Building and Environment 43 (2008) 362–367
Ventilation rates in schools
D.J. Clements-Croomea,, H.B. Awbia, Zs Bakó-Biróa, N. Kochhara, M. Williamsb
School of Construction Management and Engineering, The University of Reading, Whiteknights, P.O. Box 219, Reading RG6 6AW, UK
School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, The University of Reading,
Harry Pitt Building, Earley Gate, Whiteknights Road, Reading RG6 6AL, UK
Received 15 January 2006; received in revised form 23 March 2006; accepted 23 March 2006
Research shows that poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in school buildings can cause a reduction in the students’ performance assessed by
short-term computer-based tests; whereas good air quality in classrooms can enhance children’s concentration and also teachers’
productivity. Investigation of air quality in classrooms helps us to characterise pollutant levels and implement corrective measures.
Outdoor pollution, ventilation equipment, furnishings, and human activities affect IAQ. In school classrooms, the occupancy density is
high (1.8–2.4 m2/person) compared to offices (10 m2/person). Ventilation systems expend energy and there is a trend to save energy by
reducing ventilation rates. We need to establish the minimum acceptable level of fresh air required for the health of the occupants. This
paper describes a project, which will aim to investigate the effect of IAQ and ventilation rates on pupils’ performance and health using
psychological tests. The aim is to recommend suitable ventilation rates for classrooms and examine the suitability of the air quality
guidelines for classrooms. The air quality, ventilation rates and pupils’ performance in classrooms will be evaluated in parallel
measurements. In addition, Visual Analogue Scales will be used to assess subjective perception of the classroom environment and SBS
symptoms. Pupil performance will be measured with Computerised Assessment Tests (CAT), and Pen and Paper Performance Tasks
while physical parameters of the classroom environment will be recorded using an advanced data logging system. A total number of 20
primary schools in the Reading area are expected to participate in the present investigation, and the pupils participating in this study will
be within the age group of 9–11 years. On completion of the project, based on the overall data recommendations for suitable ventilation
rates for schools will be formulated.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Performance; Schools; Children; Outdoor air supply rate
1. Background
A review of over 300 peer-reviewed articles of indoor air
quality (IAQ), ventilation and building-related health
problems in schools [1] has shown that ventilation is
inadequate in many classrooms and was considered to be
the main cause of health symptoms. Mendell and Heath [2]
review evidence that certain conditions commonly found in
US schools have adverse effects on the health and the
academic performance of many of the more than 50 million
US school children. They propose actions throughout the
life of each existing and future school building to include
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 118 378 8197; fax: +44 118 378 3856.
E-mail address:
(D.J. Clements-Croome).
0360-1323/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
adequate outdoor ventilation, control of moisture, and
avoidance of indoor exposures to microbiologic and
chemical substances considered likely to have adverse
effects. A recent Dutch study [3] carried out in homes and
in classrooms also showed that pupils’ health appear to be
associated with both the school and domestic exposure.
Poor IAQ in schools was indicated; out of the 11
classrooms studied CO2 levels were all above the recommended level of 1000 ppm with only one exception.
Scandinavian research has shown that poor IAQ in
school buildings can cause a reduction in the students’
performance, whereas good air quality in classrooms can
enhance children’s concentration and also teachers’ productivity [4,5]. An International Society for Indoor Air
Quality (ISIAQ) Task Force report on Nordic schools [6],
has identified the following areas for further research:
D.J. Clements-Croome et al. / Building and Environment 43 (2008) 362–367
ventilation requirements in schools; impact of physical indoor
environments on learning, behaviour and interaction with
social, psychological and organisational environments.
The investigation of air quality in classrooms helps us
to characterise pollutant levels and implement corrective measures. Outdoor pollution, ventilation equipment, furnishings, and human activities all affect IAQ.
In school classrooms the occupancy density is high
(1.8–2.4 m2/person) compared to offices (10 m2/person).
Ventilation systems expend energy and there is a trend to
save energy by reducing ventilation rates. We need to
establish the minimum acceptable level of fresh air required
for the health of the occupants.
In schools, the supply of adequate fresh air, and hence
perceived acceptable air quality, should be high on the list
of priorities to help ensure healthy working conditions for
learning. No pollutant should be present in sufficient
quantities to cause adverse health effects or irritation to
occupants. Indoor pollutants, such as human body odour,
dog and cat allergens, may cause occupants to become
irritated or uncomfortable with their indoor environments;
others arise from emissions from materials, badly maintained ventilation systems, dust mites, fungi, and processes
within the building. Sources of outdoor air pollution are
from traffic, industrial processes, construction activities,
and combustion systems [7].
In the 2000 review of the National Air Quality Strategy,
the UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs identified the following pollutants as the most
serious threats to people’s health [8]: benzene, 1,3butadiene, CO, NO2, ozone (O3), particulates (PM10) and
SO2. A range of guidelines have been in place for a number
of years regarding IAQ. The Chartered Institution of
Building Services Engineers [9] recommend a minimum
fresh air supply rate of 8 l/s per person for non-smoking
adults in offices and the same value for occupants in
schools. However, the UK Department for Education [10]
recommends that the heating system shall be capable of
maintaining the required room air temperatures in the
range 18–21 1C with the minimum average background
ventilation of rate of 3 l/s per person of fresh air for all
areas in schools when the external temperature is 1 1C.
The DfES guidelines further recommend that ‘all teaching
accommodation shall also be capable of being ventilated at
a minimum rate of 8 l/s of fresh air per person for each of
the usual number of people in those areas when such areas
are occupied’. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers [11] recommend
fresh air supply rates of 10 l/s per person and 8 l/s per
person for general office accommodation and school
classrooms, respectively.
The term ‘fresh air’ or ‘outdoor air’ is used within these
standards and guidelines as a basis for prescribing
ventilation rates. However, caution should be taken with
regard to the quality of the outdoor or fresh air, as it may
not be as ‘fresh’ as may have been assumed and so
replacing indoor air with air from outdoors may not always
provide an adequate solution. The study by Gusten and
Strindehag [12] revealed that outdoor air pollutants play a
major role in affecting the IAQ, but cleaning products and
floor polish can temporarily add to the pollution content in
classrooms. Other important factors influencing air quality
indoors are the intensity of the human activities (number of
students, length of lessons, breaks) in the premises and the
building design (e.g. window openings and door-ways).
There have been numerous studies on sick building
syndrome (SBS), but no co-ordinated research, which has
meant that the methodology of investigation has varied,
making it difficult to compare results. Research by Jones
[13], together with the work on a standard questionnaire by
Raw et al [14], Burt [15], Wilson et al [16] and Baldry, et al.
[17] means future investigations can be carried out in a
more consistent manner [18,19]. SBS conditions are such
that they are prevalent in the work environment but
disappear when people leave it [20,21].
Earlier research [22–25] indicated that ventilating a
building with 10% or 100% outdoor air makes little
difference and appears to have no effect on SBS symptoms.
However, recent independent studies have documented
that the quality of indoor air has a significant and positive
influence on the productivity of office workers [20,22,26,27]
In one study, a well-controlled normal office was used in
which two different air qualities were established by
including or excluding an extra pollution source, invisible
to the occupants [27]. The same subjects worked for 412 h on
simulated office work in each of the two conditions. The
productivity of the subjects was found to be higher with
good air quality; they made fewer errors and experienced
fewer SBS symptoms. A related study was performed in the
Danish field lab with the same pollution sources present at
three different ventilation rates: 3, 10 and 30 l/s. person
[28]. The productivity increased significantly by increased
ventilation. These findings demonstrate that perceived air
quality has a significant influence on productivity in offices.
The Danish study has been repeated in Sweden with similar
results [29,30].
Research by Clements-Croome [23] and Holcomb et al.
[31], has revealed that potential savings in costs can be
achieved by improving the working environment. According to this work, the increase in cost associated with
improving the environmental conditions can be offset by
the gain in productivity resulting from an increase in
employee work performance. For instance, Collins [32]
reported that 50% of all acute health conditions were
caused by respiratory conditions due to poor air quality.
Cyfracki [33] reported that a productivity increase of only
0.125% would be sufficient to offset the costs of improved
ventilation. Holcomb and Pedelty [31] concluded that
although there is some inconsistency in the results, there
was sufficient evidence to suggest that there is an
association between ventilation rates, IAQ, sick building
syndrome symptoms and employee productivity.
Good ventilation systems should not only provide
thermal comfort but also distribute adequate fresh air to
D.J. Clements-Croome et al. / Building and Environment 43 (2008) 362–367
occupants and remove pollutants. Poor outdoor air quality
and noise prompted action in schools in Hong Kong to be
converted from naturally ventilated to air-conditioned
classrooms. However, a study by Koo et al. [34], found
that the frequency of symptoms in students learning in airconditioned classrooms were higher than those in naturally
ventilated classrooms in Hong Kong.
Studies on indoor environments in school buildings,
[1,35–37] suggest that there is a correlation between pupils’
health and work performance, and the CO2 concentrations
in the classrooms. There is little published information
available about the effects of indoor environments on
pupils’ health and performance in UK schools.
2. Case studies
(1) Studies in UK schools by Coley and Beisteiner [38],
have indicated levels of CO2 in excess of 4000 ppm and
ventilation rates of less than 0.5 l/s per person. Using
standardised, computerised tests of cognitive function,
Coley [39] has demonstrated that the attentional
process of 18 primary school children aged 10/11 were
significantly slower when the level of CO2 in classrooms
was high. The effects are best characterised by the
Power of Attention factor which represents the
intensity of concentration at a particular moment, with
faster responses reflecting higher levels of focussed
attention. Increased levels of CO2 led to a decrement in
Power of Attention of approximately 5%. Thus, in a
classroom where CO2 levels are high, students are likely
to be less attentive and concentrate less well on what
the teacher is saying, which over time may possibly lead
to detrimental effects on learning and educational
attainment. The size of this decrement is of a similar
magnitude to that observed over the course of a
morning when students skip breakfast.
(2) Research carried out by Awbi and Pay [19] in the
university classrooms of different capacities at the
University of Reading showed that these rooms had
very poor IAQ during occupancy periods; the measured
CO2 levels in this study far exceed the recommended
value of 1000 ppm, in some cases by a factor of 5. The
reason for poor IAQ was attributed to the low ‘‘fresh
air’’ rate entering the rooms by natural ventilation.
Awbi and Pay [19] made a study of the IAQ in four
naturally ventilated classrooms with adult occupancy in
which measurements were carried out of CO2 concentrations and relative humidity as well as estimation of
formaldehyde (HCHO) emissions from furnishings and
odour from the occupants. The classrooms were
studied under controlled and uncontrolled conditions.
Natural air infiltration measurements were also carried
in each classroom three times a day under different
window opening conditions using the tracer gas
concentration decay method. The nature of the
occupancy in the classrooms was transient and as a
result concentration of indoor air pollutants were not
Fig. 1. CO2 concentration in a classroom with windows and doors shut
(S1). (A) and (B) represent duration of occupancy [19].
constant. Although four common pollutants were
considered, the CO2 concentration and odour intensity
were found to be the dominant pollutants when
considering outdoor air supply rates. A typical CO2
concentration profile in one classroom (S1) is shown in
Fig. 1.
It is clear from Fig. 1 and data for the other classrooms
investigated, that the occupancy is transient. Most ventilation standards (e.g. [11]) specify ventilation rates based on
continuous occupancy. This may lead to specifying higher
flow rates, which increase energy consumption unnecessarily. To determine the minimum ventilation rates for
transient occupancy in the classrooms investigated, transient occupancy analysis was carried out using Eq. (1). It
has been assumed that each classroom will have 70% of
maximum occupancy between 9.00 and 17.00 h with 50 min
occupancy in each hour and zero occupancy during lunch
C ¼ C i en:t þ ðC o þ 106vp =Qo Þð1 en:t Þ,
where C (ppm) is the concentration indoors at time t (s), Ci
(ppm) is the initial indoor concentration at t ¼ 0, Co (ppm)
is the outdoor concentration, vp (m3/s) is the pollutant
generation rate inside, Qo (m3/s) is the outdoor air supply
rate, n (s), is the air change rate, n ¼ Qo =V where V is the
room volume (m3).
In order to determine the outdoor air supply rate (Qo)
from Eq. (1), a maximum indoor concentration (C) must be
assumed. The limit for body odour intensity according to
Yaglou’s scale was taken as 1.8 (slightly below the
moderate intensity of 2), which according to Yaglou
measurements correspond to an outdoor air supply of
8 l/s/person for adult population [20]. The maximum CO2
concentration was taken as 1000 ppm and the CO2
production rate of the occupants to be 18 l/h.
Results show that CO2 is the most significant pollutant
to consider when calculating outdoor air supply rates with
D.J. Clements-Croome et al. / Building and Environment 43 (2008) 362–367
odour as the second important pollutant source. Depending on the volume of classroom and average occupancy
density the required outdoor air flow rates was about 7.0 l/s
person for keeping CO2 at or below 1000 ppm and an
average of about 5.0 l/s person for keeping odour
concentrations at moderate levels as defined above.
flow into the room (Karimipanah et al., 2005). To prevent
overheating of classrooms in summer season mobile air
conditioning units will be used to maintain the classroom
temperatures at 23–24 1C. The amount of outdoor air will
be adjusted by varying the fan speed and with airflow
control units placed in the duct system.
3. Current research
3.3. Physical measurements
3.1. Objectives
Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration (0–5000 ppm), total
concentration of volatile organic compounds (TVOC)
(0–200 mg/m3), air temperature, globe temperature, relative
humidity and light level will be continuously monitored.
These parameters will be recorded with 3 minutes interval
on a central logger using wireless data transmission
technique. Mass concentration of airborne particles (including PM1, PM2.5, PM4 and PM10 size ranges) and
noise level will be daily measured over a few hours, during
the performance tests of pupils. Spot check of selected
VOCs (sampled in Tenax-TA) and ozone concentrations
will be also completed at some sites when such measurements are justified due to unusual conditions indicated by
the regular monitoring.
To determine the effect of IAQ (in terms of the
concentrations of particulates and CO2 as indicators)
on pupils performance.
To investigate the effects of ventilation rates and
thermal comfort on pupils performance and health.
To recommend suitable ventilation rates for classrooms.
To examine the suitability of the air quality guidelines
for classrooms.
3.2. Methods
This research focuses on the relationship between pupils’
health, well-being and performance, and the IAQ in
classrooms of Southern England. Field surveys will be
carried out at twenty different primary school buildings
located near (Reading), during 2–4 weeks in the Autumn,
Winter, Spring and Summer. The sample will include a
selection of old and new school buildings to provide
comparison. The surveys will be carried out over 2 years
and efforts will be made to carry out the tests in clusters of
school buildings with different ventilation styles, occupancy profiles and densities, within close geographical
proximity but with different background (external) pollution levels.
To gather data on the physical environment of classrooms, sampling will be carried out indoors and outdoors
at times before, during and after school hours. It is not
realistic to contemplate parallel studies in twenty school
buildings, but tests in each school will be carried out
under similar outdoor climatic conditions and with the
existing and increased ventilation rates that can be
achieved under ‘as found’ and ‘intervention’ conditions.
In each school, two classrooms will be selected for
monitoring with either the existing or increased ventilation
rates in each day.
A portable ventilation system will be used to increase the
ventilation rates in classrooms. An exterior fan placed
outdoors and simple ducting will be used to increase the
outdoor air supply rate to at least the prescribed level of
8 l/s per person in a classroom. Flexible air ducts will lead
the outdoor air into the building through window openings, which are closed with Perspex plates. If necessary a
duct heater will control the temperature of supply air in the
winter season. In the classrooms the air will be distributed
using Softflo air terminal units, which consist of a
perforated duct with small nozzles creating confluent jets
3.4. Subjective evaluations
Simultaneous to the physical monitoring, measures of
self-assessed environmental perception, comfort and health
will be obtained for a sample of pupils in the morning and
immediately after the performance tests are carried out.
Two groups of pupils (one group in each classroom) will be
selected in each school. The targeted age group of the
children will be between 9 and 11 years attending years 5
and 6. This age group of pupils will be selected because
they remain in their classrooms most of the day and are
therefore in the same environment throughout a school
day. The pupils will be asked to complete a simple
questionnaire about the classroom environment, thermal
sensation, mood, Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) symptoms
and life style, such as hunger and quality of sleep over the
previous night that are believed to affect their performance.
The subjective questionnaire will provide information on
air stuffiness, dryness, perception of light and noise. The
SBS questionnaire will focus on symptoms of the mucous
membrane and in upper respiratory tract, such as nose
congestion, nose, mouth, throat and eye dryness, and
neurobehavioural symptoms including headache, attention, dizziness, tiredness, sleepiness. Pupils will be asked to
rate the intensity of each symptom on Visual Analogue
(VA) scales [29]. The scale is 100 mm long horizontal line
without gradation with two vertical lines marking the
extreme points of the scale. The pupils will mark the scale,
more to the left or right side of the line, depending to what
extent they agree with the statement of the symptom in
question, labelled on the left and right end of the scale.
Thermal sensation will be recorded using a 7-point PMV
scale [40]. Furthermore, people will be asked to vote
D.J. Clements-Croome et al. / Building and Environment 43 (2008) 362–367
whether the air movement around their body is acceptable
or not.
3.5. Pupil’s performance tests
Since there have been few methodologically strong
studies of the effects of IAQ on children’s performance in
schools [2], piloting of performance measures is essential.
Measures of reaction time (Swedish Performance Evaluation System, [41]) have been found sensitive to pollutants.
The CDR Ltd. tests (from the same family as SPES, of
measures designed to assess neurotoxic effects) used by
Coley [39], the reaction time measures were also sensitive to
CO2. For the study outlined here, the requirements for
performance measures are quite stringent—they need
to be sensitive to IAQ effects, suitable for use with
children of this age and for small group administration,
and to exist in a number of parallel forms. Further,
administration needs to be maximally standardised, so that
uncontrollable effects of contextual factors such as teacher
expectations can be precluded as far as possible, and the
duration of testing must be short enough to minimise
disruption to school routine and to maintain pupil
motivation. While reaction time is important, measures
of other facets of cognitive activity (such as speed of
processing), will be used in this study, and the use of
complex span tasks explored, as potential indicators that
classroom learning as customarily understood, might be
affected by IAQ.
Two different performance tests will be administered to
the pupils in each school. Traditional tests will be executed
on paper, which include simple math-based (addition,
subtraction and multiplication of numbers) and languagebased tests (reading comprehension, word substitution,
logical reasoning) similar to that performed in a normal
school day. Furthermore, new software (VISCOPE—
Ventilation in Schools and Cognitive Performance) has
been developed based on earlier works [41] to study
changes (improvement and impairment) of pupils’ cognitive performance under different air quality conditions in
classrooms. These tests will be executed on laptops
installed in the classroom, similar to the method used by
Coley and Beisteiner [38]. Both the traditional tests and the
computer tests will be given to pupils during their lessons
preferably before the lunch break when the CO2 concentrations reach the maximum level of the morning’s teaching
For the assessment with the VISCOPE software two
aspects of cognitive functioning are included: attention and
working memory. Attention is a cognitive process selecting,
evaluating and responding to appropriate environmental
information in a timely and appropriate manner. Three
tasks: Simple Reaction Time (SRT), Choice Reaction Time
(CRT) and Colour Word Vigilance (CWV), have been
included to measure the core aspects of attention. SRT will
give assessments of alertness and the ability to sustain a
readiness to respond rapidly, CRT will provide stimulus
discrimination and response selection and execution, whilst
sustained attention, intensive vigilance and ability to ignore
distraction will be assessed by CWV. For all these three
tasks speed and accuracy will be recorded to give a
complete assessment of attention.
Working memory is the system for temporarily storing,
actively processing and manipulating information
needed for carrying out everyday tasks. Two mechanisms
for storing information in working memory are the
phonological loop and the visuo-spatial sketchpad.
These mechanisms will be assessed by the Numeric
Working Memory Task and the Spatial Working Memory Task. The speed and accuracy of both tasks will
provide two important measures but independent aspects
of working memory. The first is the ability to hold
information in memory without forgetting which will be
reflected by the accuracy scores. The second is the time
taken to retrieve information from the working memory,
which will be obtained from the speed scores. Numeric
working memory task: will test cognitive processes of
sub-vocal rehearsal of digit sequences via the articulatory control of the phonological loop of the working
memory system. Spatial working memory task: will
test both the ability to temporarily retain spatial information and visuo-spatial sketchpad of working memory.
Reaction Time Addition and Digit Span Memory are also
included in the test battery to assess the numeric working
memory whilst Picture Recall Memory is a spatial working
memory task.
4. Conclusions
Reduction of energy consumption is a major part of
sustainable building design. There is a tendency to reduce
ventilation rates and natural or hybrid ventilation systems
are common in the design of UK schools. The evidence
reviewed, including the works of Awbi and Pay [19], and
Coley [39], indicates that CO2 levels can rise to very high
levels (about 4000 ppm) in classroom occupancy periods.
Further, these levels may be detrimental to concentration
hence adversely affect learning. A methodology is proposed
for a 3-year research programme to investigate if there is a
significant relationship between ventilation rates and
The present research project is supported by The
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
(EPSRC) and carried out in collaboration with the
Department for Education and Skills (DfES). Special
thanks to Professors Anders Iregren and David Warburton
for providing the free use of their test systems; Lindab Ltd
for the free provision of the duct work; all teachers of year
5 and 6 for their collaborative work in developing the
pupil’s performance tests.
D.J. Clements-Croome et al. / Building and Environment 43 (2008) 362–367
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