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Byzantine Attica. An Archaeology of Settlement and Landscape (4th-12th centuries), 2024
This book offers an archaeological, geographical and historical discussion of human settlement and activity in the Greek region of Attica during Early and Middle Byzantine times (4th to 12th centuries). In contrast to the Byzantine monuments in urban Athens, the remains of Byzantine life in rural Attica outside the renowned city have not enjoyed much scholarly attention until now. For the first time Byzantine Attica sets out to present a true regional study of Attica as a key area for understanding the transformation of the ancient Roman world to its Medieval successor in the eastern Mediterranean. Located at a crossroads for land and maritime communications, this region had a heritage of a complex administrative organization as well as multifaceted cultural and religious traditions as it participated in the broader historical developments of the transition from Antiquity to the Middle Ages in the Aegean and beyond. Moreover, from a scholarly perspective Attica stands out due to the intensive field research which has taken place in the region, starting in the 19th century and culminating since the 1960s in both systematic studies and a multitude of rescue excavations. The never before methodically inventoried data of this research form the backbone of the present volume. However, this study offers more than a groundbreaking gazetteer of Early and Middle Byzantine sites in Attica, as it also discusses settlement patterns, road communications, defensive works, religious activities and burial habits in the region between the the 4th and 12th centuries. As a major contribution to the understanding of human activity in Attica after Antiquity, this book shows the potential of longue durée regional studies for the history and archaeology of the Byzantine period in the eastern Mediterranean.
IMPERIUL FURAT #3 EVA WINNERS BLURB M-a omorât să o las în urmă. În fiecare noapte închideam ochii la imaginile cu trupul ei fără viață din spital. A doua ei șansă a venit, dar nu a fost cu mine. A fost cu fratele meu. Am vrut să-l omor și să-i iau locul. Doar că asta nu ar fi schimbat nimic. Ea mă ura. Dar apoi secretele au fost dezvăluite. Adevărul s-a transformat în ceva amar înainte de a mă elibera. Măștile au căzut. Mănușile au fost scoase. M-aș lupta pentru ea. Aș aduce-o înapoi. Aș proteja-o chiar dacă ar fi ultimul lucru pe care l-aș face. Am făcut o promisiune. Ea era a mea, iar eu eram al ei. Pentru a câștiga, aș risca totul. Inima, familia și viața mea inclusiv.
Pesquisa e Divulgação do Conhecimento em Rede, 2022
AZEVEDO, H. R. A Dinastia de Avis e o Reino Português no século XV: uma breve trajetória de pesquisa. In: Alexandra Nogueira da Silva.; Renata Cristina de S. Nascimento.; Rita de Cássia de Oliveira Reis.; Xavier Roigè. (Org.). Pesquisa e Divulgação do Conhecimento em Rede. 1ed.Goiânia: Tempestiva, 2022, v. 1, p. 107-114.
Теория моды: одежда, тело, культура , 2024
В fashion studies де Клерамбо, психиатр с громкой и скандальной славой, известен главным образом работой об «эротической страсти к текстилю» – описанием четырех его пациенток, арестованных за кражу шёлка. Об этом упоминает, в частности, Валери Стил в книге «Фетиш: мода, секс, власть». Пристрастие самого Клерамбо к драпировкам и складкам, и не только шелковым, описано в литературе по теории моды гораздо меньше. На эту страсть впервые обратили внимание после того, как стали известны сделанные им многочисленные снимки марокканцев в традиционной накидке из льна или шерсти haik (аик), которое закрывает тело и голову целиком и драпируется, образуя складки. Хотя о Клерамбо много написано, многое в его жизнь остается загадкой. Зато после его смерти психиатром заинтересовались философы. В книге «Складка. Лейбниц и барокко» (1988) Жиль Делёз отметил страсть психиатра «к складкам, заимствованным из ислама, и его странные фотографии женщин под вуалью — настоящие картины». Тем не менее, автор не стал эту страсть патологизировать: «Что бы ни говорили, они [фотографии] не свидетельствуют всего лишь о неизвестном публике извращении». Итак, что же драпировки Клерамбо могут сказать теоретикам?
International Journal of Science Education, 2024
Students often convey positive perceptions of science and scientists, although fewer express aspirations towards becoming scientists. Students’ science identities may link with wider perceptions, including what working as a scientist involves, although less research has explored these perceptions in detail. In order to gain new insights, questionnaire responses were considered from 289 school students across Year 9 to Year 13 (age 13/14 to 17/18 years old) from England and the island of Guernsey. Many students within the sample felt informed about science and scientific research and developments (67%), but fewer agreed that they saw themselves as scientists now (19%) or in the future (33%). Students’ written responses to ‘What do you think being a good scientist involves?’ were analysed and encompassed themes including: working scientifically; curiosity and discovery; determination, resilience, and perseverance; ability and understanding; interest, passion, and motivation; and openness to new ideas and different views. Some differences in the prevalence of themes were revealed across students with different characteristics, circumstances, and science identities. The findings offer new insight into students’ perceptions, to help understand how being a (good) scientist may be more or less feasible for different students.
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology , 2024
In the borderlands of south Texas, the Mexican and Mexican American social practice of naming includes the use of English-language names and nicknames, anglicized pronunciations, and English-language spellings and “misspellings,” all of which potentially index at least two historically informed perspectives: (1) the hegemonic “white gaze”; and (2) a localized, interrogating gaze. In this article, I focus on local naming practices to advance an approach to what I call semiotic whitening—the indexical linking of any phenomenon to the idealized norms of whiteness— to better understand how whiteness works from the perspective of Mexicans and Mexican Americans liv- ing in a geographic region (informed by colonial and white supremacist histories) where few white folks reside.
Speculum 93 (2018), no. 4,
Judith of West Francia is one of the most enigmatic of Charlemagne’s early descendants. The daughter of the king of West Francia and future emperor Charles the Bald and his wife Ermentrude, she was one of only a handful of Carolingian princesses who were destined for marriage. Over the course of her teenage years she married two successive kings of Wessex, became the first consecrated queen of England, was widowed twice, returned to Francia with an immense dowry, and sparked a major diplomatic incident when she eloped with a nobleman from Flanders called Baldwin. Eventually she married Baldwin in early 864, and together they established the dynasty of the counts of Flanders. In doing so the couple laid the groundwork for what would become one of the mightiest and most prestigious territorial principalities in north-western Europe in the tenth and eleventh centuries. But even in the tenth century, exceedingly few written memories of Judith’s life survived. This explains why she was never the subject of a biography in the medieval or early modern eras, and why scholarship’s understanding of her life and legacy remains highly fragmented. This volume sets the record straight, offering an accessible and interdisciplinary discussion of all relevant and documented aspects of Judith’s life and legacy.
Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 2013
volume on Ontology edited by James Miller, 2021
Однороженко О. Сфрагістичні пам’ятки Мізоцького скарбу та геральдика князів Острозьких другої половини XIV ст. // Острозька давнина. Науковий збірник. – Випуск VІІ. – Остріг, 2020. – С. 5–19
Poultry Science, 2010
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Publik, 2017
Human technology, 2009
Journal of Cancer, 2018
Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 2017