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Libro Biología Molecular Básica
Les comparto un libro de biología molecular básica para apoyo escolar o didáctico. Con temas relevantes en el mundo de la biología molecular.
Resumen La medicina molecular, la medicina genómica, la farmacogenómica el diagnóstico molecular y la terapia génica han sido el resultado del impacto de la biología molecular en las ciencias médicas. Estas áreas de la investigación biomédica han permitido el avance en el conocimiento de la patogenia de los padecimientos humanos, el desarrollo de novedosas estrategias terapéuticas (como es el caso de la medicina del RNA), el mejoramiento de tratamientos farmacológicos y la implementación de métodos diagnósticos precisos. Abstract Molecular medicine, genomic medicine, pharmacogenomics, molecular diagnosis and gene therapy resulted from the impact of molecular biology on medical sciences. These biomedical research areas have a strong impact in the knowledge of the pathological basis of human diseases, the development of new therapeutic strategies (like RNA medicine), the improvement of pharmacological therapies and the implementation of accurate diagnostic methods.
Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 2012
This article engages with one of the current critical and bibliographical concerns of Shakespeare studies: the collaborative nature of Shakespeare’s work. Bibliographers have identified other hands in the fabric of Shakespeare’s plays. Here the focus is Shakespeare’s collaboration in the plays of others. Three such instances will be examined; The Book of Sir Thomas More, The Spanish Tragedy and The Chronicle History of King Lear. Substantially different as these cases may be, in all of them Shakespeare is working with the materials of others. Shakespeare’s King Lear is an adaptation of the older Leir play performed by the Queen’s Men and in that sense it is a deeply collaborative work. As this essay concludes, without a model there would be nothing to stimulate, or provoke or exceed.
Revista CoPaLa/Red de Pensamiento Decolonial, 2019
Journal of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology, 2007
Roba di Geometria Differenziale, 2020
Roerstreek Jaarboek 2023, 2023
Contact Dermatitis, 1996
Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, 1992
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2012
Augustiniana 74 (2024), 1-2
Scientific Reports, 2021
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 2011
Przegląd Geopolityczny, 2014