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Abstract Title : Benefits of Early Childhood Education for Personal Development and Children Social Author Name : Dr. Awalya, M.Pd. Kons. Sector : Guidance and Counseling and Education Management Early childhood is a new child is born until the age of 6 years. Determine the age of the formation of character and personality of children. Early Childhood Education, there are three forms of the lines: (1) formal education, (2) non-formal education, (3) informal education. Constraints early childhood are the knowledge and the readiness of parents to educate children is not well grounded in developmental psychology, which in the preferred activity of children, to educate the maximum. This problem is: how do the benefits of early childhood education for personal and social development of children? Erikson, explained the concept of personal and social development theory, developed a multilevel polarity. There are 8 (eight) stage of development. Every level, every person will experience a conflict / crisis as a turning point in development. The conflict centers on the development of psychological quality or failing to develop the quality. Theory of personal and social development in early childhood Erikson only up to 4 stages, namely: (1) Trust vs. Mistrust, (2) Autonomy vs. shame and doubt, (3) Initiative vs. Guilt (4) Industry vs. inferiority. Supported early childhood development benefits, it will be directed to build a feeling competent and confident in their skills. When switching to the middle and late childhood, then it will direct its energy towards the acquisition of knowledge, intellectual skills. …..ooo0oo….. ABSTRAK Judul : Manfaat Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini bagi Perkembangan Personal dan Sosial Anak Nama Penulis : Dr. Awalya, M.Pd. Kons. Bidang : Bimbingan dan Konseling dan Manajemen Pendidikan Anak usia dini adalah anak yang baru dilahirkan sampai usia 6 tahun. Usia sangat menentukan pembentukan karakter dan kepribadian anak. Pendidikan Usia Dini (PAUD) ada tiga bentuk yaitu jalur: (1) pendidikan formal, (2) pendidikan nonformal, (3) pendidikan informal. Kendala PAUD adalah pengetahuan dan kesiapan orang tua mendidik anak secara betul tidak didasar perkembangan, psikologi, aktivitas yang di sukai anak, cara mendidik yang maksimal. Permasalahan ini: bagaimanakah manfaat Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini bagi perkembangan personal dan sosial anak. Erikson, mepaparkan konsep teori perkembangan personal dan sosial, mengembangkan polaritas bertingkat/bertahapan. Ada 8 (delapan) tingkatan perkembangan. Setiap tingkat, setiap orang akan mengalami konflik/krisis sebagai titik balik dalam perkembangan. Konflik berpusat pada perkembangan kualitas psikologi atau gagal mengembangkan kualitas. Teori perkembangan personal dan sosial Erikson pada PAUD hanya sampai 4 tahap yaitu: (1) Trust vs Mistrust; (2) Autonomy VS shame and doubt; (3) Initiative vs Guilt (4) Industry vs Inferiority. Manfaat PAUD yang didukung perkembangannya, maka akan diarahkan membangun perasaan kompeten dan percaya pada ketrampilannya. ketika beralih ke masa pertengahan dan akhir kanak-kanak, maka akan mengarahkan energinya menuju penguasaan pengetahuan, keterampilan intelektual.

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION BENEFITS FOR PERSONAL AND SOCIALDEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN (Dr.Awalya, M.Pd. Kons) Preliminary Early childhood education (early childhood) is the level of education prior to primary education which is a development effort aimed at children from birth to age six years through the provision of educational stimulus to promote the growth and physical and mental readiness of the child to have entered further education, which was held in formal, non-formal and informal. Early childhood education is one form of education that focuses on laying the foundation for growth, physical development (fine and gross motor coordination), intellect (the intellect, creativity, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence), socio-emotional (attitude and behavior as well as religious) language and  communication,  according to the uniqueness and the developmental stages through which early childhood. The main purpose of convening of early childhood education is to establish the quality of Indonesian children; the children grow and develop in accordance with the level of development that has an optimal readiness in entering primary education and living life in adulthood. Accompanying goal is to help prepare the child to achieve learning readiness (academic) at the school. Range of early childhood, according to Article 28 paragraph 1 of the National Education Law No.20/2003 is 0-6 years. Meanwhile, according to the scientific study of early childhood  and  family operate in  some countries, early childhood implemented since the age of 0-8 years. Formulation of the problem of this paper is how the benefits of Early Childhood Education for Personal and Social Development of Children? Benefits of Early Childhood Education for Personal and Social Development of  Children 1. Early Childhood Definition of Early Childhood Early childhood is a new child is born until the age of 6 years. This age is an age that is crucial in the formation of character and personality of the child (Yuliani Sujiono Conscience, 2009: 7). Early age is the age at which children experience rapid growth and development. Early age called golden age (golden age).  A balanced nutritious diet and an intensive stimulation are needed for  growth  and  development. Nature of early childhood, Nature of early childhood,  by Bredecam  and Copple,  Brener,  and  Kellough  (Masitoh et al., 2005: 1:12 to 1:13) were as follows: (1) Children are unique, (2) Children express relatively spontaneous behavior, (3) children are active and  energetic; (4) children's self-centered, (5) children have a strong  curiosity and enthusiasm for many things, (6) children are explorative and adventurous, (7)  children are particularly rich with fantasy; (8 ) children are easily frustrated; (9) children are not considered in the act; (10) children have short attention resources;  (11) the children are learning the most potential; (12) children continued to show  interest in friends. Principles of Early Childhood Development The principles of early childhood development in contrast to the principles of development of the final phase of childhood and beyond. The principles of early childhood development according to Bredekamp and Coople (Siti Aisyah et al., 2007: 1.17 to 1.23) is as follows. Development of physical, social, emotional, and child cognitive interrelated and mutually influence each other. Development of physical, emotional, social, linguistic, and cognitive development of children occurs in a particular sequence of relatively predictable Developments took place in a range that varies between children and between the developments of each function. Children's early experiences have a cumulative and delayed effects on child development. Development occurs in the direction of an increasingly complex, specialized, organized and internalized. Child development and learning occur and are influenced by social context of cultural diversity. Children are active learners, who strive to build understanding about the surrounding environment of physical experience, social, and knowledge gained. Development and learning is the interaction of biological maturation and the environment, both physical and social environment. Play an important means for the development of social, emotional, and cognitive development of children described the children as well. The development will accelerate if the child had the opportunity to practice acquired skills and experience the challenges of a higher level than the things that have been mastered. Children have different modalities (some type of visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or combination of types of it) to find out something so that they can learn different things in the show are the things he knows. The best conditions for children develop and learn in an appreciative community, meet their physical needs, and secure physical and physiological. 2. Early Childhood Education Early Childhood Education is one form of education that focuses on laying the foundation to the growth and physical development (fine and gross motor  coordination), intellect (the intellect, creativity, emotional intelligence,  spiritual intelligence, socio-emotional (attitudes and behavior and religion), language,  and  communication, according to the uniqueness and the developmental stages through which early childhood. As with any other education, early childhood level is the responsibility of governments, communities and parents. Early Childhood Education According to Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, Early Childhood Education is a development effort aimed at children from birth to age six years through the provision of educational stimulus to promote the growth and physical and spiritual so that children have the readiness to enter further education. Implementation of Early Childhood Education  Early implementation of early childhood education is known that there are three forms of execution paths early childhood Early childhood education that formal education is structured for children ages four years to six years as kindergarten (TK), Raudhatul RA (RA), and other forms of equals. Non-formal early childhood education track, which is conducting education in a flexible learning program for children from birth (age three months) up to six years old, such as TPA, Group Play, and other forms of equal . Early childhood pathway informal education as a form of family education or environmental education organized by the training and development for children from birth (age three months) up to six years old. In Act No. 20 of 2003 mandated that education is a shared responsibility between Government, Society, and Parents. In terms of organization of early childhood  today  shows that more people play, in which educational institutions are built and  maintained by the more numerous and diverse, reaching about 80 percent of which was built by the government while only 10 percent of existing institutions. Management education is a shared responsibility, education enrollment was in Indonesia at various levels of education is still low. Based on the Ministry of Education data collection in 2004, only about 15.6 percent of the 11.5 million children aged 4-6 years who attend kindergarten, while for children aged 0-3 years, only about 15.8 percent who moved early childhood services. These data indicate that an increase in participation rates compared to previous years. In 2002, 72 percent of Indonesian children aged zero to six years in Indonesia, early childhood education has not been touched, because the year was only 7.34 million or 28 percent of the 26.1 million children aged0-6 years of age  who  received education early. Most of them, namely 2.6million, get an education with access to primary school at earlier ages. As many as 2.5 million children  received  education  in BKB, 2.1 million children attending  kindergarten or  Raudhatul Atfhal,  and approximately 100,000 children in play groups. In contrast to some developed countries are looking at early childhood development is a process of preparation for the empowerment of human resources is critical, so Early Childhood Education conducted a very intensive and very high attention. The reason is not because their parents work, but because the parents have an embedded understanding that at an early age children are the most ideal  position to receive support to develop the personality and identity. With a good empowerment at an early age, children will be generated that the future is bright as they become adults are creative and have strong self-confidence. Early Childhood Education  Early Childhood Education early childhood Constraints experienced in the organization of early childhood is the knowledge and the readiness of every parent to educate their children does not have it right. A mother in caring for their children, not grounded knowledge of child development, child psychology, the activities they like, and how best to educate children to the maximum, but only based on "tips" given, the local cultural habits and ways to educate raising a child. Sometimes that's due to ignorance, it is not uncommon, in some ways parents treat their children excessive force or by teaching things which really is not the time they receive so that it plunges the child's own Personal and Social Developments Personal and social developments in this paper develop the theory of Erikson.  Erikson became famous for his efforts in developing a theory about the stages of human development pioneered by Freud. Erikson stated that human growth goes according to the epigenetic principle which states that human personality is running according to the eight stages. Development of human beings from  one  stage  to the next stage is determined by successor unsuccessful in taking the previous stage. The division of these stages is based on a certain period in human life: infants (0-1 years), toddlers (2-3years), pre-school (3-6 years), school age (7-12  years), adolescents (12 -18 years), youth (age 20-an), a middle-aged (late 20's and 50's), and seniors(ages 50's and so on). Erikson's theory of human development known as the theory of psycho-social development. Theory of psychosocial development is one of the best personality theories in psychology.  As Sigmund  Freud, Erikson believed that personality develops in a few levels. One of the  important elements ofErikson's psychosocial theory are developmental levels of ego  equations. Equation conscious ego is a feeling that we develop through social interaction. According to Erikson, development of the ego is always changing based on experience and new information that we get to interact with others. Erikson also believed that the ability to motivate attitudes and actions can help be a positive development, this is the reason why the theory of Erikson called the theory of psychosocial development. Erikson explains his theory through the concept of the polarity of the eight levels. There are 8 (eight) levels of development that will be traversed by man. His first book Childhood and Society (1950), which became one of the classic book in this field. As he continued clinical work with young children, Erikson developed the concept of crisis and sense of identity as an inevitable conflict in adolescence. The books of his work were:  Young Man Luther (1958), Insight  and Responsibility  (1964), Identity (1968), Gandhi's Truth(1969): a win on the Pulitzer Prize  and  a National Book Award and Vital Involvement in Old Age (1986). Erikson describes his theory through the concept of the polarity of the story. There are 8 (eight) levels of development that will be traversed by man. Interestingly that this level is not a gradualist’s. Humans can rise to the level of the next even though he does not completed at previous levels. Each level in Erikson’s theory relates to the ability in the areas of life. If the level handled properly, the person will feel good. If the level is not handled properly, the person will appear with a feeling of harmony. Phase 1. Trust vs. Mistrust  Occurs at 0 s / d 18 months The first level of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development occurs between birth to age one year and is the most basic level in life. Therefore highly dependent infants, the development of dependence and trust are based on the quality of caregivers to children. If the child succeeded in building trust, he will feel safe and secure in the world. Caregivers who are inconsistent, emotionally unavailable, or refused, to encourage feelings of self-confidence in children who are in foster care. Failure to develop trust will result in fear and belief that the world is inconsistent and cannot be guessed. Phase 2. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt Occurred at the age of 18 months s / d 3 years The second level of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development occurs during early childhood and focuses on the development of self-control. Such as Freud, Erikson believed that the use of toilet training is a crucial part in this process. However, the reason is quite different from Freud Erikson. Erikson believes that learning to control one's body functions leads to a feeling of control and independence. Other important events include gaining more control over the selection of food,  toys  are  preferred, and also the selection of clothing. Children who successfully pass this stage will feel secure and confident, while others were not enough and feel hesitant about yourself Phase 3. Initiative (Initiative) vs. guilt (Guilt) Occurred at the age of 3 s / d of 5 years. During the preschool age began to show strength and will control the world through live games and other social interactions. They are more challenged in the face of wider social world, then the required active and purposeful behavior. Children who succeed in this stage feel capable and competent in leading others. There is an increasing sense of responsibility and initiative. Those who fail to reach this stage will feel guilt, feelings of doubt, and lack of initiative. Unpleasant feelings of guilt that can arise if the child is given the trust and made to feel very anxious. Erikson believes that most guilt can be replaced quickly by a sense of success. Step 4. Industry vs. inferiority (persistent vs. inferiority) Occurs at 6 s / d of puberty. Through social interactions, children begin to develop a sense of pride in the successes and abilities. Children are supported and directed by parents and teachers build feelings competent and confident with the skills they have. Children who receive little or no support from parents, teachers, or peers will doubt his ability to succeed. Initiatives that achieved previously motivated them to engage with new experiences. When switching to the middle and late childhood, they direct their energies toward mastery of knowledge and intellectual skills. The problems that can arise in primary schools is the development of low self-esteem, feelings of competence and unproductive. Erikson believes that teachers have a special responsibility for the development of children's persistence. Step 5. Identity versus identify confusion (identity vs. identity confusion) Occur in adolescence, the age of 10 s / d 20 years During his teens explore their independence and build a sense itself. Children are faced with the discovery of who they are, how they would be, and where they are headed in life (to the stage of maturity). Children have faced a lot of new roles and status as adults - work and romance, for example, parents should allow teens to explore many different roles and the way in a particular role. If teens exploring such roles with a healthy and positive way to be followed in life, positive identification will be achieved. If adolescent identities rejected by parents, if teens are not adequately explore the many roles, if a positive future path is not explained, then the identity confusion is rampant. But for those who receive adequate support for the personal exploration, sense of self, a sense of independence and control he will appear in this stage. For those who are not sure of the confidence and desire, will come a sense of insecurity and confusion of the self and its future Step 6. Intimacy vs. isolation (intimacy vs. isolation) Occur during early adulthood (20s s / d 30 for the year) Erikson believes these stages is important, the phase one build a close relationship and are ready to commit to another person. Those that succeed at this stage will develop a committed relationship and secure. Erikson believes that a strong personal identity is important to develop an intimate relationship. Research has shown that those who have little sense of self tend to have a shortage of commitment in a relationship and more frequent emotional isolation, loneliness and depression. If it fails, it will display a sense of alienation and distance in the interaction with people. Step 7. Generativity vs. stagnation  Occurred during the middle adulthood (40s s / d 50-year). During this period, they continued to build his life focusing on career and family. Those who succeed in this stage, it will feel that they contribute to the world with its participation in the home and community. Those who fail through this stage will feel unproductive and not involved in this world. Step 8. Integrity vs. despair  Occurred during late adulthood (60s years) During this phase tend to make a reflection on the past. Those who did not succeed in this phase, will feel that his life was useless and had a lot of regret. Individuals will feel bitterness and despair Those who successfully pass this stage, meaning it can reflect the successes  and  failures that have been experienced. This individual will achieve wisdom, even in the face of death In each level, Erikson believe everyone will experience the conflict / crisis was a turning point in development. Erikson argues, these conflicts are centered on the development of psychological quality or failing to develop the quality of it. During this period, increasing the potential for personal growth. So is the potential for failure. From the theory of Personal and Social Development of Early Childhood Erikson’s theory is that it is appropriate in early childhood education only up to 4 stages. Phase 1. Trust vs. Mistrust occurred at the age of 0 s / d 18 months From birth to age one year and is the most basic level in life. Depends on the care of infants If the child succeeded in building trust, he will feel safe and secure in the world Phase 2. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt occurred at 18 months s / d 3 years Early childhood and focuses on the development of self-control. The use of toilet training is an important part Other important events include gaining more control over the selection of food, toys are preferred, and also the selection of clothing. Children who successfully pass this stage will feel secure and confident, While others were not enough and feel hesitant about yourself. Phase 3. Initiative vs. guilt occurred at the age of 3 s / d 5 years The pre-school age starting to show the power and control the world through live games and other social interactions. Children who succeed in this stage  feel  capable and competent in leading others. There is an increasing sense of responsibility and initiative. Those who fail to reach this stage will feel guilt, feelings of doubt, and lack of initiative. Erikson believes that most guilt can be replaced quickly by a sense of success Stage 4. Industry vs. inferiority  occurred at 6 s / d of puberty Through social interactions, children begin to develop a sense of pride in the successes and abilities. Children who are supported and directed by parents and teachers to build feeling competent and confident with the skills they have. Children who receive little or no support from parents, teachers, or peers will doubt his ability to succeed. Initiatives achieved prior to motivate them to engage with new experiences. When switched to the middle and late childhood, they direct their energies toward the mastery of knowledge and intellectual skills. Problems that can arise in primary schools is the development of low self-esteem, feelings of competence and unproductive. Erikson believes that teachers have a special responsibility for the development of children's persistence. Erikson's theory shows that a phase of development will affect the subsequent  development.  Someone who can not pass through a stage with good effect on subsequent developments. It is as if to imply that the errors that occurred at some stage  may  not  be  corrected at a later stage. The question is whether human life there is no opportunity to learn for the second time?. This question is very interesting to think about it, especially since the human essence of lifelong learning. Humans in general have always had desire to be the best. In the adult stage with a more mature concept of human thinking with the level of awareness about himself higher, humans are able to look back to try to correct the mistakes of the past into a better human future. Early Childhood Education is one form of education that focuses on laying the foundation to the growth and physical development (fine and gross motor coordination), intellect (the intellect, creativity, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence), socio-emotional (attitude and behavior as well as  religious) language  and  communication,  according to the uniqueness and the developmental stages through which early childhood. What is the difference in children who received early childhood education in a quality institution with a child who did not get early childhood education? According to Byrnes (winning the title Woman of the Year of Vitasoy in Australia) in early childhood education institutions are good, children will learn to become an independent person, strong sociable, confident, have a great curiosity, can take an idea, develop ideas, go to another school and ready to learn, quick to adapt, and eagerness to learn. Meanwhile, children who do not receive early childhood education will slow to accept anything. Children who do not receive appropriate early childhood education, would like a gasoline car that is not empty. Children who are educated early age appropriate to have a full tank, the engine will direct the way so he's in a new place. While children are not educated early age would have trouble starting the engine, would slow.’ Therefore, it is undeniable that the early childhood education is a fundamental and strategic human resource development. Once the importance of education is not  surprising that many countries are very big concern for education is up to the Indonesian government was providing free education to junior level Closing Character-Based Education as a national movement that started from the early childhood through college, the early childhood has an important factor in shaping the  character of children. Besides forming the character of early childhood, early childhood is also beneficial to the development of personal and social development. Suggest to optimize early childhood development in personal and social development are as follows: The need for educational equity, particularly at the level of formal and non formal early childhood so that all children in Indonesia aged 0-6 years in early childhood can feel formal and non formal. Educational equity in questions to multiply the formal and non formal early childhood institutions. Need to optimize early childhood socialization about personal and social development of children. It needs a curriculum that is operationally led to optimize the development of personal and social development. Curriculum should be tailored to the circumstances of each- each area related to the diversity of different traditions in Indonesia. -----ooo0ooo----- Reference  Aisyah, Siti dkk., 2007, Perkembangan dan Konsep dasar Pengembangan Anak usia Dini, (Penerbit Universiti Terbuka). 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