Desalination 344 (2014) 137–143
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Silica removal to prevent silica scaling in reverse osmosis membranes
S. Salvador Cob a,b,c,⁎, B. Hofs a, C. Maffezzoni a, J. Adamus b, W.G. Siegers a, E.R. Cornelissen a,
F.E. Genceli Güner d, G.J. Witkamp a,b,c
KWR Watercycle Research Institute, P.O. Box 1072, 3430 BB Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
Biotechnology Dept., Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 67, 2628 BC Delft, The Netherlands
Wetsus, Centre for Sustainable Water Technology, P.O. Box 1113, 8900 CC Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Process & Energy Dept., Delft University of Technology, Leeghwaterstraat 39, 2628 CB Delft, The Netherlands
Different methods to remove silica from solution were investigated.
Al3 + was the most efficient precipitant for silica, removing up to 99% of silica.
A strongly basic anion exchange resin removed silica up to 94%.
Monitoring residual silica and Al3 + is crucial to prevent scaling in membranes.
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 3 October 2013
Received in revised form 13 March 2014
Accepted 17 March 2014
Available online xxxx
Scale control
High recovery
Aluminum ions
Ion exchange
a b s t r a c t
Reverse osmosis membranes are increasingly used in drinking water treatment. However, the production of a
concentrate stream is the main disadvantage of its application. Increasing the recovery of the membranes in
order to have the smallest amount of concentrate possible is an attractive approach. In the absence of bivalent
cations in the feed water, silica and silica-derived precipitants are limiting factors in high-recovery reverse osmosis operations. The removal of silica in a separate pretreatment process might be the solution. Several methods
were tested to remove silica. Precipitation of silica with Fe(OH)3, Al(OH)3 and silica gel was investigated, and
also the removal of silica using a strongly basic anion (SBA) exchange resin.
Al(OH)3 was the most effective precipitant for silica, removing nearly all of the molecularly dissolved silica.
However, a residual amount of aluminum remained in solution, and aluminosilicate colloids were not removed.
The use of the SBA exchange resin also showed a good performance, removing up to 94% of the silica. However,
further investigations, such as checking whether the residual small amounts of silica and aluminum can still
cause scaling in the membrane, need to be conducted.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Nowadays membrane technology is progressively used to produce
drinking water [1]. Nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) produce
high quality water by removing pathogens, organic micropollutants, colloids, natural organic matter and salts. However, NF and RO have several
drawbacks, like membrane fouling and the production of concentrate.
One of the major foulants of RO membranes is silica. Its ubiquitous presence in natural waters can complicate desalination processes because of
its high scaling potential [2–4], and the complex chemistry of silica adds
to the difficulty of this problem. Silica solubility is low, about 120 mg/L
in water at pH 7 and at 25 °C. It is usually assumed that as long as the
⁎ Corresponding author at: KWR Watercycle Research Institute, Groningenhaven 7, P.O.
Box 1072, 3430 BB Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 306069581.
E-mail address: (S. Salvador Cob).
0011-9164/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
concentration of Si(OH)4 is below 120 mg/L there is no polymerization,
but it could be that solutions with lower concentrations might nucleate
less soluble polymeric species of lower solubility [5]. Furthermore, the
presence of iron and aluminum decreases the solubility of silica [5].
Once silica polymerizes, deposition on the membranes is likely and it is
difficult to remove it by cleaning. Therefore, preventing the occurrence
of silica scaling is preferred.
In our previous research we studied the feasibility of achieving a
high RO recovery in a system composed of a cation exchange (CIEX)
resin, followed by treatment with NF and RO, which treated the NF concentrate [6]. We found that at N94% total system water recovery, silica
scaling became the limiting factor for the investigated water type. The
silica concentrations in the bulk solution of the RO feed varied between
80 and 200 mg/L SiO2.
One of the options to prevent silica scaling consists of removing silica
in a separate pretreatment process. Several investigations have been
S. Salvador Cob et al. / Desalination 344 (2014) 137–143
Fig. 1. Simplified scheme of the CIEX–NF–RO system.
conducted in this field. Silica can be removed from water by precipitation with multivalent metal hydroxides, such as Fe(OH)3, Al(OH)3 and
Mg(OH)2. This treatment removes both soluble and colloidal silica
[3,7,8]. Other methods of silica removal, such as electrocoagulation
and in-line coagulation/ultrafiltration have been also investigated and
were able to remove up to 65 and 80% of the silica, respectively [9,10].
Silica can also be removed with anion exchange [11] or by chemical
(lime or caustic soda) softening at pH N 10 [12,13]. The removal of silica
by chemical softening is in co-precipitation with Mg(OH)2. Thus, to
remove silica with chemical softening, it should be applied before
CIEX — as CIEX removes nearly all Mg2+(aq).
The aim of this study is to find the most suitable method and conditions to remove silica in order to be able to reach very high recoveries
with RO without silica scaling. In the present paper we report different
experiments to remove silica with Fe(OH)3, Al(OH)3, silica gel and a
strongly basic anion (SBA) exchange resin, performed with synthetic
water, tap water, and water extracted from a pilot plant [6], paying special attention to the amounts of residual silica and residual precipitant
after the treatment. With the results obtained we can design a pretreatment step to remove silica, avoiding silica scaling in the RO membrane.
2. Materials and methods
Two different kinds of experiments were performed in an attempt to
remove silica in the most efficient way. The first method was the removal
of silica by precipitation and the second one by means of a strongly basic
anion (SBA) exchange resin.
These analyses were done immediately after sampling, following
the silicomolybdate Hach method 8185. Total silica (reactive and
non-reactive) was measured by means of Ion Couple Plasma Atomic
Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), using an ICP analyzer (Spectro
Arcos). In the experiments using AlCl3·6H2O, the dissolved silica was
too low to be determined spectrophotometrically, thus, the remaining
silica was total silica measured only with ICP-AES. The concentrations
of aluminum remaining in the treated water were determined after
filtration with a 0.22 μm filter, by ICP-AES.
2.1.2. Water type
The experiments were performed using different types of water:
deionized water and water extracted from a pilot plant described elsewhere [6]. The pilot achieved high recoveries in the treatment of tap
water by subsequent application of CIEX, NF and RO (on the NF concentrate). In the pilot the water was recirculated over both the NF and RO in
local loops, in order to get sufficient cross-flow. Three water types were
extracted from the pilot, to investigate the efficiency and impact of precipitation using Al3+ for the removal of silica at three different possible
stages in the pilot installation. The extracted water types were: the tap
water feeding the pilot (‘tap water’), water from the NF recirculation
loop (‘NF recirculation’) and water from the RO recirculation loop
(‘RO recirculation’). A simplified scheme of the system is shown in
Fig. 1. The average composition of these streams, including the concentrations of silica, is given in Table 1.
By performing precipitation experiments in three different water
types, the most optimal location for silica precipitation in a CIEX–NF–RO
system can be assessed.
2.1. Silica removal by precipitation
2.1.1. Experimental procedure
Silica removal experiments were performed using 250 mL plastic
covered beakers. The solutions were placed in the beakers and the
required reagent (see below) was added, if necessary. The pH was
checked with a pH meter (Radiometer Copenhagen PHM95) and
adjusted to the desired value by addition of (1 M) HCl or (1 M) NaOH
(Sigma Aldrich).
Supersaturated silica solutions (200 mg/L) were prepared by dissolving the corresponding amount of Na2SiO3·5H2O (Sigma Aldrich)
in deionized water. The FeCl3·6H2O, AlCl3·6H2O and silica gel used to
precipitate the silica were from JT Baker, Merck and Sigma Aldrich,
respectively. The silica gel had a particle size ranging from 9.5 to 11
μm and its pore size ranged from 50 to 76 Å.
The solutions were stirred continuously at 600 rpm. The samples for
analysis were collected every 10 or 30 min, depending on the experiment, with a plastic syringe and filtrated with a 0.22 μm Millipore filter.
All the experiments were done in duplicate. In all the experiments using
deionized water, the pH was adjusted to 8.5 ± 0.3.
Dissolved silica, also known as reactive silica, was analyzed
with a spectrophotometer at 452 nm wavelength (Hitachi U-2900).
2.1.3. Precipitate characterization and particle size distribution
For the design of a separate process for removing silica it is important to characterize the precipitate formed [14]. Information about
particle size and shape is needed to design the proper filtration unit to
follow the precipitator. Ultrafiltration, for instance, might be required
to filter residual colloids after precipitation.
Table 1
Average composition in the different water streams tested (all in mg/L except pH).
Tap water
NF recirculation
RO recirculation
S. Salvador Cob et al. / Desalination 344 (2014) 137–143
Table 2
Tap water average quality (all concentrations as
Fig. 3. Soluble silica concentration over time at different silica gel concentrations (pH 8.5).
When SI N 0 the compound is supersaturated and there is risk of
scaling [15].
Two techniques were used to characterize qualitatively the precipitate formed in the experiments using the RO concentrate, powder X-ray
diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The precipitate was collected on a 0.22 μm filter. XRD patterns were recorded in a
Bragg–Brentano geometry in a Bruker D5005 diffractometer equipped
with a Huber incident-beam monochromator and a Braun PSD detector.
Data collection was carried out at room temperature using monochromatic Cu radiation (Kα1 λ = 0.154056 nm) in the 2θ region between
10° and 90°, step size 0.038° 2θ. Data evaluation was done with the Bruker
program EVA. For the SEM analysis a JEOL-6480LV (JEOL Company)
equipped with a Noran system SIX X-ray microanalysis (EDX) system
(Thermo Electron Corporation) was used to determine the structure
and the composition. The samples were coated with a thin (10 nm) Au
layer. An accelerating voltage of 6 kV was used for SEM observation and
10 kV for the EDX analysis.
The particle size of the precipitate was monitored using a Microtrac
S3500 Particle Size Analyzer (Anaspec Solutions). Liquid samples were
extracted from the beaker and poured into methanol. Ultrasound was
applied to avoid agglomeration of the particles.
2.1.4. Phreeqc calculations
Phreeqc-2 software was used to calculate the saturation index (SI) of
the sparingly soluble inorganic salts in water using the database Wateq4f.
The SI is defined as
SI ¼ log IAP=Ksp
where, IAP is the ion activity product and Ksp is the thermodynamic
solubility product.
Fig. 2. Soluble silica concentration over time after addition of different concentrations of
iron (pH 8.5).
2.2. Silica removal using a strong basic anion exchange resin
Silica can also be removed with a SBA exchange resin. To test this
method, we performed a bench scale experiment. The resin used for
this test (Lewatit MonoPlus M500) was in the OH− form.
2.2.1. Experimental procedure
A plastic tank was filled with 20 L of locally available tap water with
a known silica concentration. Then, 100 mL of resin was poured into a
small column 18 cm high and 5 cm in diameter. A peristaltic pump
(Masterflex L/S) was connected between the tank and the top of the
column using a silicone tube. The flow was set at 55 mL/min and it
was regularly checked with a stopwatch and a graduated cylindrical
The silica concentration in the discharge of the column was monitored with a silica analyzer (Alert Colorimeter ADI 2004 from Applikon)
in order to determine the breakthrough of silica. The pH was also measured using a Meterlab Standard pH meter PHM210.
2.2.2. Water type
The water for this experiment was locally available drinking water.
This water was produced from groundwater at plant Tull en 't Waal
(Water Supply Company Vitens) by aeration and rapid sand filtration
with addition of polyaluminum chloride and without post-chlorination.
The quality of the water is given in Table 2 (published before in [6]).
The water had an average pH of 8.1.
Fig. 4. Soluble silica concentration over time combining Fe3+ and silica gel (pH 8.5).
S. Salvador Cob et al. / Desalination 344 (2014) 137–143
3.1.2. Precipitation with aluminum in deionized water
Different amounts of AlCl3·6H2O (amount of Al3 + given) were
added to 200 mg/L silica solutions. The changes in the dissolved silica
concentration in time are shown in Fig. 5.
Silica removal at pH 8.5 by addition of Al3+ was very fast, compared
to removal by addition of Fe3+ and/or silica gel. After 10 min, most of
the silica was already removed for all the different aluminum doses.
The maximum removal of silica, 99.9%, was achieved after 1 h, by addition of 400 mg/L of Al3+, with a residual silica concentration 0.29 mg/L
and residual aluminum of 1.27 mg/L. Increasing the amount of Al3 +
from 125 to 400 mg/L significantly increased the performance, from
77.3 to 99.9% removal of silica.
Fig. 5. Soluble silica concentration over time at different Al3+ concentrations (pH 8.5).
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Silica removal by precipitation
3.1.1. Precipitation with iron and silica gel in deionized water
Different amounts of Fe3+ were added to 200 mg/L silica solutions
at a pH of 8.5 and the subsequent change in the concentration of
dissolved silica was monitored, as is shown in Fig. 2.
In the control experiment, silica concentration dropped to 180 mg/L
after 4 h and remained constant. This is known as the pseudoequilibrium
concentration of silica [16]. For both Fe3+ concentrations, the soluble
silica concentration in the solution after 6 h was about 130 mg/L so
about 35% of silica precipitated with iron. Increasing the iron concentration did not increase the silica removal.
The same procedure was repeated, with different amounts of silica
gel added (Fig. 3).
The soluble silica concentration in the solution after 6 h was about
140 mg/L for both silica gel concentrations, thus about 30% of silica
was deposited in the silica gel seeds.
A third set of experiments was conducted where both Fe3+ and silica
gel were added (Fig. 4).
145 mg/L of soluble silica remained in the solution 6 h after adding
100 mg/L of Fe3 + and 2000 mg/L of silica gel; therefore, 28% of the
initial silica was removed.
The removal efficiency for silica gel and Fe3+ we found is lower than
that found by Bremere et al. [8], who found a removal of about 50%
in 6 h. This is probably due to the different pH, as we conducted our
experiments at pH 8.5, whereas Bremere et al. worked at pH 7.
3.1.3. Precipitation with Al3+ using water from a pilot plant
After observing that Al3+ was far more efficient than the other precipitants in reducing the silica content, more experiments were performed
with Al3+ and different water types produced by a pilot installation,
described in detail elsewhere [6]. Three water types were extracted
from the pilot plant: the tap water feeding the pilot, and the NF and RO
recirculation streams. Therefore, the optimal location for silica removal
could be studied.
For the tap water and NF recirculation the pHs were adjusted to 8,
8.5 and 9, which is the optimal range for the removal of silica with
Al3+ [17]. For the RO recirculation the pH was constant at 8.8, due
to the high amount of bicarbonate (~10,000 mg/L) and carbonate
(~300 mg/L) present in the water buffering the solution. Table 3 gives
an overview of all the conducted experiments, including the projected
concentrations of SiO2 and Al3+ in the RO feed of the pilot plant after
silica removal.
The silica concentration in the tap water was 18 mg/L. The pH went
down to 5.7 upon addition of 30 mg/L of aluminum (as Al3+ by adding
AlCl3·6H2O) and to 4.8 upon addition of 60 mg/L of aluminum. The pH
was subsequently adjusted to the values given in Table 3. The highest
amount of silica removal, 98% after 1 h, was reached at pH 9 with the addition of 60 mg/L of aluminum. Silica removal increased with increasing
Al3+ concentration from 30 to 60 mg/L and with increasing pH from 8
to 9. However, the residual dissolved Al3+ concentration in the treated
water also increased with increasing pH and initial Al3+ concentration
(at the same pH). The increased residual Al3 + with increasing pH is
probably due to the higher proportion and solubility of Al(OH)−
4 at
higher pH.
The same procedure as for the tap water was followed with the NF
recirculation water. The silica concentration in the NF recirculation
was 20 mg/L and the pH went down to 7.1 and 6.7 for 30 and 60 mg/L
of added Al3+, respectively. In the NF recirculation the silica removal
by addition of Al3 + showed the same trends as observed in the
Table 3
Summary of the experiments performed.
Al3+ added (mg/L)
Tap water
NF recirculation
RO recirculation
Silica removal (%)
Residual SiO2 (mg/L)
Residual Al3+ (mg/L)
Projected concentrations in RO
SiO2 (mg/L)
Al3+ (mg/L)
S. Salvador Cob et al. / Desalination 344 (2014) 137–143
Table 4
Residual concentration of HCO−
3 in the RO concentrate after 1 h as a
function of Al3+ added at t = 0.
Al3+ added (mg/L)
3 (mg/L)
treatment of the tap water. The highest silica removal, 95%, was reached
at pH 9 with the addition of 60 mg/L of Al3 +. The residual dissolved
Al3+ concentration was lower in treated NF recirculation (2.38 mg/L)
than in treated tap water (7.15 mg/L).
For the RO recirculation, with an initial silica of 140 mg/L, the silica
removal was similar with varying amounts of added Al3 + from 240
to 400 mg/L. However, the residual dissolved Al3+ concentration decreased from 1.78 to 0.76 mg/L with an increasing amount of added
Al3+. The HCO−
3 concentration in the RO recirculation also decreased
with an increasing amount of added Al3+ (Table 4).
The projected concentrations in the RO feed (Table 3) are calculated
based on known rejections for Al3+ and silica for the NF and RO membranes in the pilot installation. If silica is removed in the tap water
feeding the pilot, the stream will be further concentrated in the NF
and RO steps, therefore the silica and, specially, Al3 + concentrations
are expected to increase considerably. The projected amount of Al3+
in this case (17–193 mg/L) is too high to consider treatment of the tap
water with Al3+ as a feasible option. The saturation indices of various
aluminosilicates would probably be high (see Section, and aluminosilicates would cause scaling on the RO membrane. After treatment
of the NF recirculation by addition of Al3+, the treated NF recirculation
water would be further concentrated in the RO step. The projected
concentrations of SiO2 and Al3 + in the RO feed are the same as the
concentrations after treatment, as the treated water would be directly
fed to the RO.
The coprecipitation of silica with aluminum depends on several
factors, of which the pH and the state of silica (colloidal or molecularly
dissolved) are probably the most important. Okamoto et al. [17] showed
that 45–100 mg/L of colloidal silica can be precipitated by minor
amounts of added aluminum sulfate at pH 4 to about pH 5. The amount
of added aluminum sulfate is critical with respect to precipitation: if the
ratio silica to aluminum exceeds a certain value, colloidal silica cannot
be precipitated. This is probably because positively charged aluminum
ions cause charge compensation and bridging (mostly due to AlOH2+
which has a maximum contribution to the aluminum species at a pH
of about 4.6 [18]) by adsorption onto the negatively charged silica colloids (at pH N 4). At higher pH, this mechanism is no longer possible
as the aluminum ion species become neutral, or negatively charged.
Okamoto et al. [17] also showed that the precipitation of dissolved
silica on the other hand, requires the addition of large amounts of
aluminum sulfate and has an optimum at pHs 8–9. This is in apparent
contradiction with the results obtained by Gallup [19], who showed
that 1000 mg/L of dissolved silica can be precipitated by minor amounts
of aluminum ions in the pH range of 6–9. However, the relatively high
concentration of silica that Gallup used will inevitably lead to polymerization of dissolved silica to colloidal silica in most of the used pH range
and T. Thus, most likely aluminosilicate colloids were precipitated by
the aluminum ions, which explains the different behavior with respect
to the pH range of precipitation and the required dose of aluminum
observed in the two papers. This is probably because silica and aluminosilicate colloids have very different surface properties with respect to
the isoelectric point [20].
In our experiments, the silica concentration was relatively low for
the deionized water, tap water and NF recirculation. Thus, removal of
molecularly dissolved silica by the addition of Al3+ was possible down
to low residual concentrations of silica.
The fact that some aluminosilicates were already supersaturated in
the RO recirculation, even before treatment (before addition of Al3 +,
see Section, probably led to the formation of aluminosilicate
colloids. The removal of molecularly dissolved silica and the silica and
aluminosilicate colloids by addition of Al3 + proceeds via different
mechanisms, at different pH values. Therefore, the removal of total silica
by addition of Al3 + from the RO recirculation at pH 8.8 probably
succeeded only in removing the molecularly dissolved silica, and did
not remove the aluminosilicate colloids. Due to the presence of about
100 mg/L dissolved organic matter (DOC) in the RO recirculation it
was not possible to use the colorimetric method to determine the concentration of monomeric silica. The concentration of silica remaining
in solution after filtration was determined with ICP-AES. Thus, the
total silicon concentration was determined in this case (from which
the total silica concentration was calculated), and not just the molecularly dissolved silica concentration.
For the RO recirculation the amount of silica removed was constant
with increasing the amount of Al3+ added. The residual Al3+ decreased
slightly with increasing the amount of Al3+ added. Probably, the presence of bicarbonate plays an important role in capturing the excess
aluminum and in determining the residual aluminum concentration.
The higher the dose of Al3 +, the higher the removal of HCO−
3 . The
higher the bicarbonate concentration was (tap water = 270 mg/L; NF
concentrate = 1500 mg/L), the lower the residual aluminum concentration was.
In the RO recirculation, specifically, there was a high concentration
of HCO−
3 , around 10,000 mg/L. Possible removal mechanism for HCO3
are the formation of an unknown solid phase composed of at least
aluminum, carbonate and other ions, or absorption onto formed alumi3+
nosilicate colloids [21]. As much more HCO−
3 was removed than Al
was added, the formation of a solid phase seems more likely. This
also explains why the HCO−
3 concentration decreased with increasing
amounts of aluminum added. Phreeqc calculations. The projected concentrations in the RO feed
for the experiments with the NF recirculation adding 60 mg/L of Al3+
and the RO recirculation (Table 3) were put into Phreeqc to calculate
the saturation indices of various minerals. The saturation indices in
the RO recirculation before any treatment have been also added. The
results of the calculations are given in Table 5.
From the saturation indices' values we can see that there is high
supersaturation of inorganic compounds (minerals) containing Al, Si
and O in all cases. These indices are considerably higher before addition
of Al3+. The lowest supersaturation values were found after removal of
silica in the NF recirculation at pH 9 and in the RO recirculation after addition of 400 mg/L Al3+. These results showed that the supersaturation
of these minerals at the inlet of the RO membrane would possibly lead
Table 5
Saturation indices in the RO feed before and after removing silica in the NF and RO recirculation (albite: NaAlSi3O8; kaolinite: Al2Si2O5(OH)4; pyrophyllite: Al2Si4O10(OH)2).
Saturation indices
Before addition of Al3+
NF recirculation (60 mg/L Al3+)
RO recirculation
pH 8
pH 8.5
pH 9
240 mg/L Al3+
300 mg/L Al3+
400 mg/L Al3+
S. Salvador Cob et al. / Desalination 344 (2014) 137–143
to aluminosilicate scaling. Furthermore, this emphasizes the importance
of minimizing not only the SiO2, but also the residual dissolved Al3+
concentration. Precipitate characterization and particle size distribution. The
precipitate formed 1 h after adding 400 mg/L of aluminum to the RO
concentrate was characterized with XRD and SEM–EDX. The XRD
analysis indicated that the precipitate was amorphous, and no crystalline form was identified. The SEM image (Fig. 6) showed a homogenous
precipitate with many very small particles (≪1 μm) with some larger
particles (of about 0.5 μm). The picture looked similar to previous SEM
images of an aluminum-silicate scaled RO membrane [6].
The EDX results (Table 6) showed that the precipitate contained C, O,
Al, Na and Si. The ratio Al–Si found was 8.6, which was in agreement,
approximately, with the ratio of the amount of aluminum added and
the amount of silica precipitated (7.9). The carbon percentage did not
match with the precipitated carbon present in HCO−
3 (it should be
~ 26%). The reason might be that the HCO−
3 precipitate was partially
smaller than the filter size (0.22 μm).
The particle size distribution of the precipitate formed in solution 1 h
after addition of 400 mg/L of aluminum to the RO recirculation was
measured with a Microtrac S3500 particle size analyzer (Fig. 7).
The precipitate apparently had a trimodal distribution, with very
small particles of around 0.16 μm, medium sized particles of about
0.52 μm and a very small amount of relatively large particles, which
was in agreement with the SEM analysis. The smallest particles
could already be seen easily in the SEM picture and consist of about
Table 6
EDX analysis of the Si–Al precipitate.
55.1 vol.% of the precipitate volume. The medium sized particles,
around 0.52 μm, take up 41.4 vol.% and the largest particles, of about
around 3.45 μm, take up only 3.5 vol.%. The measured particle size
distribution is split up into two main populations, which probably
correspond to two different types of colloids. The smallest particles are
close in size to the pore size of the filter (0.22 μm), and these are probably the solid phase composed of aluminum and bicarbonate, that
would explain why there is carbon missing in the EDX analysis. The
larger particles at around 0.5 μm are probably composed of the silica
that was dissolved in the RO recirculation and the added aluminum.
The aluminosilicate colloids that were already present in the RO
recirculation were probably smaller than the filter size. To completely
remove silica from the RO recirculation thus would require application
of both Al3+ (to remove molecularly dissolved silica) and ultrafiltration
(to remove colloids).
In conclusion, the precipitation of silica with Al3+ seems to be an
efficient way of removing molecularly dissolved silica from solution.
However, the residual concentration of Al3+ should be as low as possible as aluminosilicates have about ten times lower solubility than silica
[22]. Thus, removal of silica by Al3+ may prevent silica scaling, but may
cause aluminosilicate scaling. From the Phreeqc calculations one can see
that after removing silica from the solution there is still supersaturation
of aluminosilicates. Therefore, further research should focus on investigating the possibility of scaling in the RO membrane after silica removal.
3.2. Silica removal using a strong basic anion exchange resin
Another option to remove silica is with an SBA exchange resin. The
main advantage of removing silica by anion exchange is the absence
of a need to introduce multivalent cations, like Fe3 + and Al3 +. The
anion exchange resin was placed in the small column and the tap
water (see Table 2) was pumped through the column in fixed bed
mode with a linear velocity of 3.2 m/s. We monitored the silica concentration before and after the resin and the pH after the resin. The change
in the pH and silica concentration in the effluent of the anion exchange
column is shown in Fig. 8, as a function of the treated bed volumes.
The silica concentration in the feed to the column was constant
(18 mg/L) and the pH was 8.1. Removal of silica was, on average, 94%
before breakthrough, which was at about 50 bed volumes. The pH of
the treated water after the removal of silica was 11.8, and after the
Fig. 6. SEM image of the Si–Al precipitate (left) and blow-up of the SEM image (right).
Fig. 7. Particle size distribution of the Si–Al precipitate.
S. Salvador Cob et al. / Desalination 344 (2014) 137–143
( Wetsus is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Economic
Affairs, the European Union Regional Development Fund, the Province
of Fryslân, the City of Leeuwarden and the EZ/Kompas program of the
“Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland” and by the Joint Research
Programme of the Dutch Water Companies. The authors would like to
thank the participants of the research theme “Clean Water Technology”
for the discussions and their financial support. We would like to thank
Michel van den Brink for the ICP analysis, Arie Zwijnenburg for the
SEM–EDX analysis and Ruud Hendrikx for the XRD analysis. Finally,
we also would like to thank the reviewers for their comments, which
helped to improve the quality of this paper.
Fig. 8. Silica concentration and pH in the effluent of the anion exchange column as a
function of the treated bed volumes.
breakthrough it reached pH 8. The overshoot in silica concentration at
70–100 bed volumes occurs because the tap water contains many
anions whose affinity for the anion exchange resin is higher than that
of silica. If the water contained only silica the breakthrough would be
delayed by about 50 bed volumes. The low selectivity of SBA exchange
resins for silica (typically b1) [23] makes this option less attractive for
large scale operations, due to the great volumes of resin needed.
Furthermore, the pH during the operation reached a value of 12, so
after the resin a pH correction would be needed. A smarter option is
probably to only treat a part of the stream with the SBA exchange
resin. The removed silica, and the increased pH lead to a higher solubility of silica. This in turn means a higher recovery can be reached by
treatment with RO before silica scaling becomes limiting. This solution
can easily be applied in practice, but would require fairly large amounts
of NaOH for the regeneration of the SBA exchange resin.
4. Conclusions
If bivalent cations have been removed from water, silica remains as a
recovery limiting scalant in RO membranes. Silica must be removed to
allow high recoveries (depending on the feed water quality, N94%) in
NF–RO systems. In this work different methods have been tested:
precipitation with Fe3 +, Al3 + and silica gel, and the use of a strong
basic anion exchange resin. Precipitation with Al3 + seems to be the
most efficient method to remove molecularly dissolved silica. Unfortunately, colloidal aluminosilicates are not removed from brines by
addition of Al3+, at the tested pH of 8.8. Silica removal is thus possible
by either SBA exchange resin, or by a combination of ultrafiltration
and Al3+ dosing. However, for the latter case, further research should
be conducted in order to find out if the small amounts of remaining
silica and aluminum in solution are sufficient to cause scaling in RO
This work was performed in the TTIW-cooperation framework
of Wetsus, Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology
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