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The phenomenon of incredibly high frequency plasma light projection and infusion, or simply, ‘light activation’ of Earth, humanity, and all the organic living beings on Earth (and, indeed, all over the universe) leading to tremendous changes in the Earth Crystal Core, on the surface, and the atmosphere of Earth, is of vital interest and importance that impacts all life upon Earth. And it is this divine light activation that is changing the magnetic and the gravitational fields of the Earth, as well as leading to the re-encryption of the core elementals of Earth, also giving rise to the advent of generation of completely new elementals upon and within the planet. This, in turn, is progressively re-encrypting the core manifestation body template-morphogenetics of humanity, as well as significantly changing the nature of consciousness reality experienced upon Earth via the complete restoration of the organic structure of life upon Earth, something that was grossly violated by the soulless, energetically parasitic-vampiric AI negative alien entities who have been for millennia functioning as our utter manipulators-controllers, ever siphoning the energetics of the Earth and those of all living beings upon it, leading to our morphogenetic damage and consciousness reversal. In turn, this had formed a system of blended low-conscious reality upon Earth, with the intent of someday totally annihilating our Christos-Sophia crystalline organic heritage, reducing us to something akin to automatons and or transhuman, and something similar to robots, cyborgs or androids, governed by a central system of AI hive mind as imprisoned slaves that are perceived by them as being of no value but perhaps to only serve them as mere ‘farm animals,’ or ‘energetic supply batteries.’ The constantly incoming incredibly high frequential plasma energies, in essence, epitomize a series of divine luminaries from the higher multiuniverses-superuniverses referred to as the Aurora beings or Aquaferion entities who represent our original ancestors/co-creators, who are now here to evict these nefarious AI negative alien oppressors-tyrants, fully resorting our organic heritage and rescuing us from their bondage and imprisonment within this dimensional system. As the complete treatment of the extensive subject matter indicated requires intensive and rigorous articulation that is quite voluminous and cannot be entirely covered via the mere publication of a few papers, therefore, this paper particularly concentrates on addressing the phenomenon of light projection, infusion, and activation, by briefly elucidating its relevance to our Ascension out of this system of imprisonment and enslavement, giving us the propensity to transfer our consciousness onto higher dimensional planes once our morphogenetic damages are repaired and healed, which requires the full re-encryption of our core manifestation body template-morphogenetic system. This paper represents a compilation of a part of the slides written for the spiritual awakening and enlightenment of the public, with the aim of aiding the process of Ascension of Earth and humanity. The included slides were originally prepared as tutorial lessons for the followers-soul family members of the author and were first posted on the author’s Facebook page-study group.
The market is a place where supply and demand meet. Buying and selling can be done without the presence of goods (on stock exchanges and other markets), and even without direct contact between buyers and sellers. Buying and selling can be done according to the catalog, by phone, fax, internet, etc. Therefore, the market is defined as a constant and organized form of bringing supply into contact with the demand for goods and services. At the same time, the market is a mechanism that regulates the relations between sellers and buyers in the conditions in which the participants in the exchange or sale achieve their goals and interests due to which they enter into mutual relations.
Toda persona cuenta con un ingreso que puede ser semanal, mensual o anual de lo cual financian su consumo que puede ser en bienes o servicios La elección de los consumidores implica decidir que bienes y servicios comprar, que calidad y que cantidad. Estas decisiones consisten en plantear las posibilidades de compra y las combinaciones de bienes a comprar. Al decidir se enfrentan a una variable restrictiva, traducida en ingresos disponibles escasos y los precios de los productos. A las máximas cantidades de bienes y servicios que las familias pueden comprar con sus ingresos escasos; se denomina restricción presupuestaria. RESTRICCIÓN PRESUPUESTARIA Las familias presupuestan sus gastos diarios, semanales, mensuales o anuales, con la finalidad de no excederse en sus gastos y tener una adecuada administración de sus ingresos. El enfoque de la restricción presupuestaria significa que los gastos en un periodo de tiempo no pueden ser superiores a lo presupuestado. El gasto está determinado por un porcentaje de los ingresos que las familias presupuestan y lo asigna para comprar bienes o servicios en un periodo de tiempo. Los gastos se pueden calcular multiplicando el número de unidades que se planea comprar por el precio de cada bien o servicio. Ejemplo, se planea comprar 10 kilogramos de azúcar a un precio de 2 unidades monetarias y 8 litros de aceite a un precio de 5 unidades monetarias Gasto = X * í µí±í µí±¥ + Y * í µí±í µí±¦ Gasto = 10 * 2 + 8 * 5 Gasto = S/. 60 A la cantidad de bienes y servicios que el consumidor planea y decide comprar se denomina conjunto presupuestario, o conjunto posible de compra de bienes representado por (OAB) en la figura (1.6). La recta de presupuesto representa las combinaciones máximas de bienes que el consumidor puede adquirir utilizando todos sus ingresos disponibles asignados para la compra, representada por (AB).
Al-Mağallah Al-ʿilmiyyaẗ Lil Tarbiyyaẗ Al-Badaniyyaẗ wa ʿulūm Al-Rīyāḍaẗ (Print), 2022
Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociale-Agdal-Département Sciences de Gestion MASTER G.F.C.F Mémoire de fin d'études pour l'obtention du Diplôme de Master Spécialisé Gestion Financier Comptable et Fiscal Sous le thème Réalisé et soutenu par Sous l'encadrement de Mme. Afkir Khadija Membres du Jury : M. Imad Lakzit A mes soeurs et frères, Merci d'avoir montré tant de complaisance et de serviabilité à notre égard. Puisse Allah, le très-Haut, vous accorde une vie heureuse et un avenir prospère. A mes ami(e)s et camarades.
Perspectiva Geográfica
La cartografía social participativa contribuye con la comprensión de los referentes constituidos por los sujetos, así como los significados que los constituyen sobre todo desde sus relaciones con el territorio. Así, durante el trabajo de campo centrado en las actividades de pesca artesanal, a partir de talleres participativos con alumnos de la escuela municipal de Bahía Solano (Chocó, Colombia), con debates, elaboración de mapas y entrevistas, se busca analizar la construcción del territorio y las territorialidades tradicionales afrocolombianas en el Pacífico, a partir de su relación con prácticas y conocimientos tradicionales involucrados sobre todo con la pesca, a menudo ocultos en mapas oficiales. Se advirtió, entonces, que las visiones y los mapas construidos por niños y jóvenes, entre 13 y 18 años, de la comunidad pesquera de Bahía Solano revelaron la conciencia social y cultural de estos sujetos, pues en gran medida perciben muchas de las territorialidades en las que se insert...
Acta Orientalia Vilnensia, 2017
The ten principles of Karaite faith were originally compiled by medieval Byzantine Karaite scholars to sum up the basics of the Karaite Jewish creed. Early modern Karaites wrote poetic interpretations on the principles. This article provides an analysis and an English translation of a seventeenth-century Hebrew poem by the Lithuanian Karaite, Yehuda ben Aharon. In this didactic poem, Yehuda ben Aharon discusses the essence of divinity and the status of the People of Israel, the heavenly origin of the Torah, and future redemption. The popularity of Karaite commentaries and poems on the principles during the early modern period shows that dogma―and how to understand it correctly―had become central for the theological considerations of Karaite scholars. The source for this attentiveness is traced to the Byzantine Karaite literature written on the principles and to the treatment of the Maimonidean principles in late medieval rabbinic literature.
Ediciones Metales Pesados, 2024
Oxford Classical Dictionary, ed. Tim Whitmarsh (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2023).
Nations and Nationalism, 2023
Unit 2 Progress Test, 2021
“Lausanne Treaty in the Contested NarrThey All Made Peace – What Is Peace? The 1923 Treaty of Lausanne and the New Imperial Order, Edited by Jonathan Conlin and Ozan Ozavci (Gingko Library and the University of Chicago Press, 2023) pp: 97-118., 2023
Interdisciplinary Social Studies
Arab World English Journal for Translation & Literary Studies, 2019
Journal of Global Information Management, 2013
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2012
AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 2004
Journal of Food Science, 2020
Social Science Research Network, 2005