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Editorial Dilema, 2022
Alejandro Magno ha sido una de las enconadas fascinaciones de la cultura mediterránea. Sobre él se escribieron infinidad de obras publicadas al poco de su muerte y, sin embargo, la mayor parte de éstas se perdieron en el oscuro agujero del tiempo. Quizás la parte más misteriosa y desconocida de su vida sea su infancia y primera juventud, donde Alejandro debió formar su carácter y su percepción del mundo. Las fuentes que han sobrevivido hasta nosotros no son de mucha ayuda, y nos proponen un difícil puzle donde faltan la mayor parte de las piezas. El objetivo de esta obra no es el de explicar a Alejandro y sus conquistas, sino más bien tratar de dibujar, como un artista ante el reto de un retrato, una imagen del joven rey macedonio, conquistador hambriento de gloria y herido íntimamente compungido por su naturaleza efímera, que permita a quien lee imaginar el mundo en que creció Alejandro, y cómo pudo haber sido su familia, su entorno más íntimo y sus primeros años, cuando no era más que Alejandro, antes de no ser menos que el Magno.
Rumah sakit sebagai sarana pelayanan kesehatan, tempat berkumpulnya orang sakit maupun orang sehat sehingga dapat menjadi tempat penularan penyakit serta memungkinkan terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan dan gangguan kesehatan. Rumah Sakit merupakan tempat kerja yang padat karya, padat pakar, padat modal, dan padat teknologi. Sehingga bahaya potensial di Rumah Sakit yang disebabkan oleh faktor biologi, faktor kimia, faktor fisik, faktor ergonomi, faktor psikososial dapat mengakibatkan penyakit dan kecelakaan akibat kerja bagi pekerja, pengunjung, pasien dan masyarakat di lingkungan sekitar rumah sakit. Tenaga kerja salah satu aset perusahaan terutama di rumah sakit berhadapan dengan berbagai potensi bahaya kesehatan maupun kecelakaan ditempat kerjanya. Oleh karena itu tenaga kerja perlu mendapat perlindungan yang memadai dalam hal keselamatan dan kesehatannya untuk mempertahankan produktifitas kerjanya. Bahaya pekerjaan (akibat kerja), Seperti halnya masalah kesehatan lingkungan lain, bersifat akut atau kronis (sementara atau berkelanjutan) dan efeknya mungkin segera terjadi atau perlu waktu lama. Efek terhadap kesehatan dapat secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. B. Tujuan Rumah Sakit Eka selaku institusi pelayanan kesehatan dalam menjalankan kegiatan berlandaskan visi yang telah ditetapkan yaitu : Menjadi jaringan penyedia layanan kesehatan terdepan dalam melayani masyarakat dengan tulus dan sepenuh hati. Dalam upaya pencapaian visi tersebut, RS memiliki misi sebagai berikut :
Stasis, 2018
Drawing from Andrei Platonov's Chevengur, I present the figure of the comrade as the zero-level of communism. Platonov's comrades persist in a postrevolutionary zone without workers, without classes, where the remainders of the old order have nothing but each other. Their condition of deprivation, where the persistence of each depends on the persistence of all, supplies the ground upon which to build communism. The comrade is the zero-level of communism because it designates the relation between those on the same side of the struggle to produce a new set of free, just, and equal social relations, relations without exploitation. Their relation is political, divisive. And it is intimate, intertwined with the sense of how desperately each depends upon the other if all are to persevere. I test this account of the comrade through the counter-intuitive case of the
First of all, before going any further in this report it is important to situate ourselves. What is our market ? How is it going ? Who are the major stakeholders in this market ? Do we have a specific period in which we are interrested ? In fact the report is oriented on the strategic position that starbucks played in 2010. It therefore important to know how was this market 4 years ago. Which mean starbucks , mean coffee it is therefore the reason why it exist. All the company is based on this market. Coming precisely to this market, coffee, «Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages. Gross imports of all types of coffee have quadrupled from 33 million bags in 1949 to 132 million bags in 2010.» (ITC, 2011). According to ITC (International Trade Center) for the year 2010/11 it is estimated that the world’s consumption of cofee is estimated to be 130,900,000 bags. Of this total, 69.4 million bags have been consumed in the importing countries members of the OIC, 20.5 million bags were consumed in the countries who do not members of OIC, and the 41.0 million remaining bags have been consumed in the countries of the producers. The market of coffee roasted and ground is dominated by large multinational companies. It is always interesting to see how is the market in which we work at a worldwide scale. Because we may export or expand our market share on an international scale. In fact, it is already the case for starbucks, the brand is already present in more than 150 countries. But for the moment we will concentrate on the American industry. It has all started there for the brand. First of all we are going to highlight the Key Driving Forces through an analysis both internal and external.
RAFFAELLO A PESCIA UN EPISODIO RINASCIMENTALE, UN TERRITORIO, UNA CITTÀ, a cura di Emanuele Barletti e Anna Bisceglia, pp. 133-152, 2023
Nuove indagini alla Madonna del Baldacchino di Raffaello e rilettura di quelle del 1990, alla luce delle conoscenze sulla tecnica dell'artista raccolte in questi 33 anni presso l'Opificio delle Pietre Dure; e grazie alla nuova strumentazione tecnico-scientifica a disposizione. Alcuni spunti di rilettura dei documenti noti e prospettive di ricerca future.
Ce document présente quelques définitions des concepts clés de la stratigraphie et des sujets d’examens résolus. Ces sujets sont pour la plupart les archives des examens regroupées au fil des ans pendant les sessions d’examens à la Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de l'Université Marien NGOUABI. Ces sujets avaient souvent été traités en commun, avec les membres du CARS. Depuis la nuit des temps, les étudiants régulièrement inscrits à la Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de l'Université Marien NGOUABI ont du mal à comprendre et à résoudre les sujets d’examens mis à leur disposition, pendant les sessions d’examens. C'est dans cette optique que nous avons mis toute notre expérience et expertise en place afin d'élaborer ce fascicule qui leur servira de guide. Ce fascicule a pour objectif de faire acquérir, aux étudiant(e)s de deuxième année de géologie, les connaissances de base dans la résolution des sujets de stratigraphie.
OVERVIEW: Stuart Hall, one of the recognized founders of cultural studies, posed a question that provides an ideal starting point for this course as an introduction to the field: "Against the urgency of people dying in the streets, what in God's name is the point of cultural studies?...At that point, I think anybody who is into cultural studies seriously as an intellectual practice, must feel, on their pulse, its ephemerality, its insubstantiality, how little it registers, how little we've been able to change anything or get anybody to do anything. If you don't feel that as one tension in the work that you are doing, theory has let you off the hook." Hall's idea that integral to cultural studies is a political and ethical mandate to " change anything " squarely places cultural studies within the domain of critical theory, which has for long provided a pillar to the humanities as central to a model of higher education that is now being slowly dismantled by the neoliberal corporate academia. That notion of the humanities has, on the other hand, reflected the assumptive logics of modern humanism as the dominant cognitive framework within which, among other intellectual endeavors, critical theory has emerged. Humanism is, in fact, predicated upon the Human intended both as the subject of critical theory and the beneficiary of its emancipatory aspirations. Trying to answer Hall's question (" what is the point of cultural studies? ") invites therefore reflection on the critical intersections between cultural studies as a form of knowledge and the human(ist) projects sustaining the now beleaguered humanities. The aim of this course is to provide opportunities, theoretical approaches, and conceptual tools for this type of reflection. The course's topics and readings are therefore loosely organized around few questions: What is the " human " in the humanities? What are the potentialities, effects, constraints, and omissions inherent in the grounding of critical and cultural theory in the " human " ? How do concepts and insights in critical theory invest and define cultural studies? How are such entanglements questioned by writers, voices, and approaches that challenge humanism and its universalist claims by exposing its affinities with coercive and violent processes of colonialism, enslavement, racialized oppression, indigenous displacement, economic exploitation, gendered domination, and environmental devastation? We will, in other words, subject critical theory and cultural studies to the unflinching scrutiny demanded by, in Hall’s words, “people dying in the streets”. The invitation, in the opening quote, to consider the World’s violence and lethality as questions that unsettle Human cultural agency and capacity will also require you to think on whether what is here at stake are mostly injuries on a generic humanity, or rather the perpetuation of a more structural violence that, at variance with humanist universalism, has torn humanity apart or, more precisely, defined humanity as the (white and male) point of enunciation and organization of global social and cultural hierarchies. It is along these lines that cultural theory has been affected by the work of scholars, especially prominent in Black studies and radical theories of race, pointing out that the World the human/ities made exists in fact, to use Saidiya Hartman’s expression, in the “afterlife of [Black] slavery” and, as Christina Sharpe writes, “in the wake” of its “ongoing disasters”. The course will pay specific attention to these lines of inquiry since they have uniquely confronted cultural studies and critical theory in their very intellectual foundations (even requiring, in Sylvia Wynter’s words, a “rewriting of knowledge” beyond the humanities’ current epistemic framework), making such approaches eminently suitable to an introductory graduate course. The course is driven by questions and concepts, rather than canonical authors and schools of thoughts. Weekly discussions will invite you to think through a set of key terms in the humanities and cultural theory by addressing authors and readings that, in conversation or opposition with one another, address those terms from various critical and meta-critical standpoints. “Meta-critical” (in the sense of “critique of the critique”, so to speak) broadly refers, for our purposes, to interventions that do not necessarily proceed from the assumed coherence of categories (like race, gender, class, nation, agency, and culture itself) informing critical theory as a human/ist capacity, but rather position those categories along the problematic divide—often ignored by critical theory itself—between the human/ist subject and those whose humanity and subjecthood are removed or curtailed. The core expectation underlying this course is that you will reflect on the questions and debates raised in class with a view at defining (or revising and refining) your intellectual and scholarly interests, as well as specific empirical questions of your research, by considering these broader theoretical challenges. You should also be able to acquire a complex perspective on the concepts we shall discuss, with a view to their deployment in your own work.
Bibliography of Byzantine Law B. Articles on Roman and Byzantine Law, History and Culture. Fourth, augmented edition, 2024
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Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2021
Новый исторический вестник, 2024
newsletter di L. Porpora, 2023
Φιλολογική, τεύχος 164-165, 2023
Cybercrime and its Victims, 2017
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2014
Twenty-Third Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2007), 2007
Frontiers in Genetics, 2020
Geologica Acta, 2012
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, 2001
European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 2018
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2009
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2020