Softw Syst Model (2016) 15:325–352
DOI 10.1007/s10270-014-0435-z
Understanding Declare models: strategies, pitfalls, empirical
Cornelia Haisjackl · Irene Barba · Stefan Zugal ·
Pnina Soffer · Irit Hadar · Manfred Reichert ·
Jakob Pinggera · Barbara Weber
Received: 11 October 2013 / Revised: 18 July 2014 / Accepted: 27 August 2014 / Published online: 28 September 2014
© The Author(s) 2014. This article is published with open access at
Abstract Declarative approaches to business process modeling are regarded as well suited for highly volatile environments, as they enable a high degree of flexibility. However, problems in understanding and maintaining declarative process models often impede their adoption. Likewise,
little research has been conducted into the understanding
of declarative process models. This paper takes a first step
Communicated by Dr. Selmin Nurcan.
This research is supported by Austrian Science Fund (FWF):
P23699-N23 and the BIT fellowship program, by Spanish Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación (TIN2009-13714) and the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER).
C. Haisjackl (B) · S. Zugal · J. Pinggera · B. Weber
University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
S. Zugal
J. Pinggera
B. Weber
I. Barba
University of Seville, Seville, Spain
P. Soffer · I. Hadar
University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
I. Hadar
M. Reichert
University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany
toward addressing this fundamental question and reports
on an empirical investigation consisting of an exploratory
study and a follow-up study focusing on the system analysts’
sense-making of declarative process models that are specified in Declare. For this purpose, we distributed real-world
Declare models to the participating subjects and asked them
to describe the illustrated process and to perform a series
of sense-making tasks. The results of our studies indicate
that two main strategies for reading Declare models exist:
either considering the execution order of the activities in
the process model, or orienting by the layout of the process
model. In addition, the results indicate that single constraints
can be handled well by most subjects, while combinations of
constraints pose significant challenges. Moreover, the study
revealed that aspects that are similar in both imperative and
declarative process modeling languages at a graphical level,
while having different semantics, cause considerable troubles. This research not only helps guiding the future development of tools for supporting system analysts, but also gives
advice on the design of declarative process modeling notations and points out typical pitfalls to teachers and educators
of future systems analysts.
Keywords Declarative process models ·
Empirical research · Understandability
1 Introduction
In the context of analyzing and designing information systems, the positive influence of conceptual modeling on understanding and communication has been documented [42]. For
example, business process models (process models for short)
have been employed in the context of process-aware information systems, service-oriented architectures, and Web ser-
vices [54]. Recently, declarative approaches, and specifically Declare [47], have received increasing attention due
to their flexibility with respect to modeling and execution
of processes [52]. While imperative process models specify
exactly how things must be done, declarative models focus
on the logic that governs the interplay of process actions by
describing activities that may be performed as well as constraints prohibiting undesired behavior.
Problem statement Existing research has addressed technical issues of declarative process models, such as formalization of semantics [24], maintainability [63], verification [47],
and execution [5]. Understandability concerns of declarative
models (i.e., the ability to correctly explain the model, and
solve problems related to the model), on the contrary, have
only been considered to a limited extent. In particular, it has
been argued that understandability may be hampered by the
lack of computational offloading [66] and the existence of
hidden dependencies [67]. Put differently, it remains unclear
whether the full potential of declarative modeling can be
exploited or whether understandability issues impede upon
their successful adoption.
Contribution In this paper, we approach these issues by
investigating the sense-making of declarative process models specified in Declare in two studies: an exploratory study
focusing on the comprehension of Declare models, and a
follow-up study designed to confirm and extend the findings of the exploratory study. In both studies, subjects were
asked to voice their thoughts while performing the tasks, i.e.,
we applied think-aloud [16] to gain insights into the reasoning processes. The results of the exploratory study suggest
an iterative and sequential way of reading Declare models.
This is surprising, as Declare models are designed to convey
circumstantial information. Further, the exploratory study
identified challenges when system analysts were required to
combine several constraints, i.e., when hidden dependencies
between constraints existed. Additionally, the exploratory
study investigated how hierarchy in declarative process models affects their understandability. Interestingly, we did not
observe differences regarding the strategies applied by subjects when confronted with hierarchical process models.
In the follow-up study, we aim at confirming and extending the findings of the exploratory study by investigating
the observed difficulties regarding hidden dependencies, the
combination of constraints, and existence constraints. In
addition, we examine strategies for understanding declarative
models. Since the sense-making of hierarchical Declare models was already addressed in [68] and no additional strategies
for understanding could be observed in hierarchical models,
we did not pursue the sense-making of hierarchical models in the follow-up study. In the follow-up study, iterative
and sequential reading of Declare models could not be confirmed as a single prevailing strategy for making sense of
C. Haisjackl et al.
declarative models, but two distinct strategies could be identified (that coincided in the exploratory study due to the
used material). Further, the follow-up study confirmed the
challenges observed in the exploratory study like the combination of constraints, hidden dependencies, and pairs of
constraints. Existence constraints, in turn, caused relatively
little difficulties when asked in isolation. In addition, our
study showed that process modeling knowledge on imperative process modeling languages cannot simply be transferred to declarative process modeling. Moreover, the followup study revealed that aspects that appear to be similar in
imperative and declarative process modeling languages at a
graphical level, while having different meaning, caused considerable difficulties.
The exploratory study is part of a larger investigation on
declarative process models [68]. While [68] focused on quantitative results, the exploratory study contained in this paper
and presented in [22] describes solely qualitative data. This
paper extends the work from [22] with a follow-up study
based on the findings of the exploratory study. Therefore,
the contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we intend
to verify the findings of the exploratory study. Second, we
strive for deepening our knowledge regarding the understanding of declarative process models by covering additional
research questions that were raised in the exploratory study.
In this way, this paper constitutes another building block
toward a more comprehensive understanding of the declarative process modeling paradigm. In the long run, we aim at
guiding the development of tools for supporting system analysts, as well as pointing out typical pitfalls to teachers and
educators of systems analysts. In addition, our research has
implications for the design of declarative process modeling
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 gives background information. The exploratory study
is described in Sect. 3, whereas the follow-up study is
described in Sect. 4. Related work is presented in Sect. 5,
and finally, Sect. 6 concludes the paper.
2 Backgrounds
In this section, we present background information on declarative models in general, traces for declarative models, and
hierarchy in the context of declarative models. We discuss
potential understandability problems of declarative models,
i.e., hidden dependencies. Finally, we present the concept of
mental effort as an additional measure for understanding.
2.1 Declarative process models
Declarative approaches have received increasing interest, as
they suggest a fundamentally different way of modeling busi-
Making sense of declarative process models
Table 1 Definition of
Activity a must occur exactly n times
a must occur at least n times
a must occur at most n times
a must be the first executed activity in every trace
a must be the last executed activity in every trace
activity b must be preceded by activity a (not necessarily directly)
If a is executed, b must be executed afterward (not necessarily
directly afterward)
Combines precedence(a,b) and response(a,b)
If a is executed, b is executed directly afterward
If a is executed, b must be executed and vice versa
If a is executed, b must not be executed afterward
a and b cannot co-occur in any trace
ness processes [47]. Instead of describing how a process must
be executed, declarative models focus on the logic that governs the interplay of process actions. For this purpose, declarative process models specify activities that may be performed
as well as constraints prohibiting undesired behavior. Constraints may be divided into existence, relation, and negation
constraints [1]. Existence constraints specify how often an
activity must be executed for one particular process instance.
In turn, relation constraints restrict the ordering of activities by imposing corresponding restrictions. Finally, negation
constraints define negative relationships between activities.
Table 1 shows examples for each category; an overview of
all constraints can be found in [1].
2.2 Traces for declarative process models
A trace is defined as a completed process instance [52]. It
can have two different states. If it satisfies all constraints of
the model, it is denoted as valid (also referred to as satisfied).
If the trace violates constraints in the model, it is considered
as invalid (also referred to as violated). A minimal trace is
defined as a valid trace with a minimum number of activities.
Put differently, a trace is minimal if there exists no other valid
trace that contains less activities. A sub-trace, in turn, can be
in three different states:
– Valid: The sub-trace satisfies all constraints of the process
– Temporarily violated: The sub-trace does not satisfy all
constraints of the process model, but there is an affix or
suffix that could be added to the sub-trace such that all
constraints are satisfied.
– Invalid: The sub-trace violates constraints in the process
model, and no affix or suffix can be added to the sub-trace
to satisfy all constraints.
An example of a Declare model S is depicted in Fig. 1 [47].1
The model consists of six distinct activities A, B, C, D,
E, and F. In addition, it comprises three constraints. The
neg_coexistence constraint (i.e., C1) forbids that A and B
co-occur in the same trace. In turn, the response constraint
(i.e., C2) requires that every execution of C must be followed by one of F before the process instance may complete. Finally, the exactly constraint (i.e., C3) states that F
must be executed exactly once per process instance. The
traces σ1 = A, A, D, E, A, F, σ2 = B, C, F, E, B, and
σ3 = B, E, F satisfy all constraints (C1–C3), i.e., σ1 , σ2 ,
and σ3 are valid traces. Traces σ4 to σ6 are invalid: σ4 =
A, F, C, E, A violates C2, σ5 = B, D, F, C, F violates C3,
and σ6 = A, D, B, F, E violates C1. Trace σ7 = F is the
minimal trace since there exists no other valid trace comprising a lower number of activities. Finally, trace σ8 = D, A, C
corresponds to a temporarily violated sub-trace, as C1 and
C2 are not satisfied, but the suffix F could be added such
that the sub-trace becomes a valid trace.
2.3 Hierarchy in declarative process models
Using modularization to hierarchically structure information
has been identified as a viable approach to deal with complexity for decades [46]. In the context of declarative process
models, hierarchy can be established using sub-processes,
which are referenced via complex activities. When executing such a complex activity, the referred process model, i.e.,
the sub-process, is instantiated (see [68] for details). Similar to the notion of hierarchy in, e.g., BPMN, the life cycle
events of an instance of a complex activity and the respective process instance are coupled. For example, when starting a complex activity, the respective process instance is set
1 Declare was formerly known as ConDec, see:
C. Haisjackl et al.
Fig. 1 Example of a
declarative process model,
adapted from [52]
2.4 Hidden dependencies
Process Model PMM
Process Model PMB
Activity X
Complex activity X
Activity X must be
executed before activity Y
can be executed
Fig. 2 Example of a process model with and without hierarchy. a Hierarchical process model. b Corresponding flat process model
to state started. Similarly, the complex activity instance is
set to state completed when the referred process instance is
completed. Please note that thereby constraints referring to a
complex activity do not directly influence the activities within
the process, the complex activity is referring to. Rather, constraints influence the life cycle of the process instance, which
in turn impacts the activities contained therein. To illustrate
this notion of hierarchy, consider process model P M M shown
in Fig. 2a. It contains activity A, which is connected by a
precedence constraint to complex activity B. Complex activity B, in turn, refers to sub-process P M B containing activities C and D, without any constraints. When translating this
model into a flat process model, one might use the following
reasoning: In P M M , no constraint restricts the execution of
A; however, the execution of C and D must be preceded by
an execution of A (C and D can only be executed within
complex activity B, which in turn requires activity A to be
executed before). Hence, to describe this behavior without
the use of hierarchy, the process model shown in Fig. 2b may
be used. Please note that even though Fig. 2a, b are semantically equivalent, they differ in the number of activities and
Concerning the understanding of declarative process models,
it has been hypothesized that the combination of constraints
poses a considerable challenge [39,47,67]; especially, interactions that are not easily recognizable, i.e., hidden dependencies [20], are assumed to constitute a significant challenge
in reading and thus understanding declarative process models. Consider, for instance, the combination of existence constraints and response constraints as shown in Fig. 1. The combination of the exactly constraint (i.e., C3) and the response
constraint (i.e., C2) adds an implicit constraint that prohibits
the execution of C after F. In particular, C2 requires C to be
followed by F, but at the same time C3 prescribes that F must
be executed exactly once. In other words, if C was executed
after F, another execution of F is required in order to satisfy
C2; however, this is prohibited by C3. Since this interaction
is not explicitly visible, it is not sufficient that the system analyst relies solely on the information displayed explicitly in
the process model. Instead, the system analyst must carefully
examine the process model for the presence of such hidden
2.5 Mental effort
In this work, we investigate the sense-making of declarative
process models. Hence, characteristics of the human cognitive system are of interest as well. In the following, we discuss
working memory, which is essential for effective functioning
of the cognitive system. Working memory is responsible for
maintaining and manipulating a limited amount of information for goal-directed behavior, such as the interpretation of
a declarative process model (cf. [4]). As opposed to working
memory, long-term memory represents a theoretically unlimited information store that contains the complete knowledge
base of a person (e.g., knowledge about facts, events, rules,
and procedures). Working memory strongly interacts with
Making sense of declarative process models
Group 1
n/2 Participants
Group 2
n/2 Participants
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
Process 4
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
Process 4
Fig. 3 Design of the exploratory study
long-term memory. For understanding a declarative process
model, for instance, knowledge about the modeling notation is necessary. In this context, working memory is the
work place where information is integrated, manipulated, and
related. Therefore, working memory can be conceptualized
as the activated part of long-term memory [61]. In [37], the
capacity of working memory is stated with 7 ± 2 chunks.
More recent works have reported an even smaller capacity
of 3–5 items [15]. The amount of working memory currently
used is thereby referred to as mental effort [44]. Research
indicates that a high mental effort increases the probability
of errors, especially when the working memory capacity is
exceeded [60]. In the context of conceptual models, mental
effort is of interest as it appears to be connected to performance, e.g., properly answering questions about a model.
Similarly, Moody [40] argues that higher mental effort is in
general associated with lower understanding of models.
Measuring mental effort Various techniques exist for assessing mental effort, including pupillometry, i.e., measuring the
diameter of the eyes’ pupils, heart rate variability, and rating
scales [44]; especially, rating scales, i.e., self-rating mental
effort, have been shown to reliably measure mental effort and
is thus widely adopted [44]. Furthermore, this kind of measurement can be easily applied, e.g., by using 7-point rating scales. For instance, in [33], mental effort was assessed
using a 7-point rating scale, ranging from (1) very easy to (7)
very hard for the question “How difficult was it for you to
learn about lightning from the presentation you just saw?” In
the context of conceptual modeling, it was argued that mental effort should be considered as an additional measure of
understanding together with accuracy and duration [2,65].
For instance, in contrast to accuracy, subtle differences can
presumably be observed [65]. In particular, for cases where
mental effort is well within the working memory’s limits and
thus does not provoke a significant number of errors, still a
difference in mental effort can be observed [65].
3 Empirical investigation part 1: exploratory study
Since there has been no considerable research on understandability issues of declarative process models, and hence
no theories exist, we can base our investigation on and we
address the topic in an exploratory manner using a qualitative research approach [6]. In particular, we use the think-
aloud method, i.e., we ask participating subjects to voice
their thoughts, allowing for a detailed analysis of their reasoning process [16]. Then, we turn to grounded theory [13],
an analysis approach for identifying recurring aspects and
grouping them to categories. These categories are validated
and refined throughout the analysis process.
3.1 Defining and planning the exploratory study
3.1.1 Research question
Goal of this study was to investigate how system analysts
make sense of declarative process models. In particular, we
are interested in common strategies and typical pitfalls occurring during this sense-making process. The research question
R Q 0 can be stated as follows:
Research question R Q 0 What are common strategies and
typical pitfalls that can be observed when system analysts
make sense of declarative process models?
3.1.2 Subjects
In order to ensure that obtained results are not influenced
by unfamiliarity with declarative process modeling, subjects
need to be sufficiently trained. Even though we do not require
experts, subjects should have at least a moderate understanding of declarative processes’ principles. For information on
the actual subjects, see Sect. 3.2.1.
3.1.3 Objects
The models used in the study originate from a case study [21]
and describe real-world business processes. From a set of 24
process models collected in this case study, 4 models were
chosen as basic objects for the exploratory study. This was
accomplished in a way ensuring that the numbers of activities and constraints vary. To make the models amenable for
this study, they underwent the following procedure. First,
the models were translated to English (the case study was
conducted in German) since all exercises were done in English. Second, since the models collected during the modeling
sessions had not gone through quality assessment, they were
scanned for errors and corrected accordingly. Third, since we
were interested in how different structures of the process representation would influence the process models’ understand-
ability, we created a second variant of each process describing
the same process, but making use of sub-processes. Consequently, we have two variants of each process model: a flat
and a hierarchical one. The characteristics of the process
models P1 to P4 are described in [22].
3.1.4 Design
Figure 3 shows the overall design of the exploratory study:
first, subjects are randomly assigned to two groups of similar size. Regardless of the group assignment, demographical
data are collected and subjects obtain introductory assignments. To support subjects in their task, cheat sheets briefly
summarizing the constraints’ semantics are provided, which
can be used throughout the study. Introductory tasks allow
subjects to familiarize themselves with the type of tasks to
be performed—potential problems can therefore be resolved
at this early stage without influencing actual data collection.
After this familiarization phase, subjects are confronted with
the actual tasks. Each subject works on two flat process models and two hierarchical ones. Group 1 starts with the flat representation of process model 1, while Group 2 works on the
hierarchical representation of the same model. Subjects are
confronted with hierarchical and flat models in an alternating manner. For each model, the subject is asked to “explain
roughly what the process describes.” The study is concluded
by a discussion with the subject to help reflecting on the study
and providing us with feedback.
3.1.5 Instrumentation
For each model, subjects received separate paper sheets
showing the models, allowing them to use a pencil for highlighting or taking notes. No written answers were required,
only free talking. Audio- and video recording was used as
it has proven being useful for resolving unclear situations in
think-aloud protocols [63].
3.2 Performing the exploratory study
3.2.1 Execution
The study was conducted in July 2012 in two locations. First,
seven subjects participated at the University of Ulm, followed
by two additional sessions at the University of Innsbruck, i.e.,
a total of nine subjects participated. Even though we have a
small sample size, we want to mention that—as described
in Sect. 3.4—the sample size is not unusual for this kind
of empirical investigation due to the substantial effort to be
invested per subject (e.g., transcribing video data and qualitative analysis). According to the qualitative theoretical sampling principles [59], our subjects represent an appropriate
sample, as all of the subjects were familiar with Declare (cf.
C. Haisjackl et al.
Sect. 3.2.2), and differ in other aspects, such as university
and location. Additionally, to ensure that subjects were sufficiently familiar with declarative process modeling, they were
provided with training material. Each session was organized
as follows: first, the subject was welcomed and instructed
to speak thoughts out loudly. To allow subjects to concentrate on their tasks, the sessions were performed in a “paperworkflow” manner, i.e., one supervisor was seated left to the
subject and a second supervisor to the right. The sheets containing the study’s material were then passed from the left
to the subject. As soon as the subject finished the task, the
material was passed to the supervisor on the right.2 Meanwhile, the subject’s actions were audio- and video recorded
to gather any uttered thoughts.
3.2.2 Data validation
In each session, only a single subject participated, allowing
us to ensure that the study setup was obeyed. In addition,
we screened whether subjects fitted the targeted profile, i.e.,
whether they were familiar with process modeling in general
and Declare [47]. We asked questions regarding familiarity
on process modeling, Declare, and domain knowledge; note
that the latter might significantly influence performance [29].
We conclude that they had a profound background in process
modeling (the least experienced subject had 2.5 years of modeling experience) and were moderately familiar with Declare
(see [22] for details). Finally, we assessed the subjects’
professional background: all subjects indicated an academic
background, i.e., they were either Ph.D. students or postdocs.
3.2.3 Data analysis
Our research focuses on sense-making of declarative process
models. On one hand, we investigated strategies applied
by subjects in understanding process models, and on the
other, we explored typical phenomena and pitfalls in this
process. For this purpose, data analysis comprised the following stages.
1. Transcribing the verbal utterances
2. Creating graphs describing the order in which subjects
mention activities
3. Analyzing transcripts using grounded theory.
In (2), for each model, we created a graph representing
the order activities were mentioned by the subjects. For this
purpose, we utilized the transcripts created in (1), but also
video recordings to identify when subjects visited an activity
without talking about it. In (3), we applied grounded theory to
2 The exploratory study’s material can be downloaded from http://bpm.
Making sense of declarative process models
the transcripts in order to explore and understand phenomena
appearing when subjects make sense of Declare models. As
a starting point, transcripts were inspected in order to mark
aspects that caused confusion and were misinterpreted or
left out. In a second iteration, we revisited the marked areas
and searched for new aspects. This process of open coding
analysis was repeated until no new aspects could be found.
Afterward, we performed axial coding, i.e., we repeatedly
grouped aspects to form high-level categories. We counted
the number of identified markings per category.
3.3 Findings of the exploratory study
Based on the findings of our data analysis, we identified different ways how declarative models are read and interpreted
answering research question R Q 0 . For further details and
examples, please take a look at [22].
3.3.1 Reading declarative business process models
When analyzing graphs and transcripts, we observed that
subjects consistently adopted similar strategies when reading declarative models. Regardless of whether sub-processes
were present or not, they described the process in the order
activities that were supposedly executed, i.e., they tried to
describe the process in a sequential way. Hence, as a first
step, subjects skimmed over the process model to find an
entry point where they could start with describing the (main)
process. A declarative process model, however, does not necessarily have a unique entry point, apparently causing confusion. The subjects used two different solutions for this kind
of situation. Either they looked for a last constraint, or they
assumed the upper left corner of the model to be its entry
point. After having identified an entry point, subjects tried to
figure out in which order activities are to be executed.
This routine was iterative, i.e., if parts of a model were not
connected, subjects applied the same strategy for each component, i.e., they started again at the upper left corner of these
components. We observed this behavior independent of the
respective process model or subject. Finally, subjects indicated where the process supposedly ends. When there was
no last constraint, subjects stopped describing the process
model after having mentioned all activities of all components. If a model contained sub-processes, subjects preferred
talking first about the main process in the above-specified
way before describing the sub-processes. When reading subprocesses, the subjects used the same routine as for the main
process, except two subjects. One of them described all and
the second subject one out of four sub-processes completely
backwards, i.e., following the semantics of precedence constraints, instead of describing them sequentially.
3.3.2 Single building blocks
Flat declarative process models In general, when subjects
made sense of a model, they named activities and their connections. Sometimes, it happened that subjects missed single
or small groups of activities. In summary, 27 out of 294 activities were missed in flat process models. When describing a
model sequentially, subjects named activities explicitly and
most of the connections, i.e., the constraints, implicitly. However, most subjects did not mention existence constraints.
This behavior could not be found for any other constraint.
For 12 out of 18 models (9 subjects described two flat models), subjects left out 34 of 78 existence constraints in flat
Hierarchical declarative process models Regarding hierarchical process models, subjects tended to miss less activities.
In summary, 5 out of 331 activities were missed in hierarchical process models. Concerning the existence constraints
in hierarchical process models, for 11 out of 18 models (9
subjects described two hierarchical process models), one or
more existence constraints were not mentioned. 52 out of 117
existence constraints were ignored in hierarchical process
Flat and hierarchical declarative process models As far as
the interpretation of constraints is concerned, subjects had
relatively little problems irrespective of whether the models were flat or hierarchical. 12 different constraint types
were used in the experimental material. To accomplish their
task, subjects had cheat sheets available and could look up
constraints they did not know. Except for the precedence
constraint, which caused considerable difficulties, subjects
faced no notable problems. Four out of nine subjects used
the precedence constraint in a wrong way. The definition of
this constraint (cf. Sect. 2) is that “B may only be executed,
if A has been executed before.” The subjects used it the other
way round, i.e., “So if we perform [A], then [B] should be
performed afterward….”
3.3.3 Combination of constraints
Constraints between two activities P1 contained two and P4
five situations where two constraints link two activities. In
6 out of these 7 cases, the direction of the constraint arrows
is directly opposed to each other. For example, one needs to
get offers for interior of an apartment before buying them
(precedence constraint). After the interior is bought, it is not
reasonable to get new offers (negation response). The subjects had no troubles to understand these situations. However,
in the first process model, there is a case where a precedence
constraint and a chained response constraint link the two
activities “write test” and “run tests.” Both arrows are pointing to the second activity. The precedence constraint ensures
that before the first execution of “run tests,” “write test” must
be executed at least once, i.e., it is not possible to run a test
before it was written. The chained response constraint tells
us that “If A has been executed, B must be executed immediately afterward,” meaning that after the test was written, it
must be run directly afterward; 4 out of 9 subjects had troubles with the precedence constraint. Two of them claimed
that it is redundant, two even thought it is wrong. The other
5 subjects ignored the precedence constraint.
Hidden dependencies All process models contain hidden
dependencies (cf. Sect. 2). Since these interactions are not
explicitly visible, it is not sufficient that the system analyst
only relies on the information displayed explicitly, but must
carefully examine the process model for these hidden dependencies as well. Our results show that the subjects mostly
ignored hidden dependencies, i.e., only in 8 out of 36 cases
(4 models per subject, 9 subjects), a hidden dependency was
mentioned or found.
3.4 Exploratory study: discussion
C. Haisjackl et al.
Another explanation is that subjects were biased by previous
knowledge about imperative models. Regarding the precedence constraint, it nearly looks like the arrow used in imperative process modeling notations.
3.4.3 Combining constraints
The interplay of constraints seems to pose a challenge, especially in the context of hidden dependencies. One explanation could be that subjects simply forgot looking for them,
as reading declarative models can quickly become too complex for humans to deal with [47]. As mentioned earlier, in 8
out of 36 cases, subjects found a hidden dependency. In 5 of
these 8 cases, they were found in the second process model,
which has the smallest number of activities, constraints, and
constraint types. This indicates that, if a model is not too complex, subjects will be able to find hidden dependencies. Given
this finding, it seems plausible that the automated interpretation of constraints can lead to significant improvements
regarding the understandability of declarative process models [63].
3.4.4 Differences between flat and hierarchical process
3.4.1 Reading declarative process models
Subjects preferred describing process models in an iterative
and sequential way. The sequential way of describing models is surprising, as it is known that declarative process models rather convey circumstantial information (overall conditions that produce an outcome) than sequential information
(how the outcome is achieved) [17]. In other words, in an
imperative model, sequences are made explicit, e.g., through
sequence flows. In a declarative process model, however,
such information might not be available at all. As subjects
tend to talk about declarative models in a sequential manner,
it appears as if they prefer this kind of information. Interestingly, similar observations could be made in a case study on
declarative process modeling [63]. Therein, sequential information, such as “A before B” or “then C,” was preferred for
3.4.2 Single building blocks
Regarding the interpretation of single building blocks, subjects mentioned activities and constraints when trying to
understand the model. Overall, they had relatively little problems with the interpretation of single building blocks. Exceptions seem to be precedence and existence constraints. As a
possible explanation, these constraints are too simple and
are thus not mentioned at all; further, cheat sheets are not
used (cf. dual-process theory [28] describing the interplay
of implicit unconscious and explicit controlled processes).
Subjects did not distinguish between flat and hierarchical
process models when reading the models. They used the
same description strategy for components and sub-processes.
Interestingly, subjects left out more activities in flat than in
hierarchical process models (cf. Sect. 3.3.2). A reason for this
phenomenon could be abstraction [64], i.e., hierarchy allows
aggregating model information by hiding the internals of a
sub-process using a complex activity, thereby information
can be easier perceived. All other aspects we found could be
observed in flat and hierarchical models equally. However, it
cannot be excluded that for declarative process, models with
more complex sub-processes behavior might change.
3.4.5 Limitations
This study has to be viewed in light of several limitations.
First, the number of subjects in the study is relatively low
(9 subjects), hampering result generalization. Nevertheless,
it is noteworthy that the sample size is not unusual for this
kind of empirical investigation due to the substantial effort to
be invested per subject [14,43]. Second, even though models
used in this study vary in the number of activities, number of constraints, and existence of sub-processes, it remains
unclear whether results are applicable to declarative process
models in general, e.g., more complex models. In addition,
it is unclear whether the results would be the same if models with a different layout would be used. Third, all participating subjects indicated academic background, limit-
Making sense of declarative process models
ing result generalization. However, subjects indicated profound background in business process management. Hence,
we argue that they can be interpreted as proxies for professionals. Lastly, note that this study focuses exclusively on
Declare models, and further studies are needed to establish
whether the same conclusions would apply to other declarative process modeling languages.
4 Empirical investigation part 2: follow-up study
In the exploratory study described in Sect. 3, we have
taken a rather broad perspective on the sense-making of
Declare models. Particularly, we observed our subjects in
an exploratory manner. The goal of the follow-up study
described in this section was to take up the findings from the
exploratory study for a more systematic and directed investigation of the identified issues. In particular, we will test our
assumption that system analysts tend to show a sequential
way of reading Declare models. We will deepen our analysis
of potential pitfalls, i.e., problems that potentially occur when
interpreting these models. We also consider the influence of
knowledge on the understanding of declarative models and
take subjective factors into account by asking system analysts
for improvements of declarative modeling.
4.1 Defining and planning the follow-up study
In this study, we deepen our investigation by shifting the
focus in two ways. First, we have found that system analysts were able to make use of modularization in Declare
models, i.e., properly interpreted sub-processes. At the same
time, we have observed that system analysts tend to apply
different reading strategies when reading a Declare model.
Therefore, we have shifted our focus toward the investigation of reading strategies and did not make use of modularization anymore, but applied different layout variants to
Declare models. Second, since this study is rather of confirmatory than of exploratory nature, we also take quantitative
data into account by asking research questions regarding the
pitfalls we found in the exploratory study. In the following,
we introduce the research questions and describe subjects,
objects, design, and instrumentation of the follow-up study.
4.1.1 Research questions
The research questions are directly derived from the findings of the exploratory study. In particular, research question R Q 1 investigates how system analysts read declarative process models. In turn, research questions R Q 2.1 to
R Q 2.4 examine challenges and difficulties system analysts
face when interpreting declarative process models. Finally,
research questions R Q 3.1 to R Q 3.3 focus on measures for
improving the understanding of declarative process models.
Regarding research question R Q 1 , in the exploratory study,
we observed that process models were described in the order
in which activities are supposedly executed. However, in the
exploratory study, we laid out models from top left to bottom
right, and it is known that the top left is a common starting place for problem-solving tasks [19]. Thus, we could not
exclude that this behavior had been triggered by the layout of
the process models. Therefore, in research questions R Q 1 ,
we want to clarify whether these reading strategies are indeed
inherent to declarative process models or rather caused by
specific layouts.
Research question R Q 1 Which strategies are adopted by system analysts when making sense of declarative process models?
In the exploratory study, we have analyzed the way in
which system analysts make sense of declarative process
models in a rather broad manner, i.e., how system analysts describe the process model. As it is known that the
interpretation of constraints can cause considerable difficulties (cf. [47,67]), we extend our investigation by taking into account situations where several constraints need
to be combined. In particular, we investigate challenges that
occur when performing basic interpretation tasks, such as the
naming of minimal traces, valid traces, or invalid traces (cf.
Sect. 2.2):
Research question R Q 2.1 What are the challenges system
analysts are facing when performing basic model interpretation tasks, such as determining minimal traces, valid traces,
and invalid traces?
In the exploratory study, we observed potential pitfalls of
declarative process models caused whenever two activities
were connected by a pair of constraints. In the follow-up
study, we investigate this previously identified issue in more
detail, as postulated in the following research question:
Research question R Q 2.2 What are the challenges that arise
when system analysts have to deal with pairs of constraints
between two activities?
In the exploratory study, we found that system analysts
rarely mentioned hidden dependencies. However, it is unclear
whether system analysts refrained from mentioning them
because they consider them to be trivial or whether they were
unaware of them. As it has been claimed in several theoretical works that hidden dependencies negatively influence the
understandability of declarative process models [39,67], it
appears likely that system analysts were not aware of the
hidden dependencies. Thus, we deepen the investigation of
hidden dependencies in research question R Q 2.3 as follows:
Research question R Q 2.3 What are the challenges that arise
when system analysts have to deal with hidden dependencies?
Finally, we have found that existence constraints were
largely neglected. In Sect. 3.4, we have speculated that this
could be traced back to the fact that existence constraints are
particularly easy to understand and are therefore not explicitly mentioned. The goal of research question R Q 2.4 was to
investigate this claim.
Research question R Q 2.4 Do challenges arise when system
analysts have to deal with existence constraints? If yes, how
do system analysts deal with these challenges?
So far, we have focused on aspects that might negatively
influence the understanding of declarative models. In the following, we turn toward a more positive perspective and look
into factors connected to a better understanding of declarative models. In particular, it has been shown that for imperative models, education and experience play a central role
regarding understanding [54]. In this vein, in research question R Q 3.1 , we investigate whether similar effects can be
observed for declarative models.
Research question R Q 3.1 Are modeling experience and education connected to a lower error rate in interpreting declarative process models?
With respect to improving understandability of declarative process models, the interpretation of constraints appears
to play a central role [47,67]. In this sense, the concept of
mental effort was associated with lower error rates [65]. To
investigate this claim, the link between mental effort and correct answers is examined in research question R Q 3.2 :
Research question R Q 3.2 Is there a relationship between the
number of correctly answered questions and the mental effort
Up to now, research questions focusing on improving
understandability were motivated by previous research. In
research question R Q 3.3 , we take a broader perspective and
ask for particularly challenging modeling constructs as well
as personal suggestions for improving the understandability
of declarative process models.
Research question R Q 3.3 Which modeling constructs are
perceived particularly challenging and where do system analysts see a potential for improving the understandability of
declarative process models?
4.1.2 Subjects
As in the exploratory study, we require sufficiently trained
subjects. Again, even though we do not require experts, subjects should have at least a moderate understanding of the
principles of declarative processes. For information on the
actual subjects, see Sect. 4.2.1.
4.1.3 Objects
From the set of 4 models used in the exploratory study, 2
flat versions were chosen as basic objects for the follow-up
study, i.e., P1 and P3 . The models were adapted to the needs
of this study, resulting in P5 and P6 . The models from the
C. Haisjackl et al.
exploratory study were adapted as detailed in the following.
First, constraints and components were added or changed to
make the models amenable for this study (e.g., as P3 did
not contain a pair of constraints, we added one in P6 ). Second, since we were interested in the influence of differences
regarding the models’ layout on the models’ understandability, we created a second variant of each model describing
the exact same process, but with a horizontally and vertically
mirrored layout. The two variants for P5 are illustrated in
Fig. 4. Consequently, we have two variants of each model: a
normal and a mirrored one.
The models vary regarding the number of activities
(between 12 and 24 activities), number of constraints
(between 18 and 25 constraints), and degree of interconnectivity of constraints, i.e., models consist of three to six
components. The models are based on two different domains
describing bug fixing in a software company and a worker’s
duties at an electronic company. Similar to the exploratory
study, the process models contain constraints of all three
types, i.e., existence, relation, and negation constraints.3
4.1.4 Design
The study is designed to prevent potential influencing effects.
Specifically, we try to avoid any effects caused by the specific
process models, as well any learning or fatigue effects, which
could lead to biased results. For this, we alternate the order
of models and the different layout variants, as illustrated in
Fig. 5a. During the study, each subject receives one normal
and one mirrored model. Further, we divide the subjects into
four groups; each group receives one of the four possible
combinations of process models, layouts, and the order in
which they are presented to the subjects. The study is concluded by a discussion with the subject to help reflecting on
the study and providing us with feedback. For each process
model, a series of questions is asked (cf. Fig. 5b) as detailed
Describe process model First, the subjects are asked to
describe the process model roughly. This allows the familiarization with the process model. The graph analysis is based
on the answers to this question.
Specific questions We ask the subjects three questions
regarding traces in declarative process models: name a minimal trace, two valid traces, and two invalid traces. The
answers to this question provide an immediate indication
whether the subject understood declarative process modeling. Further, a series of questions is designed based on the
3 The follow-up study’s material can be downloaded from: http://bpm.
Making sense of declarative process models
Fig. 4 Normal and mirrored version of P5 . a P5_nor mal , b P5_mirr or ed
Group 1
Model P5
Model P6
Group 2
Model P5
Model P6
Group 3
Model P6
Model P5
Group 4
Model P6
Model P5
Process Model
Answer Question
Assess Mental
Justify Mental
Fig. 5 Design of the follow-up study. a Overview, b questions per model, c tasks per question
findings of the exploratory study to investigate hidden dependencies, pairs of constraints, and combinations of constraints.
To limit the influence of “badly formulated” questions, we
ask two questions for each category. Additionally, two question on existence constraints are asked since existence constraints were mostly neglected during the exploratory study.
In order to gain a more detailed understanding of hidden
dependencies, we directly ask the subjects whether they identified any hidden dependencies, and ask them to name examples for hidden dependencies in the process model.
General questions We ask the subjects whether the model
is difficult to understand, what part is most challenging, and
if they have any suggestions to make the model easier to
For each of the questions, in turn, a three-step procedure
is followed, cf. Fig. 5c. First, the subject is asked to answer
the question. All questions could be answered by using only
information provided in the process models, i.e., the questions are schema-based comprehension tasks [29]. Likewise,
the process models are made available to the subjects while
answering the question, i.e., the tasks can be considered to
be read-to-do (cf. [9]). We use only closed questions, i.e.,
each question can be answered by selecting from the following answers: True, False, and Do not Know. We award one
point for each correct answer and zero points for a wrong
C. Haisjackl et al.
answer (including Do not Know). We deliberately allow for
the option Don’t Know, as otherwise subjects would be forced
to guess. Second, the subject is asked to assess the expended
mental effort. Third, the subject is asked to explain why certain mental effort was indicated.
Table 2 Demographics of the follow-up study (8–12 based on 7-point
Likert scale)
4.1.5 Instrumentation
Like in the exploratory study, subjects receive separate paper
sheets showing the process models for each model, allowing
them to use a pencil for highlighting or taking notes as well
as juxtaposing the process models as desired. Again, audioand video recording are used.
4.2 Performing the follow-up study
(1) Years of modeling experience
(3) Imperative models created last year
(4) Average number of activities
(5) Declarative models read last year
(6) Declarative models created last year
(7) Average number of activities
(2) Imperative models read last year
(8) Familiarity Declare
(9) Confidence understanding Declare
(10) Confidence creating Declare
(11) Familiarity software development
(12) Familiarity electronic companies
4.2.1 Execution
The study was conducted in June and July 2013 at three
locations. First, one subject participated at the Universitat
Politècnica de València, followed by six session at the University of Seville and eleven sessions at the University of
Ulm, i.e., a total of 18 subjects participated. Again, we want
to mention that a small sample size is not unusual for this
kind of empirical investigation (cf., Sect. 4.4). Section 4.2.2
shows that the subjects represent an adequate sample as all
of the subjects were familiar with Declare, and differ in other
aspects, such as university and location (cf. [59]). Similar to
the exploratory study, the subjects were provided with training material. The follow-up study was organized the same
way as the exploratory one, with the difference in having
only one supervisor in the room handling the sessions in
a “paper-workflow” manner. To ensure that the think-aloud
sessions were executed in the same way at all places, supervisors were trained in face-to-face meetings and got detailed
4.2.2 Data validation
We screened subjects for prior knowledge on declarative
process modeling. Therefore, we had to omit two subjects due
to unfamiliarity with declarative process modeling. Unfortunately, this resulted in unbalanced sizes for the four groups
(cf. Fig. 5). Group 1 consisted of 5 subjects, 4 subjects
remained in group 2, group 3 contained 4 subjects, and 3
subjects were assigned to group 4. The subjects from the
follow-up study all indicated an academic background were
either Ph.D. students, postdocs, or professors. We conclude
that they had a profound background in process modeling
(the least experienced subject had 3 years of modeling experience) and were moderately familiar with Declare. In contrary to the exploratory study, we differentiated the questions regarding process modeling by imperative and declara-
tive process modeling. Additionally, we asked questions with
respect to the subjects’ knowledge of modeling languages:
all subjects started learning process modeling with an imperative modeling language. Only three subjects used a declarative modeling language as their main process modeling language. Demographics are presented in Table 2.
4.3 Findings of the follow-up study
In the previous section, we have discussed the design and
execution of the follow-up study. In the following, we use
the gathered data to investigate research questions R Q 1 to
R Q 3.3 .
4.3.1 R Q 1 : Which strategies are adopted by system
analysts when making sense of declarative
process models?
To target this research question, we applied the same graph
analysis procedure based on think-aloud protocols as in the
exploratory study (cf., Sect. 3.2).
Normal declarative process models By analyzing graphs and
transcripts, we observed that subjects tended to read declarative process models with a normal layout as described
in Sect. 3.3.1, i.e., we could replicate the findings of the
exploratory study. For example, Fig. 6 shows P5_nor mal and
a typical strategy to understand that model. The model consists of three components. The first one contains activities
“receive bug report” and “search for bug in archive.” The
second component consists of the single activity “ask supervisor for help.” The third component, in turn, comprises all
remaining activities. The dotted arrows display a typical way
in which subjects read the model to understand it.
Making sense of declarative process models
Fig. 6 P5_nor mal and a reading variant
As a first step, like in the exploratory study, subjects
skimmed over the process model to find an entry point where
they could start with describing the process: “The process
starts with receiving a bug report through the activity ‘receive
bug report,’ because of the init constraint.” In particular, all
16 subjects (100.0 %) started describing the process models
at an activity with the init constraint.
Afterward, 12 out of 16 subjects (75.0 %) working on
process models with the normal layout continued describing the model as stated in Sect. 3.3.1, i.e., after mentioning the entry point, they tried to figure out in which order
the activities are to be executed. In particular, this strategy was observed 8 out of 9 times (88.9 %) for P5_nor mal
and 4 out of 7 (57.1 %) times for P6_nor mal . In addition,
we could observe that for P6_nor mal , some subjects seem
to prefer starting their analysis with components of low
complexity before continuing with more complex components (3 out of 7, 42.9 %). Moreover, for P5_nor mal , one
subject had a strategy differentiating between unary constraints (e.g., existence constraints) and binary constraints
(e.g., relation and negation constraints). In particular, after
mentioning the init constraint, the subject analyzed all existence constraints, followed by all remaining binary constraints. When analyzing the binary constraints, the subject analyzed the model bottom-up following precedence
constraints constituting preconditions for activity execution.
In addition, we could observe that subjects working on
process models with normal layout described the model at
different granularity levels. The majority of subjects, i.e.,
9 out of 16 subjects (56.3 %), described the model at a
fine-grained level and mentioned most or all of the activities and also considered dependencies between constraints.
For P5_nor mal , this was the predominant strategy (7 out of
9 subjects, 77.8 %). Second, 5 out of 16 subjects (31.3 %)
read (parts of) the process models by building blocks, rather
describing roughly the goal of the components than reading
each activity label: (“This part describes relations with partners or something like that…”). Interestingly, this strategy
only occurred for P6_nor mal (5 out of 7 subjects, 71.4 %).
Finally, 2 subjects described P5_nor mal only very roughly by
either only mentioning activity labels (1 subject) or by focusing on the overall intention of the process model (1 subject),
i.e., “…the process seems to be a developing process in the
context of electronic devices.”
Mirrored declarative process models As normal laid out
models have a clear trend how subjects read them, we investigated whether and how subjects are influenced by a changed
model layout. For example, Fig. 7 shows P6_mirr or ed . The
model consists of six components. The first one contains
activities “attend staff briefing” and “fetch job cards.” The
second component consists of the single activity “answer
questions of apprentices.” Three components comprise activ-
C. Haisjackl et al.
Fig. 7 P6_mirr or ed and a reading variant
ities related to the typical workload of a worker of an electronic company. The last component contains the activities
“go to lunch” and “report return from lunch break.”
The graph analysis of P5_mirr or ed and P6_mirr or ed indicates different strategies how subjects read these models (cf.
dotted arrows in Fig. 7 for an example of how a subject tried
to make sense of the process models). Most frequently (like
for the normal layout), subjects started their analysis with the
initial activity of the model (9 out of 16 subjects, 56.3 %). In
particular, this was a popular strategy for P5_mirr or ed (5 out of
7 subjects, 71.4 %). For P6_mirr or ed , only 4 out of 9 subjects
(44.4 %) started at the activity with the init constraint: “Ok,
we have an init activity here, so we start with ‘attend staff
briefing’.” Compared to the model with the normal layout,
this strategy was less frequently applied. We could observe
that it sometimes took subjects a while to identify the entry
point (1 subject for P5_mirr or ed ): (“Here there are around
10 or 11 activities. Mmm…There are some isolated activi-
ties, for example ‘ask supervisor for help’, this is completely
isolated. […] In fact there is one activity that has an init relation, hence, it has to be the first activity to be executed in
the complete process”). Having found the entry point, subjects typically described the rest of the process as described
in Sect. 3.3.1, but in a mirrored manner (i.e., mentioning
the activities in the order they are presumably executed), as
depicted in Fig. 7. Overall, 6 out of 7 (85.7 %) subjects followed this strategy for P5_mirr or ed . Moreover, 2 out of 9
subjects (22.2 %) used this strategy for P6_mirr or ed . One of
the 9 subjects (11.1 %) starting the analysis at the init constraint deviated from this pattern. After analyzing the init
constraint, the subject first looked at the small components
before analyzing the more complex ones. Within each component, however, the subject tried to consider the execution
order of activities.
Another re-occurring strategy was to start the analysis in
the upper left corner, i.e., with activity “insert bug report into
Making sense of declarative process models
archive” in P5_mirr or ed and with “return from lunch break” in
P6_mirr or ed . For example, one subject uttered “I see at the top
of the model an activity that needs to be executed once…it’s
about lunch.” Afterward, the subjects continued the analysis
in a top-down manner (4 out of 16, 25.0 %; 1 out of 7 for
P5_mirr or ed , 14.3 %, and 3 out of 9 for P6_mirr or ed , 33.3 %).
For P6_mirr or ed 3 out of 9 subject (33.3 %), we could not
identify a systematic reading strategy; subjects seemed to
name activity labels in a random manner. Respective subjects mainly tried to make sense of P6_mirr or ed and to come
to a conclusion regarding the overall intent of the process
by focusing by reading activity labels (mostly ignoring constraints) and by relying on the domain knowledge.
Again, we could observe that subjects described the model
at different granularity levels. Similar to the normal layout,
the majority of subjects, i.e., 10 out of 16 subjects (62.5 %),
described the mirrored process models at a fine-grained level
and mentioned most or all of the activities and constraints.
While for P5_mirr or ed , all subjects (7 out of 7, 100.0 %)
followed this strategy, only 2 out of 9 subjects (22.2 %)
described P6_mirr or ed at a fine-grained level. For P6_mirr or ed ,
2 subjects read the model by building blocks roughly describing the goal of the component, 5 subjects mostly focused in
their analysis on activity labels to determine the overall goal
of the process.
Discussion In the exploratory study, we found that subjects
tend to start reading the process model at the init constraint
and to sequentially go through the process model in the order
activities might get executed. Since the init constraints in the
models used in the exploratory study were in both cases in
the upper left corner of the model, we could not determine
whether the results of the exploratory study were due the
init constraint being an important factor or due to the fact
that people tend to start reading at the top [19]. To eliminate the impact of the process model’s layout, we used two
model variants in the follow-up study, a normal layout (similar to the exploratory study) and a mirrored version. We
expected that if the order of activities determines the reading
direction of subjects, that subjects start their analysis of the
mirrored models at the bottom of the model (with the init
constraint) and not in the upper left corner. If, however, the
prevalent reading direction in our culture (from left to right)
is the determining factor, the analysis of mirrored models
has to start in the upper left corner and not with the init constraint. Our results suggest that init constraints (9 out of 16 for
P5_mirr or ed and P6_mirr or ed , 56.3 %) seem to be more important than the reading direction (4 out of 16 for P5_mirr or ed
and P6_mirr or ed , 25.0 %).
In addition, we could identify different strategies people
apply for analyzing a declarative process model once an entry
point has been found. For the models with normal layout,
the most common strategy in the exploratory study was to
analyze models top-down (considering at the same time the
execution order of activities). This could be replicated for the
models with the normal layout in the follow-up study. For
the mirrored process models, however, 8 out of 16 (50.0 %)
subjects analyzed process models bottom-up considering the
execution order of activities and 4 out of 16 (25.0 %) read
the model top-down in the typical reading direction. This
again suggests that starting with the init constraint was more
important to the subject than the prevalent reading direction
of our culture.
In terms of description granularity, we could observe considerable differences between P5 and P6 , irrespective of
the models’ layout. While for P5 the majority of subjects
described the model at a fine-grained level, i.e., at the level
of single activities (14 out of 16, 87.5 %), descriptions at the
level of building blocks were frequently used for P6 (7 out
of 16, 43.8 %). Another frequently used strategy for P6 was
the focus on activity labels (5 out of 16 subjects, 31.3 %). A
possible explanation for the differences between P5 and P6
might be the differences in the complexity of components
between P5 and P6 . P5 only contains 3 components including a rather complex one with 9 activities, 15 constraints,
and 7 different constraint types. P6 , in turn, contains 6 components (with at most 9 activities and 10 constraints, 4 different constraint types). The fact that P6 contains more, but
smaller components suggests that it was easier for subjects
to aggregate model information to building blocks, therefore applying this strategy more frequently. However, from
the data, we cannot conclude this with certainty making a
follow-up investigation necessary. Another open question to
be answered in a follow-up question is why labels are more
frequently used for P6 .
4.3.2 R Q 2.1 : What are the challenges system analysts are
facing when performing basic model interpretation
tasks, such as determining minimal traces, valid
traces, and invalid traces?
As detailed previously, the subjects were asked to identify
2 invalid traces for each model, the minimal trace, and 2
valid traces. Since 16 subjects participated in the study and
each subject worked on two process models, 32 answers were
collected regarding the minimal trace (16 for each model).
Further, 64 for valid traces (32 for each model) and 64 invalid
traces (32 for each model) were collected. Figure 8 illustrates
the distribution of correct and incorrect answers for invalid
traces, minimal traces, and valid traces, respectively. Further,
Fig. 8 shows a categorization of the different types of errors
and their frequency.
Invalid traces Questions requiring the identification of invalid
traces were answered correctly to a large extent, i.e., 62 out of
64 questions (96.9 %) were answered correctly. This seems
C. Haisjackl et al.
Fig. 8 Distribution of errors
when naming minimal, valid,
and invalid traces
reasonable since invalid traces can be constructed by violating a single constraint of the model. Both errors regarding
invalid traces were committed by the same subject. First, the
subject named the minimal trace and after that did not give
another invalid trace.
Minimal trace To identify the minimal trace, the subjects
had to find the initial activity, which was determined for both
models by init constraints, and check the effects of executing
this initial activity. For example, if the initial activity is part
of a response constraint, which was the case in both models,
the response constraint forces the execution of another activity. Additionally, activities with existence constraints must
be considered, which, in turn, might enforce the execution of
related activities. 5 out of 32 answers (15.6 %) were incorrect. 4 incorrect answers (12.5 %) are related to the violation
of existence constraints. For example, for P5 , one subject
uttered “The minimal trace. . . ‘Receive bug report’, ‘search
for bug in archive’, minimal. . . Ok. That’s all,” forgetting
about the existence constraint on activity “try reproduction.”
Similarly, for P6 , one subject uttered “we have to start with
‘attend staff briefing’ and just after that we have to ‘fetch job
cards’. This can be a minimal trace. . . the minimal trace can
be that,” forgetting about the existence constraint on activity “report return from lunch break.” A possible explanation
could be that either some subjects misunderstood existence
constraints. Alternatively, they might have overlooked existence constraints. One incorrect answer was given by a subject who confused a precedence with a response constraint,
which forced the execution of another activity. Specifically,
the subject included the activity “ask user” after the activity
“try reproduction” as part of the minimal trace of P5 .
Valid traces The subjects were asked to identify two valid
traces apart from the minimal trace. Consequently, the subjects are required to add additional activities to the minimal
trace. When adding these activities, the constraint have to be
examined to find potential consequences of adding activities,
e.g., response constraints. We observed the highest number
of incorrectly answered questions for this task. Specifically,
18 out of 64 (28.1 %) answers were incorrect. Additionally,
the minimal trace was given 3 times, even though we explicitly asked for different traces. Most errors, i.e., 8 out of 18
(12.5 % overall), are caused by subjects ignoring existence
constraints. We identified a fairly large overlap with errors
on minimal traces. 6 out of the 8 errors were committed by
the same subjects as for minimal traces. Further, for those
6 subjects, the same activity was missed in the valid traces.
This seems reasonable since most subjects took the minimal
trace and added some activities to form examples of valid
Making sense of declarative process models
traces. Therefore, subjects, who forgot certain activities in
the minimal trace, tended to forget the same activities when
naming examples of valid traces. For example, for P5 , one
subject uttered “The first trace is going to be adding ask
supervisor to the minimal trace, I mean: ‘receive bug report’,
‘search for bug in archive’, and ‘ask supervisor’,” forgetting about the existence constraint on activity “try reproduction.” In a similar way, for P6 , one subject uttered “ok. . .
again we start with ‘attend staff briefing’, ‘fetch job cards’,
and . . . and . . . we can execute for example ‘give duties
to apprentices’ and ‘control apprentices work’,” forgetting
about the existence constraint on activity “report return from
lunch break.” Several errors, i.e., 6 out of 18 (9.4 % overall),
were committed by subjects having problems with the combination of constraints, all related to P5 . For example, one
subject uttered “Other trace would be ‘receive bug report’,
‘search for bug in archive’, ‘try reproduction’, and ‘write a
test’,” forgetting to include activity “run test” as required by
the constraints between “write test” and “run test.” Furthermore, 2 incorrect answers were given in P6 due to subjects
having problems with hidden dependencies. For example,
one subject uttered “And another one (trace) can be ‘attend
staff briefing’, ‘fetch job cards’, ‘receive device from customer’, ‘return device to customer’, ‘go to lunch’ and ‘report
return from lunch break’,” leaving out the activities “locate
defect on device” and “repair device.” Lastly, 2 answers were
incorrect in P6 due to misunderstanding constraints. Specifically, one subject uttered “One valid trace could be ‘fetch job
cards’, ‘attend staff briefing’, ‘answer questions of apprentices’, ‘go to lunch’ and ‘report return from lunch break’,”
which indicates that the subject misunderstood the chained
response constraint between activities “attend staff briefing”
and “fetch job cards,” i.e., the ordering of activities was not
Discussion In general, we observed only very limited difficulties when subjects were asked to name invalid traces. This
is not surprising as invalid traces can be constructed by selecting a single constraint that can be violated. For instances, P6
contains the activity “fetch job cards” (cf. Fig. 7), which
has to be executed exactly once. An invalid trace can therefore be achieved by including this activity twice in the
trace. This finding seems reasonable when considering the
task with a cognitive background. Forming an invalid trace
can be achieved by utilizing a small portion of the process
model, occupying only limited space within working memory. Therefore, the task can be accomplished without overstraining the working memory’s capacity [15,37], resulting
in a small number of errors [60]. We observed considerably
more difficulties when subjects were asked to name the minimal trace for the process model. This seems reasonable, as
a higher burden is put on the subject’s working memory, i.e.,
more elements need to be maintained in working memory to
identify the minimal trace. This problem is further amplified
when asking the subjects for valid traces apart from the minimal trace, i.e., even more elements need to be maintained
in working memory. Regarding the naming of minimal and
valid traces, the most common cause of error was related to
subjects ignoring the existence constraints. This number is
put into perspective for valid traces by the overlap of errors
between naming minimal traces and valid traces, i.e., subjects who missed an activity in the minimal trace committed
the same error for valid traces. Keeping this in mind, it seems
that the combination of constraints becomes a more dominant issue for forming valid traces. This seems reasonable,
as more elements need to be integrated in working memory
while remembering the consequences of including an additional activity in the trace, i.e., putting an additional burden
on the subject’s working memory.
4.3.3 R Q 2.2 : What are the challenges that arise when
system analysts have to deal with pairs of
constraints between activities?
To target this research question, we investigated how subjects deal with pairs constraints between two activities while
making sense of a process model. In particular, two pairs
of constraints were introduced in P5 and one pair was introduced in P6 —in the following, we will describe how subjects
approached these situations.
First, we turn toward model P5 , in which a pair of constraints between the activities “write tests” and “run test”
can be found (cf. Fig. 6). While the precedence constraint
ensures that it is not possible to run a test before it was written, the chained response constraint requires a test to be run
directly after it was written. As discussed in R Q 1 , 2 out of
16 subjects (12.5 %) did not mention constraints on detail,
but rather focused on activity labels. The remaining 14 subjects (87.5 %) looked at this pair of constraints in detail, and
thereof, 13 subjects (81.3 %) had no problems understanding this pair of constraints, e.g., “regarding the activity ‘run
test’, before we are able to execute ‘run test’, we need to
write a test and just after finishing ‘write test’ we need to
execute ‘run test’.” Still, one subject (6.3 %) mentioned that
the precedence and chained response constraints should be
merged into a chained succession: “These 2 constraints are
not combined in a nice way. Because in one case there is a
precedence and in the other one there is a response. If we
want to take them in both ways, this would be a succession.
In fact, this would be a chained succession.” However, merging both constraints into a single-chained succession would
remove the possibility of executing the test whenever it is
needed, e.g., after executing activity “write code.” Hence,
we conclude that subjects did not reveal considerable problems with this pair of constraints.
Second, we look into another pair of constraints in P5 .
In particular, as shown in Fig. 6, between “run test” and
“write code,” a chained precedence constraint and a chained
response constraint exist. Hence, before code can be written,
the test must be run immediately (chained precedence), and
after writing code, the test must be run immediately (chained
response). Again, 14 out of 16 subjects (87.5 %) looked at this
pair of constraints in detail. 5 subjects (31.3 %) interpreted the
combination incorrectly. Particularly, 2 subjects claimed that
directly after “run test,” “write code” must be executed, i.e.,
confusing the chained precedence with a chained response
constraint: “And when ‘run test’ finishes, ‘write code’ has to
be executed.” 2 more subjects said that after “write code,”
“merge fix” has to be executed: “After writing code, this
fix must be merged and tested.” One subject interpreted the
constraints between “write code” and “run test” correctly,
but got confused to point where the subject argued that “they
can’t be executed.”. Hence, compared to the first situation of
paired constraints, more subjects experienced problems with
the pair of constraints.
Third, in P6 , activities “determine errors” and “send
device back to production” are connected with a precedence
constraint and a chained response (cf. Fig. 7). Therefore, it is
not possible to send a device back to production before determining its errors and a device must be sent back to production
directly after its errors were determined. While describing P6 ,
6 out of 16 subjects (37.5 %) mentioned these two activities
(the other subjects described the model on a more abstract
level, cf. 4.3.1). Among these 6 subjects, only two explicitly
mentioned both constraints, i.e., the precedence and chained
response constraint. One of them understood the situation
after taking some time. The second one stated that these two
constraints should be combined to a chained succession: “in
fact I think it is the same case, they could be combined in
a chained succession.” Again, merging both constraints into
a single-chained succession would remove the possibility of
sending a device back to production whenever it is needed.
In short, only 10 subjects looked at constraints at all, 4 subjects only mentioned one constraint, 1 subject understood
the combination correctly, and 1 subject showed problems.
However, this subject was the same who misinterpreted the
first pair of constraints in P5 .
Discussion The findings obtained in R Q 2.2 indicate that
pairs of constraints can cause considerable problems when
making sense of declarative process models. In particular,
for a pair of constraints in P5 , error rates of 31.3 % could be
observed. However, for the remaining, two pairs—except for
2 misinterpretations of the same subject—were interpreted
correctly. Hence, we argue that pairs of constraints can pose
considerable problems, but the exact causes call for further
C. Haisjackl et al.
4.3.4 R Q 2.3 : What are the challenges that arise when
system analysts have to deal with hidden
To investigate this research question, we asked subjects two
questions regarding hidden dependencies for model P5 and
model P6 (16 subjects, 2 questions per model, 2 models,
resulting in 64 answers). Figure 9 shows the distribution of
answers: Overall, subjects answered 50 out of 64 questions
correctly (78.1 %).
Regarding incorrect answers (14 out of 64), 12 (18.8 %)
answers were wrong because subjects did not look at the connections between the activities of the model close enough,
i.e., overlooked a hidden dependency. For example, when
asked for process model P5 whether “search for bug in
archive,” “ask user” is a valid sub-trace, several subjects overlooked the hidden dependency between activities
“receive bug report” and “search for bug in archive” (cf.
Fig. 6). One subject uttered that “if we add some activities,
this sub-trace can be a valid trace[…] Adding ‘receive bug
report’ and ‘try reproduction’… this will be a valid sub-trace,
so I think it’s true.” However, adding the two mentioned
activities before the given sub-trace is not possible due to the
chained response constraint between activities “receive bug
report” and “search for bug in archive,” requiring that activity
“search for bug in archive” is executed directly after activity
“receive bug report.” In one case, the subject answered the
question incorrectly, because of confusing a precedence constraint with a chained response constraint. Thus, the problem
was not really caused through hidden dependencies, but a
lacking knowledge of constraint semantics. For one subject,
the error source could not be determined, since no reasoning
was provided.
Results indicate that hidden dependencies constitute a
considerable challenge for system analysts and are frequently
overlooked. However, it is unclear whether this is because
subjects not being aware of hidden dependencies or whether
this is because such dependencies can be easily overlooked.
Therefore, as summarized in Fig. 10, after questions regarding the pitfalls of Declare models, we asked subjects whether
they could recognize any hidden dependency while describing the model and answering questions about it.
Overall, subjects reported from 52 alleged hidden dependencies, of which 44 were indeed proper hidden dependencies. Interestingly, only 4 subjects named only correct hidden dependencies. In addition, 6 subjects named at least
one correct hidden dependency. One subject, in turn, only
mentioned incorrect hidden dependencies. For example, one
subject pointed out correctly “another example for a hidden
dependency would be precedence constraints that result from
the init constraint and stretch across the whole model,” i.e.,
an init constraint implies a precedence relation to all other
activities. In several cases, our transcripts revealed that not
Making sense of declarative process models
Fig. 9 Distribution of answers
for questions regarding hidden
Fig. 10 Distribution of answers
regarding hidden dependencies
all subjects really know what hidden dependencies are. In
particular, 8 incorrect hidden dependencies were mentioned,
seemingly because the subjects had problems to understand
difficult situations (“Every time I execute ‘try reproduction’
I have to execute this sort of loop… this is a hidden dependency”). Moreover, 5 subjects did not mention any hidden
dependencies, either because they did not know what hidden
dependencies are (2 subjects) or because they did not look out
for hidden dependencies or could not find any (3 subjects).
For example, one subject stated that “until now I didn’t recognize any hidden dependencies…I didn’t pay attention to this
Discussion The follow-up study showed that hidden dependencies (like the combination of constraints) cause considerable difficulties to subjects. When asked questions regarding
two models including hidden dependencies, subjects only
answered 78.1 % of the questions correctly. Asked to identify hidden dependencies for P5 and P6 , the percentage of
correct answers was even lower: only 4 out of 16 subjects
(25.0 %) were able to only name correct hidden dependencies. Knowing that the identification of hidden dependencies
requires the extraction of implicit information, i.e., information that needs to be computed in the human mind [56], it
seems plausible that the identification of hidden dependencies is indeed a difficult task.
4.3.5 R Q 2.4 : Do challenges arise when system analysts
have to deal with existence constraints? If yes, how
do system analysts deal with these challenges?
As detailed previously, 2 questions per model were related to
the number executions of certain activities (i.e., each subject
answered 4 questions focusing on existence constraints). The
Fig. 11 Distribution of errors for questions on existence constraints
questions were designed to focus on two different aspects: (1)
questions of low complexity, which require simple reasoning
(i.e., the subjects only need to analyze one activity and the
corresponding existence constraint for answering the question) and (2) questions of higher complexity, which require
a more complex reasoning process (i.e., the subjects need
to analyze several activities and constraints together with
potential hidden dependencies for answering the question).
Since 16 subjects participated in the study and 2 questions
were included in each aspect, i.e., low/high complexity, 32
answers were recorded for each aspect. Figure 11 illustrates
the percentage of their correct and incorrect answers together
with the distribution of errors.
For questions of low complexity, the subjects did not experience any difficulties understanding existence constraints
since all questions were answered correctly. This makes it
reasonable to assume that the errors subjects made when
naming minimal and valid traces (cf. Sect. 4.3.2) are rather
due to overlooked existence constraints than misunderstood
existence constraints. In contrast, when analyzing the results
of questions of medium complexity, several errors occurred
due to misunderstood constraints. Specifically, for P5 , 2 subjects thought that chained precedence(A,B) together with
Table 3 Modeling experience
and education versus accuracy
and mental effort
Significant at the 0.05 level
Significant at the 0.01 level
C. Haisjackl et al.
M. eff.
Years of modeling experience
Formal training last year
Self-education last year
Amount of analyzed models
Amount of created models
Avg. activities per model
Familiarity with paradigm
Confidence in understanding
Competence in modeling
max(B,1) implies max(A,1), which is not the case. For example, one subject uttered “It is possible that ‘test fix’ is executed ten times in a process instance… chained precedence
[…] ‘test fix’ must be executed immediately before ‘commit changes’ and ‘commit changes’ can be executed only
exactly once,… in this case I think it is false that it can be
executed ten times, because of that relationship between ‘test
fix’ and ‘commit changes’.” In a similar way, for P6 , 1 subject thought that precedence(A,B) together with exactly(B,1)
implies exactly(A,1), which is not the case. For example, one
subject uttered “because the activity ‘report return from lunch
break’ can be executed only once, ‘go to lunch’ can also be
activated only once in a process instance.” The other subject committing an error for P6 confused the meaning of a
Discussion When asking the subjects for existence constraints, we observed only a limited amount of difficulties;
especially, when asking for existence constraints that are not
related to other activities via combinations of constraints,
we did not observe a single error. When requiring more complex reasoning for answering the question, we observed three
errors that can be attributed to difficulties with the combination of constraints, i.e., the subjects derived an incorrect meaning from the constraint combination. Therefore,
we conclude that existence constraints cause only a limited
amount of difficulties. Further, when problems arise, they are
rather caused by combinations of constraints than the existence constraint itself.
4.3.6 R Q 3.1 : Are modeling experience and education
connected to a lower error rate in interpreting
declarative process models?
So far, we investigated problems associated with the sensemaking of declarative process models. Next, we turn toward
ways for supporting the sense-making of declarative process
M. eff.
models. Generally, education has a positive influence on the
understanding of imperative process models [35,54]. In this
sense, it appears likely that the same holds for declarative
process models and that the influence of education related
to declarative process modeling is beneficial for the understanding of declarative process models. However, it is not
clear whether also education related to imperative process
modeling helps in the sense-making of declarative process
models. To this end, we screened the education and experience regarding declarative and imperative process modeling
and correlated the results with accuracy and mental effort,
i.e., the understanding of the process models.
The results of this analysis can be found in Table 3. In particular, the first column lists factors regarding education or
experience, whereas columns two to five show Spearman’s
rho for accuracy and mental effort, thereby columns two and
three focus on education and experience regarding declarative process modeling, while columns four and five focus
on education and experience regarding imperative modeling.
Apparently, a distinction between education and experience
regarding declarative and imperative modeling can be made.
More specifically, the amount of analyzed and created declarative models correlates statically significant with accuracy,
i.e., the amount of correct answers. Furthermore, average
activities per declarative model, self-rated familiarity with
declarative modeling in general, and self-rated confidence in
understanding declarative models correlate statistically significant with accuracy and mental effort. Contrariwise, none
of the factors of educational background regarding imperative modeling shows a statistically significant influence on
accuracy or mental effort.
Having established that declarative background has an
influence on the amount of correct answers, the question
arises whether similar errors are conducted by persons with
different levels of declarative knowledge and experience.
To investigate this question, we used the following procedure. First, we computed a declarative knowledge score for
Making sense of declarative process models
Table 4 Correct answers per group and question category
Lower declarative knowledge
Higher declarative knowledge
Paired constraints
Hidden dependencies
Existence constraints
each subject by aggregating variables that showed significant
correlations with error rates, i.e., amount of analyzed models, amount of created models, average activities per model,
familiarity with paradigm, and confidence in understanding
(cf. Table 3). To compensate for different levels of measurement, e.g., amount of created models versus familiarity
with paradigm, we created rankings for each of the variables
according to the ranking method used in Spearman’s rank
correlation coefficient. Then, we summed up these rankings
for each background variable, denoted as declarative knowledge score. Based upon this score, we divided our sample into
two groups, i.e., a group with 8 subjects showing a declarative background knowledge below average and 8 subjects
showing a declarative background knowledge above average.
The results of this procedure are summarized in Table 4:
the columns show the groups with lower and higher declarative background knowledge, whereas the rows list the investigated categories. The numbers suggest that similar numbers of correct answers, except for category paired constraints, were found. To test whether differences between categories exist, we conducted Mann–Whitney U test between
the group with lower declarative knowledge against the group
with higher declarative knowledge for all categories: traces
(U = 17.5, p = 0.111), paired constraints (U = 17.0, p =
0.067), hidden dependencies (U = 23.0, p = 0.289), and
existence constraints (U = 32.0, p = 1.000). Even though
none of these comparisons could be found to be statistically
significant at α of 0.05, the computed p values differ considerably. In particular, virtually no difference could be found
for existence constraints ( p = 1.000), whereas differences
approached the significance niveau for paired constraints
( p = 0.067) and traces ( p = 0.111). In other words, it can be
assumed that existence constraints cause similar difficulties
for inexperienced and experienced subjects. However, paired
constraints and traces seem to be particularly more difficult
for less-experienced subjects and hidden dependencies range
between these categories. We would like to emphasize at this
point that these results do not suggest that there are no differences between less and more experienced subjects, but rather
the low sample size might be responsible for nonsignificant
differences. Nevertheless, even if the frequencies of some of
these difficulties would be proven different between experienced and inexperienced subjects in larger samples, our
finding that both populations encounter these difficulties, to
a certain extent, remains valid.
Discussion Considering these results, it seems essential that
system analysts that are introduced to declarative modeling
receive adequate training and that the influence of knowledge from imperative modeling is rather limited. Likewise,
regarding the recent interest in modeling languages that combine declarative and imperative modeling constructs [55],
appropriate training seems essential. This finding is particularly relevant, as it was found that within imperative modeling languages—particularly EPC and BPMN—it does not
matter which modeling language is taught [51]. Against this
background, it seems that within the same modeling paradigm, knowledge can be rather easily transferred. However,
in our data, no statistically significant correlations between
imperative modeling knowledge and the understanding of
declarative models could be found.
4.3.7 R Q 3.2 : Is there a relationship between the number
of correctly answered questions and the mental
effort spent?
Regarding R Q 3.1 , we investigated in how far human-related
factors, such as experience and education, are connected to
the understanding of declarative models. Further, R Q 3.2 is
concerned with supporting the sense-making of declarative
models, in particular with the question how improvements
can be measured. In this vein and detailed in the following, works investigating potential problems regarding the
understanding of declarative models referred to problems
closely connected to the capabilities of the human mind. For
instance, the combination of constraints [47], hidden dependencies [39,67], and hard mental operations [67] was identified as potential problems. Therefore, it seems desirable
to have measures at hand that allows researchers to assess
in how far proposed concepts support the human mind in
interpreting declarative models. To this end, as described
in Sect. 2.5, the measurement of mental effort seems to be
promising, as it presumably allows assessing subtle changes
with respect to understandability [65]. However, currently,
it is not clear yet whether mental effort is indeed a useful
measure for the understandability of a declarative model. To
compensate this shortcoming, in the following, we investigate the connection between mental effort and accuracy, i.e.,
the percentage of correct answers—an established measure
for understandability [2].
To this end, we computed the average mental effort and
accuracy for each question. As described in Sect. 4.1, we prepared 2 models with 8 questions each, leading to a total of
16 questions. To visualize the results, we employed a scatter
plot, as shown in Fig. 12. The x axis represents the men-
C. Haisjackl et al.
4.3.8 R Q 3.3 : Which modeling constructs are perceived
particularly challenging and where do system
analysts see a potential for improving the
understandability of declarative process models?
The goal of R Q 3.3 was to complement findings obtained so
far with opinions and suggestions from system analysts. In
particular, after all questions regarding the understandability
of the process model were answered, we additionally asked
the following questions for each model:
– Why do you think the model was (not) difficult to understand?
– Do you have suggestions for making the model easier to
Fig. 12 Mental effort versus accuracy
tal effort, ranging from Extremely low mental effort (1) to
Extremely high mental effort (7). In turn, the y axis shows
the associated accuracy, ranging from 0 (all answers incorrect) to 1 (all questions correct). Furthermore, three observations can be made. First, the mental effort of most questions
is below Neither high nor low mental effort (4), i.e., subjects perceived the questions to be rather easy. In fact, the
questions were ranked to have on average Low mental effort
(M = 2.71, SD = 0.71). Second, questions were mostly
answered correctly, i.e., 84.0 % of all answers were correct
(M = 0.84, SD = 0.15). Third, it appears that, in general,
higher mental effort is connected to lower accuracy. To corroborate these observations, we computed Spearman’s rho,
confirming that mental effort and accuracy are negatively
correlated [rS (14) = −0.628, p = 0.009].
As opposed to this background, the adoption of mental effort for measuring the understandability of a declarative process models seems to be promising. To provide further support for the usefulness of mental effort, we need to
refer to an earlier experiment, in which we investigated the
impact of test cases on the maintenance of declarative process
models [63], thereby we assessed mental effort, accuracy,
and confidence—typical measures regarding understandability [2]. Even though a positive influence on mental effort and
confidence could be found, accuracy did not change. In the
discussion, we argued that nonsignificant differences could
be traced back to problems with the experimental design.
In fact, the replication of the study confirmed the positive
influence on mental effort and confidence, but also on accuracy [65]. Hence, we argue that the adoption of mental effort
provides a valuable additional perspective, allowing us to
assess in more detail which research directions seem most
To analyze answers, we once more applied grounded theory to identify and classify issues, which—according to the
subjects—influence the sense-making of declarative business
process models. The results for the question “Why you think
the model was (not) difficult to understand?” are summarized in Table 5. All in all, we could find 9 factors that
subjects considered to be beneficial/harmful for the sensemaking of declarative process models. These factors, in turn,
were grouped into three categories, i.e., factors relating to
constraints, factors relating to the imperative background of
the subjects, and other factors. Considering category constraints, 16 subjects mentioned that the combination of constraints posed a considerable challenge for the sense-making.
For instance, one subject mentioned that “for me it is difficult
to understand the meaning… since we have several relations,
several constraints which relate the order of the activities.”
In addition, 4 subjects explicitly mentioned that they experienced problems with hidden dependencies. Positively, 4 subjects explained that components supported the sense-making.
Knowing that almost all subjects had problems with the combination of constraints, this appears plausible as components
help to reduce the amount of activities connected by con-
Table 5 Why do you think the model was (not) difficult to understand?
Combination of constraints
Imperative background
Hidden dependencies
Semantic of constraint
Making sense of declarative process models
straints. Interestingly, only 4 subjects mentioned that they
had problems with the semantic of single constraints: precedence, response, succession, and all chained constraints were
mentioned. As all subjects indicated problems with the combination of constraints, this clearly indicates problems are
rather caused by the combination of several constraints than
by the semantic of single constraints.
Regarding category imperative background, we could find
two negative and two positive influences. Interestingly, 4
subjects mentioned components as negative influence—even
though another 4 subjects deemed components as a positive
influence, as described before. Also, 4 subjects indicated constraints that appeared visually, but not necessarily semantically, as cycles, as problem. To understand these peculiar and
apparently contradicting findings, we would like to refer to
the theory of Mindshift Learning [3]. This theory postulates
that, when learning new modeling languages, concepts that
are similar, but still show subtle differences, are most difficult
to learn. In the context of imperative and declarative process
modeling languages, one particular problem is related to the
graph-based notation. Even though both paradigms typically
make use of graph-based notations, the semantics are usually different to a large extent. Regarding components, in
an imperative process model, related activities are usually
connected be sequence flows. In declarative process models, however, related activities do not necessarily need to
be connected by constraints. Likewise, cycles in imperative
process models are created through sequence flows. In declarative process models, constraints do not necessarily convey
sequential information only; thus, activities that are visually connected as a cycle do not necessarily describe a cycle
semantic-wise. In light of the theory of Mindshift Learning,
these concepts are similar, but yet not the same and thus particularly difficult to understand. Hence, it appears plausible
that components and cycles were mentioned as factors negatively influencing sense-making. Contrariwise, we also found
two factors that were perceived positively. First, 2 subjects
mentioned that the init constraint—which relates to a start
event in an imperative process model—is useful in the interpretation. Likewise, 1 subject mentioned that it appreciated
when the order in which activities are to be executed matches
the layout. Finally, regarding category other, we would like
to mention that 4 subjects perceived the layout as a negative influence. However, this can be rather traced back to the
setup of the study, i.e., the usage of mirrored layout, than the
specificities of Declare models.
Finally, question “Do you have any suggestions to make
the model easier to read or understand?” gives insights into
what subjects proposed to make declarative process models
easier to understand. In particular, as summarized in Table 6,
four suggestions were identified. First and foremost, 16 subjects urged that the combination of constraints needs to be
simplified. Further, 6 subjects proposed the development of
Table 6 Do you have suggestions for making the model easier to understand?
Simplify combination of constraints
Make hidden dependencies explicit
Change layout (from left to right)
Use modularization
mechanisms that make hidden dependencies explicit. In addition, 6 subjects indicated that a layout that aligned activities
in their execution order from left to right would be beneficial.
Finally, 5 subjects proposed to make use of modularization
for improving the understandability of declarative process
Unsurprisingly, suggestions for the improvement of declarative process models are closely connected to respective
problems (cf. Table 5). In general, it can be observed that
the basic building blocks of declarative process models—
activities and constraints—are rather unproblematic. However, the combination of constraints and resulting hidden
dependencies, in turn, pose considerable challenges. In this
sense, for instance, approaches providing computer-based
support for the interpretation of constraints seem promising [67]. Also, regarding the design of declarative process
modeling languages, it seems advisable to refrain from using
modeling constructs that look visually similar to imperative modeling constructs, but exhibit different semantics—
such modeling constructs are particularly difficult to learn,
as argued in the Mindshift Learning theory [3].
4.4 Limitations
The findings of this study have to be seen in light of several limitations. First and foremost, due to the similar nature
of experimental design, limitations of the exploratory study
also apply to the follow-up study. This includes the relatively
low sample size (even though not unusual [14,43]). Further,
although the adopted declarative process models vary in the
number of activities, constraints, domain and layout, it is
not entirely clear whether the results can also be applied for
declarative process models in general. Likewise, all subjects
indicated academic background, further limiting the generalization of results. Lastly, note that this study focuses exclusively on Declare models and further studies are needed to
establish whether the same conclusions would apply to other
declarative process modeling languages.
5 Related work
In this work, we have empirically investigated the sensemaking of Declare models. Similarly, the connection between
a declarative process model’s modularization and its understanding was empirically validated in [68]. However, as
opposed to this work, the focus was put on modularization
further than on the general understanding of a declarative
process model. More generally, the understandability of conceptual models with hierarchy was investigated for a variety
of modeling languages, such as PROTOS [53], Hierarchical
ER Diagrams [40], and UML Diagrams [10] (see [64] for
an overview). Similarly, the understandability of conceptual
modeling languages was examined from different angles. For
instance, the understandability of Extended ER Diagrams and
the Nijssen Information Analysis Methodology was compared in [31], whereas the understandability of imperative
process models was investigated in [54]. Efficient cognitive
search for UML Class Diagrams [58] and ER Diagrams as
well as Data Flow Diagrams was investigated in [26]. Even
though all these approaches considerably help to improve
the understanding of conceptual models, none of them takes
declarative process models into account.
In a similar vein, guidelines for creating imperative models, all easier comprehensible, were proposed. For instance,
the Guidelines of Modeling describe various quality considerations for process models [7]. The so-called Seven Process
Modeling Guidelines accumulate the insights from various
empirical studies (e.g., [36]) to develop a set of actions a system analyst may want to undertake in order to avoid issues
with respect to understandability [34]. More generally, guidelines for other conceptual modeling languages, such as ER
Diagrams [8], and OWL [45], were proposed as well. Likewise, in [30], the effectiveness and usability of design guidelines for multiple diagrams was evaluated. Though all these
guidelines aim to improve the understandability of conceptual models, none of them takes declarative process models
into account, as approached in this contribution.
In this work, we have investigated the understanding of
declarative process models; likewise, the creation of declarative process models is closely connected to this work. In particular, the role of understanding declarative process models
during modeling has been investigated in [67]. Similar to our
work, it has been postulated that declarative models are most
beneficial when sequential information is directly available,
as empirically validated in [63]. In a similar vein, the construction of declarative process models from execution traces
is described in [32] and the verification of respective models
is discussed in [62]. Even though these works advance the
creation of declarative process models, the sense-making of
declarative process models is not investigated as detailed as in
this contribution. Besides the creation of declarative process
models, their execution, as enabled by Declare [47], should be
mentioned as well. In particular, although declarative process
models provide a high degree of flexibility, their execution
might pose a significant challenge. As argued in [57], it may
not always be clear to end users, which activity shall be exe-
C. Haisjackl et al.
cuted next. To counterbalance this problem, several methods
for guiding the end user through the execution of a declarative
process instance were proposed. For instance [47], proposes
to generate an automaton which represents all feasible traces
related to a declarative process model. From such automation, in turn, optimized execution plans can be created. In
a similar way, the approach of [38] can be used to generate and select traces of differing quality factors. Likewise,
optimized execution plans may be used for giving recommendations to users [5], generating imperative process models [18], simulation, and time prediction [27]. More broadly
[57], propose similar methods that can be applied to imperative process models as well. Even though this approach highlights improving the usability of declarative process models,
focus is on the phase of process operation solely.
For this study, we have focused on the declarative modeling language Declare. Recently, also dynamic condition
response (DCR) graphs [41] have gained increasing interest. DCR graphs, like Declare, allow for the specification
of declarative process models, support the specification of
sub-processes [24], and have been applied in a case study
for a cross-organizational case management system [25].
Unlike Declare, DCR graphs focus on a set of core constraints
instead of allowing for the specification of arbitrary constraints. DCR graphs also employ different formalisms for
operationalizing constraints. So far, contributions related to
DCR graphs have rather focused on technical aspects, such as
technical feasibility, formal correctness, and expressiveness,
while understandability issues have not been approached yet.
In this work, we investigated the outcome of a process
modeling endeavor, i.e., the process model. Recently,
researchers have begun to investigate the process of creating
a model, referred to as the process of process modeling [50].
Similar to this work, the way in which modelers make sense
of a model, while creating it, is investigated, e.g., by visualizing the process of process modeling [11]. Similarly, different personalized modeling styles [49] and modeling strategies have been identified [12]. Even though this stream of
research promises to provide insights into the sense-making
during modeling, none of these works has investigated the
creation of declarative models yet. Rather, current works
seem to focus on imperative modeling languages.
6 Summary and outlook
Declarative approaches to business process modeling have
recently attracted interest, as they provide a high degree of
flexibility [47]. However, the increase in flexibility comes at
the cost of understandability and hence might result in maintainability problems of respective process models [47,67].
To advance the understandability of declarative process models, we conducted an empirical investigation, consisting of
Making sense of declarative process models
an exploratory study and a follow-up study. The exploratory
study investigated how system analysts make sense of declarative process models specified in Declare and provided
insights into associated problems. Further, the results indicate that system analysts read declarative process models in a
sequential way. Regarding the combination of constraints, the
exploratory found that single constraints caused only minor
problems, but combinations of several constraints seem to
be challenging. More specifically, hidden dependencies, as
caused by the combination of constraints, were hardly identified.
In the follow-up study, we set out to confirm and refine
the findings of the exploratory study. In the exploratory study,
we found that system analysts read declarative process models in an iterative and sequential way. However, this finding
could not be fully confirmed in the follow-up study. In particular, the follow-up study showed that starting at the init
constraint and proceeding in a sequential way, considering
the execution order of activities, is a common strategy. However, the analysis also showed that there is a second commonly applied strategy, in which the analysis is started in
the top-left corner, reading the model in a top-down manner.
In the exploratory study—due to the way models were laid
out—these two strategies coincided. Using models with two
different layout variants in the follow-up study, we were able
to identify these two distinct strategies.
All other findings of the exploratory study could be
confirmed and refined in the follow-up study. In particular, the follow-up study showed that single constraints—
analogous to the exploratory study—did not cause considerable problems. The combination of constraints, however,
caused considerable challenges. These challenges could be
observed in the context of several tasks like naming minimal traces, naming valid traces, understanding pairs of constraints, and understanding hidden dependencies. In addition, the study showed that experience regarding declarative
process modeling correlates with accuracy, i.e., the amount
of correct answers, while experience regarding imperative
modeling did not lead to better results. While literature suggests that process modeling knowledge can be transferred
from one imperative language to the other quite easily [51],
this apparently does not hold for different paradigms. Moreover, regarding the assessment of understandability, a close
relationship between mental effort and accuracy could be
established. Besides the combination of constraints, aspects
of declarative process models that graphically look similar to imperative concepts, e.g., cycle-looking structures and
directed edges, were mentioned.
Our studies focused on the sense-making of manually created Declare models, but we did not consider models created
with the help of process mining. Even though approaches for
mining declarative constraints, e.g., [32], certainly support
the creation of declarative process models, it seems likely
that certain post-processing steps are necessary. For instance,
as the follow-up study showed, a model’s layout is an important aspect when trying to make sense of a model. As the
entry point of a declarative process model is not necessarily
unique [67], automatically laying out a declarative process
model may not always be possible. Hence, one option might
be to start with a process model that was created by process
mining and to manually adapt the model according to the
findings of this work, e.g., to clean up the layout and to avoid
the usage of paired constraints.
To improve the understandability of declarative process
models, it seems particularly promising to make hidden
dependencies explicit, e.g., by providing computer-based
support, facilitating the interpretation of constraints [67],
and to make use of modularization [68]. Regarding designing declarative process modeling notations, it might be recommendable to avoid representing declarative models in a
way similar to imperative models, especially when semantic differs considerably (cf. Mindshift Learning theory [3]).
Guidelines aiming to improve the understandability of conceptual models are introduced in Sect. 5, but guidelines easing the sense-making of declarative process model in order
to avoid pitfalls are still missing. Sections 3.3 and 4.3 show
frequently occurring difficulties (e.g., paired constraints and
hidden dependencies) that should be specifically addressed
in class. Even though the data provided first insights into the
process of understanding declarative models, further investigations are needed. Particularly, replications utilizing more
complex models seem to be appropriate means for additional
empirical tests. Although the think-aloud protocols already
provided a detailed view on the reasoning processes of system analysts, we plan to employ eye movement analysis for
more detailed analysis. The adoption of eye tracking, as discussed in [48], allows for accurately identifying parts of the
process model system analysts are focusing on. In addition,
this technology allows for constantly assessing the mental
effort [23], allowing for the identification of particularly challenging parts in the process model. Based on these insights,
we intend to evolve our work toward empirically founded
guidelines enabling better understandability of declarative
process models.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the
source are credited.
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Cornelia Haisjackl is a Ph.D.
candidate at the University of
Innsbruck (Austria). She is a
member of Quality Engineering
(QE) Research Group and member of the Research Cluster on
Business Processes and Workflows at QE. Cornelia received
her M.Sc. degree from the
Department of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck in
2012. Her main research interests
are declarative business process
models and the understandability
of business process models.
Irene Barba is a lecturer in
Computer Science at the University of Seville, Spain. She holds
M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science at the University
of Seville. Irene’s research is
focused on the application of artificial intelligence techniques to
enhance the effectiveness of the
different phases of the business
process management life cycle.
Specifically, her research interests include the optimized management of business processes,
user support in flexible processaware information systems, constraint programming, planning, and
scheduling. She published papers at international conferences and journals (e.g., Data and Knowledge Engineering, Information and Software
Technology, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, International Journal
of Cooperative Information Systems, CAiSE). She is a member of the
Quivir Research Group at the University of Seville.
Stefan Zugal is a postdoctoral
researcher at the University of
Innsbruck (Austria), where he
received his doctorate at the
Department of Computer Science in 2014. Stefan is member
of the Quality Engineering (QE)
Research Group and member of
the Research Cluster on Business Processes and Workflows at
QE. His main research interests
are declarative business process
models and the understandability
of business process models. Stefan has published more than 40
refereed papers in international journals, conferences, and workshops.
Pnina Soffer is a senior lecturer in the Information Systems Department at the University of Haifa. She received her
B.Sc. (1991) and M.Sc. (1993) in
Industrial Engineering, Ph.D. in
Information Systems Engineering from the Technion, Israel
Institute of Technology (2002).
Her research deals with business process modelling and management, requirements engineering, and conceptual modelling,
addressing issues such as goal
orientation, flexibility, interoperability, and context-aware adaptation. She has published over 90 papers
in journals and conference proceedings. Among others, her research
has appeared in journals such as Journal of the AIS, European J of IS,
Requirements Engineering, Information Systems, and more. She has
served as a guest editor for a number of special issues related to various business process topics such as business process flexibility, coordinated development of business processes and information systems,
and business process design. Pnina has served in program committees
of numerous conferences, including CAiSE, BPM, ER, and held several organizational positions in CAiSE and in BPM, including program
chair of BPM 2014. She is a member of the CAiSE steering committee
and an organizer of the BPMDS working conference. She is a member
of editorial boards of several journals including the Journal of the AIS.
Irit Hadar is a tenured faculty member at the Department
of Information Systems at the
University of Haifa. She is the
Head of the Software Architecture Laboratory at the Caesarea
Rothschild Institute for Interdisciplinary Applications of Computer Science. Her main research
area is cognitive aspects of software architecture, design, and
analysis. She published over 70
papers in international journals
and conferences (CACM, JAIS,
EJIS, REJ, IST, JSS, JISE, OOPSLA, AMCIS, MCIS, etc.). She has been serving as an organizer and PC
member in conferences and workshops (CAiSE, ICIS, AMCIS, MCIS,
OOPSLA), and as an editorial board member (ACM TOCE journal).
She holds a Ph.D. from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.
Manfred Reichert is Professor
at the University of Ulm, Germany, and Director of the Databases and Information Systems
Institute. His major research
interests include business process
management (e.g., technologies
supporting process flexibility,
data-centric processes, knowledge-intensive processes, and
mobile processes), service-oriented computing (e.g., service
composition, service evolution),
and process-aware information
systems in advanced application
domains (e.g., e-health and automotive engineering). Manfred pio-
C. Haisjackl et al.
neered the work on the ADEPT process management technology and
is co-founder of the AristaFlow GmbH. He has been participating
in numerous research projects in the BPM area contributing more
than 250 scientific papers on BPM-related topics. His book entitled
“Enabling Flexibility in Process-Aware Information Systems,” which he
co-authored with Barbara Weber, was published by Springer in September 2012. Manfred has been PC Co-Chair of the BPM’08, CoopIS’11,
and EDOC’13 conferences and General Chair of the BPM’09 and
EDOC’14 conferences.
Jakob Pinggera is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Innsbruck (Austria). Jakob is a member of Quality Engineering (QE)
Research Group and member of
the Research Cluster on Business Processes and Workflows
at QE. Jakob received his M.Sc.
degree from the Department of
Computer Science, University of
Innsbruck in 2009. His main
research interest is the process
of process modeling, i.e., how
modelers create business process
models. His research interests
further include business process modeling notations and business
process quality. Jakob has published more than 40 refereed papers in
international journals, conferences, and workshops.
Barbara Weber is Associate
Professor at the University of
Innsbruck (Austria). Barbara is
a member of the Quality Engineering (QE) Research Group
and Head of the Research Cluster on Business Processes and
Workflows at QE. Barbara holds
a Habilitation degree in Computer Science and Ph.D. from
the University of Innsbruck. Barbara’s research interests include
process model understandability, process of process modeling, integrated process life cycle
support, change patterns, process flexibility, user support in flexible
process-aware systems, and recommendations to optimize process execution. Barbara has published more than 130 refereed papers, for example, in Data and Knowledge Engineering and Software and System
Modeling, Computers in Industry, Science of Computer Programming,
Enterprise Information Systems and Information and Software Technology and co-author of the book “Enabling Flexibility in Process-aware
Information Systems: Challenges, Methods, Technologies” by Springer.
Moreover, Barbara the organizer of the successful BPI workshop series
has been PC Co-Chair of BPM 2013 and will be general chair of BPM
2015 in Innsbruck.