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Capítulo 1 Neste capítulo são expostos alguns aspetos considerados relevantes durante o estágio pedagógico que efetuei ao longo do ano letivo 2015/2016, no âmbito do mestrado em ensino de educação física no ensino básico e secundário, realizado no Agrupamento de Escolas Amato Lusitano em Castelo Branco, nomeadamente: - Os meus objetivos e expetativas enquanto estagiário incutido em contexto real, bem como o que me levou a optar pela área de ensino de educação física; - Os objetivos do agrupamento, tal como a sua caracterização física e das instalações desportivas; - Os principais aspetos a referir na organização e planeamento do ano curricular referentes à turma que lecionei, destacando o planeamento detalhado de uma unidade didática, neste caso de futebol; - Resultados com diferentes objetivos. O primeiro conjunto de resultados foi utilizado como ferramenta de caracterização dos alunos e o segundo como instrumento de reflexão onde se pretende perceber a opinião dos alunos sobre as ...
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PENDAHULUAN Potensi sektor kelautan dan perikanan yang potensial dikembangkan di Kabupaten Barru adalah pengembangan budi daya laut, budi daya air payau dan budi daya air tawar. Budi daya laut yang berpotensi yaitu komoditi rumput laut, Karamba Jaring Apung (KJA) untuk Budidaya Ikan dan kerang mutiara sepanjang pantai. Untuk pengembangan budi daya air payau yaitu udang vanamae, udang windu dan bandeng. Untuk budi daya air tawar yaitu ikan lele, ikan mas dan ikan nila. Terdapat beberapa produksi pada sektor kelautan dan perikanan di Kabupaten Barru yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi yang tetap dikembangkan antara lain ikan bandeng, ikan cakalang, ikan kerapu, ikan tuna serta udang windu dan udang vannamea. Produksi rumput laut juga mulai memberi nilai tambah bagi masyarakat dengan adanya pengembangan pengolahan makanan yang berbahan dasar rumput laut. Dilihat dari agroekosistemnya sebagian besar adalah lahan pantai dan laut, payau serta sebagian wilayah memiliki air tawar, maka kegiatan yang dapat dikembangkan adalah budidaya tambak, budidaya laut, budidaya air tawar, penangkapan ikan dan agroindustri hasil perikanan serta berbagai kegiatan lainnya.
Hugur 33, 2022
How to Think Critically and Ignite Understanding: The Embodied and Experiential Turn in the Training of Critical Thinking The philosophy and teaching of critical thinking have played a central role in Icelandic academic philosophy since the establishment of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Iceland in 1972. Páll Skúlason’s article (1987) which explores the possibility of teaching critical thinking, marks a significant starting point. To provide clarity and elucidate the primary features of this approach to critical thinking, we distinguish three traditions of critical thinking. Firstly, there is the tradition of critical thinking as a rational mode of thought and logical argumentation. Secondly, we find the tradition of social critical thinking, often associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory. Thirdly, we introduce a more recent approach of embodied critical thinking, based in phenomenological, pragmatist, hermeneutical, feminist thinking and the turn to embodiment in the cognitive sciences. In an international research and training project to which we belong our aim extends beyond merely answering whether critical thinking can be taught, as Skúlason did. We endeavor to address how critical thinking can be more effectively cultivated using methods grounded in embodied and experiential thinking. We discuss the theoretical foundations of this approach, drawing from phenomenological and pragmatic philosophies, as well as the methodologies that have been developed based on these foundations.
Classiques Garnier, collection POLEN, 2024
Les ducs de Bourgogne, dès le principat d’Eudes IV et jusqu’à la mort de Charles le Téméraire, exercent un droit de grâce envers les criminels qui prend notamment la forme de lettres de rémission, à l’image des rois de France. En s’appuyant sur un corpus conséquent et concernant l’ensemble des territoires constituant l’espace bourguignon, cette étude montre les évolutions des pratiques de grâce des ducs et de leurs épouses sur près d’un siècle et demi. S’intéressant aux normes sociales, politiques, juridiques et financières véhiculées par ces actes, elle souligne la mise en place d’un gouvernement par la grâce des princes successifs qui, bien qu’étant sensiblement similaire à celui exercé par le roi de France, s’en distingue aussi par divers aspects.
A cursory look at the contributions of C.S. Peirce to the idea and theory of truth from a pragmatist perspective.
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Zur digital vermittelten Abendmahlsfeier, 2024
MOTIVACIÓN: Querer Aprender, 1997
Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2019
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2012
Tottelematon kansa: Poliittisen vastarinnan muuttuvat muodot (Vastapaino), 2023
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2003
Cancer Cell International, 2022