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DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/P5U3J | ENRM Articles Personal Journal, University of the Philippines, 2019
An essay article paper provided the reaction to the concept of culture as a system interrelated and interactive parts of society. However, culture can be defined through the lesson provided me with additional insights about how and why people behave so differently in different cultures like with the Nacireman society, which is a horrible and harsh practice. The “Nacirema” is an example of how extreme human behavior can become within the society of the perspective that somehow can affect the perception of other culture as we have experiences in the reflection of today's generation. Moreover, the concept of culture provides additional insights into how and why people behave differently in different cultures. However, with the Body Ritual among the Nacirema, Miner, want to emphasized who they are and allow others to visualize of the distinctive cultures which was narrowminded and defectiveness when compared in today's generation we have now.
The study tries to explain a clear understanding of rituals, religion and secular practices in society. It begins by stating the meaning of Ritual, Religion, and Secular; Ritual Too often, the word "ritual" is abused because a ritual considers that it does not rely on the repetition of action but also needs other factors. The definitions provided by anthropologists of the word "rite" are often very contrasting. The rite has the prerogative of being plastic and adapting to social change, and for this reason, every author has a distinct definition. The concept of ritual, if it was only part of the primitive and exotic societies that are now part of the contemporary world, rites are part of the communities because they need a lot of symbolization.The term "rite" comes from the Latin word ‘ritus’ that mean ritual. It is from this that many anthropologists have developed different definitions.
The theme of this special issue of the Romanian Journal of Sociology (Revista română de sociologie) – Transformation of Traditional Rituals – is derived from a panel convened at the 12th congress of the Société International d’Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF), held in Zagreb last June. The volume presents a collection of papers which were part of this panel (one of two panels organized by the SIEF working group on The Ritual Year). Rituals are commonly associated with unchangeable human behaviour. Despite this, there are numerous examples that prove the contrary. Rituals do transform in response to particular circumstances, or as a direct consequence of social change. Examples of traditional rituals which have been transformed are the subject of the articles included in this volume. The texts have been compiled into three sections: Rituals Confronted with Modernity, Rediscovery and Transformation of Rituals, and Rituals in Evolution. Two papers on Religion in Romania, in addition to Academic life and Book reviews, complete this special issue.
Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 1990
Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis
Most of the previously practiced methods of investigating the shamanic rite have only shown half the picture. For a deeper understanding, it is also necessary to examine the rite's content. Taking the shaman's point of view into consideration, listening to how the shaman describes his experiences, and honoring that description as valid, is the first step.The work of the shaman has always been a matter of experience, experience which outside observers could not accept as being "real" because of their own limited understanding of reality, and so they labeled it as religious faith, imagination, beliefs, superstitions, insanity, or even play-acting.
Theorizing Rituals: Vol I: Issues, Topics, Approaches, Concepts, edited by Jens Kreinath, Jan Snoek and Michael Stausberg, xiii–xxv. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2006
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