Making of the NSTX Facility*
M. Ono, S.M. Kaye, C. Neumeyer, Y-K.M. Peng1, M. Williams, G. Barnes, M. Bell, J. Bialek2, T. Bigelow1 , W.
Blanchard, A. Brooks, .M. D. Carter1, J. Chrzanowski, W. Davis, L. Dudek, R. Ellis, H.M. Fan, E. Fredd, D.
Gates, T. Gibney, P. Goranson1, R. E. Hatcher, P. Heitzenroeder, J. Hosea, S. C. Jardin, T. Jarboe3, D. Johnson,
M. Kalish, R. Kaita, C. Kessel, H. Kugel, R. Majeski, B. McCormack, R. Maingi1, J. Menard, R. Maqueda4, R.
Marsala, D. Mueller, B. E. Nelson1, B. A. Nelson3, G. Oliaro, F. Paoletti2, R. Parsells, E. Perry, G. Pearson, S.
Ramakrishnan, R. Raman3, J. Robinson, P. Roney, L. Roquemore, P. Ryan1, S. Sabbagh2, P. Sichta, T.
Stevenson, D. Swain 1, M. Viola, A. Von Halle, J.R. Wilson, G. Wurden4, S. Zweben, and the NSTX Team
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA
1 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA
2 Columbia University, New York, N.Y., USA
3 University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
4 Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA
* Work is supported by US Dept. of Energy contract No. DE-AC02-76CH03073
Abstract – The NSTX (National Spherical Torus Experiment)
facility located at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is the
newest national fusion science experimental facility for the
restructured US Fusion Energy Science Program. The NSTX
project was approved in FY 97 as the first proof-of-principle
national fusion facility dedicated to the spherical torus
research. On Feb. 15, 1999, fhe first plasma was achieved 10
weeks ahead of schedule. The project was completed on
budget and with an outstanding safety record. This paper
gives an overview of the NSTX facility construction and the
initial plasma operations.
The National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) is a
national fusion science facility whose mission is to establish
the fusion physics principles of the innovative spherical
torus (ST) concept [1]. The cross section of the NSTX
Fig. 1. A schematic of the NSTX device cross-section.
device is shown in Fig. 1 [2]. NSTX is a major component
of the restructured U.S. Fusion Energy Sciences Program,
which is intended to innovate in confinement concepts and
to find a cost-effective route to an attractive fusion power
source. NSTX will advance fusion plasma science in a new
regime that promises very high beta, good confinement,
efficient noninductive startup and current drive, and
dispersed divertor fluxes.
In November 1998, DOE
selected the initial members of the NSTX National
Research Team, comprising researchers from 13 fusion
institutions. The NSTX facility was completed in FY 99
and is now well into the Research Operations phase. The
NSTX National Research Team is investigating ST plasma
physics principles over much wider parameter ranges than
previously investigated [3-5].
A schematic of ST configuration is shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. ST Configuration
It is seen from Fig. 2 that the ST combines a short field line
length of bad curvature and high pitch angle toward the
outboard plasma edge with a long field line length of good
curvature and low pitch angle toward the inboard plasma
edge. In other words, the favorable inner region of ST is
high-q tokamak-like, dominated by the toroidal field, and
the unfavorable outer region is CT (Compact Toroid)-like,
with a strong poloidal field component. A consequence of
dominant good field line curvature is MHD stability at high
plasma pressure in reduced magnetic field (i.e., high β).
This enhancement in β by reducing the aspect ratio in
moderate to high-q toroidal configurations has been
identified for some time in the tokamak. The aspiration of
order-unity β without relying on an applied toroidal field
has been an overarching goal of the CT research. A broad
range of encouraging advances has been made recently in
the exploration of the spherical torus (ST) concept. These
include the experimental data from the pioneering
experiments such as CDX-U [3], HIT-II [4] and START
[5], theoretical predictions [6], attractive devices projected
for near-term fusion energy development such as the
Volumetric Neutron Source (VNS) [7], and future
applications such as the power plants [8]. As a result ST
research has gained broad support and interest in the U.S.
and world fusion communities. Active national and
international collaborations with the world ST community
including the newly commissioned PEGASUS (University
of Wisconsin), MAST (Culham, England) and GLOBUS-M
(St. Petersburg, Russia) devices will complement and
broaden the base in ST physics studies.
The mission of the National Spherical Torus Experiment
(NSTX) [9] is to investigate the physics principles of:
• Non-inductive start-up, current sustainment and
profile control,
• Confinement and transport,
• Pressure limits and self-driven currents,
• Stability and disruption resilience, and
• Scrape-off layers and divertors;
in a low-aspect-ratio (spherical) torus as a plasma
confinement innovation.
These principles are to be
characterized by:
• High average βT (up to 40 %),
• High pressure gradient driven current fraction (up to
70 %),
• Fully relaxed, non-inductively sustained current
• Collisionless plasmas with high temperature and
densities, and
• Low aspect ratio as low as 1.26 and plasma
elongation as high as 2.0.
The physics outcome of the NSTX research program is
relevant to near-term applications such as burning plasma
experiment and the VNS, and future applications such as
the pilot and power plants.
The NSTX Facility Construction Project was officially
approved in Oct. 1996 after the Alternate Concepts Panel
Review under the FESAC (Fusion Energy Sciences
Advisory Committee) Scientific Issues Subcommittee.
FESAC concluded that the ST concept is ready to proceed
to the Proof-of-Principle level research. NSTX is a national
research facility located at PPPL, and to occupy a central
role in “innovation in confinement concepts, focused on
finding a cost-effective route to an attractive fusion power
source.” The NSTX project goal was to build a world-class
proof-of-principle ST facility within the TPC (Total Project
Cost) of $ 23.86 M and to start the research operations in
FY 99 within three years of the project start. To
accomplish these rather challenging project objectives the
NSTX Project Team was formed comprising four
institutions, PPPL, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL,
Columbia University, and University of Washington: PPPL
was to be responsible for the design, fabrication, and
operation of the NSTX facility, ORNL was to provide the
NSTX Program Director and physics and engineering
design on rf (radio-frequency) systems in collaboration with
the OFES Enabling Technology Division [10] and the
plasma facing components [11], the University of
Washington was to lead the physics design of the Coaxial
Helicity Injection (CHI) system [4], and the Columbia
University team was to provide the MHD based physics
support for NSTX.
The device design is clearly the most highly leveraged
activity in the entire construction project. Obviously, a
good design will lead to ease of construction, operation,
maintenance, and upgrading. The NSTX physics design
team through modeling calculations issued the physics
design requirements [12] in accordance with the NSTX
Research Program Mission. The NSTX engineering design
team then went on to work on the engineering design to
meet the physics design requirements. The engineering
design team consisted of experienced engineers who
typically had decades of fusion design experience including
TFTR, BPX, TPX, and ITER. The NSTX project also
received much needed help from the fusion community.
The NSTX project partners are the primary example. A
number of technical reviews were conducted including
community experts from the major fusion facilities such as
DIII-D, C-Mod and START/MAST. The reviews yielded a
number of design improvements, which turned out to be
crucial for the success of the Project. The design of
demountable center stack was an example of the design
innovation by the NSTX engineering team. The center
stack being the most critical component of the whole device
was designed and reviewed most intensely.
demountable center stack facilitates the construction,
maintenance and/or upgrading of the device. This feature
was fully utilized during the outage after the First Plasma to
install additional in-vessel hardware. The use of a special
insulation tape developed for ITER for the inner TF bundle
(to provide sufficient shear strength against the torsional
force of OH) is a good example of benefit realized from the
ongoing technology R&D in the fusion program. The
present NSTX device design therefore is a product of about
two years of intense community-wide design effort. It
should be mentioned that there was about three years of
physics design work by the PPPL-ORNL team prior to the
Project start. Based on the device construction and initial
device performance data, it appears that the NSTX design
indeed belongs to the “good design” category.
After the shut down of the TFTR operations in 1997, the Dsite facility became available for NSTX. While the NSTX
construction TPC budget is less that $24M, the project was
able to take advantage of over $100 M worth of relatively
modern site credits from TFTR. These included power
supplies, a well-shielded and spacious Test Cell, utilities
such as deionized water-cooling and AC power systems,
and the plasma heating and current drive systems. The
experienced technical staff with decades of hands-on
experience on TFTR and other fusion facilities are of
course the most important resource for the facility
construction. In addition, strong involvement of the PPPL
Procurement, and QA/QC were crucial. The PPPL Critical
Lift Team performed a large number of challenging lifts
with a perfect record. The credit also goes to the PPPL
management, the OFES and DOE NSTX Managers who
were very supportive and responsive to the Project needs.
Other important help the Project received was the
utilization of the DCMC (Defense Contractor Management
Command) to monitor the progress on the component
manufacturing at remote facilities including the one in
Finland where much of the NSTX copper conductor
material was manufactured.
Even as the device construction was proceeding, there were
a number of design changes that took place as more physics
calculations were performed. Perhaps the most challenging
one was the addition of the PF 5 coils. In the spring of
1998 during the midst of component fabrication, the
Columbia University and PPPL researchers showed that the
base poloidal field (PF) coil sets (PF 1 to PF4 which were
from S-1 Spheromak Device) was not adequate for the
NSTX research goal. The plasma stability calculations
showed that a plasma produced with the original poloidal
coil set is more prone to plasma pressure instabilities than
an ideal shape case, which resulted in significant plasma
performance degradations. The only practical remedy was
to add an extra set of PF coils of larger diameter (PF 5) to
the original sets. Beside the extra cost for the coil set, the
new coil set needed to be manufactured in time for the outer
TF assembly. If delayed, it would impact the entire project
schedule. If the installation was postponed, it would be
time consuming and costly since the outer TF coils and all
the diagnostics and heating systems connected to the outer
vacuum vessel would have to be disassembled. These
constraints meant only about four months were available for
the design and construction of PF5 coils. The NSTX
Project Team responded to the challenge. The new PF coil
set was indeed designed and manufactured in four months
and installed just in time for the device assembly. The new
coil set introduced changes in the plasma outer boundary,
which necessitated the redesign of the outer passive plate
structure as well as HHFW antennas. While such design
changes are often unavoidable, the project success is
influenced significantly as to how well it can minimize such
mid-stream design changes.
The personnel, facility, and environmental safety issues
were very important part of the NSTX Project. A single
mishap in any one of these important areas could easily
cripple a project. The NSTX Project benefited greatly from
the laboratory’s ES&H (Environment, Safety & Health)
Division, which provided assistance in the ES&H related
issues. In the early phase of the NSTX Project, the
Environmental Assessment was performed, and the Project
was able to obtain FONSI (Findings Of No Significant
Impacts) from the State of New Jersey and DOE. In terms
of personnel and device safety, the Project prepared SAD
(Safety Assessment Document) which included Failure
Modes & Effects Analyses (FMEAs). About one year prior
to the NSTX First Plasma operations the laboratory formed
the Activity Certification Committee (ACC), which
included the DOE PG (Princeton Group) staff as
participating members. The ACC reports to the Executive
Safety Board chaired by Laboratory Deputy Director. The
ACC’s main function is to review the safety and readiness
for starting the NSTX facility operation. The ACC met
regularly and performed numerous site visits and reviewed
NSTX documents and procedures including the SAD. The
ACC recommendations indeed resulted in many safety
related improvements.
From the Project side, the
importance of personnel safety was particularly stressed at
all levels. A dedicated safety inspector was brought in
during the construction period. In the area of training, the
NSTX Project developed a training matrix which is a table
of training requirement for each job function. Much of the
training program and procedures developed for TFTR have
been adopted by NSTX. Indeed, the Integrated Safety
Management (ISM) philosophy was practiced throughout
the NSTX team and the laboratory. As a result, the NSTX
construction was completed with exemplary safety record,
and the NSTX Project received the 1998 State of New
Jersey Governor’s award for safety.
While the NSTX Project utilized much of the available site
credit, one area of significant departure from the existing
system was the Central Instrumentation and Control (I&C)
system. Since much of the TFTR Central I&C was nearly
20 years old, it was decided to purchase new computer
hardware. The former TFTR Control Room was converted
in the NSTX Control Room by eliminating much of the old
instrumentation racks and cables. New computer hardware
for system control and data acquisition systems was
installed along with an optical fiber based network. Almost
all the technical computer software being used on NSTX
was developed by the US science community. NSTX
decided to bring in the MDS-PLUS data acquisition
software developed by the C-Mod at MIT. MDS-PLUS
was later incorporated into the DIII-D system. The
common data acquisition platform not only reduced the
implementation cost for NSTX but also improved the data
sharing capability among the major US fusion facilities.
NSTX also obtained the EPICS (Experimental Physics and
Industrial Control System) software for the engineering
system control from Argonne National Laboratory. For
plasma real time control, NSTX installed DIII-D’s Plasma
Control Software in collaboration with General Atomics
(GA). For the plasma reconstruction, the Columbia team
brought the EFIT plasma equilibrium reconstruction code
developed on DIII-D. In fact the utilization of those
already largely developed software was a crucial element in
getting the NSTX facility commissioned on schedule and
on budget. It also enabled NSTX to move quickly toward
the modern plasma operations such as the real time plasma
control and the remote collaboration capabilities. Indeed,
the NSTX plasma is now run by the real time plasma
control system and the NSTX Control Room is being
remotely accessed by the off-site NSTX Team members.
12, the Los Alamos Fast Camera observed the first “flash”
of ohmic plasma (about 20 kA of plasma current). It was
rather remarkable that a fusion device as complex as NSTX
obtained an Ohmic plasma on being turned on for the first
time. It should be noted that due to the continuous vacuum
vessel and flanges, when the Ohmic heating (OH) is
applied, the toroidal eddy current of over 200 kA typically
flows in the vacuum vessel structures. Such wall currents
can cause significant vertical fields, which could prevent
OH plasma initiation. The NSTX design team was able to
predict quite precisely what kind of waveforms were
needed on various poloidal coil magnets to produce desired
null-field during the OH initiation. Another important
factor of the success was the NSTX power system
reliability. The power supplies have been improved over
the years on TFTR for operational reliability. On Feb. 15,
the plasma current quickly exceeded the DOE Level I
Milestone of 50 kA ohmic current ten weeks ahead of
schedule. Within the following two days of plasma
operations, the plasma current reached 300 kA level, which
is close to the predicted value for the OH flux used. (See
Fig. 4)
FY 00 Research Goal
By the spring of 1998, it was becoming clear that the
projected cost to completion was rapidly approaching the
TPC target. Fortunately, most of the component fabrication
activities needed for the first plasma were progressing quite
well. In order to insure the on-budget construction project
completion, it was decided to start the first plasma
operations early in February 1999 well ahead of the April
30 1999 DOE Milestone. The early plasma would provide
very important data for the engineering and research team
while reducing cost. In order for this to happen, the device
components needed to arrive on time and the device
assembly must proceed smoothly. Quite remarkably, all the
needed components arrived just in time and the device
assembly went even better than expected. The vacuum
vessel and the center stack were transported into the NSTX
Test Cell in early Oct. 98. The device assembly started in
mid-Oct. and the center stack was installed in early
November. The vacuum vessel was pumped down for the
first time in mid-November and easily passed the vacuum
leak check. The device assembly was largely completed in
mid-Dec. 98 with installation of the outer TF coils. During
the month of Jan. 1999, the utilities were hooked up to the
device and various PTPs (Preoperation Test Procedures)
were performed. After the successful PPPL Safety and
DOE Operations Readiness Assessment reviews in early
Feb, permission for the first plasma was officially given by
PPPL on Feb. 11. For the First Plasma operations, it was
decided to limit the toroidal field (TF) to 2 kG (design
value of 6 kG), the Ohmic Heating coil current to 18 kA
single swing (design value of 24 kA double swing) and the
PF coil currents to 10 kA (design value of 20 kA). On Feb.
Plasma Current
(Million Amperes)
First Plasma on Budget!
FY 99 Research Goal
10 Weeks
Ahead of Schedule!
DOE Level I First Plasma Milestone
FY 99
FY 00
Fig. 4. Progress of the NSTX plasma operation
It should be noted that the newly formed NSTX National
Research Team played a crucial role from the start. The
Los Alamos Team brought the fast visible camera to
capture the plasma evolution, which was a useful tool in
bringing the plasma current to 300 kA in just two days,
guiding the poloidal field waveform programming. The
EFIT reconstruction of the first plasma was also
successfully carried out by the Columbia University team
using the magnetic data.
The First Plasma Operations confirmed the basic device
operational readiness in terms of power supplies and other
utilities. While the device magnets were not energized to
the full capability, it gave the engineering team some level
of confidence that the device was indeed designed and
constructed correctly.
software platforms performed extremely well. On Feb. 26
1999, Energy Secretary Richardson visited the laboratory
and dedicated the NSTX facility, noting that the NSTX
device was built on cost and on schedule.
After the First Plasma Operations, the NSTX construction
team went back to work to install the rest of the TPC items
not covered by the First Plasma Operations. The main
items were in-vessel hardware including the passive/outer
divertor plates, HHFW antennas, and CHI ceramic
insulators. In order to facilitate the in-vessel hardware
installation, the center stack was pulled out of the device.
With the center stack out of way, it was much easier to
work inside the vacuum vessel for installation. The
overhead crane was used to transport heavy components
and equipment through the resulting large 42” diameter
“hole”. Also very importantly, in parallel, the installation
of PFCs and sensors on the Center Stack proceeded while
the work was done inside the vessel. The amount of effort
to remove and reinstall the center stack was estimated to be
only about 6-8 manweeks.
During the installation of the passive plates, a new
calculation result indicated the need to change the design of
the passive plates jumpers. A passive plate jumper is Ushaped copper bus electrically connecting the passive plates
toroidally. It is designed to be flexible to accommodate the
movement due to the thermal growth of the passive plates
during bakeout. Although the passive plates are supported
by stainless steel structure, it was assumed that the
conductive copper jumper would insure the current in the
passive plates to flow predominantly in the copper jumpers
not through the stainless steel support structure. The 3-D
eddy currents calculations (SPARK code) by the Columbia
team however showed that sizable currents can actually
flow in the stainless steel support structure resulting in nonaxisymmetric n=1 eddy currents induced in the vacuum
vessel and the passive plates. The n=1 eddy currents induce
non-axisymmetric n=1 vertical fields of as much as 100
gauss near the plasma boundary, which could cause a
severe problem in plasma stability and position control.
While there was cost and schedule pressure, the project
decided to make a proper correction to the 44 jumper
elements prior to the installation. The project was able to
successfully complete all of the TPC tasks on budget on
July 9, 1999.
The NSTX plasma operation restarted on Sept. 1, 1999.
There was a question as to how well and how quickly
plasma operation could come up with the newly installed
additional in-vessel components such as the passive plates
and graphite tiles (over 2500 tiles). Also installed were 12
HHFW antennas and CHI ceramic insulators. For the
restart of the plasma operation, the toroidal field was
increased to 3 kG, which is the nominal field for the 1 MA
operation. The poloidal field coils were tested to full 20
kA. The OH double swing at 18 kA was also tested for the
first time. Again, the OH plasma started on the first
attempt. It only took several plasma shots to reach the 320-
kA to exceed the previous ST plasma current record. With
the double swing OH operation (with 75% available flux),
the plasma current ramped up to 800 kA in a short time as
shown in Fig. 3. It appears that 1 MA operation is indeed
feasible with the full available flux.
An electron cyclotron preionization (ECP) system, which is
a refurbished klystron unit, brought to NSTX by the ORNL
team. The 18 GHz unit is capable of delivering 30 kW of
ECP power for 100 msec. The ECP also worked from the
start very reliably. It created a vertically uniform plasma
sheet at the electron cyclotron resonant layer which is about
R = 42 cm for the nominal 3 kG toroidal field. The ECP
makes the OH plasma initiation less sensitive to error fields,
enhancing the operational flexibility. Another potential
utilization of ECP is the Coaxial Helicity Injection (CHI).
The ECP will create initial plasmas needed for CHI
breakdown. The error field problem is likely to be more
severe for the CHI initiation than the regular OH
Key to the achievement of recent plasma operations was the
implementation of the real time plasma control system in
collaboration with GA. The Skybolt I computer system was
able to feedback control on the plasma radial and vertical
positions as well as the plasma current. The highest current
of 0.8 MA was in fact obtained with the current ramp
control using the real time plasma control system. The
control system was also able to create single null and
double null diverted discharges with plasma elongation up
to κ = 2.4.
The NSTX Research Program is outlined in Fig. 4. In the
near term, the HHFW plasma heating and CHI noninductive plasma initiation are the two main experimental
topics in addition to the ohmic heating discharge
optimization. The device plans to run until December
1999. The NBI (Neutral Beam Injector) related opening
would take place in January to June of Year 2000. The
plasma operations will resume in July 2000 and the NBI
operation (5 MW) will start in October 2000. The HHFW
heating and current drive power is scheduled to be
increased to the 6 MW level, and the CHI plasma start up to
demonstrate the non-inductive startup current of up to 500
kA. With HHFW, NBI, and CHI tools in place, the Phase II
research starting in FY 2001 will assess the high beta
regimes consistent with the no-wall beta limit of about 25
%. The bootstrap current fraction is relatively modest 40%.
In the longer term, the project plans to reconfigure the
passive stabilizing plate jumpers for the plasma kink
stabilization. This wall stabilization of kink is essential for
the attainment of the high beta (40%)/high bootstrap
fraction (70%) discharges aimed in the Phase III Research.
Much of the needed data should be available from the ongoing tokamak experiments (e.g., DIII-D and HBT-EP) for
the NSTX decision point in 2001.
15 run-wks
21 ru n- wks
2/ 99
Fir s t Pla s ma
T oroidal Beta, βT
Bo otstrap Current
Cu rrent
HHFW Po wer
NBI Power
ECH Power
CHI Startup
M easure
• Š 0.5 MA
• Š 0.5 s
• Š 4 MW
• ~ 30 kW
• Š 0.2 MA
• Te(r), ne(r)
Nonin ductiv e
Indu ctive
Š 25 % (no-wall limit)
Š 40 % (no-wall limit)
Š 1 MA
~ 6 MW
5 MW
0. 4 M W (in cre mental)
0. 5 M A
j(r), T i(r), flow, edge
40 % (wall stabilized)
Š 70 % (wall stabilized)
~ 1 MA
~ 6 MW
~ 5 MW
~ 0.4 MW
~ 0.5 MA
turbulenc e
Fig. 4. NSTX National Research Program Plan
Another important upgrade item is a new center stack to
increase the device/plasma performance and to investigate
ARIES ST-like higher elongation plasmas which has higher
beta (50%) and higher bootstrap current fraction (90%).
The new center stack is capable of 1 T operation with
longer pulse length. The center stack is larger in diameter
so the aspect ratio will be increased from 1.26 to 1.4 – 1.5
range (more typical of the ARIES –ST regime). The
plasma elongation κ can be increased to the 2.5 – 3.0 range
from the present κ = 2. Due to the larger OH coil size, the
OH flux can be increased by a factor of 2, which should
enable the plasma operation to be eventually extended
toward 2-3 MA range.
and constructive teamwork among the multi-institutional
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors wish to thank Drs.
R. Goldston and R. Hawryluk for valuable guidance and
support, Mr. G. Pitonak for his role as the DOE NSTX
Manager, and Drs. J. A. Schmidt and G. H. Neilson for the
management support during the design phase of the project.
In conclusion, the NSTX Construction was successfully
completed with the First Plasma Milestone achieved 10
weeks ahead of schedule and the TPC tasks completed on
budget. This was possible because of the relatively modern
site credit of over $100M and the experienced personnel at
PPPL and at the collaborating institutions. The NSTX
National Team consists of researchers from 14 institutions,
who are working very well. The plasma operation in a
short period reached very close to the device design value
of 1MA (0.8 MA achieved). The real time plasma control
system is now producing plasmas with various
configurations (inner wall imited, double null diverted, and
single null diverted) and various elongations (κ = 1.5 – 2.3).
The success of the project can be attributed to the effective
Y-K. M Peng,., D. J. Strickler, Nuclear Fusion 26,
See for example, J. Chrzanowski, et al., and C. Neumeyer
et al., at this conference.
M. Ono et al., Plasma Phys. Contr. Nuclear Fusion
Research 1996, 2, 71 (IAEA, 1997).
T. Jarboe, et al., Plasma Phys. Contr. Nuclear Fusion
Research 1994, 1, 725 (IAEA, 1995).
D. Gates, et al., Physics of Plasmas, May (1998) and M.
Gryaznevich et al., EPS Proceedings (1998).
See for example, .J. Menard, et al., Nucl. Fusion 37, 595
E. T. Cheng et al., Fusion Engineering and Design 38, 219
See for example, M.S. Tillack, et al., at this conference.
M. Ono, et al., Plasma Phys. Contr. Nuclear Fusion
Research (IAEA, 1998).
See for example, J. R. Wilson et al., at this conference
and M. Ono, Physics of Plasmas 2, 4075 (1995).
See for example, P. Goranson et al., at this conference
S. Kaye et al., Fusion Technology, 36, 16 (1999.)