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Mingrelian and Laz

Faculty of Culture and Society Malmö University, Sweden 2005 (DRAFT) 5.7.2. Adverbial clauses Apart from adverbial clauses with the polyfunctional ni, we find several other types in Mingrelian (cf. Abesadze 1965, Vamling & Tchantouria 1993). Conditional clauses may be expressed by using ‐ni (48d), conditional forms (57a) and the particle da (57b). (57) a. go®a tik c’erili doç’aruk’on, amd®a yesterday he.NAR letter.NOM S3SG.O3.write.COND.II today mib®endit S1PL.O3.receive.HAB ‘If he had written the letter yesterday, we would have received it today.’ b. para kotxu‐da va money.NOM S3SG.O3.IO3SG.ask.AOR Neg meças S3SG.O3.IO3.give.OPT ‘If he asks him for money, he'd better not give him.’ Purpose clauses may be formed by a finite form and ni (48e), by a masdar form of the subordinate predicate and the allative (58a) or dative (58b) case, or by a future participle in the adverbial case (58c). (58) a. tik mdinareßa idu çxom‐iß oç’opu‐ßa he.NAR river.ALL S3SG.go.AOR fish.NOM catching‐ALL ‘He went to the river to fish.’ b. k’oçk kƒdoxodƒ oç’k’omal‐iß oç’k’omu‐s man.NAR S3SG.sit.AOR food‐GEN eating‐DAT ‘The man sat down to eat.’ (Kiziria 1982:297) c. boßik geç’opu k’alami c’eriliß boy.NAR S3SG.O3.take.AOR pen.NOM letter.GEN oç’aral‐o write.F.PART‐ADV ‘The boy took the pen in order to write a letter.’ 49 Adverbial subordinators as muç’otƒ ‘how’, muΩansit ‘when’, radgan ‘because’, tiß garda ‘apart from’, sodetƒ ‘where’ are found in clause initial position, whereas the general subordinator ni is found in clause final position: ma ok’o tena kobΩire, radgan si taß (59) I ought it.NOM S1SG.O3.see.OPT because you so ragadanki‐ni S2SG.O3.say.PRS‐ni ‘I have to see it, since you say so.’ Adverbial subordinating conjunctions in Laz are often found in clause final position and have their origin in postpositions or case markers: steri ‘as soon as’, ßeni ‘because, since’, k’ule ‘after, when’ (Holisky 1991:459‐60). ßi is another clause final conjunction used in temporal clauses (b). (60) a. bere k’itxeri‐na‐t’u‐ßeni, furunµis va ma®erdinu Laz child educated‐na‐was‐because baker.DAT Neg S3SG.O3.fool.POT ‘Because the boy was educated, the baker could not fool him.’ (Chikobava 1936:186) b. sum c’aneri borti‐ßi, baba‐ti domi®uru Laz three years S1SG.be.AOR‐when father‐too S3SG.O1SG.die.AOR ‘When I was three years, my father died too.’ (Chikobava 1936:185) Laz (but not Mingrelian) uses the dative case marker on finite verb forms in the aorist or subjunctive as a marker of temporal subordinate clauses (Marr 1910:80). Examples are oc’kedu­is V [S3SG.look.AOR‐DAT] ‘when s/he looked’, gok’ucxes­is V [S3PL.wake.up.AOR‐DAT] ‘when they woke up’, moxtu­s A [S3SG.come.AOR‐DAT] ‘when s/he came’ (Kartozia 1968b:868). 5.7.3. Relative clauses The relative clause in Mingrelian usually follows its head noun (61a) or more rarely precedes it. It is formed by the use of a clause initial relative pronoun. 50