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C . & W;&& sq,oRl${ a.7LI ]tflaI1S T E NA N C & topi€d fdr the Caego ShiF fun.tiGnd of Ph!s€ I BY CAPT. U&ROI.F"ERNAId&EE INDEX ,/Ni!! V{ R@!su&s*U4dkeq$!F- ;${biJM CARRIfROPEqATl I{S a I I ow 6D ' hc i d imI m an o DI oI wlrcnlhl shi sos on3 voy.scthtu .xeedrhcdnd&ensr A pemlrr. ulo qndiry lis to be calo'ldql I lordiig pon, \o dEr. *hen rh. vlr d pem hedby ihd nre dspra-n.d, slr do* noi *Eed rhcd,rhrhdt rakinsinb &ordr {he c4o. bunkqJ, icli trdd, dtrs rd o '* *e,sht 0rt*nl on the Y6*l ar the rime o displa.emeul{ill hav. ro be cil.uliul nr cvdrt li'niriis pon ad ,ne on lbclo]zgeindlhc.aeo']Udiity\y ckuldio$ by el'd, dr displxem$l r rird dc or Donr norexc*den niis is ilhsftred lih ltrulk n.tt thd ttr i?r4 CibrJrtr Rodrdan .r a lssel m a k,ldcd eo'€ge 6on tu' dsDl. sra k thrsidry mt n|, 41ui \ 6 days a 0 t p d F od I e n D O d * , wilhontexcedingl[e dispbcenot d ay iine is Howevtr ne hare nd bler inb momt ay da: iiraiioN at ine pon o @dons for densiiy. lf theren a dBn limilanr: tut is .ho a lminng ercbr ad ihe displacmd vi]] be nor of therpal:rbte loadthe aie bd Ine dispbcdent corespoding b ine peroissibl: r:n rif les) Henceihe trgoqnanlily*illnesrhihdaner bddd. de drat is lor exceeden If rhft is r desiv olhd rhm szli wab togeiner;nn de dDfr linibtid o1d&nsiry o1ddisplncnr:, Nde ihzi deN,iy, by se4 r noi a liu&loq as :i: sh,!i."n n,bn*ge Ile lpPlicabr roadrineio rheexreff of All()Wce ft G onl! wilh , d.in Inihrion dEt d.r:r is ?!o apoiicatro a D+lnlr 'hepcedft 'o rr. rnrrr\ld Srsses (i.di.r l inrcea [drdrP N]mo{rlslioLid rn.! i\.f*i r moftd5 \r4t,k\tr any lrold is b bonomrDd *'res rdks rLLn be debilrs.d sr dn !:isfi dfnere !$!- {aseol beNft| onesedn olthe ship,d amthd,sior ert*ne . My rbd rh. dici forceor brdig mme ii a^r {:se qili ni! b€ so ihd rlic 1]e.ni:sblc drail d fie * * *" 0,, .u*,0 t .rt"ned bedhis 'o1ci(.ded Thebm will htrreh bc ltctirr'trI,;:i'Di!bl: lmt li is id$.ble ro havc r $en tim d all tnes esosially ar lov Hd esieciiLly dm.c d.ban?stinsanJ strirping $ llt, upm,Plbl! lj3lhn r '.iinm. Ono b& qnriities aino! [. otrecdv 6[id3d silh r ri$rd rim ln .nld 10acqure fte Equrtd depatue tin,, rtur: ldcl,6 N d he kepr open Oo. ro'wd sd onc ,n i,onenr liihod l,urg ex.esiv. a hmming momenlb( o.ly bodily !n*i{! t!a y upricltl|,l . rlirs lr c notpos blct, ro$ llt sl4 ,bsoLdc H.rrtr .dp€Nare 3ndl.qi rr sh{ tpd8hr sh,pbsie l,nei irdnsns cnroldr nns n a drsrd!. strDr,r!srictr enght N'lr!1l'.debrlksifs onpr. d r L l l l l t s r D p i s L r r d i 3rtrr ,r r f F diereni1tn'lio,(qdior.:l I'oldis dilhr!t nnxl{(7000r! rlnrlr db [] dl D e b ai n r l , ! h x l l : n h o l d ( N 4 . tirhc.asclb!nn.nvalfrr-\$dtrsxl d. dnfr r.nnlor (!hisnra$ rhfrhe shrpi*r [a!e a enn i]i!nin r!a!! No I DB No7 DB No2 DB b. debalaned e rl,{ i,gdhererh rrr crlFdNeDDknls orti liLElron r.Nsd dependir!0i rlicff dEn, coilnue\nl' !\ leholrtl.brlla{rg. ati pqr Nos 3. 5. I & I b8rchscai lD dca].d,closd. T]i.bdamec4doispprcxiq]ftll] dr: Nos 1,.1 & 6 rijLdil-nlnsro trrh uirlii o& intl rld vlH rh. r{N!!Ll tdr tr losd.J (blliiiis {aclred.rh. brl:ft mlo villbe lLnnplJ ;b No { i.r'l triiri wi or) Ii n oris l][ .at \rlih r,i-ql'deNB c nm, d! rld rhenrp nei be ark{l 10lLtsdii rl€maruli.lds lbctu ec d dtr?inrdrgN 10dN mrrl.d ud $e ns( .iJ benelib dN r drnk{* subi.d or d.bareIc rhn iay ahemdsliolds Tiis is crirlqEd ny Lr rud l]rl krpi'"bp' ,.L er '0 " "ti no .r otr , " n nE na. adqdaraordr.m{e bold oditrsBslowscM Beaus..fd'e di-db"Gd i,,rl \\ouid ir, iri',.;.ed roernft or t;Jd,idi "6 b:hrve v.rcrrv 'n holds theshiD!N d bsone *c$5ivd\ $ir ad vouLd Ih. c n ni$d trd qiseqmnd)(M i.du.edbv Load'lg * abF;erl ,rr4Fm&ho,r. -,:ri,;,he + odiL drmh!:!iirrd. p' i:n tr ."t ; r."'rfr q ck 1., r;j rid uioriiig Tl'a 3dunale r " J ' o o . e ' ' ' ;snG B6idr rilll sone hods onpty,ir is p.*,ble to.irv od r!,.ii. i aid ss-et" or lltt lrold:on dicl.trdedloiase n3inrenatuc. r\o'o on ' ,) ri nrdiingoi,r. ndra *eii'ljoi i Cieij nDiiroriDrol lne crso .oe?n.x i5 to be cried orr ro efft 'lur olon{rtu drn a t*r r"1 tn i ali iht !tN.ur\ r' h( LwtuJn tt. ] j knh^ dritln t t) w) utv.t\ r, n\!\111lur l ttt| di n ttr tLril t\'hatL^nryt, tt)inrnrt\ tu ta,trr! h/\n\ .ldLFJ hj d n\r^ t0 hinn^ hrtt ht\irp rlu\4 th. vn4 thlr th!\at thtt nn!. hnDt n' hml. uvrrdtd! 1 ruNh n ul sr.r.r ne lNt! t w\ "ntt alt hnk\ \|tt lre A:tt lrkttrrb 1tf;,4L lnihrt tr tr! hurt than .1h ! e hrt, h( tr\' ! 1 tht u, t^11. !,t't hottdnt't trn I a}nr |tt tu\ h ! I \ tr ri dnlll Itu n6t .ta, etu .nt ttr! taq, o burd t rl tht rl\ct ar d) r, hlt ltr u! lt l0rrtath\ t'tt h lttit 'd!,lu|']lfuadltbalq|hNI P! vrhu tttt kt t|u^ t1t ,tbitsnt kuuntt utl ttt h.rh^r4 !,1 . r Ir!^hltnh.t tht i'!n i tltx'ot ti \.rthi,' bt da rn\\4t t. tn hr,t Nlaltt fiiLud ovr tRrtt tj a)lqhutr tht w\ ql Efldtn!<t n^amrk tiftl.tu . mc.hut,tl thd trtt'lrokr this in.id?nt at.: tt"n llt !)tr'!!t.\ hr li. ndnq h nt.tt I tht ()()tv .h.t th?( o hn.d h ltolt th. ]@.ti\< dn.t |tu rn)ht'h ]tut . 1re C4)'tdn t d.qtnkt bn\fha ootr zsotths thedtart.hn1 ard 6p..ted .onptrran titu. .!l tht tuh tn thr .$e th?rtut ntar,t h t( bondatnq.inrn@kd k. tM . llt Ltpdkdatw\ tn the(:to': dhD nand ownahL t, thcOo, . kt (-|) aror?i h^cu tL b.m! tntotr|d ||th fm\nE th! e'tt( inne).l tr.t.tdqlhE th. dnnt mdt kr th! !!4!1lh? m \|fi thl ' Ihe ih tLatirnsaJthetdnn.d valte nay nd hdre hten ndde dal . th. ltl nd th. t'I^t lDtoL eere rt k. FiFh. Raan onltull |t? Mnwrcation nd untr| . th. Edat..ttLtt rtod oxtsvete napedry. otul ftlndctltr ha.tb4" tn . |ha lt.hhat tukd ta lop th! lodttirE*htn tht. ?'ru'rhthtla't?n. thn nnta heemdt.t opemhq procqbr.. ,|d!tu Td..n tu aioa SbattotOrunem tn kefibE: L Nmdotl o7roraut Ptte<hrc n a, that thcl)t)tre.lhl aar' |t)ottoE if.14, t 1nn vntltun r'&ldnns h! r'n hd ta.n ftvar'dr 1 san4 et.datrt ez\ hatdltrn ke (:,(h ubn to th. eao .rllk r) ola* tht t)ow h tredidions h df oJhnllany.bhns "pd'k m^ wd url 3. the ltnsrcen *n tut a ndb b ad .nnniMlh p.dtant |u.a\\f,t ,tu! b kt 'hit 't. D.balkahs al druht! hotrh\ e.s lh.atu.lita, ltrlr kn n.!\ o|t n"n annoL t. l;unho nw.u:lut ateq:r otrv'nq latt hr* q v.te nait to hat( th? ftn& ht| D4EnJntt^ ehkh t,t.ib"kn ' ' . r r.\ , r1 t r' b th. k.id.rt: Mu sowdh.||uth\whnhanekki,.]: ' . ' ': , ; :.;"^" hra (ntir\h!41rlrr, ryaI hnt tuhr \rh htl6t ' rttds !\1 Siip/Shore Salety Checklist .{, -n l d'r4cbhhE4@.Fd'tu,i 3 h !h!r.trt, I rie +Lp ad, b k&efte kft I LI D L] L - l ! I d ry rmt n d 0 $o r@ d br mlaoe' j i;" r*'- '..'.F" @.- * E ".*. h- -* I I "r fl L] L] fl -.,*L l ! L- L] L ] ! l ! a tr! errbD&6dq;orc&' ! iqolFJbi i{ @i!@snrc_sG;dudi - l|rp.$ be c Tte d$l&onoi.r, s,ci I rr,!ql' ,o 6 lmM A r d,,n \ s :4,1r,i,l(rlrd'lctrsi(y,ll'cdnl Two dnrt n,neys de u'ldd out . on cemeds(anern.r',s arhsa'rt tur ciH.ss buirea_Mlhnxndash lqu,d dl!.kmw. vflshrn.ifs d,.velgn olcr1oloadedordiscLaqed wFn a shtpadr$ d thelsdjns po tu daplr.dror so obb1n.d,rlr $ vdd. brlldrltsrrrshlp,er ar n,rarql rhN cor{rnr is qpi.al tu a pnicllr rsd rhernaininBiane qles 6 h mclud( tfe \d!i ot amodsble Or coqrlclion ol loadiig aiorls dnfi sui1.J is .oidNed Th.dn rcnenr hobkjied dd !n.rr'bt ctinsrh. h,om yd'Blr\i' dr depdure co''dnionad rlic coind 6 obraiid ftun thc i'iifal draft!n.y rh. brhn.. figdc 91(6 N rhgcxrgolordcddt rlrit pod tre bd'h( 6s!rcsobb ied R\fl*d dldnuJ nr {a ]' rle dnhs ft ed otrbdh 5i!5 0l rhescdrlls inus be d,cd fr d,Lic I , n rh. diian.e bdw.$ rhcrord di:ns m,k d rheroad|Jcrlediud,4 'b is rheddaicebesen rheaftd,rnm*s sid rlE,n pe,lendic,iar. c F . ' " d . a , . F € N e a " l e m , d . h { \ d n .n s . r a , r . t t p . _ q; arerlt positjon orrtEdrafijna*stoad,rtt strdhidships, F, ^ aid M arerft rord dd perpendi&hBa'ldmidships lDi.I,'?rd t hc tnh.,f ke vsrcl a\ iM h theliEurt is the hn b, jhe sten. the lxholx'e&mrho** hc apza\i. ilthr \hip k h"rd.d h, thehM t.t t;4!n1.1 lrr\htr\ "" p :,,, .,\ u.L d h rt1r,r t./dd,o4 4orr\o4!n,arJ,t tj@dth?,1\n,on a , , a na h . A t . ' t . 1 , , , . n n r i \ , n h e t i I .dL aIth. t ry A 2 !!:redh nn | ! i iJ lrq Ddnr\Ld.rhsdf rrredNpie'ne n!!no.m.uao or rh. vssdt canbe radLJour |"op'fmld''"." ui tro io8 o. $4 d'e hld,odanc dr,fi. rhe nea of fcin! dnn md ,ll otr,e.dRns or \ane tud s rhe li r vq$r s lnn'i.d. rLe rr,rion olln. cF chrnsessd a @trerio. ha ro b 3ppt.d ro the d6p icemc.i obrainedaod, rtE nean of idus d€i ro obrain ' rnhstr{'ion {LBq?- Lcn i lnm r t00xrpc du. r0 rhcchsiscii $lrPr ofrhewrr for [ris dffs.0 n$]rene dEro tlF 'ndvqir $rh i B?y rlt ( descdbes ai sr. ora ddr $rl, r]t !i !] linelair. iilbnrer!drheCF this reslts itr, l,rq l,ciis aidedind !! rhe2nd fin mftdion k al*ays posilve 2!. rin cotrdion = 50x rin; x rMcrt,: M! !er) atvsysrve m rr,crttclcs 50cn5 EUIRGED !r],s rheE$dhelq rh. memdn,nswil rdlce $ rtr i,i,6d ]cd!e s r l , o m . r \b e$ s E , r h d \ e . , n s c d$ d r e k 4 , , i g ' ' , t r . t , r , , ; bod;lJ lh,. wl 6ulr u I toq$ d H . r l C o m d i o n =( T6P C- T r c r ( D , - D 2 ) *hse DL& D) rrc rl'c pd sd delrr^4 fridshipdGnsad I?c, a TP::) ire lneTrcs 6r6pondins ro rlrse dnns r E NcvtlollN olddiaiy lrur i{ lLr \!i'u ,radernrv !r! i .!rt(.,L!! okld jixr.tr.i i o m i l v J . | B a l l & e o B rs i i b . , r d l L t d l L,\irll'i liq8l Li. iun aiMys cotrrrr rl,r sgi o.diio ' \ hu$h bjLrdse,Feomqd ron!*y t .D I ( i r d i m . u l r b o b h t r o r c h ! , 8 f i r f t d o r i r y o r v a r eN r rhchdir dl rl,ed l)' deEq sillbe naximw ]liilc t ft bp it llb. trniirtri llre ddsiry h$ 10 be hld , tltree dc|l sl'ilk|c|glhpon&sdboJdsde' J the 'ioorirg lns sho d nd be p,iLn,glu o' dedr! aDydow,-rid 7 ifllttBanro,!.dewarrlr sh'pI'll,t n r.dbsq blllJuol{dc.irl|€diledioll'm| .'trrctr'rheI 3 nr f ynrondd n c.libQtedfor. rddr, T rerr I Ll.i: o ic.il n $. abpu?tue a olnerih@lhis, rhedeq!6' sl! r.r b. {tner dr: rt .:r,$n ddco ftctiou olde hlanoneteritsolt: 9 Ar highlenpt6ftq drc deckiil ebxd ud it rh: ti]d sh'! s cool.eroB wil mcu dle b ine shatsof $e shjp M. V Hi.dshipis noadngiDddTater otdsiy pd oi ,hc = I 020. H* rilal dr ^s 4 Ford {?)=a.034Ford(s)-4.12n,^!lc)=,1904 r4d(s)=5 t4 n, An (P)- 6.20n ad An (s)= 6 67m lr: fd,d dEn.ah rc pteed5 D d i o t t h e F P . , r h e a n d 4 n D . r t s a r e p h c e raosrD' d oJf r e A p e o n ( mdshirs dr:ns e di&hbs Hd divat o itioi n cdso = 212059 L FO/DO-53050! Srcs = 32?.1,IW- lt5 i sd brldr = 9004 she spmds? ,$l: in pon loadirs sd in tbepres conses 0 5 ioB or $.rcs pe d!.. 0.52 0 ,ohes ot Fo Do pe. dz) dd a,oA I. pe. G/ ),c ' t u - f d 2 0 0o b q a l d [ { n l d o r a r t D . , o t r b c r ' n f l l b m t b r r\. tle.tlngdd.wGF,-3t2m,,. 3.0n q o om,A" o -6 q Mid"- 3 33 c M ( - 3 3j m i dd c d o/ or tu tDd:o "o r4Q!!!ql {.e0 ={r!?:l = ll!.25 = l-9.!3 r_cr=72.366 = 1ll!!{g d- ft- 1. rsitlt bJ*.) :h_ nstnp IL!! ',1 }eislrrsoi board(D.pxturecotrdiriot .. if!!z? = !.qb1 lcFdo loj r 33rM \ {""\.j ^F )! r/+hd :]1! "1 l)f. +;\e = 1365r o1 MCTCr MCr, t,,++. I ro I j .@tri. EEQibl: = i!2!-02 l t ,r!i*:56t QiJ r.i'l!hDlilG r',NDCALCVLT!.TI0,{S rn{e are.,ift riior hia'ns tr$miaredsdi lnc.atriaseofsnin soch oruriorot toxicvapou6.er Ho*.vd On. impcnri p4pddioi rharmusrbe doneis rhorotrgh cledin-qoi rht kitrdordjn or infe$droi lr found.$s loadinpofaEin o.y b. detrled!i cockomh.:.w.eviL\t!gs. itrncs, d. Thehlard ol shitnng crairscdrby$our2t!olirsrotumc Bcouseofrhis*rtiig.hrttloii ridjrin! mi: lhifr or snin ro *rhLn 6llii b* r lov $sle ora!.& Gs loy rs 15 of Sdin)sd $is r.sulb ii ir srrr! dgo is pouEnonb the suftc. tR'd.|.ndnsonrhcrfr Mdsriajs &d h,ve a low sgr. ot rpf ngleofq.t-0. Sihildy cdges which hiv. I low Mgl. of Epose yilt shifi nN wi.n m. ship brrs 6 cohpard to cdeo$ whjch hav. a tush dgtc of rtss. as st 6 rh. dsle b.r*en &e snii snfaceud rhehonanbl .xcc.osh. hSlc of rp.*, tu Srain sil shift. As rhc ship iolls ro 15, ii @r./ou8h &a sd r*elts sd !0b r0" t5. in .oue!r'v.r totrgh s@.4 dc 8on cdlo vi &fricly shift in rh*. ciombc6. rf rh. 36jn iDtf@ ii not tihmdt.vd, ir pi[ rhih d cv., lo*er dst.s of hel GqorIIshinghnlh.'i!l!dEn&gl{tr6!n!r ,., lLr,,h:r cdriBLt 'fte .._.. . h, .h.d. J. . i "1h )n) o.t, .., "-r.t,.1.h.Enh \ r ? e t r td i ...,..,, ^ , r . " t . t . ,t , t . . , t hel isft;Esuhof$en.etinsDonc.wxd whj.hjj W_righr ot @€o ihified (s) I d&1are btiht.h jr shifrs(dI ro ditferctr, rjd- 11. fetirs ({ wh.n |n. 3\iPh.e.\i , T a n0 = ! ! =wsrL.f:r0 jdr:rgt.ur el Thus Fe con $e liom rhe rb.v. l!.mura rhd lne hgte pf hed is dneily polroniomt b 6e nEtiig mn (ca, or 6) o' heeli"smn.nr ie x d) &d invdsclyproponiomlro 'he'n.bcdn. h.jahr(cM). rf rh. tr-']reGM15mor.,lhlhe|r|ub. ,i ^!. & ronsd rhcheti'e ntrhftns 6. shrp sr,*' "i[ ms rh. robrherrngnom. ., . - 'inu i a e F. ,. " altor$t. H..t,nF ) q,fiiidto*Jbrc , ,o !\c-ed 1. ,tosrbk h..lins thcheclinsmBenNrbrfte shipai! robek pl s salt 6 lcaibtcl r) car.dde rhen:ximunrqunlny I mc\she!:llB$lllbu]I'II 5soasroh!!:dr:f imur niFor fill€dholdsburahoc"riddnC lheyssl\ ftquircddmt, lrim.flre**. n ( D i \ d 9 r r , , . s oL n , . vor'ir€rdeprh ot.rao mc!rh hod ' i , n e c ? , t o . o r nbc@ r t d r D do u r 5 ' M u r , F r , . - \ o h m d ' . H R g M o m fLl b ) $ e J p p b o r i * L , . u 7) C.mpa. dre T06l Heeling MotrDn6 *nh lhc Altowabt. Mofti$ obhiiEd fnm thesa, s.bjtiry b@ktd lrToEIHftliig Mvm?ns- \lowdbk He.thr ^tom.n6!o brl ^ .-"'e,,*'gM*-"+Eea 11,Ifl;li'ji.l,ti,lf,1*" Th. Arroyxbk H*tins Mon{6 ar. rh. frdimuin pemisibt. h..titrs r,r_.. in r(c dr i,, ,ed(Lo' .^ cM rd col.quenr\,,brtry. Trq cr0en]lyd.R$c sih Eetts Mei't Montnb TdL lor Mv' : Ch.ck .,t th. Alovabb tztli\ vith KG an'l ditPt"'ntent 'd nok th. intweld.nese lh. volrb'Lnr I s:n: nod.nc, '*1.".*'..a'*"t" b..o,. o, rBs oepr.d,ngon .n' r'bel ;;;;;;y;\".;.p;r ;ft of,nin;n rh. fip Ansu.Dd) ddrese\t'itrofsnrnor'vur rdsE d e rtuJx or budPd snct?or hd bd ltr )hilr ot"Fr ."i.ci,i *r .-r, I' . -*'uon or subrlD shkh b wo6' Bn i PedL!firreJloDpurD!d Aalhd.ompaidqn, &nnned L anc in lhnb di. gdin, rc' tfdins, is lidihld sdaro llllallrp..s utultrde de.ls d hdch .ov{r ro rlr trurimun . eir n od by ,n.chmicl Er*d" : ri,r out uR h.ctitrs nn,tr^ Iu afi ttP hotdsoJ M.y. llann4 ihat lqad, tti,Dud. Aietu) in ttulom oJd rtdph at hbtt? The snii ssdi.e ir alt $Dptrrdilns b) Irl. onpdhcd 's sp.ulrry iunabk Ii dy Gc, dr. hcel,Dg mon.n6 u*d mui be fo. r .,l .oir|nrurnr. Ev.k. : Find ou the hedinE nonehL tot a 1tE hord, al M.v. Mtnw,whatf .4nd .d A rpeci.llys!,L bh conpMm.nrk oie !hL[ har4 leid rro. vri(r or nopiig,loigirudinal, virh rhehar.i{d. sni'lrighr b!tknerds.roinridenr trddorsopo ioo.d btimirrh.tansyeAerhin.isnin tf rlopi,jg.rhc fa3:sFtt'l![hLIomFlhst speddlt $tublc rhipsi..trdc hutr hmng hdch*u oBovrinrcB$ j0 rdrhehotonhl$rhlr rdinarionotsbpnr!diyiri,'nsis$!.ricdas> ioprisdlvdoi *irhodl. A prmy l$led coDp.dmdn i 15.[ $i] rdq righty,:Jii,! '1,. ns lnr \!,J,rues. is uj! !) whi.hsnin is my l.ver buris norti cd wheinq!im.d or unlnmn.d orgo 'i 6. hot'l $d r. obrlii.d noD the h.din; nrD dr luyej *hich m Mimum heelirsDonrds n undht, deprtr tid Educe* rhetuish i.n.s* nerlj voidsp,.cseydavh.r rheco,npinmrtr\ vorume|rkHletincMos.nl, h'" i,'-'1,11" ll: "i !. " - . h i r ., n q l g h . :de. m c 1 . r o , , . s r h . b , s r . e - , , g o .hh t i r " ! t ; . . . . , . o_i,t r... 1 . cobpetrlion fo.y.r sr drif.ofc ( pr Br.r,1_6) lic h(t'nl ofr'. J 'd, rr.(ra..i.Lorcilr tri,nI ud ,0,r,r..,,n,.! ,, (.te,,!r \ ...,", i-. ;:,:'ri:tri',;:.,ii;,,,,;;l,i l:'tji,,,i,,.;,:,._,t..i., ".;. h4tiry nutn\ sii.n Jot M,uMatnta kclrrtu lfnq rnctrdei,rrc.ompdhriuns by lrrrirlyirs rhevorMe&]. hecti,rs Hi#i:lHffi r,iffi .lntl'fJ,:},,j..;;li::it: o h e r ! r ! o$ , , h i ! , ,L l , , rt r s u t ru r r n . , . , r , p . , i . , . !!!i!!!!\,!! P+t!!! tum.,^ h..rre ! by ."i;li,; i ,h. b, rco oR bi"",;g i;;.;";ii. ;i . . . , . . , r- d ll .' P.i.. L "i'"d\po ,0. rh do "r' 'd: d onP' fts ;rfimh.d, rhcgr.id willne€rshLr'opw.idsbdonlv dovn{lds . ' o . a '" g r 5 r . " , r . " r . ' t * "; , ; . L t " * * * e r ' A Bbleasshorr 6clo{ mq b. .omPl 1]1. rhip: officer rhould fill up rhe rbove 6bl. :id !.xrPd AlloeableHeeliigMomeDrs. To'r iid i ^ ' v . , . R.distibntng .hc .arso to reduceheclinsnomcnt so 6 b hrve norc nled coirdmns dDer ..& [ ks, o4 Bn h,]u. td ar,p{hEd,. it \touu h. h,p 4j rcd6tibrk the4t3a tD a! h n te he.onp.it,n.fl ||hnh h Ttqrfitra tt th. ok{ k 25%tut| en4s4 and iin !l[kks). 1lE ry!4! _qhih tunent t.t b.th LanDortn.t! rirl reatE lrbaqtktl c) If den baso be I iompldmed Phichn prnlJ flkd (hoos one!hxh AB. Nb.' hatdn n".',urobh -, a dt tattukt dhndhsttt, tul d,,,\ olrn.np:a,. 4,, tpe.n,t,r,r h..Iiat nondr dnstan af No , ,ntd tw; thd k, h.ii,E n,"a.r, a4 nr.h h$ rat No tth"to,d,j4nwnou ,." ' ^' , ,ottt br.a,f o! th?ndh Is hotd t !t! eh tovtd, "- .* th. tatuud", ,0n"",,'ote Il.\e,hpp. - . 1 , . i r I . . . p J i o t rf u q . 4 r h e \ o , , h "t - i r ! , " g . o ol.d d rsoobr.hhm . . r r r g h . , o rD r F ! , . b t er o , e o . . , , o . r ue caryoso6 roflt m inrm holds Thisproblem will ccu lhen $er eor.rjnjnie h.! nqhohmE aid ts ody r0 be cMied ou. trL!0 nofta1 merhods ol lowennsheeting II ! sadnila h r . d t r L d !u h ) r h . f o r r n ui a m d o d . In !!rdl nlld .onp3inql€ L o i : n L i . r d i v n r c i s (r a0 s ) l. saappi"coi Lsliing(A.t7) 4 Sec!.insviftwn mAh(A.!3) rainrheeff{r or bn$.d1 inLirrss 'e dai5i-:l:(NiheshiP!!nbcb! 'Ihe helii3 doment ior fillld .ohpdmenrsrE sndt o *cuiinAh$ 0 ^ . d , ' d l e 4 : r s r . L r h ee . r n - J . . . . r ' h. l,r, ctomid hd .ft or $. bd.h sain m o ' . ni o n \ r c d u . e b u , f h ^ rt t . m . . , t d i . F .i 1!n ". 11ai! b! larier andctr.LPer ro i {tr4.i,l .:pmrioi ol.qoer rJh* lor{rJ *rh bdaD offprdior clodim pL{l! \.u( ngLn!/J,t-.,:.rrrr irr"rd 3ndan b!!rth3rds and Lnpha sbEr rdlo ]tNltd ovsk :c:.rLi 11 rreL !!tu. a nowrdle(Ll u Li olrvoJJ iiras. l0 *n tul m., Os dr bul belins noneob rl ;e en .llowrble he.iin€ bonlrb by di. Plud b &! n*r d$ di.ilcurariri bioushr do*n ro b.td{ $. Slib ty r.qdreBenrr (A-7) yosusrs orhrtrn akulsrLl tron rh. lomda cz=!{N,I(csino XN k o66inednom rhesobnny b. i!( whi:h inctud{ crc$ .r.s ior ve@6olh orhelsc udi4$o." rr-!?d{t |\N,dn..a(rE,ng be{3lrorh.a K c o r h . , h , p , s l . u b F o a , n . . d s or oF o i d . d d rrl o|l'd *qhL or b.-E rd b:., j".p.rk Kard.;Nr Te u/ 9 Gz(mJ= xN.Kcslr ^t i''""" h.cri'g d r cqui 'o cc qL r - e l l s d 5 p : c e m erner L r o r n . rh. h..li0s!ma::0'is tu{jhtrD a.d errualtor,, A*hc shiphels rhr rulhen0=90,Thuslvm* Itrilmn..bzercd90"i'e.i'v lly, re markrhepoi l d 0 = O ir ee mrk'he ri r{ d 3 = 40' }rF 0.3&brcrus cs 40 = 0.i66 ,ra ipprci). we j:i. !h*e rwopoinbby a staigh!lincrofod rhehelins .n.turof,' b b ' l r ) - i o r 6 l L $ c f o l l o vI L b i l i (c)r i k t i ' th. rnsleolh:ldue roandsuhadslrlfrofgtr i sLiorld norer.eedl: or for n.w shipi:onnrucGdafr{ l Jan1994.rheansled *hich &e d(k llvk|Ia!r'uwzd|dlh.|iqh ^t :natt ansks'tht4 d'h4hrstnr . | .t'zt irt:. rh.$iphtk. ,,ctj Rutkk., th?.iehtns rtfi iao.ovst' rh. sh!: attL reath an equtih rrk i tL\ow 6 th. mndqnt dnEk oft4t t rholtd Mt.. otlund vih at.netz.J to atlhotshthr :hil nEhl kdtan. At aEte oI tottn a Qiit 4anlsarr. o\1 Maalnn ta eatftd an an|k aJlott {. dill.t&l rat i4:'4' h.radat n4 qt3teal hett d,. to erc6 rh'n. !. Thend d rcld!r .{ri b!?!an lh3btrliis am .mv. hd rlrerjgti,,,! oR 40oR €rG.sh ornc ns)uhichd!4is rhetr!n. should ior bero\ tuk,. Nd. thd th. on*k 'ihen! i l.shii t. n. ny,t t?... t tuini4 th. tubittf 1ri.na. whd^., thk drto r )tit th ao75 h rtdio$;d *,1tuttt h\ n,ch i k rhK I '? I'k!td. th. orc! i tt| non{ turt,,t b\ 41 tht.. point and Ind h ,n,2 than 0 075 n ,a<lio":. it wilaw u ht ri L Tne cM. shoDrdnor b. les lhm 0.1 h ab|'rn'l '' furtl.j tn? 4+ b da4 nat "tr'd tk. on\t. aI h..t, bd t4 ptur . ,ar, rrh. "t such.ninitiottiaill.ae E:.ain b 3hit1nt. kon 63,n.d. r., 5. fte M6kr n$t dcmonsrEb mmptidcevirhfteciretudaltdasesor , an4,1, /4qt 4 n,r ,,,-r. ^lthtiti.r.t h. Pfl.'l b,t ut, t laadinek md ilasr to anpt! tith edrititr cinia tu th?tniiat, tnd ard \r,r GEI! Lmdirg Bodld.(A.t) po.!.bh to' rh. -h.p\ olrjl ro ! dephi.in l\olds.byphli!-n?r\uRmnro'.tenrrchDt&5. DrL!.n., itrLoliotr mud b. Dbvid.d by dr. shipy.d for tt shipsil!.ndiig .o told Th. intomdionshould indde Cr.s d' rlbl.s or vorums, v.ni. rcluetjc helir8 nomn6 ro. . an.d, indudiE dr dfcr or Gmpo{!ryfitings C!d6 or ehr., or d*nnuh Pcnir 5*li4 homnb for vrryiDgdisplaElm6 dd varyitr3KC! of th. ship $ d b 6mpar. rohl heeliic mftnb ftdk of $c acmninssof rcsporuy *biljry F4lien nt d) L.adinginsdcriois ii $. fom of rctes sumMisiq $e cquiEtunN ordrecod. forrhetuidanc. ofhe lvatr .) :workedrxampl. l) rypkal loadd sdYr ad d.pdr !€ryic. conditiod usi4 sbwige fe Adlitonilly, rh. norml $obiliry inlo d$ b. pnvjded*hich includca { * ci Trbl.s or liquid liee $ tre. Fftctione d) CJprifts ind (nrE\ u !E! itt of all ronuMmnB .) cufles or t$les or anSlesof floodirs vhc€ ls p.mjsibb dnphemens rhu 'O', d dl n llydrGdic pFp.6.s tor $e rms. of op@ring ddns tuficient $ plor lh' cz sry' *hich in.hdc ctrrv.s ar 12 md 4o'. o{un.nl olnuIl!o\JI J(A.'}} md Ddtrncd ol Adhorndion fnm ih audod!'ion ccdifiesrhd $. slriph rnhdoi, code for rh. saf. ^mi ror &c Safecimage ot onm r sulkb.cur.vai wirh, 6e iifomrion atnmd,rh.s'biriry.,I(!!rn'r 'Ihe DoA i5 to be de nnionll lsgu'8. burif L\is Irsurg. is DorEnslish or Frcnch,thetrtuF nus b. ! (mslation in Enslishor French T1. ttoA rose$e' witn rhe cnh tirdinC B@*lrt mu$ be kepron bmd rd pmdu..dror iisp..rion if cqu.sred No ship can road cnjn wirholr a Doa, exceprin accodoe wift n\e cguhnotr givenbelow. Slablutyi€qunoentr for s !p loding grin vithout r D(m.nI bl r nw be unddrood rh'r $ip3 PL hlvins a cnin Loding Bs*llr and iNdifficnriro find out &e hedins m ,icr canb..rearryuiddi@d frcn rh! L ft. peigh!ot gdin loadedcmor ered '/f rhedeadpeighr. lThk ab do4 nd aryt! b shigsb'it bzlDt ,5 Mu l9m whith u, e we4ht but nua .oavh bitt th. 2. Ail sdin surfes in f ld snlptu{b mus be rcs6ind by . c.nr€lin. divkidn .x&trdirg for th. full l.ngn of th. coFprnmnr rmn rheuidriide ofuhed.ck or harchcowa b a depn\b.low rh. ddk lim .rL. 'o'/" o. :a m chichsun bdrJ:::: r 4 li rsd, rxc.p.torliisc.n. rhi: E b F*dr ttk y'it lttl4 oh .h. '<\\. t'ordard jo,4ry. thc voyageshduld'or h. tc$ lho 0 I or rlDr 5. n'. cMl L\rcughotrr ob6.d byrh. follosinsfo@ulr - O.645JVd: cMr=Lx B x vd (0.258 B S F rw x 0 0 3 7 5 L- robl conbn'edl.icrh of alrfull compdnenb tDrdf5) 1-, B = r o , d . nb j - . d h o r - - . . , (nthnDe) sF soP.s. fadrd w=disprrcem (ronr.n 'vr k. wit d.pr\ n &tc't1t.d l.on o toruta u R 1 shich t Es uu o.r.6t tha d.ph aI th. sndzt ann s ditut.e h tne hatuory .J r)! 6. Ttc Mdr.. shoulddemonsrac6d $c ahip conptB vi6 rh*. r.quiFmenr priorroloadins. A lo.3irudinal divisi;n!t beuad in a filled cohpdleit .omptuenr utrdmm.d or a palny adv.s h..ringeffecrora snii shill t'nded, nlkd .yc shins mc.isr b .uppoddradivisioi rod f.omd..k b dsk i. for rh. fltl .f $ips *irhour i D.a. ihe divkidn lndr exrin hdchlvaydolnvards r. r dcprhb.lav rhe ,r t rI!4uln!e4cooee!E{6, rhcdivnior shallextmdto ! rb.v. dd belo*$. surfa.e oi rh.snir. rn fiI.d ohpdtuc'b, 3 rh. divisionshal ertnd dowisrld. ro . dinmc. ol .d€r\oll'lide3irdelol|h.|o^eJ pdlqr!r a ylid sp!@lqned by $ ssuncd shih ot s6in inrhsd&, \ I ' -i{ g i i I I ! I riv. b a ronsirudinnl divisionoir! n a .tuft. k,ot- rucd ii 6! harchwry. nE d.Frh or ihc l2 d lorbreadrhs <9 adjoining$ru.iur. su.[ supponinsshduro whrh mayiiclude dr nftn 6din3 dd hdchsidceider shoulddbnd fdr d l.sr halt rhcdcprh0f rhe M.60d rd nd.ftl u$d for $c : Ar atr.lr.,drive ro fillinsrhesarer *id bass€ds rii.r .&eo.rbrndl.otbtrLkgEinmyb.us.d. g ft. dimndons 8nd m:ris of securing ft bordte t Bulk { nde e rqo strdndiv.s rbr a MaEnslhrving r drcn8rh o,hrrqbbte dE dunn.seed fi edvirh buLtcoii uptorh. roporr[c lL'$ openins.]r h rhendrapno!*dre butkgnrnod s.uredd !h. iopafifl trmiis lfrh.ironse'mr. ll ir tr$d,rhffch io needofwkc5anddurn.cd !a$!re - Mdhod rid nx,a ak sdrvne.op. Osm,ndjaNrrseqtrildetr. snh a ]?um runburr( chrortunsrber'[- 4!,h f I n{r8r, d rorrh.Lumb!.r. an k5hinssshlrlb.d dhwu.hjPl andspirtdmr mor4lhan 24 nrapdn he lrri.g mdeirt shoutd [r rbch.d ro rhe tnnes !r I porL udrp. sepaorioiddrh.brrdtrtidsd rhe - ; ' ' . . ' r '' :. q *,-t*_-119: ; b r - r - si . $ r d n p . n , - o , . . . ,c p, f A r r y ' s 3 9 r t d d . r . D " . , c e \ e d r bd r . . nd'.v0 | rh 0 ,.-ri! h,2o.flu4en, D!dr! fte voyaserhetxrhingsndbe che.ked.idrigbrenedBneft$q (1.37r/5 cm$np). ! ra N/5co,srip Ii. qi'e m6h ro b. <J{sr dm.k.-i\!n5:r. .4rd dred. , qLdaori0.f,r,rr v. Fhhd.i'Cm' !hmivoc, 0. .,o..rtooe.fiarng.tuj rn l o n s' o ! h d m s s b R l d l , , r l 5 t.Om. T,ARRIAGE OFTII\{BFR CODI] OiI SAFEPR{CTICE TOR SHIPSCARRYING 'i \{BER DECi{ CARGOE11991 e " o t 1 ' inoi oole rha! 4i -'il e I I I I ;d i.. *. "s.d aiher lra; %rP;. board oq u,.. i"r 'na i- ";_a ". #,,e:.i a60e.Lro4 0r 1ne .4t:y -uE rc o"eee iNEi F.iebtd&ckl:E9 o" "''e"q" d " t r'rery r!e r"dijrs rc re "rju.red I /ii I t I (> ! b) be ,?ice;r a; iir;e(ar5 . i * f : i fa E e i t sec\lngofl@.P1.€. sH"}*ii-ii+Ti*+g,i:. *+lt?Fi**qi:r;,;,,,:* "; ,'iii "".:,':;:"T'. ;;i+g x,,:i t;fr_,.,+ :i:i "*.: :t'riffl"lt ";;'"; r:1';:r."": i"^,il';i..:;.,:":: i::::ilfjn{l'di"#:ii*!rLi::*F*."* , s , o b ed a " . " s € , ; ; - : " : . . . " ; , : : ,# , ; i 9 - : 3 : ; : l i : " : i"r =l'+r l { I ROI-N-IjdG]PE'XOD]D{AGF.'JI] '.''','',,,;7 t'.f I 't liG L A L I t tt L t I u3.J '4. 6{.' -.,1.411 b.; L t4qt tL ttt 4D lv;1,.t\t" ^. t\. c.;.Lt oS;n , t "! q,ttt"i\t. r;Shr,"L,- Lllat{ tt wtRt LASHT^oS t. te"..d to s.ubs!'"+al.dl,\d htL' lar .I;EE Cnc ",,lll. s'L;?gp.i^t! L U:a ld'\;;\ -ar b. lap.d ' -.& E.c "27t : f^"L"Us art {iIt a ;. et art, Lh. /,315"9. LI ] ,-\ :. 4 r '.4 ; W lkhL€ WtL{ t. Ua,zd;^ U,e^"""r."+t z. l"*zl ^1',"""c\ t\a4A ^ !,;.! rl <""r^ il."}l-l,la n p1"..tt t".L -;,.s. z. f',"6".14L<*j I I I I k a.t up t t-.." tt . ;tek L k..p u. ta!L'.Js+itL+.. Lifii,. ur cif,{n.ir is pinoro, e\erdd liii blliit+ip: tuci i \e $.rttitrjnssNe 0f$ Dsed10l:n su.h nir \1rr, hbr_ri(3 ojL dn0i rtr echo., .m Ar ni!$ omceissrrl a.s!o shipd:arr,rtr.d nn[ ]rrm! Ash'Jr.i,rr:r.n doas trn ocu i rlc [ningequp'.dtrrN]ds " 6 }th iu :d.] d c,l.u|?t]ng '|? se u(dsdmdLnqor rItr srady linns of rheliii'rg c.f. si ift eqlilrm. ot prorer srfe \],o.kiis r,ad (srvr) cd be pmvddt, rhrs pkv.diig rhe j.h acru rhcrops Plnblms or lLirA s.u hlrly deai{i r ile foes a} riB si fidr non.r! w. call din fom ln rhs rDpeor wirt, rh. dron 11msr be u se6d rhd tbrceis s vedor qua.rio,md hs bdn F.sih'ds anddnedioi Thednedio. is dwryr rrF dnediotrofdc oor or wiie rtuch is ihe medim.hrorgh elndr ilc rdston ads fte nEen ud. or therensioris 'idepeiddr of6: lengrhot th. rc!. or wire lneseproblerr .ri bc slved madrr. ni.slly or gnphinlly we wil amrd crh dloN :id sorv. ?rr rhe ptut ms gnphrciny dhi.h i ihe easier i.rhod Ho{*$ n is .dvisedd ilr rE.! itsclfrbd accLmqbe mindncd *hil. drwing ard uestris 10ensul rhess*c 116 ori ighi Uses fire pen.ilpo,dr,tuk dBwing.vaikrhi ids or3 lh. pnh a dorrodisplay dE dds .r rire iine b.M.di $hrh rr : 1ne B hcdued. A vdanon ol ,ppioifrdery 5 r; n' n\e$\wc. is pii dedbd my iffd rql pobiblr te a E!'rlt or inrn ra.y in dnwiiA llngtu r. prorcd Ning a vde .r t.isth sd forc* re {.ichrs dd r6'ons re plorcd uins a selc of force nrs so setes my be I afft = r.m swdt 6 I rme = I cn Howevd ir prxdple rlry de dLnircir Atl lcneihsmr .ity b. nedftd oo s.leryh \ile vinb ?I *c,sna aid iedoBs md o'n) be aerued otr "t* Tl s bodyqil novc domeads mdd the adion ol rh* rore Nole rr'd qe Ll. ejr_l}s s.\ \r'!dh do{brn' I ode'oo !q i'bd I n p r n d'qual 'd notrrdwqqr&sdhn6'rmain'r" rn'\pmvdedb.'r- o0e"t;' D ft. oppo;loner'r be3pp.ed ree^ d lr$crq. , e h h r n( d . c o h i o l l " ' \ . a p e " ' ' e r r ro w lftnsionissi'rbr b.; bson. rdsion r n eul md otposite $d rh. *.ishr. L\etody {ill 'now I'ptdds in $e dn.cdonor rh. rcNm ild doqNdds jl6e veilbr a gIeaid. ln6sI../ \e -eJ,, r*'*. -*""t*r'r. 'd $\F \. 3 u.JBd'ns\euo!do^ 3l c' .se sei.li r',1k1'" $e I -r ' 1 . t o 4 m d i s a d F i v * ' | t rb o r ' ' r l .a --"" *inn"". -* . ." " J i,. * ,k "i*hmF,rude dd $dtur of Ihercaihr R n sivenbv d. pdalhlosrm h! "I! twotar6 ile rcPs. ed ,t mosritui. and dir.ctt'n bt th. two arlja.e,t sida ol t panlarlsran', th.it ,e\tthnt vil he .errcs."id in jtift.lian ad n&nitud. br tle diaeotal of th' ]r!en rh.Iorir! rrr:dh:. rher.sion otrd,croF *ilt bcz{o arddL{fidy will mole dorn\Yi.dsu d rheadion ot mrr w fiow(d tr smi xs lie boJr novesbelo' rhe[orizoihl Ji.sitionj terc.lon mmsNopl?y s ir ii.re66 rln n nRrtrs . mrem (= w) p.td 'n them rherenion | - W cos€ or r w sitr(s0-0)Rhde 6isthe 5el. tnd thercpi nar.s ytlh ihernnl , B . d - . . o '| . " R ? u F g3 . ddobm,or\oro'.*AddBer. -i (.u" nf dqhotu s. o. 6ed. here cm e o r rlD comla3dr rd a sivd forc. Ths in 6cs 2 o) dd G) rhesae resul4l R b Esolkd i'no l{o ditrtr4r lmNi€nb M & N ,nd P & Q dd eachofn\4! .ospotrmr 6 b. ndrherdivjded&d so on h ir inrondt ro noreF fo,.e. de redor ud addnionod division of forc6 is vecior addiriondd dilision Do mt be histuided E6o the r€s is of addltioned diiisioo of v€clos do nol ial€ se rithneticallv. *nib minsup3ucighr*irt atifritrcs€e. lnetrpwddnovenenr ir csNd by n\edc*s ofrensiorovr rheweighi ftis rBion c knoM N eftn. Bv trtiig r mirc appliele suih ;i a pud* o. r..kte n is pns$te ro oflu Mdhlnicrl Advrit6c€j wherebyw cm In . Fcighr up*ads uus {r eFon *hich is les drm rhE$eighl Due ro efran.nd edd! n'*dr leBiosorforc$ms'upi.il]cvr nrse pr4s,!!!!qaqr s\11estal b !\ !ry{1! jsion{tk qtr dorb b.npe..d n'e' n'malu.es 'c.,itrso"to.d .rr o,t . r ,: b.d bfltrs lilied uDby m.us of a s$tesged L.r s mosi'lera bomogenous dhe Tneveilhi W actinsihrush rhccdft ol rhebch is biroc.d by I he IrBiG in L\eso dinlr Sincerhebem is homossrou\ad rhe$! !{p\ re or.qul lEngrhjdrerenli.n in the so !l'is! vil al$ bc .qud Tnere'sfti ni rhestrls .m b€ foud otrt br tayins our rhc ydish trom {re p.i'i of sL.peisionusitrg, cousjed sQte fte dnediof,of lhe slinsssrvesrhc dfudM ol fte nas,irde of T' ed T: n fomd by cotripl.ring rhc pmlGlogrm by dr.wi.s rhe nyo orhs sd6 frm w p,J,rhrodedF(nonorr[eI'ns_ 4!' -!E is Horvd irrhe *eight ofrhe hem n ofi{ented. z cmrl. k rom.d b.re*n in. weighlof ihEbeM sd th. rcsulrdt rnlion ]]1tr .ouple rohcs tlre b€m |irh dc hcaviersideping dotrnurds ud $e [qnd sidc 'lonrds Tle roiarioncontules tlll tho $.ighr .ms belw lne tntion old ine so fm*rc.quli mdopposile To ,iid oui the masiirddcof dre so bshs, ,gm plot w smg . .onvdrcnr scale tay od ihe sidesof rhc pr.xcloclm pzallel ro ihe dvahon ofrhe sli'g, rj find T' md 1r 'I!e sm.rhlng hlppds if tnelmgrhdf $. l.ss ord,e sling* !i,l'"i I D€ to n\e veigni 6d Eisiotr mt etiig.log lhe sme line,lhe coutrc thai r Med mlats Ii. b.m virh thc ldgd Gg movingdoMvsds dl me weightandtison {e e$al dd opp.sib Theiniivid@l roxiotrs cr be .^ Frm inspedi@or rhe idividul r L lh.n tl. di4s rre.qual tod rh. w.i*t i! .ft{dt6 rhl erara t i3 tb. 0D.supPo.ilig 6. hurt'r ll. rlhen th. *€i!nt i! in rhe.€nr l€igth,rh! sEstr re ion*ill b. in rh.lode.r or hrerl!g. I : 11 il ( ho bdr wit '' o1t<nre a\NeI tt kx' orc depntr\ whrh ttue ho' the srtut mpd Abor 3 n log *.i!hins 2 romcs E b b. lin.d by a $Gt sr.d ding of leg l6clh 5 n eash Asdeliorr hm* ir plmd 0 J m fim oo. 6d. Fhd ih. To find d the .dte of savitr ol rh. sys6 I e bd + s.ichi. F haveio bk. mmda rakingnmdn!.bo'n od ,\ *e se! F a 4 lsulbS..lelf=lm Bt olor{C ( lEL kror i de lo$ Ndk: Ih.luesctt ann lhe k'stn yrt m kdadd4 ofech otaa. Anhuth the! no! b. toku tutu nnatcaq, rt4 &e llaat and.ot ..r.rktb *t4 k.! m ditr-.nt nrui.att!. Fndofr,s @th.hrsd Krlepostbt tah tu Notoht" ne oJpapd, Acct.o.j tr .nhM.d bh.n $t'ts 4IuE Mk s { in.d b} a No legsod.Lxe p l a * d o n $ e b r r r 0 ra 6 o n i e . m r d e n d l d . b r r e . . o ' r i i ' h . tpo le$ sd n\eaele ofinclbationofrhe b€d 3t 'l I I I It ! I : d Br*iis =2@ ftedah 016x 24 viE 0 swr-- 2!d r.3.95x6=20q ;\ Apiljcl0nIongmdwight s l0iomc!isrohelowftdnrDrh&tq'm wij.hi53frxJm. wbll sbo'nd beth. minimmld8h orr0 M. d'dn GndeI dd chainlo b. N€d ro m.le lh. slins? Tne bed hln be loveEd throughrhe diagonalofrne !d.L $ llar de dglc of 1iltyill bemi.in@ ad tne&nios /ill ftnna uDiq{ L)isi:ii bcca$ *. c iir or n6[.i!oi lnr rhel.s ]{shr ee mr grcr wr maker* or rh ch orhtr rj\hs rh. dtrnrionoarltr wcjgii totrj ,lE cnre of rhe b.m venicly, hdr xb.rc ind rl3]fb.ioLr l]rN rtr w.ilhr repksnGor d'agoiilordierorccrmllelogr bortiii mapiirdedd dtr<rotr*h e rhe n l. lnglhs(ale I nr= l cm lo(e (ale l r = r lnr A n s w eLr c n g r h o f l o n g e r l e e =t9- n ene$flrlDnerleg=6.ltn ITITI I lil / r:. s t\i E t I A @y n a No dimnsioml *imsim of a bqn rl ll ll r/0, \', ' f wrctrs r b.aD s 1othesde principl.sofDhysics6d n ! E * wnd dreey is load.dhono!@uly. ns cdtr or saut r d theclite or lh. ft y i. p.i,t G. rall 6c fou lcssorrl'. sl'ngared]er'i ticd'. he Ho*.vr if lll. cdd. of sEvry of ilt tai sl'ifrsnom G io GL.yhi.h r on tn. @!.line oflh. tay, a coupleis cHe'l nt tutrple$ll c&* ir tBy to th suchdi.r sidc BC 'nor* domN'd lt. rilhng! 1.oitie tll l!. cetre of gr.viry c Lr.ms vdrcally beto{ u. Nate th.t in tht case the cente of *le and rhe tonsi etu sr@'ty has nd.tl tNdnls th. stolt becones kclined rhilz tt. shatt ti.le .endks hanr.nd Ar in $. c6. or rh. b.d! 'ne b\c ENid *drileoA ad OD lill havca le${ Gnror t Non in OB ! o{' yjll.,;?i"*"".".""'""^"",oD*'|L6e!Jn.,!4.,9.n6.,i/tr nr sidel\B rilr t.n{ nltcl AD and BC s. hctin€d vhie AB lrd rx. are aid OB ritl bed x tlsr$ rcisron as cor$,ed ro To rmdo( rherf,siors fl rh. for tegs, by N. cquiqtsr leesoP dd oQ. r}lepo'i6 P and Q besc r& cflres of AD rdBC E$edively Aslon! asihe.enc or sv'ty orlh. hr- 5 rtons fl:t, 's $corcdcrly p.sibJ. ro supponur r'y ron regs oPed o0 oP bea the.onbinedrnsioi of oA andoD $h,lc OQ beus d€ conbinrd f t e p , o b r u n n o $ h e ( o n e . t\ rnr o L iLo r r L r . u ii a Fg1a) C.nteol saur) aic F ! ( b ) c m n e o t E a \ irD cr we nd iid od dr Bxior 'trhss oP 6rdoO hy ploimsrrr *d!ir a ors &r riie of r,avity il e ri. vdicll) dd conpkring$c nairlelosatr r' 6nd rirc: rry ji hod-ilil, tnsons TLdd T1 will bc .qal bd f rh. hy i! llfted dr ro die cei!. of gr:!i! ior being h rl'e c.ite, tts T' sd Tr sill be difrded, $. seabr kNion beingin dE lowerles Pt. 'n prc.o.e the oaPh r.l ,tt oJ h? tiai? ahlE I bun nq Fav aa b" sNca m.! so r v t aot bepa$itc to d.^ the bean ot ns.otu.1dhqle oJtj,. This.toet nat nater Ive.an I! , d'N the b.oa o -av onsle oa rhe t aD .9 ' , t : "?li ; riicd S t cvpnho'na 'at rhr g. 'tu b th? \"d, al wn thotsh ,t aay ad app?r. - -n our F p . ' a n Ao I a l 4 l , . d r l d h e t h a t \ h r . h t h p L " o n n a \ ^ F n h ? Fr G),cen orca{ydc FiB. o): certeofFvityri c, o^ .E i E i 5 i /r\ i : / A'B \ P/a I D,c t /l\ A,ts l P/a D/c iloraihatlhedragram!.8 notdraM to scal6 r.6'ois6 dr lc$ ()r, ou, oc 'd od 1! sro rh.nconpcnens alongOAsd oD md OB!d m Gsp.ctircly I io do ihb vc n,q usearrr' frssr. OADor oFC sine borhdc (re lqr I'. .{'tv:l.d oi rcn'lr.ii b plot.d sloos de e! vald teg s'r rhe pmrhros,mt lonp..d o obaii T,, t. tr md t. qi,4 e. d e ...,o11 in Lls oA oD, oB md oC 6p€*ively. Wnd de b.m b hoitonral,sjl ror bsions @ rh! sme bd *hd' th. day B ril'ed'hekrol r d e lowerr.ca_,& r. sn berdfl od 'n. F\', r Sidilrny whci cotr Jerinslessolmequt 1..s$, *e shill 6sme rbd he lautlsdf oft Fauofleseeqn.lshilediFen snom$.olhdmn lvo ]c3sof 7 n l.qsd md $o lessof 6 n ! n.lincd ft. hy *.isbs 0.5m ad hs ro i2 of nyloi ror. shouldbes.d h m*e de a<. \ ) kdari".ir.rn=tm | s*a =ig /t\ | t - / ..//\' / ) / \ ,' t1/ / \ \ V-\ T r {t,\ T.Glo' ib sbod.r legr - 1..|l)r siz or trrloo mpe requk.'l - t6 hd I j i t T Ir$r{fl,t$mtfH A smpledmck considsof r d,nick b.@ (AB) vhich i! suppodedby a is supFn d by loppinslift (1G) *hich b atachedto a na$ Gx) Tt.d a shy (XI) whichn nor NUalurle* rheshir a old ad $e sftnBh oi thr ed is $sp€d mdtr a be*y qeightis b.ins lifred sr6* e d np in rhe Eylh whm a seishr is lncd lFt p'dcdcal p'ttos,.k rdth! ol tt d{.k} boon b n Ekkd thtouzhoui \\ ords b pEvmt rlle weighrlom fovin mN becx.nedb oosu !ra{g md keepI in posnioi,j6t sus@i d tr ro lift ir dp ltui fm. t kmm d'ennn . llrc lilon reLtuned tu rN L.ep $. we{bt $speidodts lds n\a dreeilon Eqdi td ro m dE veL4htup \Utd $e Eisbr jr jd rFp€nd.4 6.G js no nidid dd e rhefador du. barturw4o nd premr'rnu E - j{ v.R. Tnc f|dor rw/lo f6 iictid! rsuds $d .eh sh?erecllB o ire l0%in rheI6i. H.c n'$eEs ruuti in d imlle of of Hoes if 6. iidjon k my rdf orhd rhao ro% rh. f,cbr wil @onntugy cbmg. ..9. if nicdotr= l!,6 dd fdor fe nidd: n x!19 sire rL.lbn ed wrdt * nd e$d md opD.sft.,hcy si* 'ie b. Fsulrui$ichi:hrlM.rhcStusintn si. .d{r.dStrdInri.sln blct !d is d.trd.n by C. Thcdierion of rhis'Bnd ot wein: m cd iq.L. ropli.s ltft dcn4.Jbr L i H trp l, swponlC bursine n i! rd e4uatr'd opposn, I dd c pye n$ ro . resntut Mt *ni.I is tlsr a n\. TlBr .lonl rbe d..d.t il n iDtrnrs to not rhe.tred oi . |rft .L' sd 6c i[n* ltotrr tb. derrick bNd sr h cacrror rhetulLo]q i) rn4 n no.fon ddihe RsshrLrlrr bhgingho wldE-0,i. llio ein shackl..uh lhd w = G (Stes onrheginshacrle) \l|1l$ dE weish!i! jBr su4tft&d fion ihesiof?I su.hL\d E = ! |n) v.R. q 'Ir be dE drod E andmnsqEnrly c& b€cler! obsR.n dar whsrever $tur.vd b€dr strK o. i!. gi! shr.I. c, tlle stds in 6. roppbarift et.rlB &Aesh ir i! h4shc 1^r s c sbalqq ,ositiontu6 t!. curl,lld n b€ingmed q {Fnad u Ii .a rlo b€ob*^rd 6n $. T[rr5 @@u2l rd&c !hn6rinrheddicl tmm*hen E'0 lld theedan rhds Ntu : th Lae th. potuuetosmns b b. drM 'tlt nd |1t wthtn th. !2 i1 ke dtasm .ltM h not t srate to ddd the 1n4 Ihr E wr.1 tlo Li r nnndbh betu.en the lenPthscale .hd the Iorc nte md r no\ rt anr i hd A *eighr of t brEs is b€inshn d by a rtie+fold 9r:ha. susp€nded 12t tdrr$r .dedi.kl0n itrl4rh,imlm.dd't5'dds'{D.nenfroBa ' br a ropphs hn ft. s@*rL F n ,bde 6e dec\ .^ n't s,v i. 'n&ied to rh. r@ of 6. nd t rhe.x n. h.sD 6 dE ropDngiin bb r md nr d$d.nd ie *{trcd lo lll. dec*3 r fim rbc6s ofrhenat lind Aqq E f t n = w + t r w 1 0 - 5 + 5t o / r 0 = l l r e { * .t on dc em$i..k = 6 3 fid TIFBI d rhed.ck pktins = 6.77 A *.isli of I r rNes is rs ssps{Gdnon, &ntrl ll J n lu E "h.l n ft. ioDpinclin bl&r B o rub . [' iflin.d d 5r" 'o rn. hoffir'l $e de.k stit i\. s.om..* is r m Findi. Gcim ii rhcbtpios m. wldjng d lhe bs. of rh€nd is rot otd t 13 n tonc abv is u.d ro kishl s dE toppiis lifr Umr, vbrl qill b' d tm "E * ,,$;6. sicwidfirjd sF.d.n- tAlw T.sid n rh. roppn4hfi = 2 55 t Tedidin$eday=415t ?i:1 T{A STiJE!-CKENDBRRICK rn rhcfis Y/ r s. sMbrm d. ".r lBrad of tsvins oJv oo. ropphg b' so ,oppu! lin! mmb.s rromM m ' ina"?n t'n. i ';$rf,.d -solsddsro\ad5$er@ TnAe{pp nLhn"psfom $. tu!trm ofd{idrilk non sideb sid. lo*.dnsmd*dsldilgrt ldgn! orsc tu wleo lne ddi.k n risbed oas lh.6@liF,6e of th. &nid h2 6. usk of G|[ti6 u plhs mc s ll b. @., *h'M {o lne h{)trdr.l Ho$.€ f dt d-cL ! 31.*t! b d t'60 tu roDtrs m b rbich sd. tr is sl*.d will b. shotu .&6'rd Tour&sbndscDldidgof rsimsddw.islbv.lootd dF n'! ns (bird'; .y. ;*), rhesid. v'fl (.lMm) !i dk 6'0'r ft a'd ;cw Th.* r'lrwr nust b! ihorodqblv u.d.Flood bv lb. a Tncnod or enr r$r ,s ,or tr$d ror PFRPIND]CULANgLII Is TI]t V As ii di. pmblms ;tr tey. wc ombine rhc$o ropprs rjn. aid inasi. hd rhed.dck E b€in€supp.nedby oaeequival@rloppnc rn cranatus ren oic .quv?|enln'Al d,ch i! ol lhe @rEl n'db 1]rcprcbld m! bccom$similr krlh.r ora sinptcdemck TIE equirzlflr btrt is vefrisl lengrhol .quivrl.ni mrd = krulhofadnal'ndIi6s or iiclir.tidn rr rogrh ot rhe eqnihteir nay a obrained tm rhe A tuhk6 dedcl r 3 n toDsis indinedd s btse ofr5" ro rh<hsi-nbt r n sppcrica by m spat nomoir v shii*d rod I ? h iDlhsih ircMd !r 10" rod'c v€dic.l fld s.poh.d by ljftrlod of 12tomtr by htr ofa s blde rind rberdsioi in rhe$6 b) lrw rh. hd.b owins wtu.hn 12m b@l lActi.o"le 2 n rcm F(rus.d.2r=1.m. H.isit of e4trivrrd tur = r? co! 20= I123 DLhs beq lte mas$.ads= 2 x 12Sii 20 + 5 = 13 2 = l2+rr l2n0-r.6 E'Iq! -' W+ v nwr0 R t Tsimh.quivdd:ps-16bn6 qqll€!.!!4n -r?- 9 o .ns {,. i6rch.lmiiq Tr = ro2 T:= A sh'clcko denck l5 m longi: sulronedbv tuo spmshmi sm nsrr) 1I qFcJ n"ra oru:az'' d i n l d u $ d o F r ad l S ' r ' l r m d E! t u Dh. r o ' : b A d l o r ' \ e ' r l \ I 0 n f l t d ' n L n r 0 b fe \rL,140, l1n" 0 or$ F n.m o' a lufurr|" rn. o' s% Ihd dret'lion ii rh. spfls qhci L\eloadi5 os &. mteline 4d ale whenn n coslns rhcshipt nls larh$ale 1.5n= I d Fonesalc I I r= I m rt.id! ol @\:lrit mr : I Lqal 5= l0 6l =c69 Dd@ b.s.m dremsin.ads= 2r fi sD t5 +4 Effd = w:: !\q]q - l0 + 3 x l0x3/r0o=1.1t: ,,,/, Tesionin eqdvrenrspd = 10.9romer ovrd€cmftlin TL=T'=t9J T' =675 n=4e2 Ovtrftehitqhlaa4jlg 11 * THEUN]ON PURCHASE SYSTEM A uloi pE nro. syssr .onsiss ot ko snpr. denckq inl einr?rBor $l'rh aEroned or ffiied by m.d lle xtuc hook on. of r$ d.ri.k n d6bsd *cr rhcq@y*tih $. uqe ddi.k n dmbed ovd th. harh F,ct dm* k nssenrt , pdi.uta mct. a d.sn 4 b $. ionzodJ $ yell !; Jfled sr a d*ned dslc ro rle ,bre &d .ft lineor r shir 11€ban is trrp.Dd.d rron rhehmk by h*ns or a lrins md ts 4srr h*ins or strkiis oi rheImd wi&s. Tb.Eq ,ll'rg rEs md dfrr.k h.aJs !& all in on. ptde rh. lsd tu sle.y5 bdrEn rhotu ddick heads. N I I I I I -,1 I I. l t 11: r:,lo/ a t. b54(shoq As rhF s rh. ro, iia.-".thckrgihs AB ur iD a: rtc lBdhr of [€ proj..rons of rie d.;ck kiElh oi d. l I -a CD = | x aot 0: *h'e I = tlogLl ot Dc dedck ad 0 = mql. oftu.tblrio, ofc&h denick*idi rhevdiczl 'nr. dmcr heds B 6d D dc noi d th. sm. heichr (rhs 6 -6ted. 'i*uei'nr or rhctms Br)q,nnor civeus$c dnhe U.l*e* dD heads burilt'ef in. prcjed'or ofde drdee @em sm or ihe hotu dd n. .1r gr! r|? -,ob.diw,os.dremo,de,oobtusD A( L$. 5-: 1 r . r . k h e e Ld 6 1 1 - \ @ t u a , J @ d d a ! d d '_u e norero olrr. rdgd v n: . T 0 e J c n . a , ", d f d e a . r i ! ( . oei\po r o* . h o m a J j , h e o t r F q t , e m e paisnoD It. ot h< dsri v ,.t bnve o b. d6q 'r rt DJe ro b. c-ri.ffor |oft&:n rr. Or \ oqboad o\. 6e m) {hjle 66 orhc !r Do.d} 1.,',rJ h!!b s!@ On* 05fuueL@qBDdy r.r be ftinr !o. ye obBi dE tolowing d4hn 6, i -dnr16ot$..5,;1d.,romDn.s6ed atotr!Di ' -dsru@oid.\]rb@tus6onO,.*,,.td-"-Ot z c dk e.fi< , ,rrrlre ftd D ms@d ilrq4DE Not.lhd tht ,^@e! t t dnd : arc lot k. ihinm 'rL.b.aeotumt|P'dL"tan\a,;rol ult dor.,e9een a1n 'bC DB. th.brnr r't' dttnes l \E d Jh P V'IEWOFPL NEBD B FM ,ni fiM se @ w 6nd o t ther.niod 'n e ftdn {ru trr' co s,'.n$. beidrord' l@oabo\'rhehr "."gft. qerdr w * pt n.d Ehd) *rotus o r andd. loq* of rhesL.g *o.-,] ," p* ;hs'o k onpkkn b) 'ntrs rh'Mo -iG-i1* iri r"- * i -, p",r 3id.sp6r.n.l b l!. dn@dd ofrh. M |@a wiGs pidt o1dI utu hat n\ ot'np h notpe.pe rutot @a" {E t" or sh n? t*' * ,d '; ', 1,; b, .o'Iqnd"44h drvrLhd ;; " + i'Ntda au t B a.id ata' ";""1.n"-a*t,. *" *-*hk 'i ii.," dde etuoktlE tht tLtn.l hrotu k !t B @* ud.6ht $.e probls *ilh ! Gu md'n gropr6' ii 2denioksm@ditrrbeuioiDurrhaesyreDrollftalciglrrr.2 !o!ng: Thodcftok m 12 E tng; dr. d6ord oft n nggcd;5! b 6. hotzo'r.l dd llmbed al D ugle of50' td rhefoE & on Inc Rhilen\einboau q'e r ,15.io $e hodanlll dd pludd p,rzllel b &e cdre line TLedem.ksre .1d rpd,l&.n ba& Fiddrhe6ion h 6. effa[. endEloadn2h Ptujdion of odbosd d.triok Ho ontaldnLre bee.o rMddickheids-1l9n H.igh!ofourbGd .Gdcr h.ad Heightdfinhos{t ddi.k hed Trd d6iok @ us.nin uior peb* to lii r loador3 iomer 1le shipn r0 h tsd md ba . hdch @ins dt 6 h bread,$ fteoubdmickisd 15'lo &c,rtuenicaland2 E tm |ne shiplide Tne inb@rddeniot is ai a5' 3!d llmr#en ffi do @ftlino. 1!. dniol$ m 3.5 h 39at al rh.ir b6c qd ine gms..* is r D abow tno dcot Find $. LnEioi in the gritlus thfr ln. ladjB. 016 rhestipt nib *tic! m r D nighed also*ne! it . h rie o!rus *nch s I ( m h'eb Los$ of L\cdm(i i i (rd. ga.d er d ib dud6! 6iM "*," "".""JI,, ine lbe i*.t .',f =6.* ,u". u" a."t:1, ..'r'= ".o r I I a $ g i I i _'*'#q Tableof BreakingStrenglhs in"* t RoPe 1 Manita Pobpto- Terylew Nlloh I Pt!- " | :'-l L B s : I 2 r y I 3 ]i r 300 I wtre' T t; i-z BS= I I Chain BS= 4U 5II 3()0 '' 'i;tl 300 15D' soo CrudeI Stud M: 600 300 6-17 l 20D' 500 GradeII Stud l0D: 600 d 500 GtudeIII Stttl 43Dr 600 EX4MPLESFOR EXERCISE ,- a bem, n m rensoisd 5 5 6nres*richr r rned bj, a'wo k$ed slirsorleglensrh6 m F:nd.h.thsioisinth.slitrgs 1y' bem a n in l6srh od weishhs2 roin6 ' I.Eg.ddingof 1.glmgrh5 m each.A wslsht a b.r 'F in hr"ih r l 'risl iionon.end. Find$L tnsion in€Ni trg lecardJ' g tsdrofr ';"'n"+" ' i.-""""4 r'3 & 1.3d Ans.L.s l.Dsdrs /t*i.r.". ,"ii., \!'1 i.'g*"...0".' r':' r? , ." -'o ";.-' ofwiE sirinsnsia us.d to tule ihc al'ns? h.." *a *. d '1d "" ". or, J- . .1*.0 t tr 'nr s\orr " iwo Icrs 3ndrh. angbori.clinshfr orfi' bsF = AN 14 r andr'2r Angkor inclindion 0' i: ; "::' ,-" " " " J . " . " " 1 ' - " h" '] 0 ' 3 . . "d - . . - #ii,i: 'J.-ir', l";' ;;;;;;.* td;o *rrcbC'1erq cHo '!Bdr 'd r'mb'ivlrd -dd'r's 0 : n s ' a ' h m oa q r m e " t 6 slines m.sllL+'zt,r,e|.ofuhdnon=2tF'Tobrhgs=|]n q Abtu. mkktrslw'BiJsIo r5$d)m rheb;s n*'dans d''1'ds) A;r o 5 n ndn drsldvqfld.3 r dd r e bnns h n c ' o r{ s l h l0AftIrmrlrwrieiirgrlonn shondside Fitrdrlr.tisions Li.-i Leg slns orlcg l.dgrhi m. ivb,rclirini rlie.sr. $e washrofa bnn* shinedftomft. ccnlr!rndrirYed0 5 m ola sthcLoigdsdt w'd shotrld rhcsiueof 6 x Ll !nc uscdl I AnsTeilons= 1.6ai'103sizel31m T su.hihd ihc imgs is susteided l2.A @y 4 m x 3 n deishing5 rom,es sidemk* $ mgleor20"*irh $ehoizoftal. llrhcldgs!.robe5 n i n l e n e i h , r t a r s h o u l drbes i e o l G r o d e l l l s t u d c b a i n u $ d L o m * e t ll.A tay 4n r 3n olneslicible weighris lifted by M $b or slmssor bs hrerhs 6 m &d 5 n slch rharrhel Find odr d vhri disraN iiom om eM shotrlda *eighi or 2 loims be placenso Ina1dret.y is horizonbl. E I I Ans.0.2& 0.9tmes Dishncc0 6 r 2 l4.A hy I mx2 mis fikdvin\sosl;!s I nin lcnc r Md rwoslings n in lerlrhii srh a wayrhd(helonccrsidcs indincd Thesr'igsce m'de of 6 r ?a wir of 20 lm dilndtr. Find odtibemaxlnm vochr rhlr $tr be loadenon ft tu). l5.A wighl.rz ronH n pl?.edon shondsnb. lrthe lristhcllht3lirs fidd ourrhenrEnd of iheroPch. '' ;.:ii:,", : ",1 i;i :t,i;*i ii;;,',,.]i.i*: : ifi,t';:i,'.I;T::,'..t;,ffi iii";t'.'" ".. ,.I zl.a ripod haviis teg.oi 7 n 1.,e[1@h rud b tin i reisft of l iom6 Biis a 1{o tuld pu(ha( io bm.an r6ele ritrsle 0asidB 4 m m d b a . 3 ' n . F i n dr h c r i s i @ 2Asinpl.den]ok|2minlcncthis n''lhetfioninlhcbppmel]lt ?3. A derttrkboon t6d lonst3 sumdnedbl susp.idcd 2 rj betowlhebr ofa20D n,n reiEhr or 3 roDs by neos or I su, bckle hmAtJ'h€$mehr'Jhrrsemmnc|'fl '. ,, rherhtunrron!rheman rbrmmniilherppngtilr [. rv. a9 lh4 on lbedeckp ding 4,d se riljon ii rhe$av r o . r ,\Dc .' s l n " d b j . I spporqhemdsrhesmcrre+,:5,h.LoppmshR " " . . f d n. Thcensionjn lhc sby iii. Thethe$ alnc rbeboom 'r fte $rc$ on rte e,i shrkt. Ir'n. qr.h E I m b.toq;d: m hfrrd orrhe hrttbtockudd ' T h (l o : d o n L h r s n l h n. fte sre* o. dc hed biock 2 ( r s n D e d . . - ( 3 o- L , h t r. t; 1 skc$i. rhcbprincLin , {,er|'i suppoded by $ o toppingrns non v Fiid 'hetNiotr Li '1r bp]ng Lilrj l/,,,,,d- d"..t.r,i," h,,g,,, \ ,:3.A soetckenderi* 16.5n 1o,( i. tuiponedb' s,in v st'ap€d msb r0 ' n iong,6 m sFn ai ft! hdc dd indin.d !. 60"ro ih. honrctul. rx. bredrh or ihe shipn 2u m Find $e rflson in irretoppiig litu {hm &. derict B indin€da. an ogl. or 3v b $e horizoneldd iifiing ! \Llqhl or5 romfl ts b3i4 l ].J in uDloD -129.A rtrrhlselysh usiigx 1 ' n leg diis (h. deri.k r plu lin!. r1t on\erdedck s Prumbed lhc honzonblsd Prnll.l ro rh! .dftllne. Find ihe tnsm in ihc t*o eiifdb vr'6 tr wishr s I n $Dve lnedeckon IheEntdinc $. lmgrholirrt ddicl boomsd. 15 4 heighrolrhe go$der i! 2 n r 30.rso sinple dmick bood erh l1 m lou ad 6 n 4d, '. ngsd n UnionPurchcc.y!.ft. ]ne ho gh(o [ouonla]ud tu pon d:rick N plurbcd, m argl. orls'ro $. cliDe.Findrhernnon ir lhe No .siDr,llswhentft n,imum toadk lined ed rhe*eish! n j. orer n\. shirsid. fBmd'h orthe shi!=l3n) 4d ii. ovtr r]]3harh coains (Bread[rofrhe harh.oanins =r 0m) Atu.i.2.3lP)and r.jG).o,nes ii5(P)ed t 5ts)rotujes !{.Two sinple d.ni.t hoomssch l0 m tongrnd 6 ,n !par. m iiggedr | ' , 0 n f t ' c n & er ' ' . - . . c ' h r r h . p o o - ' ' . k , s hp - i d e8 n di . . e dd m , f , E t eu ' 1 5 b r h - , n . . . s d $ e sEb@r'l ddic( n p|nnb€do. L\echrcline at ai are]eof,15!. rm. heiShofnrreshipt Eik is I D ed rhehejshrofthe chccninsh2 n, fiqd drerensio.sin 6e No ginhls whh rhem*:hun tcd is lined iii. i,. - $ $ H E li oa drcahiFidc (!Hd$ ofrhe ship=l2n) dd oErt. hrLhsm ngrBEerhofdrcMh6di.L ii.4.7mdI3 hin( omj O' CONTAINSRS T''IECANRIAGE llNiis tberouowDs A ficisbr.orbmd s ai dEl. or tnspon equDred ';",. .-' g"* ',:l ",,i1.".;.;::; j.'''; ; , , ' , " " ' \ " ;' ' ' " ' " r " * - d ,,, ii;'..-.d ",i,,i..*. iv ft is dsisn.d rob..asv b fill aid emprv A o.ndlDim {6 8 e nr uer\ ;"r: r i#'"",* # l** !mm:*1t"t,.,"* ," 1--r." 'i.t cii;.; Lrsrl *" co fo m pdls ' a s " t"'.-a." - ", e 'Mdi d^d b\ rlr trerdFid 40 tld - 12,19ri'n 30rd_ 9,125mm ,0rd6,053nn l0 lid ' 2,tr nm desjssre!s s DsntBBrcC ror T|E EiJrli of rL !o'riies , diE^ro 6en It l: The d,hcNlons iftd bc do\.d ri 6e sh€ i,,t+ iu ISO specifi$rt.ns iE onlr- rcommend.d a n n id uqNBr b ,i i v\rco\ _4;-i ,oo-,.*;, -.sl 45',.43"49 rdrl', rhese.odxneBmar,tLa{ h;ighbofg o;e6 drl$of conraimnab.!!13' mayb. 3,6" t rh. E b]:!!et: sbssweshbrirvcakobeenspec,fien & ksi(24000resirrbemj arertD5aci.fordoinndion) E F E E ii i 5 the hie wer-lhrof a box is amund2000rss ro, a 2ir a'Id:t500ronRsio. ? Dyrold toio deped,ts, .e 0.. depend 1p 4n rte ndfl dt o, .r @dan,{ (srcet,,lminiln or fibreslas) ad if rhe box hasrcfrigsdion dachhery,cootingDiDs.insulalon.dc. trra be sn rhar20' conrai.eBaF hoie $nabL ff hishwighr ds6s lhile .10'codaineae. bc(erfor hiEh\otufre 6ses dr a9Te or rhc mrhat votume?.d dossom ofrrE mdam! e lhd noras. ofrhs .areom beplunrd *ctl acemd asid ovdfiow Prn! of r.o'.rin.r (Retudiasnn) T\.{elg'\oflm'|"' rmne5,rheroof€ik ind rheh.ron sidenns m r& ndemoj toisnrirn?r stetr31hh.mb€n shi.lr rrff rhe b 'b- lo ,wrl.o e. LU z za) O e 3 E t 3s € \ IR I z o o z t <a E 6 I g F '\,t\ 1 I !! r) (D e. s E ! $ J r S r t v t DF '' r / i f \ \ \ f ' r ? T I i r L r L t r irYPrJ(.ioU: r i - { . : 3 J CSC SAFEryAPPROVAL Trnsom",ico i MEapco[4PoNt]TitEAiMENt Leosing lnc. . 100,Monhoiionv HEA\iYINDS ie Rood,EVt]RCREEN Purchose, NY105772135 TCORL(M) SDN.IrHD Dore mcnuioctured l]E2l denffcoiionNo @627 &A2 Mox.Gross wershr E?-6--o-o Esgl Allorc.,resiocu.s \,1. r e c t 92,qo!1gs Zr3lOT lb,sl noc|jng TenLoad Vo!e I 5?4qrOa3!!oo lbst Thlscontoiner hos beon inspecied occording to Bureou v_ tos Guidonce ond morked ll - lT hTemottengih lfr,An'rol he ghi I 9ii,123/64in59o2mm 7ft8 33/641n2350mm 71ilO 3/64in239!rnm DooIopenlngwlctih 7ft3 3/64n 2338mm Dooropering heighi7r.+ 5 49161n22p"Dj-tm MeaEL &o. Fx[]-{cc-36oaR.i fvERCrEl\rt {'/Y n, oiF.i). - bHir irs spac. \!{ foldei or d:rs:mblcd $ es to €c(E l. 9r!rc!-$5!! ln. cdtrbi,r..lshns $d nrl 'Ihe rhe.omer 4d !e4!r]!!1ri!5 |r{\ rFosiriorcd a3 !rc rlf.( *djcd {de om.: iininss. schr in rhefto backrd sids a.d lt is al N holcd,iis5 lishrLrtum rE d.*es (i c.nn.d rrre (Fh;{s teiyeen rhem=$ or rhe shrp\ israrc r..fl rh! $,ts of rte wu! $ccndrlms orrhclonhins eEgutrrd. 2. fmn( ended sidenm* r[e rionr,fld ors]deofrheonraine, e''dmciiltraorrheretand base l Q!a. t he dool is locaiedin r|t ! nade or \tcl or p\mrx which tr pL)}ood sDd\iched beNeenreo Tr,c d$r n fi{cd }rh Nking and $ ns . . . , . n o , , d . db , n r . . b eo . F d n , . d e q , o f ' h e betuee1'5e'm dl. Td { -e'dmn bfl. .. nd a rft{trsdr sbted !o dsrse duero spftadcrsho.ls. .otrosion,dst md bedinc $rdss To.netrd r,L,e hk o i ro.. ,{ br, /d. .omsa.d o' densheEd o, galvdtcd or specialprnt or plan c t a" ' '\e.o' e .l e"i ; dakncsrtqcronrgrhedoo6 !@ $c rr{e $nr$s or rhe b.' l U-Itiid;eksrlarLl):co aineris 3 htrspofrunir 2 I1r fiat dieir ndraks iheletrgrhoril'c codain r; I ror l0' & 4 ror40' 2 - Tle sc.oid digit itrdicaresdr h.ight of Ihe coirairer as per the : -3'6' lor 20' lerslh 3=3,6..i.i40,|.ig1h 6=4'0" 9=l*sL\d4 0' 't!& &o disis de knowna d'. r::p .rd. dd ft hdpn'l lhen plzmiis I ft. inddigi Dd'c d\rtutFcof.o ain{ a pertherbllo*ingcd{r I 2 Closedonlancr Brilat n lisulalcdad hearn conrainfl 4 5 Ronisentedmdaif,er sirh rmovabr. .{lipncnr qq bp conrain{ 3 Btrlkconra,n*r li€n.ck 0 lncforrddisnspecifi*rhcphiscs${a&s6yor.oihnnwnjrLle 'It'e b$ No drg s rc h'om asrh. rjzz.rr'c d codc.gro*, nd rid @. P.iqhri snd cub'csp{ny aro.lso indeliblym ed on a sainlels sel plaie:ppmx. I ' x r' scGly *eldedto rheloRd p.n of thc @ihiB Thispbt is .equtredbr rhehlm{ioml Conventlon for rhesafecmiase ofcontar6 plare andis knom s rhecsc x sss in ideiiryiig $. .ondiE itr th. 32 h€ins$Jeftfia"\h t]]c csc pr,rearsoconhi'Nrhefo[ouiic i,fomdiol > N?ofeor rnl,{ reahci. adhf rrde alkd rh. "cNbms pldc, ( fired enhn $ pin of or kF 4e iiom rhecsc plar.. Thecusm r plde codeiis rh€nameof th. owe.. dr orr.,ir NDb$ rid I naremeii ntd $e .antantr E "lpyavd lol riiffr{ rhn pr jd s,.q Typ:, ol conbin.rs{bymr€rilt) conra'ncE !€ nade or eel. mnen rcct Gle1 a o|, ltlfinm ad pry{ood or glr$ Finlomd ptPood (cRF) Tai} conhinss mr b. nade of sdnle$ $eer odoldr rorlt'ortd fledot3 'ii ioi (^irsabnd6iq,. .re md. of seet$el .llon 26% de frade of alurntrur ri,t qei, oJ The adwbss rd dis.dhdasB of rhc Eous t}ls * h r.grd t) I C$J rtund.!tr.cer 1000ni di, d. r Th. rjfe or , .odiiner depen,rs oi rl Rotrchhhdlins a.d ldmsion cd i.du.c |'. riae Givci r reaoiaD'. t t dlTsd ng or tr haidlinsiheyr: ibleded b goodmkorcive prcrdnN nu\! b Duiig mmlr:qui, rln . . eo m r t " d h , ! i & , t , t , o . . o , - . . . hre r - , , , d i , r. . . , abL . ru[bq e3:kdlo F.le' ll],i aeaffll, Box rrr !.igLl Thcl€,gl,rofrlunirdi .'r,. being?b.ui 2 5 hnr* t*s dM nel drc*g! - ^ e 1 b e i , g ' o I c l , ! n o . E D d r d , t , , e .s . p r - . f .s \6td 8d r4otub\ rlen d oturo - r b er \ . r Ii$ *.eo hbotr sd \ ,e, r.r aio !ur berc,qitabte it-tc se d.ts c@bt of wd Dqhin jer hdeir,\ 6a {rls 1e.t $:ftse F.pd.buRpm.ujBa aquir Es,& jdn Sode, or duninm MdcR?otureE 4 dd,srl,bk u ntootu. TyForcdtriddeB(bJ u.) a Thh is d. fron comnon oroobin{ ryle ro d q.or vdeD ot c"e6 .- 6. -p,-"d.. " "" t /h. brss or dlmc bc rddptrdto lptr.o * sos r.h 6 Smer6 "kEin adduo,al rtr'nc1 n ELe. s be.djly add-drd cno\ed 11. dm .r mm3 h r !( e.d bn cd all. ,n de cLr b€ , b. ,id. eb-, b.i Lr$rdditrs 'd d {his'ns nbk rr. coo,trd F o, @but6h * r i t b . b J d , , r . . N r t r r h em n 'As e-" sd.ia ^ b.. 3 sd.i ce ' b " o rte imd MIk io Drd!@rtbe qrgo lioi' .o0den:!J riosttre or an s<em hrv be 6n.n ro 4nove noisrtrr Thse .oirftcA se "rh,u$ sch a sed fo,;?ni4 c;lnodr6 gd d.n.ged by moistueor *l ch gr iE cfirl on ml) de dircrion of a vq€ge rnd qontionlns 'oi rd he ditrculr, $$ ranirg l,le ledrig .6t r. Insdah; conaiid : rhesecoillin* G nalnly mde of aluhlnlm or cR? dd fit d viih d its$ laya or tood or PrJF@olyurethuefom} Th.y re r*d b proresr*ine odec Eof tuezins in col.l climal* ud 6nnoditi6 slch a bun{ iion m.IiDg HoReq !'ey re 3d inw.limsts a RedNkd ' ddeofdl ri'm oak '6 r . ,ed ot Pl-.liP - *6 "" "'lh fmtu TLe no c4issb of ,ldn'oun {rlls t fill.d enh Fbadh.i. cirllation cold .n r hlo\r ii d the bonon lotraitodinalsro !trn io.r;r3 d., ;Trjre; sd ct uldsd bv a ;oDrresor v.dilato' ni i!:.i sriin Ere$' n&biidr r vnrir3 $lsfadonrt r I!" ao, .01 . , " n&hi'.!- i5a(ssrbe strili.i ls h be! uD 'i a ,,,,,r" 1"" :",,'!,,',' ,' nrrnLrciq' b0ls , rtu oo md htoi Lllnh dedbr d fles ':ord ;ar b€ F I rhesh'pa finedwrdrsllsrrur'rgmtiot plarr''ir !) coni!tn.n 'i drditrp ro lr,c holds nEse duc6 m cori€ied b rE v"r r md srd an is soprL.dnou d€ rrrpi dr i s ;f 'h. -drnr to \h.r' tu conraird is c;mctn dd ErrqaM+ dunrclonsc Irnor.cl,Por unirs*rll hr. r'Le r$t m b , . ; ' " , {{, .; ", "."";." _ . , . " teiDectur! martmBl r" i",! '1" qudil] 'i rtoao' o ."'" NidE rlt .onhind ' !*s aJ a iml ',,",,.1. ;'";.-." md vlshge mn\r be 3voidcd Ire rdva'bes ollhc comtr ry$er $c d q !l'"' h.pib oarles: adva a-is, rhesy$e *y ftde i', reliigeared arso.+y shrpselilt, en .er.ier. ri urr Tneco{.fpn)yn[ns rcriigedi.nrhds an]o.ei:tr ir L\r$teir ur I iev poft r.l,.l,iocryft,lu( rnedsallilE.onkino- nd rir. nrirr.rr.. dd reDsiLroiinr otdiFotrtruL naresLhe,vrnLuL.! it r om bo/omi i!e!Qe! !4!!4la!r!l!!i!!!!44t!!4or l]4l6q!! l Th.sa coftin.n dc u.d *her $e ug. d,msstons,(caqi,, mnbiN'r,j leaw indBdal equipdeni or projed69.61ex*eos ne rensih,brcadrhor hcighiof rhem .iid ors bps ft 3t$ Nqr b .arso* su.hs smi1. or m61e slabs,ct'$ plj$, ptrrood Jrdi dc ehF. olectic overheadtrycllin! (EoT) nmr n| g.dry rm{ ..e fid€d n thc fidory pEmis* fld u$d for lordinc or uito ils (he cmbirrer iiom {helop he rop my bI prors€d tionr wearbeiby ! pldri. ce..d bTaulia scue{t by nylon rops Revedrhroughb'r$ eyerdsfixed dois the edsesot rhe @\q ors bF rc gerea y *.Brrc ii tuctua, mo( septible I Opensidecmbinm my hav. ftmsa6le d d \ r b g cn r h d a s o s b - l i r J c df r r ' Gfr0vi4i€4raiicr{s|rhetuk{, fixed of ford.bre qbr'ontns orco .ireB qhenenpiy sidesof no sid.s d s[ Ttr te or brndrh.v'r!r Ercs Trr! cids .r di6. tuldabte ends pemft rhe i I pip€srd isds, o H mdats:nd !!quid5 6 srarul.rn ilnms r-r h. sidess{r$ .nd3 Plaitomsor fxlntcks do tror hr€ rry rde: nnedyiih 'onff ponswhichcatrb. rooved P!l!l!!!al!e\'rhesecotuirjd^ire clo*d,gonn| puoo\dconrainor ai be ror ,or roadn'sby conlryo, or lpo and rko D?rholesar rhr b.ron rd* .r ods ibr dis.lrrgD! nE coidioerE ro b! trrd r . o , d , 1 0 'u , 1 , ! ( s t i u i . a , l c d e d , . . r I o e oh r , t s ' h r 6 , " . , . . n.tp , " h r , rcmarns or d ddG rhe needny $yeepinp b , L n f o '\ - r r , o n q { . t c D,n a un,n um !t?re,qt'i(h tctnro!eh l44.onbiki\ o h{ rh{e.omisroai I | t r e dn , 1 d n . , . - 0 \ , , th rr';\ . s,e,.m h " .4r | ,e, ,,,. "...., ,, k ' rt edr d . | . ,; ..n^ -,rh; m riuitBi.a dms.oN &t[d u.!tr! $ctr ,. <!cL!hl. oi.. Fodirct tr Iri rlr h! lascrherhrvero b!.dd,icd !s a s$dc ves.L SomerNt rl,c co'$i'rr nl,y tr 6r.! qnh hedtns Fxch !i.r hr | &I u'.. !: grstr tr ' (lr3hD lhe runl)dcoNn: ol'\ 'o,r:nd rhe sih! bay,d,. $qrdh{d,glt,ltu d,-rlr rFi{ ]lre b4s se numbRi fiotri Ionla( dlod.d u c!.n imbs\iDth r b.F Gd'ri.\ Thisila40 .odainst lro{ed\rirD brlr ll rnd :r. i \lxv ! rsds i!4$d posnion or lh. mdrB Rowsl {areIhearlrwn\lLrN on rM centelineof {heshipii is si rhc ro rhece{rcroLBnls iumbded0l,03,0j,0?dd soor.o'nmencing Lrv! and1lr lodrde do$ d. nubsed 01,01,06,03,dc An shiDsde ;;y d [d\. a .de sld in whichcme &ec Llill norbe ' 00 mw i.r tar Tie.!ndiqttl'elrightolrlic.otrhine. rl,Nrtuenubdcd02.04.06.03 32. 34 dc .ontmcndrs i.d; Ihelx,rom rhs lcs or deck.t.mbctlt 36.dc nnin! tio rlr tsr rieron deck!p*i,n\ Ii lill bs so, d,ari.lsal b.rr lravelss nEi ft n rnun rufr['r of rcws ' r' r" Futr r , .,.^ . -;be, J ". fov-'trd1.1b. l" ro* on rhc pon side(ren the cutra) andii tlre ?i! r* A h?\ nlanoallr v*sl willhav.dia &d r:; Gbs) in sch bry Tnesbh lill ior 1,. Nmb.(d $ eKh {d car canlv be identifi.d $ ps thenumb cm be idedificd dd .orvstla r lo.!io. or €ch disLn{ Dr bord the idgtrritvof clh conhinoi ii air slor a, CONTATruER EAVP!.IiIFI BAYS to I Pos,,i.i oi conJdB X = 22C404 Foslionoi co.totnerY= 030164 Arslo. ot slockz - I 302 I00 D r i- c r T ?oi f\*!s b o l ho d r i M d N h a e - a , , , ': " ' - o ' 1 .! el,'.o.l p|o|o€o!.dol''' . . d . r - i P , - . I P o ' ' o L , L p e ' c r lm i " , . . o , r r f t j p , , o.,,AeuL!. d . ^ , 1 t r ,L o " t o d " d , . t i c . r . . dsthed for dishnr potu sc toded on rop of @dmne^ dlsrined ror comeieuer I rofpotu i. B. c, JD A smpre disribnrion qould bu a showobtri problemsedutd rtrt if chta'n.6 had10b. loded * pons A. B or C for suh$queirDoft Th6 n is ieesiry ih* nc\ibitiq, bc nrituaijr.d. 2 Fl*,bilia BB B B c C cc DDDD Il is the $ihy of rtu \hip ro disch.lc ar a pon r,s oad rcxbr,r) i6r bemr nh'nedr .L subqlerrDd coBidr rhe ship eivng ar pon A s h ,1con&inmeachfor Fn A. B. C dd D wiih a $oMee as shoM od dunig rhe nn.ltr{e *o t$ds brtsi's ror lhc rLbrqEd pons hd -I B c D B C D B c D I C D I $ T1,:roid'nspt5 ao,vrtoos potu cr b€nnded bJef Aiilvol a A.rivot BB c D c DBc D D cD zI c D z C ,Ar.ivai C D D c c c D D D X D z z t) D D zD I X zzz I'qrbfgJd.fu'e\a.e.o'b \',{, q\e!on.do, ,"^.., "".,.r". .;.." ,r 'ohq0|'}F'do''le.d"' ' hom .v.ri$€ rh! \sdn; , L14s !t , dds.b r rd D'1.4,r: d t r o ir r s ' 1 d d n. a"" o , ,. r.o o,. b. {,, n I}. n.!nr of $e \c*el !h ch'{a,,G,",- 5 e . d r, v o , e , , e . br :d,Grai b a"^dF,,.d B;ts._ ! I I 5 Ldnprd (rc$$ i i shps, ft ban. tengdi Md iieebo disribdioDot eigo 3swel1. Bc D conrder rhe3hipidvire ar ljon A vilh rhe dill;bonotr s stion d sde A Fobhr of ro^io,.t srss s , l l r l s el l n o . d s o i s a $ r b t e , rod A o, !'y oneor rh. sbseqrenr BC D Bc D B C l) c c ln s&h r andilotr. ir *otrld be pr.rcGble ro li*c a dos?F s 8 B Dc B DD Dc r L(e rln r\ r^ , re ,I.r lLt L| r p .ho r .c -, dlob.$er ,.J. , .",F . ., ;; " , . o L u h e e ' . , . n o ' p \ n o t r' t '" t " E d ! . r r b )k r d u[", 'ronedslill m rcdr( hy (rdiu rtr inb.tu4 t Fdhcr b: i Lon{ru ships*€ at$ abred b I 103 5ut !!e4j.!EI &d @ e b . , r b ! r r ed 4 ' 5bd Le.cr. \ de opr..e.0 . ",. owd'rotr6'i!6tr4 ',rm.i .tu c of d. \r' tr' ,u .s b d i eo1po' LdX4J d^ ?! G A p' i gl (. s o 0d nk ad {.d._ !a, we,db; "^es.k avo'dedbl ,loninc a mix ofbary dd Lsh dbi,.s b a tut. 6nbi'6 hec,.4 L in 40, baF 40 m1ain6 6 h€;o*cd ir $o j0,bc{if 'emoebtc dl,.F. oret o(Men,i!. oar \$ ll b A m , I b €c !.d h 'rr d. .4d,o.o,Lms d,r B,Drr,hrr ,0 q dr; 6 b hnh"r I q Ninb rc auiiabl. od iD dr alk$ibre for mri eian( .nd moil A., , Lf.,hreibr;, r; y p.ereBbl) .n drk or D rh d. -.bt.,drt\'','l drp.d,,;, n r "h(hdrtu, bd roen a n ,iay no( b. .ay ro do solad oi . ,.!-.er i.er.,,o, ".... h-rcd sd f toud dan.gedor brokd mNt be innedE€ly rtponcd and r€phsd lronb,nss rNed dd sErglcd accod,n! ro cod?ift^ $ikiDinq liwdocj: .'!n pds$ry be $oyed oi dcck k stnld L. posibte ro opendE l0Sribi|nv h genml llerq odaii firr mdlh. +jp6mplarrb rhem '' at"aa / tt Hdik tn h&L th. ve$d wd\ Pres Bart r. the inram.tiat E .' kt rtk'd! d.1n w6|!t hr Itu tt'r t d^11 w. ttNnt k, he akdt far the ' Er?t ta ta be futlr ba'L.1 ru he hold\ @!t n.nrp the hd.h .t\|6 ht ttr the 6e .atEo stht t nw! i de.k rre'6re1 \ot ctoE b h* ntk' yt vth d td of.dtEo ta.\i1 2a Itu knndt staftep aranq thd deorhaE w\ asFr tt:, aawEz Ftt t laned .heckns ttw h.tkst, Jt6h eatr nt hukc^ lrttuEh n.qhv and e\a thc bit ^ the ehLl qirz| E eDthns m bMtt vds ns , 'horb bt hd vth tzry ttnk hlyln Lr h st4lt\|m teh tu matk' ttu tmft| zD t,L.i,L.1to lop thetor.tlhseh oha 2.h .l he de.l 4o ta b he totute't6 p.t th. l@ ske t Na rl kP v,iqh^ u btud. l s!rc aj ry Qkatdn8 en ehtstut vrildth wen ndrer reachelo heott,the .an?ar dd ltnu, ke n6@ \a! o\ktud t phni ntts by abaa ore Jbd ht tte rme the kmhat lfljshett tMdl4: theioiet ljndl, rcatn d ary' \ beiew! 'h. shat pe h. ho.t ttus, land ins ,L6e *e .mnat nntoa.tke @'sa tdk all rq hatt^t md vr edbrrr. :a th.te vas no N:lbtttt ol EcrhE t q tqi^ *thod leo\sng|hegdbl,|Ha\|+,1hefu'*d.ddzdh|l4yk. cnnNn!:o ee dd the n&..ttt at '. r \Fnt tt?pts n' r dh th. h6kteth u ro^a|ehho"aspen q,ampd.t wra. s tl ee eata n k r to shE6.nn tt la lleI a] a, wanrry dbal ) 00 fl t pet ao! \. wuc *tsbs.hod I e| af a,rai| ; qhhpdu^),2145 raNollrtt a afrttj attunjNn. ti. tp!^ : t t : ' setN!.hqrNg vht.r v! . ttd r:,,r/r' le.t,]n4t nb tr4 lnrtnr w J'\nd trd b.t tn nt 4 Qeq b dt I'drt bar: D' n& vaElts6vd]\Dn4l,|q\nut, ar h,;4nr."1i,\dM t ovur and kt lnnntttutl, mq hdJhe,h4l]ll4jhEl'loqkd.uhhq''|lhltslldw]':hlyhthhly Lnn4.! JrtjoL vtishtr :ayhs tva fi^ oliu hdrT^ trlt, etk lre (,nrry n4l r .n! I I I I anurt we aryry d.t t b4!n! vt knvn 1t rt h4\ nk atuatt,tna"! lrt 1t,& Jarnn vdsrr art rntiD,aN h! rvtu^. m st'lto,orth:,,:r,n!! t, vtt trhr!rt,, 'sh l atn [d J4.1,11r ||d] tmthdt na, q, nr! ltar hdEtq t d&bJiD'}fu|x!']q\drhg!fuPlau.<|laga'c |a"F! /dar^ ..e :t?!@,!@ h?tuet ) 6!Eqa!? nadt|] tdn d 1 i i r%. ddt n?t R atat v4 it.Exr! 4d vii nd at.pt rc! hdt unnt h?l fuii th!rt t: tu *z| ar rhet hoe .ren taad?dntEa lrt ml et v.:,et tr: rtl, on n $!1 beto nry 6 a v61t ! plt ,a h ^dL qllrn tr' ktutaas me.bk ttuln! dth uaet ?od oI siEapo.' ivhant lP$) dt{ Ehr& oru wa\ e! l Ii thq h@.n&-ry whrh ie rtdttred iEht t*\t - l Esz : q'1. t0 % *nh da dr edlfft thd t^. Ittut bry etm not iaw enpt.turc a; d .ikt w |et ahutdb.r Er Jttult t'Eev 1 L!. o h.!a s. tzr, t, ,/ ca,4 laF t,L , a? tht notpa r ! F a ,o ta , tn hpn I rdk at tu &tt4 : h Mddnq nl6h! b {41 |9th etd d \hEt. lEt t, hdrhtud q t+ la p'.ho exe.dns ts b.ni,s 'nit { nd eqitt! :qEnket cNtd th ) ,t!o lrptd, th.d to Fad o 4nil | 4td?n!]t hav Dah ItudM tr. t" Ihe tee^ t t adt k Jltttr thut k. lhtptbs th't6t,- hdutnE *i?F^, dtt Me qlttu pn n qfht.ld ltg .-; I i natrq I tnr rti tF \ n\knr tu ta tM'tutun ddN aqret utit *Mqd! hn { thea6krbrtthmt$at |hn:!9\n]'E1.h.ml|vd!hba Ma !D. trt 'kvr $Er jat tlra thtt: | turs et., I n.!a6 ..tuve t q)trat hr qtuan&, taut tt. .onpftr Slvrll conbin.G ft facjridcd by $e r 0r prcFam3 compuiq ac irail6bl. wondwidd lhih aicr fedins jD b jc dah ofrhe anrairs, lakeinroaccomilaioB p&neres rlre l,asic;pd naiaqunin includes: . i"lrt_ I D'r4i r{rf4!lirr! > rFe of conbiner(bymdeiar) a i\'t,] -'t': O q{r qrl TX. Foqan is urBily shipspecificandthebiy Dlai, d*k. hdch cos a b, sbbil'ty ind hydcbric Pd'c'i6 iiiibB u $. iidividuar doh Addhinilly nodm pmsams rc aho .blc ro invid. rhe roriowi! 3 Coikiid nr,if!{ fd dch hdivid r Lis,lo.lrioi or rMDGcodriDd ., LNrrdrioo ofr.litceraEdconhinG fcofuinscg40..oiblns ., hi, dn aDdsbbjritydda ro. depaduE.o irioi . hdiidu, :Eck weighb qhL,hni lid m(.res srd! th' ;i Theslr.codritud oLiitsntd rterer coir u bcinstu irn lopLrir L di{ssed hre in ddri _$ l.adi,,c. dtrfirs crmq. :nd dkchrs iD crtl ru* cirlE.220!or140v ii spaB nr$ b. ca;ql on b{Nd 5id i ! .N orbr:rdo*n or Educloai. rhecmlin8.:rrnity rhe bs$ln'n&r of dalns air rrdi iLfrasJddenoBton of ihe conba .r anrgenled t I ! L L o b h ' e nf i o n a . ' o ' e n d d B . o r ' _ o 4 s {'*r.'tur,| .hek.d by $c chid omc ed el6ric,u lr'adr'-','\,o oa. rD 'd tr 1d.F' d o, '\. pl'g poi1 ..€'ldhl. F.t r! tsre'. on murripb srd .o!.eciions ru{ norb. .dnd iv Tlreenhr operaror nd h. s, nehlrerymdlh.prqFiiiadEm d rft Dn,r{ ndoiirP Ncu n'lphDirj ir noi, Ak ltre pon ro co i\ o'!coi b0rd cise rh* herii fYtorlosrirjng.prqareaddrred lnr of r.rdsor bo{d.rhcnoii,i ii Chek rh3renpemhnds daily or a shiDs hrvea d(rdic ndDnonnssynem rii. r' rheqs. or.frrd fr @ or lIe diiTeren€m cmFmtrs. rhendro n 'nDediarry hd iif(m rhecompatry a dnaus x, . oi drilal, dnconnedllie reercn r,tor d scrEq. a tdtk 4 rett.f\ a' tal: !. att I rentn'\trfiqtt tu .t!\( hr !tu &tu\ ot |rlqn\ty r tut an.tts.haryed .t x n((\1^ k, k<r t[rlR tutur!*tutt,ttr th ,t hr d tktn M N,\D\ .tuk rtto ratn\ h|t otvn beLore rt4v! wE nryatul b ht ,ttvat n) t ar luptt t4tq ery and u h n4idcd nd v6 Phsct a u'!d' I ! (iod! codc |MDG cod4 . clas alcoqtinsro tl,elMDo cnde hm p'oprly erckedatrdrhe ii fiom ih. r.bnnd i;mi. iodFni ihe indexin lokrne I atle rMI)n $hedrleot rheceso ls |nrld Al$ idslrr rherMs sd MIAa ii \ lj h.FD€i $dd0rcodio ia FmmtheEMSnd Mf G 6nd od thedrlo b b. bth h (R or vMousenergenciesnedisl d andDrcnrlgarethl inr@,rloi b dd6, snr.ny nedicines.eren eq pnerr. gs erc is quned, rhsy *[o ddivd l,IbblD p vld.d fuo d !.n ag'l]diom ' i ships sliouldrd'. idr p.nl rheship\ I'im*ll r sised tortjd dcdiGriors3ndni Lr ddy .mcer r brnfed di ft tn$E rhd rhe conkir* , qr, nowagepla. and sror atro.lrcd rn, is sbwed I vlu|h(neJ'h(!'ikin*fordtd 6r-';id'sl'F''1'd'mm'F't.,.]J!]ltrprl!,p,! fuf tr,e in rn em{2...! srr*td b. B(@rcd br !!or\ d 'tr c&rJ oui dnlls rid unrud rheftq enltra icsud;s erlon b bc chc* rashirg\ rcqusrryesp-i,[y!f bd]edwr rnr. t, t t, 11 \ ]rtr\ klb ,: -rer{ tihl:t trr ttnr.\ .JONT^INERL^SHINC SYSTEMS ' ,... e .. ;;i;,; ,-"; h t -- fton rk .ottur h,.; ; "" I Poi lo:dsta i'irtd ro be d(k coner 6|inss '"'.'.', Lv snsr. d dNbreinr'd€diat -a *^;"*av *.*tr" -'*.i smkiic6ies ad rhebp or rbeup i]lh.|oGmd:Rd'.dbnb.A|{ LASH,G ) 9IEM .ONVENTIONAT Lll rLi? \{i/ T-!\ ISTLOCK SI STE \I t l I ! I > $60( brDs itrb eou( Thl d'$dydag* re |drcs .d; otrhis sldeD wE F llt hlockdrnfsmlliD3,nJ'if5n lr.n tr,rlrc(;iiEi shrp:rn(,. L,n bna! v?ryamoiin!to ri? n,nrrr ot 1G6 ud sh.ks aid 8re avajlabiliEoa storp nrppon n the si os !6djis/u'r0adirs orsa!* qlc! of cigo* ed D.r h js ndl $rromjs€d. rlr€ dnbiE bdc0^ lht qDbnq brocra rhehu1rrhrcrrcnud bereaemblysm?r{wirhmr 5 n). ifnd rcioEbre th allowsfor 6eddhmdlins. fre advanbls ofiie ransvenarrahus syddnae: ]'^redlctio''ndeqlaniiyorfixedmdpon,ble|ahngequipnent dedwjrl,thcconY.dio.!lsyn.m pmns sh the rmdingof uplo slx riqs in ihe hoidsmd sbr \b.k 4 Ea\i b 6r anddinid,otr of rhepmblemof positid'n8 of bshin$ for rc by rcdu.ingdi. id$er dd qT€s or 16hinsequipmedghile arlo ng for a shdIdision or La'his rc consdiigol veni.ar,el udx DE[IOUNTABLE C:LLGt] DESYSTEM CELIGUDESYSIEM WTHREEFER SLO$ .L HAl'HCOVERLESSCO TANERSHIPS '' '9 :,-ad \9 ,i,! ,q 1. f.... u(Iomn(aciglrlnkLlh ,, Jrh,!..0^oblsirn I oor\ o hc lincdorTeaibrck oi bean,a!y!56i{.[N $is is a E.nlc n ssJl .ugo blf rneeftdt anq\hrps {ry mNd 3 (cB beto! drks ad 5 ric^ arroLrde(. rhe d{( ro.d is sposed ro v*rrEr fnd nsr be adaFd?ry rashed{hiclr iivol!* expeffire Mj.^ rrc oild L*l o*ldail ssns dd,sc b rl,c+b andDo.sins rheop.Rringons of $e shjp.EdloDg rdnms a ci,rLns concemro rhe srripo*ner dd hn iB$reE Th. .sl lot|j.,bjjftolingj.i.dshp iN)l!$ d ml6hiig of co{iitr5 strb$dtr,ar{o.rir.d bd o$ ofrabo! TliL 5id$ of rhc sh,pare enend.d up$rds ro trr tis rlrr p.oieds the slrip lim shslh andpemirsa Fdudio0in s.aiilires coNrudrdr is impLrfied The r.durioa ln i€l ad simplfi I I tI i I I I t I cu ronli6 or sen dhe @6,n f l qntatqi !\ ht4 15^ navc A ] l h o w h l h e B P u E e r v l s r | l | I a rd1 t nnlnihlAhf^|]lhrhl|"'l ttD*n thd , i\ P$thte ,' bt'tn .: Enn ndtk vaPlr 4 a.aflottl Renoc oDdatd Bekn varlr I 0 I6 E E rp ! *-i I b) o a) b) ssoN c{sd roirxiie* CoiEnridnal Irn.n ryailo.k s!ftm ",:rffi.'l:,:,Jil:tr :r.,"i::tr,ffi :."*i:"lJJ: ;:liff"ltl *" ll#ti::,*;--*"' '';:i ,-",' 1 rb', 'THE ,,) Liri€sTocK I iidlods sl*tp. dd! L\lE!r!e4 (iirludii! b'rLlO hms **s nulA I ldsr nmls ofmin,ls de lltr'ppe1rd Sat'drhM t .,1".r.." -.e J* -'"ar'.""'-+-" '""ii'. ii", :, ".;Jl,"" I *-.:iiaa;;i*"i' r. b".tus "r*F 'j;;.,;"..;"d,"- -i,,,i- -!- '*,."r.""1'u. I sndids-d,.yr.ljreivb*!:t.*.LdeF 1,3 Fd*es t I :+r p,!r1!r roi , "r^-b,; r illlrLrlr trffi ho$i" [a ;il^:-i ,, i,: . , r ";"rL::,--'::.-r:: .j;.;; .,]@, !4i:srnc!!rliq! ,, , ,,{'":, !"..\ .:. ,:6l:r-.r":' .rA"J -: ; ; ; ; ]". 1 l'.i:il lTtil-ii."ir. ^,1i 1":';;::;.;]t 1""1'l vicw.f, tndGk ario ' i:i:."Juff :fr';l':*:;1"1,ff:#,fgH'il* ;H ., " :Ll;fi:,J,:.,l,5',ff, 'i n,n.L,,sm i{ onad*kdc.?,,har sh.? ,sd dms. " xffi'*fi:,j"=:1*,t'.j:"ltjilfit* bepdd:n ,' L.*q h.gi'6 lFo a ,, J) n€ heilhl rf,nren d4k\ md tE nonn llv 2 3 mdn -iniiun ol ! 3 ndeE nal d.!k. *nmt.d br i:o( les rhaf friclralr th. " r"'e ' a d." -",r;tu*' "L"ll b€ psaLn no'n cmh odo*n qM $d 1 lvndc difiarcDtspeci.\sc cmial 3) wlEe hosdli8mly riq beNs dnrals ofaL. sme sPei6. $ev sbzllb€ $g.!,ieda1Ud'4bg\lgeads?€. tivdhk snrnkrllQ[ b€ oni€d ii irs o obshd rheorac$ *6erc rb€] {ould : or4J 6un 'ht ${.nodrim sp?c l!e49 r*-r,p"*o,"r'*""".*rir$aqrN.@!orik+p o idefft \irh thchresvins or&"&hiis @li''B o $e Fopd EelFbm of 0 !tr.d rlresmqtr€irra*s ddbi 1) inrdraewimde oFtud' of4siislpp!@!! d th. sltp 0 obshd ne[g potuor ioredsllin b,nins d4 vsri4iq!-b drhapd ot som.id nmh.r ofpelt@ sh,nbc 6ied s th. 3hipto raln ri€ fvdek duing 6rhrF r {h(l6 ind s:n dE qase rFy * i6nh,ny snd rctna hNl.dse is mE abod lirAnrck dB ahrut ship. Tneyred b aI 'nnis I NKitrs i,loadbsmd di*hlgsg L mainrairirsdishcrory ht,trir nd daiNgc pahrii]+ i diill.Lr! riic\ sci d inc nj!h6 ro es@ rhaft,reariml\ rc dm rd i$tairg ad {,uaiioi4 €id ea drm d.r darsii! djlti4n,ls nmronnsdr vdririiim orincMp r s .lui ns miiknin€ md rcranofdredsr pensan$ dis.turge sh*r aqunc I kitocm ofshei p€lr4 c 2% ofrhe mimatsb.dy qeishrof har ps dayphs 4lit6 ofds w{s perlimat Ds daa ShrtDmusbe r.d frm u j r u r ro. l q \ e " rrodF,n,n!,nheNshto,c&dtuh,nongMns Ilee r ddr! allo€ f ', benad-datdl[ar oiehne Fo.d shorndb€providid6 sM d dr sihils aEo. b.d r,u !u {dl lor sjliDs.Fo.din $e roushsprio t@dinssp*is upde toadis do. Flod md %16 shornnpr.|@bly b€ ssitabje zI dE rine. .hoid M !e dom nm uE .tr m,J biwtetra n^,d;h. k ms J oda be.la€d b.o'e b€in"u!.i fo wknrA H(l]|tr, i a df, io hnE dd) w@ D 0rerolcn $an .o udfd a -...'. . I I I iI --_J\ /- - c&Ll.r.'].r.4.||h.llr.Ljl'e]3h!oihay lfda)'ann.lJlt$oltr,Jp.r ( ?rL sl ld li! fci $rLt a drv JiFul l\a i' Hly n liailc ii litrlldhs o. Jt r.FF,,i d.i( fimr *hn i s dopFr dolr irro goin b3nc;ud1rytisrod N' h qsur rrd rhcqusrL!otlhc foddf n " 1d, . dl \ .-.' " n ai impdsr asFd I rbesu&dstul smrg' oi tmpeflrde rd hdirdin. thstbv Ed u{s h; *h&nioi umis thc dnts ,iid Pess lldros- r,hhi. aid dhs inixfic dd ron. ses vdrilaiioi orlt c@dnen6 'Tin re!1 r.ir " ''r'l ' ro.\ qLh' " ne 'le d*r lri' ,n, a,r.t,,-r r,i.a-t hrlhi ''nbttucdLrqddrr r rid rhe drl Aft inrlk* sho db€ sir.d $ sro pmeidecltu md {i*h h{ d $ould be siGd a\ hish d p.$ibre .4r thl*e ml dhrtrt nQ"nr|hdr rnid t!& ) ' d t^ h u P;tn t tth? tti.nm Restti'\ ttu|15nit\ ddNN miiis of$c [lo+ds vnhod i e'1adns*id' rlr! rnd b3 rred ro rh! dnhdo opcnid d ri' or dt sd.vor ro sablc In$eeieir ora bi*kd.e otlmhuical qrdpiEd. dtlr:l vedil on shouldb€ ihmeddd! prNidcd by mtu6i &:ughr vnfl{o6, windrh or bv o!'tr'ir covs' ydtrs,et ni,r quicd ro b. lrtr .l5i]l b! lMdlse n'15 ilz I Ltkn{t !d re\h$ rd 4+aied in h6rdr e. cd 'cd a id ,I rouh, rnd e ro he lnryrl.J *{h ilndriuior lllbliuy]r'.ljncrteGHlhl|reglcna'g|ion beDgswircri.nott film dr brdse l-iljhr pturnedr aboleshll b€mrdprmrsnd sfud ou or&ch ofthetryamK sh:r be pmqdenm sdNcn sp,q_ $h .h s i:lr Mo,.r dlv .r be i,rr erturi(atn{em irrehqFno q*m shjl !i*ii#,;#"6*;;19'"*-";; HT.1H++,;.fl.*.hHf":.;H ;ii*ftiliT#;,gt Itii-. mttrtioq ")reds rht rLchEe r tr niTnLn bep;vided Sli$se F\cq tu - e t("cr de tu rd n,n her,tu ,.. scL,piu6i siul b. prln.d in srlokd \pcs b ,.s supr.B:rs srr!1llqt h d€jnae weusor Dr.]n{qe']]|hegFedbJpno.dd b]{Ilrelu|.hnlhrc"!d]aLofbrlxmA p'pn! Fp:i i, 60 rric.nlirrNr Art.s ro rhc shJris b lr bY nnF llE aq\ sh:llha*. {idrhof50odntsshe.! u gotumd?'rni r'r nie ro. dd hoFi. lb3ll b€ shonl,cdio r hart or I m liT shrp id co,b rtl I i Fd b,tr.N shdl tt jircd on L\encr ,f lheErnps:sin x ,5 mmiiir shkrrd Fab ad 50im x 50m lor spsedr00 m atM 'ti rn. 6nl ed lsr on$ hsis Tte fd blr'or sirh' ;o! nore $ai :100n; @d ndi d. eM ol thetrN *ll truden onrhetrpp,rside 'Ihes?d,dtordEmlps$allb.idmoFnml iiz l ;-. lXe ars b beFovidedlor ach d,i,sl s elc'narlr'loi d€ baG ol lhc sp..cs of dr r mt md ib wddir it wies iidn ! rinimm or 0 l0 sl m tdr x p'g laelirg l0 kF s lc* r., llr,nm of 2 3{ r r.. ei e*eiding irrt $s 600 L!s. lrr i,N olsch dlmrl tr mved at by 6,is ourdlerdrl harsor dl 6. eimals6edtd bv t\e nmbq of&in:ls orby 6ndi.! rl,crus or, mdofr srpre diridedbr rh obl imber oldnds r dics'ple rl r d,," ,otu(en-rddbi.dl \G ora dlL o.fl \ . - ' f q i b \- ! a d m lodhq rlie b.uil2nrs ol6e pcr\ r. 3l$ spe.$cd llty h,E b befu lod in ! .ld\c rlrimdip b me d. .r d't dBrh .sp,dly boig slEp ll lish6ing , ta, is kn re Lli tb. shr{ ond Hff\n u! ^dr lLly piovidedwi$ indjvid!"j sbllr or b.xd filsl *i0r : pr.,$m liftr,lF !&, r 'Arrm[i*h. Addiiol ||1nn.i !h{o lo . Fd3lrlc li.r *riq!].1.6 nidl bj placd.o'e ior.v.a rs niis ]]rclrydJah\iil hogs b. rodr slnfidion of rr,c\w-ej_o. lI,.iid'Tnmmnmii'fu|h ry$trir shouldior be mrd @lcs $ct ue n.k rd re b.Fs \h'ft.d ro I behs Lile$Ek fidi!3 l|udd haveromdenoF6 wirh m sluJpp{inls lL! stnuls sl,ouldh€ prorr*d wri,lerunirg -ne6:oi Fildcd f..'n slipplngoi !d d(ks \ i lerin?ls (ilki"sltrspmgbvriceml Sl..knenddloid{sshu'Lte{nr$r tunmssiil stic*ss fi. u$ or.lcdnc prois shot d 6epnh ihired ro iutr nng r tuLlv.r rlt ai" r r fdar fte ship\ ohc* m EsNibt wiili lbep espeftl\ d:is is a pn.bl!fl .! ir pG oneb slErrl shsr rollo! i\e L.ads aroie rimerh*. r a hinch ofrhsn s.rg nNbg no'gh tlremr wlue d .ri,s lr€s rheyha\€ io b€ pNhen ad (ecd t ro ',oving A fri^.d dr.! is dft.. Leprm b.rd ro dn* Ihe* simls q $. ffiJi rd do $. sbp b crq- i4 !u. $pp v o d{ h rsr se I]trssh.FruFci|yLodedudbajl3 ttn nna' r llD i' r.1r. n ltve I d.i,|01|i|||||.'| ttL rrniitit hoNcintmt Lryat tttd d ttr ndl)t|t'nt nvtr)\t1t\:h v,l)1hr .\trqt!.| 4t\ thtl..4t br!, tr k! rurri\ r t\ | | i h Thc rnlrr .t sh!fror livsrck rd lodde.od Nitul sh^llh. hrfl do a a)H€l s levtr dk b nl* ot |}srmk n sv- by Nlff ras orand'na! $m!d x liEndk shincoinar! 'ierEs FlnY ft? r€!L&.nper}ild ! disd*Gd L&nek \hrn6nsr = ! ldsn .fe.i ltrtr i (herdh or@h ll.it 1 b) Hecl'iglN d@b dnn.rfodLr ,! eib by siiw.sN &id drftddr \ dic0t,onqr ft bd sbinmommrof foddn is rherm of shinmomd ol erchsio or ,rt Rlii.h is ps by 0.lr14hJ*hdo I & b e. rhcnrimd lolrh rd b€dh ordie Otrftlirck\sdleh9;' d i\ jN hr h4nl_ Dsplibsr !1,@ P=wrdpE$rr.sdishkena0042tmesinl A = rlojded lderalTeaof,r 6e exp. d ofd'. prcj6rd radrr 's of6e ,i ldcr, !s (.hr tuy b. dld d h,if I llreas!.ofheldLabishifiotrnrn€raidf.nnssrErnd.x...dl?' 2 a.a (A r Rl s:roid d be Ie$ rhenr i \ is lpro dtr r'sl. ot nooJngor 40'*hkhev$ s ks lB + Q I 'i /1a JrreMElqshoLtdhcpnidcd flibre r'jn' dfld.hb aidiffi rh eu lcrLqrlaljir! mdd co'dftioN of htqh 'hpemM slnFtoDs& iigh b.dr rmp.zrse p,rns, t}dikuo*bmvjjblesirefs|lo Yrb^r' ce v o.s r. f n offeqi's rc!' ard hu'd;'y fi. aq'tabief&! essi'd or ft.d,nc .,{ffd vded b.dv rmEdre l,tu.snN m B.El delqir srh A $rhdct6i5 i'jsh.pst!ftijllonaliooo.lig|ow{ !'@!i!sd Inj*br. tpm h sd$ dn&,ffd ridck sn.tLy $r '@$5jit s'ibio'i6 s'Eha'@ycrift sr6 f o'podd Mrk fffi rMiE do.h erurid .dbitrfig {rcio, crinier dr.mndq hlpod!tui, vi@ m a.d ealts ld, r-iEeck vnichs ddd i3€ b be.d '4 b.fe dlnpiq d 6. @ Bi|l 6lod sdflod Sickqdyiogdi0sLli€bbehuzEty}jttal TtEftriodroDlg na solidblowb 6.h€dbyabld iislllfusch ro ala4ei,ffi( rc?diE brs!. NdiErhmdnde!\ddEain lbL:r(nqtfotroredbyswiis rh. $iEr wd si6 a toi6 Altui{ty aloif. n B€d;nro rhctu.dfir @ (d,eFlsrinc ddy @ rlr€bacld6e)is s€.d 6ins $. uin'l b brc.J A rd etrd oad* @izse of livtur Aiiiuls is€ f€ride dd ifdd.nxl, b.luE*rl som * np6ni6 ofrs a bdN b rhcdD.s .w ifd. trdtiiy i! h tDi t'' r F t" IA i, I,x t; h r I I -F,4 " ' . . . . s1a1en61,"slnpmnt und! thk er4 aqttt4 :h! b pddt tthuto ol. - .. - - - " r ln:rr dii5 -r,ocrsd a hon\ is dir[, as of the qnds .{rna, *dosn! subsM.i a mi nun qr-fl nd t! be show n itu 6p!ri! aurhon?nnm F (.d b) rhecoLntstd ,u&onryn rbeomq or odcin whcreal6tv ahLle\ m NkaEed a' srpxtta| ht th?dhqkht drthttr thennnt| .lotunlit :hanu be pto\iaeavth the!deh."t, ra.+lqnE tuhatruJ ht thPcahpetul o r,inhs goodsor Oas I +dld b. Mk.4 lab€led sep il (Med jn dinc{) Nrc$ a sP{lfi. IDck:gin! rcsEmsi is D'r' ; me I iiidd sone sdElesnry be cmed u!!.k ed ifn\e individtrl sched'J.io penii rdlr F$'brv oDlya sidL. o. cnt. o. p:ild ro 6cind sondins rbe inu Da*,sinc is shtrbkd ido m iiremdrdc pmkriar€ \nicb js ther ltamd i o a, ourq packas4. aF& siould b. ecued sithh rhep&k.Figs b r.v{r anv sirhid ed ob' mornsr md 'tu plckscitrcs$dsdvs should6e srd Fc!4iry uLlas rh irus p&kFrg d.vjcssls'jdmtFi.@'hJoucl]bDen0.l aeid ubd wi& ib .b ptubd lJ'e *plcns Gods oar b. pr.riged in a maner diltred b Lli sp.dri€d itr $e iidrido:i sl'edub potd6epac|a8jBh86's4Plo preat, rw:.d rh whenp{kas;d&-d;e ro dt 'i"livid,:r $hsiEla L '''1r:rPc t|tr4mJnm tin! qwn^ on,/ndtlmEry ipaes F.h €Ld tun.i1.(Aor.,N -'olf.s.dln.jeot''.b' thcn€l .quipmed rd cablessr'outdnor Fidilly 'bv be no{.d i. ! comrahdi r }ndr nu d be reked ud u'dr rhecotuot ora resp.iJbt. Faor r[!i IMDG CoJe fte:quiDnsr ed clble! nN b. resrd hy. s!,lt.J pe$r ro ersft i\a! -:cmd!0lcssi$dbesdwdialslfsplr.edrtiveloel{hocq!90d8liI]es nglordingmds|Glug ,l.ibhronc!|aldb!&)ided*i|]] A]ijighjngsholliL!*d.firdoFh -Gc,r, oa o,nFribllity qOp G, L 1 . " " *.le rn,nLatrur,turrh \rhirk orr mtubteirlMn. r)p: ! !d*e. 4Pr6 b rhse rd! nasne add iomly guea: againnFictionb€sd dry spilkd.ddtrr non rh. pek,lr . sid* @dfiw of dremg?ztueis ro b. clos b.'ded or nmr dre lJo ni !.h. tr ih. sbipsjd6.: slsl. oD:aid deer*olr shourrb€prorded by b3(m thc d€cth€ad medd b€hd;ed 'rn. qi of $e now shouldbr d ldr r00 iu beld FquiingT}Ana@iredoMgesid|ddh:* fmu[ rned or duiDm alioypMs Tr!. ! jola3e dB mr qu;rc b3fr4s oi rbe sid* f i do$ bo ed iloor Hoe.v4 dr ,lkt ol d$^age drccd}'otr dt dt.k 6d .ol on d' rrd mr bc Radirr onbl'sdbk sJ iholtd b€ wrdl hdd]}'ayThesoods!h!]ndh.re {ou.. asdo$ s pra.irbt. b d. c .tin" hqJ...,d_ l.:: T_::t :l*:*'rEqc,{r5m,nbe.b,m&,.on SeEgdjo' 0 t, . turt rid (M s.eegaM, v,1Lh 4 r be b | {.d qh6 sd 8,, nsi! b ^ _olr .ihne r",,,.b. I & pm\ bi'edfroI b.dg cfjed oi,,p.,os.rio w sM, oI ( tB . oG.o i 4. | &rML'lSrod 1i1e.Mp4! heo,p Mail, bac!,gc,pa$Et e6.cb ad hoEhdd.fre* 'pfu''fircmD3fiedsb.!. .onrd'bi rJFoups) PRafi0Adu.ilglddin4'lddi$b.4ing shoutdmi h. nowd lcctoijagElc Gdiitotr sirolLd Lf s!.1.9d a ? 9n : rili mr, pM.]l. -r.a!r iiredaldii*cEn69|GL.t tule explolves {. lis'L. 10d.d o' ulcrd.d .{e} rcgrdirs lnhdJrld. :rpu d l9ph* Fdn b.idg wtred ad drins lldbilg .sgn€rc rhedo8d oos.dby sdr. go.ds A liopd rJly is ro b€ rEpr of all sods lod.d idto !d Umurhoriad rons &\ouldid bc pd c&go is lowed Ih.$ spa*s shouldh di$h4al s nh ru ii.n dre sh'! rce.n n8l b lne soods. No rcPd wdk $odd s oiimiie *Tlosiw3 ftis sp,c. bur b. fihed vi$ , tu @i(ed in a conDtur derediotrsysd ed ifa 6xed firc dingdishins sjsem ts 3or fihe-d,6€ 3p,* shouue rcsibl. for firt-fisdds sd!ffi or isition *ou1d b. cotolLd $d hd wo* 6i.d .d 'ooly h se e^gir. mm o' wo'rshor wlm &e fichtinc appl'anc & ddily ,v,ibd? rirc A aft in sy rp,* shrnd be rohll.d L.f@i fishnDsprcdE de ouddend$eFrs leh.sd'.dnpdmhtod,n'iigdscemsgods '-'' ';11,'::tt: ^i -, :.ii". t" T :l?'i'.1 l i 3 t i ,/f:.; tta :e ii a I ,1, l' I .:. qu.l*i{I,$:,4#i*}-,ii: il.!i,:.::"-....,. i1r::ri :! 4t -". tlr ;!;1":.;;:,1:"-'.r",:':.I . l::: "; 3::""1::,"' " "'' ""."" ,-,.:1*:;,i": .-j- .:"y".:,.. ;:. :l ".:.,- :. '.-":;:" :.,':"-"'.;-:" 5 i ...;_".. "- ".'1"-"d ff;t";;g*qffi"i*ril;t'# Mlin sitcsof infesralton "rr,,'l;', :l;Ueu:*'i+;,r, *.:'""'*":l; * :,;,::ri"*::.t.',;.;;:, Chfticlt strrrcl 4f tbcd inf6r,t,on **stfisl5$iti* "^" . ! h ;\ i ."rr!oe; ^s : o ; q " use earlrruqar + ' . " " | 4 q s" o" -"o ;" ru; ra'e Lo be dilutec -elhalrcal EFrayels, rar. in tsate - " a . q ! . n l s . . . d . - E d - o o.";r,.n6 rlese insiru.i io! ."-od 'l.re.Lnfli ot tully or p,rdy hden holds L..j r"E 1.r r. cas deL;ciion use may cause irjury __.t 'a.elydt€@s4tw inc;hd t52 'ani sfoivAila nNt sacfilNa c! cnRcoEs I l l ..: i. F", ourd: b* brcughl h vie' oilnn. $. tnlemdronilMeiiimEOrsmizaron Code.l Srtepddice for Crso Srowrselnd securilsb mk' l{soord Dwlr.d in ;. cue d i amsron p'in.ipl.s dd pFdi.. ofcreo $opag. rnd $-uru . i5 lne Pfvriotr ot a Cdso seunns N,aDurlon bo;d rhi, Mnui p|rldas dereilsof secunnsmng'runrr f , he !\io m"v rq Tt*e .msetnL r fo' ^'!do!s.rce qb'n bdcd m h. rd; e\pf kd ro o-1.,r* ,1+. n . *ti"t"'].* ' o rlf 'dgo {o$!d an b{ *'s b€doi' bva m'ftodcceptd bvfte idmi listarion dr an:p!tu vedclGsincr'ioi s'cie!v' ']nepuroose of rhecodei5rorro'o k saf.io"tge Md teuiag aJ'dtzo6 of 6e ned b eisuF dti J'MakinB shipdvnec md ship op€fio6 aeee Ilp shipn suirrblefor ns intedd.dcrgo andvoFse e r,ording dlLLr@irillg sd Lh. !h p 3 lqulrIsd !!!! !Eee!!{!l' g.n.€lrdq\c on $e prcPtr!io$rge P'.oudmg 'sin,mE; rilkl rc rh. sh,pmd !!;l; ::.-frH"T#:ld::il.+#'" "+-a*+i,iHri*ffi Advi:iis on .rliors vhich sry be den '1!gaqj? r r.dvisiD!0,: acios vhiih r ' h: L]' _ rned) rht eires of c'co- :j!lL 4$9rsl494o! q9.!) G€nrFllnnclpt6 of sak no{ae! tnd s.ortbg l r D o p - n o u s g e r i o . ' d n g d l t 0 4 p ' s p o b d i r v h @ d o s o d ''h r g"i , -1i...".t.p**rt ", H e ' ( a r"r r s c r n $ ' b .e o w ' t r srh o p4 thd th. 5h'prndp.Isn5onbord d noLpurd I sr i' Prcp.r pl&nins, .rcuion and supedtion a:e cqtrned rdi he mre pm.trcrlh;v,edSe r d G fami'r b'ln rheconrss of th'c_r3o saunnq Mmutl ldd irs aPphcation T". oq,sesd L-r g o .dso f dr tr dor' rling'nb ircr' h' .rpeienc. on.rhevoYi . 5np n&dins o*k'on D. I . MLrfl Tg! E.ode md $ed r br . LJP.tud 'b$'l( Porto rr hr lmdgcm.nB, c*go md $e se.unng rof* whi.h d hod:oDhllv dd peaendic r ro thc foc or dreshipmd ae naidv .ausd bv tullins Thevr- ruLm!m 'n rh'lrrglenourbosdP!nuonmidrhip3 TdsveAd forcb {. ser$lly ha h.iEhr(cM) of $. shiprcE6s orh( torc{ friy becdsd drc to i E f.c! or wind lnd shipPingol s.s T rdprcll.r shiphmdling - pmrin8. pouidins sldming '".^C.- s.,-g vu. S. -nns .qupmrn' dd ffi8' dtnron t'nl bcil4 Bk turb'o'nL\. n'onsv.e'o'a\erPrccdooh' rovtr' G.n.nl pFcrl.e to. &f. !to*|c. rnd sEsrins Bdo& rccepriig a cargofor shipfr'nr' $e shlp owd* - a) I1( .rsu s (trubL.lbr 'h. sh'P ror$. mrgo b) ft..hip G suir,ble 1.,,,-, r. 'r .di.do' wilrbc suihblyscEcded :.nr rh. -'go -n l" -t",v ro*cd a 2. !!r.Il!!'rad $cu'd d lhY:nnl Dtui.nhs C-!n4qsq or rf,i .f':t,:;';, ..1 t\ tat; ) ':::i: '1'-'''':" to ropphov{ A nig{ c.trbi or sdrirv r,rc r snall bas:wil cat* cdgo r3:i.rcr_to sed: i. Pa.k ses d co pr-or o' Vd+I muc +!t' ur or fk ^pe :.n t ,D: h' o n*, Jrp j,t. uh'n co qdenn! o( or sood td&'t''p l. .." ml" "." Jsu'r 'tr6'm{ ' (pcon , 'xso . 'r"'ra ,li':.-.,i;;';i ,'1,,,i1 ,'iii".. u" "i" "rh onborduhlg rb c od r'x b s irrre- ""';r:4:' l::h:':."dsfJls.1 #.H:iil: T:.': t'Jj#;"'fj', : rr or rfe s_ub b th' n doLbts . t.oqr,:a ,Llc. " '" rou'd !c'b I bv an tu-epsbFs rDr'",,""i -.s.-.". '.:,;"g :nJ Arrns.m.nu 4 Se.unmtuuLpm?nr should bc scuanscquipmenr quJnLirt, U suififl.nrin ,u'trb.eror ril. p rPcs J Pfl 'he r 156 Fonr n i!d rr: rY4rj dirtbd.{l lmPlup<rc*ag.mdffuiig.h - p " r . r ,+ , . 0r ap . ., . "- .-..;-1. . , , . . . . i ", cng! r d,h ror og nrrutJbercgulinJ I ^i(rld inJ rknd.d . " i' , i ! i r .",,... :.;;;;.i ,""." ' -" *';,1#ii'.,iir ^cTroNs TO TntiI Di lruA!]. \]EATlt0R l*illjililriliiiiil:llj;rlllir":,i:lr,:::i:1 -""... :l;it;.1;:,iil:;' "'. .1,!o!r. mc/orsp-'r il{dions ?; Erly l.,.jjce ol m* ol bd weather dd sr .ondidotrs .],--SallxJrg or deball{dns $e :hit to lmpov. he b.hrvior hkins inro '.,ir?a[iig.hdtIjDlheh.o'htrd rr1 ioNsTo'r^x]]] rFcAr{Golrrs SSIITED ln r.nov'nEadionsm:jbecoirid.rcdwhdca4oh4 slrifEd: a Al.*ti.n or cdr*. ro rcdqce fccl4idons i R.ducriod ot 5p€ed!o rcduceecelerdio.s dd vibntions , R.*owins or cscuri.g |neca4o md, whereposi5l.. iicBing i .hc I Divedingdrercurtose.kshelaioridp6v.dws$i'iinnei Al\D r\ON. r sT4\'DARDl2ED,SfMl-STaNDAI{DTZLD 1nes ships fu{ b. dl a deqn app6lcd by rh! at&kn ondirions dudnsrhevoya8. nr MaG! mu* bc pDvrd.d vtrh , ad.4!dc infomation.n rhea(4gcmns p6vidcd for lno $fc $ow,8c aid hip is dcaigild or adaprd. S.mlsbndadird cdgod dc, fo. ?xmple.ca.soes suchs rold v.hicL.5, crE or rnileA snied oi ojo ships. Ilr*e ships mui b. poeid.d *ii crosclyspked securiig p.irb endoft4 addS.ner6 tor d. sf. no*i3. ind s in.gdr}e.-To..p- ll,rrsot.roi53rLl4rrpEnd(i Sp.!L conld.r-dolmu. b. g 1 o |n- h.igh.of$. *or, 'L lompebdr lnd t h . c n rB o rr h ' s h . e n- o r " - ! i a o l i r . d s t In. .ode p.ovid.s idlicc otr rhenorase or mD-!^ndsdized ca,go4 fr yss.ls 7 Conhiies on rh. d.![ of Don.conrniocr r' P.n'breinrkslrank conbii.s) / sp"oalrhel ba*d (rorritrs)c{ces r' H.:vy ir.c ot mebl prcdu.ts r' H*ible int mdaE butkconrain.ts CARGOSTOWACE ANDSECURING DECL{RATION I h4by d4ln lhd rhc erso in rh. abov.-nEnrior.d v.hiclr hri l. Derribe rheconrnu of rhe cod. ol slla Prdia ror Cdlo sNale 1 whde6.b$icpiii.iplGof sifedowag.ddr.drinsof cir8es-, 3. Da.dhc thl Ei os lrtoF ro b€ bkln into sccolnt.rhjl. pl.nni.! rh. !.t lbwag. rnd seurilg.fcrso. 4. Wnd is rh. s,f. pffrice ro b. toltoecd ror crea *awag. lad &sn4l 4!4!8L44!NrE!^N.F I Al TetrtNCS cmied od sr &hedutedinbvJs ro l'bdr hrc.r{ioh of.qurFndl ltLmoy+ro( \!41!AqcF sq irqrlirnsr - 4_a t!4!!! r!!!!t!\ titL rimd uu',[n bren,]u*roi c&dcd ourwhenatdpm! dca not*o* djs&crodty bu befd. bhtdoM corar ry414tltnr44t1 lt.nr!:crsoL\! lll|r\Ncl: Ton,lfilrL.osrersobli!4io .fs?Je!.*awonhtrirdsirrotrrurzl To Fserve rhe 3hip\ r,..inF . nc! 3 s. ihet exe$irc q)rn bills do rti t1r itro ro Mainrend.e E expen$t $d ii is rempliig ro pur olt unrjl b oiro* ii rli i^'Iro'."m'( 4\-no'qLdry Bii.' €rk"d ^r,ttuen\o! ?ao €! l\u\dbdl,'r polhr bd d.o';ymolln "r T orrepan md psb3bk los*l mu{ b. rbi*ed 6€se.D "..st Mrnrenace dandardeii diferenl coi,puies ffi iDfuricrd bv fmlo* nr I s .st ofrhe shq/.qnipnmr. edii,s patm. rv.il'htli0 of spm\. chder rcq,i''.ent, am ofplanicd Minreirnlc is ro wedhs coidiions md crcw c1pability fterdi rtdfrltrciddkl mrNcNe fteve iv.midenan0gli{nlcsope ngor,.hi'tryfof ch{ks.adrbh'os d i;Ek sisimmnsr FFo& inspdrions*illrdr.svalabilr(! of equipmcd. d lcrd'ns to ieglilde or oth{ {uiritrt i";^. $. -o'rb"d .f rh" *. increa* rhe dmst orenoneo$ reas$hbly. cosing maltuerotr arrrLrldeemsr ad erpenence 6 h.lDin do,dingii ,ve sd a 9{.ific lixed lif'rift ah' *hich lhey haE to b. rcphed \)r]rh do$ onp.neis di. rcliabilnv For.onomic Ge.s su.h rMs cdnoi h. EDl..cd r sp€cltc intnars rri fiet .r [. c.ncd . ro {i!h ai Llqn m b. Dlac.d olI-hnc ji.qrcdly jue ro crry ournh nainrem$ b! rs.lrllltaes plal!{ilnlrllend ariFEslivr tLM,:,u.c in a barme bese,i miDrmrn€ cosbad ross dLcro brlr rss ro sin.. i n nor ftis yilt rsul (sr figure) shrp s dew m cw our mosrnaifi6i&.c work bur *lrh rne or Mo crft tucbdiovlitreB, 3ll c!.iidn,cs o5;g rrm Dexreten Ponsde Insp{iiotu m srey rluremalA .6 e cdwd. u l Useof nodm loiclire mri-rolliigs eliicb r.$n. rbcslilx,dc ror uprorour /-r. Hdl sua€ys D.y 6e csied od 6 voya€esuil€ys Be the swevoB lollws , : ] c . r t n u o L s n a c h ' t r . r y s o r r q s ' e .med od atuordincb a 6rJ!{\ 4 Bonm irily nay bc 'los1r.i. ,,71. MnhiMy saeys re b6en mor oi oidirioi no io.ing nrhd hs openms Sp*ial. srey maEenmb e oade lor snipsrhd @ s approvd nrde.erce i ir iii n ,^ !!s1olall syiemi eqtrlp'ndr $d comp.nmb &d D $c prs sp$i6en idemrs ror haiftflrc Maintmec. i.shdions for'rie equipm.nt A r.ird olnaintexrn.e cxri.d rd of rrd ftpJdlI m 'l]! rl: irnr Plmrjr 1rtiN.. 1- :,1 .id contol itu vnsl xPec6 - sh,dsoJfics\!a. lr]anind nh,e. b.ner.iflii'.t shlp r-ii im:reiii $eobriivsol6cr' Parr n'd ' wo* €n br .rten od syrliDrnallj 5ddrt .o tuem!6! aY. lDorn] - Codinuiry cm bt nainbred sd n* offi46 joining ?* a{re oi Ihe b,rL,r.i @b; .m.. d'r,d ',ppd .i:Mk! .M be;tr;qed r.dins aii !.bclling syiem stirt pdq iiLtnrorv. plans.rolini.?i aneoldd.tlE orplanen b.inlcnmce sysfl cmsnGdofa cx.dfile sv$sn F{h ud Enajicd ro th. mrintsd.c of orc eqolpnctrrIr had,ll$e inlomtrdl quen fs hai odco pinted on jr' ft* dds wr. nled if, ldoupsacordmg b $e p€riodol nai end6 Tnos thc crds fo' itens wbi.h requit{ ro be maituncd erery weel verc ii otr rainrainen*ry nonth b aoiher F ndfia'ned rhedd 14 l)h.ed ar ihe boron ollne fL ]]ls thedds ror itms *hich,Eden ro be doE cmtrt! *er. oi loli md dE oiiq drld sd ii a sl3'e xhich ibn need.d!o minbiied .h pdmry Tod:y *id) onplis rhc mRinietrdc..dnq1 d is dkrcd ido $c onpdcr wheren is tusfsrtd b $. compry by !-nbl Adioo sDlI s epleiishtr r ol h id crien od m line. speesis udetra*m by ri. omp$y Ii anyntntnde ii ndh6 oD$rs. A lis! of nm Fndirs o' dc ror mi @. ,( ai'ttsnnhr "L Mointenonceplirnntng -//z/.1i P68hfu64@ *""***" .__-] ^odade MoinlenoncePerlod E5 tn d:{bdasa€Bgg0ts!] a$dEs uF"nugT. sws?m$c$ Tfi O CORROSION RIANCI,F codo\ioi is r clecbchemrc:rl .r:drqr rqcrioi brd pr.e be$rti di. mdat, d (or]8m) dd *ds !r, rhe s ds ofd,c cnoso. Tnjle A[ rhe[h sids md bc p6d tir.otusionb b]e ptae Iluvooco(r$ sids m ddudeq @msid wif noi l*e ptae Mtut n ahaysr6cir dna rnp rh. nme abno$lft otuiis '.(er ro a lIcc drdr (in upou rom) md ft sr qdr ba ox}so dtslltd in n. ThN omsioj b** plc b.rlj onab.ve*d{ E E\ctodiig !n md *der toD rhcmdat n oE o u{ merhodsorpFrdingdolior ltrn is*hyseqlDt! p.nt-ro.erc,bnir' painris ior appticdtu dE sojcp6p.$ or b€sfrr a melzrhd rhedM:offir &RsDs ur' rhc ship Ttar iie ship tets smd alt{ priing G a mrd ot eiv{t,Etre 6d shoid norbel]le nin Itsn tor Eidins TneEmu$ E a c€r ridqnadins ofrhediiTftne bcrwoci.ddBivei md .i;du$izr. painr Mj.na painhft cr!€Nw bd mBr b. prop.nyEd so $ ro obbindr MinM rnt@ Comson iLd norbc co.fsd enh c renor.s pd{dle odings hd ciprs rb. Der.l 3dae b $o eo+iici., Pavce oroll odai neinDmriesiltrouchi p,tsriie, Tubtrhne d bendsin a pipeline, Ab'*i!. .td ofdud or sh pdi.lcs .ridi bt wind. U* orbrilcorq shovehor *slEs on&.k or ir holds. THE COiriOSrOr REACTTON 'neplMiso|@jsdji''voksr'I Whenevda fr4 is de]j in e dtulye a Hcbon 9!qt!4h. qludim bles plrce Tlis is s raeniofi\e rendency of meblsb rtu to thenshbl. sde i I rhcodcmo! odir wll rendro ivc o{r d @i{ dcclrds so d ro h.rde tulen Tlis hdmcy is nse pmomc€d in nebls vhicn hr€ ls ba e odemon o,bia (Tn ,win@ nmhc or slectus i'Lrlic fftr oronis 2, thsssn d{ir - 3, rhethi'd dtit - r 3 dd s s Houevs ilE outur olbn of$e shr hs a nsmm al3 erddr onry) To r@d, i. h mndq a md mdi g€ oh cldds fmin! a id. In;s id onblnes dlh olhs oppositely ch,Isedionsin rie ffidion p,Ts $e satr re reidemyaf d'e mer,rro siveoF.rc.!@, rh. sr@q G .@ivi! n'c 'noa .lfrtotrc thar s. dqe4 thd s6ts sill b. rhc diB:stu in chrg. d tlic d,ftode porolial. Ttus elmetu tr begm,ped ac,rmics.d*3(ordinsro deir dectodep*rthl nr. noic icsili€ pore{ial ills rhd dr ftrl Is ' srartr tidcncy b r.l.e eldoB ed gd @rod?d. Ire mm oohleneralsd. noqry i.d ad mse posirirc ciH b.low ts a uble o' ekm* Bilh i\et EI{t de Pohriak rcldNr ro Hydrcgdlhich il ratq 6 lneretemE Nok td a* w d 'bettb paats ha.h.bod. p.tud/I'Is rd'rae b THECALvAtiICCEI-L (S€fi!@2) cr$iitr M .retically c@ded r.ols. c.{,Fr (cu) dd ziE (zn) pleed 'Ir\e in r ctrlrllrn dtulyb c.per $lphde (cusor). vo n rrls @ ddd6 EldM frowfion,me n.ral ro rie orlEr ft. m *tilh kM dtu! 6 ..ll.d rh. $odJ dd $. m. shnh E,G el{tus is elted tlE cdhod€ Ths Mbinatidn of cleold.s,doltlt. dd cleloi flN d c,ll.d a tdwe .drl zim iN G disdursednm fie aod. ido thesddio @odcd TL .ldds t"iv.l fo! fie sdle io rhe @ qri;rle b€on* neFbwly chffsi nic ;d iois ubj.b vft po'tuh\ $ltun d lp de mppe,6on re {lr " dd,\* ft ,1h.i,1 1olh. mgdivdy chrsd crnode elm dry gd Tlu dE e'ode sd c.d$d.. TtN d,e distalld ird me \'sced coppn;ft lh6 Ih. d46itd !.deis.rNn'J'rfllth' qrrr' s'rr e ' 1 sid 1 . ' vrne aD cqiiribn{D Fll ho i.i.lr.L slrilt' 'ofrrr'lr ".,. ,.- i,,: ,r !o" ,. I : b df ! lrtnrc i. , i - d ' . a r i . b .o ir r r m v ( 0 , 0 ! ) , . . , , . -,i"," r'., r.*; o-""t" ptnriir i€tar rr'jusa rdi c& bciiroi'td "r, ;{" ' ks id " $dd in r s,r*'iic ell I |jn pnnod' s rd o pDtd die s" : orfir $tRllrrl -.* a"r'",. '".r" "\or)f, " . rrTslSTEM' !MrtttssEDcrrRRf \1 \rLM rd rlrc " : FA(]TOIISAF! ticTl\c coRRosIoN i Hmdh Fra.dor'd sd\ 6' Plz- F ,."", , d. ^ nor. ofa @blm ii *aide ds nrh is lierv , !r- Qryls : In opa dosphs6. orrgd 4ul!!l!! . n - o . d e 6 \ . dE . o ned hLbc- o. ', "" ;* . , ; ; . . , . ,'. " 'q o ''bF gs tuxn o dc 'rnD dr i-, "-"*id si \e "-t'e* I hr"rrNd Pss :b'henbe trd bioepm'sd' '"r".p-"G. """ rrdte lidtr md ldd lalsljic ondreshtside. 1 e tulEhq tra mperue $cgrrr\"reo' Ersd .-",'''*"'"""."bw\oa66'di}.'|e]Fnmns0e sl$ilil1 or())lF d6r€s, odEso 4 .i,r a;; _ n e m o c ' e s d r y o l q r l t o . c d ' eq * lErs!!!al ie no- Dl., r ' $e 0{r! h ' P 0ebdrr ^r drcins ..,. r "rt dd.; I .-.^",..,1.-.."'L*""3h.m(po'0Jro|'Jesd '* D e l r m D o ' .k h - r p d \ ' '"""",.i"* "r ,- ;. ; ! ' n ; o s o * h d b n * ,"" ,1. ' nd "ele'orNL@L"0cl .' "clo* , to sr,oa.nlhr rlni purrv bv coronon s ' t ^ oa ' Lri"* hg9g,l't]ieJ:sn'.!11,u:lJ..n.rior ds b4.rgr.nf -: .eP%. if-, tu 'J q 'ord'ds Jr 'r i d e, ,@ ,.,ot.Rano,.ft. d.;s. dr.mrr€Jllx- r, d"dnn, n rU. r, q \ rr'e ' .6i 'sle rd u rprec*q.flet) tiEs n 1i L$f . ied, orc 5,3lcJ v//, n u4, Jqhe6r^io,.+,.e rG. n$ 4 . ooq "..p/m t on\nn en h a bar qtu, ydt O$sr g* ablrd ' h.-re ron,nlndbw.,Orn.N$q..hBr * ' l r } . . 6 eq i c t . b . n s b \ d f dwDbl N Ticl4t-('arstr 4ol1+4Fe++ro! TFsortlo Rur n fsned h b.r*6 d,r DDdclwhc dre d4 s!4c or rfu ud€ drp ({her rlrchyno\rl ioN !!4!ftrl, r ri!r! wi .!riL, rclrE. lrt. otrilxi !r' rii r I r !4!r!!ur r!qro!tr4:n\i!n es ii llt proFlLs tusidi ni.rvrurn oprFsi'cnnr oi thehull n $ € n d o r L l ' dr i r ' l l . r l s I N r r r Iru,4,G!! ! 14! t:\') h , rr id. wl,ot lls-' F (,tu ui€ Lu,J|E'so'* sq-rumrl'cicell ollri)* \erl, Ahdlding for( q.nfig 3' Gtrde. dr otr$nr el b€iC,r ri.tr..r : : nn rhc !i fuxLs wir ,lcpljid$ rjt dalive lta or rhc hrJic inJ arlodic ni.ldillg A srdl mJeH[crode npi ly lho dr!]!n.nb r l:J!e arhoi:, es. a i..l ne8. d a sppe.prp.ArtAmst$gphb|eb l. Welden:lM s Ihc vdd n difi.d 2. loleb ad outld b bnh rd or rie shipsidc. r vrls r the)r€ smF6ed or d;{si meul. 4. Alumidm $psfttus or nrl decks &L nr^r hok [ftborq ?]minim p.nhohsin srel brl]kh{ds r rimiijm 5 B.n ad im prcpefsed 5 stres comsiotr, \irL:,, a nd:l n rhjd 'r shes*s$.h a bendiDs old so*ins or hanftatut ln. :l :nn:d df rri. s,,i{ in thenerl s. dsi,'b€n 1n6 6odic ro c $r up*ni.h .rmd? md l,ilu. bl* dd alois d€c ala 11" \1E of omsion M qnire.o-nii rn!!rld :hrp: |i3c dic nvds urd ro .onodesd rrl h cD rl$ @Lu n n.l.ri rd ?:F: fiich de .old n!'sed '' d,,.<li,\i,1 i .]'':r -,..-';^ d4?[i! 6 !4!!q ]r:, rlEirr! qdt. dedo:lrc gds brpt d \i!rm I ']T', clo*fifj g li.Nen a roirr, or b:ser comporra .r wi$in L{ Jrc r. a cbmrol i1! _ 'lrii BLnb n dic lealNcd re3 rhe udic€ somd rlie ceift beonin! rrr. camod.od ,I;;J; ANOft SYATEM fiE AACNINCIAL .-1,/ _,- , ris. esatafuuino"tes t An modc n a bls* or cldiwlv rm mer.l, nofl,Iv 'iq ddrnu b €' J ' d o . ' f u r l E o $ ' 1 t J r d F u j " 'i'* -". 'r ""*,r''"to "dodc s ilis",,will stfle inc rdrion For thl qne rd4 anodesh'dd norbe n'e T]icd.de6tuJspilcMlrhu$*ledsini[deoltlsioblcndi noworcldms is liof, dt;one rodieslnp\ tudue ziic or alDiiim dodd de mo! s'dno0 MalnAiM dod.s cusot be u*d iitm:llv ii orl 6* s rb4 mr .s a spx* ifrhcy bemneddadd md frll or m scl 3s'ns bcdm thr dod. md $. stups bJl s M cd€r cood b..dnis r neq 1i" h,,rr'"t |o- m. iode Eddiry E viidi*.f fl.* i" 'd;p.i.d. n c $ e . ! j L o r f i ] . r . d l r r . - \ w=wdghio|lh.m!$itr|iogfuls. J = cqsr n mllli,iL,:::slE lrrcrner.(,itur), H hLnrion oflrlor4Liotr l. hom. k c.Ns{ .frlE mdenatLed 16tnc, K = ?60rHrrsr.dq0%c'lie.i.y id zl'mDm\ K = 11003ltrs f4 ,rtl.nemcjerr r)ornriarma\lm$r nr b€trDdctumd rLf du, byntrs ot yin dRlti,ed r; rh;i:iioii.-iai!-d6ps.. [i.i] nih.tmj mde! sbouidbep€.odi.ity inspsrd titr conbd dmasedd eadoM sp,e srDurdbekeo otrlEut to, rpls*nd{, ifposible AN A* !, 5emos pturcdqlf i rrr sh Eso\ ii dicviciiiry or dr pnpcld sd nLdd<ri,e6owro|jcllr tube.se dh{s6,DBrarr dri;i ptL,gs. bitscker. erc fi: .dsbses or *c'iJic':l aiqlus rtrertrardr, thcmsjEs ssly dr F,w, $ ter. s no oely qpirrl olihy for pnNs cquiphqr tDs. arioi 6 lnplc 'eqnnis no skillcd lrbotrr ko polv. lainot 6e sumt,cd i rtr won! rroeds scriiciat .or tdse stn$ lxca6. ot erra .dltal ,|tsdM'g]i .rRRrNrsYsr.!'r'x.rc lLirabt. Jr '\ a]$.only anJ tie n: nE thr.6\t1/&t tsJ\kn@t^fiarDr Ai allemti.e .w.4r (Ac) is ledfron rheshipt maiN10r E.rihr *tjich coids nb adr-r.tu( txi)berorc$Fpjyitrc n b tu amd* uEr.d\er,,.b.reJ., rond. rrdod-r.d.tnmdc 'fte eods se cd i lih'eglas b<iEs aid fired r reEsed boxs m rheshjpr h r. $e cabhsarcbd rtuougrisrecirt dudso'fomtDs ro srii-ror ensturor {g"riboB Mtdrims tu csd cfen s insdmr s a to* oldr *ilt prcrde ,i!de{ue pdlrbnjhitc i hidn curir $iu dm:se dj. prfso* ad.rM fu ihis 164 a lj|tr chtonderefefcnc!en tr de.n on mebul ro n*,8 rhe pobtial diF*nelENrn rrstfmd theh'rl rE Hdjns E f.d trlo .6rols difreff@. fte d,f.rei€ tr omm6jcd.d 1d rtre redirer yr&h chmresrhe cmdr rilrhe!r$cr ud dr prcddemrrtrFrs.rt ditr njcumrhese rr stup5spd. $r{. irtoqr d lndjrj 'le osi conprs t v\rr,Ly Lerl,r, lunve ro,inJt l l ovq, Fnftt orrme * i,e muld\ re omEdd i0 dr ln\ j $trn ' or4ndc , r|li. hryc (renb p'ddirEled}lnsuchresd]esyj sn be dnM tr ihe syden w,Llrid ro . rf drvorbs. isbhisb.ssdsbrcak\do*, ar,bnidgrs\ir f€p.oar!:d ar rheandc md hydnsln d theqrbode lnis Esuhain rhe?ffrddi.i .r *prosr gasad theprs4riB iotror srdiun sd p.rdsim saris.r di. iel . ror $i: Ll\or dd lo awid shr cmn6, dresytu sin d be$ithen ollotr rdkeB *hile loadiq s dishqins rf'r,e rcfeBE en is d,mg€d. d ifthc hriasc in.ms6 iidprieb\. poed 5dld b. sfitchedofiarn themmLtractuer mtuled PArX'rg atYrr rh. PAr.lgafllYe srel c"r b€pDrdtd rsfr trcion by beir bdwemlhesiel :nd 6e mvirmrqr Howevqnod palnhd. rmN md rogher Gdr badarpliBiioi pro.dms andorls ad\re etrsb, rd{ ts ir' rhe prd{bmbeiryloJrn$9m.linc.gi rtus'rfaenNtbc'&odedbeforeotrGions*in TnisMIlb.cvidldby Ifieapsarc. olrendjshftitrs or 0,eprded surrae*lnnh so{ l!-sd sd deeFr cnmsi.n d bc dtrmll.d by r m:br ''mt'',B Fogm of ssa d '.m!"1, FafrrngandDai ins. Ar s e'ny 3bs., dy qd r@.h qr lrll b. l1$$y, Erlting in les dmzgeto $e ndl, l6s labodd r.s w$mpriof ofFanr ror $e diilrwtrd whorobws a fid Redcd a?ai^ bd d$...ds of nel*.*. lktNiotroflhemt$.1'|cdlthcshp' IrjrsrlN{rcl|r|lqplui.^r|.a!}d|Iid]o Tl,. I jir rruldre in lnra€ Pqmio L wlp. ofl allilin,sree ! i i1 o|$ lJ* a el\td r &Ptedg b rcmow !'Y : ,$ill$tor.r$esolvdn*itl otlv dksl$ O..rr ud I Vad'rlEs,l*dt'fi!rhsrn'lddd.,!.nr 6kingdc ioi rolerdie$dlirys so orah*d F-''" I:t& t I : F.fttt oJthnr'1q|d'r' o' th. s!4o'r h.nn$s. rsd i ar\ b]hgj'delc!5\.1}ly!k]: im!*r! trk\{in,n i iL trrl,ur & lrie tuddds io ehl(r rhe n,nilr h.tr i, br pro&d $d hdhod. nic S*.dnh sdad\ f sp.cifELl bt vmos ! sc.l shchtresPainriuco6dl lssrra) srrndri - soh.il ckrn,is I Rdiin:r oj rilic s, rdro \r!h 6 ot, d,n. rlr ind orhs ( minans by $ins !tu$ sft ns d.anc or'roi )ds.*si or si'niltu mftnds SSIrI-SP-2sr2 HrndTml(krii,'g ReDo$lornd. s,le. '.illsle w& bn6l!( {i{irG. havealirirNil!$da dd eii]li Trr nrrtuc srronld b en e o f o ' . d t r { .s k a c . rht clerirF : Saro asrb.v. .xapr {hardrermls iuy $Nsq<r$ rh! 1ir !'d!!! l,A I pnnorrcd Jndarl'c she.nqrho, r lrtn! bdlid or p. trhtn sncrl' \ r.i..,! r hdL ,{B f.. ln!i' rr{r1r or td]U[llll!ilddtql';9sLl|!!d.lo|los?dbJ.lnc RdDr.rlolni. sut..mii ![s]r!!drm .i! ti berr.c d ,!i I dinoorrr.r.i,{i byn(j !ri iit i(r:r rr.r s ' g h F i d u l r o f t t l n l r r j l n n r i , i i j Ii r i r . r f . , ! c . li j dr 16I' of.rd sqMr. D! I sth,Lkrh. f..d or ,1!.1 , !h . $ii, rj itrr | ' ' o t(f. pa wi bc hNed h] rtt imrrld ot ahE:irs brr !s1,{yadl&d nd ljd pri \irrcnjn llr serce stroutdbesL6dody ex|.\qr ro []c [hj ps(6 e 5 ro pn\de s..d adhesiL,, drd b. ii! otdr ftinr md slsoqp.s imsoLs flec(sorfj! nrcratdirtibuftd ssrc_spN .. pi.[iog:TtnsNr]c,ciuntoffdornr|\.ijr!byerldotysis or.hhnar rerLioD or h.rh nr idi,e stroL,td henee d nil fln, \!te ajd nlgiln nfur r {dl a uEerd ddr or xtri|f or nd ssrcsP-ro sa2 5Nsr lvhn Rb* hrru' ' *er $ j l! E,io,!l by ah,a{, e{.I |nr ':,t! isf nr.d$r.. !! . jt,sh nftxrr e.t d 11060r erb dn6 f ri!tr. rsri il $ th?,kn R6t kno!. it btd /o .ten. 4it!1 wttut. whi h hts 6!n tuha gAFEIY Pq'CiTITIOiJS r) B.fo'e .on nduu wr" js crjud d .* iheeniE shLpti'i dr aoc\l! t, ndi a[ a ]d lion rr,. lNcs ai enclo--de&c. r.u tltr innd, 1 ,i ?) tlrl 'ndn,tuiff\ mrtud'oise' md sfdy prccft rionsmd b. udsrt{d i tullokrl ) Pfrpd I'dd€ sd nd be ued w rErnFr.go!c.:. gro* sd $tr1y shr: lrln r!+r dc aEritrble ro' spny p tiry or lor pxiiiiis ln d,llosl spm* 6{aE l]'cy doio1sll) cl*s f,o o l}orn rbRkeprs M( behnowed |6kr Tnimdsrld solvds shoul eq pmert:hoL'ldnot be left (ale$ly d{trn edcrd6|.s t Ra&\. lyiA eoLrd shou ftes nHrlnalssl'oddbc aowcdri a 5cpidc lrtrd rlcr 6) Pa eivesofi mmbusdiee6 Betoreenrerin!ihepid l,rls..Faly d,y! i,trcNrl, @rildc r.. sine tirE beloreflnenig. EisuE rf{ sel vsllrdion is ad4de d allrim.sdui ?) Prj dma diooldalwls be*epl clord ord0e ro evaFdio orrr $rvdr, dic lurfe..adr Fiit will slidill fd,e $ljd lays s rm itck d'g Flid *ill h3w10hj d,$dd.d Ir will io. lE p.sible roL* n by addingnims roit. 3) Mir pd outir L\. oFn. Clro md d'y bn'sh* oftidc rhc!ai'i lcker e) Ptd v.pnu- e licwio 6s !r ki ..r ofi €lalon, €mor rh. pds r0lr !surfir. !* ro4dr ps,re,trcq. io t_ rt nr.tbiDc eqlqF.i rdtuMt : Fhined,Ddr :i?11 vmh! nrd.?t. u,wNd6. d.. m r rk d h r , t e i rG n r | . -ftit nk4rj 114w Matus E]ltr.ld o' chorqr fi \ e!D! I r! | 'c ,rn\ | !r f \Fcmcd br rFrdnE. nay br oi hot s. PttLv h4Pt , turl hto,jae: Asdc pr vi']k 9.N ri id :tt:'t'- eid,les. ir *i Ibtrtr e]\, n].!kli Djnstrd 9 rrJ!hr.J.rh.rnrHrbri,*ojTlhcn pd is sN.i dotrr or jr F?i lf llrc os'j, or or Rhres s delldirr dyo.Bh rheprd Lhcm e of is ire6l .o rfli) sNrr, rr{r \ tr)a iyonetNr u rhe vilE u\ r,p.lft flrlc raes. sds b r nrmrh 6iish {i thd srslct my nr fllsl, on il'fln 1l prinren6sy }i pDvid.wdd tr o llglbss b a h'r!hdeFe B.qturnar lowtik^t Bns ponhoicsrd l)|3t! sptre prqdler ^id corF c.li\ patirdl n rbey do noi (E qidwlrro ior iriq Nd N{ k r .drh a rhdLl'e lllth ow trrraF. savit d"virtule *6eh mow do r! rcb, tien ond codnss b6jz,'e ol aliRion u'd Na, ,^s , rcsrft rbes s'dr€s srutc ludi'tg @Gid dEs sr.facs nui belielMrly dcd wid' gBr By pdd$s rl,6!. rh. Msnirtd *aK will be d,mN&Lr',1 {. trr.d in difl4nr <lidims lqdins 10los li hsmirtd l)okr ad itillictrrryu (uprotr COMPOSITIONOF PAINT Paidonsiis of i{ nsh consnu66 OrbnDn.n n'hkr, fhlskrlrydryiigbindr-- Chenkrlrycu'inebirdeBq4,tm crnuli'dqE Eqnn! o\Y* cs sd no ai gcisin. ir rciixins a liq'id w€tr it F qlrrd oi ' nnrt.. dt slst MFdrds d oxvssr tc'E idefuL ihen zXr|trek'n hase'aix'deda rLrrlicthriNreint'L{*ql.d'c asrhtroFs'rfaE !€idnhdllbedy finpai cmmrbe,titiedh $icl lsrs o .rl-- \ ttN tt thni( oF<JL.=t oId BLLn.'t nnu h'n'kt *i1l h.tri, mariry ir {rifin'lL rd th€orvcd b .vqide sd ovsd h lal zttE8- ,r-,JL- "-tt'<l t 1{ I I )t.tth! ttl n r|nutt ==5€f:t lNr: rh,l f,ro f r r r !n l \ 4 ! r ! 1 , ] L r ! i ! , ! l i \ . u ( l,d r!i \ {0! lridr ,r.! rau r! ric trs. !r\ n orh\ knou Rrrf . 1rl,1/,f ' .rqrld lr'6deFtrlirFoDrl,!pr{hcrqT.d renLperintr Rtrl'|Jl!llJd.'Jn|d,1.ilyjl!tr1 .,rr,.\,,!nL\ n$ il$o p r: tEsn rch, r$Lbrc\L rfr,!!u i)J u, tu$n i!. ri{a\ r,dr. Jq"gllDr 11,\ orr L. a,sd uwo,l f,tritritr|d,arc hc $ { rrNr..6 of lunss n! nrl, dn. b ohu,lle!,ln.i M! lbnher rh. prlil ui I d|'sl]i|3P'G|Bkahiehmdlr]]rc ld!!uD!tiL]tfullJll0Lgi€tr6&.J l r&v7',.i5 d! iiJ€, "!i,rrhrt r rruilI rtds c.,+.nrdutr rui.! d sr tu 5hl L 6 A'dicn otrHrrlryt od cndd ea nmohpic addiriv*sivcrhcpdi r r.lty tNe$nsin .y so ria' tr si t! ,lpricd itrlr''d r4ds wlhod slsng rhss or rmhB ,e addedro hike I piini quickriyitrg _.A i.5kin.ingiirent rcduc rhc romdoi oa. sk;'r; c rlrcfiln ol orLdi*d n porrnensdGnddfoa,sorh.itrfaceofpainr aconrad rr6i!rd(\ d, 'o\ iir f 3dd€n h mn fiut i! pd\ ' i A ] N nh | U I a l'q]i[l n y are be r*d b rrin doM dL D tppkahof, by bmh or rn,y in nch .ass. carc mNr be errci*n b,s onp3rmc $lvd1 solwb har noe THf S{PONIfI'ANON |'$ a REACIIUN ]letal]tr 'heir',ts*d drln chronni I nid dr,6. is sivs ou!\ a ga\ yh r. sl]i{o (Ntt oi'b'6 yidr hd lryiiro:yl(oll) os lomirs s.drm hyJruxlde (Na(ir I rlii! \p.lk sdler de.{, n ' f' ' ' ' ' ,' ' h 4 a 1 1bJ r r,aLcri r.:,,ig,f: jtrr \ i o t J - o , t . -s o ? p n,. NFddd iet xnh iryd'oxrl brs b {F€cD nr{ o!: 5 whiriniJrloomis nor b.s,ns ro conodecivi4,.Lr ti.e iom ji.tr u,nbul lomi Dsr r wct as wit, (htoni: lar $ fom |Jtrtitr .lr!.ridu ilaLhrcdqr ltrlructiefn:i cr on re dlpiide sp-idlt rrrr,esiipsid.^ ndtu o I urse oil-b6nl prift (arkyl Nds tr ch tr nryssdi Qtrsr r),!.n "irh .d rqd !, rfl) dtrN d nor br fq{ oi btsFtr.ht sdifi.irrtno{6 'nd dtr $ip{de k sn}k n,n rh. r6^un(.or TH E ACTION OF ,{ PRIIIIER PMr a ,Acnru a bmier beeccn rhemebl ed rlE e.,r.m.d rtu$s.q N! oT']'eFoFln 'l{q *l'i 'fl ln dotl'c inh'brior. lir Fiii is iinlrelmred w b 3 triatj codsr (30 9l% by uushr of d'ied tr,i) of nElrh nalr ire h,dr nH:l i\ kl nai|hi! d€ri.J odiiuiry beson rhe pa d ,jd 6e neet d *irhtrj drc Nd i(\clf Ttis,r.hL 'n rhepaintfitD &h 3s r smdc vh,ch scri6.s nrt.lo er. rhe qrhode *htrh n rh. iel hun As sid bcronr dE rtre prr a n u! l,as, roB (d!8ci 'D d€ t,r!{!€ ol eard) ro nm zi.c oxid. ehjch aotks rhep.Es r L\e pri 6ln n:\iu LmFnDs b ,q r; or *arer, dj6 rjurj,s m sd b htr{r. ,€|6;ptu,". q{h e nDrorcd p'lnsb ih, 'ure dt fltr * nehdouhb.brejr I u ilou reh,teetdnsr pnftrn Aa otinrndcd usr oit baredprfu shotrtd.d b€Nd iDudh4q or fta $r,ichh*e h,qntnmidly [ke baIN 6ks 4s Tyts of edrdic prcicdior wirh hjehc!ftnh, d ,tkatinee.wnmq, N .@kd dur b el{rolsis of sdci n]nmbr dr tDdrox}t i.N $d .t.. e ,d.d .. tri.!^ n , , b I o ,r " Tylt ofndd 1 Cu,|li bciis .oad nr |Dd nn$ be snpiribte wirtj rjc da, iry n!rrE!!r ! r \ d rrin s \j r rrlvd ,ur!i j \ir'' |,.c, Ntrh l8! 5 rl &!is dre:'rl1:p?iirshorddD In shlpvdds.srecialpnn$ slldl bl oldexniF { b l*iq hadhd all{ rlE drll {: c l:6 Fc!,'.JNr.d :1,:i rinln i$ hs ail{otusiv. pmP.diesai , i(r u. L ghry'e!na{b rb*,ii rd n c I'a!.d dm:a rq!!d Nbile Eldjng sd .lhing od Thq €i rcsis!rh. hish hp.€bE: uc tr(ssy $6en Ning 3urdndic !€ldiig $d .dnns mmhjms iii) n er dono1sv. ofirdic n dde. cas *h.n hden H.E *eld qLnLlY " ior sfrecred by ih,siy or similir dcrds iv) Tlq dry qd*ry. penrli's hr c|3silicdLoi gricreJ spffov.tl k !@ldl ro blsr prim* ndi'le $dr An sdrd hs gor fu imp(id Ir brlds trpth€film &d 'ides norsho{ thmushd dslor l. l! fmdioN 6 a 6fld f@riotrs b pedom in dd.r ro m'dii 0! llt o!-, i rhillN\s.rrhe pa lidr rhetiFoar b.r*er insul'oB or rl,e primq e i.r ailirrtd by elqrs d clFnisils or th€ iop.& n'is a etrcBliy nrF.nrnr i d,c cs ofaliro'iin! |,ir( i|de 0r. poiss shouidnorreNh domvrds rh rhep,iDIanddrd 6t Pnffi l*ving res poi$n t ontu.d jjor dD B ,i'o ilE s k, rrdd $. Ir raildra i co, h'dins e rld !l orglrnn\ n,$ r\ di'r( 0Dd.d{r, {ar GtF.)j h"rxd6 dq ber.iNrhs, Mmle oqirinnr,ch.,$ ntr r ti^L rtach !rf{ rs h $ru'ins n rl md $ m onen tund on rmk:. flt*. Nr. , r,J,--ri nr\c ouannsdc{ioyrheBri ritn,I ... i F' e E$liiic tr,a, rc.ea{.f 100%r []. [,e !' ordq to p,ondc lonsldhtr! drcd isairor fjac nrriie o.s.rimq rh. INr!tr !r!!!Er!1.!$dil4i!!o!Jednene. Ile lemi nb i e rrE d}hich rrre po'$i ^ rel%ed is sowmed6y r I'le ard sn.Lf ot roi,r itr rh. Dinr. rhc niLi,jlir), ol ir bi,inermd itE dstln of dE paiil A kach rr4 of zhrd lo mstrtdry ,5qnoni.xt aid pB$rs rm&tes alrlotrar,ij rrry i.r ben,rli.lsi rj l}.ydi dl ndm snMh. Tod:yhFhp€rfonian atu-for j rssdr pMnr to,tii! fi..dss of Jrt$m k etFivcd i', snrnrioml {rlin rinsslritrg a n, !1,! 6 l. a - ---i-1 tiN t6 \ hhLuttu +uIrh! :p, 1 iit '-:- I i 1t2 1n- ri- R*crvrblerrird ns! c [(r nr rn, rd d0r, ll ,i!os r!ll.! srf,.^ t.d 5 run0v&r.$sru.t G$rrtirnr rn\d, ' idesnd r ! ulridydeo m.o ou oflriddrdpd tdn 8Er"o rqtrts sdrtrtrr! Rr,trl!.jrr !rf.rj,d sdrrrrinnisart Jontif$(nrainorg naD{ r'd 'n ri lrTdn€ do$ .vcn utH dr stripis trr dir ,! Dnslc []m'lghr, te.psd,. rtr,l!n,orj. rerr,! frrdo' &d rhfe\ ilcl coBurpror 1lreelf{riv. lifc of I ns drirs A ou,ry fltvantsrm :r.5rqs Ahtrci(torrhF rf,i{rl ioblildq,,f mdsfrdrrdh.Embm*!,J,:r+ rdl{ f, ."-s r,!r $iimmc rtri f0 ! Dssft \r,l '0\,\ \r, $ae,ct!.i{d 0,,! wr! ,r. L!,( Ma{i ml r*-!l ODBdildddsL]jc.!]Nar\ii,{ir.u|fl!p3|' slrFol?D.l!i :i r ilrl bl cadior.ri!!!hli H4!!turi ! ! lli reni n hlred triri ri Tfmr kindrof o, nci r b Js Bl tri I CffrnrrirnsorEsiis ud,rj|}senrkindsot oiti,ltvrvistF Fmniof b!1$!.' rri:d, ir i\ rlsibre b prodfe dr. d6r!J nmr\ttro r r dr as3 r r i . r a R , J P L . rI r i r r r r!,d . m r spco,l i*rc.i,ts c.' lt ait].J io {r pij r, snc , , :,, !.e de Pn, ",., milrf! it pos;lbhro ir xdrd; rhlckc$k wrhotrrscgitrg Ir !$ dN: nor -:r'ar n- ' .dr' 1b--r, gnl b'tr b.ing o I br*4 daiis rinc is lois: Ai lsl tlhoL$ itr! b. altoven beJafe orcnd i! nqridng onrdpenhE. €d a onmd $r*d codni th I Fi'N d ' .ok fr q@"6 {enJ o^* s o b,irqd! ,n !',.€ 'r ''o b.ud rbknyneas b,t, ' rr " d.,,xrsft pr,.A s,!h uhe€ edc ad tuitu is prst bc..n$ ofrhe $potritiqriotr 2,ltlsj4in E Prinr 'lnrs pads u* aspl,drn {al b pir.h dis$h€d in iaphk f }dile spr a rr! b nds Aslb:rr tr .t La,aed nom pdd.m cfiii,s tner rtE I prrertacions e i.moved. whircdr riu rirh n obbi.d rron thc dNrildionof.Gt chenn.:lty borhaplidr ed al rr ft dtrdcm dd dr4 evendisn€ in dni'dr etvcnr Bri.,lly thcydo oorhavedy ddw orcsion premrive pqolis burer 6 a ' 'r, trd delen.\r ' * ".,,,g n - d. " * '.i.*jL ;i, c(,r J.r,..\.; r- d,ty ""s q'!!t!,rq! a lrsssiE $ch A roud in bdlaikns, d;; iirkm, a; xtcD DigrenknFdi allniiiLnn.rt x.Lsrc a uisrde inhibrngrliis vsy doe litr enrchft n,i, !. tu rod.saru Le H tuninoGpnft re Ejdively ch.zp sr oi the nel sun.e (sa r 27, th. ddvdlaec n dr1 ir E rfr{d br ut@+ioqFys md in theprcse ors ighr rr. tu{ia h r;irn rd .Ec}er t|!iic; ir isnd suila61. r'; rnf;ior $tffi rd tr rrir!! Jl 1 :' , r-'. . ::: ' , " ' ' r' :" " : . . ' - . " ' ' hLrj\tr|']rl'![|r]i\! \ e o ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' n ' ' ' ql\ I ir r kr lr,xtrr. rlc !€t. i i\ r .ora6,c,r. srfa 'rirNop,callrirbrl," id-d lrrti.iLu trtru!i t",r,l",er",r _br .dr.*x. , r rcjutrwir f. @. (L]ihl}oxtjtrkdlhcF|mdl{i r y t i ! r E j a : . a n l t r a r ! , i . t | ra rfrli.r,or nNl & .tried olr jn orde.loobrrnt.rg isijrgp,ordrfi nrrirr srd r. sl :.1 - r tcmrtntrlr: !!u o nor b€belovl0'L. srdr.l.h\!liurjdiiyshodnorb.r6ores0%iLdr!,mli..rion lirhenexp.\edro sunLiglrelF{ inh rnd ro dDtk 'rJ tr,nj. 1r ir.i,s$rhis By n'lxln! ozl b sd, canr, epoxyrr paii: m tbnjnd I,ne 'rr-dd ' Froy rd rdi^ bn - hr€ !o.d eladiliry. hrdnss &d \{.lhs o.ru.s ftsirrjlu prup€frs w 1l]$c aE rlsoolrhc chcnjRlly cujrE sGpack rrF 6i$h,g of? p.tve{d ..sin r.ys Por,4i n al$ qon6 e ojlE srjrsd{ qplisijon p'ecdrm ad pNDd esrher rjd\ ld arc\ tt ,. , ffLJD df ri.b t , - s e " u , r L ht rr abEm' (n hn:J.isirpiir. b mehmi.zt daugc wtrid nDycals il rochi a'd.ii:k, mrrsg I qp€m'rc dd ssuibble ac. dek prinr lr h.r t h,!tr dN I)iDf,NTINCFORP^I\'I qwrnis.D t rd +tp tr is inpotu !\, cL!,,-niio5omdDJr.sorritriro*olrhepainr liDpienbhn pammdd tu odccJ in adi riN. qutriris rhd sin r..ur D jr b.iif tef sad.( ftn ,i.idE Pai \hourd b. o.ddd 6d $pdier ,lis vl]c thse r. tjsinics plobtms. th! pend my iE dcidlrj ro a In,l. ddrrir:] i a'pp\ or!!d E idjtorjd! iuir \cpr in n'.c - c 3 ^ fa ir!\ 3 sotidcotjr df65% rl is 'iEron\xdr i rro*nirN tr,r\ifpadruutd Lirasx SoLd..i.r rl@ r \!l r=0l(r lrr4 'e., nfl ded ,,!r,c$ tu aI l."djn', *di,cw.,o eNrc har u,! (,tr{1 ranr filLi d,ic|l*s iJJ)Il[d u., i. d.'i ,. ,,,p.ol.r ,. njc !a tiLn rtrj.kjas ur .dr.,t ro d. | treora av$ rlin vjdr x q|ned q, fih di.krss N gn Afu!( nl = ]lrrtlrt r{5eld. t%Ll! r!+nd DFrrnicroD (r,nfrr=t0,nrtu! L,y 'Ihe crri.f ( ftif' Drtrr ifure 3@ rh:|il. pDper quad_! or lDd N trilJ ir i Brcur,r.n srnie ed r ordn b a.hei,: de r..liEi painiit!.r!!$ I ..'b .r o t rr e inh de n{h wd 6idns mbr rh. 3,!r! rNr s{@e otrrhei€l surfrr. di.l fitn rhickn-sts Gflcr diehch."! .yirhlme fihod sridinc T])c@1rd ",tiilirt.i1ili..itiu1l, ]11 |a w!].h |h|.bl? \ qfuc( 2 tollq Trpe Prss ire rcutr finnryi,(o de vd painrad rc! n b 6Dpt.1coic omprde M nie cft ridech6 a !'i.nh circmfeme Tre pointwhm n 3 na*ed byprid indi€b de plir 6ickres. n't lisp..rol gaqe osisb ola b8raed m, pid.d d i1s.e. tu dnemd pmr4ds a pemmentms€ndaon r lDlq whileat rheodrs si is a 6mr! rc,shr. Theh,on of dresmd,edghr ir aprfedhy a oi]ed spdry*n6e odE 6d r anrher roecdurd ede dig. lne maErr n iralcJ io co ad widr ard p.4Hdi.'rr 10dtr lcel s!Jl,* nid lnd'ared d"c is rm,!l thdbyrssiorlie dr sprii'gslI d'emsb,*.idr 3!plied Trf ri exc*ds $. e(dldyc toc beM*! $. n,snd sd dr dql suru tudnr to.c ir ov.Mly prcponioirlr. dierhiclars orpdr bd $6 n iid,sr.d 138 INSPECTOR THICKt,ITS5 6AUGE tiE 1e: t)r!lttn th|*n4\ !tuEc EsG! siuqic anddprmt $moN TJ;:"i:l:-"*^ r nubhe ro, uty (dirs mr mly p,n! 4 suNA na,Hn. tu ifttcd.. qsed f 7 riln tu, ! r 4tubrctor u,J.Mls !* fis: iie , nhrokd,htrliblesor s*.rtitr lfutrii]lt!!l.l|lh.pxidl*di dr InIi dE {fri€ bei)g pad.n InE x a dq.sir dn ihe psir ousd b! degsitrhon of rb. [iiL]s $der 'irdns or p.oro's.dqposm ro uth-viojd lishl pad np.s ld lr,ooLdb€rcmov.dby}ahDs c)ch€kng, cialkine, crurig cu.ditinE , clr€kiis n sEhe mckiis l6!ch dc ior Fnehr dronsi ropnod6ar md is dueio 6nba6on oldie ror .on n. srls ,! !re requ s a ros'iq,i''g dN b * rhem rE .ften @r chrolins&d abbT pairr ii hd climb espEialywfi dd otos ' n.E r,,j. he 'oDdr i: n n ec . + d{b i$trf. - '-l Lr.af tr\no/ Los 'a dr{rcrt dd @d iv h! ue $ , ,e. tr ofasc,n, rtr. o, rs On d,ln,g * a *!€c " .psd d|d mtur ro dE 9e &se a rh. tom or.i,ekii! sjri dE sjrfu h,ut rikes.{.d t. srri Tn ukLlml dtnly shossrircughrhcmdi {trL o d tqrt ro irsE,ld des:dad 6 i c ro( ha\r dic lolherins chfjlhis olrh. rlj@l r6vri D" ! i , ;. ;;:, ,1,. ,:,. 4 Cr4dqD{,sqe.lqns -F, b ;; noh e .,.a. ffi H"-lTjjif"i^i. "',,.d,o1r' d " _--, \rAfl rhe M . rtu d^ b€foflta e"an h d,* r d,q.d r {d,!€ ' rneb,Fd@ilhjd\ 'i. Tte spny su is held fr fion rhssdG iii. nE sdbr cr"!d{s Adi6id ofdr spny k b€dad 6 hey do r flo\ , no . .ftdid happ," or r@ qu.kty. lesdb inr€ld frte sl Bm.d cmrinB " dc.r t'rc n.rrr-o,tde, d,,;h.ldd."6! h) Faita arwdd Are6 r $ d r s n o s R h en gM d . _ l r " e d I u h d , , d d k t d r{mnh $r (,,jh !h s! " brels rhmrdr dc p,trr @tup oire4trrrrr6'iu'h,n rJrcErn, d,he!,hn$e9rfl,lrj j,rE br t hrlq!!!4e!dl4{,r (.N ,r . , t Ic!@ o!s&$!arq! , n. p " .-. hf "*",_ tr"*.. .."'1 ,*-.::li, @rm+iTtunbft .r,iimri€ Ltr4 E:sur N l)mrf su h* ftilk nd sI oqF.d n n p i .\ Dn,,,s r o L,r b'ul p.oq k4 r.e o,o..r1, *. @r o,r! .wy +m , s,rr. *hb r.,.ns J -, 0 e Tfrr*farh.6(w$fl.r"F see. tue, h'[st. d Fwihb . ?, tait.d &jdin$ 'i) Po,pttiarioi trvingn$ b dy sp,., tr pnhotitrs :i\ b.b' 'ry.f $e pr ne ra hotd Up sbiCd @! e ok holpdb | 1 s,h $. rorld. d jr b.ing arer.d b, sl€L \. raudfln,1,.(-e.*\tedd,1dr!\r!idwkB'n,dk sd du ro b. seigl,r of,he F4L n beDarb Nb*saK. @ icnpr*dns ') ElesE e\fle!T,inFs,@6tmir ordnpd ro am,phft [1:_T IY] q-.+",-4. lrolrod(brea.l'in€3"i. @p3lmred. B 16 r rhe ro d s a dffos {, l4trte Ll! rcsu {|}ernu,,+.{dbraiF dbe-r,bk5dt., r* ft b j.?pd.r jb @db*r6!n o, dT tl!!r $'& ii.l Ll'ea,llri i\ r ri, i,.i r( !rl,oe rrilficiho.o, lr\. , f brdrs whichLi€ .o1 hee iii) owd,trubelorcrl'epcvious(ir l sdri.d I's incl!( lurdu,6 ir qsxy .i drff.rlD'E pr ( ^fiJl'cd' 0f rhe liqrkl r.0inls I :1li!!I':l4liA:{C?: -r''- i .'i : Og CARGO GU.4.i}-dtrc olll(trq5 REG{ }-ATiL,\ ' , ind werfare)R.suldiais,reo0!,r,. beerlomuhtd ruruan' b lh: Do.k wo|(qs (S,t ry.Hlallhannvdh er acr rqa6,osfeslad iheliv* andiRt..!n dfd@k*orkcr Ir Npri!. o ro effu.e Iftd rh! povisions of rh. Ad x 'lr R:!!n,ris arcbeing.omplGd{i$inth. pons!nd*lhenjfi {lnku' 1,//r.h.d rsriu, dstrir i fd3o4 adhDlis.d by dE .otloyft i'rn.' or rhesh,poraEspon5ible round.@kcirpeilcEskrtrbsksandrho r,erscn tioncrI'r'.g awliancA,roo\cgru d nisedu er sn'ilur Ggulllon! dnrd l?tr?,,Jirrr p?.J,, me s r pqsotr appomcdby lhe employ.t. nuntr .l on ur,olirY,a. rh. ca. miY bt ti rf, rltionsiblcfor rhep. o6wc. 01s sp{,fic dtriyor durils&d rLto hd\ $rficient howledgc rnd erpeience and the eq!k{. lurbonry ktr th. o'.rs p.rf.trii.c of I'ii dutics. s..L ptrm&d -'ds, de,'i.,, F{eJ oi.'r?d ,3ntp!. anachm.ib flr ac!!4!p$d ooUqd or !-!nQI. ,or !e4. lo\r:'j!s, o!-,qy!os ergo lrcn o0! pusiri n 'o3no'ie whil.5!:!€id.d or ' ':, p" I hmr. shxue 5srct lru ". , " ;d,: .-; ;""'i .."' < ", ,3 .,. +, - Ed*. qi,-\ or tr:$ou 'nkrance,.ry shjp,d€k. warcr.hetu orid pren$. whercdntt wuk is bcingcari.d ouror *hft hehr (60r rob.li.v. rhd dek soll is bcingcaficd od Requne riy rcgnG, nusr rol or orlErdcum$r enrroyfrei. or d(k *o*ec ro b. pmdtred and Ta*.srh.3p!ruif .Ni**'dT@.f d. pfl$,,.n.m.vd(m laL copies01rgnc6, rc.ordso rhenwhrh hemrylonsidtr@ clcvmr b ln! irquis shich h. hrr c80. to believehs b.ci commind:: Tekr phobg.rpt*.lterch.s,samrl rnrh,iSl- o ili,. r - ',] to rh-p4.eof r\r.i.,i4nn, llol,l r- 'rq \ ' o e.iev€I sfif r6rx of fllf ol aiy litri,s imtirm. toc. s.*. irarspon.quip6.nrisus,ngor no_ 205 risiis ui(rerrhe Erurarions i. Mr.orni r.ii.r cve.y cisir, rhe Insp?dorsh.l dia ro lne opier. n[i{. ofl]cc ,u|holny.ovn., af liftinsappriric. r o:lcr: poiirincdurfte notrcortplid.eoi theAdor ceuldi.is.liri). i Ibe 1,r..$rerYor hedrh.l rh. dorr wodtrs, dolt vo* mly be pohiblrqt! il $. d.t.t sp.cille'lir the A pd$i rtsposibk for brceh of rhe resuhriol, shairlre suiuy of m vi$ inprisonmeil or r lin. or of.Dc.md ispunnhable foruptosi! nonrhs T6ti rnd esbinruon ot CargoCecr I sd exammdion of liftiis 4Pljm.ei lms. sd md har tr.dhenr shdl bEenarcnod roinhrcd 'n &. R.3ircr or Machinery, Chains. .rr aid Wift Rop6 (Fom Il), cedilicd.s.tn rhe lom sp..incd, shallbe obtainediom a comper.ntp.mn r resP3dot rhe follouing md adach.dro tr R€nkr. Itiirirr,!dpviodilrlr$, L Tsr,.hmmrLon ddrnir ionorwirch?s.drni.lGandth.n lnd,! d"miDl 4. Td rnd rnfl, iJ' on or {r€ mpd Fu.mVI 5 Hedk.'rturrand.* idtoi oftooseseri! FomVII 6. Annudinofugheuminadonof rhey sh. be r.,rii3d ror ar kdt ,jv; !.art rn$ Th.(sisE Fom rrr.odrns $. ro owmspsi . hnl - lnnirlrnd p.no!tri to:drd or Lfrin?rpplirrc* 4d rh.ir4[rr lhdough*ahinlos hn rr rnirilldd p.riodicrt to.dre! or rdo.eg€m od irnud rh.mrgh Pdrll - Anndlinsof Chains. Rirgs.Hooks,sh'cR.r rd Swjv.b torhal e6 Inos. aknPred) No lltuns rppll.hc. o. looseg€sr,sb3nb€ !$d tor dock *ork unks Int .trH6 EqulEd !o b. m3dc i' .ha rcFhle. r'd rh. cedinsG of rcr ..d .xmrhdion r.qurred ro bes.hdj.d .a done. B.aoErsrlis.r€rrr.r$ o. crans, $F.d!ny hevy tifts,rhr ..mpdcnr peEonhusr lsc.rtlrD rharlhesLbilityof rh. st'iph .d.qu!le. a d.m-r .hr[ b€ k.fd -.r i'. oo",n,rh. d.nim,,m,... rc 't,; ho'iron. for whichir is de\ipnld(,!sm y 15) tr d sch s@; mglers nay bergr.edro. Tbk rngleshrllbc msrionedin rherss ..nricre. The c6r loadrlMllb ppliedby nov.bh leishr Dunngrh. re! 'e hui shallb. iwuns,uirh rhecn toadluspeid.rt.s,far $ Dndicrbt!ir bdli dnedodslP& S). Aderic\ boomde(gredhbe 6isd trDdapows *i$ dr.load $sprldsl \wngts d.rick) shdl hr iliscrlro ir riixinum wo.lirg atrslcro rlr g nu$ b. sp..i6edby a conpd.n.p.aod in Fom lll sd na*.d otrrh. ded.ft b.on Thc nvo ginhnsnu$ be cllpt.c rogcrt€rb) i sonabk s*ivel asnbly md rh. dlFicks b$ed d ri:i Qr.v.n *olkjRs pnsirions {iln a lcn loadappropdaEb lnc SrvL in onionpurchs.. chnA sh,llbeie$.d sihilarlyro $insins d.{icls *j$ hovabteveistr( ar. Ediuspoir! as*elta:Nh poirr ir rhcaF of rorarion p. on sr! de.id.. m. lcn shdi $ rhecomp3rmr coisisror hoishg,lowsing,bfthn8 ads*ingirg$mugb all posnions i op€nloNiomlrryperro.nedAlllibiswnchesodculofi witib.r.$ed Addld J.. de meh,o(y shalibe Fled o. op.ftringn ar msrmJm vorkins speedwirh drcswl- susp.nded I-lAr r", *F.i'uy r., **,h'p! sha]lb€ cdtrd di bt d.rd;a;i;. bar.trcesfray only b€ u$d for Fnodiol .!' itplied fuln d. boon our d rar s p@riable in borhdidrioB am me p o n ' ' o t n e b rd ! . r u $ c m E r n 6 t u b r d r i . G 't o 6 f o ' ! t s n o d o r ! l Aff.r b.ingtsred,.v.ry lifiing applimce&d tme 86 shsttt€ rhool8hty .xanli.n .o sscdar rc prn hasb+n d@ag.'l oi pcm.n ndy d.fom.d Msintenane oI ca.soce,r Rops mar be b. dry divided inro n'tu6l fibE and svtrrh.ri. fibrei. or th.s. ndilr rcp{ de mo{ vidgty uscd on bodd. Sytrrhcrictibcs o s i . .o r p o l l pd p r l e n p . o,,<^..3ndnllon Rop.sshoJLd be yowed i! dry, qel v.nrilar.d6bpdn id beno*.d roec'n{ wirhpaiir or dh.di.al5. rG. ft.y rhauld -{:Rop* sMuld mr banoeedoi d..kd ciFo::d r. nin n ri hflr Tlr:y r! sr$r na,Ydditr .Dd Yc.ahfon .6 fill be cvid!.liofr rh. hairt su ace.:irncr c. conpn*ioc oi $rsjlr rhe.oE Inr p.rdl;ry (ii rynihericrcpetoi trrrshinds (in n&mt!o*r. shotrld rhes sl!m b. prcsd inlemlly o,exrclnlly.theropeshouto no!ir Fyr !,liF .houldhrv. i leN io r.'s andrhedDmde.of $e \t.e shotrldbe dp.ad by hrlvins md qudenns $e *red6. A smoorhhp.r pFvclrs theropesfor sddng 6nassedin fanbads3ndo$d ob$rucrioDs 1 fte.yc dd o$er pe uhi.h d. susepijbtero ab@ionGuchas rh. pns vhich p6s Dvd 'n trjn.rd iip, eud 0l|6, .!c) mu$ be psrer.d by tr Rop.r shouldbe joined !o 0 vir by nems ol a Toln.sbure lhckt. or R.p.r rnd wiEs shouldb. wosd on &p@ic ddtr. Syrhedc opes shouldnorbe sug.d .n &ums s rhsfiicrion 3.oeBcs h.d !' '*hi.h coulddamgcde op.. Ncvtuikshouldh.unwouDdbyioeringlhccoilasdt .ndirdoRn. D q n r u u i d b ! r t r rn i y g r . r 5 r , rne rrld pii i! rc,.,o\!,i.tui rhf liid sh.y*..pr::rrL iom r: h o . : sA . . , r \ r o i . b F , - L D r o 'r l c.ack sd defoLn*ic spechllr rhcsh.avcrlid dle pin lr(i, i.f riDe.h in rhesidecheeks drouidbe$.ai8hren.d oursorhd rN \rirr tr, norser$u.k r fie grp berB€c0rhech.c*s andrhes[.ive. T- q-,dolr of f," o .h be m or or rh. i! oi 'm r vr Thesrcoveof rh. shlivc oould no!bE Mrvenryor ex.ds!\irii i\IainkDanleof Hakhs itrd lrarch core6 Th. w.tnighhss oI hdch .ovea is i'np.div. ro pder rh. aLlo erd Hich cove^le* dle ro oneor dren) h\ir! rmpropd,croiuc rid br(!ninsdoqnot harch* r'.orcoidnlinof $ndLi!,,rbbtrprc(in!andclosifg dcvi+r ot'd. gl'4.\ l" LJ.e ,r'on-l{'reso"r.l n lhfi miy becausd du iDgrou8hvcarheror inplopr l0dinl r'dien n drecs. wilh hd!h* aDdh ijiinLrrr rr nr, air n.r-!ibl! a dk hd nrisrrrk iy:rm uil F. !rlrh.ovir!r{eir u ri|3 ir fi:: *. :-_1't:t1' " m3-!o I oe sbi;j:" u rF lpprnc 4.'... . . r d o "o . L . , . bb.ninre.r.1. ,..-l * h , ,o nJ...d: of,h! 'F1:,nq Eu' "a .F n oo,n ou,c.cn d.rins r u r D & a t u n , o n t u . b " p r iI r o ! . . n o r . i d . o t @ \ o . q h n . - r r 4ri r. flej\u- .tv,ecrpo,e.,dp. rod"d 3d '-,4,Ts lhd { rf.m' r . d - g o c o . L n . n d . o o. f r - . 1 . . r t , - . . . DLi.okhscdpsd0 resingorrhdhlrcj lov.rs hlut a.ry b,.r rd (0 .,. ,.nDnS a , ' d n o $ , d . c l t o cb o o ! w 4 " . ! ' t r o r a m 4 b . . . , . r . . . T c J !'.n s A,dcfulw th i .r r nusr 5. paprrcdrnd sjgrr4 ol rbeforDln ohain.daid rh. dinrg; cormin$, hdc.s, r r,irpd fiehu d r :. ' : a "" toli. : 1 " " b' I ",dt Jr d . o . . s . d " . u. - . ^ , . o - s t i f . , o r \ r - r p :$brra.rne: T'r! tobbffpa.krns:lteoundt,: hdchcoven!u acrc$ prdshrlld ::th be i0 ag@dcordiriod, et{,i: ;l r.t harl:0ed.RLbb.r . .q . q 1 1 . .- .. 1 , , n .:" " ! ..tr:g, .holjb.1.co 1... Fooeprrlt roF - " o . o . . p c . r do € r i . . ' B 0 %o r o . . . r ^ ." " 'b: +p,.red o . r p r . o r o 1 . n dp e ! . ..+en , FeJ_,d prnkd p..or.o(ner:. ofrubb.rpi.rnL -1,.I1 r.:T ."'re..r rdtr..'lJoLaN.,d)..,d rr.) oah ud -pr..!l) if.d o,oig .ur,s. r!.'y r. -.on! hpedneond , u..,d + ,houtob! oFled up, k!in, r . x i d u o - F ( s . k T w . n . r n e a . , J f w n 4 t b ; , h 0 n du h . d p i n . q4!:-s;E:] Brrftins Eneb mur br rufbitr.din0. . r, ^4 ro T - o ! m . i t] l ' 5 . l o r - , ! c n r : f t . s u r - e p , i b t . b . t o n s . t r o n o s r h . y o . 0 r o ,'or'"r'v(nourhngr\e.oe6 Iido.Ed.digqpwi apr?db.r"..1 3- d,. ,; t-' 1 *h.tr ctos:nsA cmp.ErymRuE my ia rc r*br o. \-,na. ro.- orqr.iSrh. If.\-flri\., rh. pudculql.&rh or chrin t i!. r. I a r i r r . - r i n e. t . - r l n o . c r ! . b o x d . d k o . . t r n . i 4 E n .."","_:::"-]e,.,.1 (ompR$irs b-! ,h. ru6b.J p{{is r ' . - , L . o , , h e(., . ,tk:91-"C. h . . , d b e " ; , . , , , j b ) . ., ; ; ; ; i ; ; ; : J j , ; ;ijL q h k u d . r o _ p j " . . g i r u i n o rp r c d ( . :- r: - .o1e1n 1 ' " ' r " c . , " , , r . . A D . h r , . h o - I .p 6 l _ . r ! L n . f o ms h o , e . n o ; o f $ . obiff pi.kirg nr nd..r,h.;t.ar.nd cc'o:io| b} !trj'Iiig/eE[jie rhr:d, +outdb. pro.. !d rri,n aq!rri!$ : Non rtur dhio ch:.\ed Iq .tossinsby dln oi ffig*ff$fr$,*r[!*.: ; t.- Hrdraulichahh coveB_ Op.hrioh &d n tnhnan.e "I*ijid#i*i.-i#iil#?1i:i ff* i) r tde$ rolM hxch otqhJe b€o cl.6.d u, rluP{$ndrhmg i5a,6r hrilh bD. r lmdtu,{!J is!krorobnrJ{. :) Lookod is pbc.d oi btird ar.r1 r.d,\hak $. rin.rur.ingo' Lbm \ ii. Dono!r.r onrhd, puth.!vy rhiqs orfoEiblyb€ndrhch@. iii.Do m' !e i pip€ wEmh bu' a 6fdr sdTH frcm rh. rmr bd b *li'lJdso'fusni1+-full' iii.check fix.r lor scini, *ash n.bl fit i .id i.ncw pop.r tilr* trs iv.Ch€* tundidi4 oi pa$ur. srus€. v. T6r rcli.f viv. for opcdion arrhe.er pE$uF vi.Chel sropv.lv. md checkv'lve for mtfucrion duer, inrnd te*s. viich4* ror ail b,k in hydFulictioer,ti.xibt. ha3a.vdvi' {md .trd hydaBli.cytider. _ i j |Egcr|p|janafxrcqll*nt J l c44ir!4f6sa.y@j . o4.t@. af e :+:u+, d e b*d e &iP --tu ba6 .h4rd e na @ @bdz oE it. edtue b llp frrcF, Ee:-rc h5, 4i a.r strd; x"@" ro pbd&d !@h I; DRY.DOCX JOBS hy F4€y q 1 . - . ari br41 r; iedo,. -! " cqdasrad; bda on )_ .alorh!'.e|rlcpl@3'