Thermodynamics of a trapped Bose-condensed gas
S. Giorgini1,2 , L. P. Pitaevskii2,3,4 and S. Stringari2
1 ECT∗,
Villa Tambosi, Strada delle Tabarelle 286, I-38050 Villazzano, Italy
arXiv:cond-mat/9704014v1 2 Apr 1997
2 Dipartimento
di Fisica, Università di Trento,
and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia, I-38050 Povo, Italy
3 Department
4 Kapitza
of Physics, Technion, 32000 Haifa, Israel
Institute for Physical Problems, 117454 Moscow, Russia
We investigate the thermodynamic behaviour of a Bose gas interacting
with repulsive forces and confined in a harmonic anisotropic trap. We develop the formalism of mean field theory for non uniform systems at finite
temperature, based on the generalization of Bogoliubov theory for uniform
gases. By employing the WKB semiclassical approximation for the excited
states we derive systematic results for the temperature dependence of various thermodynamic quantities: condensate fraction, density profiles, thermal
energy, specific heat and moment of inertia. Our analysis points out important differences with respect to the thermodynamic behaviour of uniform Bose
gases. This is mainly the consequence of a major role played by single particle
states at the boundary of the condensate. We find that the thermal depletion
of the condensate is strongly enhanced by the presence of repulsive interactions
and that the critical temperature is decreased with respect to the predictions
of the non-interacting model. Our work points out an important scaling behaviour exhibited by the system in large N limit. Scaling permits to express all
the relevant thermodynamic quantities in terms of only two parameters: the
reduced temperature t = T /Tc0 and the ratio between the T = 0 value of the
chemical potential and the critical temperature Tc0 for Bose-Einstein condensation. Comparisons with first experimental results and ab-initio calculations
are presented.
02.70.Lq, 67.40.Db
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The experimental realization of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in atomic gases [1]
confined in magnetic traps has stimulated a novel interest in the theory of interacting Bose
gases. In particular the recent experiments carried out at Mit on
Na [2] and at Jila on
Rb [3] have provided first quantitative results for relevant thermodynamic quantities, such
as the temperature dependence of the condensate fraction and the release energy. Based on
the pioneering works by Bogoliubov [4] and Huang, Yang, Luttinger and Lee [5], the theory
of interacting Bose gases has so far been mainly focused on uniform systems. The possibility
of extending it to non-uniform gases, first explored in the works by Gross, Pitaevskii and
Fetter [6,7], and stimulated by the recent experimental activity, is expected to open new
challenging perspectives in many-body physics, since these systems are characterized by
new length scales and symmetries. The thermodynamic behaviour of trapped Bose gases
has been already the object of several theoretical works, starting from the investigation of
the ideal Bose gas [8], the development of the Hartree-Fock formalism [9], the inclusion
of interaction effects using the local density approximation [10,11], up to the most recent
approaches based on self-consistent mean-field theory [12–15] and numerical simulations [16].
The purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic discussion of the properties of these
systems at thermodynamic equilibrium. We will always assume that the dilute gas condition,
na3 << 1 ,
is satisfied. This condition is reached in all the available experiments. Here n is the atomic
density whose typical values range from 1011 to 1015 cm−3 , while the triplet spin s-wave
scattering length a can reach a few tens Angstrom. The corresponding value of na3 is
then always extremely small (10−4 - 10−5 ) and one would naively expect that the role of
interactions is a minor effect in such systems, at least for the equilibrium properties. This is
not the case for these trapped atoms, because of the combined effect of trapping and BoseEinstein condensation. To illustrate this important feature let us consider the simplest case
of N atoms occupying the ground state of an harmonic oscillator trap. The ratio between
the interaction energy and the quantum oscillator energy h̄ω behaves as:
where aHO = (h̄/mω)1/2 is the harmonic oscillator length. In the available experiments
a/aHO is ∼ 10−3 while N ranges between 103 and 107 so that the ratio (2) can be very
large, revealing that at least the ground state properties can never be calculated treating the
interaction potential in a perturbative way. Differently from what happens in a homogeneous
Bose gas where the density is kept fixed, the repulsion has here the effect of expanding the
condensate wave function. Actually, for sufficiently large values of N, it happens that
the T = 0 equilibrium properties of these new systems are governed by the competition
between the 2-body force and the external potential, the kinetic energy playing a minor
role. In this regime the ground state density is well approximated by the Thomas-Fermi
(TF) approximation
n(r) =
(µ0 − Vext (r)) ,
4πh̄2 a
if Vext (r) ≤ µ0 and n(r) = 0 elsewhere. Here µ0 is the T = 0 chemical potential, fixed by the
normalization condition. Assuming a harmonic potential Vext = m(ωx2 x2 + ωy2y 2 + ωz2 z 2 )/2,
the chemical potential takes the useful expression [17,18]
µ0 =
where the frequency ω is the geometrical average
ω = (ωx ωy ωz )1/3
of the oscillator frequencies and fixes the harmonic oscillator length
aHO =
The root mean square (r.m.s.) radius of the condensate takes the form
hr 2 i
= aHO 15N
2λ2 + 1
where λ is the anisotropy parameter of a cylindrically simmetric trap λ = ωx /ωz = ωy /ωz .
In the presently available traps one has typically aHO = 10−4 cm and
hr 2 i ranges from 2
to 100 ×10−4 cm. The validity of the TF approximation (3), (4) is based on the condition
Na/aHO ≫ 1 which also implies µ0 /h̄ω ≫ 1. These results have been obtained at T = 0.
They play however a relevant role also at finite temperature. In particular the value of
µ0 fixes an important reference in the scale of temperatures. For kB T smaller than µ0 the
thermodynamic behaviour of the system is in fact affected by collective effects (phonon
regime in a homogeneous superfluid). Conversely for higher temperatures it is dominated
by single-particle effects.
It is highly interesting to compare the value of the chemical potential µ0 with the one
of the critical temperature. Due to the minor role played by interactions at high T , a
reliable estimate of the critical temperature is obtained using the non-interacting model. In
this model the Hamiltonian is given by H =
i (pi /2m
+ Vext (ri )) and its thermodynamic
behaviour can be worked out exactly. For sufficiently large numbers of atoms this model
predicts the value [8,20]
kB Tc0 = h̄ω
for the critical temperature. In the presently available traps one has typically h̄ω/kB = 3 −5
nK, while Tc0 ranges from 50 to 300 nK. Using the TF result (4) the ratio η between the
chemical potential and the critical temperature takes the useful form
a 2/5
= α(N 1/6
) ≃ 2.24(a3 nT =0 (r = 0))1/6 .
kB Tc
where α = 21 ζ(3)1/3 152/5 ≃ 1.57 and we have used result (3) for the density. This equation
reveals an interesting behaviour of these trapped Bose gases. In fact although the gas
parameter na3 is always very small, its 1/6-th power can be easily of the order of unity
and in actual experiments it turns out that µ0 is 0.3-0.4 kB Tc0 . Furthermore the ratio (9)
depends on the number N of atoms in the trap in an extremely smooth way (η ∼ N 1/15 ).
The ratio µ0 /kB Tc0 plays a crucial role to characterize the interplay between interaction
and thermal effects. In particular we will show that the thermodynamic properties of the
Bose condensed gases, for sufficiently large values of N, depend on the relevant parameters of
the system (number N of atoms in the trap, s-wave scattering length a, oscillator length and
deformation of the trap) through the dimensionless scaling parameters η. Note that such a
parameter involves a different combination of the quantities N and a/aHO , as compared to
the ratio (2) which is instead the natural scaling parameter for the ground state properties
In the paper we will investigate the thermodynamic behaviour of the trapped Bose gas
using a mean-field theory based on already available extensions of Bogoliubov theory to
finite temperature. In particular we will work in the so called Popov approximation. The
details of this approximation are discussed in Sect. 2. Here we recall some major features.
At T = 0 the theory exactly accounts for the Bogoliubov spectrum of elementary excitations. At high T it approaches the finite-temperature Hartree-Fock theory [9] with which it
exactly coincides above the critical temperature. These two important features (collective
and single-particle effects) are the main ingredients of the Popov approximation, which is
then expected to be a good approximation in the whole range of temperature except near Tc
where mean-field theories are known to fail. An interesting feature of these trapped gases,
which distinguishes them from uniform Bose gases, is that single-particle excitations play an
important role also at low temperatures. The reason is that these systems exhibit two kinds
of low lying excitations: on the one hand one has collective modes of the condensate, on
the other hand one has single-particle excitations near the classical boundary. In the paper
we discuss the relative importance of the corresponding contributions to thermodynamics.
We find that the single-particle contribution is always relevant. In particular, even at low
temperatures, the thermal energy is governed by the excitation of single-particle states differently from what happens in homogeneous Bose systems. This fact explains why in the
trapped gases the Hartree-Fock approximation provides a very good description for most
thermodynamic quantities in a wide range of temperatures.
In order to simplify the formalism and to carry out explicit calculations in a systematic
way we will restrict our analysis to temperatures such that
kB T >> h̄ω .
This assumption allows us to describe the motion of the thermally excited atoms in the WKB
semi-classical approximation [21]. In a deformed trap condition (10) is separately imposed
on the three oscillator energies h̄ωx , h̄ωy and h̄ωz . Current experimental investigations
are carried out at temperatures well consistent with the above condition. The study of the
thermodynamic behaviour for lower temperatures (of the order of the oscillator temperature)
requires a quantum description of the low lying elementary modes, beyond the semi-classical
approximation. These modes have been the object of recent extensive experimental and
theoretical work [22–25,14].
The final equations resulting from the mean-field approach have the form of coupled
equations for the order parameter and for the density of the thermally excited atoms. Their
numerical solution will be systematically discussed during the paper and compared with
the available experimental data as well as with the first results obtained with Path Integral
Monte Carlo simulations with which we find a remarkable agreement [16].
The paper is organized as follows. Sect. 2 is devoted to the presentation of the theoretical
formalism. We discuss the Popov approximation, we obtain formal results for the relevant
thermodynamic quantities and we derive explicitly the scaling behaviour as well as the low
T expansion of the thermodynamic functions. In Sect. 3 we discuss our results for the
temperature dependence of the condensate fraction, density profile, energy, specific heat
and moment of inertia. Finally in Sect. 4 we make a comparison between the properties of
a trapped Bose gas and the ones of the uniform gas.
A. Self-consistent Popov approximation
The self-consistent mean-field method described here follows the treatment of the inhomogeneous dilute Bose gas developed in Ref. [7] within the Bogoliubov approximation at
T = 0 and its extension to the finite-temperature Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) approximation recently discussed by Griffin in Ref. [12]. The starting point is the grand-canonical
Hamiltonian written in terms of the creation and annihilation particle field operators ψ † (r)
and ψ(r)
K ≡ H − µN =
drψ (r) −
+ Vext(r) − µ ψ(r)
drψ † (r)ψ † (r)ψ(r)ψ(r) .
In the above equation Vext (r) = m(ωx2 x2 +ωy2 y 2 +ωz2 z 2 )/2 is the anisotropic harmonic potential
which provides the confinement of the atoms and g = 4πh̄2 a/m is the interaction coupling
constant fixed by the s-wave scattering length a. By separating out the condensate part of
the particle field operator one can write ψ(r) as the sum of the spatially varying condensate
wave-function Φ(r) and the operator ψ̃(r), which acts on the non-condensate particles,
ψ(r) = Φ(r) + ψ̃(r) .
The wave-function Φ is formally defined as the statistical average of the particle field operator, Φ(r) = hψ(r)i, and represents the order parameter of the system in the condensate
phase where gauge symmetry is broken [26]. Using decomposition (12) the interaction term
in (11) becomes (all quantities depend on r)
ψ † ψ † ψψ = |Φ|4 + 2|Φ|2 Φ∗ ψ̃ + 2|Φ|2 Φψ̃ †
+ 4|Φ|2 ψ̃ † ψ̃ + Φ∗2 ψ̃ ψ̃ + Φ2 ψ̃ † ψ̃ †
+ 2Φ∗ ψ̃ † ψ̃ ψ̃ + 2Φψ̃ † ψ̃ † ψ̃ + ψ̃ † ψ̃ † ψ̃ ψ̃ .
In the following the cubic and quartic terms in ψ̃, ψ̃ † in the last line of the above equation
will be treated in the mean-field approximation. For the cubic terms one gets
ψ̃ † (r)ψ̃(r)ψ̃(r) = 2hψ̃ † (r)ψ̃(r)iψ̃(r) ≡ 2nT (r)ψ̃(r) ,
ψ̃ † (r)ψ̃ † (r)ψ̃(r) = 2hψ̃ † (r)ψ̃(r)iψ̃ † (r) ≡ 2nT (r)ψ̃ † (r) ,
where nT (r) is the non-condensate density of particles. Whereas the quartic term becomes
ψ̃ † (r)ψ̃ † (r)ψ̃(r)ψ̃(r) = 4hψ̃ † (r)ψ̃(r)iψ̃ † (r)ψ̃(r) ≡ 4nT (r)ψ̃ † (r)ψ̃(r) .
To obtain the mean-field factorizations (14) and (15) we have neglected the terms proportional to the anomalous non-condensate density mT (r) = hψ̃(r)ψ̃(r)i, and to its complex
conjugate. This approximation, which is discussed in depth in Ref. [12], corresponds to the
so called Popov approximation [27], and is expected to be appropriate both at high temperatures, where nT ≫ mT , and at low temperatures where the two densities are of the same
order, but both negligibly small for the very dilute systems we are considering here. Using decomposition (12) and the mean-field prescriptions (14), and (15) the grand-canonical
Hamiltonian (11) can be written as the sum of four terms
K = K0 + K1 + K1† + K2 .
The first term K0 contains only the condensate wave function Φ(r)
K0 =
+ Vext (r) − µ + n0 (r) Φ(r) ,
drΦ (r) −
where we have introduced the condensate density n0 (r) = |Φ(r)|2 . The K1 and K1† terms
are linear in the operators ψ̃, ψ̃ †
K1 =
+ Vext (r) − µ + g(n0 (r) + 2nT (r)) Φ(r) ,
drψ̃ (r) −
and finally K2 is quadratic in ψ̃, ψ̃ †
K2 =
drψ̃ † (r)Lψ̃(r) +
drΦ2 (r)ψ̃ † (r)ψ̃ † (r)
drΦ∗2 (r)ψ̃(r)ψ̃(r) .
In eq. (19), to make notations simpler, we have introduced the hermitian operator
+ Vext (r) − µ + 2gn(r) ,
n(r) = n0 (r) + nT (r)
is the total particle density of the system. The K1 , K1† terms in the sum (16) vanish if Φ(r)
is the solution of the equation for the condensate
+ Vext (r) − µ + g(n0 (r) + 2nT (r)) Φ(r) = [L − gn0 (r)] Φ(r) = 0 ,
with L defined in eq. (20), whereas the quadratic term K2 can be diagonalized by means of
the Bogoliubov linear transformation for the particle operators ψ̃, ψ̃ †
ψ̃(r) =
(uj (r)αj + vj∗ (r)αj† ) ,
ψ̃ (r) =
(u∗j (r)αj† + vj (r)αj ) .
In the above transformation αj , and αj† are quasi-particle annihilation and creation operators
which satisfy the usual Bose commutation relations, whereas the functions uj (r), vj (r) obey
to the following normalization condition
dr(u∗i (r)uj (r) − vi∗ (r)vj (r)) = δij .
The grand-canonical Hamiltonian (11), in the Popov mean-field approximation, takes the
drΦ(r) −
ǫj αj† αj ,
+ Vext (r) − µ + n0 (r) Φ(r) +
where the real wave-function Φ(r) is the solution of eq. (22) and the quasi-particle energies
ǫj are obtained from the solutions of the coupled Bogoliubov equations
Luj (r) + gn0 (r)vj (r) = ǫj uj (r)
Lvj (r) + gn0 (r)uj (r) = −ǫj vj (r)
for the functions uj (r) and vj (r). In eq. (25) we have neglected the term −
j ǫj
dr|vj (r)|2
which at T = 0 accounts for the energy of the non-condensate particles in the ground
state. This is a good approximation since, for dilute systems satisfying condition (1), the
quantum depletion
dr|vj (r)|2 of the condensate is a minor effect. Explicit calculations
show that this depletion is always smaller than one percent of the total number of atoms
in the condensate [14]. We have therefore at T = 0, ψ(r) = Φ(r) and nT (r) = mT (r) = 0,
whereas at finite temperatures we take nT and mT proportional to the thermal density of
nT =
(|uj |2 + |vj |2 )hαj† αj i ,
mT = 2
uj vj∗ hαj† αj i .
Equations (26) have the typical form of the equations of the random phase approximation
and have been recently solved in Ref. [25] at T = 0; the resulting energies ǫj give the
excitation frequecies of the collective modes of the system. Very recently, first solutions
have become available also at finite temperature [14]. The coupled equations (26) can be
solved very easily if one uses the semiclassical [13] or local density approximation [10,11].
We write
uj (r) = u(p, r)eiϕ(r)
vj (r) = v(p, r)eiϕ(r) ,
where the impulse of the elementary excitation is fixed by the gradient of the phase p = h̄∇ϕ
and satisfies the condition p ≫ h̄/aHO . We also assume that u(p, r), v(p, r) (and hence nT )
are smooth functions of r on length scales of the order of the harmonic oscillator length
aHO = (h̄/mω)1/2 . Since the typical size of the thermally excited cloud is of the order of
the classical thermal radius (2kB T /mω 2 )1/2 , the semiclassical approximation makes sense
only if kB T ≫ h̄ω [21]. The sum over the quantum states j labelling the solutions of the
Bogoliubov equations (26) is replaced by the integral dp/(2πh̄)3 . By neglecting derivatives
of u and v and second derivatives of ϕ it is possible to rewrite the Bogoliubov-type equations
(26) in the semiclassical form
+ Vext (r) − µ + 2gn(r) u(p, r) + gn0 (r)v(p, r) = ǫ(p, r)u(p, r)
+ Vext (r) − µ + 2gn(r) v(p, r) + gn0 (r)u(p, r) = −ǫ(p, r)v(p, r) .
The solution of equations (30) is easily obtained and one finds the following result for the
spectrum of the elementary excitations
ǫ(p, r) =
+ Vext (r) − µ + 2gn(r)
− g 2 n20 (r)
with the coefficients u(p, r) and v(p, r) given by
p2 /2m + Vext (r) − µ + 2gn(r) + ǫ(p, r)
2ǫ(p, r)
p /2m + Vext (r) − µ + 2gn(r) − ǫ(p, r)
v 2 (p, r) =
2ǫ(p, r)
u(p, r)v(p, r) = −
2ǫ(p, r)
u2 (p, r) =
The spectrum (31) for the elementary excitations is significant only for energies ǫ(p, r) ≫ h̄ω.
In fact the low-lying modes of the system are not properly described in the semiclassical
approximation and their study requires the solution of the coupled Bogoliubov equations
(26) [25,14]. As already mentioned above, the condition ǫ(p, r) ≫ h̄ω restricts the study
of thermodynamics to temperatures much larger than the oscillator temperature h̄ω/kB . In
practice the resulting analysis is useful only for systems with large values of N, where the
critical temperature is much larger than the oscillator frequency (see eq.(8)).
It is interesting to analyze in more detail the excitation energies (31). First of all in the
absence of interparticle interactions (g = 0) the elementary excitations reduce to the usual
single particle spectrum in the presence of the external potential Vext
ǫ0 (p, r) =
+ Vext (r) − µ ,
where the chemical potential is given by µ = 3h̄ω̄/2, and ω̄ = (ωx + ωy + ωz )/3 is the
arithmetic average of the oscillator frequencies. In the limit Na/aHO ≫ 1 (Thomas-Fermi
limit) we can distinguish two regions in space depending on whether the coordinate r lies
inside or outside the condensate cloud. Inside the condensate region one can neglect the
kinetic term in eq. (22) and one has approximately g(n0 + 2nT ) = µ − Vext . In this region
eq. (31) becomes
ǫinside (p, r) =
p 2
p + 4mgn0 (r)
which corresponds to the local-density form of the Bogoliubov spectrum. For small p eq.
(34) gives the phonon-like dispersion ǫinside (p, r) = c(r)p where c(r) =
gn0 (r)/m is the
local velocity of sound. Far from the condensate cloud one instead has Vext >> 2g(n0 + nT )
and we are left with
ǫoutside (p, r) =
+ Vext (r) − µ ,
which has the same form as the independent particle spectrum (33), but now the chemical
potential contains the effects of interaction and is in general much larger than its noninteracting value. Finally it is worth noting that when the energy ǫ(p, r) is much larger
than the chemical potential µ one obtains the Hartree-Fock type spectrum [9]
ǫHF (p, r) =
+ Vext (r) − µ + 2gn(r) .
In the semiclassical scheme the canonical transformation (23) becomes the familiar Bogoliubov transformation in momentum space relating the particle and quasi-particle creation
and annihilation operators
ψ̃(p, r) = u(p, r)α(p, r) + v(p, r)α†(−p, r) ,
ψ̃ † (p, r) = u(p, r)α†(p, r) + v(p, r)α(−p, r) .
The quasi-particle distribution function f (p, r) is obtained from the statistical average
hα† (p, r)α(p, r)i, given by the usual Bose distribution
f (p, r) = hα† (p, r)α(p, r)i =
exp(ǫ(p, r)/kB T ) − 1
whereas the particle distribution function F (p, r) is given by the statistical average
hψ̃ † (p, r)ψ̃(p, r)i of the particle field operators in the coordinate-momentum representation.
By making use of the transformation (37) one gets
F (p, r) = hψ̃ † (p, r)ψ̃(p, r)i = u2 (p, r) + v 2 (p, r) f (p, r)
∂ǫ(p, r)
f (p, r) ,
n0 ,nT
∂ǫ(p, r)
n0 ,nT
p2 /2m + Vext (r) − µ + 2gn(r)
ǫ(p, r)
It is worth noticing that the particle and quasi-particle distribution functions differ only in
the low-energy regime. In fact at high energies the excitation spectrum takes the HF form
(36), ∂ǫ/∂µ = −1 and hence F (p, r) = f (p, r). Conversely in the phonon regime one has
F (p, r) = mc(r)f (p, r)/p.
The non-condensate density nT can be obtained in a self consistent way by integrating
over momenta the particle distribution (39)
nT (r) =
F (p, r) ,
and finally the chemical potential µ is fixed by the normalization condition
N = N0 (T ) + NT =
drn0 (r) +
drnT (r) ,
where N0 (T ) and NT are respectively the total numbers of atoms in the condensate and out
of the condensate in equilibrium at temperature T .
Equations (22), (31) and (38)-(42) must be solved self-consistently. The solution of these
equations yields directly, for a given temperature T , the chemical potential µ, the condensate
density n0 (r) and the density of thermally excited atoms nT (r).
Starting from the results discussed above it is possible to study the thermodynamic
properties of the system whose excited states can be classified in terms of the states of a gas
of undamped quasi-particles with energy spectrum (31). The entropy of the system is then
readily obtained through the combinatorial formula [28]
ǫ(p, r)
f (p, r) − log(1 − exp(−ǫ(p, r)/kB T ))
kB T
One must notice that the dependence of the entropy on T is determined also through the
temperature dependences of the quantities µ, n0 and nT which enter the excitation spectrum
ǫ(p, r) (see eq. (31)). Starting from the entropy one can work out all the thermodynamic
quantities. For example the total energy of a N-particle system at temperature T can be
calculated using the thermodynamic relation
E(T ) = E(T = 0) +
dT ′ CN (T ′ ) ,
CN (T ) = T
is the specific heat at constant N and E(T = 0) is the energy at zero temperature given by
the well known Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional [17,19].
E(T = 0) =
+ Vext (r) + n0 (r) Φ(r) ,
drΦ(r) −
where Φ(r) is here the condensate wave function at T = 0.
In the last part of this section we discuss the rotational properties of a trapped Bose gas
which point out the effects of superfluidity [29]. The moment of inertia Θ, relative to the
z direction, is defined as the linear response of the system to the perturbation field −ΩLz
according to the relation
hLz i = ΩΘ ,
where Lz is the z-component of the angular momentum. In terms of the particle field
operator one has
Lz =
drψ † (r) ℓz ψ(r) ,
where ℓz = −ih̄(x∂/∂y − y∂/∂x). The statistical average in eq. (47) must be calculated in
the ensemble relative to the perturbed grand-canonical Hamiltonian K ′ (Ω) = K − ΩLz . In
the frame rotating with angular velocity Ω the quasi-particles have energies
+ Vext (r) − µ + 2gn(r)
ǫΩ (p, r) =
and are distributed according to the Bose function
fΩ (p, r) =
g 2 n20 (r)
− Ω(r × p)z ,
exp(ǫΩ (p, r)) − 1
In the limit of an axially symmetric trap (ωx → ωy ), the condensate wave function does not
contribute to the average hLz i which is determined only by the angular momentum carried
by the elementary excitations:
hLz i =
(r × p)z fΩ (p, r) .
To lowest order in Ω one obtains the following relevant result for the moment of inertia Θ
∂f (p, r)
(r × p)2z
∂ǫ(p, r)
Eq. (52) can be also written in the useful form
dr(x2 + y 2)ρn (r) ,
ρn (r) = −
dp p2 ∂f (p, r)
(2πh̄)3 3 ∂ǫ(p, r)
provides a generalization of the most famous Landau formula for the density of the normal
component to non homogeneous systems. The deviation of the moment of inertia from the
rigid value
Θrig = m
dr(x2 + y 2 )n(r) ,
provides a ”measure” of the superfluid behaviour of the system (see section 3-C).
B. Hartree-Fock approximation
In the previous section we have seen that outside the condensate and in general for high
excitation energies the Popov quasi-particle spectrum (31) reduces to the familiar HartreeFock spectrum (36). The self-consistent HF method has been already employed to study
the thermodynamic properties of inhomogeneous dilute Bose systems [9,15].
The HF approximation can be easily obtained by neglecting the small ”hole” components
vj in the first of the Bogoliubov equations (26). The resulting equation then takes the form
+ Vext (r) − µ + 2gn(r) uj (r) = ǫj uj (r) .
Luj (r) ≡ −
Notice that the Hamiltonian (56) differs from the effective Hamiltonian (22) yielding the
condensate wave function (for a more detailed derivation and discussion of the Hartree-Fock
approximation for Bose gases see Ref. [9]). By applying the semiclassical prodedure to solve
eq. (56), one finds the energy spectrum ǫHF (p, r) of eq. (36). In the HF approximation
there is no difference between particles and quasi-particles and therefore the distribution
functions f (p, r) and F (p, r) coincide (∂ǫHF /∂µ = −1)
F (p, r) = f (p, r) =
exp(ǫHF (p, r)/kB T ) − 1
Results (43)-(45) for the thermodynamic quantities obtained in section 2-A hold also in
the HF approximation if one simply replaces the excitation spectrum ǫ(p, r) with the corresponding HF spectrum (36). By calculating the statistical average of the grand-canonical
Hamiltonian (11) over the eigenstates eq. (56) one obtains the following explicit expression
for the energy of the system in the HF approximation
drdp p2
drΦ(r) −
Φ(r) +
F (p, r)
(2πh̄)3 2m
dr(2n2 (r) − n20 (r)) .
drVext(r)n(r) +
In the above equation the first two terms give respectively the kinetic contribution from
the condensate and non-condensate particles. The third term gives the confining energy
averaged over the total density n, and the last term represents the interaction contribution.
The HF energy functional (58) is consistent with the thermodynamic relations ((43)-(45)).
Results (52)-(54) for the moment of inertia also hold in the HF approximation with the
distribution f (p, r) given by (57). In the HF approximation one easily finds ρn (r) = mnT (r)
and hence the moment of inertia is given by
ΘHF = m
dr (x2 + y 2 ) nT (r)
consistently with the finding of Ref. [29]. The identification of the normal component ρn
with the non-condensate density is a peculiar property of the HF approximation. In the
Popov approach these two quantities behave differently at low temperatures because of the
presence of phonon-type excitations.
C. The non-interacting model
The results for the thermodynamic functions of the trapped ideal gas are easily obtained
by setting the coupling constant g equal to zero in the equations derived above. The equation
for the condensate (22) takes the form
+ Vext (r) − µ Φ(r) = 0 ,
whose solution is the gaussian function
Φ(r) =
exp − (ωx x2 + ωy y 2 + ωz z 2 )
normalized to the number of condensate atoms dr|Φ|2 = N0 , whereas the chemical potential
is µ = h̄(ωx + ωy + ωz )/2. The semiclassical spectrum (31) takes the form (33) and the noncondensate density is given by
nT (r) =
(exp((p2 /2m + Vext (r) − µ)/kB T ) − 1)−1
= λ−3
T g3/2 (exp((Vext (r) − µ)/kB T )) ,
where λT = h̄ 2π/mkB T is the thermal wavelength and gα (z) =
z n /nα is the usual
Bose function. The total number of non-condensate atoms is obtained by integrating nT
over space
NT =
dr nT (r) =
kB T
g3 (exp(µ/kB T )) .
In the region of temperatures where the semiclassical approximation for the excited states
is valid, kB T ≫ h̄ω, one can expand the g3 (z) function around z = 1 and obtain to lowest
order in N −1/3
3ζ(2) ω̄ −1/3 2
= t3 +
t ,
2(ζ(3))2/3 ω
where we have introduced the reduced temperature t = T /Tc0 , and Tc0 = (N/ζ(3))1/3h̄ω/kB
is the critical temperature in the large N limit. Finite size effects, which are accounted for
by the second term in eq. (64), are proportional to the ratio ω̄/ω between the arithmetic
ω̄ = (ωx + ωy + ωz )/3 and the geometric averages of the oscillator frequencies and thus
depend on the trap anisotropy parameter λ = ωz /ωx = ωz /ωy , having a minimum for an
isotropic trap (λ = 1). These finite size effects shift the value of the critical temperature
from Tc0 towards lower temperatures. By setting the right hand side of eq. (64) equal to
unity one finds the following result for the shift in the critical temperature [30]
ζ(2) ω̄ −1/3
≃ −0.73 N −1/3 .
2(ζ(3)) ω
The temperature dependence of the energy per particle is easily obtained in the semiclassical
approximation and one has (for t < 1)
3ζ(4) 4
3(ζ(3))1/3 ω̄ −1/3
1/3 ω̄
−1/3 3
t + 3(ζ(3))
t +
NkB Tc0
It is worth noticing that the shift (65) in the critical temperature as well as the N −1/3 terms
in eqs. (64), (66) exactly coincide with the results obtained to lowest order in N −1/3 from a
full quantum treatment of the non-interacting model in the large N limit [30]. For N = 1000
the predictions (64), (66) are already indistinguishable from the exact result obtained by
summing explicitly over the excited states of the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian. This is
well illustrated in Fig. 1 where we plot the prediction N0 /N (see eq. (64)) for the temperature dependence of the condensate fraction compared to the exact quantum calculation and
the large N behaviour N0 /N = 1 − t3 obtained by setting µ = 0 in eq. (63). The accuracy
of the semiclassical approximation reveals that the main origin of finite size effects in the
thermodynamic properties of these systems arises from the quantum effects in the equation
for the condensate, which are responsible for the proper value of the chemical potential,
rather than from the quantum effects in the equation for the excited states.
It is also important to notice that in the large N limit all the thermodynamic properties in
the non-interacting model depend only on the reduced temperature t = T /Tc0 (see eqs. (64),
(66) with N → ∞). In the next section it will be shown that in the presence of interaction
the thermodynamic properties of the system depend also on the additional parameter η
defined in eq. (9).
Finally, the ratio Θ/Θrig of the moment of inertia to its rigid value has been calculated
for the non-interacting model in Ref. [29]. In terms of the reduced temperature t this result
1 − t3
1 − t3 + γt4 (λN)1/3
where γ = 2ζ(4)/(ζ(3))4/3 ≃ 1.69. Starting from (67) one finds that in the non-interacting
model the effects of finite size are much more important for Θ than for the other thermodynamic quantities.
D. Thomas-Fermi limit and scaling
When the number of atoms in the condensate is enough large the Thomas-Fermi approximation, which is obtained neglecting the quantum kinetic energy term in the equation for the condensate, turns out to be very accurate [17–19]. In this limit the Popov
mean-field equations show an important scaling behaviour that we have recently investi20
gated in Ref. [31]. The scaling behaviour is best illustrated by introducing the dimensionless quantities p̃i =
1/2mkB Tc0 pi , r̃i =
m/2kB Tc0 ωi ri , µ̃ = µ/kB Tc0 , ǫ̃ = ǫ/kB Tc0 ,
ñT = nT (2kB Tc0 /mω 2 )3/2 /N, ñ0 = n0 (2kB Tc0 /mω 2 )3/2 /N and the reduced temperature
t = T /Tc0 . By neglecting the quantum kinetic energy term in eq. (22) the mean-field
equations can be rewritten in the following reduced form
ñ0 (r̃) =
ǫ̃(p̃, r̃) =
µ̃ − r̃ 2 − 2g̃ñT θ(µ̃ − r̃ 2 − 2g̃ñT ) ,
(p̃2 + r̃ 2 − µ̃ + 2g̃(ñ0 + ñT ))2 − g̃ 2 ñ20 ,
1 Z
ñT (r̃) = 3
dp̃ −
f (ǫ̃/t) ,
π ζ(3)
∂ µ̃
where the renormalized coupling constant g̃ is given by
g̃ = 8πη 5/2 /15 ≃ 5.17 N 1/6
and is hence fixed by the interaction parameter η defined in (9). In eq. (71) θ(x) is the step
function and f (ǫ̃/t) = (exp(ǫ̃/t)−1)−1 is the Bose function in terms of the reduced variables.
The normalization condition for the reduced densities reads:
dr̃(ñ0 + ñT ) = 1. Equations
(68)-(70) exhibit the anticipated scaling behaviour in the variables t and η [32]. Starting
from their solutions one can calculate the condensate and the thermal densities as well as
the excitation spectrum. This gives access to all the relevant thermodynamic quantities of
the system. For example the condensate fraction is given by
=1− 3
π ζ(3)
f (ǫ̃/t) .
dr̃dp̃ −
∂ µ̃
In particular the vanishing of the right hand side of eq. (72) fixes the value of the critical
temperature tc = Tc /Tc0. To the lowest order in the coupling constant g̃ one finds [13]
tc ≃ 1 − 0.43η 5/2 = 1 − 1.3N 1/6 a/aHO .
The energy of the system can be calculated starting from the standard thermodynamic
relation in terms of the entropy (see eq. (44)). In units of NkB Tc0 one finds:
NkB Tc0
dt′ t′
where the entropy per particle s is given by (see eq. (43))
s(t, η) = kB
π 3 ζ(3)
f (ǫ̃/t) − log(1 − exp(−ǫ̃/t))
Finally, the ratio Θ/Θrig of the moment of inertia to its rigid value (see eqs. (52), (55))
takes the form
= 3
3π ζ(3) t
dr̃dp̃(x̃2 + ỹ 2)p̃2 f (ǫ̃/t)(1 + f (ǫ̃/t)
dr̃(x̃2 + ỹ 2)(ñ0 (r̃) + ñT (r̃))
In the next sections we will show that the scaling behaviour is well achieved for the
choice of parameters corresponding to the available experimental conditions. Scaling is
consequently expected to provide a powerful tool for a systematic investigation of these
trapped Bose gases.
E. Elementary excitations and low temperature behaviour
In this section we discuss the thermodynamic behaviour of a trapped Bose gas at low
temperature (kB T ≪ µ). Though at present this regime is not easily available in experiments, its theoretical investigation is highly interesting and reveals unexpected features
concerning the competition between collective and single-particle effects which are worth
We will derive our results in the framework of the scaling regime discussed in section
2-D, where one assumes that the number of atoms in the trap is large enough to justify
the use of the Thomas-Fermi approximation for the condensate and that the excited states
can be described in the semiclassical approximation. This allows one to write the relevant
thermodynamic functions in the form of integrals in coordinate and momentum space (see
eqs. (72), (74)-(76)) which are well suited for an analytic expansion at low temperature.
This expansion corresponds to exploring the region where kB T ≪ µ. At the same time
the thermal energy kB T must be larger than the typical quanta of energy characterizing
the elementary excitations of the system, in order to justify the use of the semiclassical
approximation. In the absence of two-body interactions the quantum of energy is fixed by
the oscillator energy h̄ω. In the presence of interactions one has to distinguish between two
regions. Inside the condensate the elementary excitations are of collective nature. For a
spherical trap the dispersion law of these excitations can be expressed analytically in terms
of the angular momentum quantum number ℓ and of the number of radial nodes according
to the law [33]
ǫ(n, ℓ) = h̄ω(2n2 + 2nℓ + 3n + ℓ)1/2 .
Their typical energy separation is still of the order of the oscillator energy h̄ω. Near the
classical boundary the relevant excitations are instead of single-particle type and in first
approximation can be described by the Hartree-Fock Hamiltonian (56) which in the ThomasFermi limit, and for spherical traps takes the simplified form
LT F = −
where R =
+ ω 2 |r 2 − R2 | ,
2µ/mω 2 is the classical boundary of the condensate. Actually the Hartree-
Fock Hamiltonian (78) gives correctly the energy of the elementary excitations only for
r ≥ R (see eq. (35)). In fact for r < R it ignores Bogoliubov effects. The potential
term of the Hamiltonian (78) tends to confine the low energy single-particle states near the
boundary. The typical energy gaps characterizing the low energy spectrum of (78) are of
the order h̄ω(R/aHO )2/3 ∼ h̄ω(µ/h̄ω)1/3 . In the large N limit this energy is larger than the
oscillator energy, but still smaller than µ. As a consequence one can find a useful range of
temperatures where to apply the low t expansion. In a homogeneous gas this region would
correspond to the regime of collective excitations (phonons) which entirely determine the
thermodynamics of the system. In a trapped Bose gas both collective and single-particle
excitations taking place near the classical boundary can be important in the determination
of the low temperature behaviour. Actually, as it will be shown, for most thermodynamic
quantities the low t behaviour is governed by single-particle excitations.
Let us first consider the thermal energy of the system. At low temperature one can
neglect the t-dependence in the interaction term characterizing the excitation spectrum (69)
and the integral appearing in (74) can be calculated explicitly giving the result
√ 4
p̃ + 2g̃ñ0 p̃2
1 Z
NkB Tc0
π 3 ζ(3) r̃<√µ̃0
exp( p̃4 + 2g̃ñ0 p̃2 /t) − 1
p̃2 + r̃ 2 − µ̃0
+ 3
π ζ(3) r̃≥√µ̃0
exp((p̃2 + r̃ 2 − µ̃0 )/t) − 1
where we have used the dimensionless variables of section 2-D with µ̃0 = µ(T = 0)/kB Tc0 = η
which at T = 0 fixes the size of the condensate R̃ = µ̃0 (see eq. (68)). The first integral on
the right hand side (r.h.s.) of eq. (79) gives the contribution to the energy from the region
inside the condensate where the Bogoliubov effects take place, the second integral yields the
contribution from the region outside the condensate where the spectrum is particle-like. By
taking the linear phonon approximation ǫ̃ = p̃ 2g̃ñ0 for the excitation spectrum one finds
that the first integral on the r.h.s. of (79) has a divergent behaviour near the boundary
R̃ as a consequence of the vanishing of the local sound velocity. This rules out the typical
t4 phonon-type behaviour for the temperature dependence of the energy. In fact a careful
expansion of the integral (79) at low t shows that the relevant region contributing to the
integral is near the boundary. The expansion yields the law
= η + A ηt7/2 ,
NkB Tc
where A is a numerical factor. This behaviour points out the single-particle nature of the
leading contribution to the thermal energy. In terms of the density of states one finds the
result, valid for ǫ → 0, g(ǫ) ∼ ǫ3/2 which should be compared with the typical phonon law
g(ǫ) ∼ ǫ2 .
An opposite result is obtained if one investigates the low temperature behaviour of the
thermal depletion (see eq. (72))
p̃2 + g̃ñ0
√ 4
= 3
π ζ(3) r̃< µ̃0
p̃ + 2g̃ñ0 p̃ exp( p̃ + 2g̃ñ0 p̃2 /t) − 1
+ 3
d3 p̃d3 r̃
π ζ(3) r̃≥ µ̃0
exp((p̃ + r̃ − µ̃0 )/t) − 1
In fact in this case the particle distribution function F (p, r), whose integral gives the thermal
depletion, is enhanced at small p by the phonon contribution (see eq. (40)) which provides
the leading effect in the integral (81) according to the law:
ηt2 .
= √
3 2ζ(3)
Eq. (82) provides the generalization of the Ferrel law [34] holding for Bose superfluids to
a trapped Bose gas. In this case the single particle contribution arising from the boundary
region is a higher order effect and behaves as t5/2 .
In the scaling limit one can also obtain a useful estimate for the quantum depletion of
the condensate. At T = 0 the density of non-condensate atoms is given, in the semiclassical
approximation, by the integral δn(r) =
dp/(2πh̄)3 v 2 (p, r), where v 2 (p, r) is given in eq.
(32). By employing the Thomas-Fermi approximation one finds the result
2 2
(µ̃0 − r̃ 2 )3/2 θ(µ̃0 − r̃ 2 ) ,
δñ(r̃) = 2
3π ζ(3)
already discussed in Ref. [35]. It is worth noticing that the relative local quantum depletion
is given by δn(r)/n(r) = 8/3(a3 n(r)/π)1/2 which coincides with the well known result for
the quantum depletion of a homogeneous Bose gas [4]. By integrating (83) over space one
gets the total number of quantum depleted atoms
≃ 0.1η 3 .
dr̃δñ(r̃) = √
6 2ζ(3)
The above estimate of the quantum depletion agrees reasonably well with the numerical
results of Ref. [14] obtained from the full solution of the Bogoliubov equations.
Let us finally discuss the low temperature behaviour of the moment of inertia. The
normal component (76) gets a contribution from both the collective and single-particle excitations. One can easily show that the leading contribution to the integral (76) at low
temperature is given by single-particle excitations and behaves as
∼ t5/2 .
In this case the phonon contribution is a higher order effect and behaves as t4 .
In this section we present the numerical results obtained by solving the equations of
the Popov approximation both below and above the critical temperature. In section 3-A we
discuss the temperature dependence of the condensate fraction and of the peak density in the
center of the trap. Other structural properties such as the temperature dependence of the
density profiles and of the mean square radii of the condensed and non-condensed part of the
cloud are discussed. In section 3-B we present the results for the temperature dependence
of the energy and of the specif heat Finally in section 3-C we discuss the temperature
dependence of the moment of inertia.
In the condensed phase, T < Tc , the self-consistent procedure is schematically divided
in the following steps:
i) the equation for the condensate wave-function
+ Vext(r) − µ + g(n0 (r) + 2nT (r)) Φ(r) = 0
is solved, using the method described in Ref. [19], for the condensate density n0 (r) and the
chemical potential µ, while keeping fixed the number of particles in the condensate, N0 (T ),
and the density nT (r) of thermally excited atoms.
ii) The condensate density and the chemical potential found above are used to calculate
the excitation energies
+ Vext (r) − µ + 2gn(r)
ǫ(p, r) =
− g 2 n20 (r)
which yield a new non-condensate density nT through the equation (see eqs. (38), (39))
nT (r) =
∂ǫ(p, r)
n0 ,nT
(exp(ǫ(p, r)/kB T ) − 1))−1 .
iii) From the thermal density nT the total number of non-condensed atoms is obtained
by direct integration
NT =
drnT (r) ,
and a new value for the number of atoms in the condensate is obtained from the normalization
N = N0 (T ) + NT .
iv) With the new density nT and the new value for N0 (T ) steps (i)-(iii) are repeated
until convergence is reached. We stop the iterative procedure when successive iterations
give values for the chemical potential and the condensate fraction, N0 (T )/N, which differ
by less than a few parts in 103 .
In the non-condensed phase, T ≥ Tc , the condensate density n0 (r) vanishes and the
self-consistent procedure becomes easier because we do not need to solve the equation (86)
for the condensate.
In the present work we have studied axially symmetric harmonic traps with the confining
potential given by
Vext (r) =
m 2 2
(ωr ρ + ωz2 z 2 ) ,
where ωr is the radial frequency in the x − y plane. Clearly the calculation can be also
applied to different confining potentials Vext . Before performing the calculation described
above one must specify the trap parameters (frequency ωr and deformation λ = ωz /ωr ) as
well as the parameters describing the system (mass m of the particles, scattering length a and
total number of atoms N). For a given temperature T the above self-consistent procedure
gives directly the chemical potential, µ, the number of atoms in the condensate, N0 (T ), the
condensate and non-condensate densities n0 and nT .
We have first checked the validity of the semiclassical approximation employed in the
present work by comparing (see Fig. 2) our results for the condensate fraction with the
ones recently obtained in Ref. [14] by solving the full Bogoliubov equations (26) at finite
temperature. The various parameter characterizing the trap and the gas are the same in
the two calculations. Despite the relatively small value of N (=2000) the agreement is good
also at low T , revealing that no significant errors in the analysis are introduced by the use
of the semiclassical approximation for the excited states.
A. Condensate fraction and density distributions
In Ref. [13] we have already studied the effect of the interatomic potential on the temperature dependence of the condensate fraction and on the critical temperature. We found that
a repulsive interaction among the atoms enhances the thermal depletion of the condensate
with respect to the prediction of the non-interacting model for the same number of trapped
atoms. The effect results in a shift of the critical temperature towards lower temperatures.
In Ref. [13] we have also given an analytic expression for the shift δTc = Tc − Tc0 of the critical temperature from the prediction kB Tc0 = h̄ω(N/ζ(3))1/3 of the non-interacting model
holding in the large N limit. The result, valid to lowest order in the scattering length and
for large values of N, reads
≃ −0.73 N −1/3 − 1.3
N 1/6 .
The first term on the right hand side (r.h.s.) of the above equation is independent of the
interaction and gives the first correction to Tc0 due to the finite number of atoms in the trap
(see discussion in section 2-C and [30]). The second term on the r.h.s. of eq. (92) accounts
for the effect of interaction; it can be either positive or negative, depending on the sign of a,
increases with N and depends only on the geometric mean ω through the harmonic oscillator
length aHO = (h̄/mω)1/2 . In the currently available experimental situations the shift due to
interaction is the dominant effect as soon as the number of particles is of the order of 104
for the JILA trap (a/aHO = 7.35 × 10−3 , λ = 8) and of the order of 105 for the MIT trap
(a/aHO = 2.55 × 10−3 , λ = 18/320). The shift of the critical temperature due to interaction
has a quite simple physical interpretation: the presence of repulsive interactions among
the atoms acts in reducing the density of particles in the center of the trap. Thus lower
temperatures are needed to reach there the critical density for Bose-Einstein condensation.
The opposite happens in the case of attractive interactions.
In Fig. 3 we present results for the temperature dependence of the condensate fraction
obtained with our self-consistent mean-field method, corresponding to N = 5×104 Rb atoms
in the JILA trap, and to N = 2.9 × 107 Na atoms in the MIT trap. In the same figure we
also plot the predictions for the same configurations obtained switching off the two-body
interaction. The enhancement of the thermal depletion due to interaction is significant over
the whole temperature range and the corresponding shift of the critical temperature is also
clearly visible, being in quantitative agreement with the analytic estimate (92). In Fig. 3 we
also show the accuracy of the scaling behaviour discussed in section 2-D. Both configurations
correspond to the value η = 0.45 of the scaling parameter. The solid curve is the scaling
function obtained from (72) with η = 0.45, and the figure clearly shows that scaling is
very well verified for these configurations and that hence extremely different experimental
situations can give rise to the same thermodynamic behaviour. Only very close to Tc the
N = 5 × 104 points exhibit small deviations from the scaling behaviour. In fact close to
Tc the scaling law (72) is approached more slowly with increasing N. It is interesting to
notice that finite size effects, responsible for the deviations from the scaling law 1 − t3 in the
non-interacting model (see eq. (64)), are still visible for these configurations, whereas they
are strongly quenched in the presence of the interaction.
In Fig. 4 we present results for the condensate fraction N0 /N as a function of the reduced
temperature t for three different values of the scaling parameter η, covering the presently
available experimental conditions (see also Table I). In the figure the open diamonds with
the error bars are the result of the Monte-Carlo simulation of Ref. [16] which correspond
to the value η = 0.33 and which are in good agreement with our predictions. The dots are
the experimental results of Ref. [3]. In the experiments the number of particles N varies
with t, with the value of η ranging from 0.45 to 0.39. The experiments exhibit smaller
deviations from the non-interacting curve with respect to the ones predicted by theory. One
should however keep in mind that the measured value of T is obtained from the velocity
distribution of the thermal particles after expansion. The identification of this temperature
with the one of the system before expansion ignores the interaction with the condensate
which is expected to produce an acceleration of the thermal cloud. A preliminary estimate
based on the calculation of the interaction energy between the thermally excited atoms and
the condensate, shows that for T ≃ 0.5Tc0 the final kinetic energy of the thermal cloud could
be about 10% larger than its value before expansion.
In Fig. 5 we show the temperature dependence of the density of particles in the center
of the trap for two configurations: N = 107 Na atoms in the MIT trap and N = 5000 Rb
atoms in the JILA trap. The BEC transition is clearly marked by the discontinous change
of slope in the two curves.
In the limit of large numbers of particles the density in the center of the trap exhibits a
scaling behaviour in terms of the parameters t and η when expressed in the dimensionless
form discussed in section 2-D. In Fig. 6 the peak value of the reduced density ñ(r̃ = 0) =
n(r = 0)(2kB Tc0 /mω 2 )3/2 /N is reported as a function of the reduced temperature t for three
values of the scaling parameter η (see also Table II). At T = 0 one has ñ(r̃ = 0) = 8πη −3/2 /15
which decreases by increasing η. For T ≫ Tc0 the system approaches a classical ideal gas in
the confining potential Vext where ñ(r̃ = 0) = (πt)−3/2 . Notice that in the non-interacting
model the peak density does not exhibit scaling behaviour for T < Tc0 . For example at
T = 0 one has ñ(r̃ = 0) = (2/π)3/2 (N/ζ(3))1/2 which diverges as N → ∞.
In Figs. 7 a-d we show the density profiles of the total, condensate and non-condensate
densities for four values of T /Tc0 obtained from the self-consistent solution of the equations
of the Popov approximation for the configuration corresponding to N = 5000 Rb atoms
in the JILA trap. The density profiles are plotted as a function of the radial coordinate.
Similar profiles are obtained for the z-direction. At T /Tc0 = 0.3 (7-a) the thermal density
nT is very small compared to the condensate density which almost coincides with the total
density. By increasing T /Tc0 (7-b and 7-c) nT increases significantly and at T /Tc0 = 0.9 (7-c)
it becomes comparable with the condensate density in the center of the trap. From Figs.
7-b, 7-c it clearly appears that the thermal density is not monotonically decreasing, and
reaches a flat maximum near the boundary of the condensate. This behaviour arises from
the repulsive interaction with the atoms in the condensate. Above Tc0 (7-d) the condensate
has disappeared and the thermal cloud has significantly spread out. In Figs. 7 a-d the scale
on the vertical axis has been kept the same to give a visible evidence of the decrease of the
density in the central region of the trap. The figure clearly shows the distinct behaviour
of the two components of the gas: the condensate occupies the internal region of the trap
while the thermal component forms a much broader cloud.
In Fig. 8 we show the mean square radii of the condensate and of the thermal component
as a function of T /Tc0 for the same configuration of Fig. 7. The short-dashed line refers to the
mean square radius in the x-direction of the condensate atoms. By increasing T it decreases
slowly and approaches a finite value at the transition point. The average radius of the
thermal cloud is represented by the long-dashed line. It is always larger than the condensate
radius and increases almost linearly with temperature. The solid line corresponds to average
radius of the total cloud d3 rn(r)x2 /N which coincides with the condensate radius at T = 0
and goes over to the non-condensate radius for T > Tc .
In the limit of large N the radii of the atomic cloud exhibit a scaling behaviour when
expressed in the reduced units of section 2-D (r̃i =
m/2kB Tc0 ωi ri ). In Figs. 9-10 we
show how the scaling behaviour is approached, along the x ( hx̃2 i) and z-direction ( hz̃ 2 i)
respectively, for the JILA (open circles) and the MIT (solid circles) configuartions. Fig. 9
shows that the scaling behaviour for
hx̃2 i is well verified for both configurations, whereas
along the z-direction the configuration with the smallest number of particles (N = 5 × 104)
exhibit a slight deviation from the scaling behaviour (see Fig. 10). This reveals that in the
JILA trap finite size effects along the direction of stronger confinement have not completely
disappeared for this value of N. In the same figures we also plot the result for the noninteracting model (η = 0). The dotted line is the result in the large N scaling limit, while
the open and solid diamonds take into account finite size effects. The deviations from the
scaling law are much more evident in the non-interacting case.
In Fig. 11 we plot the reduced mean radius of the cloud
hr̃i2 i as a function of the reduced
temperature t for three values of the scaling parameter η (see also Table III). The increase of
the radius due to interaction is clearly visible by comparing the three curves with the result
holding in the non-interacting model for t < 1:
hr̃i2i =
E/6NkB Tc0 =
(see eq. (66)). Notice that for spherical traps the mean square radius is proportional to the
harmonic potential energy hr̃i2i = EHO /3NkB Tc0 .
B. Energy and specific heat
In this section we discuss the energetics of the trapped gases by presenting results for the
chemical potential, total energy, release energy and specific heat. For all these quantities
the scaling behaviour is well verified in the configurations realized in the experiments and
we will therefore discuss our results only in the scaling limit (see section 2-D).
In Fig. 12 we report the results for the chemical potential in units of kB Tc0 as a function
of the reduced temperature t for three values of the scaling parameter η (see also Table
IV). Notice that for t → 0 the plotted quantity coincides with η (see definition (9)). In the
classical limit, T ≫ Tc0 , the dependence on the interaction parameter disappears and one
finds the classical ideal gas prediction µ/kB Tc0 = t log(ζ(3)/t3).
In Fig. 13 we present the results for the total energy E of the system (see also Table V).
At high temperature the behaviour is given by the classical law E/NkB Tc0 = 3t. In the BEC
phase the energy per particle is significantly larger than the prediction of the non-interacting
model. This feature has been confirmed by the first experimental results on the temperature
dependence of the release energy, which is the sum of the kinetic and interaction energy [3].
In Fig. 13 the theoretical predictions for the release energy per particle, in units of kB Tc0 ,
are shown together with the experimental results of Ref. [3] (see also Table VI). Though
the experimental points below Tc lie well above the non-interacting curve giving evidence
for interaction effects, the accuracy is not enough to make a quantitative comparison with
Finally in Fig. 15 we plot the specific heat per particle as a function of the reduced
temperature t. These curves coincide with the derivative with respect to t of the curves of
Fig. 13. The effect of interaction is to round off the peak at the transition with respect
to the non-interacting model. Direct experimental results on the specific heat are not yet
available. An indirect estimate can be obtained by differentiating the experimental curve of
the release energy (see Ref. [3]). One should however keep in mind that the release energy
is roughly a factor two smaller than the total energy.
C. Moment of inertia
The superfluid properties of the trapped gases can be investigated by calculating the ratio
between the moment of inertia of the system Θ and its rigid value Θrig (see section 2-A).
In Fig. 16 our predictions for Θ/Θrig are shown as a function of the reduced temperature
t. We find that, differently from the other quantities discussed above, this ratio does not
exhibit a significant dependence on the scaling parameter η. The figure also shows the very
different behaviour exhibited by the non-interacting model where, even for large values of
N, there is a strong dependence on the number of trapped atoms and the anisotropy λ of
the trap (see eq. (67)).
The thermodynamic behaviour of the trapped Bose gas discussed in the previous sections
exhibits important differences with respect to the case of the uniform gas. The purpose of
this section is to discuss these differences and to explain their physical origin. We will
mainly focus on the temperature dependence of the condensate fraction where the effects
are particularly visible and significant.
Let us first discuss the behaviour of the ideal non-interacting gas. In the uniform case
the critical temperature for the onset of Bose-Einstein condensation is given by the well
known expression
kB Tc0
as a function of the density n of the gas. In the presence of harmonic confinement the
critical temperature instead depends on the number of atoms and on the oscillator frequency
according to the expression (8)
kB Tc0 = h̄ω
holding in the large N limit. By introducing the reduced temperature t = T /Tc0 one can
naturally compare the thermodynamic behaviour of the two systems. In particular the
temperature dependence of the condensate fraction follows the laws
= 1 − t3/2 ,
= 1 − t3 ,
in the uniform and in the harmonically trapped gases respectively. Different laws for the
temperature dependence of the condensate are predicted to occur by changing the form of
the trapping potential [8].
A major difference between the two systems concerns the relative shape of the condensate and of the thermally excited densities (see Fig. 7). In fact, differently from the uniform
gas where the two components obvously overlap everywhere, in the presence of the external
harmonic potential the size of the thermal component is larger than the one of the condensate. The former is in fact of the order of the classical thermal radius (2kB T /mω 2)1/2 ,
while the latter is fixed by the harmonic oscillator length aHO = (h̄/mω)1/2 . As a consequence, as clearly shown by Fig. 7, most of the atoms of the thermal component lie
outside the condensate and form a much more dilute gas, practically for any value of T .
This behaviour has important consequences when we switch on the two-body interaction.
The effect of the repulsive interaction is in fact twofold. One the one hand it produces an
expansion of the condensate whose size can significantly increase with respect to the one
of the non-interacting model (this effect is fixed by the dimensionless parameter Na/aHO
as discussed in Refs. [17–19]). On the other hand at finite temperature the repulsive forces
favour the depletion of the condensate. In fact atoms are energetically favoured to leave the
condensate where the repulsion is strong, and to reach the non-condensate phase which is
much more dilute and interaction effects are consequently less important. This is exactly the
opposite of what happens in the homogenous gas where the repulsion effects are stronger in
the thermal component than in the condensate. This different behaviour can be understood
by considering, for example, the Hartree-Fock expression for the interaction energy (last
term of eq. (58), or, more directly, the Hartree-Fock expression for the particle distribution
function (we use here the Hartree-Fock formalism because the effect can be discussed in a
particularly transparent way in this approximation; analogous results are obtained in the
Popov approximation as proven by the numerical results reported in Fig. 17 (a)),
F (p, r) = exp((p2 /2m + Vext − µ + 2gn)/kB T ) − 1
which is obtained from eqs. (57) and (36). In the homogeneous case one has Vext = 0,
µ = 2gn−gn0 and the interaction effects produce a quenching of F and hence of the thermal
depletion NT = dpdr/(2πh̄)3 F (p, r) with respect to the ideal gas. In the case of harmonic
confinement one sees that the relevant region of space contributing to NT lies outside the
condensate where the term 2gn is negligible and interaction effects enter only through the
chemical potential. In this case the repulsive interactions produce an enhancement of F with
respect to the ideal gas, since the value of µ is positive for T < Tc . Notice that the value of
the chemical potential is strongly affected by the interaction effects in the condensate and
consequently the final effects on the thermal depletion can be sizable. In Fig. 17 (a-b) we
show explicitly the temperature dependence of the condensate fraction in the uniform (a)
and in the trapped (b) gases. In order to make the comparison significant, the density of
the uniform gas has been fixed equal to the peak density n(r = 0) of the trapped gas at zero
temperature. The figure clearly shows that the effect of the interaction goes in the opposite
direction in the two cases.
An important consequence of the above results is that in a trapped Bose gas the repulsive
interactions have the effect of lowering the critical temperature. This can be also understood
by noting that the interaction produces a general expansion of the system and one has finally
to deal with a more dilute gas with respect to the non-interacting gas with the same value
of N. In the uniform case, where the density is kept fixed, interaction effects are known
to produce instead an increase of Tc , at least for very dilute gases. The corresponding
shift cannot however be calculated in mean field theory, being associated with many-body
fluctuation effects typical of critical phenomena. Also the behaviour of the condensate
fraction near the critical point looks different in the two cases (see Fig. 17). In the uniform
gas the mean field approach gives rise to a sizable gap in the condensate fraction at Tc .
This gap, which is of the order of (a3 n)1/3 , is an artifact of the theory and vanishes when
fluctuation effects are taken into account near the critical point [36]. This gap is present also
in the case of the trapped gas, though it has a very small effect on the condensate fraction
and on other thermodynamic functions. The reason is that the size of the condensate cloud
near the transition point is small and the gap in the condensate fraction turns out to be of
the order of η 10 [37].
Figure 17 points out also another important difference between the uniform and trapped
gases. In the latter case phonons are always important in the calculation of the condensate
fraction (this is proven by the significant difference between the prediction of the HartreeFock theory and the full Popov calculation which includes phonon effects). On the other
hand in the case of harmonic confinement the Hartree-Fock approximation turns out to be
an excellent approximation also at relatively low temperatures. In fact for these temperatures most of the contribution to thermodynamic properties of the trapped gas arise from
excitations lying close to the classical boundary where the Hartree-Fock theory is a good
It is finally worth noting that the ratio between the T = 0 value of the chemical potential
and the critical temperature depends on the gas parameter a3 n quite differently in the two
cases. In fact while in the trapped gas this ratio behaves as (a3 n(r = 0))1/6 (see eq. (9)), in
the uniform gas the dependence is much stronger and is given by (a3 n)1/3 .
In conclusion we have shown that a Bose gas in harmonic traps exhibits a thermodynamic
behaviour quite different from the one of the uniform gas. The difference mainly originates
from the different structure of the elementary excitations and from their coupling with the
condensate. This should be taken into account when one compares the predictions of manybody theories obtained in uniform gases with the properties of these novel trapped systems.
In this paper we have presented a systematic discussion of the thermodynamic behaviour
of an interacting Bose gas confined in a harmonic trap. The formalism was based on an
extension of Bogoliubov theory to non uniform systems at finite temperature. By using the
semiclassical WKB approximation for the excited states we have been able to investigate
various thermodynamic functions for a wide range of the relevant parameters of the system.
The main results emerging from our analysis are briefly summarized below:
i) For large numbers of atoms in the trap the effects of two-body interactions (limited in
this work to the repulsive case) can be accounted for by the scaling parameter
a 2/5
= 1.57(N 1/6
kB Tc
which gives the ratio between the T = 0 value of the chemical potential and of the critical
temperature for Bose-Einstein condensation. Typical values of η in the available experiments
range between 0.38 to 0.45. Physical systems with very different values of N, scattering
length and oscillator frequencies are predicted to give rise to the same thermodynamic
behaviour provided they correspond to the same value of η.
ii) Interactions provide a significant quenching of the condensate fraction with respect
to the non-interacting model and a shift of the critical temperature towards lower values.
This behaviour, which differs from the one exhibited by a uniform Bose gas, points out
a unique and interesting feature exhibited by these trapped systems: the occurrence of
elementary excitations located outside the condensate. The thermal excitation of these
modes is energetically favoured by the presence of the repulsive interaction and plays a
crucial role in the thermodynamics of the system.
iii) Interactions are also responsible for a significant enhancement of the thermal excitation energy. Evidence for such an effect has been recently become available from first
measurements of the release energy.
iv) Results have been also obtained for the moment of inertia whose deviations from the
rigid value point out the occurrence of superfluidity. Such deviations are significant in a
rather wide range of temperatures below Tc and have been found to depend very little on
the value of the interaction parameter η.
v) Explicit comparison with the predictions of Path Integral Monte Carlo simulations
as well as with the full solutions of the discretized Bogoliubov equations (without using the
WKB approximation) have revealed that the method presented in this paper is remarkably
accurate in the relevant range of temperatures. Experimental results instead are not yet
enough accurate to check the theoretical predictions in a quantitative way.
We gratefully acknowledge useful discussions with Franco Dalfovo and Allan Griffin. We
would also like to thank E. Zaremba for providing the numerical results of Ref. [14].
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FIG. 1. Temperature dependence of the condensate fraction in the non-interacting limit. The
solid circles correspond to the exact quantum calculation for N = 1000 atoms in the JILA trap
and the solid line to the semiclassical approximation of eq. (64). The short-dashed line refers to
the large N limit.
FIG. 2. Condensate fraction as a function of T /Tc0 . The solid circles are the result of the calculation of Ref. [14] for N = 2000 Rb atoms in an isotropic trap with oscillator length aHO = 7.62×10−5
cm, obtained without using the semiclassical approximation. The solid line is the result for the
same configuration employing the semiclassical approximation. Also plotted is the curve of the
non-interacting model in the large N limit (short-dashed line).
FIG. 3. Theoretical predictions for the condensate fraction as a function of T /Tc0 . The open
circles correspond to N = 5 × 104 Rb atoms in the JILA trap (a/aHO = 7.35 × 10−3 , λ = 8).
The solid circles correspond to N = 2.9 × 107 Na atoms in the MIT trap (a/aHO = 2.55 × 10−3 ,
λ = 18/320). The solid line corresponds to the scaling limit with η = 0.45. The dotted line is
the 1 − t3 curve of the non-interacting model in the large N limit. The open and solid diamonds
correspond to N = 5 × 104 and N = 2.9 × 107 non-interacting particles in the JILA and MIT traps
FIG. 4. Condensate fraction in the scaling limit as a function of T /Tc0 for three values of η.
Solid line: η = 0.45, long-dashed line: η = 0.39, short-dashed line: η = 0.31. Open diamonds:
PIMC results of Ref. [16]. Solid circles: experimental results from Ref. [3]. The dotted line refers
to the non-interacting model in the large N limit.
FIG. 5. Peak density as a function of T /Tc0 . Solid line: N = 107 Na atoms in the MIT trap,
long-dashed line: N = 5 × 103 Rb atoms in the JILA trap.
FIG. 6. Reduced peak density as a function of T /Tc0 for three values of the scaling parameter
η (see Fig. 4).
FIG. 7. Density profiles as a function of the radial coordinate at z = 0 for N = 5×103 Rb atoms
in the JILA trap at different temperatures. Solid line: total density, long-dashed line: condensate
density, dotted line: non-condensate density. Lengths are in units of the radial oscillator length
ar = (h̄/mωr )1/2 . Densities are in units of a−3
r .
FIG. 8. Root mean square (r.m.s.) radii, in units of ar , in the x-direction for N = 5 × 103
Rb atoms in the JILA trap as a function of T /Tc0 . Solid line: average radius of the total cloud;
long-dashed line: average radius of the thermal cloud; short-dashed line: average radius of the
condensate cloud.
FIG. 9. r.m.s. radii in the x-direction in reduced units as a function of T /Tc0 for η = 0.45 (solid
line). The open circles refer to N = 5×104 Rb atoms in the JILA trap. The solid circles correspond
to N = 2.9 × 107 Na atoms in the MIT trap. The dotted line refers to the non-interacting model
in the large N limit. The open and solid diamonds correspond to N = 5 × 104 and N = 2.9 × 107
non-interacting particles in the JILA and MIT traps respectively.
FIG. 10. r.m.s. radii in the z-direction (see Fig. 9).
FIG. 11. r.m.s. radii in reduced units as a function of T /Tc0 for three values of the scaling
parameter η (see Fig. 4). The dotted line refers to the non-interacting model in the large N limit.
FIG. 12. Chemical potential as a function of T /Tc0 for three values of the scaling parameter η
(see Fig. 4). The dotted line refers to the non-interacting model in the large N limit.
FIG. 13. Total energy of the system as a function of T /Tc0 for three values of the scaling
parameter η (see Fig. 4). The dotted line refers to the non-interacting model in the large N limit.
FIG. 14. Release energy of the system as a function of T /Tc0 for three values of the scaling
parameter η (see Fig. 4). The solid circles are the experimental results of Ref. [3]. The dotted line
refers to the non-interacting model in the large N limit.
FIG. 15. Specific heat as a function of T /Tc0 for three values of the scaling parameter η (see
Fig. 4). The dotted line refers to the non-interacting model in the large N limit.
FIG. 16. Ratio Θ/Θrigid as a function of T /Tc0 for three values of the scaling parameter η (see
Fig. 4). The three curves coincide almost exactly and are represented by the solid line. The dotted
line refers to N = 5 × 104 atoms in the JILA trap in the non-interacting model. The dot-dashed
line refers to N = 2.9 × 107 atoms in the MIT trap in the non-interacting model.
FIG. 17. Condensate fraction as a function of T /Tc0 . (a) refers to a homogeneous gas with
the gas parameter a3 n = 6.2 × 10−5 , (b) refers to a trapped gas with the same value of the gas
parameter in the center of the trap at T = 0, corresponding to the value η = 0.45. Solid line:
Popov approximation; long-dashed line: Hartree-Fock approximation; dotted line: 1 − t3/2 (a) and
1 − t3 (b) curves of the non-interacting model in the homogeneous and trapped case respectively.
TABLE I. Condensate fraction
T /Tc0
N0 /N
N0 /N
N0 /N
η = 0.31
η = 0.39
η = 0.45
TABLE II. Peak density in reduced units
T /Tc0
ñ(r̃ = 0)
ñ(r̃ = 0)
ñ(r̃ = 0)
η = 0.31
η = 0.39
η = 0.45
TABLE III. Root mean square radius in reduced units
T /Tc0
hr̃i2 i
hr̃i2 i
hr̃i2 i
η = 0.31
η = 0.39
η = 0.45
TABLE IV. Chemical potential
µ/kB Tc0
µ/kB Tc0
µ/kB Tc0
η = 0.31
η = 0.39
η = 0.45
T /Tc0
TABLE V. Total energy
T /Tc0
E/N kB Tc0
E/N kB Tc0
E/N kB Tc0
η = 0.31
η = 0.39
η = 0.45
TABLE VI. Release energy
T /Tc0
ER /N kB Tc0
ER /N kB Tc0
ER /N kB Tc0
η = 0.31
η = 0.39
η = 0.45