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CV MFernandez 2020

• 12 years experiences in interdisciplinary projects. • 8 years of fieldwork and research project management in Latin America (governance, conflict resolution, disaster risk reduction, natural resource management). • Technical support to governments, NGOs (international and local) and community based organizations.

Manuela Teresa Fernández Disaster risk reduction and sustainable development specialist Nationality: Argentinian Address: Ojos de Salado 4359, S.C. Bariloche Email: manuelafernandezirujo@gmail.com Phone: +5493364670964 Multilingual: English, Spanish, French and Italian 12 years experiences in interdisciplinary projects. 8 years of fieldwork and research project management in Switzerland & Latin America (governance, conflict resolution, disaster risk reduction, natural resource management). • Technical support to governments, NGOs (international and local) and community based organizations. _____________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION ! University of Lausanne (UNIL), Switzerland, PhD in Environmental Science, Specialisation in Disaster Risk Reduction, 2015 ! UNIL, Switzerland, M.Sc Geography & Sustainable Development, 2008 ! University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Licencia Political Science, 2004 (equivalent to BA and MA) _____________________________________________________________________________________ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Principal researcher Conicet- INTA Bariloche, Argentina February 2020- -Coordination of fieldwork & environmental research Current • • projects in Patagonia - Analysis of disaster risk, vulnerabilities and climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector Education & Training specialist UN Environment, Crisis management branch Scientific facilitator Eprouvette Public Laboratory- UNIL, -Support for the implementation of the Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction upscaling project. - Establishment of a Regional Knowledge Hub on EcoDRR for Latin America. - Development of Monitoring and Evaluation system for tracking effectiveness of Eco-DRR uptake by Universities -Support for activities and scientific communication for a large audience. Lecturer Faculty of Geosciences and Environment-UNIL -Mentoring of students and teaching for “Géographie-milieu, espace et territoire” course. Organizer of Latin American School for Food Systems Resilience Community outreach organiser Consultant & Associate officer: monitoring, evaluation, learning & reporting the Global Diversity Foundation, UK - Coordination / Funding/ Content Nature in Action- Lausanne -Facilitation of environmental activities to migrant women and their children (sensory-artistic, scientificpopularized and ecological gestures activities). International Union for Conservation of Nature Global Forest and Climate Change Program. FebruaryDecember 2019- November 2018December 2019 September 2018January 2019 January 2018 – November 2019 October 2017 – November 2019 March 2016November 2017 -Technical reporting, development of TORs & communication of project results (SUSTAIN, KNOWFOR). -Development of a learning platform for the SUSTAIN 1 project, in collaboration with IUCN regional offices. -Development of a common results framework for a global assessment. -Mobilization & improvement of learning tools: outcomes story, performance study, episode study, learning survey, learning questions. Interdisciplinary school camp and editor coordinator Teaching assistant & Research project manager on environmental topics Scientific collaborator Faculty of Geosciences and Environment-UNIL 2014-2015 Technical and logistic coordination of the school. -Focal point of the edition process and responsible of communication Institute of Geography and Sustainability-UNIL 2008-2015 -Coordination of fieldwork & environmental research projects in Latin America - Analysis of disaster risk and vulnerabilities. -Technical recommendations for DRR. -Support for international conferences, seminars and workshop programs linked with interdisciplinary approaches, disaster risk management, climate change adaptation and sustainable development. -Coordination of education & research programs in Geography, Environmental and Social Sciences. -Conception & instruction of lectures and courses. School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering- EPFL 2006 -Participation in the research project “Dialogos” Teaching assistant Faculty of Law- University of Buenos Aires -Teaching in the “Theory of state” course 2005-2006 Change manager Techint Organisation, Argentina 2004-2006 -Proposing & suggesting adaptive strategies and transformative practices to the customers in a changing and competitive context. -Analysing & articulating conflicting situations. _____________________________________________________________________________________ REVIEWER, SCIENTIC ADVISOR & MEMBERSHIP • Journals & Books: Environmental Hazards, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Disaster Prevention & Management, Revista Colombiana de Sociologia, La RED special book, Springer, Divulgatio. • Reviewer of the French National Research Agency • Scientific membership of the IUCN- Commission on Ecosystem Management • Scientific committee member of the International and National Environment Meetings, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2016 and 2018) • Member of SAV (Société Académique Vaudoise) • Member of International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) _____________________________________________________________________________________ EVENTS ORGANIZER & MANAGER (2019) Organisation support for the Latin American School for Food Systems Resilience Global Diversity Foundation, Asociación Andes, Cuzco- Peru, September 2 (2019) Organisation support for the Colombian government workshop on Ecosystem based adaptation and Disaster risk reduction, UNEP, Colombia, August. (2019) Organisation support for the Training of trainer workshop on Ecosystem based adaptation and Disaster risk reduction, UNEP, Indonesia, March. (2016) Organisation support for the REDD+ workshop, IUCN, Gland, May. (2015) Co-Organizer of special training on interdisciplinarity “Theories, instruments and methods for sustainability studies” (TIM), in University of Lausanne, Sion, 7-10 September 2015. (2013) Co-Organizer of Public Course “Risques climatiques: sommes-nous prêts?” UNIL, 4 December 2013 http://www.unil.ch/courspublic/page99730.html (2013) Co-Organizer of International workshop “Linking sustainable development, global migration, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction – identifying emerging issues”, UNIL, 2-4 December 2013, http://www3.unil.ch/wpmu/10fgseiw/ (2011) Co-Organizer of Taller sobre Gestión de Riesgos orientado al ámbito escolar (Workshop on Risk Management focused on school environment), Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, 8 November. (2011) Chair of the workshop “L’interdisciplinarité dans la gestion des territoires” in Public Geographies, Residential Seminar CUSO Geography, Biel, Switzerland, 8-10 June (2004) Co-organizer of the 2nd National Conference on Drugs Policies Civil Association “Intercambios”, Argentina. _____________________________________________________________________________________ SUPERVISORY ROLES Mickaël Pointet (University of Lausanne). Co-supervisor - L’approche du risque par la vulnérabilité. Limites, enjeux et perspectives, Environment BSc/BA Honours, June 2012. Sergio Estuardo Solares García (University of San Carlos Guatemala). Campaign work supervisor – Ruta Nacional 7W: hacia la búsqueda de una solución definitiva, Geology BSc/BA Honours, March 2012. _____________________________________________________________________________________ PUBLICATIONS Colomer, J., Imbach, A., Raes, L., Parrilla, U., Reinhard, F., Fernandez, M., Allemant,M. (2018) Value for Money: Guatemala’s Forest Landscape Restoration. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN- 64pp. Fernández, M. and Matasci, B. (2017) “ L'identification et l'analyse des risques depuis une perspective interdisciplinaire: avantages, enjeux et défis. Le cas de Uspantán, Guatemala », in Garcia Acosta, V. and Musset, A. (Eds) Catastrophes et interdisciplinarité, IAP (Investigations d´Anthropologie Prospective) et Academia-L´Harmattan n° 15. ISBN : 978-2-8061-0367-3, pp. 155-174 Fernandez, M. (2017) « Les composantes du risque: une entrée par les acteurs et le conflit lors de la mise en place des solutions. Le cas de Los Chorros, Guatemala » in Géo-regards, Éditions Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses, ISSN 1662-8527, pp-163-166 Editor book in Sudmeier-Rieux, K., Fernández, M., Penna, I., Jaboyedoff, M. and Gaillard, J.C. (Eds.) (2017), Identifying emerging issues in Sustainable Development, Global Migration, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction. Shaping debate and policies, Springer Publishers, ISBN 978-3-319-33878-1 ; DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-33880-4 3 Karen Sudmeier-Rieux, Manuela Fernández, J.C. Gaillard and Guadagno, L. (2017) Chapter I Introduction, “Exploring linkages between disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, migration and sustainable development” in Identifying emerging issues in Sustainable Development, Global Migration, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction. Shaping debate and policies, Springer Publishers ISBN 978-3-319-33878-1 ; DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-33880-4 Karen Sudmeier-Rieux, Manuela Fernández, JC Gaillard, Michel Jaboyedoff and Ivanna Penna (2017), Conclusions: Linking Sustainable Development, Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation, and Migration—Policy Implications and Outlook in Identifying emerging issues in Sustainable Development, Global Migration, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction. Shaping debate and policies, Springer Publishers ISBN 978-3-319-33878-1 ; DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-33880-4 Brocard, G., Morán, S., Vázquez, O.J, and Fernandez, M. (2016) Riesgos asociados a la génesis de la laguna Chichoj, Alta Verapaz in Revista Guatemalteca de Ciencias de la Tierra, Vol. 1, Issue 1; ISSN 2410728X: pp.5-19 Fernández, M. “El conflicto social como oportunidad para identificar qué constituye un desastre” (2016) In Conference Proceedings of Seminario internacional “Ciencias sociales y riesgo de desastres en América Latina: un encuentro inconcluso », Publishers PIRNA, Argentina and IRD, France. Assistant editor of “Especial de Desastres y Sociedad “Riesgos al Sur” Diversidad de en Argentina Especial de LA RED sobre Argentina”, (2015) La Red edition, Buenos Aires. ISBN: 978-950-793-202-1 Fernández, M. (2014) A challenge for land and risk managers: how to manage in multi-risks and multivulnerabilities contexts where different actors are involved? In Conference Proceedings of International Conference Analysis and Management of Changing Risks for Natural Hazards, Publishers CHANGES and IncREO Fernández, M., Ruegg, J. and Brocard, G.(2013) Un défi des gestionnaires du territoire: comment composer avec les différentes définitions des risques? Mémoire de la Société vaudoise des Sciences naturelles 25: 363-373. Edition spéciale " Les dangers naturels en Suisse - pratiques et développements ISSN 0037-9611. DOI : 10.5169/seals-389846 Fernández, M., Matasci, B., Ruegg, J. and Jaboyedoff, M. (2013) Investigación interdisciplinar para el análisis y evaluación de riesgos de deslizamientos: el caso del municipio de Uspantán, Guatemala in Libro de resúmenes y trabajos completos del 1° Congreso Internacional de Riesgos de Desastres y Desarrollo Territorial Sostenible CIRIDE, pp. 275-277, Catamarca: Editorial Científica Universitaria de la Secretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología. ISBN 978-987-661-128-2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ REPORTS AND POLICIES RECOMMENDATIONS Brocard, G. and Fernández, M. (2011). Designing Road 7W after the "Los Chorros" rock avalanche: observations about alternatives routes, pp.8. Lausanne: University of Lausanne Brocard, G. and Fernández, M. (2010). Notas relativas a las investigaciones a las geológicas realizadas en la laguna Chicoj, Municipio de San Cristobal Verapaz, junio 2009 y julio 2010 Informe preliminar. Institut de Géologie et Paléontologie & Institut de Politiques Territoriales et de l'Environnement Humain Fernández, M., Matasci, B. and Brocard, G. (2010). Articulo concerniente a las investigaciones geológicas y sociales en vistas a una integral gestión de riesgos, realizadas en San Miguel de Uspantan en junio 2009, Report and recommendation to the Environment Ministry of Guatemala and the mayor of San Miguel de Uspantán, Guatemala, Mister Victor Hugo Figueroa. University of Lausanne 4 Matasci, B. and Fernández, M. (2009). Informe Bellas Flores: Canalización del agua potable en Bellas Flores. Recommendation to Bellas Flores leadership, in Uspantán, Guatemala. University of Lausanne Brocard, G., Fernández, M., Suski, B., Cosenza, M.B. and Audra, P. (2009). Notas intermediarias relativas a las investigaciones geológicas, geofísicas y sociales realizadas en San Miguel de Uspantán, Guatemala entre febrero 2007 y diciembre 2008. Report and recommendation to the mayor of San Miguel de Uspantán, Guatemala, Mister Victor Hugo Figueroa. University of Lausanne _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONTINUING EDUCATION Fundraising training course, Ethika Marketing Social, Geneva (2016) Project Management course (IPM, PMI, GDPM, Scrum), University of Bern (2016) Socio-Environmental Leadership training, organized by Global Environment Network (GEN), (globalenvironments.org/gen/regional-academies/). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (2015). Special training on interdisciplinarity “Theories, instruments and methods for sustainability studies” (TIM), University of Lausanne, Sion, Switzerland (2015). FORIN course (Disaster risk methodology), organized by IRDR (Integrated Research for Disaster Risk), chaired by Prof. Anthony Oliver Smith and Irasema Alcantara Ayala in Tuxtla Gutierrez, México (2013). Higher education courses on integrated risk and disaster, organized by IDEA (Instituto de Estudios Ambientales) University of Colombia and CIMNE (International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering), Spain, chaired by the Prof. Omar Dario Cardona, Manizales, Colombia (2011). Effective Scientific Communication training, CUSO transversal program, Lausanne, Switzerland (2010). _____________________________________________________________________________________ INVITED SPEAKER (2020) Course Lecturer “Risk reduction strategies: adaptation to climate change”, Master in Disaster Risk Management, at University Andina Simon Bolivar, 7-16 February (2017-18 and 2019) Course Lecturer “ Risks and territorial policies”, at University of Lausanne, Lausanne, 17 November 2017, 13 November 2018, 19 November 2019 (2019) Course Lecturer “Urban environments”, at University of Lausanne, Lausanne, 26 March 2019 (2016) Seminar Panellist “Apports interdisciplinaires sur deux grands fleuves Le Rhône et l’Usumacinta”, in Université de Lyon 3, Lyon, France, 10 June 2016 (2015) Course Lecturer “Urban Geography», at Université de Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, 07 May 2015. (2015) Seminar Panellist “Interdisciplinarité et Catastrophes », in EHESS, Paris, 16 March 2015. (2014) Panel Session lecturer “Faire du terrain dans les villes du Sud”, in Villes, Urbanisation et Développement lecture, Master in Geography, Development Specialization- UNIL, 23 October 2014 (2013) Main Speaker Seminar “Riesgos naturales”, in University of San Carlos Guatemala, 18 August. (2009) Panellist “Roundtable debate between honourable Al Gore and The young generation: Cross border, cross generation: how to re-think our world?” Uni Dufour, Geneva, 10 July _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5 CONFERENCES & TALKS (2015) El conflicto social como oportunidad para identificar qué constituye un desastre In Seminario internacional “Ciencias sociales y riesgo de desastres en América Latina: un encuentro inconcluso, organized by PIRNA, Argentina and IRD, France, Buenos Aires, 15-17 September 2015. (2014) A challenge for land and risk managers: how to manage multi-risk and multi-vulnerability contexts where different actors are involved? International Conference Analysis and Management of Changing Risks for Natural Hazards, organized by CHANGES and IncREO, Padua, 18-19 November 2014. (2013) La combinaison de méthodes pour l’identification et l’analyse des risques: le cas de Uspantán, Guatemala, Ateliers d'anthropologie, UNIL, Lausanne, 4 November 2013 (2013) Recherche interdisciplinaire pour l’identification et l’analyse des risques, Le cas de Uspantan, Guatemala, 10 ans de la Faculté de Géosciences de l’Environnement, UNIL, Lausanne, 30 May 2013 (2013) Interdisciplinary research for risk identification and assessment – case study Guatemala, Global Platform for disaster risk reduction, UN, Genève, 19-23 May 2013 (2013) “Investigación interdisciplinar para el análisis y evaluación de riesgos de deslizamientos”, CERIDe International congress on disaster risk and sustainable territorial development, Catamarca, Argentina, 22-24 April 2013 (2012) “Territory management: an appropriate approach for taking into account dynamic risks”, EGU European Geological Union, General Assembly, Vienna, 22-27 April 2012 (2012) “A challenge for land and risk managers: different stakeholders, different definition of the risks”, EGU European Geological Union, General Assembly, Vienna, 22-27 April 2012 (2012) “Un aller-retour entre théorie et terrain” in « Les méthodes de recherche dans les études urbaines » Residential Seminar CUSO Transversal Program, Château de Bossey, Switzerland, 8-9 March 2012 (2011) “Un défi des gestionnaires de territoire: comment composer avec les différentes définitions des risques?”, Journée de rencontre sur les Dangers naturels, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, 18 February 2011 (2010) “De la mise en oeuvre comme révélateur de la pertinence des systèmes de gestion de risques”. Seminar 621 of 78° Congress ACFAS- Association francophone pour le savoir. University of Montreal. Montreal.10-14 May (2010) “A framework for improved risk management with case study from Guatemala” Anniversary of the IPTEH and IGAR Institutes, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Lausanne, 27 May 2010 _____________________________________________________________________________________ GRANTS ! Fondation pour l’Université de Lausanne, Funding for environmental training ! ASG Association Suisse de Géographes, Funding for conference participation ! SAV Société Académique Vaudoise, Research Grants September 2015 March 2015 July 2014 6 ! IRDR (Integrated Research for Disaster Risk) Grants for the FORIN course, in Tuxtla Gutierrez, México June 2013 ! Equal opportunities Office, University of Lausanne, “Equality Grants” March 2013 ! University of Lausanne, Faculty of Geosciences, Jan-Dec 2013 Faculty Investment Fund: Workshop “Linking sustainable development, global migration, climate change and disaster risk reduction- identifying emerging issues” ! IDEA (Instituto de Estudios Ambientales) and CIMNE (International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering), Spain Grant for Higher Education Course on Integrated Risk and Disaster, Manizales, Colombia ! University of Lausanne, Faculty of Geosciences, Seed grant for field research August 2011 Oct 2008 -March 2009 Swiss Government, October 2006- Mach 2008 Scholarship for foreign young researchers _____________________________________________________________________________________ PRESS Newspaper “Diario El Norte”, San Nicolás, Argentina: “Riesgos medioambientales y ecoturismo” 24.12.14 Link Newspaper “Mozaico”, San Cristobal Verapaz, Guatemala “Gestión integral de riesgos, el caso de Los Chorros, Guatemala”, 06.09.13, page 9. Video Conference Journée Officielle 10 ans de la FGSE Recherche interdisciplinaire pour l’identification et l’analyse des risques, Le cas de Uspantan, Guatemala, 30.05.13 LINK oral presentation FGSE Video Conference “Global Platform 2013” Interdisciplinary research for risk identification and assessment – case study Guatemala, 23.05.13 link Global Platform presentation Newspaper “Diario El Norte”, San Nicolas, Argentina: “Los desastres no son naturales, son sociales y tienen que ver con los modelos de desarrollo” 24.04.13 link Radio L.T. 24 Radio San Nicolas, Argentina “ Nota sobre Benin, Africa” 27.12.12 Video Investigation Film, University of Lausanne, “ International research for local communities”, 31.05.12 Link Video Research UNIL Newspaper L'irrégulier - Journal de l'Association des Etudiant-e-s en Géosciences et Environnement Université de Lausanne, No° 19, December 2011. Gestion intégrale du risque dans le cas de Guatemala. Page 10 TV/Journal Agencias de NoticiasUn, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. “Finaliza curso sobre gestion de riesgos en Manizales” 29.08.11 Link Video/TV Manizales Radio “Rien n’est joué” Madaleine Caboche, RSR, Switzerland “Sur les risques naturels au Guatemala”, 14.09.2010 Link RSR _____________________________________________________________________________________ COMPUTER SKILLS • Advanced Knowledge of MS Office, Endnote, Documentary software and Word Press • User of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) and GIS (Geographical Information System). • Trained in Html and Web site management 7 _____________________________________________________________________________________ VOLUNTARY WORK & INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Community outreach “Pôle Sud” Socio-cultural Centre, Lausanne May 2016-current -Development of annual program activities and trainings organiser -Identification of social needs & promoting empowerment and sustainable development activities -Educated public about nature conservation and sustainable development Humanitarian project assistant Enfants des collines/ Humanité+ association, Benin Humanitarian project assistant Mandat International, Switzerland Social help assistant Centre Missionary Belén, Argentina. 2012 Fieldwork & local project supervision 2011 Welcome Desk in the UN Council of Human Rights 2001-2002 Teaching for marginalized and poor children 8