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Regardless of what you set out to accomplish, it is rather imperative that you lay out the plans before treading the path towards your aspirations. A good plan will serve like a guiding torch for you in pursuit of your goals. The same holds true for the GRE exam. You should formulate GRE strategies in organized and correct manner and work towards it with utmost zeal and commitment. If you fall behind to knuckle yourself down to accomplish this, the eventual results will be dispiriting. The scores of GRE test will play a decisive role in your pursuit of being counted among the cream of the crop and conquering the acme of success. Here are some of the GRE strategies on how to prepare for the test:  Familiarity with the Test You can test the waters before you take the GRE exam with GRE sample tests. This test will expose you to different dimensions of GRE exam and you can familiarize yourself with the nuts-and-bolts of the exam. This will grease the skids for you throughout the test. If you do not have acquaintances of level of complexity of GRE exam, you may erupt into agitation during the exam and thereby fizzle out in your attempt.  Keep a Track of Time Save yourself a due amount of time for the preparation of GRE exam. A full-scale preparation strengthens your chances of a better GRE score in the exam. Commit yourself thoroughly to the preparation of the test and devote whatever little time is available at your disposal. Although three to four months of rigorous preparation will suffice, you should knuckle yourself down from the onset and should devote at least a year for the preparation.  Lay Out the Goals You must make it a point to set a goal for the GRE score you aspire for. This will lay the perfect follow-up for you to work upon. Also, this will let you size the time and effort up, needed to accomplish the score goal.  Zero in on the Exam You ust e ploy cautio to keep the distractio s at ar ’s length. While you are studying for the GRE exam, you should focus thorough attention on the concerned content. Also, seek to ensure to steer yourself clear of music, television, and cellphones. Also, make it a point not to change the horses in midstream and stick to the objectives and strategies that you have laid out.  Lay Thrust on Achilles Heel You should pay heed to the sections of GRE test which you lag behind in. However, avoid taking a line of least resistance. The GRE exam is segregated into four sections, namely, research, quantitative, verbal, and analytical writing. Gauge yourself on the yardstick of your ability to score in the GRE exam and then you can distinguish high-scoring section from low-scoring section for you. Subsequently, procure assistance for the concerned section.  Make Recourse to Different Resources You can pore over a wide array of texts available as resources in your preparation for the exam since one text will not suffice for comprehensive and effective preparation of the exam. All these texts will equip you with all the essentials needed to get through the good scores in the GRE exam. In the end, it is worth concluding that with such valuable aforementioned GRE strategies, it becomes imperative that you employ these strategies and work towards scoring good marks in the GRE exam. Additionally the level of complexity of the exam, one should not turn eyes off it and should knuckle themselves down from the onset of realizing your goal for the exam.