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UNIVERSITY OF STUTTGART TEMPUS PROJECT:158623-DE “Development of Partnerships with SMEs in BA by Virtual Engineering Network”. Co-ordinator: Dr.-Ing.Stefan Wagner Co-beneficiary: Prof.Dr. Milan Šljivić, University of B. Luka Stuttgart, 2012 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Development of Partnerships with SMEs in BA by Virtual Engineering Network NEW PARTNERSHIP CONCEPT OF UNIVERSITY-ENTERPRISE SYNERGY IN B&H New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H NEW PARTNERSHIP CONCEPT OF UNIVERSITY-ENTERPRISE SINERGY IN B&H Publisher UNIVERSITY OF STUTTGART DePSME – VENet project For publisher Prof.Dr.-Ing Mathias Liewald MBA Director of the Institute for Metal Forming Technology, University of Stuttgart Editor Dr.-Ing. Stefan Wagner Project coordinator Authors Dr.-Ing. Stefan Wagner Prof. Milan Sljivic, PhD. Eng. Mićo “ta ojevic, M.Sc. Ranko Radonjic, M.Sc. Sanja Maglov, BA Prof. Ibolya Zsoldos, PhD. Eng. Prof. To až Rodić, PhD. Eng. Prof. Duša Golubovic, PhD. Eng. Prof. Sead Pasic, PhD. Eng. Prof. Perica Gojkovic, PhD. Eng. Duško Sljivic, BA Printing IFU, University of Stuttgart Circulation 300 copies Stuttgart, 2012 ISBN ?????? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This publication has been funded by the European Commission. The publication reflects only the views of the authors. The European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Tempus project: De elop e t of Part erships ith “MEs i BA by Virtual E gi eeri g Net ork , No. 8 –TEMPUS–1-DE-SMHES. New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Table of Contents 1. FOREWORD .......................................................................... 1 2. INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 3 2.1. About DePSME – VENet project ........................................................... 3 2.2. Structure of the publication ................................................................. 8 3. STATE OF THE ART IN THE AREA OF PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY – ENTERPRISE SYNERGY IN EU LEVEL................... 10 3.1. Partnership ......................................................................................... 10 3.2. Policies and Strategies ........................................................................ 11 3.3. Legislation........................................................................................... 12 3.4. Review of past experience and success factors ................................. 13 3.5. Promote the value of mobility by university and business ................ 15 3.6. Universities – industry and promotion for Lifelong Learning ............ 16 4. CURRENT STATE IN THE B&H .............................................. 18 4.1. Background ......................................................................................... 18 4.1.1. Education state............................................................................ 19 4.1.2. Research state ............................................................................. 21 4.1.3. Innovation state .......................................................................... 23 4.2. State Institutions, strategies and programs ....................................... 24 4.2.1. University of Banja Luka .............................................................. 29 4.2.2. University of East Sarajevo .......................................................... 31 4.2.3. Faculty of Traffic Engineering Doboj, University of E. Sarajevo .. 31 4.2.4. University of Sarajevo ................................................................. 32 4.2.5. University of Tuzla ....................................................................... 32 . . . U iversity Dze al dijedic of Mostar........................................ 33 4.2.7. University of Mostar.................................................................... 34 4.2.8. University of Zenica ..................................................................... 35 4.2.9. University of Bihac....................................................................... 36 4.2.10. Local communities .................................................................... 37 ASME Banja Luka................................................................ 37 96 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H ZEDA ................................................................................... 38 SERDA ................................................................................. 38 5. GOOD PRACTICES IN THE AREA OF PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY – ENTERPRISE SYNERGY ...................................... 40 5.1. University of Stuttgart ........................................................................ 40 5.2. University of Ljubljana ........................................................................ 41 . . “. I. U iversity of Györ ........................................................................ 43 5.4. Graz University of Technology ........................................................... 44 5.5. Norwegian University of Science and Technology ............................. 46 . . Rhei ische Fachhochschule Köl – University of Applied .................. 48 Sciences ..................................................................................................... 48 5.7. University of Novi Sad ........................................................................ 49 5.8. University of Belgrade ........................................................................ 51 5.9. University of Kragujevac ..................................................................... 54 5.10. University of Zagreb ......................................................................... 56 5.11. University of Maribor ....................................................................... 57 5.12. Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre (TECOS) Celje ........... 58 6. NEW PARTNERSHIP CONCEPT OF UNIVERSITY – ENTERPRISE SINERGY IN B&H..................................................................... 60 6.1. Background ......................................................................................... 60 6.2. Benefits for key actors in the partnership of university –enterprise synergy ...................................................................................................... 61 6.3. New partnership concept of university-enterprise synergy ............. 62 6.4. Organization of RS and B&H industrial clusters ................................. 67 6.5. Establishment of science and technology parks ................................ 72 6.6. Technology transfer centre ................................................................ 76 6.7. Academic spin-offs ............................................................................. 78 6.8. Joint participation in FP7 and other EU projects ............................... 80 6.9. Vocational Training & Education Programs ....................................... 81 6.10. Practical placement program (PPP) for students in industry ........... 83 6.11. Industrial fellowship program (IFP) for graduates and/or Employees from enterprise ......................................................................................... 84 97 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 6.12. University - enterprise collaboration through newly established centers: Cooperative Focal Points ............................................................. 86 7. RECOMMENDATION ........................................................... 87 8. REFERENCES ....................................................................... 89 9. ANNEXES ............................................................................ 91 9.1. CFP Banja Luka.................................................................................... 92 9.2. CFP East Sarajevo ............................................................................... 93 9.3. CFP Doboj ........................................................................................... 94 9.4. CFP Mostar ......................................................................................... 95 98 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 1. FOREWORD New partnership concept of university-enterprise synergy in B&H has been developed by part ers i the Te pus project titled Develop e t of Partnerships with SMEs in B&H by Virtual E gi eeri g Net ork DeP“MEVENet), No. 158623–TEMPUS–1-DE-SMHES, according to a sustainable support model of university-enterprise synergy. All project partners are involved in developing of the university-enterprise synergy and establishing sustainable partnerships between universities, enterprises/SMEs, graduates and engineers in B&H industry. Technical universities in B&H do not have enough departments, institutes, and laboratories that are equipped, neither their staff trained to be able to support university/industry partnerships. This is one of the key issues for development of rather weakened B&H industry. This Tempus project is a pioneering project that should improve and advance situation regarding development of university/enterprise partnerships. Cooperative Focal Points (CFPs) centers established at B&H universities will certainly contribute to improvement of the situation. Developed vocational trainings and education programs for enterprise staff, students and graduates in all CFPs: CFP Banja Luka, CFP Doboj, CFP E. Sarajevo, CFP Mostar, and CFP Tuzla, aim at the following:  Higher education and training for SMEs;  Innovation and collaboration between universities and enterprises;  Development of collaborative culture between University and Industry, through clustering and regional development based on knowledge;  Connection between key partners in B&H through establishment of Cooperation Focal Points (CFPs);  Those CFPs will cover complete area providing full VE support to B&H enterprises/SMEs, including education and training for students and engineering fellows. New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H This is offered service (owning to CFPs) for industry and individuals and consultation and support for the different departments and institutes. Moreover, they will initiate institutional arrangements regarding this very important aspect and help B&H to join the European higher education. Developed Practical Placement Program (PPP) model clearly defines all steps which students and institutions/companies, where practical placement will take place, need to take. The partnership concept of university-enterprise will be a communication channel between universities and enterprises/SMEs as to “Get insight in university-industry partnership . Developed model of the partnership concept of university-enterprise precisely defines all main characteristics and goals for B&H universities, enterprise/SMEs, industrial fellows, B&H hosting R&D institutions and other. Partnership between universities and industry needs to be intensified at national and regional level, as well as geared the framework of DePSMEVENet project, the start-up of new companies and, more generally, the transfer and dissemination and knowledge. Throughout by this publication the reader will find boxed examples of good practice, practical examples of solutions tested in the EU and as well by the project partners countries. We hope that this publicatiion will help to create more awareness of the importance of university – enterprise partnership and fuel the deB&Hte on its future development. Coordinator of the DePSME-VENet project and Co-beneficiary for B&H are grateful to the Government representatives and to all project partners which are involved in developing of the university-enterprise synergy for their contribution to the successful project implementation and developing new concept of the university-enterprise synergy in B&H. Coordinator DePSME-VENet project Co-beneficiary for B&H Dr.-Ing. Stefan Wagner Prof. Milan Sljivic, PhD. Eng. 2 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1. About DePSME – VENet project In line with the perceived needs and contains in B & H (Bosnia & Herzegovina) and the development strategies concerning education, research and innovation policies, the proposed project comprises activities that are in compliance with the programmed wide priorities for TEMPUS IV – Higher Education and Society. Priorities are, as follows: Development of partnerships with enterprises; Training of non – university teachers; Training courses for public services (ministries, regional/local authorities) and Development of lifelong learning in society at large. The project was created as a result of long-term analysis of the needs in society and defined the development strategy plan for industry by the university support. The overall aim of DePSME-VENet project is to enhance, strengthen and grow capacity building in order to development strategy of partnerships between universities and enterprise/SMEs in accordance with principles on the EUs modernization agenda and national priorities, through sustainable long term partnerships. In order to achieve this strategic objective of the project, five specific objectives are set: 1. Establishment of Cooperation Focal Points (CFP) and CFP network at 5 B&H-Universities for strengthing of cooperation and partnerships between University and Industry through trainings, consulting and practical research by Virtual Engineering. 2. Setting up of new Partnership Concept University – Enterprises/SMEs to the specific circumstances of B&H economy by adjusting and applying the best practices of similar EU development models. 3. Modernization of programme for vocational trainings, engineering fellowship and consulting tools in higher education for SMEs. 4. Development and conduction of Practical Placement Programme (PPP) for students in consultation with community members / 3 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H stakeholders and EU partners according to practically approved case studies. 5. Providing the quality dissemination and sustainbility of UniversityIndustry Links as the results of the Project. Project is designed to meet the needs of universities, research institutions, students, unemployed graduates, enterprises/SMEs and developed in cooperation with the EU partners, through the realization of the following:  Development and implementation of new partnership concept of university-enterprise sinergy in B&H to knowledge based society with imact on economic growth and competitiveness;  Establishment of five Centres for Virtual Technologies: CFP Banja Luka, CFP Doboj, CFP E. Sarajevo, CFP Mostar and CFP Tuzla, as the university-enterprise/SME links, enabling efficient and sustainable cooperation among the key actors of the development of partnerships with enterprises;  Education of teacher and students with the Advanced Technology of Virtal Engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE, RE/RP/RT, FE/FV simulation, VR) support.  To improve the knowledge by Engineering Design, Solid Modeling, Reverse Engineering, Rapid Prototyping, FE simulation, Optimization of new products and processes.  Development and implementation of Vocational Trainings, Seminars and Workshops, as well as multidisciplinary courses regarding to identified needs; further accreditation is considered;  Development and implementation of Student practice – Practical Placement Program - PPP, Industrial/Engineering Fellowship Program – IFP/EFP), Program of E-learning and Llife Lon Learning – LLL.  Participation in international projects.  Promotional and marketing activities with Quality control of trainings and services, PPP, EFP and LLL programs. 4 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H In order to meet the needs identified by benchmarking, vocational trainings and education programs which are targeted for enterprise staff, students and graduates (otherwise for all CFPs: CFP Banja Luka, CFP Doboj, CFP E. Sarajevo, CFP Tuzla, and CFP Mostar) have been developed as follows:             Vocational Education & Training Programs; Motivational seminars; Workshops; Handbooks, Manuals and Brochures for Education and Vocational Trainings; Basic Knowledge of the Finite Element Method; Innovation Partnership Programs; E- Learning; Lifelong Learning policy; 3D Printing Technology Education Programs; 3D Scanning Technology Education Programs; Possibilities of Open Source & LINUX; Customer Support by CFPs. VOCATIONAL TRAINING & EDUCATION PROGRAMS (VT & EPs) publication was developed for enterprise staff, students and graduates in B&H by project partners within the Tempus project in synergy to the new concept of university/enterprise/SMEs. During the project implementation, Consortium of the project has analyzed the specific circumstances of B&H economy according to current degree of connection between universities and enterprises/SMEs, as well as training needs for enterprise staff and students, and labour market needs for vocational trainings of unemployed graduates and school leavers in the area of product and process development by the application of Virtual Engineering technologies. A number of needs have been identified for different kinds of vocational programs, certifications, and diploma programs. Corresponding to that, a large number of motivational seminars and workshops are being held in order to promote possibilities of new virtual technologies. It is necessary to mention that the appropriate knowledge is an imperative for anybody who is looking to start a new career, find a new position, or to enhance current 5 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H job. In line with actual needs for vocational trainings and education programs, project experts have educated and specialized trainers for the specific fields of VE technologies. THE PRACTICAL PLACEMENT PROGRAM (PPP) has been developed for B&H mechanical engineering students by partners in the Tempus project as a proposal of a sustainable model of PPP. The PPP defines rights and obligations for all partners participating in the program, students and institutions/companies, where the PPP is implemented including academic institutions and universities: university units and/or faculties, institutes, centers, laboratories, or departments that are involved in realization of all administrative and organizational activities. According to their curriculum, nearly all technical faculties in B&H require practical placement, but the implementation is not institutionally regulated. This program proposes a sustainable model of the PPP developed in cooperation with EU partners. Within the framework of DePSME-VENet project, training for six students in Virtual Technology was carried out together with partners from the EU, a ely i “tuttgart, Györ, Ljublja a a d Celje i duratio of o e o th. They have been trained to run courses and trainings for students and engineers in the fields of industry, that is, application of virtual technology in the newly established Centers for Virtual Technologies: Cooperative Focal Points (CFPs). They have already successfully completed several courses, trainings and workshops for students and industry engineers, which resulted in increased interest for attending this kind of training. THE INDUSTRIAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM (IFP) has been developed by partners in the Tempus project for graduates/industrial fellows as well as M.Sc. and PhD students from B&H industry, according to a sustainable support model of IFP. University teams, that is, professors, teachers, and researches will contribute their technical expertise, research, and innovation to the enterprises/SMEs. Industrial fellows can participate in Fellowship programs to facilitate knowledge and technology transfer from universities to their enterprises and provide excellent communication channels between them. 6 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H University Cooperative Focal Points (CFPs) are main centers for implementation of the International Fellowship Programs. The Industrial Fellowship Program defines procedures for administration and management of the IFP, conditions for enterprises/SMEs to qualify, funding rules, requirements for graduates/industrial fellows, obligations of university research centers and CFPs. Proposed IFP model, developed in cooperation with the EU partners, will be a great contribution to graduates/industrial fellows as well as M.Sc. and PhD students from B&H industry to obtain the required knowledge and skills. E-LEARNING AIMS: Within the DePSME – VENet project, E-learning aims have been proposed and defined. Each established Cooperative Focal Point at B&A universities has a possibility for giving lectures by using a free software application for the Internet communication - Skype. This is especially acceptable for B&H enterprises, because their engineers do not need to travel to CFPs. According to the agreement between CFPs staff and enterprise representatives, it is possible to have vocational trainings or VE technologies courses after work (when shifts end) at the enterprise. LIFELONG LEARNING AIMS: One of the project aims was Lifelong Learning as a kind of support for enterprise technical staff. Established CFPs at B&H Universities will contribute to solve this problem. CFPs with installed equipment (computers, software, Rapid Prototyping and Reverse Engineering equipment) will be available for students, unemployed engineers and enterprise engineers who want to learn and to follow world trends and tendencies. Communication on Lifelong Learning goes hand in hand with mottoes such as It is never too late to learn and It is always a good time to learn . INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM: The aim of the Innovation Partnership Program is to enable new product, process and services development for industry through collaboration with CFPs. The program should be supported under the National Development Program of the RS and B&H. 7 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 3D PRINTING TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION PROGRAM: 3D printing rapid prototypi g achi e for plastic: Di e sio Elite Pri ter , relevant to the project objectives, is provided within the framework of the DePSME-VENet project. This equipment will encourage young people to study technical sciences. It is needed to mention that all B&H partners will be able to send their students to the CFP Banja Luka in order to learn new Rapid Prototyping technologies. Otherwise, the Dimension Elite is ideal for printing intricate 3D product mockups and functional models of parts such as medical devices, mechanical components from plastic, mobile electronics and precision instruments. 3D SCANNING TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION PROGRAMS: 3D Scanning Technology is also directly relevant to the objectives of the project and will have a big benefit for vocational trainings and education programs for students, enterprise staff, and graduates. Having this equipment available, students and enterprise engineers will be able to learn about a completely new scientific area in B&H. It is neccesary to mention that this eqipment will be the first one purchased in the region. Common applications of this technology include industrial design, orthotics and prosthetics, reverse engineering and prototyping, quality control/inspection and documentation of cultural artifacts. SETTING UP A LINUX & OPEN SOURCE: Within the DePSME-VENet project, B&H participants set up a LINUX & Open Source at their CFPs. This task poses a new challenge because this operating system offers enormous possibilities. This will contribute to the improvement and reform of B&H higher education structures and systems of university-industry links. 2.2. Structure of the publication Publicatio Ne Part ership Co cept of U iversity-Enterprise Sinergy in d&H , developed ithi the DeP“ME-VENet project to point out the necessity of modernization of the universities in B&H, through the intergration of the development of partnerships with enterprises, and the 8 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H establishment of cooperation between key actors in the areas of education, science and business. The structure of these publication starts from the goals of EU in this field, through the identified needs, state of development in the B&H, and further through the presentation of EU good practices. Chapter 3 contains representation of state of the art in the area of partnership university-enterprise sinergy in EU level. This is the EU legislation, policies and strategies, success factors, review of past experience, the EU incentives and overview of main EU documents produced by the EU Commission. Chapter 4 describes the curent state in the development of partnerships with enterprises in the B&H and overview of state institutions, strategies and programs. There are key institutions in the areas of higher education, research, innovation, and social partners. Chapter 5 describes the good practices in the area of partnership university – enterprise synergy in region and also EU. Twelve practices collected are briefly described in chapter, through the display of main features of university – enterprise cooperation. The objective of this is the dissemination of the best EU practice, as well as to start a series of initiatives, projects, programs for establishing effective and sustainable structures for development of partnerships with enterprises in the B&H. Chapter 6 contains representation of the new partnership concept of university – enterprise sinergy in B & H. There are recommendations about constitution of RS & B&H industrial clusters, establishment of science and technology parks, technology transfer centre, academic spin-offs, practical placement program for students in industry, university – enterprise collaboration through establishment centers CFPs, and benefits for key actors in the partnership of university – enterprise synergy, and also other partnership modalities. Finally, Chapter 7 attempts to summarise the issues into some clear recommendations, addressed separatly to university – industry synergy, policy markers and government representatives, and support newly established Cooperative Focal Points in B&H for the future development. 9 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 3. STATE OF THE ART IN THE AREA OF PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY – ENTERPRISE SYNERGY IN EU LEVEL 3.1. Partnership A Partnership is an arrangement where entities and/or individuals agree to cooperate to advance their interests. Partnerships between governments, interest-based organizations, universities, schools, businesses, and individuals, or some combination thereof, have always been and remain commonplace /Wikipedia/. The ter university – enterprise partnership i volves all types of li kages between universities and enterprises, irrespective of their formality, scope and types of activities involved and also basis for Cooperation University – enterprise. Requirements for partnerships are infrastructure and human resources: academics, administration etc, at the university. Basis for cooperation with enterprise is a relative stable setting (risk-averse), willing to invest human resources, money etc. The Enterprise refers to any entity with economic activity, regardless of legal status. This can include SMEs and other actors in the economy, as well semi-public institutes, professional associations, chambers of commerce and other legal bodies. There are arrangements for enterprise to have a say in the partnership. The role of European universities is very important in multiple directions about partnership synergy by way higher education, advanced research and technological innovation. Through Europe and EU programs, exists successful development of partnerships between these sides, across countries, universities, enterprise and academic disciplines. New economical and production markets have strongly influenced through industry services, production and research, design and development and also currently impact to the higher education for new competences and profiles. 10 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 3.2. Policies and Strategies Partnership between universities and the world of work: universityenterprise cooperation is a priority for the European Commission. There are a variety of policies in the fields of human recourses, research and innovation, and also university – enterprise cooperation and other. Universities have policy statements that mention the need to cooperate with enterprises. The role of European universities is very important in policies and strategies throughout next three directions: higher education, advanced research and technological innovation. The following initiatives to support university – enterprise cooperation through policies and strategies were identified.  EU Lisbon strategy as well important part for Education and Training form and also a challenging program for modernization of education system.  The Bologna Process is the common name for the progress towards a European Higher Education Area. The European system would consist of three main cycles: an undergraduate cycle, leading to a Bachelors degree, and a graduate cycle, leading to Masters and three cycle doctoral degrees.  University – enterprise cooperation and the Bologna Process is the policy intervention with the advance of the knowledge – intensive economics in Europe. This is agenda of European higher education policy makers. Incentive schemes were devised, with more specific demands and purposes, and dependent on clear outcomes, and matching funds for university – enterprise partnerships.  European Commission encouragement has promoted through various programs for the promotion of education and training university – enterprise cooperation as a means of increasing the relevance of education to needs of the labor market, of improving graduates employability and of maximizing the use of knowledge.  Many International organizations have paid specific attention to 11 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H reinforce university – enterprise cooperation and have developed special programs to promote it. That is some: o The OECD Directorate for Education continues to dedicate seminars and studies to the issue of public - private partnerships in science and technology. o UNESCO : The 27th UNESCO General Conference in 1993, the UNISPAR Program was established to strengthen university – industry cooperation in science, engineering and technology, is also the main agent of industrial, economic and social development. o OECD/IMHE is the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development on Institutional Management in Higher Education. HEFCE is the Higher Education Funding Council of England.  The World Bank has aim to assistance in helping countries to adapt their entire education system to the new challenges. To the World Bank, a national innovation system is a network of firms; universities, research centers, and another, assimilate and adapt it to local needs, and create new technology. 3.3. Legislation Legislation and Education policy has the potential to drive university – enterprise cooperation. European Commission has produced more legal documents of EU activity:  Legislative instruments;  Preparatory acts;  Case low, etc.  Regard to university – enterprise partnership next main groups of actions can be suggested: 12 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H     Recognition of diplomas and qualifications in the EU; Lisbon Strategy; EU policy in the research and innovation; Employment, etc. Regard to legislative instruments, preparatory acts next can be issue out:  Support to small and medium enterprises;  Establishment of technology institutes;  Establishment of technology parks and other proper research area boards and councils;  Promotion of creativity research and innovation policy;  Founding;  Management of intellectual property;  Established of knowledge-based society, etc. Therefore, policy and legislation can be powerful facilitators. Build partnerships, at national, regional and EU level with key stakeholders, including employers in accordance with national legislation and practice is important aspect of the issue. 3.4. Review of past experience and success factors A team of DePSME-VENet project analyzed many EU-funded project participants in TEMPUS, SOCRATES, ERASMUS - MUNDUS, and LEONARDO, with a goal to view of international university – enterprise partnerships synergy and to identify the critical success factors. The project has analyzed the place and role of university – enterprise partnership synergy in EU education and training policies regards to their integrated dimension and their strategic developments and activities. A project partners from EU were examples of good practice by university – enterprise synergy and the concept and theory of university – enterprise cooperation. 13 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Therefore, this work was development for future concept new of partnership of university – enterprise synergy in B & H. Benefits of university – enterprise cooperation can be summarized as follows:  Prepare students for employment and widen job opportunities;  Better adapted education and research to the actual needs of society;  Practical understanding of enterprises and educate for students professional practice;  All stakeholders: students, professors, companies, etc, are involved in the development and the implementation partnership synergy;  Cooperation policies and activities of university – enterprise are regularly reviewed and clearly assessed by legal entity;  Bring an international dimension to education;  Transfer fundamental and applied research results;  Bring new teaching principles and industry-based case studies;  Reorganize educational programs from engineering disciplines on EU competitive manufacturing;  Fostering the creation of clusters and integrating SMEs into university – enterprise synergy;  Developing competence in high-end manufacturing technologies;  Support given to the creation of SMEs;  Better deal with technological changes, has direct access to research results, and turns these results in marketable products. The success factors summary report identified they cover following activities:  Support structures and platforms: participation in governing boards of enterprises and universities, establishment of technology transfer center, locating business incubators at universities, start-up of new joint enterprises;  Curriculum development and mobility: joint development of teaching and learning models, program to develop entrepreneurship, joint development of teaching and learning models. 14 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 3.5. Promote the value of mobility by university and business By European forum on cooperation between higher education and the business community, mobility is very important because it provides the transfer of knowledge according to the needs of industry, and prepares the graduates with firsthand experience for the labor market. A very important point to encourage the mobility is across the borders and between business and university. It would be good to simplify legal and administrative procedures for the entry of non-EU students and researchers. It is important role of education for talented engineers, research and industry development. The Basic function of education is to cultivate talents for society, and higher education shoulders particularly the tasks of doing Basic researches, tackling key technological difficulties and developing knowledge innovation. Cooperation between higher education and industries, by way of promote the value of mobility, is therefore very necessary for development of industries and higher education and even the whole society. The mobility is very important to:  Exchange of staff between universities and enterprises;  Accredit and acknowledgment the needs for mobility of students, engineers, researchers to business;  Joint research within collaborative project;  A system of on-the-job training - Internship for white-collar jobs, similar to an apprenticeship;  Research & development mobility programs,  Givi g graduates a d other participa t’s e perie ce of the labor market. Interns are usually college or university students, but they can also be high school students or post graduate adults seeking skills for a new career. They may also be as young as middle school or in some cases elementary students. Student internships provide opportunities for students to gain experience in their field, determine if they have an interest in a particular career, create a network of contacts, or gain school credit [Wikipedia]. 15 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Therefore, survey respondents from RS and B&H expressed an interest in further developing an activities mentioned in order to strengthen industries development and increase employability. 3.6. Universities – industry and promotion for Lifelong Learning At the time of rapid development and high competition in the world of global market, Lifelong Learning is a very important task. After finishing faculty studies, technical staff in enterprises does not have enough time for learning new material and IT technologies. Established CFPs at B&H Universities will contribute to Lifelong Learning as a kind of support for enterprise technical staff to solve this problem. CFPs with installed equipment will be available for students, unemployed engineers and enterprise engineers, who want to learn and to follow world trends and tendencies. Lifelong Learning within the CFPs includes:  Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training programs,  Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training,  Improvement of participation of the society in general (active citizenship),  Possibility for learning appropriate technologies at the EU HE institutions. CFP staff and their peers can download teaching materials or participate in the E-learning presentations on the official software site. This is offered service (owning to CFPs) for industry and individuals and consultation and support for the different departments and institutes. The concept of Lifelong Learning spans a wide range of education and training issues and speaks to many different audiences. Common themes conveyed in literature on Lifelong Learning articulate four characteristics which transform into the education and training. 16 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Personal characteristics of individuals who are most likely to participate in learning, either formally or informally throughout their lives, have acquired [Wikipedia]:  The necessary skills and attitudes for learning, especially literacy and numeracy skills;  The confidence to learn, including a sense of engagement with the education and training system; and  Willingness and motivation to learn. Therefore, continuing education needs close contact between university and industry synergy and as well other modalities it is very importance. 17 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 4. CURRENT STATE IN THE B&H 4.1. Background One of the results of the dramatic political changes in B&H is a collapse of education system and broken links between universities and industry. That problem was caused by last war in 1990s. For strengthening of B&H economy it is necessary to make better products which are remarkable on market and better production processes for making that products. Multinational companies in B&H are silent and now on regional market essentially exists small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which are not in posetion to turn on science into product development. For that reason it is necessary to make connection between universities and enterprises. It is well known in actual global trends, transition and developing countries, like B&H, that there can not be made a successful reforms in economy only with lower labour-costs and natural resources. Their reforms must be focused on the strengthening of knowledge competitiveness, better using of higheducated human resources, promotion of innovation and technology transfer policies and more initiatives to the innovative SMEs. This approach will facilitate the B&H integration into EU more successful and provide less painful transition process. The main aim of the Lisbon agenda is to turn Europe into a modern, dynamic, outward-looking knowledge economy. It should be mentioned that the aims of Lisbon strategy are also relevant for B&H, which are expected to include it into their reform agendas. On this field universities play a special role in promoting European standards in education and training. B&H conduct reforms in accordance with Bologna and Copenhagen processes and they participate partially or fully in community programmes or special programmes of EU in the area of education and technologies (TEMPUS, FP7, Erasmus Mundus, etc.). Investment in education lies in the heart of successful economies and is relevant to all regions in the EU. Countries that invest in education and innovation have higher rates of economic growth and higher levels of productivity over the long-run, 18 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H particularly where this is embedded in well functioning innovation production systems. Supporting actions at national and regional levels are aimed at developing inter-firm clusters and networks, enhancing panEuropean cooperation among SMEs. A flexible, knowledge-based economy requires enhanced levels of innovation which would clearly be improved through better and more effective links between education and development centres at Universities and SMEs. B&H have been already included in the main European processes within areas of education and vocational training, research and usage of ICT technologies, at national as well as regional level. These aims are expected to incorporate into B&H reform agendas. 4.1.1. Education state With the Bologna Process, transition of the higher education is required in order to harmonize with the European education area. B&H universities have not succeeded in making the transition from educational to research institutions and they remaind pure colleges of teaching. TEMPUS funds are of respective size to support the modernization and restructuring of universities in B&H. B&H had done the Reconstruction study of manufacturing engineering on universities by the TEMPUS project SCM – C003A05/05 in accordance with Bologna process. But now, it is necessary to make strong connection between universities and industry, because university workers must meet industry needs, and continuously make adaptation of education system. The Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) is main instrument for the implementation of activities within the Memorandum, established as a regional platform for cooperation of education and training. Through fostering B&H cooperation and fascilitating capacity building and promotes common EU standards in education it is evident of the growing impact of the economic and social development. 19 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H According to estimation of EU experts, links between university and industry must be strengthened in order to overbridge the gap between business needs and university services in the area of education, to enable permanent transfer of knowledge, to increase financing of innovation. University education system educates various profiles of engineers who mostly are not educated to use all computer tools. Consequently, they do ’t apply sophisticated to VE technologies in product and process design. Consortium of the project has analyzed numerous reviews and reports about current level of connection between universities and enterprises/SMEs and training needs for enterprise staff and students and labour market needs for education program & vocational trainings of unemployed graduates and school leavers in this area, and sustainable practical placement programme for students. The problems and needs, which are relevant for education state and vocational training, are summarized as eollows:  Higher education and training for SMEs: insufficiently oriented towards professional practice and experience, SMEs personnel lack in IT skills.  Undeveloped collaborative culture between universities and industry, especially with small companies, no experience about clustering and regional development based on knowledge.  B&H enterprises do not have enough resources for competition with world companies at the global market. By setting up Cooperation Focal Points (CFP), Project partners in B&H will contribute to development of a better education system and strenghtening of cooperation between universities and enterprises by appliying VE technologies. These CFPs will cover the complete area providing full VE support to B&H enterprises/SMEs, education and training for students and engineering fellows. 20 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 4.1.2. Research state In the worldwide research, the partnership between high education institutions and enterprises, has one of the key-roles to ensure high competitiveness of industry in any region or country. This problem is more emphasized in B&H because of the lack of awareness in companies about the need to collaborate more with the HE institutions. In addition, wider the business environment with public governmental sector makes decent support to the capacity growing of academic society for practical research. Evenmore and the most, there is not enough networking between current HE institution and sharing of equipment, human resources and job/research exchange focused on practical chalenges in companies. Small number of engineers from companies contact and consult with the departments in universities, but also, students have not enough practice in the companies. It is the problem for both sides mutually. Accordance to the idea of developing partnerships between universities and enterprises, Department for Metal Forming Technology at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Banja Luka with Institute for Metal Forming Technology Stuttgart, is trying to develop cooperation with enterprises in B&H. Department for Metal Forming Technology has equipment for laboratory analysis of forming processes and relevant software for design of products, tools and processes and their optimization adapted according to specific enterprise needs, selection of materials for new products, reducing lead times and reducing time-to market costs. Information exchange, trust and partnership between CFP and companies are the highest priorities in project. Synergy and networking between HE institutions can contribute to better and complement using of all their resources (human resources, laboratories, equipment etc) for the practical research and better partnership with B&H SMEs. All that reduces the above-mentioned problems significantlly, despite decent quantity and quality of HE resources in B&H. These challenges are also recognized by the Development Strategies for the SMEs period 2011-2016 in Republic of Srpska (one of entities/NUTS II regions) in Bosnia. Also, the Development Strategy for 21 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H SMEs at B&H statal level is in progressive preparation and the problem on collaboration between HE institution - Companies is identified and some development operational programmes are predicted. A Virtual Engineering environment provides a user centered orientation, what enables users to interact with an engineered system naturally and provides users with a wide range of accessible tools. This requires an engineering model that includes the geometry, physics, and any quantitative or qualitative data from the real system. The user should be able to walk through the operating system and observe how it works and how it responds to changes in design, operation, or any other engineering modification. Interaction within the virtual environment should provide an easily understood interface, appropriate to the user's technical background and expertise that enables the user to explore and discover unexpected but critical details about the system's behaviorur. Similarly, engineering tools and software should fit naturally into the environment and allow the user to maintain her or his focus on the engineering problem at hand. A key aim of virtual engineering is to engage the human capacity for complex evaluation. Personnel from Department for Metal Forming Technology in accordance with the needs of SMEs, educate their staff in some areas of VE technologies as a CAD design of products and processes, but it is necessary to evolve that areas. Optimal selection generates positive consequences for:  Manufacturing costs;  Tool costs;  Material costs;  Final quality and life of the product. Enterprises in the B&H have been doing business in extremely difficult financial conditions for many years. Therefore, investing in human resources and their education and research was sporadic and insufficient. The following summarizes only problems and needs which are relevant for research state in B&H: 22 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H  Cooperation between University and industry: universities find it difficult to attract social partners, lack of effective connection between HE institutions and industry, cooperation between university and industry takes place mainly with large companies;  Higher education and training for SMEs: universities are focused on academic knowledge, insufficiently oriented towards professional practice and experience, there is a lack of IT skills at SMEs personnel state support for small business training is still limited to business startup;  Undeveloped collaborative culture between University and Industry, especially with small companies, no experience about clustering and regional development based on knowledge. Newly established CFPs will cover complete area for fully research & development support to the B&H enterprises/SMEs and education and training of students and engineering fellowships. 4.1.3. Innovation state Innovation and competitiveness of SMEs between universities and enterprises is generally at a very low level in terms of technology innovations and transfer, there is a low level of awareness of the concept of innovation and its role in the economic growth. Considering the fact that 97.5% of active enterprises in B&H have been categorized as SME, with needs and operate procedures completely different from ones at large enterprises, the innovation project will be focused on the development of sustainable system support for SMEs in B&H. Application for innovative VE technologies in the development of new and improvement of existing manufacturing processes in home, and as well in the EU companies and SMEs, will represent the key activator of productivity growth, and consequently development and prosperity for B&H. 23 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H On the other hand, engineers in those enterprises were educated within the existing education system which was not focused on acquiring new knowledge in the area of innovative VE technologies. In order to be competitive at the market, enterprises need trained and skilled human recourses with whom they can be competitive in spite of rapid scientific and technological changes. Today, all enterprises must deliver products on the market very fast, and also personnel continuously must improve products or make new better products. That can be only done by using VE technologies. Innovation and concurrency between universities and enterprises are generally at a very low level in terms of technology innovations and transfer, there is a low level of awareness of the concept of innovation and its role in economic growth. The publicatio Ne part ership co cept of u iversity – enterprise sinergy i d&H is specific because it represents an investigation of efficient and effective mechanisms and structures of collaboration between HE institutions, enterprises/SMEs, research and innovative centers, development agencies and entities and national authorities. It is concluded that, very important to establish sustainable connection between key partners in B&H through newly establishment CFPs which will have the necessary human recourses and equipment/software for application of innovation technologies. The aim of the Innovation programs of university – enterprise is to enable new product, process and services development for industry through collaboration with Third Level Institutions resulting in mutually beneficial co-operation and interaction. The program will be supported under the National Development Program of RS and B&H. 4.2. State Institutions, strategies and programs B&H is a state composed of two entities: the Republic of Srpska (RS) and Federation of B&H (FB&H), and District of Brcko (DB). Furthermore, FB&H is administratively divided into ten cantons. 24 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H In B&H today, there are 8 public universities, of which two are in the RS: University of Banja Luka and the University East Sarajevo, and six in the FB&H: University of Sarajevo, University of Zenica, University of Tuzla, U iversity of dihac, U iversity of Mostar a d U iversity Dze al dijedic i Mostar. In B&H there are ten private universities of which six are in the RS, and four in the FB&H. In B&H the management structure in the education sector, is very complicated. In the RS, the responsibility for education belonged to the Ministry of Education and Culture of RS, and scientific research activities to the Ministry of Science and Technology of RS. Universities in the RS are based on the Low on Higher Education of RS. In the FB&H the responsibility for education, including higher education, belongs to the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, where each of the ten Cantons has its own Ministry of Education and Science. In addition, there is a state-level Ministry of Civil Affairs of B&H (MCP) which has a Department for Education and the Department of Science and Culture. Their role is to coordinate activities in the field of education at the state level and as well to define strategies at the international level in the area of education, science and culture. The reform at all Universities in B&H has been undergone, with the aims of becoming the part of European higher education community. All Universities in B&H participate in projects within the EU funds through the Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, and Framework Program for Research & Development: FP6, FP7, Austrian Development Cooperation, DAAD, Open Society Fund B&H and other. Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Republic of Srpska prepared new Strategy of scientific and technological development for the period 2011 to 2016, and organized public debate. New strategy is focus to national goals in science and technology, as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Affirmation of national identity; Improvement of public policy making processes; Medicine and human health; New materials and technologies; 25 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 5. Environment protection and climate change; 6. Energy and energy efficiency; 7. Agriculture and food; 8. Information and communication technologies; 9. Creation and development of SMEs; 10. National strategy for information society. The purpose of strategic planning of scientific and technological development of RS is to identify the goals and priorities for achieving social and economic development (figure 4.1). GDP of RS, - 000 KM Goals of 1-10,- 000 KM Figure 4.1. Projection of GDP in RS (2011 – 2016) for realization of the national goals in science and technology The Development Strategy of B&H identifies the goals and objectives in the economic development of B&H, and then defines the measures and activities for achievement of these objectives in the action plans for the period until 2014. Those are the next identified development goals for B&H: 1. Competitiveness; 2. Macro-stability; 26 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 3. 4. 5. 6. Employment; Sustainable development; EU path, and Social inclusion. The Social Inclusion Strategy of B&H (until 2014) identifies the needs for improvement of the society and social policies which would enables persons exposed to risk of poverty and social exclusion to get the opportunity and resources required for a full participation in economic, social and cultural life. The development goals social policies are, as well: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Social protection involved in the function of employment; Strengthened of protection of families with children; Improvement of education; Increased of health protection quality; Improvement of pension policy; Improvement of protection of disabled persons. B&H projections until 2014 are based on certain positive trends in recovering of economy. It is predicted to provide the stable and continuous increase in foreign trade, accompanied by an increase in exports over imports, as well as expansion of all other branches of economy. The perspectives of macro-economic indicators trends have been made by the Directorate for Economic Planning, Council of Ministers B&H. It predicts further implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, which implies the gradual reduction and abolition of customs on goods imported from the EU, and continues harmonization of excise rates in B&H with the minimal standards in the minimal standards in the EU. It is according to the foundations for preparation of indirect tax revenue projections for 2011 – 2013. (Directorate for Economic Planning, Council of Ministers B&H - Outlook 2011 – 2013) The current account deficit is expected to be further increased in 20122013, with the annual growth rate of 11% in 2012 and 4% in 2013 due to a well-known reason – increased trade disequilibrium accompanied by the expected increase in import of goods and services by around 12% and export by 14-15% (Figure 4.2). 27 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Figure 4.2. Projections of increase in imports, exports and share of current account deficit in GDP in B&H (2011-2013) In line with the Development Vision of B&H, it should be primarily worked on improving education and skills, sustainable development, foreign trade, competitiveness and work force mobility, what will provide better quality of life for the citizens. The Development Strategy of B&H, the Social Inclusion Strategy of B&H and the Development Vision of B&H represent the documents which serve as strategic framework for the EU and IPA programs implementation and as well it would achieve the status of candidate for membership in the European Union. 28 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 4.2.1. University of Banja Luka – (www.unibl.rs) The University of Banja Luka was founded on November 1975. Today the University of Banja Luka has grown into a modern educational and research centre embracing almost all major areas of teaching and research, presently comprising 13 faculties with the student population of 17000. The University of Banja Luka offers a wide range of study programs on undergraduate and advanced levels. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka as a part of University of Banja Luka belongs to a group of the most distinguished and most prestigious scientific-educational institutions from the area of technical sciences. Education at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering includes a whole spectrum of development of modern and contemporary technologies, in accordance with the European trends, ideally placed for practical profession, but also as a basis for efficient creative work. The vision of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka is to develop into a modern European academic institution acknowledged by academic and scientific research achievements. The main role of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is to rationalize, examine and develop innovations in the field of engineering and technical sciences as well as to help the development of the region and beyond through scientific and technical support. Education at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering combines the entire spectrum of modern and contemporary technologies development, ideally designated for practical profession, but also as a basis for creative work. The Faculty has five departments: Department of Production Engineering, Department of Energy and Traffic Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Department of Mechatronics and Department of Environmental Protection Engineering and Safety Technology. The main tasks of the Department for Metal Forming Technology (Head is Project beneficiary from B&H, Prof. Milan Sljivic) are: design of technological processes in areas of metal sheet forming and bulk metal forming, optimization of the production processes, application of CAD/CAM/CAE technologies in product, process and tool design, re-design 29 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H of the existing processes and optimal material selection for new products, rapid prototyping and rapid tooling, polymer processes and technology recycling & remanufacturing and other. Experts form Department for Metal Forming Technology has participated in many national and international projects and cooperative development with industry in the area Production technology sector. The Center for Virtual Technology within the Cooperative Focal Point – CFP Banja Luka was established on 25 February 2011, No. 7-10/11 by the Department and Laboratory for Metal Forming Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka Act as a Laboratory organizational unit. Main tasks and obligations of the CFP Banja Luka are cooperation with regional production companies at the R&D activities and also education of students and graduates at the new Virtual Engineering Technologies. Responsible person is prof. Milan Sljivic, PhD. The Fou datio I ovatio Ce tre of Banja Luka was established with the support of the University of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska Government, Government of Norway, the City of Banja Luka, and Republic Agency for development SMEs. In achieving its objectives, center focuses on three main elements, as well:  Business incubator;  Consulting for possible joint ventures with local companies;  Development and training activities. Agency for cooperation, Education and Development – ACED organizes practice for students of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka ithi their project activities Develop e t of e trepre eurship i agriculture . Project Management Center was established within the Ministry of RS, and its responsibility is to work on technical assistance to all potential users. They are state and private universities, public sector, SMEs, and others. The Center works on promotion of the FP7 program and the preparations for the inclusion in other European programs for science and research. 30 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 4.2.2. University of East Sarajevo - (www.unssa.rs.ba) The University of East Sarajevo, B&H (UES) is a law successor of University of Sarajevo which was founded 1949. UES has inherited tradition and reach experience in education.Today University of E. Sarajevo counts at about 14000 students. Faculty of Mechanical Enginering at University of East Sarajevo has 6 cathedres and 6 departments. He has good cooperation with other ME faculties in B&H working jointly on several projects and primarly at education of mechanical engineers. The faculty has a long history of innovation in engineering education, preparing graduates to take leading roles in the engineering industry in B&H. He has good cooperation with industry through practical research and higher education. The Center for Virtual Technology within the Cooperative Focal Point – CFP East Sarajevo was established on 5 May 2011, No. 130-02/2011 by the Senate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of East Sarajevo and with the approval of the Dean of the Faculty. CFP East Sarajevo is situated at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of East Sarajevo. Head of CFP East Sarajevo is Dusan Golubovic, PhD, Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of University East Sarajevo. The main activities of CFP East Sarajevo are assigning in Annexes this publication. 4.2.3. Faculty of Traffic Engineering Doboj, University of E. Sarajevo (www.stfdoboj.net) The Faculty of Traffic Engineering Doboj, University E. Sarajevo, was founded in 2005, by rights of the University of E. Sarajevo. The Faculty have placed in Doboj. The Faculty provides high quality education in all sorts of traffic: city, road, highway, railway and postal, including logistic and communications. The Faculty counts at about 2000 students. The Center for Virtual Technology within the Cooperative Focal Point – CFP Doboj was established in 2011, by the Senate of the Faculty for Traffic 31 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Engineering, University of East Sarajevo and with the approval of the Dean of the Faculty. CFP Doboj is situated at the Faculty of Traffic Engineering in Doboj. Head of CFP Doboj is prof. Perica Gojkovic, PhD, Dean of the Faculty. Main activities of the CFP Doboj are presented in Annex. 4.2.4. University of Sarajevo - (www.unsa.ba) The University of Sarajevo is the first university in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was established in 1949. Today, with 23 faculties and around 55,000 enrolled students, it ranks among the largest universities in the world in terms of enrollment. Since the university opened its doors, 122,000 students received Bachelor's degrees, 3,891 received master's degrees and 2,284 doctorate degrees in 43 different fields. In order to develop and improve the scientific disciplines that are studied at the University of Sarajevo, scientific research and art research activities are done at universities/ academies – members of the university, in the areas of medical, technical, natural sciences and mathematics, biotechnical, social sciences and humanities, and art. Within the member institutions of the University of Sarajevo, there are currently a total of 25 institutes and centers, and a large number of laboratories. As associated members of the University four institutes have also been established. 4.2.5. University of Tuzla - (www.untz.ba) University of Tuzla is established in 1976. Today, it has over 20 000 students, 13 faculties and 44 study departments. University of Tuzla has seven faculties. University of Tuzla has established the Business Start-Up Center of the University. The Center aims to promote and develop the idea of entrepreneurship with students on graduate and postgraduate studies and graduates of the faculty of the University of Tuzla. The Center provides the students with business planning education through trainings and consultation, as well as with business consulting services in order to support 32 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H the students and graduates to design and develop ideas based on knowledge and to start their own business. Within its existing laboratories, University provides incubation for innovative business ideas that are based on knowledge gained during studies. Target groups are: seniors of all faculties of the University of Tuzla, the young people who have recently graduated and have not found employment yet, but who want to acquire entrepreneurial skills and graduate students. It is necessary to mention taht Mechanical Engineering Department exists from 1961. Students are studying and research Basic principals of mechanics, materials and energy where they get skills in modeling CAD, programming, machine construction and machine elements, materials testing, numerical process analyses etc. Mechanical Engineering Department has following study departments: Energy Engineering, Production Engineering and Mechatronics. 4.2.6. U iversity Dze al dijedi of Mostar - (www.unmo.ba) The University "Dzemal Bijedic" during the academic year of 1994/95 was separated from the University of Mostar which was established in 1977. It started work in the east part of Mostar stating Bosnian as the official language. The university is in Mostar and consists of eight faculties (Agromedierranean faculty, Faculty of Human Sciences/Humanities, Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Business Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Teachers Faculty and Faculty of Law). Also, it is needed to mention that the two very important institutes have been established at the University: The Institute of Mechanical Engineering and The Institute of Design and material and construction testing of Civil Engineering Faculty. The Institute of Mechanical Engineering was the carrier of scientific work, the holder of knowledge transfer, the bridge between industry and universities, the connection between the production process of fundamental research and higher education. In the Department of Design and material and construction testing the laboratory has been equipped for 33 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H geomechanic testing, power unit testing, and testing of concrete and its components, chemical and construction testing, as well as geodesic measurements. This creates the conditions for the strengthening of the Institute and the inclusion in the teaching process and development projects. Also at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in 2011. was established Cooperative Focal Point – CFP Mostar, whose responsible person is prof. Sead Pasic, PhD. Explaination for CFP Mostar's obligations and tasks are given Annex. 4.2.7. University of Mostar - (www.sve-mo.ba) The University was established in Mostar in 1977 and faculties and higher schools function further on as its part. From 1992 the Croatian language is the official language at the University of Mostar. The University of Mostar is the only Croatian speaking University in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Founders of the University of Mostar are the cantons with the Croatian majority in Federation of BiH: Herzegovina-Neretva, West-Herzegovina, Central Bosnia, Posavina and West Bosnia. Today the University has around 16,000 students and 1,000 employees. There are ten faculties, academy of Fine Arts, eight institutes and the Student center within the University. Further tendencies of the university are:  Accelerate development of joint infrastructure of the University;  Harmonization of normative acts of the University with a new legal regulative whose defining is still in the process;  Work on improving coordination and information at all the levels of the University;  Work on finding control mechanisms for efficient monitoring of implementing decisions of the management at all levels;  Increasing own sources of funds through more intensive cooperation with economy, motivation for applying and participation in BH and international contents for scientific-research projects, through center for technologies transfer and center for lifelong learning. 34 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 4.2.8. University of Zenica - (www.unze.ba) The history of high education in Zenica started some 40 years ago when the High Technical School was founded. In 1959 and 1960 there were some intensive activities undertaken on setting up a Faculty. Thus, pursuant to the Decision of the People's Board in the Zenica County and following the Decision from 1961 passed by the Executive Council of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Republic, the High Technical School was transformed into the Faculty of Metallurgy. The Faculty worked within the Sarajevo University. The University of Zenica was founded on October 18, 2000 pursuant to the Decision of the Zenica-Doboj Canton Assembly and it is the youngest organized higher education institution in B&H. The University has launched a series of projects for the development of universities, including the internal university project „Co stitutio a d develop e t of s ie tifi a d te h ologi al park Ze i a . These projects aim to make the most direct transformation of University from teaching towards entrepreneurial. University of Zenica appears as one of the founders and strongly supports the activities of the constitution and development of the park. Center for innovation and entrepreneurship started operating in 2008. The main activities of the Center are:  Promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship within the student and teacher population;  Maintenance or participation in con-ferences, counseling, practicum (work-shops), fairs and the like;  Cooperative function between the University and the labor market as regards creation and development of new curricula;  Development of innovative and entrepreneurial activity within the student body through its seminar and final graduate exam papers that are needed by the industry of the region;  Help in creati g research for aster’s a d doctoral dissertatio s that are needed by the industry of the region and B&H; 35 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H  Development of business plans and establishment of innovative enterprises through prototypes` development;  Support programs to the development of spin-off and spin-out companies within the academic community and support to SMEs in the region in their strong business growth and development;  Helping innovators and entrepreneurs in the region with the realisation of their ideas;  Helping with the cluster organization of SMEs and technology transfer from the developed parts of the world. 4.2.9. University of Bihac - (www.unibi.ba) The University of Bihac is a public institution of higher learning founded on July 28, 1997, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The roots of higher education in this area go back much further. In 1970, an outpost of the College of Engineering in Karlovac started its work, and in 1975, the Department of Engineering at the College of Engineering in Bihac was established. A Department of Textile Technology was founded in 1979, as well as the College of Economy. Since 2006/2007, students have been enrolled in studies according to the principles of the Bologna declaration. The implementation of this principle is burdened with many problems. However, considering the enrollment policy, classes are mostly conducted according to the Bologna system. This means that class sizes are kept to the minimum number permissible, and as such, students are able to receive more direct and meaningful feedback from professors. University of Bihac has seven faculties, and it has launched several projects aimed at improving the teaching process and knowledge and technology transfer in the industry. 36 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 4.2.10. Local communities Development agencies have important role in the development of partnerships with enterprises of local communities and as well as networking activities for public services: ministries, and regional/local authorities. Some of the agencies in B&H are: Republic Agency for development of small and medium enterprises RS (ASME), Agency for local economic development ZEDA, Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency (SERDA), etc. ASME Banja Luka - (www.rars-msp.org) Republic Agency for development of small and medium enterprises RS (ASME) – Banja Luka was established by the RS Government with the main aim to support development and subsistence of small and medium enterprises in Republic of Srspka. It is nedeed to mention that ASME has participated in many national and international projects. The objectives of the agency are:  Increasing the participation of SMEs in the overall industry of Republika Srpska;  Increasing technological development, for small and medium enterprises;  Modifying the structure of activities with the increase of participation of productive activities and services in the gross domestic product;  Education for entrepreneurship and training of entrepreneurs. 37 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H ZEDA – (www.zeda.ba) Agency for local economic development ZEDA has been operating since 2004, and was established by Zenica municipality. The aim of the agency is to become the most important development institution with the main objective to follow the development priorities of the municipality, to create partnerships for the implementation of development projects, to prepare them and coordinate their implementation. The main activities are:     Development of business environment; Supporting the creation of new enterprises; Increasing the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises; Development of business services market with the organization and support of high-quality entrepreneurs. SERDA – (www.serda.ba) Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency (SERDA) was established in May 2003 by Sarajevo Canton, the City of Eastern Sarajevo and twenty municipalities from Federation B&H and RS. The processes of integration of all 32 municipalities of Sarajevo Macro Region and accession of the City of Sarajevo have been completed in 2006 and SERDA currently has 35 members/founders. Within the last 9 year period, SERDA has consolidated itself as a leading Agency for the regional economic development. Recognizing the needs of its founders and members, SERDA creates the favorable environment for a balanced, integrated and harmonized development of the Sarajevo Macro Region. In accordance with the successful implementation of activities in the previous year, the Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency SERDA in 2012. will continue with the implementation of projects and project activities aimed at improving the overall environment for further economic development of the macro-region of Sarajevo. The plan envisaged the 38 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H realization of projects in cooperation with the founder SERDA and projects that were approved under previous calls on the EU, among which are:  Project Support to the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises in the metals industry through introducing new technologies and jobs, implementation of EU standards and strengthening the export capacity-EUMETAL  Project Support the development of ecotourism in the National Park Sutjeska  Project "Fate fro the ar y to e trepre eurship  Project TEX-EASTile  Project METRIS Plus SERDA is a regional development agency appointed by the European Union, whose mission is to create positive environment for sustainable economic development in Sarajevo Macro Region, and advance, strengthen and promote development of Sarajevo Macro Region through mobilization of all available resources. SERDA objective is a harmonized and dynamic economic development of Sarajevo Macro Region for the purpose of strengthening mechanisms for B&H accession to the EU. 39 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 5. GOOD PRACTICES IN THE AREA OF PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY – ENTERPRISE SYNERGY Description of a policy, mission and vision a few of actively university in the field of good practices of Partnership University – Enterprises synergy, explain:  Existing university mechanisms and structures;  Strategic plans and decision-making structures;  Promotion and implementation of university-enterprise of good practices. 5.1. University of Stuttgart - (www.uni-stuttgart.de) The University of Stuttgart was founded in 1829, at the beginning of the industrial age in Europe. The cooperation between technical, physical and human sciences has always been an advantage of the University of Stuttgart. Today the university is a modern, achievement-orientated institution with a comprehensive range of subjects and a focus on technical a d physical discipli es. The a i is ot o ly „job- ualificatio , but "tech ology, k o ledge a d educatio for a ki d , as the otto of the University of Stuttgart says. A core competence of the university lies within the interdisciplinary connection of its research. The research competences are centered around the main focuses: material technology, environmental engineering, energy engineering, traffic engineering and vehicle engineering (both cars and aeronautics), combustion research, production engineering, microsystem and nano engineering, process engineering, information and communication science, cultural theory, as well as questions of value regarding interactions of man and technology, social research and management, architecture, constructive engineering and urban planning. Research Institutes of the University of Stuttgart have great cooperation with production companies. Their results are used for desinging of the new products and production processes in well known 40 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H companies (Audi, Mercedes, Bosch, MAN, BMW, etc.). University of Stuttgart, Institute for Metal Forming Technology - UST has been chosen as the best to accomplish this project (158623-DE), because it has been already contractor of TEMPUS project JEP -14340 – 99 and SCM-C003A052005 which was successfully realised at University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In the meantime there is already existing a good and traditional cooperation between these two universites, which will last for much longer. Coordinator of the project is Dr.-Ing. Stefan Wagner, Head of Department for Sheet Metal Forming, Institute for Metal Forming Technology who has a big international experience. 5.2. University of Ljubljana - (www.uni-lj.si) University of Ljubljana (UL) has procedural roles and policies concerning cooperation with business entities and enterprises in place. University supports all forms of university-enterprise cooperation. Apart from transfer of knowledge through education of students (and their employment in busi esses a d publicatio of papers, the U iversity shares its’ k o ledge through: sponsored research agreements, contractual consulting, licensing, and spin-of companies. U iversity of Ljublja a’s seve strategic objectives desired to achieve higher quality, cohesion and time reduction between creating, obtaining, transferring and applying knowledge are:  Increasing the scope and quality of research and development work;  Introducing study programs in line with the Bologna process principles;  Strengthening and enhancing international cooperation;  Increasing the flow of knowledge into practice;  Establishing a comprehensive system of quality monitoring and assurance;  Development of supplementary activities;  Strengthening mutual cooperation among autonomous members. 41 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H All the strategic decision-making is reached through the University of Ljublja a’s doard of Directors a d the Senate. University of Ljubljana aims to increase the applicable value of its knowledge and the constant flow of knowledge between University of Ljubljana faculties and other organizations in the economic and public sectors. Structures at UL that support the student body-enterprise cooperation are: The Economic Board is a advisory body of the U iversity of Ljublja a’s Rector and consists of 14 members –well established people of local business community, most of them performing high powered managerial jobs. The Economic Board advises on issues regarding the future development of student curricula provides an insight into the future needs of the job market and provides counseling on fund raising strategies. The University of Ljubljana Career Centre (KC UL) is an internal organizational unit. Its Basic task is to conduct career counseling and assistance to students enrolling and choosing the study programs at the University of Ljubljana. KC UL has strong connections with the local business and provides market oriented services for employers, such as job announcements and selecting appropriate candidates. University Technology Transfer Office (TTO) was established in 2007 and is formed as an internal organizational unit with a specific aim to put into place an internal invention disclosure procedure, invention assessment and patent protection and to market the publicly financed knowledge, generated at the University of Ljubljana. The Institute for Innovation and Development at the University of Ljubljana (IRI UL) was established by the UL and ten technologically advanced and successful Slovenian companies. The institute had already set up and implemented projects in 2008, which are aimed at securing an adequate environment for facilitating interdisciplinary projects and the acquisition of relevant competences. University of Ljubljana joins knowledge and technology together with Slovenian industry and SMEs in many multidisciplinary Centers of Excellence. In the old financial perspective of Structural Funds the UL was 42 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H the holder of 2 out of the 10 Research Centers of Excellence in Slovenia. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering is the holder of the Centre of Excellence for Information and Communication Technologies and the Medical Faculty is the holder of the Centre of Excellence for Biotechnology and Pharmacy. In the new Structural Funds financial perspective (2008-2013) University of Ljubljana cooperates in all 8 newly established Networks of Excellence, in two of the as coordinator: Centre of Excellence for Space Sciences and Technologies and Centre of Excellence for Biosensors, Instrumentation and Process Control. European projects are also of significant importance for the development of the UL research activity and its increased interconnection with the economy, as well as for market orientation development and regional development. UL is very active in international and European research, education and development programs in many of them in partnership with companies and SMEs. It has cooperated and still cooperates in 117 FP6 projects, in 77 FP7 projects and in many other research, development and educational projects financed by European Union. Together with local authorities Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia and business and SME associations University of Ljubljana cooperates in many projects financed by regional development programs like ESPON; INTERREG Slovenia-Austria, Slovenia-Italy, Slovenia-Croatia and in Transnational Cooperation Program which aims at strengthening cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. UL is also actively involved in development of regional strategies through the Technological platforms. UL has a highly professional Office for European projects with reach experience in the projects financed by European Structural Funds (ERDF, ESF, EQUAL, INTERREG). 5.3. “. I. U iversity of Györ - (www.sze.hu) The “zeche yi Istva U iversity of Györ, Faculty of E gi eeri g “cie ce UG , HU. “zéche yi Istvá as bor i o e of the richest oble fa ilies in 1791. He was the initiator of the reform movements, which started in the 1820's as well as an excellent writer and politician and the founder of the 43 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He was also Minister of Transportation in the first independent Hungarian government (1848) and the creator of the first permanent bridge between Pest and Buda over the river Danube, called the Chain Bridge. The university serves and will serve the economy and society of the city and the area with the continuous expansion of the educatio al spectru . I the early ’s besides the tech ical scie ces economical, medical and social programmes appeared in the educational de a d. I the Eötvös Lorá d U iversity set a la progra e here, so the juridical training returned to the city and since 2002 it is an own progra e of the “zéche yi Istvá U iversity. The Faculty of E gi eeri g Sciences comprises the Baross Gábor I stitute of duilt E viro e t a d Tra sport, the Jedlik Á yos I stitute of I for atics, Electrical a d Mechanical Engineering. The purpose of the Baross Gábor I stitute is to provide technical higher education as well as research and consultancy in the area of architecture, civil, environmental, and municipal and transport engineering. The six departments in the Institute run accredited degree and diploma courses which make extensive use of continuous assessment, group projects, individual projects and self-learning packages to develop personal skills such as creativity, confidence, problem solving, decision making, co-operation and communication. It is necessary to mention that the university institutes and departmens has a strong coopetation with production companies in Hungary, ecpacially with Audi and Suzuki. University researchers are continuosly working at the R&D projects for above mentioned companies, and the other regional companies. 5.4. Graz University of Technology - (www.tugraz.at) Two of eight main policies in the field of R&D at TU Graz were the development of IPR management and an improved technology transfer to industry at the time when all Austrian universities implemented the new Universities Act 2002. In this policy the inventors are involved in all phases of the exploitation process, since an exploitation of a technology without the inventor is almost impossible. 44 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H TU Graz Mission and Vision Statement clearly says, that Graz University of Technology produces top performers and managers much in demand and contributes to the sustainable development of society, economy and environment in a responsible way. The majority of the University Council members have been holding executive positions in industry. The R&T House of Graz University of Technology supports communication and co-operation with the business and scientific world, politics and society. It consists of 3 Offices: 1. Research and Technology Office (RTO); 2. Technology Transfer Office (TTO) acts as industrial liaison service providing a range of knowledge transfer services; 3. Technology Exploitation Office (TEO) is the competence centre for the commercialization of know-how and intellectual property. Career Info-Service (CIS) jointly organized by Technology Transfer Office and the Graz University of Technology Alumni Association deliver a range of information and employer branding services for HR departments of businesses so they can address specific target groups among this potential workforce and inform young graduates about present job and career opportunities: career start page (job platform), direct mailings, employer branding opportunities for TU Graz partner companies. International Relations and Mobility Programmes Office serves TU Graz members receive comprehensive information about possibilities to spend a semester or an academic year abroad. Since TU Graz has partner institutions both in the European and non-European area, students can participate in numerous mobility programmes, such as Erasmus, Joint Study a d I“EP as ell as be eligible for the „Gra t for short-term scientific works and subject-specific courses . Life-long Learning Office approaches young graduates as well as experienced professionals with a technical and scientific background interested in vocational education and training. LLL Office organizes a number of University Graduate and Certificate Programmes, Courses and Seminars and Summer Academies. 45 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Science Park provides entrepreneurship trainings for potential academic incubator projects including student teams if there is a valuable business idea; it also organizes Business Plan Competitions. It also taps a pool of socalled business mentors which give hands-on advice to entrepreneurs. Its objectives are to support university graduates of all fields of knowledge who have good business ideas in the pre-start-up- and start-up-phase by coaching, infrastructure, mentorship, financing and funding support. Technology Exploitation Office provides training in IPR issues. There is a range of project formats to co-operate with industry and business, including: Student exercises; Team projects; Projects with diploma theses and dissertations; Feasibility studies/technological and scientific services and counseling; Contract research projects/R&D collaboration; Inlicensing of a TU Graz invention/patent; Joint ventures. Undergraduate students, graduate students and PhD students are frequently involved in projects with business and industry. In some cases they may be employed by the enterprise. Hundreds of TU Graz graduates over the last decade have started an enterprise of their own. Moreover a number of TU Graz inventions have been licensed to the private sector and been incorporated in new products and processes. TU Graz has partner institutions both in the European and non- European area (Partnership Agreements, Co-operation Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding/Letters of Intent). In general terms it can be said that the majority of business partners of TU Graz are SMEs. Many of them start collaboration with joint master theses and other small scale projects, but many high-tech SMEs have been involved in large R&D projects with TU Graz including joint Competence Centers. 5.5. Norwegian University of Science and Technology - (www.ntnu.no) Vision of the NTNU is to be internationally recognized as an outstanding u iversity by . It as pla ed that NTNU’s progra es of study a d continuing and further education to be relevant for society and there is a 46 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H demand for all graduates in working life. NTNU is promoting interdisciplinary measures and merge theory with practice. NTNU have an international focus and is a leader in technological and natural science education. SINTEF was originally established in 1950 by the Norwegian Institute of Tech ology NTH as the I stitute’s o i stru e t for carryi g out commissioned research. Today, the former NTH has been incorporated into the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. NTNU’s ge eral profile is based on technology and natural science, and the University has the main responsibility for technological education and research in Norway. The Gemini Centres form a model for strategic cooperation in which scientific groups with parallel interests coordinate their scientific efforts and jointly operate their resources. SINTEF and NTNU - The Norwegian University of Science and Technology - have established a wide range of Gemini Centres. The objective of the Gemini Centres is to develop large scientific groups of higher quality than either of the partners could manage to build up on its own. SINTEF also cooperates with NTNU and other partners in other areas and via other centres: Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures is o e of NTNU’s three Ce tres of Excellence. SINTEF is a partner in this centre. Centre of Mathematics for Applicatics is one of the U iversity of Oslo’s centres of excellence. SINTEF is an active partner in this centre. The Gas Technology Center was established in 2003, and unifies the combined efforts of The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and SINTEF. The Gas Center seeks to exploit the synergism of multidisciplinary research into the natural gas value chain. The center is the largest natural gas research- and educational center in Norway. The Centre for Renewable Energy (SFFE) unifies the competence of NTNU, SINTEF and IFE within the field of renewable energy, as well as initializing new and relevant research tasks. Research fields include small scale hydropower, wind-, solar-, wave-, and bio energy as well as social dimensions of energy use. 47 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H NTNU in cooperation with SINTEF organization is national leaders in contributing to research-based spin-off companies and revitalization of the public a d private sectors. NTNU’s stude ts are e couraged to apply their knowledge to innovative commercial activities. 5.6. Rhei is he Fa hho hs hule Köl – University of Applied Sciences - (www.rfh-koeln.de) Rhei ische Fachhochschule Köl RFH – University of Applied Sciences has clearly defined university procedures concerning cooperation with enterprises or public owned organizations and they are clearly defined in legal documents. RFH has department for the cooperation development a d i di g up of the releva t processes. Part of their u iversity’s strategy is the promotion of the co-operations with the industrial enterprises or public owned bodies. Strategic plans are the master plans standing how the university and enterprise will achieve their mission and objectives. In the part of the strategy implementation, they set joint policies into action through the development of programs, budgets, and procedures. In the scope of business matters RFH has also the CEO of the university. If it concerns the common projects and contracts with the industrial enterprises, the arrangements and contracts define the exercise of the executive power and decision-making procedure. RFH University has the centers and services which support the promotion, implementation and consultation in the matters of the university-enterprise cooperation. RFH University has supporting services and centers which help students and graduates on the way in the professional independence (entrepreneurship). On the web-side of the “tude t’s represe tatio (ASTA) there are the area and database for job and placements offers. Also they work close together with the local labor office (working agency) and lead statistics about the placements of graduates. RFH University has developed with the FORD Company a Curriculum, by which company offers their employees the possibility to educate them self and later on to take over the appropriate tasks in the company. Enterprise 48 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H representatives are involved in such programs. With other companies RFH University has developed similar Curricula and allow the student to acquire a company certificate after the regular exam. Entrepreneurship trainings are one of the parts which their carrier centers offer. If it concerns the vocational (professional) training, RFH University has sub-unites (branches) which offer just this kind of the continuing education. Some of these continuing education programs are realized in narrow collaboration with the regional labor offices (working agencies), so that RFH University also offers retraining measures and courses. Regular evaluations of the lecture are carried out every semester. With regard to the deficit balance in a subject of study, RFH University offers classical seminars and addition courses on the special subjects. Joint research projects arise by the extension or supplement of the preceding common projects between the institutes and the firms, and are realized by the arrangements with the companies. RFH University has the own Research and Development department (R&D) and institutes which support research project with industrial enterprises (also with public bodies). RFH University is actively involved in the development of the regional strategies. They are supporting actively university-enterprises collaborations and co-operations and the educational strategies, as for instance retraining measures developed with the regional labor offices (working agencies) as a part of the reduction of the unemployment due to continuing education & Life-long learning. RFH University is from time to time, in dependence of the kind of the project and the project realization, involved in different EU regional development projects. 5.7. University of Novi Sad - (www.uns.ac.rs) A clearly defined procedure regarding university-enterprise cooperation is incorporated in the Statute of the University of Novi Sad (UNS), Novi Sad, Serbia. University of Novi Sad promotes, develops and establishes the university-enterprises cooperation both within the country and outside with the aim of exchange of experience, knowledge, improving education 49 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H quality and joint applied research activities as well as two-way mobility of employees. University of Novi Sad establishes contacts regularly with interested companies and creates protocols and contracts about bilateral (or multilateral) cooperation, exchange personnel and organization of seminars, info days or students practice. Members from enterprises are not currently involved in the management structures, decision-making structures and bodies of the UNS. Technology Transfer Centre (TTC) was established at the University of Novi Sad and this has been the first step towards creation of the Science and Technology Park Novi Sad. Legally, TTC is embedded into a wider environment called the University Innovation Centre, established by UNS in cooperation with Serbian Ministry of Science and Technology. Furthermore, the Novi Sad Incubation Center (NOSIC) plays an essential role in the Novi Sad economic development cluster programme. Having Novi Sad Incubation Centre space and supporting services dramatically increase the yield and make business start-ups an important part of the Science and Technology Park. There is a database of job openings at different enterprises provided by Center for carrier development, which also organizes contact between students and companies. International relations activities at the UNS are carried out at several levels: student organizations, departments, faculties and the University (Rectorate). At the University level there is a central International Relations Office that was formed in 2001 as one of the mechanisms that were needed to facilitate the growing participation of the University of Novi Sad in Bologna-related activities, projects and reforms. Mobility of students and staff is the top priority of the International Office. Marketing units exist only at the level of faculties. Some of these marketing units are very well organized, like the marketing unit of the Faculty of Technical Sciences. The main activities of these units are web presentation and micro web site, print and TV ads, events and conferences, fairs, Faculty Open days. At the level of university, only PR Office exists. Support to the foundation and development of spin-off companies is performed through Novi Sad Incubation Center (NOSIC) which plays an essential role in Novi Sad economic development cluster programme. Almost all study programs (except medicine and arts) promote 50 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H entrepreneurship among students and wider communities. Also, the Best Technology Innovation competition is one of ways by which the UNS has started to train would-be and existing high-tech entrepreneurs in order to change the current entrepreneurial knowledge and innovative culture. Student placements are organized by the Executive Council of the Auto o ous Provi ce of Vojvodi a, a d dr )ora Dji djic fu d (particularly in Germany and Austria). Different specialized student organizations organize student exchanges and work placements, as well the Center for Career Development and Student Counseling. Some faculties have teachers who worked in industry or they are engaged as consultants or e ployee’ trai ers i co pa ies’ operatio . Enterprise Europe Network in Serbia offers information about EU market possibilities as well EU and domestic RTD possibilities. The University of Novi Sad has developed a very useful cooperation with Republic agency for SMEs (especially with the branch in the Province Vojvodi a Al a-Mo s , ith Republic cha ber of co erce, ith Ce tre for “trategic Eco o ic “tudies Vojvodi a-CE““ of the E ecutive Cou cil of AP Vojvodina. Some of professors from the University of Novi Sad have been involved in development of regional and national strategies. The University of Novi Sad is a partner in many EU projects such as FP7, TEMPUS, EUREKA, SEE-ERA.NET, etc. 5.8. University of Belgrade - (www.bg.ac.rs) The University of Belgrade is the oldest State University of the Republic of Serbia. The origin of the university of Belgrade can be tracked down to the year 1808, when the College was founded by Dositej Obradovic. It was establiessed in 1905, and today it has 31 faculties, 11 scientific research institutes, 6 University Centers and University Library. The University of Belgrade has established cooperation with higher education institutions worldwide – in Asia, the Americas, Australia and Africa. In order to minimize the time a graduate student needs in order to adapt to the working environment, the University of Belgrade is trying to 51 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H establish connections with companies and to upgrade the already existing ones. The University of Belgrade has always been open and ready to cooperate and has established cooperation with higher education institutions worldwide. The Belgrade University Information Center acts as an integrative information service at the University level, and contributes to the strengthening of the role of the University in the society. Its activities are aimed at stimulating the level of communication among the members of Belgrade University through dissemination of relevant information within the University community but also between the University and its broader environment. The main task of the IC is to incite, support and overview the development of the intranet and internet functions . The Center for Strategic Management and Strategic Planning (CESMUB) was founded in order to strengthen the integrative functions of the University, as well as the planning, organization and implementation of strategic activities of the University. Activities of CESMUB are directed to promotion of new forms of links among faculties within the University, as well as the University with its external environment. As the University of Belgrade is the largest University in Serbia, there is a need for development and implementation of modern and effective organizational structure, as well as managerial system, which are the Basic functions of CESMUB. The Centre for Career Development has been officially founded by the University of Belgrade in 2006, as joint initiative of the Foundation of Crown Prince Alexander for Culture and Education, the University of Belgrade and the University of Nottingham. CCD as a professional university service has aim to support students and recent graduates in developing practical knowledge and skills relevant for employment, or continuing education upon graduation and to connect them to the business community. The Center for Science and Technological Development (CENTER) was founded in 1999 by the University of Belgrade and the Development Fund of the Republic of Serbia. In the CENTER research activities are pursued in two organizational units: 1) Center for Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology; 2) Serbian-Japanese Centre for Scientific Simulations. 52 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Institute Mihajlo Pupin (IMP) is the largest and oldest institute in the area of ICT technologies in the South-East Europe. It carries out applied research to meet the needs of large utility and traffic companies, trade companies operating in different fields of industry, state bodies and institutions, public security, financial orga izatio s etc. The I stitute’s i te sive i ter atio al cooperation enables active participation of staff in the European research projects (FP, Interreg, COST, EUREKA, etc.), bilateral projects with other countries, and cooperation with the eminent European institutions such as the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany, with which the MPI founded a Joint Project Office. Within JPO, MPI is uniting ICT expertise and resources with prominent German R&D organization. A wide range of services covers customized IT solutions, software outsourcing, technology consulting, engineering, prototyping, and system design and integration. The Vinca Institute of Nuclear Science is a multidisciplinary scientificresearch organization which carries out fundamental, developmental and applied research in natural, technical and technological sciences. The Institute carries out its multidisciplinary scientific research and activities in 13 laboratories, 5 centers and several supporting services and offices. Besides scientific centers there is Centre for Permanent Education. The Institute for Multidisciplinary Research (IMSI) is founded to combine fundamental and applied research in several complementary research fields such as materials, environmental sciences and renewable energy, aquaculture, plant biology, biophysics, neurosciences and medical engineering. Innovation Center of Mechanical Engineering Faculty Belgrade was established with aim to transfer generated scientific, technical and technological knowledge into new and/or improved products, processes and services. Innovation Centre of Faculty of Organizational Science deals with technology and knowledge transfer in domestic enterprises and industry, in the area of ICT technologies. For this purpose they use generated knowledge, professional potential and IT equipment of Faculty. Moreover, IC has cooperation agreements with two forging partners, leaders in the ICT technologies, IBM and RedHat. 53 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Innovation Centre of the School of Electric Engineering is an organization where scientific results are applied in a systematic and original way, as well as modern technological processes in order to create innovations, new products, technologies, processes and services. This Center offers adequate facilities and working conditions to postgraduates and to the employees, working on innovation projects at ICEF. The Business & Technology Incubator has been established as a partnership between the four technical faculties of the University of Belgrade (Civil Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical and Technological/ Metallurgical), the Municipality of Palilula and the Democratic Transition Initiative. The aim of the Incubators is to give support in the early stages of business development in the form of subsidized overhead (office and research space and technological and telecommunication infrastructure), administrative assistance (legal, accounting, etc.), as well as business counseling (planning, management, marketing, etc.). 5.9. University of Kragujevac - (www.kg.ac.rs) The University of Kragujevac is the educational centre in the central Serbian region of Sumadija and Pomoravlje. It started its independent operation in 1976 and now it comprises of 11 faculties out of which five are in Kragujevac. University has approximately 1400 students and around 1000 teaching staff. So far 18 000 students graduated from the University, 600 ear ed their aster’s degree a d successfully defe ded their doctoral dissertations. The Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences and the University of Kragujevac established a joint Research center in 1992. The Center comprises ten sections, mostly directed toward research in areas which have not yet been encompassed by the typical teaching and research of the university. The Ce ter’s ork is realized through the activities i research projects, publishing activities and organization of scientific meetings, lectures and round table discussions. 54 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H In July 2007, the University of Kragujevac established the Center for Career Development and Students Counseling, in cooperation with the Foundation of Crown Prince Alexander for Culture and Education. The main goal of the Centre is to establish a link between the employers and the recently graduated students, as well as to improve the level of employability of students, providing them with various opportunities for jobs, further education, scholarships, internship, voluntary work and practical placements in the leading innovative companies in order to develop practical skills and better position on the labor market. Besides, Centre also aims to provide a wide range of services to the employers so that the cooperation would be successful and a long-term one. It helps the employers best articulate their needs and be actively involved in shaping of their future staff. It also enables them to promote their companies as socially responsible ones. The Centre for Career Development cooperates with many institutions, such as foreign cultural centres, chambers of commerce, professional organizations, other career centres etc. The Centre for Virtual Manufacturing (CeVIP) was founded in 2006 as scientific-research centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac, i scope of the project titled Virtual Ma ufacturi g “upport for Enterprises i “erbia . Gro th of CeVIP is drive by i creasi g k o ledge content in a variety of activities relevant for development of industry, especially SMEs. CeVIP is equipped with modern equipment and specialized software, unique in Serbia, which facilitates application of technology for Virtual Manufacturing (VM) in design of products, tools and processes, their opti izatio adapted accordi g to specific e terprises’ eeds. Tra sfer a d diffusion of these new technologies in economy is Basic aim to support the SMEs in process of acquiring the innovations. In line with idea of network knowledge and transfer technologies, CeVIP has established Virtual Manufacturing Network – VMnet as efficient industrial-science link, which has already more than 800 members from the WBC region (large companies, SMEs, R&D organizations, NGO, Agencies for SMEs, entrepreneurs, experts, managers, engineers, researchers, students etc.). It is necessary to mention that CeVIP staff continuosly work on R&D projects for regional production companies. 55 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 5.10. University of Zagreb - (www.unizg.hr) Research Strategy of the University of Zagreb 2008-2013 among other things defines the objectives and tasks related to the strengthening of cooperation between the academic community and the economy as regards joint projects and technology transfer. In September 2009, University also adopted the Innovation strategy, which further confirms and elaborates those guidelines. The Technology Transfer Office, University of Zagreb, was founded in January 2008. so as to encourage and support, through their activities, the commercialization of innovative research results and new knowledge that emerge at the University. Office operation has been supported almost from the beginning through the Project of technology development by the Ministry of science, technology and sport, which is also financed by the World Bank. The Technology Transfer Office conducts the commercialization of innovative research results in accordance with the Regulation act of the Technology Transfer Office. The Office is designed as a service to researchers, and the help it provides includes: commercialization of innovative research results, intellectual property management in research and development projects, assistance in establishing cooperation with the economy, information and education (workshops, lectures) of researchers as regards protection and commercialization of intellectual property, collaboration with industry and academic entrepreneurship. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, founded the Center for Technology Transfer Ltd. – CTT in 1996. CTT mission and goals are:  Improving the technological processes in the Republic of Croatia, primarily for the needs of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture;  Linking science and technology with economy;  Launching innovative projects aimed at sustainable development;  Life-long training of experts from the economy aimed at successful technology transfer processes and the increase of domestic industry competitiveness. 56 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 5.11. University of Maribor - (www.uni-mb.si) There are clear procedures regarding the intellectual property management (technology transfer) and creation of spin-off companies, which are incorporated into Rules of Intellectual Property Management at the University of Maribor. Strategic plan is created to establish three pillars of innovation: Technology Transfer Office, University Business Incubator and Science Park, which will contribute to the greater involvement of the University in the economic environment. In the decision making structure representative of enterprises is named in board of University of Maribor. There are also representatives of enterprises in some other bodies on faculty levels. Technology Transfer Office (in the form of non-profit limited company, owned by the University) gives a full support in assessing and commercializing the inventions, and later on monitoring the licenses and other agreements. It is also competent to lead the process of establishing spin-off co pa ies a d e ter the co pa y ith the U iversity’s share. The TTO functions from 2006. The U iversity’s usi ess i ubator, named Venture Factory, usually fosters the newly established spin-offs, offering them facilities and e pertise i the field of e trepre eurship. The et ork of U iversity’s incubators reaches also Celje and Velenje. The Styria Technology Park and Science Park foster more mature companies. Currently there are no specific database placements/job offers accessible to enterprises and students. Some of the important links are:  International office;  Net spin-off Incubator of the University of Maribor;  University career centre. Some faculties from the University of Maribor have enterprise boards, which discuss competences, skills, curriculums, etc. in the processes of study progra e’s for atio a d evaluatio . I the process of the accreditatio a part of the study progra e’s proposal is also trade branch 57 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H asse bly’s opi io , opi io of related sphere i istry or releva t e ployer associatio ’s opi io . TTO a d Ve ture Factory carry out occasio al trainings and lectures about entrepreneurship and intellectually property management. Young researchers, employed at the University, are even obliged to participate such training. Currently at the University level there are no centre for professional training and education, but there are some centres for professional training and education placed at the faculties. Joint research projects can be realized through contract between University and companies; in the form of joint institutes; through various national and EU projects; through programmes such as Young researchers in economy. Styria Technology Park has been operating for several years, excepting companies, deriving from R&D results and other innovative ideas at the University. Science Park is currently being built, pursuing the same mission. Common are also joint research institutes with private-public ownership. The University of Maribor is especially involved in EU regional development projects through cooperation with different partners within following networks: EUA, DRC, AARC, LEO-NET, ENAS, UNEECC. 5.12. Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre (TECOS) Celje (www.tecos.si) TECOS was established in 1994 by Government of Republic of Slovenia (more precisely Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry for Education and Sport), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and Municipality Celje. TECOS is an institution, established in order to support Slovenian tool making industry being more competitive on the most demanding markets. Our founders supported us because they saw tool making as one of Slovenian strategic and primary directions. The main goal of TECOS is to take advantage of its own knowledge and equipment and use it together with equipment and knowledge of both Slovenian universities (University of Ljubljana and University of Maribor) and other scientific-research and expert institutions in order to support Slovenian toolmakers. 58 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H The main tasks of TECOS are the following:       support to tool making industry in implementation of state-of-theart technologies; applied R&D work for the industry; support and training in R&D for SMEs; joint actions for promotion of tool making industry on foreign markets; management and coordination of joint national and international R&D projects and specialized trainings for specific tool making skills. TECOS has more than 80 industrial and other members. An extremely important aspect of TECOS' activities is creation of bridges between science (theory) and industry (practice). Cooperation of both is extremely important, especially in nowadays dynamic business environment. Because of known specifics of both sides a good cooperation is often difficult to establish. This organization exist mostly because of the industry, and its knowledge and activities are therefor oriented into support for mechanical engineering industry, especially the toolmaking sector. This is being accomplished with activities on the following fields:  CAE Department,  R&D Projects and  Training. 59 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 6. NEW PARTNERSHIP CONCEPT OF UNIVERSITY – ENTERPRISE SINERGY IN B&H 6.1. Background New partnership concept of university – enterprise is based on market driven synergy between high education and other R&D institutions and e terprises/“MEs i d&H. This is the knowledge based partnership in the quality of highest priority of development agenda. Universities and companies differ in the way on 4 integrated main factors: 1. 2. 3. 4. Market; Education; Research and Innovation. The one biggest challenge for EU education system is implementation of innovation and market oriented education and much more then common promotion of it. Kay players in partnership concept development are, as well:       Universities: higher education, R&D and innovation centers; Enterprises: big companies and SME sector; Public supporting sector: government and supporting institutions; Cluster development: according to the EU supporting methodology; Establishment of science and technology parks; Technology transfer centre: for interactions between 3 key processes at R&D, Marketing and Financing;  Academic spin-offs: which are based o the k o ledge eco o y . It is necessary to develop entrepreneurial and innovative way of thinking among students, but also teachers, trainers, and graduates/industrial fellows. Modern society based on knowledge based partnership , economy growth and better living conditions can be achieved by synergy between universities and enterprises. 60 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 6.2. Benefits for key actors in the partnership of university – enterprise synergy Interactions between universities and enterprises are beneficial to both sides. Benefits to universities come from complementing their own academic research and from commercialization of research results. Benefits to enterprises come from increased access to new university research and discoveries. University-Industry/SMEs synergy will be one of the strategic directions for B&H’s higher engineering education reform. It will have strategic significance in terms of promotion of engineers and technicians at different levels, scientific research and knowledge innovation, industrial upgrade and development of national economy. The main benefits for the B&H universities and enterprises will be:  Fellows that will act for the knowledge and technology transfer from university to their enterprises but they will also;  Provide excellent communication channels between University/industry/SMEs;  Provide up-to-date pipeline processing by Virtual Engineering Network,  Provide experienced practitioners for innovation of internal audit products, tools, and services;  Reduce investment in overall staffing regarding labor costs: salary and benefits for fellows accepted into the IFP.  Technical expertise, research, and innovation by university experts: professors and researchers to the industry;  Technological transfer from university to industry;  Promotion and development of new skills useful for the industry;  Professional growth and reward opportunities for high-potential staff, integrating career goals with fellowship opportunities;  Stimulation to apply the scientific approach to industrial activities;  Establishment of an important communication channel with the 61 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H university, in technological fields external to the specific research activity;  Implemented customized tasks that are mutually beneficial to the employee, the organization, and the university/SMEs;  Strengthening external relations in accordance with EU partners. Therefore, they work as part of an enterprise, supported by a team of university experts: professors, teachers, researchers, who bring out technical expertise, research, and innovation to the enterprise or the company. Industrial fellows deal with knowledge and technology transfer from university to their enterprises and provide excellent communication channels between them. 6.3. New partnership concept of university-enterprise synergy In the second stage of coming global economic crisis, the leading economies have been putting the competitive ess laid o the knowledge based partnership , in the highest priority of development agenda. However, the knowledge partnership has to be market oriented and its product represents a capacity for customer/client satisfaction or creation of new needs. So, new partnership concept is based on strictly market driven synergy between high education and other R&D institutions on one side and enterprises on the other side. So, the interest of enterprises certainly grows to develop tighter partnership with high education institutions through R&D activities and professional trainings. Co se ue tly, the value chain of marketable knowledge lies o integrated pillars: market, education, research and innovation (MERI), Figure 6.1. So, every R&D has to pass the estimation of market potential. By this methodology, R&D will have the higher chances to be effective, what means, its output has bigger commercialization capacity. 62 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H VALUE CHAIN OF MARKETABLE KNOWLEDGE - Innovation Centers - Knowledge based SMEs - Big companies APPLIED KNOWLEDGE COMMERCIALIZATION MARKET DRIVEN KNOWLEDGE CYCLE MARKET TARGETING EDUCATION INNOVATION MARKETABLE PRODUCT/ TECHNOLOGY - Big companies - SME Clusters - Production based SMEs - End user market PROVIDING APPROPRIATE HUMAN CAPITAL EDUCATION RESEARCH - Universities, Institutes - Technology parks, Science parks - Universities, Institutes - Training Centers Figure 6.1. Innovation cycle to higher competitiveness To optimize this cycle it is important to clarify its components, and then to recognize some gaps between them. From the very beginning, it is important to analyze the global market needs. Mentioned model should be catalyzed by governmental sector at all levels and recognize the needs of all stakeholders in innovative cycle. So, global market requires not just new products, but also new mindset and approach to competitiveness. The global market with intensive pressure of competitiveness needs the human capital with the high capacity in skills and knowledge. So, education system must respond mostly and promptly to market, much better than by now. Education system, which consists of universities, training centers and institutes, should communicate with higher responsibility with big companies, SME clusters, individual innovative SMEs and finally end user market, to understand their trends. It helps them to be more proactive and direct the changes on competitive way. The usual mission of universities is the creation new knowledge through human capital and expands this knowledge through society and private sector. However, very often, the research and development is also an 63 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H important part of activities at up-to-date universities, both fundamental and applied research. As more applied and marketable research one university has, the more sustainability and prestigious ranks achieved. Also, the fundamental research should be influenced and at least sectarian directed, by market needs. The one biggest challenge for EU education system and domestic one is certain slow response of universities and public support granting systems on market changes. Implementation of innovation and market oriented education has to be real priority, much more then common promotion of it. It is shown through growing number of graduated staff, which is not attractive to production-oriented companies for engagement. It is especially emphasized for service and non-production oriented, graduated human capital. So, these companies have tendencies to replace their production capacities in other global area with this opportunity. The positive changes on the above-mentioned challenges have to be catalyzed by decisive support of governmental sector to EU companies of all sizes in collaboration with education system and R&D sector and help them to keep their infrastructure and direct their investment in both EU unified market and EU candidate countries. On the other side, it is very often to make research in public institutions to satisfy scientific publications, because it is important to provide both, grants from public sector and increasing of academic ranking for academic and research staff. It is essential for the future, to provide the following concepts:  Concentration of the public incentives and grants to the market driven R&D, it has to be innovative and required by business sector;  Education (university curriculum and practical trainings) has to correspond the fastest and the most appropriate to the needs of business sector,  Innovation should be more focused to the practical applications of the companies with aim to provide both, high quality new or improved products, and also efficient and productive technologies. 64 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H UNIVERSITIES EDUCATION AND RESEARCH POLICY, INCENTIVES FOR PUBLIC AND PP RESEARCH HIGH EDUCATION R&D and INNOVATION CENTERS PUBLIC SUPPORTING SECTOR GOVERNMENT INTEGRATION AND PARTNERSHIP POLICY SUPPORTING INSTITUTIONS 1. COMMERCIALIZED RESEARCH – NEW PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGIES 2. DEMAND DRIVEN PROFILE OF HUMAN CAPITAL DEMANDS: - HUMAN CAPITAL PROFILE - MARKET TARGETING R&D ENTERPRISES BIG COMPANIES INNOVATION POLICY AND INCENTIVES FOR INNOVATION SME SECTOR Figure 6.2. Key players in partnership concept development and its relations In figure 6.2, it is shown the major actors and their relations important to provide more effective R&D in EU and candidate countries. The real science impact factor of observed research papers has to be measurable effects o the co pa y’s co petitive ess or pe etratio to the market. In order to achieve the above-mentioned outcomes and impacts to the competitiveness of EU and candidate countries private sector, it is necessary to strengthen the partnership between various stakeholders, both from public and private sector, as shown in the following pictures. The key partner which should initiate the positive changes is the public administration or government (all, from the local level to the EU level). They provides the most appropriate business environment by various 65 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H instruments as supporting public institutions, incentives, entrepreneurial infrastructure, affordable taxes, etc. The interests have to be satisfied for both SMEs but also big companies, and attract them to keep their infrastructure in EU unified market. Measurable parameters for benchmarking of partnership concept are based on the measuring the interactions between partners and number of new and improved commercialized products or technologies. Measurable parameters are, as follows: 1. Number of signed contracts between R&D providers and enterprises based on market driven requirements; 2. Amount of incentives and funding provided by public sector, focused on signed contracts between R&D providers and enterprises; 3. Amount of R&D providers income from commercialized projects based on product or technology development; 4. Number of trained engineers according to the expressed demands from enterprises; 5. Amount of academic sector income for specialized non-formal training based on expressed demands from enterprises; 6. Number of innovative products and technologies released on market; 7. Amount of enterprise income based on innovative products or services; 8. Number of initiated innovative projects between big companies and SMEs within EU member countries and candidate countries. It may be noticed that the demands from enterprises are different from big companies and SMEs. Usually, big companies have own R&D capacities but in some cases they have not enough innovative solutions and pressed by time limits for launching of new products, like in car industry. So, in that market niche, it is a big opportunity for universities, but also for knowledge based SMEs, mostly as spin-offs. All these opportunities should be recognized with the highest priority for support from public sector. 66 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H On the other hand, common SME sector which has not R&D capacity and focused primarily on production, they have different needs. So, public supporting sector, business development centers, and government should support them to make market analysis and strategy with identification of commercialization capacity. Then, they should support joint research projects for developing of new or improved products or services. Generally, for all kind of enterprises, the important steps are: identification of products with high capacity for commercialization and well-focused R&D to provide appropriate prototype until early acceptance for production. This development issue is more emphasized in the developing countries with the status as candidate countries for EU membership, because they have lower capacity of all major actors in above-presented partnership concept. So, it is crucial to have very intensive promotion of all supporting activities from government to accelerate the partnership and to provide more effective using of national and EU funding for R&D purposes. Also, supporting public sector and government have to facilitate more intensively domestic universities and enterprises to participate in EU networks like Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and European Network for Business Innovation Centers (EBN). It is essential to improve capacity of partners from candidate and pre-candidate countries for partnership with EU member R&D sectors and innovative companies, their inclusion in EU technology platforms inclusion, but also absorption capacity in EU R&D funding like FP7, COST, EUREKA, CIP and the others. 6.4. Organization of RS and B&H industrial clusters In last 30 years, the industrial clustering is recognized as one of the key concepts for creation of competitiveness of observed area/region/state. The father of this concept theory, Michael Porter, pointed out on geographical proximity/concentration of observed industry sector. In the meanwhile, the global market trends have been drastically changed Porter’s odel based on regional concentration. Especially, it is caused by 67 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H fast development of all kinds of transport infrastructure and IT communication network. Global pipelines are normal condition and many companies are specialized for specific production of parts and subassemblies. It is common situation in car industry that subcontracting partners are not in regional proximity, but spread out worldwide. Transport costs are decreasing rapidly, global information exchange is almost free of charge and prompt, so currently it had better to be specialized in specific production niches with dynamic flexibility, no matter how far it is. Such kind of global competitiveness demands everlasting investment in marketoriented knowledge and innovation. Very useful defi itio of clusters is declared i the Community Framework for State Aid for Research and Development a d I ovatio (EC 2008.). It defines i ovatio clusters as groupi gs of i depe de t under takings innovative start-ups, small, medium and large under takings as wells research organizations — operating in a particular sector and region and designed to stimulate innovative activity by promoting intensive interactions, sharing of facilities and exchange of knowledge and expertise and by contributing effectively to technology transfer, networking and information dissemination a o g the u der taki gs i the cluster. In all up-to-date EU development policies, it is pointed out the definition of innovative clusters as a matter for EU Grant Aid and State Aid of EU member countries. EU supports currently just the clusters which are based on innovations. It shows how important is innovation for EU competitiveness. In the following model, Figure 6.3, it can be seen the policy and initiatives of cluster development, according to the EU supporting methodology. 68 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 1. 2. Analysis and Strategy Policy learning and cooperation 3. 4. Cluster development 5. Trans-national cooperation Cluster support services INNO Policy Trend Chart European Cluster Alliance Regions of knowledge (FP7) European Cluster Alliance Europa INNOVA (CIP) EU Initiative for Excellence (CIP) European Cluster Observatory European Cluster Policy Group Cohesion Policy (Structural Funds) Enterprise Europe Network Figure 6.3. Key EU instruments for the cluster development (by EU Innova) One can see, there are five stages of cluster growing from the first step - analysis of cluster initiatives or mature clusters to the last step - cluster support services. Firstly, there is a statistical stage provided by European Cluster Observatory, what is the Basic for the preparation of European Cluster Policies and Programs. The next step is networking based on cluster initiatives. In third and fourth stage, cluster development is supported by corresponded EU Funds Schemes and its growing on trans–national level. In the last stage, the further growing of cluster is supported by innovation incentives and networking of European enterprises. From 2008, EU Delegation only supports innovative clusters. It is a cluster, which consists of key stakeholders around innovative product or technology. It is also recommended to the national state aid policies of EU members. In Figure 6.4, it can be seen the key players and development factors for the creation of innovative clusters and their sustainability. 69 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H KEY DEVELOPMENT FACTORS INNOVATORS – TALENTED PEOPLE CREATIVE IDEAS - new products - new technologies INFRASTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGIES – TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS FINANCING DEVELOPMENT POLICY& BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT MARKET INNOVATION NETWORKS/INNOVATIVE CLUSTERS R&D SECTOR SME SECTOR & INDUSTRY - new products - new technologies SUPPORTING PUBLIC SECTOR KEY PLAYERS Figure 6.4. Development of innovative clusters As for clustering in Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is still on pilot projects and usually cluster initiatives are followed mostly by international projects and incentives. I the Republic of “rpska, the “trategy for the develop e t of “MEs co prises the easure of clusteri g develop e t . The Mi istry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIER) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MNT) support the clustering and innovative projects in a certain level, according to their modest budget capacity. The MIER and Republic agency for the development of SMEs (RARS), perform together the analysis of cluster initiatives and existing clusters. In Figure 5, it can be seen the major stakeholders, which influence on the cluster development in Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina. 70 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H GOVERNMENT OF RS UNIVERSITIES IN RS Development Agencies (RARS) Public R&D Institutes Investment Development Bank Republic of Srpska ENTREPRENEURIAL INFRASTRUCTURE Credit Guarantee Fund RS Start-up incubators Innovation Centers - ICBL CLUSTERS DEVELOPMENT PRIVATE SECTOR Technology/Science Parks Big companies FINANCE & INVESTMENT SECTOR Small and Medium Companies Subcontractors Innovative Small and Medium Companies – mostly Spin-offs Investment Banks Joint Venture Funds Business Angels Private R&D Institutes Chamber of Commerce and Industry RS Figure 6.5. Major stakeholders which influence on cluster development in RS and B&H It is shown in the previous picture, the cluster initiatives start from private sector. Mostly, it is spontaneously caused by global market pressure to domestic small and medium companies and their understanding of necessity to cooperate. Down-top approach is the most frequent way of clustering in RS and B&H. Merely, wood processing, food processing and metal processing sectors are the most active and self-initiative. They have made the first step in clustering. Pilot projects were in wood processing industry and it mostly supported by international projects and grant institutions, like EC Delegation in Bosnia, UNIDO, UNDP, USAID and others. 71 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H According to the Strategy of SMEs, the RARS development agency supported 6 clusters with their establishing phase. They are as follows: Cluster Drvo-PD Prijedor, Udruzenje Drvo-G from Gradiska, Cluster Solar Group, Cluster Doboj– Udruzenje Drvotehnika, Cluster Drina drvo Srebrenica and Cluster Bilje-graf - Trebinje . Cluster Drvo-PD Prijedor is the most successful cluster which has about 40 members, mostly companies. This is the cluster of wood industry and furniture industry with head office in Prijedor. It was established in 2005 with the technical support of local development agency. Clusters from Gradiska, Srebrenica and Doboj have had the similar model of clustering in wood industry and its major focus is common access and promotion to the global market and international fair exhibitions. Also, they have common supplying of raw materials. Cluster Solar Group is initiated from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Banja Luka. It consists of machine industry companies like Topling Prnjavor, Koming Gradiska and Bemind Banja Luka. They established the cooperation about common design, production and assembling of solar energy systems. They have made the first solar heating system in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 6.5. Establishment of science and technology parks In one sentence, the science and/or technology parks are the places where the academic knowledge is transferred into applied R&D, through the institutes (public or private) and private companies (both big companies and SMEs) which are mostly integrated there. It is based on clearly expressed market interests. According to the International Association of Science Parks (IASP) in February 2002 goes, as follows: A science park is an organization managed by specialized professionals, whose main aim is to increase the wealth of its community by promoting the culture of innovation and the competitiveness of its associated businesses and knowledge-based institutions. 72 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Mostly, they are settled close to the technical universities (more then 50%), and in urban area (cacao. 66%). Definition of “cie ce park is pretty fuzzy , and there are also many other synonyms like technology park , tech opole , tech opolis or research park . The main mission of Science Parks to stimulate and manage the flow of knowledge and technology amongst universities, R&D institutions, companies and markets; it facilitates the creation and growth of innovationbased companies through incubation and spin-off processes; and provides other value-added services together with high quality space and facilities.(UNESCO concept) The science/technology parks integrate the following interactions between knowledge based institutions and private sector (by GTZ, 2006., figure 6.6): 1. Education and Training - Academic programmes - Cooperation in graduate education - Vocational training for employees - Continuing education - User-oriented programs - In-house training programs 2.Services and consultings - Industrial extension services - Technology brokerage/licensing - Consulting/services - Coordination of technology issues - Routine technical services - Research based industrial consultancy 3. Applied Research - Collaborative research - Contract research and technology consulting - Personnel mobility - Start-up of technology-oriented enterprises by researchers in science - University - enterprise networking. Figure 6.6. Activities within Science park Above mentioned actions represent the real needs of private sector. Education and trainings are important to increase the technical knowledge 73 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H for engineers, and organizational for managers. Services & consulting are useful to solve some practical problem in private companies, usually for a certain short time and no time for education on internal human resources. And last, but not least, applied research provides the concrete new innovative solutions in design, processing and organization. Applied research has to be market-oriented with more competitive products and/or services. Usually in developed countries among 3 actions, it is expected, the applied research is ought to be the most important. But in developing countries, the applied research is much less developed, because the private sector as R&D market is weak. So, focus is much more on training and consulting aimed to small and medium companies as subcontractors to big companies. Consequently, the developing of science parks and type of services are in relation to the type of business environment, industry capacity in vicinity, and development level of one country in general. In Banja Luka in 2010, it has been started with the development of Technology Park Banja Luka. In period 2010-2011., the feasibility study and spatial planning documentation have been prepared. During 2011., the ownership of land, infrastructure and current buildings will be solved for the sake of municipality Banja Luka and entity Republic of Srpska, as mixed public capital. It co prises about ha, a d located i area Ra ici . This area is intended for the construction of a technological park, complementary with industrial zone (90% of surface area) and facilities of entrepreneurial infrastructure (incubators, technology-innovation centre and logistics centre). Technology Park Banja Luka will have tight collaboration with University Banja Luka. University Banja Luka will be important partner in establishing the capacity for applied R&D through technology-innovation centers according to the needs of enterprises in region Banja Luka and wider. Complete Technology Business Park Banja Luka should have the following services: 1. Technological development centre (2 ha) is dedicated to business and applied marketable R&D capacities, and it includes: 74 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H         Establishment of new companies, Transfer of technology and intellectual property, Commercialization of technology, Institutes, certification and university laboratories, Knowledge management, International networking, Successful professional training centers, High-tech industry. 2. Business zones within the technological business park consist of the following parts:  Commercial part of the zone for the sale of the space area,  Incentive part for the sale under favorable conditions for propulsive SMEs,  Free customs zone. 3. General-purpose production business incubator for the incubation of SMEs for the period between 3 and 5 years with favorable use of services of not only the incubator but also the entire TBP. 4. Centre for Small Business for the support to the development of crafts and handicraft will do market research, identify buyers, pack, advertise and do a number of other activities with the support of technological development centre. 5. Logistic centre is a set of services necessary for the completion of the entrepreneurial infrastructure of the Park and its functioning. The Centre includes:  Technological Business Park management – administrative building with a congress centre,  Fairground,  Multipurpose building for renting to service trade,  Truck terminals with customs, warehouse and other services. In the following 2 years (till 2013.), it should be established and operative for new business tenants. 75 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 6.6. Technology transfer centre In global arket, the tech ology tra sfer has the key role to keep o e’s competitiveness. EU puts the technology transfer and innovation on the highest level of priority for its development. There are numerous projects and EU granting schemes with support to technology transfer development policy. Among them, very interesting EU-CIP Program supported project, is Technology-market.eu, with aim to facilitate technology transfer between R&D providers and demanding companies: www.technology-market.eu . To clarify the issue of technology transfer, it was shown on figure 7, the value chain and interactions between 3 key processes: R&D, Marketing and Financing. 1. Applied R&D Idea Technology Feasibility Design & Prototyping RESEARCH Product, Process, Development Initial Manufacturing DEVELOPMENT HIGH PERFORMANCE and/or QUALITY PRODUCT Market Needs Checking!!! 2. Marketing Market Research Proforma Business Plan FEASIBILITY 3. Financing Seed Capital Funds Application checking Marketing Strategy Business Plan COMMERCIAL IZATION, PROMOTION & BRANDING MARKET & BUSINESS PLANNING Investment Banks Joint Venture Funds PROFIT OF ALL PROJECT PARTICIPANTS Investment Capital MARKET Governmental Incentive Funds, EU Granting Schemes Private Investment Figure 6.7. Key processes and value chain in technology transfer 76 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H The figure 6.7 shows, the technology transfer means an entrepreneurial and innovative conversion from idea to new concurrent technology/product with high performance/quality. First level of interactions is between research and feasibility checking phase. These activities are interlinked, and it is first critical gap for technology transfer chain. R&D has to be applied and checked by market research in order to analyze real market needs or checking of technology capacity to proactively produce new market need. According to the complexity of research, in some cases it is necessary to provide seed capital. After market research, in parallel way, there is a stage of technology feasibility checking and at the same time, it is made the rough appraisal and simplified cost-benefit analysis. If, the result of this stage is positive answer on technology feasibility and projected profitability, the next step is a technology/product development and market & business planning. Development phase of technology/product has the following outputs: tested prototype and/or initial manufacturing. It requires much more investment then first stage, so financial support is very important and second critical gap. Also, according to the type of technology, it requires the development for many years (like in pharmacy). Consequently, it is crucial to provide joint venture capital or interests of big companies to make subcontracting agreements. In the meanwhile, it is useful to join in EU granting schemes based on technology platforms. Very important role in above mentioned processes has university and its support to innovative projects Based on technology transfer. The fundamental role has the technology transfer centers located within universities. Technology transfer centers (TTC) are the places where applied R&D is supported to find the way to regional and/or global market. The objectives of common technology transfer center are, as follows: 1. to transfer technology and research industry and SMEs, and to initiate funding for cooperative R&D projects 2. to attract, assist, protect and manage intellectual property emanated from TTC, 77 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 3. to create links with local industry by stimulation to innovation and technology development in TTC 4. to license intellectual property rights to industry Numerous universities have Technology Transfer Centers (abb. TTC). They have various practices; some of them include also business incubators for excellent innovative projects, which have high potential to be commercialized by technology transfer. Still in RS and Bosnia, TTC are not developed, but there are some pilot projects in preparation like Innovative Center Banja Luka and University Entrepreneurship Center. The major challenge is to make entrepreneurial environment at universities. There is an effort to promote it to both state universities and key ministries as Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining. 6.7. Academic spin-offs In contemporary global market, the universities are going to be very important actors in economic development and propellant factors in creation of entrepreneurial society. During all period of high education and all ranking levels, it is necessary to develop entrepreneurial and innovative way of thinking among students, but also professors and assistants. Through education and applied research, many innovative ideas are initiated but just a few of them start-up new businesses, which are based o the knowledge economy . Ma y factors are influenced on it and it is important to understand them, corrects the development policies, and adapts the management approach at universities. In the following picture it ca be see , the critical factors critical ass for sparki g e successful start-up business, called spin-offs. One can see from figure 6.8, the first factor at university is supportive topmanagement, but also complete positive approach to entrepreneurship in 78 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Supportive environment at university Research excellence of individuals SU SP CCE IN SS -O FU FF L S university. That is why; the top management at university has got specially emphasized role to create such kind of environment. Then, the second critical factor is scientific one. It depends on individual personality, its research and innovative capacity. With good, creative laboratory and experimental work it can be improved. Third factor is entrepreneurial nature of individuals as potential spin-off creator. The entrepreneurship is linked with personality, but also many of researchers do not know about their hidden potentials. So, from the very beginning of high education, the students should be gradually educated about importance of entrepreneurship development for both a person and all society. “o, o last t o factors, the u iversity i flue ces ith soft lo gter support . Entrepreneurial excellence of individuals Laboratory infrastructure and equipment at university Business incubation infrastructure and consulting services Governmental incentives and EU granting schemes Figure 6.8. Critical factors for starting academic spin-offs 79 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Ne t factors are ore ta gible . It is crucial to have good e uip e t a d capability to perform applied research with high tech equipment, but it is not regular rule. However, in some cases, the innovations might be not expensive and high demanded for expensive equipment. Mostly, it is useful to have good equipment for design, prototyping, virtual and real simulation, but also for testing and measure a performance of new products or new technologies. After preconditions for efficient applied research, the next factor is efficient process of business pre-incubation and incubation. Pre-incubation support helps the potential spin-offs to check their ideas, which is related to the market research and checking of market needs, but also to preliminary make rough cost-benefit analysis. Also, it should be evaluated the level investment demands for the development stage (design, prototyping, simulation and testing). Through various grant schemes it is possible to provide significant financial support for this stage, what is difficult to be assisted by private or joint venture investment. In this stage, also the consulting service from business incubator office can be very important, because management skills of researchers are not developed, or just they are much more focused on R&D activities. So, they need such kind of management support jobs, like accounting, matchmaking with new partners or clients, but also preparation of market analysis and market strategy. So, beside concrete working space with discounted fee, in business incubator at university should have soft support based on consulting and trainings on management and organizational skills, accounting, etc. 6.8. Joint participation in FP7 and other EU projects Available evidence indicates that FP7 and other EU projects have made an important contribution to the development of partnership synergy between universities and enterprises. We would like to suggest a very important concept of university – enterprise synergy is collaborative research, mobility and networking 80 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H through FP7, REGPOT, INCO, TEMPUS, IPA, and EUREKA projects. The primary objectives of enterprises to cooperate with universities, within these projects, include:       Higher education and development strategies concerning education; Research and technological development; R&D cost sharing; New knowledge creation; Techno-economic convergence of B&H universities to EU regions; Developing or improving new or existing processes and also sophisticated equipment at universities or Research Institute (as well CFPs) purchased through above-mentioned EU projects. A great number of programs under the framework programs of European Union support cooperative R&D between universities, enterprises, and other research institutes across Europe. Most of EUs leading companies participate in EUREKA, IPA, INCO, REGPOT projects, developing generic technologies of key importance to European competitiveness. This DePSME-VENet project can be very good basis to initiate preparing these proposals and building successful partnerships consortia between universities and enterprises/SMEs. 6.9. Vocational Training & Education Programs Vocational Training and Education Programs (VT&EP) are great ways to gain new education & skills as to find a new job. These education programs have been directly developed by the Project experts and specialized trainers, and they are suitable for technical education systems but also for SMEs engineers [14]. To strengthen B&H economy, it is necessary to make better products which are recognizable at the market and to ensure better production processes. Multinational companies in B&H are silent, and right now SMEs exist at the regional market which are not practically capable to turn to science in the 81 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H course of product development. For that reason, it is necessary to establish connections between universities and enterprises. It is well known in actual global trends that transition and developing countries, such as B&H, can not achieve successful reforms in economy with lower labour-costs and natural resources only. Their reforms must be focused on the strengthening of knowledge competitiveness, better use of high-educated human resources, promotion of innovation & technology transfer policies and more initiatives in the innovative SMEs. A small number of engineers from these companies contact and consult departments at universities, nor students have enough practice in the companies, this being a problem for both sides. In accordance with the idea of development of partnerships between Universities and enterprises, the Department for Metal Forming Technology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Banja Luka together with the Institute for Metal Forming Technology Stuttgart is trying to develop cooperation with enterprises in B&H. The Department for Metal Forming Technology owns equipment for laboratory analysis of forming processes and relevant softwares for design of products, tools and processes and their optimization adapted according to specific enterprise needs, selection of materials for new products, reducing lead times and reducing time-to market costs. Information exchange, trust and partnership between the university and companies are among the highest priorities iof this project. Synergy and networking between HE institutions can contribute to better and competent use of all of their resources (human resources, laboratories, equipment, etc.) for practical research and better partnership with B&H SMEs, reducing the above-mentioned problems. In order to meet the needs identified by benchmarking, vocational trainings and education programs which are targeted for enterprise staff, students and graduates (for all CFPs) have been developed as follows:  Vocational Education & Training Programs;  Motivational seminars;  Workshops; 82 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H  Handbooks, Manuals and Brochures for Education and Vocational Trainings;  Basic Knowledge of the Finite Element Method;  Innovation Partnership Programs;  E- Learning;  Lifelong Learning policy;  3D Printing Technology Education Programs;  3D Scanning Technology Education Programs;  Possibilities of Open Source & LINUX;  Customer Support by CFPs. In order to determine the VT & EPs aims, Project Management Group (PMG – contact persons representing project partners) have had consultations with deputies of the Ministery of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska and Ministry of Science and Technology of the RS. It is necessary to mention that Ministers gave their own contribution through promotion of a national policy for higer education system in RS and B&H. 6.10. Practical placement program (PPP) for students in industry The Practical placement program (PPP) defines rights and obligations for all partners participating in the program, students and institutions/companies in realization of all administrative and organizational activities. Practical place e t takes place u der CFPs chiefs’ e torship a d refers to the specific work tasks. Developed PPP model clearly defines all steps which students and institutions/companies, where practical placement will take place, need to take [16]. These imply that:  Interested students must fill an Application Form;  The Application Form is submitted to the academic coordinator for practical placement;  Accordi g to the stude t’s liki g, the academic coordinator selects in which institution/company practical placement will take place. 83 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H Prior to the completion of the Application Form, the student should get necessary information regarding realization of the PPP. The PPP should enable the following:  Stimulation of human resources development in SMEs;  Possibility for students and young graduates to acquire knowledge and get employed;  Knowledge and technology transfer among partner participants;  Practical placement mobility;  Technology transfer among universities as an effective network of cooperation;  New national and international practical placement exchange projects. A number of benefits for students can be identified within tasks of the PPP and benefits and good effects received by the institutions/companies that accept students. Benefits are very important for institutions/companies because employers can choose quality young professional staff. When it comes to practice in international institutions/companies, benefits are also significant. Universities that send their students and graduates for practical placement in institutions/companies also benefit significantly. In terms of international practice, the B&H universities gain the most. 6.11. Industrial fellowship program (IFP) for graduates and/or Employees from enterprise The major task of the Industrial Fellowship Program (IFP) is to exchange expertise, knowledge and experience for establishing sustainable partnerships in fellowship programs for graduates, M.Sc. and PhD students, engineers and other industrial fellows between universities and enterprises. IFP fellows are indeed expected to promote research under the direction of their academic mentor and in collaboration with their sponsoring enterprise [15]. 84 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H The IFP is one of the proposed efficient measures, within a new partnership concept of university-enterprise synergy for establishing sustainable partnerships among key players in the collaboration between universities, enterprises and graduates, leading to mutual benefits. Enterprises and SMEs benefit from highly qualified graduates or employed engineers, as industrial fellows, who usually spend three months to one year at a University research centre for professional development participating in specific research projects targeted to industry needs and company business. The IFP is covered by the a sponsoring enterprise or by a group of industry sponsors and supporting organizations: municipal public service, Ministries, innovation funds and other financial facilitators according to the university guidelines. The main tasks for the IFP will be:        To transfer academic knowledge to industry; To develop innovative solutions to meet industrial and community challenges; Industrial Postgraduate Scholarships for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students; Industrial R&D Fellowship for postdoctoral-level researchers; To establish and support research projects in strategic industrial sectors; To encourage creation of R&D jobs in industry; To make B&H host’s problems and applications interesting and relevant for future research and cooperation between MinistryAcademy-Enterprise. Therefore, in order to have benefits for both sides, that is, universities and the industry, the IFP should focus on B&H industrial sectors. In the IFP framework, graduates, M.Sc. and PhD students, engineers and other industrial fellows will receive significant benefits. Development of synergy between the hosting B&H academic/research institutions and industry will give great be efits for i stitutio s: teachers’ a d graduate stude ts’ involvement in research and development of enterprises has, on the one hand, been helpful to their study and research through practical work and, on the other hand, helped settle key technical issues for enterprises. 85 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 6.12. University - enterprise collaboration through newly established centers: Cooperative Focal Points Cooperation between B&H universities and industry is not at the acceptable level. University staffs continuously work at the research projects, but their results did not always transferred to the end user (B&H industry) at the right way, while industry experts does not have insight in the possibilities of the university departments and laboratories. Project experts have noticed that the best solution for solving of this problem is establishment of Cooperative Focal Points at the five B&H universities which would serve as a connection bridge between universities and industry (mostly SMEs). Main activities of the newly established CFPs are:  Technical expertise, research and innovation by the CFPs staff for industry;  Technological knowledge transfer from university to industry;  Promotion and development of new skills (especially IT) useful for the industry;  Establishment and support for the development projects in strategic industrial sectors;  Encouragement of R&D jobs in industry;  Education of teachers, students and engineers with the advanced technologies of Virtual Engineering;  Improvement of knowledge for interested groups by Engineering Design and Optimization of new products and processes. University Cooperative Focal Points (CFPs) are also main centers for implementation of the Industrial Fellowship Programs and Vocational Training and Education Programs. 86 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 7. RECOMMENDATION According to analysis that was done by project partners within the DeSMEVENet project, here are given some recommendations for universityindustry cooperation and a new partnership concept. It is necessary to mention that new partnership concept need to be based on strictly market driven synergy between universities and institutes on one side and enterprises on the other side. They need to develop tighter partnership which would help B&H companies to find their remarkable place at the global marker. One important thing in the world is that the big companies have tendencies to replace their production capacities in the other global area, especially in the area with cheap labour. It is well known that B&H have cheap labour, and there could be found a chance for local enterprises. For this purpose local politicians need to prepare a safe environment and give a support for big companies which want to invest or dislocate a part of their production in B&H. For enterprises that exists in B&H at this moment, and trying to be competitive, it is necessary to identificate a product with a high capacity for commercialization. Because of that the local enterprises does not have resources for design of the products and optimal production processes, same would be done at the universities (for metal sector enterprises, design of products and production processes would be done at the Cooperative Focal Points (CFP) which were established within DePSME-VENet project). Also, CFPs will be able to provide appropriate prototype which would serve as a model for presentation and testing until early acceptance for productions. However, above mentioned activities need to be supported by local Government. University staff (teachers, researchers and students) and enterprise engineers after finding a remarkable product should join hands and to exert themselves at the all activities till the commercialization. It is necessary to mention that in all CFPs, R&D activities are going to be included students, which on that way are going to help themselves to find a 87 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H job easier and became more competitive at the labour market after finishing a faculty. We would like to give specific recommendations for tighter cooperation between universities (especially CFPs) and enterprises:  To create sustainable links between R&D institutions and enterprises;  R&D institutions need to continuously transfer knowledge and research results to enterprises;  To improve cooperation with EU universities and companies;  Commonly work at the development or improvement of new or existing products or production processes, and also at the preparation of EU projects;  Fully engage students in the all jointly activities;  To develop of collaborative culture between university and enterprise, through clustering and regional development based on knowledge;  To provide full Virtual Engineering support to B&H enterprises/SMEs, including education and training for students and engineering fellows;  Joint actions for promotion of tool making industry on foreign markets;  Joint participation in FP7 and other EU projects;  To create sustainable science and technology parks;  Commonly work at the practical placement program (PPP) for students in industry;  Commonly work at the industrial fellowship program (IFP) for graduates and employees from enterprise;  Support about lifelong learning aims for enterprise technical staff; At the end, the role of the "knowledge based partnership" between university - enterprise is very important in multiple directions about partnership synergy by way higher education, advanced research and technological innovation. 88 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 8. REFERENCES [1] Te pus project: Develop e t of Part ership ith “MEs i B&H by Virtual E gi eeri g Net ork , No.: -TEMPUS-1-DE-SMEHES. [2] Bosnia and Herzegovina 2009 Progress Report, Commission Staff Working Document, Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2009-2010, COM (2009) 533. [3] Bologna Process, National Report for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20072009. [4] Industrial R&D Fellowships Application Guide, www.sresearchnl.com. [5] Bonn Declaration on university-enterprise cooperation in the context of Life-Long Learning. [6] University-Enterprise Cooperation: Building new challenges on past experience; Socrates Project Accompanying Measure project No130023-AM-06-EMC. [7] EUE-Net Guidelines for Practical Placements of Students: Life Long Learning Programme, 134546-LLP-1-2007-1-RO-ERASMUS-ENW. [8] A new partnership for the modernization of universities: the EU Forum for University Business Dialogue, COM(2009) 158 final. [9] Industrial Fellowship Programme: WBC Virtual Manufacturing Network –Fostering and Integration of the Knowledge Triangle, TEMPUS project No. 144684-TEMPUS-2008-RS-JPHES. [10] University of Ballarrat: Learn to succeed; Practical Placements Guidelines (VET&VCAL Programs). [11] European Commission Directorate-General Education and Culture: Linking the work and education through Tempus. [12] Technologies developed by universities: An opportunity for SMEs, Wisanu Subsompon, Special Report, Tech Monitor, 2009. [13] Laying foundations for the innovation support network in B&H, Lana Hopkinson, 2011, Sarajevo, Workshop, FIRMA Project. [14] DePSME-VENet Project: Vocational Training & Education Programs – VT&EP. [15] DePSME-VENet Project: Industrial Fellowship Program – IFP. 89 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H [16] DePSME-VENet Project: Practical Placement Program – PPP. [17] The changing role of technology and knowledge transfer and the new for institutional change, Thomas Andersson, Tech Monitor, 2009. [18] Tech ical Report Creati g a I ovative Europe , Aho E pert Group, 2006, Finland. [19] Challenges for EU support to innovation in services – Fostering new markets and jobs through innovation, European Commission Working Document, ProINNO Europe, 2009. [20] The concept of clusters and cluster policies and their role for competitiveness and innovation, European Commission Working Document, Europa INNOVA, 2008. [21] Europe 2020 – Flagship Initiative Innovation Union, European Commission Working Document, 2010. [22] http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education culture 90 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 9. ANNEXES 91 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H CFP Banja Luka in pictures: 9.1. CFP Banja Luka The Center for Virtual Technology within the Cooperative Focal Point – CFP Banja Luka was established on 25 February 2011, No. 7-10/11 by the Department and Laboratory for Metal Forming Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka Act as a Laboratory organizational unit. Based on the establishment act, CFP Banja Luka has defined its vision, mission and operational objectives. The CFP Banja Luka is situated in the Laboratory for Metal Forming Technology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Banja Luka. The head of CFP Banja Luka is Dr. Milan Sljivic, professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka. The main activities of CFP Banja Luka are focused on the following:        Education of teacher and students with the Advanced Technology of Virtal Engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE, RE/RP/RT, FE/FV simulation, VR) support. To improve the knowleddge by Engineering Design, Solid Modeling, Reverse Engineering, Rapid Prototyping, FE simulation, Optimization of new products and processes. Development of new partnership concept of university – enterprise/SMEs synergy. Development and implementation of Vocational Trainings, Seminars and Workshops. Development and implementation of Student practice – Practical Placement Programme - PPP, Industrial/Engineering Fellowship Programme – IFP/EFP), Programme of E-learning and Life Long Learning – LLL. Participation in international projects. Promotional and marketing activities with Quality control of trainings and services, PPP, EFP and LLL programs.  CFP Banja Luka is going to be equiped with:  Rapid Ptototyping Machine – 3D Printing, 3D Scaner,...  Softwares: Linux–Open Source, CATIA, Autodesk Inventor, Matlab etc. 92 Contact: Prof. Dr Mila Šljivić Coordinator of CFP Banja Luka “. “tepa ovića , Banja Luka Tel. +387 51 462 400, Fax.+387 51 465 085 E-mail: milansli@yahoo.com New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 9.2. CFP East Sarajevo The Center for Virtual Technology within the Cooperative Focal Point – CFP East Sarajevo was established on 5 May 2011, No. 130-02/2011 by the Senate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of East Sarajevo and with the approval of the Dean of the Faculty. CFP East Sarajevo is situated at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of East Sarajevo. Head of CFP East “arajevo is Dr. Duša Golubović, Professor at the Faculty of Mecha ical Engineering of University East Sarajevo. The main activities of CFP East Sarajevo are:  Education of teacher and students with the Advanced Technology of Virtal Engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE, RE/RP/RT, FE/FV simulation, VR) support.  Development of new partnership concept of university – enterprise/SMEs synergy.  Development and implementation of Vocational Trainings, Seminars and Workshops.  Development and implementation of Student practice – Practical Placement Programme - PPP, Industrial/Engineering Fellowship Programme – IFP/EFP), Programme of E-learning and Life Long Learning – LLL.  Participation in international projects.  Promotional and marketing activities with Quality control of trainings and services, PPP, EFP and LLL programs. CFP East Sarajevo is equiped with 5 PCs , Print/Copy/Fax/Scanner, projector and softwares: Open Source & Linux, OCTAVE, and Autodesk Inventor etc. CFP East Sarajevo in pictures: Contact: Prof. Dr Duša Golu ovi Coordinator of CFP East Sarajevo Vuka Karadžića , East “arajevo www.maf.unssa.rs.ba Tel. +387 57 340 847, Fax. +387 57 320 841 E-mail: masinski.fakultet@maf.unssa.rs.ba 93 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 9.3. CFP Doboj The Center for Virtual Technology within the Cooperative Focal Point – CFP Doboj was established on 14 March 2011, No. 46-5/11 by the act of establishing the CFP at the Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering Doboj, University of East Sarajevo and with the approval of the Dean of the Faculty. CFP Doboj is situated in the Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering, Doboj. The Head of the CFP Doboj is Dr. Perica Gojkovic, professor at the Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering, Doboj. The main goals of CFP Doboj are:  Education of teacher and students with the Advanced Technology of Virtal Engineering for Traffic and Transport Engineering support.  Development of new partnership concept of university – enterprise/SMEs synergy.  Development and implementation of Vocational Trainings, Seminars and Workshops.  Development and implementation of Student practice – Practical Placement Programme - PPP, Industrial/Engineering Fellowship Programme – IFP/EFP, Programme of E-learning and Life Long Learning – LLL.  Participation in international projects.  Promotional and marketing activities with Quality control of trainings and services, PPP, EFP and LLL programs. CFP Doboj is equiped with 5 PCs , Print/Copy/Fax/Scanner, projector and softwares: Open Source & Linux, Matlab & Simulink, and Autodesk Inventor etc. CFP Doboj in pictures: Contact: Prof. Dr Perica Gojkovic, Coordinator of CFP Doboj, Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering, University of East sarajevo Vojvode Mišića , Doboj Tel./Fax +387 53 205 900, www.stfdoboj.net E-mail: saob.fak@teol.net 94 New partnership concept of university - enterprise synergy in B&H 9.4. CFP Mostar The Center for Virtual Technology within the Cooperative Focal Point – CFP Mostar was established o March at the Dze al dijedic U iversity, Faculty of Mecha ical Engineering, Institute of Mechanical Engineering Mostar. The Head of CFP Mostar is Dr. Sead Pasic, professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Mostar. The main activities of CFP Mostar are:  Education of teacher and students with the Advanced Technology of Virtal Engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE, RE/RP/RT, FE/FV simulation, VR) support.  Development of new partnership concept of university – enterprise/SMEs synergy.  Development and implementation of Vocational Trainings, Seminars and Workshops.  Development and implementation of Student practice – Practical Placement Programme - PPP, Industrial/Engineering Fellowship Programme – IFP/EFP), Programme of E-learning and Life Long Learning – LLL.  Participation in international projects.  Promotional and marketing activities with Quality control of trainings and services, PPP, EFP and LLL programs. CFP Mostar is equiped with 5 PCs, Print/Copy/Fax/Scanner, and softwares: Open Source & Linux, Octave, and Autodesk Inventor etc. CFP Mostar in pictures: 95 Contact: Prof. Dr. “ead Pašić, Coordinator of CFP Mostar U iversity of "Dže al dijedić" Mostar Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute for Mechanical Engineering Univerzitetski Kampus, 88104, Mostar, B & H Tel.: +387 36 571 258, Fax: +387 36 571 258 E-mail: mf@unmo.ba