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ShahedTech 2D Soccer Simulation Team Description Paper, RoboCup 2011 qualification

ShahedTech 2D Soccer Simulation Team Description Paper 1 Saman Ismael, 2Mohammad Nourinick Computer Science and RoboCup Department Shahed University of Iran – Tehran 1 saman@iranrobocup.com, 2enourinic@gmail.com Abstract. This paper describes main skills of ShahedTech 2010 2D soccer simulation team, The ShahedTech 2D Soccer Simulation Team was founded by joining two students in 2008 by Shahed University, In past, we have to runnerup of ChinaOpen2007, 4th of ChinaOpen2009, 5th and 8th of Khwarizmi Robotic National Competitions in 2008 and 2009, 3rd in Guilan Province Competitions, and took participated in IranOpen 2008, 2009, and PRIMA RoboCup Games 2009. 1 Introduction In this following year, we have focused on Fuzzy algorithms and developed our researches on a new pass algorithm that is described in continue of this article. The Helios2008 used as base code that is developed by Dr. Hidehisa Akiyama. The complete version of TDP, complete formulas and some algorithms that implemented are available on this url: http://shahedtech.xfpron.net 2 Use of fuzzy controllers in a shooting position on the goal Fuzzy controller can be understood in the same sense as the decision-making mechanism [2]. In a situation of shooting goal way to the low-level decisions, where the agent does not decide the choice of actions to be made, but how has selected a particular action performed. In our case, the regulator controlled the direction of the kick to goal, so with utmost confidence he can goal. 2.1 Overview of implementation of fuzzy controller The fuzzy controller consists 4 classes that there we show an summery of three of them, fuzzygroup that represent that linguistic values and keeps the interval boundaries and defined number of samples, fuzzy class that represents the value of linguistic variable is defined fuzzy sets, fuzzyObj that represent the fuzzy controller as itself it provides an interface for creating input and output variable to define value. 2.2 The method works with fuzzy controller For correct work of the fuzzy controller, needs to be done the following sequence of steps. Ranking steps between the levels defining linguistic variables, the values of variables and rules are being observed. 1. Defining the input linguistic variables. 2. Defining the output linguistic variables. 3. Defining values for the input linguistic variables. 4. Defining values for the output linguistic variables. 5. Create rules. 6. Using the regulator. 2.3 Draft rules of characteristic functions and controller for shoot attacking player on goal defended by goalkeeper We perceived position of all objects in their environment in a global coordinates. World model of player transforms all positions of objects in the environment to coordinate system shown in Figure 1. Match always right, hence the positive direction of axis x. This means that the characteristic features the linguistic variables that describe the position of the goalie to the goal and player respect goalie can be constant. Figure 1 – Coordinate system expecting the position to the right opponent's goal Attacking player through world model, determine the position and width of the opponent's goal WIDTH_GOAL. Point center of opponent's goal has coordinates [(LENGTH_OF_FIELD / 2), 0], If WIDTH_GOAL goal width, then the corresponding coordinates of the right, respectively. Goals are left rod PT = [(LENGTH_OF_FIELD / 2), (WIDTH_GOAL / 2)] and LT = (LENGTH_OF_FIELD / 2) If a player want to shoot the ball, so that the ball went over the goal line opponent's goal, then calling the function to kickoff, the parameter is the target point arrows and balls specified co-ordinate [(LENGTH_OF_FIELD / 2), CBy], CBy where is interval coordinates goal line to the y-axis In determining the location of target point shoots at hooking the ball a player is considering two parameters: ● Current location to the position of goalkeeper goal, ● Players current positions against the goalie. These parameters constitute the premise for the rules of fuzzy controllers, resulting in the player kick the ball into the area potentially exposed in the goal. The draft rules, the regulator was therefore necessary to input three linguistic variables: POSITION_GOALKEEPER, PLAYER_POSITION_GOALKEEPER and shot. The entire range of coordinates for the y-axis from the left rod (LT) on the right rod (PT) on the y coordinate is mapped to an open interval of real numbers <-1.1>, while above this interval were also defined all the characteristic features of the above linguistic variables. Hence, if the current coordinate position of goalkeeper By the yaxis, coordinate of the left rod goal is the LT Gymin coordinates right rod goal is the PT Gymax and width of course is LATITUDE_FIELDS then current goalie ordinate positions on the y-axis - By show the required interval <-1 , 1> using the following equation [Equation 4] : Equation 1 - Transformation of coordinates for the position of goalkeeper position linguistic variables (SI - field width) Where B's ∈ <-1.1>. Characteristic features of a determined current position with attention to the goalie position goal point (POSITION_GOALKEEPER,) we defined by two 4-point trapezium and one function of the type left and right. These functions are specified in Figure 3. Figure 2 Point 0 corresponds to the center point of the opponent's goal specified by the coordinates [(LENGTH_OF_FIELD / 2), 0]. All other points correspond to the view of the world defined in equation 4, In this respect, we see that the actual coordinates on the y-axis position goalkeeper is always appear correctly in the world model of who are defined as characteristic features of linguistic variable POSITION_GOALKEEPER. Location attacking player against the opponent goalie expressed PLAYER_POSITION_GOALKEEPER linguistic variable. Coordinate y position player (Hy) was also transformed into the desired interval <-1.1> under a similar equation as the equation defined in Figure 4, In this case, the variable would be replaced with variable Hy. Point 0 also correspond width of goal. The corresponding characteristic functions are specified by the chart in Figure 4. Figure 3 - Characteristic features current position with regard to player goalie Location of the target point of a lot of balls in the goal (represented by the linguistic variable shot) was also defined at the same method as the previous function. Characteristic features of this linguistic variable are specified in Figure 4. Figure 4 - The characteristic features of the target point a lot of balls in the goal 2.4 Draft rules of fuzzy controller Given variables defined expressions, rules of fuzzy controller with two distinctive features premise for linguistic variables POSITION_GOALKEEPER PLAYER_POSITION_GOALKEEPER. The output is an appropriate target location determined by a lot of balls definition of the characteristic features of linguistic variable shoot. In our implementation of a set of rules contains 12 objects. The behavior of the regulator is thus determined rules defined Table 1. GOALKEEPRES GOALKEEPR S LITTLE LEFT GOALKEEPR S LITTLE RIGHT LEFT GOALKEEPRE S RIGHT LEFT_OF_GOALKEEPRES KICK_EX_LEFT KICK_EX_LEFT KICK_LEFT GOALKEEPRES_TOME KICK_RIGHT KICK_EX_RIGHT KICK_EX_LEFT KICK_LEFT TO_THE_RIGHT_OF_GOALKE KICK_RIGHT KICK_RIGHT KICK_EX_RIGH KICK_EX_LEF T T EPRES Table 1 KICK_LEFT Composition is defined as the unification of sets. In the process defuzzycation - y coordinates to determine the location of the target point a lot of balls in the goal (CBy); we used the method of center of gravity. 2.5 Testing the use of fuzzy controller for shooting at the goal Statistics were first recorded to the player without the use of fuzzy controllers, who dug at random distances up to 20% of the total goal width to either the left or right rod [Table 2]. Consequently, the statistics were done for the player with the fuzzy controller [Table 3]. In free space goal The goalie Beside the goal (and rod) Goals of the total number of shoots at the goal 51% 36% 13% 14% Table 2 - Digging for the goal with random rod to which the kick In free space goal The goalie Beside the goal (and rod) 78% 11% 11% Goals of the total number of shoots at the goal 24% Table 3 - Digging for the goal to the choice of direction arrows using fuzzy controller 2 Pass This function is under implementation and now it not used in source code of team, and if we can qualify in RoboCup 2010 we try to continue it on fuzzy methods. 2.2 Goal Pass In goal pass, have to check this term. First we find the players that now can goal the ball by current player (player that can kick ball) then we have to find out who is best player for pass. The player draw a cone from him to each of the players that can kick to goal the half of tangent of this cone direction is division of time of the ball after kick to player receives it and distance of current player to him. The formula of the direction is come in below: Figure 5 – Moving the player to get the pass In Figure 5 the small circle is ball and has not constant decay and the big one is player and has constant velocity. As we know in this picture the ball movement equality is ∆X1 so ball is following that line and player that move on horizontal line have same conditions. It means that movement equality and movement line will ∆X2 we want to know with which direction we should kick the ball that the player who move on horizontal line can get it immediately advantage of this formula ,first it has more accuracy and the second is it has less arguments. Known in this problem is ∆X1, ∆X2, d, L, V (player speed) and β. In this formula t is time of the player s get to receive the ball,. We draw around the teammate player a circle with radius that equal to t and center of the circle is this player and this place checked for opponent players. Equation 2 3. Future Research Program In this paper we have simply described some main features of ShahedTech team. Also we want to continue on complete the algorithm of pass on fuzzy models and using ARTMAP on positioning behavior. References 1. 2. BOER, Remeco de, KOK Jelle, The International Development of a Synthetic MultiAgent System: The UvA Trilearn 2001 Robotic Soccer simulation Team, Amsterdam, Faculty of Science University of Amsterdam , Master Thesis. 2002 ŠOLTYS Jozef, Fuzzy regulátor, 1996, http://www.aicit.sk/source/publications/thesis/master_thesis/1996/soltys/html/node12 .html