gravel is also rich in quartz
and quartzite, but being at the lower height of c. 15 m is interpreted as being the youngest terrace of the Bytham River and interpreted as dating to MIS 13 or early MIS 12.
High Lodge is 1 km north of Warren Hill, but with a different geological sequence, providing two distinct lithic assemblages (Ashton
Choppers/cores ?
Cores/cortical bifaces?
et al., 1992). Overbank sediments from the Bytham River contain a
rich scraper assemblage associated with Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis dating to MIS 13 or possibly earlier. These sediments have
been subglacially deformed and emplaced above younger glacial till
of MIS 12 age (Lewis, 1992). Above these sediments lies a thick
sequence of glaciofluvial sands and gravels from the base of which
a biface assemblage has been recovered. The fresh condition of the
bifaces and associated debitage suggests that they have been
derived from underlying sediment nearby, potentially the same
overbank sediments that contain the flake tool assemblage, but perhaps from a different location on the floodplain. The floodplain sediments contain pollen and beetle remains that indicate coniferous
forest in a cool-temperate climate (Coope, 1992; Hunt, 1992).
The assemblages from these sites bear several similarities and
collectively three artefact groups can be distinguished, but in various states of derivation. All the assemblages are made on locally
Fig. 3. Bifaces from Brandon Fields and Maidscross Hill (Photograph: Craig
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
available flint nodules from the fluvial gravels. The first group consists of moderately rolled, crudely fashioned bifaces and typified by
many of those from Brandon Fields and Maidscross Hill (Fig. 3). The
LCTs are generally bifacially made with a hard hammer on pebbles,
half-pebbles, occasionally flakes and are of variable size. They are
generally elongated, thick and crudely shaped often resulting in
sinuous cutting edges, tending towards a cordiform shape with
pointed tips and cortical butts. The method of shaping is alternate
or face-on-face, with little final retouch or evidence of resharpening (Ashton, 1992). Some have plano-covex cross-sections due to
the use of split pebble blanks or by shaping with few removals.
The result is a mix of morphological and technological types with
both bifaces sensu stricto and cruder bifacial tools. Similar bifaces
form a significant part of the Warren Hill assemblage.
A second group of artefacts consists of thinner ovates and cordiforms (Figs. 4 and 5). These are found at the base of the glacial
sands at High Lodge and from their relatively fresh condition
appear to have been moved very little from their original context,
forming a coherent group. Shaping is evident with a soft-hammer
with final retouch on the main cutting edges. They are generally
symmetrical both in plan-form and cross-section. Some of the
bifaces have been sharpened with removal of a tranchet flake
across the tip. They are similar in form to the majority of bifaces
from Warren Hill, although the latter have been moderately
Fig. 5. Bifaces from Warren Hill (Photograph: Craig Williams).
abraded. A small number of similar bifaces can be found in the
assemblages from Maidscross Hill and Brandon Fields, again bearing moderate abrasion.
The third group of artefacts consists of scrapers with unusually
invasive retouch, sometimes on both lateral sides and typified by
those from the overbank sediments at High Lodge (Fig. 6). However, a small number of more rolled examples also contribute to
Fig. 4. Bifaces from High Lodge, Bed E (Ó British Museum).
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
the assemblages at Warren Hill, Maidscross Hill and Brandon
High Lodge is the only site to have been excavated rather than
collected and therefore is the only site to have an assemblage containing representative cores and flakes. These consist of a mixture
of single platform, alternate platform and multi-platform cores
undertaken on medium to large flint nodules with a hard hammer
(Fig. 7; Ashton, 1992). Flaking appears to use these simple methods, with the chosen platforms being determined by the evolving
form of the core rather than any pre-planning. The resulting flakes
Fig. 6. Flake tools from High Lodge, Bed C (Illustration by Phil Dean; Ó British Museum).
Fig. 7. Core and refitting flakes from High Lodge, Bed C (Illustration by Phil Dean; Ó British Museum).
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
reflect these knapping methods. This type of flaking is typical of
that found at other UK sites both from MIS 13 and MIS 11 (see
below). Waverley Wood, Bubbenhall, UK. Waverley Wood also lies
on a former course of the Bytham River, but upstream 135 km to
the west. Here rich organic channel deposits lie within Bytham
River gravels and contain a rich fauna and flora (Shotton et al.,
1993; Keen et al., 2006). The environmental evidence reflects a
fluctuating cool-temperate climate and has been attributed to the
end of MIS 13. The only artefacts found in situ in the channel
deposits consist of a quartzite flake and an andesite biface. However eight other bifaces have been recovered from nearby gravel
heaps and almost certainly come from the gravel or channel deposits. The bifaces were made from local quartzite, Cretaceous flint
and andesite. The nearest source for Cretaceous flint is over
100 km to the east, while the andesite was probably found locally
as erratics. The andesite bifaces consist of finely-made elongated
cordiforms, while the quartzite and flint pieces tend to be thicker
in form often retaining cortex. Happisburgh Site 1 (HSB1), UK. Excavations by AHOB and
the University of Leiden have revealed organic muds and silty
clays, exposed on the foreshore 1 km to the south-east of Happisburgh, which have yielded flint artefacts and bones. They lie within
a channel beneath Happisburgh Till (Ashton et al., 2008b) and the
site has been attributed to a late Cromerian Complex age (probably
MIS 13) based on the presence of Arvicola cantiana (Preece et al.,
2009). The combination of faunal and floral remains indicates
marshland on the edge of a slow-flowing river with surrounding
heathland and boreal forest in a cool-temperate climate (Coope,
2006; Ashton et al., 2008b). The in situ flint assemblage consists
of almost 300 flakes, simple flake tools, cores and a single, thin,
ovate biface. Most if not all the debitage reflects core working,
which uses single, alternate and multiple platform techniques.
The archaeological evidence also comprises humanly modified
bones of rhinoceros, roe deer and bovid, indicative of butchery
by humans (Ashton et al., 2008b). Boxgrove, UK. The extensive landscape exposed through
excavations at Boxgrove consisted of freshwater pools and associated landsurfaces, situated within a semi-enclosed marine embayment beneath a marine-cut Chalk cliff (Roberts et al., 1994; Parfitt,
1998a; Roberts and Parfitt, 1999a, 1999b). The artefact-bearing
sediments of freshwater and lagoonal silts with overlying soil horizons have been attributed to a cooling climate at the end of MIS 13.
The fauna and flora suggest a mosaic of grassland and freshwater
pools, with developing scrub and woodland with a relatively cool
climate (Parfitt, 1999; Holman, 1999; Holmes et al., 2010). The
immensely rich artefact assemblage has been manufactured from
extensive flint deposits from the nearby Chalk cliff. The artefacts
consist of in situ knapping floors and associated bifaces scattered
across the landscape with clear patterns of manufacture, discard
and use (Pope and Roberts, 2005; Pope et al., 2009). The bifaces
are predominantly thin and ovate in shape. The combination of
refitting and partially-made bifaces show that initial roughingout with a hard hammer followed by shaping and final retouching
with a soft hammer. The final retouching is predominantly on the
lateral edges and sometimes tip. The bifaces are generally symmetrical in planform and cross-section, while the retention of cortex is
rare. The tips are generally rounded or straight due to the frequent
removal of tranchet flakes. Cores are rare, although where present
reflect the use of single, alternate and multiple platform techniques. Equally, there is only occasional production of flake tools,
which tend to be simple scrapers or minimally retouched flakes.
4.1.2. French sites
The Cher, a tributary of the Middle Loire, has terrace sediments
that were deposited during successive phases of downcutting and
aggradation in response to climate cycles during the Early and
Middle Pleistocene (Despriée et al., 2011; Voinchet et al., 2010).
Electronic Spin Resonance (ESR) applied on optically bleached
quartz has produced approximately 80 age estimates helping to
construct a preliminary chronological framework for the region
(Voinchet et al., 2010; Despriée et al., 2011). Bifacial tools have
been found in Terrace D (690 ± 80 ka), Terrace C (510 ± 75 ka)
and Terrace B (400 ± 60 ka) (Despriée et al., 2011). La Noira (lower level), France. La Noira is one of three sites
associated with Terrace D that lies 14–20 m above the valley bottom. It was discovered in a quarry at the beginning of the 1970s
and fieldwork took place from 2003 to 2012. The substratum of
tertiary lacustrine limestone (Stratum A), weathered green clay
(Stratum a), is overlain by five quaternary strata; a coarse slope
deposit (Stratum b) is covered by two sequences of fluvial
sediments (Stratum c and d), a pebble horizon (Stratum a) and a
silty soil (Stratum a). The artefacts are associated with the basal
coarse sand of stratum b, the lower part of which consists of an
accumulation of local ‘millstone’, a rock formed as slabs by
diagenetic silicification within Oligocene lacustrine limestone.
The slabs vary in size from a few up to 50 cm in length, have no
trace of fluvial transport, but instead appear to be part of a slope
deposit laid down after a phase of river incision. The position of
the artefacts between deposition of slope materials on the limestone bedrock and later phases of gelifluction and cryoturbation,
would suggest that hominins were present after the period of river
incision at the beginning of a cold climate at the beginning of MIS
16 (Despriée et al., 2011).
The first assemblage recovered from stratum b consists of 340
artefacts, of which 17% are LCTs and 21% of the flakes are retouched
(Moncel et al., 2013). Core technology is focused on the production
of medium to large flakes from which some larger flakes were used
as further cores or the production of LCTs. The main core method is
partial bifacial flaking of the millstone slabs. Some cores are trifacial or crude cores. Some unifacial cores have a secondary expedient debitage parallel or perpendicular to the face of the slab.
Multiple platform cores are rare.
The LCTs are mainly made on 20–40 mm thick slabs, generally
between 60 and 160 mm in length, although one was 240 mm
long. Several groups can be distinguished with a variety of sizes
and varying retention of cortex (Figs. 8 and 9). They show three different stages of production with initial hard hammer flaking, invasive soft hammer flaking and sometimes final retouching on the
cutting edges. Partially finished forms suggest that the site is a
Fig. 8. Millstone pointed bifacial tool from la Noira (Centre, France, lower level).
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
Fig. 9. Millstone biface on a flake and bifacial cleaver from la Noira (Centre, France, lower level) (drawings Angeliki Theodoropoulou).
workshop. Some pieces have isolated areas of bifacial working, several are bifacially worked opposite a natural back, three are bifacial
cleavers, while others are bifaces sensu stricto with shaping of the
volume and symmetrical, convergent edges. These are cordiform,
triangular or ovate in plan-form with rounded or pointed tips.
Cross-sections are plano-convex or symmetrical dependent on
the mode of shaping of the slab. Finally, fragments of slabs have
sometimes been worked into large scrapers, partial or complete
bifacial tools, bilateral unifacial tools or tools with a ‘‘bec” made
by abrupt retouch.
4.2. Late Middle Pleistocene (Tables 4–7)
4.2.1. UK sites Barnham, UK. The stratigraphic sequence at East Farm,
Barnham consists of silts and clays that infill a fluvial channel
attributed to the Hoxnian Interglacial which is correlated with
the first part of MIS 11 (MIS 11c; Ashton et al., 1998, 2008a). These
sediments are cut into Anglian till and associated glaciofluvial
gravels of MIS 12 age (see above; Ashton et al., 1998; Lewis,
1998; Parfitt, 1998b; Preece and Penkman, 2005). In the centre of
the channel rich biological remains suggest a mix of deciduous
woodland with some grassland nearby in a temperate environment
with summers slightly warmer than Britain today. The main
archaeological industries were excavated at the edge of the channel from a lag gravel and overlying silt and consist of both biface
and non-biface assemblages. The lag gravel consists of small to
large flint cobbles and was the source of raw material. In one area
(Area I) the assemblage consists of simple flake tools, cores and
flakes, while 50 m to the east (Area IV) in the same context the
assemblage has in addition biface manufacturing flakes and a single small cordiform biface. The core technology, as with other UK
sites, consists of a mix of single, alternate and multiple platform
techniques with a hard hammer (Fig. 10). Flake tools are dominated by notches and denticulates with occasional retouched
flakes and scrapers. Elveden, UK. Elveden lies 8 km to the west of Barnham and
may form part of the same river system. The site has a very similar
stratigraphic sequence with fine-grained fluvial sediments dating
to the Hoxnian Interglacial of MIS 11c, infilling a fluvial channel
cut in Anglian till and Chalk (Ashton et al., 2005). The human habitat, like Barnham, is again fully interglacial in character. The lithic
assemblages were again excavated at the edges of the channel
from a lag gravel and overlying silts. The lag gravel forms the
raw material source, although fresher quality flint would also have
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
Table 4
General data on MIS 11 British sites. Dominant forms or types are denoted in bold and ordered by prevalence. LMG = Lower Middle Gravel. UMG = Upper Middle Gravel. MIS 11 is
divided into substages 11c, 11b and 11a.
Site level
Excavated area (m2)
Raw mat.
Flake stages
Flake tools
Alternate plat.
Single plat.
All stages
c. 2000
Alternate plat.
Single plat.
Alternate plat.
Single plat.
Alternate plat.
Single plat.
All stages
Beeches Pit
Alternate plat.
Single plat.
Fluvially sorted
Alternate plat.
Single plat.
All stages
Alternate plat.
Single plat.
All stages
All stages
Fluvially sorted
Table 5
Data on the LCTs from MIS 11 British sites. Dominant forms or types are denoted in bold and ordered by prevalence. LMG = Lower Middle Gravel. UMG = Upper Middle Gravel.
Site level
Size range (L – mm)
Beeches Pit
Thick, crude pointed
Thick cordiform
Thick, crude pointed
Lower Industry
Upper Industry
been available from the nearby eroding Chalk. Unlike Barnham, in
addition to simple flake tools, flakes and cores, biface manufacture
was a major activity at the site where the full chaîne opératoire of
manufacture is represented. Only three bifaces were excavated
from the recent work, but they are similar to the larger assemblage
from the old collections from the site and tend to be cordiform and
ovate in form (Fig. 11). They are carefully thinned, with final
retouch often modifying the edges and tip. The retention of cortex
is rare. Many of the forms also have an S-twist on both lateral
edges, which may either be part of a resharpening process, or
reflect the original intended form. The majority of bifaces are symmetrical in cross-section. Partially-made bifaces have also been
recovered, where there is little thinning or final retouch. Cores
are usually on nodules, being worked either from a single platform
or by alternate flaking. Multiple platform cores are also common.
There is a small assemblage of flake tools which is dominated by
notches and denticulates with occasional minimally retouched
scrapers. Beeches Pit, West Stow, UK. At Beeches Pit fine-grained
interglacial sediments, including tufaceous clay, lie in a shallow
basin above Anglian glacial deposits (Preece et al., 2006, 2007).
The site is again attributed to the Hoxnian interglacial of MIS
11c, although the molluscs suggest a slightly later date than
Barnham and Elveden within this substage. The rich environmental
evidence indicates that freshwater springs from the adjacent Chalk
fed small shallow pools surrounded by calcareous grassland and
deciduous woodland. The artefacts, some of which refit, were excavated from several horizons including from the tuffaceous clay.
They consist of simple flake tools, flakes, cores and seven bifaces
of both pointed and ovate form. The core working consists of single, alternate and multiple platform techniques. Both burnt and
unburnt artefacts are associated with a series of hearths (Preece
et al., 2006). Swanscombe, UK. The sequence and associated archaeology
at Swanscombe has been known since the early 20th century
(Smith and Dewey, 1913). The Thames terrace deposits, which rest
on Chalk and Thanet Sand, consist of the Lower Gravel, Lower Loam
(Stage I), Middle Gravels (Stage II), and a series of overlying sands,
loams and gravels (Stage III). The fluvial sediments (Stages I and II)
are attributed to the Hoxnian interglacial (MIS 11c) and associated
with a fully temperate climate (Conway et al., 1996). Most of the
artefact assemblages are abraded and probably in secondary context. The Stage I deposits contain non-biface assemblages
(Conway et al., 1996) and date to the first half of the interglacial,
while the biface assemblages from the Stage II deposits date to the
second part of the interglacial (Preece et al., 2007; Smith, 2013).
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
Table 6
General data on MIS 12–11 French sites. Dominant forms or types are denoted in bold and ordered by prevalence.
Site level
Excavated area
Flake tools
Cagny-La-Garenne I
Cxv assemblage
All stages
Cagny-La-Garenne I
Cxb assemblage
Slope deposit
All stages
Cagny-La-Garenne I
Lg assemblage
Fluvial sand
All stages
Cagny-La-Garenne I
Lj assemblage
Fluvial sand
All stages
Cagny-La-Garenne I
Ca assemblage
Fluvial sand
All stages
Cagny-La-Garenne II
I3 assemblage
Fluvial sand &
All stages
Cagny-La-Garenne II
I4 assemblage
Fluvial sand &
All stages
Cagny-La-Garenne II
J assemblage
Fluvial sand &
All stages
Ferme de l’Epinette MS
Rue De Cagny
Series 3
La Celle
Fluvial sand &
Fluvial sand &
All stages
Loess Tufa
Alternate plat.
All stages
Ret. flakes
Table 7
Data on the LCTs from MIS 12 French sites. Dominant forms or types are denoted in bold and ordered by prevalence.
Site level
Size range (L – mm)
Thick, pointed
Thick, crude pointed
Chopping tools
Chopping tools
Cagny-La-Garenne II
I3 assemblage
Ferme de l’Epinette
Broken tips
Backed biface
Thick, pointed
Thick pointed
Thick pointed
Thick, crude pointed
Crude, broken
Cxv assemblage
Cxb assemblage
Lg assemblage
Lj assemblage
Ca assemblage
J assemblage
I4 assemblage
Rue De Cagny
Series 3
La Celle
The Stage II deposits are divided into the Lower Middle Gravels and
the Upper Middle Gravels. The former were the subject of limited
excavation by John Waechter from 1968–72 and yielded three
small bifaces, which were small, thick, crudely-flaked and pointed
in form (Conway et al., 1996).
Chopping tools
The excavations of the Upper Middle Gravels by Wymer in the
1950s were much more extensive and provided a large series of
bifaces associated with the Swanscombe skull (Ovey, 1964). The
assemblage is in secondary context, but was probably derived from
the nearby floodplain of the river, using nearby flint gravels as the
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
Fig. 10. Core and refitting flakes from Barnham (Illustration by Phil Dean; Ó British Museum).
Fig. 12. Bifaces from Swanscombe Middle Gravels (Photograph: Craig Williams).
Fig. 11. Bifaces from Elveden (Photograph: Craig Williams).
source for raw material. Nodules and occasionally large flakes were
used for blanks for biface manufacture. Many pieces are subtriangular or cordiform, thick elongated forms with large removals,
retaining cortex and with little retouch, except sometimes on the
tip (Fig. 12). Others are more formalized ranging from cordiform
to sub-triangular in shape with more attention paid to symmetry
and less cortex retention. There are also partially flaked forms on
large flakes and occasionally bifacial cleavers. Most bifaces have
a symmetrical cross-section. Cores are usually on nodules, being
worked either from a single platform or by alternate flaking and
multiple platform cores are also common. The simple flake tools
consist of notches, denticulates and occasional scrapers.
The old collections from the Middle Gravels reinforce some
aspects of the excavated assemblages, where the bifaces are dominated by sub-triangular forms, often with finely retouched tips,
varying in size from very small (<100 mm) to quite large
(>200 mm), and with thick, but sometimes worked butts. There
are several thousand such forms, showing that these biface types
are a persistent characteristic of the Swanscombe Middle Gravel
assemblage. Hoxne, UK. The stratigraphy at Hoxne is composed of finegrained sediments infilling a basin cut into Anglian till. The lower
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
part of the sequence is composed of lacustrine sediments that date
to the first half of the Hoxnian interglacial of MIS 11c (West, 1956;
Evans et al., 1896; Wymer et al., 1993; Ashton et al., 2008a). After a
major unconformity, the upper part of the sequence is composed of
an ‘Arctic Bed’ attributed to MIS 11b overlain by fluvial sediments
consisting predominantly of silts and sands, and then by colluvial
and solifluction deposits at the top. These fluvial and slope deposits
probably date to MIS 11a and the associated environmental data
suggests a relatively open landscape with pine and birch with a
cool-temperate climate. The excavations by John Wymer in the
1970s yielded two artefact assemblages from this part of the
sequence (Singer et al., 1993). The first of these assemblages
(‘Lower Industry’) was in primary context in the fluvial sediments
and consists of occasional flake tools, flakes cores, biface manufacturing flakes and several thin, ovate and cordiform bifaces. Also
associated with this industry are a series of horse teeth bearing
cut-marks from butchery. The ‘Upper Industry’ was in secondary
context in the overlying colluvial and solifluction deposits, consisting of a large number of finely made scrapers together with flakes,
cores and a few bifaces of predominantly pointed form (Fig. 13). In
both assemblages the core technology, as with other British sites,
has a mix of single, alternate and multiple platform techniques
using a hard hammer.
4.2.2. French sites
Other than sites from the Loire Basin, French sites with LCT
assemblages in the Somme and Seine Valleys are younger than
MIS 13, although new data is awaited from the upper part of the
sequence of Carpentier Quarry (Abbeville). Artefacts related to core
technology were discovered at the early MIS 13 site of ‘‘Rue du
Manège” but so far no bifaces (Antoine et al., 2014). The ‘Somme Valley Acheulean’ with the eponymous site of St-Acheul is frequently
considered as a specific and typical case, differing from the British
Acheulean although also on flint (Antoine et al., 2007). Variation in
the composition of assemblages and technological choices has been
observed between sites of plateaus and valleys. The use of soft hammer is attested from MIS 12 (Tuffreau et al., 1997a). Unifacial cores
dominate over discoid debitage which arrived late while ‘‘protoLevallois” or ‘‘prepared core technology” is evident as early as MIS
12 (Tuffreau, 1981, 1987; White and Ashton, 2003; Tuffreau et al.,
1997a, 1997b, 2008). A diverse range of LCTs made on flint nodules
contribute to the assemblages, although ratios vary. Cagny-la-Garenne, Amiens, France. Cagny-la-Garenne is
located in fluvial deposits of the Middle Terrace of the Somme
Fig. 13. Biface from Hoxne, Lower Industry and Hoxne, Upper Industry (Photograph: Craig Williams).
Valley. The gravels have been attributed to MIS 12 based on the
regional geological framework of the Somme (Antoine et al.,
2007), which is supported by ESR dates of around 400 ± 101 ka.
La Garenne 1 was excavated in 1986 and is composed of fluvial silts
interstratified with chalky sediments derived from the nearby
Chalk slope. The six artefact assemblages are made from the locally
available flint and the site is interpreted as a workshop.
Assemblages CXCA and CA are in primary context close to the
Chalk slope, LJ and LG come from fluvial silts, CXB from limestone
gravels and at the top CXV comes from coarse, periglacial
gravels (Tuffreau, 1981; Antoine and Tuffreau, 1993; Lamotte,
1999; Lamotte and Tuffreau, 2001a, 2001b; Tuffreau and
Lamotte, 2010). The assemblages consist of bifaces, core and flake
manufacture with notches and denticulates.
The assemblages include large numbers of crude bifacially
worked LCTs often retaining cortex and revealing the original form
of the nodule (Figs. 14 and 15). In LJ and LG, all stages from crude to
finished bifaces are represented (Lamotte, 1994). In contrast, other
levels have crude bifaces and tools made by large, invasive
removals, often with cortical butts. There is little retouch except
to the edges and tip of some elongated, pointed bifaces. Shaping
of the tip is part of the overall shaping of the biface. There are
two biface-cleavers and some bifaces have transverse tips. The
plan-forms are usually elongated cordiform, triangular and ovate.
Cross-sections are mainly plano-convex produced by sequential
flaking of face-on-face, while some symmetrical bifaces were made
by alternate flaking. The cores are mainly unifacial with some evidence of Levallois core technology.
Garenne 2, 100 m from Garenne 1, was excavated from 1993 to
2005. Once again, the fluvial sequence is banked up against the
Chalk slope. Towards the base, four archaeological levels (R1–R3
and KR) were recovered, while at the top, five levels (I0–I4 and J)
came from gravels. Raw material was available on site in the form
of large flint nodules many of which have minimal flaking, are far
more numerous than the cores and show a selection for long, broad
forms (Lamotte and Tuffreau, 2001b). All stages of core working
(unifacial and Levallois cores) and biface manufacture are present,
including crude and broken bifaces, tranchet flakes, notches, denticulates, scrapers, and few choppers and chopping tools.
LCTs are represented by bifaces using both hard and soft hammer flaking predominantly on nodules. Types vary between levels.
Three technological groups can be distinguished: (1) bifaces with
large cortical areas with partial cutting edges or partial convergent
edges; (2) crude bifaces; and (3) being the most common, extensively worked elongated, pointed forms. Biface-cleavers are very
rare with a few core-bifaces. The bifaces have been abandoned at
various stages of shaping, while some are finished with a round
tip. They are characterized by large regular removals over the volume of the piece with final retouch on parts of the more asymmetric and irregular edges. Some crude bifaces with large, invasive
removals are of various sizes and approach the form of
chopping-tools due to large areas of cortex. The cores were worked
unifacially and occasionally with the Levallois method. In all these
levels, flake-tools are dominated by numerous notches and a few
denticulate and scrapers (Lamotte and Tuffreau, 2001a). Ferme de l’Epinette, Amiens, France. Ferme de l’Epinette was
1 km from La Garenne lying on the upper part of the valley slope on
the route of a motorway south of Amiens. One main Acheulian
level (MS) was recovered as a rescue excavation in 1994. The artefacts come from a grey forest soil attributable to the beginning of
the fourth glacial cycle from present, MIS 11/10 (Tuffreau et al.,
1997a, 1997b). LCTs are prevalent with a variety of bifaces from
roughouts to ovates made on nearby flint. Long distance refits
are numerous with biface shaping flakes refitting between 7 and
15 m, a cortical flake onto a core 39 m distant and many different
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
Fig. 14. Cagny-la-Garenne 1, North France. Series CXV, (1, 2) cordiform bifaces, (3, 4) cores with bipolar removals. Series LJ, (5) Levallois core (drawings from Agnès Lamotte).
stages of debitage represented (Lamotte, 1999). The low density of
material (0.44/m2), the topographic position, the introduction of a
few finished and exotic bifaces, numerous cores and bifaces made
in situ, together with new flake-tools and heavy tools suggest a
multi-purpose activity location (Lamotte and Tuffreau, 2001b;
Tuffreau and Lamotte, 2010). Rue de Cagny, Amiens, France. The site of ‘‘Rue de Cagny” in
Saint-Acheul was described by V. Commont (1908). Series n° 3 was
collected from the red sandy level in the Middle terrace of the
Somme and has been attributed to MIS 11 or 10. The 300 artefacts
were made on flint with little patination. Ovate bifaces are the most
common and are frequently twisted. The butts are sometimes cortical and the pieces have been shaped with several series of large
invasive removals. Some show a transverse cutting edge on the
tip. The degree of symmetry of the cross-section is dependent on
the location of the final retouch, which is frequently on the lateral
cutting edges and oval tip. They are associated with large, thick
scrapers and unifacial points and evidence of knapping on site. La Celle, France. The site is located in the Seine basin in
north-west France. A 9 m deep, tufaceous sequence records an
interglacial optimum and the beginning of a cold period. The molluscan assemblage contains a Lyrodiscus fauna which characterize
MIS 11 tufas in north-west Europe (Limondin-Lozouet et al.,
2006). This age is supported by U–Th dating on indurated tufa
and RPE/U–Th dating on horse tooth enamel. In an area of 20 m2,
57 pieces of fauna were recovered from Cervus sp., Equus sp.,
Macaca sylvanus, Hippopotamus incognitus and one indeterminate
carnivore. Leaf prints have also been preserved which in
combination with other evidence suggests a humid landscape of
Mediterranean vegetation with meadows and forested patches in
a temperate climate. The site has yielded artefacts including
bifaces in a grey horizon (lgt). Nine artefacts were associated with
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
Fig. 15. Bifaces from Cagny-la-Garenne 2, I4 (Photographs: Agnès Lamotte).
the fauna, some of them from biface manufacture. New excavations
have yielded two flint bifaces with cortical butts and described as
bifacial tools (Limondin-Lozouet et al., 2010). Saint-Pierre-les-Elbeuf, France. The site of Saint-Pierre-lèsElbeuf is located in the Seine Valley and discovered through old
quarrying, but there has been fieldwork since 2005 on the lower
part of the sequence (Lautridou and Verron, 1970). Four loess layers are interspersed with four interglacial soils: Elbeuf I (Eemian)
to Elbeuf IV. The oldest soil (Elbeuf IV) is immediately overlain
by white alluvial sands with faunal and lithic remains in secondary
position. It is also covered by a limestone tufa which includes faunal remains, occasional flint artefacts and an interglacial molluscan
fauna with Lyrodiscus. This fauna indicates both oceanic and continental climate, together with Lusitanian (Iberian seaboard) species
that have also been recorded at the nearby site of Vernon (Dollfus,
1898; Rousseau, 1987; Lécolle et al., 1990; Cliquet et al., 2009;
Limondin-Lozouet et al., 2010). As with La Celle, this tufa has been
attributed to MIS 11. Above the tufa a loess, attributed to MIS 10,
was deposited with molluscan remains, badly preserved bifaces
and flake-tools associated with the banks of a river. Other Acheu-
lian artefacts were found during the 19th and early 20th centuries,
but these have been poorly documented. The recent fieldwork has
investigated the white sands and tufa overlying the paleosol Elbeuf
IV. One area of 45 m2 yielded in situ Acheulian artefacts and faunal
remains (Cliquet et al., 2009), while rolled artefacts and some
bones in secondary context were recovered from another area at
the same level.
From the old and new collections, two occupation phases have
been identified from below and above the tufa. The flint raw material is derived from nearby fluvial gravels and both phases of occupation indicate the manufacture of bifaces (Fig. 16). The lower
assemblage is mainly composed of large pointed elongated bifaces
with thin, well-worked tips. Cores are bifacial or multifacial with
flake tools including Quina scrapers and points. Bifaces from the
higher assemblage are varied in size and form, both thick and thin
ovates, cordiforms, pointed and sub-triangular forms with final
retouch on the cutting edges. They are symmetrical in form with
thin tips, thick butts, occasionally twisted edges and often with a
plano-convex cross-section. Two bifaces have a tranchet blow,
perhaps indicating resharpening. The cores were unifacial using
the natural convexities of the nodules.
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
Fig. 16. Saint-Pierre-lès-Elbeuf, (West France), Level LA (early silt under the paleosol Elbeuf I (Eemian; level 5). (1) Biface with a « coup de tranchet » and a retouch of the
transversal edge, (2) pointed biface; Level AR (red clay into the paeéosol Elbeuf IV, below the limestone tuf). (3) Pointed and completely worked biface. New excavations
2005–2007, into a lœss of a MIS 10 cold event affected by pedogenesis of Elbeuf III (around 320 ka), (4) Levallois cores, (5) cordiform bifaces (drawings Dominique Cliquet).
Fig. 17. Trends of biface forms over time in north-west Europe.
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
5. Discussion
5.1. Broad scale comparison in north-west Europe
As discussed in Section 2, there are problems of comparison
across north-west Europe due to the means of collection, raw material variability, site function and methods of description. Bias in
collection history is a particular problem for examining the earliest
sites, where the British record is largely dependent on 19th century
collections (e.g. Brandon Fields, Maidscross Hill and Warren Hill)
compared to the more recently excavated sites in France (e.g. la
Noira and Cagny la Garenne). This means that quantitative comparisons in terms of proportions of bifaces to flakes and flake tools have
little meaning and therefore qualitative analyses have to be used.
For some of the sites, particularly from MIS 11, assemblage size is
also an issue where for example Barnham, Beeches Pit and La Celle
have very small numbers of bifaces, making comparison statistically unviable. However despite these problems some common elements can be identified across the chronological time-span and
across north-west Europe to provide a backdrop against which
time-transgressive or regional differences might be identified.
5.1.1. Time-transcendent similarities
Most of the sites used in this study are united by similar positions within the landscape. All of them are open-air sites and most
are within or close to fluvial contexts. At the time of occupation,
they would have been within or on the edge of river valleys. Those
sites in secondary context (e.g. Brandon Fields, Maidscross Hill and
Warren Hill) may of course have been derived from valley slopes or
floodplains. Beeches Pit and La Celle are located next to spring-fed
pools, but both lie again on the margins of river valleys. Meanwhile
Boxgrove also lay adjacent to spring-fed pools, but on the edge of a
coastal floodplain. It has been suggested that riparian
environments provided a richer array of resources than interfluve
situations, not least being raw material supplies (Ashton et al.,
2006; Stout et al., 2014). However, it is also necessary to consider
the biases inherent in the recovery of artefacts through the
concentration of artefacts adjacent to raw material sources and
by the quarrying of gravel, sand and alluvial silts and clays within
river valley situations. For the comparisons in this paper however,
it is useful that the sites have a similar context within the
The sites are also for the most part united by their geological
situation, largely being situated on or close to Cretaceous Chalk
bedrock, which has provided a rich source of flint raw material
either directly (e.g. Boxgrove, Cagny la Garenne and Beeches Pit)
or from flint rich gravels (e.g. Warren Hill, Swanscombe and St
Pierre les Elbeuf). The large majority of the flint knapping is based
on nodules, whose size and quality varies. At times, this may have
had some impact on biface form and shaping intensity and mode,
for example the size and amount of cortex retained on some of
the bifaces from Swanscombe UMG and perhaps from Cagny la
Garenne. There are two sites where Cretaceous flint was not locally
available. At Waverley Wood a variety of quartzite, andesite and
non-local flint was used and there is a striking difference between
the finely-made ovates in andesite and the crude bifaces made in
flint and quartzite. At la Noira, the industry was made from local
sliciceous ‘millstone’ slabs. The morphology of the slabs has had
a clear impact on the knapping of the bifaces, sometimes with
fewer removals required to achieve the desired form particularly
on thin slabs. A few bifaces are made on large flakes. Overall,
although raw material has had some effect on biface form, there
are still underlying patterns of possible regional and chronological
significance that can be discerned (see below).
The size of the bifaces at all sites is also varied, with both larger
and smaller bifaces being present in every sizable assemblage. This
probably reflects a number of factors, including the variety in the
size of original nodules or slabs at each site, but also the degree
of working and resharpening. The latter probably has an important
impact in the variety of biface lengths at Boxgrove (Emery, 2010).
The largest LCTs are observed at la Noira, High Lodge, Elveden,
Swanscombe UMG, and La Garenne I. Contrary to what is commonly
perceived, relative thickness of LCTs does not decrease over time, in
particular for the well-worked pieces. For example average thickness over breadth for the early sites are la Noira (0.48), High Lodge
(0.42) and Boxgrove (0.39), whereas for the MIS 12 sites of Cagny la
Garenne I and II relative thicknesses are 0.59 and 0.5 respectively.
The core technology show some differences across the area
although most sites use varying quantities of single, alternate
and multiple platform cores and at some sites unifacial working.
The complexity of the knapping again appears to have been dependent on the size and shape of the original nodule or in the case of
Cagny la Garenne and la Noira the partial working of cores because
of its workshop situation. Occasionally at sites such as High Lodge,
alternate flaking has led to apparent discoidal core technology, but
this is probably by accident, rather than design. At la Noira the use
of slabs has produced a slightly different signature with a higher
range of forms and numerous bifacial cores. This has led to a
greater management of the core volume than is apparent at most
other sites and seems independent of the slab shape. At Cagny la
Garenne, some Levallois working is also present, sometimes in
the form of preferential flake removals from former bifaces. Here
there are also simple prepared or unifacial cores, indicative of some
planning in the core working.
The overall composition of the excavated assemblages across
the area bears some similarities and is likely to reflect the range
of functions at the sites. Generally the ratio of bifaces to debitage
within an assemblage is low, often around 1%. Where ratios are
higher this is probably due to the specific function of the site, such
as the probable butchery use area of Q1B at Boxgrove, or the knapping workshop sites at some levels of Cagny la Garenne. All the
excavated sites have in situ knapping, and the range of tools suggests other functions taking place at most sites with probable tool
manufacture, use and discard. One notable feature is the preponderance of notches and denticulates over scrapers, even in the case
of High Lodge, with slight variations perhaps reflecting differences
in the proportion of woodworking over hide processing activities.
With the exception of High Lodge and the Upper Industry at Hoxne,
flake tools tend not to be formalized with retouch undertaken on
the most suitable edge for minor modification. Although the ratio
of flake tools to debitage varies, this is again probably due to functional differences between sites, duration of occupation or in some
cases differences in the quantity of raw material. Overall there are
only small quantitative differences in the composition of the
assemblages, reflecting a similar range of functions at the different
sites. However, qualitative comparisons in biface form can still be
made to show any larger scale regional or chronological patterns
that might be of cultural significance.
5.1.2. Chronological comparisons (Fig. 17) Pre MIS 13 sites. The oldest Acheulian site in north-west
Europe is la Noira. It is not alone in the same basin. Other sites such
as Gièvres also yielded series with bifaces at the same age
(Despriée et al., 2011). As described above the form of the bifaces
reflects to some degree the use of slabs, which in some cases has
led to less working of the volume to attain the required form. However, in other cases there are clear phases of working from initial
shaping with both hard and soft hammer and final retouching of
the edges. This technology indicates use of all the phases of manufacture that is found commonly at biface sites of much later date.
This contrasts with the more rolled, generally crude and thick
bifaces from the Bytham River sites of Brandon Fields, Maidscross
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
Hill and the more rolled element from Warren Hill, possibly dating
to MIS 15. With these assemblages, the bifaces tend to be thick,
retain cortex and have little evidence of soft hammer working.
Retouch to the edges is also minimal. Although there is a range
of planforms, this probably relates more to the shape of the nodule
or split pebble, rather than a planned design. The assemblages
appear to reflect a more basic knowledge of biface technology,
which stands in contrast to the more elaborate systems being used
at the earlier site of la Noira.
The core technology at la Noira reflects the elaborate behaviour
observed on the LCTs. Some bifacial cores show a management
independent of the slab form. They are associated with unifacial
and multifacial cores common to the other sites. Flake-tools are
scrapers, notches and denticulates. There are insufficient cores
from the other pre-MIS 13 sites to make a comparison. MIS 13–12 sites. The UK has a wealth of pre-Anglian sites
dating to MIS 13, many of which have features in common. High
Lodge (Bed E) and the fresher material from Warren Hill are dominated by well-made ovates and cordiforms, generally thin with
invasive flaking produced with a soft hammer, little retention of
cortex, working of the base and final retouching to the edges.
The small number of the ovates and cordiforms from Brandon
Fields and Maidscross Hill might also be of the same age. The
bifaces from High Lodge and occasionally from Warren Hill also
have resharpening with tranchet removals. The small assemblage
from Waverley Wood also displays similarities. Although the
bifaces made from quartzite and flint have been limited by the
form of the raw material, those made from andesite are ovate in
shape and again display soft hammer shaping and retouching of
the edges. The Boxgrove bifaces have all the characteristics of the
other MIS 13 assemblages, generally adhering to an ovate form
with clearly organized stages of manufacture, soft hammer flaking,
final retouching and frequently tranchet finishing or resharpening
to the tip. Even the single example of a biface from Happisburgh
Site 1 could be argued to fit into this group, altogether suggesting
a consistent style of biface manufacture in the UK at this time.
The MIS 12 sites at Cagny la Garenne are influenced by their
workshop situation (crude tools) and therefore provide a different
signature with a less consistent biface style, varying from ovate to
more elongated pointed forms. The use of soft hammer can be
clearly identified and final retouch to some of the edges. Therefore
although all the techniques of manufacture were known, the endproducts are less consistent in form.
The core technology for the British sites can only be described
for High Lodge, which as shown by refitting is typified by single,
alternate and multiple platform cores (Ashton, 1992; Forestier,
1993). There is no pre-planning in the process, but instead the
knapping proceeds according to the availability of suitable
platforms as the core develops. This is in contrast to the cores from
Cagny la Garenne where unifacial or simple prepared cores
(‘proto-Levallois cores’) are found, showing the first step towards
core preparation.
The distinctive, elaborate and often invasively flaked scrapers
from High Lodge (Bed C), but also those in smaller quantities from
Warren Hill, Brandon Fields and Maidscross Hill, are difficult to
directly relate to the biface industries from these sites. At High
Lodge they are in situ within the floodplain silts, which might be
the origin of the overlying slightly derived ovate biface assemblage
from Bed E. At the other three sites the scrapers are in secondary
context, as is the case with the biface assemblages. Therefore it is
not known whether this industry is simply a functional facies of
the ovate assemblages or a distinctive industry in its own right.
These flake tools contrast with those from Cagny la Garenne, which
are diverse in type, dominated by denticulates (40%) and notches.
They are made on thick and irregular products in varying
Overall for this period there are clear differences in the
assemblages between Britain and France. This may simply be due
to the different ages of the sites with different traditions of
manufacture, or alternatively could be due to the function of the
Cagny la Garenne sites as workshop locations. If the High Lodge
type scrapers are genuinely associated with the ovate bifaces from
the Breckland sites, then there does appear to be a distinctive mode
of manufacture, representing a distinctive tradition. MIS 11. The sites attributed to MIS 11 divide into several
groups. The East Anglian sites of Elveden, Barnham and the Lower
Industry at Hoxne all contain thin, ovate to cordiform bifaces. Elveden has the only large assemblage and here several of the bifaces
have distinctive ‘S-twists’ on both lateral edges, suggesting either
re-working of the general volume of part of the edges of the biface
or imposition of a specific design. It has been argued that this is a
particular characteristic of other British MIS 11 assemblages, such
as Hitchin, Dartford and Greenhithe (White, 1998b). There is also
an S-twist ovate from Hoxne from old collections, but probably
of a slightly later date in MIS 11. The characteristic flake tools from
MIS 11 assemblages are notches, denticulates and very simple
scrapers or minimally retouched flakes. These flake-tools stand in
contrast to those from some of the earlier British sites but also to
those from Hoxne Upper Industry (see below).
The Hoxne Upper Industry only has a few bifaces, but these tend
towards sub-triangular forms with pointed tips. Although the
assemblage is small, it does have notable differences from the earlier MIS 11 sites from East Anglia. It also has a series of more elaborate scrapers often on large thick flakes with intensive retouch,
perhaps due to resharpening.
The final British site is the Upper Middle Gravel assemblage
from Swanscombe. Although the excavated assemblage included
many crudely worked, thick forms, there were also more
intensively-worked, finely-retouched subtriangular forms with or
without a worked butt. The prevalence of these pointed bifaces is
highlighted by the large number of similar forms in the old collections from the Middle Gravels. The form of the bifaces in many
cases does not seem to have been influenced by raw material. Molluscan evidence suggests that the Middle Gravels are directly contemporaneous with Beeches Pit. Three of the bifaces from the very
small assemblage at Beeches Pit are pointed and bear some similarities to those from Swanscombe.
All these sites have a similar array of core technologies, which
like the earlier British sites includes single, alternate and multiple
platform cores. There is no evidence of simple prepared cores or
Levallois technology. Occasionally discoidal cores can be distinguished, but these are probably the result of fortuitous use of alternate platform technique, rather than an intended technology.
The French sites show a similar array of technologies to the British sites, though there appears to be little patterning in terms of
age. At St Pierre-lès-Elbeuf, the assemblage from the lower white
sand has some similar characteristics to the Middle Gravels at
Swanscombe and perhaps with the Upper Industry at Hoxne with
sub-triangular, finely-finished pointed bifaces. There are also
intensively retouched scrapers, again characteristic of the Upper
Industry at Hoxne, but different to those at Swanscombe. Although
the lower assemblage at St Pierre and Swanscombe are probably
similar in age, the Hoxne industries are probably later in MIS 11.
The upper assemblage at St Pierre has a more varied array of
bifaces from ovates through to subtriangular forms.
The Somme sites of Ferme de l’Epinette and Rue de Cagny have
ovate bifaces and in the case of the latter, S-twist forms are found.
These would appear to be reminiscent of the East Anglian sites,
particularly of Elveden. The thick flake tools (scrapers and
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
end-scrapers) at Rue de Cagny appear to be similar to those from
the Hoxne Upper Industry and to those from St Pierre-lès-Elbeuf.
Both the latter sites are associated however with different biface
forms and modes of shaping (leading to either plano-convex or
symmetrical tools). The core technology in the Somme Valley is
mainly composed of unifacial cores as for the earliest periods
and some rare Levallois cores are evident.
Overall there appear to be several technological repertoires that
were adopted at different times in different places. These included:
thin ovate to cordiform bifaces with S-twists usually associated
with informal flake tools; finely-made pointed bifaces with subtriangular planforms and thicker butts again associated with less
formalized flake tools and similar more pointed biface assemblages
associated with more elaborate scrapers.
5.1.3. Effect of climate and palaeogeography
The archaeological record for Britain has notable differences and
similarities to that of northern France. This is in part due to the
greater impact of climate on the British record, but also due to
the changing geographical configuration of Britain during this time
period and its connection with the continent. Prior to MIS 12,
Britain was a peninsula of mainland Europe with a continuous landlink. The earliest sites of Happisburgh Site 3 (either MIS 25 or 21;
Parfitt et al., 2010; Ashton et al., 2014) and of Pakefield (probably
MIS 17; Parfitt et al., 2005) both appear to lack handaxes, in contrast
to la Noira of a similar age. During the cold of MIS 16, there is no evidence of occupation in north-west and mid-west Europe.
After this point, the British record may reflect the incursion of
several different handaxe-using populations. At least two, possibly
three, traditions of tool-making can be identified, with the thick
crude bifaces from the Breckland sites, the thin ovate bifaces from
sites such as High Lodge, Warren Hill and Boxgrove, and finally the
elaborate scrapers from sites such as High Lodge. It is not clear
whether the latter represent a different functional area and are
part of the same industry as the ovate bifaces, or are a separate tradition. Unfortunately due to the lack of well-dated sites that can be
attributed to MIS 13 or possibly MIS 15 on mainland Europe, the
source areas for these colonising populations is not known.
There is no evidence for human occupation of Britain during the
extreme cold of MIS 12, whereas the sites of Cagny la Garenne in
the Somme valley indicate occupation during this episode and possibly at end of MIS 13. Whether this was during an interstadial period, or that humans were able to survive this far north during a
glacial episode cannot be resolved due to the lack of resolution of
the dating. As noted above there is no evidence for humans during
the cold of MIS 16.
During the later part of MIS 12 as ice melted, a pro-glacial lake in
the southern North Sea Basin spilt over the ridge of Chalk of the
Kent-Artois anticline to create the Strait of Dover. With rapid
warming in early MIS 11 the English Channel formed creating a
barrier to human occupation across this area (Smith, 1985;
Gibbard, 1995; Lee et al., 2004; Toucanne et al., 2009; Candy
et al., 2011; Carrión et al., 2011; MacDonald et al., 2012). However,
the floor of the North Sea Basin has been subject to tectonic downwarping through the Pleistocene and during MIS 11 was probably
only slightly lower than modern day sea-levels. High sea levels during pollen zone IIb of the Hoxnian interglacial (MIS 11c) probably
cut Britain off from the mainland, but during the subsequent pollen
zones IIc and III the recovery of the ‘Rhennish’ molluscan fauna in
the Thames indicates a fluvial link between the Scheldt and the
Thames. Therefore access was possible across the North Sea Basin
and also during the later substages of MIS 11 (Schreve et al.,
2002; Ashton and Hosfield, 2010; Ashton et al., 2011, 2015;
Preece and Parfitt, 2012; White et al., 2013; Ashton, 2015).
These geographical changes are likely to have had an effect on
the colonization of Britain during MIS 11 and may account in part
for the variety of assemblages (Ashton et al., 2006; Ashton and
Hosfield, 2010). For the earliest part of MIS 11 as climate was still
warming, access would have been possible across the North Sea
Basin. The first evidence for humans is probably in the Thames valley at Swanscombe (Lower Gravels) and Clacton with their distinctive non-biface ‘Clactonian’ assemblages. The source areas of these
populations is not known, although could have conceivably have
been from Rhineland areas of central Europe where biface manufacture was not practiced (White and Schreve, 2001; Valoch, 2003).
During the peak interglacial of the Hoxnian (pollen zone IIa–IIb)
access across the North Sea Basin may have been more difficult
with higher sea-levels. The appearance of the first biface industries
at sites such as Barnham and Elveden in East Anglia could have
been due to a new incursion of people, or alternatively the in situ
development of bifaces in areas with good raw material. The slight
lowering of sea level during Hoxnian pollen zone IIc–III would have
created easier access to Britain and may account for the distinctive,
pointed bifaces from Swanscombe Middle Gravels. During most of
the remainder of MIS 11 there could have been continuous occupation of southern and eastern England, with access to the continent.
This may account for some of the persistent archaeological signatures found for example in the East Anglian sites such as Hoxne
(Lower Industry) but also for the introduction of slightly different
knapping traditions such as Hoxne Upper Industry with its distinctive scrapers.
The source areas for these industries probably lies in northern
France, where the same range of knapping traditions can be found,
particularly in the sites of the Somme and the Seine. Currently the
dating resolution of these sites makes it difficult to identify direct
links between the British and French sites, although more work on
correlating the environmental records should improve understanding of the relationships between the knapping traditions.
5.2. Comparisons between northern and southern Europe
Only limited comparisons can be made between northern and
southern Europe due to the small number of well-dated sites, the
variable history of recovery with old collections and new excavations, and also due to the different signatures from open air sites,
caves or rockshelters.
One notable similarity between the geographic regions is the
generally low ratio of LCTs to other tools within the assemblages,
generally averaging between 1% and 5% (e.g. Arago P-Q < 1%; Terra
Amata 1.7%) compared to the Levant and East Africa averaging c.
15% for most sites (i.e. Jagher and Le Tensorer, 2011). There are
exceptions such as Q1B at Boxgrove (an excavated site) and Atelier
Commont (a collected assemblage from a small area) perhaps
reflecting specialized use in those areas (Commont, 1908;
Roberts and Parfitt, 1999a). By contrast other sites indicate in situ
LCT manufacture from biface manufacturing flakes, but with the
LCTs being exported from the site (e.g. Barnham and La Celle). It
is clear that activities and the movement of artefacts affect the
composition of the assemblages and therefore detailed comparative studies. However, some observations can be made that show
the diversity of assemblages from Europe with or without LCTs.
5.2.1. Early Middle Pleistocene assemblages
The earliest LCTs in northern Europe vary from sites such as
Brandon Fields, where most bifaces tend to be made on nodules,
are thick in form with large, hard hammer removals, to those at
la Noira which are made on thin slabs and occasionally on flakes,
with soft hammer finishing. The southern French site of Arago
(levels P and Q – Unit I; MIS 14) has several similarities with la
Noira, in particular the ratio of ovate forms and methods of shaping
(Barsky and Lumley de, 2010; Falguères et al., 2010, 2015;
Barsky, 2013). However there are notable differences; at Arago
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
the assemblages include poorly standardized cleavers on flakes,
some particularly large bifaces, but also standardized, wellworked LCTs made on pebbles. In addition there is a range of
raw materials including some exotic rocks from 30 km away,
showing mobility of artefacts, whereas such evidence is lacking
at la Noira and Brandon Fields due to the use of very local raw
material. The flake tools at Arago are predominantly scrapers,
notches and points made in quartz, while those at la Noira are
mainly scrapers made on both large and small flakes. At Brandon
Fields, there are also well-made scrapers, but they are probably
unrepresentative of the original assemblage due to biases in
At La Boella, Spain, two large, crude LCTs made on local schist
have been found associated with numerous small flakes and a
fauna, with evidence of butchery that dates to 1–0.9 Ma
(Vallverdú et al., 2014; Mosquera et al., 2015). The first LCT is a
crude pick made on a split cobble or a flake, while the second is
a cleaver on a flake. Although they show African features, it is
impossible to know if the butchery context may have led to the
ad hoc production of these unusual tools, as opposed to belonging
to a longer tradition of LCT manufacture.
At Notarchirico (Italy; MIS 16) there is less diversity, but also
less standardization in the LCTs with numerous pointed chopping
tools and a few pseudo-cleavers on limestone pebbles (Piperno,
1999; Lefèvre et al., 2010). Occasionally bifaces s.s. (levels B, D, F)
were made on quartzite, limestone and flint pebbles or flakes, with
deep removals, either invasive or on the edge and sometimes modified by retouch to the tip. A range of other retouched tools on
quartz, quartzite, limestone and flint include pointed pebble tools,
scrapers, notches, denticulates and Tayac points.
The differences in LCTs between southern and northern European sites seem to depend to some extent on the type, size and
shape of raw material, where in the south there is more variety
in the lithologies and larger flakes for shaping. The raw materials
also affected features such as the symmetry in cross-section and
plan-view, the final shaping to tip and cutting edges and the areas
of flaking on the LCTs. The thickness of LCTs does not seem to be
related to chronology or to the type of production whether by
alternate or face-on-face knapping, which produced symmetrical
and plano-convex cross-sections respectively. Rather it seems to
be partially due to the use of flat nodules or flakes, sometimes with
the use of only hard hammers or at other times to the invasiveness
of final retouch to cutting edges and tips, dependent on the use of
soft hammer. However similar modes of shaping were applied on
different lithologies in the south, the impact of raw materials is
clearly not the only explanation of variation.
Other features in common in both northern and southern
assemblages include the occurrence of cortical butts and
occasional twisted edges, which in the case of these early Middle
Pleistocene examples, seem to be due to over-worked or resharpened edges rather than intended shaping. The final form of the
bifaces, especially when non-cortical, may of course be the result
of a long history of use and re-sharpening which modified the
form. LCT forms are varied including bifacial cleavers mainly in
the north, cleavers on flakes often in the south and irregular crude
tools, which are sometimes roughouts from workshop locations.
The assemblages are often composed of two main LCT types, the
first being crude, thick tools with few removals and irregular cutting edges, while the second are more completely-worked LCTs
with regular cutting edges from invasive removals or retouch.
Other than bifacial tools with distinct functional areas as for some
pieces at la Noira, the management of the volume is generally
geared towards creating two convergent edges and a tip. Resharpening is sometimes indicated by tranchet removals to the tip.
By MIS 13 there is evidence of a higher standardization in form,
particularly at Boxgrove with ovate bifaces with tranchet resharp-
ening (Roberts and Parfitt, 1999). This contrasts with the contemporary assemblages from unit II of Arago with a few very large
tools and Aldene in France or Fontana Ranuccio and Venosa Loretto
in Italy with a few well-made bifaces (alternate or face to face
shaping) associated with small pebble tools, including one on an
elephant bone for Fontana Ranuccio (Crovetto, 1993; Lefèvre et al.,
2010; Muttoni et al., 2009).
For the cores, there is a similar range of technology at most
southern sites to those in the north, with unifacial cores, occasionally ‘simple prepared cores’, multiple platform cores and discoidal
cores. There are few removals per core and the technology was
often adapted to the blank. At Arago unit I (levels P and Q), small
bifacial cores were flaked alternately without hierarchical surfaces.
Here, cores on local raw material were less worked than those on
distant sources. Bipolar knapping was also used. At Notarchirico,
in levels with or without bifaces, cores are mainly unifacial or
multi-platformed, usually very small and sometimes knapped by
‘salami’ flaking. On a large variety of raw materials (flint, limestone
and others), the products are always small and thick except thinner
flakes from discoidal debitage. The later (MIS 13) assemblages from
Arago unit II are characterized by selective use of quality materials
and discoidal cores with alternate flaking. Large flakes are produced on sandstone, while bipolar technique is used on quartz.
The range of core technology is similar in assemblages without
LCTs, such as Happisburgh Site 3 (>800 ka), Pakefield (c. 700 ka), Isernia
(c. 600 ka), Vallparadis (c. 800 ka) and TD6 Gran Dolina (c. 800 ka) to
those with LCTs noted above (i.e. Garcia et al., 2013a). They all deploy
opportunistic knapping with unifacial and multiple platform techniques, but on occasion, bipolar and discoidal flaking. From 700 ka
there is evidence of more structured knapping at both the LCT site of
la Noira, but also at the non-LCT site of Isernia (Longo et al., 1997;
Mosquera, 1998; Anconetani, 1999; Peretto, 1999, 2006; Rodríguez,
2004; Coltorti et al., 2005; Parfitt et al., 2005, 2010; Martinez et al.,
2010; Ollé et al., 2013; Gallotti and Peretto, 2015).
5.2.2. Late Middle Pleistocene assemblages
There are more southern sites dating to MIS 12 and 11 than earlier periods such as the basal part of Galeria in Atapuerca and
Cueva del Angel (both Spain), Torre in Pietra (Italy), Terra Amata,
Arago Unit III and La Grande Vallée (all France). Local raw material
always predominates, although with some semi-local rocks
(Piperno and Biddittu, 1978; Lumley de, 2009; Barroso Ruiz et al.,
2011; Barsky, 2013; Garcia et al., 2013b; Ollé et al., 2013).
Problems in distinguishing between different flint types hinder
indentification of LCT movement, which is better noted for MIS 9
sites. The base of Galeria II is an exception, where there is a low
proportion of debitage and most of the pointed and pick-like LCTs
on pebbles were brought into the site ready-made for scavenging
(Falguères et al., 2013; Ollé et al., 2005, 2013).
Overall the assemblages show a higher proportion of thin LCTs
with fine retouch of the edges and tip by soft hammer. Whatever
the meaning of the variability, there is again a diversity of forms
and thickness which is not related to the raw material. The shaping
shows variation within the same assemblage, but also between
assemblages of a general, sometimes minimal, management of
the volume. The form of the cross-section is dependent on the
mode of shaping by face-on-face or alternate flaking and more
thinning of the tip. General or minimal management, finished by
extensive retouch of the cutting edges, has resulted in asymmetric
cross-sections (distinct functional edges?). Bifacial cleavers are
rare while cleavers on flakes characterize some southern sites.
For some MIS 11–9 assemblages a distinction has been made
between assemblages with bifaces and/or bifacial tools, with the
latter worked bifacially, but with distinct functional areas
(Moncel et al., 2012, 2013; Nicoud, 2013). However identifying
the meaning of these two categories in the absence of use-wear
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
is problematic. In the current paper, it is argued that management
of the bifacial volume with series of removals suggests the intention of creating a ‘biface’ s.s. while peripheral removals or intensive
and final shaping of some parts of the bifacial volume might suggest in some cases distinct functional edges, or might just be
resharpening. Even from the early Middle Pleistocene, some bifaces
could be interpreted as bifacial tools, although removals in an isolated area could also be part of the general management of the
piece in order to create expedient tools which were functionally
adequate or final retouch to regularize or resharpen the edge.
As for the early Middle Pleistocene sites, while large flakes
could have been produced in French and British sites, few have
been used as blanks, reflecting perhaps the suitability of flint nodules and slabs for the LCTs. By contrast, in southern Europe, the
blank-shape of raw materials (pebbles, nodules, flakes and slabs)
has influenced the morphological endproducts with adaptation of
shaping such as minimal flaking of the ventral face of flakes. These
tools may be either bifaces s.s. or bifacial tools (see above).
Once again the southern assemblages include crudely worked
tools, for instance use of the limestone pebbles from the local
beach at Terra Amata and, in the west of France, the minimally
worked LCTs at Menez Dregan. At the base of the sequence at
Cueva del Angel (MIS 11), the raw materials of flint, quartzite
and limestone have been procured from a distance of 60 km. The
LCTs are small, made on large flakes or broken pebbles and include
cleavers, picks, pointed and ovate bifaces with form related to
resharpening and the intensity of shaping (Barroso Ruiz et al.,
2011). At the site of La Grande Vallée, three chaînes opératoires
co-exist, on flakes, nodules and slabs, explaining the diversity of
LCT forms some of which are partially worked, including some
with a transversal edge or a back possibly combining various functions or purposes. Both hard and soft hammers are successively
used (Herisson et al., 2012). The stone procurement is up to
30 km from the site.
For the core technology, there are few differences between
northern and southern Europe, other than the Levallois cores and
‘prepared core technology’ which form a component of some
northern assemblages such as Cagny-la-Garenne (Tuffreau et al.,
1997a, 1997b). Unit III (MIS 12) at Arago displays a core and flake
technology with unidirectional, bidirectional and multiple platform flaking with an increase in small debitage in level D associated with a few well-worked bifaces on a range of raw materials
(Barsky, 2013). At Cueva del Angel, flakes were introduced into
the site and the reduction process is intense with unifacial technology being more common on flint and bifacial technology on quartzite. As with northern sites, the flake tools are dominated by
scrapers, denticulates and notches independent of the associated
bifaces, so that the same range of flake tools can be found at Terra
Amata with crude bifaces as at Arago with better-worked forms.
5.3. Interpreting the European Acheulian
Since the first identification of the Acheulean by Gabriel de
Mortillet (1872) and the earliest use of the term biface by Vayson
de Pradennes in 1920 in the Somme Valley in France, many definitions and classifications have been proposed. Some of these discussions have been typological and have focused on the biface and its
morphology; others have looked at biface to tool ratios, while other
studies have focused on technological aspects from blank selection
to management of the bifacial volume. All these aspects are important in understanding the duration, geographical spread and production by different hominin species of bifaces, and the
Acheulian has to be regarded as a technocomplex within which
there is much variation. However, it is now recognized that the
Acheulian is also associated with a wide range of other technological innovations, skills and behaviours, which are perhaps more
important for understanding the success of the human expansion
into Europe, particularly the more northerly latitudes.
From 1.7 to 0.8 Ma, there is good evidence of human occupation
in southern Europe from Atapuerca and Orce in Spain, to Pirro Nord
in Italy and Dmanisi in Georgia. All are associated with a simple
core and flake industry. Whether the scarcity of sites and generally
small lithic assemblages reflect sporadic occupation is not clear,
although there certainly seem to be large gaps in the record. From
over 0.8 Ma, a similar record emerges in north-west Europe with
sites such as Happisburgh 3 and Pakefield in the UK, both with very
small assemblages of simple cores and flakes. Other than the two
bifaces from La Boella in northern Spain, the first good evidence
of biface production in Europe is from c. 700 ka at la Noira (France)
and from 600 ka at Notarchirico (Italy), Brandon Fields and Maidscross Hill (UK) and Arago (France). One notable feature is the larger size of the assemblages, but also the apparently rapid
appearance in both southern and northern Europe. Certainly by
500 ka, there are a significant number of sites in southern and
north-west Europe.
The evidence from la Noira shows a systematic production of
bifaces with clear symmetry, the use of soft hammer and regularization of the edges by retouch. Developed biface production of this type
can be recognized in African Acheulian assemblages from c. 1 Ma with
tool standardization by c. 700 ka (Texier and Roche, 1995; Clark,
1996; Sharon and Goren-Inbar, 1999). It is therefore tempting to
see an African origin for the la Noira assemblage particularly given
the lack of evidence for indigenous development. In addition, it is
about this time, or certainly by 600 ka, that Homo heidelbergensis first
appeared in Europe and arguably with an African origin (Stringer,
2012; Meyer et al., 2014). The diversity of anatomical features of H.
heidelbergensis remains suggest that diverse hominins could have
existed in Europe at this time. Direct association between H. heidelbergensis and biface technology is well documented at the later site of
Boxgrove or Arago (Roberts et al., 1994; Stringer, 1996; Stringer
et al., 1998; Rightmire, 2001; Carbonell et al., 2003, 2005; Manzi,
2004; Martinòn-Torres et al., 2007; Hublin, 2009; Mounier et al.,
2009; Premo and Hublin, 2009; Wagner et al., 2010; Bermúdez de
Castro and Martinòn-Torres, 2013; Lumley de, 2015).
Although there are clear differences in many of the assemblages
across Europe, much of this variation can be understood in terms of
differences in raw material and site function even if in some areas or
sites, similar modes of shaping were applied on various stones.
These aspects explain much of the variation between southern and
northern Europe. However, through better understanding of these
situational factors within single regions, where raw material is more
constant, and through better chronology, it is possible to discern
more localized traditions of manufacture. This is particularly the
case for Britain, where due its palaeogeography and the effective
opening and closing of the valve that allowed humans in and out
of Britain, better definition can be given to the assemblages. It is
now possible to discern some patterning in the sites that might be
related to knapping traditions and an expression of material culture.
Are there other technological developments that can be recognized, other than bifaces? Unfortunately many of the sites do not
preserve such evidence, but there are hints of some innovations
(Ashton, 2015). At Boxgrove, the overprinting of cut-marks from
human butchery by hyaena gnawing indicates that humans are
at least the top carnivore and first to the kill by 500 ka (Roberts
and Parfitt, 1999; Belmaker, 2009). A puncture wound in a horse
scapula at the same site is an indication of spear-use and probably
hunting. More direct evidence for the use of spears comes from
Clacton at c. 400 ka (Warren, 1911) or from Schöningen at c.
350 ka (Thieme, 1997). If humans were the top predator with effective hunting, or even top scavenger, then this importantly gave
them first access to hides. Hints of possible hide processing are
provided by the elaborate scrapers from High Lodge, Warren Hill,
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
Brandon Fields and Maidscross Hill (all UK) between 500 and
600 ka. Scrapers generally become a more persistent part of the
lithic record from c. 500 ka. Evidence for careful hide-removal with
tail intact comes again from Schöningen (Voormolen, 2008). Presumably the hides were used for clothing or shelter, although
direct evidence for this lacking. The controlled use of fire is more
difficult to demonstrate, although convincing evidence comes from
Beeches Pit (UK) and Menez Dregan (France) at c. 400 ka (Gowlett,
2006; Preece et al., 2006, 2007; Molines et al., 2005). These are isolated examples, though, and it may not have been a persistent
innovation until much later (Roebroeks and Villa, 2011).
All these technological innovations provided a critical advantage
in the more seasonal climates of Europe, particularly in the north,
where more efficient meat acquisition during longer winters, and
coping with winter cold, would have been essential for survival. It
is therefore perhaps the suite of other technological innovations
that are of most importance that seem to arrive alongside or soon
after the introduction of bifacial technology. The innovations would
have inevitably led to behavioural changes. More efficient meat
acquisition, particularly through hunting, would have required
greater cooperation and communication between group members.
Although group size is difficult to estimate, a cycle of positive feedback can be envisaged whereby more efficient food gathering may
have led to the ability to support larger groups, which in turn may
have required larger territories. Some indications of movement,
perhaps reflecting territory, can be seen in the archaeological
record. At Arago, some of the raw materials were transported from
30 km to the site. Even greater distances are shown at Waverley
Wood, where Cretaceous flint was brought from over 100 km away.
These distances presumably reflect seasonal cycles of movement
and show that significant distances were covered. The transport
of finished tools across the landscape shows significant planning,
reflected equally by the production of such tools.
Finally, the bifaces themselves show evidence that they are not
purely utilitarian tools, but at times have a repeated style through
symmetry and form. At the most basic level, this could simply be
the repeated gestures through generations of learning, but even
at this level the bifaces unconsciously reflected group identity. As
the Acheulian world expanded and as competition for resources
increased, expressions of identity would have become more important, at both the group and individual level. In can, therefore, be
suggested that bifaces played an important role in group interactions, beyond their primary function as tools (Gamble, 1999;
Petraglia, 2003; Derricourt, 2005; Gamble and Porr, 2005;
Petraglia et al., 2005; Winton, 2005; Machin, 2009; Shipton et al.,
2009; Hopkinson and White, 2005; Shipton, 2013; Hopkinson
et al., 2013; Ashton, 2015).
Bifaces are therefore a small, but important part of the package
of technological innovations from c. 700 ka in Europe. Within this
region, the innovations enabled a more sustained occupation of
Europe, particularly in the north. Despite apparent conservatism
in lithic technology, the European record really shows flexibility
in behaviourial responses to changing circumstance. It was this
flexibility that enabled humans to expand into northern latitudes
and cope with the long-term cyclical changes in climate, through
expansion or reduction in range. It is these aspects that characterize
the Acheulian in Europe, with bifaces acting as translucent window
on a suite of other technological and behavioural developments.
However, at a deeper level beneath the lithic technology, there are
indications of more planned, but also flexible behaviour in
applying a suite of techniques to differing circumstances, whether
this is due to raw materials, resharpening, different activities or
varying environments. Current evidence would suggest that in
Europe this technology is initially deployed by H. heidelbergensis
or diverse hominins grouped under the name of H. heidelbergensis
and that other developments in technology might also begin to
appear at this time, such as improved hunting, fire-use, clothing
and possibly shelter.
In essence it is the flexibility in behaviour that makes the
identification of cultural traditions across Europe difficult due to
the situational responses of these early hominins. The large
geographical area, the long time period, the fragmented record
and a chronology that still needs improvement all mean that only
glimpses of traditions can be identified, usually at a very local level.
However, due to the more extreme climatic cycles of northern
Europe, compared to southern Europe, it seems inevitable that
populations colonized repeatedly from south to north as climate
warmed and retreated or populations became locally extinct as climate cooled (i.e. Guthrie, 1984; Orain et al., 2013). So far, however,
although there are broad similarities in technology, attempts to
identify cultural links have been hampered by the greater variety
of raw materials in the south compared to the generally better
quality siliceous raw materials in the north. Broad patterns over
time might be discernible, with perhaps a refinement through
time, but there are also many exceptions to this observation
(see above).
For the identification of cultural traditions, northern France and
southern and eastern England have the benefit of being united by a
common geology with a similar range of siliceous rocks and the
same range of environments. Even here, it is difficult to establish
clear traditions. The exception is perhaps England where the
record is filtered due to palaeogeography and climate. This has
led to a succession of colonization events by different populations,
and possibly different hominins, and a pattern might be emerging.
Although the source areas are probably France, clear cultural links
between the two countries are still difficult to establish, in part due
to the precision of the chronology. These patterns of repeated colonization may also exist in central France and northern France, but
so far are more difficult to recognize. In central France, there are
certainly gaps in the record between 700 and 500 ka, although in
the Somme valley there would appear to be a more continuous
record from 500 ka.
Although this study has shown many advances over the last
20 years in explaining the variation in Acheulian assemblages, with
new sites, improved chronologies and better understanding of
environment, site function and the role of raw materials, there
has still been little headway in understanding the complexities of
how distinct human groups relate across the different regions over
vast lengths of time. With a fragmented record, this will always be
difficult to achieve, but a more precise and accurate chronology
would certainly help. If the last 20 years have been largely devoted
to understanding the situational factors that lead to the complexity
of technology and typology, then perhaps the next 20 years should
use this knowledge to understand better the relationship between
different human groups and their traditions of making stone tools.
6. Conclusion
The term Acheulian has a long history and has been used in different ways in various parts of the Old World. For many decades it
has been regarded as a techno-complex and within Europe, this is
no less the case. Although superficially it is united by the use of
biface technology, this can be broadened to more generalized LCTs.
This analysis was financially supported by a French and British
project (ANR – Agence National de la Recherche, n°2010 Blanc
2006 01). This project was devoted to a review of sites with the
bifacial technology in the north-west part of Europe through
interdisciplinary studies and new fieldworks. The comparison of
the sites was made through research visits to Lille, Paris, Rennes
M.-H. Moncel et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40 (2015) 302–331
and London to work directly on the lithic assemblages. We would
like to thanks all the researchers and institutions which permitted
us to work on the south European assemblages and many colleagues for the rich discussions about the Acheulean. NMA would
like to thank Craig Williams for the production of figures for the
British sites and the two distribution maps.
We would like to thank the two anonymous reviewers and the
editor J. O’Shea for their relevant comments on this paper which
enhance and enrich it.
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