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GÍSLI PÁLSSON C.V. 2019 Born: Vestman Islands, Iceland, 7am, December 22, 1949. Office address: Department of Anthropology University of Iceland, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland. Phone: 354-5254253. E-mail: gpals@hi.is, gipalsson@gmail.com. Home page: https://hi.academia.edu/httpstarfsfolkhiissimaskra874. Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5BTSO78AAAAJ&hl=en. POSITIONS: Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology, University of Iceland. EDUCATION Ph.D. in Social Anthropology, University of Manchester, July 1982; supervisor Dr. Tim Ingold. M.A. (Econ) in Social Anthropology, University of Manchester, June 1974; supervisor Paul Baxter. B.A. in Social Science, University of Iceland, June 1972. EMPLOYMENT Professor of Anthropology, University of Iceland, 1992 – 2019. Professor II, Department of Anthropology, University of Oslo – 2002-2004. Director, Institute of Anthropology, 1998-2001. Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, University of Iceland, 1987 – 1992. Lecturer in Anthropology, University of Iceland, September 1982 – 1987. Part-time Lecturer in Anthropology, University of Iceland, 1975-1982. AWARDS The Man Who Stole Himself, Vinson Sutlive Book Prize in Historical Anthropology, College of William & Mary, 2018. The Man Who Stole Himself, listed on Times Literary Supplement Books of the Year 2017. Fellow, Center for Advanced Study (CAS), Oslo, 2015-2016. The 2014 Asa Wright Award for research. Reykjavík. 30 December. 2014. Elected as an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 2006. The University of Iceland Award for Excellence in Research, October 2001. Rosenstiel Award in Oceanographic Science, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science of the University of Miami, April 2000. Kaspar Naegle Lecture, University of British Columbia, October 1998. Richard Beck Lecture, University of Victoria, British Columbia, October 1998. The 1997 Cultural Prize for research, Vátryggingafélag Íslands, Reykjavík. 1997. Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences (SCASSS), Uppsala, fall 1995. Research Fellow. Visiting Professor, Social Science, Health, & Medicine, King’s College, London; 2013-2016. HONORS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Editorial board, Environmental Humanities. 2014-. Vice-Chair of RESCUE (Responses to Environmental and Societal Challenges for our Unstable Earth), a “Frontiers of Science” initiative of the European Science Foundation and COST, 2009-2011. Chair of Mapping Interfaces: The Future of Knowledge, an interdisciplinary initiative, the European Science Foundadion. 2008-2010. Adjunct Professor, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, 2009-2012. Visiting Professor: University of Vienna, University of California, Los Angeles, University of Berkeley, University of Iowa. Associate Fellow, Centre for Biomedicine & Society (CBAS), King’s College, London, 2008-2011. Subject Representative for Anthropology on the Standing Committee for the Humanities under the European Science Foundation, 2004-2007. PUBLICATIONS Books 2021 The Aukward Origin of Extinction. English translation from the Icelandic (Fuglinn sem gat ekki flogið). (In preparation). 2020 Fuglinn sem gat ekki flogið (The Aukward Origins of Extinction). Reykjavík: Forlagið. 2020 Down To Earth: A Memoir. English translation from the Icelandic (Fjallið sem yppti öxlum) by Anna Yates and Kathrina Downs-Rose. Goleta, CA: Punctum Books. (In press). 2020 Ma maison au pied du volcan. French translation from the English Down to Earth by Carine Chichereau. Paris: Gaïa. 2018 L'homme qui vola sa liberté – l'odyssée d'un esclave. Translated from the English The Man Who Stole Himself by Carine Chichereau. Paris: Gaïa Editions. 2017 Fjallið sem yppti öxlum: Maður og náttúra. Reykjavik: Forlagið. 2017 Hans Jonathan: Manden som stjal sig selv. Translated by Iben Philipsen. Copenhagen: Rebel With a Cause. 2016 The Man Who Stole Himself: The Slave Odyssey of Hans Jonathan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Translated from the Icelandic by Anna Yates. 2016 (With Margaret Lock) Can Science Resolve the Nature/Nurture Debate? Oxford: Polity. 2016 Nature, Culture, and Society: Anthropological Perspectives on Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2015 (With E. Paul Durrenberger, ed.) Gambling Debt: Iceland’s Rise and Fall in the Global Economy. Boulder: University Press of Colorado. 2014 Hans Jónatan: Maðurinn sem stal sjálfum sér (The Man Who Stole Himself). Reykjavik: Mál og menning. 2013 (With Tim Ingold) (co-editor) Biosocial Becomings: Integrating Social and Biological Anthropology. Cambridge University Press. 2007 Anthropology and the New Genetics. Series on New Departures in Anthropology. Cambridge University Press. 2007 Lífsmark: Mann(erfða)fræði. (Icelandic translation of Anthropology and the New Genetics). Transl. Árni Óskarsson. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan. 2005 Travelling Passions: The Hidden Life of Vilhjalmur Stefansson. (Translation from the Icelandic Frægð og firnindi). Transl. Keneva Kunz. University of Manitoba Press and University Press of New England. 2003 Frægð og firnindi: Ævi Vilhjálms Stefánssonar. (The Life of V. Stefansson). Reykjavík: Mál og menning. 2001 Writing on Ice: The Ethnographic Notebooks of Vilhjalmur Stefansson. (Editor and Introduction.) Hanover: University Press of New England. 2001 (With Philippe Descola) (co-editor) Naturaleza y sociedad: perspectivas antropológicas. Transl. Stella Mastrangelo. Mexico: Siglo veintiuno editores. Spanish edition of Nature and Society (1996). 2000 (With Alf Hornborg) (co-editor) Negotiating Nature. Lund: Studentlitteratur. 1999 (With committee) Sharing the Fish: Toward a National Policy on Individual Fishing Quotas, 1998. Committee to Review Individual Fishing Quotas. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. 1997 (With Haraldur Ólafsson and Sigríður Dúna Kristmundsdóttir) (co-editor) Við og hinir: Rannsóknir í mannfræði. (Us and Them: Anthropological Research). Reykjavík: Institute of Anthropology. 1997 (With Guðrún Pétursdóttir) (co-editor) Social Implications of Quota Systems in Fisheries. Proceedings of a Seminar Held in the Westman Islands, Iceland, in May 1996. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1996 (With Philippe Descola) (co-editor) Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives. London: Routledge. 1995 The Textual Life of Savants: Ethnography, Iceland, and the Linguistic Turn. Chur: Harwood Academic Publishers. 1995 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) (co-editor) Images of Contemporary Iceland: Everyday Lives and Global Contexts. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. 1993 (Editor) Beyond Boundaries: Understanding, Translation and Anthropological Discourse. Oxford: Berg Publishers. Paperback edition, 1994. 1992 (Editor) From Sagas to Society: Comparative Approaches to Early Iceland. Middlesex: Hisarlik Press. 1991 Coastal Economies, Cultural Accounts: Human Ecology and Icelandic Discourse. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press. Paperback edition, 1994. 1990 (Editor) From Water to World-Making: African Models and Arid Lands. Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. 1989 (With E. Paul Durrenberger, co-editor) The Anthropology of Iceland. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. Paperback edition, 1995. Articles in Reviewed Journals 2019 (With César E. Giraldo Herrera) Corporate Skin: Biosocial Relations, Tropes, and Institutions in Prosthetics Research and Development. Journal of Material Culture. June. DOI: 10.1177/1359183519852719. 2019 (With Sarah Alison Abel) Dépister l’ancestralité: Machines et techniques généalogiques dans la reconstruction des histoires de famille. (In press). 2019 (With Marianne Elisabeth Lien) Introduction: Ethnographies beyond the Human: The “Other-than-Human” in Ethnographic Work. In special issue on “Revisiting the other-than-human”, eds. Marianne Elisabeth Lien and Gisli Palsson. Ethnos. Online. June. https://doi.org/10.1080/00141844.2019.1628796. 2019 (With Neil Carrier and Michael O’Leary) Paul T.W. Baxter: Photographing the Other-Than-Human. Special issue of Ethnos on “Revisiting the other-than-human”, eds. Marianne Elisabeth Lien and Gisli Palsson. Ethnos. June. https://doi.org/10.1080/00141844.2019.1610471. 2019 (With Sarah Alison Abel and George F. Tyson) Naming and Slavery: The Middle Passage and Beyond. Comparative Studies in Society and History 61(2): 1-34. 2018 Dialogue: Making Kinskip Bigger (With Andrew Shryock, Nadav Samin, and David Henig). Comparative Studies in Society and History: http://cssh.lsa.umich.edu/2018/01/31/making-kinship-bigger-a-conversation-with-golfo-alexopoulos-nadav-samin-david-henig-and-gisli-palsson-andrew-shryock/. January. 2017 (With Shé Hawke) Water Futures, Biosociality, and Other-Wise Agency: An Explorative Essay. ANUAC 6(1): 233-252. 2017 Afterword. Special issue on humans and outer space. Environmental Humanities. https://read.dukeupress.edu/environmental-humanities/article/9/2/454/133028/Afterword. 2016 (With Heather Anne Swanson) Down to Earth: Geosociality and Geopolitics. Environmental Humanities. 8(2): 149-171. 2016 Unstable Bodies: A Biosocial Perspective on Human Variation. In Biosocial Matters: Rethinking Sociology-Biology Relations in the Twenty-First Century, edited by M. Meloni, S. Williams, P. Martin, Wiley-Blackwell. Sociological Review monograph. 1-17. DOI: 10.1111/1467-954X.12015. 2014 (With César Enrique Giraldo Herrera) The Forest and the Trees (commentary on Eduardo Kohn’s How Forests Think). HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 4(2): 237-243. 2014 Personal Names: Embodiment, Differentiation, Hierarchy, and Belonging. Science, Technology & Human Values. Online publication, 9 January. 2013 (With B. Szerszynski, S. Sörlin et al.) Reconceptualizing the ‘Anthropos’ in the Anthropocene: Integrating the Social Sciences and Humanities in Global Environmental Change Research. Environmental Science and Policy. 28: 3-13. 2012 (With Sigurður Örn Guðbjörnsson). Homo islandicus – inn að beini. Tímarit Máls og menningar 2: 4-24. Reykjavík. 2012 Decode Me! Anthropology and Personal Genomics. Current Anthropology. 53(S5): 185-195. 2011 (With Sigurður Örn Guðbjörnsson) Make No Bones About It: The Invention of Homo Islandicus. Acta Borealia 28(2): 119-141. 2011 Hot Bodies in Cold Zones: Arctic Exploration. Inter-Nord 21: 63-69. 2011 (With Barbara Prainsack) Genomic Stuff: Governing the (Im)matter of Life. International Journal of the Commons 5(2): 259-283. 2010 Disciplining Anthropology. Norsk antropologisk tidskrift. 21(4): 198-210. 2009 Spitting Image. Anthropology Now. 1(3): 12-22. 2009 Biosocial Relations of Production. Comparative Studies in Society and History. 51(2): 288-313. 2009 (With Edward H. Huijbens) The Bog in Our Brain and Bowels: The Social Attitudes to the Carthography of Icelandic Wetlands. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 27: 296-316. 2008 Hot Bodies in Cold Zones. The Scholar and Feminist, Web-journal, Barnard College. Issue 7.1, Fall. http://www.barnard.edu/sfonline/ice/palsson_01.htm. 2008 Genomic Anthropology: Coming in From the Cold? Current Anthropology 49(4): 545-568. 2007 How Deep is the Skin? The Geneticization of Race and Medicine. BioSocieties 2(2): 257-273. 2006 (With Agnar Helgason et al.) mtDNA Variation in Inuit Populations of Greenland and Canada: Migration History and Population Structure. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 130: 123-134. 2004 Race and the Intimate in Arctic Exploration. Ethnos, 69(3): 363-386. 2004 (With Rémi Mongruel) Le propriétaire, l’exploitant, le salarié et l’exclu : les conséquences sociales de la gestion des pêches par des systèmes de marchés de droits. Revue Tiers Monde, 7: 29-59. 2004 Akvariets regime: Natur og samfund i postmodern tid. Norsk antropologisk tidskrift, 1-2 : 32-44. 2003 (With Agnar Helgason) Blonds, Lost and Found: Representations of Genes, Identity, and History. Developing World Bioethics 3(2): 159-169. 2003 Biogenetics in Iceland. Society. September-October, 40(6): 20-28. 2002 The Life of Family Trees and the Book of Icelanders. Medical Anthropology, 21(3/4): 337-367. 2002 Perfect Disasters – and Partial Accounts. Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 2: 48-57. 2002 (With Kristín Harðardóttir) For Whom the Cell Tolls: Debates about Biomedicine. Current Anthropology, 43(2): 271-301. 2001 Identität, Genealogie und Pharmakogenomik in Island: Die Sicht eines Anthropologen. Medizinischegenetik, 13(3): 294-298. 2001 (With Paul Rabinow) The Icelandic Genome Debate? Trends in Biotechnology 19(5): 166-171. 2000 (With Paul Rabinow) Islande: le cas deCode. Biofutur: le mensuel Européen de biotechnologie. December, 206: 108-111. 1999 (With Paul Rabinow) Iceland: The Case of a National Human Genome Project. Anthropology Today. October, 15(5): 14-18. 1999 Individual Transferable Quotas: Unconstitutional Regimes? Common Property Resource Digest 48: 1-44. 1999 (With Agnar Helgason) Kenning og veruleiki kvótakerfisins (‘The Theory and Reality of the Quota System in Fishing’). Skírnir (spring): 26-52. 1998 (With Agnar Helgason) Schooling and Skipperhood: The Development of Dexterity, American Anthropologist, 100(4): 908-923. 1998 The Intimate Arctic: The Expedition Diaries of V. Stefansson. Ethnos 63(3): 413-40. 1998 The Virtual Aquarium: Commodity Fiction and Cod Fishing. Ecological Economics 24: 275-288. 1997 Fortíðin sem framandi land: Íslenskar fornbókmenntir í ljósi mannfræðinnar (‘The Past as a Foreign Country: An Anthropological Approach to the Sagas’). Skírnir 171: 37-63. 1997 (With Agnar Helgason) Contested Commodities: The Moral Landscape of Modernist Regimes. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (incorporating Man) 3(3): 451-471. 1996 Commodity Fiction and Cod Fishing. Nordic Journal of Political Economy 23(1): 75-86. 1995 (With Agnar Helgason) Figuring Fish and Measuring Men: The Individual Transferable Quota System in the Icelandic Cod Fishery. Ocean and Coastal Management, 28(1-3): 117-146. 1994 Enskilment at sea. Man 29(4): 901-27. 1993 Hið íslamska bókmenntafélag: mannfræði undir Jökli. (‘Fiction and Travel Accounts: The Anthropology of Christianity at Glacier by Halldór Laxness’). Skírnir, 167 (vor): 96-113. 1993 From Commons to Quotas: The Formation of Icelandic Fisheries Policy. North Atlantic Studies 3(2): 17-24. 1992 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Rhetoric of Skill and Skilful Rhetoric. (Reply to David R. White). American Anthropologist 94: 452-4. 1992 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Icelandic Dialogues: Individual Differences in Indigenous Discourse. Journal of Anthropological Research. 48(4): 301-16. 1990 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Systems of Production and Social Discourse: The Skipper Effect Revisited. American Anthropologist, 92(1): 130-141. 1989 The Art of Fishing, Maritime Anthropological Studies, 2(1): 1-20. 1989 Hugboð eða hyggjuvit?: Ákvarðanir íslenskra skipstjóra (‘Skippers’ Decision-Making’). Íslensk félagsrit 1. 1988 Models for Fishing and Models of Success. Maritime Anthropological Studies, 1(1): 15-28. 1988 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Anthropology and Fisheries Management (review article), American Ethnologist, 15(3): 530-534. 1987 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Ownership at Sea: Fishing Territories and Access to Sea Resources, American Ethnologist, 14(3): 508-522. 1986 Maritime Hunters and Gatherers of the Sea: An Ethnographic Perspective, World Cultures, 2(4). (Electronic journal). 1986 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Finding Fish: The Tactics of Icelandic Skippers, American Ethnologist, 13(2): 213-229. 1985 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Peasants, Entrepreneurs and Companies: The Evolution of Icelandic Fishing, Ethnos, 1-2: 103-122. 1984 (With Ásta Svavarsdóttir and Þórólfur Þórlindsson) Fall er fararheill (‘Social Class and Dative Case in Modern Iceland’), Íslenskt mál, 6: 33-55. 1983 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Riddles of Herring and Rhetorics of Success, Journal of Anthropological Research, 39(3): 323-336. 1983 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Icelandic Foremen and Skippers: The Structure and Evolution of a Folk Model, American Ethnologist, 10(3): 511-528. 1982 Territoriality Among Icelandic Fishermen. Acta Sociologica, 25, Supplement: 5-13. 1982 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) To Dream of Fish: The Causes of Icelandic Skippers’ Fishing Success. Journal of Anthropological Research, 38(2): 227-242. 1982 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Policy, Processors, and Boats: Fishing in Modern Iceland. Central Issues in Anthropology, 4(2): 31-47. 1979 Vont mál og vond málfræði (‘Deficient Language and Deficient Linguistics’). Skírnir 175-201, Reykjavík. Book Chapters 2021 (With Sarah Abel) Bio-Graphies in the Broad Sense: Narrating the Lives and Genomes of the Enslaved. In Slavery, Authorship and Literary Culture, ed. Mads Anders Baggesgaard. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing C. (Under review). 2020 Tim Ingold: Antropologiens arkitektur. Klassisk og moderne antropologiske tænkere. Kirsten Hastrup (ed.). Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels forlag. 2018 The Concept of Nature. International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, ed. Hillary Callan. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 2015 Anthropology, Genomics, and Human Variation: National Roots. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition. Elsevier. 2015 Fishing Societies. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. 2014 LabouringMe, LabouringUS. In Barbara Prainsack, Silke Schicktanz, and Gabriele Werner-Felmayer, (eds.) Genetics as Social Practice: Transdisciplinary Views on Science and Culture. London: Ashgate. Pp. 165-180. 2013 Retrospect. In Tim Ingold and Gísli Pálsson (eds.) Biosocial Becomings: Integrating Social and Biological Anthropology. Cambridge University Press. 2013 Ensembles of Biosocial Relations. In Tim Ingold and Gísli Pálsson (eds.) Biosocial Becomings: Integrating Social and Biological Anthropology. Cambridge University Press. 2013 (With Edward Huijbens) The Marsh of Modernity: The Bog In Our Brains and Bowels. In Landscape Biographies: Geographical, Historical and Archaeological Perspectives on the Production and Transmission of Landscapes, ed. Jan Kolen. Amsterdam University Press. 2013 (With Kristín Loftsdóttir) Black on White: Danish Colonialism, Iceland, and the Caribbean. In Scandinavian Colonialism and the Rise of Modernity: Small Time Agents in a Global Arena, eds. Magdalena Naum and Jonas M. Nordin. Springer. 2013. Örkin hans Nóa: Nim Chimpsky og við hin. In Chomsky: Mál, sál og samfélag, eds. Höskuldur Þráinsson og Matthew Whelpton. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan. 2013 Life at the Border: Nim Chimpsky et al. In Kirsten Hastrup (ed.) Anthropology and Nature. London: Routledge. 2013 Orientations in Anthropology. The Handbook of Sociocultural Anthropology, eds. James C. Carrier and Deborah B. Gewertz, 21-29. London: Bloomsbury. 2012 (With Sigurður Örn Guðbjörnsson) Musée Islandique: Líkamsmannfræði og myndlist mætast. In Musée Islandique. Artwork of Ólöf Nordal. Icelandic National Museum of Art. 2011 Natur/Kultur. In Lexikon der globaliserung. Eds. Fernand Keff, Eva-Maria Knoll, and Andre Gingrich. Bielefeld: Transcript. Pp. 290-293. 2011 (With Sigurður Örn Guðbjörnsson) Knochenarbeit: Die Erfindung des Homo islandicus. In Gesine Krüger and Marianne Sommer (eds.) Biohistorische Anthropologie: Knochen, Körper und DNA in Erinnerungskulturen. Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos. 2011 Relations, Persons, and Things: From the Age of Ink to the Digital Era. In Obrazi proshlogo (Images of the past). Festchrift for Aaron Gurevitch. Ed. Svetlana Luchitskaya. St. Petersburg. P. 299-319. Moscow: Nauka. 2010 Peasants, Entrepreneurs and Companies: The Evolution of Icelandic Fishing. In Paradigms for Anthropology: An Ethnographic Reader, eds. E. Paul Durrenberger and Suzan Erem. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers. Pp. 140-157. (Reprinted from Ethnos, 1985). 2009 Foreword. In Contested Categories: Studies of the Life Sciences in Society. Eds. Susanne Bauer, Hanne Jessen, and Ayo Wahlberg. Ashgate. Pp. xiii-xvi. 2009 (With Edward Huijbens) The Marsh of Modernity: Iceland and Beyond. In The Question of Resilience: Social Responses to Climate Change. Ed. Kirsten Hastrup. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy. Pp. 48-69. 2009 Celestial Bodies: Lucy in the Sky. In Humans in Outer Space: Interdisciplinary Odysseys, eds. Luca Codignola and Kai-Uwe Schrogl. New York: Springer. Pp. 69-81. 2009 The Web of Kin: An Online Genealogical Machine. In S. Bamford and J. Leach (eds.) Kinship and Beyond: The Genealogical Model Reconsidered. Oxford: Berghahn Books. Pp. 84-110. 2008 The Rise and Fall of a Biobank: The Case of Iceland. In Herbert Gottweis and Alan Peterson (eds.) Biobanks: Governance in Comparative Perspective. London: Routledge. 2008 A Model Society: The Skin and the Universe Within. In Edward H. Huijbens and Ólafur Páll Jónsson (eds.) Sensi/able Spaces. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press. 2007 “For Whom the Cell Tolls”. In Nanneke Redclift and Sahra Gibbon (eds.) Genetics: Critical Concepts in Social and Cultural Theory. London: Routledge. (Reprinted from Current Anthropology, 2002). 2006 Nature and Society in the Age of Postmodernity. In Aletta Biersack and James Greenberg (eds) Reimagining Political Ecology. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Pp. 70-93. 2006 Appropriating Family Trees: Genealogies in the Age of Genetics. In Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet Benda-Beckmann, and Melanie G. Wiber (eds) Changing Properties of Property. New York: Berghahn Books. Pp. 309-329. 2005 Of Althings! In Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy. Ed. Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Pp. 250-257. 2005 Vilhjalmur Stefansson. The Encyclopedia of the Arctic, vol. 3. Ed. Mark Nuttall. London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. Pp. 1950-1952. 2005 (With Paul Rabinow) The Iceland Controversy: Reflections on the Trans-National Market of Civic Virtue. In Global Assemblages: Politics, and Ethics as Anthropological Problems, ed. by Aihwa Ong and Stephen J. Collier. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Pp. 91-103. 2005 (With Kristín Harðardóttir) Icelandic Biobanks. In Örn D. Jónsson and Edward Huijbens (eds) Technology in Society and Society in Technology. Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press. Pp. 305-321. 2004 The Icelandic Biogenetic Project. In Nico Stehr (ed.) Biotechnology Between Commerce and Civil Society. New Brunswick: Transaction Books. Pp. 177-197. 2004 Decoding Relatedness and Disease: The Icelandic Biogenetic Project. In Jean-Paul Gaudillére and Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (eds) From Molecular Genetics to Genomics: The Mapping Cultures of Twentieth-Century Genetics. London: Routledge. Pp. 180-199. 2003 (With Astrid E.J. Ogilvie) Mood, Magic and Metaphor: Allusions to Weather and Climate in the Sagas of Icelanders. In Sara Strauss and Benjamin S. Orlove (eds) Weather, Climate, Culture. Berg Publishers. Pp. 251-274. 2002 Arcticality: Gender, Race, and Geography in the Writings of V. Stefansson. In M. Bravo and S. Sörlin (eds) Narrating the Arctic: A Cultural History of Scientific Practice, 1800-1940. Mass.: Science History Publications. P. 275-309. 2002 Medical Databases: The Icelandic Case. In Susanne Lundin and Lynn Åkesson (eds) Gene Technology and Economy. Lund: Nordic Academic Press. Pp. 22-41. 2001 Fishing Societies. In N.J. Smelser and P.B. Baltes (eds) International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Oxford: Pergamon. Pp. 5701-5705. 2000 ‘Finding One’s Sea Legs’: Learning, the Process of Enskilment, and Integrating Fishers and Their Knowledge Into Fisheries Science and Management. In Barbara Neis and Lawrence Felt (eds) Finding Our Sea Legs: Linking Fishery People and Their Knowledge with Science and Management. St. John’s: ISER Press. Pp. 24-38. 2000 The Said and the Unsaid: The Arctic Expedition Diaries of Vilhjálmur Stefansson. In Ingi Sigurðsson and Jón Skaptason (eds) Proceedings of the International Congress on the History of the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region. Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press. Pp. 541-555. 2000 (With Alf Hornborg) Introduction: Negotiating Nature. In Alf Hornborg and Gísli Pálsson (eds) Negotiating Nature. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Pp. 5-15. 2000 (With Agnar Helgason and Óðinn Gunnar Óðinsson) Property, Knowledge, and Agency: The Objectification of Icelandic Fishing. In Alf Hornborg and Gísli Pálsson (eds) Negotiating Nature. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Pp. 153-177. 2000 The Historical Anthropology of Human-Environmental Relations. In Festschrift for Aaron Gurevich (in Russian) eds. Marina Paramonovan and Igor Dubrovsky. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences. Pp. 237-252. 1999 Defining the field of maritime anthropology. In Ángel Montes Del Castillo (ed.) Antropologia de la Pesca. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia. Pp. 13-22. 1999 Technology, practical knowledge and ecological expertise. In Ángel Montes Del Castillo (ed.) Antropologia de la Pesca. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia. Pp. 23-30. 1999 Gender and the division of labour. In Ángel Montes Del Castillo (ed.) Antropologia de la Pesca. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia. Pp. 31-36. 1999 Property rights and access to resources. In Ángel Montes Del Castillo (ed.) Antropologia de la Pesca. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia. Pp. 37-44. 1999 Fisheries management. In Ángel Montes Del Castillo (ed.) Antropologia de la Pesca. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia. Pp. 45-58. 1999 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) The Importance of Friendship in the Absence of States, According to the Icelandic Sagas. In The Anthropology of Friendship: Beyond the Community of Kinship, (eds) Sandra Bell and Simon Coleman. Oxford: Berg Publishers. 1998 (With Agnar Helgason) Cash for Quotas: Disputes Over the Legitimacy of an Economic Model of Fishing in Iceland. In J. Carrier and D. Miller (eds) Virtualism: A New Political Economy. Oxford: Berg Publishers. Pp. 117-134. 1998 The Political Economy of the Animal Kingdom. In Marketta Seppaelae and Linda Weintraub (eds) Animal, Anima, Animus. Pori: Pri Art Museum. Pp. 265-280. 1998 The Birth of the Aquarium: The Political Ecology of Icelandic Fishing. In T. Gray (ed.) The Politics of Fishing. Macmillan. Pp. 209-27. 1998 Learning by Fishing: Practical Engagement and Environmental Concerns. In F. Berkes and C. Folke (eds) Linking Social and Ecological Systems: Management Practices and Social Mechanisms for Building Resilience. Cambridge University Press. Pp. 48-66. 1998 Í merg og bein, milli skinns og hörunds – eða þannig (“Embodied knowledge”). In Jón Proppé (ed.) Flögð og fögur skinn. Art.Is: Reykjavík. Pp. 207-212. 1997 Practical Science and Scientific Practice in the Historical Ecology of Icelandic Fishing. In Marine Resources and Human Societies in the North Atlantic Since 1500 (ed.) Daniel Vickers. St. Johns: Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Pp. 189-221. 1997 Fortíðin sem framandi land: Íslenskar fornbókmenntir í ljósi mannfræðinnar. (The Past as a Foreign Country: An Anthropological Approach to the Sagas). In Gísli Pálsson, Haraldur Ólafsson and Sigríður Dúna Kristmundsdóttir (eds) Við og hinir: Rannsóknir í mannfræði. (Us and Them: Anthropological Research). Reykjavík: Institute of Anthropology. 1996 Sprak, text och identitet i det islandska samhallet. Scripta Islandica: Islandska sallskapets arbok, 47: 33-46. 1996 Human-Environmental Relations: Orientalism, Paternalism, and Communalism. In P. Descola and G. Pálsson (eds) Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives. London: Routledge. Pp. 63-81. 1996 Efri árin í öðrum samfélögum (Old age in comparative perspective). In Hörður Þorgilsson and Jakop Smári (eds) Handbók eldri kynslóðarinnar. Reykjavík: Forlagið. Pp. 58-66. 1996 (With Philippe Descola) Introduction. In P. Descola and G. Pálsson (eds) Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives. London: Routledge. Pp. 1-21. 1995 Learning by Fishing: Practical Science and Scientific Practice. In Susan Hanna and Mohan Munasinghe (eds) Property Rights in a Social and Ecological Context: Case Studies and Design Applications. Washington: The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics and the World Bank. Pp. 85-97. 1995 Fisheries. In Mobilisation du potentiel intellectuel de l’anthropologie de l’Europe (ed.) M. McDonald. EC report. 12 pgs. 1995 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Introduction. In Gísli Pálsson and E. Paul Durrenberger (eds.) Images of Contemporary Iceland: Everyday Lives and Global Contexts. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. Pp. 1-22. 1995 (With Agnar Helgason) The Politics of Production: Enclosure, Equity and Efficiency. In Gísli Pálsson and E. Paul Durrenberger (eds.) Images of Contemporary Iceland: Everyday Lives and Global Contexts. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. Pp. 60-84. 1995 (With Agnar Helgason) Property Rights and Practical Knowledge: The Icelandic Quota System. In D. Symes and K. Crean (eds) Fisheries Management in Crisis: A Social Science Perspective. Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1994 The Name of the Witch: Sagas, Sorcery, and Social Context. In D. Brokensha (ed.) A River of Blessings: Essays in Honor of Paul Baxter. Syracuse, New York: Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs (African Series of Foreign and Comparative Program). Pp. 287-305. 1993 Introduction: Beyond Boundaries. In Beyond Boundaries: Understanding, Translation and Anthropological Discourse. Oxford: Berg Publishers. Pp. 1-40. 1993 Household Words: Attention, Agency, and the Ethnography of Fishing. In Gísli Pálsson (ed.) Beyond Boundaries: Understanding, Translation and Anthropological Discourse. Oxford: Berg Publishers. 117-39. 1993 Hið íslamska bókmenntafélag: mannfræði undir Jökli. (‘Fiction and Travel Accounts: The Anthropology of Halldór Laxness’ Christianity at Glacier). In Halldórsstefna. Reykjavík: Stofnun Sigurðar Nordals. Pp. 157-70. 1992 Modes of Production in Minke Whaling: The Case of Iceland. In The Report of the Symposium on Utilization of Marine Living Resources for Subsistence, Vol. I. Tokyo: Institute of Cetacean Research. Pp. 68-82. 1992 Introduction: Text, Life, and Saga. In Gísli Pálsson (ed.) From Sagas to Society: Comparative Approaches to Early Iceland. Middlesex: Hisarlik Press. Pp. 1-25. 1992 (With Michael O’Leary) Pastoral Resources and Strategies: Similarities and Differences between the Rendille and Gabra of Northern Kenya. In Security in African Drylands: Research, Development and Policy. Anders Hjort av Ornas (ed.). Uppsala: Research Programme on Environment and International Security. Departments of Human and Physical Geography, Uppsala University. Pp. 105-122. 1991 Ændrede forudsætninger i Islands fiskeripolitik (‘Changes in Icelandic fisheries policy’). In Fisheries management in the Nordic Countries (ed.) Svein Jentoft. Copenhagen: The Nordic Council. 1990 The Name of the Witch: Sagas, Sorcery, and Social Context. In Ross Samson (ed.) Social Approaches to Viking Studies. Glasgow: Cruithne Press. Pp. 157-168. 1990 The Idea of Fish: Land and Sea in the Icelandic World-View. In Roy Willis (ed.): Signifying Animals: Human Meaning in the Natural World. London: Allen & Unwin. Pp. 119-133. 1990 Introduction. In Gísli Pálsson (ed.) From Water to World-Making: African Models and Arid Lands. Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. Pp. 1-20. 1990 Fiskveiðistefna og félagsleg ábyrgð. (‘Fisheries Policy and Social Responsibility’). In Hagsæld í húfi: greinar um stjórn fiskveiða (eds) Þorkell Helgason and Örn D. Jónsson. Reykjavík: The University Press and The Fisheries Research Institute Háskólans. Pp. 26-32. 1990 Cultural Models in Cape Verdean Fishing. In Gísli Pálsson (ed.) From Water to World-Making: Anthropological Studies of Arid Lands. Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. Pp. 93-108. 1989 The Political Ecology of Icelandic Fishing. In Marine Marine Resource Utilization: A Conference on Social Science Issues. J. S. Thomas, L. Maril and E. Paul Durrenberger (eds.). University of South Alabama Publication Services, Mobile, Alabama. Pp. 131-135. 1989 Language and Society: The Ethnolinguistics of Icelanders. In E. Paul Durrenberger and G. Pálsson (eds.): The Anthropology of Iceland. Iowa City: The University of Iowa Press. Pp. 121-175. 1989 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Introduction: Towards an Anthropology of Iceland. In E. Paul Durrenberger and G. Pálsson (eds.): The Anthropology of Iceland. Iowa City: The University of Iowa Press. Pp. vii-xxvii. 1989 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Forms of Production and Fishing Expertise. In E. Paul Durrenberger and G. Pálsson (eds.): The Anthropology of Iceland. Iowa City: The University of Iowa Press. Pp. 3-18. 1988 Hunters and Gatherers of the Sea. In T. Ingold, D. Riches, and J. Woodburn (eds.): Hunters and Gatherers, I: History, Evolution and Social Change. London: Berg Publishers Ltd. Pp. 188-204. 1987 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) The ‘Grassroots’ and the State: Resource Management in Icelandic Fishing. In B.J. McCay og J. Acheson (eds.): The Question of the Commons: The Culture and Ecology of Communal Resources. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. Pp. 370-392. Popular Essays 2019. The Curious Case of Hans Jonathan. Icelandair Stopover Magazine. Spring. 2 pages. 2019. Furðukames Fullers (Errol Fuller’s Wunderkammer). Náttúrufræðingurinn. 89(1-2): 55-62. Reykjavik. 2019 The Curious Case of Gans Jonathan. Icelandair Stopover Magazine. March. 2019 Furðukames Fullers (Errol Fuller’s Cabinet of Curiosities). Náttúrufræðingurinn. Reykjavík. 2018 Örlög geirfuglsins: Handritin í Cambridge. Morgunblaðið 2. desember, 18-19. 2017 Hefnd Helgafells (with Helgi Bernódusson). Fylkir. December: 12-13, 15. 2016 Hraunið tamið: Björgun Eyja. Morgunblaðið, bls. 20. 5. júlí. 2016 Á svipstundu varð Bólstaður okkar mömmu aðeins punktur í hnitakerfi. Eyjafréttir 29. júní, bls. 14-15. 2016 Ég bjóst einfaldlega við gosi. Morgunblaðið 23. janúar. 2011 (Editor and co-author) Challenges of the Anthropocene: Contributions from Social Sciences and Humanities for the Changing Human Condition. Report of a Task Force under the RESCUE project, European Science Foundation & COST. 2010 (Editor and co-author) The Future of Knowledge. Report on the Mapping Interfaces project, an interdisciplinary initiative by the European Science Foundadion, 2008-2010. 2009 Decode me! Comments on Ian Hacking, On the Human Forum: Current Controversies in the Study og Humans, animals, and Machines, http://onthehuman.org/humannature/?p=176&cpage=1#comment-295. April. 2008 Hans Jónatan: Karabískur þræll gerist íslenskur bóndi. Morgunblaðið (Lesbók) 7 March. 2008 Aldarafmæli Claude Lévi-Strauss. Lesbók Morgunblaðið (Lesbók) 30 August. 2008 Hinir uppnefndu: Hnífurinn í sárinu (Derogatory By-names). Morgunblaðið (Lesbók) 16 August. 2008 Genetics, anthropology of. In Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology, ed. By Alan Barnard and Jonathan Spencer. New York: Routledge. 2007 Slysagildra við Suðurgötuna? Háskóli á tímamótum (Universities at the Cross-Roads). Morgunblaðið (Lesbók) 28 April. 2007 The Skin and the Universe Within. Framework: The Finnish Art Review, a special issue for the Nordic Pavilion exhibition at the Venice biennale. June/7: 24-27. 2005 “The Blond Inuit”. Interview (author Jette Elsebeth Ashlee). Capital Style. Vol. 8, pp 48-52. 2005 (With Astrid E.J. Ogilvie) Reflections on Wetlands in Iceland. In Patrick Huse, Intimate Absence. Oslo: Henie Onstad Art Center/Delta Press. Pp. 99-101. 2004 Nature and Society. Essay, in a book on the artwork of Patrick Huse. Oslo. 2002 Debates about biomedical databases. Forum recherche génétique. http://www.assn.ch/root/focal/genforum.html. 2002 (With Parzival Copes) Cuestionado las cuotas individuales transferibles: acción política y legal en Islandia, Canadá y Américana Latina. Comunidad Pesquera. June. Argentina. 2001 (With Parzival Copes) Challenging ITQs: Legal and political action in Iceland, Canada and Latin America: A preliminary overview. In Microbehavior and macroresults: Tenth biennial conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 10-14, 2000, Corvallis, Oregon, USA. Compiled by R.S. Johnston and A.L. Shriver. Published in CD Rom. Corvallis. Síðasta sjóferðin (“The last fishing trip”). Sjómannadagsblað Vestmannaeyja. P. 42-45. 2001 Karluk slysið: Ný bók um síðasta leiðangur Vilhjálms Stefánssonar (The Karluk disaster). Morgunblaðið. January. 2000 Website on the Westman Islands. Opened on 11 September. 2000 Decoding deCode Genetics. Interview. www.gen-info.de. 7 September. 2000 Inúítafjölskylda Vilhjálms Stefánssonar (The Inuit family of V. Stefansson). Morgunblaðið 20 August. 1999 Landið, myndin og þjóðin (Land, image and nation). In Heimur kvikmyndanna (The world of cinema) ed. by Guðni Elísson. Reykjavík: Forlagið. Pp. 989-991. 1999 (With Bjarni Reynarsson) Report on the feasibility of establishing an interdisciplinary “Center for Urban Studies” jointly run by the University of Iceland and the City of Reykjavík. 1998 Leyndarmál Vilhjálms: Alex saga Stefanssonar (Sefansson’s secret: The saga of Alex Stefansson). Morgunblaðið 10 May. 1998 Af íslenskum Inúítum: Afkomendur Vilhjálms Stefánssonar mannfræðings og landkönnuðar (The descendants of Vilhjámur Stefánsson). Morgunblaðið 25. October. 1997 Stepping Outside the Iwory Tower (Interview). Antropologiska Studier, special issue on “Antropologi och Offentlighet”, 56-57: 53-59. 1997 (With Jónas G. Allansson) “Migið í saltan sjó”: fiskifræði sjómanna (Indigeneous marine biology). Sjómannadagsblað Vestmannaeyja, 38-43. 1996 (With Agnar Helgason) Hvað verður um kvótann? (What happens to the quota?) Sjómannadagsblað Vestmannaeyja, 50-55. 1995 Þögul þekking á vistkerfinu (Silent ecological knowledge; an interview) Sæmundur á selnum 2: 8-11. 1994 (With Michael Young) Sameign landsmanna: breytt kvótakerfi (The common property of the nation: an alternative quota system). Morgunblaðið. 16 October. 1994 (With Agnar Helgason) Sannleikurinn og kvótinn (‘On Truth and Quotas’). Morgunblaðið 23 March. 1994 (With Agnar Helgason) Hvert fer kvótinn? (‘Where are the Fishing Quotas Going?’). Morgunblaðið 11 January. 1994 (With Agnar Helgason) “Raunverulegir” eigendur veiðiheimilda (‘The “Real” Owners of Fishing Quotas’). Morgunblaðið 8 February. 1993 (With Agnar Helgason) Hverjir eiga kvótann? (‘Who Owns the Fishing Quotas?’). Morgunblaðið 13 May. 1990 Kvótakerfið og hagsmunaöflin. Þjóðlíf, January, pp. 50-53. 1989 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) West Icelanders: Icelanders and West Icelanders in the Modern Age, The World and I, March. Pp. 660-667. 1986 Frá formennsku til fiskifræði. (‘Fish and Humans in the Icelandic World View’). Tímarit Háskóla Íslands, 1(1):60-70. Reykjavík. 1985 Framleiðsluhættir í fiskveiðum á Grænhöfðaeyjum (‘Modes of Production in Cape Verdean Fishing’), Samfélagstíðindi, 130-145. 1983 Aflaklær og sjóvíkingar, (‘Catch-Men and Sea-Vikings’), Samfélagstíðindi, Reykjavík. 1978 Samfélagsfræði: Samhengi félagslegra fyrirbæra (‘Social Science’, a text book on social science). Reykjavík: Mál og menning. Book Reviews 2019 Didier Fassin. Life: A Critical User‘s Manual, Cambridge: Polity Press. Acta Sociologica. https://doi.org/10.1177/0001699319852277. 2016 Mixed Messages: Cultural and Genetic Inheritance in the Construction of Human Society. The University of Chicago Press. Anthropos. September. 2016 Dona Lee Davis: Twins Talk. University of Ohio Press. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 22: 741-742. 2009 Stefan Helmreich: Alien Ocean. University of California Press. MAST 8(1). 2007 Andie Diane Palmer Maps and Experience: The Anchoring of Land to Story in Secwepemc Discourse. University of Toronto Press. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 13: 498-9. 2001 Jens Dahl Saqqaq: An Inuit Hunting Community in the Modern World. University of Toronto Press. Journal of Political Ecology. 2000 Kirsten Hastrup A Place Apart: An Anthropological Study of the Icelandic World. Oxford University Press. Social Anthropology 8(4): 80-82. 2000 R.C. Hunt and A. Gilman (eds.) Property in Economic Anthropology. University Press of America. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 6(2): 344. 1999 Commentary on Nurit Bird-David’s “‘Animism’ revisited: Personhood, environment, and relational epistemology”. Current Anthropology 40(Supplement): 83-84. 1999 J. Spiertz and M.G. Wiber (eds) The Role of Law in Natural Resource Management Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (incorporating Man) 5(1): 121-122. 1999 A.M. Shah, B.S. Baviskar, and E.A. Ramaswamy (eds) Social Structure and Change: Development and Ethnicity. Sage Publications. Environmental Values 8(3): 409-10. 1998 Allison James, Jenny Hockey and Andrew Dawson (eds) After Writing Culture: Epistemology and Praxis in Contemporary Anthropology. ASA Monograph 34. Routledge. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 4(4): 813-14. 1998 Marilyn Strathern (ed.) Shifting Contexts: Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge. Routledge. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 4(4): 797. 1997 Esther N. Goody (ed.) Social Intelligence and Interaction: Expressions and Implications of the Social Bias in Human Intelligence. Cambridge University Press. Social Anthropology, 5(1): 96-98. 1997 Peter Dickens Reconstructing Nature. Routledge. Journal of Rural Studies, 13(3): 364-365. 1997 David Arnold The Problem of Nature: Environment, Culture and European Expansion. Blackwell. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 3(4): 784-5. 1996 Ecology, Technology and Culture: Essays in Environmental Philosophy (eds) Wim Zweers and Jan J. Boersema. The White Horse Press. Environmental Economics 17: 127-130. 1996 Carole L. Crumley (ed.). Historical Ecology: Cultural Knowledge and Changing Landscapes. School of American Research Press. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (incorporating Man) 2(1): 170. 1996 Peter Bretschneider Polygyny: A Cross-Cultural Study. University of Uppsala. Ethnos, 3-4: 288-290. 1994 S. Lavie, K. Narayan, and R. Rosaldo (eds) Creativity / Anthropology. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. Man 29(3): 770-771. 1993 W. I. Miller Bloodtaking and Peacemaking: Feud, Law and Society in Saga Iceland. Skáldskaparmál 2: 290-92. 1993 V. Y. Mudimbe The Invention of Africa: Gnosis, Philosophy, and the Order of Knowledge (Indiana University Press, 1988). Social Anthropology 1(2): 224-5. 1992 W. I. Miller Bloodtaking and Peacemaking: Feud, Law and Society in Saga Iceland. American Anthropologist, 94(3): 720-21. 1989 James Acheson The Lobster Gangs of Maine. Maritime Anthropological Studies. TV DOCUMENTARIES 2019. Eldhugarnir. (The Firewalkers). Produced with Valdimar Leifsson and Ari Trausti Guðmundsson. Icelandic State TV (RÚV), Reykjavik. 2019 The Man Who Stole Himself: Hans Jonathan. Produced by Bryndís Kristjánsdóttir and Valdimar Leifsson. Icelandic State TV (RÚV). 2003 (Interview) “Arctic Dreamer”. Director Peter Raymont. Producer White Pine Pictures. Toronto. 2003 “Víkingarnir: DNA slóðin rakin”. (The Vikings in North America: Exploring the DNA Trail). Parts 1-3. Ari Trausti Guðmundsson and Valdimar Leifsson. Icelandic State TV (RUV), Reykjavik. 1999 (With Hákon M. Oddsson) “Sagan af Þór heppna”. (The Story of Thor the Lucky); TV documentary (Icelandic State TV) about anthropologist and explorer Thor Heyerdahl, partly based on an interview. FELLOWSHIPS AND GRANTS, HERA grant 2016-2018. CitiGen, directed by Hannes Schröder, University of Copenhagen. Icelandic Science Foundation, research grants, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1984, 1985, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999-2009, 2013-2016. University of Iceland, research grant, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988-2019. United States National Science Foundation, 2000. Project coordinator Dr. Astrid Ogilvie. The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, 2000. Nordic Cultural Fund, 1991. Nordic Environmental Research Programme, 1993-1995, 1996-1997. Nordic Committee for Social Science Research (NOS-S), 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999-2002. Fulbright scholarship, research grant, 1987. The British Council Fellowship, 1980. Nordic African Institute, research grant, 1983. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1990 PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES AND OFFICES Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Fellow. Elected as Executive Committee Member, European Association of Social Anthropologists, 2007-2010. Editorial boards: Social Anthropology, Acta Borealia, International Journal of Water, Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, Nordic Journal of African Studies, Maritime Anthropological Studies, Ethnos, North Atlantic Studies. American Anthropological Association, member. INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC SERVICES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Departmental review-committee: Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, 1994. Evaluation committee for the candidates for a new Professorship (African Anthropology) in the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo, 1994. Evaluation committee for a Professorship in Anthropology in the Department of Ethnography and Social Anthropology, University of Aarhus, 1995. Tenure evaluations for several universities in the US and Canada. Member of a core group under the International Arctic Science Council (IASC) defining the Science Agenda for the future, focusing on “Sustainable use of natural resources of high value to Northern residents”. Evaluation of Ph.D. candidates at the universities of Uppsala, Aarhus, Oslo, and Tromsö. Opponent in Oslo, Roskilde, Tromsö, and Uppsala. Evaluation committee for a the position of Forskarassistent in Social Anthropology in the Department of Anthropology, Stockholm University, 2002. Evaluation committee for the candidates for the position of Senior Lecturer, the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Uppsala, 2011. COLLEGIAL REVIEWS Grant reviews: National Science Foundation (NSF), National Endowment for the Humanities, Sea Grant College Program, European Science Foundation, Norwegian Research Council, Finish Research Council, Icelandic Science Foundation. Book manuscript reviews: Routledge, Oxford University Press, University of Iowa Press. Article reviews: American Anthropologist, Anthropology Today, Australian Journal of Anthropology, Current Anthropology, Ethnos, The Haskins Society Journal, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Science, Technology, and Human Values, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (incorporating Man), Maritime Anthropological Studies, Ocean and Coastal Management, Journal of Rural Studies, Society and Natural Resources, TRAMES: A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences. INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS Bodily Commodities. Funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and NOS-S and national research councils in the Nordic Countries. Coordinator. Common Property and Environmental Policy in Comparative Perspective (COPE). Funded by the Environmental Research Programme (1993-1995) of the Nordic Council of Ministers, NOS-S, and national research councils in the Nordic countries. Coordinator. Linking Ecological and Social Systems. Organised and funded by the Beijer Institute, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, 1993-1997. Participant. ORGANIZING: CONFERENCES, LECTURE SERIES, AND ACADEMIC COLLABORATION Co-organizer of an international workshop on “The Icelandic Financial Meltdown, Its Causes, Implications and Consequences”, Iowa City, 11-14 August, 2012. Co-organizer of a panel on “Animals into Science”, American Ethnological Society, New York, 19-21 April. 2012. Co-organizer of an invited session on “Beyond the Biological and the Social”. Biannual meeting of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, EASA. Maynooth, Ireland, 24-27 August. 2010. Vice-chair of RESCUE (Responses to Environmental and Societal Challenges for our Unstable Earth), a “Frontiers of Science” initiative of the European Science Foundation and COST. Launching event, Paris, 10-11 September. 2009. Co-organizer of Mapping Interfaces: The Future of Knowledge, an interdisciplinary project, the European Science Foundadion. Workshop, Reykjavík, 15-17 June. 2009. Co-organizer of a conference to celebrate the centenary of Claude Lévi-Strauss, Reykjavík, 6 September. Co-organizer of a conference in honor of the late Professor Jón Steffensen. University of Iceland. 18-19 February, 2005. Organizer of a lecture series on “The Boundary Between Nature and Society”; speakers: Paul Rabinow, Veena Das, Evelyn Fox Keller, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, William Cronon, and Emily Martin. 1998-2001. Co-organizer of a session on “The perception of, genes, genetics and genomes” at the biannual meeting of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, Copenhagen, August, 2002. Discussant at several international academic meetings. Organizer of a Scandinavian workshop on “Bodily Commodities”, Reykjavik, 2000. Organizer of a Scandinavian network, “Biopolitics: The Social Implications of Biotechnology and Biomedicine”, 2001-2004. Chief organiser of the Nordic Meeting of Social Anthropologists, Reykjavík, 1990. Organiser of a workshop on the theme “From Sagas to Society: Comparative Approaches to Early Iceland”, Reykjavík, 1991. Organiser of a session on “Nature and Society: A Contested Interface” at the Third Meeting of the Association of European Anthropologists (EASA), Oslo, June 1994. Co-organiser of “Scandinavian work-shop on anthropology and the environment”, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge University, 2-3 December. Organising committee of Fifth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Bodö, May 1995. Chair of a session on “Rethinking the Commons” at the of Fifth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Bodö, May 1995. Lecturing in a course on “Nature and the environment” in the Institute of Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen, April 1995. Organiser of an international workshop (funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Beijer Institute of Stockholm University) on “The social implications of quota systems in fisheries” held in the Vestman Islands, May 1996. Lecturing in a course on Arctic Biology, organised by the University of Copenhagen, held at the University of Iceland, June 1996. Teaching in a course on “Maritime Anthropology” at he University of the Sea, Murcia, Spain, July 1996. Co-chair and co-organiser of a session on “Theorising environments: human ecology in the age of postmodernity” at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Anthropologists, San Francisco, 20-24 November 1998. PROFESSIONAL AND CIVIC RESPONSIBILITIES IN ICELAND Icelandic Red Cross, Board member, 2009-2011. Chair of Department (Anthropology), 2008-2009, 1996-1998. Director, Institute of Anthropology, 1998-2001. Faculty Board, 1991-1993, 1996-1998. Anthropological Institute, University of Iceland, board member, 1994-1998. Departmental Committee (anthropology), 1982-present. Board of the University of Iceland Rural Research Centres, 2004-2011. Co-editor of Íslensk félagsrit (“Icelandic Social Science Studies”), 1989-1992. Fisheries Research Institute, University of Iceland, board member, 1989-2003. Vice-Chair 1997-2003; acting Chair 1998 (spring). Board of the University of Iceland Research Centre in the Vestman Islands, 1995-2010. University committee for evaluating the feasibility and for the planning of a postgraduate course in Fisheries Studies, 1992-1993. Faculty committees dealing with research policy, the establishment of an M.A. program, the evaluation of candidates for an anthropology position, and the allocation of research funding. University committee on science and research, 1996 (spring). University committee on teaching and research in relation to environmental issues, 1994-1995. Curriculum development of social science for primary schools, Ministry of Education, 1975-1978. TEACHING EXPERIENCE University of Iceland: Introduction, Anthropology, Inuit Ethnography and the Arctic, Maritime Adaptations, Linguistic Anthropology, Ecological Anthropology, Development Studies, Seminar on the Ethnography of Iceland, the Anthropology of the Sagas, Theory in Social Anthropology, the Body in Social Theory, Technology and Society, 1975-2011. University of Oslo, Us and Them, October 2004. Learning, Skill, and Practical Knowledge, April 2002. University of Copenhagen, Environmental Anthropology, April 1996. University of the Sea, Murcia, Maritime Anthropology, July 1996. University of Iowa, Maritime Anthropology, spring 1987. Hamrahlíð Junior College, Reykjavík: Sociology and Anthropology, 1974-1978. Primary school and secondary school: Seltjarnarnes, 1970-1971. Digranesskóli, Kópavogur, 1969-1970. FIELDWORK EXPERIENCE St. Croix, the Virgin Islands. November 2012, November 2015. Iceland, 1993-2009 (periodically). The Canadian Arctic, summer of 1999, spring of 2002, and fall of 2003. The Republic of Cape Verde, June-August 1984. DOCTORAL COMMITTEES AND SUPERVISION Wendy Marsden, University of Edinburgh, 2008 (external examiner). Fiona Elizabeth McCormack, University of Auckland, 2006 (external reviewer) Jette Elsebeth Ashlee, University of Roskilde, 2005 (committee) Helga Ögmundardóttir, University of Upsala (committee) Tinna Grétarsdóttir, Temple University (committee) Bragi Skúlason, University of Iceland (supervisor) Kristín E. Harðardóttir, University of Iceland (supervisor) Davíð Bjarnason, University of Iceland (supervisor). Sigrún María Kristinsdóttir, University of Iceland (supervisor). APPLIED WORK Report to review the theory and practice of individual fishing quotas. Scientific committee established by the National Research Council of the United States and the US Congress, 1998. (With Bjarni Reynarsson) Report on the feasibility of establishing an interdisciplinary “Urban Studies” center jointly run by the University of Iceland and the City of Reykjavík, 1999. Report on Icelandic fisheries and the European Union written (with Örn D. Jónsson and Ragnar Árnason) for the Icelandic Foreign Ministry, 1994. Evaluation of development projects: Fishing in the Republic of Cape Verde, 1984. Independent study funded by the Nordic African Institute and the Icelandic Science Foundation. (With Sigríður Dúna Kristmundsdóttir). Web-site on the Westman Islands (co-ordinator and editor); www.eyjar.com. Opened on 12 September 2000. PAPERS PRESENTED 2019 The Aukward Origin of Extinction. The Royal Academy Lectures in the Humanities and Social Sciences, The Royal Library, Copenhagen. 25 November. 2019 Bio-graphies in the Broad Sense. Seminar on histories of the enslaved. University of Linköping. 22 November. 2019 Awkward Ecologies: The Great Auk, Extinctions, and the Anthropocene. Cambridge University, 17 May. 2019 Awkward Ecologies: The Great Auk, Extinctions, and the Anthropocene. Center for Environmental Humanities. Aarhus University, 13 March. 2019 (With Sarah Abel) Bio-graphies in the Broad Sense: The Curious Case of Hans Jonathan. Slavery, Authorship and Literature. 24-26 January. Maison Francais, Columbia University, New York. 2018 Silence is Golden: Colonial Profits and Cultural Amnesia. Research seminar. Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, 18 May. 2018 The Man Who Stole Himself. Public talk. Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, 17 May. 2018 (With Sarah Abel) Decoding Unwritten Pasts: Genomics as a Lens Onto the Histories of Slavery. Conference on Researching, producing and exhibiting human biological diversity. University of Oslo, 21-22 March. 2017 Icelandic roots and identities: Genealogies, DNA, and personal names. Genetic Genealogy. Dublin. October 13-14. 2017 Jarðsambönd (geosocialities) á mannöld. Annual Social Science Meeting. 13. October. Höfn, Hornafjörður. Keynote. 2017 Lecture and film presentation. Hans Jonathan: The Connections of Iceland, Denmark, and St. Croix. Kópavogur Cycle Art Festival. 8 September. http://www.cycle.is/hans-jnatan/. 2017 Biographies of the Enslaved: The strange saga of Hans Jonathan (1784-1827) and its continued relevance. Wine and Science. Copenhagen University. 4 April. 2017 Copenhagen City Hall, West Indian Days. Hans Jonathan: The Connections of Iceland, Denmark, and St. Croix. 1 April. 2016 “Eruption Stories”, Seminar on “Momentums: Histories, Localities and Futures in the Anthropology of Ruptures and Hope”. Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo, 6-7 October. 2016 (With Heather Anne Swanson) “Leaving Home?: The House and the Anthropocene”. Invited talk for a session in honor of S. Gudeman. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Minneapolis, 16-20 November. 2015 Anthropocenic Geopolitics: Domesticating Volcanoes. Seminar series on the Anthropocene. Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University, 15 October. 2015 Geopolitics: Domesticating Volcanoes. “Domestication in the Arctic” Workshop, Center for Advanced Study, Oslo, 17-18 September. 2015 Celestial Bodies: Lucy in the Sky. Workshop on “Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Life”. University of Roehampton. 18 June. 2015 “Epigenetic Routes Through Epistemic Landscapes”. Workshop on Environmental Epigenetics. Brocher Institute, Geneva. 4-6 May. 2015 “Epigenetic Routes Through Epistemic Landscapes”. Epigenetics as the Meeting Place Between Nature and Nurture. Uppsala University. 19-20 March. 2015 “Anthropologies of Life”. Seminar on “Anthropologie de la vie et des représentations du vivant”. College de France. 3 March. 2015 Homo islandicus: Black and White. Seminar on the Museé-Islandique exhibit by Ólöf Nordal. Nordatlantens Brygge. Copenhagen. 15 January. 2014 Keynote: Anthropology, Oikos, and the Anthropocene. Rethinking Environmental Consciousness. Mittuniversitetet Sundsvall. 5-8 December. 2014 Anthropologies of Life. Department of Anthropology, New School for Social Research, New York. 5 November. 2014 Anthropologies of Life. Department of Social Studies of Medicine. McGill University. 11 November. 2014 Under the Glacier: The factual, Fictive, and the Fabulous. Meeting of the Society of American Travel Writers. Reykjavík, 18 September. 2014 Writing Nature: Human Variation as Biosocial Becoming. Plenary talk. ASA meeting. University of Edinburgh. 19-22 June. 2014 Human Variation. A Biosocial Perspective. University of Oslo. 3 April. 2014. Housekeeping: Anthropology, Oikos, and the Anthropocene. Department of Anthropology. University of Lucerne. 26 February. 2013. Housekeeping: Anthropology, Oikos, and the Anthropocene. Department of Anthropology. Durham University, 5 December. 2013. The Mulatto Boy of St. Croix. The EUROTAST project. The Danish Royal Academy. Copenhagen, 27 September. 2013. Minding Nim: Of chimps and men. IUAES, World Congress. Manchester, 7-9 August. 2013. Housekeeping: Anthropology, Oikos, and the Anthropocene. Conference on “Society in the Anthropocene”. The Cabot Institute, University of Bristol. Bristol, 23-25 June. 2013. Animals Into Science: Of Chimps and Men. Seminar on “Animal Exchanges”. University of Oxford. Oxford, 24 May. 2013. Homo islandicus: The Fate of the Phenotype. Discussion with Ólöf Nordal. Museé du Quay Branly, Paris. 27 January. http://www.quaibranly.fr/fr/programmation/les-rendez-vous-du-salon-de-lecture/autour-des-expositions.html. 2012. Wetlands: The Bog in Our Brain nad Bowels. Symposium on Sustainable Materialities. University of Sydney. Sydney, 30 November. 2012. Entangled Bodies. Sydney Ideas. Sydney Univeristy. Sydney, 29 Nov. http://wordvine.sydney.edu.au/app/webroot/files/59/1302/. 2012. Minding Nim: Of Chimps and Men. Conference on Minding Animals. University of Utrecht, 2-4 July. 2012. Reconceptualizing the “Anthropos” during the Anthropocene. Internatinal conference on Environmental policy-making in a dynamic world. Reykjavik. 19 May. 2012. Life at the Border: Nim Chimpsky at the Nature-Society Divide. Annual Meeting of the American Ethnological Society. New York. 19-22 April. 2012. Homo islandicus. Department of Icelandic Studies, University of Winnipeg/Icelandic Center, Gimli, Manitoba. April 15. 2012. Genomic Stuff. Conference on Engaging Resources: New Anthropological Perspectives on Natural Resource Environments. Waterloo, Canada. April 13-14. 2012. Genomic Anthropology: Biosocial Relations and Human Variation. Department of Anthropology, Oxford University. 13 February. 2012. Bodies and Contexts: Personal Genomis and Epigenetics. Templeton College, Oxford. 13 February. 2012. Governance, Genomes, Gaia. The Linacre Environment Lectures 2012. How do socio-ecological systems work and how are they best governed? University of Oxford, 9 February. 2011. Laboring Life: Tournaments of Biosocial Value. Conference on Genetics as Culture in a Consumerist Age. University of Innsbruk, 27-29 October. 2011. Nim Chimpsky et al. Public lecture, lecture series on the legacy of Noam Chomsky. University of Iceland, 30 September. 2011. Life at the Border: Nim Chimpsky at the Nature-Society Divide. Conference on Nature and Culture. University of Copenhagen, 12-14 September. 2011. The invention of Homo islandicus. Keynote address. Bi-annual meeting of the International Association of Arctic Social Science, Akureyri 22 June. 2011. Challenges of the Anthropocene. Idea Festival of Climate Change. University of Oslo. Oslo. 21 May. 2011. Bioobjects and Their Biosocial Relations. COST-Bioobjects conference. Vienna. 19 May. 2011. Task Force Report. ESF/COST RESCUE project. Brussels. 16 May. 2011. Homo islandicus. Meeting of the Icelandic League of North America. Edmonton, Canada. 1 May. 2011. Ensembles of Biosocial Relations. Departmental seminars on Becomings. Durham University, 9 February. 2010. Laboring Life: Tournaments of Biosocial Value. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. New Orleans, 17-21 November. 2010. Decode me!: On Personal Genomics. Lecture in a series of events “Scandinavian Impulses”. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 15 November. 2010. (With Sigurður Örn Guðbjörnsson) Make No Bones About It: Cultures of Authority and Remembrance in Arctic Anthropology. Conference on “Biohistorical Anthropology: DNA and Bones in Cultures of Remembrance.” Zürich, 7-10 October. 2010. Getting the System Out of Our System. Stockholm Roundtable. Department of Anthropology. Stockholm, 1-2 October. 2010. Ensembles of Biosocial Relations and the study of humans. Biannual meeting of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, EASA. Maynooth, Ireland, 24-27 August. 2010. Disciplining Anthropology. Keynote talk. Annual Meeting of Norwegian Anthropologists. Trondheim, 8 May. 2010. Decode Me! Personal Genomics and Genomic Anthropology. Wenner-Gren Conference on “The Biological Anthropology of Modern Human Populations: World Histories, National Styles, and International Networks”, Teresopolis, Brazil, 5-12 March. 2010. Travelling Passions: The Life and Work of Vilhjalmur Stefansson. Nordic Spirit Symposium, Thousand Oaks, Los Angeles, 6 February. 2010. deCODE me! Department of Anthropology and Center for Society and Genetics, UCLA, Los Angeles, 4 February. 2010. The Legacy of Laxness. Scandinavian Department, UCLA, Los Angeles, 4 February. 2009. Personal Medicine: deCODE, Iceland, and Beyond. Sophia Law School. Tokyo, Japan. 12 December. 2009. Changing Wetlands: An Environmental Anthropology. Institute for Global Environmental Change. Tokyo, Japan. 11 December. 2009. Decode Me!: Personal Genomics. Nanzan University. Nagoya, Japan. 9 December. 2009. Personal Genomics: deCODE, Iceland, and Beyond. Executive session on “Consuming Genomics”. Annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, 2-6 December, Philadelphia. 2009. Human Variation and Description: The Anthropology of Canadian Icelanders (“Mannlýsing og mannjöfnuður: Mannfræði Vestur-Íslendinga”), 90th Anniversary of the Icelandic National League, Reykjavík, 28 November. 2009. Personal Genomics: deCODE, Iceland, and Beyond. Session on “Personal Genomics”, Conference on Medical Anthropology at the Intersection. Yale University, 24-27 September. 2009. Genomic Anthropology: Coming in From the Cold? Lecture series on “People and the Environment”, Department of Archaeology, Bangor University, Wales, 29 April. 2009. Personal Genomics: deCODE, Iceland, and Beyond. Conference on “Human Genomic Diversity and Biomedical Practice”, BIOS Centre, London School of Economics, 27-28 March, London. 2009. Personal Genomics: deCODE, Iceland, and Beyond. Seminar at the Centre for Biomedicine & Society (CBAS), King’s College, 26 March. London. 2009. The Bog in Our Brain and Bowels. The Anthropology of Wetlands. Conference on Waterworlds, Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen. 9 February. 2008. Bodies in Translation. Kenote talk. International conference on Cultures in Translation. Reykjavík, 4 December. The Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute of Foreign Languages. 2008. Genomic Anthropology: Coming in From the Cold?. Keynote address. Conference on Boreal Histories. Reykholt, Iceland. 21 October. 2008. Biosociality: Good to Think With?. Conference to celebrate the centenary of Claude Lévi-Strauss, Reykjavík, 6 September. 2008. Anthropology, the Humanities, and the European Science Foundation. Roundtable on the Changing Contexts of European Anthropology. Bi-annual meeting of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, Ljubljana 26-29 August. 2008. Biosocial Relations of Production. University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 2 June. 2008. Biosocial Relations of Production. University of Lisbon, 18 June. 2008. Biosocial Relations of Production. London School of Economics, 14 May. 2008. The Marsh of Modernity: Environmental Anthropology. Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna, 9 May. 2008. The Arctic: From the Margin to the Center, Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna, 7 May. 2008. Biosocial Relations of Production. Institut fur Kulturwissenschaft, University of Vienna, 5 May. 2008. Celestial Bodies: Lucy in the Sky. Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna, 30 April. 2008. How Deep is the Skin? The Geneticization of Race and Medicine. Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna, 29 April. 2008. Genomic Anthropology: Coming in From the Cold? Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna, 28 April. 2008. Genomic Anthropology: Coming in From the Cold?. University of Manitoba. 18 March. 2008. Stefansson and the Arctic. Cultural Evening, Esjan. Arborg, Mabitoba. 15 March. 2008. Genomic Anthropology: Coming in From the Cold? Seminar. Rock Ethics Institute, Pennsylvania State University, 6 March. 2008. Biosocial Relations of Production: The Bio-Graphies of Body Parts. Public lecture in the series “Who Owns Our Species? Past, Present, Future”. Rock Ethics Institute, Pennsylvania State University, 6 March. 2007. Mobility and Frontiers. Conference on “Mobilidade e fronteiras”, University of Coimbra 21-22 November. 2007. Celestial Bodies: Lucy in the Sky … European Science Foundation conference on Humans in Space. Vienna 11-12 October. 2007. Kenote talk. Travelling Passions: The Hidden Life of Vilhjalmur Stefansson. The Icelandic Canadian Club of Edmonton, Leifur Eiriksson Days. Edmonton 29 September. 2007. Lopapeysan: Besta skinn (“The Woolen Sweater). Ráðstefna um “Mannfræði á 21. öldinni”. Reykjavík, Háskóla Íslands. 16-17. August. 2007. How Deep is the Skin? The Geneticization of Race and Medicine. Keynote talk. V Nordic Conference on Medical Anthropology, “Medical Anthropology in the 21st Century: Scope, Theory and Practice. Reykjavík, 15 May. 2007. Biosociality and the Future of Knowledge: Post-disciplinarity and the Scientific Division of Labor. European Science Foundation “Humanities Spring 2007” workshop on “Disciplines and borders: Humanities research in an age of interdisciplinarity”, in Lisbon, Portugal, 24 – 26 May 2007. 2007. Vilhjálmur Stefansson. Lecture at Nordatlantens Brygge, Copenhagen, 10 May. 2007. Lucy in the Sky: Out of Africa, Out of Earth. Seminar with Yves Coppens. University of Iceland, 24 April. 2007. Lucy in the Sky: Out of Africa, Out of Earth. European Science Foundation conference on “Human Exploration of the Solar System”, University of Genoa 22-23 March. 2007. Nafnahefðir inúíta: Mannfræðileg sjónarmið (“Inuit Naming: Anthropological Perspectives”). Aðalfundur Nafnfræðifélagsins (Icelandic Association of Naming), 14 April. 2007. Inuit Epigenetics. International conference on the Arctic. Muséum national d’histoire, Paris, France, 8-10 March. 2007. Genomic Anthropology: Coming in From the Cold. Seminar, Anthropology Department. Brunel University, London. 18 January. 2007. Genomic Anthropology: Coming in From the Cold. Conference on Contested Categories. Medical Museion, Copenhagen, 14-17 January. 2006 Genomic Anthropology: Coming in From the Cold. Conference on Language and Genes in East Asia / Pacific. Uppsala, 12-13 December. 2006. The Marsh of Modernity: Icelandic Wetlands. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. San Jose. 15-18 November. 2006. The Exotic and the Indigenous: Stefansson in the North (“Frumbyggjar og framandleiki: Vilhjálmur Stefánsson á norðurslóðum”. Seminar on Canadian Indigenous Groups and Immigrant Cultures. Salurinn, Kópavogur, 21 October. 2006. Inuit Genetic History. European Science Foundation conference on Histories From the North. Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge University, 14-17 October. 2006. The Rise and Fall of a Biobank: The Icelandic Case. Biobank Governance in Comparative Perspective. University of Vienna, Department of Political Science. Vienna, 18 June. 2006. Genomic Space. Summer School: The Genomic Society. University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Science. Amsterdam, 9 June. 2006. Sensi/able Birthmarks: The Landscapes of the Body. Kenote talk. Reykjavík Arts Festival. 1 June. 2006 The Marsh of Modernity: A Biography of Wetlands. International conference, Images of the North. Reykjavík. Iðnó. Reykjavíkurakademían, 24-26 February. 2005 Exploring the Universe Within: The Language of the New Genetics. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Washington, DC. 30 November to 4 December. 2005 The Life and Legacy of Vilhjálmur Stefánsson. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg. 17 October. 2005 The Blond Eskimo. Graduate Seminar. Department of Anthropology. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg. 17 October. 2005 The Life and Legacy of Vilhjálmur Stefánsson. The Icelandic Club. Calgary. 14 October. 2005 Anthropology and the New Genetics. Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta. Edmonton. 12 October. 2005 The Life and Legacy of Vilhjálmur Stefánsson. The Icelandic Club and the Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta. Edmonton. 11 October. 2005 The Life and Legacy of Vilhjálmur Stefánsson. The Icelandic Club and the Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, 6 October. 2005 Anthropology and the New Genetics. Department of Anthropology, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, 6 October. 2005 The Life and Legacy of Vilhjálmur Stefánsson. The Icelandic Club. Seattle. 5 October. 2005 Birthmarks: The Language of the New Genetics. Conference on Vital Matters. Department of Anthropology. University of Bergen. 30 September to 3 October. 2005 Human Geographies: Genes, Bodies, and Populations. Keynote talk. The 2nd International Meeting on Genetics of Complex Diseases and Isolated Populations. Paestrum, Italy. 28-31 May. 2005 Birthmarks, Benchwork, and Barcoding: Relations and Identities in the Age of the New Genetics. Conference on “Imagining Kin”. Center for the Ethnography of Everyday Life. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, 26-27 March. 2005 The Icelandic Colony at Harvard: V. Stefansson’s Bone Collection. Conference in honor of the late Professor Jón Steffensen. University of Iceland. Reykjavik. 19 February. 2004 The premature birth of a biobank: Abortion or miscarriage? Session on The Anthropology of Genetic ScienceBiannual Meeting of the European Association of Social Anthropologists. Vienna. 8-12 September. 2004 (With Kristín Harðardóttir) Icelandic Biobanks: An Overview. Society for Social Studies of Science (4s). Paris. 25-28 August. 2004 Biomedicine: Some Social Implications. Kenote talk. International Conference on Health. Reykjavik. 25 June. 2004 Blonds, Lost and Found: Representations of Genes, Identity, and History. Anthropology seminar. Edinburgh. 30 April. 2004 The Web of Kin: Family Histories in the Age of Biomedicine. Edinburgh. 29 April. 2004 Biobanks: Some Social Issues. Colloquium on Ethics and Global Governance of Genetic Databases. Program on Science, Technology, and Society. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. 9. April. 2004 Machines and Technologies. Conference on Creativity and Technology. Nordica Hotel, Reykjavik. 21 March. 2004 The Icelandic Biomedical Project: Success or Collapse? University of Vienna. 12 March. 2004 Exploring V. Stefansson. Canadian Museum of Civilization. Ottawa. 2 March. 2004 Exploring V. Stefansson. Dartmouth College. 27 February. 2004 Panel on the TV documentary “Arctic Dreamer”. Scandinavian House. New York. 26 February. 2004 The Web of Kin: An Online Genealogical Machine. New York University. 25 february. 2004 Panel on the TV documentary “Arctic Dreamer”. American Museum of Natural History. 24 February. 2004 Panel on the TV documentary “Arctic Dreamer”. Explorers’ Club, New York. 23 February. 2003 The Anthropology of V. Stefansson. The Icelandic Anthropological Association. Reykjavik. 25 November. 2003 Stefansson’s Archaeological Expedition to Iceland in 1905 and Its Aftermath. Annual Meeting of the Icelandic Archaeological Society. Reykjavik. 15 November. 2003 “Sleeping Dictionaries”: Race and the Intimate in Arctic Exploration. Women’s Research Institute. University of Iceland. 13 November. 2003 The Life of V. Stefánsson. Minjar og saga. Reykjavik. 5 November. 2003 “Sleeping Dictionaries”: Race and the Intimate in Arctic Exploration. Inaugural Conference, Department of Anthropology, University of Aberdeen. 1 November. 2003 “Sleeping Dictionaries”: Race and the Intimate in Arctic Exploration. University of Manitoba/University of Iceland Partnership Workshop. University of Manitoba. 22 October. 2003 (With Agnar Helgason) The Inuit Genetic History Project. Cambridge Bay Heritage Society. Cambridge Bay, Victoria Island, Canada. 19 October. 2003 (With Agnar Helgason) Inuit Genetic History. Circumpolar Health Conference. Nuuk. 14 September. 2003 (With Agnar Helgason) The Inuit Genetic History Project. Workshop. University of Greenland. Nuuk. 11 September. 2003 Appropriating Family Trees: Genealogies in the Age of Genetics. Workshop on The Properties of Property. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. Halle, Germany. 2-4 July. 2003 (With Kristín Harðardóttir) Science and Citizenship. Decennial Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists. University of Manchester. 14-17 July. 2003 Akvariets regime: natur og samfunn i postmodern tid. Workshop on “Nature: Perception and Action”. University of Oslo. 19-22 June. 2003 The Social Implications of Quota Systems in Fisheries. Economic Workshop on Individal Transferable Quotas. University of Paris. 24 June. 2003 Early Inuit-Norse Connections: Genes, Myths, and Other Things. Kenote talk. Conference on Early North-Atlantic Connections. Edinburgh. 1 May. 2003 Kinship in the Age of Biotechnology. Department of Anthropology. University of Helsinki. 28 February. 2003 Ownership of Genetic Material. Center for Technology, Innovation and Culture. University of Oslo. 27 February. 2003 The Regime of the Aquarium: Nature and Society in the Age of Postmodernity. Kenote talk. Arctic-Alpine Ecosystems and People in a Changing Environment. Center for Polar Environements. Tromsö. 26 February. 2003 Biotechnology: Some Views from Anthropology. Department of Social Anthropology. University of Tromsö. 25 February. 2003 The Book of Icelanders: Kinship in the Age of Biotechnology. Faculty of Social Sciene Conference. 23 February. 2002 The Life of Family Trees and the Book of Icelanders. Annual Meeting of the American Anthroplogical Association. New Orleans. 22 November. 2002 Nordic Bodies: Debates about Biomedicine. Norden at the Crossoads. Helsinki. 1 November. 2002 Ownership and Genetic Resources (Eijerskap og genressurser). Annual meetting of the Norwegian Biotechnology Committee. Oslo. 30 October. 2002 (With Agnar Helgason) Hunting and Gathering Genes: The Genealogical Approach to Human History. Panel (by invitation only) on ‘Beyond universalism and relativism’, the International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies. Edinburgh, Scotland, 9-13 September, 2002. 2002 Decoding Relatedness and Disease: The Icelandic Biogenetic Project. Center for Advanced Cultural Studies, Essen, Germany, September 5-7. 2002 The Life of Family Trees and the Book of Icelanders. Institut universitaire romand d'histoire de la médecine et de la santé. Lousanne, 3 September. 2002 Body Comodities: Biogenetic Projects and Their Social Implications. Forum for genetic research. Switzerland Academy of Science, Fribourg, Switzerland, 2 September. 2002 The Anthropology of Early Iceland. Archaeology seminar. Hólar, Hjaltadal. 21 August. 2002. The Life of Family Trees and the Book of Icelanders. European Association of Social Anthropologists. Copenhagen. 18 August. 2002. Arcticality: Gender, Race, and Geography. Theories of Power; Power of Theories: Anthropological Approaches. St. Petersburg. 7 July. 2002 (With Agnar Helgason) Inuit Genetic History. Forum on Arctic Research. Akureyri. May. 2002 Kinship in the Age of Biotechnology. Department of Social Anthropology. University of Oslo. 3 April. 2002 Arcticality: Gender, Race, and Geography. Partnership conference, University of Manitoba and the University of Iceland. University of Iceland. 16 March. 2002 The Missing Stefansson. Department of Anthropology. Dartmouth College. 7 March. 2001 For Whom the Cell Tolls: Debates about Biomedicine. Innovation, Creation and New Economic Forms: Approaches to Intellectual and Cultural Property. University of Cambridge. 13-15 December. 2001 For Whom the Cell Tolls: Debates about Biomedicine. Gene Technology Forum 2001. Tartu, Estonia, 14 September. 2001 Biobanks and Their Social Implications. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management. University of California at Berkeley. 25 April. 2001 Nature and Society in the Age of Post-Modernity. The Berkeley Environmental Politics Working Group. University of California at Berkeley. 6 April. 2001 (With Paul Rabinow) Decoding: Anthropological Perspectives. Workshop on “The Mapping Cultures of 20th Century Genetics”, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, 1-4 March. 2001 For Whom the Cell Tolls: Decoding Debates about deCode. Department of Religious Studies. University of California at Berkeley. 23 February. 2001 For Whom the Cell Tolls: Decoding Debates about deCode. Institute for Bioethics. Stanford University. 1 February. 2000 Genomes and Genealogies: Decoding Debates about deCode. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. San Francisco, 14-19 November. 2000 Genes, Rights, and Genealogies: The Mapping of the Icelandic Human Genome. Conference on “Gentechnology and Economy” organized by The Department of Ethnology, Lund University, and The Swedish Gene Technology Advisory Board. Lund, 9 November. 2000 Arcticality: Gender, Race, and Geography in the Writings of V. Stefansson. Public talk. Anthropology Department. Oslo University 27 September. 2000 For Wom the Cell Tolls: Dcoding Dbates about deCode. Seminar, Anthropology Department. Oslo University 28 September. 2000 Who Owns the Human Genome?: Debates about Biotechnology and Medical Databases, Particularly in Iceland. Keynote address, Biotechnology 2000, Berlin, 3-8 September. 2000 The Diaries of V. Stefansson. The Icelandic-Canadian Association. Reykjavík, 30 August. 2000 Arcticality: Observation and Retoric in the Witings of V. Stefansson. The 12th Inuit Studies Conference, “Inuit Communities, the Northern Environment and Global Processes”, Aberdeen University 23-26 August. 2000 (With Parzival Copes) Challenging ITQs: Legal and political action in Iceland, Canada and Chile. IIFET 2000, The Oregon State University, Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, Corvallis, Oregon, 10-14 July. 2000 Decoding DeCode: The Mapping of the Icelandic Human Genome. International Association for the Study of Common Property, Bloomington, 31 May to 4 June. 2000 The Birth and Decline of the Aquarium: A Sea of Problems. Schoolwide Seminar. The Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, 18 April. 2000 Some Fishy Stuff: Some Reflections on the Work of a Scientific Committe for Evaluating ITQs. The Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, 19 April. 2000 The Diaries of Vilhjálmur Stefansson. The Stefansson Arctic Institute, Akureyri, Iceland, 24 February. 1999 Decoding DeCode: Anthropological Reflections on the Icelandic Human Genome Project. Anthropology Department, University of Adelaide, Australia, 22 Nov. 1999 The social implications of privatisation in fisheries. FishRights99, Freemantle, Australia, 14-19 Nov. 1999 Some fishy stuff: anthropology, economics, and the age of virtualism. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, 17-21 Nov. 1999 Some fishy stuff: anthropology, economics, and the age of virtualism. Visions & Voices: The 50th Anniversary of Manchester Anthropology - 1949-1999, Manchester, 27-31 Oct. 1999 Decoding deCode: the mapping of the Icelandic human genome. Paper presented to a workshop on “Commercialization of the Human Genome” European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, 4 October. 1999 Commodification of the environment: potentials and problems. Closing seminar for the Nordic Environmental Research Programme 1993-1997. Umea, 9 June. 1999 Alternative fisheries management. Rotary Club of Reykjavík. 10 February. 1998 Nature and society in the age of postmodernity. The Richard Beck Lecture,University of Victoria, Canada 8 October. 1998 V. Stefansson’s diaries. University of Victoria, Canada. 9 October. 1998 The anthropology of Halldor Laxness. University of Victoria, Canada. 10 October. 1998 Nature and society in the age of postmodernity. The Kaspar Naegele Lecture. University of British Columbia. 15 October. 1998 V. Stefansson’s diaries. University of British Columbia. 16 October. 1998 The anthropology of Halldor Laxness. University of British Columbia. 16 October. 1998 Social and cultural research. US-Iceland science day, 28 September. 1998 Náttúran á tímum póstmódernismans. Workshop on “Náttúrumál”. Siðfræðistofnun. University of Iceland. 18.-20. sept. 1998 The said, the unsaid, and the unspeakable: The arctic expedition diaries of V. Stefansson. International Congress on the History of the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region, Reykjavík, 18-21 June. 1998 Learning by fishing. Plenary talk at a workshop on “Fishermen’s Knowledge: Bringing Fishermen’s Knowledge into Research and Management”, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, 29-31 May. 1998 The said, the unsaid, and the unspeakable: The arctic expedition diaries of V. Stefansson. Keynote Address, the 28th Arctic Workshop, Institute of Alpine and Arctic Research, Boulder, 11-14 March. 1997 The “charm” and “terror” of human ecology: nature and society in the age of postmodernity. “Culture/Power/History/Nature: Papers in Honor of Roy A. Rappaport”, the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Washington, D.C., 19-23 November. 1997 The “charm” and “terror” of human ecology: nature and society in the age of postmodernity. Semina series on Nature and Society. Institute of Development Studies, University of Bergen. 23 October. 1997 Theorizing environments: nature and society in the age of postmodernity. Symposium on Cognition and Representation of Living Kinds: Towards a New Ecological Anthropology. University of Kent. 25 February. 1997 Maður og umhverfi (Humans and the environment). Seminar on arctic regions. University of Akureyri, Iceland. 14 February. 1997 Contested commodities: agency and property in Icelandic fishing. Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, 24. October. 1996 The birth of the aquarium: the historical ecology of Icelandic fishing. Workshop on The Politics of Fishing, Politics Department, University of Newcastle, 17-18 September. 1996 Social implications of quota systems: the Icelandic example. Meeting of the Norwegian Fisheries Association, Trondheim, 14-17 August. 1996 Nature and society: a contested interface. NorFa workshop on “The ecology-society interface”. University of Turku, 28-31 August. 1996 Nature and society: a contested interface. NABO workshop, University of Iceland, 6-7 August. 1996 Nature and Society: A Contested Interface. Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, 24 April. 1996 (With Alf Hornborg) Nature and society: a contested interface. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, 20-24 November. 1996 (With Agnar Helgason) Contested Commodities: The Icelandic System of Individual Transferable Quotas. Workshop on “The Social Implications of Quota Systems in Fisheries”, Vestman Islands, 25-26 May. 1996 (With Agnar Helgason) Contested Commodities: The Icelandic System of Individual Transferable Quotas. Meeting of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Berkeley, 5-8 June. 1996 (With Agnar Helgason) Contested Commodities: Mapping the Moral Landscape of Exchange. Meeing of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, Barcelona, 12-15 July. 1996 The past as a foreign country: the Icelandic Commonwealth. Meeting of Icelandic anthropologists, University of Iceland, 13-14 September. 1995 The Virtual Aquarium: C and Cod Fishing. Paper prepared for a workshop on Economics, Ethics, and the Environment, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences (SCASSS), Friiberghs Herregård, 25-27 August. 1995 The Virtual Aquarium: Commodity Fiction and Cod Fishing. Department of Social Anthropology, University of Stockholm, 9 October. 1995 The Linguistic Turn: An Anthropological Perspective. The annual meeting of the Swedish Association of Political Scientists. Sigtuna, 2 October. 1995 The Invention of Iceland. Islandska selskapet, Uppsala, 14 December. 1995 The Historical Ecology of Icelandic Fishing. Conference on Human Societies and Marine Ecology in the North Atlantic Region 1500-1995. Memorial University of Newfoundland, 20-22 October. 1995 Náttúra, umhverfi og mannvísindi (Human sciences and the environment). Conference on university policy with respect to environmental teaching and research, University of Iceland, 20 January. 1995 Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives. Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences (SCASSS), Uppsala, 11 November 1995. 1995 Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives. Department of Cultural Anthropology, University of Uppsala, 20 November 1995. 1995 Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives. Department of Social Anthropology, University of Gothenburg, 5 December. 1995 Learning by Fishing: Practical Science and Scientific Practice. Fifth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Bodö, 25-28 May. 1995 Language, Text, and Identity in Icelandic Society. Department of Nordic Languages, University of Uppsala, 13 December. 1995 Commodity Fiction and Cod Fishing: Economic Anthropology and Icelandic Fishing. Department of Social Anthropology, University of Gothenburgh, 4 December. 1995 (Co-author Agnar Helgason) Figuring fish and measuring men: The quota system in the Icelandic cod fishery. Fifth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Bodö, 25-28 May. 1995 The Virtual Aquarium: Commodity Fiction and Cod Fishing. Conference on “Ethical Values and the Value of Ethics”, Norwegian Academy of Science, Oslo, 9 December. 1995 Practical science and scientific practice. UNESCO seminar on “The management of social transformations” ( MOST). Tromsö University, 29-31 April. 1995 Dialogic ecology: Bateson, Bakhtin and beyond. Department of Human Ecology, University of Lund, 8 May. 1995 “Having a Pee in the Salty Sea”: Practical Engagement and Environmental Concerns. Department of Sociology, University of Uppsala, 12 December. 1994 The political economy of human-environmental relations. Paper presented to a session on “Nature and society: A contested interface” at the biannual meeting of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, Oslo 24-27 June. 1994 Property rights and practical knowledge: Some key issues in social research on fisheries management. Paper for an EC/AIR workshop, “An Agenda for Social Science Research in Fisheries Management”, Brussels, 5-6 May. 1994 Practical science and scientific practice. Paper presented to a conference on Indigenous Knowledge. Reykjavík, 20 September. 1994 Learning by fishing: Practical science and scientific practice. Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy: Seminar on Integration of Indigenous Peoples Knowledge, Reykjavík, 20-23 September. 1994 Human-environmental relations: Three paradigms. Scandinavian work-shop on anthropology and the environment. Cambridge University, 2-3 December. 1994 Haffræði sjómanna (Fishermen’s knowledge of marine biology). Meeting on fisheries science, the Vestman Islands. 15 Oktober. 1994 Fornar bækur og framandi þjóðir: sjónarmið mannfræði (Ancient books and exotic societies). Fornmenntastefna Stúdentaráðs. 1 Oktober. Reykjavík. 1994 Fiskifræði sjómanna (Fishermen’s knowledge of marine biology). Faculty seminar. University of Iceland. 24 September. 1994 (Co-author Agnar Helgason) Figuring fish: The quota system in the Icelandic cod fishery. Work-shop on “Building resilience, stewardship and equity into market approaches to resource management”. Rutgers University. 9-11 March. 1994 (Co-author Agnar Helgason) Figuring fish and measuring men: The quota system in the Icelandic cod fishery. (A revised version of the “Figuring fish”). Paper submitted to the meeting of International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, St. John’s, 22-27 September. 1993 Mannfræði og Íslendinga sögur (‘The anthropology of the sagas’). Námsstefna Félags móðurmálskennara, Reykholt, August. 1993 Kvótakerfið og þýðing þess. (‘The quota system in fishing and its implications’). Menningarmálanefnd Vestmannaeyja, 3 April. 1993 Hverjir eiga Íslandsmið?: Kvótakerfið og þýðing þess. (‘Who owns the Icelandic fishing grounds?’). Vísindafélag Íslendinga, Norræna húsið, 28 April. 1993 Enskilment at sea: Fishing and ethnographic practice. Work-shop on the Anthropology of Modern Iceland, Iowa City, 28-30 May. 1993 Enskilment at Sea: Fishing and ethnographic practice. Work-shop in Thorshavn, the Faroe Islands, 28-31 October. 1993 Eignarréttur í fiskveiðum. (‘Property rights in fishing’). University of Iceland. 21 March. 1992 Speaking of fishing: aquatic resources in Icelandic discourse. Meeting on “Anthropological Perspectives on Environmentalism”. Association of Social Anthropologists, Durham, April. 1992 Social theory, human ecology and maritime anthropoloy. Paper presented at the National Museum of Ethnology, University of Osaka. Osaka, January. 1992 Modes of production in minke whaling: The case of Iceland. Work-shop on artisanal whaling. Taiji, Japan, January. 1992 Literature and society: an anthropological point of view. Literary Convention, Reykjavík, 14 September. 1992 From commons to quotas: inequality in the Icelandic fishery. Meeting of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Washington D.C., 17-20 September. 1992 Ferðalýsing og fabúla: Mannfræði undir Jökli. (‘Fiction and travel accounts: The anthropology of Christianity at Glacier by Halldór Laxness’). Halldórsstefna. Sigurðar Nordal Institute, Reykjavík 12-14 June. 1992 Af fornmönnum og villimönnum: Mannfræði og framandleiki í Íslendingasögum. (‘Saga people and primitives: anthropology and Otherness in the Icelandic sagas’). Association of Icelandic Stdies. Reykjavik, 25 November. 1991 Ændrede forudsætninger i Islands fiskeripolitik (‘Changes in Icelandic fisheries policy’). Conference on fisheries management in the Nordic countries. Visby, Sweden, May. 1991 The textual life of savants: on the metaphor of cultural translation. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November. 1991 The formation of Icelandic fisheries policy. Conference on “The Future of North Atlantic Fishing Communities”. Center for North Atlantic Studies. University of Aarhus, Aarhus, October. 1990 Fast fish in troubled seas: aquatic resources and agrarian discourse. Symposium on Traditional and Adaptive Marine Resource Management Systems, the 5th International Congress of Ecology, Yokohama, 23-30 August. 1990 Fast fish in troubled seas: aquatic Resources and Agrarian Discourse. Paper delivered to the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo, 3 October. 1990 Discourse on production: folk models and anthropological understanding. Nordic Anthropology Meeting, Reykjavík, 9-11 June. 1990 Arid lands and indigenous accounts. Conference on “Human Life in Arid Lands, Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Uppsala, 6-8 September. 1989 The meaning of production: small-scale fishing in Cape Verde. Conference on “Symbols and Resource Management in African Arid Lands”, The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Helsinki, 16-19 November. 1989 Fiskveiðistefna og félagsleg ábyrgð (‘Fisheries policy and social responsibility’). The Fisheries Institute, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, 13 November. 1988 The political ecology of Icelandic fishing. Marine Resource Utilization: A Conference on Social Science Issues. University of South Alabama, 4-6. May. 1988 The name of the witch: sagas, sorcery, and social context. Paper presented to a conference on New Perspectives in Viking Studies, Glasgow, 2-4 September. 1988 The language of nature. Nordic Anthropology Meeting. Aarhus University, 29-31. August. 1987 The idea of fish: land and sea in Icelandic world-view. Paper presented at Cornell College, Iowa. 7 April. 1987 Models for fishing and models of success. Paper presented to the Center for North Atlantic Studies, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 29 October. 1987 Language and society: the ethnolinguistics of Icelanders. Paper presented at a conference on Anthropology of Iceland, The University of Iowa, 24-29 May. 1987 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Towards an anthropology of Iceland. Paper presented at a conference on Anthropology of Iceland, The University of Iowa, 24-29 May. 1987 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Forms of production and fishing expertise. Paper presented at a conference on Anthropology of Iceland, The University of Iowa, 24-29 May. 1986 The idea of fish in Icelandic society. The World Archaeology Congress, Southampton and London, 1-7 September. 1986 The anthropology of Iceland. Department of Anthropology at the University of Stockholm, 19 October. 1986 Social aspects of fisheries management. Course on Coastal Zone Management in Relation to Living Marine Resources. The Council of Europe. Bodö, Norway, May. 1986 Small-scale fishing on Sao Vicente: social aspects of growth and development. Conference on Social Science Research on Contemporary Cape Verde, Praia, 25-29 October. 1986 Maritime hunters and gatherers of the sea: an ethnographic perspective. Fourth International Conference on Hunting and Gathering, London, 8-13 September. 1986 Cape Verdean fishing: social aspects of growth and development, Conference on Social Science Research on Contemporary Cape Verde, Praia (Cape Verde), May. 1984 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) The ‘grassroots’ and the state: resource management in Icelandic Fishing. Seminar on Natural Management Systems, Maine, July. 1983 The ‘grassroots’ and the state. Nordic Conference on the Sociology of Fishing. Hirtshals, (August). 1983 Aflasæld og ákvarðanir skipstjóra (Fishing tactics and fishing success). Departmental Seminar, Faculty of Social Science. University of Iceland. Reykjavík, May. 1983 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Social relations and ideologies of production in the evolution of Icelandic fishing. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November. 1983 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Common resource management in Icelandic fishing. XIth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Quebec City, August. 1982 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Fishing entrepreneurs and the rhetoric of success in Icelandic fishing. Meeting of the Society for Economic Anthropology, Athens, Georgia, April. 1982 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) Fishing entrepreneurs and the rhetoric of success in Icelandic fishing. Meeting of Nordic Anthropologists and Ethnologists. Copenhagen, October. 1981 Territoriality among Icelandic fishermen. 11th Congress of the Nordic Sociological Association. Reykjavík, June. 1981 Language policy in Iceland. 11th Congress of the Nordic Sociological Association. Reykjavík, June. 1981 Breyttar hugmyndir um fiskveiðar (Changing conceptions of fish and fishing). Meeting of the Icelandic Social Science Association. Reykjavík, February. 1981 (With E. Paul Durrenberger) To dream of fish: the causes of Icelandic skippers’ fishing success. 11th Congress of the Nordic Sociological Association. Reykjavík, June. 1980 Fisheries in transition: the case of Iceland. Nordic Conference on the Sociology of Fishing, Tromsö, September. 1979 The invisible prey. International Conference on Marginal Regions, Dublin, August. 1979 The invisible prey. Nordic Conference on the Sociology of Fishing, Reykjavík, June. page 3 Gísli Pálsson CV