Steps toward Parallel Intelligence
Fei-Yue Wang, Fellow, IEEE, Xiao Wang, Member, IEEE, Lingxi Li, Senior Member, IEEE,
and Li Li, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—The origin of artificial intelligence is investigated,
based on which the concepts of hybrid intelligence and parallel
intelligence are presented. The paradigm shift in Intelligence indicates the “new normal” of cyber-social-physical systems (CPSS),
in which the system behaviors are guided by Merton’s Laws.
Thus, the ACP-based parallel intelligence consisting of Artificial
societies, Computational experiments and Parallel execution are
introduced to bridge the big modeling gap in CPSS.
Index Terms—Artificial intelligence, hybrid intelligence, parallel intelligence, cyber-social-physical systems, ACP.
N “Steps toward artificial intelligence”[1] , Marvin Minsky’s
classical paper, the artificial intelligence (AI) pioneer gave
an outstanding summary of work that had been done during
his era in AI. Today, about sixty years after that paper was
published, AI technologies have evolved drastically, and are
reaching a new peak. For instance, the computer Go program
AlphaGo by Deepmind won 4:1 in a five game match against
one of the world’s best Go players, Lee Sedol, in March
2016[2] . This victory stunned many in the AI field and beyond.
It marked the beginning of a new era in AI, that is, parallel intelligence: the interaction between the actual and the artificial
world, supported by new ITs (intelligent technologies) such
as deep neural networks, reinforcement learning, knowledge
automation, big data, internet, internet of things (IoT), cloud
computing, etc.
This article starts with the definition of AI, and then moves
toward the status of human-machine hybrid intelligence (HI),
where Cyber-Physical-Social systems (CPSS) must be considered instead of Cyber-Physical systems (CPS) because of the
human intelligence involved. However, for CPSS traditional
Newton’s Laws cannot be directly applied (Small Data, Big
Laws); instead, our focus shifts to Merton’s Laws (Big Data,
Citation: Fei-Yue Wang, Xiao Wang, Lingxi Li, Li Li. Steps toward parallel
intelligence. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2016, 3(4): 345−348
Fei-Yue Wang is with the State Key Laboratory of Management and
Control for Complex Systems (SKL-MCCS), Institute of Automation, Chinese
Academy of Sciences (CASIA), Beijing 100190, China, and also with
Research Center of Computational Experiments and Parallel Systems, the
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China (e-mail:
Xiao Wang is with the Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries (QAII),
Qingdao, Shandong, China, and SKL-MCCS, CASIA, Beijing 10019, China
Lingxi Li is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, Indiana University-Purdue
University Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-5132, USA (e-mail:
Li Li is with the Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing
100084, China, and also with Jiangsu Province Collaborative Innovation
Center of Modern Urban Traffic Technologies, Nanjing 210096, China (email:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at
Small Laws). Therefore, there exists a modeling gap between
the physical world and the artificial world. To overcome this
gap, an ACP-based parallel control approach is introduced to
achieve the ultimate “parallel intelligence”.
The term AI, was coined by John McCarthy in 1955, where
AI was defined as “the science and engineering of making
intelligent machines[3] ”. This definition, however, leads to
another ancient debate in Cybernectics: “Can machines have
intelligence?” Many scientists during that time are optimistic
about intelligent machines, while others insist that “machines
cannot possess any degree of originality” and “nothing can
come out of the machine which has not been put into it[4] ”.
To those views, Norbert Wiener, the father of Cybernetics,
made harsh criticism and stated that “It is my thesis that
machines can and do transcend some of the limitations of their
designers[5] ”. Now with the milestone winning of AlphaGo,
not only the operation of machines has greatly transcended
its human designers, but also the computing capabilities of
machines have surpassed humans in a competition (the number
of games that is theoretically possible is in the order of
10700 )[6] . How could this happen?
Fig. 1. CPSS: Infrastructure for Human-Machine Hybrid Intelligence and Virtual-Real Interactive Parallel Intelligence.
It is said that before the historical match with Lee, AlphaGo
played more than 30,000,000 games with itself, which is more
than the number of games a 100-year old human could play
in his entire life. The big data, in turn, provided the richest
resources for the deep learning approaches behind AlphaGo,
thus improved and optimized AlphaGo’s game-playing strategies through learning. Considering the immense amount of
time the human designers spent on AlphaGo, the decision
rules, learning algorithms, and evaluation models built in
AlphaGo, Lee was not defeated by a computer program, but by
all the humans standing behind the program, combined with
the significant cyber-physical information inside it. This also
verifies the belief of many AI experts that intelligence must
emerge from the process of computing and interacting. As
stated by Minsky: “What magical trick makes us intelligent?
The trick is that there is no trick. The power of intelligence
stems from our vast diversity, not from any single perfect
principle[7] .”
actions, the next system state can be obtained theoretically
through the system equations, thus the system behaviors can
be accurately computed and predicted (shown in Fig. 2(a)).
Therefore, for Newton’s systems, the main task for modeling
is to identify Newton’ Laws that control system behavior, and
directly design corresponding control functions to achieve the
With new technologies such as IoT, cloud computing,
robotics, AI, virtual-reality (VR) and the promotion of other
emerging social media, we have entered the new era of Hybrid
Intelligence (HI), where machines, information, and humans
are tightly coupled through pervasive physical and social
signals[8] . Therefore, we are now dealing with new types of
machines where humans are an integral part[9] . This fact puts
forward new requirements for us to think about the problems
in complex systems in a CPSS way.
The term CPS, was coined to describe the tight conjoining
of and coordination between computational (or cyber) and
physical resources, that is, systems that feature a tight integration between computation, communication, and control in their
operation and interactions with the task environment in which
they are deployed. However, due to the unprecedented sphere
and speed of influence experienced in the cyberspace field and
its profound impact on the way we behave and interact with
each other, we must add and address the presence of human
and social dimension in CPS. We have reached the point where
social and human dynamics must be considered as an integral
part of any effective CPS design and operation, thus inserting
the term “social” into CPS is perfectly justified, and CPSS
becomes the new paradigm in our current HI Age. This change
also has a philosophical implication that brings CPSS in line
with Karl Popper’s theory of reality[10] . The theory states that
our universe consists of three interacting worlds: World 1,
the physical world; World 2, the mental world; and World
3, the artificial world, the home to abstract objects such as
theories, stories, myths, tools, social institutions, and works of
art. Cyberspace can be a materialization or reflection of Worlds
1, 2, and 3. Traditional human intelligence is the connection
between Worlds 1 and 2, AI is the connection between Worlds
2 and 3, whereas HI is the universal connection among Worlds
1, 2, and 3 (shown in Fig. 1).
Using the “old” IT (Industrial Technologies), we exploited
World 1 at the surface level; with the help of the “past”
IT (Information Technologies), we greatly stimulated human
imagination and creativity, and fully developed the underground, surface, and space resources in Worlds 1 and 2;
now the human society is entering the era of the “new” IT
(Intelligent Technologies) which represented mainly by AI and
robotics, thus data and knowledge in cyberspace become the
new resources to be mined.
Similarly, the types of systems where Merton’s Laws guide
system behaviors are called Merton’s Systems. Merton’s Laws
are named after American sociologist Robert King Merton, and
are in general referred as Merton’s Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Law. More specifically, a self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, due
to feedback between belief and action. The main characteristics are: although the current system state and control conditions
are given, the next system state cannot be accurately computed
and thus system behaviors cannot be accurately predicted
(shown in Fig. 2(b)). Because these types of systems have “free
will”, thus cannot be directly controlled in principle, rather,
can only be influenced indirectly to promote the appearance
of desirable objectives in a probabilistic setting. For Merton’s
systems, the main task for modeling is to design Merton’s
Laws that can effectively guide the system behaviors based
on desirable objectives[12] .
Fig. 2. Newton’s Laws vs. Merton’s Laws. (a) Newton’s systemcontrolling laws: Target implementation with certainty. (b) Merton’s
self-fulfilling prophecy laws: Target implementation with uncertainty.
Under the framework of CPSS, Newton’s Laws, which are
applicable to traditional CPS, are no longer adequate for
describing, manipulating, and controlling entities in CPSS.
Therefore, Merton’s Laws are introduced, such as Merton’s
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, as well as Simon’s Bounded Rationality and Heiner’s Theory of Predictable Behaviors[11] .
We call the type of systems where Newton’s Laws govern
system behaviors as Newton’s Systems. Their main characteristics are: when given the current system state and the control
Fig. 3. The modeling gap between physical systems and artificial
The complex characteristics of human and social behaviors
with high uncertainty, spatiotemporal dynamics, and variety,
etc., create a gap between the physical systems and its model,
thus presenting a big challenge for the modeling of Merton’s
systems (shown in Fig. 3). Because of this gap, the modeling
focus will be shifted from Newton’s Laws where system
behaviors are directly controllable (small data, big laws), to
Merton’s Laws where system behaviors are only indirectly implied (big data, small laws)[13] . In Newton’s systems,
causality normally prevails. But in Merton’s systems, where
only association revealed by data or experience is available,
causality is a luxury that is no longer attainable with limited
resources for Uncertainty, Diversity, and Complexity (UDC).
Due to the pervasive use of mobile devices, location-based
services, social media Apps, etc., cyberspace has become as
real to human beings as physical space. In cyberspace data
becomes the most important resource. Using Big Data as input,
Software-Defined Objects (SDO), Software-Defined Processes (SDP), Software-Defined Systems (SDS), and SoftwareDefined Humans (SDH) in parallel with physical objects, processes, systems, and humans can be designed and constructed
through learning, based mainly on existing data, knowledge,
experience, or even intuition[14] . With Software-Defined everything, computational experiments can be conducted (i.e.,
self-play, self-run, self-operation, self-evaluation), and a huge
amount of “artificial data” can be generated. That data is then
used for reinforcement learning to enhance intelligence and
decision-making capabilities. Meanwhile, the decisions are
evaluated against various conditions. In the end, the physical
objects, processes, and systems interact with the SDOs, SDPs,
and SDSs, forming a closed-loop feedback decision-making
process to control and manage the complex systems (as Fig. 4
shows). This is the core concept of the ACP-based parallel
intelligent systems[15−17] . We believe parallel intelligence (PI)
will be the successor of HI.
training, 2) Experiment and evaluation, and 3) Control and
Thus, ACP approach consists of three major steps. 1)
Using Artificial systems to model complex systems; 2) Using
Computational experiments to train and evaluate complex
systems; and 3) Setting the actual physical system to interact
with the virtual artificial system, and through the virtualreal system interaction, realizing effective Parallel control and
management over the complex systems.
Based on the ACP approach, the parallel intelligence can
be defined as one form of intelligence that is generated from
the interactions and executions between physical and artificial systems. Parallel intelligence is characterized by being
data-driven, using SDS-based modeling and computational
experiments-based system behavior analytics and evaluation.
The core philosophy of parallel intelligence for a complex
system is firstly, constructing a parallel system, which consists
of the real physical systems and the virtual artificial systems.
Then, through virtual-real interaction, the objective of parallel
intelligence is to control, guide, and manage decision-making
processes to drive the real system convergence to the virtual
system. In this way, the main UDC challenges in complex
system problems are simplified utilizing the virtual artificial
system, and the AFC (Agility, Focus and Convergence) management and control of the complex systems are achieved
(shown in Fig. 5).
Small Data,
Big Laws
Fig. 5.
Real-time Interaction
Parallel Execution
Learning and Training
Experiment and Evaluation
Control and Management
Fig. 4. The CPSS-based parallel execution for control and management for complex systems.
In ACP, “A” stands for “artificial systems”, which is the
generalized form of software-defined systems; “C” denotes
“computational experiments”, which aims at accurate analysis
and reliable evaluations; and “P” represents “parallel execution”, which targets at innovative and prescriptive decisionmaking. As indicated in Fig. 4, such parallel intelligence
can be used in three modes of operations: 1) Learning and
5HDOLW\ $5
Societies (A)
Experiments (C)
Executions (P)
Big Data,
Small Laws
ACP-based Parallel Intelligence: From UDC to AFC.
It is obvious that we paid more attention to what AI can
do than what AI really means. This is because we are trying
to figure out the essence of the question that came from
Cybernetics long long age. AI is not “artificial” any more.
Ultimately, it becomes the “real” intelligence that can be
embodied into machines, artifacts, and our societies. Under
the framework of CPSS, with new technologies in Big Data,
social computing, knowledge automation, etc., the ACP-based
parallel control and management architecture provides a new
paradigm to observe, depict, predict, and prescript the dynamics of the flowing intelligence, thus leading the way to achieve
the ultimate goal of parallel intelligence.
This article has been written collectively based on Fei-Yue
Wang’s speech of the same title at the celebration for the
30th anniversary of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and
Robotics (IAIR), Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, China, on
Sept 24, 2016. Special thanks to Professor Nanning Zheng,
Director of IAIR, for his kind invitation.
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Fei-Yue Wang (S’87-M’89-SM’94-F’03) received
his Ph. D. in Computer and Systems Engineering
from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New
York in 1990. He joined the University of Arizona
in 1990 and became a Professor and Director of the
Robotics and Automation Lab (RAL) and Program
in Advanced Research for Complex Systems (PARCS). In 1999, he founded the Intelligent Control
and Systems Engineering Center at the Institute of
Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS),
Beijing, China, under the support of the Outstanding
Oversea Chinese Talents Program from the State Planning Council and “100
Talent Program” from CAS, and in 2002, was appointed as the Director of
the Key Lab of Complex Systems and Intelligence Science, CAS. In 2011, he
became the State Specially Appointed Expert and the Director of the State Key
Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems. Dr. Wang’s
current research focuses on methods and applications for parallel systems,
social computing, and knowledge automation. He was the Founding Editorin-Chief of the International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems (19952000), Founding EiC of IEEE ITS Magazine (2006-2007), EiC of IEEE
Intelligent Systems (2009-2012), and EiC of IEEE Transactions on ITS (20092016). Currently he is EiC of China’s Journal of Command and Control. Since
1997, he has served as General or Program Chair of more than 20 IEEE,
INFORMS, ACM, ASME conferences. He was the President of IEEE ITS
Society (2005-2007), Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST,
USA) in 2005, the American Zhu Kezhen Education Foundation (2007-2008),
and the Vice President of the ACM China Council (2010-2011). Since 2008,
he is the Vice President and Secretary General of Chinese Association of
Automation. Dr. Wang is elected Fellow of IEEE, INCOSE, IFAC, ASME, and
AAAS. In 2007, he received the 2nd Class National Prize in Natural Sciences
of China and awarded the Outstanding Scientist by ACM for his work in
intelligent control and social computing. He received IEEE ITS Outstanding
Application and Research Awards in 2009 and 2011, and IEEE SMC Norbert
Wiener Award in 2014.
Xiao Wang (M’16) received her Bachelor’s degree
in network engineering from Dalian University of
Technology, in 2011, and the Ph. D. degree in Social
Computing from CASIA in 2016. She is currently a
research assistant in CASIA with SKL-MCCS. Her
research interests are artificial intelligence, social
transportation, cyber movement organizations,and
social network analysis
Lingxi Li (S’04-M’08-SM’13) received the B. E.
degree in Automation from Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China, in 2000, the M. S. degree in Control
Theory and Control Engineering from the Institute of
Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
China, in 2003, and the Ph. D. degree in Electrical
and Computer Engineering from the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in 2008. Since August 2008, he has been with Indiana UniversityPurdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) where he
is currently an Associate Professor in Electrical
and Computer Engineering. Dr. Li’s current research focuses on modeling,
analysis, and control of complex systems; fault-tolerant systems; discreteevent systems; intelligent transportation systems; intelligent vehicles; active
safety systems; and human factors. Dr. Li received Remarkable Paper Award at
ACM ICUIMC in 2011, Indiana University Trustees Teaching Award in 2012,
Outstanding Editorial Service Award for IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Transportation Systems in 2012, and IUPUI Prestigious External Awards
Recognition (PEAR) in 2013. Dr. Li has served as Program Chair of 2011
and 2013 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety
(ICVES 2011, ICVES 2013), Program Co-Chair of 2010 IEEE International
Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES 2010), and has
been serving as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Transportation Systems since 2009. Dr. Li is a Senior Member of the IEEE.
Li Li (S’05-M’06-SM’10) is currently an associate professor with Department of Automation,
Tsinghua University, China. His research interests
include complex and networked systems, intelligent
control and sensing, intelligent transportation systems and intelligent vehicles. Dr. Li had published
over 50 SCI indexed international journal papers
and over 50 international conference papers as a
first/corresponding author. He serves as an Associate
Editor for IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.