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Pollution It is undesirable state or change in the state of environment and surrounding particularly in air water, soil, which has in adverse impact over human health. Environmental Pollution Point source Source/factor Mobile Area source Pollutant Point source Stationary Area source Pollutant Degradable Non-degradable Domestic waste organic substances Plastic Pollutant Primary Secondary Coming directly from source Formed from a primary pollutant A B (Synergistic effect) More potent than primary Air Pollution 1. Sulphur Oxide and Nitrogen Oxide Sulphur dioxide     Source : Burning of fossil fuel coal and petroleum Thermal power plants Smelting of metal (Fe, Cu) Volcanic gas Impact :  Humans skin and eye irritation.  Plants : Destruction of cholorphyll  Formation of black spots on leaves is also called chlorosis of plant Nitrogen Oxide Source : Burning of fossil fuel. Impact :   Humans :Respiratory problem, skin irritation. Plants : Premature death of plant parts also called as Necrosis, Defoliation of plants. Acid Rain SOx + NOx + water vapour  Acid rain (H2SO4 + HNO3) Impact of Acid Rain : Rainfall : Slightly acidic (6.4–6.8) PH < 5.6 (i) (ii) Skin irritation and loss of hairs (iii) Decolouration of the paints Acid rain (iv) Yellowing up of marbles Sulphur Shower : Temperate Regions Vegetation Spuing time Damage of cholorophyll PINUS Seed (v) Metal rusting and corrosion Yellow (vi) Loss of paint over iron bridges (vii) Excess bleaching of the textiles Wide spread dispersed in forest area (viii) Increase in the soil acidity and loss of productivity etc. Sulphur/Yellow shower Methane Impact : Source : (i) Coal mines (ii) Green House Gas and Global Warming Coal mining (iii) Urban dumpfills (iv) Rice field (v) Marshylands (vi) Wetlands (vii) Incomplete burning of fossil fuels (viii) Cattles (ix) Glacier breakdown or polar methane CO2 Source : Impact : (i) Burning of fossil fuels (i) Green House Gas and Global Warming (ii) Volcanic eruption (ii) Biosphere turns a net carbon source (iii) Tectonic release (iv) Break down of glaciers (iii) Positive impact increase in vegetation (v) Fracturing of rocks and shells in oceans (iv) Oceanic acidification Urban Heat Islands Oceanic Acidification Oceans and saline water bodies has pH range which is slightly alkaline. With the increase in concentration of CO2 in atmosphere, the dissolution of CO2 in oceans at polar and sub-polar region increases this decreases the pH of oceans which is called oceanic acidification. In 2015 it is reported that the pH of the oceans on earth has reduced from 8.25 to 8.14 in the last 19 years. Impacts of Oceanic Acidification (i) Decolouration and death of corals called as coral bleaching. Mass scale extinction and death of coral due to bleaching is called as echolocation. (ii) Habitability of the fishes and marine life is affected adversely. (iii) Breakdown of shells and rock which releases more CO2 in water. (iv) Heat capture of the water is increases; hence temperature of water bodies is increases. Urban Heat Islands Urban Heat Islands (UHI) : Suffocation and trapping up of CO2 Leaves Loss of vegetation Trap CO2 Causes heating Stomata Transpiration UHI Neutralization of heating effect is cut down Loss of water (thermal balance near plants) Increase in temperature of urban colonies Localized warming UHI : Mitigation (1) White paint of building and roof top. (2) Ventilation must be maintained. (3) Urban green cover must be increased. CO Source : Incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and biomass. Impact : CO + heamoglobulin (Hb) = Carboxy-Hb causes suffocation and death due to asphyxation Chloro Fluro Carbon CFC (Chloro Fluro Carbons) : R8/R10 gases  Freons  Coolent + Fire extinguisher Refrigerator AC Jet engines Leakage Movement towards poles Accumulation at poles Sun light = CFC + VOC (Volatile organic compound)  Cl nascent Polar spring O3 + Cl  OCl + O3 – – O + OCl + O3 – O2 + OCl Ozone depletion Ozone hole Effect : UVB and C escapes Skin cells damage Skin cancer Plants chlorophyll damage North pole 50 km diameter Decrease in productivity South pole 200 km diameter Vienna Convention It was a global initiation to protect the state of ozone layer. Montreal protocol It was signed under the venna convention to restrict the use of ozone depleting substance. Hydro Fluro Carbon (HFC) and Per Fluro Carbon (PFC) HFC and PFC are the chemical which were introduced as non-zone depletion agent but are more potent Green House Gases. Kigali Amendment (2015) It is signed to phase out HFC and PFC. Particulate Matter Gaseous – Aerosols Liquid – Smog Solids – Dust, Dirt, Gravel, Shoot Particulate Matter : Suspended Settlable 10µm  size PM 10 PM PM 2.5 1µm–3µm 5–10µm 1week–10days settle within 24–48 hrs Sources : (1) Dust, mist, silica particles –10 –2.5 52% (2) Biomass and coal burning (Soot) (3) Petroleum products Diesel Kerosene Petrol (4) House hold activities 4% 1 µm or less Aerosol Fossil fuel burning SO2 mixed  sulphur aerosol Biomass SOOT CO (incomplete combustion) ‘Ash’ CO2 SOOT Carbon  Black carbon Fly ash 1–1.7 µm 27% 12% Impact of Particulate Matter 1. Classical Smog or London Smog or Grey Air (London smog) Smog  Smoke + Fog ‘Classical smog’ (Grey air) Impact Visibility reduction Suffocation Breathing problems Accidents 2. Photo Chemical Smog PM (Smoke) + NOx Aldehydes and Ketones Per Acyl Nitrates (PAN) Per Benzyl Nitrates (PBN) Sunlight Condensation Forms brown cloud or Air Photochemical smog or Tropical smog or Los Angeles smog Impact Corrosive in nature Increase in Albedo (Reflection of light) Radiative heat is trapped At poles Detoriation of paints, vegetation and civil structure Global Diming Increases temperature of lower atmosphere Formation polar brown clouds Reduction in productivity Localized warming Increases heat Disturbance in rainfall and season cycle Glacier melt down Minor Pollutants Pollutant Source Impact 1. Lead Automobile exhaust metallurgical operation Mental retard-ness 2. Cadmium (Cd) Mining and metallurgy, burning of plastic, cigarette smoking Damage to liver heart and kidney 3. Nickel (Ni) Combustion of fossil fuel coal and diesel Respiratory problem and long cancer 4. Mercury (Mg) Combustion of fossil fuel coal, mining of coal and iron and gold and smelting Damages to nervous system kidney and liver 5. Beryllium (Br) Ceramic industry rocket motor testing nuclear power plant combustion of coal Damages to eye or long or Berylliosis disease 6. Asbastos Mica industry Damage to long or asbastos disease 7. Cotton dust Textile, cotton farms Damage to lung or byssynosis disease 8. Coal dust Coal mine, thermal power plant Damage to lungs or black lung disease 9. Benzopyrene Sigrate smoking Lung cancer 10. Radioactive pollutant Redon, stroncium and ptotonium Damage of DNA cancer Water Pollution Pollutant Source Impact 1. Papers pulp Pulp industry Release of suspended particulate and substance like it, mecaplanes and cellulose 2. Textiles Textile industry Release of cellulose which causes anaerobic degradation and eutrofication 3. Organic substance like phenols and alcohol Refinaries, smelter distalaries, sugar industry Degradation of water quality and eutrofication 4. Flurides 1.2 mg/lit Fracturing up of make under ground water reserve. Industries involved with detergents bleaching textile etc. Flurosis of blackning of teeths stiffness of muscles 5. Arsinic 0.05 mg/lit (i) Hydraulic facturing of rock Accumulation in the skin legs and hand cattled black foot disease (ii) Solvents used in plywood industry (iii) As solid waste from poletry or arsinopinite (iv) Coal mining, gold mining and processing (v) Insectiside and pesticide 6. Mercury 0.001 mg/l (i) Coal mining, gold mining (ii) Paper industries (iii) Plastic industries, paint manufacturing swelting of Fe (iv) Minting of copper Accumulation in the nervous system dementia and minimata disease (v) Pharmacetical equipments cosmatics etc. (vi) CFLs LCD monitor 7. Cd (cadmium) 0.001 mg/l Electroplating industries battaries, electromic goods and material pesticide Accumulation in the museles causes mascular stiffness and disease called as Itai-Itai disease (Ouch-Ouch disease) and also failure of liver heart and kidney 8. Lead (Pb) 0.05 mg/l Battaries, di ink industry paints cosmetic, automobile exhaust, metal smelting pesticides, pen and pencil Damages to liver and kidney breakdown of the blood cells reduction in IQ level loss of nervous cells 9. Selenium Pesticides Loss of hairs damage to skin and cancer 10. Nickle 0.01 mg/l Combustion of fossil fuel Fe and steel industry burning of plastic and vanspati ghee-industry Damage to liver and kidney affects lung and skin 11. Magnese Magnese industries involving smelting Damage to lung and maganic pheunonea Eutrophication Organic Matters (Domestic waste and Sewage) Added in water bodies Attracts microorganisms like Cynobacteria, Bacteria and Algae Attracts fishes and water animals Biological load on water increases Chemical oxygen demand (Accumulative demand of oxygen by organic and inorganic substances) BOD and COD increases Biological components demand oxygen for metabolic processes (BIOCHEMCIAL OXYGEN DEMAND (BOD)) Dissolved oxygen (DO) in water decreases Inorganic substances demand oxygen for oxidation Microorganism initiate anaerobic metabolism Faul smelling substance is formed Growth of microorganism prosper Algal bloom or Pond scum is formed which covers the surface of water body If sedimentation is continues Water body becomes shallow EUTROPHICATION Fishy or murshy ocour of water Ganges and Eutrophication : Added in Ganga water Alaknanda + Bhagirathi Glacier Phages Bacterio phage Virus against micro organism Cyano phage + Micro bacteria Algae phage Bolello vibrios Thermal Pollution of Water Water Pollution Thermal Pollution Mining up of cold/hot water Temperature of ocean Biodiversity Weather/climate Cycle disturbance Streams Elnino La nina Temperature increases South atlantic ocean Peru and ecqudor current Air temperature increases Cold current Pressure decreases Every 4th or 5th year Heat current Every 3 year Depletion of rainfall Marine Upwelling Near the poles Lower layer of water lags due to inertia 45° lift of lower layers due to inertial resistance and EKMAN’S FORCE Lower layers exposed to surface Moves with wind current Upper layer of water in oceans Temperature variation Nutrients from bottom are upwelled at surface Take U turn at poles due to CORIOLLIS FORCE Negative impact Positive impact Marine Pollution Causes : (1) Oil spill (2) Plastic (3) Agricultural runoff (4) Industrial effluents (5) Municipal waste dumping or sewage (6) Ports, shipyards Radioactive Pollution of Water : It is because of background, radiation of lithosphere and addition of substances thodium, radon, etc. Nuclear processing plant and their waste compulses of deplected uranium, plutonium, strontium etc. Nuclear power plants and their waste comprising of cranium, uranium carbide, plutonium carbide. pharmaceutical and diagnostic processing which may release substances like cobalt 60, strontium or odin. Water Testing Parameters Most Probable Number (MPN) defines the no. of coliforms as bacteria like E-coli present the water. With the help of MPN test the No. of coliforms e.g., E-coli can be defined which come in drinking water due to chance mixing of sewage with drinking water. Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) Defines the amount of salt of solid dissolved in water. TDS(mg/l) Purpose of water 0-50 ideal for drinking 50-170 hard water 170-300 acceptable for industrial purposes 300-500 water coming from natural spring 500-550 mountains etc. BOD, TOD and COD If defines the amount of carbon present in water bodies using titrimatric quantification driven by oxidation of dichromates. BOD (mg/l) Use 1–2 Very good eg used in water supply for drinking purposes 2–5 Modercitely fair can be used in industrial purposes 6–9 100 Eg more Contamination e.g., pollution Completely Eupecephoid water non use full for any human purposes. Soil Pollution 1. Factors of soil degradation 2. Solid waste material 3. Municipal organic waste 4. Insecticides and pesticides 5. E–waste (electronic waste) — Hazardous Waste Material. Pollution of ground water reserve due to trickling from soil. Pollutant Source 1. Lead and lead oxide Printed Impact circuit boards CRT Nervous system and brain monitors 2. Beryllium Motherboards and circuits Lung and skin 3. Mercury (Hg) Switches Brain, skin and nervous system 4. Ozone depleting substance and flat screen monitor, LCD, CFL problem As a coolant in refrigerators Respiratory system and skin 5. Cadmium (Cd) Computer batteries Kidney and liver 6. PCB Poly Chlorinated bi Rubbers and plastic capacitors Immune phenyl transformers hormonal disturbance nervous system disturbance system 7. Brominated flame retardants Rubber and plastic, printed Hormonal system disturbance circuit boards Plastic and insulation 8. PVC (Poly Venil Choloride Immune System Problem and loss of fertility Rubber and plastic coatings 9. Pthalate plasticizers Hormonal imbalance cancer 10. Barium (Ba) Displays and monitors Heart and lung 11. Bromine (Br) Circuit boards, solvents Hormone disturbance 6. Bio Medical Waste Bio Medical Waste Non-Biodegradable Recyclable hard setting Biodegradable Pathogenic Human organ & product Devices instrument Types & problems sgring /plastic  Proper sterdization & Recycling HIV, Hepatitis-C Hard setting : accumulation and processing Pathogenic : Bacteria, virus ladder product Human organ : Tissue, Blood, sputum cough Devices : Needles, scissors, knives — sterilization and Recycling, HIV and Hepatitis-C and Treatment Screening isolation Low temperature (157°C & below) high temperature (70°C & above) incinerate (20 kg) hydro claving (melt in presence of steam) Auto claving sterilizations 121°C @ 21PSI Microwaving Biomedical Waste Management Rules (2016) Rules formed in 1998 and amended in 2011 and 2016 Presently bio mechanical waste is categorize in 4-categories and their separation is to be done in containers of 4 colours. Category Colour Category-1 1. Black containers Material Plastic bags, human organs, discarded medicine or incinerated ash Category-2 2. Blue and white Solid waste cotton banded and sharp materials Category-3 3. Red Micro biological and solid waste Category-4 4. Yellow Human and animal organs and Liquid waste Noise Pollution It is state of disturbance due to excess sound produced. Sound 20 to 20000 Hz is audible to human less than less than 20 infrasonic, more than 20000 Hz ultrasonic. 25–40 dB Produced in whispering 45–50 dB Normal verbal conversation 60–70 dB Loud conversation or in area with high back ground noise 80 dB > Termed as noise 90 dB In busy urban streets 110 dB Automobiles at near distances 125 dB Automobile on thunderclap, jet take off at distance more than 150 m 130 dB Jet take off at 100 m 150 dB Jet at 25 m Impacts of Noise Pollution Anxiety and, damage to nervous system Increased heart beat and cardiac output Mental Retardness High pitch voice Loss of vision and colour blindness Radioactive Pollution It is release of radioactive substances like cobalt, strontium, plutonium, Raton, Uranium or Thorium. Unit to measure radioactivity in the background Bq = Becquerel Sources of Radioactive Pollution : 1. Cosmic interference. 2. Solar flares 3. Mining of radioactive substances. 4. Nuclear meltdown, release of radioactivity from nuclear power plant. 5. Nuclear bombs, weapons. 6. Radiotracer technique in diagnosis and signifier research 7. Unsafe disposal of nuclear material using in x-ray 8. Background radioactivity due to reserve of radioactive material Impacts Breakdown of body cells, blood and metabolic intermediates. Breakdown of DNA and genotoxicity Skin burn out and leasions which remain perpetual Alteration in the DNA composition or mutation. Inheratance of mutated DNA and formation of deformates in subsequent generation. Climate Change Global Climate Change Natural cause Man made (Anthropogenic cause) Torrential impact Global warming due to CO2, CH4, CCl4, CFC, HFC, PFC, SF6, SCl6 , SF2Cl4, SCl2F4 Change in ellipse of earth orbit Smog due to black carbon, trophospheric ozone, fly ash etc. Change in eccentricity of earth orbit Urban heat island Axial tilt Brown carbon Wobbling of the earth Solar flares Techtonic movement Volcanic duct Global Warming Potential CO2 35-40 years 1 time CH4 14 years 81 times NOx 35-40 years 56 times CFC 141 years 400-600 times HFC 212 years 800-1400 times PFC 256 years 2100 times Major impact of global warming : (1) Glacier melt down / shrinkage : Polar ice sheets may melt (2) Increase in the water level of the ocean (3) Increase in temperature and heat waves : (4) Extinction of marine species (5) Frequency of flood and drought increases (6) Monsoon cycle may alter (7) Frequency of hunger, malnutrition and poverty increases (8) Agriculture productivity reduces by 19-24% (9) Frequency of vector borne diseases like malaria increases (10) More people suffer from displacement (11) Oceanic temperature increases (12) Oceanic acidity may increase which may lead to coral bleaching (13) Climatic phenomena gets alter completely (14) Earth may enter into catastrophe or completely finish (15) Frequency of oceanic current like Elnino may increase (16) Chances of soil erosion due to excessive flooding may increase and acidity due to acid rain and soil salination. (17) Deforestation