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Studi e ricerche di storia dell'architettura, n. 16 (forthcoming January 2025)
The call for abstracts is open! Submit your abstract for the next issue of Studi e ricerche di storia dell'architettura (the ERIH PLUS Journal of the Italian Association of Architectural Historians), focusing on the relationship between architecture and roots, referring to the complex but often original and fruitful experience of architecture made far from one's own homeland (forthcoming January 2025) - deadline June 16, 2024. SRSA welcomes contributions that deal with the history of architecture in the broadest terms, without chronological or geographical limitations. We are looking for essays dedicated to projects and processes of construction - but also of use, reuse, and transformation - of spaces, buildings, and entire urban complexes, whether made of stone or paper, real or merely imagined, as long as they are investigated in their historical dimension, with critical awareness and concern for the peculiarities of each context. Case studies are welcome, especially if aimed at discussing methodological or historiographical issues, in a perspective open to comparison and cross-disciplinary exchange. Priority will be given to manuscripts marked by originality, a problem-oriented approach and that offer food for thought that goes beyond academic boundaries and raises questions that challenge us not only as researchers but also, and above all, as citizens of the world.
Much of Alain Badiou's writing on poetry indeed has been and continues to be, especially in The Immanence of Truths, an attempt to come up with a defense in prose of poetry's ability to sustain the self-evidence of the True. This also means to overcome the captivating seduction of the affects and identities of bodies, languages, and communities, united in their mimetic reproduction for easy mass consumption. Now, insofar as a historicist approach to poetry and to art in general, according to this philosopher, tends to reinscribe their meaning into the archive of their respective identities, languages, epochs, cultures, and other such worldly settings, the challenge necessarily would appear to include a radical break with history. In Badiou's version of Plato's ideal city-state, that is, the fifth system of government which he relabels communism, it is not just mimeticism but also and above all historicism and academicism that constitute the principal obstacles for the inclusion of the poets as the bearers of absolute truths. By contrast, insofar as literary critics and art historians according to Badiou tend to reduce art and poetry to the variable conditions of their historical emergence, perhaps it is they who should be banned from the new system of government more so than the poets and artists themselves!
Les objets de culte dans la religion romaine, 2023
Fasti : s'adonner à la religion urbaine en dehors de la métropole 15h-15h30 : Francesca Prescendi, EPHE-PSL : Les livres comme instruments de culte 15h30-16.00h : Sarah Rey, Université́Polytechnique Hauts-de-France : Les ablutions rituelles et leurs objets 16h00-16h15 Pause 16h15-16h45 : Achille Bertrand, doctorant EPHE-PSL : Autels votifs : écriture, espace et gestes. Quelques éléments d'une recherche en cours 16h45-17h15 : Sandra Jaeggi, Institut Catholique de Paris : Rôles et fonctions des femmes dans l'espace militaire : premières réflexions à partir des tablettes de Vindolanda 17h15 : discussion Les objets de culte dans la religion romaine : premières explorations mardi 23.05 14h18h INHA, 2 rue Vivienne, salle EPHE
In the late 430s BC the cavalry-corps consisted of 1000 horsemen and 200 mounted archers. It was a legal requirement of elite Athenians to serve as horsemen. While the state subsidised their corps-membership, it still personally cost them about 10 times what hoplites had to pay. After the Peloponnesian War, when this subsidy was reduced, a horseman had to be a man of independent means. Therefore all horsemen had to come from wealthy families, because only they could shoulder the associated costs. These 1000 members joined the corps, when they were 20 years old, and retired in their early 30s. At the beginning of the Peloponnesian War they represented 5 percent of all Athenians in this age-band. Their organisation was closely modelled on the hoplite corps. They were likewise divided into 10 tribal units. Each tribe of horsemen was commanded by a phylarch, while 2 hipparchs commanded the corps as a whole. Horsemen were also conscripted for a campaign in the same way: their phylarch put their names on a conscription-list. Yet this tribal commander, when compiling his list, could consult a central record of corps-members. What made the maintenance of this record possible was the cavalry-corps’s small size. The state subsidised much more heavily the corps-membership of the 200 mounted archers. Postwar Athens paid them double what it gave the horsemen. This suggests that these corps-members did not come from the same wealthy backgrounds. Athenians certainly served as mounted archers. Indeed there is no sure evidence that their ranks ever included metics. Nevertheless they did not serve beside the horsemen in the 10 tribes. Rather they served in their own unit under the command of a hipparch. We last hear of the mounted archers during the Corinthian War.
Prace Językoznawcze
W artykule została podjęta próba przedstawienia obrazu lekarza na podstawie danychjęzykowych zaczerpniętych ze źródeł leksykograficznych języka polskiego. Punkt wyjściado analizy stanowią teoretyczne założenia koncepcji językowego obrazu świata (JOS) reprezentowanejprzez przedstawicieli polskiej etnolingwistyki. Analiza uwzględnia dwa słowa:lekarz i doktor, które używane są jako nazwy tego zawodu lub tytuły osób wykonującychtę pracę. W celu rekonstrukcji obrazu lekarza w polszczyźnie omówione zostały następującedane językowe: etymologia, znaczenie, relacje syntagmatyczne i paradygmatyczne tychwyrazów oraz przysłowia, w których występują. Analiza faktów językowych prowadzi doposzerzenia katalogu cech, za pomocą których charakteryzowani są lekarze. Interpretacjawartościujących środków językowych stosowanych w odniesieniu do lekarzy uwidaczniaambiwalentny stosunek do przedstawicieli tego zawodu zakorzeniony w języku polskim.