Journal of
ion Effe
Journal of Pollution Effects & Control
Bakare et al., J Pollut Eff Cont 2016, 4:1
ISSN: 2375-4397
Genotoxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles using the Mouse Bone
Marrow Micronucleus and Sperm Morphology Assays
Bakare AA1*, Udoakang AJ1, Anifowoshe AT2, Fadoju OM1, Ogunsuyi OI1, Alabi OA3, Alimba CG1 and Oyeyemi IT1
Cell Biology and Genetics Unit, Department of Zoology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Department of Zoology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Biology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2-NPs) have recently been of public health and scientiic concern due to
their widespread use in industrial and household applications. However, there is limited information concerning its
in vivo cytogenotoxicity. In this study, the cytogenotoxic effects of TiO2-NPs on the somatic tissue using the mouse
bone marrow micronucleus (MN) assay and on reproductive tissue using the mouse sperm morphology assay and
testicular histopathology were investigated. Five concentrations of 9.38, 18.75, 37.50, 75.00 and 150.00 mg/kg bwt
were administered intraperitoneally at 0.5 mL/mouse to mice for ive and ten consecutive days in the MN assay; and
for ive consecutive days in the sperm morphology assay. Double distilled water and cyclophosphamide (20 mg/kg
bwt) served as negative and positive controls, respectively. A signiicant (p<0.05) increase in MN was observed in
bone marrow cells of treated mice at 37.50 mg/kg bwt concentration in the 5-day exposure and at all concentrations
in the 10-day exposure. The sperm cells examined 5 and 10 weeks from the irst day of exposure showed signiicant
increase (p<0.05) in abnormal sperm cells at tested concentrations. Histopathologically, TiO2-NPs disrupted the
normal cellular architecture of testicular tissues in exposed mice; as it caused severe lesions such as congestion
of the interstitium oedema, vacuolation and necrosis. These suggest that the bone marrow and testicular cells may
be potential targets for TiO2-NPs induced DNA damage and cytotoxicity in mice. This is of public health importance
considering increasing exposure to TiO2-NPs in consumer products.
Keywords: Titanium dioxide nanoparticles; DNA damage;
Micronucleus; Histopathology; Mouse sperm morphology
Nanotechnology as an emerging science in this millennium has led
to the advancement in the production of nanoparticles [1]. It creates
opportunities for engineers to manufacture superior and more durable
devices and products [2], and boost scientiic interest to ascertain
their impact on the biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem.
he development and enlarging research interest in nanoparticles and
nanomedicine have led to a huge potential for novel ways of rapid
disease diagnosis, treatment and enhanced quality of life [2].
Nanoparticles (NPs) exist as naturally occurring nanoparticles
(e.g. volcanic ash, ocean spray and storm dust) and engineered NPs
(ENPs). ENPs include carbon based (e.g. fullerenes, carbon nanotubes),
inorganic NPs such as [metal- e.g. silver, iron, copper, manganese; and
metal oxides e.g. - titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, copper oxide, silicon
oxide)] and quantum dots (e.g. cadmium and selenium) [3]. hey have
a small size and large surface area to volume ratio with high reactivity
potential, as a result of these unique properties, they have being
massively produced by industries that use them on a large scale [4,5].
he increased production of these particles enhances the probability of
exposure through inhalation, oral and dermal penetration, both in the
occupational and environmental settings [6-8].
Among the available metal oxide NPs used in the manufacturing
of consumer products are titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2-NPs),
which are the earliest industrially produced nanomaterial’s [9] and one
of the most highly manufactured in the world [10]. here are three
diferent crystalline structures of TiO2-NPs: anatase, rutile and brookite
[11]. Anatase is more chemically reactive and capable of generating
reactive oxygen species [12] while rutile is the most natural form of
TiO2 and is said to be chemically inert [11,12]. TiO2- NPs account for
over 70% of the total production volume of nanoparticles worldwide.
J Pollut Eff Cont
ISSN:2375-4397 JPE, an open access journal
It is a white pigment and mostly used because of its brightness and
very high refractive index. It is used in diverse areas of application
such as ointments, toothpaste, plastics, rubber, printing inks, loor
coverings, automotive products, food colorants, catalysts, adsorbents,
semi-conductors, mortar, ceramics, whitening and brightening of food,
especially for confectionary and certain powdered foods. hey are
also used in the pharmaceutical industry as an opacity agent, and in
environmental decontamination of air, soil, and water [13-15]. In some
of these products, the amount of TiO2-NPs is more than 10% by weight
[16,17]. In spite of the increased application of TiO2-NPs especially in
consumer products, little is known about the potential toxicities and
the underlying mechanisms, and this has generated major concerns
among scientists especially toxicologists on their potential genotoxic
and cytotoxic efects [18-20].
Data regarding the genotoxicity studies of TiO2-NPs are
inconsistent, as their toxicities are complex and depend on the physicochemical properties such as size, surface area, crystalline structure,
surface properties, agglomeration and solubility [4,5,21,22]. here are
studies on in vitro genotoxic efects of TiO2-NPs in human lymphocytes
[23,24], human hepatoma HepG2 cells [25,26], Chinese Hamster Ovary
*Corresponding author: Bakare AA, Cell Biology and Genetics Unit, Department
of Zoology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, Tel: +23407032295419; E-mail:
Received January 28, 2016; Accepted February 29, 2016; Published March 07,
Citation: Bakare AA, Udoakang AJ, Anifowoshe AT, Fadoju OM, Ogunsuyi OI, et
al. (2016) Genotoxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles using the Mouse Bone
Marrow Micronucleus and Sperm Morphology Assays. J Pollut Eff Cont 4: 156.
Copyright: © 2016 Bakare AA, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.
Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000156
Citation: Bakare AA, Udoakang AJ, Anifowoshe AT, Fadoju OM, Ogunsuyi OI, et al. (2016) Genotoxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles using the
Mouse Bone Marrow Micronucleus and Sperm Morphology Assays. J Pollut Eff Cont 4: 156. doi:10.4172/2375-4397.1000156
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Cells (CHO) [27,28], human bronchial epithelial cell line (BEAS 2B)
[29], human epidermal cell line (A431) [30], human lung cancer cells
(A549) [31], and human SHSY5Y neuronal cells [32]. Whether photo
activated or not, TiO2-NPs (anatase or rutile) have been found to induce
DNA damages [33-36], micronuclei formation [26,28,37], cell necrosis
and apoptosis through the formation of reactive oxygen species [21,3840], impair cell function in human dermal ibroblasts and decrease cell
area, cell proliferation, and cell mobility [41]. In vivo, TiO2-NPs have
been reported to cause inlammatory reaction [42,43], oxidative DNA
damage [44-47], pulmonary ibrosis [48] and serious damage to the
liver, kidneys and myocardium in mice [49]. Information on in vivo
genotoxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles is limited. his may be
of importance for bone marrow and germ cells, where adverse impacts
may afect the potentials for self-renewal and diferentiation. With the
enormous applications of TiO2-NPs in consumer products, they can
be absorbed via inhalation, ingestion, and dermal penetration into the
body systemic circulation and reached important viscera organs. Hence,
in this study, we investigated the genotoxic efect of TiO2 NPs in mice
using induction of micronucleus and abnormal sperm morphology as
the genetic end points. Additionally, the toxic efect on the histology of
the testes of exposed mice was also examined.
Materials and Methods
Test substance and preparation of TiO2-NPs stock solution
Titanium dioxide nanopowder [(TiO2-NPs, anatase, CAS number:
1317-70-0, product code - 637254), Purity: 99.7%, Average Particle
Size: <25 nm, Speciic Surface Area: 45 m2/g, Color: white, Morphology:
powder, Bulk density: 0.04-0.06 g/mL and relative density: 3.9 g/mL]
was obtained commercially from Sigma Aldrich Co. Germany. his
NP was chosen because of its utilization in previous studies [30], and
the physico-chemical characterization is as reported by Shukla et al.
[30]. he TiO2-NPs were suspended in double distilled water at a stock
concentration of 150 mg/kg body weight (adapted from IP LD50 in mice)
[49] and ultrasonicated (BANDELIN Sonorex digitec Germany - DT
52H, 230 V – 50/60 Hz; 0.9 A; 60/240 W; 35 kHz) for 1h (3 min pulse
on and 30 sec pulse of) at 60W. Freshly prepared working solutions
were made by serial dilution from the stock solution; ater vortex for
ive minutes before each dilution process to disperse the particles. Five
concentrations of 9.38, 18.75, 37.50, 75.00 and 150.00 mg/Kg bwt of
TiO2-NPs were utilized in this study.
Biological materials
Young male Swiss albino mice (Mus musculus, 5-6 and 8-12 weeks
old) were obtained from the National Institute for Medical Research
(NIMR) Lagos, Nigeria. hey were acclimatized for two weeks in the
animal house of the Department of Zoology, University of Ibadan,
Nigeria with food (Ladokun® pelleted feed) and drinking water (tap
water) supplied ad libitum. Mice of 7-8 weeks of age were used for the
micronucleus assay; while those of 12-14 weeks were used for the sperm
morphology assay. Ethical approval was obtained from the Animal Care
and Use in Research Ethics Committee (ACUREC) of the University of
Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria (UI-ACUREC/App/2015/005).
Micronucleus (MN) assay
Two exposure durations of 5- and 10- days were considered. here
were ive concentrations of 9.38, 18.75, 37.50, 75.00 and 150.00 mg/kg
bwt (corresponding to × 0.0625, × 0.125, × 0.25, × 0.5 and × 1 of IP LD50
of TiO2 NPs) per exposure period, and four mice (weight range of 22–
30 g) per concentration. Double distilled water and cyclophosphamide
(20 mg/kg; Cadila Healthcare Limited, Ponda, Goa) served as negative
J Pollut Eff Cont
ISSN:2375-4397 JPE, an open access journal
and positive controls respectively. Each mouse per concentration was
intraperitoneally (IP) administered 0.5 mL of the respective dosage per
day for 5 or 10 consecutive days depending on the exposure period.
Bone marrow cells preparation for MN assessment was according to
Schmid [50] as modiied by Bakare et al. [51]. Briely, the animals were
sacriiced by cervical dislocation. he femurs were removed and bone
marrow lushed with Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) (PAA Laboratories
GmbH, PAA-Strasse 1, Pasching. Austria). Cells were centrifuged
at 2000 rpm for 5 min and slides were stained with May-Grunwald
and Giemsa stains. At least 2000 erythrocytes per mouse were scored
at ×1000 for MN in polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCE) and
normochromatic erythrocytes (MNNCE).
Sperm morphology assay
Induction of sperm abnormalities was done in accordance with
standard procedures [52,53]. Mice of 12-14 weeks of age (weight range
of 20-36 g) were utilised. hey were divided into two groups based on the
exposure periods of 5 and 10 weeks. In each exposure period there were 5
dosage groups (6 mice per dosage group) just as in the MN assay. A single
intraperitoneal (IP) injection of 0.5 mL of the respective dosage group
was administered to the mice daily for 5 consecutive days. he same
volume but of cyclophophasmide (20 mg/kg) and double distilled water
was administered to mice in the positive and negative control groups
respectively. Sperm cells were sampled from the cauda epididymes at 5
and 10 weeks from the irst exposure. Four mice per dosage group were
sacriiced by cervical dislocation and their cauda epididymes removed;
sperm suspensions were then prepared from the cauda of each testis by
mincing the cauda in normal saline and 1% eosin Y stain. he slides were
air-dried and coded for subsequent microscopic examination at x1000.
For each mouse, 1000 sperm cells were assessed for morphological
abnormalities according to the criteria of Wyrobek and Bruce [54].
Histopathological analysis of the testes
Testes were carefully excised from two mice randomly selected from
each dosage group exposed to 9.38, 37.50 and 150.00 mg/Kg bwt of
TiO2-NPs, and the negative and positive control groups at the end of 5
and 10 weeks exposure periods respectively. Blood and body luids were
rinsed from the testes using normal saline and were ixed in Bouin’s luid
for 48 hours. hey were then dehydrated in ascending grades of ethanol
(70%, 80%, 95%, and 100%), cleared using xylene and embedded in
parain wax using Leica Histokinete tissue processor for 6 hours. Serial
sections of 4 μm thickness were obtained on labeled glass slides using a
rotatory microtome. he deparainized sections were stained routinely
with haematoxylin and eosin (H & E) and mounted. he slides were
scored randomly at 400X and photomicrographs taken accordingly.
Statistical analysis
he Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS®) version 16.0
and Microsot Excel® 2007 were used for data analysis. Data obtained
were expressed as percentage frequency and mean ± standard error.
Signiicance at diferent concentration-level was tested using oneway ANOVA test and Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DMRT).
Correlation analysis was done to establish relationship between the
frequency of induced MN and exposure period. Diference between
the negative control-group and individual concentration-groups were
analyzed at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability level.
Micronucleus assay
Table 1 shows the frequency of MNPCE (Figure 1) observed in
Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000156
Citation: Bakare AA, Udoakang AJ, Anifowoshe AT, Fadoju OM, Ogunsuyi OI, et al. (2016) Genotoxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles using the
Mouse Bone Marrow Micronucleus and Sperm Morphology Assays. J Pollut Eff Cont 4: 156. doi:10.4172/2375-4397.1000156
Page 3 of 7
the bone marrow of mice exposed to the diferent concentrations of
TiO2-NPs for ive and ten days. TiO2-NPs increased the frequency of
micronucleus in mice at all the tested concentrations compared to the
negative control both in the 5 and 10 days exposure periods. At the
respective tested concentrations, MNPCE increased with a 3.2, 1.5, 4.8,
3.2, and 4.1 folds at the 5 days exposure period; and 6.5, 4.5, 14.3, 15.8
and 22.0 folds at the 10 days exposure period. Signiicant diference
(p<0.05) was however observed at 37.50 mg/kg for the 5 days exposure
and at all the tested concentrations (p<0.01) except 18.75 mg/kg for the
10 days exposure. A concentration dependent increase in the frequency
of MNPCE was observed in the 10 days exposure. here was a positive
correlation between the frequency of MNPCE and days of exposure (r
= 0.693).
% abnormalities
Mean ± S.E.
5 weeks
10 weeks
Distilled water
84.00 ± 6.44
164.40 ± 21.01*
5 weeks
139.40 ± 11.18
152.20 ± 20.61*
216.40 ± 43.36*
139.5 ± 5.07*
217.20 ± 30.07*
150.5 ± 11.07*
116.60 ± 20.49*
160.8 ± 9.28*
signiicant at p<0.05; Cyp- cyclophosphamide (20 mg/kg).
Table 2: The frequency (%) and mean (± S.E) of morphologically abnormal sperm
cells induced in mice exposed to different concentrations of TiO2-NPs for 5 and 10
Histopathological assessment of the testes
10.25 ± 2.17
9.50 ± 2.66
33.25 ± 4.21
6 61.75 ± 8.42**
15.25 ± 4.71
42.75 ± 9.69
49.00 ± 7.49*
13 135.75 ± 12.04**
33.00 ± 9.53
149.75 ± 4.37**
41.50 ± 9.43
208.75 ± 13.33**
36.50 ± 29.73
24.75 ± 1.97
Signiicant at p<0.05; Signiicant at p<0.01; DDW- double distilled water; Cypcyclophosphamide (20 mg/kg).
Table 1: Frequencies (Mean ± SE) of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes in
bone marrow of mice exposed to Titanium dioxide nanoparticles.
87.3 ± 12.56*
159.8 ± 43.17*
he efects of the diferent concentrations of TiO2-NPs on the
sperm morphology at the end of 5 and 10 weeks exposure periods are
presented in Table 2. Ater 5 weeks of exposure, the percentage abnormal
sperm cells were 16.44, 13.94, 15.22, 21.64 and 21.72% for 9.38, 18.75,
37.50, 75.00 and 150.00 mg/kg of TiO2-NPs respectively, which were
statistically signiicant (p<0.05) at all the tested concentrations
compared to the negative control (8.40%). At the same concentrations
for the 10 weeks exposure period, there were 11.65, 8.73, 15.98, 13.95
and 15.05% abnormal sperm cells which were signiicant (p<0.05) at
all concentrations (except at 18.75 mg/kg) compared to the negative
control value of 8.20%. Generally, the mean of abnormal sperm cells
induced in mice at each concentration ater 5 weeks of exposure were
greater than ater 10 weeks of exposure. Abnormal sperm cells such
as double hook, double heads, knobbed hook, double tails, pin head,
banana shaped, amorphous head, folded and wrong tail attachment
were observed in the mice exposed to TiO2-NPs at the two exposure
periods (Figure 2). Folded sperm cells were the most predominant
Mean ± SE
116.5 ± 12.16*
while sperm cells with double hooks were the least.
Mean ± SE
Sperm morphology assay
Concentration (mg/kg)
10 weeks
82.0 ± 8.76
Microscopic examination of the testes in the negative control group
showed a normal cellular architecture of the testicular tissues while the
treated groups at the two exposure periods showed the disruption of the
normal cellular architecture of the testicular tissues by TiO2-NPs (Figure
3). here were severe histopathological lesions such as congestion of
the interstitium oedema, congestion of the interstitial blood vessels,
reduced height of germinal epithelium, numerous spermatocytes
and elongate spermatids (Figure 3). he lesions were most severe in
mice exposed to 37.50 mg/kg of TiO2-NPs for 10 weeks as there were
numerous variably-sized seminiferous tubules (ST) many of which
were cystic and had irregular outlines, while the afected seminiferous
tubules were severely depleted of spermatogenic cells. here were also
marked necrosis and vacuolation of spermatogenic cells within the STs
at this concentration.
Nanotechnology has efectively improved a number of consumer
products, through the manufacturing and use of Nanoparticles.
herefore, assessment of the toxicological efects of Nanoparticles on
the human health and environment is inevitable as these nanoparticles
through their small size, large surface area to volume ratio, and other
physicochemical properties are able to disrupt the biochemical and
physiological functions of the cell. In the present study, the potential
genotoxic efect of TiO2-NPs was evaluated in the somatic and germ
tissues of mice using the mouse bone marrow micronucleus and sperm
morphology assays. he data obtained in this study showed TiO2-NPs
to be genotoxic in mice.
he results of the MN assay showed that TiO2-NPs are clastogenic
and aneugenic. It caused chromosomal damage in dividing cells
Figure 1: Micronucleus induced in mice exposed to TiO2-NPs. (a) PCE: Polychromatic erythrocytes, NCE: Normochromatic erythrocyte (b) MNPCE: monomicronucleated polychromatic erythrocyte, (c) Bi-MNPCE: Bi- micronucleated polychromatic erythrocyte.
J Pollut Eff Cont
ISSN:2375-4397 JPE, an open access journal
Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000156
Citation: Bakare AA, Udoakang AJ, Anifowoshe AT, Fadoju OM, Ogunsuyi OI, et al. (2016) Genotoxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles using the
Mouse Bone Marrow Micronucleus and Sperm Morphology Assays. J Pollut Eff Cont 4: 156. doi:10.4172/2375-4397.1000156
Page 4 of 7
Figure 2: Abnormal sperm cells induced in mice exposed to different concentrations of TiO2 NPs. (a) normal sperm cell (b) folded sperm (c) amorphous head (d) no
hook (e) pin head (f) wrong tail attachment (g) sperm with double tails and amorphous head (h) sperm with double tails and short hook (i) hook at wrong angle (j) double
heads with fused tails (k) knobbed hook, x1000.
Figure 3: Histopathological analysis of the testes of mice exposed to different concentrations of TiO2 NPs (haematoxylin and eosin stain; Magniication= x200 except 3g
at x100). (a) Negative control- no visible lesion. (b) 9.38 mg/kg of TiO2 NPs at 5-week exposure period- numerous closely-packed large seminiferous tubules (STs) with
regular outlines and most STs contain moderately depleted amounts of spermatogenic cells. (c) 9.38 mg/kg of TiO2 NPs at 10-week exposure period- moderate amounts
of spermatocytes as well as elongate spermatids are present in the STs, and a few STs have detached spermatogenic cells trapped in the lumen (arrowed). (d) 37.50
mg/kg of TiO2 NPs at 10-week exposure period- moderate amounts of spermatocytes and a few elongate spermatids are present in unaffected STs; there is marked
necrosis (black arrow) and vacuolation of spermatogenic cells within the STs (red arrow). (e) 150.00 mg/kg of TiO2 NPs at 10-week exposure period- numerous closely
packed variably-sized STs with irregular outlines, STs contain moderate amounts of spermatogenic cells with detachment from the germinal epithelium and entrapment
in the luminal portions of spermatogenic cells; necrotic cells (darkly stained) at the basal compartment of the germinal epithelium. (f) 37.50 mg/kg of TiO2 NPs at 5-week
exposure period- congestion of testicular blood vessels (black arrow) and interstitial oedema (red arrow). (g) Cyclophosphamide (20 mg/kg, positive control) - few STs
have irregular outlines and contain severely depleted amounts of spermatogenic cells, vacuolation (arrowed), necrosis and loss of spermatogenic cells.
of exposed mice. he frequency of MN induction was directly
proportional to the exposure periods; the longer the number of days of
exposure; the higher the chromosomal damage induced by TiO2-NPs.
Mice exposed for 10 days had higher genomic damages in the form
of micronuclei formation than those exposed for 5 days. his suggests
that TiO2-NPs might have accumulated in a dose-dependent manner,
thus afecting the bone marrow PCE for a longer time [55]; it has also
been reported that the retention haltime of TiO2-NPs in vivo is long
because of its diicult excretion [56]. TiO2-NPs may have interacted
(directly or indirectly) with the genetic material of the bone marrow
cells producing primary and/or secondary genotoxicity resulting in
J Pollut Eff Cont
ISSN:2375-4397 JPE, an open access journal
accentric chromosome fragments or chromosome loss. Several factors
may account for the calstogenic and aneugenic characteristics of TiO2NPs. A direct interaction between TiO2-NPs and the genetic material
is a possibility. Previous studies have shown TiO2-NPs to have access
to the cell membrane, without using a speciic transporter or penetrate
through the nuclear pore complex. hey are able to produce titanium
ion in the cell cytoplasm, having the potential of generating intracellular
reactive oxygen species, of which the stable and difusible forms such
as hydrogen peroxide or lipid peroxidation intermediates could afect
the nuclear DNA [57]. Another possible reason for the aneugenic efect
of TiO2-NPs may be explained by the physical interaction with the
Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000156
Citation: Bakare AA, Udoakang AJ, Anifowoshe AT, Fadoju OM, Ogunsuyi OI, et al. (2016) Genotoxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles using the
Mouse Bone Marrow Micronucleus and Sperm Morphology Assays. J Pollut Eff Cont 4: 156. doi:10.4172/2375-4397.1000156
Page 5 of 7
components of the mitotic spindle during cell division or the interaction
with proteins directly or indirectly involved in chromosome segregation
[58]. hey may physically interact with the mitochondrial membranes
causing loss of the mitochondrial membrane potential, the opening of
the permeability transition pores and ROS production [5,55].
Our result is in accordance with those of previous studies wherein
mice [33,44,59], human peripheral blood lymphocytes [60,61] and cell
lines [62] were used as test systems. However, it difers from those of
Lindberg et al. [63], Sadiq et al. [64], Xu et al. [65] and Kim et al. [66]
wherein TiO2-NPs were reported to be non-clastogenic/aneugenic.
his could be because of diferences in exposure duration, degree of
agglomeration, particle size, and chemical composition of the NPs.
he result of the sperm morphology assay showed the spermatotoxic
efect of TiO2-NPs. he mouse sperm morphology assay has potential
in identifying chemicals that induce spermatogenic dysfunction and
perhaps heritable mutations [52]. Sperm abnormalities have long been
associated with male infertility and sterility in most species and the
structure play a substantial role in both fertilization and pregnancy
outcome [67]. Two sperm cells collection periods were considered:
5 and 10 weeks. he 5-week assessed sperm cells were exposed as
diferentiating and mitotically dividing spermatogonia, while the 10week assessed sperm cells were exposed as mitotically dividing stem
cells. Higher rate of sperm abnormalities was recorded for the 5-week
assessed cells compared to the 10-week assessed cells. his could be an
indication that diferentiating and mitotically dividing spermatogonia
are more susceptible to TiO2-NPs damage than mitotically dividing
stem cells.
he exact mechanism for the increase in the frequency of abnormal
sperm is not clear and opinions on this subject difer. he induction
of abnormal sperms is assumed to be as a result of an abnormal
chromosome [68], minor alteration in testicular DNA [69], and point
mutation [70]. According to several studies [71-74], small deletions,
point mutations, and abnormal chromosomes are proposed as possible
genetic causes of such alterations. Bruce and Heddle [75] attributed
the occurrence of sperm head abnormalities to the chromosomal
aberrations that occur during the packaging of genetic material in the
sperm head or occurrence of point mutation in testicular DNA [75].
Sperm abnormalities may also arise as a consequence of mistakes in
the spermatozoa-diferentiating process during spermatogenesis or
by physiological, cytotoxic or genetic mechanisms or alterations in
testicular DNA which in turn disrupts the process of diferentiation of
spermatozoa [52].
his report supports the chromosomal damage as possible
genetic cause of such alterations, since the TiO2-NPs were found to
be clastogenic in the MN assay. he reproductive toxicity of TiO2-NPs
herein is in accordance with previous reports of other types of NPs.
Yoshida et al. [76] showed adverse efects of carbon NPs on the male
reproductive systems of adult mice. Also, Gromadzka-Ostrowska et al.
[77] observed a decrease in sperm count, increased DNA damage and a
change in testis seminiferous tubule morphometry of male rats exposed
to Ag NPs. Au NPs was also reported to cause a drop in sperm motility
and increase sperm fragmentation [78].
he result of the histopathology of the exposed mice testes showed
that TiO2-NPs caused pathological changes to the testes. Administration
of TiO2-NPs caused severe histopathologic lesions such as congestion of
the interstitium oedema, moderate/mild congestion of the interstitial
blood vessels, reduced height of germinal epithelium, fairly numerous
spermatocytes and few elongated spermatids. he degenerative changes
J Pollut Eff Cont
ISSN:2375-4397 JPE, an open access journal
observed in the seminiferous tubules such as necrosis, vacuolation
and congestion of the interstitial/testicular blood vessels are evidence
of the toxicity of TiO2-NPs to the mouse male reproductive system.
Degenerative changes in the seminiferous tubules indicate that TiO2NPs may directly interfere in the process of spermatogenesis [79].
his was probably a pre-requisite for the observed abnormal sperm
morphology produced by the damaged testes. his result is consistent
with previous reports on histopathological damage or lesions in the
male testes of mouse/rat by TiO2-NPs [80,81] but in contrast to the
report of Guo et al. [82] who reported no obvious pathological changes
in the testis of male mice exposed to TiO2-NPs. hat TiO2-NPs induced
abnormalities in mouse sperm cells and the testes suggests that the
same could happen in other exposed male animal species especially
mammals. DNA-damaged spermatozoa may introduce damaged
genome into the oocytes with dangerous drawbacks on fertilization,
embryonic, foetal and post-natal development [83,84]. Although the
clinical signiicance of sperm morphology is still a matter of debate, it has
been recently recognized that an accurate deinition of morphological
anomalies plays a very important role in the determination of male
fertility potential [85].
One of the possible mechanisms for TiO2-NPs induced genotoxicity
herein is oxidative stress [86] as TiO2-NPs are photocatalytic and have
been implicated to directly generate free radicals [87,88]. NPs are able
to generate reactive oxygen species caused by secondary mechanical
processes associated with inlammatory responses ultimately causing
cell damage and eventually cell death [33,44]. Likewise, the small
particle size and large surface area of TiO2-NPs enables them to easily
penetrate cells and cellular components thus interfering with several
sub-cellular mechanisms and biomolecules causing lipid peroxidation,
mitochondria disruption, immune reactivity and protein damage [5].
Our study has shown that TiO2-NPs have the capacity to interact
with mice genetic materials / machinery under the test condition. his
is of public health importance considering industrial and household
applications of TiO2-NPs. Chemically induced genetic damage has
been implicated in the etiology of many diseases; thus, there is need
for stringent policies as regards the use of nanoparticles in human
consumable and cosmetic products as well as their disposal into the
We appreciate the support of Department of Zoology, University of Ibadan vote
for postgraduate studies; and the technical assistance of Naomi Adeyemo.
Author Contributions
Bakare, Alimba and Alabi conceived and designed the experiments.
Udoakang, Anifowose, Fadoju, Ogunsuyi and Oyeyemi performed the experiments
and analyzed the data. Udoakang and Anifowose drafted the manuscript; while
Bakare, Alimba and Alabi critically revised it, gave inal approval and agrees to be
accountable for all aspects of work ensuring integrity and accuracy.
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Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000156
Citation: Bakare AA, Udoakang AJ, Anifowoshe AT, Fadoju OM, Ogunsuyi OI, et al. (2016) Genotoxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles using the
Mouse Bone Marrow Micronucleus and Sperm Morphology Assays. J Pollut Eff Cont 4: 156. doi:10.4172/2375-4397.1000156
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Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000156
Citation: Bakare AA, Udoakang AJ, Anifowoshe AT, Fadoju OM, Ogunsuyi OI, et al. (2016) Genotoxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles using the
Mouse Bone Marrow Micronucleus and Sperm Morphology Assays. J Pollut Eff Cont 4: 156. doi:10.4172/2375-4397.1000156
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Citation: Bakare AA, Udoakang AJ, Anifowoshe AT, Fadoju OM, Ogunsuyi OI,
et al. (2016) Genotoxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles using the Mouse
Bone Marrow Micronucleus and Sperm Morphology Assays. J Pollut Eff Cont
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