Ship Design Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens
9 Iroon Polytechniou, Zographou, Athens 15773, Greece.
Is it possible to use in ship design the latest findings from the modem analyses of capsize based on
the theory of nonlinear dynamics? This is the question which we are attempting to address in the
present paper. Our goal is the establishment of a rigorous scientific basis for quantitative assessment
of dynamic stability which will cover all the known types of ship capsize. The paper begins with an
overview of the field of ship stability and then follows a summary of the known types of capsize of
intact ships, classified on the basis of the relative wave direction. The main part of the paper is
divided into two Sections. In the first are discussed several recently developed simple design
formulae, which are suitable for a check of stability at a very early stage of design. In the following
Section are demonstrated some numerical stability analyses tools which can be used for detailed
design guidance. In the paper we do not discuss only recent achievements but we also identify areas
where further development is urgently required.
The area of dynamic stability of ship motions in waves is multifaceted and rather loosely defined in
naval architecture; but the essential aspect is that in the open sea some ships tend to perform
dangerously large motions which from time to time result in the tragic event of a capsize1. Ship
safety against capsize is a combination of good design with prudent seamanship and in our view it
goes beyond mere rule compliance. We think that a rational approach about ship safety entails the
best available scientific knowledge to be "infused" with the current practices of design, operation
and rule setting. These notwithstanding, we are urged to note the profound lack of a proper
methodological framework of ship stability assessment which would exploit the recent progress in
understanding the dynamic origins of capsize and play the role of an interface between practice and
research. The development of such a framework is nontrivial because the process of ship capsize is
often determined by nonlinear phenomena and is not a simple task to develop scientifically sound
and yet simple-to-understand and practical, quantitative measures of dynamic stability covering all
possible types of capsize.
The regulatory regime of stability determines the range of choices of the designer; but it does not
tell him much about how to compare designs or how to identify a ship geometry for optimally
resisting capsize for a variety of dynamic environments. The current criteria for intact commercial
vessels have been recently collected in IMO's Resolution A749(18) [I]. These criteria should be
criticised not so much for being unsafe but rather for reflecting very little of today's level of
understanding about the process of ship capsize in different environments. For general application
we rely on empirical and static type criteria that were adopted in late sixties (resolution A.167) and
It is outside the scope of the present paper to comment on the stability of, very obviously, badly designed andlor
operated ships, which might capsize even in calm water situations.
follow the ideas of Rahola, developed on the basis of statistical data collected before the 2ndWorld
War. To close the gap created by the absence of any consideration of roll motion dynamics the
"weather criterion" was introduced in mid-eighties and following long debate [IMO Resolution
A562(14)]. For many, the scientific basis of this criterion is very, if not over-, simplistic. The
criteria for naval vessels of several western Navies are based on Sarchin & Goldberg [2]. These
criteria are characterised by a higher degree of stringency; but fundamentally, they follow the same
principles as these of commercial vessels and seem today partly outdated.
The problem of dynamic instability is very relevant also for a damaged ship [3]. However in this
case the difficulties of the analysis do not lie so much on the mechanism of capsize but rather on the
dynamics of water accumulation and its movement inside a damaged compartment. Quite often such
a capsize is simply the result of a nearly static loss of stability occurring soon after "enough"
quantity of water has flooded high compartments of a ship [43. Considerations of dynamics are not
explicitly present in the current criteria although provisions have been made for ensuring a margin
of safety above the level of damage stability in still water. This is more apparent in the "regional"
criteria of the Stockholm Agreement that apply only for the countries of north-westem Europe. The
stability criteria of damaged ships have undergone a significant evolution in recent years. For
passenger ships we have, after 1974, probabilistic-type criteria as an alternative to the deterministic
criteria of SOLAS. Probabilistic damage stability criteria are the only IMO criteria applicable to
cargo ships. These dichotomies are likely to disappear in the future thanks to an initiative currently
underway at IMO for developing a "harmonised" set of rules.
The dubious account for dynamic types of ship capsize in the current stability criteria has been of
concern also for the U.S. Navy. In a recent publication at the SNAME Annual Meeting a dynamic
capsize assessment methodology for intact ships was proposed which is entrusted upon simulations
combined with the application of risk assessment techniques such as fault-tree analysis [S]. The
approach that we advocate on the other hand is embedded on the understanding of the dynamic
effects that generate the various types of capsize. The idea that we want to introduce is that, it is
well possible to develop a unified and rational basis of ship dynamic stability assessment which will
synthesise the recent advances achieved from the application of the rigorous stability analysis of
dynamical systems' theory.
In this paper we shall take a first step towards popularising some of the most recent research
findings about the various mechanisms of ship capsize, hoping to make obvious the great potential
and the new opportunities that have been created for design. Our approach will be comprised of two
levels: The first refers to a very early stage of design where it is desirable to have simple analytical
predictors of dynamic stability (or, for a certain standard of stability, of the required values of
influential parameters such as damping), while our knowledge about the ship is still limited. The
detailed account of a ship's form takes place at a second level where the stability analysis is
performed with suitable numerical methods. It is remarked that the presented measures of stability
could be relevant also for the operational side of the problem which however should be the subject
of another publication.
Some well-known types of ship capsize which may happen in the open sea are surnmarised in Fig.
1. They are classified on the basis of the relative wave direction. In recent years better
understanding of the dynamics of ship capsize for various wave environments has been achieved,
through application of a combination of geometric, numerical and analytical methods. An important
development was the analysis of dynamic capsize as a problem similar to an escape from apotential
well which is an intrinsically transient phenomenon [6].A number of new concepts and techniques
of stability assessment, such as "basin erosion" and "the transient capsize diagram" became part of
the stability vocabulary. We should single-out the proposal of a simple design formula for safety
against resonant beam-seas [7]. It was derived on the basis of the amplitude magnification factor of
the linear roll motion but its validity was confirmed for the nonlinear system by using results of the
so-called theory of Melnikov [8]. Another finding with important repercussions was that the
maximum wave slope sustained by a ship in beam waves is significantly reduced fiom the existence
of even a small amount of bias.
following sea
beam sea
f +
1 80°
Capsize due to variable j.
I +
i I
- Pure-loss of stability. i. :f
- Parametric resonance. fi :f +
i +
head sea
i: j. t
[ + Combination thereof.
Internal resonance of
heavetpitch with roll.
i "... .. .......................................................................
Capsize due to green water on deck
or bow submergence.
Combination thereof.
Capsize due to impacting loads from
Shift of cargo.
Classical beam-sea resonance
combined with strong wind or other,
bias-inducing effect.
Combined direct and
parametric wave effect.
I +
Energy concentration
in narrow range of
quartering waves,
combined with above.
................ ................................................... "..............."......"......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Intentional change of direction combined with wind/waves effects.
1 +
Inappropriate: towing line(s), deployment o f fishing net, cargo loading/stowage etc.
"................................................. ..........;
Fig. 1: Types of ship capsize
An approach using insights fiom nonlinear dynamics is very suitable also for analysing capsize in
astern seas. According to a popular classification, this can be due to pure-loss of stability,
parametric resonance, or broaching. Such a classification represents of course an idealisation since
additional effects, such as water-on-deck, coupled motions etc. could also play an important role.
Pure-loss and parametric instability have the same origin and, fundamentally, they can be studied on
the basis of a single roll equation. They represent respectively semi-static and hlly dynamic types
of instability exhibited due to time-dependence of the restoring lever [9]. The dynamics of
broaching and the onset of capsize are however more complex. Generally, a multi-degree approach
is required in order to study the actively controlled, large-amplitude motion of the ship as it is
advancing in an environment of steep quartering waves [I 01.
Capsize in head seas is perhaps the least likely to occur, although one mechanism of dynamic
instability is known to exist which depends on the tuning of the encounter frequency with the
natural frequencies of roll, heave and pitch [l 1).
3.1 Beam-sea resonance
A ship responds to long and beam regular waves like a rotational oscillator, coupled to the wave
normal by a nonlinear rotational spring [7]. It is easily shown that when only linear dynamics is
considered, the critical wave slope where the amplitude of resonant rolling reaches the capsize limit
is given by the relationship:
where Ak is the wave slope, c i s the damping ratio and pv is the angle of vanishing stability. Also,
p = ( I + N ) / I where I ,
AZ are respectively the roll moment of inertia and the hydrodynamic
"added" component. The damping ratio is expressed as 2 5 = B/,-.
Thus, in
addition to the dimensional damping B it incorporates the metacentric height GM, the moment of
inertia I + AZ and the ship weight m g . It is preferable to use as GM an "equivalent" one, giving
the same potential energy with the actual
at the angle of vanishing stability.
Consideration of a generic cubic-type
and application of the Melnikov theory for transient
capsize results in the following improved expression of critical wave slope, given for a range of
scaled frequencies CI = o/o, around resonance ( o is the wave frequency and o, the natural roll
A k = -4- I + N cP1sinh(nC2&]
3 I
?T n3
The importance of having simple measures like the above, is that they can be used for maximising
dynamic stability while using as constraints the existing stability criteria (Fig. 1). This idea was first
introduced in [8]. We should remark here however that expression (2) is based on cubic restoring
which does not allow much freedom in terms of
shape; because this shape is determined
completely as soon as only two parameters, as for example the metacentric height and the vanishing
angle, are known. Also, if we opted to fix the dynamic lever at the vanishing angle, as it might look
logical in the first instance, even that limited freedom would be lost. An urgently needed step to be
taken therefore is the development of an improved analytical formula like (2), pararneterised with
respect to the shape of E . This would be very important for design. One approach that we are
currently considering is to introduce a " GZ -form7'fimction f multiplying the right-hand-side of
(2). Our research has shown that it may not be viable to derive such a function through analytical
means; but it can be obtained from detailed numerical studies with families of
Thompson prefers to use a stability measure that is based on asymmetric (quadratic-type) restoring
and accounts for one-sided capsize (to the lee-side). The main reason for this is because extensive
simulation studies have shown that even a small wind-like bias could reduce very appreciably the
Fig. 1: For a cubic GZ function, the GZ criteria of the Naval
Engineering Standard 109 produce the constraints shown in this
graph. The hatched region is the permitted. The dashed vertical
line is a recommended minimum of the vanishing angle.
sustainable wave slope. Therefore a predictor of critical Ak based on symmetric
could result
in an unsafe design. Quadratic restoring is the limiting case and leads to the following value of
maximum sustainable wave slope:
In a recent MSc Thesis at UCL [12] was investigated in detail the effect of different magnitudes of
bias on the critical Ak, using the following simple generic expression of asymmetric restoring
proposed earlier by Thompson: R(z) = z(1- z)(l + az) where a is the bias parameter (for a = 1 we
obtain the cubic symmetric and for a = 0 we obtain the quadratic). The maximum sustainable wave
slope parameterised in terms of a , but with a relatively near to 1, was found to satis@ the
A problem that exists in the analysis presented so far is that roll damping is treated as linear
although it is well known that for large amplitude oscillations it becomes nonlinear. In order to
overcome this and at the same time retain the simplicity of the expressions a novel method for
deriving an equivalent damping was recently proposed, targetting rolling amplitudes at the capsize
range [13]. For symmeteric cubic-type restoring and a nondimensionalised damping having the
customary quadratic form D = b,i + b,ilil (where z = p / q Yand the differentiation is with respect to
the scaled time z = w, t ), the new expression of equivalent linear damping is,
The above "equivalent" linear
prediction of the critical Ak .
should be used when applying any of the formulae (1) to (4) for
3.2 Parametric instability
This is a type of dynamic instability exhibited by systems subjected to "internal" forcing that is
caused by time variability in some system parameter. For ships this lurks usually in the stiffness
term which, in long and steep longitudinal waves, tends to fluctuate depending on where the ship
lies on the wave. It has been the rule to interpret this position dependence as time dependence. The
most fundamental mathematical model that could represent the resulting dynamic behaviour is a
linear Mathieu equation with some low damping. It is well known that for the upright state of a
ship, asymptotic-type instability should occur when the natural frequency lies near to half multiples
of the modulus of the encounter frequency (4wi/w: = n2where n is an integer), if the amplitude
of GM variation, represented by a parameter h , be above a certain level. This critical level is quite
sensitive to the magnitude of damping. In [9] were collected several expressions which could be
used for predicting the critical h . For the first instability region ( n = I), a good approximation is
the following simple expression:
For the higher instability regions (n 2 2) a good predictor of the critical h is,
Less severe criteria could be derived by examining the condition for a capsize occurrence instead of
the instability of the upright state of equilibrium. These two are not equivalent because the
instability of the upright state might lead to bounded roll oscillations and not necessarily to a
capsize. The critical h for transient capsize of a parametrically forced ship with a cubic restoring
function and time-dependence only in the linear term is [14]:
3.3 Pure-loss of stability
By considering the statical stability of a ship on a wave crest we derive that pure-loss should not
happen if h remains always less than 1.0, even for the severest wave profile. However, such a
condition takes no account of the roll dynamics and it says nothing about the range of encounter
fiequencies around zero where a pure-loss capsize should be expected. It is possible to develop a
better criterion by interfacing: the time required for reaching a capsizing heel angle from some
small initial roll bias; with the time that the ship spends under the condition of negative 3 which
depends on the frequency of encounter. This idea is discussed in detail in [15]. For a simple
sinusoidal variation of 3 the time spent under negative restoring is:
2 arccos h
with h 2 1. Following our argument, for pure-loss the heel angle should reach capsizing levels
within a time period which should not exceed the value obtained from (9). If we consider an
"averaged" linearised system for the region of negative stiffness the critical time required for
reaching the vanishing angle is given approximately by:
where c is the average stifiess in the region where it is negative, y is a damping parameter
expressed as y = 6 6 ;and E , , g2 represent respectively the initial bias in terms of heel angle and
roll velocity. By equating-the right-hand-sides of (9) and (10) and solving in terms of w e we can
obtain an approximate prediction of the critical encounter frequency below which capsize is
3.4 Broaching
A capsize due to broaching is induced by the loss of directional stability. This entails, before any
discussion about roll behaviour is made, to consider the development of a criterion of yaw stability.
The simplest method to accomplish this is, to introduce the wave effect on a simple model of yaw
motion like Nomoto's equation. This results in a parametric-type system having the following
structure [16]:
where cy is the heading angle, k,,k, are the proportional resp. differential gain of the rudder's
control system, K,T are the system gain resp. time constant of the ship; A is the wave forcing and
y / , is the desired heading. The prime indicates a nondimensionalised quantity. For E = 0 (1 1)
becomes a classical Mathieu equation with damping. In fact, as has been discussed in detail in [17],
there is an analogy between the yaw and roll instabilities in a following sea. As for the case of a
"pure-loss'' in roll, the condition of static stability for (1 1) is that the stifhess component never
turns negative, i.e. h c 1. From this condition we can obtain the critical value of the proportional
gain of rudder control for avoidance of a growing yaw divergence in a following sea (note that the
differential one is not involved in this static criterion):
System (1 1) may also exhibit however parametric instability in which case the critical conditions
are given again by equations (6) and (7), expressed of course this time in terms of the yaw
parameters rather than of roll. Considering for example the first region of instability [eq. (611, the
marginal combination of gain values, when cy, = 0 , is given by the following equation:
Fig. 2: Regions of stability satisfying both the static criterion (12),
creating boundaries of straight vertical lines, and the
dynamic criterion (13) which involves k2 as well as kl.
The parameter on the "dynamic"curves is the ratio A'IK' .
There are several semi-empirical expressions linking the main dimensions with the manoeuvring
indices [18]. Similar expressions can be developed for A', parameterised in terms of wave length
and steepness. This would make possible to have a quick check of yaw stability in certain critical
waves as soon as the main particulars are known. In Fig. 2 can be seen the k,,k, combinations
which guarantee course stability, on the basis of (13), using the linear ITTC relation between
the K'and T' indices. The arrows point towards the region of stability. The stepped parameter is the
ratio A1/K'. All three curves are drawn for K'/T1 = 0.5. For a comparison, on the same graph are
presented the stability regions corresponding to the static criterion (12).
Due to their simplicity, the formulae of Section 3 could not possibly "contain" much information
about ship geometry. Moreover, it may not be forgotten that these formulae are derived after a
number of simplifying assumptions without which analytical solutions are quite unlikely. The main
weaknesses of these formulae stem therefore from their lack of detail and their approximate account
of a ship's dynamic behaviour. The way to overcome these is by solving the equations of motion
numerically and by providing, during the modelling process, as many links with the geometry of the
hull and of the appendages as the current state of knowledge allows. A second level design
guidance should involve therefore a suite of computer programs, used in the following way: From a
ship's lines plan are obtained the hydrostatic and the (approximate) hydrodynamic data of the ship.
These appear as coeficients in the equations of motion. We may identify the added mass and
potential damping characteristics on the basis of some appropriate seakeeping code such as
NEWDRIFT [19]. However for viscous damping is perhaps more practical to use semi-empirical
methods. This data is introduced into another routine where the numerical stability analysis is
carried out. The output is a set of characteristic curves which determine the capsize boundaries for
various wavelwind environments.
Let's see some results from applications of this methodology:
4.1 Beam-sea capsize
A simple stability assessment procedure devised at UCL was to "sweep" a wide range of
frequencies around resonance and trace numerically the curve of the critical wave slope separating
transient capsize from survival. According to this procedure, initially the ship is assumed to be at
rest and then it is exposed suddenly to a small number of regular waves cycles which come from the
beam. In Fig. 3 the two curves indicate the numerical capsize boundaries obtained with a fully
nonlinear (NL) and also with the previously defined "equivalent" linear (MED) damping. The
tested body was a prismatic model derived from a section of the ship model on which Marshfield
conducted his well known capsize experiments. These curves are superimposed on a large set of
points representing experimental results and the coincidence appears rather good. Details of this
work can be found in [13].
Fig. 3: Numerical transient capsize boundaries in terms of the critical wave
slope, for a range of fiequencies around resonance [13].
4.2 A unified treatment for capsize due to pure-loss and parametric instability
With a numerical approach we can obtain a quantitative assessment of a ship's tendency for capsize
without discriminating between the pure-loss and the parametric mechanisms, by exploiting the fact
that they are both described by an equation of motion with position-dependent restoring. The key
for this combined treatment is the consideration of the parametric capsize as a transient
phenomenon which should be examined for a limited number of wave cycles as well as for a
limited time (the latter is relevant also for pure-loss). Another advantage of this approach is that it
allows to incorporate additional dynamic effects, such as nonlinear surging, which can play a
detrimental for stability role. A stability diagram based on an assessment of this kind can be seen in
Fig. 4 for a simplified case based on a sinusoidally varying E . It noted however that a similar
analysis based on the exact laws of
variation could equally be carried out without any problem.
With graphs like that of Fig. 4 we can determine for example the required damping so that even in
the severest wave profile there will be no capsize. Or we may concentrate more on the
and see how it affects, for a given level of damping, the capsize boundary. It is perhaps logical to
"design" in terms of the lowest value of wave slope which gives capsize.
Fig. 4: A unified treatment of roll stability in following seas. The dark region
represents surf-riding. Such diagrams allow to identify the required damping
of a candidate hull form in order to ensure that capsize is avoided [I 71.
4.3 Broaching and capsize
The derivation of numerical measures for stability against broaching is perhaps the most complex
case of all because coupled motions need to be considered. As a minimum, the mathematical model
should involve the yawlsway pair for predicting the lateral instability; the surge motion in order to
be able to account for asymmetric surging and surf-riding as well as their effect on the lateral
motions; and of course roll for capsize. The main problem is not so much on the modelling aspect,
as it is about how to extract the required information out of this model in an effective and
consistent way. In stability analyses of multi-degree models, such as the one required for broaching,
it becomes much harder to maintain the rigour of the analysis due to the very large number of
parameters involved. So it is not uncommon, these studies to end up as simulation exercises
without having determined any global measures characterising the stability of the system which
could be used for design or other purposes.
In previous publications we have shown how to develop simple and yet reliable procedures for
quantifying the tendency of a ship for broaching and capsize [20]. Perhaps the most characteristic
diagram out of this work is shown in Fig. 5. Diagrams of this kind may be derived at the design
stage, with some uncertainty lying basically only with regard to the exact values of the
manoeuvring coefficients for which a "potential flow" approach is not workable. In the first
instance however, semi-empirical formulae could be used while higher accuracy could be achieved
later through model testing.
Recent advances in the study of ship dynamics have allowed us to develop a two-level Gamework
for a rigorous quantitative assessment of ship stability. This framework can be usefbl to a designer
who wants to determine, along with other design considerations, a hull geometry and appendages
that maximise safety against capsize. A procedure for automatic identification of optimal restoring
and damping characteristics, such as the one outlined in [8] for bearn-sea capsize, would be a useful
addition to this framework. Finally, it must be noted that although due to length limitations of this
paper we have not discussed in detail all the possible types of capsize, and especially we have not
presented any analysis for the damage stability problem, such matters are currently under
Fig. 5: The above diagram of broaching and capsize, fust published in [20], is
quite revealing of the complex character of the boundaries separating the
various types of motion in astern seas. The ratio of the area of broaching
(and similarly for capsize) versus the area of the rectangle having as one
side a suitable heading range (e.g. -45 to +45 deg) and as other the
operational range of Froude numbers, is an effective quantitative measure
of the tendency of a ship for broaching.
This work was carried out on the basis of a TMR grant provided by the DG XI1 of the European
Commission, contract number ERBFMBICT982963.
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