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Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2019 40 Pollution Monitoring and Controlling System Using Global System for Mobile Communication Network S. Kavitha and Dr.S. Sutha Abstract--- The level of pollution has increased with times by lot of factors like the increase in population, increased vehicle use, industrialization and urbanization which results in harmful effects on human wellbeing by directly affecting health of population exposed to it. In order to monitor quality of air, water quality and sound level of the environment over wireless sensor network (WSN) based new framework is proposed which is based on data acquisition, transmission and controlling. The proposed work provides detail about the level of air pollution in particular regions, and alerts message gives in cases of drastic change in quality of air. This information can help to take immediate actions such as evacuating people or sending emergency response teams. I. INTRODUCTION I N industry quality assessment is an evaluation of the industrial quality in relation to standard quality set by pollution control board. Particular attention is given to factors which may affect human health and the health of the natural system itself. The quality assessment of the industrial environment has been, traditionally, the need to verify whether the observed industrial quality is suitable for intended uses. The use of monitoring has also evolved to determine trends in the quality of the water, air and soil environment and how they are affected by the release of contaminants, other anthropogenic activities, and/or by waste treatment operation (impact monitoring). To estimate nutrient or pollutant fluxes discharged to rivers, ground waters, lakes, oceans and soil or across international the boundaries. The assessment of background quality of the industrial environment is also now widely undertaken as it provides a means of comparison with impact monitoring. It is also used simply to check whether any unexpected change is occurring in otherwise pristine pollutants. Industrial environmental quality is varying depending on local conditions[2]. The main problem faced in previous papers where either the process was complex or it required high cost for implementation. Lacking in access at remote locations and hence this system proves to overcome these major drawbacks S. Kavitha, Final Year, EEE-Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode. Dr.S. Sutha, Assistant Professor/MCA, K.S.R.College of Engineering, Tiruchengode. DOI:10.9756/BIJSESC.9020 II. LITERATURE SURVEY This paper is concerned with the application of wireless sensor network (WSN) technology to long-duration and largescale environmental monitoring. The holy grail is a system that can be deployed and operated by domain specialists not engineers, but this remains some distance into the future. We present our views as to why this field has progressed less quickly than many envisaged it would over a decade ago. We use real examples taken from our own work in this field to illustrate the technological difficulties and challenges that are entailed in meeting end-user requirements for information gathering systems.[3] Reliability and productivity are key concerns and influence the design choices for system hardware and software[1]. The main problem faced in previous papers where either the process was complex or it required high cost for implementation. Also other processes mainly lacked access at remote locations and hence this system proves to overcome these major drawbacks The main objectives of Industrial pollution monitoring system using GSM are 1. 2. 3. To determine the quality of effluent management and working environment in industries. To determine the key descriptors to be considered in pollution monitoring. To determine the feasibility and cost of a monitoring program. III. COMPONENTS A. PIC16F877A Microcontroller Device PIC16F877 belongs to a class of 8-bit microcontrollers of RISC architecture. It has 8kb flash memory with Flash used for storing software and suitable for micro device development. For continuous power supply to regulate temperature, If during a loss of power supply this data was lost, we would have to make the adjustment once again upon return of supply. Proposed work would use the following components • • • RISC architecture • Only 35 instructions to learn • All single-cycle instructions except branches Operating frequency 0-20 MHz Precision internal oscillator ISSN 2277-5099 | © 2019 Bonfring • Factory calibrated Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2019 • • Software selectable frequency range of 8MHz to 31KHz PIN Diagram Power supply voltage 2.0-5.5V • Consumption: 220uA (2.0V, 4MHz), 11uA (2.0 V, 32 KHz) 50nA (stand-by mode) • Power-Saving Sleep Mode • Brown-out Reset (BOR) with software control option • 35 input/output pins • High current source/sink for direct LED drive • software and individually programmable pull-up resistor • Interrupt-on-Change pin • 8K ROM memory in FLASH technology • In-Circuit Serial Programming Option • Chip can be programmed even embedded in the target device • 368 bytes RAM memory • A/D converter: • 14-channels • 10-bit resolution • 3 independent timers/counters • Watch-dog timer • Analogue comparator module with • Two analogue comparators • Fixed voltage reference (0.6V) • Programmable on-chip voltage reference • PWM output steering control • Eight level deep hardware stack • Power-on Reset (POR) • Power-up Timer (PWRT) and • Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) Programmable code protection • Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator for reliable operation • Direct, indirect and relative addressing modes • Interrupt capability (up to 14 sources) • Enhanced USART module IV. • Supports RS-485, RS-232 and LIN2.0 • Auto-Baud Detect Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP) • supports SPI and I2C mode Fig: PIN Diagram Fig: Microcontroller • • 41 HISTORY OF CELLULAR MOBILE RADIO In the early 1970s,the idea of cell-based mobile radio systems appeared at Bell Laboratories (in USA) this systems were not introduced for commercial use until the 1980s. The standardized system had to meet certain criteria: • Spectrum efficiency • International roaming • Low mobile and base stations costs • Good subjective voice quality • Compatibility with other systems such as ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) • Ability to support new services The existing cellular were developed using an analog technology, the GSM system was developed using a digital technology. ISSN 2277-5099 | © 2019 Bonfring Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2019 V. 42 EVOLUTION OF GSM GSM has most widely adopted and fastest-growing digital cellular standard, become the world’s dominant cellular standard. Second-generation GSM networks deliver high quality secure SMS/ Text The following GSM generation passed in 3decades: 1G 2G 2.5G 2.75G 3G 4G Analog Communication Digital Communications GPRS EDGE Enhanced feature of Video call High-speed Wireless Broadband i. GSM Network This network can be divided into three broad parts. Mobile Station is carried by the subscriber. BSS controls the radio link with the Mobile Station. The Network Subsystem, the main part of which is the Mobile services Switching Center (MSC), it performs the switching of calls between the mobile users, and between mobile and fixed network users. It handles the mobility management operations. Fig: Channels (SDCCH) This pollution monitoring system and control is very wide and this project is an attempt to minimize the problem of cost and regular inspections by the utility of Global System for Mobile communications. For alleviating these problems, advanced GSM system used. The performance and robustness of the pollution monitoring and control system can further be improved by implementing sensors for controlling dust, noise, smoke, moisture and other parameters, thereby improving the industrial and natural environment VI. ii. Mobile Station MS has Mobile Equipment (ME) and SIM such as hand portable and vehicle mounted unit. Subscriber Identity Module (SIM), which contains the entire customer related information (identification, secret key for authentication, etc.). Subscriber information, such as the IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity), is used to store the SIM details. The Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) can be used to store userdefined information such as phonebook entries. iii. Base Station Subsystem (BSS) In BSS all radio-related functions are performed in the BSS, which consists of base Station controllers (BSCs) and the base transceiver stations (BTSs). iv. Frequency Band Usage Radio spectrum is a limited resource shared by all users, a method must be devised to divide up the bandwidth among as many users as possible. CONCLUSION The proposed Wireless Air Pollution Monitoring System provides real-time information about the level of air pollution in these regions, as well as provides alerts .If drastic change in quality of air. This information can then be used by the authorities to take prompt actions such as evacuating people or sending emergency response team. An wireless distributed mobile air pollution monitoring system was implemented using the GSM. The system utilizes city buses to collect pollutant. Gases such as CO, NO2, and SO2. If the condition for communication is enabled, the data received from the microcontroller .The strings are converted to numeric data which is represented in front panel. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] S.R.N. Purnima Reddy, “Design of Remote Monitoring and Control System with Automatic Irrigation System using GSM-Bluetooth”, In International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 47, No. 12, Pp. 12-25, 2012. A. Lay-Ekuakille, P. Vergallo and N.I. 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