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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 3, May 2018 RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS Co-Working Space Preference Based on Interior Design : The Case of Surabaya Co-Working Space Drestanti Inggar K.1, Arina Hayati 2, M. Faqih 3 (Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Planning, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya – Indonesia) Abstract: Co-working space has grown rapidly around the world over the last 10 years. Co-working space is becoming increasingly popular as the informal creative industry is growing. These creative industry players tend to like dynamics and flexibility. Co-Working Space is an ideal place for growing Start-Ups in Indonesia, beginner entrepreneurs or growing SMEs, and the joint venue is the real entrepreneurial marketing. In Surabaya, the annual growth of office rent demand index is the most superior among the other cities. It shows that Surabaya has the growth of commercial property, especially the largest leased offices in terms of supply and demand among other major cities in Indonesia. This research identifies the preference of co-working space in Surabaya based on the interior of the room which is applied by grouping some co-working with a similar interior design. The data isthen analyzed by using data sorting method to know its preference. From the interim results of this study, co-working space users in Surabaya tend to use co-working with motivation to find work atmosphere that can support and prefer to choose co-working space with the minimalist style of Scandinavian’s interior design. The results of this research is useful for co-working developers in Surabaya to develop their business and for innovation for co-working development management. Keywords — preference, co-working,, Surabaya, interior design. I. INTRODUCTION The development of Start-Up in Indonesia makes the demand for co-working space, is increasing (indotimes.co.id, 2017).Co-working spaces are generally understood to be shared workplaces where freelancers and entrepreneurs can rent and use desks or work areas by paying membership fees. Co-working space is becoming increasingly popular as the informal creative industry is growing.Location is not the most important factor in the selection of inhabiting the rental office, but there are several other factors considered by the company in determining decision making in inhabiting the office (Higgins, 2000 and Sing, 2004).According to data compiled by Co-working Indonesia Association and Lab Kinetic, in the last three years the number of co-working space in Indonesia grew 410% (nationalgeographic.grid.id, 2018).As of July 2017 there are 123 co-working space in 25 locations throughout Indonesia, mostly in Jakarta (38 spaces) and Bandung (19 ISSN: 2395-1303 spaces).Trend of office model or work space in Surabaya City also increasingly leads to the concept of Co-Working Space in line with the development of social life and technology.The city planning observer from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Johan Silas, said that the cycle of work-way and co-working space work space is also occurring abroad, where people are now inclined to form communities to be creative (seruindonesia.com, 2017).In addition, the annual growth of the office rent demand index of Surabaya City is also the most superior among other cities that is equal to 9.21%.To note in Surabaya,several co-working spaces haveexisted and growth such as Nin3 Space on Jl Ketintang Madya, Revio on Jl. Kaliwaron, SUB. Coworking space on Jl. Darmo Harapan Surabaya Barat, Regus Surabaya at Sinar Mas Land Plaza, Forward Factory at Spazio Building, and Creative Building - Digital Hub on Jl. Manyar Tirtomoyo. http://www.ijetjournal.org Page 513 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 3, May 2018 With the growing number and the proliferation of rental offices with the concept of co-working in Surabaya, the design concept that suits to the needs and users’ preference will be essensial for its marketing developmet. Thus, this research is important to identify the preference of co-working space based on the interior of the room and to identify the motivation of the users using co-working in Surabaya. C. Characteristics of Co-working Space User According to Angel Kwiatkowski and Beth Buczynski (2011), the group of co-working space users consists of self-employed, freelancers, entrepreneurs, company employees, and students. II. LITERATURE STUDIES This chapter discusses the theories related to the purpose of research and how it supports the theoritical framework. Theories that areexplained include the theory of co-working space, characteristics of co-working users, theory of preferences, co-working space interior design, Fig. 1 Co-working Space UserCharacteristic environmental-behavioral studies, and consumer D. Factors Affecting Co-working Space Users decision-making behavior. Leforestier (2009) identifies the following coA. Co-Working Space working elements: community, advice, support, Co-working space is a shared workplace used by promotion, mentors, and co-workers. In addition, professionals from various fields. Most of them are Kojo et al. Addresses service factors through user freelancers and include those who want to eliminate experiences such as "Sense of welcome", the loneliness of working alone in their homes and "Possibility of double function in the room", start communication with specialists from different "Informality and convenience", "Inspiration and knowledge industries. Co-working space is the facilitation", and "Narrative space constant". Seo et place to get things done - in particular, the work of al. (2015) have found important elements of coknowledge or services that come from outside the working space such as "Co-working management", site in other intersecting activities (Foertsch, C, "Membership management" and "Supporting 2011). management". B. Co-working Space Characteristic Fig. 2 Co-working Value Model (Seo et al.) Kwiatkowski and Buczynski (2011) have developed five core values that reflect the coworking philosophy and can be considered a characteristic of co-working. The following core values can be divided into: • Collaboration :the desire to work with others to create shared values. • Openness :sharing ideas, information, and people freely. • Community : group with a common goal and share thoughts about co-working. • Accessibility : co-working space is accessible, both socially and economically, for each type of worker. • Sustainability : resources are used together, which bring economic and ecological benefits. ISSN: 2395-1303 http://www.ijetjournal.org Page 514 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 3, May 2018 E. Co-working Space’s Interior Design The main purpose of interior design is to create a comfortable space atmosphere for its users. The atmosphere of space in interior design can emerge because it is formed by the elements that make up it, namely (Ching, 1996 and Kugler, 2007): • Space • Texture • Line • Form • Lighting • Colour • Temperature • Sound • Freshness / Enjoyable • Architectural Style satisfactory for them in meeting the needs (Engel et al., 1994; Lamb et al., 2001). III. METHODS Based on the purpose of the research,this researchuses the method of sorting data with a quantitative approach, which aims to determine the design preference and user motivation using coworking space in Surabaya. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted by collecting primary data such as observations and questionnaires took directly from the object of research. After obtaining the sample of co-working space in Surabaya, then the data is grouped into several co-working which have interior design and similar atmosphere then creates effective questionnaire for targeted respondents. The data then is analyzed using the method of F. Consumer Preferences to determine its preference. Environmental-behaviour studies (EBS) are sorting data Fig. 3 Relationship of Research Variables studies that study the relationship between human behaviour toward the environment. According Rapoport (2005) human mechanism to identify the phenomenon that occurs among others, such as Phsycology, Perception, Anatomy, Cognition, Feeling, Evaluation, Attitude and Action, Proponent and Meaning. EBS factors that can affect the user when determining his preference such as physiology, perception, and meaning. Preference is defined as a tendency towards something or preferences (Alwi, 2002). Also defined as a right that must take precedences over others. Porteus in Nursasandhari (2009) defines preferences as the tendency of consumers in making decisions to choose a thing they think is more favourable than others. According Nurzukhrufa (2014) perceptions that consumers have on something will form a RESULT preference. In addition to the perception, consumers IV. preferences in choosing an office also related to To facilitate the analysis in this research, the consumer expectations of something he likes. authors take a case study of co-working space in G. Consumer Decision Making Surabaya. The selection of Surabaya city as a case Consumer behaviour is a matter of consumer- study is considered feasible because the city of generated decision as a dynamic interaction Surabaya is the second largest city in Indonesia and between the influence of thoughts, behaviours, and has a high growth rate of office rental demand and events around (Peter and Olson, 2000).Consumer has a growing start-up growth. behavior is also defined as a consumer activity that The following is a list of co-working space data is directly involved in obtaining, consuming and found in Surabaya: consuming services or products that are considered ISSN: 2395-1303 http://www.ijetjournal.org Page 515 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 3, May 2018 TABLE I LIST OF SPACE CO-WORKING IN SURABAYA (SOURCE: AN AUTHOR ANALYSIS, 2018) No. Name of co-working Location space in Surabaya city 1. SUB Co Co-working Raya Darmo street area Space 2. SKALE Creative Sono Kembang street area Space 3. Revio Space Kaliwaron street area 4. KORIDOR Co- Siola Building, 3rd floor, working Space Tunjungan street area Satu Atap Co- Pacar street area 5. working Space and Food St 6. SUB Co. 2.0 Darmo Harapan I street area 7. DiLo ITS Keputih, Sukolilo area 8. SUB Co. SPAZIO Mayjen Yono Suwoyo Sample of Co-working Space in Surabaya After obtaining the primary data in the form of co-working space in Surabaya, the authors do field observations and take sample data of some coworking space in Surabaya. A. Co-working Sample Grouping In accordance with the applied Interior Style Co-working space sample data has been obtained by the author through direct observation then grouped based on the application of the interior style of the room applied by the co-working. From 9 (nine) samples of co-working space in Surabaya obtained, can be concluded some interior design styles of room applied, among others, are: • Minimalist – Scandinavian • Industrial • Modern Contemporary • Colonial Modern Of the nine sample co-working space if grouped into 4 styles of interior design applied then obtained the data as follows: street area 9. C2O Library & Doktor Cipto street area Collabtive 10. 11. Viri Office Space, Raya Darmo Permai III Co-working & Cafe street Surabaya Creative Darmo, Wonokromo area Hub. 12. Qubicle Suropati 84 Untung Suropati street area 13. Regus Surabaya Pemuda street area 14. Hive & Co. Co- Ngagel Jaya street area working Space Surabaya ISSN: 2395-1303 http://www.ijetjournal.org Page 516 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 3, May 2018 TABLE III SAMPLE CO-WORKING SPACE BASED INTERIOR STYLE (SOURCE: Based on the literature studydiscussed in the previous chapter, then the motivation of society or consumer using co-working space can be devoted to 5 main point, that are: 1. To find a place to work outdoors / other than at home. 2. To get a different atmosphere/supportive and innovative. 3. To seek / increase networking / cooperation with fellow entrepreneurs. 4. Flexibility 5. Looking for a workplace at an affordable price. C. Preparation of Questionnaire After obtaining the grouping based on the applied interior design style and identifying the motivation of co-working space users in Surabaya, the next step is pouring the classification into a questionnaire which then be disseminated to the respondents of co-working users in Surabaya. The questionnaire consists of twoquestions, the first question is the sequence of co-working with the most preferred interior style to be disliked and the second question is the motivation of respondents using co-working space. Respondents were asked to answer the first question by sorting by 1 to 9 from the co-working drawing with the most preferred interior style up to the least favourable. And the second question is answered by using the numbers 1 to 3 in the sequence of motivation that most appropriate with respondents to use co-working space in Surabaya. D. Data Analysis AN AUTHOR ANALYSIS, 2018) B. Translation of Co-working Space User Motivation in From the questionnaires obtained, the data of coworking preferences based on the interior design of the room and the motivation of the users can be Surabaya processed as follows: ISSN: 2395-1303 http://www.ijetjournal.org Page 517 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 3, May 2018 Chart. 1 Co-working Preference based on Interior Room Design Chi-Square Tests Asymptotic Significance Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases df (2-sided) a 9 ,683 6,833 9 ,655 ,036 1 ,849 6,563 15 a. 16 cells (100,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,07. Chart. 2 Co-working Preference based on User Motivation To see the relationship between the influence of motivation on user co-working Interior style preferences, the data is tested with SPSS crosstabulation. Theresult shows that users with motivation to use co-working to find a supportive atmosphere are likely to choose co-working with minimalist Scandinavian interior style. Together with various characteristics of multitenant offices (location, office exterior and division, office décor and facilities and services), which are derived from previous research (Leesman, 2013; Liebregts, 2013; Van Susante, 2014; Hartog,2015), the typical characteristics of coworking spaces are developed. From the analysis results can be seen that co-working user tend to choose co-working with minimalist - Scandinavian design, because of the room are clean, simple, and use bright color can bring up some value expected in a co-working. The openness, accessibility or amenity accessibility coworking users without any social and economic limitations and collaboration, and users can also freely collaborate with other co-working users. Thus co-working users will be more productive in their work (Kwiatkowski and Buczynski, 2011) V. CONCLUSIONS This preliminary research has identified that coworking space users in Surabaya choose to use coworking with motivation to find work atmosphere with atmosphere and atmosphere that support and prefer to use co-working space that applies interior design with the minimalist style of Scandinavian. The results of this research can be useful for coworking developers in Surabaya to develop their business and for innovation for co-working development management.This study was conducted as a preliminary study for further research on co-working space design preference and marketing strategy in Surabaya. Chart.3 relationship between the influence of motivation on co-working user preference ISSN: 2395-1303 http://www.ijetjournal.org Page 518 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 3, May 2018 REFERENCES 1. Foertsch, C. 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