Lusiana Ulfa Hardinawati1, Fadhilah Mughnisari2
Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah, Fakultas Pascasarjana, Universitas Indonesia
email: lusianaulfa@gmail.com
Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah, Fakultas Pascasarjana, Universitas Indonesia
email: fadhilahmughnisari@yahoo.com
Waqf is one of instruments in Islamic finance world. In Indonesia, waqf has been developed by state institution
named Badan Waqf Indonesia (BWI). With great potential of Waqf in Indonesia, which is 4,2 million m, it is
expected could help the welfare condition of people in Indonesia. In fact, there are various problems that have
made the development of Waqf in Indonesia lacks in many ways, even among the Islamic economic instruments
ZISWAF (Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, Waqf), waqf development is still considered deficient. This study uses method
of literature review which is taken from literature source, in the form of books, journals, and websites related to
waqf issues in Indonesia.This study is purposed to describe the development and issued related to Waqf in
Indonesia as the comparison with Waqf system in ASEAN countries in particular and with the whole countries
in world in general. Besides, it discovers the solutions to expand the potential use of Waqf in Indonesia.
Keyword: Waqf, Indonesia, potential waqf
Waqf potential in Indonesia is considered enormous; however, by looking
at its development to this present time, Waqf is the instrument of Islamic economy
which has slow development, compared to the other instruments, such as ZIS
(Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah). Compared to some other countries, as well, such as
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and United States,
Waqf has been developed as one of Islamic social economy foundations to help
people coping with social problems, such as poverty. (Prihatini, et al, 2005:131)
This study has significance to find out issues and problems that are existed
in the world of Waqf in Indonesia as well as potential use and solution to promote
Waqf in Indonesia.
Literature review method is used to do the research. Researchers collected
various sources, such as books, journals, and websites, which linked to the issue
and development of Waqf in Indonesia, as well as potential use and solution of
Waqf problems.
Definition of Waqf
Based on Islamic law, Waqf means giving right of possession of property
that is durable (the substance) to a nadzir (waqf guard) either in a form of
individual property or institutional possession, with condition that the outcome or
profit will be used for Islamic sharia matters. Wakif is a terminology word for a
person who makes a Waqf, therefore when wealth of the person has been given
for Waqf, the possession of the property from the Wakif will be transferred as
Waqf, itself, is an instrument of Economy of Islam that is highly
recommended by the rule of Islam. As written in the Qur’an in Al-Imran (92),
which has been translated as follow: “Never will you attain the good [reward]
until you spend [in the way of Allah] from that which you love. And whatever you
spend - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it.” It is also mentioned in Hadits of Prophet
Muhammad as follow: If a human dies, he (or she) ends his (her) alms, except
three actions, they are shadaqah jariyah, (the reward has no end), broad and
advantageous knowledge, andprayer from Shaleh children. Some of experts in
Islamic Law suggest that shadaqah jariyahis one of the properties that can be
used as Waqf (Nasution, 2006:215).
Waqfin Indonesia
Waqf, as one of islamic economy instruments, has not been well
developed in Indonesia. Although the potential of Waqf in Indonesia is quite high,
without proper systematic Waqf operation, the development is still considered
persistent. The head division of management and empowerment of Waqf in
Indonesia, Robbiyanto, stated that the data collected until January 2015 showed
that the width of Waqf land in Indonesia is about 4,2 millionm, which is spread in
42.300 locations1.
The potential of Waqf in Indonesia, once again, is rather high. However,
compared to all the ZISWAF instruments, Waqf is the least developed. This
happens due to the lack of understanding of the empowerment of Waqf in the
society. Nowadays, people tend to perform Waqf endowments in order to build a
mosque, whereas Waqf also could be done productively by endowing cash Waqf.
This poor understanding about Waqf becomes the biggest challenge for National
Waqf Board as the form of Waqf Board created by Indonesian government in
order to enrich the society’s comprehension about cash Waqf endowments.
http://www.antaranews.com/berita/475244/menag-potensi-wakaf-sangat-besar diakses 7 April
Indonesian Waqf Board(Badan Wakaf Indonesia)
According to the website of official Indonesian Waqf Board (Badan
Wakaf Indonesia) 2 , BWI is an independent state institution created by Act of
Republik Indonesia No. 41 of 2004 on Waqf. This board is created to develop and
promote Waqf in Indonesia.
BWI is located in the capital city of Indonesia, and possibly forms some
representations in the province, district, and/or city in accordance of requirements.
Member of BWI is appointed and dismissed by the President. The length of
serviceis 3 years and the member could be reappointed for one more term. The
total members of BWI are about 20 to 30 people who are chosen among the
element of society. The members from the first period are proposed by the
Minister of Religious Affairs to the President. For the next period, the members
are proposed by the selected committee,who are formed by BWI. Meanwhile,
members of BWI representative are appointed and dismissed by the BWI.
BWI management structure consists of the Advisory Council and the
Executive Agency. Each of them is led by a chairman, elected ‘from’ the members
and ‘by’ the members. Executive Agency, while the Advisory Council consists of
the members who do the regulatory elements.
BWI official website has explicated completely about Waqf, its types, as
well as how to perform Waqf. In other hand, they recognize that the explanation
and guidance on how to perform Waqf‘face to face’ with the Muslim community
in Indonesia is still very lacking. It is accompanied by the fact that Indonesian
people still have lack comprehension and knowledge about Waqf, especially on
productive and cash Waqf endowments.
Waqf Potentialin Indonesia
The low development of Waqf in Indonesia, or could be considered as
stagnant, is influenced by the lack of regulation which governs the Waqf. It was
only in 2001, significant changes in the empowerment of Waqf occurred. This is
marked by the existence of new paradigm brought by the practitioners to society
related to new concept of cash Waqf empowerment in order to increase welfare
condition of people. This concept proved to be interesting enough and was able to
contribute energy to move the stagnant development of Waqf. Then in 2002,
Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) accepted the concept by releasing new Islamic
rule or fatwa which stated that people can do cash Waqf (waqf al-nuqud).
Act of Republik Indonesia No. 41 of 2004 that was released became the
momentum of empowerment of Waqf in productive perspective, because it
contains the knowledge and comprehension and management pattern to use the
potential strength of Waqf modern. The Act also stated that this new concept of
Waqf contains very broad dimension. It does not only cover the rule of chattel or
fixture, but also unlimiters cash Waqf to build places for worship and social
According to the data collected by Waqf Empowerment Directory of
Republik Indonesia Government until March 2014, the total of Waqf property in
the form of land had achieved 4.142.464.287,906 m2that spread in 435.395
locations in the whole part of Indonesia. From the total locations,288.429 (66%)
locations among them had received an official certificate, while the other 146.966
(34%) locations had not received an official certificate yet, details as follow: in
the process of BPN 3.2157 locations (22%), in the process of KUA 72.082
locations (49%), and locations that have not received AIW 42.727 locations
By looking at the resource capital, the total Waqf property in Indonesia is
the accumulated Waqf property that spreads in the whole world. This is a
challenge for us to use the property of Waqf that we have wisely, therefore the
lands of Waqf could help welfare condition of Islamic people in Indonesia as the
rules of Waqf which had been declared.
The great total accumulation of Waqf property in Indonesia is also
accompanied by great number of human capital. This is because Indonesia is the
country who has the biggest population of Muslim. Indonesia has been proven
that it has two ultimate factors to use the potential strength of Waqf, Indonesia
should implement the true function of Waqf so that Waqf can be productive and
not be consumptive.
Development of Waqf in Indonesia
Nowadays, the development of Waqf in Indonesia has been concerned by
many scholars and Muslim philosophers, which triggers the born of new
progressive ideas to develop Waqf. This also encourages government to release
regulation and guidelines to increase the empowerment program of Waqf.
As the regulator, motivator, and facilitator, government embodies
strategies step by step, from reinforcement of Waqf institution, until tools and
infrastructure supplying.
Reinforcement of Nazhir Professionalism
Effort to reinforce professionalism of Nazhir can be seen in the Act of Republik
Indonesia No. 41 on Waqf. in the Act of Republik Indonesia No. 41 on Waqf,
there are three kinds of Nazhir: individual Nazhir, organization or institutional
Nazhir, and corporation Nazhir. Requirements to be an individual Nazhir are: an
Indonesia citizen, Muslim, adult aged, trustable, physically and mentally normal,
and in status of illegal act free. Requirements to be an organization or institutional
Nazhir are:
1) Each member of the organization has met the requirements of individual nazhir
2) the organization concerns in the field of social, education, public society,
and/or Islamic religion. While the requirements for corporation Nazhir are: 1)
each member of the corporation has met the requirements of individual nazhir 2)
the Indonesian corporation is established according to the Act of Republik
Indonesia 3) corporations concerns in the field of social, education, public society,
and/or Islamic religion. Nazhir professionalism becomes the main focus in
developing Waqf. Referring to the role and function of Nazhir of Waqf stated that
a Nazhir should have great competence therefore they are able to develop the
potential use of Waqf. In other words, Nazhir must have mental skill, broad
knowledge, and high integrity.
2. Waqf Assets Security
By looking at how great total accumulation of Waqf in Indonesia and there
are still many of Waqf property that has not been officially certificated, Ministry
of Religion took three strategies as the effort to secure those assets therefore they
cannot be handed to the wrong parties who do not have right of those.
First, Ministry of Religion cooperates with National Security Institution
(BPN) to do checking the official certificate of each of the Waqf properties in
form of lands in all parts of Indonesia. In the implementation. Waqf land
certificates are done by Regional Office with budget comes from APBN. Thus,
the Waqf lands have official status and if an outside party has intention to take
over the lands, it can be prosecuted according to law.
Second, advocacy to the assets of Waqf lands which are disputed or
objects of legal problems. This advocacy support will involve many parties, such
as Waqf Nazhir, government, law experts who concern in Waqf, and various
society elements. The advocacy has to be done harmoniously so that it results in
expected outcome.
Third, be more productive in the use and empowerment of Waqf properties in
form of lands. Other than security and advocacy of Waqf, development also needs
to be concerned. Therefore, the legal aspect and Waqf nature role which related to
social value could meet the function. Utilization and empowerment of Waqf lands
that has to be prioritized are big lands that have economic potential which located
in strategic areas, such as roadside, near market, or other crowded places.
The utilization and empowerment of Waqf property in form of object still
revolves in physical objects, so there is no significant affection to the economical
state of people. The total amount of Waqf property that existed in Indonesia fails
to help poverty problems.
Utilization cash Waqf productively for helping to increase welfare
condtion of people cannot be avoided. Besides, Indonesia is in the state of
economic crisis, which needs participation from many parties. The release of Act
of Republik Indonesia No. 41 on Waqf is directed to empower the potential of
Waqf as one of instruments to build social and economy condition of Muslim. The
existence of this Act is also the momentum of Waqf empowerment be more
productive, because it contains the knowledge and comprehension and
management pattern to use the potential strength of Waqf modern.
Ministry of Religious Affairs, in this case, the Directorate General of
Islamic Guidance Society, has a role as a facilitator, motivator, policy makers as
well as community partners in increasing the potential of Waqf and arousingthe
participation of the society to empower land for Waqf. By arousing the
participation of the society, we have contributed stimulus assistance to Nazhir, the
one who manages the Waqf land. This, then, leads to high economic potential to
empower, manage, and develop the Waqf land by establishing productive business
as a model of productive Waqf. Since 2005 until 2013, the Directorate General of
Islamic Guidance Society has provided accommodationin order to empower
productive Waqf, which was sourced from the State Budget (APBN). The total
amount of the money given was Rp56.900.000.000, -, which was spread across 92
locations in 25 provinces.
In terms of utilization, the accommodation of productive Waqf has been
used in the development of 16 types business. Out of the 16 utilizations,
Minimarket business dominates the other businesses, in total accommodation use
Rp.,- in 28 locations. The use of productive Waqf assistance
shows that the development of Nazhir is progressive. This also means that
Nazhir’s professionalism is improved. Having competent background, Nazhir also
shows that the society gives positive response for productive Waqf program. It is
proven by the big numbers of Nazhir with various education background and
Beside, BWI also cooperates with several Islamic Financial Institutions of
the Receiver of Endowments Money. According to the latest BWI record in 20072011, the total amount of cash Waqf was 2.973.393.876, in which, half of the fund
would be used to finance the project of mother and child hospital (RSIA).
In 2013,the fund collected at BWI cash Waqf was in the range of 3 billion.
This is still very far from the expectation. According to Cholil Nafis, 17, if 20
million Moslems in Indonesia are willing to collect cash Waqf, which is worth of
Rp 100.000,-per month, then the funds collected would be about Rp 24 trillion per
year. If there are 50 million people, then the funds collected would be about Rp 60
trillion. If there are 1 million people collect Rp 100.000,- per month, then the
funds collected would be about Rp 100 billion per month and Rp 1,2 trillion per
Some obstacles, that make the management of cash Waqf less optimal,
1. Less socialization of Endowments (Waqf) Act, particularly, about
cash Waqf in some rural areas in Indonesia
2. Professionalism of Nazhir, which is still not optimal. There are still
some different perspectives about the regulation, especially on cash
Waqf, among Nazhir.
3. The funds mobilization system has not effectively done in
managing cash Waqf. (Based on Act No. 41/2004) determines that
there are three parties involved in the management of cash Waqf.
Those are the Islamic Financial Institutions (BLM) as a collector of
funds agencies, BWI as the parties processing and development,
and Nazhir as cash Waqf fund manager. In fact, through this kind
of management mechanism, cash Waqf is considered notoptimal.
The management of endowment funds that has not been done under
these institutions, results to the long and complicated mechanism.
Solution for Waqf in Indonesia
Seeing the progress of waqf in Indonesia is getting advanced, it needs the
right solution to support the development of waqf in Indonesia, such as:
1. It is important to have optimal socialization by Indonesian Waqf Board
and Private Endowments Institute, in order to enrich the understanding
of society, especially in rural areas about the importance of Waqf for
social welfare function.
2. Coordination and maximum synergy among management agencies at
the central BWI endowments (Waqf Board Indonesia) and Private
Endowments Institute are important things in order to avoid system
errors and different perceptions.
3. The discourse about Waqf Bank can be one of the solutions for the
management of cash Waqf, which is more professional.The concept of
Waqf Bank should be supported by the government, practitioners and
academics. Waqf Bank will manage all activities, such as receipt,
management and disbursement of cash Waqf under one agency. This
has been done by other countries such as Bangladesh, Malaysia,
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Jordan. Waqf Bank have full
authority to be Nazhir (manager), starting from the receiver, organizer
and distributor of Waqf funds. This Waqf bank stands under
Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI) and is responsible to the BWI, in
receiving, managing and distributing funds from Wakif. The function
of Waqf bank is similar to that, which is conducted by the Social
Investment Bank Limited (SIBL) in Bangladesh. Thus, the authority of
the bank management is given to the bank Waqf Bank, while the
authority of BWI is in terms of monitoring the performance of Waqf
The major population in Indonesia is Moslem, which is expected to have
rapid development, in case of Waqf, compared to the other ASEAN countries,
which have less Moslems. There are a lot of obstacles to confront in developing
Waqf. The existence of BWI is hoped to be very helping in observing and
managing the endowments (Waqf) in Indonesia.
The poor understanding of the society about productive Waqf becomes the
main obstacle, whereas the productive Waqf can possibly become one of the
solutions to eradicate poverty and guarantee the welfare of the nation.
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