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4 pages
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Las áreas de circulación deberán estar claramente demarcadas, tener la amplitud suficiente para el tránsito seguro de las personas y estar provistas de señalización adecuada y demás medidas necesarias para evitar accidentes.
Physical review, 2001
We study the probability density function for the fluctuations of the magnetic order parameter in the low temperature phase of the XY model of finite size. In two-dimensions this system is critical over the whole of the low temperature phase. It is shown analytically and without recourse to the scaling hypothesis that, in this case, the distribution is non-Gaussian and of universal form, independent of both system size and critical exponent η. An exact expression for the generating function of the distribution is obtained, which is transformed and compared with numerical data from high resolution molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations. The asymptotes of the distribution are calculated and found to be of exponential and double exponential form. The calculated distribution is fitted to three standard functions: a generalisation of Gumbel's first asymptote distribution from the theory of extremal statistics, a generalised log-normal distribution, and a χ 2 distribution. The calculation is extended to general dimension and an exponential tail is found in all dimensions less than four, despite the fact that critical fluctuations are limited to D = 2. These results are discussed in the light of similar behaviour observed in models of interface growth and for dissipative systems driven into a non-equilibrium steady state.
Chronos, 2005
Cet article présente une synthèse de la question et pose des pistes de recherche sur les différentes influences réciproques qui ont pu exister entre la civilisation arabe et les civilisations extrême-orientales, pour une large part grâce à l'action évangélisatrice de l'Église nestorienne.
Global Media and China, 2016
In the global film market, China is gaining more and more importance. The Chinese box office and film admissions are growing year after year and Chinese film and related companies are able to make business more and more abroad. On the contrary, US and European film markets are flat and the production costs of their film are growing. Both are trying to enter the Chinese film market and cooperate with Chinese film companies. The article reviews the Hollywood strategies towards China and analyses the advantages and problems that will be found following this way and the reason why China is interested to cooperate with Hollywood. But also, in that case, there are advantages and problems to analyse. The place of European film industry and market is different because Europe has a lot of problems to deal with: industry and market fragmentation, little cooperation among member states, lacking distribution of European film outside national markets and too large box office share of Hollywood f...
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Working Paper Series, Department …, 2011
Intellectual History Review, 2024
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 2009
il7 MAGAZINE - Brindisi, 2022 & PAGINE DEL '900 BRINDISINO, 2023
Religions, 2025
Journal of Nutrition and Intermediary Metabolism, 2017
Dergâh Yayınları, 2024
Asian journal of natural and applied sciences, 2014
Journal of Endodontics, 2018
The United Nations and the Nobel Peace Prize Awards, 2025
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2013