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Academia Environmental Sciences and Sustainability, 2024
Urban centers are bearing the brunt of climate change. Meanwhile, they are important sources of greenhouse gases, particularly due to burgeoning transportation and high power demand for heating and electricity. This worsens the urban impacts of climate change. Urban solutions have emerged as feasible approaches to mitigate or adapt to climate change. This review aims to present an overview of the latest progress in various urban solutions to climate change. Urban solutions can generally be categorized into nature-based, technological, social, and integrated solutions. Nature-based solutions use natural ecosystems and processes, such as urban greening, green space, ecosystem restoration, and sustainable drainage systems, to address climate change problems. They could be vulnerable to the very climate challenges they address. Technological solutions encompass sustainable heating and cooling, innovative and green building materials, retro-reflective materials, cleaner modes of transportation, as well as big data and IoT devices for city planning. These solutions could be costly and resource-intensive. Social solutions involve promoting changes in behaviors and habits, which may require government and community intervention and engagement. They rely on political representation and social integration, which are sometimes lacking. Urban solutions are often integrated, combining two or all categories of solutions. Nature-based and technological solutions have been supported through urban greening and transportation plans that aim to encourage behaviors such as community-led greening and using of public transport. Techno-ecological approaches are evident in urban greening that embeds technology. Social elements are incorporated to garner inclusiveness and engagement. However, integration is inherently complex as it involves multiple stakeholders. Potential suggestions are community engagement, policymaking, government support, awareness-raising, and continuous research.
Ferramentas de planejamento estratégico e operacional (Atena Editora), 2024
Esta pesquisa demonstrou como a simulação está associada à elaboração do planejamento estratégico e do planejamento operacional e como pode ser utilizada para melhorar a capacidade de análise e de decisão do gestor. Através de um método dedutívo, e apoiado em uma pesquisa bibliográfica, procurou-se verificar a utilidade desta ferramenta associada a redes neurais; teoria dos jogos; árvores de decisão; programação linear e não linear; teoria das filas e goal programming. Abordou-se desde a análise de tendências na definição de estratégias, até sua quantificação no planejamento operacional, proporcionando na utilização de recursos de forma otimizada. Após as reflexões, concluiu-se que a técnica da simulação pode proporcionar bons resultados em relação à economia de valores e à antecipação da correção de rumos, ao permitir a análise de resultados futuros. Constatou-se que a utilização dos diagramas de árvores de decisão proporcionam uma visão simples e objetiva, em relação à forma como a simulação pode ser usada no planejamento estratégico e operacional ainda, como possibilita a análise de alternativas com diferentes resultados finais, que conduzem à otimização do uso dos recursos da empresa. Assim a incorporação da simulação ao planejamento estratégico e operacional traz maior segurança ao ato de decidir; diminui a incerteza normalmente implícita neste ambiente; permitindo que o gestor analise, de forma sistemática, cada alternativa e suas conseqüências e opte pela que melhor atenda aos objetivos desejados.
Sansoni, 1961
DALL’ANTICHITÀ AL MEDIOEVO. IL VOLTO DELLA SERA E DEL MATTINO - di FRANZ ALTHEIM (Gesicht vom Abend und Morgen. Von der Antike zum Mittelalter) - 1961- PDF COMPLETO --- Franz Altheim (Francoforte sul Meno 1898 - Münster 1976; professore a Berlino, autore di numerosissimi studi di religione e di storia romana e italica) trae il titolo dell'opera (Il volto della sera e del mattino) dalla racconto della visione di uno dei profeti dell’Antico Testamento: «Quel volto della sera e del mattino – così parla l’angelo a Daniele – che ti è stato mostrato, è vero, ma tu chiudilo nel tuo cuore, perché deve ancora passare molto tempo» (Daniele 8, 26). Il volume è dedicato al passaggio dal tramonto dell'Impero romano all'alba del Medioevo. Lo fa "con grande dottrina e insieme con straordinaria abilità narrativa così da offrire un quadro stupendo per profondità di analisi e per ricchezza di rappresentazione. [...] Nella visione del passato si svela il presente e la conoscenza di ciò che s’è ormai compiuto, rende possibile la previsione di ciò che deve venire. L’intenzione, pienamente risolta, del libro è di essere diagnosi di un presente dove si trovano parimenti di fronte sera e mattino".
Εκδόσεις University Studio Press, 2021
A brief survey about the finds, the theories and archaeological narratives of the last twenty years of Prehistoric Archaeology in Greece. Table of Contents 1. Prehistory and prehistoric Aegean: time, space and "discourses" 2. Prehistoric Archaeology in the first decades of the 21st century: the findings, the losses, science and theories. 3. Long before History: Data and narratives about the Paleolithic 4. The "luxury trap": food production, mesolithic and neolithic 5. The "international spirit" and local traditions: in the beggining of Bronze Age 6. To the future: concepts, explanations and uncertainties. Τα τελευταία χρόνια η Προϊστορική Αρχαιολογία καθίσταται όλο και περισσότερο μια επιστήμη, η οποία εστιάζει στη μελέτη του ανθρώπου διερευνώντας τα υλικά κατάλοιπα των ατομικών και συλλογικών, κοινωνικών του πρακτικών κατά την προϊστορία. Προσεγγίζεται έτσι τόσο η προσπάθεια του ανθρώπου να συνειδητοποιήσει τον εαυτό του, όσο και να προσδιορίσει αυτόν τον εαυτό σε σχέση με τους άλλους ανθρώπους, στο πλαίσιο μια συλλογικότητας, η οποία αντανακλά την ύπαρξη πολυσχιδών κοινωνικών σχέσεων. Το παρόν βιβλίο επισκοπεί αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα, ιδέες και θεωρίες που σχετίζονται με την Προϊστορική Αρχαιολογία, από την εμφάνιση του ανθρώπου μέχρι τη Μέση Εποχή του Χαλκού, δίνοντας έμφαση στον ελληνικό χώρο. Αντιλήψεις για το παρελθόν, για τον χρόνο και τον χώρο, καθώς και για τον σύγχρονο ρόλο της αρχαιολογίας συμπλέκονται με αρχαιολογικές αφηγήσεις οι οποίες διατυπώθηκαν με βάση τη διεπιστημονική μελέτη των ευρημάτων της τελευταίας εικοσαετίας
HRIS is usually offered as a database. It offers the manager absorbing new technologies simplify the workflow, optimize precision, stability and credibility of workforce data and to simplify the data collection process. The use of HRIS is seen on a regular basis in different organizations. In this study, an attempt has been made to show the use of HRIS in private universities of Bangladesh and also indicate how it is helping to reduce everyday critical jobs and going towards a green management system. University education in Bangladesh is getting more and more competitive every day and implementation of HRIS the process that goes around the management system is getting much simpler for the student and also the employee. The data are more accessible than before and the facilities and restrictions are more than understandable and simplified.
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Marchitelli, Mascitti e la musica strumentale napoletana fra Sei- e Settecento, 2023
Arqueología de Madinat Qurtuba Reflexiones, novedades, historias, 2023
Rescoldos Revista De Dialogo Social, 2013
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2013
Estudios Religiosos y Teológicos
Journal of Insect Physiology, 2014
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Proceedings 3rd European Workshop on Usable Security, 2018
Arak Medical University Journal, 2016