Programming: Reading, Writing And Reversing
Donna Teague
Raymond Lister
Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, Qld, Australia
University of Technology, Sydney
Sydney NSW Australia
In this paper, we look at the concept of reversibility, that is,
negating opposites, counterbalances, and actions that can be
reversed. Piaget identified reversibility as an indicator of the
ability to reason at a concrete operational level. We investigate to
what degree novice programmers manifest the ability to work
with this concept of reversibility by providing them with a small
piece of code and then asking them to write code that undoes the
effect of that code. On testing entire cohorts of students in their
first year of learning to program, we found an overwhelming
majority of them could not cope with such a concept. We then
conducted think aloud studies of novices where we observed them
working on this task and analyzed their contrasting abilities to
deal with it. The results of this study demonstrate the need for
better understanding our students’ reasoning abilities, and a
teaching model aimed at that level of reality.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
K.3 [Computers & Education]: Computer & Information
Science Education – Computer Science Education
General Terms
The purpose of the block of code below is to take a list of numbers
containing five integers and to move all elements of the list one place to
the right, with the rightmost element moving around to the leftmost
temp = numbers[len(numbers) - 1]
for index in range(len(numbers) - 1, 0, -1):
numbers [index] = numbers [index - 1]
numbers [0] = temp
For example if numbers initially has the value [1,2,3,4,5] then
after the code has executed, it would contain [5,1,2,3,4]. If we were
to show the effect of moving all the elements of a list in this way in a
diagram, it would look something like this:
... etc ...
Note that range(len(numbers)-1,0,-1) produces a list
containing numbers from one less than the length of the list down to one.
For example for numbers defined above, the following list would be
produced [4,3,2,1].
Measurement, Performance, Experimentation, Human Factors
Write Python code that does the opposite of the above code. That is, write
code to move all elements of the list numbers one place to the left, with
the leftmost element being moved to the rightmost position.
Sample Python Solution:
Neo-Piagetian theory, programming, novice programmers, think
aloud, reversibility.
Piaget used an experiment using a bottle of coloured water which
he rotated at various angles under cover so only the outline of the
bottle could be seen. He asked children to draw the changing
water level as he rotated the bottle back and forth, hence testing
their understanding of the effect of reversing a process or effect.
We can think of reversibility in a programming context as
cancelling an effect by reversing the steps in order to revert to an
original state. We followed Lister’s [4] suggestion of providing
code that rotates the values in an array in one direction with the
task being to write code that rotates the values in the opposite
direction, as shown in Figure 1. As the programming languages
varied between semester offerings of our units, some students
completed these exercises in C#, rather than Python (see C#
solution in Figure 2). At our institution, we tested students’ ability
to reason about reversibility in this way, across several cohorts.
Our students were introduced to lists and indexing in week 2 of
semester, and start working with loops by week 5.
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temp = numbers [0]
for index in range (len(numbers) -1):
numbers [index] = numbers [index + 1]
numbers [len(numbers) - 1] = temp
Figure 1: Reversibility Task – Python
Sample C# Solution:
int temp = values[0];
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length -1; i++)
values[i] = values[i + 1];
values[values.Length - 1] = temp;
Figure 2: Reversibility Task - C# Sample Solution
We tested our students with this task at the end of each of our first
and second programming units and we were astounded by the
consistently poor results (see Table 1 below). In fact, after an
additional semester of learning programming, students were no
more likely to be able to complete this task. We had simply asked
them to modify some relatively familiar code to change its
functionality—and they could not. The best results achieved by
any of our cohorts was 68% incorrect answers. That is, less than a
third could write that code.
Table 1: Cohort Testing of Reversibility Task
Weeks of programming
instruction completed
Number of
While grading these tasks we ignored minor syntax issues like
missing brackets or colons, misplaced indenting, inconsistent
variable names etc. However, the 5 criteria which we deemed
necessary in order to mark as correct were:
line 1: correct value stored in temporary variable
line 2: correct for loop structure
lines 2 & 3: use of valid range of subscripts
line 3: correct rotation direction
line 4: correct relocation of temporarily stored value
actions that change something back to its original state [1]. In
terms of the reversibility problem in Figure 1 and Figure 2 the
concrete operational novice does see an immediate relationship
between the code they were given and the code they must write.
They can usually write their answer without hesitation.
To understand why so many students could not correctly complete
a task which we thought was relatively simple, we called for
volunteer students to take part in studies where we gave them this
reversibility task to complete while thinking aloud. We then
interpreted our data using the neo-Piagetian theoretical
We do not however suggest that there is necessarily a quantum
leap from one stage to the next, or that we can classify novices as
being at one particular stage of development. Rather than a oneway staircase model of development, we adopt the overlapping
wave metaphor of Siegler [7], where as a person acquires
knowledge and skills in a new cognitive domain, they exhibit a
changing mix of reasoning strategies from different stages. Firstly
they reason predominantly at a sensorimotor level but as they
build schemas and develop skills in the domain they reason less at
that level and more at the next more mature level, and so on. In
this way, multiple ways of reasoning can coexist.
Neo-Piagetian theory was developed as a response to problems
identified in classical Piagetian theory. Both classical and neoPiagetian theories describe cognitive development in terms of
sequential, cumulative stages. However, unlike classical Piagetian
theory, Neo-Piagetian theory is not age-related and applies
equally to adults. Furthermore neo-Piagetian theory describes
cognitive development as a person acquires knowledge in a
specific domain. The cognitive structures become more complex
through exposure in the domain, which explains why someone is
capable of reasoning at different levels of abstraction in two
different domains (e.g. Math and literature). Lister [4] proposed
that these stages are evident in the novice programmer.
Using this neo-Piagetian framework we gathered think aloud data
from students as they completed the exercise in either Figure 1 or
Figure 2 to help us understand why many students could not
reverse the effects of a piece of code.
At the least mature stage, sensorimotor, there are plenty of
misconceptions about programming which are not necessarily
applied consistently. The sensorimotor programmer at best
possesses fragile domain knowledge as disjointed snippets which
he finds difficult to piece together in any satisfactory manner. At
this stage the novice is focused on the mechanics and syntax of
the language, and tasks like tracing code require considerable
cognitive effort. He manipulates code by trial and error.
At the next more mature stage, preoperational, a novice is able to
more reliably trace code, but any attempt to reason about it is only
intuitive. Misconceptions that remain are at least applied
consistently. A preoperational novice writes and traces code with
heavy reliance on and reference to specific values. They are
incapable at this stage of seeing a relationship between different
parts of code, or of seeing how the parts fit into the whole. A
novice at this stage does not really understand actions so their
thinking is dominated by static images rather than mental
representations of change [2]. In terms of the reversibility problem
in Figure 1 and Figure 2, a preoperational novice does not
immediately see the relationship between the code they were
given and the code they must write. While preoperational students
may eventually produce a correct solution to this problem, they
will only do so after considerable effort.
By the time a novice programmer reaches the concrete
operational stage, they are able to start reasoning at a more
abstract level. Tracing for understanding and verification of code
can be short-circuited because they are now capable of reasoning
about code in abstract, rather than specific, terms. Concrete
operational novices have developed for the first time an ability to
see the whole and its parts at the same time. It is also at this stage
that we are capable of conceiving the idea of inverse, nullifying
3.1 Think Aloud Results
We discovered that our think aloud students exhibited behaviours
representing a broad range of neo-Piagetian stages, but that a
student’s cognitive maturity was not necessarily commensurate
with the amount of progress they had made through their
programming course. We now focus on a small yet representative
selection of these students, summarized in Table 2. We have
chosen three students who were clearly demonstrating
characteristics of one of the first three neo-Piagetian stages
(sensorimotor, preoperational or concrete operational), and one
that seemed to be on the cusp of progressing from preoperational
to concrete operational. For each student, Table 2 shows the
aggregate number of weeks they have completed of programming
Table 2: Think Aloud Performance on Reversibility Task
Weeks of
Time taken
Neo-Piagetian Stage
3.2 Analysis of Think Alouds
In this section we dissect the think aloud transcripts of those four
sessions, which illustrate why students struggle with this
reversibility problem. We document these excerpts in a format
similar to that used by Lewis [3] and more recently by Teague and
Lister [8] who separated the interview data from its analysis in
order to help the reader better follow the participant’s progress
during the session.
Pauses in speech are marked “…”, as are placeholders for deleted
utterances which we deemed unnecessary for inclusion as those
utterances add nothing to the context of the think aloud session.
We start our think aloud sessions with one which exemplifies a
concrete operational student, or in other words, a student capable
of operating at a fairly mature level.
3.2.1 S1 - Concrete – Week 45: C# Summary
S1 had little difficulty completing this task. He read the question
and jumped straight into writing his solution. He completed the
exercise in less than 4 minutes. Data
S1 started writing his solution by copying the given code. Before
completing the first line he realized he had copied too much (i.e.
the index of the rightmost element of the array) and immediately
self-corrected. As he changed the subscript to 0, as shown in
Figure 3, he said:
S1: I want ... to get... 0 because we want the first thing to be at
the end Data
On reading the first line of the given code S2 immediately
articulated an abstraction:
S2: Temp equals list of numbers ... at a place one before the end
This abstraction was off-by-one, yet a note he wrote soon after
(see Figure 6) was accurate.
Figure 6: S2 - Abstraction of temporary storage in given code
He read the for loop structure and was temporarily troubled by
the syntax of the Python range function for which the
interviewer supplied an explanation. However soon after reading
and copying down the loop, he summarized its purpose:
S2: So that moves everything over one way
Figure 3: S1 - Temporary storage of first element [correct]
He then completed the two lines of the for loop, correctly,
without hesitation, as shown in Figure 4. S1 gave an abstract
explanation of the reassignment of values which would affect
movement in the correct direction:
S1: ... and now I simply grab what is one ahead of it and move it
back 1 so ... values ... at i is assigned ... values at ... i plus 1
which is going to the next one over ....
He then drew two arrows pointing to the right (see Figure 7),
correctly indicating the direction of that movement.
Figure 7: S2 - Annotation of given code
S2 started writing his code for the solution, quickly self-correcting
any errors. As shown in Figure 8, he left blank the range of
indexes to be iterated over, as well as the index of the value to be
assigned inside the loop. He drew circles around both these blank
parts after saying:
S2: ... figure that out later
Figure 4: S1 – Loop header and body [correct]
He then completed the final line, as shown in Figure 5, and
He completed the storage of the first value to temp and its
subsequent reassignment into the last element without hesitation.
S1: to finish it all off we just update the last one ... which is ...
values dot um ... length minus 1 ... is assigned temp.
Figure 5: S1 - Relocation of temporary value [correct, except
for minor syntax issue (missing array name)] Analysis
S1 illustrates what most computer educators expect from their
students. The abstract manner in which S1 described code is
consistent with someone operating at the concrete operational
level. He does not rely on tracing with specific values in variables
or specific indexes in order to understand code, nor does he refer
to specific values when writing code.
3.2.2 S2 – Preop-Concrete – Week 11: Python Summary
S2 read the question text very slowly, then partially copied the
given code and started annotating it. He drew arrows to indicate
the direction of movement of the values and added specific values
with which to trace that movement. After taking more than four
and a half minutes to do this, he started writing his solution. He
used diagrams and specific values to partially trace his code and,
except for an off-by-one error, his final solution was correct. He
articulated that he found the exercise troublesome. He had taken
nearly 15 minutes.
Figure 8: S2 - Initial attempt [correct, except for off-by-one
error, and incomplete]
S2 said that he had forgotten the syntax of the loop structure so
the interviewer intervened with syntactic help. Then S2
contemplated the assignment statement inside the loop:
S2: It’s really frustrating now because it’s an easy one ... so if
it’s on 4, it’ll put ... 3 in 4’s spot but I want to put 4 in 3’s
spot ... so if we go the other way ... want to … make 0 go to
1, make 1 go to 2 ... no that’s what’s happening isn’t it
The interviewer then suggested that he draw a diagram. His first
diagram shown in Figure 9 reflected the given code with the
addition of index numbers 4 and 3.
Figure 9: S2 - Annotation of given code
S2: so if it’s 4 ... so in place 4 we want 3 ... that’s what the
original does
He then drew (see Figure 10) what he wanted his solution to do.
Figure 10: S2 - Annotation of proposed code
S2: I want ... if it’s 4 ... I replace 3 ... of index ... to have ... place
4’s value ... is that right [pause 12 seconds] 3 ... that’s
moving it left ... so that’s what I want.
S3 then wrote the body of the for loop as shown in Figure 13.
However this line of code and the for loop header in
combination produce an off-by-one error.
Figure 13: S3 - Loop body [correct, in isolation, except for
minor syntax issue (missing bracket)]
Then she wrote an incorrect version of the final line of her code as
shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14: S3 - Relocation of temp value [incorrect]
S2 was able to then complete the code which was correct, apart
from two off-by-one errors.
After a long pause of over 5 minutes, she was prompted by the
interviewer to talk about what she was thinking.
S2: I had a lot of trouble with that one
S3: Um ... so I’m just trying to work out the ... temp variable,
make sure that I’ve got it picking up the right number ...
equals ... numbers um ... [sigh] so just going to change that
to ... 0 ... have to pick up the 5 Analysis
S2 completed the temporary storage of the end value and its
reassignment at the other end before completing the loop. Once he
had determined the indexes involved in the reassignment, he was
able to complete the loop header, but he was only able to resolve
this uncertainty with the use of diagrams and specific index
As she completed this utterance and changed her code, she also
added a comment to her first line (see Figure 15).
Unlike S1 who used no specific values while reasoning about the
given code or writing his solution, S2’s reliance on specific values
to formulate code is indicative of preoperational thinking.
However, those operating at a purely preoperational level also
find it necessary to trace code (or an algorithm) in its entirety,
whereas S2 was manifesting nascent concrete operational skills by
needing only a partial trace of the movement of values for
Figure 15: S3 – Revised temporary storage [correct, but the
comment refers to a specific set of data values]
S3 re-read the loop structure she had written, and reasoned about
its correctness:
3.2.3 S3 –Preoperational – Week 9: Python Summary
S3 took nearly 13 and a half minutes to complete this task.
S3: so skipping the first number in the list ... to um the end of the
list ... the index 0 here um ... would be 1 equals numbers at
the index plus 1 so in this case ... the first time around ...
we’re going to get ... 1 ... and then the second time around it
will be 1 so we’ll get 2 ... and 3 and then 4
She wrote an initial solution which contained a correct for loop
(except for off-by-one error) but which also contained the first and
last line which were copied from the given code. She then
corrected the first and last lines.
She wrote “1,2,3,4” in the body of the loop as a comment as
shown in Figure 16. Data
Figure 16: S3 - Commented loop body [correct, except the
comment refers to specific data values]
S3: cross that out because that doesn’t work ... in range ... it’s
already got the plus 1
S3 did not read the question out loud. She simply said
S3: list of numbers
After a long pause (68 seconds) she wrote her first line of code
and then after another long pause (57 seconds) annotated her code
by writing numbers above that line (see Figure 11).
After the above utterance, she then changed her loop to correct the
off-by-one error.
S3: and then ... numbers ... mm
S3 paused for 54 seconds.
S3: I’ve done it wrong [laugh] That’s alright ... just leave me
with it ... I’ll work it out
Figure 11: S3 - Temporary storage [incorrect]
After yet another pause (34 seconds) she started writing the for
loop, as shown in Figure 12. She hesitated when deciding the
range of the iteration but finally settled on it iterating from index 1
to the end of the array.
Figure 12: S3 - Loop structure [correct]
S3 then altered her last line of code as shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17: S3 - Revised relocation of temporary value
[correct, except for off-by-one error]
S3 then reviewed her first line of code and added to the comment
(see Figure 18).
ok so 1 2 3 4 ... equals ... temp is 5
Figure 18: S3 - Revised comment
S3: i’m saying its 5 ... so if... index is 1 it’s going to be ... index
is 0 ... going to be 1 ... 1 2 3 4 ... gets around to 5
Figure 19 shows what he then wrote in the trace table. Note that
he has placed a list of values in the variable temp which indicates
a misconception about the first line of code.
Figure 19: S4 - trace table line 1 [incorrect]
He continued with the trace as shown in Figure 20. Note that S4
incorrectly updated the temp variable (which is not even
mentioned in the for loop) instead of the numbers list. Analysis
In her initial solution, S3’s first and last lines of code were
incorrect in that they moved the rightmost element to the leftmost
position, while her loop was moving values from left to right. This
is a classic indication of preoperational thinking, where two pieces
of the code are written which are conceptually incompatible.
S3 focused on the salient aspect of the task. That is, she focused
on the reversal of the direction of rotation. This is in contrast to
S2’s approach which saw him initially focus on the temporary
storage and relocation of the first value. In both cases however,
the novices focused on detail which obscured the big picture.
This behaviour is characteristic of preoperational reasoning.
Figure 20: S4 - trace table complete
S4’s think aloud session lasted for more than 11 minutes and the
entire session consisted of attempting to trace the given code. He
did not attempt to write a solution.
While S3 did work with specific values including annotations to
her code, her focus was frequently upon the collective direction of
movement of those values. Thus she was reasoning at a slightly
higher level than the movement of a single specific value at a
time, but at a much lower level than S1 who traced abstractly.
S4 read the code symbol by symbol: “numbers in brackets length
of numbers minus 1”. He did not provide any interpretation of the
code or embellish on its purpose at all. Contrast that with S2 who
articulated the same line as “numbers ... at a place one before the
end”). S4 was not reasoning about the code at all, let alone as a
whole. He was, as a child would when reading words, not
connecting them into sentences. This behaviour is representative
of someone at the sensorimotor stage of development.
3.2.4 S4 - Sensorimotor – Week 14: Python Summary
S4 had previously attempted this exercise two weeks prior to this
session. At that earlier session, his solution had amounted to little
more than a near-copy of the given code, except for removing the
minus operator from the first line, which he believed to be
responsible for the direction of rotation.
In the session detailed here, he struggled to even trace the code
given in the question, which explains why he had previously not
been able to write the reversal. He talked about the code in terms
of individual symbols, with the focus clearly on syntax. S4 was
unable to offer much explanation about the purpose of the code.
He simply reiterated the question text. Data
S4 read the first line of given code, but he gave an incorrect
articulation of the code’s purpose:
S4: numbers in brackets length of numbers minus 1 is assigned
to temp what’s really being assigned is ... ah ... I guess
what was said up the top ... well moving 5 one [place] to the
... right most number to the left most position
The interviewer gave S4 a trace table with three columns headed
temp, index and numbers. The initial value of numbers
was recorded for him by the interviewer as “[1,2,3,4,5]”. No
other data values were provided. When asked to trace the given
code, he said:
S4: So numbers, length of numbers minus 1, so I think, ... well
one off the length of numbers could mean there’s only four
numbers ... soooo ... that would be 1,2,3,4. Analysis
S4 manifested a number of misconceptions, such as assigning a
list to the variable temp and updating temp within the loop.
Listening to our think aloud students articulate about code
provides evidence about their ability to reason abstractly. S4 used
only specific values when he referred to elements and indexes in
the array. S3 used specific values for both indexes and list
elements as she developed her code. S2 referred to specific index
numbers when he discussed the movement of values, but had the
ability to talk purely in abstract terms (“Temp equals list of
numbers ... at a place one before the end”). S1 mostly reasoned in
the abstract (“grab what is one ahead of it and move it back”).
There is stark contrast between the performance of S4 and any of
the other think aloud participants. Readers might conclude that
this student showed little innate ability for programming, and that
he would have most likely failed to progress much further in
Computer Science studies. Conversely, S1 possessed exactly
those abstract reasoning skills that would allow him to master
programming at a high level. In fact, S4 is the same student as S1!
The think aloud sessions with this student occurred one year apart.
Novice programmers show increased competencies with
programming tasks as their ability to reason abstractly matures.
But why is it that some of our students are working at such an
immature level of abstract reasoning for so long? We believe that
many students remain at the sensorimotor and preoperational
levels because all the instruction they receive is at the concrete
operational level. In other words, as Shayer [6] put it:
Think hard about the ways that your target students can
process reality, and give them learning experiences which
are accessible to them.
Students at the earlier sensorimotor and pre-operational stages
require exposure to programming tasks at those levels before they
can be expected to reason abstractly about programming.
Vygotsky’s [9] theory of “zone of proximal development” might
suggest pushing the boundaries of students’ current ability to
reason, but to expect students to work with concepts as yet far out
of their cognitive reach may also retard their progress by depleting
both their confidence and motivation.
S1 represents the students to which we currently teach: students
who are operating comfortably at the concrete operational level. It
is at this stage when they can reason abstractly and work with
concepts like reversibility. They are capable of dealing with nontrivial programming tasks.
How should we teach students at the preoperational level like S2
and S3? These two are probably more representative of our
students. They are reliant on specific values to reason about code
and require exposure to small tasks which are constituted from a
minimal number of parts.
Other studies have found a relationship between reading and
explaining skills and the ability to write code ([10], [11], [12]).
Tracing code requires students to draw on the programming
knowledge they accumulated at the sensorimotor level and
explaining the purpose of code forces them to conceive a ‘big
picture’, rather than remain focused on individual lines of code.
Therefore, the progression of preoperational students into more
mature concrete operational reasoning could be scaffolded with a
sequence of these types of tasks that culminate in something like
the reversibility question in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
... knowledge is not at all the same thing as making a
figurative copy of reality for oneself, but that it invariably
consists in operative processes leading to a transformation
of reality, either in actions or in thought ... [5].
How then should we teach students at the sensorimotor level, like
S4? These students have little hope of progressing until the
misconceptions have been addressed. Many of these
misconceptions can be identified and eliminated by a vigilant
tutor or TA, but if left untendered can fester into a quagmire of
confusion and frustration. Sensorimotor novices should be
exposed to only very small tasks with single elements on which to
concentrate. We believe that at the sensorimotor level in
particular, greater emphasis should be placed on reading and
tracing code until misconceptions have been addressed. It is only
then that students can be expected to start constructing their own
snippets of code.
It is yet unknown how long it takes to progress from one neoPiagetian stage to the next, but it is clear from this research that it
is different for every student. What we do know is that the stages
are sequential and cumulative. Therefore, we must allow students
to master programming skills using the type of reasoning
indicative of the earlier stages of development before exposing
them to significantly more abstract concepts. The pedagogical
challenge now is in the identification of students’ operational
levels so we can facilitate a match of the appropriate levels with
the learning material.
The reader may well be inclined to discount our results as unique
to our institution. However, we challenge such academics to
examine their own students’ ability to solve the same problem and
report their findings.
We would very much like to thank the students who took part in
this study and the academics who allowed us to test their cohorts
of students. In particular our gratitude goes to the think aloud
participants who attended each week, especially those who
participated for multiple teaching periods.
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