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This study aims to analyze how these factors influence the quality of the relationship (commitment and trust) on the performance of the company's supply chain. The sampling technique used was pusposive sampling. Respondents from this study amounted to 100 respondents, where respondents are supplying raw material at PT. Herbal Medicine Industry Cap Jago Semarang. Data analysis tool used is a Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) which is operated through a program Amos 16. The results of this research data analysis show models were well received and can prove that (1) the trust has a positive effect on relationship quality, (2) the trust has a positive effect on the performance of the supply chain, (3) commitment to a positive influence on relationship quality, (4) commitment positive effect on supply chain performance, and (5) the quality of relationships has a positive effect on the performance of the supply chain
Abstrak— Persaingan dalam dunia bisnis dewasa ini sangatlah ketat seiring dengan semakin meningkat dan berkembangnya dunia bisnis modern. Dengan bertambahnya jumlah pelaku bisnis yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen baik berupa barang atau jasa, para pelaku bisnis memiliki tantangan untuk mendapatkan pangsa pasar yang ada. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti mencoba meneliti tentang pengaruh variabel bauran pemasaran terhadap peningkatan penjualan Toko Damai yang bergerak dalam bidang menjual bahan – bahan bangunan. Adapun yang menjadi masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh bauran pemasaran dalam meningkatkan penjualan Toko Damai Kata kunci-Penjualan, peningkatan penjualan, potensi pasar, bauran pemasaran.
ABSTRAK Interpretasi peneliti terhadap kegiatan penilaian kinerja 360 derajat di Politeknik NSC Surabaya. Umpan balik 360 derajat dapat digunakan untuk tujuan pengembangan, penilaian, seleksi dan memfasilitasi perubahan organisasi. Keuntungan dari menggunakan sistem ini adalah meningkatkan kesadaran akan peta kekuatan dan kelemahan pada penerima umpan balik, menciptakan suasana dialog yang membangun, meningkatkan penggunaan umpan balik secara formal dan informal, meningkatkan pembelajaran organisasi, mendorong pencapaian tujuan dan pengembangan keterampilan, meningkatkan efektivitas dan perilaku manajerial serta mendorong terciptanya perubahan. Metodologi Penelitian ini yaitu metodologi penelitian kualitatif yang memberikan gambaran description analysis mengenai data primer dan sekunder. Metode sampling dengan menggunakan purposive random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 26 responden. Data sekunder diperoleh dari data di Politeknik NSC Surabaya seperti histori Penilaian Kinerja, Profil Kampus, data pembuatan aplikasi penilaian kinerja 360 derajat untuk hard skill dan soft skill, data primer merupakan kumpulan data yang berisikan informasi yang telah ada dan sebelumnya telah dikumpulkan untuk tujuan lain data ini adalah data olahan dari wawancara dan observasi dengan teknik trianggulasi, teori dan literatur, purposive sampling dan snowball sampling digunakan dalam memperoleh data olahan yang diolah dengan metode trianggulasi. Penilaian 360 derajat di Politeknik NSC Surabaya menghasilkan beberapa pendapat dari karyawan yang mengikuti proses penilaian dan peneliti ingin mengetahui pendapat-pendapat itu melalui observasi untuk menganalisa tingkat kepuasan keryawan Politeknik NSC Surabaya yang menghasilkan persepsi atau kinerja karyawan setelah menerima hasil penilaian. Selanjutnya untuk mengetahui demokratisasi penilaian yang dilakukan oleh karyawan Politeknik NSC Surabaya tanpa ada prasangka buruk dan unsur dendam terhadap atasan, teman sejawat dan bawahan dan untuk mengetahui tingkat efektifitas dan efisiensi dalam menggunakan proses penilaian yang di dukung oleh teknologi informasi yang dituangkan dalam penilaian kinerja 360 derajat di Politeknik NSC Surabaya. Berdasarkan hasil analisa penilaian kinerja menggunakan sistem penilaian kinerja 360 derajat di katakan effektif dan efisien, hasil dari penilain kinerja tersebut bisa berdampak sikap positif. Kelemahan dari sistem penilaian kinerja ini adalah bias pada organisasi. Politeknik NSC Surabaya tetap masih ada bias tetapi kecil karena didukung oleh budaya organisasi yang cukup kental dengan sistem kekeluargaan.
Brussels Studies, 2016
Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Mimarlık Tarihi Bölümü, 2022
Arkeolojik alan, tarih öncesinden günümüze kadar değiĢik çağların ve uygarlıkların kültür değerlerini temsil eden eser veya kalıntıların bulunduğu bölgelerdir. Rönesans Dönemi‟nde insanlar atalarını merak etmeye baĢlamıĢtır ve ören yerlerine ilgi artmıĢtır. Arkeolojik alanların korunması ve sunum yöntemleri bu sayede geliĢmeye baĢlamıĢtır. Sit alanlarının korunması ve sunumunda mimari her zaman rol oynayan bir disiplin olmuĢtur. Koruma çatıları, müzeler ve arkeoparklar sit alanlarında yapılan baĢlıca müdahalelerdir. Arkeolojik alanlar ile çağdaĢ yapı arasında kurulan iliĢki, sunum ve koruma yöntemleri açısından bazı durumlarda bağlama uygun olmayan tasarımlar yapılarak memnuniyet verici olmamıĢtır. Tez kapsamında arkeolojik alanların tanımından ve korunma yöntemlerinden; koruma kuruluĢlarından ve aldığı kararlardan; ulusal geliĢmelerden ve çıkarılan yasalardan bahsedilmiĢtir. Uluslar arası ve ulusal örnekler incelenerek, arkeolojik alan ile iliĢki kuran çağdaĢ yapıların fiziksel müdahale türleri belirlenmiĢtir ve sınıflandırılarak açıklanmıĢtır. Bunlar arkeolojik sit alanlarına doğrudan fiziksel müdahalede bulunmayan yaklaĢımlar, arkeolojik alanları bir senaryo dahilinde sunan yaklaĢımlar, arkeolojik alanı mimarinin bir mekanı olarak sunan yaklaĢımlar, arkeolojik alan ile diyalog kurma çabasında olmayan yaklaĢımlardır. Bu çağdaĢ yapıların bağlamsal stratejileri incelenmiĢtir ve üç baĢlık altında sınıflandırılmıĢtır. Alan ile yeni yapı arasında kurulan diyalog, bu sınıflandırma içinde alt baĢlıklar oluĢturularak açıklanmıĢtır. Bağlamsal stratejilerine göre yapılan sınıflandırma; arkeolojik alanı öne çıkaran tasarım yaklaĢımları, alan ile birlikte var olan tasarım yaklaĢımları, yeni yapıyı öne çıkaran tasarım yaklaĢımları Ģeklindedir. Alan ile çağdaĢ yapı arasındaki diyalog; yapının kent içindeki silüet etkisi, yapı ve arkeolojik alan arasındaki mekansal iliĢki, kullanıcıların yapı ile iliĢkisi alt baĢlıkları içinde açıklanmıĢtır. Tezin sonuç bölümünde, arkeolojik alnlarda çağdaĢ yapı kriterleri iki baĢlık altında belirlenmiĢtir. Bunlar alan ile ilgili ve mimari tasarım kriterleridir . Bu örnekler çizelge 7‟de belirtilen “Arkeolojik alanlarda çağdaĢ yapı tasarım kriterleri”nde tartıĢılmıĢtır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Arkeolojik sit alanı, mimari, diyalog, koruma, sergileme
Psychological TResearch, 2024
Several studies demonstrated that explicit forms of negation processing (e.g., "I don't know") recruits motor inhibitory mechanisms. However, whether this is also true for implicit negation, in which the negative meaning is implicated but not explicitly lexicalized in the sentence (e.g., "I ignore"), has never been studied before. Two Go/No-Go studies, which differed only for the time-windows to respond to the Go stimulus, were carried out. In each, participants (N = 86 in experiment 1; N = 87 in experiment 2) respond to coloured circle while reading task-irrelevant affirmative, explicit negative and implicit negative sentences. We aimed to investigate whether: (i) the processing of implicit negations recruits inhibitory mechanisms; (ii) these inhibitory resources are differently modulated by implicit and explicit negations. Results show that implicit negative sentences recruit the inhibitory resources more strongly when compared to explicit ones, probably due to their inferential nature, likely requiring deeper processing of the negative meaning. Implicit and inferential meaning (i.e., pragmatic information) are grounded too in the same mechanisms that integrate action with perception. Such findings provide further evidence to the embodied account of language, showing that even abstract aspects, like implicit negation, are grounded in the sensory-motor system, by means of functional link between language and motor activity.
Introduction: Professional nursing practice involves the daily use of decision-making skills. It is of fundamental importance in professional acting since its use has direct clinical-care implications for patients. Adequate decision-making skills are therefore essential, especially considering that the health care setting leaves little or no margin for error. Training in this area, with an established methodology, could have important spillovers in clinical risk management. The objective of the study is to identify the current theoretical framework of decision-making and how the professional dimension of nursing is framed within that conceptuality. Metodology: Systematic literature review by consulting the 5 major medical databases with search strings appropriately formulated. Results: Currently, internationally, decision-making is identified in three models: the systematic-positivist, or analytic, model, which theorizes a process of rational analysis of the situation in which prior knowledge is crucial; Benner's intuitive-humanistic model, based on intuition, thus neither rational nor logically defensible, grounded in prior experience; and Hammond's cognitive continuum model, which combines the previous two models and sees them not as one antithesis of the other but extremes of a continuum in which decision-making processes are positioned according to the structure of the task. Conclusions: There is extensive literature about decision-making models in nursing, but not all studies agree in content. Currently, considering the conceptuality theorized by Hammond, nurses tend to use both analytical and intuitive approaches on individual and environmental grounds. Experience is acknowledged to play a key role, but it can not be generalized, as there may be various types, about which, however, little literature exists.
Społeczeństwo Polski Średniowiecznej , 1999
Analysis of two letters of nobleman Ivashko Dovoynovich from Bielsk and his wife Anna, written to Gdansk in 1454.
The Rennyo Shonin Reader, 1998
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IHJ Cardiovascular Case Reports (CVCR), 2018
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Frontiers in Agronomy
IGARSS 2000. IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Taking the Pulse of the Planet: The Role of Remote Sensing in Managing the Environment. Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37120)
33. Гармонизация договорного права : учебное пособие / Ю. Белоусов, В. Савченко и др. Хмельницкий : Хмельниц. университет управления и права, 2015. 268 с., 2015