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Grammar 4 Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections Prepositions Show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence Often gives a location in time or place For example. . . about, before, by, during, on, under, during, before Prepositions Compound prepositions: prepositions formed from more than one word because of, in place of, instead of Object of the preposition: noun or pronoun that follows the preposition Prepositional phrase: preposition + object of the preposition + adjectives/adverbs describing the object of the preposition under the table, around the world Conjunctions Connect words or groups of words Coordinating conjunctions: connect words or word groups of equal importance in the sentence FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Correlative conjunctions: word pairs that join words or groups of words both. . . and, either. . . or, not only. . . but also, whether. . . or Conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions: introduce subordinate clauses (cannot stand alone) after, because, if, so, that, since, than, when, while Conjunctive adverbs: express relationships between independent clauses finally, furthermore, however, instead, still Interjections words or phrases that express a feeling Strong interjections are followed by an exclamation point Mild interjections are set off with commas For example. . . Wow! That was an exciting game. I, uh, forgot my homework. Well, we tried our best. Ouch! I stubbed my toe on my desk!