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Public biobanks: calculation and recovery of costs

2014, Science translational medicine

A calculation grid developed by an international expert group was tested across biobanks in six countries to evaluate costs for collections of various types of biospecimens. The assessment yielded a tool for setting specimen-access prices that were transparently related to biobank costs, and the tool was applied across three models of collaborative partnership.

“” C O M M E N TA R Y Biobanks and Electronic Medical Records: Enabling Cost-Efective Research Erica Bowton,1* Julie R. Field,1 Sunny Wang,1 Jonathan S. Schildcrout,2 Sara L. Van Driest,3 Jessica T. Delaney,4 James Cowan,1 Peter Weeke,4 Jonathan D. Mosley,4 Quinn S. Wells,4 Jason H. Karnes,4 Christian Shafer,4 Josh F. Peterson,4,5 Joshua C. Denny,4,5 Dan M. Roden,4,6 Jill M. Pulley7 The use of electronic medical record data linked to biological specimens in health care settings is expected to enable cost-efective and rapid genomic analyses. Here, we present a model that highlights potential advantages for genomic discovery and describe the operational infrastructure that facilitated multiple simultaneous discovery eforts. Traditional studies of drug efcacy and safety address the utility of a specifc therapeutic intervention in a defned population. Such study designs present important challenges. Patient accrual can take months to years, and the potential exists for systematic exclusion of clinically complicated but relevant patient groups, such as the elderly, those with comorbid conditions, and those who routinely take multiple drugs. Patient cohorts can be inadequate in size for subgroup analysis, long-term follow-up is ofen not feasible, and results are limited to diseases for which the participants were originally assessed. Hypothesis-neutral cohorts such as the Framingham Heart Study and Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS) have overcome these challenges and provided the foundation for critical discoveries that continue to shape health care practice. However, large monetary, time, and infrastructure investments are required to establish and maintain these highly curated, large cohorts in which data collection is focused on hypotheses formulated at the outset. An alternative to clinical studies with traditional patient cohorts has emerged in the last decade—the pairing of disease-agnostic 1 Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232, USA. 2Department of Biostatistics, School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232, USA. 3Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232, USA. 4Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232, USA. 5Department of Biomedical Informatics, School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232, USA. 6Department of Clinical Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232, USA. 7Department of Medical Administration, School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232, USA. *Corresponding author. E-mail: erica.bowton@vanderbilt.edu biobank specimens with electronic medical records (EMRs). Here, we describe the Vanderbilt Electronic Systems for Pharmacogenomic Assessment (VESPA) Project—a large EMR- and biobank-based initiative for translational pharmacogenomic discoveries. We used data from BioVU, Vanderbilt Uni- versity’s EMR-linked biorepository (which as of April 2014 contains more than 179,000 DNA samples) to perform a preliminary cost and time analysis for this approach and compared these costs and time investments with those of traditional cohort studies. FASHIONING AN EFFICIENT PIPELINE A key element to establishing an efcient and efective pipeline was the creation of an organizational structure to facilitate communication and management among research teams. Trough VESPA, we developed strategies and methods for initiating, executing, and monitoring studies. Essential to this pipeline was the formation of teams for phenotyping and genetic data analysis. Phenotype teams were physician-led and composed of individuals with clinical and informatics expertise, including specifc clinical domain content experts. Tese experts were responsible for cohort selection, algorithm development and refnement, and manual review when necessary. Te genetic Table 1. VESPA cohorts and phenotypes Total number of genotyped subjects: 11,639 Total number of phenotypes analyzed: 28* Median age: 61.6 years (range, newborn to 100+) Observer-reported race: ~84% Caucasian, 12% African American Subject phenotypic data: Majority had medical records with rich phenotypic data (median of 80 diagnosis codes and a median of 7.7 years of follow-up, from the first to last electronic clinical note) Median cohort size†: 1123 (IQR, 492 to 4158) Median case cohort size†: 133 (IQR, 84 to 569) Total case counts‡: Ranged from 6 total cases (cerebrovascular event following clopidogrel therapy) to 1174 total cases (cough attributed to ACE inhibitor exposure) Genomic data available: • Genome-wide genotyping data were already available in 2500 subjects • 9139 subjects were newly genotyped in both GWAS and drug-metabolism platforms • An additional 693 subjects and 1167 subjects previously underwent candidate SNP genotyping for clopidogrel adverse events or warfarin stable dose, respectively (5, 6) *Clopidogrel in cardiovascular disease, warfarin stable dose, early repolarization, vancomycin, C. difficile colitis, anthracycline cardiomyopathy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, heart transplant, kidney transplant, clopidogrel in cerebrovascular disease, statin-related myopathy, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, cardiovascular events during COX2 inhibition therapy, serious bleeding during warfarin therapy, amiodarone toxicity (lung, thyroid), chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy, rheumatic heart disease, cough during ACE inhibitor therapy, fluoroquinolones and tendonitis/tendon rupture, warfarin stable dose in children, metformin efficacy, metformin and cancer survival, bisphosphonates and atypical fracture/jaw osteonecrosis, Wolff-Parkinson-White, steroid-induced osteonecrosis, shellfish anaphylaxis, aspirin anaphylaxis, and Bell’s Palsy. †Cases and controls. ‡Additional phenotype counts are shown in table S1. www.ScienceTranslationalMedicine.org 30 April 2014 Vol 6 Issue 234 234cm3 1 Downloaded from stm.sciencemag.org on November 7, 2014 PHARMACOGENOMICS Table 2. NIH-funded pharmacogenomic versus EMR-biobank studies* Traditional study BioVU study Median cohort size (IQR) 623 (273 to 2095) 1123 (492 to 4158) Median reuse of cohort (IQR) N/A 55% (34 to 98%) Median cost (in U.S. dollars) (IQR) $1,335,927 ($416,895 to $2,715,895) $76,674 ($43,173 to $207,769) Median cost/subject (IQR) $1419 ($456 to $4672) $393 ($382-$465) Median years of study (IQR) 3 (2 to 5) 0.25 (0.17 to 0.56) Median cost/yr/subject (IQR) $478 ($134 to $1216) $96 ($55 to $194) *Funding data for traditional human pharmacogenomic studies were obtained by querying NIHReporter for all funded M-, R-, U-, P- and Z-type grants that contained the keywords “pharmacogenetic” or “pharmacogenomic” (query performed on 2 November 2012). The resulting grant abstracts were reviewed manually to ensure that they directly supported human pharmacogenomics research and to identify the number of subjects in the proposed study cohort. Excluded were studies with only in vitro or animal-model experiments, those directed solely at technology development, and those for which a defined study-cohort size or clinical trial protocol could not be determined. Dollars awarded and years of the award to date were summed for 115 unique NIH grants. Cohort size (total cases plus controls), cost, and time-investment data for VESPA phenotypes were recorded internally. For each phenotype, time investment was calculated as the amount of time required to develop and implement phenotype algorithms, extract data, review records, and complete phenotype curation. Total cost of the VESPA study was calculated on the basis of the number of hours invested and the hourly rate of personnel required to complete the phenotyping plus the cost of genotyping the cohort. data–analysis team, which had expertise in laboratory techniques and genomics technologies, directed genotyping assays and interacted with each of the various phenotype; teams. Project managers participated in study design, managed both phenotype development and genotyping throughput, and tracked timelines and milestones; this management tier was crucial for promoting multiple, simultaneous studies at diferent stages of development or execution. Te phenotype pipeline consisted of fve key components: selection of a study phenotype, study design, phenotype-specifc algorithm development, review, and implementation. Study hypotheses were divided into two categories: (i) validation studies—those that replicated the association of clinical outcomes (for example, drug-response phenotypes) with previously identifed genomic variants—and (ii) discovery studies— genome-wide investigations that sought to identify new gene-phenotype associations. A total of 28 phenotypes were selected for study (table S1). Development of phenotype algorithm. Recent eforts have examined the utility of algorithms for determining phenotypes from EMRs (1–3). We used two approaches to construct phenotype algorithms: (i) fully automated, through the use of phenotypeselection algorithms that achieved high precision, and (ii) semi-automated, using algorithms to select a set of cases for manual review (usually rarer phenotypes). Data sets required to identify cases and controls accu- rately for each phenotype varied, but most included three data types: ICD-9 codes, medication regimens, and medical test results. Ten of the phenotypes also required the use of advanced informatics methods, such as natural language processing, to extract information stored in unstructured clinical text. Pharmacogenomic phenotypes, in particular, rely heavily on temporal relationships (for example, administration of simvastatin before or concurrent with the onset of muscle pain). For our phenotype algorithms, we used event-sequence analyses to establish temporal relationships between drugs and phenotypes, which is a substantial challenge in bioinformatics (4). Both our case and control algorithms excluded records that contained specifc clinical comorbidities. Algorithms were quality checked for precision by team members and iteratively refned to achieve positive predictive values (PPV) > 90%. For automated algorithms failing to meet this threshold, manual review was coupled with algorithms to validate that the included cases were true positives (5). Although manual review can be time-consuming and impractical for large cohorts, it is warranted when phenotypes are rare, complex, or involve temporal components too difcult to defne electronically. Enabling overlap. A total of 11,639 subjects (Table 1) met phenotyping criteria for at least one of the 28 phenotypes investigated by the VESPA team. Cohorts included subjects with primarily drug-response phe- “” notypes. Seven phenotypes were not explicitly designed as such but were intended to enable future investigation into potential drug-response phenotypes; for example, subjects exposed to immunosuppressant therapy afer organ transplantation ofer potential examination of a range of outcomes (drug levels, transplant rejection, lipid abnormalities, cancer, or infections). Across all phenotype cases and controls, 90% were reused as either a case or control for at least one other phenotype. Tis demonstrates the capability ofered by EMR-based studies to reuse cases and controls across both rare and common phenotypes, each with diferent phenotyping processes. Two VESPA replication studies have established the validity of an EMR-based method for identifying pharmacogenomic associations, clopidogrel major adverse cardiac events, and warfarin stable-dose (5, 6). COST CALCULATIONS We compared the estimated monetary cost and resources required to generate VESPA cohorts (excluding analysis) to cost estimates drawn from the analysis of data derived from the NIH RePORTER (7) for M-, R-, U-, P- and Z-type grants that directly supported discrete pharmacogenomics studies in humans. Our analysis (Table 2, legend) revealed striking savings with the multiplexed VESPA approach (Table 2 and Fig. 1). Te VESPA experience resulted in 28 case-control sets with a median cost per study of $76,674 [interquartile range (IQR), $43,173 to $207,769] and a median cost per genotyped subject of $393 (IQR, $382– $465). Tis includes the cost to phenotype cases and controls (personnel resources required to develop algorithms, implement algorithms, extract data, review records, and manage the pipeline) as well as the cost to genotype the cohort (consumables, processing, and quality control). Te median funding amount for pharmacogenomics-related NIH grants with defned cohort sizes (across their lifetimes) is $1,335,927, with a median cost per genotyped subject of $1419. Notably, the low median cost per VESPA study ($76,674) was enabled by the reuse of subjects as cases and controls across multiple studies; had studies been conducted in isolation with no overlap among cases and controls, the estimated median cost per study would have been $438,473. Further highlighting the effciency of biobank studies, VESPA studies took a median of 3 months to identify sub- www.ScienceTranslationalMedicine.org 30 April 2014 Vol 6 Issue 234 234cm3 2 Downloaded from stm.sciencemag.org on November 7, 2014 C O M M E N TA R Y Length of study (years) Cost per subject (U.S. dollars) 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 800 600 400 200 0 15 10 5 0 Traditional BioVU Traditional BioVU Fig. 1. Time is money. Comparison of traditional NIH-funded pharmacogenomic studies versus EMR/biobank studies (BioVU). (Left) Median cost of study per subject. (Right) Median length of study in years. CREDIT: V. ALTOUNIAN/SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE jects with the target phenotypes, whereas the NIH grants reviewed were awarded for a median period of 3 years. Indeed, traditional consented recruitment models, for example, for common cancers, can take up to 20 years to generate sufcient cohort sizes (8). VESPA studies did not sacrifce cohort size or power as a consequence of reduced cost; in fact, the median cohort size of VESPA phenotypes was 1123, which is almost twice that of NIH-funded pharmacogenomics studies, which had a median cohort size of 623. Compared with a median cost per subject per year of $478 in a traditional cohort study, the median cost per subject per year in a VESPA study was $96. COST-SAVING INFRASTRUCTURE %ere are potential advantages of discovery e$orts in an EMR environment, especially when coupled to large genomic resources. First, EMRs contain large patient populations without disease-based exclusions (8). As demonstrated by the EMRs and genomics (eMERGE) network—a U.S. national consortium of existing DNA biorepositories linked to EMRs—these data can be used to rapidly create large, inclusive patient cohorts that foster investigation of variability in physiological traits and disease susceptibility (9–11). Second, the EMR approach o$ers substantial efciencies owing to the ability to examine multiple phenotypes by using a single cohort of genotyped samples, an idea frst championed on a large scale by the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (12). %ird, biobanks enable access, not only to cases but also to large numbers of controls, potentially providing additional power when using a design based on multiple controls per case. Fourth, because EMRbased biobank research is coupled to data routinely obtained in clinical care, the efciencies of reuse suggest that the approach will prove to be cost-e$ective. In addition, the increasing use of EMRs [incentivized by the U.S. Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act] and the increasing number of EMRlinked biobanks worldwide o$er cost-effective resources, not only for discovery but also for the replication of genomic associations across nations and ancestries. BioVU, the Vanderbilt DNA databank, is an example of an EMR-linked biorepository and a component of eMERGE (13, 14). It is important to note that the total costs described here for the VESPA study are marginal costs—they do not include costs associated with the design, set-up, and building of BioVU or establishing and maintaining the clinical electronic medical record. %us, the substantial cost savings we observed was facilitated by resources already in place. Development of BioVU, an evolving resource with longitudinal health information, was and is institutionally supported, including investment in EMRs and creation of deidentifed images of the EMRs. We highlight the cost savings enabled by BioVU to demonstrate the considerable return on investment a$orded by the development of an EMR-based biobank. As we have demonstrated, EMR-based biobanks can be cost-e$ective tools for establishing disease or drug associations in a real-world community health care setting. We provide data here that an EMR-linked biobank model such as BioVU enables cost and time efciency in multiple ways: (i) the use of biological samples that have already been collected and would otherwise be discarded; (ii) an economy of scale obtained by central processing of these samples; (iii) reuse of the same sample for multiple studies without incremental collection, extraction, or processing costs; (iv) centralized de-identifcation and phenotype annotation of the EMR; and (v) reuse of data, based on program requirements for redeposit of genetic data for all studies. %is efciency is refected in the substantial cost savings over traditional methods and is further amplifed by the ability to examine multiple phenotypes by using a single cohort of genotyped samples (12). Growth in EMR adoption fostered by the HITECH Act provides the foundation to effciently expand EMR-based research and is not limited to studies within a single medical center. As evidenced by the robust analyses enabled by the eMERGE network (15–17), the utility of EMR-derived data linked to biological specimens is amplifed by pooling analyses across networks, leading to an increase in sample sizes and minimization of biases (18). %e eMERGE network has demonstrated successful sharing of more than 18 phenotype algorithms across sites, with a median of three external validations per algorithm. Performance on case and control algorithms for development-site evaluations were similar to external-site evaluations: Median case PPV was 97% for host evaluations, and median PPV for external site evaluations was nearly identical at 95.5%, establishing portability of electronic defnitions regardless of the EMR system and interoperability (http://phekb.org). CHALLENGES AND LIMITATIONS Data reuse. When combining data from multiple studies in a redeposit design such as that of BioVU, a major challenge is the combining of genotyping data ascertained from di$erent genotyping platforms. %is presents challenges for genetic analyses, including the selection of variants for analysis and controlling for batch and platform e$ects. However, these challenges are not unlike those associated with large genomewide association study (GWAS) meta-analyses (18–20). Indeed, a key analytical approach for VESPA studies has been to use GWASs, similar to the approach of many traditional pharmacogenomic studies that rely on observational cohorts, subject en- www.ScienceTranslationalMedicine.org 30 April 2014 Vol 6 Issue 234 234cm3 3 Downloaded from stm.sciencemag.org on November 7, 2014 “” C O M M E N TA R Y rollment, or randomized controlled trials. Although the GWAS method has been highly successful in identifying new loci associated with disease susceptibility, it has also been criticized because the e$ect sizes of the identifed loci are ofen small, and thus, very large cohorts are needed to identify and validate genomic variations. On the other hand, although GWAS for drug response traits is less well-explored, multiple studies support the hypothesis that genetic associations can be identifed even with small cohort sizes (21–23). Unlike most disease-susceptibility studies, the e$ect sizes in pharmacogenomics can be large enough to consider for implementation in clinical care. As such, biobanks may become a crucial tool for facilitating pharmacogenomics research. Although we primarily focus on drug-response phenotypes, the methods described here can be used for a wide range of EMR-derived phenotypes or even to inform phenome-wide analyses (24). EMR biases. Despite their numerous benefts related to time and efciency, EMRlinked biobank approaches have limitations (table S2). One fundamental limitation is the potential loss to follow-up or the absence of clinical information pertaining to a patient afer a given point in time. In the specifc case of BioVU, de-identifcation of all subjects formally eliminates the ability to recontact patients. Moreover, the data are collected as a result of a provider’s determination of need based on clinical relevance at the time and may include only those medical encounters within one given medical center. %us, studies are limited to, and potentially biased by, data that are available in the EMRs. In addition, it can be challenging to accurately identify cases and controls, particularly for complex phenotypes, and exposure misclassifcation or selection effect can lead to bias in the estimation of an interaction e$ect (20, 25). In our studies, cohorts were defned by an exposure to a medication, a procedure, or patient characteristics at an index point in time; determining cases and controls by temporally constrained defnitions can limit cohort populations because of the inherent difculties in establishing temporality and event sequence in EMR records (26). Moreover, EMR-based data do not inherently capture the cost of a procedure or clinical event. However, an EMR system could be expanded and linked to external data sources, including cost and systems-delivery data, enabling such studies and a$ording addi- tional opportunities for linking to researchderived data. Politics. %e trend of reduced U.S. federal support for research (27) jeopardizes higher-priced scientifc explorations, even those that have proven fruitful for science and health. %e current funding climate, rising costs of health care R&D, and stricter payer requirements should make resource reuse increasingly important for advancing clinical and translational research as well as for reducing related health care costs. %e fnancial efciencies we observed for the EMR approach make it a compelling complement to traditional cohort designs. 10. 11. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS www.sciencetranslationalmedicine.org/cgi/content/ full/6/234/234cm3/DC1 Acknowledgments Funding Author contributions Table S1. Advantages and disadvantages of the EMR-based biobank approach. Table S2. Summary of phenotypes. References (28–40) REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. R. J. Carroll, A. E. Eyler, J. C. Denny, Naïve electronic health record phenotype identification for rheumatoid arthritis. AMIA Annu. Symp. 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