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Understanding the Conspiracy of MuralGate “MuralGate” refers to the allegations of antisemitism that dogged Labour and especially Jeremy Corbyn when it was revealed in March that he seemed to approve of an antisemitic mural in 2012. Early on it was countered that this fabrication of outrage was a conspiracy (rather than a “Last Straw” to which exasperated Jews said “enough is enough”). This new analysis substantially vindicates the conspiracy theory. 1. By closely examining the number of “comments” on the screenshots of the incriminating images taken from the Facebook page I show that the shots were taken in 2012 – though only published for the first time in 2015, and that the 2018 image used was a composite. 2. By closely examining the tweets of the person concerned who re-released the data, and who accidentally published himself playing guitar at his wedding to @absoluteradio, I identify @CQuilty52 (his name, address, alter-egos, and so on). 3. By collecting and sequencing @CQuilty52’s relations with: (a) other antisemitism activists (and Douglas K Murray), (b) significant journalists (Nick Cohen, Isabel Hardman, Dan Hodges, Melanie Philips, and Guido Fawkes), (c) the Jewish establishment (BDBJs and JLC), (d) politicians especially Luciana Berger, I provide an account of @CQuilty52’s role in what was a carefully planned plot. 4. I show that @CQuilty52 is a “friend” of David Baddiel and David Schneider and look at their role in this story. 5. I provide highly probable reasons for thinking that @CQuilty52 was behind Guido Fawkes’ revelations regarding Naz Shah (2016), the coordination of the two inquiries into social media, the pressurising of the Jewish establishment, and liaison with politicians in the plot. 6. By examining at deliberate silences and feigned ignorance, I construct an argument that shows how an artificial calm was created before an artificial storm, one which implicates Luciana Berger, Sajid Javid and others (in setting up the antisemitism debate in April) but which was probably planned in February. 7. I decisively undermine the “authorised version,” the myth of the last straw, for example, by showing how the “enough is enough” narrative was already being constructed two weeks before enough officially became enough. 8. I probe the relations between others such as Alex Rubner and Victoria Freeman, Sarah (daughter of Baroness) Deech and others who appear in this story giving reasons why one but not the others was involved. 9. I give a brief but telling analysis of the comparable figure, Shai Masot, whose tweets show a similar concern to undermine critics of Israel by infiltrating UK politics. 10. On the balance of probabilities I argue that such also were the motives of the plotters. The essay has six parts. In the first I examine the visual images that permit me to “carbon date” the time of capture. In the second I identify the alter egos of the chief protagonist and give an ideal type for his role (“The Production Manager”). In the third I look at the strategy and tactics of the Production Manager including the feigned ignorance of Corbyn’s comment and, as well, I undermine the opposing narrative. This permits a fourth part in which I present an informed sequence of events. The fifth and concluding part considers motive. Part six is an appendix taking the form of a time line which, with some repetition, assembles key events (with endnotes now as opposed to footnotes).

MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Understanding the Conspiracy of MuralGate “MuralGate” refers to the allegations of antisemitism that dogged Labour and especially Jeremy Corbyn when it was revealed in March that he seemed to approve of an antisemitic mural in 2012. Early on it was countered that this fabrication of outrage was a conspiracy (rather than a “Last Straw” to which exasperated Jews said “enough is enough”). This new analysis substantially vindicates the conspiracy theory. 1. By closely examining the number of “comments” on the screenshots of the incriminating images taken from the Facebook page I show that the shots were taken in 2012 – though only published for the first time in 2015, and that the 2018 image used was a composite. 2. By closely examining the tweets of the person concerned who re-released the data, and who accidentally published himself playing guitar at his wedding to @absoluteradio, I identify @CQuilty52 (his name, alter-egos, and so on). 3. By collecting and sequencing @CQuilty52’s relations with: (a) other antisemitism activists (and Douglas K Murray), (b) significant journalists (Nick Cohen, Isabel Hardman, Dan Hodges, Melanie Philips, and Guido Fawkes), (c) the Jewish establishment (BDBJs and JLC), (d) politicians especially Luciana Berger, I provide an account of @CQuilty52’s role in what was a carefully planned plot. 4. I show that @CQuilty52 is a “friend” of David Baddiel and David Schneider and look at their role in this story. 5. I provide highly probable reasons for thinking that @CQuilty52 was behind Guido Fawkes’ revelations regarding Naz Shah (2016), the coordination of the two inquiries into social media, the pressurising of the Jewish establishment, and liaison with politicians in the plot. 6. By examining at deliberate silences and feigned ignorance, I construct an argument that shows how an artificial calm was created before an artificial storm, one which implicates Luciana Berger, Sajid Javid and others (in setting up the antisemitism debate in April) but which was probably planned in February. 7. I decisively undermine the “authorised version,” the myth of the last straw, for example, by showing how the “enough is enough” narrative was already being constructed two weeks before enough officially became enough. 8. I probe the relations between others such as Alex Rubner and Victoria Freeman, Sarah (daughter of Baroness) Deech and others who appear in this story giving reasons why one but not the others was involved. 9. I give a brief but telling analysis of the comparable figure, Shai Masot, whose tweets show a similar concern to undermine critics of Israel by infiltrating UK politics. 10. On the balance of probabilities I argue that such also were the motives of the plotters. The essay has six parts. In the first I examine the visual images that permit me to “carbon date” the time of capture. In the second I identify the alter egos of the chief protagonist and give an ideal type for his role (“The Production Manager”). In the third I look at the strategy and tactics of the Production Manager including the feigned ignorance of Corbyn’s comment and, as well, I undermine the opposing narrative. This permits a fourth part in which I present an informed sequence of events. The fifth and concluding part considers motive. Part six is an appendix taking the form of a time line which, with some repetition, assembles key events (with endnotes now as opposed to footnotes). 1 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Part 1 In the ideal detective story the reader is given all the clues yet fails to spot the criminal. He may advert to each clue as it arises. He needs no further clues to solve the mystery. Yet he can remain in the dark for the simple reason that reaching the solution is not the mere apprehension of any clue, not the memory of all, but a quite distinct activity of organizing intelligence that places the full set of clues in a unique and explanatory perspective.1 The Production of an Incriminating Image In March 2018 an image caught the eye of a politician. Luciana Berger noticed a tweet from Clare Quilty (whose twitter handle is @CQuilty52) showing that the Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn had commented on Facebook in reply to the destruction of a mural by Mear One back in 2012. This first part of our inquiry is about the production of that image. In this section we shall try to demarcate our work sharply, for there are many interesting questions we must set aside. Thus, we are not asking about the meaning of the image or Corbyn’s reply, whether it outrageously connotes antisemitism, say, or why the image was re-released when it was. These are important questions to which others may return, and to which we will return later on. But they do not pertain to our present inquiry, which is a matter of assuming the role, not the judge, nor the jury, nor the prosecution, nor the defence, but of the detective. So, we are trying to find out who, when, and how this image came into existence. This is our job, our specialty, so to speak, and we will try not to encroach on distinct inquiries. In later parts our values will become more prominent – so that our judgement will then be exercised in a different manner. To proceed with our current task, first, we must gather some data, to which we shall attend carefully. Curiosity will throw up certain questions, and these will lead to the attempt to understand in a coherent manner. We will be constantly trying to reflect on our theories in order that our judgements may be reasonable, and we must acknowledge that at times those judgements may only be probable rather than certain. 1 Bernard Lonergan, Insight: A Study of Human Understanding, ed. Frederick E. Crowe and Robert M. Doran, CW 3 (Toronto: University of Toronto, 1992) 3. 2 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 The Data First of all, we present Quilty’s image. This was tweeted in a reply to @GuidoFawkes who had also tweeted in the early hours of March 22nd. Quilty tweeted at 5.06 am (Fig. 1)2: Fig. 1 This is a little clearer in Fig. 2: Fig. 2 2 https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/976792191136948226?lang=en 3 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 And we have focussed on the number of comments in Fig. 3: Fig. 3 And using “Ying” to extract the comments of Yvonne Ridley and Jeremy Corbyn we can see how long ago they commented in Fig. 4: Fig. 4 4 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Now, as a matter of fact, by November 2015 at least two people had seen this image and had complained to @jeremycorbyn and @UKLabour. Sarah Deech (who tweets as @Londonette) reminded us of this in a tweet of 20183 presented in Fig. 5: Fig. 5 We home in to the comments total at the bottom of the image used in November 2015 (by Deech to complain to Corbyn) in Fig. 6: Fig. 6 3 https://twitter.com/londonette/status/662610703262621696 5 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 And also the shot of the two-and-a-little-bit comments (Fig. 7): Fig. 7 Despite Deech’s claim, we could find not “Many, many” tweets to @jeremycorbyn or @UKLabour; in fact, we found just two. One of our searches is presented in Fig. 8: Fig. 8 6 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Deech had tweeted at 4.41 am November 6th, 2015 on the same day that Marcus Dysch, in the Jewish Chronicle, had covered the Corbyn story.4 We do not present an image of the mural, though we remark that in the image presented by the Jewish Chronicle no comments total is shown. The Chronicle also displayed Corbyn’s comment with Ridley’s (see Fig. 9): Fig. 9 4 https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/did-jeremy-corbyn-back-artist-whose-mural-was-condemned-asantisemitic-1.62106 7 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Prior to this date a few comments were made to Facebook, comments, indeed, that were liked by Deech. Thus, Fig. 10 shows who liked Elliot James Eastwick’s comment: 8 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 shows some of those who liked Tarik Cherkaoui’s comment: Fig. 11 9 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Fig. 12 shows some commentators posting in September 2015: Fig. 12 10 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 However, Clare Quilty had noticed the comments prior to November, for he had tweeted both @DouglasKMurray (presented in Fig. 13)5: Fig. 13 And before that Quilty had notified @NickCohen4, presented in (Fig. 14)6: Fig. 14 5 6 https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/652448142974132224 https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/651403403956998144 11 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Earlier still, on October 4th, @TwllDun had a blog titled “Socialism of Fools” in which he had seized upon Corbyn’s comment.7 Again, it is presented alongside Ridley’s in Fig. 15: Fig. 15 This seems to be the earliest publication of an image we can find that concerns Corbyn’s comment, for we found nothing on the Facebook page, Everyday Antisemitism; and @JComm_NewsFeeds only 7 https://medium.com/@twlldun/the-socialism-of-fools-cb3426fc10bf 12 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 reported after the Chronicle did. We pass over the CST report of antisemitic incidents in 2012,8 and the original story of the destruction of the mural in the Chronicle, covered by Dysch at the time, which make no mention of Corbyn, and which seem to have no record of the number of comments accrued. I shall, however, present (in Fig. 16) a recent screen shot I took in June 2018 of the page that now has 218 comments, 19 of which are named: Fig. 16 8 https://cst.org.uk/data/file/4/1/Antisemitic-Discourse-Report-2012.1425052041.pdf. Baroness Deech is a trustee of the CST https://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/standards-and-financial-interests/houseof-lords-commissioner-for-standards-/register-of-lords-interests/?letter=D 13 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Although it is possible to access more comments (including Corbyn’s), unfortunately, only 195 are listed, from “Damien Matter” to “June May.” These details are not presented in full, though I shall present those immediately before Giana Lawrence in Fig. 17 with the earliest (Marylou Marais) at the top: Fig. 17 14 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 15 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Carbon Dating the Materials Let us now interrogate these images. It might seem as though @TwllDun was the first to notice Corbyn’s comment as he or she had commented first. However, this need not be so as @TwllDun may have been supplied by @CQuilty52 or @MarcusDysch (to use their Twitter handles). Even if the data appeared later, it might have been captured prior to October 4th – and then adapted. To get some insight into who originally produced the image re-deployed by @CQuilty52 we can attend to the number of comments shown on the shots. This should tell us when they were taken for, as indicated, by June 2018 the same page now shows 216 comments (Fig. 16). As we have seen @CQuilty52’s shot showed 192 comments (Fig. 3) and Deech/Dysch’s shot showed 197 (Figs. 5 & 7, and especially, Fig. 6). Unfortunately, this puzzle is trickier than it looks, and we must explicate our assumptions so that others may check our results. In the first place, we assume that a Facebook comment is not the same as a comment (or reply) made in the “Shares” (the number shown in 2018 is “443”). One reason for confidence here is that some “sharers” are the very same as the commentators listed, e.g. “Love Truth Devotion” appears in both lists. Second, we assume that Facebook groups together repeated comments from one commentator, so again, “Love Truth Devotion” (who made eight comments in the comment section) only counts as one of the 216 comments. Naturally enough, and in the third place, we rely on Facebook to list comments chronologically. We also assume that in 2015 Facebook used essentially the same system as it does now to record the times of comments, so that only when comments are very recent the exact date is given. Finally, although we are sure that some comments are invisible, whether because Facebook ignores what it regards as irrelevant, or for the sake of privacy, or because the comment has been deleted, or for some other reason, we assume that the last 19 comments made are those shown in the list in Fig. 16. This yields a table in which we add the order in which some of the commentators’ commented, and also time at which they did so (in Fig. 18): Fig. 18 Order of Comment 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 Commentator Marylou Marais Martin Kershaw NoIt’sMe Fal Ttd Jack Cade Arsala Khan Kaka Carlo Sardhouse Fanny Lance Hadley Giana Lawrence Time of Comment Oct 8, 2012 at 8.05 am Oct 8, 2012 at 8.17 am Oct 8, 2012 at 11.22 am Oct 13, 2012 at 6.00 am Oct 19, 2012 at 8.58 pm Oct 24, 2012 at 7.44 pm Nov 8, 2012 at 8.49 am Dec 19, 2012 at 4.44 am Now, having made our assumptions we deduce that the Dysch/Deech image was constructed with materials captured after comment 197 but before 198, that is, between November 8th 2012 and December 19th 2012 while the materials of Quilty’s image was even earlier, after 192 but before 193, that is, on October 8th before noon – just one week after Corbyn had commented. We observe also that in the case of the Dysch/Deech image (Fig. 6), the precise date of Corbyn’s comment is given, not the vaguer “3y” that we might expect had it been taken in 2015 three years later, and that the timing of “5y” on the Quilty image must have been taken from a later screen shot since five years after 2012 is 2017/2018 – which is when the image was published. In any case, that image must have been constructed from various parts of different ages since in Facebook the comments do not scroll down so that Ridley, and then Corbyn (as per Fig. 4), appear at the top, 16 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 below the “View Previous Comments” (as per Fig. 3). The content of Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 would never appear in the same view unless they were amalgamated. Similarly, @TwllDun (Fig. 14) uses comments with precise dates (though not times) which would indicate an earlier provenance than 2015 (else they would show “3y” instead). And we note that, as per Quilty’s image, Yvonne Ridley is (accidentally) paired with Jeremy Corbyn (another difference, we may record, between Figs. 4 & 13, is that the “likes” are in a different place). And @TwllDun does not, like Dysch in the Chronicle, display the time of the comment (Figs. 8 & 14). We are led to presume that both @TwllDun and @CQuilty52 were not working independently, and, as we have seen, various images were created using various materials. Was Corbyn’s comment recorded by an observer as early as 2012? It is certain that Mear One’s plea on Facebook was of interest to Marcus Dysch who covered the story on October 4th, though without then mentioning Corbyn.9 The materials captured at that time may have been combined with later materials captured when the comment was certainly known in 2015, and so this fact does not alone support the claim that the comment was also captured earlier. However, given that Figs. 5, 13 and 14 (all independent, incidentally) show the exact date “2 October 2012”, it clear that Corbyn’s comment was known even at this early date (else the time would show “3y” because 2015 is three years later than 2012). In fact it was captured several times at an early date. Moreover, we can repeat that when Quilty published the mural comment on March 22nd 2018 this graphic was constructed from comments recently captured along with an image dating from 2012. If recent comments were taken and used to disguise the earlier provenance, then, as our analysis shows, this strategy was not completely successful. Before turning to the early discovery it may be instructive to record an earlier analysis I now think was mistaken. For when I originally tried to work out when comment 192 was made I counted back from the last comment in the 2018 list which had 216 comments. I had no idea that not all the comments were listed, and I counted repeated comments of commentators such as “Love Truth Devotion” as separate. I arrived at Elliot James Eastwick and deduced that the capture took place September 16th. In itself this was highly interesting since Corbyn had been elected leader only three or four days, and there definitely was a surge of interest in the mural (now long destroyed, let us note) around that time. However, my original analysis does not add up. For on the one hand, and counting forward from 192 to 197, it would date Deech’s later image later than the time it was published (which is impossible), and on the other hand, and counting back from 197 to 192, and supposing that Deech’s image was captured as late as possible (so that Tarik Cherkaoui made comment 197), Quilty’s image would still date from 2012 (which is inconsistent). Not that we do think that Deech returned to Facebook in 2015 to produce her image published in 2015, for hers is an assemblage of fossils. Still, it’s clear that she did return to Facebook shortly before she let loose her dinosaur. Incidentally, when I explored the tweets of Cherkaoui (@tazbuckfaster) I was impressed by the integrity of this champion of Palestinian rights who nonetheless was resolutely opposed to antisemitism, and felt certain he was not commenting as part of a conspiracy. I emailed him asking how he was alerted to the news. I wondered whether this was through a direct message, but although he could not recall, he suggested that either his twitter or Facebook newsfeed must have alerted him. This suggests that around that time the story was fed into various news channels, and may explain the September surge in which over two dozen showed concern – even if it was not the case that “many, many” tweeted @jeremycorbyn about the mural. 9 https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/mayor-tower-hamlets-mural-to-be-removed-1.36785 17 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 The Original Discovery Who made the original discovery: Deech, Dysch, TwllDun, Quilty, or someone else? There are many dependencies between these agents, but we wish to explore the primacy, so to speak, in the process that leads from an original discovery to the communication of that discovery. We may set up the “semi-finals” between the four to give two finalists, and then decide the “winner.” First of all, Dysch and Deech seem connected, for on Twitter the two have mentioned and been mentioned by each other in about equal measure from March 2011. They alone seem to have notified @jeremycorbyn and @UKLabour of the comment in 2015, at the same time virtually. Deech went first but perhaps she was tipped off by Dysch, who, as a more senior journalist who had broken the original story of the mural destruction in 2012, might be thought to have a greater “ownership” of the story. Moreover, in Deech we do not get the impression of a Production Manager (for she did not rejuvenate her dinosaur when she could). While reserving the right to revise, I shall put Dysch in my final. The other semi is between @TwllDun and @CQuilty52 who are Twitter friends from December 2015. Although we are not logically certain that the latter did not receive from the former, we are reasonably confident of the primacy of Quilty: (1) Quilty was in general far more preoccupied with Labour antisemitism than the @TwllDun; (2) as will be shown later on, Quilty was active in carefully collecting data (for example, the Labour Party Forum); (3) Quilty, in mentioning the time of Corbyn’s comment (10.51), appears to have a mastery of detail not shared by @TwllDun; (4) Quilty shows a concern with the process of capturing data (Quilty sometimes recommends Jing for this purpose), and may be expected to have stored several versions; (5) Quilty, in general, seems to exercise the role of a producer and distributor of information (rather than @TwllDun, the communicator). For reasons such as these we suspect that @TwllDun received from Quilty. The materials communicated seem related in that Ridley’s comment was “co-Jinged” with Corbyn, and this provides another reason for primacy. For in 2017/18 the person who designed Quilty’s image – Quilty, presumably – had to revisit Facebook and recapture comments and did so by joining Corbyn with Ridley. Given that this yields an insight into Quilty’s modus operandi, so that Quilty was not merely copying what @TwllDun had done, we can infer that this was what Quilty had done to produce the image passed on to @TwllDun. The fact that @CQuilty52 only publically communicated knowledge of the comment after @TwllDun had done so (in tweets to @NickCohen4 and @DouglasKMurray) makes us think that these tactics were employed to cover tracks. Our final is between Dysch and Quilty. In general, our instinct is for Quilty. In Twitter terms, the former seems to be a receiver, and the latter a producer, as indicated by the fact that around 18 tweets from Quilty mention Dysch, but only 1 from Dysch mentions Quilty. We feel that, as with @TwllDun, the relationship seems to be producer-communicator. An indicator of this may be seen in their relations with @GuidoFawkes. Both have received 1 tweet from the compromiser-in-chief, but whereas @GuidoFawkes is mentioned 18 times by @MarcusDysch, he is mentioned 78 times by @CQuilty52. More generally, as will be shown later, Quilty is very well-connected media-wise. Our overall impression is of someone in the back-ground searching for damaging material, and who will be listened to. However, we may consider the intriguing exchange10 in Fig. 19:Fig. 19 10 https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/978187348105224193 18 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 What are we to make of this? On the face of it we seem to have a friendly competition between two independent scoopers over who got there first. However, we are suspicious, not least because these tweets are separated by about an hour (before the Dayenu demonstration to take place that evening). The obiter dicta suggests – is designed to suggest, we think – that the common discovery was made in 2015. But we have reasons to think that it was made earlier. Again, the impression is given of two independent co-workers. However, once more we feel that this deliberately misleads: to the contrary, in our opinion the two seem functionally related, indeed, they had co-tweeted from 2016 on half a dozen occasions. Third, both tweeters quite ignore @TwllDun, who, if publication date was anything to go by, really did get there first. Both would have known this, and so the sincerity of the exchange must be doubted. Fourth, we do not fail to note the significant “like” of Alex Rubner, who had just played a significant role on the morning of March 22nd explaining why @CQuilty52’s tweet was so significant (it showed a direct link with Corbyn) – but this character must be explored in a later investigation. Moreover, and again to anticipate, as insightful as Rubner’s point is (Corbyn’s comment shows direct involvement; that’s why it’s important), it too, is far from the whole truth. For the image provoked outrage only when a concerted effort was made by 19 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 significant others (notably Luciana Berger) and this too betokens an even wider conspiracy – the point, we take it, that Rubie deliberately obscures. So, we are inclined to think that here we have an intention to deceive wrapped up in half-truths. The bald proposition, “Quilty was first” seems correct, and this is implied in the exchange. However, it is almost as if, conveniently, were someone at a later date to discover this fact, the retort could always come back: what of it, that’s already in the public record. However, we suggest that the underlying impression of independence and sudden discovery in 2015 is mendacious. The pair may even (to make a wild leap) be publically sharing a private joke. Perhaps Quilty did make the discovery first, as the exchange implies, but in October 2012 before Dysch happened on it a month or so later. More likely, we suspect, the Dysch/Deech product came from Quilty – and though based on the same page of Facebook, it was not copied from @TwllDun. For a millimetre of the square photo of the commentator after Corbyn is showing on the Dysch/Deech version (Fig. 7), but not on the @TwllDun. Still, this leads us on to the question of the hiddenness of Corbyn’s comment. Why wasn’t it aired prior to 2015? In itself, this gives another reason for the primacy of Quilty. For even if we suppose that the comment came to light (to those who would damage Corbyn) no later than October 8th 2012, so that Dysch was unaware of it when he broke the news in the Chronicle on October 4th, still, we might expect it to come out the following week. So, we imagine a policy of deliberate concealment for the sake of a more dramatic exposure at a later date. And while we do not think Dysch incapable of implementing such a strategy – indeed, we shall later show he did just that - we think that on this score Quilty is very much in his or her element. The long wait until March 2018, as we hope to show, was pre-planned, and Quilty was instrumental here – though, to repeat, Dysch also played his role. However, let us bring this inquiry to a conclusion by underlining our conviction of the primacy of Quilty in the original discovery – without in any way closing off the idea that he too received help along the way from persons unknown. We have argued that the image used by Quilty, the one that appeared on the morning of March 22nd and that caught the eye of Luciana Berger, was indeed quite interesting. For it was composed with materials that had long been in cold storage amalgamated with those captured more recently. And our suspicion is that, either directly or with the help of persons unknown, Quilty had a hand in that original discovery. Although we have attempted to strictly delimit the scope of this inquiry to the narrow question of the production of an incriminating image, we have met further questions springing up along the way. One question that arises very naturally concerns the reason why data was captured on Corbyn in 2012, for when he entered the leadership contest in 2015 he was a rank outsider. The answer that presents itself that even at that early date Corbyn was on a watch list, probably in virtue of his defence of Palestinian rights and his potential role in championing boycotts against Israel. Later, he would be elected leader, and from that date the material captured would then be taken from storage and used against him. However, while there are many reasons why someone would wish to undermine Corbyn, from the perspective of those managing the production of this image, the issue of BDS would seem paramount. 20 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Part 2 The Production Manager Fig. 20 Part 1 introduced the elusive figure of Clare Quilty, and in Part 2 we address some pertinent questions. Although, we are more interested in this person’s role than identity, we might as well dispatch this question first. The name is taken from Lolita, as @CQuilty52 points out (24 October 2016) to @GillianLazarus (another investigator of antisemitism) the name appeals to Clare as an “elusive shadowy nemesis” – though astutely @GillianLazarus replies by referring to Clare as an éminence grise.11 In the profile description we learn of a London based blogger since 2012, birthday 30/11 (Fig. 20), interested in #Politics, #Zionism, and #antisemitism, the author of proudzionist.wordpress.com12 who has “bigger fish to fry.” Significant here, too, is Clare’s profile picture, Edward Hopper’s Office at Night – Clare is certainly a diligent night worker (Fig. 21). Fig. 21 11 12 https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/790574063051759616 https://proudzionist.wordpress.com/ 21 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Reading through the Twitter feed, Clare comes across as a strong, human character, at times using foul language. Clare identifies as an atheist and a Tory. The tweeter is interested in “techie” subjects such as time travel (and has given much thought to the paradoxes of Back to the Future and Dr Who). It is easy to suppose that Clare was a born in the 1970s, for Clare seems to have an interest in the Pink Windmill Kids – a children’s dance group appearing in Rod Hull and Emu in the 1980s. The group reformed for charity after thirty years in 2017, and Clare is in touch with some of the performers. Clare is very interested in music, and plays the ukulele, and also has a sense of humour – I’ve just donated to help end #MarmiteNeglect. It’s the yeast I could do – though Clare turns to comedian David Schneider (seemingly a long term friend) for advice on a wedding speech13. Fig. 22 Unfortunately, on this topic Clare is less than elusive, and the disguise meets its nemesis. For on 29 Jan 2013 Clare tweeted to @absoluteradio (with which Frank Skinner is associated) a clip of himself playing guitar at his own wedding in his own band “The Gordon Bennetts” (Fig. 22). The You Tube clip14 reveals that the poster goes by the name breed3011, and from this one can learn a lot, confirming many of the interests revealed in the tweets. Interesting, too, is the name of the bass 13 14 https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/296274403543633920 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es42CSny7p4&feature=youtu.be&t=20s 22 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 player, especially in the light of a strange tweet that @CQuilty52 received even before he had started tweeting (Fig. 23).15 Fig. 23 It’s very easy to guess at Quilty’s real name after these words have … been read (well, maybe one has to take a something out and move something else around). And from this basis one can learn much more. However, we are more concerned with the role played by Quilty, and so we shall often refer to him simply as the Production Manager. It may be instructive, however, to reveal some (but not all) of the Twitter handles assumed by the Production Manager. 15 https://twitter.com/AngiesJacobs/status/243027910066335744 23 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 The Incarnations of Who As is well known, the TV character “Dr Who” has had various incarnations. Something similar applies to Clare Quilty. For although @CQuilty52 is current, the Production Manager is associated with the now extinct Twitter handles @vushtlover, @cigarboxbenny, and @stoopidboo. This may be seen from replies to @CQuilty52 that refer to an alternative, extinct Twitter handle, one displayed not in blue font: “@stoopidboo” as opposed to “@stoopidboo.” Running through the replies to @CQuilty52 we can detect transitional forms in the “fossil record.” Thus: Fig. 24 Fig. 25 Fig. 26 24 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Using Advance Twitter to search for mentions, we see that: @vushtlover was mentioned as early as August 2012 and as late as 25 November 2013; @cigarboxbenny was mentioned as early as 10 June 2014 and as late as 19 May 2015; @stoopidboo was mentioned as early as 6 November 2015 and as late as 1 Jan 2016. @CQuilty52 seems to be in use by May 2016. From this we can deduce three reincarnations. Fig. 24 shows that @vushtlover reincarnated into @cigarboxbenny early June 2014. Fig. 25 shows that @cigarboxbenny reincarnated into @stoopidboo before November 2015. Fig. 26 shows that @stoopidboo reincarnated into @CQuilty52 early 2016. Why did the reincarnations happen when they did? Relevant coincidences include: June 2014, Operation Protective Edge; November 2015, publication of Corbyn’s Mear One comment; early 2016 “Proudzionist” investigates LPF and sets up a blog. And of course, the emergence of @vushtlover happened around the time that Corbyn’s comment was first captured (late 2012). It is easy to imagine, then, that these reinventions are connected with a decision or discovery on the Production Manager’s part relevant to his overall strategy.16 In particular, the handle @CQuilty52 (and associated Proud Zionist blog) emerging early 2016 seems to participate in that strategy especially as directed against the Labour Leader. As we explore the role of the Production Manager the significance of these transitions will come to the fore. However, as from November 2018 we have revised our opinion and are now inclined to “minimise” Quilty. Although far from certain, he seems only to have discovered Jing late in 2014 (after he came into new employment?) and this, perhaps, explains the reincarnation. For the new perspective see: https://www.academia.edu/37753213/Who_Captured_the_MuralGate_Image. 16 25 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 The Role of a Production Manager What, then, does the Production Manager do? At first we shall try to answer this question in very general terms, sketching an “ideal type” that we hope may shed light on events, those that unfolded in British politics during March and April touching upon antisemitism in the Labour Party. The Production Manager is a very real person, of course, who played an instrumental role in manufacturing outrage at the release of an incriminating image in a tweet, but we are attempting to take a glance at his “job description,” so to speak. To get an insight here, we may consider the role of the Manager in relation to other parties, and their roles. We can enumerate four groups. In the first place, we have the Jewish establishment, nominally, at any rate, representing the community, in particular the Board of Deputies and also the Jewish Leadership Council. Again, and in some sense at the “heart” of the community, are the politicians, particularly Jewish politicians and their allies. Next, and relating externally, so to speak, we have the media, the press for example, in particular, the Jewish Press. Finally, we have what we might call “hawks,” organisations and activists that ferret out antisemitism. We can suppose that the Production Manager must in some way relate to all four groups. What exactly is a hawk?17 Generally speaking, hawks are easy to spot on Twitter. Hawks will have a single-minded concern with Israel, especially BDS, taking a belligerent attitude to the movement, associating it with antisemitism and comparing it to the Nazis. Indeed, they will attack Jews critical of Israel, including religious Jews – hawks may or may not be Jewish but on the whole have little connection to the Jewish religion, or show any interest in the prophets or the psalmists. They will be well-appraised of the situation in Israel from pro-Israeli sources, and be combative against proPalestinian support groups, at times disrupting book launches or meetings in Parliament (or show solidarity with those who do and who they follow on Twitter). They will scrutinise the communications of what for them are hostile groups, storing and sharing screen-shots that may indicate antisemitism, for instance, anti-Zionism, indeed, they will share the skills involved in such practices. Hawks establish links with media people they deem friendly, and nudge pro-Israeli politicians and establishment figures in the hawkish direction. If a conceit is permitted, we say that the Production Manager has the task of playing various cards: hawkish clubs, spade-workers of the Press, the diamonds of the establishment, and politicians who have won our hearts. The object of the game is infiltration, from clubs to spades, trumping diamonds so as to finally win hearts. This game requires patience as a matter of policy. We introduced the Production Manager because we deduced that Quilty was intimately involved in the production of an incriminating image tweeted to the general public. Tweets are public utterances that communicate with others who share a common experience so as to promote common understanding, common judgements, and common values – in a word, to build a community, or negatively, to undermine the enemy viewed as a threat. This, we suggest, is the purpose of tweeting. However, we don’t suppose that images speak for themselves, and so we take it that a definite narrative needs to be constructed and maintained into which the image will speak loud and clear when its time comes. The Production Manager must also work to this end, and will need to work with others. We have already suggested that Quilty related to journalists and media outlets such as Guido Fawkes: the Manager produces images that will then be communicated to the Media. However, what is communicated may admit ambiguity, and so the Manager, too, will communicate – with the communicators – to ensure that everyone is on script. The fundamental aim, to repeat, is to shape This paragraph was inserted late August after the “scandals” of “Hajo Meyer” and “Zionist Irony” had broken revealing links to @RichMillett (who is also linked to Stephen Pollard and Nick Cohen). His tweets reveal all the hawkish features listed. 17 26 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 the community, and do so in a militant fashion. This will mean communicating a clear sense of friends and enemies, ultimately to those at the heart of the community, those representing it. Finally, the Production Manager will work with the hawks – as we see it, The Production Manager is a King of hawks – rallying, and furthering hawkish aims. This will mean acting as a constant source of pressure on the politicians and establishment who may not always feel like fighting. Let us illustrate some of these ideas. At the end of the first part we hinted at a concern with BDS. This concern is suggested by Quilty’s very early tweet, a joke that maths teachers will get (Fig. 27)18: Fig. 27 Everywhere on the internet, it seems, Quilty notices a concern with BDS, but imagines that this a mnemonic for “Brackets, Division, and Subtraction.” Of course, Quilty is well acquainted with the movement, and it does not seem far-fetched to guess that he has started tweeting to fight it. In our appendix we will look at the alter-egos of @CQuilty52 and, on this topic we may simply wonder whether Quilty has assumed a disguise in order to go underground for special operations. Obviously, we cannot tell. However, it seems as though someone was concerned enough to scrutinise Corbyn, even in 2012. Since that time Corbyn’s significance has only grown, having been elected leader, fought off a leadership challenge, and put in an unexpectedly strong performance in the general election. It is possible that duties have been reassigned so that now he is being watched by someone more senior, someone who has acquired the old files. We simply do not know whether Corbyn was on Quilty’s “watch list” in 2012. However, from 2015 Corbyn was definitely on Quilty’s radar screen, being mentioned in over 100 tweets, and as well, the subject of many tweets that were “liked” by Quilty – at times long strings of tweets that seem connected by just two words, “Corbyn,” and “twat,” for example. To anyone perusing these tweets, it is clear what the over-arching message is. We shall read the “bigger fish to fry” in these terms, that any interest in Labour Party antisemitism is merely a means to an end, to get Corbyn, and this because of BDS. Thus, in 2016 Quilty took a close look at the Labour Party Forum, and for those who have taken a close look at Quilty, it is difficult to believe that this look was unrewarding. For in 2014 Nazeem Shah had reposted a cartoon poking fun at the US Israel Lobby suggesting that Israel might care to relocate. However, with connotations of 1930s deportation, this was deemed offensive and when it was discovered, the MP for Bradford West had to make an apology to Parliament. Someone had informed Guido Fawkes, and we think it likely that Quilty, or someone of his ilk, was responsible. Quilty would certainly have been looking for such morsels, and seems to have established a working relationship with @GuidoFawkes. On the next day after the news broke (27 April) we find Quilty blogging on the lunatics in the LPF defending Shah.19 Curiously, the Shah revelations of @GuidoFawkes was never “liked” by @CQuilty52, but this provides no objection since some likers were anonymous - and from 16th to 29th April @Cquilty52 seems to have uncharacteristically ceased to “like” tweets altogether. It is difficult to think that Quilty was merely having a holiday. Of course, we cannot know, but we cite this as an example of the sort of action a Production Manager might undertake in the infiltration game. 18 19 https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/245593551608619009 https://proudzionist.wordpress.com/2016/04/27/the-labour-party-forums-defense-of-naz-shah/ 27 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 At any rate, Quilty was certainly behind the production of a meme (which, though he said so himself, he did like – several times)20: Fig 23 Here the salient point is that the image found its way into Haaretz, which again suggests a good working relationship with the Press. This is also indicated by the links on Twitter with various journalists, Melanie Philips of The Times (from July 2014), Nick Cohen and Isabel Hardman of The Spectator (from March and December 2015), Dan Hodges of the Mail on Sunday (from November 2015), and of course, Marcus Dysch (June 2016) and finally, senior political editor Stephen Pollard also of the Jewish Chronicle (from September 2014). Naturally enough, we find tweets with other hawks, activists tweeting as @antisemitism (the CAA21), @mishtal (David Collier), @GillianLazarus, @NudderingNudnik, @SussexFriends (from 2016), and @Supergutman, @gnasherjew, @JHoffman1 (Jonathan Hoffman, ex vice president of the Zionist Federation), @EuanPhilipps (LAAS, Labour Against Anti-Semitism), @CST_ORG (from 2017). The impression is of someone in the background rallying troops, gradually coming to the fore. Clearly, the motives here are political, though there is less overt contact with politicians. Still, we see a plea Liz Kendall (whom Quilty is supporting in the leadership contest in July 2015) to cross the floor 20 21 https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/anti-semitic-tweets-undermine-credibility-of-selfie-star-1.5386195 http://powerbase.info/index.php/Campaign_Against_Antisemitism_UK 28 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 if she is unsuccessful, and from July 2017 Quilty tweets with Luciana Berger22 – a significant Jewish politician known to Marcus Dysch from 201423. On the other hand, there does not appear to be public speech with the establishment. Here the point is that the hawks are nipping at the heels of the establishment,24 or as we might say, clubs are attempting to trump diamonds. I mean, pressurising the establishment into taking antisemitism more seriously, and taking steps to counter it. This may be illustrated by a row in 2017 regarding the prosecution of a Hezbollah flag waver at the London Al Quds march by the CAA. Simon Johnson of the JLC criticised such extreme action, and received criticism in turn by Jonathan Hoffman, @CQuilty52, Baroness Deech (mother of Sarah) and Marcus Dysch.25 Our suggestion is that The Production Manager was involved in the infiltration game, as we hope to show in some detail in our narration of events. Incriminating data is captured, retained, deployed; a narrative is constructed, communicated, explained; forces are located, marshalled, and coordinated for action. This with a view to undermining UK politicians who might threaten welfare of the State of Israel for the freedom of Palestine. Nor do we do not think that the sketch is entirely fanciful, for in the next section we shall recall the scandal that broke in 2017 which illustrates very well what we mean – even if we resort to yet another conceit. The title of our section is an anagram, a cryptic clue that (tendentiously) hints at how we imagine the role of The Production Manager. 22 https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/882730661748068352 https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/neo-nazi-gave-out-internet-abuse-tips-in-campaign-against-lucianaberger-1.60174 23 24 The phrase is lifted from Keith Kahn-Harris: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/apr/23/jeremy-corbyn-momemtum-supportersantisemitism. An alternative phrase might be “gingering up.” 25 https://antisemitism.uk/jewish-leadership-council-ceo-must-stop-sniping-and-apologise-for-claiming-caasprivate-prosecution-of-pro-hizballah-march-leader-will-make-yet-more-fear/ 29 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 As To Him As In January 2017 Al Jazeera released The Lobby which was explosive enough to be splashed on the front pages of the mainstream press.26 In the third episode, for example, Joan Ryan MP was seen reporting a delegate for antisemitism because she had used an antisemitic trope in suggesting that the LFI had money, prestige, and influence, and more explosively, in the fourth episode, Shai Masot, an embassy worker who had been involved in forming grass-roots pro-Israeli youth organisations, was caught by the under-cover reporter naming Sir Alan Duncan as an MP he would like to “take down.” When the documentary was released, a formal apology was submitted by the Embassy, and Masot left the country. An armchair spycatcher, it goes without saying, is no match for Clayton Swisher. However, minute insights can be gleaned by looking at the tweets of Shai Masot. In general, our methodology is to attend to these public utterances with a view to ascertain what was going forward. Of course, as well as public there are private words. By definition, these are off the radar screen of our methodology – though not quite. For at times, an absence is a privation. That is, we may have reason to expect a speaker to speak and be able to learn a little when that speaker is silent. This method is hardly novel. Sherlock Holmes once drew attention to the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime, and to the reply that the dog did nothing in the night-time, explained that that was the curious incident. The dog ought to have barked. Masot’s tweets27 are shown in Fig. 28. Fig. 28 26 https://www.aljazeera.com/investigations/thelobby/ https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=from%3Ashaimasot%20since%3A2015-01-01%20until%3A2016-1231&src=typd&lang=en-gb 27 30 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 31 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 The message behind these four tweets may be summed up in four words: Corbyn. Antisemitism. Berger. Elections. They illustrate perfectly what we called “the infiltration game.” The context for the early tweet (showing a picture of Corbyn and Joan Ryan at the LFI) is the heckling the newly elected leader received meted out by the Labour Party donor Michael Foster for not mentioning the word “Israel.”28 The third tweet to Eric Pickles (Baroness Deech refers to him as a “hero”29) regards the row that ensued when Ken Livingstone spoke in defence of Shah telling his interviewer that “Hitler was supporting Zionism.”30 This became a cause célèbre for the hawks. The second tweet actually refers to suicide rates in prison and the need for reform (wisely urged by the MP for Wavertree). Masot retweeted this after twenty seven minutes! The final tweet is to local election specialists, wondering how London was polling in the forthcoming May elections. However, if the public words are clear enough it takes little imagination to deduce that private words must also have been said. Plainly, some conversations must have taken place with or about Luciana Berger, for she is clearly seen as the “solution” to the problem in Labour: she is singled out above all Labour MPs. As we shall see, Masot was not alone in thinking along such lines. 28 https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/labour-donor-explains-why-he-heckled-jeremy-corbyn-at-israelevent-1.59058 29 https://twitter.com/BaronessDeech/status/857990232733601796 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/labour-anti-semitism-row-full-transcript-of-kenlivingstones-interviews-a7005311.html 30 32 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Part 3 Frame Work Part 3 considers strategy and tactics. Because images do not speak for themselves, the Production Manager needs to construct a narrative that will make that image incriminating. In fact, even a strong narrative is insufficient, for what will make the story-telling effective is an echo chamber of outrage that reverberates in the community, and this must be coordinated. This is an ongoing process that will require adaptation. The Production Manager cannot be expected to envisage all future contingents. In the MuralGate story the image of a comment to a graphic piece of art by Mear One forms the centre piece. However, in itself this is ambiguous. Unfortunately, this meagre sample of compromat was also known to be rare, as we may deduce from the fact that Corbyn was watched from an early date. Had there been anything more compromising it would have been used. Nevertheless, it was to become the weapon of choice. As we have seen, the image was on display in October 2015 courtesy of @TwllDun, and again in November courtesy of Dysch and Deech, shortly after Corbyn became leader. Then, it made little effect, though clearly, around a score of angry voices commented or concurred on Facebook that September – possibly in response to a news feed. Despite what Deech claimed, many, many did not complain to @jeremycorbyn, and later Dysch was to voice some frustration at the lack of success. In retrospect, it is surprising that the weapon was not decommissioned. Quilty, however, seems to have kept the faith, and was clear from the beginning just why the Mear One mural was offensive – because it suggested the trope akin to the 1903 forgery, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. On this point he was always consistent. In time, this image would indeed play the intended role, and his narrative have great success, but much work lay ahead. In fact, it was needed urgently. For since assuming leadership, Corbyn had shrugged off a leadership challenge by Owen Smith in 2016 and fought a good election the following year. Moreover, 2017 had been bookended with disasters with the disclosures of The Lobby, and towards the end of the year, the resignation of Priti Patel when it came to light that on a private holiday in Israel she had met with Prime Minister Netanyahu and discussed diverting British aid to the impoverished IDF occupying the Golan Heights.31 Yet in 2018 Israel is seventy, and it was clear that controversial protests were planned, not only because President Trump had decided to relocate the US Embassy to Jerusalem, but in view of the Nakbar commemorations and the Land Day protests to be held at the end of March. At some stage the decision had been made to use live ammunition including exploding bullets against the protesters, and it was easy to predict that the deaths and injuries that would follow would lead to an international outcry with political repercussions. On this point we need only invite a thought experiment. How would the British public have reacted to a fuss about a comment in defence of free expression if it had been released just after Corbyn had called for a review of arms sales following an Israeli massacre of unarmed civilians? Clearly, the ploy would be most likely dismissed as a distraction. For all these reasons, a creative response was called for. In the light of what happened we can infer that the following solution was worked out. Certainly, the narrative of a blind acceptance of an antisemitic trope of controlling influence of Jews was a charge to be levelled at Corbyn. However, this need framing. Prior to the re-revealing of the comment (for it was to be concealed) it was necessary to erect some scaffolding. This involved the revelation of antisemitism by Corbyn’s 31 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/priti-patel-israel-military-hospital-golan-heights-illegaloccupied-settlements-idf-syria-a8044251.html 33 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 supporters in pro-Palestinian Facebook groups - not one but two would be scrutinised. Subsequent to the revealing a chorus of outrage would be orchestrated. This would involve saturation from the Press, a demonstration of the Jewish establishment, and the concerned voices of politicians debating antisemitism in Parliament. Even the Israeli Labour Party would be involved. In other words, a coup was planned. After Corbyn had been elected leader the Labour Party had been dogged with accusations of antisemitism. In 2015 an All Party Parliamentary Group on antisemitism chaired by John Mann had been formed,32 and a year later the Home Affairs Committee took evidence from Ken Livingstone among others – interestingly, the mural comment seems never to have been raised,33 not even in Eric Pickles’ evidence (and he had been notified by the Telegraph of the mural comment that April).34 Labour set up the Chakrabarti Report35 (which when launched led to another row as Marc Wadsworth accused Ruth Smeeth of collaborating with The Telegraph – thus perpetuating an antisemitic trope, it was alleged36). Thus several indirect links between Corbyn and antisemitism had been made – mood music, as Len McCluskey had put in in September 2017.37 However, and as indicated, what was needed was direct evidence, preferably of a graphic form, that made a direct link with Corbyn. This was the point of rehashing the 2012 mural comment. It was to appear after the Facebook pages were examined and published, and before the Commons debate. The mural comment was to be a last straw to which Jews would say “enough is enough” or to use the liturgical language of the Pesach, Dayenu! Not only was this the intended outcome, but as it came to pass, this would also provide the explanation of why things happened as they did, and this would be reinforced for those slow to understand. This would become the conventional wisdom. Moreover, any suggestion of a smear campaign was to be dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Nevertheless, this is the theory that we have been working towards in our account. At the moment, of course, it is just that, an intelligent guess. Is it more than a theory? Can it be verified? We shall endeavour to present a narrative that demonstrates that it is probably true. We have already introduced our methodology here. We will look at public utterances (tweets), but also argue from silence where this is unexpected. Before we give our sequence of events we will articulate the central tactic of the Production Manager’s strategy, the conspiracy of silence. Obviously, this conspiracy theory will be countered by the story that has already been articulated to the effect that the establishment of British Jewry came to take action only as a last straw. So it is that two theories will face one another, each claiming that its opponent is a myth. In turn, then, we will first advance our theory of an artificial silence, and next refute the myth of the last straw. This will clear the decks for what we take to be the real scandal: not so much Corbyn’s comment, but the furore that attended it - MuralGate-gate, so to speak - or “MuralGaga” as we have christened it. 32 https://www.antisemitism.org.uk/the-appg https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmhaff/136/13602.htm. Nor did @CST_ORG mention Corbyn’s comment until March 2018. 34 http://data.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/committeeevidence.svc/evidencedocument/home-affairscommittee/antisemitism/oral/40875.html https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/30/pressure-growson-jeremy-corbyn-as-dossier-of-anti-semitism-in-l/ 35 https://labour.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Chakrabarti-Inquiry-Report-30June16.pdf 36 https://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2018-04-26/labour-anti-semitism-mps-lynch-mob/ 37 https://labourlist.org/2017/09/len-mccluskey-labour-anti-semitism-claims-are-mood-music-used-toundermine-corbyn/ 33 34 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 The Muralistic Secret Referring to the literary device in St. Mark’s Gospel that explains the absence of any clear claim of Jesus to be the Messiah, the nineteenth century Biblical scholar William Wrede coined the phrase “the Messianic Secret.” I shall coin “the Muralistic Secret” to refer to the deliberate failure to mention the mural comment immediately prior to its re-release by Quilty in March 2018. The tactic was to create an artificial calm before an artificial storm so as to shock all the more with a sudden revelation. This was a clever idea, and substantially, it worked. It was not without problems, however, for the mural comment had received exposure in 2015 (without effecting the hoped-for outrage), and so the plan could never guarantee complete silence. Indeed, this seems to have been what happened with Victoria Freeman. Tweeting as @make_trouble, Freeman comes across as a highly intelligent opponent of Corbyn – though, like @TwllDun, not primarily concerned with antisemitism. She is obviously a personal friend of @TwllDun with whom she has tweeted over 100 times since June 2015, and so she would have read his “Socialism of Fools” blog at the time. As it happens, @CQuilty52 tweeted to her on 20 November, 2015 but otherwise they do not seem particularly close.38 Dan Hodges, however, is an old friend with whom she has shared over 100 tweets – they are separated by a couple of years in age, and live on opposite sides of Blackheath. Freeman also knows Luciana Berger and Ruth Smeeth, at least they are co-tweeters since March39 and June 2016.40 Shortly after Collier’s Palestine Live revelations, Freeman retweeted about @TwllDun’s 2015 exposure. Was this part of a coordinated effort to show a direct link between Corbyn and antisemitism, an effort that ironically made insufficient trouble? Or, ironically again, did she accidentally make or the wrong sort of trouble in letting the muralistic cat out of the bag? We consider her tweet of March 8th a case of “cat-out” not “conspiracy.”41 It’s true that she knew the plotters, and the image she tweeted is suspicious (unlike @TwllDun’s, the top of the drain-pipe is missing). But we suppose that she was going solo here, and that she had simply cut and cropped her friend’s blog of 2015. So we see that although Collier retweets her comments42 on Palestine Live he keeps silent on the premature mural remark as does @TwllDun.43 Again, it’s true that she has exactly the right idea in trying to establish a direct link with Corbyn, but she is not quite on script. For she draws a dodgy moral from the story, and harks back to the Wadsworth incident. This, we recall, relates to the launch of the Chakrabarti report (at which Freeman was present44) when Wadsworth publically accused Ruth Smeeth of being in cahoots with the Telegraph, thus falling into an antisemitic trope – despite Wadsworth claiming not to know that Smeeth was Jewish. Unsurprisingly, the weakness of this charge is plain to see – when The Times 38 https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/667675124129267712 https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=from%3Amake_trouble%20%40LucianaBerger&src=typd&lang=en-gb 40 https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=from%3Amake_trouble%20%40ruthsmeeth&src=typd&lang=en-gb 41 This judgement finds support in the fact that @Hughster, who has tweeted over 70 times with @Make_Trouble from August 2016, quite ignores Freeman’s tweet on March 8 th recalling @TwllDun, despite tweeting about Palestine Live, and referring (the same day) to deleted but archived articles on Corbyn’s website: https://twitter.com/hughster/status/971773666529828864. @TwllDun also ignores her mention of his work on March 8th despite tweeting with her the next day. However, when she repeats her mention of his Socialism of Fools blog on March 24th @TwllDun likes the tweet. 42 https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=from%3Amishtal%20%40make_trouble&src=typd&lang=en-gb 43 The fact that Freeman’s reference to the mural comment had hardly any impact (and on Twitter she has over 10 times as many followers as Quilty) proves that while the Palestine Live exposures were necessary for fabricating the outrage that actually occurred they were not sufficient – they were not accompanied by protest in the Press, or by politicians, or by the Board of Deputies. 44 https://twitter.com/make_trouble/status/972018246349152256 39 35 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 reported it the paper did not even mention what Wadsworth was accused of, and in the end, Wadsworth was expelled from the Labour Party merely for bringing it into disrepute. No wonder, as we shall see later, Quilty will row back from the accusation, which in turn rather suggests that McCluskey had a point about mood music. Thus, while Freeman shares the spirit of the conspirators in using antisemitism accusations as stepping-stones, we do not think she was appraised of the muralistic secret. She had the principle but missed the protocol. Hodges, we are sure, was an initiate. In his Mail on Sunday article of March 11th45 he had failed to mention the mural that he would later describe as “disgusting.” He was reporting on the Palestine Live research of Collier,46 and Collier would surely have known about Corbyn’s comment – because he was an assiduous campaigner against antisemitism, because he had been in touch with Quilty, because he had tweeted with Victoria Freeman immediately after her recall of @TwllDun (on March 8th). Marcus Dysch, also, interviewed the mild-mannered activist for The Spectator on March 9th47 lamenting on the lack of exposure that antisemitism gets whilst maintaining the muralistic secret and Collier had been in touch with Dysch, Pollard, and the Chronicle from April 2015.48 And of course, there are several other sources who could have informed Hodges, not least Quilty and Freeman. Alex Rubner, too, tweeting with Hodges on Palestine Live, March 8th,49 and who plays an integral role in the plot, also keeps mum. So we must deduce a covert operation here, along with Collier, Dysch, Rubner and Quilty. But why go to such effort unless the plan was to make a lot of trouble? Such teamwork would only make sense if an important card was about to be played. And so we deduce that Luciana Berger was also in the know. For surely, Dysch would have told her. He had covered the antisemitic abuse she had received in 2014, and also her wedding a year later – and we cannot help thinking that he chose to break the story when he did because that was when Corbyn was meeting with the MP for Wavertree during his visit to Liverpool 5 November, 2015.50 Didn’t she read the Chronicle?51 She has been mentioned over 360 times and has contributed herself since 2012. Within a couple of weeks of his scoop Dysch had featured her in what was an up-to-date article on ignoring antisemitism on the internet.52 Lee Harpin, who was to replace Marcus Dysch as Political Editor in April 2017 had been in touch with here since July 2009, and covered her maiden speech. He too, could hardly have kept silent. Nor could @Hughster.53 And surely, Victoria Freeman would have told her. She had made a complimentary tweet in July 2017 in support of her battle against deselection and she had more 45 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-5485917/DAN-HODGES-Corbyn-anit-Semetic-pals-smashedmoral-compass.html 46 http://david-collier.com/tag/palestine-live/ 47 https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2018/03/anti-semitism-fatigue-is-now-a-normal-part-of-british-politics/ 48 https://twitter.com/mishtal/status/583610987024101377 49 https://twitter.com/alexrubner/status/971855797427851264 50 https://news.liverpool.ac.uk/2015/11/06/packed-house-for-visit-of-labour-party-leader-jeremy-corbyn/. For a report with photos of Berger with Corbyn see: https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpoolnews/gallery/jeremy-corbyn-visits-clock-view-10393293 51 The question is rhetorical. Berger herself wrote: “The JC is a vibrant and vital part of British life, with an impact way beyond our community. I am always struck by the number of my parliamentary colleagues who like to stop and chat about articles they’ve read in the JC. It is part of our tradition of a free, outspoken and independent press and I will defend loudly its right to publish fearless journalism. Mazeltov to the JC and here’s to decades more of its news and views.” https://www.thejc.com/community/community-news/the-jcat-175-leading-lights-of-the-community-and-a-few-politicians-on-what-the-jc-means-to-them1.54718?highlight=luciana+berger 52 https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/luciana-berger-says-twitter-was-frustratingly-slow-in-responding-tocampaign-of-online-hate-against-her-1.62640 53 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/725642934834593792 36 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 than 10 times as many followers as Quilty had.54 Or again, Jamie Susskind, who had worked with the CAA, and had congratulated Berger on the birth of her daughter,55 why he would not have told her? And when she was participating in the All Party Parliamentary Group on antisemitism, is it possible that Corbyn’s comment never got a mention? Was it so insignificant, after all? Wes Streeting was later to claim that many people had been waiting for an explanation,56 couldn’t one of them have told this Jewish MP who has more Twitter followers than any other? Or even Streeting himself? He was close to Berger, having co-tweeted over 70 times since 2009. Or the Home Affairs Committee Report a year later that explicitly names Berger as one of the MPs with whom private meetings were held.57 Eric Pickles had submitted evidence, and he had been informed by the Telegraph in 201658and, as Dysch relates, he had attended a conference in Berlin on combatting antisemitism (and boycotts) with Berger in March 2016.59 And Sarah Deech, who in 2011 had been excited at Luciana’s appearance on “young Voters’ Question Time.”60 Wouldn’t she have raised the matter when it became urgent in 2015? Couldn’t a private eye at The Spectator offer some optics? After all, Isabel Hardman had covered her appointment to Corbyn’s shadow cabinet in 2015,61 and was acquainted on Twitter from 2011.62 Or @NickCohen4, also a writer for the Spectator, who is followed by Berger on Twitter, and who commented even on the mural in 2012 (and who also tweeted 20 minutes after Berger did on March 23rd). Finally, The Production Manager Himself, @CQuilty52, was acquainted with Berger from July 2017. And he had a record of divulging secrets. No, Shai Masot had singled out Berger as the Chosen One, and the Chosen One cannot fail to know the Muralistic Secret. After all, in St. Mark’s Gospel even the demons proclaim the identity of the Messiah. https://twitter.com/make_trouble/status/884030642874437632. The fact that Freeman’s reminder about @TwllDun’s blog made such little impact shows that the Palestine Live softening up process did not suffice to provoke the outrage: that had to be coordinated with an echo chamber. And note that @TwllDun is quite silent about the tweet in which he is mentioned by his friend until the appointed hour. 55 https://twitter.com/jamiesusskind/status/843192192151797760 Susskind had worked with Gideon Falter to secure a judicial review over a failure to prosecute a case of antisemitism http://www.littletonchambers.com/jamie-susskind-acts-in-landmark-high-court-case-over-non-prosecutionof-neo-nazi-1101/ and in 2015 was concerned that Corbyn was calling for a judge led inquiry into Jewish influence. https://twitter.com/jamiesusskind/status/843192192151797760 and once tweeted to Wes Streeting why he was the very model on an MP https://tweettunnel.com/reverse3.php?ga=0&b=&pgn=32&tz=0&bt=1001466096606765056&st=9985202625 75509505&id=170737259&pn=7 56 https://twitter.com/wesstreeting/status/977204411884859398. On the same day that Dysch broke the news of Corbyn’s comment he wrote on the APPG referencing Berger and Streeting. https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/mps-acknowledge-link-between-israeli-palestinian-conflict-and-risingantisemitism-in-britain-1.61565?highlight=luciana+berger 57 https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmhaff/136/13604.htm at paragraph 10. 58 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/30/pressure-grows-on-jeremy-corbyn-as-dossier-of-antisemitism-in-l/ Pickles seems closely associated with Berger. To give just one example, it is he who is credited with the photo of Berger at the demo published by the Chronicle. https://www.thejc.com/news/uknews/jewish-community-protests-in-parliament-square-against-labour-antisemitism-enough-is-enough1.461420?highlight=enough+is+enough 59 https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/british-mps-unveil-guide-to-tackling-antisemitism-at-major-berlinconference-1.61603?highlight=eric+pickles. 60 https://twitter.com/londonette/status/120547334529617920 61 http://jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/luciana-berger-joining-corbyns-cabinet-was-not-easy/ and see also https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2015/09/corbyn-rewrites-the-rules-to-claim-gender-balance-in-shadow-cabinet/ 62 https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=from%3AIsabelHardman%20%40LucianaBerger&src=typd&lang=en-gb 54 37 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Still, it might be objected that while Berger did know of the comment, she was not appraised of its re-release. But the argument based on silence is loud and clear. Berger’s tweets do not mention antisemitism after February 7th until March 23rd, and, despite having “significant” information on antisemitism in social media, this news was not passed on to Berger, via tweets, by anyone. Obviously not @CQuilty52 or @make_trouble, but neither @mishtal, @jhoffman1, @antisemitism, @Hughster, nor @GillianLazarus. Yet Advance Twitter will show that, although some tweets to Berger had taken place the previous year, and most tweeters had engaged in activity after March 23rd (with some in both classes), none had thought to remind this prominent MP on what for them was the most important issue, and when the most important developments were taking place. Nor, if we trawl through the tweets “liked” by Berger from Feb 9th to March 22nd, does antisemitism appear on the radar screen, though on Feb 8th the MP likes a meeting of the APPG with the CST attended by Eric Pickles and others. Why was this? What else can explain such silence save the shared policy that it was not the right time to publicly speak of such things to this person? But if so, we must suppose that they kept mum in the conviction that a “right time” would surely come. But this rather suggests that the re-release of Corbyn’s comment on the mural, with which Berger, if she was familiar with it, came as no surprise when the Production Manager replied to Guido Fawkes. So, despite what Lee Harpin was to write in the Jewish Chronicle about the mural comment coming as a “last straw” to Berger (in an article denying the existence of any conspiracy)63 we are inclined to think that our theory of the “muralistic secret” admits a degree of verification. 63 https://www.thejc.com/news/news-features/antisemitic-mural-no-conspiracy-with-timing-jeremy-corbynluciana-berger-1.461404. Harpin took over from Marcus Dysch as political editor of the JC April 17. See https://twitter.com/MarcusDysch/status/986201732786130944. 38 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 The Myth of the Last Straw Our conspiracy theory will be vigorously opposed by the plotters, of course, who will insist on the authorised version that we will call the Last Straw. After a gradual accumulation of antisemitic evidence had been amassed, Corbyn’s mural comment eventually broke the camel’s back. Only at this point did the establishment reluctantly take action. As the slogan of the demonstration on March 26th put it, enough is enough – Dayenu! As mentioned, the doctrine had been announced early on, one day after the demo, obviously conscious that many were suspicious. Martin Odoni, for example, a Jew who was adamant that the mural was not antisemitic, was amazed at the fuss over a six year old comment that could garner such interest. He felt that the cricket tampering scandal more newsworthy.64 So in refutation we see Lee Halpin writing: There’s No Conspiracy. Just the Truth. And he is explicit that for Berger the shocking revelation came as a “last straw” on March 22nd. The official line was presented by President Arkush and Chairman Goldstein a couple of weeks later, and it’s instructive to note their particular concern with time, indeed, six of ten paragraphs are concerned with this theme. Writing on April 15th in Comment is Free65 they begin: Three weeks ago, we took the unprecedented decision to call upon our Jewish community to go to Westminster and publicly protest against antisemitism in the Labour party. In truth, 72 hours before the protest, we had not seriously considered such a thing, but over the quiet contemplation of the Jewish Sabbath, something snapped in both of us, part of the sudden mood swing we felt in our respective synagogues and around our Friday night dinner tables. So, we learn that the decision was made on Friday evening (March 23rd). It was a strange mix of quiet contemplation and sudden mood swing – not pre-meditated then. Almost every day of the previous week, there had been some story relating to Labour’s poor handling of the antisemitism allegations that have dogged the party since February 2016. The last straw came when it emerged that Corbyn himself had sought to defend a mural that he has subsequently acknowledged to have been antisemitic. No details of what stories relating to the Labour Party are cited, but presumably the writers are referring to the investigation into the Palestine Live Facebook group. The “last straw” concerns the mural which, as a matter of fact, the demonstrators do not actually say is antisemitic – here they are content to cite Corbyn himself. With just 24 hours’ notice, our protest was attended by up to 2,000 people from all sections of the Jewish community, and beyond. The mood was more of bemusement, surprise and shock than anger. Bemused individuals who had never been to a protest were wondering what you are supposed to do once you get to one. Surprise that so many had turned up at short notice, despite pressing Passover preparations. Above all, absolute shock that it had come to this. Let us leave the story here, on the note of absolute shock “that it had come to this.” In the advertisements of March 25th we read the phrase “day after day” (referring to antisemitic incidents) and the slogan used is “enough is enough.”66 The succession of events had forced the demonstrators 64 https://thegreatcritique.wordpress.com/2018/03/26/oh-all-right-lets-talk-about-that-mural-then/ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/apr/15/corbyn-needs-to-defend-labour-mps-fightingantisemitism 65 66 Although the phrase was used immediately prior in the context of US gun control, as a hashtag #EnoughisEnough (Labour antisemitism) seems to have its birthdate on March 25 th: https://twitter.com/BoardofDeputies/status/977914767389200385 39 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 to act at this moment in time. This was echoed by Joanne Nadler “broke the habit of a lifetime” and took to the streets. She says she “suddenly snapped” listening to the Today programme in her car on the school run.67 And the theme of time re-echoes later. When Hilik Bar, of the Israeli Labour Party, was interviewed in the Jewish Chronicle in May he was keen to defend the timing of the decision.68 Yet the Dayenu account is not without its problems. For on the same Sabbath, in a tweet by Israel stalwart Sajid Javid, he also used the phrase “enough is enough.” He was directly challenging Corbyn to a debate in Parliament (recall, this was two days before the demonstration had even been announced).69 Javid is a Conservative MP and, after the demonstration, the government debate was duly secured, on the Thursday (the day when Parliament decides its business for the following week) for the earliest possible occasion, the Tuesday after the Easter recess. Nor was this portentous development without its prophets. For Stephen Pollard writing in the Chronicle after the Palestine Live exposé, March 19th, had “guaranteed” further developments in the week to come.70 And by coincidence, three billboards appeared outside of Labour HQ on the day of the debate (April 17th). At a cost of £4,000 they had been paid for by CULPA, spokesman Jonathan Hoffman, through crowd-funding, and with equal prescience, recited the incantation “enough is enough” on the JustGiving page – yet the donations begin on March 14th with excess to be sent on to the CAA.71 They too announced their demonstration on the very same day (March 25th) and it went ahead on April 8th. It was overtly political, with Israeli flags flying, and hosted Maureen Lipman accusing Corbyn of antisemitism. So it is we feel our “diamonds” may have been following a different suit, or as we put it, clubs were trumping diamonds. I mean, given that the hawks had amassed the data of Palestine Live, and had started crowd-funding for bill-boards, and had even planned a demonstration, and had captured first the Jewish press, and then the Jewish Labour MPs, and as well, a prominent Conservative, and finally, the mainstream press who were now beating a militant drum - then the establishment may have felt we have seen quite enough of such hawkish activity and since we cannot beat them we must join them. With the mural comment things had reached a tipping point, for sufficient numbers were protesting about it, and now the establishment was in the spotlight. With twisted arms, perhaps, they decided upon their own demonstration, possibly with a desire to appease the hawks. In doing so the “snowball” of MuralGate gathered speed. Shortly after this the CAA “thought” about cancelling their debate which the establishment regarded as superfluous. Opinions were canvassed, but when the decision to proceed was cleared, they too started crowd-funding.72 So we are inclined to take the story of the Last Straw with a sip of Seder salt. And once suspicion takes root it is difficult to know when to stop. Nadler’s “sudden snapping” seems improbable given that she goes on to express her shock at the image that “would befit a neo-Nazi.” But she was in her car listening to the radio: was she reacting to what she saw or what she heard? In any case, she continues to repeat the official slogan “enough is enough” which encapsulates the narrative about the timing of this last straw. And the fact that her blog is published in Reaction, a platform set up by Iain Martin, political commentator for The Times, leads one to think that Nadler may have been put up to attending the demonstration. 67 https://reaction.life/broke-habit-lifetime-yesterdays-antisemitism-rally/ https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/jeremy-corbyn-labour-antisemitism-israeli-labour-party-hilik-barpalestine-1.463787 69 https://twitter.com/sajidjavid/status/977293660873199616?lang=en 70 https://www.thejc.com/comment/blogs/the-jc-comment-blog-no-1-the-labour-party-and-the-jews1.460979 71 https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/labourantisemitism 72 https://www.totalgiving.co.uk/appeal/labour-hold-corbyn-to-account 68 40 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Whether or not the Israeli Labour Party has connections with Shai Masot is left as an exercise for the enthusiastic reader. 41 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Part 4 MuralGaga Our perspective now permits a more informed presentation of events which we present in Part 4, a detailed narrative of the plot. The incriminating data that had been gathered in 2012 and that was in the hands of Quilty by 2015 came to light without causing too much damage. Thereafter pressure increased through 2016 as allegations of antisemitism in the Party were mounted. This included several Jews who were suspended for criticism of Israel, Cyril Chilson, a son of holocaust survivors and former captain in the Israeli army73 and, in 2017, Moshé Machover, a distinguished philosopher of mathematics who had written that “Anti-Semitism does not mean Anti-Zionism.”74 Contributions to the Labour Party Forum were scrutinised and, as we have seen, Nazeem Shah had been forced to apologise when she had shared a cartoon (originally posted by Norman Finkelstein, another Jewish critic of Israel). And when Ken Livingstone came to her defence he became a lightning rod for criticism. McCluskey’s dismissal of antisemitism complaints as “mood music” with an ultimately political motivation is perfectly intelligible in this context In the first couple of months of 2018 two investigations into social media groups with which Corbyn had been associated began. Most likely these were coordinated, and shortly we will suggest that Quilty was involved. Collier’s Palestine Live was completed by March 5th and though he claims to have been working independently, Collier gives the impression of working to a deadline for he says of himself that ordinarily he liked to “lick the bone clean” (i.e. extract as much incriminating antisemitism as possible from the data). His report has two parts, the second implicating Corbyn, though in nearly 200 pages the mural comment was not mentioned. This fact is illustrative of the strategy which was implemented by Quilty early on March 22nd.75 In the morning Guido Fawkes tweeted that Corbyn had been a member of a second group, and in his post he stressed “antisemitic” messages vilifying the Rothschilds (the word is in bold). Then, Quilty posted just 18 minutes after Guido stressing that the Mear One mural had affinities with the Protocols. Given that Quilty was privy to this information for over two (or more likely five) years, he cannot have been acting on a whim. But if his act was pre-planned, then it suggests that such preplanning must have been connected with the second social media trawl (in fact, both trawls), not to mention what was about to come. Fig. 29 73 https://medium.com/@TonyGreenstein/labours-expulsion-of-cyril-chilson-a-child-of-holocaust-survivorssays-everything-you-need-to-b0cb4d6c0a1d 74 https://medium.com/@TonyGreenstein/moshe-machover-on-what-is-zionism-and-why-the-accusation-thatanti-zionism-anti-semitism-is-a-lie-a144e6a70132 75 As of December 2018 Collier’s tweets have referenced Corbyn 360 times since September 2015 and he tweeted @JeremyCorbyn on the day Marcus Dysch published the story (November 5 th 2015). He was also in touch with Quilty. It’s difficult to believe that he only learned of the story when Quilty rereleased it – though he has rubbished claims to the contrary. 42 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 The tryptic completed before breakfast by Alex Rubner who spells out just why the new revelation is significant (Fig. 30)76: Fig. 30 76 https://twitter.com/alexrubner/status/976812285342765056 43 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Thus, Rubie was part of the plot, and explains its rationale. The public who have seen first the indirect evidence, now can (literally) see how Corbyn was directly involved. Such, also was the structure of Collier’s two-part study, exposing the indirect links was a means to an end. Of course, the mural comment had been known for a long time, as had the scarcity of such “direct” antisemitism. The indirect evidence was to be a stepping-stone, or we could say, scaffolding for the building. In the order of intention, first the thought of putting up the building, and last the thought of putting up the scaffolding; in the order of execution, first the scaffolding is erected, and last the building firmly established. Understandably, Rubie would not have us miss these intricacies. 44 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 At this juncture we shall insert a paragraph written in October, for just as I had overlooked @JBickertonUK, so I had overlooked a friend of his.77 @Hughster seems to have been the first to construe Mear One as antisemitic in his own words and introduces the passage later cited by Bickerton. 78 @Hughster tweeted at 13.29 March 22nd.79 On looking at his tweets we see links with Cohen (April 201780), Dysch (March 201681), Pollard (July 201782), Berger (April 201683), @GnasherJew (August, 201784), @_Samisaviv (November 201785), @TwllDun (December, 201586), @GillianLazarus (July, 201787), Hodges (re Corbyn, July 201588) and of course Bickerton (August 201789). And on MuralGate day we see @Hughster making over a half a dozen tweets, and later engaging with @JBickertonUK regarding WreathGate, for example, sharing aerial photos.90 Clearly, @Hughster was appraised of the coup. Yet another paragraph must be inserted late October. For @AlMurray, who had responded on the day to @TwllDun’s blog in 2015,91breaking his silence to express outraged surprise in reply to @CQuilty52 at noon on 22nd,92 making 18 comments on 23rd, and numerous polemical comments thereafter. He references @Hughster’s “discovery” of the previous day93and at 18.27 insinuates that Owen Smith’s sacking was a distraction.94 We see links with Cohen, (120 times since June 201295), Dysch (July 201196), Pollard (September 201497), @_Samisaviv (January 201898), @GnasherJew (September 201799), @Baddiel (March 2011100), @DavidSchneider (May 2010101), @DawnHFoster (November 2014102), @BaronessDeech (within one month of the peer joining Twitter in 2010).103 @CQuilty52 (February 2013104), @GuidoFawkes (November 2012105), Hodges (April 2013106), 77 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/1022907732968517633 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/1022907732968517633 79 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/976821037894684672 80 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/856949701630996480 81 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/709511076514275328 82 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/883646370221084672 83 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/725642934834593792 84 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/894462276442435584 85 https://twitter.com/_samisaviv/status/935912472187355136 86 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/662748001450991620 87 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/885970422277300225 88 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/625980647081930752 89 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/895027312604975105 90 https://twitter.com/hughster/status/1028589323879428096 91 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/650677454596624384 92 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/976794763142852608 93 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/977276811024453634 94 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/977250534787821568 95 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/215388605319876609 96 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/91060263851266048 97 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/1040494801483915264 98 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/948704338393944066 99 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/912803359631036416 100 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/44821729071214592 78 101 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/14549086347 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/532150552474304514 103 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/18798423908 104 In Quilty’s reply on the same day to https://twitter.com/almurray/status/305650580947353602. Note, this was to @ajhmurray (which later became @almurray). The profile claims that the handle started in 2014. 105 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/268297784782884864 106 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/327354271249088513 102 45 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Streeting (September 2017107), @Make_Trouble (October 2012108), and significantly, @TwllDun (over 400 times since September 2014109). Clearly, Murray is as thick as thieves with the “usual suspects.” Throughout the day Quilty will be on hand shepherding his scandal. Thus, in the evening, Lucy Fisher, senior political correspondent at The Times, wrote (at 5 pm) only of the involvement with the second group, not of the mural comment.110 Yet she knew, for @GillianLazarus had told her, though perhaps had not made things clear (in a tweet that seems to have vanished). Then, in a tweet to @GillianLazarus and Lucy Fisher @CQuilty52 had spelt out that this was on the artist’s page – though, again, there seems to be no evidence that she received this tweet, only that it was sent (Fig. 31).111 Fig. 31 107 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/912774836757331968 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/253420953189634049 109 https://twitter.com/almurray/status/514490754723753984 108 110 https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/corbyn-in-another-pro-palestine-facebook-group-linked-toantisemitism-wkbd6209w The time shown in this image is Pacific Time. 111 https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/976893624708411393 46 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Clearly, the muralistic secret must be kept just a little longer. Daybreak, and Old Simeon appears in The Temple, or at any rate, Owen Smith is in The Guardian. Readers are warmed up by the MP for Pontypridd stepping out of line with the shadow cabinet.112 Smith called for a second Referendum and was predictable sacked later that day. It’s hard not to suspect that he was in on the coup especially as his sacking was broken three minutes before Smith was officially told – by Isabel Hardman blogging that Corbyn may have done this to draw attention away from the antisemitism crisis.113Nunc Dimittis. At seven, Berger demands a response from the leader’s office, having seen Quilty’s tweet114 and tweets about the lack of response at 2pm. Eight minutes later an explanatory thread appears from @JBickertonUK.115 These six tweets are carefully written with accompanying images and are posted in two minute intervals until 14.19 when the thread ends (although that fact is not signalled by numeration). For example, he (tendentiously) claims that the artist acknowledged the work as antisemitic.116 Instantly @NickCohen4 tweets at 14.20 underlining the fascist nature of the work. Clearly, these tweets were coordinated with Berger’s. Cohen and Bickerton were Twitter friends from 2016117 and so, even had Bickerton not mentioned (to @MarcusDysch at 14.28) that he had known of the comment for some while, we could infer that he might have learned from Cohen (who had been told of the comment by @CQuilty52 in 2015, having heard of the mural from 2012).118 Here we can note that Bickerton had interviewed Collier and discussed “specifics” at the Labour Party Conference in 2017 while refraining to mention the mural that he claimed was so shocking.119 Incidentally, anyone reading through @NickCohen4’s tweets that mention “Corbyn” gets the sense of the most extreme invective. It is thus highly surprising that in February 2016 we can read: “No Jeremy Corbyn is not antisemitic”120given that Cohen knew of the mural comment at that time. Obviously, Corbyn’s reputation had to be tarnished gradually before that calumny became credible. Within half an hour Dysch chips in saying that he had been waiting since 2015.121 It is 3pm and Berger has had no reply.122 At 15.24 Streeting adds that Berger is not alone.123 Labour Friends of Israel tweet of the “vile” comment at 15.44, and at 16.08 Lucy Fisher supplied updates: “A Corbyn spokesman said: In 2012, Jeremy was responding to concerns about the removal of public art on the grounds of freedom of speech. However, the mural was offensive, used antisemitic imagery which has no place in our society, and it is right it was removed.”124 A polite thank you note from Collier addressed to “@LucianaBerger and @WesStreeting and @DPJHodges and some good people 112 https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/mar/23/owen-smith-calls-for-public-poll-on-final-brexit-deal https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2018/03/owen-smith-sacked-from-shadow-cabinet/ 114 https://twitter.com/lucianaberger/status/977183210051338241?lang=en 115 https://twitter.com/JBickertonUK/status/977187530553675778 113 On this see Martin Odoni’s article and replies to comments including the precise point made by Bickerton. https://thegreatcritique.wordpress.com/2018/03/26/oh-all-right-lets-talk-about-that-mural-then/. Note. When I added the paragraph on Bickerton I had not realised that he was repeating @Hughster who had tweeted early on the previous day. Incidentally, Bickerton claimed in a direct message August 10 th that he had only decided to tweet after Berger had when he noticed how the story was generating interest – that between 7am and 7.08am (as I thought)! He had no reply when I pointed out to him how unfeasible that was. In fact he actually tweeted seven hours later. Bickerton did not correct my mistake which was due to my Twitter settings being adjusted to Pacific Time. Previous versions of MuralGaga will need correction in this respect. 117 https://twitter.com/NickCohen4/status/815159275018448896 118 https://twitter.com/NickCohen4/status/252101338303967232 119 https://twitter.com/JBickertonUK/status/919625894016274434 120 https://twitter.com/NickCohen4/status/700651923163127808 121 https://twitter.com/MarcusDysch/status/977191700560048128 122 https://order-order.com/2018/03/23/berger-asks-corbyn-explain-comment-defending-anti-semitic-mural/ 123 https://twitter.com/wesstreeting/status/977204411884859398 124 https://twitter.com/LOS_Fisher/status/977215495429677056 116 47 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 @TheTimes and @Telegraph and @Guardian” for not letting this go. “It’s there – it’s real - and we cannot just accept a simple shrug time after time.”125 Twelve minutes after the Sabbath has begun Owen Smith is sacked, and in separate shuls, and separate meals, the BDBJs and JLC quietly contemplate. In the evening Sajid Javid tweets that he will challenge Corbyn to debate in Parliament, and with over-hasty liturgical exactitude intones the refrain “enough is enough.”126 The debate will be secured on the 29th. Quilty does not fail to retweet both Javid and Collier, and even a thank-you to Berger (no doubt for the unexpected consideration).127 John Mann tweets about the grotesque images at 22.13,128 and, in the only tweet in which he had ever mentioned him, @EricPickles tweets in support of @SajidJavid.129 Jamie Susskind calls for the resignation of his leader.130 Also that evening @TwllDun offers his explanation of how he came to know of Corbyn’s mural comment.131 His story is that a friend in the local area informed him and when he looked he then took a screenshot. Even if Facebook had not in 2015 put in place the system whereby shots of comments made 2 years back recorded the metric as “2y” (rather than “2 October 2012” as per Fig. 15) we think that the Welshman would do well to revisit his alibi132 given that the November image published by Dysch shows an even more precise time (2 October 2012 at 10.51 as per Fig. 9). Meanwhile, Quilty was to have a field day dispatching the objections of those who thought the comment might be a fake. On the Saturday the Chronicle calls Corbyn a liar and on the Sunday, at short notice the establishment call their demo and the next day many novices like Nadler turn up on the streets of Westminster.133 Even so, the CAA decide to go ahead with another demonstration and start fund raising.134 On Good Friday Alan Sugar posted, and quickly withdrew, a cartoon of Corbyn sitting next to Hitler.135 On Easter Day the Sunday Times ran their hate factory story136 (the news is broken by Sajid Javid’s media secretary137) and in the paper Quilty’s friend David Baddiel asked: Am I stinking vermin running the world?138 On the Monday Corbyn attended the “seditious Seder”139 – and for the record, it was beetroot from his allotment, not horseradish for the maror that he brought – Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner responded to my email. The group was promptly accused of enabling virulent antisemitism (the distinguished contributor to Thought for the Day presumably exempted). At this eventuality we must add to our deck a wild-card. The comedian David Schneider, another friend of 125 https://twitter.com/mishtal/status/977245660511686657 https://twitter.com/sajidjavid/status/977293660873199616?lang=en 127 https://tweettunnel.com/reverse3.php?ga=0&b=y&pgn=32&id=755427145&pn=8# 128 https://twitter.com/JohnMannMP/status/977307388993789952 129 https://twitter.com/EricPickles/status/977337077611118594 130 https://twitter.com/jamiesusskind/status/977342912588468225 131 https://twitter.com/twlldun/status/977262887050805248 132 https://twitter.com/twlldun/status/978274611681951744 and see: https://twitter.com/twlldun/status/1022939994615410688 133 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/apr/15/corbyn-needs-to-defend-labour-mps-fightingantisemitism 134 https://antisemitism.uk/jeremy-corbyn-reacts-to-caa-demonstration-by-disgracefully-dismissing-maureenlipmans-speech-against-him/ 135 https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/mar/31/mcdonnell-calls-for-lord-sugar-to-delete-corbynhitler-tweet 136 https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/exposed-jeremy-corbyns-hate-factory-kkh55kpgx 137 https://twitter.com/carriesymonds/status/980188216916676609?lang=en 138 https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/david-baddiel-am-i-stinking-vermin-or-am-i-running-the-world-theracists-think-its-both-mqsk3mmkv 139 https://order-order.com/tag/jewdas/ 126 48 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Quilty, told the best joke. “Boo! Corbyn needs to get out and meets some Jews!” [Corbyn spends Passover with some Jews at Jewdas] “Boo! Not those Jews!”140 MuralGate saturates The Times. In the first week I count about twenty articles, three nasty cartoons, three leaders, and several letters. Corbyn’s fish was well and truly fried, and Quilty’s hubris is understandable. For his pinned tweet (which like Sugar’s appeared on Good Friday) also makes the link with the Nazis. So it was that Palestine Live Etc. was to win more column inches than dead Palestinians. For on March 30th – Good Friday, Land Day - unarmed protesters gathered at the Gaza fence and were shot, mainly in the ankles with live ammunition including exploding bullets. In a succession of such protests until May, over 100 would die and 10,000 would be injured, some with life changing injuries such as amputation. Victims included children, men rising from prayer, women carrying flags, several clearly marked as Press, and medics. On Good Friday Pope Francis spoke of being ashamed of humanity, and in his Urbe et Orbi called for the defence of the defenceless in the Holy Land.141 Certainly, many others raised their voice some making the comparison with Sunday Bloody Sunday. The Thunderer? It secreted the story on page 26 in three short columns: Netanyahu and Erdogan trade barbs over Gaza deaths.142 We see a photo of a tear gas drone, and beside it a large colour photo of Pope Francis – with no mention of his concern for Palestinian life. Writing in Middle East Eye, Peter Oborne opined that the crisis had intimidated Corbyn, but in fairness, when he mentioned a review of arms sales he found himself on the front page of the Jewish Chronicle, April 7th. The political class were even more muted, with those MPs debating antisemitism - this was the theme of Berger’s pinned tweet - showing a marked discrepancy of concern; and when Parliament finally did debate Gaza she excused her absence with a tweet about a prior engagement. The pressure would be increased by the decision of Israel’s Labour Party to separate itself from Corbyn’s Labour Party on April 10th, the Commons debate on antisemitism (with billboards) a week later,143 and, a week after that, a meeting that Corbyn had requested with the Jewish establishment on 24th. The Board of Deputies and the Leadership Council would express their disappointment with Corbyn, though, once again, their sincerity is questionable.144 They had set impossible demands, in effect wanting Corbyn to bypass due process in those allegations that give every impression of a witch-hunt. The Wadsworth case was concluded on the Feast of St. Mark – April 25th – when Ruth Smeeth flanked for protection by 50 MPs (including Owen Smith) processed to Church House for the disciplinary. The allegation of antisemitism was arguably ridiculous, and we see Quilty distancing himself from this accusation in a series of eight tweets145 - after all, when the scaffolding has done its job it can be taken down. Unsurprisingly, Wadsworth was expelled for bringing the Party into disrepute – to the satisfaction of the Establishment – as if their purpose in life was the good reputation of Her Majesty’s Opposition!146 140 https://twitter.com/davidschneider/status/980938641102032896?lang=en https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/pope-francis-good-friday-easter-catholics-addressashamed-shame-state-world-next-generation-a8282851.html 142 For online article see: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/netanyahu-and-erdogan-trade-barbs-over-gazadeaths-6kcmcsc7n 143 https://antisemitism.uk/jeremy-corbyn-sits-silent-and-aloof-during-debate-on-antisemitism-as-jewishlabour-mps-castigate-his-failure-to-deal-with-the-antisemites-who-terrorise-them/ 144 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/jeremy-corbyn-labour-party-antisemitism-jewishleaders-meeting-a8320641.html 145 https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/989092168542375937 146 http://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/campaigns/jewish-voice-for-labour-condemns-expulsion-of-blackactivist-marc-wadsworth/ 141 49 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 On April 24th Jamie Susskind, in an emotional letter, resigned from the Labour Party.147 He had called for Corbyn’s resignation over a month ago, and in tweeting about his April letter he is keen to point out that he had written it in March. But why should this be relevant? He could easily have used the document that the old letter had been written in and edited it so as to replace the old with a new date. But obviously, Susskind is a stickler for the script. What he is saying is that what really forced his hand was the revelation of March 23rd in which he found himself in a state of sudden shock with Berger. The artifice, however, is transparent. Of course, just as Masot tweeted his concern with the local elections in London in May 2016, so Susskind’s letter was in time for May 2018, and, while the full picture is unclear, the anti-Corbyn campaign seems to have had some success, with the Labour Party failing to win Barnet, having lost the ward in West Hendon.148 This was underscored by (ex-) Councillor Adam Langleben who, in his pinned tweet (@AdamLangleben)149 makes clear that he had seen this coming and had warned Corbyn. It must be appreciated however, that while he had opposed the decision of the CAA to go ahead with a second demo, the Establishment having captured the mood of the public, Langleben had co-tweeted with Berger since 2011, and must be presumed to have an anti-Corbyn axe to grind. Immediately after the elections Hilik Bar, of Israel’s Labour Party, also stresses timing to the Chronicle.150 We can bring the saga of MuralGaga to a close with the events of May 14th when President Trump sent his daughter to open the US Embassy in Jerusalem and the protesters in Gaza suffered 60 fatalities according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza,151 so that even Owen Smith condemned the events as murderous – something he had failed to do throughout March/April. Here it seems as though the storm of MuralGate had exhausted itself, with the sharp contrast between the events in the ceremony in the City of Peace and those of the Strong City now framing the narrative (Gaza = Azzah = Strong City). 147 https://twitter.com/jamiesusskind/status/989098922709798912/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=ht tps%3A%2F%2Fwww.thejc.com%2Fnews%2Fuk-news%2Flabour-campaigner-resigns-over-antisemitism1.463070 148 https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/labour-loses-to-conservatives-in-barnet-local-election-20181.463608 149 https://twitter.com/adamlangleben?lang=en 150 https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/jeremy-corbyn-labour-antisemitism-israeli-labour-party-hilik-barpalestine-1.463787 151 https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-trump-base-celebrates-jerusalem-embassy-move-u-sjews-mourn-gaza-deaths-1.6092560 50 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Part 5 Seventy Years of Hurt We conclude, now, with Part 5 which explains what all the plotting was for. It seems implausible to set so much store on what the older dictionaries define as the “weak chirp of a small bird,” but we can learn a lot from tweets. We have seen how early on data amassed on Corbyn would be used to undermine him, how allegations of antisemitism in the Labour Party were indirectly aimed at him, and how this culminated in a strategy that wounded him - by coordinating social media searches which would prepare the ground for the re-release the old material accompanied by screeching squawks of outrage. Horrific.152 Grotesque. Disgusting. You wouldn’t treat a black person like this.153 Finally, the Jewish establishment would be pushed onto the streets. Why did this happen? Quilty’s first tweet hints at BDS, Boycotts, Divestments, and Sanctions against Israel. In general, Israeli Hasbara (propaganda) has been greatly concerned with winning this battle for public opinion, and in particular this became urgent as the time of commemorations arrived, a time that would see the worst violence in Gaza for four years. Although it is wrapped in the form of a joke, we take Quilty’s 911 communication of 2012 to indicate his central concern. Many a true word is spoken in tweet. However, if the how of the plot can be outed in a thousand tweets it may be countered that the plotters got together to get Corbyn for reasons other than BDS. In itself, this is reasonable since different groups had diverse motives to dislodge the Labour leader. Still, there can be little doubt about what was on Quilty’s mind. Even if antisemitism rose since Corbyn took power, and rose in the Labour Party, and rose in the Labour Party since Corbyn took power because Corbyn took power, still, this cannot be the reason why Quilty began tweeting in 2012 even before Corbyn had replied to Mear One. So, as far as Quilty’s motivation goes, we have to assume that this was to undermine his pro-Palestine support.154 Carefully worked, The Production Manager’s plan was a long time coming. We have described it in terms of four suits. Hawkish clubs of their very nature are zealots for Zion; digging spades are in their element messing with mud; political hearts will not act when they might lose affection; and precious diamonds are seen on the streets only as a last resort. Because The PM is a king of clubs, and because his play was so successful – as Melanie Phillips wrote of the Establishment, the Jewish mouse roared155 – we say that “clubs trumped diamonds.” The values of that ace Shai Masot had come to inform the whole pack. The Production Manager is “as to him as” - another infiltrator undermining UK politics when the interests of Israel are threatened. It is in this sense that the why of the plot is BDS, though we concede, the jokers in the pack were none too reliable. As Baddiel put it when replying to Guido’s claim that Corbyn’s attendance at the 152 https://antisemitism.uk/jeremy-corbyn-sits-silent-and-aloof-during-debate-on-antisemitism-as-jewishlabour-mps-castigate-his-failure-to-deal-with-the-antisemites-who-terrorise-them/ 153 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5540803/Chuka-Umunna-slams-Jeremy-Corbyn-anti-Semiticmural-row.html 154 It should be understood that this essay has been frequently revised and we no longer hold for Quiltyprimacy, preferring instead to see Marcus Dysch as taking the initiative. Still, we would maintain the general judgement that Muralgate was inspired by a pro-Israel perspective. Here it is worth turning to Dysch on the day that Corbyn was elected. He is perfectly clear that “in the event of another Gaza conflict … Corbyn would be in his element.” https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/many-more-questions-now-that-jeremy-corbyn-islabour-leader-1.58189?highlight=luciana+berger. Or as Lord Finkelstein had put it just before the election, and pace Corporal Jones, DO PANIC!!. https://www.thejc.com/comment/columnists/why-is-labour-so-placid1.68120?highlight=luciana+berger 155 http://www.melaniephillips.com/mouse-roars-look-what-happened/ 51 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 seditious Seder would be difficult to explain: No it isn’t. They are just Jews who disagree with other Jews. Which means: Jews.156 We are in substantial agreement with the tellers of Jewish jokes. Schneider again: A Jew is stranded for years on a desert island. The people who rescue him are amazed he’s built two synagogues. He tells them: “This is the one I pray in. And the other is the one I wouldn’t be seen dead in!”157 If anyone thinks that in our conspiracy theory we are rehashing the nefarious Protocols we insist that not all plotters were Jews and not all Jews were plotters even as not all anti-Zionists are anti-Semites and not all anti-Semites are anti-Zionist. And I heard this one on the website of Jewish Voice for Labour: There is the story about Goldbloom, doing well in the rag trade in Stepney, who has to make a dash for Euston to sort out a problem with his supplier in Glasgow. As the night sleeper pulls out, he realises he has left his overnight bag behind. Luckily the man occupying the other berth in the sleeper compartment has a spare pair of pyjamas, which he lends Goldbloom, and tells Goldbloom he can use his razor in the morning. But when Goldbloom asks if he can also borrow his toothbrush, he politely declines. The next evening, when he returns from Glasgow, Goldbloom’s wife asks him how the journey went. “Not bad,” says Goldbloom, “but did I meet an anti-Semite!”158 Our point is that, since Martin Odoni was adamant that there was nothing antisemitic about Mear One’s mural, and the Jewish Chronicle in 2012 had spoken only of “undertones,” and Palestinian sympathiser Tarik Cherkaoui thought it haled from Der Sturmer, we conclude that Corbyn’s comment admits a measure of ambiguity. As Danny Finkelstein put it, with five Jews on a trip you get six cars and seven opinions. What, then, is the real issue? We have argued that Corbyn was targeted as part of the anti-BDS campaign, and that is why the mural became contentious. After all, very few objected to the artwork when it was covered by the Chronicle in 2012, and to my knowledge no campaign has been launched to have it removed from Facebook. The complaints began only when it was noticed that Corbyn had commented. We cannot think that MuralGate merited a thousand at Westminster, the polarised political debate, and the excessive media coverage that obscured more than the smoke from a pile of tyres in Palestine. This is why we have decided to get to the bottom of MuralGaga and blow the cover of The Production Manager. On this we can conclude with an image we found in a search of “breed3011” showing an anonymous commentator interested in Nabokov engaged in a piece of literary criticism that touches on our central character (Fig. 32)159: Fig. 32 156 https://twitter.com/baddiel/status/980942124362366977?lang=en https://twitter.com/davidschneider/status/980938641102032896?lang=en 158 https://www.lrb.co.uk/v40/n09/stephen-sedley/short-cuts 159 http://finley215blog.blogspot.com/2010/02/last-section-of-lolita.html 157 52 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Or as @DavidBaddiel and his friends at @absoluteradio might put it: IT’S COMING HOME! 53 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 Part 6 MuralGaGa Timeline 2009 July 31: Lee Harpin @LMHarpin tweets @LucianaBerger, and will later cover her maiden speech, and interview the “impressive” MP.i 2010 September 26: @DawnHFoster starts tweeting with @WesStreeting and continues on 8 occasions until 20 May 2015. 2012 September 4: @AngieSJacobs tweets @CQuilty52: Mentions @Vushtlover which is invisible to internet searches but not Advance Twitter.ii 2012 September 11: @CQuilty52 makes first tweet: 11:44 am referring to BoDMAS (= Boycotts, Divestments, and Sanctions?). BDS will be mentioned around 25 occasions in subsequent tweets. 2012 September 29: @NickCohen4 tweets on Mear One mural.160 2012 October 2: Yvonne Ridley and, 2 mins later, Jeremy Corbyn (at 10.51) comment on Mear One mural in same Facebook thread.iii 2012 October 4: Marcus Dysch in Jewish Chronicle reports on destruction of mural with “antisemitic undertones.”iv 2012 October 8: @CQuilty52 starts to tweet with @Ellardent and continues for 40 occasions (for this period, that is, until May 14 2018) until 23 August 2017. Also on Mear One’s Facebook page Martin Kershaw makes comment 192, and before noon, a screenshot is taken showing “192 comments.” 2012 November 8: Lance Hadley makes comment 197 to Mear One Facebook page, and before the next comment is made, a screenshot is taken. 2012 December 19: Giana Lawrence makes comment 198. 2013: CST publishes report on antisemitic discourse in 2012. Mear One’s mural is mentioned, but not in the executive summary.v 2013 January 29: @CQuilty52 tweetsvi @absoluteradio and with link to a band playing at own wedding posted by breed3011.vii 2013 February 24: @CQuilty52 replies to @ajhmurray = @almurray.viii 2014 June 10: Tweet (replying to the handle now known as @CQuilty52) refers to @cigarboxbenny.ix 2014 July 4: Othersideofthemirror joins Reddit and in next 4 years make 1000 posts in Labour Antisemitism.x Around this time Gideon Falter starts/ heads CAA. 2014 July 6: @CQuilty52 starts to tweet with @DavidSchneider and continues for 40 occasions until 6 May 2018. 2014 July 8: @CQuilty52 starts to tweet with Melanie Phillips (@MelanieLatest) and continues on 48 occasions until 27 March 2018. 2014 July-August: Operation Protective Edge kills 2000 in Gaza.xi 160 https://twitter.com/NickCohen4/status/252101338303967232 The reference is to https://trialbyjeory.com/2012/09/29/a-new-mural-row-in-brick-lane/. The ambiguity of whether or not the mural was antisemitic was pursued in the comments. 54 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 2014 August: Naz Shah reposts Norman Finkelstein cartoon of Israel relocated to US (Finkelstein is a Jewish Israeli critic whose parents survived the death camps).xii 2014 September 17: @CQuilty52 begins to tweet with @StephenPollard and continues for 19 occasions until 25 March 2018. 2014 October 31: Marcus Dysch covers antisemitic abuse of Luciana Berger.xiii 2015 March 2: @CQuilty52 begins to tweet with @GuidoFawkes, continuing for 78 occasions until 16 April 2018. 2015 March 3: @CQuilty52 begins to tweet with @NickCohen4, continuing for 38 occasions until 24 March 2018. 2015 June 22: Marcus Dysch covers wedding of Berger.xiv 2015 July 22: @CQuilty52 tweets in Labour leadership campaign: @LizforLeader if Corbyn gets in you should cross the floor. You’re closer to us Tories than to Corbyn. If labour don’t want you, we do!! 2:41 pm 2015 July 28: @Hughster tweets with @DPJHodges.xv 2015 August 15: @JamieSusskind tweets re. Corbyn’s support for judge led inquiry re. Israel influence.xvi 2015 September 12: Corbyn elected leader of LP. 2015 September 14: Luciana Berger shadow minister of mental healthxvii covered by Isabel Hardman in Spectator.xviii 2015 September 16: “Sergio Marcano” makes ambiguous comment to Mear One page. Around this time several comments (including Tarik Cherkaoui) and likes (including Sarah Deech) are made to the page, often criticising Corbyn. 2015 October 1: Shai Masot makes first tweet: “Grow Up: Say the word Israel” to Corbyn.xix (Corbyn had been heckled by donor Michael Foster at LFI for not saying the word.)xx 2015 October 4: @TwllDun in “Socialism of Fools” blogs about Corbyn’s blindness to antisemitism. It features a screen-shot in which Yvonne Ridley is co-Jinged with Corbyn, and so suggests a shared provenance with the shot later used by @CQuilty52, though it is not exactly the same.xxi@AlMurray tweets on the blog.xxii 2015 October 6: @CQuilty52 tweeting to @NickCohen4 refers to mural comment (with exact time).xxiii 2015 October 7: Sarah Deech @Londonette tweets to Sam Shemtob. 2015 October 9: @CQuilty52 tweeting to @DouglasKMurray refers to mural comment. 2015 October 21: Tarik Cherkaoui makes comment to Mear One page, and later tweets @tazbuckfaster 2015 November 2: @CQuilty52 tweets @PeterTatchell “I understand you being anti-Israeli occupation but you support BDS which is actually an antisemitic campaign. Pls. rethink.” 11:34 am 2015 November 6: Marcus Dysch writes on mural for Jewish Chronicle asking about Corbyn’s support for Mear One – with post from Yvonne Ridley as well;xxiv Corbyn visits Liverpool meets with Berger.xxv Dysch references Streeting and Berger and the APPG same day.xxvi Sarah Deech tweets 4.41 am: 55 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 2015 November 6: Tweet (replying to the handle now known as @CQuilty52) refers to @stoopidboo.xxvii @Hughster tweets with @TwllDun.xxviii 2015 November 8: Sam Shemtob makes comment to Mear one page. 2015 November 18: Dysch features Berger referencing a talk she had given “last weekend” regarding antisemitic abuse on Twitter.xxix 2015 November 20: @CQuillty52 tweets @make_trouble (Victoria Freeman) only occasion. 2015 November 25: @CQuillty52 begins to tweet with @DPJHodges and continues for 52 occasions until 18 April 2018. 2015 December 1: @CQuilty52 starts to tweet with @TwllDun and continues for 4 occasions until 4 May 2018. 2015 December 2: @CQuilty52 tweets @IsabelHardman. 2016 February 27: Jackie Walker, a black Jewish LP member comments about the African holocaust, and is later suspended, readmitted, and suspended again.xxx 2016 March 14: @Hughster tweets with @MarcusDysch. 2016 April 13: @CQuilty52 starts tweeting with CAA (@antisemitism) and continues for 30 occasions until 29 March 2018. Joins the Labour Party Forum: “Zionists unwelcome at The Labour Party Forum on Facebook. They all got booted out. If only the Left would recognise their right to exist.” 9:17 am. 2016 April 14: @CQuilty52 = proudzionist.com (on medium.com platform) starts blogging throughout April on his experience of the LPF, and also blogs after the general election (2017). The gist of many blogs is that antisemitism parades as antizionism by those who don’t know what either antisemitism or Zionism really is. 2016 April 27: Naz Shah suspended when Guido Fawkes discovers Finkelstein cartoon posted.xxxi@CQuilty52 blogs about the defenders of Shah in the LPF.xxxii 2016 April 28: @Hughster tweets with @LucianaBerger.xxxiii 2016 April 29: Ken Livingstone suspended when, in support of Shah, claims that Hitler was “supporting Zionism before he went mad and ended up killing six million Jews.”xxxiv 2016 April 29: Shai Masot makes second tweet: a compliment to @LucianaBerger.xxxv 2016 April 30: Shai Masot makes third tweet: replying to @EricPickles re. Ken Livingstone.xxxvi Telegraph publishes a dossier referring to mural comment and states that the dossier has been passed to Eric Pickles.xxxvii 2016 May 1: Shai Masot makes fourth tweet: inquiring about the forecasts for the local elections in London. Masot only makes four tweets before news breaks forcing him to leave UK.xxxviii 2016 May 4: Tweet from @DavidSchneider to @CQuilty52 referring to @CQuilty52 as such (and not “@Stoopidboo.”)xxxix 2016 May 16: @Cquilty52 begins to tweet with @Mishtal (David Collier) and continues for 15 occasions until 26 April 2018. 2016 May 21: @CQuilty52 creates a meme that appears in Haaretz. 2016 June 30: @Cquilty52 begins to tweet with @MarcusDysch and continues for 18 occasions until 26 March 2018. 56 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 2016 July: Home Affairs Committee on antisemitism publishes report with submissions from John Mann, Gideon Falter (CAA) etc. No mention of mural.xl 2016 July: Chakrabarti report launched. Marc Wadsworth accused of antisemitism for claiming at launch that Ruth Smeeth was working with Daily Telegraph. 2016 August 4: Corbyn and Smith address antisemitism in leadership contest without Mear One mural being raised.xli 2016 August: Cyril Chilson, child of holocaust survivors, served in Israeli army as captain, suspended from LP for antisemitism after supporting Corbyn.xlii 2016 October 24: @Cquilty52 begins to tweet with @GillianLazarus and continues for 37 occasions until 19 May 2018. 2016 November 3: Jonathan Hoffman and David Collier disrupt Thomas Suarez book at SOAS.xliii 2016 December 12: @CQuilty52 tweets in thread with @NudderingNudnik and @SussexFriends. Also tweets about the “Pink Windmill Kids” continuing for 11 occasions until 24 March 2017. They were a children’s dance group appearing on Rod Hull and Emu in 1984 and reformed for charity after 33 years. @CQuilty52 is in touch with some of the members. 2016 December 31: @JBickertonUK and @NickCohen4 co-tweet.161 2017 January 3: @CQuilty52 tweets autographed picture painted by daughter to @HyltonCatrina.xliv 2017 January: Al Jazeera airs 6 month investigation The Lobby in which an embassy official is filmed saying he wanted to “take down” Sir Alan Duncan. Shai Masot later leaves UK and Israeli ambassador resigns. Documentary indicates the weaponising of antisemitism by Joan Ryan MP of LFI. 2017 January 14: David Collier blogs on Marcus Dysch on the Al Jazeera The Lobby.xlv 2017 March 7: Gideon Falter and Jamie Susskind win a judicial review for failure of CPS to prosecute over antisemitism.xlvi 2017 March 16: @JamieSusskind tweets congrats to @LucianaBerger on birth of daughter.xlvii 2017 March 28: @CQuilty52 begins to tweet with @SuperGutman (Marlon Solomon) and continues for 26 occasions until 17 May 2018. 2017 April 24: @CQuilty52 begins to tweet with @GnasherJew and continues for 40 occasions until 13 May 2018. 2017 April 25: @Hughster tweets with @NickCohen4.xlviii 2017 May 18: @CQuilty52 begins to tweet with @JHoffman1 and continues for 3 occasions until 2 May 2018. 2017 July 5: @CQuilty52 begins to tweet with @LucianaBerger and continues on 7 occasions until 23 March 2018. 2017 June 7: @DawnHFoster tweets “sorry he was such a twit to you” to @LucianaBerger.xlix 2017 July 8: @Hughster tweets with @StephenPollard. 2017 July 9: Victoria Freeman @make_trouble tweets about her defence of @LucianaBerger from deselection.l 161 https://twitter.com/NickCohen4/status/815159275018448896 57 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 2017 August 7: @Hughster tweets with @GnasherJew. 2017 August 8: @Hughster tweet with @JBickertonUK. 2017 September 27: Corbyn heckled for not attending LFI.li 2017 October: Jewish philosopher of mathematics Moshé Machover expelled from LP for article, “Anti-Zionism does not mean anti-Semitism.” Readmitted in January after 139 MPs protest. 2017 October 15: @JBickertonUK interviews @Mishtal at Labour Party Conference.162 2017 November 3: News breaks that Priti Patel has had unscheduled meetings with Israeli ministers on trip to Israel (without knowledge of PM) and discussed giving development aid to IDF in Golan Heights. She resigns later. 2017 November 29: @Hughster tweets with @_Samisaviv. 2017 December 11: @CQuilty52 starts to tweet with @EuanPhilipps and continues for 9 occasions until 3 May 2018. 2017 December 20: Simon Johnson (JLC) criticises CAA for prosecuting a Hezbollah flag waver at Al Quds March and receives criticism in turn from Hoffman, @CQuilty52, Marcus Dysch.lii 2018 January (?): Two month Investigation by Sunday Times begins into Corbyn’s Facebook groups. 2018 January 15: Corbyn supporters extend power in NEC elections.liii 2018 January 21: @JamieSusskind tweets @WesStreeting a happy birthday, the “very model of an MP.”liv 2018 February 21: Jewish anti-Zionist Tony Greenstein expelled from LP.lv 2018 March 7: Marcus Dysch meets with David Collier and writes of his Palestine Live in Spectator and lack of airing antisemitism gets.lvi 2018 March 7: @CQuilty52 retweets Victoria Freeman re Palestine Live.lvii 2018 March 8: David Collier publishes 290 pages on Palestine Live Facebook groups, completed March 5, part 2 about Corbyn.lviii 2018 March 8: 3.40 am Collier and Victoria Freeman share tweets about Palestine Live.lix 2018 March 8: 1.10 pm @AlexRubner replies to Dan Hodges regarding Palestine Live.lx 2018 March 8: 4.48 pm Victoria Freeman tweets @TwllDun about mural (still with Ridley comment).lxi 2018 March 9: OSOTM reposts Twll Dun’s Socialism of Fools on Reddit.lxii 2018 March 9: Jewish Palestinian activist Glyn Secker suspended from LP for unspecified comments that may be antisemitic. 2018 March 9: Voice of England on Medium (same platform used by Twll Dun) attacks Corbyn, uses phrase “Enough is enough.”lxiii 2018 March 11: Dan Hodges writes in Mail on Sunday about Corbyn and Palestine Live. No mention of mural.lxiv 162 https://twitter.com/JBickertonUK/status/919625894016274434 58 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 2018 March 14: Activist group “CULPA” (Spokesperson Jonathan Hoffman) starts crowd-funding to raise £4,000 for billboards with the remainder to be given to CAA. Uses the slogan “Enough is enough.”lxv Uses #CorbynOutNow.lxvi 2018 March 15: David Schneider tweets: “Are you anti-semitic? A personal guide for fellow lefties and others.”lxvii 2018 March 19: Stephen Pollard in JC promises more revelations in the next week.lxviii 2018 March 20: Cyril Chilson faces disciplinary in Oxford.lxix 2018 March 22:lxx 11.47 am @GuidoFawkes posts about Corbyn involvement in a second Facebook group in which “Rothschild’” is highlighted.lxxi 12.06 am Clare Quilty @CQuilty52, replying to Guido tweets about mural.lxxii 13.26 am @AlexRubner underlines the significance of @CQuilty52’s post.lxxiii This tweet shown above (Fig. 30) now appears to have been deleted. 11.49 @CQuilty52 replying to @GillianLazarus and Lucy Fisher (Political Editor of the Times) re the mural being on the artist’s page – this tweet does not seem to be present on Lucy Fisher’s account nor is there any record in Gillian Lazarus.lxxiv Erased? 12.16 @AlMurray expresses outraged surprise.lxxv 13.29 @Hughster claims that Mear One conceded antisemitism.lxxvi 13.54 @GnasherJew tweets with a 2010 screenshot from Yvonne Ridley (5 June 11.51) headlined “Israeli Lies … 9/11 and the Holocaust.” 2018 March 23: 6 am Owen Smith (in Guardian) breaks from shadow cabinet on Brexit. 7 am @LucianaBerger demands Leader’s office to respond to mural having seen @CQuilty52. 14.00 @LucianaBerger repeats her complaint.lxxvii 14.08 to 14.19 in careful thread of 6 tweets @JBickertonUK underlines the antisemitism of the Mural citing (without acknowledgement) @Hughster’s misconstrual of Mear One.lxxviii 14.20 @NickCohen4 retweets @JBickertonUKlxxix accusing Corbyn of defending fascist art. 14.28 @JBickertonUK tweets with @MarcusDysch saying that he knew of the mural. 14.33 @MarcusDysch points out that he has been waiting since 2015.lxxx 3 pm Guido Fawkes reports that @LucianaBerger upset that she has had no reply yet.lxxxi 15.03 @GnasherJew tweets the 2010 screenshot again adding that “we’ve got a thick file on her” (Yvonne from the Scottish PSC). 15.24 @wesstreeting also says Luciana is not alone wanting explanation.lxxxii 15.44 @_LFI tweets on “vile” mural comment.lxxxiii 16.07 @CQuilty52 tweets “Thank you” to @LucianaBerger.lxxxiv 59 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 16.08 Lucy Fisher tweets in reply to @LucianaBerger: “A Corbyn spokesman said: In 2012, Jeremy was responding to concerns about the removal of public art on the grounds of freedom of speech. However, the mural was offensive, used antisemitic imagery which has no place in our society, and it is right it was removed.”lxxxv 16.23 @StephenPollard tweets on mural – he “expects” no consequences for Corbyn.lxxxvi 17.36 Director of Henry Jackson Society @alanmendoza tweets “Extraordinary.”lxxxvii 18.00 Lighting of candles for Sabbath (London). Sabbath begins 6.18.lxxxviii In “Sabbath meditation” BDBJ and JLC “suddenly snap” (or so they will later claim) and decide to hold a demo on the Monday.lxxxix 18.08 David Collier @mishtal tweets: Just a thank you to @LucianaBerger and @wesstreeting and @DPJHodges and some good people @TheTimes and @Telegraph and @guardian for not letting this go. It’s there – it’s real - and we cannot just accept a simple shrug time after time.xc 18.27 @AlMurray claims Smith’s sacking is a distraction.xci 18.30 Owen Smith sacked from Cabinet, Isabel Hardman in Spectator instantly (6.27 pm) blogs that his sacking was an attempt to distract from antisemitism row. 19.16 @TwllDun volunteers his account of how he discovered the mural.xcii 21.19 @SajidJavid tweets he will call for a Parliamentary debate on antisemitism (that is, before recess, Thursday March 29 to take place Tuesday 17th April after recess). Uses the phrase “enough is enough.”xciii 22.13 John Mann speaks of “grotesque images.”xciv 00.11 @EricPickles tweets in support of @SajidJavid – in the only tweet that has ever mentioned him.xcv 00.34 Jamie Susskind calls for Corbyn’s resignation.xcvi 2018 March 24: Jewish Chronicle calls Jeremy Corbyn a liar for response to mural allegations.xcvii 2018 March 25: BDBJ and JLC demo announced for next day (tweeted 7.19 am),xcviii CAA also announce demo (2.38 pm), their J’accuse omits reference to Ridley.xcixThe CAA also makes their first reference to the mural.c 2018 March 26: @CQuilty52 and @MarcusDysch tweet to the effect that they had independently discovered Corbyn’s image in 2015.ci Hundreds demonstrate under “Enough is enough.” Chuka Umunna: You would not treat a black person like this.cii First timers like Joanne Nadler also demonstrate.ciii 2018 March 26: Martin Odoni blogs that mural is not antisemitic, amazed at reaction.civ Lee Harpin in JC, There’s no Conspiracy. Just the Truth. Repeats that Luciana Berger knew only on 22nd, a last straw.cv 2018 March 27: Brendan Walsh writes leader for the Tablet (out at the weekend) on solidarity with Jews using language of “crimes against humanity.” JLC and BDBJs call on CAA not to go ahead with second demonstration. 2018 March 28: After a meeting the CAA decide to go ahead with second demo. 60 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 2018 March 29: Sajid Javid secures a debate in Parliament on antisemitism to take place next Tuesday after the recess (April 17th). Danny Finkelstein, who was a person of “significant control” in the Jewish Chronicle when the mural story brokecvi and who had received tweets from @CQuilty52 from November 2016 repeats the myth of the last straw – “we all learned of the mural this weekend.”cvii 2018 March 30: Alan Sugar tweets a cartoon depicting JC sitting next to Hitler.cviii CAA sets up TotalGiving crowd fund for placards and receives first donation.cix 2018 March 30: Land day/Good Friday IDF use live fire including exploding bullets. Over a dozen killed in Gaza.cx Pope Francis “ashamed of humanity.”cxi 2018 March 30: @CQuilty52 pins a Nazifying tweet about Corbyn to top of twitter feed. 2018 March 31: Sugar deletes Hitler cartoon; before Sunday Times breaks the story, Sajid Javid’s media assistant Carrie Symonds mentions it,cxii and @CQuilty52 devotes most tweets to screen shots of LP antisemitism taken from social media groups. 2018 April 1: Sunday Times article on Corbyn’s hate factory.cxiii David Baddiel in same paper asks, “Am I stinking vermin?”cxiv Pope Francis in Urbe et Orbi calls for defence of those killed in Holy Land.cxv 2018 April 2: Corbyn attends Jewdas Seder (with Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner among others) cxvi; by now The Times has run over 20 articles, 3 leaders, 3 cartoons, many letters. 2018 April 4: Berger.cxvii Dawn Foster writes in Tablet on antisemitism focussing on mural and referencing 2018 April 8: Jewish Chronicle front page covers Corbyn outrage at Gaza and his call to review arms sales.cxviii 2018 April 8: CAA demo, Israeli flags unfurled. Maureen Lipman calls Corbyn antisemitic.cxix 2018 April 10: Israel Labour Party breaks with Corbyn.cxx 2018 April 15: Goldstein JLC and Arkush BDBJ explain their timing in Comment is Free, a last straw.cxxi 2018 April 17: Billboards funded by CULPA (spokesman Jonathan Hoffman) outside LP HQ re antisemitism. MPs (including Berger, Lisa Nandycxxii) debate antisemitism.cxxiii 2018 April 24: BDBJ and JLC meet with Corbyn and express disappointment.cxxiv 2018 April 25: Ruth Smeeth “protected” by 50 MPs (including Owen Smith) attend disciplinary for Marc Wadsworth accused of antisemitism for saying at the launch of the Chakrabarti Report that Smeeth (who was Jewish, though he says he did not know it) had been conspiring with the Telegraph – this read as an antisemitic trope. Wadsworth is expelled for bringing the LP into disrepute.cxxv 2018 April 26: Susskind resigns from LP with emotional appeal, dating the letter for Mar 24.cxxvi 2018 May 4: LP fail to win Barnet in local elections losing West Hendon (also Kersal).cxxvii 2018 May 9: Jenni Frazer in Jewish Chronicle article on Israeli Labour Party, Hilik Bar stresses timing of decision to break with Corbyn.cxxviii 2018 May 14: Trump sends daughter to open embassy in Jerusalem. Scores killed in Gaza.cxxix 61 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 i https://twitter.com/lmharpin/status/7228072178 ii https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=how%20are%20you%20doing%20on%20this%20twitter%20thing%20Ben%2 0to%3Acquilty52&src=typd&lang=en-gb iii https://www.facebook.com/290156246477/photos/a.290349386477.157415.290156246477/1015105430550 1478/?type=3&theater iv https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/mayor-tower-hamlets-mural-to-be-removed-1.36785 v https://cst.org.uk/data/file/4/1/Antisemitic-Discourse-Report-2012.1425052041.pdf vi https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/296274403543633920 vii https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es42CSny7p4&feature=youtu.be&t=20s Members include Ben, Gary, Matt, Paul: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/actionburt/special-kitbash-t2107628.html viii https://twitter.com/almurray/status/305650580947353602 https://twitter.com/themodedecoder/status/476442047860473856 x https://www.reddit.com/user/Othersideofthemirror xi https://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/201609_whitewash_protocol xii https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/naz-shah-readmitted-to-labour-party-following-antisemitism-row-a7121746.html xiii https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/neo-nazi-gave-out-internet-abuse-tips-in-campaign-against-lucianaberger-1.60174 xiv https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/labour-s-luciana-berger-weds-music-manager-at-historic-liverpoolsynagogue-1.67246 xv https://twitter.com/hughster/status/625980647081930752 ix xvi https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/296274403543633920https://tweettunnel.com/reverse3.php? ga=0&b=&pgn=32&tz=0&bt=1001466096606765056&st=998520262575509505&id=170737259&pn =7 xvii http://jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/luciana-berger-joining-corbyns-cabinet-was-not-easy/ https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2015/09/corbyn-rewrites-the-rules-to-claim-gender-balance-in-shadowcabinet/ xix https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=shai%20masot%20since%3A2012-08-31%20until%3A2016-1231&src=typd&lang=en-gb xx https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/labour-donor-explains-why-he-heckled-jeremy-corbyn-at-israelevent-1.59058 xxi https://medium.com/@twlldun/the-socialism-of-fools-cb3426fc10bf xxii https://twitter.com/almurray/status/650677454596624384 xxiii https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=mural%20from%3Acquilty52&src=typd&lang=en-gb xxiv https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/did-jeremy-corbyn-back-artist-whose-mural-was-condemned-asantisemitic-1.62106 xxv https://news.liverpool.ac.uk/2015/11/06/packed-house-for-visit-of-labour-party-leader-jeremy-corbyn/ xxvi https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/mps-acknowledge-link-between-israeli-palestinian-conflict-andrising-antisemitism-in-britain-1.61565?highlight=luciana+berger xxvii https://twitter.com/Mendes23Emanuel/status/662725547726761989 xxviii https://twitter.com/hughster/status/662748001450991620 xviii 62 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 xxix https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/luciana-berger-says-twitter-was-frustratingly-slow-in-respondingto-campaign-of-online-hate-against-her-1.62640 xxx https://electronicintifada.net/content/battered-triumphant/23806 xxxi https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/apr/27/naz-shah-suspended-labour-party-antisemitism-row xxxii https://proudzionist.wordpress.com/2016/04/27/the-labour-party-forums-defense-of-naz-shah/. Note, the journalist who reported on this story in the Chronicle retained anonymity. https://www.thejc.com/news/uknews/labour-mp-naz-shah-backed-plan-to-relocate-israelis-to-america-1.64398?highlight=eric+pickles xxxiii https://twitter.com/hughster/status/725642934834593792 xxxiv Jenny Manson’s defence (JVL) at http://kenlivingstone.net/Docs/Statements%20from%20five%20witnesses%20being%20called%20to%20the% 20hearing%20-%20supporting%20Ken%20Livingstone.pdf xxxv https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=shai%20masot%20since%3A2012-08-31%20until%3A2016-1231&src=typd&lang=en-gb xxxvi https://twitter.com/ShaiMasot/status/726362141830295552 xxxvii https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/30/pressure-grows-on-jeremy-corbyn-as-dossier-of-antisemitism-in-l/ The article is tweeted next day, and liked by @Hughster https://twitter.com/Telegraph/status/726671041343438848 xxxviii https://twitter.com/ShaiMasot/status/726699832765730816 xxxix https://twitter.com/davidschneider/status/727977758836559872 xl https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmhaff/136/13602.htm xli https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aatkiRX9epQ xlii https://medium.com/@TonyGreenstein/labours-expulsion-of-cyril-chilson-a-child-of-holocaust-survivorssays-everything-you-need-to-b0cb4d6c0a1d xliii http://freespeechonisrael.org.uk/stateofterror/#sthash.od2Olwnr.dpbs xliv https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/296274403543633920 xlv http://david-collier.com/al-jazeera-brings-middle-eastern-antisemitism-uk/ http://www.littletonchambers.com/jamie-susskind-acts-in-landmark-high-court-case-over-non-prosecutionof-neo-nazi-1101/ xlvii https://twitter.com/jamiesusskind/status/843192192151797760 xlviii https://twitter.com/hughster/status/856949701630996480 xlix https://twitter.com/DawnHFoster/status/872557352381272066 l https://twitter.com/make_trouble/status/884030642874437632 li https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/jeremy-corbyn-labour-friends-of-israel-party-conferenceanti-semitism-holocoaust-denial-momentum-a7969381.html lii https://antisemitism.uk/jewish-leadership-council-ceo-must-stop-sniping-and-apologise-for-claiming-caasprivate-prosecution-of-pro-hizballah-march-leader-will-make-yet-more-fear/ liii https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-42688288 xlvi liv https://tweettunnel.com/reverse3.php?ga=0&b=&pgn=32&tz=0&bt=1001466096606765056&st=9985202625 75509505&id=170737259&pn=7 lv https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/labour-expels-jewish-anti-zionist-tony-greenstein lvi https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2018/03/anti-semitism-fatigue-is-now-a-normal-part-of-british-politics/ lvii https://twitter.com/make_trouble/status/971649265255768065 lviii http://david-collier.com/tag/palestine-live/ lix https://twitter.com/make_trouble/status/971649265255768065?lang=en-gb lx https://twitter.com/alexrubner/status/971855797427851264 Note: This tweet no longer exists. Rubner has also deleted his tweets about MuralGaga to me @ChrisFriel7 – this note added in November 2018. lxi https://twitter.com/make_trouble/status/972016176288206849?lang=en-gb lxii https://www.reddit.com/r/LabourUK/comments/835f4u/the_socialism_of_fools/ lxiii https://medium.com/@voiceofengland/jeremy-corbyn-and-palestine-live-the-left-is-antisemiticcaefa945ad72 lxiv http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-5485917/DAN-HODGES-Corbyn-anit-Semetic-pals-smashedmoral-compass.html lxv https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/labourantisemitism lxvi https://twitter.com/hashtag/corbynoutnow?src=hash lxvii https://twitter.com/davidschneider/status/709746407373152257?lang=en 63 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 lxviii https://www.thejc.com/comment/blogs/the-jc-comment-blog-no-1-the-labour-party-and-the-jews1.460979 lxix https://twitter.com/cyrilchilson/status/975099947241607169?lang=en-gb lxx Note. Some times of tweets may be incorrect and need to be moved forward seven hours. lxxi https://twitter.com/GuidoFawkes/status/976787405566103552 lxxii https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/976792191136948226?lang=en lxxiii https://twitter.com/alexrubner/status/976812285342765056 lxxiv https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/976893624708411393 lxxv https://twitter.com/almurray/status/976794763142852608 lxxvi https://twitter.com/hughster/status/976821037894684672 lxxvii https://twitter.com/lucianaberger/status/977183210051338241?lang=en lxxviii https://twitter.com/JBickertonUK/status/977187530553675778 lxxix https://twitter.com/NickCohen4/status/977188412020219905 lxxx https://twitter.com/MarcusDysch/status/977191700560048128 lxxxi https://order-order.com/2018/03/23/berger-asks-corbyn-explain-comment-defending-anti-semitic-mural/ lxxxii https://twitter.com/wesstreeting/status/977204411884859398 lxxxiii https://twitter.com/_LFI/status/977209527664771073 lxxxiv https://tweettunnel.com/reverse3.php?ga=0&b=y&pgn=32&id=755427145&pn=8# lxxxv https://twitter.com/LOS_Fisher/status/977215495429677056 lxxxvi https://twitter.com/StephenPollard/status/977219299910791169 lxxxvii https://twitter.com/alanmendoza/status/977237707670851584 lxxxviii https://www.chabad.org/calendar/candleLighting_cdo/locationId/300/locationType/1/jewish/CandleLighting.htm#locationId=300&locationType=1&tdate=3/23/2018 lxxxix https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/apr/15/corbyn-needs-to-defend-labour-mpsfighting-antisemitism xc https://twitter.com/mishtal/status/977245660511686657 xci https://twitter.com/almurray/status/977250534787821568 xcii https://twitter.com/twlldun/status/977262887050805248 xciii https://twitter.com/sajidjavid/status/977293660873199616?lang=en xciv https://twitter.com/JohnMannMP/status/977307388993789952 xcv https://twitter.com/EricPickles/status/977337077611118594 xcvi https://twitter.com/jamiesusskind/status/977342912588468225 xcvii https://www.thejc.com/comment/comment/there-is-only-one-word-for-jeremy-corbyn-1.461313 xcviii https://www.bod.org.uk/enough-is-enough/ xcix https://antisemitism.uk/caa-issues-its-jaccuse-against-jeremy-corbyn-denouncing-him-in-comprehensivedisciplinary-complaint-to-the-labour-party/ c https://twitter.com/antisemitism/status/977881494998876160 ci https://twitter.com/cquilty52/status/978187348105224193 cii http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5540803/Chuka-Umunna-slams-Jeremy-Corbyn-anti-Semiticmural-row.html ciii https://reaction.life/broke-habit-lifetime-yesterdays-antisemitism-rally/ civ https://thegreatcritique.wordpress.com/2018/03/26/oh-all-right-lets-talk-about-that-mural-then/ cv https://www.thejc.com/news/news-features/antisemitic-mural-no-conspiracy-with-timing-jeremy-corbynluciana-berger-1.461404 cvi https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/00095587/officers cvii https://twitter.com/Dannythefink/status/979368815707422720 cviii https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/mar/31/mcdonnell-calls-for-lord-sugar-to-delete-corbynhitler-tweet cix https://www.totalgiving.co.uk/appeal/labour-hold-corbyn-to-account cx https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-five-palestinians-reportedly-killed-by-israeli-army-asthousands-rally-for-mass-gaza-protests-1.5962159 cxi http://www.dw.com/en/pope-francis-says-ashamed-by-state-of-world-in-good-friday-prayer/a-43203130 cxii https://twitter.com/carriesymonds/status/980188216916676609?lang=en cxiii https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/exposed-jeremy-corbyns-hate-factory-kkh55kpgx cxiv https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/david-baddiel-am-i-stinking-vermin-or-am-i-running-the-world-theracists-think-its-both-mqsk3mmkv 64 MURALGAGA Copyright Chris Friel @ChrisFriel7 June 2018 cxv https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-religion-easter-pope/pope-after-gaza-violence-says-defenceless-beingkilled-in-holy-land-idUKKCN1H813R cxvi https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/europe/.premium-inside-the-seditious-seder-with-jeremy-corbynand-the-jewdas-group-1.5976980 cxvii http://www.thetablet.co.uk/features/2/12960/0//the-devastating-persistence-of-anti-semitism-at-theheart-of-labour cxviii https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/jeremy-corbyn-gaza-israel-arms-sales-protests-1.461994 cxix https://antisemitism.uk/jeremy-corbyn-reacts-to-caa-demonstration-by-disgracefully-dismissing-maureenlipmans-speech-against-him/ cxx http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israeli-labour-party-breaks-relations-jeremy-corbyn-1405837920 cxxi https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/apr/15/corbyn-needs-to-defend-labour-mps-fightingantisemitism cxxii https://antisemitism.uk/jeremy-corbyn-sits-silent-and-aloof-during-debate-on-antisemitism-as-jewishlabour-mps-castigate-his-failure-to-deal-with-the-antisemites-who-terrorise-them/ cxxiii https://www.thejc.com/as-it-happened-the-house-of-commons-debate-on-antisemitism-1.462856 cxxiv https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/jeremy-corbyn-labour-party-antisemitism-jewishleaders-meeting-a8320641.html cxxv http://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/campaigns/jewish-voice-for-labour-condemns-expulsion-of-blackactivist-marc-wadsworth/ cxxvi https://twitter.com/jamiesusskind/status/989098922709798912/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http s%3A%2F%2Fwww.thejc.com%2Fnews%2Fuk-news%2Flabour-campaigner-resigns-over-antisemitism1.463070 cxxvii https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/labour-loses-to-conservatives-in-barnet-local-election-20181.463608 cxxviii https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/jeremy-corbyn-labour-antisemitism-israeli-labour-party-hilik-barpalestine-1.463787 cxxix https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-trump-base-celebrates-jerusalem-embassy-move-u-sjews-mourn-gaza-deaths-1.6092560 65