ã European Neuroscience Association
European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 11, pp. 3539±3551, 1999
Axotomy results in major changes in BDNF expression by
dorsal root ganglion cells: BDNF expression in large trkB
and trkC cells, in pericellular baskets, and in projections
to deep dorsal horn and dorsal column nuclei
G. J. Michael1, S. Averill1, P. J. Shortland1, Q. Yan2 and J. V. Priestley1
Neuroscience Section, Division of Biomedical Sciences, St. Bartholomew's and The Royal London School of Medicine and
Dentistry, Queen Mary and West®eld College, London, E1 4NS, UK
Amgen Inc., Amgen Centre, Thousand Oaks, California 91320±1789, USA
Keywords: autocrine, neurotrophin, rat, sciatic, ultrastructure
Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is normally expressed by a small number of predominantly trkA-expressing dorsal root
ganglion cells. Using immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization, we have examined the effect of sciatic nerve section on the
expression of BDNF in the adult rat. Following axotomy there was a long lasting (4-week) increase in BDNF mRNA and protein in
large-diameter, trkB- and trkC-expressing dorsal root ganglion cells. By 2 days postaxotomy, expression of BDNF mRNA had
increased from 2% of trkB cells to 50%, and from 18% of trkC cells to 56%. In contrast, BDNF expression in most trkA cells was
unchanged, although was increased in the small population of medium- and large-sized trkA cells. Following axotomy, BDNFimmunoreactive terminals appeared in the central axonal projections of large-diameter cells, including the deep dorsal horn and
gracile nucleus. Neuropeptide Y was also upregulated following axotomy and was coexpressed with BDNF in the cell bodies and
central terminals of the large cells. Ultrastructural analysis in lamina IV of the spinal cord revealed that BDNF terminals in these
central projections establish synaptic contacts. Immunoreactivity at 4 weeks was also observed in pericellular baskets that contained
calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and surrounded trkA- and trkB-expressing cells in L4 and L5 lumbar ganglia. These baskets
are likely to arise from local, highly immunoreactive, BDNF/CGRP/trkA-expressing cells. Our results identify several novel targets for
BDNF and imply that it acts locally in both autocrine and paracrine modes, as well as centrally in a synaptic mode, to modulate the
response of somatosensory pathways in nerve injury.
Adult dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells are not only acted on by a
variety of target-derived and locally-derived trophic factors but also
make the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is synthesized by small nociceptive
DRG cells that express the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor trkA
and respond to NGF with increased BDNF synthesis (Apfel et al.,
1996; Cho et al., 1997; Michael et al., 1997). The BDNF is
packaged into dense-cored vesicles and anterogradely transported,
together with neuropeptides such as calcitonin gene-related peptide
(CGRP), into axon terminals in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord
(Zhou & Rush, 1996; Michael et al., 1997). The function of BDNF in
trkA cells is not known, but one possibility is that it is released from
central terminals to act on second-order neurons in the spinal cord.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor applied to the spinal cord induces
c-fos expression (Bennett et al., 1996) and is also likely to have acute
effects such as phosphorylation of NMDA receptors (Lin et al.,
1998). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor may therefore be responsible for the changes in spinal cord excitability seen in in¯ammation.
Increased production of NGF is thought to play a key role in
Correspondence: Professor J. V. Priestley, as above.
E-mail: j.v.priestley@qmw.ac.uk
Received 4 February 1999, revised 17 May 1999, accepted 26 May 1999
in¯ammatory pain (McMahon et al., 1997) and one of its effects is to
increase BDNF expression (Cho et al., 1997).
In addition to increasing in trkA cells in response to NGF,
BDNF synthesis is greatly increased following nerve damage.
Dorsal root crush (Ernfors et al., 1993), sciatic nerve crush
(Ernfors et al., 1993; Sebert & Shooter, 1993; Tonra et al., 1998)
and sciatic nerve transection (Karchewski et al., 1995; Tonra
et al., 1998) all lead to large increases in BDNF mRNA. Brainderived neurotrophic factor is thus unusual amongst the products
of DRG cells in being dramatically increased in response to both
in¯ammation and axotomy. Because long-lasting changes in spinal
cord excitability also occur with nerve injury (for review see
King & Thompson, 1995), one possibility is that BDNF plays a
role in such changes. Alternatively, BDNF may be released
locally to act as an autocrine survival factor for axotomised adult
DRG cells (Acheson et al., 1995). However, the cell types which
upregulate BDNF after axotomy are not known. In order to
clarify some of these issues we have used in situ hybridization
and immunocytochemistry to examine the effects of axotomy on
BDNF expression in DRG cell bodies and central terminals. A
preliminary report of some of this work has appeared in abstract
form (Averill et al., 1997).
3540 G. J. Michael et al.
Materials and methods
washed brie¯y in PBS and then mounted in PBS/glycerol (1 : 3)
containing 2.5% 1,4 diazobicyclo (2,2,2) octane (DABCO, antifading
agent; Sigma-Aldrich, Dorset, UK).
Tissue preparation
A total of 44 adult male Wistar rats (200±400 g body weight) were
processed for BDNF immunocytochemistry or in situ hybridization.
Thirty-six of these underwent unilateral section of the left sciatic
nerve. The sciatic nerve was exposed under pentobarbitone anaesthesia (Sagatal, RhoÃne MeÂrieux Ltd, UK; 40 mg/kg i.p.) and then
ligated 20 mm distal to the obturator tendon and cut. After recovery
from anaesthesia, which was uneventful, rats survived for a further 2,
4, 7, 14 or 28 days before perfusion ®xation. All experiments were
carried out according to UK Home Of®ce regulations.
Rats were anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (60 mg/kg) and
perfused through the ascending aorta with 30 mL vascular rinse
followed by 300 mL 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer.
Left and right L4 and L5 dorsal root ganglia, lumbar spinal cord and
caudal medulla were dissected out, post®xed for 1.5±2 h and frozen
after cryoprotection in 15% sucrose. Cryostat sections (8±12 mm)
were then processed for either immuno¯uorescence or in situ
hybridization. In addition, four of the 7-day sciatic section animals
were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde, 0.05% glutaraldehyde in
0.1 M phosphate buffer and processed for electron microscopic
Sections were stained using previously-described single- or dualcolour immuno¯uorescence or indirect tyramide signal ampli®cation
(TSA) ¯uorescence procedures (Michael et al., 1997). Incubations
consisted of 1 h in 10% normal serum followed by 18±36 h in primary
antibody and 3 h in developing secondary antisera. For BDNF
labelling, an af®nity-puri®ed rabbit antibody raised against recombinant human BDNF was used at 1 : 2000±1 : 5000 with the TSA
procedure. For double labelling, this antibody was combined with one
of the following: rabbit or sheep (Af®niti, Exeter, UK) CGRP
polyclonal antisera (1 : 2000), rabbit galanin polyclonal antiserum
(1 : 2000; Af®niti, Exeter, UK), rabbit neuropeptide Y (NPY)
polyclonal antiserum (1 : 2000; Af®niti, Exeter, UK), rabbit polyclonal trkA antiserum (code-labelled RTA, used at 1 : 4000), rabbit
polyclonal tyrosine hydroxylase antiserum (TH, 1 : 2000; Chemicon
International, Harlow, UK), N52 mouse monoclonal antibody against
the 200-kDa neuro®lament subunit (1 : 600; Sigma-Aldrich, Dorset,
UK). The characteristics and staining speci®city of all these markers
have been reported previously (BDNF, Michael et al., 1997; Yan
et al., 1997; RTA, Clary et al., 1994; Averill et al., 1995; CGRP,
Averill et al., 1995; galanin and NPY, Thompson et al., 1998; TH,
Thompson & Majithia, 1998). Controls for double labelling included
reversing the order of the primary antisera, as well as omitting the
®rst or second primary antiserum. The two sets of antisera were
applied sequentially and this normally involved BDNF TSA followed
by indirect labelled immuno¯uorescence. For full details of double
labelling using the TSA procedure see Shindler & Roth (1996) and
Hunyady et al. (1996).
Secondary reagents used for indirect immuno¯uorescence included
both FITC- and TRITC-labelled antirabbit IgG and antisheep IgG
af®nity puri®ed antisera (Jackson Immuno Research, Pennsylvania,
USA; 1 : 100 dilution). Tyramide signal ampli®cation labelling was
carried out using biotinylated goat antirabbit IgG (1 : 400, Vector
Laboratories, Peterborough, UK) and Vectastainq Elite peroxidase
reagent (Vector Laboratories, Peterborough, UK) followed by
biotinyl tyramide (NEN Life Science Products, Hounslow, UK;
TSA-indirect kit) and ExtrAvidin-FITC (1 : 500, Sigma-Aldrich,
Dorset, UK). After incubation in secondary reagents, sections were
In situ hybridization
Oligonucleotide probes complementary to bases 273±306 of the rat
BDNF sequence (Timmusk et al., 1993), bases 124±157 of the rat
trkA sequence (Meakin et al., 1992), bases 2213±2246 of the rat trkB
sequence (Middlemas et al., 1991) and bases 1099±1132 of the rat
trkC sequence (Valenzuela et al., 1993) were hybridized to cryostat
sections using standard procedures (Michael et al., 1997). The probes
were labelled at the 3¢ end with 35S-dATP (Dupont-NEN, Hounslow,
UK) and terminal transferase (Promega, Southampton, UK) to
speci®c activities of approximately 5000 Ci/mmol. Sections were
acetylated in 0.25 M acetic anhydride/0.1 M triethanolamine/PBS for
10 min, dehydrated in ethanols (70±100%) and delipidated with
chloroform. Hybridizations were carried out overnight at 37 °C using
probe concentrations of 2 nM. Hybridization buffer consisted of 4 3
standard saline citrate (SSC: 1 3 SSC is 150 mM sodium chloride,
15 mM sodium citrate, pH 7.0), 50% deionized formamide, 0.04%
Ficoll-400, 0.04% polyvinylpyrrolidone, 0.04% bovine serum
albumin, 10% dextran sulphate, 0.1% SDS, 20 mM dithiothreitol
(DTT), 20 mg/mL yeast tRNA, 100 mg/mL sheared salmon sperm
DNA and 10 mg/mL poly adenylate. Following hybridization, sections
received two 15-min washes at room temperature (RT) in 2 3 SSC,
two at 50 °C in 1 3 SSC and one at 50 °C in 0.2 3 SSC. Sections were
washed for a further 2 h at RT in 1 3 SSC, were dehydrated through
ethanols, dipped in autoradiographic emulsion (LM1; Amersham
Pharmacia Biotech UK, Bucks, UK) and exposed for 4±8 weeks.
Following development, slides were counterstained with toluidine
blue, dehydrated and coverslipped.
Some sections were processed for immuno¯uorescence followed by
in situ hybridization, as described previously (Michael & Priestley,
1996; Michael et al., 1997). Standard indirect immuno¯uorescence
was performed as described above, except that antisera were diluted in
diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC)-treated PBS containing 0.5 mM DTT
and 100 units/mL RNasin (Promega, Southampton, UK) in addition to
0.2% Triton-X-100 and 0.1% sodium azide. After immunostaining,
sections were processed as for single BDNF in situ hybridization
except that developed sections were mounted in PBS/glycerol instead
of being toluidine-blue counterstained and dehydrated.
Electron microscopic immunocytochemistry
Staining was carried out using standard pre-embedding procedures
(Priestley et al., 1992). The spinal cord was dissected out, post®xed
for 2.5 h in the same ®xative and immersed in PBS. Sections (40 mm)
were cut using a vibratome and were pretreated with 1% sodium
borohydride in PBS for 30 min before immunostaining. Sections were
incubated for 30 min in 10% normal goat serum and then transferred
to BDNF polyclonal antibody (1 : 1000) for 12 h at 4 °C. Primary
antibody was subsequently revealed using 1 : 400 biotinylated goat
antirabbit IgG (Vector, UK) and Vectastainq Elite peroxidase
reagent (Vector Laboratories, Peterborough, UK). Sections were then
developed with a solution containing 0.05% 3,3¢-diaminobenzidine
(DAB), 0.04% (NH4)2SO4.NiSO4 and 0.01% H2O2 in 0.1 M
phosphate buffer pH 7.3. Unless otherwise stated, incubations were
carried out at room temperature and antisera were diluted in PBS.
Stained sections were then contrasted in OsO4 (1%) and uranyl
acetate (1%), dehydrated and ¯at-embedded in Durcupan (Fluka,
Sigma-Aldrich, Dorset, UK). After light microscopic examination,
areas of interest were processed further for electron microscopy.
Sections were examined on a Joel 1200EX electron microscope.
Ó 1999 European Neuroscience Association, European Journal of Neuroscience, 11, 3539±3551
Axotomy upregulates BDNF in large DRG cells 3541
Imaging and quanti®cation
Sections were viewed on a Leica DMRB epi¯uorescence microscope
using Y3 (TRITC), L4 (FITC) and polarization ®lter blocks combined
with bright-®eld and/or dark-®eld illumination. Immunostaining and
in situ hybridization was documented by photography using Ilford TMAX ®lm or a Hamamatsu digital camera (C4742±95) with an image
size of 1280 3 1024 pixels. Figures were generated digitally from the
Hamamatsu images or from 35 mm negatives using a Nikon LS-1000
scanner at 900±1300 pixels/inch. Plates were composed using Adobe
Photoshop and printed on a Sony UP-D8800 graphics printer at 300
pixels/inch. Contrast was optimized by adjusting grey levels and
sharpening, but images were not otherwise manipulated.
The proportion of BDNF-expressing DRG cells was determined by
counting the number of labelled and unlabelled neuronal pro®les in
dorsal root ganglion sections. For in situ hybridization, cells were
identi®ed as positively labelled when epipolarized illumination
revealed silver grains clustered over the cell body. This criterion has
previously been shown to correlate well with image analysis in which
labelled cells are de®ned as having the mean of the background
labelling plus two times the standard deviation of that labelling
(Michael & Priestley, 1999). In dual immuno¯uorescence or in situ
hybridization plus immuno¯uorescence sections the percentage of
BDNF-expressing cells expressing a second marker was assessed by
switching between FITC, TRITC and/or polarization ®lter blocks. At
least 250 labelled DRG cells were examined for each marker and were
counted on randomly-chosen sections. Statistical signi®cance was
assessed using Mann±Whitney U nonparametric comparisons. Using
Visilog image analysis software, the cell size and level of expression of
BDNF mRNA was assessed in trkA-immunoreactive and -immunonegative DRG cells as previously described (Michael et al., 1997).
Images were captured directly off the microscope at 25 3 magni®cation using a Grundig FA87 digital camera with integrating framestore.
Cells were then outlined manually using a computer mouse and the cell
size and area within each cell that was occupied by silver grains was
calculated. At least 300 cells of each type were counted. For analysis of
BDNF expression by trkB- or trkC-expressing cells, serial sections that
had been processed for BDNF, trkB or trkC in situ hybridization were
examined. Only cells that were present in both a trk and a BDNF serial
section were analysed and more than 150 trkB cells and 250 trkC cells
were counted.
Effect of nerve section on BDNF expression by dorsal root
ganglion cells
Sciatic nerve section led to a large and sustained increase in BDNF
expression by lumbar DRG cells (Fig. 1). Brain-derived neurotrophic
factor immunoreactivity and BDNF mRNA were both rapidly
increased ipsilateral to the nerve section, but differed in their time
course and in the number of labelled cells. Thus the number of DRG
cells showing BDNF immunoreactivity increased from 13 to 40% at
4 days after axotomy and was then maintained at this level (Table 1).
A similar but more rapid increase in expression of BDNF mRNA
occurred, with the numbers of labelled DRG cells increasing from 29
to 51% by 2 days survival (Table 1). An increase in the number of
cells expressing BDNF mRNA was also seen in the contralateral
lumbar ganglia, but was smaller and of slower time course (Table 1).
At all time points analysed, both ipsilateral and contralateral to the
sciatic nerve section, BDNF immunoreactivity was present in some
small DRG cells. However, the increased BDNF expression that
occurred after axotomy appeared to be mainly in medium- and largesized cells (Fig. 1). This impression was con®rmed by quantitative
analysis of the size of labelled cells and by double labelling using the
antineuro®lament antibody N52, a widely-used marker for largediameter cells. For both BDNF immunoreactivity (Fig. 2) and BDNF
mRNA (data not shown), axotomy led to a sustained shift in the cell
size distribution such that proportionally more labelled cells were
large-sized. Consistent with this cell-size shift, an increase was also
seen in the expression of BDNF mRNA (Fig. 3a and b) or protein by
N52-immunoreactive cells. For example, at 4 days after sciatic nerve
section, the percentage of N52-immunoreactive cells that were also
BDNF-immunoreactive was 33% (compared with 20% on the
contralateral side) and the percentage of BDNF-immunoreactive
cells that were also N52-immunoreactive was 58% (compared with
45% on the contralateral side). Image analysis further revealed that
the increase in BDNF mRNA expression by large cells represented
not only an increase in the numbers of cells but also an increase in
labelling intensity. Thus sciatic section led to an increase in the
number of silver grains over medium-sized and large cells but little
change in labelling of small cells (Fig. 4a±c).
Neurotrophin receptors and BDNF expression following
BDNF has previously been shown to be regulated in trkA cells by
NGF (Apfel et al., 1996; Michael et al., 1997). We therefore
examined the type of neurotrophin receptors in DRG cells that
express BDNF immunoreactivity (not illustrated) or BDNF mRNA
(Fig. 3) following axotomy. In situ hybridization was used to localize
the receptors trkB (selective for BDNF and neurotrophin-4/5) and
trkC (selective for neurotrophin-3) and immuno¯uorescence was used
to localize trkA. The axotomy-induced increase in the number of
large DRG cells that express BDNF was re¯ected in a major shift in
the trk pro®le of BDNF-expressing cells. Only two days after
axotomy the percentage of trkB cells that express BDNF mRNA had
increased to 50% (compared with 2% on the contralateral side) and
the percentage of trkC cells that express BDNF mRNA had increased
to 56% (compared with 18% on the contralateral side). In contrast
there was little change in the percentage of BDNF-immunoreactive
trkA cells at any time points (Table 2). Because trkA and trkC are
coexpressed in some medium-sized DRG neurons (Kashiba et al.,
1995; Wright & Snider, 1995), image analysis was carried out in
order to quantify BDNF mRNA expression in different sized trkA
cells. This con®rmed that BDNF expression shows little change in the
small cells that represent the main population of trkA-expressing
cells. However, BDNF expression did increase in medium- and largesized trkA cells (Fig. 4d±f).
BDNF immunoreactivity in pericellular baskets
In addition to cell bodies, BDNF immunoreactivity was present in
axons. Such axons were most prominent in ®bre bundles within
ganglia and the staining appeared increased after nerve section
(Fig. 1a and b). However, at 4 weeks nerve section, BDNF
immunoreactivity was also seen in pericellular nerve baskets
(Fig. 5) with 1±4 baskets present per section. Double labelling
revealed that such baskets were immunoreactive for CGRP (Fig. 5a±
d) but not tyrosine hydroxylase, and that they surrounded both
BDNF-immunoreactive (Fig. 5e and i) and nonimmunoreactive
(Fig. 5a and c) cells. In order to determine the trk pro®le of cells
possessing baskets, BDNF immunocytochemistry was combined with
trkA immuno¯uorescence or with trkB in situ hybridization. Baskets
were most prominent around small- to medium-sized cells and about
half of these were trkA-immunoreactive (Fig. 5e±h). In addition,
baskets with ®ne axons were seen around occasional large cells and
these included trkB-expressing cells (Fig. 5i±l).
Ó 1999 European Neuroscience Association, European Journal of Neuroscience, 11, 3539±3551
3542 G. J. Michael et al.
BDNF expression and neuropeptide expression by dorsal root
ganglion cells
Following axotomy, the neuropeptides galanin and NPY are strongly
upregulated by DRG cells. We therefore carried out double labelling in
order to determine the relationship between this increased peptide
expression and the increased BDNF expression. Seven days after
sciatic section, the number of galanin- and NPY-immunoreactive cells
was greatly increased in L4 and L5 ganglia. As previously reported
(Villar et al. 1989; Wakisaka et al. 1991), galanin immunoreactivity
was present in both small- and large-diameter cells but the NPY
expression was con®ned mainly to medium- and large-sized cells.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor immunoreativity was generally not
coexpressed with galanin in small cells but showed extensive
coexpression with galanin or NPY in large cells (Fig. 6). This was
particularly striking for NPY, with 56% of BDNF-immunoreactive
cells showing NPY immunoreactivity and 59% of NPY immunoreactive cells expressing BDNF.
FIG. 1. BDNF mRNA and protein are increased by sciatic axotomy. Micrographs show lumbar ganglia axotomised by sciatic nerve section (b, d and f) and their
contralateral control ganglia (a, c and e). (a±d) Low- and high-magni®cation micrographs showing BDNF immun¯uorescence 4 days after nerve section. The
number of immunostained cells is greatly increased in the axotomised ganglia, with immunoreactivity now present in large-diameter cells (asterisks in d).
Increased axonal labelling is also evident (small arrows in b). A small number of highly immunoreactive small- to medium-sized cells are visible (short arrows in
a,b) but are present on both the contralateral and axotomised sides. (e and f) Dark-®eld micrographs showing BDNF in situ hybridization 2 days after nerve section.
A dramatic increase in labelling is evident on the axotomised side. Scale bars, 200 mm (a and b) and 100 mm (c±f).
Ó 1999 European Neuroscience Association, European Journal of Neuroscience, 11, 3539±3551
Axotomy upregulates BDNF in large DRG cells 3543
BDNF immunoreactivity in the central projections of dorsal
root ganglion cells
BDNF protein is axonally transported into the central arbors of
primary afferents (Zhou & Rush, 1996; Michael et al., 1997). In order
to determine the effects of axotomy on the distribution of centrallytransported BDNF, immunoreactivity was examined in the spinal cord
and dorsal column nuclei at various time points after unilateral sciatic
TABLE 1. The effect of sciatic nerve section on the percentage of DRG cells
expressing BDNF immunoreactivity or BDNF mRNA
13.2 6 1.5
28.5 6 3.3
11.7 6 0.2
10.9 6 0.9
50.7 6 6.4*
34.4 6 1.7
39.5 6 0.6*
11.3 6 1.5 ²
47.9 6 1.7*
38.4 6 4.1
37.6 6 2.8*
13.0 6 0.9 ²
53.0 6 2.1*
41.9 6 4.2*
32.9 6 6.0*
15.0 6 0.3 ²
52.0 6 0.0
43.3 6 0.1
38.9 6 2.1*
17.8 6 2.65³
Not determined
Not determined
Data are presented as mean 6 SEM; (n) is the number of animals analysed.
*Ipsilateral signi®cantly different from controls at P = 0.05; ²ipsilateral
signi®cantly different from contralateral at P = 0.05; ³too few animals to
determine signi®cance level.
nerve section. In the lumbar cord contralateral to the nerve section,
BDNF-immunoreactive axons and terminals were concentrated
mainly in the super®cial dorsal horn (laminae I and II) and with only
isolated axons penetrating more deeply (Fig. 7b). In contrast, on the
axotomised side many terminals were evident in the deep dorsal horn,
particularly in the reticular region of lamina IV (Fig. 7a). This staining
was concentrated in the central projection zones of the sciatic nerve,
namely the medial and central dorsal horn at L4 and L5 levels, and was
evident as early as 4 days postlesion and was particularly prominent at
7 days. Many of the immunoreactive axons in lamina V displayed
prominent varicosities, and EM examination of selected ®bres showed
that such varicosities represent sites of synaptic contact with adjoining
dendrites (Fig. 7e±g).
In the dorsal column nuclei a change in BDNF immunostaining was
also seen and was even more striking than that in the spinal cord.
Ipsilateral to a sciatic nerve section there were numerous immunoreactive axons and terminals in the gracile nucleus, but on the
contralateral side there was very little BDNF immunoreactivity
(Fig. 8a). Neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity was also increased
ipsilateral to the lesion side (Fig. 8b), and double labelling showed
that many of the BDNF terminals in the gracile nucleus coexpressed
NPY (Fig. 8c and d). These changes were evident at 4 days postlesion
and were particularly prominent at 7 days.
Several studies have reported that BDNF expression by DRG cells is
increased following nerve injury (Ernfors et al., 1993; Sebert &
Shooter, 1993; Cho et al., 1998; Tonra et al., 1998); however, the cell
types involved have not previously been characterized in detail. In this
study we have shown that sciatic axotomy leads to an increase in
BDNF mRNA in large-diameter DRG cells and to a major change in
the expression pattern of BDNF protein both within dorsal root ganglia
FIG. 2. Cell size distribution of BDNFimmunoreactive pro®les within normal L4/L5
dorsal root ganglia (CONTROL) and in
ganglia 2, 4, 7, 14 and 28 days after sciatic
nerve section. By 4 days the normal cell size
distribution has become shifted towards the
large cells and this is maintained at later time
Ó 1999 European Neuroscience Association, European Journal of Neuroscience, 11, 3539±3551
3544 G. J. Michael et al.
FIG. 3. BDNF mRNA after axotomy is present in many trkB (and trkC) -expressing DRG cells and in some trkA cells. Ipsilateral lumbar ganglia, 2 day sciatic
nerve section. (a-d) Two serial sections processed for BDNF (b) and trkB (d) mRNAs using in situ hybridization, also immunostained for the large-cell marker N52
(a and c). The micrographs show a region of ganglion that contains predominantly large-diameter cells. In (a) and (b), most of the BDNF-expressing cells
(asterisks) can be seen to be N52-immunoreactive. Panels (c) and (d) show that trkB-expressing cells (asterisks) are also N52-immunoreactive. Comparison of (a
and b) and (c and d) reveals that many of the BDNF-expressing cells coexpress trkB. Four such cells are indicated by the long arrows. The short arrows indicate
two BDNF-expressing cells that are present in the serial section (c and d) but that do not express trkB. In a third serial section (not illustrated) these cells were seen
to express trkC. Stars indicate small cells that are not N52 immunoreactive. (e and f) Combined trkA immuno¯uorescence (e) and BDNF in situ hybridization (f). A
cell is visible that shows double labelling, for both trkA and BDNF (long arrow). However, cells single-labelled for either trkA (asterisks) or BDNF (short arrows)
are also present. Scale bars, 50 mm.
Ó 1999 European Neuroscience Association, European Journal of Neuroscience, 11, 3539±3551
Axotomy upregulates BDNF in large DRG cells 3545
FIG. 4. Axotomy leads to increased BDNF
expression by medium- and large-sized DRG
cells. Q-sum (cumulative-sum) plots showing
the effect of axotomy on BDNF mRNA
expression by small (< 25 mm diameter),
medium (25±37.5 mm diameter) and large
(> 37.5 mm diameter) DRG cells. Expression of
BDNF mRNA was quanti®ed by measuring the
percentage of the cell body (PERCENT
AREA) that was covered by silver grains. In
(a±c), all BDNF-expressing cells were
analysed; in (d±f) only BDNF-expressing cells
that were also trkA-immunoreactive were
analysed. Note that, in both cases, axotomy
leads to an increased BDNF expression by
medium- and large-sized DRG cells but not by
small cells. The data shown is at 2 days after
nerve section. Similar results were obtained
7 days after nerve section.
and in their central projections. These changes suggest that BDNF is
likely to play a key role in regulating the response of somatosensory
pathways to injury, with likely autocrine and paracrine actions within
dorsal root ganglia and synaptic actions in spinal cord and dorsal
column nuclei. These various possibilities will be discussed in turn.
BDNF expression by trkB- and trkC-expressing DRG cells
Sciatic axotomy produced a rapid and long lasting (4-week) increase
in BDNF expression which had a time course similar to that
previously reported for sciatic nerve crush (Sebert & Shooter, 1993).
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA was signi®cantly increased
by 2 days whilst an increase in BDNF immunoreactivity was not
apparent until 4 days. This may represent a delay in BDNF translation
but it is also possible that there is an early increase in BDNF protein
that subsides by 2 days. Our immunocytochemical and in situ
hybridization analysis revealed that the increased BDNF expression
is not generalized but rather is con®ned mainly to medium- and largediameter cells. Similar results have recently been reported by Cho
et al. (1998). Such cells have previously been shown to express trkB
and/or trkC receptors (McMahon et al., 1994; Kashiba et al., 1995;
Wright & Snider, 1995) and, consistent with this, we observed a
major increase in BDNF expression by these cell types. Thus 50% of
trkB cells and 56% of trkC cells contained BDNF mRNA following
sciatic nerve section. Values on the contralateral side (2% of trkB
cells and 18% of trkC cells) were similar to those previously reported
for normal lumbar ganglia (Kashiba et al., 1997), indicating that our
axotomy results represent a genuine increased expression by trkB and
trkC cells. The analysis of trkB or trkC and BDNF coexpression
TABLE 2. The effect of sciatic nerve section on the percentage of trkAimmunoreactive cells that also express BDNF immunoreactivity
trkA cells also expressing BDNF (%)
4 day sciatic
7 day sciatic
14 day sciatic
28 day sciatic
43.3 6 2.5*
34.0 6 3.7
30.7 6 1.6*
29.9 6 1.6
26.3 6 1.6³
24.5 6 1.5
31.2 6 3.6³
23.3 6 3.7
Data are presented as mean 6 SEM; (n) is the number of animals analysed.
*Not signi®cantly different from contralateral ganglion at P = 0.05; ³too few
animals to determine signi®cance level.
involved serial sections and was carried out at 2 days. This was in
order to avoid complications that might arise due to changed trk
expression at longer time points (Ernfors et al., 1993). However, our
data on cell sizes and on BDNF coexpression with a large-cell marker
(N52) indicate that the increased expression by trkB and trkC cells is
likely to be maintained throughout the time points analysed.
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3546 G. J. Michael et al.
In contrast to the trkB and trkC cells, trkA cells as a
population showed little change in BDNF expression. Brainderived neurotrophic factor increased in medium- and large-sized
trkA cells, a cell group that is likely to coexpress both trkA and
trkC (McMahon et al., 1994; Wright & Snider, 1995). However,
there was no increase in the main population of small trkA cells.
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Axotomy upregulates BDNF in large DRG cells 3547
The changes after axotomy thus contrast starkly with the massive
BDNF increase in trkA cells that occurs with peripheral
in¯ammation and/or NGF treatment (Apfel et al., 1996; Cho
et al., 1997; Michael et al., 1997). Our results thus show that
BDNF synthesis is regulated separately in the small- and largesized DRG neurons and increases in each subgroup under
different circumstances. The factors that control BDNF expression
in large cells are not known, but a variety of neuropeptides and
neuropeptide receptors show a similar response to axotomy (see
HoÈkfelt et al., 1994). One possibility is that BDNF increases in
large cells due to the loss of a target-derived factor acting
through trkB or trkC. Neurotrophin-3 (NT3), for example, has
been shown to reduce the axotomy-induced increase in NPY
(Ohara et al., 1995) and is a candidate negative regulator of
BDNF expression. Alternatively, BDNF could be regulated
positively by injury-induced factors and/or depolarizing events
associated with the nerve injury. Given the wide-ranging effects
that BDNF is likely to have (discussed below), it will be
important to dissect the molecular events that control its synthesis.
The BDNF gene consists of ®ve exons, four of which (I-IV) give
rise to alternative transcripts with their own tissue- and stimulusspeci®c promoters (Timmusk et al., 1993, 1995). However, the
expression pattern of exons I±IV has not been analysed in DRG
Local autocrine and paracrine effects
The function of the BDNF synthesized by DRG cells is not known,
but local effects within the ganglia (Acheson et al., 1995; Apfel
FIG. 6. BDNF immunoreactivity after axotomy is expressed by large DRG cells that also contain the neuropeptides neuropeptide Y (NPY) and galanin (gal).
Ipsilateral lumbar ganglia, 4-day sciatic nerve section. Double-labelled sections showing that many BDNF-immunoreactive large cells also contain NPY- (a and b)
or galanin- (c and d) immunoreactivity (asterisks indicate double-labelled cells). However, small cells that upregulate galanin (arrows in d) mainly do not express
BDNF. Scale bars, 50 mm.
FIG. 5. Four weeks after nerve section, BDNF-immunoreactive axons form pericellular baskets. (a±d) Double labelling for BDNF- and CGRP-immunoreactivities showing that BDNF baskets also contain CGRP. Panels (a) and (b) show a complex basket (thin arrow) that exhibits strong BDNF and CGRP immunostaining. Nearby is a small CGRP cell (thick arrow) that lacks BDNF immunostaining. Panels (c) and (d) show a simpler BDNF/CGRP basket that envelops a
nonimmunoreactive cell (asterisk) and adjoins a double-labelled cell (thick arrow). In the vicinity is a double-labelled axon (thin arrow) together with several
CGRP single-labelled axons and a CGRP-immunoreactive basket (star). (e±h) Double labelling for BDNF- and trkA-immunoreactivities showing that BDNF
baskets surround both trkA-negative (e and f) and trkA-positive (g and h) cells. Panels (e) and (f) show a BDNF basket (thin arrow) that surrounds a BDNF
immunoreactive cell (asterisk). The basket is trkA-immunoreactive although the cell is not. In the vicinity are numerous trkA-immunoreactive cells, some of
which show slight BDNF staining. Panels (g) and (h) show a BDNF basket that surrounds a trkA-immunoreactive cell (asterisk). (i±l) Double labelling for
BDNF immunoreactivity and trkB in situ hybridization showing that BDNF baskets surround both trkB-negative (i and j) and trkB-positive (k and l) cells.
Panels (i) and (j) are low-magni®cation micrographs showing trkB-expressing cells (thick arrows), several of which are BDNF-immunoreactive. However, the
two cells which possess BDNF baskets (thin arrows) are not trkB-labelled. Panels (k) and (l) are high-magni®cation micrographs showing two trkB-expressing
cells (thick arrows), one of which possesses a ®ne BDNF-immunoreactive basket (thin arrow). A BDNF-immunoreactive cell that lacks trkB is also visible.
Scale bars, 50 mm (a±f and i±l), 20 mm (g and h).
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3548 G. J. Michael et al.
FIG. 7. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor immunoreactivity is increased in the deep dorsal horn. Seven-day sciatic nerve section. (a±d) Immuno¯uorescence
micrographs showing the lumbar spinal cord on the axotomised (Axot) and contralateral control (Contralat) sides. Immunoreactivity is abundant in the super®cial
dorsal horn (a and b) and is increased on the axotomised side in the deep dorsal horn (arrows in a). In high magni®cation micrographs (c and d), immunoreactive
axons are visible on both sides but are much more numerous on the axotomised side. (e) Light micrograph showing a BDNF axon in deep dorsal horn, axotomised
side. Osmium counterstained section, processed for pre-embedding electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. The same axon is shown in the electron
micrographs of (f) and (g). The axon has prominent varicosities (arrows) and winds around two bundles of myelinated axons. Longitudinally-cut large myelinated
axons are also visible. The varicosity indicated with a double arrow can be seen also in (f) and (g). (f) Low-magni®cation electron micrograph of the area
delineated by the box in (e). Arrows indicate the BDNF-immunoreactive axon, asterisks indicate the two bundles of myelinated axons and Mx indicates a
longitudinally-cut large myelinated axon. (g) High magni®cation electron micrograph showing the varicosity (t) identi®ed by the double arrow in (e) and (f). It
makes a synapse (thick arrow) with a dendrite (d). Scale bars, 100 mm (a and b), 20 mm (c and d), 10 mm (e), 5 mm (f) and 0.5 mm (g).
et al., 1996) as well as actions within the spinal cord (Zhou & Rush,
1996; Michael et al., 1997) have been postulated. In vitro, a BDNF
autocrine loop has been shown to mediate the survival of a
subpopulation of adult DRG cells (Acheson et al., 1995). However,
Ó 1999 European Neuroscience Association, European Journal of Neuroscience, 11, 3539±3551
Axotomy upregulates BDNF in large DRG cells 3549
FIG. 8. BDNF immunoreactivity is increased in the dorsal column nuclei after sciatic nerve section and coexists with NPY. The dorsal column nuclei are shown
double labelled for BDNF and NPY. Both BDNF (a) and NPY (b) are increased in the gracile nucleus (Gr) on the axotomised side. In addition, numerous ®ne
NPY-immunoreactive axons are visible bilaterally in the nucleus of the solitary tract (Sol). High magni®cation images of the gracile nucleus (c,d) show that many
individual axons (arrows) are double labelled for BDNF and NPY. Scale bars, 20 mm.
previous anatomical studies have shown that in vivo there is virtually
no coexpression of BDNF and trkB in normal (Kashiba et al., 1997)
or NGF-treated (Michael et al., 1997) animals. We now show that
nerve section leads to a rapid upregulation of BDNF within trkB and
trkC cells, and to the formation of BDNF-containing pericellular
baskets that envelop DRG cells. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor
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3550 G. J. Michael et al.
therefore may indeed also act in vivo to protect adult DRG cells,
being upregulated and released from novel sites following axotomy.
One possibility is action via an autocrine loop, as suggested
originally by Acheson et al. (1995). DRG neurons in culture may in
fact resemble the axotomy situation, because both large and small
cells express BDNF in vitro (Barakat-Walter, 1996). Studies on
cultured hippocampal and cortical cells indicate that neurons can
release BDNF from secretory granules concentrated in their
somatodendritic domain (Goodman et al., 1996; Haubensak et al.,
1998). Thus BDNF may act on trkB-expressing DRG cells following
release from their own cell bodies (autocrine action) or from those of
neighbouring trkC cells (paracrine action). Because truncated trkB
receptors are highly expressed by satellite cells (McMahon et al.,
1994) and have also recently been shown to mediate signal
transduction (Baxter et al., 1997), satellite cells may also be affected.
Another possibility is that BDNF is released from axonal
varicosities within the ganglia. McLachlan & Hu (1998) have
recently shown that CGRP-containing pericellular baskets form
around axotomised DRG cells. We now show that many of these
baskets also contain BDNF and that they surround a range of cell
types, including trkA- and trkB-expressing cells. We did not
determine the origin of the baskets, but did observe some strongly
immunoreactive BDNF/CGRP and BDNF/trkA cells, consistent with
the McLachlan & Hu (1998) data showing that baskets derive from
adjoining cells. It is possible that the BDNF is upregulated in
preexisting baskets, but the parallel appearance of CGRP- and
substance P-immunoreactive baskets (McLachlan & Hu, 1998) is
most easily explained by local sprouting. It has been proposed that the
stimulus for both CGRP and sympathetic baskets is NGF, possibly
presented by p75 receptors following release from satellite cells
(Ramer & Bisby, 1997; Zhou et al., 1999). We have shown
previously that trkA-expressing DRG cells are able to synthesize
both BDNF and CGRP, possibly packaged in the same dense-cored
vesicles (Michael et al., 1997). After axotomy a small subpopulation
of these cells may produce baskets and release both CGRP and BDNF
locally. In the CNS, BDNF has been shown to modify neuronal
excitability by a variety of postsynaptic mechanisms (e.g. Lin et al.,
1998). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor may therefore have similar
actions in dorsal root ganglia, acting alongside CGRP and
noradrenalin to modify DRG responses and possibly contributing to
paraesthesias and/or changes in pain threshold.
Central synaptic effects
In addition to changes within lumbar ganglia, we observed that nerve
section led to an increase in BDNF-immunoreactive terminals in deep
dorsal horn and dorsal column nuclei. Small-diameter DRG cells
have previously been shown to axonally transport BDNF into their
central axonal arbors (Zhou & Rush, 1996; Michael et al., 1997). Our
data shows that the upregulated BDNF in large-diameter neurons is
similarly transported, and is consistent with recent studies showing a
major increase in BDNF anterograde transport (Tonra et al., 1998)
and central terminal labelling (Cho et al., 1998) following sciatic
nerve section. In addition to BDNF we observed upregulation in large
cells of the neuropeptides NPY and galanin, with striking double
labelling of gracile nucleus terminals for BDNF and NPY.
Neuropeptides such as substance P, CGRP and NPY, that are
upregulated by large cells, may modify the excitability of their target
neurons and possibly contribute to neuropathic sensations (Noguchi
et al., 1995). Our results suggest that BDNF may have a similar role.
Neurons in dorsal column nuclei and deep dorsal horn gain a BDNF
input and, at least in the dorsal horn, this is likely to be mediated via
synaptic contacts. TrkB receptors are widely expressed in the
brainstem and spinal cord (Bradbury et al., 1998; King et al.,
1999) and, as in hippocampus, may have acute effects on membrane
currents (e.g. Lin et al., 1998) as well as long-lasting effects on gene
expression (Croll et al., 1994).
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor has an unusual combination of
features as regards DRG cells. It is one of a relatively small number
of molecules that are upregulated following both nerve section and
in¯ammation, it remains the only trophic factor that has unequivocally been shown to be synthesized by DRG cells, and it is the only
one that is thought to be synaptically released. It is striking that both
large and small cells can upregulate BDNF and that it generally
coexists with a neuropeptide. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is
thus in a unique position to modify the properties of second-order
neurons, re¯ecting changes in peripherally-derived trophic factors
and possibly acting together with a coreleased neuropeptide.
Intrathecal BDNF has been reported to be hypoalgesic (Siuciak
et al., 1994) but further studies are required to dissect the functional
role of primary afferent BDNF.
This work was supported by the Medical Research Council (UK). We thank
Professor J. M. Polak and Dr D. O. Clary for provision of rabbit CGRP and
trkA antibodies and Dr Von King for statistical analysis. We also gratefully
acknowledge the assistance of Mr J. Manston and Mr C. Pelling with digitizing
of electron micrographs.
BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CGRP, calcitonin gene-related
peptide; DAB, diaminobenzidine; DABCO, 1,4 diazobicyclo (2,2,2) octane;
DEPC, diethylpyrocarbonate; DRG, dorsal root ganglion; DTT, dithiothreitol;
FITC, ¯uoroscein isothiocyanate; NGF, nerve growth factor; NPY, neuropeptide Y; RT, room temperature; SSC, standard saline citrate; TH, tyrosine
hydroxylase; TRITC, tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate; TSA, tyramide
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