Constr. Approx. (1992) 8:363-369
9 1992 Springer-VerlagNew York Inc.
On the Askey-Wilson Polynomials
N. M. Atakishiyev and S. K. Suslov
Abstract. Main properties of the Askey-Wilson polynomials are compactly
given on the basis of a generalization of Hahn's approach.
In [3], [4], and [16] a number of new systems of orthogonal polynomials (i.e.,
4F3 and 4q~3 polynomials) were introduced. The main properties of these polynomials have been established on the basis of the theory of hypergeometric and
basic hypergeometric series [9], [11]. As is clear now, the Askey-Wilson [3], [4]
and Wilson [16] polynomials are the most general extensions of the Jacobi,
Laguerre, and Hermite polynomials known at present.
The families of polynomials, considered in [1], [3], [4], and [16], together with
their special and limiting cases, form a mathematical entity--the classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable on nonuniform lattices [1], [15]. The introduction of such an object made it possible to generalize all the fundamental properties
characteristic of Hahn's approach [12], [10]. We shall disc/ass these properties for
the most general system--the Askey-Wilson polynomials, in the framework of an
approach developed in [15], [7].
1. Hypergeometrie-Type Difference Equation
Consider the hypergeometric-type difference equation in the self-adjoint form (for
details, see [15])
A[cr(z)p(z)] = p(z)~(z)Vx~(z),
on the lattice x(z) = cosh 2o9z = ~q" + q-Z), q = e2~,, where xl(z) = x(z + 89and
AT(z) = Vf(z + 1) = f(z + 1) - f(z).
Date received: March 14, 1991. Date revised: September 30, 1991. Communicated by Mourad Ismail.
AMS classification: 33D45.
Key words and phrases: Hahn's approach, Askey-Wilson polynomials, Difference operators and
equations, Sturm-Liouville problem, Orthogonality, Moments.
N.M. Atakishiyev and S. K. Sustov
In the very general form, we have [7]
a(z) = q-2~(q~ _ a)(qZ _ b)(q~ _ c)(q~ _ d),
p(z) = p(z, a, b, c, d) = fq(z)
9(z, v).
vma, b,c,d
f~-l(z ) =
Iql < 1;
0-a(z, V) ---- f i [1 -- v(q z + q-Z)qk d-- o2q2k'],
II)1 < 1.
For the definition and properties of Fq(z) we refer the reader to [11]. Since
p1(z) = tT(z + 1)p(z + 1)
= -ql/2p(z + 89aq x/2, bq~/2, cql/2, dqX/2),
by using the operator 6f(z)= A f ( z - 1/2), equation (1) for the Askey-Wilson
polynomials may be rewritten in the form [4-]
6x(z)6 [ p(z,
aq 1/2, bq 1/2, cq 1/2, dq 1/2) 6Y(z)
6x(z)_J1 = 2"q-1/2P(Z' a, b, c, d)Y(z),
where 2,q-1/z = 4q(1 - q)-:(1 - q-")(1 - abcdq"-1) (cf. [4-]).
2. Rodrigues-Type Formula
The polynomial solutions Y.(z) = Y.[x(z)] of (I), corresponding to definite values
of 2 = 2., can be .found by the Rodrigues-type formula [15]
Y.(z) = p ~ v~"l[p.(z),],
where p,(z) = p(z + n) 1-~,=1 a(z + k),
xk = x(z + k/2).
Since [7]
V~")p,(z) =
p, z -
and for the Askey-Wilson polynomials we have
pn(z) = (--1)nq-n("-2)/2p Z + ~, aq n/2, bq n/2, cq n/2, dq n/2 ,
then (5) takes the form [4]
p(z, a, b, c, d)
p(z, aq "/z, bq n/2, cq n/2, dq"/2).
On the Askey-Wilson Polynomials
3. Series Expansion
The general series expansion for polynomials (5) has the form [8]
Y.(z) = B. I-I z~(z~)
~, k-1 (2. -- 2,,)[x(z v + m) -- x(z)]
k=O ,.=o
zm(zv)y(m+ 1)
7(n) = (q~/2 _
q-,/Z)(ql/2 _ q-1/2)-1,
a(zo) = 0,
for other notations, see [15]. F r o m this formula it is easy to obtain the representation for the A s k e y - W i l s o n polynomials through the basic hypergeometric series
Y,(z) =
2"Bnq -.(3.- 5)/,*
a"(1 - q)"
(ab, q),(ac, q).(ad, q).
abcdq"- 1, aqZ, aq-Z
ab, ac, ad
I q' q)"
Here (v, q)o = 1, (v, q), = (1 - v)(1 - vq)-..(1 - vq"- 1), n = 1, 2 . . . . . W h e n B, =
2-"(1 --q)nqn(3n-5)/4 the polynomials (7) coincide with those introduced in [4].
They have the p r o p e r t y of self-duality [4], [14].
4. Formula of Difference Differentiation
F o r the polynomials Y,(z) = p.(x, a, b, c, d[q) from (1)-(2), (6), or (7) we can derive
the formula of difference differentiation [4]
p.(x, a, b, c, dlq)
- -
(1 - q-")(1 --
abcdq"- l)p,_ l(x, aq 1/2, bq 1/z, cq ~/2, dql/2lq),
i.e., difference differentiation on a n o n u n i f o r m lattice results in polynomials of the
same type (7).
5. Orthogonality Property
The orthogonality p r o p e r t y for the A s k e y - W i l s o n polynomials with respect to a
continuous measure was established in [4] by direct evaluation of an integral.
Another p r o o f is given in [13]. Here we shall briefly discuss this p r o p e r t y
by analogy with the p r o o f of an orthogonality of eigenfunctions for the S t u r m Liouville p r o b l e m [7].
Under conditions
;c V[pl(z)x](z)] dz = 0
. . . . ),
N . M . A t a k i s h i y e v a n d S. K. Suslov
log -I q
-iTr log -1 q
irr log - l q
- 1 + irr log -~ q
rig. 1
the polynomial solutions o f ( l ) are orthogonal on a contour C in the complex z-plane:
.f,- Ym[X(Z)]~.Ex(z)]p(z)Vxl(z) dz = 0
(m # n).
In the case under consideration, it is necessary to choose the line segment z c = iO
log-1 q, _ rc < 0 < rq as a contour C (see Fig. 1), and to require that the points
z~ = log v/log q, v = a, b, c, d (a(%) = 0), which define four sequences of the poles
(see formula (4)) of the function p(z) = - p ( - z ) , going to the right (left), be located
on the right (left) of the contour C, i.e., 1
Im z, = Im Zo
Re zv > Re z c.
Owing to (2), pl(z) = a ( - z ) p ( z ) , and the integrand in (9) does not have the poles
inside the parallelogram in the figure. Therefore the integral over the whole of the
boundary of this parallelogram is equal to. zero, ensuring the fulfillment of
condition (9) due to the 2rci log-Xq periodicity of the integrand. From this it
follows that the orthogonality property (10) is the case. Now, using the symmetry
of the integrand in (10) with respect to the change z ~ - z , we finally come to the
orthogonality relation for the Askey-Wilson polynomials [4]
J~ pm(x)pn(x)p(x)dx = 0
(m # n),
Since Re(z o - Zc) = l o g l v l / l o g l q l , then from (11) it follows t h a t [ql < 1 a n d m a x . . . . b,c,dtVl < 1.
On the Askey-WilsonPolynomials
f +2(1
i l--2x2)qkwq
l 2k]
(1 -
x 2 ) - 1/2
f i [1 -- 2vxq k + v2q 2k']
v = a , b , c , d k=O
6. Property of Moments
The property of moments for the polynomial solutions of equation (1), generalizing
the corresponding property in Hahn's theory [12], was considered in [17] and
[6]. For the moments of the form
C. = fc[X(Z) - x(z a + n - 1)]~")p(z)Vxl(z) dz,
with the generalized power
[x(z) - x(za + n -- 1)] ~") = ~I [x(z) - x(z. + k)]
_ "1] "q-nt,,-1)/2(aq-Z ' q).(aqZ, q)n,
~(Za) = O,
the relation [-6]
C.+ 1 = - a(z. + n) + z(z. + n)Vxl(z. + n) C.
x.+ lVX. + l(z.)
is valid. Here we have used the notation x. = -2.~-1(n). For the Askey-Wilson
polynomials from (13) we find
. - 1 a ( - z~ - k)
(ab, q).(ac, q).(ad, q). Co.
Cn = ( - 1)" 17I
Co = ( - 1)"
k=O Xk+ 1VXk+l(Za)
(2a)"q "("- 1)~2(abed, q).
We also note that the moments of the form
M . = fc(aq-~, q).(aq z, q).p(z)Vxx(z ) dz
are equal to
(ab, q).(ac, q),,(ad, q),,
(abcd, q),,
Now it remains to evaluate the integral
Mo = Mo(a, b, c, at) = ;c p(z, a, b, c, d)Vxl(z ) dz.
N.M. Atakishiyev and S. K. Suslov
According to (4)
M 1=
q)l(aq z, q)lp(z, a, b, c, d)Vxl(z) dz
= fc p(z, aq, b, c, d)Vxl(z) dz = Mo(aq, b, c, d).
Therefore, in view of (16)
1 - abcd
Mo(a, b, c, d) =
(1 -
Mo(a q, b, c, d).
From this formula, by using the symmetry of (17) under permutations of parameters a, b, c, d, we can find
Mo(a, b, c, d) =
(abcd, q)o~
Mo(0, 0, 0, 0),
(ab, q)~(ac, q)oo(ad, q)oo(bc, q)~(bd, q)o~(cd, q)~o
o0 1 - vqk), Iql < 1. To evaluate the constant Mo(0, 0, 0,
where (v, q)oo = l-[k=O(
O) = Mo(q) we use the Jacobi triple product identity [11], which gives Mo(q) =
2n(q, q)L 1. As a result we obtain the Askey-Wilson q-beta integral [4], [2], [13].
The representation for the Askey-Wilson polynomials in terms of moments has
the form
Y~(z, = C det(jl/xitpkd#)i=o.1 ...... -1
k=O, 1 ..... n
= const
q~k(Z) = (aq-~, q)k(aq ~, q)k,
Mik = f c
~kk(Z) = qgk(Z)I,~b;
~tI(Z)tPk(Z)P(Z'a, b, c, d)Vxl(z ) dz
= Mo(aq k, bq i, c, d).
Wilson [17] has suggested a method for the direct evaluation of this determinant
and pointed out that it can be applied to the case of the 4~o3-polynomials. This
proof can be easily given in terms of the CHARM polynomials [5].
The authors are grateful to M. E. H. Ismail and M. Rahman for discussions.
On the Askey-Wilson Polynomials
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N. M. Atakishiyev
Physics Institute
Baku 370143
S.K. Suslov
Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy
Moscow 123182