Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2010) 64:1145–1156
DOI 10.1007/s00265-010-0930-3
Do penguins dare to walk at night? Visual cues influence
king penguin colony arrivals and departures
Anna P. Nesterova & Céline Le Bohec & David Beaune &
Emeline Pettex & Yvon Le Maho & Francesco Bonadonna
Received: 15 June 2009 / Revised: 8 February 2010 / Accepted: 10 February 2010 / Published online: 9 March 2010
# Springer-Verlag 2010
Abstract Orientation based on visual cues can be extremely difficult in crowded bird colonies due to the presence of
many individuals. We studied king penguins (Aptenodytes
patagonicus) that live in dense colonies and are constantly
faced with such problems. Our aims were to describe adult
penguin homing paths on land and to test whether visual
cues are important for their orientation in the colony. We
also tested the hypothesis that older penguins should be
better able to cope with limited visual cues due to their
greater experience. We collected and examined GPS paths
of homing penguins. In addition, we analyzed 8 months of
penguin arrivals to and departures from the colony using
data from an automatic identification system. We found that
birds rearing chicks did not minimize their traveling time
on land and did not proceed to their young (located in
crèches) along straight paths. Moreover, breeding birds'
arrivals and departures were affected by the time of day and
luminosity levels. Our data suggest that king penguins
prefer to move in and out of the colony when visual cues
Communicated by C. Brown
A. P. Nesterova (*) : E. Pettex : F. Bonadonna
Behavioural Ecology Group, CEFE–CNRS,
1919 route de Mende,
34293 Montpellier, Cedex 5, France
C. Le Bohec
Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis,
Department of Biology, University of Oslo,
PO Box 1066, Blindern,
0316 Oslo, Norway
C. Le Bohec : D. Beaune : Y. Le Maho
Département d’Ecologie, Physiologie, et Ethologie, IPHC–CNRS,
23 rue Becquerel,
67087 Strasbourg, Cedex 2, France
are available. Still, they are capable of navigating even in
complete darkness, and this ability seems to develop over
the years, with older breeding birds more likely to move
through the colony at nighttime luminosity levels. This
study is the first step in unveiling the mysteries of king
penguin orientation on land.
Keywords Short-range navigation . King penguins .
Seabirds . Visual landmarks . Nocturnal movements .
Aptenodytes patagonicus
Different environments provide a variety of challenges for
animal navigation. Ants (Cataglyphis) foraging in the
Saharan desert need to locate their nest in areas that may
be limited in visual landmarks—features associated with
their goal (Wehner 2003). On the other hand, many humancreated environments are saturated with different types of
landmarks, leading to the question of which types of
landmarks humans (Homo sapiens) should use for navigation (Caduff and Timpf 2008). For other species, seasonal
changes can completely modify their habitat. For example,
occasional spring snowstorms can result in extensive snow
cover on alpine meadows (>1 m); nevertheless, Columbian
ground squirrels (Urocitellus columbianus) are able to
locate their burrows (Vlasak 2006).
Navigational challenges stem not only from the environment but also from the individuals present there. For
instance, navigation in crowded environments can be
extremely challenging. This is especially obvious in the
case of animals that form gregarious colonies. In such
colonies, the presence of hundreds or even thousands of
conspecifics can obstruct locally available cues. This
problem is even more pronounced in species that do not fly.
Aggression can also be a problem in gregarious colonies,
making a search for a particular location (or “goal”) very
difficult. Thus, it is to the advantage of an individual to
minimize traveling within such crowded colonies.
Several studies have investigated how individual animals
identify their partners, offspring, or nest locations within
crowded colonies. In some species, individuals rely on the
vocal cues to identify partners or offspring (king penguins
(Aptenodytes patagonicus): Lengagne et al. 1999; emperor
penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri): Aubin et al. 2000; macaroni
penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus): Searby et al. 2004;
rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome): Searby and
Jouventin 2005; Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus): Clark et al. 2006; kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla): Aubin
et al. 2007; Galapagos fur seals (Arctocephalus galapagoensis) and Galapagos sea lions (Zalophus californianus
wollebaeki): Trillmich 1981; harbor seals (Phoca vitulina):
Renouf 1985; northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus): Insley
2000; South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis):
Phillips and Stirling 2000). In other species, individuals use
olfactory cues to find their nests (blue petrels (Halobaena
caerulea): Bonadonna et al. 2001; Mardon and Bonadonna
2009; common diving petrels (Pelecanoides urinatrix) and
South-Georgian diving petrels (Petecanoides georgicus):
Bonadonna et al. 2003). Yet other species use a combination
of acoustic and olfactory cues for recognition purposes
(Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella): Dobson and
Jouventin 2003a). In the case of Mexican free-tailed bats
(Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana), such dual recognition
systems allow mothers to find their offspring in the large
and dense groups with more than 5,000 young/m2 (Balcombe
1990; Loughry and McCracken 1991; Balcombe and
McCracken 1992). However, acoustic and olfactory signals
can only be used over very short distances given the
limitations imposed by colonial lifestyles. In king penguins,
for example, a vocal recognition range between individuals
within a colony is on average 8.8 m (Lengagne et al. 1999;
Dobson and Jouventin 2003b). Therefore, animals must use
some other cues to navigate to the general area of their goal,
and less is known regarding this scale of navigation in the
The importance of visual cues for short-range navigation
has been documented in a variety of species. For example,
rats (Rattus norvegicus) are known to use visual landmarks
around the goal (e.g., Suzuki et al. 1980; Benhamou and
Poucet 1998), as are homing pigeons (Columbia livia)
(reviewed in Cheng et al. 2006), Clark's nutcrackers
(Nucifraga columbiana) (e.g., Gould-Beierle and Kamil
1996; e.g., Gibson and Kamil 2001), ants (Cataglyphis
fortis) (e.g., Wehner et al. 1996), wasps (Cerceris rybyensis) (e.g., Zeil et al. 1996), honeybees (Apis mellifera)
(reviewed in Cheng 2000), cephalopod spp. (reviewed in
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2010) 64:1145–1156
Alves et al. 2008), and many other species (reviewed in
Healy 1998; Shettleworth 1998). Potentially, visual cues
can be used at larger scales than acoustic or olfactory cues.
However, environmental features suitable as visual cues can
be occluded by conspecifics in colonial species. Global
features of the landscape, on the other hand, might not
provide enough resolution for fine scale positioning (Cheng
and Spetch 1998). As a result, the use of visual cues for
navigation inside colonies may also be problematic.
To better understand the role of visual cues for
navigation in a crowded environment, we studied king
penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Several characteristics
of this species render them an ideal model for the study of
visual orientation. First, they form very large and densely
populated colonies, some of which can number over
300,000 breeding pairs (Weimerskirch et al. 1992; Aubin
and Jouventin 1998). Second, their unusual breeding style
makes the use of established routes in the colony very
difficult. King penguins do not build nests but incubate a
single egg on their feet. Partners alternate their parental
duties. Breeding pairs defend a small part of the colony,
known as an attachment place, which is approximately 1 m2
(Bried and Jouventin 2001). Locations of attachment places
can shift slightly through the breeding season, with an
average displacement of 4.4 m (Lengagne et al. 1999).
Because of this, returning individuals may find a new
arrangement of neighboring couples as they return to the
colony following foraging trips. Third, these foraging trips
can last for a couple of days to several months (Stonehouse
1960), and birds have to consider any changes that might
take place during their absence. Also, heavy rains, storms,
and waves can dramatically change the shape of the colony
due to flooding (personal observations; Viera et al. 2006).
Finally, since penguins do not fly, they cannot survey the
colony from above to aid their orientation.
King penguins are long-lived species with an average life
span of ca 20 years (see Gauthier-Clerc et al. 2004), and they
attempt to breed each year of their adult life (mean annual
proportion of non-breeding adults at Possession Island =
13%; see Le Bohec et al. 2007). Breeding individuals
repeatedly face the challenge of finding a particular place
in the colony. In the beginning of the breeding season
(incubation and brooding stages), birds search for their
partners at the attachment place. Later, they start looking for
their chicks at the “rendezvous zone”: chicks that are several
weeks old and capable of thermoregulation are left unattended by the parents (Stonehouse 1960; Barrat 1976).
Chicks form groups known as crèches, and the rendezvous
zone is the location within the crèche where a chick was last
fed (Stonehouse 1960; Dobson and Jouventin 2003b). Once
within the colony, breeders are likely to proceed directly to
their previous attachment place or rendezvous zone, which
makes them particularly interesting for navigational studies.
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2010) 64:1145–1156
The destinations of non-breeders, on the other hand, are less
obvious. They might enter the colony to train in courtship
while they are still juveniles, or to acquire social information,
such as the quality of a breeding site (Nocera et al. 2006).
The objectives of this study were to describe the
terrestrial homing paths of adult king penguins and to test
whether visual cues are important for penguin orientation
within a colony. To address this, we examined paths of king
penguins moving through the colony. To investigate the
importance of visual cues, we took advantage of the natural
daily light and dark cycle. At night, the visibility of visual
cues decreases. If penguins rely on visual cues, they should
be less likely to enter the colony in the dark. However,
older, more experienced, birds should be more familiar with
the landscape within and around a colony, so we proposed
that they would be better able to cope with limited visual
cues. Accordingly, we compared the arrivals and departures
of young and old birds through the colony during the hours
of darkness.
and gave a call, it was observed for up to 1 h. Usually
parents found their chicks within the first 5 min. After
parent and chick reunited, the observer walked the last
10 m of the penguin trajectory. The observer waited for
15 min before discontinuing the observation. Except for
two individuals, all penguins found their chicks when they
entered crèches. Two individuals that did not find their
chicks were observed until the end of the hour. These adults
called repeatedly within the same crèche but in different
locations. Repeated calling indicated their strong motivation to find a chick. The reasons why these adults did not
find their chicks were unknown, but presumably their
chicks were dead. The paths of 23 penguins were analyzed.
When analyzing GPS data, we considered each penguin
path in its entirety as well as breaking the path into two
parts—outside and inside of the colony core. The colony
core was defined as an area where breeding birds were
defending their attachment places. The other areas of the
beach were considered to be outside the colony core.
Possession Island
Study sites and animals
Kerguelen Island
The paths of breeding king penguins were recorded at a
colony at Cape Ratmanoff, Courbet Peninsula, Kerguelen
Island (49°42′S, 70°33′E) in November 2007. This large
colony stretches for over a kilometer on a flat sandy beach
along a north to south axis. The landscape around the beach
allows penguins to come ashore >3 km south or north from
each end of the colony. We focused our efforts on the birds
located at the southern edge to minimize human disturbance
to one part of the colony. Individuals returning from
foraging trips were spotted as they exited the water. A
human observer equipped with a GPS (TechnoSmArt)
followed focal individuals at a distance of approximately
15 m, which was sufficient to prevent any sign of
disturbance to the bird being followed. Positional data were
collected every second. Such a methodology allowed data
collection without animal capture and has been successfully
used before on Magellanic penguins (Boersma, D., personal
communications). Animals were followed during daylight
hours. Observations were not conducted during sunrise,
sunset, or nighttime hours because light levels were not
sufficient for a human observer to follow an unmarked
penguin among thousands of conspecifics. At the time of
data collection, we saw no animals in the colony incubating
eggs due to the late start of 2007 breeding season, and it
was possible to follow individuals inside the colony with
minimal disturbance. Once a parent bird reached a crèche
Information on the birds' arrivals to and departures from
this colony was collected at the “La Grande Manchotière”
colony located on Possession Island (46°25′S, 51°45′E),
Crozet Archipelago. About 22,000 pairs of king penguins
bred in 2007 (Beaune and Le Bohec, unpublished data).
King penguin colony arrivals and departures (Ntotal arrivals/
departures =74,274 for 1,919 individuals) were analyzed over
an 8-month period (August 1st–March 31st) using data
from the Antavia automatic identification system (Fig. 1).
This system was installed at the penguin colony in January
1998 and has been used since then for the long-term
monitoring of the population. Birds in the colony are
implanted subcutaneously with individual passive integrated transponder tags (PIT tags), and their movements are
registered automatically by pairs of antennas buried on the
three natural pathways available to the birds, allowing for
the continuous monitoring of birds entering or exiting the
colony (for more details, see Gendner et al. 2005; Le Bohec
et al. 2007). Since 1991, 6,005 penguins have been
monitored with PIT tags. Among these birds, 5,000 were
implanted with PIT tags as chicks starting in 1998 when the
Antavia system was installed.
The antennas are located approximately 40 and 70 m
inside of the colony core and therefore allow for
monitoring of moving birds that are already inside the
colony. Extreme aggression from birds with eggs or
young chicks discourages moving individuals from
wandering in the colony (Cote and Dewasmes 1999;
Cote 2000), and they are likely to proceed directly to
their attachment places. Previous video recording studies
by Challet et al. (1994) demonstrated that breeding birds
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2010) 64:1145–1156
Fig. 1 “La Grande
Manchotière” king penguin
colony and the “Antavia”
detection system (Possession
Island). The diagram shows
the study area at Possession
Island. Arrivals to and
departures from the colony are
detected by pairs of antennas
buried underground at three
natural passages (stars) to the
study zone of the breeding
colony (black dashed line). The
antennas are 40 and 70 m away
from the edge of the colony
that enter the colony relieve their partners both during the
day and night. Therefore, passing through the antenna
areas at any time of the day would provide a good
indication of a bird moving through the colony. To
investigate the effect of light levels on penguin orientation,
we focused only on the colony arrivals and departures of
breeders (Nbreeders =1,004).
Breeding activities of tagged birds were inferred from
their arrivals to and departures from the colony during the
breeding season. Breeders have a characteristic schedule
associated with their presence in the colony (caring for the
egg/young) and their absence (foraging trips) that is
especially apparent during incubating and brooding stages.
Non-breeders, on the other hand, do not show such
sequences of arrival and departures. The breeding status
of each individual was also confirmed by analyzing video
recordings for body and plumage condition (see details in
Descamps et al. 2002; Gendner et al. 2005).
Breeders have a strong motivation to find a specific
place within a colony. They must walk to their attachment
places to relieve a partner from caring for an egg/newborn
chick or to a crèche to feed an older chick. To investigate
the effect of experience on navigational abilities, we looked
at two different age groups. King penguins start breeding
when they are 3–5 years old (Le Bohec 2007). Therefore,
we split the population into two groups: young breeders
(≤8 years old) that had relatively few years of breeding
experience and old breeders (>8 years old) that had several
years of breeding experience.
Luminosity data were recorded by a Météo France
station located 1 km away from the Antavia system. Global
radiation per hour (RgH) was measured in Joule per square
Statistical analysis
From GPS trajectory data (Kerguelen Island data), we
extracted the duration of the trip (t), the total length of the
path (Dt), and the B-line (Ds) between the starting point
(the place where a penguin exited water) and the end point
of the path (crèche). As a measure of the “straightness”
(optimality) of a penguin's path, we used the “linearity
index” (LI) defined as LI ¼ Ds=Dt 1 (Batschelet 1981).
Thus, animals following a straight line to their goal would
have an LI value of 1. The LI of the path outside the colony
core was compared to the LI inside the core using a
Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
To analyze frequencies of colony arrivals and departures (Crozet Island data), we used Pearson's chi-squared
test. Arrivals and departures of breeding penguins were
also analyzed at several luminosity levels: low luminosity
level (0–5.6 RgH), night (0–0.8 RgH) and day (0.9–
432.6 RgH) luminosity levels, and all luminosity level (0–
432.6 RgH). The low luminosity levels span the range of
values that were obtained at night and during twilight. The
night luminosity levels correspond to the ambient light
present during night hours and without a full moon,
starting 1 h after sunset and continuing until 1 h before
sunrise. Arrivals and departures at the low luminosity
levels are of particular interest. These include luminosities
at which no landmarks are visible at all (darkness) and at
which most or all visual landmarks are visible (twilight).
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2010) 64:1145–1156
Day luminosity levels correspond to the hours of peak
To understand how time of day and luminosity level
influence breeders' arrivals and departures, we employed
the generalized additive model (GAM) approach (Schimek
2000). In the analysis, we used the number of detections
(penguins passing the antennas) during the months when
breeders were present (5-month period) as a response
variable, with time and luminosity as predictors. As
appropriate for the count data, Poisson distributions and
log link functions were used. Smoothing functions were
applied to time and luminosity variables. To estimate
significance of each term, the full model was compared
using a χ2 test to a model where one predictor was omitted.
Including penguin identity as a “random effect” to account
for repeated detections of some individuals had no effect;
we therefore used the total number of detections (arrivals
and departures) for each hour at specific luminosity levels
to run the time and luminosity dependent models.
Arrival and departure times for breeders during sunrise
hours (0400–0600 hours) were compared with a Welch two
sample t test (Welch 1947). We specifically looked at
sunrise hours because they were characterized by the peak
in colony arrivals and departures. To compare bird arrivals/
departures between the two age groups (≤8 and >8 years
old), we used a Mann–Whitney U test (Siegel and Castellan
1988). Non-parametric tests were chosen when data did not
satisfy the normality assumption. All tests were two-tailed
with the significance level set at α=0.05. Statistics were
computed using R 2.6.1 ( with the
lme4 package (Bates and Sarkar 2006) and SPSS statistical
package, version 7 (the Predictive Analytics Company).
100 m
Fig. 2 Examples of king penguin paths from the ocean to crèche
(Kerguelen Island). Black thick line represents the outline of the
colony core where breeding adults defend their attachment places,
light gray thick lines represent the outline of the lake and ocean
shoreline at high tide, thin gray and thin black lines represent tracks of
six adult penguins proceeding from the water to their chick in a crèche
Homing paths at the Ratmanoff colony, Kerguelen Island
At Ratmanoff colony, adult king penguins made extensive trips across the beach before they found their chicks
in the crèches (Fig. 2). The length of trips varied greatly
between individuals (Table 1). The median duration of the
trips was 32 min, and median speed was 0.24 m/s.
Penguins did not proceed to their crèche directly (median
LItotal trip =0.68). The straightness of the paths depended
on whether penguins were outside or inside of the colony
core. The paths became less direct once animals entered
the core (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, n=23, Z=-3.771, p<
0.001). Once inside, birds proceeded in bouts. They
moved quickly from one place to the next, paused, and
then moved quickly again. While proceeding towards the
crèche, the birds did not vocalize. They called only when
they reached their crèche. There is no evidence that
penguins arriving at this colony used pathways commonly
used by many individuals.
Bird arrivals to and departures from La Grande
Manchotière colony, Possession Island
Penguins (breeders and non-breeders) arrived and left the
colony at all times during the 24-h day (Fig. 3). Over
8 months, there were consistently large numbers of arrivals
and departures at sunrise; though, departures significantly
outnumbered arrivals (Table 2). The relative proportion of
arrivals and departures varied across months. In August,
more birds arrived than left. The pattern was reversed in
September, October, February, and March. No differences
were observed between number of arrivals and departures
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2010) 64:1145–1156
Table 1 King penguins' paths parameters (Kerguelen Island)
Total duration (min)
length (m)
speed (m/s)
Total LI
Outside colony
core length (m)
Inside colony
core length (m)
Outside colony
core LI
Inside colony
core LI
Medians, interquartile ranges (IR), minimum (min), and maximum (max) values of 23 penguin paths are listed for total trip duration, total trip
length, overall speed, total linearity index (LI), length of the trip inside and outside of the colony core, and linearity index for the portions of the
paths inside and outside of the colony
during November, December, and January (Table 2).
During the course of a day, fewer animals moved in and
out of the colony at night (12%), more animals entered or
left the colony during the day hours (51%), and a
distinctive peak in arrivals/departures was observed between 0400 and 0800 hours (37%).
We found a significant dependence of breeder arrivals
and departures on both time and luminosity levels (Figs. 3
and 4; Table 3). When all luminosity levels were considered, GAMtotal was significant (χ2 test, n=7,714, p<
0.0001) and explained 21.2% of the variance in number
of penguin arrivals/departures. Many birds moved in and
out of the colony even at extremely low luminosity levels,
including 0 RgH. Early sunrise hours with low luminosity
levels were characterized by a dramatic increase in penguin
arrivals to and departures from the colony. Similar results
were obtained when only low luminosity levels were
considered (Fig. 4). GAMlow was significant (χ2 test, n=
2,158, p<0.0001) and explained 36.9% of the variance in
number of arrivals/departures based on time and luminosity.
Fig. 3 King penguin colony
arrivals and departures
(Possession Island). Penguin
(breeders and non-breeders)
arrivals to and departures from
the colony during 24-h period
for the 8 months of
observations. The time periods
of low light intensity are shaded.
Different months are represented
by the various intensity of gray.
Narrivals/departures =74,274, for
1,919 individuals
The general pattern of arrivals/departures was analogous
even when arrivals and departures were considered separately (Table 3).
For breeders, departures and arrivals took place at
different times (Welch two sample t test, N=2,368, t=
-5.186, df=2,229.028, p<0.0001). The arrivals (mean=
5.4 h) preceded the departures (mean=5.7 h, Fig. 5). The
age of the birds had an effect on the arrivals/departures at
night luminosity levels (Table 4). More of the older
breeders arrived or left the colony at low light levels.
These differences in arrivals/departures disappeared at the
higher luminosity levels (0.9–432.6 RgH) when the
proportions of young and old breeders entering and exiting
the colony were similar.
Our observations suggest that king penguins can cover
distances of over 1 km on land to reach their chicks in
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2010) 64:1145–1156
Table 2 Monthly comparison of king penguin colony arrivals and
departures (Possession Island)
Arrivals (%)
Pearson's χ2
p value
Mean proportions of arrivals to the colony between 0400 and
0600 hours (sunrise hours) for each month of the study period
(August, 2007–March, 2008) is compared to the mean proportion of
departures using a Pearson's χ2 test. The statistically significant
differences between numbers of arrivals and departures are indicated with
an asterisk. N is the number of detections of tagged birds (breeders and
non-breeders) crossing the antennas
crèches. The birds did not always proceed to their
attachment places in the colony along a route that
approximated the shortest path available. The numbers of
colony arrivals and departures were affected by the time of
day and luminosity levels. Individuals were able to enter
the colony even in total darkness. Most arrivals and
departures took place at sunrise. At nighttime luminosities,
older breeding birds were more likely to enter or leave the
The homing paths of king penguins were diverse in their
shapes and durations of travel. We saw no indication that
the birds tried to exit the sea at the place nearest to their
crèches. King penguins are very fast swimmers, averaging
2.1 m/s in water (Kooyman et al. 1992). However, on land,
we found their speed to be much slower (0.24 m/s). The flat
relief of Ratmanoff site allows animals to come ashore at
any place on the beach. It is then unclear why some
individuals choose to walk along the beach, given their
superior swimming abilities. One explanation is that the
birds cannot establish the location of their crèche from the
water. Also, it could be because adult penguins are more
vulnerable to predation at sea than on land (Stonehouse
1960; Guinet 1992; Yoda et al. 1999). Individuals might
exit the sea at what they consider the closest and safest
position to their attachment places, given the aquatic travel
constraints such as currents, tide, other penguins, or
predators encountered. Similar measurements of land
traveling paths were conducted on Magellanic penguins
(Wilson et al. 1999). They walked shorter distances to their
nests (145 m) at faster speeds (0.73 m/s) when compared to
king penguins. Magellanic penguins, like king penguins,
also did not exit water at the point closest to their nest.
Although on a larger scale penguins seem to go directly
to their crèches, at a smaller scale it is clear that they do not
always proceed along straight paths. Once inside the
colony, their paths become even less direct. When an
individual crosses the colony, it experiences intense
aggression from conspecifics, leading these birds to
purposefully pass by sleeping individuals to avoid aggressive encounters (Cote and Dewasmes 1999). Therefore, one
would expect penguins to minimize the amount of walking
inside the colony. However, the relatively big detours that
some individuals made in the colony (for example, light
grey track in Fig. 2) are unlikely to be explained by a route
that passes close to sleeping birds. Together, the long
walking trips and wandering paths inside the colony
suggest that finding a particular place in the colony is not
a trivial task.
The relative proportion of penguin (breeders and nonbreeders) arrivals and departures at the colony at Possession
Island during sunrise hours (0400–0600 hours) depended
on the month. Previously, no difference was found between
colony arrivals and departures (Challet et al. 1994). This is
most likely due to the different duration of the studies and
the time periods analyzed: Challet et al. (1994) considered
only 3 months of observations (January–March) while our
analysis spans 8 months. Also, we analyzed only sunrise
hours when the majority of arrivals and departures takes
place (Fig. 3). We do not necessarily expect the observed
pattern to hold over different years. Meteorological conditions can vary, which can lead to an early or late onset of
Fig. 4 King penguin breeders' arrivals to and departures from the
colony (Possession Island). Breeders' arrivals to and departures from
the colony at the low luminosity levels (0–5.6 RgH) between
1700 hours (when light levels start to decrease) and 1600 hours. The
number of penguins arriving to and departing from the colony at the
given time and luminosity is indicated by the grayscale. There is a
distinctive peak in activity at the low luminosity levels. Narrivals/
departures =2,158 for 1,004 breeders
Table 3 Dependence of king
penguin colony arrivals and
departures on time and luminosity levels (Possession Island)
Significance of smoothed
predictor variables (time and
luminosity) at all and low
luminosity levels. The statistically significant results are
indicated with an asterisk.
Numbers of detections
(breeders) at each luminosity
levels are indicated in the table
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2010) 64:1145–1156
Estimated df
Total arrivals/departures: GAM at all luminosity levels (0–432.6 RgH), N=7,714
Total arrivals/departures: GAM at low luminosity levels (0–5.6 RgH), N=2,158
Arrivals: GAM at low luminosity levels (0–5.6 RgH), N=997
Departures: GAM at low luminosity levels (0–5.6 RgH), N=1,140
breeding activities at any particular year. This, in turn, is
associated with a different proportion of arrivals and
departures each month.
In our study, detection of more arrivals than departures
in August was probably due to the massive return of birds
after their long winter foraging trips to the Marginal Ice
Zone (Bost et al. 2004). A higher number of departures in
September and October can be accounted for by the
recently molted birds that depart for 3-week long foraging
trip to recover body reserves before they start breeding
(Barrat 1976; Cherel et al. 1994; Gauthier-Clerc et al.
2002). During November, December, and January, the
number of birds entering and exiting the colony was
similar. During this time, the feeding trips are usually
relatively short, and partners exchange their parental duties
frequently (Descamps et al. 2002). Finally, more departures
than arrivals in February and March are likely the result of
failed breeders leaving the colony for the sea.
To test the hypothesis that visual cues are important for
penguin navigation on land, we looked at the number of
colony arrivals and departures throughout the 24-h day. We
focused on breeding individuals because they must find
their attachment places or rendezvous zones within the
colony to ensure their reproductive success. Moreover,
breeders may need to locate their destinations quickly so
their partners can leave on foraging trips to replenish their
body reserves. If the body mass of an incubating/brooding
bird drops below a certain threshold, it will abandon the
egg/chick (Gauthier-Clerc et al. 2001).
In our study, relatively few breeders entered or exited the
colony during nighttime hours. More animals entered and
exited the colony during daylight hours, but the majority of
the arrivals and departures took place around sunrise
(Fig. 5). Challet et al. (1994) also observed a similar
pattern of penguin arrivals and departures. The decrease in
the arrivals and departures at night is unlikely to be
explained by a decrease in activity. The amount of time
p value
penguins devote to sleeping and resting is not different
between day and night (Challet et al. 1994). At night it
might be harder to find an attachment place/rendezvous
zone/colony exit due to the limited visibility, and individuals prefer to wait for sunrise before moving. This would
explain fewer arrivals and departures at night, the peak in
the arrivals and departures during sunrise, and the relatively
high but stable level of arrivals and departures during the
day (Fig. 5).
The activity peak during sunrise could also be partially
due to the switching of partner duties. A massive arrival of
birds to the colony triggers a massive departure of their
partners since egg and chick exchanges are relatively fast
due to the extreme aggression from neighbors (Cote 2000).
As expected, in our study the mean arrival time was earlier
than mean time for departures. Synchronization of arrivals
and departures is most likely due to the grouping behavior
Fig. 5 Breeder arrivals and departures (Possession Island). Total
number of colony arrivals and departures over a 24-h period for the
5 months of observations. Arrows indicate the peaks of arrivals and
departures during the 24-h period. Narrivals =3,602 and Ndepartures =
3,993 for 1,004 breeders
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2010) 64:1145–1156
Table 4 Differences in king penguin colony arrivals and departures based on their age (Possession Island)
Old (≥8years old), N=561
Day luminosity levels (0.9–432.6 RgH)
Arrivals + departures
Night luminosity levels (0–0.8 RgH)
Arrivals + departures
Young (<8years old), N=443
Mann–Whitney test, p value (U)
0.5051 (122,357)
0.5364 (126,806)
0.4667 (122,030)
<0.0001* (35,652)
0.0041* (34,131)
0.0002* (35,214)
Mean proportion of penguin arrivals, departures, or arrivals + departures for old breeder (≥8 years old) and young breeders (<8 years old) at day
(0.9–432.6 RgH) and night (0–0.8 RgH) luminosity levels. Mean proportion of arrivals was calculated as the ratio of arrivals at daytime (or
nighttime) luminosity levels over arrivals + departures. Analogous calculations were done for the mean proportion of departures. Ntotal =1,004
breeders. Statistically significant differences in arrivals/departures between different age groups are indicated with an asterisk
of king penguins. This is especially apparent for departing
individuals. Birds form small groups in the water before
they leave shore waters (personal observations), possibly to
minimize predation risks. Similar grouping behavior has
been documented in several other species of penguins. For
example, rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) and
Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) forage at sea in
groups (Tremblay and Cherel 1999; Takahashi et al.
2004). Also, little penguins (Eudyptula minor) form groups
as they arrive at and depart the colony (Reilly and Cullen
1981; Daniel et al. 2007).
One of the most remarkable findings of this study is that
many individuals enter the colony at very low night
luminosity levels, including 0 RgH. While king penguin
eyes are adapted to low light intensities (Martin 1999), the
extent of their vision at night is not known. Experiments on
Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) established that
their eyes are 1.9 times more sensitive than humans (Martin
and Young 1984). Similar calculations for king penguins
based on estimates of their eye parameters suggest that they
are 1.5 times more sensitive than humans (Martin, G. R.,
personal communication). Consequently, king penguins can
see only slightly better than humans in the dark. Thus, the
fact that birds enter and exit the colony even in complete
darkness strongly suggests that visual cues are not essential
for orientation, at least for some individuals.
King penguins are not the only species that can depart
from their colony at night. Gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis
papua) were found to sometimes depart on foraging trips
between 0200 and 0600 hours. However, there was no
indication that gentoo penguins return to the colony before
0600 hours (however, the foraging trips of only 19 birds
were followed) (Williams and Rothery 1990). Unlike king
and gentoo penguins, chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis
antarctica) were found to avoid crossing coastlines during
nighttime hours (Jansen et al. 1998). The authors hypoth-
esized that it could be due to the risk of predation or lack of
prominent visual cues necessary for navigation. Another
study that suggested the importance of visuals cues for
penguin navigation showed that little penguins (Eudyptula
minor) did not return to the colony when low level fog was
present (Chiaradia et al. 2007).
Young king penguin breeders, similarly to gentoo,
chinstrap, and little penguins, depend on the availability
of visual cues. At nighttime luminosity levels, they are less
likely than older breeders to enter or leave the colony. The
difference between young and old breeders also explains
the activity peak at sunrise. As visual cues increase with
daylight, animals that could not enter or leave at night were
able to proceed to their destinations.
Orientation based on visual cues, especially distant ones,
can be a challenging process and may require several years of
experience. For example, in Columbian ground squirrels
(Urocitellus columbianus), older individuals use distant
visual cues for orientation while young squirrels tend not to
(Nesterova 2007). Over the years, older penguins have more
opportunities to learn the layout of the colony, and therefore,
should be better at visual orientation inside the colony. King
penguins are known to return to the same section of the
colony year after year (Descamps et al. 2009). Moreover,
they exhibit a high site fidelity. A 2-year study found that
69% of the birds returned to the exact same location to breed
in the second year, 19% settled a few meters away, and only
12% established an attachment place in a different part of the
colony (La Grande Manchotière colony, n=172, GauthierClerc, unpublished data). Experience breeding at the same
location for multiple years may therefore improve knowledge of the surrounding landscape and be helpful for
The present findings on adult navigation are in accordance with previous work done on king penguin chicks
(Nesterova et al. 2009). Homing experiments with 10-
month old chicks demonstrated that visual cues are
important for orientation, but not essential. After passive
displacement (100 m) from the colony, fewer chicks found
their crèches during the night than during the day. It appears
that the ability to orient within a colony develops from a
very early age, but several years of experience are required
to allow precise homing when visual cues are limited or not
available. The mechanisms that king penguins use to orient
in the darkness have not yet been investigated. Ten-month
old chicks attend to information carried by the wind
(presumably acoustic or olfactory cues), especially at night,
when picking the general direction of travel (Nesterova et
al. 2009). It is possible that adults also rely on olfactory,
acoustic, or magnetic cues. However, the usefulness of
these types of cues for precise positioning inside the
crowded colony still needs to be determined. Over the
years, king penguins might memorize a general route to
their attachment place. In addition, given their site fidelity
and their superior auditory abilities, it is possible that with
time they learn the acoustic landscape created by their
neighbors around their attachment place and use this to aid
One of the important implications of this study is the use
of distant (global) visual cues for orientation in the colony.
If the presence of many conspecifics obstructs local cues,
then penguins must rely on the landscape outside of the
colony. Some colonies can stretch over several kilometers.
As a result, the nearest visible features of the landscape can
be several kilometers away. There are other animals that
rely on distant cues for precise positioning. Columbian
ground squirrels need to see the outline of the forest edge
and mountains to locate their burrows (Vlasak 2006).
Meerkats (Suricata suricatta) might rely on distant landscape features as well. Their desert habitat is limited in
unique local cues; nevertheless, they are successful at
finding more than a thousand escape burrows within
extensive territories (Manser and Bell 2004). Studies on
wood ants (Formica japonica) and Central Australian
desert ants (Melophorus bagoti) also provide evidence for
the use of distant cues to locate a nest (Fukushi 2001;
Cheng et al. 2009). While multiple laboratory studies also
demonstrate the use of distant cues, due to limitations of the
experimental room, distant cues are usually only several
meters away from a goal (rats (Rattus norvegicus): Suzuki
et al. 1980; Leonard and McNaughton 1990; black-capped
chickadees (Parus atricapillus): Brodbeck 1994; Clark's
nutcrackers (Nucifraga Columbiana): Gould-Beierle and
Kamil 1996; Gould-Beierle and Kamil 1999).
This study is the first step in unveiling the mysteries of
king penguin orientation on land. Adult king penguins are
capable of locating a particular square meter space within
an area of hundreds of meters of densely populated colony
in complete darkness. This ability seems to develop over
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2010) 64:1145–1156
years, with older birds more likely to navigate at night than
young adults. Future experiments should investigate the
potential mechanisms that allow such precise positioning
with limited local visual cues.
Acknowledgements We are extremely grateful to G. R. Martin for
the stimulating discussion regarding penguin vision and calculations
of the estimate of king penguin visual threshold. We want to thank our
field assistants for their help in the field. We are indebted to F.S.
Dobson and J.D. Whittington for their valuable comments on the
earlier versions of the manuscript. Many thanks are due to the Institute
Polaire Français—Paul-Emile Victor (IPEV) and Terres Australes et
Antarctiques Françaises for the logistical support provided on the
field. Also, we are indebted to Météo France for sharing their
meteorological data with us. The research was funded by a grant from
the French Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs—Lavoisier to
C. Le Bohec, I.P.E.V. grants to F. Bonadonna (ETHOTAAF 354) and
to Y. Le Maho (ECOPHY 137) and National Science Foundation
International Research Fellowship (#0700939) to A. P. Nesterova.
This study was performed according to IPEV and Centre National de
la Recherche Scientifique guidelines for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals and complied with current French regulations.
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